i V I DTSMtCH. tTTTSBt) G SECOND PART. THE PAGES 9 TO 12. : v : i y ? 'REVEALED BY J. MABSDBN SUTOUPFB, BEING ONE OF "A SEBIES OF SHORT STORIES ENTITLED fiTHE BOMANCE MBased Upon Passages 'tft WEBBER, Formerly General Manager ALL BIGHTS W A glorious afternoon in summer. The fierce rap of an August sun are tempered Jfiby a light cool breeze 'which goes whisper , "'ing through the heavily laden bows of a prime orchard adjoining "a Somersetshire farmhouse, scarcely lifting the brown leaves ss it passes. In a hammock, slung from the branches of a wi3e-spreading apple tree bending be neath its weight of golden fruit, Gerald Latour lies idly lounging, with his magnifi cent dark eyes, so lustrous in their shining and so dreamy in their unfathomable depths, intently fixed on the form of a young girl of 20, who is seated near him on a camp-stool industriously plying her needle, with her blushing tface half hidden as she bends more closely over her work to hide her con fusion. A very pleasant picture for the eye to rest upon amid such surroundings is Netta Dean, with her clear cut profile, her smooth, fair brow and arched eyebrows, her deli cately cut nostrils and the rounded outlines of her cheeks, with as pretty a rosebud for a mouth as ever invited a lover's kisses. Her flaxen hair, which waves naturally, is fas tened up behind in thick plaits, suggestive of unusual length. The light muslin dress she wears, cut somewhat loose to the figure, cannot wholly conceal the sweeping curves of a finely molded form, for, though a rustic beauty slightly built, Netta Dean's joyous life, happily free from care hitherto, has tended, with her upbringing and wholesome faring, to perfect the symmetry of a lovely figure. Add to this eyes of sapphire blue with a look of wondrous innocence and trustfulness and the picture is complete. And yet the little lady holds her head in such a queenly fashion and there comes at times such an air of resolution round her pretty mouth that only a superficial ob server would fail to perceive that, gentle and confiding though her disposition is, she is not the woman to put up with a slight or meekly bear an injury. Her companion would attract attention anywhere by his handsome, commanding presence, for nature has given Gerald La tour a noble exterior, which has alreadv played sad havoc on the hearts of women less susceptible to manly beauty than Netta Dean's. Gerald is tall, well made, with tbe frame of a young athlete. His dark com plexion d'ark even to swarthiness is brightened by a glow of warm color that burns beneath his skin, which, with his lustrously dark eyes and a curling beard of jet black, carefully trimmed to a point, gives him the appearance of a handsome brigand or a Spanish gypsy, according to the point whence he is regarded. Thar he is a handsome man is undoubted. The w lassie regularity of his features would alone , edeem his face from the commonplace, he warm blood of the sunny South inher ed from distant ancestors circulates in his ins, and is perhaps partly responsible for t luxury of his disposition. For Gerald -our, it must be confessed, is a Sybarite. Jote Farm, of which Gerald Latour has nan inmate for two; months past, lies filing under the befriending shadow of jroiantock hills. Very proud is Farmer DetWto have such an inmate in his house. Truef Gerald Latour is no "prince in dis guise." He is simply a city tradesman who came to Cote to find health and strength again in the balmy Somersetshire air, and, though doing a large business as an Italian warehouseman in Great Chester street in the city, he is not very much lifted above the social scale occupied by the Deans, though they are reported as a primitive people. But Mr. Dean is proud of his guest, proud because of his flow or animal spirits and his fund of information, proud, too, because of what Cote farm has done him, seeing that he came to them like a shadow, worn down with illness, and has now beoome a -shining example of what fresh country air, whole some living, early hours, and the peaceful occupations of a country life can accomplish for an invalid. But he is most proud of all because Gerald Latour is his son's first pa tient, and owes his life to Maurice Dean's unremitting skill ana care. It is seven years ago since Mrs. Dean passed away, leaving behind her two chil dren, Netta, Whom the reader has seen, and Maurice, who claims a word or two of in troduction. It was a sore blow -to Farmer Dean when his only son declared one day, in the astonished hearing of the old man, that he would not be a farmer and that he would be a doctor. "It's that eddication I gave thee that has spoiled 'ee'" the old man cried in his vexation. "I towd t'mother how it would be. Nothing good comes of eddica tion." But Mr. Dean had ever been an indulgent father to hit children, and when he found that the lad's heart was set on his profession, he gave way reluctantly, but with many grumblings at "that eddication that has done it all." Maurice Dean had just com pleted his medical studies and had started in practice for himself near Great Chester street when the wheel of fortune threw him in the way of Gerald Latour, who had never known a day's illness in his life, was sud denly stricken down with typhoid fever, and the young surgeon had been called in. There were other doctors near, but Latour had not needed the services of a physician before, and he had no one about' him capable of discriminating between the rival merits of the neighboring doctors. Maurice Dean happened to be the nearest, and to this circumstance alone his presence was owing., "Whether the same confidence would have been reposed in his skill if it had been known that Gerald Latour was the doctor's first patient may be considered doubtful. It was a difficult and complicated case, bnt Maurice Dean, who had a genuine en thusiasm for his profession and was alive to the importance of not allowing his first case to slip through his fingers, and of the lift it would be to his reputation to succeed in pulling his patient through, left no stone unturned to achieve success. Bydint ot his own incessant attention, watching all the phases of tbe malady and superintending the nursing, together with Gerald's splendid constitution, he contrived to pull his patient throngh, though this Involved many a night's weary watching, when the tiny flick ering flame of life burnt lower and threat enedto vanish outright. "I owe my life to you," Gerald cried thankfully, when he was pronounced con valescent "Yon must not say that," said Maurice Dean modestly. "You have your own fine constitution to thank for your escape." "That may be," said Gerald; "but a fine constitution' would have served me little if I had not possessed in you a skilful physi cian and a kind friend. I shall never for get my obligation to yon neverl I owe you my life, as I have said before." "Iff were superstitious you would make me uncomfortable," Maurice Dean replied. "We have a saying down in our parts that if you save a man's life you are sure to re ceive some terrible injury from