Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 02, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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VThem to Wear GIotcs A Country Phril
eiaa'a Wife's Dilemma Habits of Men
and Women The Dignity of a Standlns
ivnarrpr for m dispatch.
The author of "Don't" this week throws a
line to a number of persons who are sinking
in society because they are ignorant of those
little points of etiquette which wonld enable
them to keep afloat in the social swim.
Is it admissible for bride and groom to wear
Cloves at a borne wedding? X. F.
The bride always wears gloTes; the groom,
according to present custom, mar do as be
Should gloves always be worn when carrying
a cane? T. .X.
It was at one time thought incongruous to carry
a, cane without the hand being gloved. This was
when the cane was not commonly carried ex
cept wben promenading. There does not now
appear to be any uniform custom, but it is
dearly in better taste to wear gloves with a
cane. "Cultivate the babit of wearing gloves,"
says tbe author of "Hints About Men's
Dress," "whenever there is an excuse for it.
They keep the hands clean and add to one's
Is It proper to use the fork alone In eating
oft custard pie, or should the knife also be
used: Should both the above methods be in
correct, state the correct method. J. D. T.
The fork: should be used alone with custard
pie, and with all pastry, unless the knife is
necessary. At some tables pastry is commonly
served with the fork alone. Use tbe fork when
ever you can and in many instances instead of
the spoon. It is common, in restaurants es
pecially, to serve melons with a spoon; they
should be eaten always with the fork.
L. Should a country physician's wife, when
riding with her husband, return a bow from a
gentleman, or lad-, who are her husband's pa
tlents, but with urbom she is not acquainted? 2.
Oneof my fnends here has a lady from the
city visiting here. They call upon me during
the afternoon. When they rise to go, should I
offer to shake hands with the city lady or sim
ply wish ber "Good afternoon?"' And when I )
u(u uie wit ejjuuiuxeuiuu uanuE upuuieaT-
lng the room with tbe city ladv and also with
my friend's mother J I do not quite understand
the etiquette of shaking bands and shall be
greatly obliged If you will tell me what is right.
L A lady or gentleman should always, at all
places and at all tunes, return the bow of an
other person, unless there is very good reason
for not doing so. Not to return a bow is to
give tbe cut direct; is to subject the person who
bows to great humiliation. If an acquaintance
is not desired let the bow be cool and distant.
2. There iSygpneraUy altogether too much
shaking of andsT At a company it is not nec
essary to shake bands with anyone but the
"" tstess aniThosL but when there are only two
perSjbsffwould be awkward to extend tbe
hand to one person and not to tbe other, unless
one IS an old friend and the otbfcr is a stranger.
In receiving guests tbe initiative should always
be taken by tbe hostess. If she extends ber
band do not fall to offer yours when you with
draw, and if anyone with her extends her band
return the courtesy wben you leave. In the
same way, if you are hostess, the obligation of
the Initiative rests upon you. Don't "be too
formal and distant in shaking bands, and on
the other hand don't be too effusive. A cor
dial manner and an Extended hand often make
friends. Don't, therefore, be too formal, but
don't run around the room, when there are a
number of people, shaking hands Indiscrimi
nately. There are no positive rules in this
matter. A little tact is all that is necessary.
"Will you please Inform tne if it Is good form
to wear a straw bat on Sunday, when attending
Church or on the street, and oblige Apollo.
We discussed last week at considerable
length the rules of tbe hat, or rather the lack
of any rules. An Englishman, for Instance,
does not wear a straw bat or a sack coat to
church. In this country Tery few people' make
any distinction in their bead wear; those who
do wonld not wear a straw hat to church or
upon any occasion at all ceremonious in char
acter. Climate, however, has something to' do
with this question, for on a Tery hot day a
straw hat would be appropriate and admissible,
while in cooler weather it would not.
A discussion took place recently in a social
circle upon the comparative habits of men and
women. It was agreed to ask your opinion on
this subject. Inquirer,
Tbe habits of women, comparing class with
class, are certainly better than those of men.
They have not nearly so many disagreeable
tricks. They do not expectorate; they do not
chew their toothpicks; they do not finger and
scratch themselves; they do not stretch out
their legs; they do not gape In youijface; they
do tot snort nor sneeze; they do not puff and
Wow. They are always more composed in man
ner, more self restrained,' more observant of
little niceties. One of their worst habits is to
giggle and laugh at nothing. Many of them
can never speak without a giggle, whether any
tklng amusing is said or not. Another bad
habit is that of pitching their voice in a high
key. Take them altogether, however, they" set
the men in most things a very good example.
Is there any established rule with men about
wearing the collar? Are there occasions, for
instance, when a standing collar would be
more appropriate than a turn-down collar?
A. Z.
There are no rules about the collar, only
fashions. And yet a standing collar gives-more
dignity than a turn-down collar, and hence is
preferable for dress occasions. The funda
mental rule is to wear a collar, for a great so
cial gulf lies between" men with collate and men
without collars. The author of a .recent En
glish novehdescribing life in the London slums,
gives a little essay upon the social effect of the
collar. There Is always hope, he says, for tbe
young workman who wears a collar; It is a sign
that be is ambitious and will probably get
along; but the Collarless man has abandoned
himself to bis conditions, and will sink rather
tbad rise. Walter Sesant, in one of his novels,
has also something to say of the social effect of
the collar.
Will you kindly give the proper form of be
ginning and ending a letter to friends and ac
quaintances? W.
The salutation of a letter to an 'acquaintance
should be "My dear Mr. Smith;" to Intimate
friends the "Mr." may be dropped. Of course.
if the writer knows his correspondent so well
as to address him in speech by his Christian
name be would naturally do the same tn a
latter. Borne old fashioned people use as a sal
ntation vjty dear friend," or "Friend Smith."
but neither of these modes Is considered in
"good form." The complimentary close of a
letter may be "Sincerely yours," "Truthfully
yours," 'Tours cof dlaUyj" or "Tours ever."
It has long seemed to me that the custom of
"carrying gloves in tbe hand on tbe street is a
senseless one. I sbould like to know whether
you agree with me. It is my opinion that gen
tlemen should either wear tbelr gloves on their
hands or carry them in their pockets. J.
A an elementary statement gloves should
eithft be worn on the hands or carried in the
pockets; but there are some occasions When a
departure from this rule may be considered ad
missible. Wben a person on the promenade,
finding his gloves very warm, for instance, re
jBOTes them and puts them in his pocket,' he
would seem inappropriately dressed for the oc
casion, whereas the gloves in the band are a
compromise; tlrey suggest a merely temporary
variation In the detail of the toilet, A man
may carry his bat for a short distance In his
hand In very warm weather and not seem singu
lar, but it he went out without his hat be would
attract everybody's attention. By the same
principle the gloves may sometimes be tempo
rarily carried in the hand without the Indulg
ence being censurable. The band does not
seem so wholly uncovered, so incongruously
naked, with a clove held therein as when there
is no glove at aiL
The author oi" "Don't."
Local Event.
The grand fete to be held at one of the prom
inent Tillages on the Ft, Wayne road, within a
few miles of this city, sometime during this
month and July, promises to be a grand suc
cess. ' A party of eight couples had a very pleasant
tflp up the Monongahela river. "Wednesday
last, on the steamer Germanla, and after en
joying a few hours of sight seeing, took supper
on the steamer.
The King's Daughters will hold a consecra
tlon meeting, under the auspices of the Bethany
CIrcleiTiext Sabbath at 4:30. at US Center ave
nue. Thevwill be addressed by Miss Dunn.
