iggLgiS 'WtW1 IfW 4" . ' i. J I ,1, , . HE JSSTS TO MOW "Why tie Electric Street Light Con . . , tract Should be Extended FROJIjTHBEE TO TEN TEAKS LOUG. 0. jMnsod Sajs Electricity WiU be 25 vfi&y per Cent Cheaper. HOW. THE TAXPAYERS CAN SATE HOKET JrFrpretty generally known to people in terested thaf the East End Electric Light Company was given the contract in the early part of the winter for-the lighting of a apart of the city for three years. "Lately an ordinance has been introduced iinto Councils to "modify" that contract, so ias to make the term ten instead of three t years. Xne change miebt possibly hare J 'been made without attracting general atten- " tion. had it not been that the Globe Light- , ing Company, of Philadelphia, which has run tbe gamut from gasoline to electricity, kept an eye out on all movements in this direction. yesterday Jtlr. C. K. Robinson, of the company, called on Controller Morrow and announced that his company proposed to know whether or not "modifications" such as proposed were in order. Mr. Robinson talked quite freely and plainly, and said it was his bnsiness to make himself understood. Said he: "11 this isn't a plan to get around offering bro'svfor the renewal of contracts, "and the giving thereof to the lowest .responsible bidder, then I don't understand what it is. i .' WHAT HE PEOPOSES DOING. "How we propose, on all occasions where cities and towns want to let contracts for lighting, to be on hand and compete, and also propose to know if our bids are lowest and tf o not prevail, to know why we -do not. "We ask but lor a free field and no favorit ibm. There are abundant reasons why the people of Pittsburg should back us. "We are not running a charitable institu tion, hot we want to ret all the business we can," and Pittsburg suits us as well as any other locality in which to operate, piscov eriesin the way of cheapening electric light ing are constantly going forward, and no one can tell what progress may be made in this, direction during the next ten years. It rs entirely safe to predict that, before that time elapses, electric lighting will be CpH? 25 per cent cheaper, or may be 50 per cent, or even more, and the taxpayers will doubt less be willing to get the advantage,pf this assured cheapness. SAVED A LUMP FOB THE CITY. "Fourteen years ago we broke through the gas lighting monopoly in this city, and saved the city $20,000 a year, and with profit to ourselves." The irruption Mr. Bobinson speaks of was the letting of the contract for lighting the streets ot the Soutbside, which was let to Mr. Maloney at 15 SO per lamp per year, instead of $60 to $80 a lamp, the prices previously prevailing on that side of the river. The company was then Mr. Maloney, and it has grown since to mammoth propor tions, with stomach sufficient to attempt the lighting of the "Dart Continent" whenever it asks tor it. It keeps its optics on all places where lighting of any kind is pro posed, and always shies its beaver into the nag where there'is any chance to bid. -"While there has been no complaint on the I part of the public regarding the service of ) the East End Electric Light Company, it r seems that people generally will not object to cheaper illumination, and the tendency TOWAKD CHEAPENING in electric lighting is going -on incessantly. It'is1 said the price of incandescent lamps wilj ere long be reduced from $1 to 50 cents. The safety of large cities from the depreda ttsef -thieves and tjiugs depends largely Kg$S lighting. Vice hates the light. Iplrnot known to many people that the gasoline lamp is still illuminating many square miles in this city, over 3,200 of them still burning in various parts where there are. no eras mains or electric appliances. Thev are planted on crags which even a Bohery goat would exercise care in climb ing. '"' ' THEI WILLIKGLY SIGN. lawyers Will Stick tr the Snpreme Conn Onlr' One Trne Wnj to settle a. Bis Question. The following paper is being extensively circulated among the lawyers of the Pitts burg Bar, and the subscribers' names will be published a lew days previous to the election. It is said to be received on all sides by a broad smile, followed by a heavy signature, and it is confidently asserted that it will receive the signatures of at least 400 of the leading members of the bar: We. tbe undersigned me-nbers of the Pitts burg Bar, give, af our unbiased opinion, that wbat tbe Supreme Court or the United States has declared not unconstitutional is constitu tional,' and that tbe highect test, according to tbe Constitution of Pennsylvania, as to what is a tit subject for constitutional amendment. Is tbe decision by two successive Legislatures to submit such amendment to the people for their approval and ratification, and we are willing at once to abide by the constitutional method of "amending the State Constitution, and to trust to the honesty and intelligence of tbe people of this State to dispose of the issue which the Legislature will submit in due form on the 18th of June. Life Insurance Written In Pennsylvania Last 'Tear bthe Principal Companies. O. Equitable $11,392,933 2. Mutual 5,914,480 :3. -NewTork 5,537,465 4. Provident Life and Trust. . . 4,869,946 S. . Penn... 4,714,644 6. National 3,201,300 7.- northwestern 2.642,757 a MutualTBenefit 2,306,726 9. UewJEugland 1,826,000 10. Manhattan 1.671,406 IL-'tna 1,341,632 12. Union Central 1,282,156 13.. Massachusetts 1,230,257 14. Berkshire 1,105,033 15.- Travelers 1,080,980 Por the reasons why the Equitable does in Pennsylvania and in the world the largest business, address or call on George Woods, Manager; No. 516 Market street, who will satisfy you that you can have your protec tion and a good interest-paying investment at the same time and in the most solid com pany in the world. Philadelphia Dental Rooms. The care of the teeth is a matter of the 1 . greatest importance, and yet how many persons there are who entirely neglect them, go that when they grow old they find them- selves nearly, it not altogether, toothless, I and very miserable in consequence. Many persons give as a reason for not going to a I dentist to have their teeth attended to, that 1 it would cost a small fortune to do anything 1 with" 'them; beside, they have already had some work done upon them which proved jot little or no use, hence they will do nothing more. Tait's Philadelphia Dental Booms, 39 .Filth avenue, hare succeeded in building up one of the largest dental, busi nesses in Western Pennsylvania. They use he latest and best methods and appliances a the profession, and their charges are re- natkably small. Best sets of teeth are nly$8. All people fight for something odd. This I found out, therefore thought Por wbat shall I now cope? And now, most everybody says There's nothing better nowadays As: DEEYDOPPEL SOAP. be continued next Wednesday. 5RC4T CTflRV and one that will InCA I O I Un I , be of undoubted Joatuin Hitler, entitled "For Fortu.eiah J?I," vHU be published complete in to-mor roun Dispatch. TO THE WOMEN. ' An Earnest Exhortation for the Influence of Temperance Women A Mass Meeting for June 4. The time is rapidly approaching when the voters of Pennsylvania will be called upon at the ballot box to decide whether the homes of this State and all that we hold dear shall be forever protected from an evil that is worse than death. As this day approaches we dare not be indifferent to the result For the sake of innocent childhood, lor the happiness of lovely womanhood, for the strength of noble manhood, we cannot be inactive. That in this supreme hour, when the issue hangs trembling in the balance, our wishes may be heard and our influences-exerted, a mass meeting of the wives, mothers, sisters and daughters is called lor Tuesday, June 4, 1889, at 230 P. ii., In the Third Presbyter ian Church, Sixth avenue, Smithfield street, Pittsburg. , A short address will be made by ex Attorney General Bradford, of Kansas, and other prominent friends of the prohibitory amendment, and plans will be formulated to crystallize iuto action the interest of the good'and true women of Allegheflycounty. All such are urged to be present at the time named. Signed Mrs. Felix R. Brunot, Mrs. Bow man