Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 27, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Vo.H Xo. 109, EntereCatPittsburg Postoffice,
November 14, 16S7, as second-class matter.
Business Offlce--97 and 89 Fifth Avenue.
NewB Rooms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average net circulation of the dally edi
tion of The Dispatch for six month ending
May 1.1SS9.
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of (bo Sunday edl
lion of The Dispatch for April, 18S9,
Copies per Issue.
Dailt Dispatch. One Year. BOO
Daily DlhPATCH, Per Quarter................ 5 00
Daily Dispatch, One Month SD
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, oat
J ear 10 00
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, per
quarter. .... 3 SO
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
month 80
6utay Dispatch, oneyear. 560
W eeexy Dispatch, one year. 1SS
The Daily Dispatch la delivered by carriers at
15 cents per week, or Including the bund&yidition,
at JO cents per weefc.
The jury in the Carter murder case, dis
tinguished itself yesterday, by coming in
aud asking for instruction from the court,
the desired information being the penalties
following the different degrees which they
might render in their verdict. Of course
the Judge promptly informed them that
they had no business to bother their alleged
brains about the penalties, but were only to
determine the facts.
Beyond the rather singular need for in
formation as to what the penalties are for
the different degrees of murder the practical
avowal that the verdict depends not on the
evidence but on the result, is sharply in
conflict with the theories of the law. Xet
it is not more so than verdicts of compar
atively common occurrence. Compro
mise verdicts nearly always imply
this violation of the theory of jury
functions, and yet there are numerous cases
in which men have been convicted of mur
der in the second degree on evidence which
left no doubt that they either were entirely
innocent or had committed deliberate mur
der. A less serious foim of the same weak
ness is actually sanctioned by the law which
permits the jury to compromise with itself
in certain cases, by putting costs upon a
defendant whom they declare to have done
no wrong and thus impose a slight penalty
on him fer his innocence.
But are not such practical declarations
that juries are unable to discharge their
sworn duty of determining cases solely by
the facts as shown in the evidence a toler
ably strong proof that some reform in the
jury system is required?
It is a rather severe commentary on the
professed work of English civilization in
India, to find the Hindoos decidedly alarmed
over the spread of theEnglish vice of drink
ing among the natives. The Hindoos have
in past ages been distinguished by their
sobriety and abstemiousness; but a memorial
lias lately been presented to the British
Viceroy which tells how their ancient
character has been undermined by associa
tion with the English and the drinking of
their wines, and urgently asks for vigorous
legislation against them. The pride with
which English optimists have pointed to
their work in Christianizing India will re
ceive a terrible shock from this memorial.
It looks as if association with the Anglo
Saxon has demoralized the Hindoos as much
as it has our own Indians although the im
mense numbers of the Asiatics renders it
impossible to exterminate them.
. The argument by which Colonel Elliott
F. Shepard demonstrated to the Presby
terian Assembly the value of charitable
, gifts, has a familiar reminiscence of the in
struction of our youth; yet we have not seen
the idea put quite so strikingly for a
long time. "I know a man," says the emi
nently good Colonel, "who always gives one
tenth of his income to religious purposes;
and he is so prosperous that sometimes
his gifts have amounted to $10,000 a year."
It is not quite plain whether the pious
journalist advances this as a demonstration
of the one sure and true way to get rich,
or whether it simply stands to him, as the
most positive proof of the good results of
charity. But the idea shines out very
plainly that the wealth of the man who
gave a tenth of his profits to religion is
the most convincing demonstration that
he did right The corollary of the propo
sition is that it a man should make wealth
by passing off bogus values, or successful
gambling in staple articles or by getting up
a monopoly to- squeeze the public, his finan
cial success would prove his course to be
Bnt there seems to be a failure on the Col
onel's part to make the full application of
his theory for the attainment of fortune. If
a man attains the prosperity measured by
an income as high as $100,000 a year, by
giving 10 per cent of it to religious objects,
ought he not to get twice as much prosperi
ty iy the devotion of 20 per cent to charity?
A still greater worldly success would on the
same principle be secured by giving SO per'
cent away. The most unbounded wealth
ought therefore to be attained by giving
away 100 percentof the income; but Colonel
Shepard and his connections do not carry
the principle to that length.
That is exactly where they differ from a
certain great teacher whom they profess to
follow, and who told a rich young man:
"Sell all thy goods and give unto the poor.'
