V3" 4LV!ll.1iHri TW-fl- J? - t"$t 'U3EVS- SV f -ME MARKET BASKET. .-vFrfiit and Vegetables roBig Supply :'-. and Drifting Down. "FISH IN GOOD SDPPLY AND DEMAND f Decoration Teel: Brings Immense Orders Bi to Florists. -ABCAECITI OF SPEING CHICKEKS Office of FirrsBtma Dispatch, 1 Mf FBIDAY. May 81, l&S. J "?&. week of cool weather such as re hare jiad has been favorable to. the fish trade. ' . v Demand has been active all the week and .-..tf prices are firm, though unchanged. A I" leading dealer said to-day: "Our trade 'holds up unusually 'well since the close of Lent. Tbe bulk of our trade is with restaurants and hotels. The slack time with us Is when people begin to flit to snmuier watering places. As lone as weather continues in its present shape our goods will be in demand." 'Decoration Day brought a multitude of orders to our florists, but there was no lack. of; stock to meet all demands. Orders from Kittanning, Connellsrille, Wheeling and a number of other points In Pittsburg's bailiwick, were received by one of our leading florists, who reported that the week's trade in his line was f ally up to the mark. The first peonies of the season Mere on the stands this week. Lovers of flowers will iind it hard to resist the charms of the white and red peonies, which are now in full snpply on floral stands. It is doubtful if the graves of our dead patriots were ever before scprof usely decorated as on Thursday. The Feature or frnit and Te re table markets developed the past week is the increase of sap plies and lowering or prices. Strawberries have been coming in too freely for needs of onr markets, and the lowest prices of the season were reached to-day. Choice berries were sold by the crate as low as 5c per quart Pittsburg ...has been the dumping ground tnis week for the surplus of JIaryl and and Delaware straw berries. gi ?, Dairy Products. Dealers in butter, eggs and poultry report no Change in prices. Poultry is scarce and active. "PCreamery butter Is a shade higher in a jobbing jfi&way, but not enough to affect retail markets. be overstock of country rolls continues and a very fair article is to be had for 18 to 20c At one of the Diamond market stalls, where trade was reported very dull, it was learned that 1,000 pairs of spring chickens were sold last week, and about half as many ot a more advanced age. "We do not consider we have done much rood unless we sell 150 pair of spring chickens to the hotels and fancy restaurants daily," was the report from a dealer who does not think trade at all good. 'In the line of new things on the stalls are, home-mown peas, cherries and egg plants, the latter being from Alabama. Tropical fruits are tending upward. Bananas are improving in quality, but higher In price. Following are latest retail prices of market basket filling as furnished by leading retail dealers: Blears. The prices called for at the Diamond Markets remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin (teak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure for very fancy, which are very often no bet ter than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from 18 to 20c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c; chuck roast, 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 16c; boiling beef, 5 to 8c; sweet breads, 20 to 50c per 'pain oeef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, fc a pound: calf livers. 25c apiece; corned beef .from 6 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c: roast, IZJf to 15c: cutlets, 20c per pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 15 to 20c: hind quarters, 20 to 25a A leg of mut ton, hind quarter, of prime quality, brings 32Kc; fore quarter, 8c; lorn of mutton, 15c; .giblets, 5c per pound. Vegetables and Frnit. . Potatoes, 15c a half peck; new Bermuda pota toes, 25c per Ji peck; new white potatoes, 20c per ri peck; egg plants, 15 to 25c: new Bermuda onions, 15c per quart; tomatoes, 25c per quart box; new cabbage. 6 to 25c; apples, 15c to 20c per half peck; bananas, 20 to 35c a dozen; lemons, 20 to 25c per dozen: oranges, 60c; spinach, 15c per half peck; lettuce, 5c per bunch, 6 lor 25c: radishes, 5 to 10c per bunch; cucumbers. 5 for 25c; asparagus, 6 bunches for 25c; new beets, 10c, 3 for 25c; straw- perries, 10c to l&c; cauliflowers, m toic a neaa; fcolden wax beans, 20c a quarter peck; green - (beans, 20c a quarter peck: peas. 20c a quarter ipeck; home-grown peas, 60c per Jf peck: sweet aKberries, 20c per quart; sour cherries, 15c per W uart. Butter. Effga nnd Rftaltry. Choice creamery butter, 20c Good country butter. 20c Fancy pound rolls, 25c The ruling retail price for eggs is 15c The range for dressed chickens is 75c to 1 00 per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound. Spring chickens, tl to SI 25 per pair; ducks, tl to $1 25 per pair; geese, 50 to 5c each. Fish In Season. Following are the articles in this line on the stalls, with prices: lake salmon, 12c; Cali fornia salmon. 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her ring, 4 pounds for 25c; Spanish mackerel, 45i to 60c a pound; shad, 60c apiece; sea salmon, 40c a pound: blue fish, 20c; perch. 10c; halibut, 25c; rock basSjSOc; black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12c: lobsters, 25c; green sea turtle, 2Sc; m&akerel, 40c apiece. Ovsters: X. Y. counts, 3 7a per gallon; clams, SI 25 per eallon: scol lops, toe a quart; frors, $1 50 to $2 50 per dozen. Flowers. La France roses, SI 50 per dozen: Bnde roses, SI 25 per dozen; Perles, SI 00 per dozen; Nlphetos, SI 00 per dozen; Bennetts, SI 25 per dozen: Magna Charta roses, 35c; American Beauty, 2550c apiece; Mermets, SI 001 50 per dozen; De Wattville, SI 50; carnations, 35c a dozen; Lily of tbe Valley.Toc perdozen; Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda Easter lilies. S3 00 per dozen: tulips, 75c per dozen; mignonette, 75c per dozen; daffodils, 75c per dozen; pansies, 25c a dozen; Jacque minot roses, SI 00 to 52 00 a dozen; peonies, SI 25 a dozen. IlYfi STOCK MARKETS. Condition of tho Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office Pittsbxteg Dispatch. ( East Libektt, May 31, 1SS9. ( Cattle Receipts, 460 head; shipments, 460 head: market, nothing doing; all through consignments; no cattle shipped to If ew York to-day. Hoas Receipts. 2.200 head: shipments. 2,100 head; market firm; all grades. S4 6001 70: six cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 1,400 head; shipments, nothing; market slow and.10 cents off from yes terday's quotations. Br Telegraph. Kew-Yokk Beeves Receipts, 1,860 head, In clnding48 carloads exportation. 46 carloads for city slaughterers direct and 22 carloads to be sold: market firm and 510c per 100 pounds higher; common to best steers sold at S3 87K 3 75 per 100 pounds; bulls and dry cows, 2 5o 8 50; exports to-day, 764 beeves and 1,540 quar ters of beef. Calves Receipts. 040 head; mar ket slow, but a trifle firmer for good veals; transactions included veals at S3 754 75 per 100 pounds, and buttermilk calves at S2 202 40. Sheep Receipts, 6,500 head; market steadier and lalrly -flrm for good offerings of both sbeep and lambs; common to prime sheen sold at 4ic per pound; common to prime Southern lambs, at S7 769 00 per 100 pounds. Hogs Receipts. 1,100 head: none offered aliver nom inal value, SI 705 10. Kansas Crrr Cattle-Receipts. 2,C02head; shipments, 1,069 head: dressed beef and ship ping steers strong and act v r; cows steady; Etockers and fcedintr sterns hrm; good to choice cornfed, S3 S0Q-4 00; common to me dium, $3 253 75; stockersand fecdinc steers, 52 25390: coirs $1 7o3 00. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; shipments, 1,000 head: opened steady, closing weak and 5c lower: good to choice light. S4 304 40: heavy and mixec1. S4 10 4 25. Sheep Receipts, 246 head; shipments, non-; market steady; good to choice muttons, 53 754 25; common to medium. S2 503 5a CHICAGO Cattle Receipts, 8.000 head; ship ment. 3.800 head: market stronger: beeves, U 104 40: steers, S3 6004 2S: stackers and f eed ers. S2 40S3 70; cons, bolls and mixed. SI 85 3 30: Texas cattle. S2 003 50. Hogs Receipts. '18.000 head: shipments. 5,500 head: market weakct: mixed. S4 4004 63: heavy, SI S5l 60; light, SI J04 70: skips, S3 50g4 25. Sheet) Receipts, 6,000 head; shipments, 2.000 head: market.itrore: natives, S3 5004 60; Western sbom, S3 904 75; Texans, shorn, S3 04 SO; lambs, S3j505 00. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,800 head; ship ments, 1,800 head: market active and strong; choice heaw native steers, S3 9004 50: fair to good do., S3 2004 00; stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 15&S 10; rangers, corn-fed, $2 800 3 70; grass-foa. $2 153 3a Hogs Receipts, ; 6,000 head: shipments, 2.800 head; market' strong; choice heavy and butchers selection. 14 40g4 SO: packing, S4 304 45; light, S4 40 oneep Receipts, ?,uw ueau: Mlipmetllg. d; market strong; lair to choice,?3 00 -Cattle dnll; receipts. 93 loads ale Sheep and lambs Receipts, v 20 sale; sheep slow and 10 6004 75; fair, S4 1504 50: 45 250 5 60; fair, S3 00$5 25. ""'loads through: 45 sale; H l;i.l otters, S4 C5ff. MABKETS BY TOE. Wheat a Little Stronger, XnSaenced by Cold Weather Corn nnd Oat Shaw a Slight Advance Hon Prod- nets Dnll and Easy. Chicago A moderate trade existed in wheat early in the session to-day, but a quiet and dnU feeling prevailed later, and for that matter most of the session. The opening was strong and prices KS&e. higher, influenced by the continued cold and rainy weather, and the top prices were Ke over the closing figures of Wednesday. But at this advance the offerings were increased, a prominent floor trader selling sufficient to prevent a farther advance. A gradual easing up of prices followed, and the closing was about the same as Wednesday for July. Some wheat was offered, and there being but limited demand sales were made at a discount of M?c on June price. The weather was the principal factor in the market and was the basis lor speculative trading. Some operators bought on account of tbe unseasonable weather; others sold in expectation of a favorable change, which they thought must come soon. A rair business was transacted in corn, and the feeling developed was rather unsettled, prices fluctuating frequently within c range. Tbe market opened Hs higher than the closing prices ot Wednesday, was firm for a time, but gradually sold off &c, recovered but then ruled easier, closing ii&yic higher than Wednesday. Oats were fairly active, but "unsettled and higher, opening sales being at Je advance. The market held steady for a time, but a reces sion of lAc followed, and the close was steady at ii&lic over the last sales Wednes day The market for hog products attracted very little attention and trading in all articles was limited. Prices were a little more favorable to sellers at the opening of the market, but after a few local orders were provided for a weaker feeling was developed and prices receded again. Tbe market closed rather tame at medium figures. The leading futures ranged as rollows Wheat No. 2 June, 78&7!&77K77c: July. 76K77He76X76gc: August, 74M74& 74K7ic; year. 7373c Corn No. 2 June, Z3JiG$iH33lG3ic; July.31SlK334c; August, S4jS5 Oats-No. 2 June, 22K22c: July, 22K22 es9Str.?c: Beptemoer.z3.asem9ii-.e3ia .MESS Poke, per bbh June. Sll 75011 S2VT 011 75011 82X: July. Sll 82K0U 92K0U 800 11 87K: August, SU 90011 95011 90011 95. LARD, per 100 tts June,S6b70667K; July, 7 6507 6o6 72KS6 75; August, SS 7 6 80gi 77K06 80. biiORT Ribs, per 100 As June, S5 7005 70: July, S5 8005 8005 77j5T7r August, S5 90 05 9005 82)5 85. Casn quotations were as follows: Klour steady and unchanged. No. Z spring wheat, 77c; No. 3 spring wheat, 7374c; No. 2 red, 77c No.2com.S3K034c N 0.2 oats, 21J21Jc No. 2rye.3SKc. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax seed. SI 5401 55. Prime timothy seed, SI 2501 3a Mess pork, per barrel, 511 80011 85. Lard, per 100 As, 6 67X0670. Short ribs sides (loose). S5 700 575. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S512K0 5 25. Bhort dear sides (boxed), S606 12J. Sugars Cut. loaf, 99c; granulated. 8jc; standard A 8Jc Receipts Flour. 13,000 bar rels; wheat, 32,000 bushels: corn. 436 000 bush els: oats, 165,000 bushels: rye. 10,000 bushels: barley, 9,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 16,000 barrels; wheat, laOOO bushels; corn. 199,000 bushels: oats, 217,000 bushels; rye, 3,000 bush els; barley. 3,000 bushels. On the Frodnce Exchange to-day the butter market was firmer: fancy creamerv, 15017c; choice to tine, 12015c; fine dairy, 13014c; fair to good, 8010c Eggs flrm at 12012KC. New YoRK-Flour moderately active and irregular, closing easy. Wheat Spot unsettled and lower, options fairly active, with June and JulrKc lower, and other months steady, closing weak. Rye quiet, western, 4648Kc Barley malt quiet, tour rowed State, S2WcSl 00; two rowed do, 8592Kc: Canada, 90cSl 10 for old and new. Corn Spot fairly active and weaker; options dull, Ye&Afi higher and steady. Oats Spot quiet and easy, options dull and steady. Hay weak, fair demand. Hops moderately active and firm. Coffee Options steady; un changed to 5 points up, closed barely steady 5010 points np; sales, 18,000 bags. Including June, 16.4516.55: Julv, 16.65; August, iaS0; September, 1190; October, 17.00; De cember and January, 17.10; Febru ary, 17.15; March, 17.1517.2a Spot Rio firm and qnlet; fair cargoes, 18Jc iSugar Raw firm and quiet; sales of 80 hogsheads Mus covado, 87 test, 6c; 870 bags centrifugals, 96 test, 7c; 490 bags molasses, 87 test, 6c; refined In demand and firm. Molasses Foreign strong; New Orleans, 30c Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil quiet; crude, 40c; yellow, 49c TalloV easier; citj, 4$c Rosin firm andquiet. Turpentine dull at 38V039c Eggs quiet and weaker; western, 13i13Xci .receipts, 10,075 packages. Pork quiet and steady; mess, $13 25 013 50: extra prime. S12 00012 25. Cutmeats dull: sales of pickled bellies, 100 pounds. 63ic; Idled hams, HJiC: picklea sbonlderr, 5tlc ard dnll; western steam. S7 07; city. So 60; June, 57 037 05, closing at S7 03; July, S7 06; August, S7 11; September, S7 1507 16. closing at S7 14; October, $7 15. Butter quiet; fine grades steady; western dairy. 9011c: do creamery, 130 17Jc;westem factory, 7012c Cheese strong and mere active; Ohio flat, 70Sc St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat Weather conditions were still unset tied, for, though warmer, rain was threatening and country advices were not altogether favor able; there was a c advance early in the day, when all markets were higher, but later weak ened off, and the close was abont the same as on Wednesday; No. 2 red. cash. 7677c: Jnne, 74X075XC, closed at 74c; July. 72K072Jc ciosea at iy6aizy8c asaea; August, vz($73c, closed at 72c bid; September, 73c, closed at TSJfc bid; December, 76H076J4C, closed at7Gc asked: year, 72c Com higher; No. 2 mixed, cash,3l031c: May closed at 31 jc: June, 31Kc asked; July, 31c bid; August, 32Kc asked; September, 32c bid. Oats firm; June, 22c; July, 22Jc Rye No. 2, 40c Flaxseed nomi nally quotable at SI 45. Provisions flat. Philadelphia Flour dull; spring ruled steady, while winter was Weak, wheat very dull; car lots 1c lower; futures wholly nominal; No. 2 red, May. 8990Xc; June, 88090c; July, 80 081c: August, 79XBWXC Corn firm and higher, but speculation quiet and export de maud light; No. 2 mixed and hich mixed, in grain depot and Twentieth street elevator, 41c; do., in export elevator. 40?ic;No 2 mixed. May, 40Ji40c; June.4010c; July, 41li41Mc; August, 42K042Jc Oats Car lots unsettled, and closed K01c lower; No. 3 White. 82c; prime No. 2 White. 34c; choice do., 34Xc; lu tures dull and without important changes. Provisions steady with fair demand. Eggs steady; Pennsylvania firsts, 15c CnfCHfKATl Flour dull and heavy. Wheat qniet; No. 2 red, 80c; receipts, 500 bushels: shipments. 2,500 bead. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed. S4035c Oats barely steady; No. 2 mixed, 25025Xc Eye steady: No. 2, 47c Pork quiet at S12 12. Lard In good demand at to 5a Bulkmeats nominal; snort ribs. S6. Bacon easy and lower; short clear, $7 25. Batter quiet Sugar strong. Eggs easier. Cheese steady. iIn.WAHKEE Flour unchanged. Wheat easy; cash, 75c; June, 75c; July, 76c Corn dull; No. S, 33c Oats steady; No. 2 white, 26X27c Rye weak; No. L 41Ji41Xc Barley unsettled; No. 2, 51c Provisions unchanged. Pork, cash, Sll 7TU July, SU 87. Lard, cash. May, S8 75: July, SS.5. Cheese steady: ch eddars. old, 909c Baltimore Provisions quiet; mess pork, $13 75. Batter quiet; creamery, 16018c Eggs firm at 14c Coffee strong; Rio, fair, 1S0 18Jc , Toledo Cloverseed, nothing doing. BEITISH IRON. Bnslness and Prices Begin to Shown Re tiring Disposition. Special Report by Cable for the American Manu facturer. LOITDOX, May 3a Scotch Pig This market is barely steady and trade moderate. NclColtness 55s. Od. to. b. Glasgow No. 1 Snmmerlee 54s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsheme,. 