The King's Daughters of the different circles
are invited to attend.
Qmite a large number of people were present
at the reception given by the scholars of Prof.
J. S Christy's Dancing Academy on Wednes
day. Fully ninety couple took part In the
grand march, which commenced at 9 o'clock,
and dancing continued until early morning.
Mr. and Mrs. James, of Login street, enters
tained a large number of gentlemen friends
Wednesday evening, in honor of Mr. Delwood
GreebTwho will leave for Chicago and other
Western cities next Monday, for bis health. A
very pleasant evening was Bpent in singing and
progressive euchre.
The Twenty-fifth Ward Debating Boclety
held its regular meeting Wednesday, May 29.
It met at Miss Estella Brooks'; and on
Friday evening the society gave an entertain
ment to tbe Knights of tbe Golden Eagle. Sev
eral solos and recitations were given by the
society. The next meeting will be held at Miss
Blanche Banford's, 1916 Harcums alley, South
side, on Friday, June 7, 18S9.
Mrs. Callm, of Mt Washington, entertained
a number of ber friends Decoration Day.
Among those present were the Misses Eobin
son, Ferguson, Henry, Stiltzman, Murray,
Johns. McCormack. Smith. MrKiniey. Watson.
I Coffey; Messrs. Harry Bae, Charles Caldwell,
William Bcott, .ftawin Williams, ueorgo An
derson, Walter Thompson. Howard King,
Fred Armstrong, Pollard McCormack, Will
Youngson, ahd J. M. McCormack.
A surprise party was tendered Mr. John P.
Kennedy, Allegheny, at his residence on Fay
ette street, on Tuesday evening. All had an
cnjovable time. Among the guests were: Mr.
K. W. Fisher and wife, Mr. Charles Frey and
wife, Mr. James Horrocks and wife, Mr. Cooke
and wife, Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. John Cooley,
Mrs William Harris. Mrs. Horner, Eev. James
W. Falls, Mr. M. IS. Fisher and many others.
Mr. Kennedy sails for Europe on Wednesday,
June 6, for a four months' tonr.
There was a very pleasant surprise party
given to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gloekler, Tuesday
evening, it being the fifth anniversary of their
marriage. Among those present were the
Misses Flora, Emma and Amelia Eyth, Mary
Connolly, Ella Deelv. Aggie Gloekler, Ida
Kettenburg,. Mary Hogan, Emma Durham,
Eda Weiss and Mrs. Bigley;1 Messrs. Powers,
McMahon, McCambndge, Durham. Deely.Con
nolly. Port man, Kettenbnrg, Hogan, Kellr,
Trlchtinger, Sbaf er.Edward and Albert Gloek
ler, Will Weiss and others.
Wedding Bells.
Invitations are out by Dr. and Mrs. O. W.
Sadler for tbe marriage of their sliter. Miss
Sara Slocum, to Mr. Albion Bindley, at Grace
Episcopal Church. Mt Washington, Tuesday
evening next at 8 o'clock. A reception will be
given the relatives of tbe two families at the
Doctor's residence from 8.50 to 11 p. K.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Etattenfleld, of
North Hiland avenue, was the scene of a very
delightfnl event Tuesday evening. Maggie,
their eldest daughter, was united in marriage
to Mr. W. A. GUI, of the East End. Among
those present were Mrs. McClure, Rev. and
Mrs. Chalfant, Mr. and Mrs. Gill, Miss ahd Mr.
McClure, of McKeesport; Miss Stattenfleld,
Mr. and Mrs. Chadwjck and daughters, Mr.
and Mrs. and Bessie Btattenfield, Dr. and Mrs.
Peyton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralston, Dr. Cornelia
O'Keefe, Miss Jennings, Miss Beno and the
On Thursday evening next Miu Catherine
Conrtnay Shurtleff and Charles E. Cornelius,
Esq., will be married at the residence of Hon.
J. W. Over, Haysville. The wedding will be
private; only tbe immediate families of tbe
parties will be present After the nuptials
there will be a trip east, and, at Its conclusion
Mr. and Mrs. CorneliuaJhriU settle down to life
in Sewickley. Tbe bride Is a sister of Mrs.
Over, and a graduate of the Bowman Institute.
Mr. Cornelius is too well known to make it
necessary to say anything particular about
him, fcurther than to remark that he is a
prominent memoer ol tne Allegheny county-
Pional Gossip.
Miss Agnes Keane is visiting school friends
in Virginia. f
Miss Porter, of Western avenue, Allegheny,
is in OUXity for a few weeks' visit
Miss Amanda Tucker, of Florence, Pa., is
visiting Miss Nellie O'Neii, of Allegheny.
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Hutchinson and son Boy
have returned from a Visit to Cleveland and
Dr. F. G. Gardiner, of LawrenceviUe, re
turned Wednesday from a pleasant two-weeks'
tour in Canada.
Mr. Bert Faulkner, of Allegheny, who has
been attending a business college in Kansas
City, is home again.
Mrs. James Boyd and her grand daughters,
Miss Carry and Annie McLean, left Thursday
evening for if e w York.
Miss Justine Biggins, of New York, has re
turned home after a-risit to Miss Mamie Nease,
of Negley avenue, East End.
Mr. William Murdock, of Montgomery ave
nue, has returned from a tonr through Louis
iana, Colorado and California.
Miss Marie Burrees, the actress, is at her
home in Superior for the summer. She is re
engaged with Mr. Mayo for next season.
Samnel Bellman, Esq., druggist at Forty
eighth street left this morning for a week's
Pleasure trip in Virginia. Accompanying him
i his wife.
Mrs. Will Over and Mrs. Harry Knnkel, of
Parker City, are soending a week's vacation
with their parents, Mrs. George W. Overs, of
Forty-third street.
The Misses Heppleston, of East Akron, who
came to enjoy the May Festival and a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Davies, of Fifth avenue,
have returned home.
Mr. E. fj. Whistler, of Allegheny. Is to ac
company the Hon. Henry Hall to Europe and.
enjoy, among otner tilings, tbe Paris Exposition.-
Tbey sail from New York on Monday.
Sewickley Society. .
Miss Juliet Warden is visiting relatives in
Miss Moore, of Ca.tlettsburg, Ky., Is the guest
of Miss Harbaugh,
Miss Stearns, of Chicatro. is visltinc1 he
cousin. Miss Lily Kevin.
Miss McMeckin. of Wheellnf, W. Va spent
last week with Miss Whiting.
Mrs. Potter, of Fort "Wayne, In L, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. John N. W tite. - .
stlss Martha McMillen IS Tislting her sister,
Mrs. William Cunningham, of Clinton, Iowa.
Mrs. E. Ii. Grandin, of Tidioitte, spent a few
days last week with her mother, Mrs.' O. H.
Williams. J
The ladles of the Methodist Episcopal
Church gave a very enjoyable sociable last
Friday evening.
Mrs. William Cunningham, of Clinton, IowaJ
left early in the week-for her borne, after a
month's visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Decoration Day was Tery pleasantly cele
brated by a number of Sewickley young people
with a gipsy dinner at the athletic grounds.
Among those present Were! Miss Blair, Miss
Dravo, Miss Annie Warden, Miss Whiting,
Miss Kevin, Miss Gllmore. Miss Chew, Miss
McCIeery Miss McVey, Miss Carpenter. Mr.
Frank Osburn. Mr. John Porter, Mr. D. B.
Warden, Mr. George WhiteSell, Mr. Charles
Itlchardson, Mr. Will .Whltesell and Mr. Will
At HnrrU Theater.