A very interesting investigation into the
adulteration of food staples has recently
been made by the department of inland
revenue in Canada. The results of the in
vestigation are set forth in a table, which,
while not disclosing anything more than
was generally suspected with regard to the
general nature of adulteration, is important
as furnishing official information as to the
extent and proportion of the evil.
Indeed, with regard to the extent of
" adulteration in some articles, the showing of
official, figures is happily disappointing.
The fact that out of 89 samples of butter
analyzed, only 13 were adulterated, indi-.
cates either that the general opinion with
regard to the adulteration of butter is
exaggerated, or that the Canadian officials
were extremely fortunate in the selec
tion of their samples. "With regard to
cheese the discovery of adulteration in only
three samples out of 72, is an equally pleas
ant disappointment But less satisfactory
results are reached on cream tartar, coffee.
drugs, spices and liquors; and the result
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brings up the average so that out of 831
food samples analyzed, 219, or over one
quarter, were found to contain adulteration,
In spices the amount of adulteration is par.
ticularly imposing, 111 out of 191 samples
being adulterated.
The character of some of this adultera
tion is calculated to make the purchaser
opes his eyes. In buying coffee the con
sumer has 25 chances out of 83 that he. trill
be kindly given chickory, roasted corn,
roasted beans and burned sugar. In cream
of tartar he may have thrown in chlorate pf
potash, phosphate of lime, phosphate of
iron, and a number of other gratuitous sub
stances. In the purchase of mustard alone
he has 34 chances out of 64 that he will get
flour, turWrice and a large n&mber of
other equally remarkable articles. In
short while the official table does not sus
tain the impression widely current, that it
is impossible, or nearly sp, for the consumer
to obtain strictly pore articles of food, it
certainly does show that the chances which
he has of obtaining a large number of things
which he did not bargain for furnishes a
material addition to the uncertainties of or
dinary life.
There have been assertions that the whole
sale and retail grocers' associations which
have been recently formed were going to
put down adulterations. There certainly
seems to be a wide field for their operations;
but it also appears that if they are going to
discourage the practice it is time to hear of
some examples being made,
Senators Cullcra and Farwell, of Illinois,
are the latest to set up a claim of Senatorial
prerogative, for which no warrant can be
found in the Constitution of the United
States, After the development of a decided
difference with the President upon the im
portant federal appointments in their State,
they have, in writing, announced their in
tention to make a stand for that prerogative
of making the appointments in their State,
and of overriding the preferences of the
In this claim the Illinois Senators come
in conflict, not only with the President, but
with a certain instrument known as the
Constitution of the United States. The
only prerogative recognized by that. instru
ment is that of the President to nominate.
and of the Senate to confirm or reject, the
appointment of Federal officers. Therefore,
for the Senators to definitely claim a prerog
ative of nomination, is to assert that the
country is governed by a fundamental law
other than that set forth in the Constitution,
It has been supposed that the Government
of this country was one fn which pre
rogative was rigidly limited to the grants of
the written fundamental law. But Senators
Cnllom and Earwell not only claim the pre
rogative of nomination, but also imply the
prerogative of revising and amending the
Constitution to suit their individual wants.
A decision of the Supreme Court of In
diana calls attention to another remarkable
aberration of legislative power. The Legis
latnre of Indiana enacted a law prohibiting
the pipingof natural gas from the wells in
the State to points outside of it, which dis
closes an idea entertained by the legislators
that they can prohibit the commerce of tak
ing one of the products of their State to
another State. This is a sort of natural
complement to the idea which has taken a
wider scope that the Legislature of a State
can prevent the bringing of the products of
other States into its own territory. The
Indiana court very properly set aside the
law as unconstitutional; and we may confi
dently expect that all laws of this sort will
receive the same fate when they come be
fore the inspection of the conrts. But the
existence of such statutes, which can, with
equal sense and justice, be applied to pre
vent traffic in coal, iron, lumber, or any
other commodity between the States, is a
discouraging commentary on the intelli
gence of State legislation and on the com
prehension which exists anions those who
should be better instructed, of the furida
mentaljlaws, which make this a single and
homogeneous nation.