52s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow Jf o. 1 Langloan 54s. 3d. to. b. Glasgow No. 1 Cambroe -47s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Shorts 5Ss. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow No.lGlengamock.....Sls. 6d. atArdrossan. No. 1 Dalmellington ...45s. 6d. atArdrossan. No.lEglinton 43s. 6d. atArdrossan. Bessemer Fig Dnll market and prices rather weak. West Coast brand quoted at 48s Cd. for Nns. 1, 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point Middlesbrough Pig This market continues irregular and trade moderate. Good brands quoted at 88s. 6d. for No. 3.f. cb. Spiegeleisen Steady market and trade fair English 20 per cent quoted at 82s. Cd. f. o. b. at works. Steel Wire Rods Steady market, demand moderate. Mild steel. So. 6, quoted at60s. Od. f. o. b. shipping port. Steel Rails Market firm, demand good Standard sections quoted at 4 12s. 6d. f. o b sbippingpoint. Steel Blooms A fair demand holds the maiket firm. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 2s. Cd. f. o. b. shippingpolnt. Steel Billets This market rnntinn.. Am, with a fair demand. Bessemer (size 2Kx2H) quoted at 4 10s. tab. shipping 'pomt. .1 oieei oiaiw xemanu moaerate tint market steadv. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 2s. 6d. t o.. shipping point. TJrT Ends Steady market with demand mod eratcVlnn of the mill quoted at 2 15s. Od. f. o. b. shipping point. OldRaisMarketdull and prices unchanged. Tees quoted at 3 5s. and double heads at 3 12s. 6tLyu.Lf.NVw York. ' "Scrap Iron No change in prices: trade slow. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 5s. f. o. b. ship piiig points. " Manufacturedv Iron This market is barolv steady, but business l fair. Stafford, ord. mai-kedbars(f.o.b.L'pool)8 5s Od commo bars... 0 GsOil 517s 6d J ' blk. sheet singles 0 6s Od 715s Od Welsh bars, to.). Wales... 5 6s Oil 0 OsOd Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York, 3. OS. JdTmjW WilCH AUC&.1UB.VU. - -" ." " .-- ? . .. --T" , , v.::a. oo. jdrexiuiM fcvicn aucju iuh. vu. i 11. THE SPOKEN IN FIGUEES. The Drift of the Seal Estate Market Still Onward and Upward. VALUES IN CHOICE 10CALIT1ES. Promoters of the Bldrre ATeane Scheme Will Not Cry Under One Defeat THE YANKEES FIND USE FOE LIMA OIL To show the feeling in real estate, a few figures are herewith given. 3Tor a tract of 11 acres on Squirrel Hill, ?5,000 an acre is asked. The same price was paid yesterday for an acre on Herron Hill. For large lots adjacent to the first mentioned locality $70 a front foot is demanded. For land near the proposed reservoir of the Wilbinsburg water works $3,000 an acre is considered a lair price. For the Singer property, about 30 acres, near Wilkinsburg, it is under stood that $3,000 an acre would be accepted. These districts, together with Oakland, being considered giltedged, of course land commands top prices, and it Is belng.raoidly taken up by a good class ot purchasers. It appears that tbe promoters of the Ridge Avenue Railway scheme are not quite so confi dent of carrying everything before them mak ing a clean sweep, as it were as when they conceived the idea, or, to come down a little lower, as when they received the charter. They admit, Indirectly, at least, that there Is a strong public sentiment against them, which may so impress Councils as to cause the rejection of any ordinance that may be Introduced author izing the construction of the road. Thi, they affect to believe, would be rather helpful to them than otherwise, as it would give them a firmer grip on the charter and enable them-to counteract the hostile feeling. That the scheme will be vetoed by Councils at tbe first attempt to pass it is almost certain. Whether subsequent efforts will reverse this decision re mains to be seen. It is not likely, however, that there will be any material revulsion of feeling against a project the completion of which would, it is claimed, practically ruin for residence purposes one of the finest portions of our sister city. The Aerated Fuel Company, of Springfield, Mass., have many forges, muffles, ovens and similar fires, using over 1,500 burners, in opera tion, in which the fuel is crude Lima oil, burned by being atomized with a governed air pressure, very similar in quality to natural gas and free from danger. The advantages claimed are, no increased rate of insurance, no odor, no chimney connection needed, no sul phur or other impurities, perfect combustion and regulation; and cheaper than any fuel, not excepting natural gas, unless tbe consumer owns his own wells. One pound of oil will do the work of from three to six pounds of the best hard coal In forges, and do it better, with less liability of overheating or burning stock. The system can be adapted to nearly any forge now In use. Tbe local market for pig iron continues very dull, and prices show a weakening tendency. Orders are small, and there is nothing big In prospect. A broker said yesterday: "The wage agitation will probably keep the market In its present condition until fall. By that time much of the stock 'will have been worked off. This, with a good prospective demand, should be sufficient to give business a fresh 9tart I think the railroads will be our best customers, as they have deferred betterments and Im provements about as long as possible." There are 1,300 buildings in Philadelphia sup plied with electricity for light or power pur poses, and on not one of these has there been any loss by fire for two years past. This Is fairly satisfactory evidence that the electric current when properly bandied carries no risk with it But this should not cause remissness in the duty of careful inspection of large buildings, some of which in Pittsburg contain from 10 to 20 miles of wire. The United States Supreme Court has just made an important decision regarding the locating of mining claims. A point was made in a Colorado suit that the laws of the United States did not permit the entry of mining property by any but citizens of tbe United States; that a corporation was not a citizen. Judge Field, In his decision, holds that a cor poration is a citizen within the meaning of the laws, and can enter mining property. FAE FBOH EXCITING. Local Stocks In tho Damps Broker Afraid to &hoiv Up. There was no vim in the stock market at either of the sessions yesterday. In the morn ing the only transactions were in Philadelphia Gas, 90 shares of which found purchasers at 37. Chartiers Gas was wanted at 4 and Wheeling at 31. For Ohio Valley Gas S3 was asked. There were bids of 64 for Electric, but it was held a point higher. There was a fair demand for tractions 32 being bid for Cen tral, eSU for Citizens', and 51 for PittsDurg, but they were held from one to two points higher. The large business done by these roads on Decoration Bay encouraged holders of the stock to stand out for extreme prices, and they refused to make concessions. Switch and Sig nal was offered at 25, and La Noria at IK- Captain Barbour was surrounded,by 22 per sonsjurokers and spectators,when he annonnced the market open in the afternoon. It was even more apathetic than in the morning, the only sile being fonr shares of Philadelphia Gas at Siii. The other gasserswere stronger. Trac tions were weaker. Electric could have been sold at 63, bnt holders had higher views. f lttsuurg, Aiiegneny ana aiancnester passen ger Railway stock continued its upward move ment, 225 being offered for it, but its prospects as a dividend earner were considcrLd too good to let it go at that price. Switch and Signal tell off half a point, and Pleasant Valley was fractionally weaker. Bids, offers and sales MOENTNO. AFTERNOON-. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 105 40X 50 .... SO .... KS .... 80 .... 4J 50 S3 25 30 VH Z!H SIX 31H X .... ilg S24 '.'". '.'.'.'. 61 "68 16J, 17 93 110 72 75 S!K 321f 32 J 63X TOjJ 69 70 51 S 51 53 200 .... 