Sweitzer, Mrs. M. S. Moreland, Mrs. Rev. B. F. Woodbum, Mrs. W. A. Shaw. Mrs. Rev. J. W. Spronl. Mrs. Bev. V. H. McMillan. Mrs. Dr. O. L. Miller. Mrs. Lewis Peterson. Mrs. J. M. Porter, Mrs. Rev. E. E. Swift. Miss S. E. Sawyer, Miss M. M. Pressly. Mrs. Bev. J. P. E. Kumler. Mrs. Marv D. Beazell, Mrs. Virginia Ewer. Mrs. V. A. Herron, Mrs. Rev. Dr. Alli son, Mrs. George A Kelly, Miss Etta It Clark, Mrs. Eliza C-DaTis, Mrs. Levi Bird Duff, Mrs. Joseph D. Weeks, Mrs. Anna M. Bailey, Mrs. John Morton. Mrs. Rev. G. W. McDonald. Mrs. William Miller, Mrs. Ellen M.Watson, Miss M. A McConnell, Mrs. Rev. D, F. McGill, Miss Marv Stevenson. Mrs. W. P. Price, Mrs. George Sands, Mrs. Samuel Collins, Mrs. Dr. Stemtt, Mrs. Rev. J. T. McCrory, Mrs. H. C. Campbell, and -others. It is hoped that all pastors will read the above notice from theirpulpits en June 2. MUSICIANS GETTINli EVEN. Prof. Guentber's Concert Nearly Failed to Materialize. The committee which had charge of the concert at Old City Hall last night, to be given rn honor of Prof. William Gnenther, were in a bad dilemma yesterday afternoon, because a number of the musicians refused to take part in it. These musicians are members of the Musi cal Union, and they had been notified if they played for Mr. Gnenther they would be fined by the union for playing with non union men. A local musician stated that the officers of the union are not' well disposed toward Prof. Guenther, and they used their authority to prevent the concert from taking place. It was very fortunate, however, that the committee of amusements became aware of what had been done, and the union musicians, who refused to play were repj bed before the concert began. ThOgathering, which would have made a good appearance in an ordinary hall, looked scattered in Old City Hall, although there were over 500 people present, exclusive of those who furnished the entertainment. The programme was carried out as pub lished, except that Harry B. Brockett, Jr., sang "Across the Dee," instead of the bal lad, "Our World." Prof. William Guenther was present ed during the eveningwith a medal, Mr. W. L Mustin making the presentation speech and Mr. Abe Israel replying for Prof. Guenther. Charged With Selling Liquor. Henry Xanglilz was held for court in $1,000 bail, yesterday, by Judge Gripp, on a charge of selling liquor at his home, 352 Second avenue, on oath of Inspector Mc Aleese. BIG BARGAINS In Second-Hand Piano nnd Organs Pianos 850. Organs $20, at Metlor dfc-IInene't. In order to close out our second-hand in struments we have cut down the prices oh some of the following pianos as low as $50, and some even lower: Stoddart, Weser, Steiuway, NarvesOn, Hale, Chickering, Gilbert, Scherr, Blume and others. Among our secotad-hand organs are Sterling, Estey, Smith, Wood, Century and others. Some of these at $20. Any of the above will suit beginners nicely. Easy monthly payments arranged, and will exchange at any time for new instruments. If you want a bar gain call soon at Mellor & Hoene's, 77 Fifth avenue. TAYLOR. & DEAN'S. 203 and 205 Market Street, Is headquarters for adjustable window screens, which will fit any window. Price from 30c to 50c each. Also for fencing of every description. eod Notice to Housewives. Every housewife who is looking for fur niture with which to decorate or iurnish a home for all seasons, should call at our re tail rooms and view the largest and best as sortment of foreign and home-made goods, and satisfy themselves that our prices, like the goods, are all we claim for them. Our rooms are exceedingly well lighted, which enables us to show the beautiful colors ef upholstery to a greater advantage than any of our competitors. It is worth the while of all who contemplate buying lurniture, and even those who do not, to come and see our goods. ' M. Setbebt & Co., Cor. Lacock and Hope sts., Allegheny; near railroad bridge. Rebuilding Sale. Carpets, curtains, etc The building we now occupy will be taken down on July 1. ' We have conclud ed to close out our entire stock of carpets, curtains, portiers, oilcloth, linoleum, window shades, rugs, mats, in fact, every thing in the house at greatly reduced prices to close out the stock by July 1. Come and get a bargain. Geo. W. Snaman, mwssu 136 Federal st.i Allegheny. Fine Rye VhUkies. All the leading brands of pure rye whiskies, ranging in age from 1869 down to the present month. Schuetz, Benziehausen & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. Lnee Cnrtalns. Spring patterns only $1 a pair; at $2 and $2 50 an elegant line full 3i yards long; window shades on spring rollers ready to hang, only 45c Abthue, Schondelmyee & Co., 68 and 70 Ohio St., Allegheny. Fine Rye Whiskies. All the leading brands of pure rye whiskies, ranging in age front 1869 down to the present month. Schuetz, "BENzrEHATSEN & Co., 100 and 102 Market st., cor. First ave. Excursion to Phlilipsbnrg. Por the dedication of the new Catholic Church Sunday, June 2, train will leave the Lake Erie station, Southside, at 8:40 a. m., city time. Only 75 cents for the round trip. Remember the Excursions Tin Baltimore nnd Ohio Railroad To-Itlorrow, To Ohio Pyle, Wheeling and Washington, Pa. Get a sack of "Ivory" flour of your grocer, and - see what fine bread you'wil! have. . tts The latest novelties in neckwear. James H. Aiken &uo., 100 Fifth ave. Ladies and Geni Gauze, balbnggan and merfao underwear at ISJc, 15c, 25c. to 75c. Special values at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and 440 Mkrket street. FOR FQRTY-EIGHtf'DAYS 88; of a hltlorical romance tm'Men by Joaqult Miller in hit ben vein, and InubUihed in rmn I pleteform in taJmorrovft DiIimtcH, THE iCommunlcatedV COST OF PROHIBITION. RUINOUS TAX KATES-VALUES DE- STKOYED COSTS INCREASED. Facts Thnt Voters Mast Face. Facts are the most convincing arguments. Tbe following statement of the exorbitant rates of taxation existing in prohibition States unanswerably prove that prohibition does increase taxes. Taxes in Sioux City, Iowa, have increased 113 per cent under prohibition. The tax rate in Burlington, Iowa, is over 53 mills on the dollar. Tbe tax rate in Council Bluffs, Iowa, is 80 mills on the dollar. The rate of taxes in Des Moines, Iowa,has reached 62 mills on the dollar. The tax rate in Ottumwa, Iowa, is 44 mills on the dollar. The tax rate in Lawrence, Kansas, is over 50 mills on the dollar. The" tax rate in Topeka, Kansas, is over 42 mills on the dollar. The people of Wichita, Hansas, pay 25 mills on the dollar. Taxes in Atchison, Kansas, have reached 57 mills on the dollar. . The tax rate in Marysville, Kansas, is 65 mills on tbe dollar. The rate before prohi bition was 25 mills. Property has depre ciated 30 per cent. The average tax rate in Kansas towns is over 40 mills. Taxes in Atlanta, Ga., in creased 40 per cent during the first year of prohibition, and the city was forced to sell $90,000 of gas stock to pay expenses. While these high tax rates prevail in prohibition States, in neighboring high license States, the rates are less than one-third as high. Kansas City, Mjssouri, for instance, pays about 14 mills on the dollar. This indis putably proves that prohibition increases taxes. Under prohibition the towns, counties and State of Pennsylvania would lose millions of revenue. This means an in crease in general taxes to make up the d.e ficiency. ? '9l- Seventeen hundred buildings were unoc cupied in the city of Bes Moines, Iowa, in June, 1887. Store-houses are now offered for rent at one-half the rentals obtained for them before prohibition. Sixty-four large brick store-houses in the center of the city are unoccupied. The loss to Iowa from prohibition is esti mated at $10,000,000 a year. , Bents in Atlanta, Ga., declined, under prohibition, 15 to 60 per cent. Two hun dred stores and 900 residences stood empty. Under license this has changed. The cost of conducting the criminal courts in Iowa increased from $384,000 in 1833, under license, to $452,000 in 1886, under prohibition. This does not look much like tbe reduction in expenses, which the Prohi bitionists say would follow the adoption of their law. Only two States in the Union have ever lost population; they were prohibition States. All States, without exception, which have adopted prohibition, have increased in population slower after they adopted the law than they did before, and have increased faster after they repealed the law than they did while it was in iorce. All States, also, which have adopted prohibition, have in creased in population less rapidly than sim ilarly situated States under license See U. S. Census Reports.' MEETING!?. THE MEMBERS OF GEN. PUTNAM Council No. 125. Jr. O. U. A M., are re quested to meet at tbeir ball, corner Twenty second street and Penc avenue, on SATUR DAY, June 1, at 1 o'clock sharp, with caps, white gloves and funeral badges, to attend the funeral of onr late brother, V. T. Sherbine. Members of sister councils are Invited to attend. By order of W. O. SUTTON, Vf. S. COE. Councilor. Recording Secretary. mySI-45 BUSINESS CHANGES. OTICE Mr. Arthur Holland, who has been connected with us for many years, and who has of late held onr power of attorney, becomes a member of our firm on this date. NAYL.OR & CO. jeI-64 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR MACHINERY U.