The famous melodrama, "The Streets of New
York," will be presebted here this week by a
good company, beaded by Frank Kllday, Who
will appear as Saiger, a role which he plays in
an entertaining add forcible manner. The pro
duction will be staged in an elaborate manner,
including a lot of special scenery and novel
mechanical effects. The play is one of Intense
Interest, ahd can be witnessed over and aver
again with real pleasure. The sale of seats for
N. S. Wood's engagement opens Monday,
California Wines.
California Sherrr. fnll buarts, 60a.
California Port, full quarts, 0c.
For sale at G. "W. Schmidt's, Kos. 65 and
Df Flitb. are.
A Collection to be Taken for Flood Bafler
ert Summer Excursions Other School
The public schools will also, to the best of
their ability, add a willing offering to aid
the Johnstown sufferers. Becretary Beisfar,
after a consultation with a number of prin
cipals, late yesterday evening, prepared
notices to be sent to the various principals
to have a collection taken up on next Tuesday.
Tbe terrible disaster has for its victim most
probably two relatives of a young lady whs was
on teachers' examination. Yesterday morning
she came to tbe High School, where the exam
ination is being held, and askedSnperintendent
Luckey's permission to absent herself from
the day's examination. Her father and brother
had gone to Johnstown a few days previous
and they could leant no particulars of, their
The Pittsburg European party numbers 31.
All of these but one have secured berths on the
steamer Furnesia. And this one lonely Pitts
burger did try to secure a berth on this
steamer, but they were all taken. In view of
this tbe managers of these excursions sent
word to Superintendent Luckey that tbey,will
start another on July U by tbe steamer Wiscon
sin to land at Southampton.
Any other Pi ttsburgers who desire to go can
secure tickets by applying for them before
next Saturday.
The first educational excursion sails June So
by the City of Rome too early for the Pitts
burgers another sails June 29 by the steamer
The following are the names of the pupils
who stand flrstin the highest grammar room of
tbe various ward schools: Birmingham, Eddie
Dlthridge; North, Jeanette McCutcheon and
Alfred Bitchle; Hancock, Andrew Weaver;
Mt Abion, Edna Milllngar; Wickersham,
Rachel Williams; FrankllnEmma Shoemaker;
Allen, MyraBoyd; Knox, EvaNcely; O'Hara,
Bertie Green; Humboldt Davie Evans: Da
quesne, Arthur Aland: Soho, James Mering;
Lawrence, Carrie Zelgler; Lincoln. Katy Reed;
Grant Willie Oeting; Monongahela, William
Graeving; Homewood, Winifred Kinch; St
Clair, Musette Greaves; Bedford, William
Stone; Hiland, Mary Harklns; Springfield, E.
Adams: Thad Stevens, Nina Cobun; Riverside,
Rosa Mitchel; Forbes, Lulu H. Belts; Ralston,
John Lndenbnehl.
Educational Echoes.
THE city teachers will be paid to-morrow.
The Westlake school had a successful open
ing day last Friday.
June a and 22 are the dates on which tbe St '
Clair schools will receive visitors.
The Bellefield school will give a public exhi
bition next Friday and Saturday evenings.
MB. WJXliAJt HolHes, the well-known
school director of the Fourteenth ward, will sail
for Europe July 12.
Miss Kate Getty, whotill a month ago,
held her position as teacher In the MInersvllle
school, will be married next Tuesday to Mr.
Henry Scott
The High Bchool Committee meets nest
Friday evening to fix the dates for the final
examination of all the candidates who desire
to enter High School.
The pupils of the O'Hara School, with tbelr
yearly patriotism, marched to the Allegheny
Cemetery yesterday morning and held memor
ial exercises over the graves of the dead sol
diers. The singing of the pupils was in charge
of the Misses Lucy DeArmitt and Lizzie Holt
At tbe Grant schotl last Wednesday the
pupils of Miss Nannie Boyce's room held exer
cises in commemoration of Decoration Day.
After an examination of the beautiful manu
script and board work the visitors, with the
grammar rooms, were invited to the hall, where
an appropriate programm was carried out
The nolin playing of Charles Swarts and Wal
ter Bosenbaum was especially pleasing.
At the Soho school last Wednesday hun
dreds of Tlslto'rs were present for it was re
ception day. After an examination of the
school work in the various rooms an entertain
ment was given in the school hall. The favored
portion of the programme seemed to be tbe de
lightful manner in which the Maypole was
danced. The work of Miss M. J. Bouuen and
her worthy corps of assistants was much
Though the state of the weather of the past
few days puts the thought of picnics out of
one's mind, it haB not prevented many of the
school boards in fixing the date of their annual
carnival in the woods. , The Ralston school will
bold Its picnio at Hulton June 28; tbe O'Hara
at tbe same place on the 27th: Thad Stevens on
the 28th at Allquippa; the Homewood school
people will locate in the woods in the vicinity
June 28. The Mayflower will be chartered June
23 to take the Luckey school children and their
friends to Sbingiss Park.
B. P. 0. B. H0IE8.
These are now 123 Elk lodges.
Greenville, Fa., wants a lodge of Elks.
Brother Geoboe Madden is still confined
to his bed.
tt. W. TTirwiaTT. of YonnMtown No. BS. was
iu the city last week.
The officers elected at the last meeting will
be installed at the next communication.
MAKsrtELD No. 66, gave one of her famous
and successful social sessions and dances April
Brothers Lemon and Orr were out on last
Friday afternoon working In behalf of tbe re
union. Bbotheb Fbed. Carroll, of No. 11, ar
rived home yesterday looking the picture of
It is now Brothers Rowen and Elphlnstone,
as they both took the horns at the last commu
nication. Bbotheb James Moore, of No. 11, and
Brother At Johnson, of No. 13, will sail on the
Sth of JunC for Europe.
Washington Lodge is coming here 50
strong. Wait until tou see them. Members of
No. 11 should not fail to decorate and see that
their friends do the same.
St. Louis, No. 9, benefited to a great house
Thursday afternoon, May 2. All the theatrical
talent in the city loaned a helping hand.
HAbtford, No. 19, will present tbe name of
Brother George A. Reynolds as a candidate for
Grabd Secretary at the next Grand Lodge.
Birmingham; Lodge No. 79, is having a
cabinet photograph made of each of its mem
bers, which will be framed and hung in the
blub room.
Last week Frank Glrard presented Miss Liz
zie Evans with a beautifully mounted Elks'
badge. It Is Inscribed: "From the 0ieit Elk
to the Prettiest"
Brother Frank Hagan returned home
on last Tuesday evening from New Orleans
and left again last night for that place, where
he will locate permanently.
THE last communication was a boomer.
There has not been such a large attendance
for a long time. The election of a treasurer
and trustees was very Interesting.
D.D.George A. Clugston, of Ohio, is in
the field as a candidate for Exalted Grand
Ruler, having been brought out by Mansfield
lodge. He would make a good one.
Cleveland Is organizing a base ball clnb to
down tne Detrolts on their trip to the Pitts
burg reunion. They have sent us a challenge
and we doi not propose to get left If we can
help it
Hartford Lodge, No. 19, presented a sou
venir programme' at its fifth annual benefit
April 25. In the shape of an imitation oxidized
silver elk's head on a panel, which presents
the appearance of solid metal.
W.NVMACXWtJ, B. T. ChnrcH and T. W.
