T, l- TuJ. jj. LOOAL LIVE STOCK. Leading features of Markets at Lib- . erty for the Week. 1 FLIGHT CATTLE EUN-LAED MARKET 1 IHeayy Supply of Sheep and Lambs, Tear s' TT lings Scarce and Firm. HOGS EEEP DKIFTIXG DOWNWARD ik office of Pittsbukg Dispatch, T L, Wednesday, May 29 1888. f - Receipts of cattle on Monday were 67 cars against 72 the previous Monday. Some E or 6 loads hare been received since the beginning of the week, making a total of 73 cars, which is 8 cars below the snpplyjof last week. Quality was scarcely no to the average. There were 52 loads from Chicaco, and a few of these were prime stock, bat the bulk was below standard grade. There were fever heavy weights than last week. Drovers have evidently caught on to the fact that this bas become a very poor market for heavy cattle. There ha been little demand for export cattle at Liberty yards for some weeks past. Bayers from Eastern Pennsylvania were .scarce this week. The demand was mostly local. The best demand was for smooth, llcht batcher stock weighing 1.000 to 1,200 pounds. A few loads of good beeves, weighing from 1.S0O to 1,400 pounds, were sold at $1 351 4a One bunch of still heavier Bold at 4 SO. Calves were firm and higher, with Si 85g5 00 as the range. Some extra fine brought J5 23. Notwithstanding reduced supplies of cattle, markets were slow on most grades. Desirable batcher stock held its own, and was probably a shade firmer than last week. About everything on hand was cleared up to-day. With receipts equal to last week, prices would have been loner. As it was. the light run was the saving clause of markets. Prices of cattle have been higher in Chicago this week, but no better here. A Heir's Island drover said to-day: "I paid more for my stock at Chicago this week than last, bat could not persuade buyers here to give any more, and as margins have for a long time been very close, there is no protit in my busi ness this week." Sheep and Lamb. Becelpts on Monday were S2 loads. Since then abont 16 loads have been added to supplies. There were 14 loads on the market to day. Said a leading stockman: "I sold a load yes terday at 4c A deck of very fine wethers brought 4Vc Good vearllngs were rather scarce, and brought 55a Spring lambs brought 6c Choice grades of sheep and lambs maintained the prices of last week, notwith standing the heavy ran. As compared with prices of the early part of the week, prices are are 20c to 25c higher now than then. Hoc. Supply was liberal on Monday, being SI loads, an excess of 7 loads over the previous Monday. About 20 loads have been received since. Markets at the beginning of tbe week were fair, but advices from the East and West proved a dampener to tbe trade about noon Monday. Since then prices have been drifting downward, and to-day are 15c below Monday's rates. The outside price of tops this morning was Hear At Chicago it was $1 50. Die Call & Co.' Review. The receipts of cattle were light; the market opened up slow on all grades and lower on heavy, but closed active and higher on all grades .except heavy. Wo give the following as ruling prices: Prime, 1,300 to 1.000 lis, J 4 204 40; good. 1500 to MM H.S.M 104 25;rough fat, 1,100 to 1,300 lbs, $3 703 90: cood butcher grades, V00 to 1,100 fts, S3 W4 00; common to fair, $00 to LOuO As, S3 504 75; bulls and fat cows, $2 O0Q3 00: fresh cows and springers $20 0040 00 per head. Tbe receipts of bogs were liberal, and the market was slow at 1015c per cwt, lower than yesterday. Sales to-day as follows: Philadel phia and Yorkers, 1 654 60; roughs, J3 00 8 75. Tbe receipts of sheep Monday and Tuesday were liberal, and the market steady at about last week's closing prices. To-day the mar Let was active at 10c to 15c per cwt. higher than Monday. We pve the following as ruling prices: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weigh ing here 110 to 120 lis, $4 554 75; good, 90 to 100 fts, $1 234 40; fair to good mixed, S5 to 90 tts. S3 50g4 10; -common to fair. ro e -us, S3 mjj au; prime yearumis. Ho jss, m ousjo ia; good yearling. 7o to SO Cs, 54 75: common to fair. 50 to 0 ft. S3 400) S 78; veal calves, 110 to 120 lbs, $4 6025 00. Br Telegraph. New Yobk Beeves Receipts, 1,700, in cluding 53 carloads to be sold. 8 carloads for exportation and 33 carloads tor city slaughter ers direct; prices were about 10c per 100 Us. liigher, and tbe trading was fairly active to the finish; common to prime steers sold at from S3 SO to $4 60 per 100 tts.; tops. $4 75; balls, 53 00 3 75; dry cows. SI 5063 75; exports to-day, 4,360 quarters ot beef. To-day's Liverpool cable quotes American refrigerator beef higher at tiic per ft. Calves Receipts, 4,900: opening prices were about steady, but late sales were at a decline eqnal to nearly He per fc and 600 mast be carried over; closinc figures were at 8$f5Kcperft. for veals, and at 23c for but termilk, calves, bheep Receipts, 7,000; both sheep and lambs were active and higher, and the market closed firm with an upward tendency; sheen sold at 54 335 50 per 100 fts. ; yearlings, $5 506 25: spring lambs, $770010 00. Hogs Receipts, 9,600; none sold on tbe lire weight; nominal value. H 605 10 per 100 fis. Kaksas CrTT-Cattle Receipts. L53S head: shipments, none; market steadt; heavy beef steers we&K anu uara io sen; ugm ana medium steady to firm; good stead); common and grassers weak and doll; stackers and f eedimr steers steady; good to choice cornfed, 3 SO 4 00; common to medium, 325370; stackers and feeding steers, ! 2534o; cons and heifers, tl 753 03. Hogs-Receipts, 9,275 head; ship ments, 4,029 head: market opened steady to a shade higher: generally 2foc higher; good to choice. $4 254 30; common to medium, 4 10 4 20. Sheep Receipts, 1,715 head; shipments, none; market strong; good to choice muttons, 3 754 15: common to medium, $2 503 50. Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 102 loads through; none on sale; good inquiry for light butchers. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 3 loads through, 21 loads for sale; market active and strong, folly 25c hlcher; good to best sheep, $4 654 70; fair to good, E4 40ffi4 60; lambs, best, $5 705 75; spring lambs, f7 00. Hogs Receipts, 151oad$throuch,25for sale; market 5c lower; mediums, 4 55; mixed mediums and Yorkers, $4 60; Yorkers, S4 654 75. CHICAGO Cattle Receipts, 14,500 head;ship menta, 4,503 head; market a shade easier: beeves, S4 004 25; steers, S3 404 15; stackers and feeders. 52 403 70; cows, bulls and mixed, n 903 15; Texas cattle, $1 903 7a Hogs Receipts. 22,000 head; shipments, 4,500 head: market strong and active: mixed. ?4 304 50; heavy, 254 45: light, 304 65; skips, S3 40 4 20. Sheep Receipts, 3,000 head; shipments, 1,000 head: market strong and active; natives, S3 504 40: Western, shorn. $3 904 30;Texans, shorn, 3 604 25; lambs, $4 005 00. Sr. Lours Cattle Receipts. 1,900 head; ship ments, L100 head: market slow; choice heavy native steers. R B0i 40; fair to good, $3 15 4 OO; stackers and feeders. 2 103 20; rangers, corn-fed, 52 R0S3 50; grajs-f ed. t2 003 00. Hosts Receipts, 4,000 head: shipments, 1,800 head: dull; choice heavy and butchers, $4 304 40; packing, S4 204 35; light, H 303 4 40. Sheep Receipts, 1,100 head; shipments, 600 head: strong; lair to choice, 3 004 6a CnrcntSATi Hogs lower; common and l1?.?.. 