him." "And where may your parts be?" asked Gerald. The young doctor dilated on the beauties of Somtrsetshire, and the delightful .im- puciix ot cis rural home unaer the unan- tock nilli, nnttl he infected Latour with so' ethinz of his own enthusiasm. Gerald by this time ready.' for change of air and K , BY FIRE; OF A2T INSURANCE OFFICE,, nr the Experience or Mb. AUGUSTUS "WILLIAM of the Universal Insurance Company. RESERVED. scene to complete the workof convalescence, and, learning from Maurice Dean that tbe Deans had occasionally received summer visitors, delicately broached the suggestion whether he might be so fortunate as to find a temporary home at Cote Farm. Dean took the suggestion in good part, and though he was sensible of the danger of in troducing a handsome stranger beneath the roof that sheltered his guileless sister Netta, he consented to write home and inquire if his people could conveniently entertain an invalid with what result the reader already knows. Very happy had those two months been to Netta Dean, during which Gerald Latour's stay at Cote farm had lasted. The circle of Netta's acquaintances was necessarily a restricted one. Since she had left the board ing school at Taunton, where she had been sent for her education, she had not left Cote Farm. The sons and daughters of the neighboring farmers comprised her little world, and though the lads were honest and brave, they were rough in their ways, and in no respect corresponded with the ideal man of Netta's day dreams. The stranger had not been many daysin the house before Netta began to make com parisons between him and tbe men of her acquaintance, very much to the disadvan tage of the latter. Gerald bore all the out ward insignia of a well-to-do, middle-class gentleman, with a good deal of savoir faire. He was well read in general literature, and with a bright and sprightly wit he con trived, as soon as he began to regain his strength, to make the days pass very pleas antly to Netta, who often wondered how she had borne her existence before he broke in upon 'Jhe peaceful flow of her life "vege tating," Gerald called it and how she would endure it when the time came for La tour's departure. It is rarely possible for a maiden to occupy her mind with thoughts of the man who has stolen her heart away without betraying the secret which she jealously seeks to guard. Netta had an uncomfortable habit of blush ing, and often as she encountered Latour, the tell-tale signal would convey to the quick eyes of the man everything that poor Netta songht to hide. Latour's vanity was touched at these signs, which he knew so well how to read, and before long he had drawn from Netta the confession of her love. How far mat ters had progressed between them on this August afternoon must now be told. "Netta," Latour was saying, "have you thought over what I was saying last night?" Netta confessed that slie had, and, bend ing her blushine face over her ""work, plied her needle more diligently. "You se"e, dear, I would notask it of you," resumed Latour, "only my uncle, to whom I owe everything, has so completely set his mind on my marrying my cousin Helen that he would withdraw hisjiapital from my bus iness and cut me out of his will if he knew that I even as much as thought of marrying anyone else. That is a sacrifice I could not afford to make for your sweet sake. There will be little Nettas to provide for by-and-bye, you know." At this remark Nettl blushed more tIo. Iently than before, and she bent her head still lower over her work. "Give me my own way in this one thing, Netta," Latour continued, "and you f ball have your way forever afterward. Lin up your head, my pretty one, and let me see your face." But Netta did not comply with this re quest, and presently something 'like a sob broke from her. Gerald cautiously came down from his hammock fearing an ugly tumble if he moved hastily and approach ing where Netta was sitting, threw Mb arm around her, and asked her with pas sionate concern he knew so well how to as sume, ""What is the matter, Netta, dar ling?" "I cannot do this. A private marriage, unknown to my father and to mv brother Maurice! What would they think?" asked Netta in low, pleading tones. Latour had an answer readv to lull Netta's dutiful Tears to rest He painted in mora vigorous language than any he had hitherto fait it necessary t6 employ the certainty of his uncle's anger and the dire results which would result if once the news of his nepnews marriage leaked out and reached his Uncle Marchant's ears, and wound up by declaring that in a very little time Netta, if she would consent to give way on this point, should return to Cote Farm and make her marriage known to her father. "So long as my uncle thinks I am not married," Latour explained, "he will be contented. Helen does not care for me, and all that is wanted is a little time for her to find a suitor more to her mind, and I shall be free to do as I like. Only until then do I ask that our marriage be kept secret." But Netta's objections-were not silenced yet. Latour had still another argument in reserve. "You do not love me, Netta," he cried, or not at alL Surely you can see that. If i cannot obtain my uncle's consent to my marriage with you" and that is impossible and you will not marry' me quietly we can not be matried at all, and we must part for years perhaps forever, who knows?" No sooner was this vision conjured up be fore Netta's mind than her courage began to give way. There had been a traitor in the camp even while Netta held out against Latour's pleading. Her own heart, which had passed entirely out ot her keeping, had seconded all Gerald's pleadings, and now, when bis arguments overpowered her reason and she saw nothing before her except years of weary waiting for the man she loved, or, worse still, a lifelong severance, Netta's resolution gave way, and she consented to steal from the home where she had tasted a full cup of happiness and plunge herself into the unknown depths of on. untried ex perience, trusting and confiding in the love of the man who had won all her heart. Latour returned to town a few days later, and a week afterward came back to the neighborhood of Cote Farm by stealth. The morning after he journeyed down to Somer setshire Netta was missing. She had gone, leaving no trace behind her nothing but one short note saying that she would come back again very soon, and then she would tell her dear father every- tning. Farmer Dean gazed at Netta's note with dazed eyes, like one stupefied. His Netta gonel Stolen away like a thief in the night! Gone, without a word of explanation or a moment given to farewell! He could not believe it It was too terrible. But there was the letter, and, alas, there was no Netta to brighten Cote Farm with her presence and her merry laughter. Would he ever see her face or hear her laughter again? he wondered. LT. Msurice Dean, who went down to Somer setshire on hearing news of his sister's dis. appearance, was sorely perplexed to un ravel the mystery of Netta's flight He sharply questioned the farm-servants at Cote, but Gerald Latour had conducted his love-making with so much circumspection that the servants, who are usually the first to indulge in suspicion, had not observed anything to lead thern, to suppose that any love-makings had been going on between yonng mistress and the handsome The circumstance that a week had een Gerald's departure from d Netta's .flight also told in . Vt -. JsssssBI"e-mBMii-gaai --"- fp.jtftfjKj.