King, of the Saratogian, are making rapid
progress toward forming a lodge bf Elks at
Saratoga, N. Y. The 'first named is a member
of Albany Lodge; he is also assisted by Brother
P. H. .Donnelly, of tbe same lodge.
The Secretary of No. U should give the
Press Committee some information in regard
to what is being done for the reunion. There
was a communication received from Brother
Nat McAllister last week in which be'feiates
that be visited Philadelphia Lodge on last Sun
day evening and left on Monday evening for
Watertown, N. Y.
OH April 4 Cleveland Lodge, No. 18, inaugu
rated what we term a Private Social Session,
with Brother T, J. Faron as chairman. None
but brother Elks we're allowed to attend and it
was pronounced by everyone to be much
pleasanter than the publio socials. Brothers
John B. Long, Emll Seckler and T.J. Faron
furnished tbe musical part of the programme,
which Was Tery funny. They will have more of
f .DAKBUBT' (Conn.) LCdgi of Ellcs, No. 120,
was formally installed April 23, at Red Men's
Hall, with all due pomp and ceremony, and
became onsof the fixed local Institutions, the
installation services being condncted by Hart
ford Lodge, No. 19. Tbe local lodge eleated the
followlhgofflcers: Exalted Ruler, J. Howard
Taylor; Esteemed Leading Knight H. D,
-Lowe; Esteemed Loyal Knight George W.
L'Amouteux: Esteemed Lecturing Knight G,
A. Kinner: Esquire, W. L. Wheeler; Chap
lain. Alohzo Mead! Secretary, H. N. Fentonj
.Treasurer, Zabudd Meadj Inner Guard, Alex
ander Gerhaay; Tliar, F. A. Shear: Trustees,
W.B. Sharp, W.H. Leonard ahd H.L. Os
borne. JtKtefim 'fl Pltlrf ChfrS bilious and nef r6as ills
PeaM' Soap secures a beautiful complexion j
Some of the Candidates lor the Office
Comrade Cbarlea ProUer Death
Rating of Pensioner! Richmond's Mem
orial Hall Gosslp'of the Posts.
As the last quarter of the 'official term of
the'present Commander-in-Chief dawn supon
us the question of his successor becomes an
interesting one and is already being actively
discussed. The Department of Pennsylvania
has no avowed candidate, but if it had. he
would probably be Department Commander
Thomas J. Stewart.
The Department of Vermont expressed its
preference in, an unmistakable way at its
annnal encampment by a unanimous vote in
structing its delegates to the National En
campment to support Past Judge Advocate
General WheeloclrG. Veazey.
The Department of flew York, at its annual
encampment, refused to nominate any candi
date. Past Department Commanders Henry
A. Baroum, Ira M. Hedges and John Palmer
are, however, being considered as possibilities,
and In certain contingencies will develop much
strength in the National Encampment
A strong movement is developing in Mich
igan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and. elsewhere, in
favor of ex-Governor Russell A. Alger, of
Michigan. Tbe personal friends of the late
General John A. Logan are particularly active
in Comrade Alger's behalf, remembering his
close relations and loyalty to that Illustrious
comrade. ,
The Pacific Coast Departments showed signs
at one time of concentrating on General T, H.
Goodwin, who was a candidate before- the
Twenty-second National Encampment at Co
lumbus, and received a handsome Tote, but of
late nothing has been beard of his candidacy.
Tbe choice of the Department of New
Hampshire will undoubtedly be Past Junior
Vlco Commander-in-Chief John C. Llnehan.
As tbe Department of Massachusetts wants
the Twenty-fourth National Encampment
held at Boston, it will probably present no
If tbe Department of Connecticut presents a
candidate it will be Past Jndge Advocate Gen
eral Henry E. Taintor.
Past Department Commander L S. Bangs Is
a Maine possibility.
Any one of these would make an excellent
Commander-in-Chief. There will be plenty of
good material for tbe National Encampment
to select from, and it cannot go wrong no mat
ter whom it elects to this, the highest honor,
in a most honorable and representative organi
zation. Cbnrles Prcller, Late of Post 41.
One of the sad occurrences in Post 41 was the
recent death of Comrade Charles Preller. How
he was loved and respected by his comrades
will be apparent in'the following resolutions, a
copy of which will be beautifully engrossed,
framed and presented to the family of the de
ceased soldier:
To the Commander and Comrades of O. H. Blppey
Post Bo. 41, G. A. B.J
We, the committee appointed to draft resolu
tions on the death df our late comrade, Charles
Preller, most respectfully submit the following:
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, the Su
preme Ruler of the universe, to remove from the
ranks of our noble order our beloved comrade,
Charles Preller, who faithfully served his country
during the late Civil War In the Fifth Pennsyl
vania volunteers, therefore, be It
Resolved, That in the death or Comrade Preller
onr post has lost a worthy member, his disconso
late companion a kind hnsband, his dear children
an Indulgent, loving rather, the commnnltv xn
honest, upright and useful citizen, and bis coun
try a brave, honorable and true defender, who, in
the time of her peril, hesitated not to offer hlm
sel f In her defense that the nation might live.
Resolved, That while we ieel the irretrievable
loss of onr departed comrade, we humbly bow be
fore the Commander of the Grand Army Above,
who has called him hence, In the full assurance
that He doeth all things well.
Kesolved, That we extend to his bereaved family
and friends our slncerq sympathy and condolence
In their sad affliction, and Impress upon their
minds the blessed hope that what li our loss here
below li his eternal gain.
Kesolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
presented to the family of the deceased, and that
they be transcribed upon the minutes of this post,
and that the charter be draped for a period of 80
a. H. harbaugh,
Jauzs Zollinger,
Tanner and Bussey.
After arguments before him as to bis power
nnder the law to advance the ratings of pen
sioners who have lost an arm and a leg, or
suffered equivalent disability, from 33 and 550
to $72 a month, Commissioner Tanner,' after
full consideration of, the arguments pro and
con, came to tbe conclusion that he bad the
legal power to make the advance, and ordered
it in some 20 cases. The argument for the in
crease was illustrated by photographs of terri
bly lacerated anatomy, showing the .exact
disabilities of the beneficiaries.
The pnpllc will universally approvA the Com
mlsstoner'S decision, as a tnah who Is suffering
from the loss of an arm or a leg, or disability
equivalent thereto, is practically helpless and
entitled to the Highest rate of Pension.
Apropos of this. Assistant Secretary Bussey
recently rendered a decision in tbeclaim of
William Powell, of Company D, Forty-seventh
Pennsylvania, who, while waiting to be mus
tered out and paid, was walking in tbe bar
racks, when a corporal of his company threw a
five-gallon demijohn, Which struck him on the
leg. inflicting a severe wound, from which he
never recovered. The claim was originally re
jected, on the ground that the Injury was re
ceived after the applicant was discharged from
the service, and that if in the serriccthe in
jury had no connection with his military duty,
ana hence was not pensionable. From this
view the Assistant Secretary dissents, and di
rects that if upon fnrtber examination it be
found that tbe claimant's actual separation
from the service did not occur until after be
incurred the disability, though his discharge
papers were dated some two weeks previous
thereto, be be given a pension.
Memorial Hall nt Richmond, Va.
The G. A. R. posts and Women's Relief Corps
all over the country, from Maine to California,
annually send contributions to tbe Memorial
Day Committee of Phil Kearney Post at Rich
mond, Va. Tbe Northern comrades have been
very liberal and there is a surplus, which will
be used in erecting a memorial ball, from the
rents and profits of which the Southern com
rades and their children. Who are organized as
BonB of Veterans, will have the means with
which to perpetnate the memory of their com
rades who fell on Virginia battlefields.