193 .... ' .... 33S .... 22 22Sf 24 22 l)i 1M 1M l3 S4 i 63V MM 25 .. H)$ 115 118 Commercial N. Bank.. Fifth Avenue Bank.. . Knterprlse bavin grs. A. Fidelity Title &'l. Co. K. K. L. and Trust Co. Chartiers VaU Gas Co. Ohio Valley Gas Philadelphia Co Wheeling Cias Uu Brldgewater Gas Nat. Gas Co. or W. Va. People's Ji G & 1 Co.. Forestall Washington Oil Co.... Central Traction Citizens' Traction 1'lttsbnrR iTaction.... Pleasant Vallev K.R... Pitts., Alle. ft Han.... P. W. K. K. pref.... l.a Noria Mining Co... VcstlngIionse Electric U. bwltcli & Slmal Co. Wcsttne'seAlrB. Co.. At tbe first call 90 shares of Philadelphia Gas soldat37K. In the afternoon 4 shares of the same stock brought 3. The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 285,663 shares, including: Atchison, 30.380; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 4,500; Lake Shore. 3.350; Missouri Pacific, 4,362, Northwestern, 12,690; Northern Pacific, 12,150; Northern Pacific preferred, 42,302; Reading, 12,000; Richmond and West Point. 3,760; St. Paul. 24.635: Union Pacific. 27,380; Western Union, 16,031; Wheeling and Lake Erie, 8.860. MEN OF MONET. They Are Hopeful of a Good Fall Trade Easiness Points. The local money market was easy and.wlth out essential change yesterday. Routine busi ness was about up to the average, hut discount, ing was slow. Call and time loans were quoted at 4H66 respectively. The average rate nas fi. The supply of small notes was sufficient for all requirements. From present indications it will require large amounts of money to move tbe fall business, which promises to be large. This encourages bankers to hope for tho full employment ot their funds within two or three months. The clearings were $2,483,989 74 ar.u the balance; $337,478 01. For the month they were $55,865;145 21, andthe balances $9,355,074 26. For the same month last year they were: Ex changes, $47,880,765 38: balances, $3,091,601 01. showing a difference of $7,984,879 83 In favor of 1889. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 22',- per cent, last loan 2, closed nrred at 2. Prime mercantile naser. 3WSB 6K-Sterltngexchango quiet btftsteadyat$4 Sli for el-lay bills, and $4 bO for demand. Government Bonds. tf. Si4s, re.... ..10SKSB107 ,.107103 ttfj, coup. PITTSBTJRGr 35ISPATOH, XT. 8. 4s, rer , If. 8.4s, coap J., .W Bid. hwk Currency, 6 per cent, f 896 reg, Currency, 6 per cent, 1896 reg. Currency, 6 per cent, IS97 reg, Currencv. Boer cent, isssres. ...119 ...JM ...1MH Currency, 6 per cenv 1869 reg, ,.U1 Government and State bonds were dnll and steady. Nsw Y0JU-ClearlnaR 156,106,321; balances, BOSTON-Cleartngs to-day, J15.9S6.636; bal ances. $1,829,867, For the month-Clearings, 408,804,792; balances, $45,380,244. BAMmoBJC-Clearings, JL099.451; balances, J169.764. TmLADKLPHiA Clearings, $12,718,636; bal ances, $2,376,789. t Londoh The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England to-day is 56,000. Pases Three per cent rentes, 86f 87Kcfor the account. The "weekly statement oftno Bank of France Shows a decrease of 200,ouu francs gold, and an increase of 1,650,000 francs silver. St. Loots Clearings, f2,461,Z76; balances. 8666,092. For this month-Clearings, $83,738,646; balances. $16,631,061. Chicago Money flrm and unchanged. Bank clearings, $12,412,000. A GOOD HAEEET. Oil Does Well nt tho Stnrt, bnt Weakens Tovrard the Close. The oil market displayed considerable anima tion at the opening yesterday, the feeling being strong and trading active. Communication with New York was cut off until just before the close, which left the boys to their own re sources for pointers. The market opened at 83, the top of the day, and sold down by easy stages to 82. From this point it rallied and sold nt82. declined and closed with sales at 82, with a little more than an even chance, according to a broker, that it will go lower In the next few days. . The Dolls Run well, Huklll, was doing 100 barrels pet day. Other field news was unim portant, f Features ot the Market. Corrected dally by John M. Oakley fe Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened S3KI Lowest si. HlKhest 83 Closed &H6 Barrels.' Averagernns . Average shipments V-l Average charters rS Clearings 4 I,43),ai0 Eeflned, New York, 6.80c. Kenned, .London, S 7-ied.. Refined, Antwerp, 17Xf. Kefined. Llverpoul, 6 5-lSd. Carrying, J.ew York, flat; Oil City, flat; Brad ford, flat; Pilt.burg, flat. A. ILMcG k,CQ.QuaJt..P.utj, 8 calls 83 J"" ,. Other Oil Markets. On, Crrr. May 31. National transit cer tificates opened at 83c; highest, 83c; lowest, 82c; closed, 82c. BBAsroRS. May 3L National transit certi ficates opened at 83c; highest, 83c; lowest, 82ic; closed, 82Kc TirvsTTXVX-x, May 31, National transit cer tificates opened at 83c; highest, 833c; lowest, 82c; closed, 82c. New Yore, May 3L Petroleum opened firm at 84c, but after the first sales became weak on Western selling, and declined to 82c; t reaction then set in on which the market closed steady at 82c Sales, 857.000 barrels. ACT1YITT IN EEAITT. A Good Day In the Liveliest of the Local Markets. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold to Robert Wayman lot No. SO, adjoining two already bought, in West End Place plan of lots. Thirty-fifth ward, fronting 20 feet on New York avenue and extending 100 feet to an alley, for 100. Reed B. Coyle fc Co.. 131 Fourth avenue, sold for J. E. C. Dick eight brick houses on Park ave nue. East End, with lot 100x60 feet, for 16,000 cash. James W. Drape & Co. placed two mortgages of $17,500 at 6 per cent on McKeesport and Westmoreland county properties; also a mort gage of $1,500 at 6 per, cent on a house and lots at Dallas station, East .End; also closed the sale of three small houses and lots In Law rencevllle, near Hatfield street, at 33,000 cash; also a piece of .ground In the suburbs of Alle gheny of 12 acres at SS50 an acre, and apiece of ground adjoining the Washington pike at 500 an acre. John F. Baxter. 12 Smithfleld street, sold to Mrs. Mary E. Floyd lot No. 107, Baum Grove plan, Bonn station, frontage of 40 feet on Baum street by 120, for Ji40a W,. A. Herron t Sons sold lot lOOxluO feet on the east side of Dallas avenue, corner Juniata street. Twenty-second ward, for 54,700. Tho purchaser will erect thereon a fine residence. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth aver de, sold to John A. Roll for J..R. Fricke a tract ot land on Herron Hill, Thirteenth ward, containing about one acre of ground, for $5,000. Geo. S. Martin. 603 LIbertv street, sold, at his special sale on Decoration Day, 13 lots in the juapiewooa r-ars: pian, wiikinsnurg, at prices aggregating to,aju. oeing iota JLia, va, sy, zu, w, 68. 35. 27. 28, 104, 60, 98 and . L. O. Frazler, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold for John S. Edgar No. 4027 Butler street. Seventeenth ward, lot 24x150 feet to a 20-foot alley, with a three-story frame, building and a two-story frame dwe'llng on rear of lot, to Harris E. Wainwright, Eq., ior $5,000 cash. Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, sold for Mr. Alexander to Christ Glasbriner lot 20s 100 on Small man street for S750. L. M. Pennork & Son sold and settled a mort gage for 815,000, five years at 5 per cent, no tax; on property in the Twenty-third ward. They also sold a mortgage for 51,000, three years, 0 per cent and no tax, on property In Allegheny. W. C. Stewart sold for Mrs. Elizabeth Mc Combeigbt acres of lind known as tbe Mc Combs Grove, on Squirrel Hill, for $2,500 an acre or $20,000 for the entire piece. The pur chaser was Levi De Wolf. The ground will be subdivided. 