The Prisoners' Aid Society of London
which sent over ten ex-convicts to begin
life anew in this country, will probably find
some other market for its surplus stock of
humanity, after it receives "back the con
signment which was promptly returned
from New York. Our friends in the old
country should understand that this country
is now fully supplied with a stock of ex
convicts and tough citizens. If England
wishes to be reciprocal in this matter let her
send us something elegant "We give the
Europeans Bed Dog, Buffalo Bill and Dirty
Shirt, and they should respond with a choice
assortment of dukes, earls and princes.
That is the sort of pauper emigration that
we will put up with.
The investigation of the work of the
past Superintendent the new postoffice
building may cast a few side glances into
the record of work done by the new Super
intendent since he took hold of the job.
The profound intellect which is brought
to bear on the detection of crime in 'Chicago
is illustrated by the remark of one of the
detectives in the Cronin case: ''From all
we now know of the case, it is safe to say
that it was either a political assassination or
the result of some private cause." This
process of slow and sagacious reasoning will
eventually lead the Chicago detectives to
the inference that Cronin either was mur
dered by a political conspiracy or by some
one else. Pittsburg is wholly superior to
such weakness. Its detective force was
never accused, in the detection .of crime, of
employing that class of intellect, or any
other kind.
If the adoption of the tank furnaces for
window glais making is going to result in
this country making all its window glass,
it might have been wise to have adopted it
long ago.
Concerning that Lima oil field Stand
ard bull-dog story, the Oil City DerricJl; re
marks: "The story itself was no more ab
surd, however, than others which have been
printed from that odorous district and not
retracted." "We presume our esteemed co-
temporary refers to the olt-repeated asser-J
tions of the Standard organs, from Lima
and elsewhere, tiflt the Standard would
never, no never,-refine the Lima oil.
Indications are multiplying that the
tan-colored shoe and tan-colored hose will
be run into as well as on the ground this
One of the results of the Cronin mystery
ought to be that the liar who telegraphed
from Canada a circumstantial account of
interviews with the dead man should be
strictly marked down as a person whom the
press will never again allow to palm off
bogus news upon it
After a week of "Wagner, the Point can
return to its every-day occupation with new
light BP5Jlftej85thetiQ qualities of bpjler
making. The assistant clergyman of St, Paul's
Church whp shot himself yesterday morn
ing was once a clergyman of McKeesport.
The insanity, which furnishes the only ex
planation of his set, 1nay be taken as a
warning against removing from the vicinity
of Pittsburg to New York.
Pennsylvania Bepublicans can now
settle back in calm content oyer the great
political fact that Gilkeson is provided for.
It seems to be about settled that the
amount of gold exported to Europe this,
year, in order to settle the adverse balance
of trade, will be balanced by the expendi
tures of our wealthier citizens who make a
practice of going abroad for their pleasures.
Mn. D. Ii, Moody has returned to Northfleld,
Mass., for the summer.
Senator Frye is fishing at Rangeley Lake,
He goes there every summer.
Sib Charles Russell's wlfa was formerly
Miss Mulholland, of Belfast a sister of Miss
Rosa Mulholland, author of that charming
book "A Fair Emigrant"
Private Daxzell announces that his name
will be presented to the coming Ohlq Repub
lican State Convention as a candidate for the
office of Lieutenant Governor,
The pew Professor of Pathology at the
venerable University of Bologna is Signorina
Gioseppina Cattani, an uncommonly pretty
young lady of profound scholarship.
It Is said that ex-Congre$sman Lloyd 8. Bryce
is to succeed the late Allen Thornaike Rice as
editor of the Ifbrlh American Review. Ac
cording to report this choice is in line with the
expressed wish of Mr. Rice.
Nina Bxbbt Sunn, the young daughter ot
the ex-Confederate General Kirby Smith, has
eloped with a Suwanee University, Tenn.,
student named Back and was married to him at
Winchester, Tens, The young lady was to
bare been married Tuesday to an Atlanta mer.
chant named Boylston, General Smith is Pro
fessor of Mathematics at the Suwanee Uni
versity. t
The Countess de la Torre, who used to make
herself somewhat obnoxious with her tribe of
cats in Kensington, is now sojourning at a
small inn at Gerard's Cross with a flock of
goats. The noble lady, clad positively after
the fashion of a herdswoman, in a full cotton
skirt and blouse bodice, roams the country with
her four-footed friends sometinies,it is said,
even sleeping among them at night, in truly
pastoral fashion. She has not deserted her
penchant for cats, of which she still keeps .a
large number.