-, .--trwiHr- -i if -inr - v'- i .!,,. " Latour's favor, so that when he was ap proached on the subject and frankly de clared he knew nothing of the matter, Maurice Dean declared himself satisfied with the denial, and directed, his inquiries elsewhere. But two years passed, and still there was no news of Netta. For a long time Far mer Dean and his son prosecuted their in quiries, hoping against hope. At last hope died away, and the quest was abandoned, and the old Somersetshire farmer entered into the bitterness of Jacob's lot when the plaint was wrung out of the anguish of his soul, "Evil hath happened to my son." Meanwhile Netta was living in a little cottage at Willesden, happy on the whole, though inwardly chafing at the secrecy which her husband continued to impose, and fretting as she pictured to .herself the distress that her hasty and unexplained de parture from Cote, and her long silence, must have occasioned her father and her brother Maurice. Sometimes she would take her housekeeper, Mrs. Coppock, a worthy, respectable woman, into her confi dence and complain of the hardship of her position. "It is too bad," she would say, "when I am so happy with my husband and mv two little ones, that I cannot even write home and let them know that I am safe." At such times Mrs. Coppock would sympathize with Mrs. Latour and soothe her with assur ances that Mr. Latour must soon set her free from her promise to him and allow her to Sut her triends out of their long suspense, etta rarely broached the subject to her husband. She had only seen Gerald angry on.ee, and she could never forget it. It was the last time that she had ventured to urge him -to allow her to go down to Cote Farm and tell her father everything and give him ocular demonstration of her welfare. Ger ald curtly refused and reminded her of her promise to keep their marriage secret But Netta, who bad been thinking much of her old home that day, and of the old man left desolate by her flight, was determined to persevere despite the chilling reception she had met with. But to her further re quest that she might be permitted to write to her father, Gerald replied more angrily, and when she asked that he would himself take Maurice into their confidence, his anger broke loose, and Gerald's handsome gypsy face became transfigured with pas sion. It was an awful revelation, that out burst of wrath, to the poor wife. For the first time she discovered what a volcano of tempestuous passions lurked beneath his debonnair exterior which she had never sus pected, and fear blended with her lovo for him. She resolved never to allude to the subject again, but to wait and bide his time for making the disclosure for which poor Netta's heart ached. "Let us have no snore of this," Gerald exclaimed, passionately, clenching his de mand with a loud oath that fell with terri fying effect on the ear of the loving-hearted woman. "They shall know in good time. And remember that if you ever show your face in Great Chester street, you will rue it to the last day of your life. That would 1 mean ruin for us both." Netta had one other cross at this time. Latour's visits home had latterly become less frequent than she had known them. The premises in Great Chester street con tained one small sitting room and a bed chamber, which Gerald had occupied in his bachelor days, and which he occasionally used after his marriage, pleading the neces sities of his business when he failed to re turn home to his wife. More frequently than before Latour begfln absenting himself from the cottage at Willesden, always con triving, however, to hinder suspicion from springing into Netta's mind by affirming that "business was going to the dogs," and he must stay in town and work late. it was true that Gerald Latour's business was, as he pithily expressed it, "going to the dogs ;" partly on account of Latour's inat tention to his affairs, and partly, from the withdrawal of large sums of money from the concern, which he took to indulge in his gambling propensities. The evenings that he spent away from the cottage at Willesden were passed either in a gambling hell or in sighing at the feet of Helen Mar chant, and breathing love "vows in her ear. Sometimes, too, in more shameful occupa tions which would have broken Netta's heart if the good had not been kind to her, and hidden Gerald's midnight revels from Netta's eves. An accident revealed to Netta how hollow the ground was on which she was standing. She was engaged in brushing a coat which her husband had been wearing, and on turn ing out the pockets, discovered a bnlkv let ter written in a remarkably clear and firm hand, indisputably the handwriting of a woman, as her first glance told her. A sick ening sense of fear crept into Netta's heart as she turned over the letter again and again in her hand. But her face flushed hot with anger, and her fine nostrils dilated with wounded pride, as her breath came quicker at the unexpected revelation of her hus band's perndy which the letter contained. Her husband? It was not clear to her that Gerald Latour was her husband, and that she was an honest wife, when she had had time to master the contents of the letter. The communication, which bore the signature of Helen Marchant, was filled with the warm outpouring of a woman's heart spoke of her coming marriage with Gerald Latour, and described the prepara tions she was engaged in making for the great event in her life. Utterly overwhelmed by the discovery, Netta remained a long time in abject misery, too numbed to feel, too dazed to think. Bit by bit the suspicion grew in her mind mat sne naa Deen Shamefully de ceived by a bogns marriage. There was one other alternative that her husband, relying on her continued silence as to their secret marriage, was bent on tricking his cousin into a marriage that was no marriage if her own was a valid one. "When this grew clear to her she roused herself out of the state of apathy and tearless misery into which she had fallen, to think out and decide what to do. The revelation had killed at a stroke the guileless simplicity and girlish confidence which had characterized all her previous re lationship with her husband. She was a girl no longer, to be silenced with kisses or" to be put down with a display of unseemly anger. She sprang into existence in au hour a woman! a woman scorned and wronged! a woman who had her own rights as a wife to defend, and the legitimacy of her offspring to make good if she could! It seemed to her as if years had passed since her dream of security was so rudely shaken, and that she had redoubled her thinking powers in tbe brief