0BIPPLED BY CfcOPS. Beporta of Damage la the Northwest Have a Benrlsh Effect Upon the Stock Market Contradictions Cause a. Reaction Bonds Quiet. NEWYOEK.May3L The stock market to day was weak and declining at the opening, but afterward gathered strength and generally closed at tbe highest prices of tbe day. The unfavorable reports from the West in regard to the damage to the crops was tbe keynote of the market at the opening, and these influences were supplemented by large engagements of gold for export, beside further rumors of cutting of rates by the Chicago, Burlington and Northern made the general feeling one of discouragement at the moment and prices, especially in the Grangers, made material de clines. - . Outside of those shares, however, the move ment made no marked progress and the feeling of depression gradually gave way as the re ports of the morning were contradicted or mod ified. The amount of business was small, but under the concessions in values good buying was brought in and tbe decline was checked and tbe market afterward gained strength as tbe day wore along. The conference between Messrs. Oakes and Adams made a pronounced bullish feeling 4n Northern and Union Pacifies and in tbe afternoon both became extremely active and scored advances which carried both to the highest prices of the present movement. The dividend on Chicago Gas did not stimulate that stock to any extent and outside of tbe Grangors and Pacifies the regular list was dull' and uninteresting. The opening was made on a very moderate volnme of business, but first prices were gener ally from J4 to per cent below the closing fig ures on Wednesday, and the weak tone ex tended to almost all portions of the list, with tbe exception of Western Union and the Pa cific stocks. The decline did not tro far. how ever, and before the en1 of tho first honr the lqsseslnmost of the list had been recovered, after which the market drifted into dullness, with but slight fluctuations. Toward noon, however, the strong tone be came more pronounced, and Northern and Union Pacific became the features, while for some time stagnation was the rule with the rest of the list. Toward delivery hour, howev er, more animation was shown, and after a slight depression tbe upward movement was renewed with considerable force, and the mar ket closed active and strong, generally at the best prices of the day. In the unlisted depart ment lead trusts were again active and decid edly strong, but tbe others made no marked movement, and Brunswick, settled back a shade, to 23. The final changes are almost in variably in the direction ot higher figures, al though San Francisco preferred was weak and lost ljf. but Un(on Paciflo and Northern Pa cific preferred each rose 1, Manhattan IK and Northern Pacific 1 per cent. Railroad bonds were quiet, and there was only one active Issue, the Denver and Rio Grande Western receipts furnishing $140,000 out of a total day's business of $1,314,000. The movement In the list was Irregular and gener ally for insignificant amounts, and the final changes are about equally divided between gains and losses. The following table shows tho prices ot active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, membors of New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: mos- Opca- High- Low. inR- lii 4. est. est. Ulrts. As. Cotton Oil. . .... K . . .... wr fSATUEDAT, TdKS Ateh., Top. & a. J.... 46K Canadian Pacific .... Canada southern. 65X Central or .New jersey.lOoS Central Pacific SB Chesapeake Ohio.... 20 C.. Bur. & Qulncy..r..llM C., Mil. fi St. Paul.... 73ts C., MU.ft8t.Ppf....H5H O., Hock 1.& P 89 C., St. L. ft Pitts V., tU L. ft Pitts, pr. G. St.P..M. ftO...... 35 C., ht.PM.ftO.. pr. l C. 4 Northwestern.. ..112H C.& .Northwestern, pt .... C.C. C.41 ...,70 Col. Coal ft Iron J4tf Col. ft Hocking Yal .. J8 pel.. L. &W. I43 Uel. ft Hudson 1S8H penrerftKloG .... UenyerftBloU., nr. E. T Va. ftGa 10)4 E. T Vs. ft Ga 1st pf.. 74 E. .1-.. Va. ftGa. 2d pf. 28 Illinois Central 117 Lake Erie A Western.. Wi Lake Erie West pr.. 6t5J Lake Sh ore & M. S 10314 LoalsTlUeft Nashville. fH Michigan Central SI Mobiles Ohio Mi Mo.,Jt. ftTevas tl Missouri Racine 74 New York Central 108'4 N. Y.. L. E. ft W 28 N.Y., L.E.ftW., pref 704 N. Y.. C. &SK.L1.:. Jj. Tt.. C ft St. L. pf. n.y.. c.ftS'J42dpr .... S.TiU. E l N. Y.. o. ft W 17K Norfolk a Western Norfolkft Western. vt. .. . Northern Pacific 9S Nortnern Pacific nref. 63J Ohio ft Mississippi 22ft Orejton Improvement. ... Oregon Transcoa 34J4 PacineMall SBfi Peo. Dee. a Evans 4444 100 ij 33 20 10IK 734 115)4 66J4 101 38 20 vxa fib ma ia'l 26 M0)J 3314 1118 76" Wi is U34 JSSJi ,?7H MK 1 1053J 69K 9C4 UK 11 73 108(4 1&H 70J 99) 112H 142 70 25 18 143K 139 17 4754- 1034 75 21K IIS 1K 614 105 70)4 80)4 11 10 74H 108 28 70S4 KH 70 36Jf iH 174 1SK S3H a 53 34)4 3(!S 24 47)4 1S93 26)4 St 34 85 102 23 60 113 21 63 15 283 saw 68 sj 2894 8 fit V,7i son 67 22 J4 34V MX is MM 29 6534 22 tea 183 a; (3 jiuiaei. s. KeaauiK.. Pullman Palace Car. 18i Richmond ft W. P. T.. MH Hlchmond ft W.P.T.pf M bt. Paul ft Uuluth St. Paul ft Dnluth pr. St. p., Minn, ft Man St.L. &San Fran 29 St. L. ft Dan Fran pr. St. L. ft Ban rust pr. Texas Pacific 21K 23 21 61)4 UH 21 13 IS 28 E3 unionracicc " W.lM.h is Wabash preferred..,.. western Union Wheeling L. E National Lead Trust.. Sugar Trust Ex-dlridend. !8 87M 68 2SK S3 Phllnddphla Stocks. Closing qnotatlons of Philadelphia stooks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. lllrt. Asked. Pennsylvania Ballroad 534 Headlne Ballroad 22 9-18 Baflalo. Pittsburg and Western nil Lehlsh Valley 53 Lehigh Navigation tlH Allegheny Valley bonds 114 Northern Paclflo 30 Northern Pacific preferred 68 53K 22 n4 30H 67 Mining Stocks. NewYork May 31. Mining stocks closed: Amador. 100: Belcher, 380: Best & Belcher, 363; Bodle. 175; Caledonia B. H 275; Consolidated California and Virginia, 750; Commonwealth, 00: Eureka 150: El Crista, 1SS; Gould ft Currr, 210; Mutual, 140: Opblr, 425: Plymouth, 1,050; Savage, 250; Sierra Nevada, 260; Standard, 105; Small Hopes, 125; Sullivan, 115; Union Consolidated, 340; Yellow Jacket, 875. Bletnl Markets. New York Copper dull and firm ; lake, June, $12 25. Lead firm and quiet; domestic, S3 80. Tin quiet and steady; Straits, $20 50. London Pig tin Steadier market with more doing; Straits, 42 0s Od for spot; futures (3 months). 42 15s Od. Copper Demand is giiod and market flrm; Chili bars are now quoted at 41 6s Od for spot, 41 0s Od for fu ture delivery; best selected English, 46 0s. Lead Steady market and trade fair; Spanish quoted at 12 15s Od. Spelter A good demand and prices held; ordinary Silesian quoted at 18 0s ild. Tin plate Dull market and prices rather veak. Wool Markets. Phu.ad.swhia Wool The market Is qniet and prices unchanged. St. Louis Wool steady and unchanged; re ceipts. 454,556 pounds. NEW York Wool firm and quiet; domestic fleeces, 323Sc; pulled, 2239c; Texas, 14028c Boston The demand for domestic wool has been moderate and the sales have been only 1.002,100 pounds, while of foreign grades about 642,000 pounds have been sold. There Is a quiet flrm feeling here, outing to the scarcity of old wool and the high co-.'tof new. Palled wools are about the only grades of which there is a fair supply to select from, find .sales of these have been made at 3C37c for super, and at 2528c for extra. All kinds of washed fleeces are in reduced supply and are held firmly, but nothing of consequence has been done. About 90,000 pounds of new spring Texas wool have been sold, principally at 22024c. although some small lots of choice medium sold at 25Z7c In new spring Cali fornia wool there have been sales of 110,000 ponnds at 17K20c Territory and Oregon wools are quiet and steady. Ohio and Michigan fat sheep sold some extent at2224c Australian wool rules strong and meets with a fair demand at 8742Kc One hundred thousand pounds of Montevideo sold at 28c, and not more than this will now be paid by manufacturers. Carpet wools are without material change. Drroods Market. New York, May 3L General trade was quiet during the greater part of the day. In consequence of the auction sale of flannels by Gordon, of Parker, Weldonfe Co., com prising nearly 8,000 packages, though some good blocks of plain cotton goods were sold by agents, especially bleached goods. Tbe tone of the cotton goods market continues strong, and Fitcbviile -44 bleached shirtings were placed by agents "at value." There was a good duplicate bnslness also in summer hosiery and underwear. To-day's sale of flan nels opened at about last year's prices, hut tbe bidding improved and the average results were quite as favorable to the market as the sales of Tuesday and Wednesday, about 6 percent ad vance being secured. The goods were widely distributed. ' Cincinnati Hogs in good demand and stronger; common and light, $3 754 50; packing and butchers', $4 104 35; receipts, 3,780 head; shipments, 2,y0d head. THE SERPENT SEASON. It Open Early This Year at