George Bain, of St Louis, whom Missouri
Republicans wish to bare appointed to the
Glasgow Consulship, Is a typical Missouri
Colonel. He is of portly stature and rous
When he walks. He has a big shaggy brown
mustache and a deep resonant voice. He
usually wears a tweed suit, with a bobtail coat,
and a silk hat tilted back on his head, Mr.
Bain is a flour merchant of moderate means.
Some years ago he was one df the wealthy men
of St Louis. He always speaks of his days of
prosperity as "the time when I was a gentle
Railroad Securities Advancing and the Coal
and Iron Trades Improving.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
New Youk, May 26. Henry Clows & Co. will
say to-morrow: Ihe stock market developed a
very enconraging degree of buoyancy and ac
tivity during the past week. As already ex
plained In our previous advices, the real basis
uf this movement is abundant money, favora
ble crop prospects and Improvement in the
railroad situation. Whatever change occurred
in these conditions was in the direction of im
provement; the sentiment toward a higher
market thus receiving renewed stimulus. The
recent corner in Oregon and Transcontinental
nad the enect oi frightening snorts in otner
shares and causing a general movement to
cover, which materially promoted the advance.
As is "usual also In a genuine) bun, mar
ket there was an abundance of favorable
news of more or less merit. Probably the most
important rumors were those affecting the
Grangers, particularly St Paul and Northwest
For some time past efforts have been in pro
gress in Vanderbilt-Morgan quarters to bring
these two systems into closer and more har
monious relations, the Vanderbilt influence in
Northwest being already well understood. It
was further intimated that a representative of
the Vanderbilt-Morgan Interests would soon
enter tbe St Paul directory, and is expected to
shortly make a favorable report upon the same.
Northwest advanced partly in sympathy with
St. Paul and partly on account of favorable
crop reports, as well as expectations that May
earnings would show a good increase.
Next to the Grangers the coal -Shares fol
lowed in the degree of strength, the rise in
these being stimulated by efforts to advance
the price of coat One feature, bow ever, which
helped the coalers was an improvement in the
condition of the iron trade. Daring the last
two weeks the demand for pig iron has been
larger than at any time this year. Stimulated
by low prices, the inquiry for steel rails has
also actively increased, and within recent dates
Eastern mills have received orders for over
65,000 tons from Southern 'and Southwestern
roads. As other branches of tbe iron trade are
also getting into more satisfactory shape, the
outlook for this important industry is cer
tainly more enconraging, which doubtless war
rants the confidence displayed in the coal
stocks. Another encouraging feature was the
fact that 51,500,000 worth of staple cotton goods
were recently sold at auction at a concession of
only 7K per cent from regular prices. Such
facts as these show the satisfactory condition
of trade in general; and if profits are small it is
sufficient compensation to know the volume of
trade is large and the number of failures and
embarrassments exceptionally few.
Connectlcot's Law Against Trespassing and
Predatory Chickens.
Nobwtch, May 28. No statutory enactment
was ever bailed with greater satisfaction than
tbe prize law of the Connecticut Legislature,
which forbids hens to trespass on other peo
ple's gardens, the penalty for violating it being
a fine of $7, with costs, to be inflicted on the
owner of the trespassing hens. The effect of
aha law has been magical; hens no longer
rule in this State. One may ride for many
miles in the country and not a ben will he see.
Every fowl is sequestered behind picket fences
whose pales are 15 feet high. The result is that
peace prevails everywhere in the rural districts,
tbe cause of most petty bickerings between
neighbors baying been abated, and it is the
opinion of many conntry people that righteous
ness and peace will kiss each other presently.
Some farmers, however, cannot believe that
the gallinaceous millennium has really ccjbe to
pass, so thev have taken the pains to hang "no
trespassing" signs on their premises to ward
oil a danger that wise and great legislation has
already averted. Notable among the husband
men who bave done so is Mr. Cephas Williams,
of Voluntown, on the eastern border ot this
State, who had long been troubled with tbe
hens of neighbors. A few days ago he, had
painted an elaborate sign, and he erected it in
his garden, so that everyone who passes his
house may read in large letters:
We hereby forbid any hens or chickens tres-
passing or scratching on these premises after
siuk ur scrmtcniHK on mi
date on penalty of the law,
wis usks uu jieuaiiy 01 I
to Carry the Fragrant Havnncs
'Without Brenklng Them.