interval which had elapsed. How was she to set about her task? Ger ald hid often spoken of his cousin Helen to Nettal And bits of bygone conversation re- currea.to her memory now. Putting these j PITTSBTJRG, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1889. fragments of conversation together,- she gathered conrage from the sum of the im pression they left upon her mind after reflec tion. Helen Marchant was a good woman who must not be wronged, who would prove her friend in her hour ot bitter, sore need, and who would insist on justice being done to her and her children. If there were shame to hide, Helen would help her to hide it If wrong had been dons which admitted of a reparation, however tardy and poor, Helen would not suffer that act of repara tion to be left unperformed. Yes! she would appeal to Helen. She would write to her and tell her the story of those happy months at Cote Farm, when Gerald Latour stole her heart away, of her marriage, and the happy time since, marred only by the fatal con cealment and the trouble that must have been occasioned to loving hearts in the old farmhouse in Somersetshire. And then she would tell "her of the discovery she had made that day, and beg her assistance to vindicate her cause. The letter occupied a long time to write, but it was done at last She hastened to put on her bonnet and Cloak, aud went put. Late that evening Netta stood with beating heart before the business premises of ber husband in Great Chester street The doors were closed and fastened for the night, but there was a light feeblv burning in one of the upstairs rooms, and a more brilliant light in the basement. She beat with her knuckles on the door, and after an interval there was a sound within as of the shooting back of bolts and taking down of bars, and at length the door was opened and her hus band stood on the threshold with a look of amazement on his face, as though he had -j seen an apparition. Without pausing to enable him to recover from his astonishment she passed within, and the door closed behind her. III. Some five months elapsed after Mrs. Latour paid her late visit to Great Chester street, when, soon after midnight in Febru ary, the inhabitants of that neighborhood were aroused from sleep by the cry of "Fire!" There was a hurrying of street as the crowd, hastily feet along the gathered, sped to the spot Smoke was seen issuing through the roof of Gerald Latour's warehouse in small puffs, and, slowly wreathing them selves, melting away into the murky atmos phere of a winter's night Denser volumes Of smoke were seen issuing from the crevices of the doors on the basement, while the red dened glow visible at these points showed clearly enough that the flames had obtained a firm hold upon the lower portion of the premises. The excited crowd, Which the policeman on the beat had much difficulty in keeping back until the arrival of reinforcements and the fire engines, had barely time to note these particulars, when a dull heavy sound as of an explosion fell on their ears, to be followed at intervals by another, and yet another. The crowd.fell back, less to give way to the firemen as they came on the scene with their engines than to escape the danger from falling tiles and slates. A hole, had been rent in the roof by the last explo sion through which immense volumes of smoke now poured, as from the throat of a burning crater, followed by huge showers of sparks. In a moment the upper rooms were lurid with flame through the admission of air from the root, and there was the sound of shivering glass as the flames burnt more fiercely, and the window panes cracked into a thousand pieces, broken by the burning heat. There was no hope of saving the building, looking to tbe immense amount of highly combustible materials stored on the premises, and the energies of the lire brigades that Iiro been brought tdgether on the scene were directed to minimising the danger which threatened the adjoining properties. Sud denly, when the first excitement was at its height, some one roared out torn the crowd, "Where is Mr. Latour? Is he in the building?" It was known that Mr. Latour often slept there, and anxiety was naturally felt lest he should have remained there that night, and been stifled by the smoke Without op portunity to escape. But no one could tell what had become of Mr. Latour, though one here and another there among tbe crowd were heard to testify that they had seen a light burning in Mr. Latour's sitting room upstairs not more than two hours ago. "If Mr. Latour is in the building," cried one of the firemen, seeking to allay the ex citement which tbe ouervhad aroused, "he Lisa dead man by this time. No man could be In that building and live. i The firemen worked hard that night, strenuously assisted by the eager crowd of helpers who were permitted to take their1 part in diminishing the danger that threat ened the homes of many of them, but from the time of tbe arrival of the engines it was too clear that the building was doomed, and that nothing could save it. Happily, the extension ot the fire was checked; but all danger was not over until the bnlldine was completely gutted from the basement to the roof, which had fallen in with a crash, fill ing the air with sparks and dust and smoke, which drove bock crowd and firemen alike. Through the long night the brigade men. many of them with scorched- hands ana blackened and blistered faces, continued at their task, pouring water from the engines on the smoking ruins and heated walls, un til as the sun rose the hot steam rose in large volumes and hung over the site where Gerald Latour's business premises had once stood, like a mimic cloud spreading itself out to the sky, until broken up by the breeze it was carried off. Among the first to arrive next morning was Joe Gillett, Latour's head warehouse man, who was followed shortly afterward by Gerald himselfT All doubts respecting La tour's safety were set at rest by his visible appearance in the flesh, and a sense of re lief was experienced by his neighbors on Ealpaole evidence being afforded them that e, at any rate, had not perished in the ill fated building. Nothing could exceed the look of surprise on Joe Gillett's face when be saw the smouldering ruins, from which columns of hot steam were rising, unless it was the look of blank wonderment and consternation on Latour's face. Gerald wrung his handB and cursed in his anger the malign fate that had placed an arresting hand on his business en terprise. Asked to explain the origin of the fire he declined to express nn opinion. "That must be a matter for inquiry by the proper authorities," he replied, "Was he insured?" a sympathetic neigh bor inquired. "Yes," with the Uuiversal,"he'answered; "but far betow the value. The loss to me is irreparable. I am not only a heavv loser from the fire, bnt, worst of all, it stops my business for weeks and months, and I had sany good things on hand." .Vas there any gunpowder on the prem ises? 