Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 01, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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news gathered whether the water would be
liable to cover his home or not, and the last
seen of him he was endeavoring to find
Kome way to reach the scene ot the awial
There was hardly one of the questioners
hut had a friend at Johnstown, and their
suspense and eagerness at which they
grasped at any news gave but a slight por
tent of tne suspense and sad realization sure
-to follow.
Tho Allegheny nud MoDODcnbcla Swelling- I
at ine fuuo 01 im xen an uvui
"So Danger Apprehended.
The torrent of surging waters from the
flooded rivers is j-apidly making its way
toward this city, and it is predicted that by
soon to-morrow there will be SO feet of
water at the wharves.
The river men had all heard of the heavy
washouts, and late last night numbers of
them ere aboutthe wharves discussing
tie matter and the probable extent of the
rise of the waters at this point. Ko serious
damage is apprehended, as it is not be
lieved that the flood is strong enough to go
over the incline to the streets.
There is, however, considerable apprehen
sion felt among the people who live further
up the river, and all possible precautions
are being taken against a recurrence of the
fatal washout at Johnstown. Captain
Adam Jacobs, of the steamer James G.
Blaine, which arrived
At the Multifield Street Wharf
at 9 o'clock last night, was seen by a Dis
patch reporter, who asked him the condi
tion of the upper portion of the river. Cap
tain Jacobs said:
"The water is rising very rapidly, and I
can assure you that we will have a big river
in the morning. From what I can hear
among the boatmen, we will have at least
26 feet of water early to-morrow. No, I
don't think there is any possibility of any
accidents occurring, and I am not taking
any unusual precautions. I only heard of
the washout since we got in, but there is
going to be a big rise in the rivers here be
fore this time to-morrow.
"Just before I left Greensboro the
Signal Service officer told me that the rain
fall at that place had amounted to two
inches. The river was then rising at the
rate of a foot an hour At 8 o'clock to
night, when we came through lock No. 4,
thewater had already risen
Over the Little Lock,
and I have no donht that bv this time it has
got over the other lock, which is 40 inches
tiigber than the small one. If the current
is a very strong one, it is possible that to
morrow some of the unrecovered bodies of
the victims of the washout will be found
floating down this way."
At 10:40 last night "Captain Jacobs put
out a stick about two feet in length at the
water's edge, and at 11:40 the stick was en
tirely covered over, showing a rise of two
feet in exactly one hour. Should the water
continue to me at this rate until 3 o'clock
this afternoon the river will be flush with
"Water street. There is, however, but little
danger as to this, as the boatmen seem to be
unanimous in the opinion that the water
will not go above 26 or 28 feet.
Colonel Lawrence, C. B. Shea and Charles
J. Clarke Fear Member ot Their
Families Were Lost
Two of the most anxious nersons in Alle
gheny City last night were Colonel J. J.
Lawrence, Vice President of the fishing
club, and Mr. C. B. Shea, one of the origi
nal and most active members. One of Col
onel Lawrence's sons and two of Mr. Shea's
were at South Fork. All three wero to
hi hntnp yTrtay Abn,nt noon'
bot Colonel Lawrence and Mr. Shea re
ceived telegrams from their sons that they
were delayed because of washouts in the
railroad. These were dated from South
Fork station, about three miles below the
.great dam. In the evening, when news
reached the city that the dam had burst and
a vast torrent of water had swept the valley,
the fathers were at first incredulous. Even
at 7 o'clock Colonel Lawrence, in answer to
a telephone inquiry from another member of
the club, poopoobed the idea of any snch
disaster. An hour later he and Mr. Sh e
were OTer in Pittsburg seeking every ave
nue of news and nearly wild in their anxiety
about the satety of their sons.
By 10 o'clock last night the rooms of the
Sportsmen's Association, which are the
headquarters of the fishing club, were filled
with members. Colonel Lawrence and Mr.
Shea found they were not the only ones who
had cause for fears about the safety of mem
bers of their lamilies. Mr. Charles J. Clarke
was even more anxious than were they.
Some members of his family were at Sonth
I'ork, and the utter futility of all efforts to
get news of any kind about their safety
nearly set him wild. Mr. Calvin Wells
felt very confident that no one at South
.Fork could have been lost, as they were
above the line of disaster, bnt Mr. Clarke
could not look at it in that light.
Colonel Lawrence and Mr. Shea finally
went borne, trusting to the assurances ot
their friends that their sons were too well
able to take care of themselves to have met
with harm.
Johnstown Citizens Were Always In Fear
of ibe Avnlanclie of Water Careful
Watch of the Great Wall Not
as Firm as tbe Hills.
"The existence of the South Fork dam
Las always been a menace to Johnstown,"
said Mr. J. H. "Willock, of the First Na
tional Bank, who is a member of tbe fishing
club. "And yet," continued he, "I could
sever understand why it was not consid
ered safe. It was built about 40
rears ago under the superintendence of the
late General J. K. Moorhead. His son,
Mr. Max Moorhead, has often told me that
lie lived on the ground dnring the progress
of the work, and the dam was acknowl
edged to be the most massive and staunchesi
to be found in any country. Still tbe Johns
town people were never satisfied, in spite
of repeated examinations by the best
engineers in America, everyone of whom
pronounced it safe. Finally Johnstown got
the civil engineer of the Cambria Iron
"Works to examine it, and his report was
Tbe Dam Was Perfectly Safe.
That was after the club had spent nearly
i.OOO in strengthening and repairing it
It is inconceivable to me that the dam
could break, and I don't believe it has until
I get further information."
"In spite of the lact that engineers always
pronounced the dam safe," said Mr. Don
ald, "the club members could never rest
easy in the belief that it was. Twice every
month the dam was examined by the best
engineers to see if there were any signs of
weakness. If the dam really has broken it
is not altogether a surprise to me, knowing
of the anxiety always manifested about its
"It the South Fork dam has been washed
away," Baid Mr. William Mullins, "it
brings up a very serious question as to
whether or not any dam on a scale so gigan
tic is safe. A person wbuld imagine that it
was as staunch as the very hills themselves.