- a Engineer Office, Cincinnati, April 27. 18S9. bealed proposals, in duplicate, for furnishing and delivering th- operating machinery for Lock' No. 8, Monongahela river, will be re ceived at this office until 12 M.. local time, on Thursday, tbe Gth day of June, 1SS9, Approxi mate weights: wrought iron, 17,021 lbs.; case iron, 3a,618 lbs.: steel, 7S8 lbs. All information furnished on application. The attention of bidders is invited to tbe acts of Congress ap- roved Feb. 2a 18S5, and Feb. 23, 1887. WM. E. ERRILL, Lieut. Col. of Engineers. mv88,9,lll,ll,Sl.iel "PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES-U. S Engineer Office, 507 West Chestnut street Louisville, Ky., May 2, 1SS9. Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received at this office until lp.n. (local time), on Monday, tbe 3d day ot June, lbS9, for furnishing and delivering coal, ice and forage required for the LoulsviUe and Portland Canal, and offices at Louisville, Ky., during the fiscal year ending June SO, 1890. The attention of bidders is invited to acts of Con gress of February 26, 18S3, and February 23; 1SS7. volume 23, page 332. and volume 24, page 414, statutes at large. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manu facture, conditions of quality and price being equal. Tbe rigbt is reserved to reject an7 and all bids. Specifications and printed forms for proposals will be furnished on application to the undersigned. AMOS STICKNEY. .Major of Engineers. U. a A my5-28-5.6,7 8,jel,2 ARCHITECTS. REMOVAL. George BLodgdon, Architect, has removed to his handsome new rooms. Safe Deposit Build ing, 83 Fourth ave. Take elevator to fifth floor mvl7-00-D AMUSEMENTS. nKAKD OPERA HOUSE VJT Every evening, matineen Decoration Day (Thnrsday) and Saturdav, Willard Spenser's popular comic opera, THE LITTLE TYCOON. Notice Tbe programme used this week per fumed with Lightner's Maid of tbe Mist. my267 TiASEBALL SATURDAY, JUNE L RECREATION PARK. League Championship Game, ALLEGHENY versus INDIANAPOLIS. Game at 4 P. JI. Admission 50 cents. Train from Union depot at 3:40 p. M. my30-l-Ths PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from tbe city, sitnated on tbe bluff overlookiLg Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, flue dancing platform, etc. Tfaedseoftbe grove will he given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, OAR. posts, private fetes, etc., the only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and farther particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A CLANEY on tbe grounds. myll-15-D MONONGAHELA AND OHIO RIVERS Transportation & Excursion Co., LIMITED. Steamer MAYFLOWER Can be chartered for excursions, picnics and evening parties. Office, No. 118 WATER ST. myll-4&TTS L N. CLARK. Captain. F OR SALE WHOLESALE PRODUCE commission bouse, doing a business second to none In the city; everytnirg in nrst-class running order; this is an opportunity to step Into an established paying business that is seldom offered: liberal terms, Address BUSI NESS, Dispatch office. xny26-115-TlSSu PRIHCETOH COLLEGE. Examinations for admission to this College will be held simultaneously at Shadyside Ac ademy and Room 27,516 Market street, Pitts burg, June 20 and 21, at 10 a. M. Inquiries may be made of W. R, CBABBE, Shadyside, or GEORGE WOODS, 516 Market street. j Jel-IOO-1,17 f PrrTSBTJKGr' DISPATCH J)3-DUplay adveriUaents one dollar per square for one insertion,. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, ft) Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken 'for 'less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH ' BRANCH. OFFICES. For the aocommodatlon of the public, Branch Offices have been established.afr thefollowing plaoes, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received, up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTniDls rATCra PITT3BUHO. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3569 Bntler street. , EMIL O. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn ave. E. G.STUCKEYx4CO.,Wylieave. andFultonst. N. BTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn arenas. ' OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & SHE115LEK,5tuav. AAtWOOdlt. eotrrnsms. JACOB SPOHN, No. 4 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWARSI, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAEKCBEK, 59 Federal street. R. 3. McimiDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FB'EDH. EGOEltS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. SOGERS AsON, Ohio and Chestnntstt. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver sves. PERRY M. OLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny avea. WANTED. Mule Hels. WANTED-A GOOD WH1TK MAN COOK. at No. 11 DIAMOND bOUARE, city. jel-13 TTJANTED-A FIKST-CLASS SALESMAN FOR 'VV city: salary 20 per week. Address 4. B., Dispatch office. iWMl "TTrANTEO-RELIABLE AGENX--THK I'SW '! I" VV Yost" typewriter, B. sr-UNDERHlLLi, St. Charles Hoteir Jel-W rANTED-GERMAN AND ENGLISH CAN- V VASSERS to make' $16 a week. Apply t Lppiy it Jel-17 2 PENN AVENUE. -VTTANTED-BOOKBINUER-A PERMANENT ?V position for a eood workman. Applvto BENSHOFF & SONS, Johnstown, Pa. el-23 WANTED AN UNMARRIED GERMAN man who can take care of horses aiid make himself nsefnl. Apply at CM GRANT ST, Jel-63 WANTED-ARCHITECTDRAL DRAUGHTS MAN. Apply to T. C. McKEK,r Architect, cor. Station street and P. R. B,, East End," Pitts burg, Pa. ' Jel-82 WANTED AGENTS SAMPLE DOOR check sent free: immense: unrivaled: sales nnparalleled; SI2 a day; write quick. BKO HARD, Clarksburg, W. Va. my3S-Sl TTTANTEO DRUGGIST. REGISTERED AS VV manager, wishes position : 12 years' experl ence In leading Pennsylvania stores; A 1 refer ence. Address L., Dlspatcb office. myal-33 ANTED-MEN TO SELL AN ARTICLE AT which they can make money: cost of outfit very little. Apply or address BOOM 10, Excelsior Building, cor. Sixth ave. and Grant st, my2S-39 WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR a wholesale boot and shoe house for Mercer eonnty and B. & O. K. . : none but an experi enced man 'need apply. Address P. O. BOX 481, Pittsbnrg, Pa. Jel-67-MTiis WAMED MEN TO TAKE CHARGE OF country offices: salary 840 to S90 per month and expenses. Oil. or address with stamp, BROWN, ItEASONEB & CO., 6148 Wentworth ave., Engicwood, Hi. jel-43 -rrrANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKIG VV powder and pure apices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or millmon can makemoney in their spare time. YAMASHUtO TEA CO., is Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja2S-8S-TTS WANTED-MECHANICAL, MAN TO BUN power milling machines on small work; night turn: none bat competent men with expe rience need apply. Address, stating pay expected, THE LOVEMAN'FJG CO., Rochester, Pa. ; Jol-2t WANTED BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street, Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, eclectic shorthand, type writing, arithmetic etc., thoroughly taught for S3 per month; instruction private for both sexes; open through summer, day and evening. my 12-TTSSn WANTED-MANAGER-ON SALARY S2.000 per year, to open branch office in your lo- callty; business purely mercantile: one uness purely mercantile: one tn; inspire you with pride, pleasure nnd profit; trado