'asked Captain Barnes, the head of the fire brigade. "Ask Gillett here; he can fell you better than I. I think not" Gerald". Latour was insured, as he said, with the Universal, and lost no time in calling upon Mr. Webber to acquaint him who toe disaster, xne fire involved tbe in surance society in a heavy loss, as Latour was insured for 25,000. Mr. Webber fol lowed the usual office rule in such matters and sent down Mr. Doggett, his private in quiry agent, to. institute an investigation on behalf of the Universal into the origin of the Great Chester street fire. The heat emanating from the smouldering ruins was so great that a close Inspection 'of the premises was Impossible, not only for that day, but for several days to come. Doggett, however, madearough preliminary inspection, and a rude drawing of the in terior of the building as it stood after the fire, carefully marking out in his sketch tbe various heaps of debris for future examina tion. He picked up odd bits ot information while in pursuit of his task, learning, among other things, that while the premises were what is known as "lock-up" premises, Mr. Latour had frequently been in the habit of sleeping there, and that as late as 11 o'clock on the night of the fire, according to com mon report, he had been seen either entering orleavmg the premises. It is the business of an inquiry agent in cases of fire, especially fires involving large money losses, to protect the interests of his employers from incendiary frauds, aud -Doggett at once pricked up his ears like a young terrier on tbe scent at this piece or information. There might be nothing in the report, even if it were true and its trnth Doggett had yet to learn bnt, at any rate, it was his business, to inquire, and to take nothing on trust He first endeavored to trace out the origin of the rumor that declared that Mr. Latour had been seen on the spot within a short time of the breaking out of the fire. One of the constables informed him that persons in the crowd had expressed themselves alarmed for Mr. Latour's safety, and had declared that they had seen htm, and he nimseit baa at nrst shared their tears. "These must be neighbors, of course," Dozgett reflected. "We shall soon find out" A few inquiries carried him to all the information that was likely to be forth coming on that point. Mr. Latour had not been seen but a light had been noticed by several persons burning in the room usually occupied by Mr. Latour, when he slept at Great Chester street, at 11:15. The con stable on tbe beat supplied the information that at 11:45 there was no light burning in the room, nor did he perceive any smell of fire. The fire was discovered by the con stable when he passed that way again on his rounds, which would be half an hour later 12:15. It narrowed itself to this then, that some person was on the premises as late as 11:15, and in Mr. Latour s room, too, and who, it was conceivable, might have remained On the scene to within a few moments of the time when the constable passed the door at 11:45 and found all right In that case, though the origin ot the fire might be traced to perfectly innocent causes, as for instance to carelessness on the part of tbe last person to quit the premises in putting out the light, there was room for the plav of suspicion as to a possible incendiary act "Did you meet anyone on the street as you came along?" Doggett asked of the constable. But no. the constable had had the street to himself. It was a particularly-quiet street, he explained, at that hour of the night. Later on, when the publio houses disgorged their visitors at closing time, he might have encountered a good many per sons whose way- homo lay along Great Chester street, but as it happened he met no one. . "Not Mr. Latour?" asked Doggett No, not even Mr. Latour. The constable was one of several "witnesses who was pre pared to swear to the fact of the gaslight being turned on at full in Mr. Latour's room at 11:15, and he supposed that Mr. Latour was staying there that night, and bid gone to bed when he passed ata quarter before midnight. Doggett felt that a good deal would turn on the explanation that Mr. Latour might be able to give of the light burning in his room at that late hour, and upon the character of Mr. Latour's explana tion would hinge the question whether it would be necessary to ask him to account for his movements that night But the de tective was not the man to act precipitately. Further inquiries into the mystery of the burning light in Mr. Latour's room could very well be held over until an exam ination of the premises had been made. As soon as the embers, which continued to smoulder many days, had cooled down, Doggett, assisted by the police and a capi tal salvage corps, took possession of the gut ted building, and began his examination of the debris. The building was a mere shell of blackened walls bearing the impress of the scorching blaze to which they had been subjected. Happily, nowever, the walls, though tottering in places, threatened no immediate danger, and after they had been well shored up with timber where they ap peared weak, the inspection could be at- teniptedrwithout risk. The examination had not proceeded very far before the detective came across unmis takable signs of gunpowder. Doggett was keen-scented, and could not easily be led into the blunder of confounding tbe differ ence in the smell lrom fire and that from gunpower. The discovery was important. Gerald Latour, when questioned by Cap tain Barnes, the head of the fire brigade, was unable to saywhether there was gunpowder on the premises or hot, and hnd referred Captain Barnes to his man, Joe Gillett Gillett, on being questioned on the point, had "declared that there was no gunpowder on the premeses, and when asked how he accounted for three successive explosions that had startled the crowd, confessed his ignorance, unless it was the bursting Of the gas pipes. Bnt when the debris began to be cleared away the matter was placed beyond all dis pute. Under n great heap of rubbish, though not buried deep, since portions of the roof slate, tiles and timber were found with it, was discovered a small keg of gunpowder. The supposition was fir-' rived at that the top floor hod been carried nway before the tlamesV had reached this small barrel of explosive, a guess that was confirmed by other signs discovered still later. But there were graver elements of sus picion behind. Though it was made plain by the frightful havbc wrought by the flames that combustible elements had been placed with great skill, the same cool judg ment had not been applied all alone the line. Buried beneath the heaps of rubbish there was gradually brought to light large bundles of tow, soaked in inflammable oils, and other indications of a criminal attempt to fire the premises, which had succeeded only too well, but not without leaving in criminatory testimony behind. While these discoveries were beiug made, Doggett was not idle in other directions. He instituted On inquiry into Mr. Latour's private life, and collected a number of proofs which went to show that at the out break of the fire Mr.Latour