It is true that the dam was
Destroyed Once Before,
jbnt the causes which 0 erated then have
jKbeen.removed. As a reservoir to feed a
.pcana!, the water was drawn from the bottom
through a culvert by lifting a stop
gate. This culvert got to leaking,
and gradually undermined ana destroyed
part of the dam, and the lake was drained.
Bat there is no culvert now. The Sonth
Fork Fishing Club filled it in, and closed it
completely, so that the dam conldn't have
been destroyed that way. I think it is a
mistake that the dam has been washed away.
It it has been there must have been an ex
traordinary rainfall in the mountains more
than has occurred in the present century
Startling Telegrams That Come Over the
West Fenn Allegheny's Police Or
dered Ont as Rcscners Tlie River
Rapidly Coming Up.
The first intimation of the great disaster
was received by Chief Clerk Wilson, at the
West Penn Bailroad depot, shortly after
5 o'clock. Superintendent Kirtland
was absent and when the first
message was received it was
stated that several hundred persons were in
the wreck which was floating at a rate of
about 15 miles an hour. Mr. Wilson at
once went to Mayor Pearson to secure the
assistance oi the police and firemen in res
cuing lives. Orders were at once issued to
the Chief of Police and the Chief of the
Fire Department to make preparations, and
arrangements were at once made to secure,
all tbe skiffs along the river if needed by
the members of the two departments to
rescue the people as they floated past.
At midnight all the bridges east of Leech
burg, on the West Penn road, had been
swept away. Chief Clerk Wilson received
messages from
All Along the Line
every few minutes. He said the pond cov
ered an are of 500 acres, and when the
water flowed down the mountain side it
caught Johnstown first and carried off a
number of buildings. Some of them piled
up at the railroad bridge and caught fire.
The bridge was swept away, and the wreck
continued down the stream, carrying every
thing before it. AH the track between Bol
ivar and Blairsville was washed away.
It was estimated that fully 400 people
were in the wreck when it struck the Coke
ville county bridge, taking it along and
also carrying away the railroad bridge at
the same place.
Shortly before 1 o'clock this morning
word was received that all the bridges above
Leechburg had been swept away and the
wreck was traveling at the rate of eight
miles an hour. The county bridges that
were destroyed were those at Cokeville.
Blairsville, 'Tunnelton and Livermore, and
the railroad bridges at-Cokeville, East Tun
nel and East Leechburg.
Safety for Tills End.
Mr. Wilson said he believed the bridge at
West Leechburg would be saved. "The
wreck will be broken uv" he said, "before
it reaches the big iron bridge at Allegheny
Junction, and the force of the flood will be
spent I do not think that any of the other
bridges will be swept away, although some
of them may be damaged We tried to
hold some of the bridges down by putting
loaded coal cars on them, but this had no
effect. One ot our brakemen, John Stitt,
was on one of these trains, and he was swept
away with the bridge."
Two houses were carried away at Liver
more, and the occupants conld not be res
cued. A woman and two children were
seen floating past Leechburg clinging to
some timber, but it was impossible to save
About 11 o'clock last night the Allegheny
river began to rise at the rate of ten inches
an hour, and at 1 o'clock the marks showed
eight feet of water in the channel.
Steady Work of Rescue at Bolivar Pltlfnl
Appeals for Aid From Men, Women
and Children Floatinc
by the Town.
Bolivab, Pa., June 1. This point is 20
miles below Johnstown, and the work of
rescning men, women and children sweep
ing down the river has been going steadily
forward all night The scenes and
incidents are thrilling in the Pack
saddle of the mountains above Blairsville
intersection. When The Dispatch train
arrived there a little company of denizens
was standing on the platform in the rain.
Every man had his tale of woe of the awful
flood to tell.
"Just a short time ago," said Mr.
Bhoades, the agent at the Intersection, "a
poor woman floated by on what I called the
Joof of a house, with arms outstretched.
A PIteons Appeal for Aid.
"The poor woman called to those on shore
in the most piteous tones to save her. 'Oh!
my God!' she cried, 'save! save me.' I
caught the name of Lucy, above the roar of
the flood. Just ahead of the house we could
plainly see a cradle floating, with a little
babe in it
The Pennsylvania Bailroad will not allow
any of its trains except a wrecking train to
go cast of Bolivar Junction, because the
tracks are washed out in a dozen places be
tween here and Johnstown.and in a score of
places the tracks are deep under water.
There seems to be no doubt that it was the
South Fork dam which broke and caused
the deluge throughout the valley. Every
time there has been a heavy rain within the
past two years the cry has been raised:
"Look ont for the canal dam." This time
It Was No False Alarm.
But the people had grown so used to
hearing the warning they conld scarcely
realize it was true, yet it is reported by
trainmen that when the dam did overflow
to-day a courier was sent on horseback to
Johnstown to warn the peonle. They
heeded it not, apparently, and the appalling
result followed.
Once overflown, the sides of the great
basin must have caved in very quickly.
A wrecking train in charge of Chief Train
Dispatcher Pitcairn left here this even
ing to clear the tracks and re-establish
communications. The people along the
route between this place and Johnstown are
well nigh paralyzed by fear. Lockport,
which is low lying, has lost few people, be
cause of the sensible precautions that its
people took to preserve not only lives, but
A Fearful Journey on a Rasing Stream
Cnmbria City Completely Submerged
s Some of the People Rescned
at Lockport 1,500 Re
ported Lost. '
Blairsville Intersection, May 31.