who pnae, nil : no canvassini J. E. SHEPA esuiDiisuea: no canva?sin or peddling: a rare or- u, a ana w. rmn ap3-72-WS St., Cincinnati, U. VTT-ANTED-IMMEDIATELY-A LIVE, EN ,VV -ERGETIU. man to canvass -fouthe -a1e of nursery stock: ont.with some knowledge of agri culture preferred-permanent employment; salary and expenses; stateage, present and previous oc cupation; reference or security reqnlred. Address It. G. CHASE & CO., 1430 So. Penn sq., Philadel phia. lel-1 WANTED-AGENTS-P5 TO S20 A MONTH can be made working for as. Agents pre ferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO.. 10C9 Main St., Richmond, Va. N. B Please state age and business experience. Nevermind about send ing stamp forreply. B. F. J. & CO. my4-34-my4,Jel,Jy6,au3, se7, oc5 Female Help. w ANTED-GIRLS-50 GIRLS WANTED. IN- uuiKKatisi Dirstave. a., j. ueinz co. Jel-54 -YTTANTED-2EXPER1ENCKDDINING ROOM TV girls. Apply at GOETTMAN'S, No. 3 Ula- mondsq. jew -TTTJANTED-GOVEHNESS SEPT. J, 1839: BE VY FERENCES required. Address F. A., Dispatch office. jel-5 WANTED-HEAD LAUNDRESS, TWO FINE ironers and one girl to work on collar and cuff machine. Address B Dispatch office, jel-ls TTfJANTED GOOD GIRL FOB GENERAL V V housework In a small family, to go out of city. Apply at 91 WLSTERN AVE., Allegheny. my3l-l" WANTED-AN HONEsT AND BELIABLE girl to work at general housework: mast be be A No. 1 cook. Address A. B., Allegheny, Pa. mydi- TTJANTED-A GOOD WASHER ANDIKONER VV in private family: two days every week; steady place; at once. IS CEDAK AVE., Alle gheny. jel-SO Male and Female Heln. WANTED NURSES. LAUNDRESS, COOKS, chambermaids, dining room girls, Syonng girls, 100 house girls, German and colored girls, help for hotels and boarding houses. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 603 Grant St. myZ7-MTbS WANTED 50 COAL MINERS, FARM hands and drivers, colored waiter, prfstry and male -cook, laundress, dishwasher, fine lroner. pantry and dining room girls. CO cooks, 20 chambermaids, 2 nnrser girls, 200 bouse girls. MEEHAN '3 AGENCY. 545 Grant St. myS-D Sltnatlonsw- W ANTED EMPLOYMENT BY A YOUNG man with seven years experience in the grocery business: wages no object at first. Ad dress T. J. M., Buena Vista, Allegheny Co., Pa. Jel-26 Partners. TTJANTED-A PARTNER FOR A BUBSTAN VV TIAL manufacturing concern in the city, well established and doing a line business: this is a rare opening: we are personally acquainted-with the parties and the business, and have pleasure in Inviting correspondence and the closest investi gation; the firm stands high financially and oth erwise in every sense: the party who maybe ac cepted would be required to take charge of fi nances and the office or-one of the departments; amount of capital required II5.01O. Particulars confidentially from J AS. W.DBAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Jel-93-D Flnnncinl. TTANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN VV in sums to suit, at 4H. 5 and 6 per cent. GRAEBINU & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D -TT-ANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN VV in sums to suit at 4,SS, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tel. 1C7. apl9-14 "TTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP VV EETY. over ?4,OB0; t per cent; no tax, HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., D2Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-RENTS COLLECTED FROM1T LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 .fourth avenue, Tel. 167. lam-si WANTED-HO0.C00 TO LOAN AT 4K AND S per cent; Allegheny City and Pittsburg property preferred. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, ft2 fc'niirlh v. PltfRhnrir- latiTi "jel-12-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-H.OOO.OOOTOLOAN in large and small amounts at 4k. 5 and 6 per cent, free of State tax; no delay. KKEO B. COYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth aye. my21-60 WANTED-TO LOAN KO0.00O. IN AMOUNTS of 13.000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on M per cent, free ortax: also smaller amounts at 5 and S per cent. BLACK & BAIItD, 95 Fourth avenue. se2l-dJ6-D WANTED-MOHTGAGfcS-tl, 000, 000TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K, 5and Dpvr CCUW kUH UU JArJUQ Ul AUC Allegheny and aqja 1. M. pennock: & cent counties at sper cent. bON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-141 WANTED-TO LOAN t200,000 ON MORT GAGES; POO and upward at 6 per cent; f5P0,G00at 4K per cent on residences or bnsiness property; also In adjoining counties. S. H, FREN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc3l-eS4-D miscellaneous. -TTTANTED-BU1LDERS. AGENTS AND HOUSE V V owners to know that ruo (-ravel, slate and tin roofinff! also, roof 'renalrinr rtnnA r.heinlv. I promptly and satisfactorily.. Address W. M. llo uuiius, loos uarsoa st.. or ziso Sidney ST. Southside. lel-5 1 O SATURDAY, JUNE 1, WANTED. Miscellaneous. WANTED-TO PURCHASE 50 FABMS IN Allegheny, Heaver and Washington coun ties. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Jel-12-D W A N T E D MORTGAGES IN ANY amounts: 4H to 6 per cent; city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO.. Fourth avenne. Ja20-55-MThS WANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HA UGH . . Kecnan repair, reflnish or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AND 84 WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. my9-S2 TTTANTED-PCBLIO TO KNOW THEY CAN VV get cabinets or themselves or little ones for flperdotenatAUFBECHT'BELlTEGALLEBY, 516Market St., Pittsburg. Elevator. my27-I9-jiwTS WANTED -DESK BOOM SMALL SPACE only required but good light and conven ient of access necessary: Fourth ave. or Diamond sU preferred. Address BUSINESS, Dispatch office. jel-81 WANTED -MEN LEARN THE ART OF acntlemen's garment cutting; no trying on required: night sessions Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 7 to 9 r. H., 514 Wood st. URLlNtr & SON. ap30-63 "TTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON PITTSBURG, VV Allegheny and suburban improved real etate or farms in Allegheny Co. in large or small amounts, at lowest rates. ALEXaN DER ft LEE, 313 Wood St. v Jel-75-MW8 ANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGHAFHEB, 96 Fl (til avenne. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at ?t 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. mhl3-63 TT7"ATED-OAMFING PARTIES WISHING , VV to purchase accordions, guitars or mando lins to examine Galliuger's stock, whicb we guar antee to sell 20 per cent less than any other house in town. GALLINGER'S MONEY LOAN OFFICE. 1200 Penn ave. my21-27 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residences. FORiSALFr-BHAFFERST., NEAKBIDGE. A nice 2-story frame house of 6 rooms, hall, etc.; lot 20x80: price low. 1. M. PENNOCK &SON, 105 Fourth ave. J el-82-MWS POR SALE-FIFTH STREET PROPERTY which will enhance greatly in value within the next year or so. Call lor particulars, C. BEK 1NGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jcl-78 F IOR SALE-AT A BABGAIN, TWO FRAME bonne nn Hnlrnpii st.. Between Fifty-second and Filty-thirdsts.: only 82,000 for all. 'C. BER- AiaujLit&Bun, lira uounnave. jci-o FOR SAL.E-ON D1THRIDGE ST., FOUR TEENTH ward, coxy cottage honte eontain lnir five rooms and two attic rooms: lot 40x184ft. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Jel-12-D FOR SALE-PEN N AVE. PROPERTY; WE have a number of very valuable properties between Third and Fifth streets on Penn ave. which we can offer at reasonable prices. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jet-78-TTB F OR SALE-A PAYING INVESTMENT Property corner Ross street and First ave. 8u Fourth ave. Jel-95-Tus FOR SALE-179 CENTER AVE., HANDSOME 2-story brick house of 8 rooms, attic hall, vestibule, bath, wash honse, both kinds of gas and modern conveniences; in excellent repair; lot 24x163 (eet to Wylle ave. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. Jel-82-uws Knit End Residence. TJIOR SALE-CHOICE RESIDENCE, PENN JD ave., Brnshton; 15 rooms, with all conven iences; large lot: Immediate possession: terms to suit purchaser. See JOHN F.BAXTER. Agent. 