60i Peking and butchers. H 154 40; receipts, 6,200 head; shipments, 700 bead. ' Drycooda Market. New York. May 29. At the continuation of the auction sale of flannels to-day the same buyers were present, and prices ranged on about the same plane, though there was con siderable falling off toward tbe close, where the least known brands were catalogued. Fin est qualities sold extremely well, and the gen eral average on thls.and the sale as a whole, was sot materially different from tbe first day, when an advance of from 3 to 5 cents per over last year's prices was fixed, which stamps the salo as a success. The prices do not reflect the Increased cost of manufacture at present -cost of woob Business in cotton goods was consid erable to-day, many good orders being placed for plain goods. There are practically no stocks, and tbe market is rather strong, with an upward tendency. Sfetal market. NEW YORK Copper nominal; lake, June, J12. Lead dull and steady; domestic, $3 9a Tin firmer and JJjirly active; Straits, J20 50. . To Be Thrown Open. St Mark's Guild House, on South Eigh teenth street, will be thrown open to the public to-morrow evening. The exercises, which inclo.de addresses and music are to beheld in front of the building if the weather permits. Mr. H. i Gonrley, Prot J. A. Brashear and Emmett Cotton, Esq., will deliver the addresses and the Midget Band and the Guild Choral Club, under - the management of ITrank I, Hooff. will a.:.i. .tf ,- ' 4U4UUU uii BlOSlCa MABKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Open Firm but Close Weak and Lower Contradictory Weather Re port Corn and Oat Without Material Chance Hoc Product Steady. Chicago After a firm opentng and slight advance the wheat market rnled easier to-day, prices declining jjje, and closed Giio 'ower than yesterday. A fair business was trans acted, but trading was spasmodic. The firm opening and Jfc advance was attributed to cold wet weather and better tone of Liverpool ad vices. Closing cables were all strong, but later the predictions were for warmer weather in the Northwest, and this started parties who had bought on cold weather to selling. To-morrow being a holiday, also brought out small lots of long wheat, parties not caring to hold till Friday. Some little export business was re ported at the seaboard, and there was also some business doing in cash wheat there. A quiet, easy feeling prevailed in corn. Transactions were only of moderate volume and fluctuations limited to Uc range. Nothing new of consequence was developed that had any apparent effect on values, and the market was governed entirely by local influences. Oats were traded in liberally, and early a stronger feeling prevailed. Opening sales were at Hejic advance. The marketheld steady for a time, in sympathv with tbe strength in corn, but after the few buyers had been filled up, of ferings increased. A weaker feeling developed and prices receded JfSXe, the close being quiet at abont inside prices. In mess pork buying was rather HghCand tbe market rather firm. Prices ruled 7K10c high er, and the market closed quiet at medium fig ures. A quiet and steady feeling prevailed in the lard market. Prices were a little more favor able to sellers, but the Change was slight. Only a moderate trade was reported in the market for short ribs. Prices declined 25c early, but rallied again, and the market closed steady at outside figures. The leading futures rancrea as rollows: Wheat No. 2 June. 7BUe79Ue7Sa78c: JuIt. '77Ke76076Kc: August, 757574i 34Wc. OATS No. 2 June, 2222J621Je21J6c: July. 222222K22ic; August, Mess Poke, per bbl. June, $11 75; July, SU &X11 90U 77VU 85; August, SU 85 11 92811 8511 l. Lars, per 100 tts.-j uly, K 72X6 75; August, 6 77VG 806 HOQO 77Vg6 8U; September. J6 &M6 5. SllOBT RIBS, per 100 fts. June, t567572 65 655 72H: JT, K 77j65 805 o5 80; August, to b55 87. Casn quotations were as follows: Klour quiet and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 8c; No. 3 spring wheat, 7475c; No. 2 red, TSkc oats, JXiimanc jno. nominal, no.i n&x seed, nominal. Mess pork, cer barrel. 211750U 80. Lard, per 100 tts. tS 67k'S 7a Short ribs sides (loose). S5 70 675. JJry salted shoulders (boxed), S512 5 25. dhort clear sides (boxed), $066 12. Sugars Cut. loal, 9Ji9c; granulated. 8jc; Standard A, sKc Receipt Flour. 15,000 bar rels; wheat, 24,000 bushels; corn, 603000 bush els: oats, 257,000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels; barley, 2,000 bushels. Shipments Flonr. 7,000 barrels; wheat, 12.000 bushels; corn. 671,000 bushels: oats, 338,000 bushels; rye, 5,600 bush els; barley. 3,000 bushels. On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was firm and unchanged. Eggs firm at New Yobk Flour dull and barely steady Cornmeal quiet. Wheat Spot dull and lower; options moderately active and K?SC lower, closing steady. Rye dull and weak. Barley malt dull; Canadal 90c51 10 for old and new. Cora Spot active, Xgclower and weak; free sellers; optio'ns doll and firm. Oats Spot weaker and quiet: options less active, -i(sc lower and weak. Hay quiet and weak. Coffee Options opened stead) : unchanged to 5 points down, closed steady 510 down; sales, 21,750 bags, including May, 16.601650c; June, 16.45 16.50c; July. 16.5516.60c; August, 16.70c; Sep tember. 1S.85&16.90C; October. 16.90lG.95c: De cember and January, 17.0017.0oc; February, 17.10c; March, 17.15c: spot Rio quiet; fair car goes, 18a 8ugar Raw strong; sales 6,000 bags centrifugals, 96 test, 7Kc; 400 bags molas ses. 87 test 6c; 749 bags concrete, 83 test,5c; refined firm and active. Molasses Foreign firm; 50 test 30c; New Orleans quiet: open kettle, good to fancy, 2S46c Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet and firm. Tallow lower; city, 441M6c; sales 150 hogs heads at 4Jc. Rosip firm and quiet; strained common to good, tl 101 12. Turpentine dull at3S39c. ggs easier and quiet: western, 13X13kc: receipts. 7,502 packages. Pork dull; mess, SIS 25013 50; extra prime, 12 00012 25. Cutmeats quiet: pickled bellies. Shi6i61ici lckled hams, llc: pickled shoulders, 5c ard firmer and quiet; sales, western steam, 7 05, closing at 7 05 bid; city. ?6 50; Ma v, J7 OS; June, 17 03(37 05, closinc at J7 X& askedi July, $7 067 US. closing at J7 07 bid; August, S7 0S 7 09, closinc at 57 11. Butter in fair demand and steady; western dairy, SQI3c; do creamery, 1317c. Cheese weak and .dull; Ohio flat. 78c. 8t. Louis Flonr qnlet hut steady. Wheat lower: the market was influenced wholly by de- dines at other points and closed weak below yesterday; No. 2 red cash, 7777Jc; May closed at 77c; June, 74c asked; July, 72&c bid: August, 725ic oepiemuer, lAiic ma. v;orn mixed, cash, 31Ke31Jic:May U1U3CU HMK, 4.1U. UiJJLCU, USU, OlXfil closed at31Kc:Jnne. 31631c; August, S2c; September, 32e. Oats lower; No. 2 cash, 23Hc: May, 23c; Jnne. 22c; Julv, 22c bid; Sep tember, 225c bid. Rye No. 2,4041o, Pro visions quiet, CisciNirATi Flour in moderate demand. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red, 80c; receipts, 500 bushels: shipments. 2,400 bead. Corn in mod erate demand: No. 2 mixed. 3434a Oats firmer; No. 2 mixed, 25Kc Rye quiet; No. 2, 47c Pork easy at $12 25. Lard steady at 6 50. Bnlkmeats and bacon quiet Butter quiet Sugar firm. Eggs firm. Cheesesteady. Mjxwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat easy: cash, 75c: June, 75Jc; July. 76Vc Corn quiet; No. 3. 3233c. Oats "dull; No. 2 white. 26K27c Rye dull; No. L 43c bid. Barley quiet; No. 2. 5152c. Provisions firm. Port cash, $11 77V; July, 111 70. Ird. cash, $6 85: Jnly, $6 5. Cheese unchanged; Cheddars, old, 9gl0c. Baltimore Provisions dull. Butter, quality better and prices more easily obtained; West ern pacKeo. i(si9c; creamery, liHiisc i.gcs firmatUc. Coffee strong; Rio, fair, 18Jc Toledo Cloverseed neclected. - Wool Mnrket. St. Louis Recelpte for the week 1,847.281 pounds, against 888,890 ponnds the previous week. There is still good demand. Manu facturers have thus far bought sparingly, and the advances are due to speculative trading. Unwashed, bright medinm. 2025Xc; coarse braid. 