Here is a point for smokers. It is given by a
man who not only smokes cigars very fre
quently, but sells them. He says if you will
carry your cigars In your waistcoat pocket
with the mouth end down there will be less like
lihood of the tobacco becoming broken or the
wrapper being unrolled than if you carry them
with the match end at tbe bottom. Here is a
second point: If you are a billiard plaver,
don't put them in the pocket on the right side,
for tbe constant moving of tno arm in the man
ipulation of the cne will wear upon that side,
and, if It does not result in crushing the to
bacco, will so loosen the wrapper that the
smoking of tbe cigar will be an annoyance
rather than a pleasure.
And here is a third point: If there Is a slight
feeling of nausea, take a drink of water to clear
tbe throat and If you would be sure absolutely
of preventing any senuus sickness throw your
cigar away and stop smoking altogether for an
hour or so. Another point which a gentleman
wbo heard these three advanced suggested is
that if by any cause it becomes necessary to
let a cigar go out it will be a good scheme not
to tako a final puff, but to make a blow and
expel the smoke from the burning end. This
clears the roll of tobacco from the smoke, and
even if tbe fire dies out it will be found upon
relighting that the cigar is of good flavor. In
fact, an expert has said that a really good
cigar will be improved by letting it go out f ol-lowtEg-tnls
plan and then lighting It again?
The Poko and the Princess A Cheerfnl In
vitation to a Qloomr Eyent Troubles
With Offlcg.geeHeT Civil Service Pea.
Washington, May 26. A curious case is
that of Jacob L. Boty, Consul to the Tahiti So
ciety Islands, who is, said to be epgaeed to
many the Princess Folona. Doty is well re
membered here as a page in the Senate some
yean ago. He was originally a page in the
House, but was afterward transferred to the
Senate when 13 years of age. He attracted no
particular attention there, except as he seemed
especially popular with Senator Bayard and
Senator Hampton. Doty's father was said to
have some claims against the Tahitlan Govern
ment, For this reasin Boty was anxious to go
to those Islands, and he spoke to Secretary
Bayard, then a Senator at the time he was a
page, and asked him o use his ipfluenpe at any
time he could to obtain for him an appoint
ment as Consul, Bayard is said to have made
the promise, and that promise ha fulfilled
when, nearly eight years afterward, Doty be
came of ace and eligible to a consulship. Doty
remained a page iq the Senate until he was
nearly 16 years of age, this beipg tbe maximum
age limit of page boys. He then resigned in
favor of his younger brother, who was ap
pointed to the place and held it for some time.
Ho left it finally to become (he private secre
tary of Congressman 8, Y- White, of New
York, with whom he now is. As be Is remem
bered here, there was nothing particularly at
tractive about Consul Doty, eertainly nothing
that would charm a pnnceas, heir to untold
millions, who had refused tbe Earl of Dudley
and a dozen other peers. Doty's family live in
A Cheerfnl Invite.
An execution was held in this city recently.
Tbe murderer was hanged upon the scaffold on
which Gulteau met his death. My attention
was attracted to the affair particularly by the
wording of one of tbe tickets which was shown
to me. It read as follows: "Mr. John Jones, of
Baltimore. Dear Sir; You are respectfully in
vited to witness tbe execution of Nelson Col
bert etc." The cheerfnl, social character of
this invitation is refreshing. It was suggested
by some one wbo saw it that it wonld probably
be improved by making it read about as fol
lows: "Dear Sir: The presence of yourself and
ladles is requested at tbe execution of Nelson
Colbert No fuU dress."
Administrative Whiskers.
In the reception room at the State Depart
ment hang pictures in crayon of tbe different
Secretaries of State from the beginningof the
Government to the present day. Looking at
them the other dayl was struck with a curious
feature. Of tbe entire list Mr. Blaine is the
onlv man who wears mustache or beard. Mr.
Calhoun and Mr. Frelinehuysen wore a deep
fringe of hair about their throats, but nothing
on their chins or upper lips. Hamilton Fish
and Martin Van Buren wore side whiskers, but
no beards. It was only a few years ago that
tbe beard began to be regarded as at all toler
able. Our forefathers wore clean faces and
many of them regarded a hairy cheek as an
evidence of savagery. The first President xo
wear a beard was Abraham Lincoln. No Presi,
dent before bis time wore either beard or mus
tache, and most of them were smooth of face.
After Lincoln, Grant at times wore a full
beard. Hayes and Garfield wore full beards
and the present Chief Executive has hair all
over his face. Mr. Harrison's grandfather
shaved his face clean every morning.