512 Smitnfleld st. my26-58-TTSSa FOR SALE-A VERY COMFORTABLE FRAME house of Sroouisand kitchen, front and side porches, large lot 30x110 feet on Frankstown ave near Station street. C. BEBINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jel-73 FOR SALE IN THE EAST END, NEAR Hlland and Penn aves.: modern framo honse oi 6 rooms and finished attic, doable parlors, vestibule; gas, batb, slate mantels, laundry, porches, etc; nice corner lot, a bargain. ALEX ANDER LEE, 313 Wood St. Jel-73 FOR BALE-MCCLINTOCK PLACE-A NICE, new, tasty 6-room frame dwelling (nearly finished) on Elysian ave. and Hastings St.; make a choice borne; located near Fifth avev, Ft. Breeze and Torrens station; price low; $2,650; payments to suit. MELLON BROS., 6349 Button St., E. E. my28-71-TTS FOR SALE-IN ORCHARD PLAN ON MAR GARETTAst.. that substantial and artistic 7 room brick dwelling; slate roof, hay, bath and all conveniences; splendid property : best neigh borhood; near Negley ave. and 5 miuules to cable; terms made satisfactory. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. my28-71-TT8 FOR SALE A FINE HOUSE WITH STONE front containing 12 rooms, near line of Fifth avenue cable cars; hot and cold water, tile hall on first floor, good cellar, reception room, 2 w. c. batbroom, laundry, drying room, etc., etc.; this house is well located and in a fine neighborhood, and is finished In the latest style, having all con veniences possible for the comfort of any house hold, and wUl be sold cheap. I. J. WILSON, Beal Estate Agent, 143 Fourth ave. Jel-57-ws FOR SALE-SHADE. ROOMINESS AND OUT LOOK are features to consider In buying residence property; these and many other ad vantages are possessed by tbe elegant and com modious new houses upon Oakland square, which Is one of the most attractive neighborhoods in the city; only fifteen minutes' from the heart of the city, yet with all the attractions ot the coun try: dwellings finished in the neatest and most durable manner; streets paved with asphalt and sewered; natural and artificial gas; fronting on handsome park planted with shade trees: new cable loop (for which ordinance is in Councils) to go within 100 feet of tbe square: price of houses, standing on lots 30x100. 6,500: terms, moderate, cash payment, remainder upon longtime: most beautiful district of the city and convenient to all parts. Apply to BAMUEL W. BLACK CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. myl2-71 FOR SALE-FINE EAST END RESIDENCE, with 4M acres of ground, fronting on Penn aienue; residence is embowered in wood and shade, nestling among grapevines and the fra grance of floral loveliness, shrubbery, etc., tbe sweet breath of bud and blossom and blush of orchard permeating the entire house: tbere are ten spacious rooms, with cedar room. batb. laun dry, attic apartments, natural gas, elevator, dry cellar, furnace, etc.: everything in complete aud perfect order; one of the most desirable proper ties in the East End, laxury aud comfort marking every feature; the grounds are densely covered with matured shadeand fruit trees: large orchard, copious supply of pure water; the fruit product is of tbe most luscious quality, and is in great abund ance and variety: this prooertv can be bought at n great bargain, and onaccommodatlngpayments. Further information from JAS. W. DRAPE CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jel-89-D Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 12-ROOM dwelling, Allegheny, near parks: immediate Eossession. Address OWNER, Boom 208, Blsseli lock. my28-26 FOR SALE-HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE, all conveniences and large lot, choice loca tion, Bldwell street, Allegheny; low price; easy terms. JJNO. H. M'CBEERY, 93 Fifth ave. ap9-46-TTS T710R BALE-ON POPLAR ST.. ALLEGHENY. JL1 good brick house of 6 rooms and finished attic, hall, gas, batb, cit water, etc.: nice lot: price only S3. 600. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. Jel-73 FOR SALE A VEBY NICE ALMOST NEW frame dwelling of 4 rooms and basement, kitchen aud attic, porch, etc.. on California ave , Allegheny; price only $2,600. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jel-78 FOR SALE-HOUSE AND FINE LOT IN THE Second ward. Allegheny, near street cars and parks; 6 rooms, bath, w. c, natural gas, porches, cellar, etc. : lot 22x138 feet to an allev; price S5, 500. JaS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jel-87-D F OR SALE-ALLEGHENY-A GOOD PAY ING Investment In Sixth ward: 6 nice 2-storv brick bouses or 6 rooms each, attic cellar, both kinds of gas, water, etc., all in good repair: lot 111x72 feet: pleasant location. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. Jel-82-MW8 FOR SALE LOTS. Allechcnv Lou. FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE ANDLINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, in thelcnth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply tb JOSEPH McNAUUHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-D 17IOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS FOR DWELL- 1NGS or manufactory, 126 feet front ou Strawberry lane, by loo feet, near Preble ave.. Ninth ward, Allegheny; easy terms. WM. A. SIPE, 93 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. 8p$M0-MWS FOB BALE-2 LOTS, AT AUCTION, ON HIGH st.. Seventh ward, Allegheny; these lots front 22 feet on High st. aud lten street, near Long lane: part or the bhlrk estate; sale on the premises, Monaay, June 3, at 2 o'clock. A.LEGUATE & SON, Auctioneers. my3C-S FOR SALE-A FINE PIECE OF LAD IN Allegheny, near bead of Federal st. aud elec tric cars; about 13 acres. "admirably adapted to laying out In building lots: the lots would all sell readily: a rare chance In thli for speculation or investment. Full particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Jel-91-MWS Suburban Lotn. FOR SALE-AT EUGEWCOD, P. It. K.. DE SIRABLE building lots 56x192 feet: &00 each. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. my30-84-30,Jul,4,8,12,15 FOR SALE-AT WILK1NSBURG, BEAUT1 FULLY.located near tbe station; lots 52x120 feet: only S825. W. A. HERBON & SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. Jel-95-1.4,8,12,15 FIOR SALE AT INGRAM. EIGHT ACRES ctround: one of the most beautiful locations In Western Pennsylvania for a suburban home GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. , Jcl-12-D I T7AOR SALE-tlSO 00 UPWABDS, BUILDING , JP lots 25x150 feet deep, fronting the Plank roao. uuartlers township. Just out land immedi ately adjoining the city line; terms easy. W. A. HERBON &SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. , iny30-84-30,Jul,4,8,12.15 FOR 8ALE-OK EXCHANGE FOB HOU8E and lot, 35 acres, house stable, outbuild ings, good water, horse, cow, buggy and farming utensils, with 2,600 bearing peach, 400 bearing apple, 200 bearing pear. IS cherry and CO plum trees, and other small fruits; 54,000. ED. WIT TISIt 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. Tiew list, injae-B 188a- FOE SALE LOTS. Cllr Lets. FOR BALE-SO LOTS ON BEDFORD AVE., Iblrteenthward, GEO. JOHISTON. Agent, 42 Fourth aye. JeI-lD FOB SALE 70 LOTS ON WFBSTKK AVJt.. Thirteenth ward. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, FOB 8ALE-30LOTSON WYLIEAVK. THIR TEENTH ward. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Jel-12-D FOR SALE-ON FRANKLIN STREET: CITY, near Fulton, nice lot, 24x70 feet. I. M. PEN NOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. Jel-82-MWS F OR SALE-LOTS-SEVERAL GOOD LOTS nn Shannop rt.. MnHlann and Breckinridge aves.,, Thirteenth ward, near Wylle ave.; cable cars. 1. M, PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. Jel-82-MWS FOR SALE-LOTS. LOTS, LOTS-MT. WASH-1NGTON-60 nice lots on Bogys and Southern aves., Wilbcrt, Grace, Beionda. Dllworth. Natchez and other good streets: prices f200to 1800, terms liberal. I- M. PENN OUK A SON, 105 Fourth aye. Jel-82-MWS FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! ON BOGGS and Chess avenues. Mount Washington: 10 minutes' walk from Mount Washington Incline Plane; 26 lots have already.bcen sold at former sales; the remainder of the lots will be sold at the next sale this day, June 1. at 3 o'clock, on the premises; positive and Imperative sale to close up an estate with the heirs; in blocks or in single lots; great chance for bargains. Get plans from JAS. W. DRAPE & COv, Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenife, Pittsburg. Jel-83 FOP. SALE-LOT31 LOTSI ON BOGGS AND Ch ess avenues.Monnt Washington. 