1523c; low sandy, 1219c; fine light, 17 24c; fine heavy, 1220c; tub washed, choice, 37c: inferior, 3235c. PEACEABLE PARADES ABE LEGAL. The Police Have no Authority to Prohibit Such Demonstration. Chicago, May 29. A number of de cisions were handed down in the Appellate Court to-day. A question of political, re ligious and social liberty is discussed by Justice Moran in a decision wherein he holds that the city of Chicago has no right to repress orderly parades in the street. John Trotter, a Salvation Army Captain, was arrested and fined in the Criminal Court for parading on the streets, the prosecution being under an ordinance prohibiting parades, except on ?ermit of the Superintendent of Police, rotter appealed from the fine, and Justice Moran makes the important ruling that a permit from the police chief is not neces sary where people parade in a quiet and orderly manner. ' Justice Gary, doubtless having in mind the Anarchist riots, dissents, and holds that it comes properly within police powers to prohibit parades. The suit of Edward A. Stevens to restrain the Board of County Commissioners from making, a contract with St, Mary's Training School for Boys, on the ground that it is a sectarian institution and the payment of money to such institutions is contrary to the Constitution, was dismissed the Appellate Court holding that ir had no jurisdiction. Such cases, involving the construction of a section of the Constitution, are. it bolds,appealable only to the Supreme Court. COUNTERFEITERS CAPTURED. na.. nr.l,. . T.n l ci ., . VM.WW MM...V .. .J UH.MUIHI AUIU liDOO nn Illinois Gang-. Chicago, May 29. a posse consisting of two Sheriffs, deputy marshal and eight citizens made a raid on a gang of counter. feiters who have been operatinc in the neighborhood of Versailles. I1L Four men were captured, and besides counterfeiting tools and coins a large quantity- of illicit whisky was found. Captain Porfer, ot the Secret Service, to-day took the four men to Springfield, where he had them bonoU over in $1,000 bond each lor counterfeiting. Fields, one of the counterfeiters, turned State's evidence, and the capture bids fair la&SiyS THE PLACES WR HOMES. Several of the Outlying Districts Re ceiving Marked, Attention. OAKLAND AND SQUIRREL HILL Occupy Yery CoramandlDg Positions, With Rapid Transit Assured. TEHPERAMCETILLB AKD THE MOUKI The sale of 26 lots on Mount "Washington in one day shows conclusively that there is an unusual movement in that direction. It is a beautiful place, with good air and water; It possesses all the requisites for com fortable living, has commanding views of the city and a large area of the adjacent country, and Is convenient of access at all times of the day or night. It is destined to be come one of the most populous districts on the Southside. Several ot the outlying districts which have been mentioned in The Dispatch within a weekortwoare continuing to attract the at tention of real estate buyers. Among them are Oakland and Squirrel HUL The comple tion of tbe loop ot the Fifth avenue cable cars is all that is needed to place the former in the front rank for residence purposes. It possesses everything else to make it desirable. Squirrel HU1 will soon have two electric roads, which will place it in close communication wi th tbe heart of the city. Naturally it is one of the most picturesque spots in the county. Both of, these districts are already prime favorites in the real estate market, bat rapid transit, now an assured thing, will give them a boost that will place them in a still more commanding po sition. The old rumor of the proposed sale of the postofflce property was revived yesterday, It may be well to repeat that this property can not be sold without an act of Congress, which may not be obtained for years. Indeed, from the dilatory vay in which the new building is going up, the old one will be needed for the purpose for which It Is now used for a long time to come. When sold, if ever, it will be adver tised, So that ail will have an equal chance to buy it. No one will have theinside track in the deal. Business is business. The proprietor of a grocery house in the East End, wno formerly did business in Butler, told this story yester day: ."When in Sutler I did a large produce trade with the farmers. One-day one of them, whom I knew very well, came in with a large roll of fine-looking butter, weighing some eigbt or ten pounds. I took it and paid him for It. The price was SO cents a pound. When I went to cut it the knife .encountered a hard sub stance which could not be penetrated. 1 tore open the lump and found embedded in it a beef bone that weighed a pound and a half. I was surprised, but said nothing. When the farmer came again I said to him: 'Mr. , you owe me 45 cents on that butter.' His guilty look showed that he knew what I meant. He band ed me over the change and walked oat I have not seen him since." The finding water at West End place seems to have been all that was needed to give a god send off. It removed the only objection that had been urged against the locality. Four lots were sold there yesterday and several others bargained for. TemperancevUle may now Da said to be In the swim. . "Selling real estate at auction Is- the best plan I have ever tried," remarked a real estate agent yesterday. "In the ordinary way buyers are very slow to act They seem to thmk that by waiting they can get better terms, but when they meet face to face at an auction they know they must art promptly or the other fellows will get ahead of them. Auction sales also excite competition, and in most cases better prices are realized. "We sell both privately and by auction, bat I prefer the latter method. There is fun as well as profit in it" HOW THEI STAND. Strong and Weak Features of.the Local Stock Olarkct. "We are not quite ready to come together," remarked a stock broker yesterday evening after the call. This was a sufficient explana tion of the dullness of the market There are plenty of orders, but tbey are not urgent and both sides hope Dy holding off a little longer to do better for their principals. There were some outside sales, among them 500 shares of Pittsburg and Manchester BaUway, sold by Henry M. Long for 1200, Last November this stock went at S104. This almost phenomenal advance in so short a time is due entirely to the improved condition of the road assuring good dividends. There was only one sale at the morning call, that of 100 shares of Chartiers Gas at 50, the same price that it brought the day before. The afternoon sales amounted to 125 shares, mak ing a total of 225 for tbe day. Philadelphia Gas was wanted at 8 but held higher. As there was no pressure to sell it nothing was done. A holder of the stock said; "I am not going to give it away. It hasn't seen its best days yet" rue rest ot the gassers maintained an easy and quiet attitude. Central Traction was stronger, selling at S2K to 32. assessment paid. The others were fractionally weaker. Electric was still under a legal disability, 54 being bid and 65 asked in tbe afternoon. It was offered very sparingly. It is pretty safe to say that this stock will keen. Snitch and Signal was weaker and neglected. La Nona showed no change. News from the mine was said to be unfavorable. Silverton wasn't wanted at any price, bnt $1 was asked for it The rest of the list was too dull to merit notice. Bids, offers and sales follow: Pitt, ret. 8. &M. Ex. Firth Avenue BanK Enterprise Savings, A. .... City insurance. 1'ennsrlranl Ins 2S Western Insurance Chartiers Val. Gas Co. Nat Gas Co. of W.Va. Ohio Valley Gas Philadelphia Co WheellnK USi O Central 'l'raction. Citizens' Traction Pittsburg Traction.... F. t W. K. K. pref.... LaNorla Mining Co... IVesttnthonse Electric U. b witch A Signal Co. WestlnR'se AlrB. Co.. i'ittsbcrgPlate Glass.. 'Assessment paid. There was only one sale at the morning call, 100 shares of Cttartiers Gas going at SO. In the afternoon 25 shares of Central Traction sold at 32 and 100 at 32. The total sales ot stocks at New York yes terday were 257,806 shares, including: -Atchison, 18,275; Canada Southern, 6,755; Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western. 3800; Lake Shore. 7,095; Michigan Central. 3,305: Missouri Pacific; 8,100, Northwestern, 10,510; Northern Pacific, 4,135; Northern Pacific preferred, 13.220; Reading, 11.210; Bt Panl. 3a,7S5; Union Pacific, 4,690; "Western Union, 21,124. A BANKER TALES. Idle Fnnds Not So Abundant as Some People Think. There was a fair demand for money at the leading banks yesterday. Tbe cashier of one of them said: "We are doing a very satisfactory business for the season.. The loan market is decidedly more active than at the same time last year. We are pretty well loaned up, but Borne of our neighbors liavo not been so fortu nate. There is an abundance of money for all legitimate purposes, but it is not in excessive supply." Kates were unchanged and steady. Exchange and currency were even. The clear ings were 2,101,847 73 and the balances H10,- 4oS 4i Monev on call at New York vesterdav waa easy at 22 per cent, last loan 2, closed offered at z. Prune mercantile paper, 3k 6. Sterling exchange dull but steady at U 8 w, -,- w -- . Government Bonds. tr. s. 4,4s. re.... TJ. 8. 