At Lockport, about 18 miles from the
scene of the disaster, Eliel Benson,
an old man, Mrs. Boyle, Paddy
Madden and two Hungarians were
rescned. Mr. Benson was seen
at Mr. Miller's store, and when the poor old
fellow had calmed down somewhat he gave
a graphic description of the flood and deso
lation that swept in tbe train of the water.
Said he:
I live, in Cambria City. I think not less
than 1,500 people were lost 'During the
morning the water was at least three feet
deep in the streets, and the current was
swift Boards, logs, rafts and rubhish of
all kinds were floating past the door. In
the house with me on Chestnut street, were
ten persons beside myseir, and I feel sure
they were all lost x
Their names are John Stennelly and
wife, Mary, Kate, Joe, Annie and John
Stennelly, Beuben Benson and wife, Mary
Benson and a bady. The house was a
double one, and in one end the family of
N. C. Claren lived. There were five in
all and I have every reason to believe they
were all lost
"Up to 4 o'clock in the afternoon the
water in the streets remained stationary.
The company store and club house and at
the point, where it was at least 7 to 8 feet
deep, before the rush came. It was about 4
o'clock in the afternoon when tbe great
rush came.
Scenes of Horror
"I didn't know what it was, bnt since
then I am told the South Fork reservoir
broke. In 15 minutes the water rose 10 feet,
and in five minutes more I am sure
0 houses' came floating down the
streets. There were people fa every
one of them, and God only knows
how many were lost, as they were carried off.
The honses were jammed together and
against the houses still standing, and in a
very few minutes they were all battered to
pieces before they had been carried
very far The house I was in "was
soon smashed to pieces, and I
managed to jump on to a cellar
door. In a few seconds I was rushed off
into the flood, and when I looked back
where Cambria City stood there was nothing
but a great lake of water. It looked to me
as if every house had been raised or covered
over. The, vast sheet of nater was full of
floating timber, roofs of houses, rafts, boards
Other Articles.
"The scene was indescribable. The cries
of the men, women and children were fear
ful, and I suppose I added my own veils to
the shrieks of the unfortunate. I think not
less than 1,500 people were lost in the flood-
This estimate may be too l.igh, but I am
afraid it is too low. I passed Paddy Mad
den's wife, my son's wife and a man cling
ing to the roof of a house. I called to
them and bade them goodby. In a short
time I was
Caught by tbo Water
and turned under every once in awhile. I
got into a, whirlpool, and more than once
almost lost my grip on the cellar door.
I saw people in the water ahead of me,
and all around me. Many of them were
struck by the crashing timbers and killed
outright They were so badly hurt
that they fell into the water and
drowned at once. Mrs. Boyle was also
rescued at Lockport The poor woman was
moaning and crying, and would not be com
forted. Her children, and her husband
are supposed to be drowned. The un
fortunate lady was rudely torn from
their side and some of them saw
Joe Duffy, a young mill hand, was pulled
out of the water at Lockport The young
fellow was visiting in Johnstown when the
flood occurred. He lost 50 in
the waters, but was to be
saved. The kind people in the
little town were taking good care of Lima.
He also estimates that 1,500 people were
drowned. He saw a number of persons
about him sucked under the turbulent
water, and they never appeared again.
Johnstown Under Water.
About two-thirds of the city of Johns
town was submerged with water. He
looked over the vast lake when the water
was flowing through the streets with the
force of a torrent Joe Duffy said further
that the water rose up to the
third srories of the houses in
five minutes. He saw the houses
of one street washed away in a short time.
He floated on the driftwood to Lockport
and then jumped into the flood and swam
about 25 yards to tbe shore.
The family of John Thomas, including
the wife and five children, were lost
The hired eirl and another man
named Harvey were also drowned
Joe Duffy thinks that fully 1,500 people
were swept out of the town alone, outside of
the people that were lost in the city. He
says he saw people carried off by the floods
J. A. Irwin, a brakeman, was in Johns
town about 2 o'clock. At that
time the greater part of the
town was under water. A man was riding
on a mule in the neighborhood of the Com
pany store, when he fell into a cellar and
was drowned. The water soon reached the
tower at the bridge and covered the forgts of
me uamDria jron uompany to tne extent ot
3 feet The entire portion of the town lying
at the Point was under water, and the loss
of life in this part of the city is appalling.
One man was seen in the attic of his home
"ome Amnnlng Things.
The people cried to him that the dam had
burst and he wonld be carried away.
"Well, let her burst," he answered back,
"we'll stay here," and a few minutes after
the house was washed away.
The scenes along the rising river were
most; interesting, some of them quite
amusing. Just imagine pianos, organs, beds
and other articles of household lurniture
floating together in a promiscuous mass. A
trunk with a gold watch in it was pulled out
of the river at Lockport The river was full of
floating animals, dogs, cats, chickens and
horses in harness. A Newloundland dog
was seen stsnding complacently on the roof
of a house evidently enjoying his rapid
ride. Another one was noticed perched on
tbe top of his kennel, with a chain about
his neck, where he was fastened.
Dispatches From the East Indlcato That
the Situation Is Hourly Growing
Worse The Narrow Escape
of the New York
. Philadelphia, May 31. Dispatches
received up to midnight at the office of the
General Manager of the Pennsylvania Bail
road indicate that the situation is hourly
growing worse. The effects of the storm
are now being felt on the middle
division of that road, extending
between Harrisburg and Altoona. Land
slides and washouts are reported along the
line between these two places. No trains
will be sent out west of Harrisburg until
tbe storm abates and the extent of the dam
age can be ascertained.
The New York limited, east-bound, which
is now at Wilmore, had a narrow escape
from destruction. Tbe conductor reports
that immediately after his train had
passed over the bridge which spans
the river at South' Fork that
structure was swept away by the
rushing water. General Manager Pugh
said at midnight that no trains wonld be al
lowed to proceed until the tracks were
cleared away and rendered entirely safe for
travel. Orders have been issued for con
struction trains to be put in readiness for
The condition of affairs on the Philadel
phia and Erie Bailroad is almost as bad as
on the middle and Pittsburg divisions' of
tbe Pennsylvania road. The telegraph
lines on that road between Harrisburg
and Williamsport were lost shortly before
9 o'clock and no information has been re
ceived from tne latter place since that honr.