Nearly $2,600 has already been Set apart for
this purpose, abd it is their aim from year to
year to aid to this fund any surplus from con
tributions received for Memorial Day until it
shall be sufficient to carry out the object de
signed. The contributions this year have ag
gregated more than all heretofore received,
and General Allan will visit the National En
campment at Milwaukee In August and expects
in reporting the progress already made to
awaken even a greater interest in ' this worthy
movement thanhas heretofore been, done.
As tbe Northern comrades hare shown a Tery
liberal hand in contributing to the movement
the success of the enterprise seems assured,
i '
Grand Array Note.
The Logan monument f ufid now amounts to
J9.034 22. ,
What would the Grand Army do without
the ladies?
TUB sons of Veterans come1 in for a share of
be praise.
The sleeping brave deserve all the honor W0
can bestow.
"Air immeasurably great sacrifice made they,
and great is their reward."
GENEiiAL StlfiBMAN'8 mail is large' enough
Vch day to Hit a oushei basket
ParVAtfi DaIzell, in the words of one en'
thttslastld admirer, "is a brick."
It was the most successful and most gener
ally observed Memorial Day we have yet had.
CoMMlSstoNEB Cobpobaz. Tankee deliv
ered an address at Philadelphia on Memorial
Day. .
The schoolchildren did ft noble work la con
tributing so mahy Sowers for decoration of the
It was one yaar on Memorial bay sines Com-
rade Pitzen of Poet 41, was so seriously injured
by the blast
It would be hard to tell at whlch-cemetery
the services were the prettiest They were all
beautiful. "i
A bkuniok will be held at Orange, N. J., on
June 12 and IS by the Society of the Army of
the Potomac. v
The railroads to Milwaukee will no doubt do
the right thing by those attending the National
delivered the memorial address at East Liver
pool, O., on Memorial Day,
John A. Loqan, Jb., was recently made
Captain of the Logan Rifles, the crack military
company of Youngstown, O.
GenejialS. S. Bubdett, Past Commander
in Chief of the G. A. R, delivered the Memo
rial day oration at Richmond, Va.
CombaDe A. P.vBUEcnyiELD'9 address at
the West Liberty Cemetery was excellent and
Was highly appreciated by his auditors.
H. A. Looms, North Adams, Mass., thinks
he is entitled to be classed among tho youngest
soldiers. He enlisted when 17 years of age.
son was m Brooklyn, N. Y on Decoration
Day and participated In the services there.
- The effortaof the different circles of Ladles
of the G. A. R. to entertain the boys in regal
style were fully appreciated by the chivalrous
Few men have a finer military bearing than
Comrado Edward Fisher, of Post 3, who was
Chief of Staff of the Pittsburg division on
Comkade JAME3 E. Campbell will proba
bly receive the Democratic nomination for
Governor of Ohio. He served In the navy
during the war.
Handsome Mimok Hats, Past Com
mander of Post 3, and one of. the youngest
looking soldiers of the late war," is an actor of
no mean ability.
God gave us a beautiful day m which to
"cover them over with flowers," and in the
afternoon sent a refreshing rain which im
parted new life to the floral tributes.
Milton Lehman, Batter B, First Pennsyl
vania Artillery, Hellam, Pa., would like to
hear from some of his old comrades and would
like to have the addressess of all his officers.
F. K.KEB.CO. C, Seventy-eighth Pennsyl
vania, New Bethlehem, Pa., has served bis
country well. After serving gallantly through
the war he married and has now 10 boys and i
Combade Daniel Teowhrtdoe, of Jen
nlngsville, Pa., wants tbe names and addresses
of the members of Co. L, Sixth Pennsylvania
Cavalry, who served in that regiment In 1861
and 1803b
Gakfield Post No. 215, G. A. R., will at
tend divine service in the West End M. E.
Church to-day at 10.30 A. ar. A sermon
will be preached to the post by the pastor, H.
C. Bascom.
ABEVOLVEBwhich was taken from a dead
Confederate soldier's hostler at Cedar Creek,
Vs., has been presented to Department head
quarters by Bartley Smltb, of Battery B, Flf tn
United States Artillery.
Cohmisstoneb Tanneb let no time elapse
in providing the comrades in Oklahoma with
facilities for obtaining pensions. He estab
lished a Board of Examining Surgeons at
Guthrie as soon as practicable.
Brigadier General John R. Bbooke, XT.
S. A, has accepted the appointment of chief
marshal of the dedicatory exercises at Gettys
burg on September 11 and 12, and has appointed
Colonel Sylvester Bonnaff on chief of staff.
Fp.om the interest manifested this year it is
safe to predict that tbe good work of keeping
alive' the memories of the nation's defenders
will be loyally kept up even after tbe departure
from this earth of the last Union veteran.
Comrade Henbt Mit.leb, Company D,
One Hundred and Ninetieth Pennsylvania,
New Kingston, Pa., would like to know if any
of his comrades are living who were at Salis
bury prison from October 9, 1864, to February
22, 1865; especially those of the Sixth Division,
second squad.
Post 41 was inspected on Wednesday even
ing by Assistant Inspector Long, of Post 157.
Three new recruits were mustered and one old
member reinstated.' The inspector compli
mented the members on the active work being
Bone in building up the post A very pleasant
evening ras spent
Valuable assistance was given the Grand
Army Posts this year instheir lovingwork.of
honoring tbelr deceased comrades by organiza
tions not immediately connected with tbeG.
A. R., notably the O. IJ. A. M., Jr.. O.-U. A. M.,
A, O. V. W., Knights of the Mistio-lChain,
Knights of Pythias and Others. -
The dinner given by Colonel J. B. Clark Cir
cle No. 11 wasa grand success. Each comrade
was presented with a button-hole bouquet; also
the ex-prlsoners, who were the guests of Post
162. The speakers at the hall were loudly ap-
B lauded, they being Private Dalzell, A. P.
urchfleld and Mr. Miller, Jr. V. P.
of Milwaukee, was appolpted on the
National G. A. R. Pension Committee to suc
ceed Corporal James Tanner; the Commissioner
of Pensions, who Bent In bis resignation. The
comrades will all be made happy by this ap
pointment as General Falrchild is one of the
best friends the soldiers have in the country.
r Post 11 on Thursday had in a carriage Com
rade Burrows, the old standard bearer of the
Sixty-third Pennsylvania Volunteers. It was
the first Memorial Day be was unable to carry
tbe standard since his connection with the
post Comrades Sleith and Kinzie Moore were
also in the carriage. Comrade Pitier's physi
clan thought it impolitic to allow him to par
ticipate in the services.
Mrs. O. V. Bherrifi,) assisted by Mrs. W.
T. Bradberry, Instituted Colonel T. A. Arm.
strong Circle, Ladles of the.G. A. R., at Web
ster, Pa., on last Friday afternoon. This circle
starts out with bright prospects. In the even
ing Ur. A. P. Burchfield presented the Dost, in
behalf of the ladles of Circle No, 11, Allegheny
City, with a very handsome flag, which was
received by Mr. Bert Oastner for the post
The reunion of naval veterans at Milwaukee
during encampment week will be held in the
Southside Rifles' Armory, 269 Reed street
Board and lodging are engaged for all who at
tend, at the Metropolitan Hotel, corner of
Florida and Hanover streets. Full particulars
of tbe proposed reunion will be furbished.to
those interested who anply to the Secretary,
Wm. Simmons, 1132 Wharton Street Phila
delphia, Pa.