Cold Spring on the Hudson. The sea serpent has made its annual ap pearance in the upper Hudson. Nathaniel Lyons, an old boatman who has retired from active service nnd is visiting tempor arily the pretty village of Cold Spring, says that on Sunday afternoon he was walking along the railroad track near the river, when lie heard a commotion in the water. Looking around he saw a scaly, round body as large as a barrel, which was alter nately arched above and concealed beneath the water and laid directly across the river. The reptile was evidently trying to turn around, and the channel in tbe highlands was so narrow as to make it difficult. Once the big body was raised about 25 feet and a forked tail spread like the foresail ot a schooner, described a half circle near the east shere and churned up the water until it was n bite with foam. Lyons says the spectacle was terrilying, and he watched it with bis heart in his throat unable to move. The serpent's head must have laid near the west shore, he thinks, for he did not see it. Finally, the big snake made the turn and then sank out ot sight. Lyons swears that he had not been drinking becanse it was Sunday; and he could not buy a drop of rum anywhere. A C0NSUMPTIYE SANITARIUM. Utilizing the Therapeutic Inflacnce of As- oclatlon Willi Certain Animals. Building.! At Iieiuickendorf, a village near Berlin, a consumptive sanitarium is to be erected on a novel plan, utilizing tbe supposed therapeutic influence ot association with certain animals. A large cylindrical build ing will be Occupied in the upper part by tbe patients, while the ground floor will be given up to the accommodation of largo numbers of milch cows, the exhalations from which wilt be conducted to the apart ments above. A whey and buttermilk diet will also be contributed by the under boarders. KEAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIM- 401 Smithfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenne. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts Lawn tennis belts and sashes. James H. Aiken. & Co., 100 Fifth ave. PF AK t HUT II? 'to-morroic' Dis-1JUA-Ktl LlMlbb. patch, furnlahes her weekly budget of bright gotrtp .on the current loaciy lopia 01 ine grtm mnropom. , 1889. DOMESTIC MARKETS. A Strawberry Glut Brings Lowest Prices of This Season. lEGGS AND BUTTER ABE ACTIVE. Corn Iffeak Oats Lower Floor Is Drfittoff to a Lower Level. SUGAR ADYANCED COFFEE STZADI Optics op PrprsBuno Dispatch, 1 Fbiday. May 31, ISSfl. J Country Produce Jobbing Price. The marked feature of trade in this line is the strawberry g'ui Maryland and Delaware seem to be dumping their surplns of berries into this market. Upward of 5,000 crates, or a capacity of 25 to 30 cars, wero received yester day and to-day, and good berries are selling at 5 to 8c One large dealer said he would be glad to get freight out of a lot that came to hand yesterday. No strawberry bujer is permitted to escape to-day if he will bnt make a cash of fer. Sixty quart crates sold for SI, and the fruit was all right for preserving purposes. New potatoes are drifting downward. Apples are scarce and higher. Butter and eggs are active and flrm, without any change in orices. Cheese is lc lower thaa at this time last year, and Is qniet at the low ligures. Buttek Creamery, ragin, 1920c; Ohio do, 1718c; fresh dairy packed. ll15c; country rolls, 1814c; Chartiers Creamery Co.. 19c Bkaiss-SI 751 DO. Beeswax 2sS0c ft aforcholce;Iowgrade, 1820c Cider Sand refined, t6 507 50; common, 53 604 00; crab cider. $8 0008 50 $ barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c t gallon. Ciieese New Ohio cueese, 9c; New York, new, lOkSllc: Llmbnrger, 910c; domestic Sweitzer cneese, 9K12c California Fkuitb California peaches, 54 004 50 box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, $4 00 i 50; plums, SI 004 50. Dr.iED Peas SI 251 35 $ bushel; split do, 23i3Kc V i. Eggs l3Mc ft dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, SOc -p dozen. Fhoits Apples, $3 J4 00 ?1 barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c $ ft; cranberries, $45 t barrel, 5ucSl CO i? bnsbel; strawberries, 6 12c ft quart; pine apples, SI 251 75 $1 dozen. Fjcathebs Extra live geese, 50&b0c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035o f? lb. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c. Hojiinv $2 652 75 V barrel. Potatoes 3540c Wi bushel; new Southern potatoes, S4 5C5 00 $1 barrel. Podltby Live chickens, b575c per pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c ? Si; drawn, 14 15c t? ft: turkeys, 15c dressed ft ft: ducks, live, 00070c pair; dressed, 1314c f) fi; geese, live. Si 001 2a fl pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Bs to bushel. So 60 $ bushel; clover, large English, 62 lbs, S6 00: clover, Allske, 18 50; clover, white, S3 00; tim othy, choice, 15 fis. SI 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fis. 90c; blue grass, fancy. 14 fts, SI 00: orchard grass, 14 fts. Si 65; red top, 14 fts, SI 25; millet, 50 fts, SI 00; German millet, 60 fts, SI 50; Hungarian grass. 60 fts. SI 00; lawn grass mixture of fine grasses, 82 50 fl bushel of 14 lis. Taliow Country. 4H5c; city rendered, 65c Tbopical Fruits Lemons, fancy. S5 600 6 00 $) box; Messina oranges. S4 50&5 50 j3 box; - Valencia oranges, fancy, $7 509 00 f? case; bananas, S3 00, firsts; 12 VO, good secunds. ? buncht cocoanuts, S4 505 00 ft hundred; new figs, 8K9c $1 pound; dates, 56Xc V pound. Vegetables Radishes, 25030c $ dozen; marrowfat peas, 52 25 53 crate; new cabbage, two-barrel crates. S2503 00; Bermuda onions, SI 151 25 ?! bnshel: string beans, $2 00; tomatoes, S3 0023 60 V bushel. 4 Groceries. Sugars have advanced c in New York. Coffees are 'firm but unchanged. The weak factor of wnhlesale groceries is flour, which will have to come down before many days, from present Indications. Green Copfee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo. 2223c; Mocha, S0Ji31Kc: Santos, 1922c: Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La gnayra, 2122c, Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 2C2Sc: old Government Java, bulk, S2e33)c; Maracalbo,27K28Kc; Santos, 2224c; peaberry. 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; cnolce Bio, 25c; prime Bio, 23c; good Bio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21Kc Spices (whole) Cloves, 210250; allspice, 9c; cassia. 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 70080c Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120 SKc; headlight, 150. Kc: water white, lOKc; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadine, llKc; ro aline. 14c syrups Corn syrups, 26029c; choice sugar syrup, 33038c:prlme sugar syrnp, 30033c: strict ly prime, 3303ol'; new maple syrup, 90c. N. O. MOUSSES Fancy, 48c; choice, 48c; me dium. 43c; mixed. 4UQ42c Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 3K04c; bi-carb in Ks. &Jic; bl-carb, assorted packages, 506c; sal soda in kegs, lMc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, per set, 8c; parafflne, ll12c RICK Head; Carolina, 77Hc; choice, 6K 7c: prime. 66c; Louisiana. 66Kc Starch fearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5$07c; gloss starch. oJiQle. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon don layers. S3 10: California London layers, J2 60; Muscatels, $2 25; California Mnscatels, SI 85; Valencia, new, 607c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 45c; Turkey prunes, neW, 4J5c; French prunes, 8K13c; Saloulca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, $6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivlca, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12K015c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12 lbc; new dates, 6K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. 11015c: citron, per ft. 21022c; lemon peel, per ft, 13014c; orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per fi, 6c; apples, evaporated, fcie6ic: apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15Q13c: peaches, evaporated, pared, 22023c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 10lzc; cberrles, nitted, 21022c; cherries, unpltted, 606c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424c; blackberries, 70Sc; buckle, berries, 10fi2c supAES uuoes, v?s$gvsc: powuerea. UIUILC I .... ?!... ..Ilnm .ln1- Tl n Pickles Medium, bbls, (1,200) 34 60; medi- ults. hail odis, (tiuuj. -a va T-IinrrlJl .ciureKa. ju j m uuckbut, o uu. Canned Goods Standard peaches $1 30 1 90; 2ds,-!U 3001 35; extra peaches. SI 6001 W: pie peacliet". 