4a, conp.. U. S.4. reg U. 8. 4a, coup..., ..10(1 107 10S 129)4 129g .1OT: ..129 ..139 Bid Currency, epercent l?M reg 121K Currency, epercent M98 rejr 124)J Currency, 6 per cent lS97rcg- 128 " Currency, epercent 1898 reg 131 Currency, epercent 1899 reg I33)f Government and State bonds are firm and qnlet New Yobs Clearings, 8144,676,754: balances, $5,043,640. Boston Clearings, 115,208,904; balances, IL888.08B. Money IK per cent MOWfrKG. AFTKBIfOOS. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 475 600 40 45 4S .... 33 . , 64 7b " "" .... 32 .... S3 37M 37X 37M 37) 32K 32K 32,'3 BK 69 70)1 .... .... UH 63 51 53 VX 22 Sa 8 x P 115 118 180 ,W278' w"fii2SR gtfc: P PITTSBURG; DISPATCH? ,- PHttADEtrHlA Clearings, 110,661,375; bl ances, $1,865,368. London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance Is 20,080. Bar silver 42d per ounce. PAKis-,Three per cent rentes, 86f 70o for the account ' Chicago Honey unchanged. Bank clear ings, 110,173,000. St. Louis Clearings, 82,980,904; balances, 1602,357. WIND AND-OIL More Noise Than Bntlneaa on 'Change A Trifling Slump. There was considerable strength in the oil market when it opened yesterday, but the bulls soon lost their grip and a downward movement set in, which continued, with slight interrup tions, till the close. Oil City was a buyer and New York a seller. Here the trading was mod erate and entirely professional, outsiders care folly keeping their fingers out of the pie. There were no new features. Tbe market opened at 84c, but it soon sold off to 83K& From this point it rallied a little, and held aronnd 83c until tbe afternoon, when it firmed np and sold at 84c,but failed to develop staying qualities and declined to S3K& In the last few mlnntes It was bid op to 83mc, at which it closed, with both sides carefully guarding their points. A broker said: "If the powers that be were willing we would soon be in shape for another advance. On the other hand, there is appar ently no combination of dealers to aid in patting prices up. This has always aided in our advances, and its apparent absence is significant ot a weak spot somewhere. So long as tbe trading is professional, as now, there can be no material change." Features ot the Market. Corrected dally try John M. Oaciey 4 Co., 45 Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum juccnange. Opened MHILowest... Highest 81ftClosed.... 83 835 Barrels. Average runs Average shipments iS, -TJ6 67.600 4.1.081 (Searings , 972,000 Refined, New York, 6.90c. Kennc, London, i 7-164. Refined, Antwerp. 174f. Refined. Liverpool, 6 S-16d. Carrying, btw York, nat: Oil City, 50c pre mium: Bradford, 25c premium: Plttsbnrg, 50c premium. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote puts, 82ffiS3c; calls,84c. Other Oil Markets. On. Crrr. May 29. National transit cer tificates opened at 84c; highest 84Jic; lowest S3c; dosed, 83c. Bradfobd. May 29. National transit certi ficates opened at 64c; highest, 84c; lowest, 83Kc; closed, Kc TrrtavTL'Lr. May 29. National transit cer tificates opened at 84c: highest 84c: lowest 83c; closed, 83c New York, May 29. Petroleum opened steady at coc and after moving up to 83, the price yieldol nnder Western selling, and declined to S3 A slight rally followed on which the market closed steady at 86c Sales, 738,000 barrels. DICKEKS IN BEALTT. Boquet Street and Went End Place Lots Still Moving. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold to Mrs. L. S. Logan lot ho. 183 (adjoining one already bought) in "West End place," plan of lots Thirty-fifth ward, fronting 20 feet on the south side of Albany avenue and extending 180 feet to an alley, for $75. Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, sold for B. S. Kennedy, of Minnesota, to Wra. Lowry, lot 20x100 on Yew, near Mathilda, street for $500. Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Jacob Erich, for J. S. McCord, a lot on Boquet street Oakland, near Sylvan avenue, 23x120 feet for $750; also, in the same plan, to George Erich, two lots, same size, for $1,600. W. A. Herron t Sons sold lot No. 68 in the Bnch plan, 25x144 feet, for $450 cash. O. Berlnger & Son. No. 103 Fourth avenue, sold for Thomas Hefferson the frame dwelling No. 774 Fiftn avenue for $2,200 cash; also, sold a mortgage of $4,200 on property in the Fifth ward, Allegheny, for Ave years at 6 per cent George S. Martin. 503 Liberty street sold In the Maplewood Park plan.Wilkinsburg, lot 107, fronting 40 feet on Maplewnod avenue by 120 feet to Fahnestock lane, to Sidney L, Smith for t400. Soilness Notes. YousGSTOwjr, o., is to establish a Clearing House. All tbe furnaces in blast are busy. There are 19 of them. , Forty mortgages were placed on record yes terday. The largest was for $8,000. The nail trade is very dull. Jones t Laugh 11ns turn out the bnlk of the product Holidays generally have a bearish effect upon the oil and stock markets. Yesterday was no exception. To-day being a legal holiday, the banks and Exchange will be closed. The same will be the case at every other business center. B. Jennings & Son have established an office at No. 24, in tbe Kohlmyer block. Tbey are old and well-known oil producers. The richest tin mines in the world, so said, are owned by the Pittsburg and Mexican Min ing Company. The ore yields 45 per cent STOCKS JftTJEEZEI). Reported Rale Catting and News of Frost and Damage to the Crop Utilized by the Bears Everything Closes Lower. New Yobk, May 29. The heavy advance In tbe stock markctmet with a check to-day, and while the business done was materially smaller than that of the past few days, the list at the close was Invariably lower and the losses in some of the late favorites were quite marked. The recent rumors that Mr. Armonrhad closed out his deal in St Paul and the heavy realiza tions during the past few days were supplemented by a change in the tenor of tbe dispatches from Chicago, and rate cutting was once more the burden of the news with frost and damage to the crops to fill out with. In addition to these influences, to-morrow being a holiday, there was plenty of closing out of outstanding accounts, and many brokers intending to leave the city" until Monday, tbe sales for the long acconnt aggregated a respectable amount There were selling orders for other outside centers, however, and London contributed to tbe depression, though Boston was still bullish and bought some ot its favor ites. Tbe Chicago specialties, however, were the leaders in the decline and furnish almost all the important losses sustained lor tbe day, while the Vanderbilts were the firmest group, and a spurt in Western Union during the morn ing hours enabled that stock to score the only advance among the active shares. The failure ot the directors of the Cotton Oil Trust to come to any conclusion in the matter of a dividend depressed that stock to-day, and the other trust shares were weak in sympathy. A few of the lighter shares were especially strong, and Chicago and Atlantic and East Tennessee were verv noticeable. Tbe movements in the ma jority of tbe general list however, were con fined to the smallest limits and the fluctuations seemed possessed of little or no significance, but the general weak tone of the market car ried them down. The market opened with a much smaller vol ume of business, and the first sales were made at small declines from the closing figures of last evening, and Cotton Oil dropped 1 per -cent followed by the stocks in the regular list with fractional amounts. Western Union showed marked strength toward noon, but it had no stimulating effect upon the rest and Canada Southern followed with the same re sult Tbe market became more quiet in the afternoon, but toward 2 P. M. tbe downward movement gathered more force and the lowest ? rices weregenerally reached about that time, here was a slight rally in the last hour, and tbe market finally closed heavy to weak at about the lowest prices of