THE PITTSBURG-. DISPATCH THURSDAY;' MAT -30, . IMS. . ,ra 'tl tp. ir MOBILE IS AFTER IT. And She Asks Andrew Carnegie to BnUd Steel Works on the Gulf. -$o;labor troubles felt there, Maiij Advantages, Such as Cheap Fuel and ""5 Freight Are Limned. CUBUT OEES JIAT BE UTILIZED TO MIX fftairv writing in the name of the Cham bercf Commerce of Mobile, Ala., to An drew Carnegie, of this city, gives a glowing account of the possible future of that sec tion in the steel producing line. The letter makes a column and a half in the Mobile Daily Register. It contains a strong invi tation to Mr. Carnegie to establish works in that vicinity, stating that U is the most suitable place in the South for the erection of a steel plant. Some of the stronger points are here given: -Mobile hu tributary to It over ROM miles of navigable rivers, penetrating the very heart of tlie coal. Icon ore and limestone region of Ala bama. These nvera have been, and are now being Improved by the national rovernment, so that within a short time navigation will be bad the whole year round for the transportation of the coal, coke, ore, etc, by barge lines between the mineral section of the State and Mobile." The rate at which these materials can be laid down at Mobile is but little more than the expense of moving the same materials from mines and ore heads to the furnaces, as located in the iron regions. ALABAMA AND HEB BAILTVAYS. "Aside from river transportation of the mine products, there are three railroads (the Louisville and' "Nashville, East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, and Mobile and Ohio) entering Mobile, passing through the Iron region, over any of which extremely low rates for transporting this prod uct could be obtained. If I am correctly Informed, the Alabama ores rnn too high In phosphorus and sulphur for the production, from them, of steel under the Bessemer process, but if mingled with ores, similar In character to the Bessemer ores, wnicb are now used In Pennsylvania for the man ufacture of steel, this combination would produce steel In Alabama. Experts and chemists have pronounced the Cuban ores very similar to or even of better quality than the Bessemer ores. This being fact, would not a combination of the Cuban with the Alabama ores produce a fine quality of steel? The Cuban ores lie In Inexhaustible quan tities and of easy access within but a few hundred miles southeast of Mobile. These Cuban ores can be Imported at Mobile, including duty, at a cost not to exceed SO to 2 75 per ton, and perhaps considerably lower by Increased facilities aud the influence of large capital. 1 understand that the Cuban Government has already made large grants or its ore mountains to some American capitalists, and that one small shipment has already been re ceived at one of our southern ports for experi ments.'" The wnter continues to enumerate advant ages as follows: The harbor is one of the safest on the Gulf. Tbe-work of the National Gov ernment has increased the depth Inside the bar to 17 feet, and the work is to be continued tin til S3 feet depth Is gotten. On the outer bar there are 2s feet, and the depth has been in creasing an Inch a year for more than a cen tury. GOOD DISTRIBUTING POINT. It Is estimated that as soon as the locks on the Warrior river are completed coal can be laid down in Mobile at SI 45 per ton. The geograph ical position of Mobile, with reference to Mex ico, Central and Souths America, the proposed Nicaragua and Panama canals, the Pacific coast and Western, Northwestern and South ern States, is shown to be the best possible adapted to the distribution of goods, and it is pointed out that she will be the nearest distri bution point for steel and Iron products to the Pacific coast. Mr. Carnegie's attention is also called to the proposition of the United States Government to establish a large navy yard on the gulf, and to the report of naval examiners who fonnd Mobile and New Orleans the mosr suitable sites for it. Bethinks that if a steel plant were established at Mobile it would Influence the Government to select that city as the site for the navy yard, and whether or no the yard were established at Mobile a steel plant there erected wonld get tbe contract for furnishing the steel required for vessels on the gulf. The writer Bays wood is near, in fact all around. Mobile in inexhaustible supply and charcoal can be bad at the minimum cost. ' But, perhaps, his last argument was intended as a clincher. It is: "labor is abundant and cheap, and I do not think there are any labor organizations existing here now." OS XEYILLE ISLAND. ' Mffew Drive ! Being: Made and Thex May Build an Electric Road. Eip Van "Winkle has shaken off his reverie and decided that the island must and shall be improved, just as it would have been a score of years ago had not some of the population been asleep. Mr j Joseph 'Walters states that a drive 60 feet in width has been laid out through the center of tho island leading from the bridge at the upper end to the lower end near the center of tho village ot Coraopoh The Island has the same fall as the river except in one place, where there is a rise of perhapsCO feet, and this would be the only grading required In a drive of II miles, from Lasbel station, opposite the center of Sewickley, to Pitttbbrg. There is just enough fall to shed water. There are between 600 and 1,000 signatures to a petition asking the Court Tor a bridge at the lower end to connect with Coraopolls. It is not expected that Neville Island will be cut into 20 foot front lots, but that it will, ere long, be the prettiest suburb in the county. There is also little doubt that an electric rail way win soon be built to connect all that coun try with the city. AN OFFICER'S EC5B. An Employment Ag-ent Arretted by Detect ives Coulson and Fllzcerald. .Harry Sheldon was arrested on a charge of running a bogus employment agency. He published the usual ads in the papers. Detective Fitzgerald, disguised as a laborer, ap plied for work. He paid the tl 60 required, taking a receipt. Sheldon promised him a job at New Cole working on a railroad, and gave him an order on a Mr. Colvin. When arrested he was indig nant, and finally admitted to Detective Cenl son that there was no such place as New Cole. He will have a hearing this morning. A Building Condemned. The residence of John Logue. No. 827 Fifth avenue, was condemned yesterday Try the Building Inspector. There was a fire in the place some time ago, and the building has since been damaged to such an extent that it is unsafe to live in. xne inspector ordered Mr. ' logue to vacate the bouse Immediately. P. & Ii. E. K. B- Aliqnippa. On May 30, Decoration Day, trains will leaves Pittsburg for Aliqnippa as follows: &25 A. M., 7:30 A. 1L, 7:40 a. m., 930 A. 3L, 1050 A. M., 1250 p.m., 120 P. m. and 330 P.M. Returning leave Aliqnippa 11:30 a. M., 12:42 P. M., 4 P. M., 4:50 P. M. and 630 P.M.' t Central time one hour slower than city time. TTThsu Our Parlor Furniture Is to be envied by every other retailer of furniture in the city, as it is the largest,best , astorted and most reasonable in price. It Sr also the most artistic, and comprises 'divans, conches, easy chairs, rockers and full suits. M. Seibebt & Co., Cor. Hope and Lacock sts., Allegheny. 