was in a po sition of serious embarrassment. He fer retted out his gambling habits, and the heavy Bums that he staked nd lost at bac carat. He wormed his way until he learnt that tbe timely discovery of his marriage, at the time when he was paying his ad dresses to his cousin Helen Marchant, had lost him the hand of n rich heiress, and per manently alienated his uncle, who had in sisted on withdrawing his capital from the business, which he had himself built tip and given to his nephew. There was matter enough in this to sus tain Doggett in his next step. Armed with a warrant signed by the presiding alderman at the Mansion House he arrested Latour and Joe Gillett on s charge of incendiarism with Intent to derraud the Universal Insur anceCo. Doggett bad prepared Jila case to well that after an exhaustive magisterial inquiry both prisoners were committed to stand their trial at tbe next sessions of the Central Criminal Conrt It would have been well for Gerald La tour if he had had no more terrible accusa tion to meet But there was worse behind, and Nemesis was walking swiftly at the heels of the doomed man. To be concluded next Saturday. ,' A DBEA1T OP GOLD. Bow a Quarter With a Bole la It Wii Found Alter Many Years. AngnsUUe.) New Age.1 In 18G8 Lizzie M. Trask, of Vienna, was dressmaking in Lewiston. She came into possession of a gold 25-cent piece with a hole in it; this she showed as a curiosity to her friends. At that time she had a little niece 2 years old, daughter of Jonathan P. Trask, now the wife of Leman Butler, trader in Mt. "Vernon. Thfc little coin Lizzie once showed to her niece Addie, when she was a very small girl, telling her that she would give it to her when she was old enough to take care of it. Lizzie died 12 years ago. In her possession was a good ladies' wallet with several compartments. This wallet her mother used until her death seven years ago. Then James, a brother of Lizzie's, had it and it has been in constant use almost daily ever since, either by him or his wife. The little gold coin was.never seen after Lizzie's death, or before for sev eral years by her friends, and its wherea bouts was not known and in fact its exist ence had passed from their memory. A few days ago Mrs. Butler made her parents a. visit, stopping with them several nights. While there,", she dreamed that she saw her Aunt Lizzie's wallet, and that it was faced with green, and in a certain compart ment she found the little gold coin which she saw so many years ago. On telling her mother her dream she was informed that Lizzie did have a wallet which answered her description, and that her Uncle James had it The wallet Addle had never seen. She then visited her uncle, and told her dream to her aunt, who laughed at the idea of anything being in it other than what she and her hnsband had placed there. But at Addie's earnest solicitation she produced it, and as soon as Addie saw it she exclaimed, 'That is the same wallet that I saw in my dream,' and pointing out the compartment that held her treasure. She then took a needle, and running it to the bottom she drew forth a small piece of newspaper, and in if was, indeed, a gold quarter with a hole in it, wrapped no doubt by the hands of her aunt, at least 12 years before, where it had lain all this time, and no one knows how much longer, without the knowledge of anyone until Addie's dream caused it to be brought forth." OKAY-HEADED GAMES. Some ofThe Annulment Which Were In Vogue Long Before the Christian Era. Boys cannot help being boys, and if it is any comfort to them to know it, they al ways have been, says the Youth's Compan ion; There is no reason to doubt they have played approximately the same games for thousands of years. If a flavor of antiquity can dignify sports, the following extract will satisfy many an anxious parent that his offspring are entirely respectable in their methods of amusement , Sakya-Muni, the founder of Buddhilm, who died probably 400 years before Christ, gave to his disciples some paragraphs on conduct. He took a conservative stand against certain games. The fact of his speak ing of them shows that they must have ex isted long before his day. He says that the true Brahman should re frain from ''games detrimental to pro gress in virtue; that is to say, with a board of 64 squares, or of 100 squares; tossing up; hopping over diagrams formed on the ground; removing substances from a heap without shaking the- remainder; aicing, trapball; sketching rude figures; tossing balls; blowing trumpets; ploughing matches; tumbling; forming mimic windmills; guess ing at 'measures; chariot races; archery; shooting marbles from the fingers." The reader will easily recognize in this list games which he himself has often played. The first is no donbt chess; but can any reader tell what the 100 square game was? Is any such played now? After these come hop-scotch, jackstraws, perhaps backgammon, capbail, and cartoon draw ing. To our surprise, we find that baseball, the "great American game," is by no means a recent invention, but rather a survival of the fittest. Cornets are Still a nuisance, and ploughing matches are still heard of once, in a while out West Even in those days cartwheels were turned and other frightful attitudes struck by "contortion ists." Our hoys make mimic waterwheels of tener than mimic windmills: but the "guess" game ib still a favorite; horse racing and archery are not modern diversions; and marbles are as popular now as when the first pair of youngsters went to school. It is claimed that chess dates back about 4,000 years. What reason is there to doubt that hop-scotch, ball and marbles are equally ancient. HiBD TO UNDERSTAND. Why Do Women Powder and Faint Before Visltldg a Dentin r New Yort Snn.i "It's a mystery io me," said a dentist of large practice recently, "that a woman will make up her face to come to a dentist's chair. Yet many of them do. Hardly a day passes that I don't have some women in here rouged, powdered and pencilled to the last degree. You would think they would hardly care to face the strobg, cruel light which I employ in my work, or my own close, If involuntary, scrutiny, but they don't seem to mind either. Only yestirdoy I worked for three hours over a woman Whose lips were so besmudged With some Vermilion paste that It came off generously with every use of the syringe to wash out her mouth. The powder on her face dusted my coat sleeve with every mo tion almost, and I discovered before I itas through with her that even the Veins on her temples owed their delicate blue look to some outside Influence." Kendr to Take HI Medicine. Merchant Traveler. "Did I ever say all that?" he asked de spondently, as she replaced the phonograph on the corner of the mantelpiece. "Yon did." "And you can grin1 ft ont of that ma chine whenever ydu choose?" "Certainly." "And your father is a lawyer?" "Yes." "Mabel, when can I place the ring on your finger and calf you my wife?" A Scrlon PnZzle. Wide Awake. "I wonder why,'1 said little Sue, "Ynu say, mamma. 