Amr of the surviving members Qf Company
A, Second Pennsylvania Artillery, or of the
Second Pennsylvania Provisional Artillery,
wbo were acquainted with or knew anything
about James McDowell, who enlisted in the
above named organization in Pittsburg, Pa.,
on April 8, 1864, and was afterward stationed at
Mine Run-Va., will copter a favor bv address
ing W. C. Hull, No. 146 F street N. E., Wasn
ington, D. O.
field Pest G. A. R., accompanied, by his wife,
left last week for a two weeks' trip. They will
stop at Harper's Ferry ahd drive over the
famous battle-fields in that region. Comrade
Stevens will, no doubt, find It more comfortable
on this trip than he did with the Sixth U. S.
Calvary some 28 years ago. Before returning
borne they will visit Washington and Fortress
Posts S and 88, which Were detailed for
Memorial Day duties in Sewickley, with Post
S3 Band and Drum Corps and Post 3 Drum
Corps, Council 216, Jr. O. IT. A. M.r and John
J. Nevin Camp, Sons of Veterans, made an ex
cellent parade, the best SewickleTans have
yet seen. An excellent luncheon was served
by the Ladles of the G. A. R. to the Grand
Army men abd the Sons of Veterans on the
return from tbe cemetery. The widow of
General Alexander Hays, after whom Post 8
was named, with ber son, was present at the
ceremonies. A large and successful campflre
was held at the Opera Hodse in the evening.
Pure Rye Whiskies.
1862 XXX private stock, $2 lull qdari
1870 XXX choice old cabinet, ?1 60 full
Guckenheimer snblime, $1 76 full quart
Guckenheimer pure rye, 51 lull quart
Choice old Gibson, $2 full quart
1879 Gibson, $1 60 full quart
1878'Overholt, $1 69 full quart
Superior T, Overholt, ?I 25 full quart.
Large old rye, 51 60 lull quart.
XXXX old Monongahela, ?1 full quari
XXX old Monongahela, 85c full quart
XX old Monongahela, 76c full quart.
X old Monongahela, 60c full quart.
For sale by Wm. J. Friday, 633 Smith-'
field st. ' -wrsu
Henry Terbeyden, the Jeweler, of 638
Smlthaeld Street,
Has just received a fresh invoice of tWe
beautiful onyx clocks. There are alio a
few of those diamonds advertised last week
which remain over that he will close out at
a positive bargain. Those' who contemplate
making purchases in the jewelry line would
do tfellto call and see his large and varied
(stock of goods and extremely tow prices.
j auiioi
I - r ft, ' ; .. em . . Tt, Jr . - - f . ,' I
.Something About the Collection of
Paintings Which H". Secretan
Tio Chief Engineer of the Copper Trust &
Patron of Painters.
rwtirmjr job ins pisra.TCE.3
Tfiere does not seem to be any necessary
connection between copper and art-still
less between art and a Copper Trust Bat
the interweaving of human affairs appar
ently remote from each other is a curious
study, and the results at times startling, -The
originator of the great defunct inter
national Cppper Trust, Secretan, of Paris,
was looked upon, not perhaps exactly as a
financial Hercules, bat as a kind of mone
tary Milo of Crotona. The man who could
indnce the copper producers of the world
virtually to place themselves in the hands
of a syndicate; led by himself, must be no
small personality. Nor is he. Beside
being a man of enormous wealth and com
mercial ideas which, to borrow a figure of
speech from the marine steam engine, are of
the compound, triple-expansion type, he
has, for years, been an entbusiastio and
discriminating patron of high art In
quality, if not in numbers, his collection of
paintings equals, if it does not surpass, that
of any other private individual in Europe.
Its value is roughly estimated at 10,000,000
france. It comprises many of the finest ex
amples of what is known as the Barbizon
school of painters, prominent among whom
is Jean Francois Millet Diaz, Fromentin,
Saubigny, Dnpre, Rousseau and others
may be added to the list.
Now, when Mons. Secretan was complet
ing his arrangements with the owners of our
American copper mines, by whieh that in
genious sheep, the public, was to part with
its coveted fleece to the tone of 40 extra for
every ton of copper forwhioh it might in
nocently bleat, it is to be opined that, now
and again, his own ruminations, albeit, con
trary to the teachings of natural history, of
the lupine order, were complacently brought
to a close in his
Probaby in such moments, when the finan
cial cud tasted the sweetest, the idea remot
est from his mind was that he was taking
the most effectual steps toward dispersing
his collections and transferring many of ita
choicest gems to the very America whose ac
quiescence was deemed vital to the perfect
stability of his scheme.
Yet, in very deed, so it was. On July 11,
next, bis magnificent gallery will come
undtr tbe unsentimental, remorseless ham
mar of the auctioneer. It is much more than a
mere probability that his finest canvases will
come over here. Among them is the renowned
"Angelus." by Jean Francois Millet the his
tory of which is curious, and which is known
by tbe etcher's art to the whole civilized world.
It was painted at a time when Millet's genius,
like that of manv another great man, bad not
yet ben appreciated. The great art dealers
of Paris wanted none of him. So, In some way
or another, possibly through the intermediary
of a discerning Belgian, it found its way to
Brussels. Tbe price paid was, If "my memory
serves me, KCO. The last time I read of its
changing bands the figure was, to the best of
my recollection, $53,000. Millet sold It at a time
wben he was straitened in means and hardly
knew from day to day where the bread of -bis
children was coming from. .
From current rumor it' wonld appear that
Mons. Secretan's modern masters have all been
selected with an eye single to quality, utterly
regardless of cost.
It was stated, some time ago, that tbe great
financial institutions of Paris, which bad held
the life-line to Becretan at the first onrush, of
the speculative torrent that eventually swept
him away, were going simply to act as deposi
tories of
until his bead appeared above the financial
floouand be had managed to scramble ashore.
That statement merely had the drawback of
crediting a financial corporation, or, what is
worse, several of them, with sentlmentr quod
est absurdnm. Yes, Secretan's pictures are to
be dispersed under the hammer, and as a toler
able contingent of our much-abused plutocrats
are in Europe, or will 'be by the time of the
sale, the odds are very considerable that In the
melee over these works, many a European
Dites will go to grass under the formidable im
pact of the Yankee money-bag.
The collection comprises some 250 of such
works as have' previously been described. No
such sale has taken place for many years, nor
is it likely that any equal number of canvases
of such extraordinary quality will come to
gether under the hammer for many a year to
Many years ago, when that prescient and bril
liant, but eminently practical writer, Sidney
Smith, Volunteered a little good naturcd advice
to this country, he told her that, for 60 years,
she had better confine her efforts to making
good roads, building bridges, canals and rail
ways, and leave the question of university edu
cation to a generation which would have more
leisure to attend to it He was anything but a
prolix writer. No man In the world more rig
orously enforced, in the case of bis own pen.
the axiom that "the greater includes the less,"
As a liberal, or university, education nat
urally comprises some acquaintance with the
history of the fine arts, and, in the case of the,
wealthy, involves some of its consequences, it
may be inferred that impllcity, he recom
mended a postponement of the dilettantism
which delights in the acquisition of works' ot
high art
But how that the country is girded with a
network of railroads greater in milage than
that boasted by the whole of Europe now
inatwe nave iortue moment au me onuges
we Want, including such a trifle as that of
Brooklyn now that we are actually debating
whether our superemlnent facilities in other
directions have not rendered onr canals use
less, it is altogether likely that even so acnte
an observer as Sidney Smith would be
nignantly tell us there could be no harm in our
now-dabbling tentatively in the line arts.