'If ear railroad bridge. D ' HEAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, Mat, 401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of tl and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent tis , . TAYLOR & DEAN'S, 203 and 205 Market Street, Is 'headquarters for adjustable window screens, which will fit any window. Price from 30c to 60c each. Also for fencing of every description. EOD s-v-DeeornUen Dar at Caatle Shannon. Picnic Mt 'Washington Fishing Club. .'PicnIc, Home social, baseball, Kaufmanns vs. Gusky's. Baseball, Castle Shannon ts Southside. EXTBAOEDiyABY bargains in gent's thin ungear at 30c, 37c, BOe, worth 50 per cent, more, atRosenbaom & Co.,.27 Fifth avenue. Plttabar and Caatle Shannon R. R. Will rnn trains every hour on Decoration Xay. Bound trip Utt, 35 cent. A MAETELODS FLIGHT. A Pittsburg Bomlnc; Pigeon Makes 243 Miles la 323 Minutes. In view of the fact that the bird had, with his fellows, been confined in' baskets Bince Saturday morning last, that was a remarka ble flight of Jacob Moti's 3-year-old carrier pigeon Shepherd, which-arrived at its Grant street home loft in this city, just before noon yesterday, making an average of 1,100 yards a minute. Although Mr. Motz wasn't feeling very well physically, when he saw a reporter last evening, his smile was so warm and his manner as jovial as If he bad heard he washeir to a fortune In New Zealand or Kamschatka. The diamond pendant from his pigeon-on-the-wing scarfpin glistened no brighter than Ja cob's eves when he told about it, even if he did have a bad headache. Here are the facts about the flight: It was the second Pittsburg long-distance race of the season. On Saturday the ten birds went in baskets to Springfield, O., 203 miles west, air line. They could not well be liberated at an earlier day on account of bad weather; so were set free from their baskets at 6.30 A. M. yester day. The arst one got In at 11:65 A. at. It was Shepherd, belonging to Mr. Motz, and the only bird tie bad sent. It had to stop a clock to en ter the loft here, so that the exact minute was recorded. The second and only other One to arrive was one of William Hillebrecht's Seven birds, which arrived at his loft at 12:45 K M. having aver aged 838 yards a minute for the flight, which Mr. Mote's bird made in 325 minutes. Neither of Jacob Eaupt's two birds got in. K0T DECIDED IET. Navigation Directors May Act on Their Own Responsibility. The stockholders of the Monongahela Navigation Company met yesterday to de cide whether they would appeal or not from the decision of the Board of Viewers in con demning lock No. 7. They adjourned with out coming to any conclusion. An opinion from Attorney Carnahan was read, in which he held that the directors could appeal without consulting the stockholders. Mr. Carnahan said that the directors held most of the stock anyhow. A great deal of it belongs to estates, ana the holders have no desire to litigate. Mr. Carnahan could not say what the directors wonld decide to do. He explained that a dam is an uncertain Quantity until it is tested. There is always the anger of leakage, and a small stream working; through a part of the dam will soon enlarge the opening. For this reason he thinks that lock No. 7 is worth more than $209,000, though he- admits that the uovernment working by toe day and not by contract would spend more money in building a similar structure. THEIR SUMMER SCHEDULE. Changes In the Tims Table Will be Made on the Lake Erie. The new summer schednle of the Lake Erie will be issued in a few days. Train No. 1 for Cleveland and Chicago will leave at 5 A. 31. instead of 525. The day express will start at 8 o'clock; a new accommodation to Montours will be put on to leave at 5.35 a. if. For Beaver Falls, the train will start at 8.30 a. jr.: for Youngstown at 10J5 a. m.; Cleveland and Chicago, 1.35 P. K.: Beaver Falls, 3:30 P. M. Steamboat express, 4:15 p. jr.- Beaver Falls, 6.15 p. K.; Cleveland and Buffalo. 9.30 p. a. Trains will arrive from Beaver Falls, 6:25 A. jr.; Cleveland and Buffalo, 6.30 A. jr.; Montour Junction. 6.5 A. jl, Beaver FaUs, 720 A, J.: Yonngstown, 920 A. Jr.; Cleveland, 12.30 p. jr.; Beaver Falls 1:10 P. JL; Cleveland, 5.35 p. jr., 7:55 p. jr. and 9.40 P. Jr. The time used on this road is one hour behind Pittsburg time. EXPLOSION IN SCHOOL. A Natural Gaa Leak Creates Consternation Anions; Chlldren- In the Seventeenth ward school a natural gas explosion occurred yesterday morning that caused considerable fright to the chil dren in the schoolroom. Miss Munnls, one of the teachers, lit a fire soon after school opened.and throwing a match into the stove an explosion occurred. The stove was knocked into the middle of the room, the wall was bulged out and a number of win dows were broken. Fortunately, however, no one was hurt, but the children were all badly frightened, and miss Munnls fainted. The latter fact created great excitement among the children, almost more so than the explosion, but soon all fears were allayed and school resumed. The explosion is supposed to have been caused by a leak in one of the pipes. TVOMEK AT WOODWORK. A New Departure for Females at California Normal School. Prof. J. JLLuckey has just returned from the California Normal School.and in his re port of the.institution is particularly flatter ing as to its prosperity. He says that there are between 400 and 500 students attending, and the accommodations are insufficient, many having to room and board outside. They hare in successful operation the wood work school far both ladles and gentlemen, and he says the girls handle the plane and saw with great dexterity. He delivered two talks while present on "Educational Progress" and 'Methods of Teaching.1' Colonel Parker, of the Cook County Normal School, was there two weeks ago, while Dr. Brooks entertained and enlightened the students last week. A pjECTED VOTE. John Bcott Waives a Henrlng on a Politi cal Choree John Scott, charged before Alderman Gripp with misdemeanor, in knowingly re jecting the vote of a person entitled to vote under the rules of the Republican party at a primary election, appeared for a preliminary trial yesterday, but waived a hearing and eave bail in $300 for court. The suit was brought by H. & Bea, and the offense Is said to have been committed in the Nineteenth ward during the recent primaries. ANOTHER CDT. Iran Sates to St. Paul Will be Reduced on June 1 From Chicago. The Wisconsin Central road announces that the iron rates from Chicago to St Paul and Minneapolis will be reduced June 1 from 20 and 17 cents to 17 and 14 cents in less than car and carloads. Iron between the citv and Chicago has hpn classified in the fifth and sixth classes for the past year, but the roads to the Northwest never assented. From June 1 they will put in force the same classification. A LIGHTHOUSE Bl THE SEA. It Will be Carried In Porta Across the Con tinent From Sit. Tenon. A train of 13 cars will start from Mt, Yernon some time this week having on board a lighthouse for Construction Island an the Pacific coast The freight is destined to Astoria over the Fort Wayne. Wisconsin Cen tral and Northern Pacific roads. The structure is made out of cast iron, and when built will be SO feet high, 24 feet In diam eter at the base and 16 feet in diameter at the top. James Underwood Arrested. James Underwood was arrested yesterday by Detective Coulson for breach of trust in ap- Eropriatlng $50 which W. W. Patrick, the anker, gave him to take to Mrs. Patrick a few day ago. Mrs. Patrick sent Underwood with a note to her husband requesting that he send the money "by bearer." Underwood disap peared immediately. It is charged j by Mrs. Pat rick. Many of the plagues of dyspepsia, and the depression caused by general debility, may be overcome by Dr. Javne's Tonic Vermifuge. It helps the weak and aids the digestive functions, being an excellent general tonic, and the very best ol worm ex terminators besides. For use as a tonic the larger sized bottles are cheapest Unclaimed Expreu Sale At the Pittsburg and Western depot, Alle gheny, at 10 o'clock a. M. Saturday, June i, aw jKtu&Bgca ui uuciaimea ireignt and express packages from stations along the line of the P. & W. By. Henry & Co., Auctioneers, i i Teeganowan'S Art Store is the cheap est place to get your pictures framed. Large stock of engwrvings, solar prints, etchines, etc. lfi3"Wylieave. ttsu Store Closed To-Day Rend Oar Ad. for To-Morrovr, Then come and secure some of .our ereat "mb am uwb auu ui cargous, JOS. ilDRNE & GO'S Peafa Atmsc Store. T'Mt THEY Witt PROTEST. --. Natural Gas Consumers of Mount Washington Up in Anns Against THE PHILADELPHIA GAS COMPANY, And May Order the Corporation to Bhul Off the Supply of Fuel. OBJECTIONABLE METERS THE CAUSE The consumers of natural gas in the Thirty-second ward, Mount 'Washington, are up in arms against the action of the Philadelphia Gas Company, who have ordered them to put meters in their houses. A meeting-has been called for Saturday evening, when they will protest against it, and decide whether or not they will go back to the use of coal. The meeting will be held in the schoolhouse, if that building can "be secured. A careful canvass -among the consumers shows that fully nine-tenths of them will or der the gas shut offif the company persists in what the consumers call a "one-sided,un-lawful extortion." The company has sent notices to the consumers annulling their contracts and stating that if they want them renewed they must apply at the office. There they must sign an agreement to put in the mcter.which will cost the consumer $5. In view of the fact that the rates have been raised twice since the cas has been put in, the con sumers object. They claim that if they put in the meters there is nothing to prevent the com pany from again advancing tho rates. They might then decide to order the order the gas shut off, and they wonld then be out the $5 which they paid for the meter, but which does not belong to them. At the meeting there will probably be two propositions adopted for submission to the company. One is that the consumers will sign contracts from July 1 attUe same rate; they are paying now. and allow the company to put in the meter if they wish to do so. The other is that the company pay for the meter, and chances will be taken in regard to an increase in the rates. In no event will the consumers pay for the meters. 