'If l were ynu That's not the w.iy that I should do,' So many times a day! I s'poso I'm. wrong; hut 1 don't see It you were turned right Into me "Whr, truthfully, you wouldn't be 'Most sure to do my way I" Iilke nn Opcn-Fncrd Watch. Jewelers' WceklJ-.. Mr. Quickwlt Moralizes Mr. Qaickwlt (to Mrs. Coarsealr, who is profusely be decked with imitation diamonds') Madam, you remind me of an openfacedfwatch. Mrs. Coarsealr How tfit Te, he, he. Mr. Quickwit YouMrystal is so proai- nent SOHETHIfia ABOUT BOILS.. What Causes Them nod Bow They Shonld be Treated. A boil may be defined as a limited area of inflammation situated in the loose tissue which binds the skin to the deeper struct ures, says the Youth's Companion. 'Gen erally it starts in or around a sweat gland, and approaches the surface as it grows. Many theories have been advanced to ac count for the origin of boils, bnt it has now come to be pretty well established that they are paused by the growth of the tissues of certain minute organisms. These are found in every such abscess; they can be cultivated, their life history can be studied, and when they are placed in the tissues again, under favorable circumstances, another boil, pre cisely like tbe first, is produced. How these boils find their way into the system it is sometimes not easy to say, bnt L probably it is through some slight break in the skin which has escaped notice. Some persons seem to present a mors suitable soil for the culivation of the germs than others, and certain conditions of the system are very favorable to their development A lower vitality, sea bathing, changes of diet, especially during athletic training, and convalescence from certain fevers are not uncommonly followed by boils. Child ren with scorfula and rickets are apt to suffer. Excessive sweating, lack of clean liness, the long use of poultices, the ap plication of irritants to the skis, and espe cially the chafing of clothing, seem to favor their formation. Any part of the body may be affected, but they are most frequently seen on the back ot the, neck, in the arm-pit and on the lower part of the trunk. Where the skin is firmly tied down, as in the passage of the earthe pain and tenderness become in tense; in the looser structures it may be but moderate. If left to itself, a boil will break in four or five days, and discharge pnss and gener ally, some dead tissue known as the"core." It is usual to apply poultices till the abscess nears the surface, and then make an open ing;.bnt often, if a free incision is made at the beginning, the process will be arrested. Poultices are of benefit only to relieve pain; they shonld not be continued after the in cision is made, since they serve but to pro long the discharge. More than that, Dr. Pye Smith, of Lon don, in the course of a recent discussion, declared his belief .that the crops of boils which sometimes are seen in the case ot schoolchildren are due to the transfer of germs, by means of poultices, from an open sore to the glands of the healthy skin. The rational treatment, then, is an early opening and washing ont of the boll, using fluids that are destructive to the germs. At the same time the general health must be seen to,In order that it may offer a sufficient barrier to further inroads. AN IHPEOBABLE XABX. A Chlcaso Ulan Too Bashful to Talk to & Pretty Widow. Chicago Herald, j "I know it's the general supposition and the rockbound belief on the part of the most women that really bashful men don't exist anywhere off the farm," said a Southside man, "but I know one woman who is con vinced that bashfulness can flourish and be come confirmed right here in the city, with the Board of Trade as a stamping ground. "The lady I speak of is a charming young widow who lives with her parents in an ele gant big residence away out south. The bashful gentleman has been acquainted with this pretty little widow for a good while, and a short time ago asked her to go to the theater. I don't know how he ever nerved himself up enough to make the re quest, but he did. and the young woman's father, who is quite friendly with the bash- lai man, suggested mat tney use tne tamuy carriage. So he rode down to the mansion on the Illinois Central, and tbe elegant car- .In.A nf (ha .vfitinr'tt fn !. rlta) r.r f .l.a jront jJqqj, j,, jjfcg jj,em ne piay house. The widow was handed in aud settled her self in the back seat Then the bashful man to her surprise, took a seat directly opposite her, and the carriage rolled out on the boulevard and toward the city. "The pretty little widow exhausted all the arts of which she Was possessed and, being a widow, yon may believe they were numerous to apprise the bashful man of fact that it would be proper for him to take a seat by her side; but he was more afraid of.ber than he ever was of a panicky wheat market The widow wanted to laugh, and yft she felt silly, sitting over there alone, with carriages passing, whose occupants could see her isolation. All her hints, how ever, were of no avail, and she finally said: " 'Mr. , if you are quite convinced that I will not bite, please sit over here. It looks much better. You can snuggle into your own corner if you want to and go to sleep. I will not bother you.' "He complied, stammeringly, and crouched Into his corner all the way to the theater, responding with hesitating mono syllables to her effort at conversation. The home trip was jnst ss had. "And this man is one of the brassiest brokers on the floor of the Board of Trade." BOUND TO PLEASE. A Georgia Clerk Who ts Too Smart to Show , till Inexperience. Jessup (Ua.) Sentinel. One day last week a lady called at the store of Whaley & Lee, and Bill Westberry, havingf'jnst given his mustache a fine twist, hastily stepped forward to wait upon her. Bill approached with a pleasant smile about a yard wide, and with one of his most grace ful bows politely informed the lady that he was at her service. She told him she would be pleased to see some Corps de LIsse ruch ings. This staggered Bill, bnt not wishing to appear green, or bi a loss, ne toia ner that he had just sold the last keg they had that morning, but had ordered 40 kegs more, and was looking for them by every freight. The lady bade him good morning and wentoutsmiling,andBHl gave his mustache another twirl and consoled himself with the thought of how fortunate it was to be ready witted, HE STUDIED IT HASD. Bow a museum Orator Unwinds His Tale of the Sword and Spike Walker. New York Bnn.j There is a lecturer in an east-side muse um who unwinds amazingly. Here is a specimen of his oratorical powers. "This, ladles and gentlemen, "is Singalee, the sword and spike walker. She is a native of Luck now, India, add walks with her bare, naked, and tender flesh upon the glistening, keen-cutting,bristlinr, incisive,penetrating, needle-like, horrible edges of quivering, wavering, trembling swords, and the jagged, pointed, .tearing, terrible, cross-cutting, fearful, frigbtfnl, horrifying, spearified, tri pointed, gashing, deep-sinking, death wonnding, feet-ruining spikes dancing and rolling on a bed of bare and pointed carpet