Information received early in the morning,
however, indicates that there are wash-outs
and land slides all along the line, complete
ly suspending travel
A Flood That Sweeps Everything Johns
town Utterly Extinct.
A special received from Greensburg after
midnight, says the debris was coming dotfn
the Conemaugh river at such a rate that it
wm washing everything before it The stuff
was piling .up against the .Pennsylvania-
Bailroatj bridge at Bolivar and threatened
to washjit away. The water was rising at
an alarming rate.and the people living along
the banks were fleeing for their lives.
Tbe following bulletin was sent out from
Johnstown at 1 o'clock:
Johnstown is entirely destroyed. Hundreds
of lives are lost Tbe honses of the town were
piled up in a jumbled mass and were being
carried down the river before the flood. Tbe
mass of debris was afire and the people who
were imprisoned were roasted alive.
A Beport That Fire Has Added to tbo
Horror at Johnstown.
Philadelphia, May 31. The tracks
west of Johnstown are at some points en
tirely carried away, and the roadbed gone.
filled with buildings and drift 40 feet high,
which is on fife, and likely to damage the
bridge, which is of stone. The fire is be
yond control. Jamestown is literally
washed out.
A Bulletin Snyi Only Two Honses Can be
Seen in Johnstown.
A bulletin from Hew Florence, which is
16 miles from John Btown, at 1:30 o'clock
says: "It is only too true that Johnstown
has been swept away. Many thousands of
lives are lost, and only two houses can be
seen in the town."
The Water Rising and Crowds Watching for
tho Downward Busb.
At 2:30 A. M. a dispatch from Salina said
the river was rising from 16 to 18 inches per
hour. At Tunnelton the water was still
rising. At this writing little groups of citizens
are strung along the river watching for the
rush of the waters. The river is rising
slowly, but with little apparent indication
of what is to follow.
ttons of The Dispatch will be publUhed
to-day and sent out to all our agents on
later trains.
He Had a Pleasant Voyage and Is in Good
New Yobk, May 31. The Adriatic got
to quarantine about 9:15 to-night ilrain
was on deck when the news boat went out.
He said he had had a pleasant voyage and
was in good health.
Philadelphia Harbor Will be Improved.
Habrisburo, May 31. The Governor
to-night approved the bill appropriating
$200,000 for the improvement ot the Phila
delphia harbor.
The Governor Hits the West Fenn.
Haebisbtjrg, May 31. The Governor
to-night vetoed the bill appropriating $50.-
000 for the payment of the debt incurred by
tne w esiern jrenuavivuuia xiuspiiai
Protecting tbe Slost Exposed and Tnlnerable
Part of Oar Bodies.
CornhlU'B Magazlae.1
Primitive man, being by nature a fight
ing animal, fought for the most part at first
with his great canine teeth, his nails and his
fists; till in process of time he added to those
eaily and natural weapons the further per
suasions of a club or shillelagh. He also
fought, as Darwin has very .conclusively
shown in the main for the possessiou of the
ladies ot his kind, against other members of
his own sex and species. And if you fight
you soon learn to protect the most exposed
and vulnerable portion of your body. Or if
you don't, natural selection manages it lor
you, by killing you oil as an immediate con
sequence. To the boxer, wrestler or, hand to hand
combatant that most vulnerable portion is
undoubtedly the heart. A ha-d blow, well
delivered on the left breast, will easily kill,
or at any rate stun, even a very strong man.
Hence, from a very early period, men have
used tbe right hand to fi?ht with and have
employed the left arm chiefly to cover the
heart and to parry a blow aimed at that
specially vulnerable region. And when
weapons of offense and defense supersede
mere fists and teeth it is the right hand that
grasps the spear or sword, while the left
holds over the heart for defense the shield or
From this simple origin, then, the whole
vast difference of right and left in civilized
life takes iti beginning. At first, nj doubt,
the superiority of the right hand was only
felt in the manner of fighting. But that
alone gave it a distinct pull, and paved the
way, at last, for its supremacy elsewhere.
For when weapons came Into use, the
habitual employment of the right hand to
grasp the spear, sword or knife made the
nerves or muscles of the right side far more
obedient to the control of the .will than
those of the left The dexterity thus ac
quired by the right see how the word
"dexterity" implies this fact made it more
natural for the early hunter and arti
ficer to employ tbe same hand preferentially
in the manufacture ot flint hatchets, bows
and arrows, and all the other manifold ac
tivities of savage life. It was the hand with
which he grasped his weapon; it was there
fore the hand with which he chipped it To
the very end, however, the right hand re
mains especially "the hand in which you
hold your knife;" and that is exactly how
our own children to this day decide the
question which is wnich, when they begin
to know their right hand from their left for
practical purposes.
Conflagration Jones Comments Upon the
New Dletfaod of Executing Criminals.
From the Cnlcago Inter-Ocean. ,
There is no mistaking the fact that it has
some advantages. It is easy and high-toned.
It has all the meritsof a "sitting down job,"
which some people, especially farm hands,
regard as the dearest thing in life. There
is a sort of barber chair kind of comfort at
taching to it, and it is said to be infinitely
easier on the victim than a dry shampoo
conducted under the fire of a cross-examination
as to personal preferences regarding es
sences and flavoring extracts. I can readily
believe this, although I hope never to be
able to give a testimonial as to
the efficacy of electricity in any
such Veterinary . doses as the Key
York operators insist on giving. From all
accounts it will be a pleasant, hospitable
proceeding, although something of a confi
dence game, with the laugh on the criminal.