'One of the most indhmant consumers has been collecting statistics as to the cost of the gas where a meter is used. One Southside man who has a meter in his house says he pays at the rate of $38 50 per year for one cooking stove. He burns 800 to 1.000 feet of gas In ten hours, which be has figured down to cost 10 cents. This was for the month of April, when he did not burn the gas anywhere else but in the cooking stove. Another expert on the South Side has figured it down to cost him 87 40 for the month for one store. The majority of the consumers are afraid that if they put in the meters, they will have to order them out again. The tenants say the landlords should put the meters in, while the landlords think they should not be compelled to do so without raising the rent. The tenants refuse to have the rent increased, and cannot give any assurance to the-landlords that they will not refuse to continue taking the gas if rates are raised by the use of the meters. Nearly everybody on the hill uses the gas and Is interested in the matter. A Snre Deliverance. ' Not instantaneously, it is true, but In a short space of time, persons of a bilious habit are saved from the tortures which a disordered liver is capable of inflicting, br Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, an antl-bilious medicine and aperient of the first rank The pains in the right side and through the right shoulder blade, the sick .headache, nausea, constipation and saffron hue of the skin, are entirely re moved by this estimable restorative of tone to the organs of secretion and digestion. A Correction. To the Editor of The Dlspatcn: In a morning paper of yesterday there ap peared a Munchausen article about "A Palatial Apartment House" to be erected on Penn avenue adjoining the Pittsburg Club, work to begin on same July 1st, and to-day The Dispatch publishes a cut of the proposed building. As the undersigned have a lease on the above premises with two years to rnn', they object to having their business injured to boom property which a syndicate desires to unload at fancy prices. Our patients can find us at 421 Penn avenue until April 1, 1891,. at least. Des. Xogax & Btees. Pittsbtjbg, May 29, 1889, Store Closed To-Day Head Onr Ad. for "T -J To-Morrovr, Then come and secure some of onr peat "drives" in silks and dress goods. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Ladies' Snlt Parlor. See the lovely while and cream suits in mull, mohair and lansdown, ior evening and commencement, ihs Parcels & Jones, 29 Fifth ave. B.&B. Stores closed to-day come Friday for ex traordinary bargains in summer weight black goods. Boggs & Buhl. Whiskt, brandy, gin, rum, etc. Schtjetz, Benziehausen & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. Great bargains in gnns and revolvers at our new store 706 Smithfield street. J. H. Johnston. Store Closed To-Dny Eend Onr Ad. for To-Morrovr, Then come and seenre some of onr great "drives" in silks and dress goods. JOS. HOR2TE & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. The Honorable Jndge Stovre, Had some' very fine photographs taken by Anfrecht, the popular photographer. Call for Frauenheim & Vilsack's cele brated Pilsner beer, on draught at all first class bars. ttssu "Golden "Wedding" flour rival. without a ITS J. H. Johnston's gun store removed to 706 Smithfield street. MEETINGS. -vroTICE- A. meeting of the Allegheny County Repub lican Executive Committee will be held in Common Council Chamber, Pittsburg, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 1, at 2 o'clock P. M., for organization. It is im portant that all members should be present. GEO. M. von BONNHOKST, Chairman. ROBERT BERRY, Secretary. my30-5 LEGAL NOTICES. FRANK W. SMITH. Att'y at Law. ESTATE OF SAMUEL HARPER, DE CEASED Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Harper, late of the city ot Pittsburg, county of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Helen A. Har per, to whom all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. HELEN A. HABPETL administratrix, cor. Grandriewavcand Bertha sl, Pittsburgh my'3-G-Th JOHNF. COX. Attorney-at-Lsw, 403 Grant street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of administration, eta., have been granted to the undersigned on tbe estate of James Wbitaker, late of Mifflin township, Allegheny county, deceased. All persons In debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. JAMES H. WHIT AKER, Administrator, ctk, Homestead, Pa, my-16-92-Th VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN J.1 application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 12th day of June, A. D. Ic89, by Henry U Zwcldlnger, Jacob J. Zwei dlnger, John J. Crowthers. Henry . Klmlock ancf George Egan. under the act ot Assembly, entitled "An act to provide for tbe incorpora tion and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for tbe charter of an Intended corpora tion to be called Fidelity Coal Company, the character and object of which is minion coal -and manufacturing coke therefrom and the shipping ana selling sua coal and coke, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the riehtz, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly, and supplements thereto. JAMES F. B, SsUeiter. aylfi-U-XK J3Vtsplay eOverHsements one dollar par square for one insertion. Classified adterttse rnenU on this page such as fronted. For Bale, To Lei, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none-taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRA2TCK OFFICES. For the accommodation of the publlo, Branoh Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, or Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tin Dis patch. riTTSBTJEG. THOMAS jrcCAFFKKY, SM Butler street KMIL G. STUCKEY, Htu street and l'enn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle avev and Fulton st, N. STOKELV, Fifth Avenue Market House. EASTEUP. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKXAXD. MCALLISTEK SHEIBLEB, Sth av. & Atwood St, souinsiDx. , JACOB 8POHN, No.-2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEH, 89 Federal street. II. J. MCBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets, FEED H. EGGEES. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EOGEK3 A BOff, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. ArcK and Jackson streets, THOMAS McHEJJKY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'EltltT M. GLEIM. Itebecca and Allegheny ayes. WANTED. Mule Heln. -TITANTEU GOOD SOBER TUBNEHFOK W near city. Call at HEMM.LEB J1KOS. (Smlth fleld St., .Pittsburg. my30-75 WAU1EO-A GOOD COATMAKEKTO GOTO the country. Inquire at 1". J. LOUGH NEY'S, 932 Liberty st. ray00-S7 T7-AJ TED- A TIN EH : T V rooflnjr, epoutlnjr, etc. VLIET, BrookWUe. Pa. GENEKAL WORK: Address GEO. VAN iny29-M TTT'ANTED-A EEGISTEKED DRUG CLEKK. VV one who speaks German. TWELFrHST., Southside. Call at 62 sou m my30-6S -TT7-ANTED BKEADJi BAKEB MOST BE VV first class on all kinds of work and not afraid to work. BEOWN & SON, Washington, Pa. myi9-7 WANTED-BOY BETWEEN 14 AN D 16: MUST be intelligent and well dressed. Call be tween Sand 6 o'clock this afternoon at 68 SIXTH AVE. my3D-7 WANTED-SOLICITOK FOK PRINTING AND Dhoto-engravlng: must understand estimating-on work and furnish reference. Address P. P. E., Dispatch office. my30-78 -rrjANTED AGENTS SAMPLE DOOR VV cbeck sent free: Immense: unrivaled; sslesnnparalleIed;S12aday; write quick. BKO HARD, Clarksburg, W. Vs. my26-si WANTED-A bTRONG ACTIVE BOY ABOUT IS to work In the country: must understand the care or horse. Call at 7 o'clock at DISPATCH OFFICE, N o. 75 Diamond St. my30-70 WANTED-COAL MINERS-STEADY "WORK and good pay: car fares advanced; bring tools along; ship Friday at 1 o'clock P. it. For particulars call at HOTEL MaHANEY. myS-18 TTANTED-MEN TO SELL AN ARflCLEAT VV which they can make money: cost of outfit very little. Apply or address ROOM 19, Excelsior Building, cor. Sixth ave. and Grant st. roy3-39 WANTED-A MAN OF BUSINESS APTI TUDE, residing outside Pittsburg, to act for established house In own State- salary about E00 monthly: references. SUPT. MFG. HOUSE, ockBoxlSlO, N. Y. oc7-(9-Th TTTJANTED - AGENTS HILL'S MANUAL, VV new and revised edition, will be ont in a few days: agents sbouid now get their outfits: Only to be had from P.J. FLEMING & CO., 77 Diamond at, Pittsburg. Pa. my25-34 WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and puro spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmcn can makeraoney in their spare time. YAMASH1KO TEA CO., S3 Jackson st Allegheny, Pa, Ja28-8S-TTS -rrjANTED-YOUNG MAN ABOUT 25 FOR VV collector and deliverer or serial books; must be very energetic; 50 cash deposit required: must be ready to go to work at once. Call after 9:30 Friday, ROOM 16. McCance block, 5 Seventh ave. my30-67 TTTANTED.-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S rff. Pen VV COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg. manship, bookkeeping, eclectic shorthand, type writing, arithmetic, etc.. thoroughly taught Tor S5 per month ; Instruction private for both sexes; open through summer, day and evening. my 12-TTSSu DIalo and Pemnle Heln. WANTED-GOOD COOK-MALE OR FE MALE Togo to country otcl. Apply at 974LlBEETrST, myg-H TIJANTEI)-SUR3ES.LAUNDRES3, COOKS, VV chambermaids, dining room girls. 5 young girls, 100 house girls, German and colored gins. Help for hotels and boarding houses. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant st my27-MTbS WANTED 50 COAL MINERS. FARM hands and driTers, colored waiter, pastry and male cook, laundress, dishwasher, fine lroner, pantry and dining room girls. 80 cooks, 29 chambermaids, 2 nurse girls, 200 house girls. MEEHAN '3 AGEN CY. Hi Grant St. my&-D WANTED-MEN AND WOMEN TO HANDLE a new line of goods used by everybody; sold on tbe package plan of leaving a parcel with each family to be tested at ourezpense before payment Is required: goods paid for when sold; no capital required; we furnish It. Address B Dispatch office. , myS0-78 Situations. WANTED-BUSINESSMENTOKNOWTHEY can save time and expense by obtaining their office and clerical help from the COMMER CIAL accounting Agency.- im Firth avenue; bookkeepers, bill clerks, shipping clerks, salesmen, collectors, stenographers, typewriters, or any position or a clerical character filled on short notice; will do special advertising free for business and profes sional men in this direction; parties desiring situations should leave tbclr names and refer ences; all business strictly confidential. ' my30-S4 Booms, Douses, Etc WANTED-SMALL FURNISHED OPflCE for Iron business in good location In Pitts burg. Address "DJON, " Dispatch office. my30-89 FInnilclnl. WANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4U, S and pe- cent. GHAEBINO A LYON, 135 Fourth ave. apS-el-D "TTXANTED-MORTG AGES MON EY TO LOAN TV In sums to suit at 4& S and 6 per cent. ALLES A BAILEY, 181 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14 WANTED-MORTGABES ON CITY PBOP EKTY. over 84,000; 4 Per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVEKiCO?, S2 fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-,KENrS COLLECTED FKOMPT . , . .P.r.SPS.r,,n!ln"el, with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 1M Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-Sl TT7- ANTED- MOBTGAOES IN ANY TV amounts: 4K to a percent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL AV. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth avenue. laaKB-iThS WANTKD-MOKTGAGES-II.WC0O0TOLOAN In large and small amounts-at 4H. 5 and fl VStefSh ftee of ute ta:'" -no delay. KEEL) B. COY LEA CO., 131 Fonrth ave. my!l-60 TJTANTED-KENTS lv COLLECT IN BOTH TV cities and suburbs; to this branch of the SH!lneJ! W0.PJ" special attentl on: establlthed 1863. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. my4-29-TTS TltT-aTED-TO LOAN $500,000. IN AMOUNTS TT of S3, 000 and upward, oncityand suburban property, on 4 per cent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at S and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIltl), 85 Fourth avenue. se2l-d-r "TTrANTED-MOKTGAGES-Sl, 000, CC0TO LOAN TV on city and suburban properties at 4K, Band S per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and anla ?e.?J.c0.?PtA1t 6Per cent. 1. M. PEaNOCK MMM 111 k'At IVth r.. . " bON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-M W"-4.1?!?70 L0AI Vm.KX ON MOKT VT GAGES: tlOO and upward at 8 ner cent: (500,000 at 4) per cent on residences or business fc'.rJ'Sf'JLI 'so " -adjoining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D WANTED-MORTOAGES-WE HAVE FROM 810.000 to 1100,000 to loan on mortgages on property In the city or county or adjoining coun ties; all the details attended to In person and without publicity. JAS. W. JJKAPE ft CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg., my30-83 Miscellaneous. WANTED-YOII TO GET A BAKER'S doien (13) or Stewart & Co. 's fine cabinet pbotos forf.1, at 80 and 82 FEDEBAL ST.. Alle-ghor- my2S-0-TTSu TTTANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH TV, Kecnan repair, relinish or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man- ner. 33AND34WATEBbT. 'Phone im myM2 WANTED -MEN - LEARN THE AET OF centlemeh'si garment cutting; no trying on required; night sessions Monday, Wednesday and baturday, 7 to 9 P. 31., 514 Wood St. UBLLNtt 0M- ap30-68 WANTED BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO- JTOGltAFHEB.WFlfthVee.ftttsburg. and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, werybod to know that he is making fine cabinets at Si 0 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; lnstan- taneous process. mhlS-es '117 ANTED CAMPING- PAI ira -nrrotrrwfl ..TV. to purchase accordions, rnltars or mando lins to examine Ualllnger's stock, which we guar antee to eU 20 per cent less than any other house 7vift0firn,iPi,iN0EK, MONEY LOAN OFFICE. 1200 Fcnn ave. my21-27 TTTANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT VV HENDRICKS ft CO.. SB rideVa I stVeetf-l-legheny, will, for ; ono week; only, to Introduce their flue work, photograph every baby under 3 yCT..le.rcbJ:rr'liTrr mother will be pre sented with a photograph of her baby; come early to avoid tbe rush. MJKT-mX WANTED. Miscellaneous. TXTANTED-2S0 FEET OF CODNTEB8 AND vt 300 feet of shelving, with one row of drawers lnmoitoflt, for use In drykoodsandotherstore: SH be in good condition. Address Us SOUTH PROSPECT ST.. Akron, Ohio. my 59-8 FOR SALE IMPKOVED REAL ESTATE. City Xetldences. F IOR SALE-ROW OF 6 2-STORY BRICK nouses; almost now; wellsltuited; paysSper T tuwiUllUIMIUlUUUIl UVUK? UU 1CW U1SU, it will then pay 12 per cent; street and alley paved ana sewered: houses never idle. Principals only Inquire of MORRIS 4 FLEMING, 110 Fourth ave. TflyS-lS-TTSU " East End Residences. FOB SALE-CHOICE RESIDENCE, PENN ave., Brusbton: 15 rooms, with all convea lences; large lot: immediate possession: terms to suit purchaser. See JOHN F.BAXTEB, Agent. 812 Binlthfleld st. my26-S8-TT8Su FOR 8ALE-.MCCLINTOCK PLACE-A NICE, new, tastv S-room frame dwelling (nearly nnlsbed) on Elyslan ave. and Hastings st.; make a choice home; located near Firth ave., ft. Urv-eie and Torrens station; price low; (2,030; payments to suit. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station t., E.E. my28-7l-TTS FOR SALE-IN ORCHARD PLAN ON MAR UAIUCTTAst., that substantial and artistic 7 room brick dwelling; slate roof, bay, bath and an conveniences; splendid property: nest neigh borhood; near Neglev ave. and 5 initiates to cable; terms made satisfactory. MELLON BROS.. 6M9 Station st., E. E. my28-71-TTS IfOR SALE-AN ELEGANT 2-STORY AND ,.'. mansard brick residence, on Meyranave, Oakland, containing 8 handsomely papered rooms, oatn.range, h.andc. water, laundry,ete.;thls fine home has all the latest conveniences. For further Particulars call on ULACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth avenue. my24-69-TWTTS FOR SALE-OAKLAND-A GOOD 2-STORY and mansard frame dwelling on Ward st., ncarWUmot St., containing 7 rooms, hall, vestt bulc, batb. range, h. and c water, natural gas, electric bells. Inside shutters, hardwood stairway, excellent lot and only 15,800, BLACK A BA1RD, 5 Fourth ave. my24-65-TWTrs IH)RSALE EASTENDHOME, NEARSHADT ave., within 3 minutes' walk of the cable road, containing B elefrant rooms, bath. Inside w. c, laundry, etc.; complete electric workMn fact the house is possessed of all the modern conven iences; lot axils, covered with choice fruit and shrubbery. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fonrth ave. my24-5-D TTUI!. SALE-A FINE OAKLAND RESIDENCE V on Niagara St., near Craft ave.. an elegant select brick dwelling or 0 rooms, bath, range, b. and c water, inside w. c, laundry, etc., with all the latest Improved ccnvenlences; good flagstone sidewalk; lot 32x95 feet; call at the office and see Sfcoto of this magnificent home. DI.ACK ft AIRD, 95 Fourth ave. my24-6S-D FOR SALE-SHADYSIDE RESIDENCE, ONLY 2 minutes' from Fifth avenue cable road; a fine 2-etory dwelling of 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, bathroom, range, b. and c water, natural gas, electric bells, call, etc.: all the rooms are hand somely papered;the lot Is very large and covered with shrubbery and fruit trees. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. my24-67-D TWOR SALE-EAST END RESIDENCE AND X fine lot 100x130 feet, shade and fruit trees, shrubbery, grapevines, flower plots, etc.: abund ance of spring water; brick residence 10 rooms, ball in center, batb, lavatory, front and rear, dry cellar: everything In prime order; price only 112,000. SI.OOO cash, balance ins to 10 years. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 123 Fonrth avenue, Pitts burg. my30-82 J7ORSALE-A NEW QUEEN ANNE BRICK ? dwelling on one of the best streets In East ud; convenient to P. R. R.; only 2 minutes' walk from either cable road and lu an excellent location and good neighborhood; this beautiful home contains 7 large rooms, bathroom, laundry, with other modern Improvements; lot 40x114 to an alley; this beautiful place will be sold cheap; call at once. BLACK & BAIRD, S3 Fourth are. my24-5-D T7OR SALE-SHADE. ROOMINESS AND OUT A? LOOK are features to consider In buying residence property; these and many other -advantages are possessed by tbe elegant and com modious new houses upon Oakland square, whtcb Is one of the most attractive neighborhoods in tbe city; only fifteen minutes' from the heart of tbe city, yet with all the attractions ot the coun try; dwellings finished In the neatest and most uuraoie manner; streets pavea witn aspnait ana sewered; natural and artificial gas: fronting on handsome park planted with shade trees: new cable loop (for which ordinance Is In Councils) to go within 10U feet of the square: price or bouses, standing on lots 30x100. as,soo; terms, moderate, cash payment, remainder upon long time: most beautiful dlstrlot or tbe city and convenient to all parts. Apply to SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. myl2-71 ATIesbeny Residences. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 12-ROOM dwelling; Allegheny; near parks: Immediate possession. Address OWNER, Room 208, BlsseU block. mv2S-28 FOR SALE-SECOND TVAHD, ALLEGHENY, residence, for K 000; new house, 7 rooms and 3 attle rooms; lot 30x170 feet on Clifton ave, ' W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. my2i-52TTS FOR SALE-HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE, all conveniences and large lot, choice loca tion, Bldwell street, Allegheny; low price; easy terms. JNO. H. M'CBEEKY, 95 Fifth ave. ap9-45-TTg FOR BALE LOTS. - Cilt Lota. TrnOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! ON BOGUS AND 'V Chess avenhes.MosntAVashlngton.10 minutes' walk from Mount Washington incline plane; 28 lots have already been sold at former sales; tbe remainder of the lots will be closed out at tbe next sale on Saturday afternoon of this week. Jnne 1, at 3 o'clock on Ibe premises: positive and Im perative sale to close up an estate with tbe heirs; In blocks or in single lots: great chance for bar gains. Get plans from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 1T9 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. my29-42 East End Lota. FK BALE-A FEW LARGE; LOTS AT EMS WORTH. P.. Ft. W. O. H. R.. at very low prices to'close an estate. C. BER1NGER & SON, iia r ourtn ave. luj-jriH FOR SALE-23 BUILDING LOTS IN THE EAST END. close to railroad station, In 2 blocks, at onlv 1330 each; great bargains. JAS, W. DEAFE i CO., 19 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. my30-S3. TJHJR SAL&-LOTS ON BEATTY STREET. J only two minutes from two traction lines; site, 40x119 feet: first-class building sites and al ready sewered; only 51.6C0. MELLON BROS.. East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, 612 Smlthfleld street. my26-S7-TTS FOR SALE-ON HAYS ST., BETWEEN NEG LEY ave. and Hlland ave., i very choice lots 30x100; great Improvements now making near; properties will soonadvance In values: price each, tl, 400; payments to suit. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station st , E. E. my!8-7MTS FOK SALE THOSE TWO BEAUTIFULLY located corner lots at lUppey (paved) and St. Clair sts.; real choice: best neighborhood; only good houses allowed: Just at Negley ave. ando minutes to Penn cable: price 3,800 each; terms satlifactory. MELLON BltOS.. 6343 Stitloiwt., K. E. mv28-71-TTS fJIOK SALE-6 ACRES. BEAUTIFULLY LO X? CATED, and fronting 360 ft. on one of the leading GO-ft, avenues of Kv E. : no finer sites for 2 or 3 first-class resldenoes, and 1,600 an aerewlll take It if told before June 1; to secure this you mnt act promptly, bee 11. P. HOWLET, 3319 Butler st, city. my-7 FOE SALE-LOTS, SIZE 40X110 FEET TO sewered alley, 20 leet wide; near South Hlland ave, East Liberty; only two minutes' to cable cars; finest locations for residence: the price can not be duplicated In the East End. MELLON BROS., East End, or JOHN i BAXTER, S12 smlthfleld street. my-o7-rrs Snbnrbnn Lota. FOB SALE AT EDGEWOOD, V. 11. K DE SIRABLE building lots S6T.192 feet; $00 each. W. A. HERROM SONS, No. 80 fourth ave, my30-8t-30,jul.4,8,i2,i5 TCWK SALE-AT. WILKINSBUKO, BEAUTI JU FULLY located near the station; lots 82x120 feet; only S125, 80 Fourth ave. W. A. 1IERKUN ft SONS. No. my30-84-3; Jul, 4, 8, 12.15 FOR SALE-I50 00 UPWARDS, BUILDING lots 25x150 feet deep, fronting the Flame road. Chartlers township. Just out and Immedi ately adjoining the city line: terms easy. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. mj30-M-30,Jul,4,8,H15 FOK SALE-INORAM BTAT10N-4 VERY choice acre plots, overlooking the Chartlers valley and only ten minutes' wait from tbe sta tion; the cream of locations for a suburban home; prices very low aud terms to suit. D. 1. THOMAS ft CO., 408 Grant street. mylS-41-TTS Farms. FOR SALE-A FINE FARM OF 125 ACRES, ' fronting the Bntler plank road, nearGIen sbaw,Ton tbe P. ftW. B.K.;wlU sell either as a whole or will divide to suit purchaser, c. BEBIXqElt ft SON, 103 Fourth ave. my25-74-TT8 FOR SALE-A GOOD FARM OF 43 ACRES, near Fair Oaks station. P.. jft. W. ft O. R. K.. having about 15 acres of rich creek bottom land; good orchard, frame bouse of 7 rooms, good barn and other outbuildings. C IS EKiaUll oun, .mm x ourtn ave. my25-74-TTS FOR SALE-OK EXCHANGE FOK HOUSE and lot, 35 acres, bouse, stable, outbuild ings, good water; horse, cow, bnggyand farming utensils, with 2.600 bcarini- neach. 400 bearing apple, 200 bearing pear, 25 cherry and SO plum trees, and other, small fruits; 4.U- !D. W1T- T13H. 