90c: finest corn. S101 60: Hfd. Co. corn, 70590c; red cherries, 9OC0S1 00; Lima bean, SI 10; soaked do, Soi.; string do do; 750 85c; marrowfat peas, tl lul 15: soaked peas, 70075c; pineapples, SI 4001 50: Bahama do, 2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages. SI 25; egg plums, S2 00; California pears, $2 60; do greengages, S2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra white cherries. $2 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 4001 60; strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, SI 2001 30: tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, J-ft. SI 7502 10; blackberries, SOc; suc cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c: do green, 2 fts, SI 251 60: corn beef, 2-ft can, SI 75: 14-ft cans, S13 SO; baked beans, SI 4001 45; lobster, 1 fi. 51 7501 SO; mackerel, 1-fi cans, broiled, 51 50; sardines, domestic, lA S4 1504 60; sardines, domestic, A, S8 258 SO; sardines, imported, y.t, SU 50012 50; sardines, imported. Ks, $18 00: sardines, mustard, S4 00; sardines, spiced. S4 25. Fish Extra N 0.1 bloater mackerel, S36 ty bbh: extra No. 1 do, mess, M0: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole Sollock,4Kclft.: do medium, George's cod, ;; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 607c Herring Bound shore, 55 00 91 bbL; splir, $7 00; lake, 52 60 W 100-&. half Obi. -White fish, $7 00 1 100 fi. half bbl. Lake trout. So 60 W half bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c "? ft. Iceland halibut, 13c a fi. Pickerel. i barrel, S2 00; i barrel. $1 10: Potomac herring, S5 00 fi barrel, S2 60 barrel. Buckwheat Flour 22Kc 9 fi. Oatmeal $0 3000 CO V bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 68060c f) gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grnln, Floor nnd Feed. Total receipts bulletined at tho Grain Ex change, 42 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, i cars of oats, 2 of corn, 11 of hay, 2 of feed, 4 of flour. 1 of bran. By Pittsburg. Cin cinnati and St. Louis, 1 car of corn and oats, 3 of corn, 6 of oats, 1 of flour, 1 of hay. By Bal timore and Ohio. & cars of oats. 1 of rye. Bv Pittsburg and Western. 1 car of oats. There was bnt one sale on call, viz., a car of sample oats at 31Jc spot. Corn Is weak. Oats are off, as our quotations will show. Flour is quiet at qnotatlons, and a drop in prices cannot be far away, according to present appearances. The best opring patents In wood can be laid down in Pittsburg from Minneapolis at less than So 0 by tbe carload. The cash bnyer of flour will find holders to concede on our quotations for ob lots. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 90091c; So. 8 red. S4S0c CORN No. 2 yellow ear. 3939Kp: high mixed ear, 37c; No. 2 yellow, nhelled, S7037Kc: high mixed shelled. S6k3Zc; mixed, shelled, 35 830c OATS No. 2 white, ZXKQ'&sx extra. No. 8. 30K$3io: No. $ white, 29Xtftc; No. 2 mixed, 27 ease v , . Rye No. 1 Western, 7675e: No. 2. 65j5c UARLKT No.l Canada, 9598cr No. 2 Can ada, 85S8c; No. 3 Canada, 70fij72c; Lake Shore, 7880c Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, S5 505 75: spring patents, 95 7580 00: winter straight, S4 7S5 Uh clear winter, S4 504 75; straight XXXX bakers', S4 004 25. Bye flour, $3 50S75. ' JlIl.LPKED Middlings, One white, S15 00 15 50 V ton; brown middlings. $11 5012 6U; winter wheat bran, $12 25812 GO; chop feed, S15 001G 00. Hay Baled timothy,- choice. S15 00; No. 1 do,SI3 60I4 OOrNo. 2 do.Sll 50 12 50; loose from wagon, S16 0018 00: No. 1 upland prairie. S10 50 011 00; No. 2, SS 0089 50; picking do. So 60 Straw Oats. S3 008 25; wheat and straw, $7 007 -5088 00. rye Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10Kc; sugar-cured hams, medium, UJc; sugar-cured hams, small, HJic; sogar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 8Kc: sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried lieef flats. 8c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. Uc:bacon shoulders, 7J4c; bacon clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry salt shoulders. 6Kc: dry salt clear sides, TJic Mess pork, heavy. S14 00; mess pork, family. S14 60. Lard Kenned In tierces, 7c; half barrel. Tc; 60-ft tubs, 7c: 20 ft pills, 7c; 50 fc tin can, 7e; S-B tin pails, 8c; 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10-ft tin pills, 7c Smoked sausage. long, 5c: large. 5c Fresh pork Jinks. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel. Si OCfanarter barrel, SI 9a Dressed 9fear. Armour & Co. furnish tbe following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 as. 5c;650to650ft3.Gc:Gu0to750&s,6c Sheep, oc fi m. leaning, ac fi z. nogs, oc pork loins, 9c Fresh CLIMBING THE EIFFEL T0WEE. One Who Has Been There Describes the VIeiv From the Top. A correspondent of the Manchester (Eng.) Courier, who made the ascent of the tower, says that while resting midway np to breathe, the apparently bottomless depth below, the awful height above, give singu lar sensations of helplessness. The maze of stays and girders seems hopelessly contused'. Though the hand-rail is high enough, still there are thoughts of going over which are anything bnt pleasant. However, perse verance is well repaid wSen one steps ont on to the top platform. A mountain 100 feet high is thought to be mersdy a hill, but there is no comparison etween 1,000 feet of mountain and 1,000 feet of Eiffel. The ab sence of any ground falling away from one's feet, or of surronnding mountains, gives a sense of isolation and unnaturalness new to any but a balloonist or steeplejack. It takes a few moments before one can muster nerve to walk on the edge of the platfotm and look over. Yon must have a strong head to do that. An apparently smooth band of metal (though it is really a network of bars) falls away at a steep angle to the gronnd. There, hnddled together, look to be a few skylights glistening in the sun. In reality these are the Exhibition buildings, and it takes somo time before one can realize that that winding rivulet is the silver Seme. The Pont de Jena is like a straw, and the other bridges become less and less definable. , The overpowering sense of one's own in significance for-a time prevents a recogni tion of familiar buildings. That gilt button is the magnificent dome of the Invalides; that stump of sealing wax is the monument in the Place de la Eastile: the Pantheon looks like a new halfpenny; the towers of jNotre.uame are scarcely distinguishable; St. Augustin might be anything, and the Arc de triomphe requires careful identifica tion. Paris is bat a mat in a carpet of green and blue. Theonlydistinguishablemovlng objects are small clouds of white smoke traveling slowly along the railways them selves not even existing in a line. Above all, an Almighty silence, which is most oppressive- ANOTHER THEOfiT. The Hoogarlnn Poet, Mnnrlce Joke I, Tells Why tbe Crovrn Prince Killed HImsein The Hungarian poet, Maurice Jokai, who was an intimate friend and companion of the late Prince Rudolph, says the London Olobe, has just made a contribution to the solution of what is still the mysterious trag edy of Meyerling. The poet's theory is that the Crown Prince, seeing public opinion going against what he conceived to be his mission, deliberately sacrificed himself to the peace of the world. In support of this idea he cites two scraps of conversation, in one of which Prince Rudolph, reierriug to the floating rumors about his domestic re lations, said: "I love my family beyond everything, and tell those who say the op posite that they do not speak the troth." The other was: "Ah! How I would likejto die on a field of battle "War is inevitable, and therefore, would that it would come quickly! The longer it is delayed the worse it will be. Either we will conquer, or we will fall with glory." This settles the ques tion in the mind of the poet, but we fear the un poetic world will require more definite evidence. HE WASN'T DEAD. The Trouble Was That Thoy Looked Into tbe Wrong Ere. Philadelphia Times. A railroad man, "occupying a responsible position on one of the great lines, according