tbe day. In the un listed department tbe Trust stocks were still leaders, although somewhat less active than usual of late, and among the second division Brunswick was a leader as usual, and closed rather higher after selling at 24. Everything is lower. Rock'IsIand lost Atchison. Mis souri Pacific and St Paul each 1, and North western 1 per cent Railroad bonds were again activo, and the" gales of all issues aggregated JZ.3sr.0OQ. of which Rock Island 5s contributed $1.17,000, At lantic and Pacific incomes 1135,000 and Denver Receipts flOB.OOO. The tone of the market however, was not so strong as usual of late,and many declines were scored, though tbe major ity of tbe changes were in tbe direction of hitrh figures. The principal gains were Keokuk and Des.Molnes firsts AV lZi:i imU: Kansas Pacific, Denver 6s 2W.to 115: Vandalia. anil T.rro n,ni. firsts 8K. to lii-and Shenandoah Valley firsts receipts 2, to 8a. The weak, spot in tbe list Was Hocking Valley issues, and the Es dropped 4, to 71:tbe8j4H.to70. Tbe following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected aall j for Tbk Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of bew York Stock Exchange, 7 fourth avenue: , cios- , viren- mgu- mt ins;' x ln. .. ... tit.... -r- est. jajuv. n h m q:wm ..THURSDAY, MA3T, r30, Canaaian faciae Canaaasonthern. 55)4 Central otSew Jersey. 101 Centruraclttc. Chesapeake. Ohio.... k C-rJinr. & Qaracy.,...10t C., Mil. a SU faul.... 71H C.. MU.ftSt. P.. pr....H6 U. Bock LAP 89 p.. Bt. .l. & run c., at. l,. puts. pf.. 4iH J. St. P,,M.ftO...... c..w.f!.M.o.. pr. .... C. ft Northwestern.. ..HJJt UftKorthwestern, p .... -Jc ". 41 Col. Coal ft Iron S054 Col. ft Hooking Yal .. 16, lel.. L. ft w... H3 Uel. ft Hnason MOjJ Denver RloG .... UenverftBioU.. nr... 48k E"T.,,ya. & - "S J., Vs, ft Ga 1st pf.. 74 E.1-.. Va.ftGa.zdpf. S Illinois Central 1172 Lake. Erie ft Western.. 19M Lake Erie ft West pr.. 61 Lake Shore ft M. 8 106)4 Louisville ft Nashville. 10H Michigan Central 81 Mobile Ohio ?.. H. ATexas 11M Mltioorl Pacific. 3 New York Central M6M N.Y..UK. W m N.Y..UE.4W., pref70H fi. V.. C. &St L 17 : ft ft st L. nr.. 70 N.Y.. C. ftBt.L.2dpf37 N.YftN. E 43J4 N. Y.. O. W 7S Norfolk Western Norrolk Western. pf. .. . Northern Pacific MM Nortnern Pacific pref. 65)4 Ohio Mississippi S Oregon iTanscon 3H PacilleMall 37)4 ?; Evans..... MW Pblladal. ft Beading.. tf Pullman palace Car. Rlchmona ft W. P. T.. 28K Klehmond ft W.P.T.nf 83 8t.PaulDnlut!i t. JPauP Duluth pf. 8fc P.. Minn. AMau...K3 St. L. ft San Fran S3 St L. ft San Jrran pf.. 62 St. Li. Sin jf.ut pf. Texas Paoltte rai UnlonPaoIflc 62 Wabastt..., 1GW Wabash preferred z8 Western Onion 8714 Wheeling L. J 68 National Lead Trust.. !3f Sugar Trust 9 55)4 lOOlJ 3 '. v& Wi 1155. 89,3 2H, 1C4H 74K U6X 100 41K m lux 464 83 103)4 29)J 103J4 2SX il'v 6l8 IS 67 Philadelphia Stocks. Closlnff floatations of PhlladelnUla stocks. , fur- Ulshed bv Whitney & Stephenson, brokers, No. 57 Fourth a.Tnn cbange. AiemDers .new xor& diochx' Bin. Asked. S.114 PenniTlTHTitu RjiNrnurt S3W Readlne Kallroad 5-18 HnfHlo. Pittsburg and Western 11 Lehigh Valley SJJf Lehigh .Navlratlon MH Northern Paclfio 28 Northern Pacific preferred UH m S3 US Boston Stocks. Ateh.4Top..lJt7s. 117 A.4T. Land Gr't7s. 107 OldColonr. 178 Wls.Central.com... 19 Wis. Central ft.... 45 AllonezMgCo(new). 1 Calumet ft Hecla....217 rranalln. 10 Huron IK Atch. ftTop. B. K. .. 45S Boston Albany.. .213)4 Boston ft Maine. ....168)$ Im. J3. AU in?u r-astern R. it 82 eastern K. K. 6s ....126 useeoia. v runt rerell ax FIlntjtPereM. pro. 8K Pewablc (new) tl limner Bell Telephone. Boston Land.... Water Power... wujn xn. com.. HK - sr- :-""" .;: .. i. aiiBvjuir,fl m. a. xi. x tm Tamarack Mining Stocks. NbwYobk. May 29. Mining stocks closed: Amador, 100: Bechtel, 370; Belcher, 370: Best & Belcher, 345; Bodle, 1,065; Chollar, 200; Crown Point, 330; Consolidated California and Vir ginia, 750; Commonwealth, 512: Dunkin. 100: Dead wood T, 135; Eureka Consolidated. 125: El Crlsto, 130; Gould Currv. 205: Hale & Nor cross, 330; Horn Silver. 105; Homestake. 700; Iron Silver. 175; Mexican, 825; Mono. ISO; North Belle Isle, 140: Ontario, 3,400; Ophir. 420: Plym outh, 1,050; Savage, 230; Sierra Nevada, 350: Standard, 100; Sullivan, 115; Union Consoli dated, 325; Yellow Jacket, 370. A VIOLATED PROMISE. Miss Kreplev Poshes Her Salt Against a Recreant Lover. The suit of Miss Kate Krepley against Edgar Thompson, for damages for breach of promise of marriage is on trial before Judge Ewing. Miss Krepley is a sewing girl, and lives in the Twelfth ward, Allegheny, and Thompson is a plasterer living on the Perrys. YiileRoad. Miss Krepley claims that about seven years ago. when she was aboutlS years old, Tbompion formed her acquaintance and commenced to call on her. For six years be visited her regularly and they became engaged to be married. The date for tho wedding was fixod several time J. but on each occasion some excuse was made to"postponer lt"It was finally fixed for January, 1888, bnt when the time came Thomp son claimed to be exnectinc to receive some Lmoney from a relative, and postponed it until ue ivuuiu j;ei buo luuiiey. ouuiuj uifevtwaru. 110 ceased visiting his affianced and commenced going with other women. Miss Kreplny wrote to him several times to keep bis promise, butbe would not do so. The snit f or dam ages was en tered. HER LOST HUE. A Remarkable Verdict In Judge Single' Court Yesterday. A rather remarkable verdict was awarded Emll Yohnke yesterday in his suit before Judge Slagle against Andrew Shields. Mr. Shields' minor (on was the father of Yohnke's daughter's child. Yohnke is a tailor, and the suit was to recover for the loss of his daughter's time, the girl having sewed for him. The child afterward died, and Miss Yohnke's father brought suit against Shields' father. Shield being under age. to recover for tbe wages lost by his daughter on account of the affair. He claimed that she bad lost six months in work, and valned her services at tl 25 per day. The jury gave him a verdict for $225. Trial Lists for Friday. Common Pleas No. 1 Gordon vs Leech et al: Packer et al vs Hutchinson; Fullerton vs Fife; Slamm vs Bussman; Haggitiris vs Reymer; Evans vs Booth & Fllnn; McClelland vs Risher; Bradley vs Simm; Cooghanet al vs Chartiers borough (2): Metropolitan National Bank vs M. and M. National Bank; Scott vs Imperial Life Insurance Company; Byersley et al vs Fintsman; Small vs Overbolt; Davis vs Heck crt; Linton vs Browarsky. Common Pleas No. 2 Schwartz vs Allegheny City: Stonerd; McCfure vs Junction Railroad Company; Bell vs McQultty. An Odd Dilemma. Philip Franz was on trial all day In the Crim inal Court, yesterday, on a serious charge. Dur ing tbe trial a witness was called who could onlyspeak the Slavonic language, which Court Interpreter Luty did not understand. The prosecutrix offered to translate his testimony into German, Mr. Luty to repeat it in English. Judge Magee refused to allow a case of the in terpreter being interpreted, and the witness was dispensed with. Samuel Hnrpor) Sacces'sor. Albert. York Smith, yesterday, was appointed Register in Bankruptcy by Judge Acheson, of the United States Court, to fill tbe vacancy caused by the death of Samuel Harper, Esq. Legal Tender. The suit of Fred Luty against tbe Western Union Telegraph Company to recover for pro fessional services, is on trial before Judge Slagle. A.iVHtDKTT for the defendants was given yesterday.ln the suit of A. McCormick and wife against Sheriff Gray and A. A. MiUlgan. An action to recover damages for an alleged illegal levy ana saio. A veedict for 6J cents damages was given for the plaintiff yesterday, in the suit of "Matthew McLaughlin against tbe People's Natural Gas Company. Vn action to recover damages for Injury to his house caused by dig ging a ditch in front of it, The will of Charles Clendennin?, late of West Deer township, who died recently at the age ot 101 years, was filed yesterday for pro bate. The will was made In 1882. It leave the most of bis real estate. 150 acres in West Deer township, to his two sons, John and Robert Qendennlng. Hakey Christy, Esq.. 