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. New list. , my29-D "sTOR SALE-A VERY FINE FARM IN ARM JD STRONG county, near Freeport, West Penn B. B,, of 70 acres: rarm lays well with an eastern slope, rich sail with some good'bottom land; about S acres in good timber: a- large orchard of all kinds of new house of 7 rooms, hall, attic, etc ; good bank barn, good fences, etc ; price low, C BERINOEU ft SON, 103 Fourth ave. my25-74-TTS FOKSALEOKEXCHANGE-CHEAl'FARMS-35 acres, S-room good house, barn, orchard, etc, only IX miles from Beaver, 83,300; on easy payments or exchange: also, 200 acres, one mile from station, 'Ft. Wayne railroad. 8-room house. 2 barns, 2 orchards, price, (10.000; yearly payments or exchange. Send for farm and ex change list. N. F. HURST, Rochestesr, Pa. my22-41-xoo OOscetlaseon. FOBBALE-ATLANTIOCITY.N.J.-HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by 1. G. ADAMS ft CO., real estate agents, AtlantfeCltv. N. J. my3S-24-D FOB BALE SOUTHSIDE! SOUTHSIDEI FOB sale listl 50.000 copies Just issued; several hundred Southside houses and lots for sale by A. Ai ALLB8, Ml Fourth avesee. CtU or send far oae, usyStf F8R- SALE-LOTS. . Atleahenv Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelrth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUUHEE, 43 N. Diamond St. mh7-98-D TTIOR HALE-2 LOTS, AT AUCTION, ON HIGH JD St., Seventh ward, Allegheny: these lots front 22 feet on High st. and lten street, near Longlane: Sartor the Shirk estate; sale on the premises, lonaay, June a, at 2 o'clock. A. LEGGATE & SON. Auctioneers. ray3C-S FOR SALE-LINDEN, OSGOOD AND MAPLE avenues. "Osgood Place, fine large lots, only IS minutes' walk to the Market House: near the electric cars and Incline; good Investment; low prices, enhancement certain. SAMUEL W. ULACK, & CO.. 99 Fonrth ave. niy9-77-Th -CWRSALE-A FINK LOT ON IRWIN AVE. 1? Allegheny. 25x106 ft. to street In rear. Price If sold quick ,623. This lot Is situated a few yards above North ave. and is only two squares distant from the Western ave. aud i'lctsant Val ley streetcars. Inquire orM. PHENTEE, No. 1, Garrison St., Allegheny, Pa. niy29- l'OU SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. -1TIOR HALE-tnOAtt PERIODICAL AND r genta! furnishing store at a bargain: one of nisAJurnisningstoreaia Bargain; una u. t stands lu the city: books open for lnspec lowing a business, of (12, COO last year. J O. Y, 77 Diamond si my30-95 me oesfc ma tlonr stiowtn UEILLY, nWR SALE-THE LEASRAND FURNITURE J and fixtures of a nice small hotel restaurant and saloon business at Canton. O.; tbe best stand In the city; everything complete and new; long lease for same (reason sickness). Address CANTON, DUpatch office. myffl-9 FOR SALE EXCELLENT SMALL DRY GOODS store; would suit lady: ice cream saloon; cigar stores; grocery stores: drugstores; shoe stores; bakeries etc; business for picnics and county fairs, S12S; 100 business chances. SHEPARD i CO.. Mi inn ave. my23 ITIOR SALE-LARGE BRONZE AND BRASS JD foundry with first-class established trade ot .long standing, with blast furnaces rolling mills, railroads, tc. : completely equipped for furnish ing sort metals of all descriptions; will be sold at a bargain on account of Illness of owner. Address W. R. B Dispatch offlce. my24-74 TTIOR SALE-THE ONLY BILLIARD ROOM X' lnl town: one billiard, one nool table, stand ard size, first-class condition: entire outfit at SO per cent on dollar; rare opening for business; extensive iron wor.s, pavrou eo,maj weefcij. Call on or address IV.. A. MCKNIGHT, 231 State St., Sharon, Mercer county. Pa. my29-2S Business Stands. FOB SALE-NO. 114 FEANKSTOWN AVE.; 2 story brick store, with dwelling; also tene ment In rear: good business location; third door from corner Station st. ; sell at a bargain. $5,570; terms arranged to suit. MELLON BROS., 6343 Station St., K. E. my28-7l-TTS FOR SALE MY THBEE-STOEY BRICK building, now occupied as saloon with a very good trade, a fine hall In which six societies meet; fifty yards from Etni Standard mills; good rea sons for selling: In Bridgeport, Belmont Co., O. JOHN ULRICH, mylWO FOR- SALE-ONLY fXO FOR A SMALL place of 2H acres of ground, with a frame house of 4 rooms, stable and blacksmith shop: small orchard, etc.; sltnate on a public road near Freeport, and an excellent location for a black smith shop. C. BER1NGER A SON, 103 Fourth ave. myI5.74-TTS FOE SAL E-THE RUSSIA SHEET IKON "Works at Butler Junction, West Penn R. It., Allegheny county, containing 4 acres, with a nice residence; 700 feet wharfage on Allegheny river; Pine Run natural gas connections; on tbe prem ises there Is a Morgan steel bammer, 14-lnch cylin der and other machinery; also a stone mill; for manufacturing purposes, all will be sold very cheap. HENRY A. HEAVER 4 CO., 82 Fourth avenue. my28-40 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. tc T7IOR SALE-SECOND-HAND PHAETON: IS JD as good as new. Can be seen at C. WEST & CO. 3, -CD Duqnesno way. myZS-72 F IOR SALE-RELIABLE FAMILY HORSE, Darouche and harness In excellent order: a bargain: can be seen at 'Warmcastle's stable, East Liberty. Address P. D. Q., Dispatch offlce. rayjj-a FOR BALE-COON DOGS, TRAINED CHAM PIONS; squirrel dogs, trained champions, with records of 33-34-39 gray squirrels one day's hunt; trained rabbit dogs, with record unexcelled in America; coon and 'possum dogs; Utter puppies from best trained squirrel and coon-treeing par ents on continent: no living superiors; letters of Inquiry must contain stamp. H. C GRAFF, Kensington, O. niy30-87 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-2 LARGE CHILSON HEATING furnaces,! In good condition. Apply at STANDARD BUILDING, 531 and 533 Wood St. ny28-123 TTIOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, AJ IBall engine, lsmaU.dynamoand21ampsand meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE Si MCDONALD, Pennave,, cor. Thirty-second st. Iei6-l83-rrs Mlsccllanei FOR BALE-ROUTE-.A GOOD NEWSPAPER route: after, expenses are paid, there is sa a week to be made. Address .HOWARD, Dispatch offlce. myw-77 FORBALE-ATGALLINGER'SMONEYLOAN Offices, all kinds of Elgin, Waltham and Springfield watches at SO cents on tbe dollar: guar antee given with each watch. N.GALLINGER, 1108 and 1200 Penn ave. P. B. Watch repairing a specialty. myil-27 T" TO LET. Eaax End Heslaencea. TO LET-(89)-EENN AVE., E. E., RESI DENCE, 10 rooms, 4 acres of ground, all modern conveniences; completely furnished; will rent forsummermontnetflrst-class neighborhood. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth are. my-t8-rrs Hazel-wood Residences. TO LET-LYTLE ST., NEAR HAZELWOOD ave., between the station and river, seven roomed house, with nlshed attic, bath, natural gas, large lot; opposite Mr. SI. W. Kanklns: rent S28 per month. Inquire of ;KOBT. MARS1I ALL, 69 Diamond st. mv-48 ' Allraficny Residences. TO LET-SMALL HOUSE IN ALLEGHENY, No. 83 Stewart st.,-6 rooms; 111 per mo.; also 43 Sturgeon st., S rooms; (17 per mo. W. A. HER EON & SON 3, 80 Fourth ave. m J30-85-MTDF TO LET-(99)-ALLEGHENY, NEW TWO story, mansard, press-brick dwelling, 8 rooms: all modern conveniences; close to street cart: desirable, location; cheap at (400 a year. SAMUEL w; JJLAOK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. may-57-TT Suburban Residences. TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN; ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Kt. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage house, two acres ground, with I lver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 Aoanmenii. mo LET-J OB NICE ROOMS ON ONE JL floor, snltabie ror light housekeeping, with gas and water. 'Apply to J. (i: MOUEOW'S SHOE STOKE, 289 Ohio U, Allegheny. my30-8t TO LET-FORN'ISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng In the coolest house In 1'ittsburg: every convenience; both gases: extra kitchen and laundry. Icebox and ice famished; washing done by house. 