So it is comforting to know that at a time
when natural gas has emancipated Pittsburg
from tbe funeral thraldom of dark wallpapers,
somber curtains and hangings, and allowed her
sons to put on an occasional white waistcoat,
and ber beauteous daughters to choose apparel
appropriate to their fair complexions, that
same natural gas enables her art-lovers to In
dulge tbelr taste for the finest creations of the
brush, without any danger of seeing them de
stroyed! or their luster dimmed by the insidi
ous attacks of an unmanageable atmosphere,
I have had many occasions of admiring the ex
cellent work done In your olty by the Art School
there, and, although an utter stranger to them,
of doing full justice to the admirable way in
which the talent of the 'place is fostered and
encouraged by the trustees Of that institution.
Notes Taken In Plllsburs Galleries
Studios A Few Fine Picture.
Mfi. John i. HAMMER is soon to leave this
city and make his home in New York. He has
decided upon this move for some little time,
and is now only delaying until he shall have
carried bis class at tbe School of Design
through to the close of the term.
E. M. de LoxdBRiE is the name signed to a
splendid water color painting of a fine bunch
of lilies, leaves and blossoms, noted at Gilles
pie's. This artist Is celebrated for bis skill in
Sower painting, in which line his work is a
clear representation of the natural forms and
Tubes fine iitUo water colors bearing the
name of Miss Jennie Brownscombe, which are
shown at dillesples, would be sufficient to indicate-
that the lady is a finished artist, even to
one who had never before seen any of ber
work. Tbey are all studies of youthful female
figures, or '-rather three-quarter figures, very
gracefully posed, delicate In tone and particu
larly well handled.
Miss JostE Woodweu- is exceedingly
clever in her Studies from life, as is Indicated
by the very artistically poised' head executed
by her which miht have been seen at Gilles
pie's during the week. Miss Woodwell has
fohnd a very good subject for her pencil in One
bf her classmates at the School of Design, and
this fact in addition to her Skillful treatment
of the work renders the study a very strong
and pleasing one. ,
Me. A. F. Kino has indulged his fancy In the
production of a burlesque upon the workings
of the restrictive Hecate laws. The work Is (a
oil, fts4 iftfreet&ta ft comer saloon, showing la
as exaggerated tsaaeer the rusk of business
Which falls to the share of those favored ones
who managed V secure license, and giving a
glimpse across tbe street of the front of the
house ot a competitor in business wbo has been
refused license. It excites much attention at
Mb. H. S. Stkvxssox has two small sketches
at Mayer's, the one In water color, the other in
olL They are both merely sketches, making no
pretensions to being flnisbod pictures, the
water color in particular being very slightly
handled, and It in rather difficult to account for
some of the color, notably the strong blue in
tne snaaow. ine woric in on mucu mure
subdued in tonet it shows a flock of sheep at
tne turn oi a roao, wito a suggesuou oi ireca m
t bo distance, the whole seen under a sky of cold
gray tone of color.
A strEPBisrs'ot.Y well executed water color
study of annunciation lilies has been Seen at
Gillespie's, where it has attracted aq unusual
amount of favorable Cbmment It is the work
of Miss Mary Boyd, the young"-lady who re
ceived the honorable mention at the School of
Design examination, and who was afterward
awarded a special medal, as- her work was
thought to be of too excellent a character to be
allowed to pass with anything bat the highest
honors. The work is correctly and cleanly
executed. f' ,
VA PoltTiotf of an old farm house, showing
signs of age on its outer walls and within tbe
dimly lighted entrance of which may be seen
the figures of a woman and a small child, while
out of doors stand three larger children, tbe
eldest with her arms about the other two,
awaiting, half curiously, halt timidly, the ap
proach of a stranger, an itinerant merchant.
Such is tbe-latest picture from the brush of
Mr.D.B. Walkley, which he has named "The
Peddler," and a clever work it ls both In con
ception and execution.
Major J. O. Kat, of this city, expects to
spend the summer'and fall in Europe. He will
not leave until after the coming encampment.
The Second Brigade Examining Board has
been ordered to assemble at the Monongahela
House, in this city, on the evening of June 19.
Recent computations of official fignresshow
a very large increase in the regn lar army dar
ing the first half qf the present year, compared
with previous years.
CoLosEii SMiTtt and a number of the local
officers went up to the scene of the flood at
Johnstown yesterday. Subscriptions will be
started in both the regiments at once In aid of
the sufferers.
A law establishing a naval militia has now
been passed lnathree States, Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts and Bhode Island. New York
will be tn line shortly, and expects to have tbe
finest battalion of au.
LtEtrrEKAUT Colonel HxxbyS.Hale, of
the Fifth Regiment, died at his residence in
Bellefonto during the past week. Colonel
Hale was well known In this city, and thor
oughly well liked by bis brotber officers.
Colonel Hatveins, of the Tenth Regiment,
has about decided to have his command en
camp at Uniontown this summer. A very
pretty and convenient site has been selected,
and most of the companies "will inarch to the
CAPTAiirHzxEB, of the United States re
cruiting station, was served with a writ of
habeas corpus yesterday by Frederick L.
Konald, to compel blm to produce in the United
States Court Edwin Konald, who, It Is claimed,
was under 13 years of age when enlisted.
Bpecial Orders No. 13 from tbe Adjutant
General's office discharge Lieutenants H. Jc
Swalm, State Fenclbles; John A. Patterson,
Second Regiment; Robert M. 'Wilson. Fifth
Regiment; B.Brvson McCool, Eighth Reglmenr,
and Lieutenant Colonel Henry 8. Hale, fifth
Lieutenant Jakes R. Tbacet Of Com
pany A, Eighteenth, is spending a 60 days'
leave of absence in the West Lieutenants
Fred R. Miller, of Company Dt Lieutenant Mc
Laughlin, of Company B, and Lieutenant Mc
Clurg, of Company H, have signified their in
tention ot resigning at an earl; date.
Colonel Sxrra has been Invited to camp
with the Tenth Regiment near Uniontown this
summer. Tbe Eighteenth and Tenth would no
donbt get along very nicely together) although
Colonel Hawkins has a reputation for working
bis command pretty severely, due to the fact
that the companies are only brought together
once a year.
Adjutant General Dbtdt. was retired
during the past week on account of age. Gen
eral Drum is an old member of one of tbe local
companies, the Duquesne Greys, and during
the trip to Washington for the inaugural cere
monies in March last a number of the officers
of the Eighteenth Regiment called on him and
werreeelved.most cordially.
iir place of-the usual short visit which tlhe
brigade and staff pay to the different regiments
during a regimental encampment, General
"WVlle has decided to detail a brigade staff
officer to each encampment to remain during
the entire tour. By this means better and
fairer reports can bejobtained of the condition
and usefulness of the different commands.
Lteutenant John Kein, of Company G,
Fourteenth Regiment, qualified on Decoration
yards, 21 points; 00 yards, 23; total, U. Ser
geant Edward Martin, of Company G, qualified:
Two hundred yards, 20 points; 00 yards, 23
points; total, 43. That entities the Lieutenant
and Sergeant to a silver-bar sharpshooters'
Ma job Samuel Hazlet, of Washington,
Pa Brigade Inspector of Ride Practice, was
in the city last week. Major Hazlet is quite a
crack shot and took part In some of the con
tests of the HerronHIll Club at Brunot's Island.
He speaks very favorably of the prospects of the
shooting this season.'and states that more at
tention is being paid to marksmanship in rating
companies than ever before.