He is to be invited to take a seat on the
trick chair and make himself at home. He
will do so, feeling quite flattered. Then
someone turns the spigot, a trifling matter
of 1,000 volts'is letjinto the ring, and thatis
all. A'man may be able to handle a few
volts at a time in fact, 1 have -known of a
person consuming a volt a day for 30 con
secutive days bnt volts taken in lots of
1,000 at one time are said to impair a man's
health. It is wise to be moderate in all
things, especially in volts.
One of the chief beauties of hanging men
in barbers' chairs is the complete subjuga
tion of the hanging reporter. No more will
we hear of the prisoner ascending the scaf
fold with a firm tread, and how at 1:13 tbe
cap was put on, and 123 tbe drop fell. All
this stop-watch literature has got to go, and
best of all the regular announcement that
"he died game" will.mako us weary but a
few times more, and I don't care how few..
Entered by the Three Men Accused
of he Murder of Dr. Cronin.
Tne latest Prisoner Tells What He Knows
of the Tragedy.
The Police Think That it will Fnrnlsha Very Im
portant Clew.
Pt O. Sullivan, Frank Woodruff and De
ectiveCoughlin have been arraigned for
mnrder and pleaded not guilty. The pris
oner "Mack" has furnished some Informa
tion. Cronin's clothes have been found,
and it is believed these will furnish a valu
able clew.
Chicago, May 3L P. O. Sullivan, the
ice man, Frank 'Woodruff and ex-Detective
Coughlin were arraigned before Judge
"Williams this afternoon, charged with
the murder of Dr. Cronin. They were
brought into court from the jail through
the iron passageway and immediately,
after pleading not guilty, were tak'enback
Very few spectators were present, and
only one of the men Sullivan had an at
torney in court. Lawyers David and Dona
hue, who are attending to the ice man's
case, Eafipened to be in court at the time
trying Another case. Mr. David entered the
stereotyped motion to quash the indictment,
but no date was set for arguments. Each of
the three prisoners was furnished with a
copy of the indictment against him.
Somejvaluable information in the Cronin
case has been gathered from the man
"MackJ" alias Williams, alias McWill
iams. who'was arrested in a cheap lodeine-
house. , Mack claims to be a carpenter. He
told tbe!(ollowing story: On the 2d of May
he was working for a Mrs. Wilson on North
Ashland avenue, scarcely a block from the
Carlson cottage. Mack was putting in
screen windows at the time.
While at work a lady, whose name he
understood to be Mrs. Dudley, came in and
began to talk with Mrs. Wilson. Mack
was in the same room and be overheard
every word. Mrs. Dudley, who is a stout
woman, was talking very bitterly against a
physician who had attended her husband.
Mack says he heard the name "Dr. Cronin"
mentioned, but he did not know whether
the physician complained of was the, Cronin
referred to or not Mrs. Dudley seemed
very much excited and frequently made
the remark in great spirit: "I will get even
.with mm.
Mrs. Dudley said that she was working
in an orphan asylum on Burling street, but
that she was going to leave the asylum, and
that she dailv expected to go to live with
her two brothers in a cottage near by. Mrs.
Dudley pointed in the direction of the Carl
son cottage in referring to the place she was
going to move into.
At the Chicago Nursery and Half Orphan
Asylum, on Burling street, it was found
that a Mrs. Dndley had been there "but had'
since gone away, 'it is believed that Will
iams is one of the men who rented the Carl
son cottage; that he is a carpet layer by
trade and that he laid the carpet in the cot
tage. A portion of the dead man's clothes have
been found. They were buried over a foot
under ground, and were only discovered by
probing in tbe sand with sharp sticks. The
shirt bore the name of the unfortunate doc
tor, and 1he other articles were readily,
recounted as portions of his apparel. The
pants' in places were deeply stained with
Strange to say, however, the physician's
vest was missing and in its place was a vest
of much coarser material containing in the
pockets five pennies and a cigar. This gar
ment presumably belonged to one ot the
murderers or accomplices. For this reason
the police are using every eflort to suppress
the discovery, hoping that Cronin's vest
may be discovered in the possession of one
of the murderers.
Considerable importance is attached to
the fact thatwhen the first garment was
first discovered by two little boys, a couple
of strangers appeared on the Bpot and
ordered 'them to destroy the, garment and
throw away the pieces. This mandate was
obeyed, and no more was thought of the
matter until the elder brother was casually
informed of the circumstance. Both men
were strangers in the locality.
The residence of the Carlsons was care
fully searched by the police to-day, but
nothing of a suspicious nature .was dis
covered. The people of Lakeview are de
manding that the sewer in which Cronin's
body was found be searched from the catch
basin to the lake. They think it possible
his tools and hat and overcoaUnight be dis
covered in it m ,
Tbe CInn-na-Gael Denies Hnvlng Ordered
Dr. Cronin's SInrder.
New York, May 31. The statement
that a specified camp was suspected of vot
ing Cronin's death provoked a storm of al
legations here to-day that the Clan-na-Gael
was in. no way concerned in his condemna
tion. 'Michael Breslin declared that Camp
96, which was reported as having ordered
Dr. Cronin's death, was a camp completely
under control oi Alexander Sullivan.
"If Camp 96," said Mr. Breslin, "or any
camp, passed a resolution tbat Dr. Cronin
or any other man should die, it far ex
ceeded its authority. I don't affirm that
any camp did not pass such a resolution.
I don't know anything about it, but I do
know that the constitution of the Clan-na-Gael
positively gives no authority for any
action outside of the law, and that the senti
ment of the society as a society is against any
punishment, other than theextreme punish
ment allowed by the constitution, which is
expulsion from the society. The opinion of
members of the Clan-na-Gacl here is that
if Camp 96, or any other camp, authorized
the removal of Dr. Cronin, in the sense in
which the word 'removal' is used by the
daily press, that camp acted under an in
fluence not inspired by the Clan-na-Gael
and not ljnown to the society."