29S FIFTH AVE. my29- Business Stands. TO LET-WITH STEADY POWER-LARGE well-lighted rooms, suitable for light manu facturing. Apply at 63 WATER ST., Plttsbnrg. my-103 TO LET-SUITABLE FOR LIGHT MANU FACTURING,, good light second and flilrd floors 511 Market St.: entrance through store. Ap ply to W. A. HERRON ft SUNS, -No. ? four ave. my-34 JPERSOXAL. PERSONAL-IP YOU WISH TO BORROW money on watches, jewelry, clothing or musi cal gOOOS call at OALLlNUEK'a MUAEr LOAM OFFICES, 1106 andKSO Pennave, my.U-27 PERaONA.L-B00K3 WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,000, let us knoir: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3- PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YODB WIFE, mother or daughters In repairing and clean ing 'your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle br DICKSON, tbe Tailor, cor. Firth ave. and Wood St., second floor!1 Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order: spring styles now readn. 'telephone 1558. inbs LOST. LOST-SMALL BLACK SPANIEL BITCH; name on collar, "Williams, Leetsdalc" Five dollars reward wlU be given to any person leaving her at FUNK'S BARBER SHOP, corner Twenty.seventli and Jane sts.. S. S. my30-99 OAKLAND SQUARE, r $8,500 each, moderate cash payment, balance jw per anoumeiezant new two-story anu. mansard brick .dwellings, 8 rooms..hal), bath, laundry, slate 'mantels, art Are places, tile hearths, sliding doors, wired for electric light, fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, etc.; Oakland Square, five minutes from Fifth avenue cable lino and directly on line Of new cable loop which is to be constructed this summer; a beautiful park (on which are sev eral hundred beauttf ul shade trees), the whole surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved-with asphaltkm;on.eacb side of and facing the park are the bave described dwell ings; most desirable houses yet offered; en hancement ot values- sure. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 98 Fottrtji&ve. myn-ae CON8UMEYOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Eureka Garbage Bumec For illustrative cir cular, oentaiBteg full information, call on or address V , JAMES ANDERSON, '' 58 Kast Diamond street, j-w?-r i ; AuegHeay.i-fc OFFICIAr-PITTSBURG. SEALED PE0P0SAL8 WILL BE BE CE1VED at tbe offlce of City ContreHer until TUESDAY, the 4th day of June, A. D. 18SB, at 2 p. jr.. for tbe furnishing of two O'Neill Standard street sweepers, and two Brooklyn street sweepers, of two-horse power each. Each proposal must "be accompanied by a bond in double tbe amount, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all hid a E.M.BIOELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works my30-71-D SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller until Tuesday, June 4, 2 p. if., for the repairs of No. 6 engine house. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of F. C. Saner, archi tect, rooms Nos.9 and 10, northwest corner Sixth and Liberty streets. Bonds in double the amount of bid must ac company each proposal, said bonds to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe .Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all blda. J. O. BROWN. Chief of the Department of Public Safety. Pittsburg, May 27, 1889. roy2S-88 vroTiqE is;hekeby given that the Ji reports of Viewers on tbe opening of Ueneva street, from Fisk street to Forty-tilth street; Emerson street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street: Thompson street, from Shet land street to King street; Allen street, from Washington avenue to Lillian street, and Boqnet street; from Fifth avenue, to Bay ard streer, have been approved by Councils. which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed In tho Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. PrrrsBrrBa. May 3a 18S. m j3W VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT.THE i reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Bellefonte street, from Ellsworth avenue to Fifth avenue; Copeland street, from Ellsworth avenue to Walnut street; Long alley, from Eden allev to Valley street; Amber son avenue, itrom Fifth avenue to sewer near Pennsylvania Railroad; Walnut street, from Ivy street to Roup street; Ivy street, from Howe street to Ellsworth avenue. Roup street, from Fifth avenue to Ellsworth avenue; Mar ket street, from South Diamond square to Fonrth avenue, and Ellsworth avenue, from Summerlea street to Aiken avenue. bare been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsburg, May 30, 1889. mySO-3 PROCLAMATION. (SPECIAL ELECTION.) City of Pittsburg ss. In accordance with the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and an ordi nance of the city of Pittsburg, X, William JIc Callln, Mayor ot the city of Pittsburg, do there fore make known and give this public notice to the citizens of said city qualified to vote for members of tbe House of Representatives of this Commonwealth, that a special electionjirill be held In tbe Second. Fifth, Eighteenth "and Twenty-sixth wards, in said city, on tbe third Tuesday of June, A. D. 1S89, being the ISth day of tbe month, in the several election districts therein, at which time qualified voters will as semble at their respective polling places, here after named, and vote by ballot ior members of the Select and Common Council of the city as Indicated below : The electors of the Second ward, Plttsbnrr, First district, to meet at Archibald & Broth ers' livery stable, 13S Third avenue. Second district to meet at the Poor Board offlce. Fourth avenue. Third district to meet at public schoolhouse. Diamond street. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill the unexpired term of Jas. Getty", Jr., re signed The electors of the Fifth ward, Pittsburg. First district, to meet at tbe offlce of Peter Hermes, No. 208 Fifth avenue. Second dis trict to meet at John Urban's meat store, Wylle avenue. Third district to meet at the public schoolhouse, Webster avenue. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill the unexpired term ot John O'Neill, re signed. The electors of the Eighteenth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at the livery stable of Alex Kiigan, Butler street. Second district to meet at Kanrield House. Butler street and bridge. Third district to meet at the office of B. R. Mclnerny, on Bntler street. And elect one Select Councilman for said ward to fill the unexpired term of Michael Dwyer, resigned. The electors of the Twenty-sixth ward, Pitts burg, First district, to meet at John Hughes' tinshop. Sidney street, near Eighteenth street. Second district to meet at house of Jacob Auienbacber. Jr., corner of Eighteenth and Sarah streets. Third district to meet at Odd Fellows' Hail, Eighteenth street. Fonrth dis trict to meet at the house of John Mansmann, corner qf Twentieth and Jane streets. Fifth district to meet at tbe public schoolhouse, Sarah street- And elect one Common Council man' for said ward to fill the unexpired term of Wm. Ruhlandt, resigned. In testimony whereof I hare hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of tbe city of Pitts burg: this 2Sth day of May. A. D. 1&9. my29L57 WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the offlce of City Controller until Tuesday, tbe -4th day of June, A. D. 1SS9, at 2 P. M.,for tbe fol lowing, viz.r BEFAVING. Penn avenue, from Fifth avenue to City Line. Forbes street, from Brady to Boyd streets. Biith avenue, from Wylie avenue westward ly. First avenue, from Smithfield street to Grant street. Butler street, from Forty-ninth street to Fifty-first street. Eighth street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Ninth street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Liberty avenue, from Smithfield street east wardly. Cherry alley, from Third avenue to Water street. State alley, from Wylle avenue to Fifth ave nue ' Scott alley, from Penn avenue to Duquesne way. Garrison alley, from Fayette street to Lib erty avenue. Barker's alley, from Duquesne way to Lib erty avenue. Church alley, from Sixth avenue to Straw berry alley. Slocnm alley, from Penn avenue' to Liberty avenue. Strawberry alley, from Smlthfleld street to Liberty street. , GEADINO, PAVTNG AUD CUBBING. Halket street, from Fifth avenue to Wilmot street. Herron avenue, from Center avenue to Thirty-third street. Boqnet street, from Semple street to Frailer street. Dennlston avenue, from Fifth avenue to Penn avenue. Atwood street, from Fifth "avenue to Boqnet street. Center avenue, from Sobo street to Hlland avenue. PAVING AUD CUBBING. Stanton avenue, from Hlland avenue to Heberton avenue. Corday alley, from Pearl to Cedar streets. The paving of the above named streets to be either with Block Stone, Standard Sheet Asphalt, Vulcanite Asphalt, Irregular Block Stone or Cobble Stone, and bids will be re ceived for each kind of pavement. SEW UBS. Center avenue, from Summit, near Aliqnip pa, to Reed street, 18. 