Tbe rifle range of the Eighteenth Regiment
at High Bridge was thrown open for practice
on last Thursday. ' The range is well fitted up
with all the appliances necessary for target
practice, and it U expected the Eigbteenth will
be in shape to send a first-class team tn Mt
Gretna next fall. Threa companies, E. D and
F, were at work durinz tbe week, and the re
sults in the way of qualified marksmen and em
bryo sharpshooters were most satisfactory.
QUITE a little dispute 'took place last Thurs
day between Captain Shannon, of tbe Washing
ton Infantry, and Captain Tim, of Company, F,
Fourteenth Regiment as to which command
should have the right of line in escorting the
Grand Army of the East End. Tbe matter was
finally settled by F Company setting tbe
Dlace. Both comoanles looked well and those
present said It was rather out of place to mar
the occasion by a dispute of such a trivial char
Quite a number of enlisted men In the
Eighteenth may possibly be given the benefit
ot a court martial for non attendance at the
annual spring inspection last week. It has
been some time since there was a court mar
tial in this end of the State, and the discipline
in the guard might be strengthened consider
ably by a few shining examples of this kind.
The soring Inspections are the most important
features ot military duty, and no. excuse but
sickness or death should be taken for absence
from them.
Go VERNOB Beaver during the past week
Vetoed the bill appropriating 875,000 for 'the
purchase of dress .uniforms for the National
Guard. Some doubt was expressed from Ihe
first whether or sot His Excellency would sign
the bill. As he vetoed so many appropriations
for charitable purposes he could not, wltb any
degree of propriety, approve an act to spend
the State's money for a mere subject of show.
Another view of tbe matter is, that as tbe ap
propriation was entirely teo small for the pur
pose required and was merely intended as a
"feeler" to gauge the pocket of tbe Legisla
ture, a sufficient amount will be asked for at
the next session.
Why Tea Should Bar Your Clothing at
1. We manalacttrre Our own clothing.
2. All onr clothing is guaranteed to be
kept in repalf fret of charge.
3. Ho profit paid to the middleman.
4. All goods marked in plain figures.
5. Prices guaranteed the lowest in this
6. Any article bought can be returned
ahd money refunded.
Jackson's. Tailors, Clothiers, Hatters
and Men's Furnishers, 954 and 956 Liberty
street, Star Corner.
I Gneis Not, Well I Gneis ftor.
After getting married everything-goes
along swimmingly between 'tiusband and
wife until he asks her to repair his clothes,
which causes her to remark, "Well, I guess
hot, I guess not" Why not take them to
Dickson, the Tailor, of 63 Firth sve., cor.
"Wood st, second floor, who will make them
look like new at a trifle? Telephone 1558.
- -
lyexlean Onyx Clock
And clock sets. All the new tints and a
great variety of, shapes. Elegant clock seta
at 540 to $180, with finest quality of French
movement . P. Robebts & Sons,
Comer Fifth avsaue and Market street.
i . t.si jv . t - it-, sarf
Are CeMered by the Inter-State Comml.
slea at Kansas City.
KJLK3A9 Cmr, Jdoe L The Inter-Stata
Commerce Commission continued iU hear
ings in the case of John P. Squire & Co., of
Boston, here yesterday. The question was
the; difference in rates between live hogs and
the dressed product, the present rates being
27 and 20 cents respectively. The Chicago
Board of Trade was represented at yester
day's proceedings, in the interest of a re
duction of rates on live 'hogs, to a point
nearer the rata on the product The Kan
sas City packers claim that If the rates on
live dressed were the same it would ruia
them,astheyconld not compete with Chicago
for the Eastern trade in dressed meats while
laboring under the disadvantage of 32
Mr. 3. B. Armour and Mr. George H. Fow
ler, of this city, gave figures in regard to
their packing houses here. Mr. Fowler
denied the existence oi arragreement among
Kansas City packers to keep down prices.
The bulk of tbe testimony was given by Mr.
J. O. Haightly, a Chicago pork packer, who
admitted the existence of a pool composed
of 18 Chicago houses, which was entered into
in October, 1886, for a term of three yeais.
The members agreed to apportion a certain
allowance of hogs to, each firm to kill, all
excess above the apportionment to be paid
for at the rate of $4 62 per bog. Mr.
Haightly was asked for a copy of the agree
ment, but testified that he did not know
where it was.
The proceedings closed the hearing for
the present, and the members of the commis-.
sion left for their homes. Another meeting
will be held in Washington June 11.
Ha Says That No Open Air Sleeting on San
day Will bo Allowed.
Chief Brown yesterday addressed the fol
lowing communication to the W, C. T. TJ.
ladies as his decision in the appeal made to
him by them a few days ago:
PrrrsBUBoy June 1, 1SS3.
To the "Women's Christian Temperance Union:
Ladies The Board of Police, after having
carefully considered your application to hold
.public meetings in the open air in this city
pon Sabbath-day, bez leave to say:
First That no publio meetings of any kind
can be permitted upon tbat day, where the
same are held upon any of the publio streets or
thoroughfares of this city.
Second That the said board cannot grant a
license or privilege, or give permission to bold
such meetings in or upon private property, for
tbe reason tbat the use and occupation of such
private property is outside the jurisdiction of
tbe Police Department of the city of Pittsburg;
and, in the absence of disorder or commission
of acts contrary to law, tbe jurisdiction of said
department would not attach.
Third The said board is of the opinion that
the peace and good order of this city upon tha
Sabbath day would be best maintained and
secured by the absence of all public meetings
in the open air.
The said board recognizes the effectivene3
and the value of the efforts put forth by the
"W.C.T.TJ.inthepast, as well as tbe present
and believes tbat in tbe f nture they desire to ,
conform to the law in all respects, andaftertba
careful consideration aforesaid, and under ad
vice of the legal department of tbe city, they
have arrived at tha conclusions aboTe set forth.
Very respectfully yours,
J. O. Brows.
Chief of the Department of Public Safety.
Two Sister Drowned.
Kaitsas Cut, June 1. Thursday after
noon two listers, daughter of a farmer
named Dickson, living south of Leroy.Kan.,
attended the Decoration Day exercises in that
place and started to walk home. The bridge
across the Neosho river had been almost
washed away, and two planks were
stretched across tbe stringers. The girls
started across these, the older holding the
yonnger'shand. Halfway across one was
seized with dizziness and lost her bilance.
Both fell into the water and were drowned.
Making; flue WOOL materials go at the price
of common dress stuff.
See the mammoth sale of J. K. ANDERSON'S
Bankrupt Stock of
Lace Curtains
and Car'petings,
Attracting the grandest lot of pleased pur
chasers to be found in this section.
138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa.
, my29-HWTSu '
. -or-"
Dress Cutting
Is tbe simplest, least
complicated and easi-
est" to learn, thtfro
being but two pieces
the tauare and the
curvatures. Seam
stresses can com
mand better wages
alter learning New
ton's system.
Cut to Order. Call
and examine system
or secure a pattern at
the ,
Vrhite $etyijig jUaciiijie.
'Rooms, 12 Sixth St.
Also Headquarters
Hall's Ba2aar, J
Dress and rA.
orxini runmo,
a household neces- .
sity Genuine JJ
.Needles, uii, etc.,
for all machines.
Open Saturday
281 OHIO ST.,
M II ) fill Ml
r KB,
i SsL
J - . " . '1 . i r i , I 1 K . .' V-l&l'-i&iXSlml- . ...'... MtJ. , J-Mt.! .. - , f . iU't
'-A-1iWs lTJtlWlsiMiffs