What," asked the reporter, "is thought
of the retention of a lawyer by Alex Sulli
van?" "We think little of it," said Mr. Breslin,
"except that Mr. Sullivan is scared. Sulli
van is a fairly good lawyer, but he is not a
crack lawyer." and wants to be sure of him
self. The matter which most impresses the
Clan-na-Gael ot this city and the Irishmen
generally, is the lax methods of the Chicago
police. We think theyhave done all they
will do. Thy have arrested three men,
and these three men they couldn't help ar
resting. Tbe case is now in an extremely un
satisfactory situation, both for the public
and for the Clan-na-Gael. The public gets
no satisfaction as to the murder, and tne
Clan-na-Gael remains under an unjust sus
picion." Ladles' Salt Parlor.
Positively the largest and finest selection
in the city of ready made suits and house
r bes. Styles and prices cnaranteed; an in
spection solicited. Parcels & Jones, ,
Ths Second floor, 29 Fifth ave.
DOKT forget the dedication of St John's
B. C. Church at Philllpsbnrg, Pa., on Sun
day, June 2. Train leaves P. & L. E. de
pot at -8:40 A. M.
r; Kew American 'Satlnes.
ipWylesto select from; only 12Jc, at
y ynch's, 8-440Mrket street
A Coartshlp That Began In England 2$
Tears Ago Ends In a Wedding The
Girl Waited While Der Lover
Made a FortnHf.
New Yobk, May 31. The following
marriage notice was printed to-day:
George Jenkyn At tbo parsonage of the
Washington Square Methodist Church, by the
Rev. C. H. McCannez, Martin George, of Ban
Francisco, io Caroline Jenkyn, of England.
Behind the marriage notice lies a do
mestic romance which has had two conti
nents for its scene. Martin George and
Caroline Jenkyn were schoolmates in the
old town of St Ives, Cornwall, 20 years
ago. Tney sat in the same pew and
they looked over the same hymn book
in the Weslyan Church in the town. Finally
they were engaged, but neither had money.
Martin decided to come to Amer
ica to seek his fortune,? and Caro
line said she would wait That was
ten years ago. Martin was a miner 'in
Cornwall, and he went directly to the
mining regions in California. He(worked
hard, saved his money, and at last settled
down in San Francisco as a broker in
mining stocks, and found himself rich
enough to marry.
Mr. George arrived in town a week ago
by previous arrangement and waited Im
patiently for his bride, who was expected to
arrive on tbe Cunarder Gallia. Miss Jenkyn
came to New York in charge of First Officer
John Stevens, who had known her family
for many years. On Thursday evening a
tall man, about 40 years of age,
in a fashionable cutaway coat,
and silk hat was walking impatiently up
and down the Cunard pier. When the big
ship was within hailing distance he waved
a particularly large whita handkerchief,
but as a dozen handerchiefs were waved in
reply the young man was not certain
whether he had been recognized by his bride
or not
He was the first to run up the gangway,
and in' the cabin there was an affecting
meeting between the bride and groom, who
had not seen each other for ten years.
There was no need for delay about the
wedding, because Mr. George had engaged
the Eev. Mr. McCannez a week before
to perform the ceremony, and the bride and
groom, with Officer Stevens, were driven in
a carriage to tbe minister's residence on
Fourth street. Mr. McCannez and his wife
were just going' out for the evening, but it
didn't take mora than a minute or two to
tie the knot
The bride was married in her traveling
costnme without removing her long, dark
traveling cloak, her gloves or her broad
brimmed English hat She is 28. Mrs.
McCannez and Officer Stevens were wit
nesses to the marriage. Mr. and Mrs.
George will remain in New York a week
and will then go to San Francisco to liye.
It Happened to be One of the Small Bones o
the Human Foot
Albany Argns.l
A few weeks ago a party of young people
three or four couples, perhaps among
whom were a pair of medical students, at
tended. a "pop-corn sociable" at a leading
church. When they came away the sugges
tion was made, and carried ont, that the
boys should take away some of the pop
corn in their pockets, since the yonng
women were not provided with such recep
tacles. As the party strolled down the street in
couples, the feminine members of it helped
themselves from the pockeis of their escorts.
The first of the yonng ladies finally bit
upon a fragment which was extremely hard
and unyielding, and which she threw away.
Shortly she found a couple more, and at
length, removing one from her mouth, she
remarked: "This is the hardest pop-corn I
ever encountered." They were passing
under an electrio light, and she held it up
adding, "Why, what is it, anyway?"
The young man took it without observing
that the medical student who followed was
speechless with- laughter. The latter re
covered his equanimity in time to explain
gravely, when called upon, that it was one
of the small bones of the human foot He
did not add, however, that it was one of a
handful which he bad slipped into the first
young man's pocket a few moments before.
The young ladies did not eat any more of
the pop-corn.
The Poets Give No Encouragement to the
AOecled Pronunciation ot Vase.
Y oath's Companion.
The poets give no encouragement to
dainty people who pronounce vase as thongh
it were written vaze or vauz. Thus Pope:
"There heroes' wits are kept in ponderous
And beaus' In snuff-boxes and tweezer-cases."
Byron supports Pope in these lines:
"A pare, transparent, pale, yet radiant face.
Like to a lighted alabaster vase."
Moore, who was a very dainty gentleman,
and associated much with the arbiters of
fashion, has the following:
"Grave me a cup with brilliant grace.
Deep as the rich and holy vase," etc
Keats adds the weight of his authority:
"Fair, dewy roses brush against oar faces.
And flowering laurels spring from diamond
Notwithstanding these and many other
examples in the poets, fashionable people in
England universally give the word a broad
pronunciation, not quite vauz and notqnite
vaze, but something between. Which shall
we obey, Parnassus or Belgravis? Parnas
sus, of course.