He Remembered the Salary
Secretary Noble meets with his full share of
peculiar experiences in dealing with office
seekers. During one of his fewspare honrs not
long ago Jie was relating some of these to a
group ot newspaper correspondents who sat
about his office. The case which seemed to ap
peal to him as particularly humorous was that
of a man who was an applicant for office who
had succeeded in obtaining a personal inter
view with the Secretary some time afterhe had
placed his papers on file. He wanted to know
ifhis application had been acted upon. Tbe
Secretary asked him for what office he was an
applicant. He replied that it was "an agent of
some kind." He could not identify the office
any better than that.
"We have several kinds of agents in the De
partment," said the Secretary; "timber agents,
special land agents and so forth. Have you no
idea which one ot these it is ?" . i
The man had not. "What was the salary at
tached to the position ?" asked the Secretary.
"Thirteen hundred dollars a year," said the
maneairerlv. He had not forgotten the salary
for which he was an applicant although he
could not remember the office. The Secretary!
was easily able to identify the position he was
seeking through the salary named, which was
the amonnt paid to timber agents.
He Forgot His Constituent's Name.
At another time a Well-known Congressman
entered the office of the Secretary, who was at
that time busy with quite a number of appli
cants for office, heads of departments and
others. He asked for a special interview,
which was immediately granted to him, as he
appeared to have important business to discuss.
He asked the Secretary if any action bad been
taken on tbe application of a constituent of his
whose papers he had placed on file not long be
fore. "What is the man an applicant for?" said the
"I don't know," said the Congressman.
"What Is his name?" asked the Secretary.
"Well, do you know," said the Congressman,
"I cannot even remember that I know that I
filed his papers here some time ago and that 1
was rather anxious to have bim get the ap
pointment Ha has been bothering me a great
deal for some time."
"Well, don't you know any better," said tbe
Secretary, "than to believe that I could keep
in my head tbe names of all the applicants for
office who come to this department when even
their own Congressmen cannot remember
them or the offices they are seeking?"
Tbe Congressman went away to examine his
correspondence and to find out what the
name of bis constituent was aud what office he
was seeking.
Civil Service Pensioners.
Few people know that there is a'pension roll
in the civil service. But there is one, estab
lished riot by virtue of law, but by custom;
Several employes of the public departments
here, who bave grown old, gray andalmost use
less in the service are Kept on the rolls and
draw salaries regularly without being asked to
attend to any duties. It is surprising how old
men grow in the public service. Life in the de
partments seems to be conducive to longevity.
I had tbe curiosity the other day to make an in
vestigation into the number of old men em
ployed in the Treasury Department alone. I
found that there are borne on the rolls at the
present time 11 men, each of whom is over 70
years of age. The oldest of these is Hiram
Pitts, of tbe Fifth Auditor's office, who was
bora in 1802. Next to him comes George W.
Fales, of tbe First Auditor's office,
wbo was born in 1801- William D. Dana,
who works in the same office, was
Dom in lwt. isaac juyncn, oi tu
John Caughey, of the same office, is 77 years of
age. Richard White, ot the Sixth Auditor's
office, and Richard G. Dove and Thomas H.
Ellis, of tbe Secretary's-office, were born In 1814.
Alfred Thomas, of-the Second Controller's
office, was born in 1816. D. C. Pinkerton, of tbe
First Controller's office, in 1817, and D. V.
Bennett, of the Secretary's office, in 1819.
There is a man 80 years of age now working in
the War Department who has been In the ser
vice of the Government sinee 1829. His name
is James Eveletb. He began working at a
salary of 1800 a year, which was seven years
later increased to $1,000. In 1S50 he was t?irm
1 51,250 a year, from 1851 to 1853 $1,500. and in the
year lonowing tnat ne wan promoted to a
salary of $1,600 a year. In 1861 he was given
51,800, and in ISSo, as be had lost through age
much of his efficiency, he was reduced to a
salary of 51,000 ,a year, which he is now
A Dog's Life Insured for 82,000.
SARATOGA, May 26. An attraction at the
depot here to-day was a St Bernard dog which
weighed 260 pounds and carried a life insurance
of $2,000. Its owner, Mrs. A. G.Gordon, trav
eled all the way from San Francisco In theba"
gage car in order to take proper care of her
pet, who wears a leather collar and a black
ribbon. They were on their way to Lake
A Service Worth Rewarding.