tacks, and running a race on glistening cimelers." Sixteen Yean Without a Day Ofl. Iewlston Journal.; Most folks think they have stuck to their work Closely when they only take a week or two of vacation in a year, but Mr. Joseph Maddocks, keeper of Owl's Head Light, has distanced all competitors in close at tention to business. He is now on a trip West, and it is said that this is the first time for 16 years, 4 months and 15 days that he has spent a night away from his post Mr. Haddocks deserves to have an enjoyable" vacation. A STUDY OF NOSES? Horfto Judge Readily of a Person's ' , - Disposition and Character BI HIS FACIAL ORNAMEHT. The Inquisitive jfan. the Pugnacious and the Non-Combatanf. Mia FHISIOGNOMI AS AIT EXACT SCIESCE twarmcr tob tux sispitcb.1 There are tew, indeed, who do not prid themselves upon their ability to discern traitsof character from a glance at the face. We say of one we meet for the first time: "There's something about that person I don't like," but when pressed for a cause for dislike, few can give any satisfactory reason to an inquiring mind. Much has been written of human char. acter as delineated in facial formations, but with but two or three exceptions, scientists have refused to spend time in the investiga tion of physiognomy or phrenology as s science, because of the disrepute charlatans have brought them into. Physiognomy Is but the visible sign, in the features, of the brain's development; hence, there is no cause for wrangling between physiognomists and phrenologists. The nose on a face attracts attentioa naturally, Justus the spire of a church does. We look at the latter before we examine fully the bastions and buttresses in its architecture; and in the nose likewise wa find strong indications of character. The Boman nose indicates force and strength. As an arch is stronger than a square in architecture, so is the arched nose an in dicator of greater strength than a straight one in physiognomy. It means pugnacity first of all, but whether m the form of self defense, relative-defense or attack is to be determined by a more careful scrutiny. Iftherebea prominence at the point a retrousse or turned up nose it indicates an inquisitive character, with a strong pro pensity to pry into the affairs of others. This sign is usually conspicuous in great detec tives and the discovery of things which have been stolen and secreted. INQUISITIVE A3TD COMBATIVE NOSES. In animals the hog has this faculty large, the nose being tnrned up into a flange; and he exercises it to find food in the ground in digging up nuts, roots, etc The faculty is strongly indicative of a disposition to dig into the earth in search of food or treasure. In connection with acquisitiveness it forms a character sordid and covetous, often miserly. , Self-defense is indicated by a prominence on the nose just above the tip. It indi cates a character that wonld always stand on the defensive considering himself al ways the one attacked, and, therefore, ready to oppose, to contradict, to be continually on the opposite side. Such an one has a stronger dislike to interference than most people. To him self-defense is the first law oi nature, and he 'vears written all over him the motto, John Paul Jones had on his flag, "Don't tread on mc." This faculty was conspicuous in many of our public men at the outbreak of the.rebel lion, particularly those who were favorable fb all propositions calculated to mollify the South, until after the attack on Fort Sum ter, -when they SCS.wra!sLost implacable It was prominent in Lincoln, 0 P. Morton, Zach. Chandler, Henry Winter Davis, Gen eral Schenck,"6corge S. Bout well", Simon CafneroD, Governor Curtin and otnersJfc In horses this disposition manifests fjfclf ny leering, throwing bacs the bead andjtij, attempting to bite, striking or kicking with the hoof, by which acts the animal conveys the warning: "Keep your distance, don't touch me." Belative-defense, or the disposition to de fend one's family, friend or neighbor's situ. ated on the ridge of the nose, about the mid dle and above self-defense as seen in pictures of W. H. Seward. Such a person will de fend his country, his home and fireside, and will let the blow fall upon himself rather than on his wife and children or friends. He is easily provoked by anything like en croachment upon the rights of others, par ticularly those of children or the weak and simple. It is THE PATRIOTIC SIGN and is commonly seen in American profiles. It is prominent in the portraits of Charles Sumner, W. H. Seward. Wendell Phillips, John Greenleaf Whittier, William Lloyd Garrison, Owen Lovejoy, Jo.hua B. Gid dings, Lncretia Mott, Jane Grey Swissbelm and all the pioneer Abolitionists, as well as in many of our cotemporary public men. It is also frequently found in controversialists, and may be seen in portraits of John Cal vin, John Knox, Sforza, Beza and others, who were noted alike for controversy and dogmatism. The faculty of attack is indicated in the upper part of the ridge of the nose above relative defense. It indicates a quarrelsome, pugnacious character. Such a disposition is obnoxious to those who have large self and relative defense. He is not content to allow others quiet in person or opinion. If a gross, vnlgar Character, he attacks their person: if intellectual and refined, he at tacks their opinions, and is a controversion alist, with a pronounced tendency to dog matize. Domination is A1EADINO CHARACTEBISTIO of such a face. It is the Boman nose. It is apparent in the face of Julius Cresar a fit type of that people whose love of con quest gained them jurisdiction over the 'then known world, and whose rule was powerful, often tyrannical, and whose laws have? survived the changes of Government in all civilized countries. In the Irish face we see either self defense or attack, or both, largely developed, with less relative defense. In the English face attack is always prominent; and in ths French a large sign of relative defense. These mark the cgmbative Irishman, the domineering and dogmatic Englishman and the irritable Frenchman. Having no distinctive national facial characteristics, owing to the conglomerate origin of our people the American shows sometimes a few and sometimes a compound of all these signs in his face. Johnston IL Not Terr Flattering-. Detroit Free Press.1 "Mighty fine woman I saw yon liftintf your hat to, back there, old bov." "Yes, rather." ' ' 'Some mash of yours?" "Yes." "Couldn't introduce a fellah, eh?" "Might if you'll come up to the house some evening." "Ohl your wife?" "Yes.1' "Pshaw 1 1 supposed it was your cookl" A Profitable Bntlness. Boston Courier. 1 Robinson Thompson seems to be very prosperous nowadays. , JohnsonWell, I shonld think he would be prosperous. He is in a profitable busi ness. E What is he doing? J Why, he's engaged in the manufacture of antique furniture. Appearances DecehM. New York Sun. "Who is that tall, handseae rentles-HM, over there? He must be a poet or aa artijt!''j "Vn- that la fiml'ti ko. ....V SiT "No; that Is Smith &aaafetBrr." .-v.u-jrnr v .i