'commissioner in the divorce case of Mrs. Effle W. Brown against John R. Brown, has filed the testimony taken in the case. Mrs. Brown is tbe daughter of R. L. Riggs. of McKeesport She was married to Brown in 1884, the couple moving to New York; There, it is claimed, Brown was guilty of infi delity. A Reliable Remedy. Allcock's Porous Plasters never fail to give speedy proof of their efficacy as the best ex ternal remedy for weak back, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, colds, coughs, sore throat pulmonary and kidney difficulties, malaria, dyspepsia, heart, spleen, liver and stomach af fections, strains and all local pains. Tbey have been in use for over 80 years, and their value has been attested by the highest medical authorities as well as by voluntary and unimpeachable testimonials from thousands who have used them. Ask for Allcock's. and let no explanation or seUBitaiees laduce you to aceept a substitute. .. ..241 H 1H 107 f :i889. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Glut of Strawberries, Cansed by De lay of Trains' on B.0. BUTTER SIM, CHOICE EGGS DITTO. Shell Corn Weak, Choice Hay Scarce and In Active Demand. AH ADYAXOE IN SDGAE MABLT DUfi Office o PrwsBtmo dispatch.!, "Wednesday. May 29, 1889. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. A delay oa the B. & O. R. R. caused a glut in the strawberry market to-day. Choice berries were slow at 8 to 12c, and prospects at noon were that they would go lower. Five carloads of Maryland berries, or 2,000 crates, averaging abont 45 quarts to a crate, were delayed, and Liberty street commission stores were over stocked. Cool weather curtailed demand. Out side of strawberries produce trade was quiet The weather has brought a check" to the active movement of tropical fruit but prices are still firm. Eggs are" steady. Butter Is firmer. Cheese is unchanged, Buttek Creamery, Elgin, 1920cj Ohio do, 1718c: fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country rolls, 1314c; Chartiers Creamery Co., 19c BEAHS-51 751 80. Beeswax 28S0c ftf orchoice-.lowgrade, 1820c. ClDEB-Sand refined, 18 607 50; common,"' t3 604 00; crab cider. S8 008 60 f! barrel; elder vinegar. 1012c 9 gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese, 9c: New York, new, 10KUc; Limburger, 910c; domestic Sweltzer cbecse, 912c. California Fkuits California peaches, $4 004 50 V box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, U 00 4 50; plums, H 004 50. Dried Peas II 251 35 V bushel; split do, 2?i3c W ft. Eggs 1314c $t dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, 30c f) dozen. Feuits Apples, $2 603 60 ? barrel: evap orated raspberries, 25c ft ft: cranberries, $45 p barrel, oUCGSl uu ft ousuei; strawberries, iuw 18c SI (mart: t; pine apples, l &y&i V uozea. flUTBEBS ixira live ceese, oumouc; aid. do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035o ?1 A. Honey New crop, lft17c; buckwheat, 13 16c. Hominy $2 652 75 $? barrel ' Potatoes 3540c bushel; Bermuda pota toes, S8 0008 50 B barrel; new Southern pota toes, tl 505 50 $ barrel. Poultry Live chickens, 6575e per pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c f) A; drawn, 14 15c i? ft: turkeys. 1820o dressed fl ft; ducks, live, 6070c ) pair; dressed, 13llc $3 ft; geese, live, Jl 0Ot 2o V pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lbs to bushel, $5 60 $ bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, d 00; clover, Aliske, SS 50; clover, white, $9 00; tim othy, choice, 45 lbs, $1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, SI 00; orchard grass, 14 fts, II 65; red top, 14 fts. SlV-"5; millet 50 ft, tl 00; German millet 60 fts, SI CO;. Hungarian grass. 60 fts. SI 00; lawn grass mixture of fine grasses, S"2 50 1(1 bushel of lifts. -Tallow" Country. 4K5c; city rendered, 65Kc Tbopicai. Fruits Lemons, fancy. $5 60 6 00 f) box; Messina oranges. S4 6005 60 fl box; Valencia oranges, fancy, $7 509 00 $ case; bananas, S3 00, firsts; S2 00, good secunds, fl bunch: cocoanuts, $i 605 00 ft hundred; new figs, 89c $ pound; dates, 6K6Kc 9 pound. Vegetables Radishes, 25630c f! dozen; marrowfat peas, S2 25 18 crate: new cabbage, two-barrel crates, S2 6033 OQ; Bermuda onions, SI 15(2)1 25)) bushel: string beans, J2 00; tomatoes, S3 0O4J3 50$ bushel Groceries. Sugars are bound to co up before many days. Coffee options went off a few points yesterday, but holders are very firm in their views. A leading jobber said: "I don't understand the present coffee market All cablegrams report firmness. Holders will make no concessions. And still trade is remarkably quiet" Green Coffee Fancy Klo, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, lc19c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracalbo, 2223c; Mocha, 3031Kc; Santos, 1922X Caracas coffee, 20&22c) peaberry, Bio, 2123c; La guayra, 2122& Roasted (In papers) Standard brands, 21c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, 3233c; Maracaibo,272SKc; Santos, 2224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Bio, 25jc; prime Klo, 23c; good Rio, 22Mc; ordinary, 21c. Spices (whole) Cloves, 21025c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c PETKOLEtrcr jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c; Ohio, 120, SJ4C; headlight 150, oc: water white, 10Kc; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadlne, llKc; rovaline. 14c. ' Byrtjps Corn syfups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3338cjprime sugar syrup, 3033c:strict lyprime. 3335,:; new maple syrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed, 40942c Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 34c; hi-carb in K'. 5c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, per set 8Kc;parafflne, ll12c Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 60 7c: prime, &a6c; Louisiana. 66Kc Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 57c; gloss starch. 5e7c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, S2&0; Muscatels, S3 25; California Muscatels, SI 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 78cr sultana, 8c; currants, new, 45c; Turkey prunes, new, 45c: French prunes, 813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-S packages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, 8 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnnts, nap., 12Q15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12 lbc; new dates, 50c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft, 21022c; lemon peel, per ft. 1314c; orange peel, 124c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, t6c: apricots. Califor nia, evaporated. 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223ct peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries. Pitted, 2122c; cherries, nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor- ateu, zigjiHKc; Diackoernes, tax; nuckie berries, 10012c Sugars Cubes, 9J9J5c: powdered. 9J 9c; granulated,8c; ennf ecUoners'A.8J85Jc; standard A. Siic; soft white. 8KMfc: yellow, choice. 7K08Kc: yellow. eooa.Tiiic; yellow. fair, 7&c: J ellow, dark, lic Pickles Medium, bbts, (1,200) $4 60; medi ums, half bbls. (600). 22 7a. Salt-No. 1U bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. M bbl, SI 05; dairy, V bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20; Hingin-s Eureka, 4 bu sacks. $2 80; Higgins' Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches SI 30 1 90; 2ds, SI 801 35: extra peaches, SI 501 SO; pie peacbes. 90c; finest corn, Sll 60: Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cSl 00; Lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas. SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 401 50: Bahama do, S2 75; damson plums. 95c; greengages. SI 25; egg plums, S2 CO; California pears. $2 50; do greengages. SZ 00; do egg plums. S2 00; extra white cherries. $2 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 401 60; strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 201 30; tomatoes, E2j92c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, 80c: suc cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99cr do green. 