10 minutes' walk from Mgunt Washington Incline plane: 26 lots have already been sold at former sales: the remainder or the lots will be closed oat at the next sale on Saturday afternoon of this week. Jane I, at 3 o'clock on the premises; positive and im perative sale to close up an estate with the heirs; in blocks or in single lots: great chance for bar gains. Get planj lrom JAS. W. DRAPE i. CO., Agcuts and Auctioneers, 119 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. my29-42 East End Lota. riOR SALE-E. E., ON LINDEN AVE.. snlendld lot. 188x260 feet. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. jei-ss-aiws .XTOB BALE-VACANT LOT ON DENN1STON ave.: fine location and well situated: will sellreasonably. C. BRINGLR&bON,103Fuurth ave. Jel-73 FOR SALE-A FINE BUILDING LOT IN THE East End. 243x260 ft -..near steam and e-iblc cars: can be nicely snbdlvided. ALEXAN DEK & LEE, 313 Wood st. Jel-73 FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTSI LOTSI 30 FINE lots on Lincoln ave., E. E.rl0 minutes walk from Torrens station: each about 40X100 ft.; price t375 to SSOO. I. M. PENNOCK & SON. 105 Fourth ave. jel-66-EOD FOR SALE ACRE LOTS FRONTING ROUP ST.. 200 feet deep, near Wllkins ave.,Twenty second ward: tbe ground lavs well, tbe location Is beautiful. W. A. HERRON SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Jel-95-Tu9 FOB SALE-SQUHIREL H1LL-3T015 ACRES at SI, 000 to Si 500 per acre; directly on or near line of new electric road; will enhance rapidly: a good speculation; call and see us at once SAM UEL V. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jel-10-TTS FOR SALE-TWO CHOICE COBNER LOTS at Jackson and St. Clair sts., 30x102; finest neighborbood; near Hlland and Staunton ave.: extended view; pure air; sold at a bargain; 82.1C0 for both. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. my29-99-MWS FOR BALE-LOTS ON BEATTY STBEET, only two minutes from two traction Hues; size 40x119 feet: first-class building sites and al ready sewered; only S1.8C0. MELLON BROS., East End, or JOHN F. BAXTEB, 512 Smithfield street. my26-57-TTS FOR SALE-ON HAiS ST., BETWEEN NEG LEY ave. and Hlland ave., 5 very choice lots 30x100; great Improvements now making near; properties will soonaavance In values: price each. fl,4u0: payments to suit. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station st , E. E. my28-71-ns FOR SALE -SQUIRREL HILL-12 ACRES, Wilklns ave., corner property, near Filth ave. traction road, and only short distance from Sroposed electric road; can be nicely divided into esirable building lots: will sell at a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK Co., 99 Fourth ave. Jel-11-MWTbS FOR SALE THOSE TWO BEAUTIFULLY located corner lots at: Rlppey (paved) and St. Clair sts.; real choice: best neighborbood; only good bouses allowed: Just at Negley ave. anda minutes to Penn cable: price 3,800 each: terms satisfactory. MK.i.i.iirc ulcus., row station st.. E.E. my28-71-TT3 FOR SALE-6 ACRES, BEAUTIFULLY LO CATED, and fronting 360 ft. on one of the leading 60-rt. avenues of K. E.: no finer sites for 2 or 3 first-class residences, andtl,660 an acre will take it if sold before June I; to secure this you mnst act promptly, bee M. P. HOWLEY. 3819 Butler st., city. my22-7 FOR SALE-LOTS, SIZE 40X120 FEET TO sewered alley, 20 leet wide; near South Hlland ave, East Liberty; only two minutes' to cable cars; finest locations for residence: the price can not be duplicated in the East End. MELLON BROS.. East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER. 512 bmlthfield street. my26-57-TTS FOR SALE-EAST END-27 ACRES CHOICE land, lies nice.y for snb-dlvislon fronting on Shady Lane Holmes. LlndenaudDennlsonaves.: only nair mllefrom'Firth avenne cable cars; new Sqnlrrel Hill road will pass near: very desirable forprlvate residences; rapidly increasing in value: a prize to an early buyer. L M. PENNOCK bON, 195Fourthave. Jel-S2-MWS Miscellaneous. FOES ALE-ATLANTIC CTTY.N.J.-HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses toletorlorsaleby 1. G. ADAMS i, CO., real estateageats, Atlantic Citv. N. J. my20-24-D EOR SALE-10 TO 20 ACRES OF NICE LAND near the citv and railroad on a beautiful Elateau overlooking valley and river: one of tbe ealtblest points in the country: would sell 5 acres If preferred. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fonrthavenne Pittsbnrg. iel-90-P JfOU SALE BCSINES9. Business Chances. FOB SALE-CIGAR, PERIODICAL AND gents' furnishing store at a bargain: one of the best stands in the city: books open for inspec tion, showing a busloess of (12,000 last year. J. C. BEILLY, 77 Diamond st. my30-95 FOR SALE-A RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS In a good location in Allegheny, corner of two streets and popnlons neighborbood; old age of present owner the onlv reason Tor selling: a fine opening. JAB. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. Jel-87-D FOR SALE-THE LEASE AND FURNITURE and fixtures or a nice small hotel restaurant and saloon business at Canton, O.; tbe best stand in the city? everything complcto and newt long lease for same (reason sickness). Address CANTON, Dlspatchofficc. niy29-9 FOR SALE EXCELLENT SMALL DRY GOODS store; would suit lady; ice cream saloon; cigar stores; grocery stores: drugstores; shoe stores; bakeries, etc.; business for picnics and county fairs, S125: 100 business chances. SHEPARD & CO.. 54 Filth ave. my29 FOR SALE-LARGE BRONZE AND BRASS foundry with first-class established trade ot longstanding, with blast furnaces, rolling mills railroads, etc.; completely equipped for furnish ing sort metals of all descriptions; will be sold at a bargain on account of Illness of owner. Address W. B. B., Dispatch office. my24-74 FOR SALE-THE ONLY BILLIARD BOOM in town: one billiard, one pool table, stand ard size first-class condition: entire outfit at 50 per cent on dollar; rare opening for business: extensive iron works, pavroll (25,000 weekly. Call on or address W. A. MCKNIGHT, 251 Mate st., Sharon, Mercer coanty. Pa. my29-23 FOR SALE-A GENERAL HOUSEFURNISH lNG nnd hardware business In a prosperous manufacturing town on line of railroad, about JO miles from the city: a splendid thing; good trade and growing rapidly: no opposition; 111 health the only reason for selling; terms to suit. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsbnrg. Jel-90-D Business Stands. FOKSALE-NO. 114 FRANKSTOWN AVE.; 2 story brick store, with dwelling; also tene ment In rear: good business location: third door, from corner Station' st. ; sell at a bargain. 85,570; terms arranged to suit. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. mylMI-TTS FOB SALE A NAIL AND TACK FACTORY, wltb all necessarv machines nnd general machinery, engine boiler, etc., etc.; everything in complete running order; the property, with equipment, cost (28,000: yvlll sell for (10,000 cash to a prompt customer. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO.; Agents, 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg; Je-1-SO-D FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Ilorscs. Vehicles. Live Stock, ifcc FOE SALE-SECOND-HAND PHAETON: IS as good as new. Can be seen at C. WEST CO.S, 420 Duquesne way. JeI-86 FOR SALE HORSES ONE CARLOAD drivers and No. 1 work horses; some very heavy; all young. At REO LION STABLES, Monday, June 3. my31-32 OB SALE - TWO ELEGANT SADDLE horses in fine condition; can be seen at THOS. B. SIOKELAND'B LIVERY STABLE, Penn ave.. East End. JeI-55 F OR SALE A FAMILY BAROUCHE HORSE. dark bay, sound and gentle; sold cheap for want of use. Can be seen at A dAlJV:VljI & SON'S, 538 Penn ave. Jel-3 FOR SALE -FRESH ALDERNEY COW WITH calf, in prime of Uier selling because have no use for it. HENRY HENK, No. 66 Anderson St.. Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg. Jel-35 FOR SALE-RELIABLE FAMILY HORSE, barouche and harness in excellent order; a bargain: can be seen at Warmcastle's stable, Last Liberty. Address P. D. Q., Dispatch office. my29-B aiochincry and Metals. FOR SALE-2 LARGE CHILSON HEATING furnaces,; in good condition. Apply at STANDARD BUILDING, 531aud 533 Wood St. my26-12S r OR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22. 