The Public Debt Growing Rapidly Less, De
spite Big Pension Payments. '
"Washington, May 31. It is estimated
at the Treasury Department that there has
been a decrease of 8,000,000 in the public
debt dnring the month of May, notwith
standing the disbursement of nearly 812,
000,000 during the month on account of
The Treasury surplus is now stated at
Useful Information
Is valuable, especially where it -will save
you money ana time, and if you will go to
S. Hamilton's music house, 91 and 93 Fifth
avenue, for vour pianos and orcans you will
save both. There is no necessity for you to
waste time in looking around, for Hamilton
carries all the different grades and always
has the best piano in its grade to offer to
vou; 'bis first grade goods, Decker Bros,,
Knabe and Fischer pianos need no intro
duction here, a3 they are better and more
favorably known than any others. They
have been handled by Mr. Hamilton for
years, and are not new, unpronounceable
mames, but something that yotf are familiar
with; he can give you the very lowest prices
and easy terms, and always guarantees sat
isfaction. As we said at the beginning of
this article, vou will save both time and
money by calling on him.
Secure a sound mind, which seldom
goes without sound digestion, by using An
gostura Bitters.
CAXii for Frauenbeim & Vilsack's cele
brated Pilsner beer, on draught at all first
class bars. ttssu
Gbeat bargains in jruns and revolvers at
onr new store 706 Smitbfield street.
J. H. Johnston.
The extraordinary in ladies' hosiery 100
dozens fine Frenoh black lisle stockings,
split feet, at 40 cents made to sell at 70
cents. Boqgs & Buhl.
W. Histed's Society 'Gallery, 35 Fifth
ave. Entrance by elevator.
Lawyers Who Jostle Justice' Out of
Her Boots, let Who Sport -
Hon-EascalsAfftBftmetimea Shielded, and.'
. Murderers' Necks
It is said that in the case of earthquakes,
familiarity never breeds contempt Ifrraay
be so, but it is more than probable from
stories told that some old lawyers might in
earthquake countries have sufficient temer
ity to apply for an injunction on Mother
Earth to prevent her wrinklltfg her skin.
A story Is told of an eminent criminal
lawyer at the Allegheny county barwhich
shows that some lawyers, when it suits
their purpose, will defy law, no matter how
zealous they may appear in the advocacy of
it, and will do things which would send a
layman to jail.
The lawyer in question had for a client
not many years'agd, a sconndrel who had
stuffed bis pockets with other peoples'
money, and having been caught, fled to the
lawyer for protection. The rascal had
given bail to keep ont of jail, and wanted
to skip and yet save his bail from being
made take the consequence. The lawyer in
structed them to appear in court just a few
minutes before the noon recess, and just as
the judge was about to order an adjourn
ment the lawyer stepped up and stated that
his client had been given up by his bonds
man. He, the lawyer, then made a plea for
mercy, and asked the judge to sentence bis
client at once and be done with it. The
district attorney arose in great wrath and
protested, thinking it a trick to prevent the
rascal from being punished according to his
deserts, and the judge also fell into the
trap, reproving the lawyer sharply for his
irregular proceeding. The clerk was or
dered to make a note out and also wrote
the refusal of tbe request. The bondsman
by surrendering the mas, and the lawyer
hustled the frandnlent debtor down to fail
and demanded that the warden lock him
up at once, which the warden very properly
refused to do in the absence of an order
from the Conrt. The lawyer then escorted
the man out and told him to scoot and take
the first train and get over to anada with
all possible haste, and the fellow did so.
Before court convened both Judge and
District Attorney realized tbat they had
been caught in a trap, and as soon as the
court had opened they both proceeded to
pour the vials of their wrath on the veteran
lawyer, who sat coolly enjoying their dis
comfiture. The language of the Court was
rasping, but it neither broke tbe contuma
cious lawyer's bones nor hurt his standing
with the criminal class. Heaffected humil
ity while laughing in his sleeve. The rascal
who had been sent over the border remained
there until he had worn out tbe patience of
his creditors, when he effected a settlement
with them on a basis of 10 cents on the
dollar, and came back and resumed his
place in the business world and society as
On another occasion the same lawyer out
witted the District Attorney and saved a
murderer's neck by asking that the only two
witnesses by whom the murder could be
proven should be examined first. The Dis
trict Attorney caught on to the trick at the
wronfLend and objected promptly, and his
objection was sustained. The witnesses
were relatives ofthe prisoner, buthis lawyer
knew they were conscientious men and would
not -swear, a Jisxto save their relative's
life. The District Attorney was in the
dark and did not call them at all. proposing
to make his point in rebuttal. As soon as
he had announced the Commonwealth's side
closed the prisoner's lawyer arose and stated
that they would rest their case. The Dis
trict Attorney grew furious and protested,
but to no purpose, and the accused went
free. The Judge was angry also, but there
was no remedy.
Such cases go to show that a prosecuting
attorney should be a man of vast resources
and legal knowledge, as a real rascal can
generally find money to employ the ablest
criminal counsel, who are not always scru
pulous regarding the methods they; employ,
conscious that they will not suffer much in
the estimation of good citizens, while the
practice of chicanery onlv increases their
popularity among the class that gives them
oread and butter.
De. B. M. Hanna.' Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&aa
Sanitabiuu and Water Cure. The only
Eastern institution in which mudjbaths are
given. Steam-heating and electric lights.
Baths, massage and electricity by trained
manipulators. Address John S. Marshal,
M. D., Green Spring, O.
Imported Ale' and Porter,
Bass' ale, Burke's bottling Bass ale, McMul
lin's bottling and Guinnessextra Dublin
stout, pints by the dozen.
100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave.