2 fts, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75: 14-ft cans, S13 60: baked beans, SI 4001 45; lobster, 1 ft. 51 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic, it S4 154 60; sardines, domestic, Ks S3- 2508 50; sardines, imported, Us, Sll 50012 50; sardines, imported. s, 513 00: sardines, mustard, Si 00; sardines, spiced, S4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl bbL; ext'a No. 1 do, mess, (40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Kcl ft.; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6i7Xc Herring Round shore, $5 00 18 bbL; split, $7 00; lake, 52 50 100-ft. half bbl. White fisb. S7 Od f) 100 2. half bbl Lake front S5 50 ffl half bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c r" & Iceland halibut 13c jR ft. Pickerel, Ji Darrel, w; a barrel. Si 10: Potomau herring, $5 00 f? barrel T2 60 ? K barrel. Buckwheat Flour 2?i2Jic ft. Oatmeal S6 308 60 f bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6S60c ?) gallon. Lard oil, 75c ' Grain, Floor and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 24 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago. 4 cars of hay, 3 of flour, 1 of bran, 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 6 cars of oats, 2 of corn. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of oats, 1 of corn, 1 of bran, I of hay. By Pittsburg and Western. 1 car of bay. There were no sales on call Shell corn Is tbe weak factor of cereal markets. Choice bay is scarce and in good de.uand. There are no signs of a check to the downward drift of wheat and flour, and a lower level of prices is likely to be reached soon. The Grain Ex change, after a few patriotic remarks from its chaplain, McCracken. resolved unanimously to adjourn over tbe legal holiday. WHEAT-Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 9091c; No. 3 red. 8486c Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 3939Kp: hjjta mixed ear, 37c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, $!STUcx hlzh mixed shelled. 8637c; mixed, shelled, 35 n . wf W. i4 ntil,. QQAiQ'nyM. .vtMi T, A 3131)ctNo. 8 white, 30tJ36Kj; No. 2 mixed, 27 28c Bye No. l"Westen, 70875c: No. 2. 6556c Barley No. 1 Canada, 958Sc; No. 2 Can ada, 85388c; No. 5 Canada, 70ffi72c; Laks Shore, XOUR-Jobblag prises, ' winter patents, to 50$5 75: spring patents, to 7508 00: winter straight, S4 7505 00; clear winter, 54 6984 73; stra!ebtXXXXbakers',t4G0S4 23, Bye flour. 18 503 7a. Milifeid Middlings, fine white, J15 OOa 15 50 1R ton; brown middlings. 1 6981250; winter wheat bran. $12 2512 69; chop feed, Hay Baled timothy, choice. 15 00; No. 1 do,J13 50314 00; No. 2 do,$ll 50 12 50; loose from wagon. SIS U0gl8 00: No. 1 upland prairie. (10 60 mi 00; No. 2, 9 009 50; picking do, So 600. S 60. STSAW-Oats. C08 25; wheat and rye straw, 7 007 50fflS 00. Provisions. Hams have been advanced Kc and at the ad vance are lower here than tbey have been In Chicago tbe past week; Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured hams, medium, llc; sugar-cured hams, small, HJic; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams, 8Kc; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c;tsugar cured dried beef sets, 9cr sugar-cured dried beef rounds, llc:bacon8hduldeTS,7c; bacon clear sides, 8Hc: bacon clear bellies, c; dry salt shoulders. 6Kc: dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy.. SU 00; mess pork, family. $14 60. Lard Refined In tierces. 7c; half barrel?, 7c: 60-ft tubs, 7Jtfc: 2Mb palls, 7JC; 60 i tin cans, y,c; 3-ft tin palls, 8c; 5-ft tin palls, 7c; 10-ft tin palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 6c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet half barrel $4 OC; quarter barrel, SI 90. Dressed Meat. Armour 4 Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 650 fts, 5c; 550 to 650 fts, 6r; 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep, 8c ?! ft. Lambs, 9c ft. Hogs. 6c Fresh pork loins. 9c Lumber. PISE UNPLANXD YARD QUOTATIONS. Clear boards, per M SS0095SCO Select common boards, per M ' 30 CO Common boards peril MOO Sheathing 18 00 Pine trame lumber per M 22 C0ft27 00 Shingles, No. 1, IS in. peril 500 Shingles, So. 2, 13 In. per M 275 Lath SCO FLAKED. - Clear boards, per II.. u f 8009 Surface boards 30 0D3S00 Clear, K-lnch beaded celling 2S 00 Partition boards, perM 35 00 Flooring, No. 1 30 00 Flooring, No. 2 SOS Yellow pine flooring 3D 00) CO Weather-boardlnn- moulded, No. 1.... SO 00 Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 2.... 25 00 Weather-boarding, tt-lnch 2900 HARD WOODS YARD QUOTATIONS. Ash, 1 to 4 In 130 00340 00 Ulack walnnt, green, log run 'iou&saoa Bl ek walnut, dry, log ran K00ra7S0O Cherry 65 00r375 00 Green white oak plank, 2to41n - 20 00325 00 Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 22 00025 00 Dry white oak boards, lln 20 00325 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 20 00325 00 West Va. yellow pine. IK Inch 25 0030 00 West Va. yellow poplar, H to 1 In 25 00330 00 Hickory, lJ4to3ln M0C2SCO Hemlock building lumber, peril 1300 Bank rails f. 14 CO Boat studding 14 00 Coal car plank 2003 HARD WOODS-JOBBENQ rRICZS. Ash (23 00335 00 Walnut Io; run, green 45 003)30 CO Walnut log run. dry. 35 OoSjo CO White oak plank, Vreen 17 0020 CO White oa plank, dry 18 00925 00 White oak boards, dry 18 003 00 West Va. yellow pine, lln 13 0033) 00 West Va. yellow pine, IK In 19 00322 00 Yellow poplar. , 20 00330 00 Hickory, 1)4 to 3 In IS 00225 OO Hemlock 105012 50 Bunk rails 14 00 Boat studding. 14 CO Coal car plank.... H CO LAT1S NEWS IN BRIEF. 'The Court of Claims closed up its business for the term yesterday, and adjourned until tbe last Monday in October. The Concordia land district in Kansas has been consolidated with that of Salina, with its office at the town of.Sallna. The brewery of George Bechtel, on Staten Island; it is reported, has been purchased by an English syndicate, the price being S1.750.OOOL James Hyatt who killed Joshua Evans in Baltimore six weeks ago, was yesterday sen tenced to three years in the penitentiary for the crime. Senator E. H. Rollins, of New Hampshire, has had another paralytic shock, and ii very low. He had intended sailing for Europe Saturday. Reports to the General Land Office show that up to this date 14 applications to enter town sites have been made to the Kingfisher land district, in Oklahoma, and 12 to the Guth rie land district Killing frosts are reported "In Livingstone, Orleans and Monroe counties. New York. Grapevines were wilted and all sorts of garden truck killed. In some parts of Orleans county the damage will be very heavy. It is reported that the Mexican Congress,in secret session, is discussing tbe question of ceding Lower California to the United States. It is believed, however, that the rumor is groundless and is merely a stratagem of the Conservatives. Mrs. RandolphBrandtibecame suddenly in sane at Brenham, Tex., and seizing a pistol, killed two of her children. One of tbe children killed was fonr years old and the other 6. She took the youngest child, a babe, and escaped from the house and is still at large. The American Congregational Association held its thirty-sixth annual meeting in Boston yesterday. The report of the directors was a review of the piinclpal work of the association during the last 25 years. Tbe original debt of $250,000 has been reduced to $181,000. The re ceipts of the year were S23.050 and tbe expendi tures $22,310. All reports were accepted. Rufus S. Post was made President Victoria. B. C is In a state of great excite ment consequent upon tbe order received by the .British fleet to prepare to sail for Bchrlngs Sea on Jnne 15. The fleet consists of the Swift sure, the Amphlon and the Defender. The Amphion is a 20-knot crniser.Is heavily armored andisby.farthemostpowerfulshipof war in the Pacific Ocean. The sailing schooners are being assured that every protection will be afforded tbem. Torpedo boats are being fitted for the protection of the harbor. Miners are flocking Into the Yukon mining district in large numbers, and the demarkatlon of the honndarv line between Alaska and British possession becomes more necessarily dally, as the