20-inch pipe, 3 feet and 3 feet 0Ninch: brick and stone. Dennlston avenue, lrom Fifth avenue to Shakespeare street; 20 and 24-lnch pipe. Btanton avenue, Viola alley and private prop erty of Henry Janson aqd Mellon Bros., from the west side of Hf and avenue to Negley run; 18, 20 and 24-inch pipe. Mignonette street, from Negley avenue to Beatty street ; 15 and 18 inch pipe. Penn avenue and Braddock avenue, from Lindon avenue to Susquehanna street; 15, IS, 20 and 24-lnch pipe. Harvard street, from Negley avenue to Euclid avenue; 15-inch pipe. Also extension of stone wall, at Eoho street ,and Center avenue. -ians ana snecincauons can ne seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Proposals must be accompanied by a bond probated befure tbe Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E.M.BIGELOVV. Chief of the Department of Public Works. my!3-23 TTIOR BALE WHOLESALE PRODUCE JC commission house, doing a business second to none In tbe city; ererythirg in first-class running order; this is an opportunity to step into an established paring business that Is seldom offered: liberal terms, Address BUSI NESS.DUpatch office. my2S-llS-TTSSo. Walter J. Osboubne. kichabdBabbowsl BAR" OWS & OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, SO Diamond street Telephone No. & a-kS6Vrrssa piANOS, ORGANS. I 8. HAMILTON. HAND 88 FIFTH AVZHUK, rjiHoarg, jra. I-7-a J -S& AMFSE3QWT3. TASEBALL . . ."v" i SATURDAYV JUNE L. RECREATION PARK; League Championship Game ALLEGHENY vznstts INDIANAPOIJS. Game at 1 p.m. Admission SO cents. ?'. Train from Union depot at 3.40 p. x. J myw-i-T- is X)ASEBALL COUNTY LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP. DECORATION DAY. AT RECREATION PARK, RIVERSIDE GRAYS. Champions of the NOrthslde, , OAKLANDS AND DUQUESNESl " Games' called at 1020 and 4 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. mj30-3 SRAND OPERA. HOUSK Every evenintr, matinees" Decoration Day ursday) and Saturday, Willard Spenser popular comic opera. THE LITTLE TYCOON. Notice The programme-used this week per f nmed with Lightner's Maid of the Mist. my2S7 LTOU THEATER Bv Hneclal Renuest Thi his afternoon and evening. Hay 80, BLIND TOM. Last time In Pittsburg. rayStH TJACES EXPOSITION PARK DECORATION' DAY. 2.40 Pacing Race for Butchers and'MerchaaSa, 220 Trottinc Race. , 2.34 TroingRace, 2.30 Paclng-Kaee, -And- i Pony Rnnnln? Race. " ADM1SS1PN. 50c: CHILDREN, 25c Mnsic by Great Western Band. my23-43 -plFLE TOURNAMENT, ', ', ' May 30. 600 yards and under. Open to all. RANKIN PLACE, On Mt. Oliver Electric R. R. my30-72 PICNIC" GROVE FREE! v WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from tbe city, situated on tbe bluff overlookictr Davis Island dam. Easily reached by.rall or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, fine dancing platform, etc Tbe use of the grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A-R. posts, private fetes, etc., the only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A.CLANEYoa the grounds. mylMD MONONGAHELA AND OHIO RIVERS Transportation & Excursion Co., LIMITED. Steamer MAYFLOWER Can be chartered for excursions, picnics and evening parties. Offlce, No. 118 WATER ST. mvll-40-Trs L. N. CLARK. Captain. ARCHITECTS. REMOVAL. George Hodgdon, Architect, has removed to his handsome new rooms. Safe Deposit Build ing, S3 Fourth ave. Take elevator to fifth floor royl7-10O-D AtJCTIOS SALES. BY JAS. W. DRAPE CO. I Another and final public sale of thebalance-of unsold BUILDING LOTS on Boggs, Washington and Chess avenues, Plttsburi:, only 10 minutes' walk from Mt. Washington Incline Plane. As It Is desirable to close up the interest between the differ ent heirs, the remainder of tho lots will be ex posed to public sale, on SATURDAY AFTER NOON, of this week (Junel), at 3 o'clock on the premises. Having sold 28 lots in this plan, we will, on the above date, offer the bal ance of 88 lots, includinc: some of the most de sirable of any in the plan. Lots will be sold singly or in blocks on very liberal terms of pay meat; $10 down on each lot at sale. Title per fect. Free tickets on incline plane. Get plans JAS. W. DRAPE fc CO. Agents and Auction eers, 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. my-43 AT AUCTION. CHAMBER STJITS, parlor furniture. Brussels and inerain carpets, drygoods, notions, eta, commenciner- 3 FRIDAY MORNING. 10 o'clock, KoTJi m Aiaraei street: .riiegant panorsuitain silk ana satin, brocatelle tapestries, brocades, crushed, and silk plashes, satin, damask, reps and hair cloth; leather couch, bed lonnges, fancy rock ers, folding beds, chiffoniers, dressers; chamber suits, washstands, wardrobes, bedsteads, book cage?, hall racks, side tables, mirrors, pictures, clocks, lamps, linoleum, Brussels and ingrain room, ball and stair carpets: fine toilet ware, hair and husk mattresses, rugs, curtains, china closets, sideboards, extension, center and kitchen tables, chairs and rockers, desks, sec retaries, pillows and bolsters; china, glass and silver ware, cooking utensils, kitchen goods, etc. Also, at 1-JSO o'clock, notions, fancy articles, ia trimmings, drygoods. etc 5 HENRY AUCTION CO.. LEtf., . Auctioneers. myiSO-93 DECORATION DAY. Decoration Day being the nineteenth anni versary of Dr.-Orr as a regular practising physician, he has decided to offer his profes sional services free to all who mv apply for two weeks' treatment at the office, of the A. O. R. R. R. P.. Association of Regular Registered Resident Physicians, No. 720 Penn avenue, oa. Decoration Day from 2 to 5 P. M. Dr. Orr intends to spend the forenoon of Decoration Day assisting his comrades to decorate the graves of onr fallen, but not for gotten, defenders nf our union. Dr. Orr in vites the friends of the hnndreds of patients) he has cured of catarrh and dyspepsia during; thelast year to call and allow him and bis as sociate physicians to prove that they are what they claim to be. regular registered resident physicians, who are competent to do all they claim, and that they are not travelers who stop in our city for a few weeks or months, and, by making a great display over a few easily cured cases, tbey deceive many and go away with, their money, leaving them In worse health than, they found them. We do not publish testi monials of patients unless they request or allow it; nor will we publish tbe name of any student as a physician in order to mislead ladles who are affected with mock modesty, AH sensible ladies prefer to be cared by art honorable and conscientious physician, who re-' gards tbe modesty and confidence of his female patients as too sacred to disclose to any ot his other patients. This association is founded for the protection of those who are being deceived by spurious Institutes and high-sounding but hollow titles, all of which is no proof of ability ot legality. We invite all persons suffering from chronic) diseases, medical , or surgical, to call for con sultation, free, no matter if you have been-prox nnunceu mcurauie uy some traveling aocior. We do not tarn away all persons not easily cured. A. O. R. R. R. P., 720 Penn ave. my29-e0 Arrived at Last, over P. R. B IBE GREAT CMOTIAL MB," THE LARGEST IK THE WORLD. Took First Prize at Philadelphia Centennial ls78. " ' NOW AT - ' STROUFS' - Band Box (t afe, 25 UNION STREET, PITTSBURG. PA.'. my25-78 CURTAINS. We make a specialty of cleaning and d iace curtains: also ury cleaning DamasK isb portiers and all kinds of fabrics. Sixth Avenue Dye Works; M. MAY SONS & Co. ap2-TTS 66 SIXTH AVIV T C. TWYMAN, tl . OF LKXTNGTON, KY., f Has a lotof nicely broken SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES " For aale at the All'gheny i ' And will take much pleasure in ahowte- ttu same to ladles and gentlemen. I will reaaJg.V only a few days longer. mylo-H v Mi " 0. A.BALPB, tf BUILDING CONTRACTOR, J u oevesH ariwM, Zet9-9H--13Mi MtM4fl ?; f? r tflHgW -, - , V -ti pair