1 Ball engine 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meatchoppers, rendering kettrcs, etc. VLLTE.5; MCDONALD, Penh ave, cor. Thirty-second st. 1C16-I63-TTS FOR SALE ALMOST NEW, ONE 20-HORSE power engine. 30-borse power steel holler, with pump and fittings complete: also one 50-llght Edison dynamo, with 100 lamps; at the low price at which we hold this machinery. It should sell readily. For particulars apply to MELLON BROS., 349 BtaUon St., E. E. my31-39-xa FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. miscellaneous. FORSALE ATGALLINGER'SMONEYLOAN Offices, all kinds or Elgin, Waltham and Springfield watches at 50 cents on tbe dollar: guar antee gi' en with each watch. N. UALL1NGER, 1106 and 1200 Penn ave. P.S. Watch repairing a specialty. my21-27 TO LET. Citv Residences. rTTU LET-HOUSE OF TEN BOOMS; ALL ,1 modern improvements; 97 Center ave. GKO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Jel-12-D O LET-HOUSE OF ELEVEN BOOMS NO 177 Third ave; all modern improvements. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. 62 Fourth ave. Jel-12-D TO LET-HOUSE OF ELEVEN ROOMS, NO. 955 Penn ave.; all modem improvements. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Jel-12-D mOLET-(15AMONTH, BRICK HOUSE OF I 8 rooms, batb, range, hot and cold water, natural gas fixtures. No. 168 Plymouth St.. Thlrty- fifth ward; a verv rood honse for the money. W. A. HU&UA & auits, -no. bo jrounn ave. my29-31-23.JuL 4,7, 11,15 .--. ..."., . 7A.V. .. ,. n Z-. - East End Kesiaences. TO LET-(99)-FENN AVE.. E E., RESI DENCE, 10 rooms, 4 acres of ground, all modern conveniences: completely furnished: will rent for summer months; first-class neighborhood. SAMUEL W. BLACK SCO., 99 Fourth ave. niy2S-58-TTS Allegheny Residences. TO LET-NO. 19 MONTEREY ST.. ALLE GHENY; 10-room dwelling: all modern im provements. GEO. JOHNSi'JN, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Jel-12-D TO LET-ALLEGHKNY-171 BUENA VISTA St.; new brick bouse 7 rooms, bath, inside closet, wash house, natural and artificial gas. In quire DK. It. V. PITCAIRN. 78 Arch st. Jel-49 T IO LET-IN THE SECOND WARD, ALLE GHENY, brick bouse 6 rooms and finished attic, batli, both gases, w. c. etc.: immediate possession. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. Jel-74 Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT INGRAM STATION-HOUSE OF seven rooms, with 10 acres of ground; good old orchard. GEO. JOHNSTON, 62 Fourth ave, Pittsbnrg. Jel-12-p O LET MY HOUSE, TnlBTEEN BOOMS, at Lanrcl Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carnage honse, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny., WM-T. DUNN. mh9-63 Acartmenla. ' TO LET FURNISHED BOOMS WITH kitchen, separate Ice boxe sewing ma chines, tablewarer etc. ; bedding washed by house. 41 LOGAN ST. Jei-9C TO LET-ONE FLOOR OF CHOICE APART MENTS suitable for light housekeeping, with gas and water. Apply to J. G. MORROW'S SHOE STORE, 289 Ohio st. . Allegheny. Jcl-84 TO LET-ROOMS. WITH BOABD. IN A FABM house wltb a respectable Scotch family; near the city: beautiful and healthy place to spend tbe summer; 3 or 4 rooms can be bad If necessary. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 123 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. JeI-94 OfDces. Dek Room. tc TO LET-OFFICE AND DESKEOOM ON Wood st . near Fonrth ave , best location In the city. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. 1el-74 i Business Stands. TO LET-WITH STEADY POWER-LARGE well-lighted rooms, suitable for light manu facturing. Apply at 63 WATER ST., Pittsbnrg. ray26-10f TO LET ASTORE-INTHESIOST CENTRAL bnsiness portion of Allegheny: first-class opening for a shoe store. Address K. E Dispatch office. JeI-20 TO LET-SUITABLE FOR LIGHT MANU FACTURING, good light second and third floors 511 Market st, : entrance through store Ap ply to W. A. HEBRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. my29-34 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-IF YOU WISH TO BOBROW money on watches, jewelry, clothing or mnsl cal goods call at GALLINGER'S MONEY LOAN OFFICES, 1106 and 1200 Penn ave. nya-27 PEBSONAL-BOOKS WANTJSD-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,000, let ns know: we will buy one as quickly as tbe other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, beventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-2S PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean lug your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order: spring styles now ready. Telephone 1553. inns AUCTION SALES. T AUCftON FIXE TEAM HORSES, wagon, fine carpets and furniture, at residence, 72G COPELAND ST., E. E Only five minutes' walk from cable cars, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, At 10 o'clock. Easy chairs, rockers, sofa and divan, book case, clocks, rugs, curtains, pictures, orna ment!1, fine walnut dressing cases, bedsteads, washstands, wardrobe, bed lounge, very fine sewinz machine, Brussels and ingrain carpets, feather beds, bedding, springs, line extension table dining chairs, dishes, cutlery, glastware, handsome kitchen range, cooking ntenslls.etc, etc. Honse open after 8 o'clock on morning of sale HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., jel-9 , Auctioneers. BY JAS. W. DRAPE & CO. Another and final public sale of the balance of unsold BUILDING LOTS THIS AFTERNOON, On Boggs, Washington and Chess avenues, Pittsburg, only ten minutes' wa'fc from Aft. Washington Incline Plane As it is desirable to close up tbe interest between the different heirs the remainder of the lots will be exposed to public sale THISSATURDAY AFTERNOON of this week (June 1), at 3 o'clock, on the prem ises. Having sold 26 lots in this plan, we will, on tbe above date, offer the balance of 36 lots, including some of tbe most desirable of any in the plan. Lots will be sold singly or in blocks on very liberal terms of payment; S10 down on each lot at sale Title perfect. Free tickets on incline plane. Getplans. JAS.W.DRAPEA CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth ave nue. Pittsbarc. Jel-92 Arrived at Last, . OVER P. R. R., THE GREAT CENTENNIAL MIRROR. THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD. Took First Prize at Philadelphia Centennial 1S76. NOW AT STEDUPS Band Box Cafe, 25 UNION STREET, my23-78 PITTSBURG. PA." OAKLAND SQUA.RE,' J0.50O each, moderate cash parent, balance S500 per annum, elegant ner two-story and mansard brick lwellings. 8 rooms, hall, batb, laundry, slate mantels, art fire places, tile hearths, sliding doors, wired for electric light, line chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, ete; Oakland Square, live minutes from Fifth avenue cable line and directly on line of new cable loop which is to be constructed this summer; a beautiful park (on which are sev eral hundred beautiful shade trees), the whole surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with aspbaltum;on each side of and facing the park are the above described dwell ings; most desirable houses jet offered; en hancement of values sure. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 89 Fourth ave mylI-39 DEDICATION Of the new ST. JOHN'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH at Phillipsburg, Bearer couutyjPa., on Sunday morning, 1030, June 2, 1889, by Rt. Rev. R. Phelan, D. D. The societies of Pittsburg and Allegheny and tbe friends of tbe new congregation are respectfully Invited to attend. Trains leave Pittsburg and Lake Erie Depot atS:40A.M. jel-71 CURTAINS. We make a specialty of cleaning and dyeing lace curtains; also dry cleaning Damask Turk ish portiers and all kinds of fabrics. Sixth Avenue Dve Works, M. MAY SONS & Co. p2-TTS 65 SIXTH AVE. JC. TWYMAN, OF LEXINGTON, KYC, . Has a lot or nicelybroken SADDLE AND HARNESS H0RSE3 For sale at the Allegheny EXPOSITION DRIVING PARK, And will take much pleasure in showing the same to ladies and gentlemen. I will remain only a few days longer. - nylS-M OFFICIAIi-PlTTSBUBG. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BEKE. CElVEDat tbe office of City ControlleS until TUESDAY, the 4tU day of June, A. D. O'Neill Standard street rweepers. and twe Brooklyn street sweepers, of two-horse power each. , . , Each proposal must be accompanied by bond In double tbe amount, probated. Defers, the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tM rigbt to reject any or all bid. ' E. M.BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works my30-71-r SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE , CElVEDat the office of the City Controller until Tuesday, June 4, 2 P. ir., for the repairs ot No. G engine house. Plans and specification can be seen at the office of F. C. Saner, archi tect, rooms Nog. 9 and 10, northwest corner. Sixth and Liberty streets. Bonds in double the amount of bid must ao company each pmDOsal, said bonds to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tha. right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, . Chief of the Department of Public Safety. FrrrSBtiBO, May 27, 1889. myZ348 VTOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE" JM reports of Viewers on the opening of Ueneva street, from Fisfc street to Forty.flfth. street; Emerson street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street: Thompson street, from Shet land street to King street; Allen street, from Washington avenne to Lillian street, and Boquct street, from Fifth avenue to Bay ard streer. have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court or Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pjttsbubo, May 30. 18S9. my30-3 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LN reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Bellcfonte street, from Ellsworth avenue to Fifth avenue; Copeland street, from Ellsworth avenue to Walnut street; Long alley, from Eden alley to Valley street; Amber son avenue, from Fifth avenue to sewer near Pennsylvania Railroad; Walnut street, from Ivy street to Roup street; Ivy street, from Howe street to Ellsworth avenne. Roup street, from FiftU avenue to Ellsworth avenue; Mar ket street, from South Diamond square to Fourth avenue, and Ellsworth avenue, from Summerlea street to Aiken avenue have been, approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal Is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from data. -E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. PITTSBURG!, May 30, 1889. my30-3 PROCLAMATION. (SPECIAL- ELECTION.) City of Pittsburg S3. , In accordance with the Constitution of tha Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and an ordi nance of the city of Pittsbnrg, I, William Mc Callin, Mavorof thecityor Pittsburg, do there fore make known and give this public notice to the citizens of said city qualified to vote for members of tbe House of Representatives of this Commonwealth, that a special election will he held in the Second, Fifth. Eighteenth and Twenty-sixth wards, in said city, on. the third Tuesday of June, A. D. 1S89, being tbe 18th day of tbe month, in the several election districts therein, at which time qualified voters will as semble at their respective polling places, here after named, and vote by ballot for members of tbe Select and Common Council of the city as indicated below: Tbe electors of the Second ward. Plttsbnrz, First district, to meet at Archibald di Broth- . ers' livery stable, 136 Third avenne. Second district to meet at the Poor Board office. Fourth avenue. Third district to meet .at public schoolhouse. Diamond street. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill the unexpired term of Jas. Getty, Jr., re signed The electors of the Fifth ward, Pittsburg. First district, to meet at tbe office of Peter Hermes, No 208 Fifth avenue. Second dis trict to meet at John Urban's meat store, r Wjlie avenue. Third district to meet atthe public schoolhouse, Webster avenue. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill tbe unexpired term ot John O'Neill, re signed. The electors of the Eighteenth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at the livery stable of Alex Ki"gan, Butler street. Second district -to meet at Kautleld House, Butler street and bridge. Third district to meet at the 'Office of B. K. Mclnerny, on Butler street. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill the nnexpired term of Michael Dwyer, resigned. The electors of the Twenty-sixth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at John Hughes' tinshop, Sidney street, near Eighteenth streer. Second district to meet at house of Jacob Aulenbacber, Jr., corner of Eighteenth" And Sarah streets. Third district to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall. Eighteenth street. Fourth dis trict to meet at tbe house of John Manamann, comer of Twentieth and Jane streets. Fifth district to meet at the pnbTic "IChoCiLo'asi.CSLJ Sarah street. And elect one Common Council" man for said ward to fill the nnexpired term ot Wm. Rublandt, resigned. In testimony wbereof I have hereunto set. my hand and affixed tbe seal of tbe city of Pitts burg, this 28th day of May. A. D. 1889. mj&S? WM. McCALLIN. Mayor, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the oflice of City Controller until Tuesday, tbe 4th day of June, A. D. 18S9, at 2 P. SL,f or the fol lowing, viz.: BEPAVTSG. Penn avenue. fromFifth avenue to Cityline. Forbes street, from Brady to Boyd streets. Sixth avenue, from Wylie avenue westward ly. First avenue from SmlthfieluTstreet to Grant street. Butler street, from Forty-ninth street to Fifty-first street Eighth street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Ninth street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Liberty avenue, from Smithfield street east wardly. . . . Cherry alley, from Third avenue to Water street. State alley, from Wylie avenue to Fifth ave nue. Scott alley, from Penn avenne to Duquesne Garrison alley, from Fayette street to Lib erty avenue. Barker's alley, from Duquesne way to Lib erty avenue. Church alley, from Sixth avenne to Straw berry alley. Slocum alley, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue Strawberry alley, from Smithfield street to Liberty street. GBADING, PAVING AND CUBBING. Halket street, from Filth avenue to Wilmot Street. Herron avenne, from Center avenue to Thlr tv.third street. Boquet street, from Semple street to Frazier "Denniston avenne, from Fifth avenue to Penn avenue Atwood street, from Fifth avenue to Boquet street. Center avenue, from Sobo street to Hlland avenue. PAVING AND CUBBING. Stanton avenue, from Hlland avenue to Heberton avenae. Corday alley, from Pearl to Cedaz streets. The paving of the above named streets to be 1 ctiheT with Block Stone. Standard Sheet Asphalt, Vulcanite Asphalt, Irregular iiock Stone or Cobble Stone, aud bids will be re ceived for each kind of pavomenr. SEWEKS. Center avenne. from Summit, near Aliquip na. to Reed street. 18. 20-inch pipe. 3 feet and 3 feet 6 inch: brick and stone. Denniston avenue, lrom film avenue to Shakespeare street: 20 and 21-inch pipe Stanton avenue Viola alley and private prop erty ot Henry Janson and Mellon Bros., from the west side of Hlland avenue to Negley run; 18, 20 and 24-inch pipe .Mignonette street, from Negley avenue to Beatty street ;J5 and 18 inch pipe Penn avenue and Braddock avenue from; Lindon avenue to Susquehanna, street; 15, 18, 20 and 24-inch pipe Harvard street, from Negley avenue to Euclid avenue; 15-lnch pipe. Also extension of stone wall, at Soho street and Center avenue. , Plans and specifications can be seen and blanks for blading can be obtained at this office. Proposals must be accompanied by a bond probated befure tbe Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserves tha right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of the Department of Public Works. royl3-23 CONSUTSHTYOUR OWN GARBAGE LS' stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using tha Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, C3 East Diamond street, Je5-n57-TTS Allegheny. Pa, Walter J. Osboubne. kichabdUabbows. B ARROWS & OSBOURNE J OB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street; Telephone No. SLI M M JIANOS, ORGAN3. 8. HAMILTON. 81 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-7i-p p A. RALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue Pittsburg. Fa, , Teltphone-lJU. see-nWHra k v- 2r i s &-- I I a &saafe.stu&kff jfefctt !C2Jl afi