jurisdiction of tbe American Gov ernment them is questioned, many claiming that the territory referred to is British soil The Canadian Government for a year or two past has been pressing the American Govern ment to co-operate with it in settling tbe dis puted question. The cost of demarking tbe frontier Is estimated at between $1,500,000 and S4,C0O,00O. Secretary tVlndom has affirmed the decis ion of tbe Collector of Customs at New York, assessing dnty at the rate of 35 cents per; pound and 35 per cent ad valorem on recent importa tions by H. Herman. Stern bach & Co. and Ballln, Josepn t Co. of so-called worsted coat ings, suitings, etc, used in the manufacture of men and boys' clothing. The Secretary held that as these articles were made in part of wool It was tbe evident intention of the statute that they should be assessed for duty at the rate applicable for niannfactures of wool in stead of at tbe lower rate nnder which tbey have been previously classified as worsted cloths. Our little girl when but three weeks old broke out with eczema. We tried tbe prescrip tion from several good doctors, but without any special benefit We tried 8. S. 8., and by tbe time one bottle was gone, "her head began to heal, and by the time she had taken six bot tles she was completely cured. Now she has a full and heavy head of hair a robust healthy child. I feel it but my dnty to make this state ment H. T. SHOBE, Rich Hill, Mo. JQrSend for onr Books nn Blood and Skin Dis eases and Advice to Sufferers, mailed free. The Swot specific Co., fel-7-TT3 Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Eczema Itchy, Scaly, Skia Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Tbs limplsj application it "Svayjtz Onmnvr" without iaj Internal madtcine, vM eon any cue at Tetter. Sail SWAYNE'S. OINTMENT Rheum. Rlogonn. flies, Itcb; Bora, Pimple, ErwipeUe. all o sutler how ootlnBi or long tuadlfl c. Sou by drnggmj, r lent by min br SO cu. 3 Eoiet, ll.ti. Addreu. Pa, Iwnnl Son, FMU4elpfilitr. Ut jour ral " CITY SAVINGS BANK, SIXTH AVE. AND 6MITHFIELD ST. Capital, S100.000, with privilege of 8800,000. Surplus and undivided profits, $23,600. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. JAR CALLERY President "W.J.BURNS Vice PresiBent JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier rah28-69-TTS . TUt ONEY TO LOAN - " On mortgages on improved real estate in ansa of SI, 060 and upward. Applyat DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. HiMM-tf KfclM?Bt&aTeM. , WBW V ' rfEW ABVEKTISEMIXTS; if h' DR. WOOD?, Specialist In the Care of Baptsr r4r Chronic Dlieoies Office at Hotel Alh marie, Penn Avenue and Sixth Street, Plltsbnrr, Pa. Dr. Woods has bad a large practice la' this branch of his profession without any Sublic advertising, but as many who might ave been useful and ornate members of society, fill untimely graves, whom he might have cured by seasonable treatment and given them "length of davs," he has Ion; felt it a duty he owes to the afflicted to step ' aside from the restrictions of so-called med ical etiquette and announce- to the public that he gives special attention to a much ' neglected class of diseases. Many years ago Dr. "Woods went through, the prescribed course of medical studr with hisr fellow students, received his ' diploma and took an equal stand in the profession with the best of his medical brethren; yet he is fully convinced from lengthened observation, that being a grad- nate merely gives one no assurance or guarantee of a physician's skill. TTi sub sequent success in practice is the proper gauge by which to judge of his merits. Oa this severe and critical test Dr. "Woods haa -stood and the elevated position he occupies -" in the medical profession makes it clear that " his success has been unusual. Profession- ally Dr. "Woods relies on his own powers and resources, snd has achieved a remarkable degree of perfection in diagnosis, which: en ables him, at a glance, to' comprehend the " complications of obscure, new and anoma lous types of disease. He has given years t of devoted study to his practice and enected' such marvelous cures that the greatest as tonishment has been caused throughout tho country. His services, therefore, are not to be measured by money; and those who are afflicted are'false to themselves not to avail themselves to the full of his wonderfully successful modern method of treatment; Dr. "Woods' treatment being mild and safe, his patients arfe in no case subjected to painful or unpleasant operations, and in the majority of instances they ca pursue the course of treatment directed at their homes and without interruption to their usual voca tions. "When possible the doctor prefers to see his patients; but when this is impossible' his successful system of treatment by corre-' spondence enables the afflicted in all parts of the world to avail themselves of the bene fit of his skill at a very small cost Send 4 cents in stamps for question list. All com-' munications sacredly confidential. No charge for advice. Examinations are also free to those who desire treatment. Dr. E. A. "Woods, Hotei. Albeit abie,- Pejth Avzntje ajtd Sixth Steezt, Pittsbtjeo, Pa. Office hours, 10 a. m. to 12 M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. my29 WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO.," Cor. Wood and LibertySts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekux SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, f, ' . sAteens, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PBINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest price call and see us. r wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83-D A PERFECT TVainSBl BB13g A rjurelv Vegetable t Compound that excels. tail bad humors from the I system. Removes blotch-' 'es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-58 JJKUKEKA FINANCIAL. TTrHiTNEY fc STEPHENSON, vv 7 FOURTH AVENUE Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drezel, Aloran & Co , New York. Passports procured.. -ap28-l GEORGE T. CARTER, 6PERCEN.TGOLDINVESTMENTBONDS, , 514-515 Hamilton Bunding, ' mvlO-70-D Pittsbur?, Pa. ' " JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BBOKKBS. , Members Chicago Board' of Trade and."' Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. 45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. RIALTO BUILDING, Chlcaf mylsg-frTTSa MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PEJN AVENUE. PITTSBURG, PA As old residents know and back Hies of Pitts, burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, devoUne special attention to all chronic diseases. From s1Me NO FEE UNTIL CURED MCDni IO and mental diseases, physical II L fl V U U O decay, nervous debility, lack ot. energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashf ulness. dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. di nnn amiS ciim ?. uuwl nilL UIMIV staces, erupuons. blotches, falling? balr, bone pains, glandular; swellings, ulcerations of tongue.moutn, throat,, ulcers, old .sores, are cured for life, and blood, poisons thoroughly eradicated from thesystenkr IIDIMADV kidney and bladder derange U II I II n n I j ments. weak back, gravel. ca-j . tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other, palufnl symptoms receivpearchlng treatment,! prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Wblttier's life-long, extensive experieao insures scientific and reliable treatment o' common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here- Office hours 9 A. Jf-to8p. jc8undy. 10 A. Jr. to IT. it. only. DR. WHITTIER, 81 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ap31XDsu.wk MEN ONLY a rosmvjs cukb For LOST or fatllnr MAN HOOD, Nervoa ness. Weakneu ot Body & Hind. Lacror strennn. vigor ana jw velopinent, aaied brCrron, Kices.es, 4c. Boot. MODE or BZLr-TRJLAXMXST. and Proofs rnalleC (waled) free. Address KIU MEDICAL CO Bnttalo. N. X. de25-57-TTSwlc HARE'S REMEDY f For men! Checks the worst eases In three). A&vm. and rnru fr fiva rlAv. rfa AO Jt . 11 - Vi WTLriVITfer TiiV?J3iAV.S.. - Ja5-ae-TTa tUMartittMrt, j (3001) IIS Blool Punier. 13 I, '3 1 .