to a Western cotemporary, was riding on a train when a collision happened and a car was knocked into smithereens. He was picked up as one dead and was stretched out in some convenient place to await the arrival of the doctors to officially pronounce upon his condition. By and bye a physi cian bustled up, looked at his prostrate, motionless form and pallid face and said: 'That poor fellow's a goner, I guess-" Then he kneeled down, lifted np an eye lid, and saw a dull, expressionless orb. "Yes, he's dead fast enoughl take him away," exclaimed the doctor. The supposed corpse suddenly began to move its lips. The startled surgeon listened, and this is what he heard: "You .blanked old fool, that's My glass eye." , THE STUDY OP DEAD LANGUAGES. Nineteen Oatof Tnrcntv Young Men ILjveNo 17s e for Them. . Estimating in the Forum the- relative importance in the education of an English speaking man of the ancient and the mod ern languages Prof. John Stuart Blackie says: "While Latin and Greek will never cease to hold their places in the front rank of education agents it is an anachronism of the grossest kind to insist on a prolonged study of these two dead languages as the necessary basis for the general culture of a well-educated gentleman in the latter end of this nineteenth century; the more so.that experience has taught that 19 out of 20 young men who have been driven through this routine of the dead languages at school in after-life make no use ot them, and the fruits which th'eir boasted classical train ing has to show are in tbe inverse ratio of the labor spent upon it." Many of the plagnei of dyspepsia, and the depression caused by general debility, may be overcome by Dr. Javne's Tonic Vermifuge. It helps tbe weak and aids the digestive functions, being an excellent 'general tonic, and the very best ot worm ex terminators besides. For use as a tonic the larger sized bottles are cheapest. Export Beer. Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, Budweiser and Anheuser beers in quarts and pints. Liberal allowance for return of empties. Schlitz Milwaukee export beers, extra stout,, extra pale and Pilsner; quarts and pints. Allowance for return of empties. Sciiuetz, Eesziehatjses- & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. FOR FORTY-EIGHT DAYS fcffi of a historical romance written by Joaquin Miller in hi best vein, and published in com plete form in to-morrow ' Dispatch. '11 IE SPOKE TOO ,IATJ. Revelations WWcb Destroyed FfetMtM Becallectlom of a Squirrel Pl. Hartwell (Ua.) Son.: We had gone into winter quarters ar Bichiaond. Every day an old lady would drive out to the camp in a wagon loaded with cakes, pies, etc., which she disposed of to the hall-famished soldiers at exorbitant prices. One day she came out, and among t other edibles was a "squirrel" pie about tie size of a cheese. Several of our boys clubbed together and bought it. Thewdman pocketed the money, and was waiting oa some other customers. The men had the pie about half consumed, when the old lady's little boy, who accompanied, her be gan to cry its it his heart would break. The little fellow was a favorite with the soldiers, and, otcourse, we tried to pacify him. He would hot fell as what he waa crying for. Finally the old lady's patience was exhausted, and told the boy it he did not tell the men what he was crying about she would take tbe wagon whip and wear him out. With the tears still streaming down his face, he said, between his sobs: "Mammy s-s-said if I'd I-l-Iet her kill dem pup-puppies to make dat pie she'd gl-give me de money, an' she done g-g-eona and put it in her own pocket boo-hoo-oo l" This information came too late, as by this time the pie had vanished from fight. Although there were several attempts made to cause that "squirrel pie" to reappear, they were all ineffectual. The old lady mounted her wagon and drove away and, wo never saw her again. , Our little girl when bnt three weeks old broke ont with eczema. We tried the prescrip tion from several good doctors, but without any special benefit. We tried S. S. S-, and by the time one bottle was gone, her head began to heal, and by the time she had taken six bot tles she was completely cured. Now she hass full and heavy head of hair a robust, healthy Child. I feel it but my duty to make this state ment. H.T.SHOBE, Rich Hill. Mo. J3Send for our Books on Blood and Skin Dis eases and Advice to Snff erers, mailed free. THE SWOT SPECIFIC CO., fel-7-TTS Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. CITY SAVINGS BA3SK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital, 1100,000, with privilege of 2500,000. Surplus and undivided profits, 123.600. Transacts a General Banking Bnslness. Ac counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. JAS. CALLERY President W.J.BUKNS VicePresidenS JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier mh23-ES-TTS WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special off trings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DBESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHHVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see ua. WHOLESALEEXCLUSIYELY fe22-r83-2 rfflHnRB A PERFECT! itti'tM'g'Q A. Durelv tVezetabte 1 Compound that expels all bad humors frcA r I system. Removes Blotch 'es and -Dfmnles. and makes pure, rich blood. apMS DUES: KTMPTOVg-Molai. ure Intend Itchlax and Unclncf Mint st lffnii wvrae x ermicsiinff ji bj lowed to continue tonon form ana lTrumri on cc t4whtehonsi IIVIIIIIUI bl.W.DIwa ana nircrnv, bccomUa; Verr SWATHE'S HIST ME.VT atop the Itching ud bleedlnc, heal RlMMtla. ..l)I.MMtMIMWllTHU6ISi man. BwAmiOomnnitKiljtna)tu,''maia ur addreu oa ncctpt of prle, Sons. box; 3boxM,JLZ3. Wdrai Ittten. DE. SWA iTTE SOX. BlUMpMs. r- THE PEOPLE'S MOM Ml HAVE OK XA2TD AND I3SCE BROWN BROS. & CO.'S Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers Good in all parts of tbe world. ap27-83-W3 -V ONEY TO LOAN - On mortgages on improved real estate In sums of f 1,000 and upward. Apply at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mh4-3J-r " No. 121 Fourth avenne. BKOKE US FINANCIAL. $5 TO 1100 WILL SECURE -STOCK QP- TlUiNB: iu to iuu snares; ouen jieiainz large profits; stocks carried 'on; margin; waxi Street juanuai iree. PECK 4 COSTER, JeI-97 52 Broadway, New Yorle City. TTTHITNEY 4 STEPHENSON, 7 FOURTH AVENUE, Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL alorzan & Co., New York. Passports procured. apS-I GEORGE T. CARTER," 0 PER CENr GOLD INVESTMENT BONDS, 614-515 Hamilton Building; mvlO-70-D - Pittsbnrg; Pa. MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PE!(X AVENUE. PITTSBCKG.PA, As old residents know and back files of Pitts, but? papers prove. Is tbe oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, devoting special attention toall chronic 'vases. From prsonf16 NO FEE I'lL CURED MCDUnilC" nd m iiseases, physical IN Lit V UUo decay.nervousdebillty.lackof energy, ambition and hope. Impaired mem ory; disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organta weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN 3r& blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings; ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from tbesystem. 1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange U n 1 1 1 M n 1 1 ments, weak badcgravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttier's llf e-long, extensive experienea insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hours 9 AJt to8Jt8undy, 10 A. St. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER, Sll Penn avenue. Pittsbnrg. Pa. ap9-31X-Dsuwk A STJFFEKEK. youtn. "Sunr weakness, lost vljror, etc.. was restored to. bealtfi Insueh a remarkable manner after all else had failed that he will send the mode of cure TKEEto all fellow sufferers- Address L. Q MITCHELL, East Haddsm, Conn. mja-a-Psawk nrftl rssVII A rosn-ivK cuke MEN 0NLYgfS Body & Mind, Lack of Strength, Vigor and De velonment, cansed br Errors, Excesses, Ac Hook. MODEorSKLV-TKEATJCIST. and froofs mailed iseaieoi inc. luttalo. N. Y. Address EBIE MEDICAL CO., aezs-sr-frsaVWK HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases In three days, and enres In five days. Price 1 00. C J. FLEMING'S DRUGSTOKi. Ja5-a6-TTS8a 413 Market steet. I v SSHLP IkiesHshIsHHsHh! r.'4S6& "