"Golden Wedding" flour without a
rival. tts
A full line of shades imported to sell for 75c
on sale at 40c a yard.
Fancy printed India Silks only 40c a yard.
A line of French Wool Ciiallls at 25c a yard.
French Satines in neat and bold designs at
20c a yard.
Tbe season's most choico effects in
At sacrifice prices.
The lines at 12c unsurpassed.
Fine and finer grades, 20c to 40c.
S3 40, S3 60, So 00, $7 00 and 19 00.
Above prices have been made on several lots
of Handsome Bead Mantalets.
Onr Embroidered Fichus Lace Silk and
Wool Wraps on the same low scale of price.
One lot of Children's and Misses' Jersey
Blouses: assorted colors, stylishly trimmed: 8
to 14 years. S3 goods for 2.
Ladies' Soutache Braided Directoire Jerseys;
Mannfactnrer's'price, S69 a dozen; to be closed
atS2 50.
SUITS Choice styles In Wash Fabrics. SUk
and Wool Costumes. Misses and Children's
Salts; latest designs.
celebrated Bdrtlord Springs is now put up
onlyinauartandfhalf-gallnn bottles and sold
lncasesof 2doz. and4 doz.in anv quantity t
apl8-ws ' Vner Liberty and Nlntn sta.
strictly pure h-ape Juice, in pints and
quarts for family we and church purposes.
For sale by tho base r sinsle bottle bv
JNO. A. RENSHAVI CO- Family Grocers -.
apis-ws . i Liberty ana r taut sta,
To wind np'tfels moatb's business in a lively
way we haT made sesae' sweeping reductions,
and also have purchased large assortments ot
cbolee and desirable goods, which we offer at
very low prices, some at eves half price.
To begin with: Eiehtr-nlae (88) pieces of 69
incb, English style. Fine Wool Suitings,
Checks, Stripes anu Plaids, a large variety o
coloring; at SI a yard, usual price f 1 26; net bet
ter wearing goods are made. ..
French Novelty Dress Goods, in laser ea-'
iui w
broldered stripes and Jacquard silk mfcrtare;''.
onr price 80c a yard; cost fl 40 to land in New j,,;
York; all In the latest summer colorings. ' '"
One case of silk and wool 42-inch. Crepe Brt .
liant, 12 inches wide, at Toe, worth tl23-onr is
price 75c. These are light in weight and ver
serviceable. t t
Special bargains In fine quality pure EngUsh
Mohairs, in fancy weaves and colored stripes .
at 75c a yard, reduced from SI 25; also fall
assortment of plain, colored and gray and
brown mixed Mohairs, 42 inches wide, at 50c,
75o and SI a yard, great value, and not to bs
confounded with goods of inferior quality at
the same prices. ,
Over 20 styles of 54-inch Suiting Cloths, In
fancy Jacquard stripes, at 75c a yard. Eleven
shades In a fine Imported 50-inch. Cloth at 75c,
worth $1 50.
Onr 50-cent Counter is filled with really choice
styles in Imported Dress Stuffs Side Borders,
Tennis Stripes, Plaids, Foule Stripes, Oebeiges
all extra good values and all in Summer
weights and eolorings.
Silk and Wool Colored Henrietta Cloths at
75c Thlslrthebestdressgoodsbargalninany
Silk Warp Cashmeres.
Full assortment of shades in All-wool French
Cashmeres, perfect in finish, good weight at
43-Inch All-wool Cashmeres at 50c to 31 25 i
yard, latest shades.
Our entire stock of Imported French Dress I
Patterns to bo closed out quickly. The prices
we have put on them will make quick work.
Many of these patterns are the finest goods
ever shown in Pittsburg, but we are selling
them at a great sacrifice.
'The "in-wooirFrench Albatross -at 45-- '
Is another instance ot speclil good valne. X
' The French All-Wool Chillis at 25c and 40a
are selling faster each day. We have the
largest assortment of both dark and light
Challis. including newest and finest Imported,
all at 50c
New printed Mohairs, only 40c a yard.
Largest stock of cream, white and light
colored Woolen Dress Stuffs Albatross, Cash
meres, NunV Veilings. Crepes, Moussellnes.
LOCO remnants of black and colored Dress
Goods to be sold out at once. See the prices
put on them.
So much for the Wool Dress Goods. The
Cotton Stuffs are in great variety. Scotch
Ginghams (real) at 20c: (so-called) at 15c and
12c Satlnes, choice American, 8c up to 20c;
real French, 18c to 35c See the old Boss color
ings, jost from Paris. Fine Scotch Zephyr Ging
hams at 30c New styles in striped Seersnckirs,
Persian Crepes, Primrose Clotn.printed Crepes
f and other novelties.
Then the Silks Thousands and thousands of
yards In colored Silk fabrics for Summer wear.
One hundred and fifteen pieces of new printed
India Silks, 24 inches wide, at 75c regular f 1 25
quality. 27-ineh India Silks, black and white V
and new colorings, at 65c; fine styles at SI 00
and SI 60, very much under price the hand
somestgoods shown this season. Hundreds of
pieces here to see. The largest variety ever
shown, and undoubtedly the best values.
Our 24-Inch Colored Surah Silk, at 75c is the
equal of any SI Surah Won can find. All the
new colorings.
NewArmureRoyaleBuks at SI, extra fine
and choice, (
The best bargains In ontr Black Silk stock you
have ever seen in many k long day Sarahs,
Grenadines, Indlas, Grok Grains, Fslues,
Armares, .Satlnes. This s the place to come.
for your Black Silks, In all grades, especially
the finer goods not to bi) found elsewhere.
All the other departftients are ready lor Jnoe
customers, and hava great attractions in ths
way of bargaimL)ecidedly the biggest and
most and best bargains are here. ,
1 ,
. flK i-' j&f&i'ssfMES- i.
-t ,.-
i -' .
,i &!&.