Trom the Chicago Timcs.j
Dan Lament is amb'itious to become a mem
ber of tbe next Democratic Cabinet. If Dan
will name the man who will have it in bin power
to satisfy this ambition he will confer a favor
on the Democratic party which will entitle him
to anything he may desire.
A Pointer for Numismatists,
from the Detroit Free Fress.l
The first lOO greenbacks Issued cannot be
found by relic hunters, although offers ot $50
apiece have been made for them. Some re
porter has probably tucked them away in his
hind pocket and forgotten the circumstance.
Klercly as n Pnsllinr.
From the Globe-Democrat.
Minister Reld has Tented a house In Paris for
which he is to nay'eo.000 a year, or 52,500 more
than the amount of his salary. It Is quite evi
dent that be is not an office bolder for revenue.
The Sargossa Sen.
To the Edar ef The Ditcm
What 'is meant by the. Sargoasa Sea, and
where is it?
Allegheny, May 2a, i
The name Sargossa Sea is applied to a re
gion of tbe Atlantic covered by a peculiar
floating sea weed, sometimes in tangled masses
of wide extenfand sometimes only in scattered
plants.'.These fields, often, weed were noticed, by
Columbus on, his first voyage, to the alarm and
amazement of his companions. Since that
time observation has( shown "that th,e number
of these plants and their geographical position
are practically unchanged. The principal bank
of these plants, as located by Captain Leps, of
the French navy, one of the most accurate pf
observers, is between latitude 21" and 23P
north and longitude 29 and. 45 west A
smaller bank lies between the Bahamas and
tbe Bermudas, The fcargossa Sea corresponds
to the great center of the North Atlanta sys
tem of currents of which fe gulf stream
forms so important a part Concerning tbe
plant which Is found growing in this curious
manneri u may be noted that it is usually four
or five inches, iu length, with a main stem
branching Into secondary ones, and there is no
trace of rpot in the plant Between the long,
pointed leaves there are small round air ves
sels, about as large as currants, supported 4n
short stems. These air vessels were at first
thought to be fruits, and the nlant thus re.
ceived its name from a Portuguese word mean'
iug grayer, um luYBsugiiugn nas snown ma
these small bubbles are meant to serve the pur
pose of floats, a; when they are cnt oft the
plant sinks. Examination of several thousand
specimens under a microscope shows tbe plant
to be as absolutely destitute of fructification
as of roots, and it is now accepted as a fact
that the plant propagates only by division.
ThereisaBargossaSeain be Pacjflc Ocean,
north of the Sandwich Islands, but very little
is-known about it
Lnoky Birthdays,
To the Kdltcr of The Wlipatcfi;
Is a man who was horn on Wednesday
luckier than one born on Sunday? J. B.
Pittsbuhg, May 25,
According to an old superstition
Sunday's child is full of grace,
Monday's child Is full in the face,
Tuesday's child is solemn and sad,
Wednesday's child Is merry and glad,
Thursday's child is inclined to thieving,
Friday's child is free in giving,
Saturday's child works bard for his living.
Prcsldcntnl Succession.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Please state what office holder would fill the
President's place If he should dye, and oblige
GAIxmiN, May 23.
It would hardly be necessary to fill the Pres
ident's place unless he should do something
more serious than to "dye" be could not be
impeached for 'that If he should die, how
ever, Vice President Morton would be his suc
Herkimer, N. T.
To the Editor of Tbe Dispatch:
- What is the Postoffice adress of Hon, War
ner Miller? L
Woosteb, May 25.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
What recruiting station for the United States
army is nearest to Tyrone? M.
Tyeone, May 25.
A minister Who Knew Schvrelnfnrth la
Youth Gives His Opinion.
Brooklyn, May 26. Dr. Stevens Parding.
ton, of tbe Central Methodist Church, on Sonth
Fifth street is well acquainted with Rev. G. J.'
Schwelnfurtb, the pretended "Messiah" of
Illinois. Dr. Pardington in 187S was associated
with Dr. Ninde in deciding whether the
"Messiah" should continue on trial in tbe
Methodist mission work tn the Saginaw dis
trict of Michigan.
"Schweinf urth I knew very well," said Dr.
Pardiugton when asked bis opinion of the
man. "I picked him up in Jackson county,
Mich. He was only a country boy, and I was
pastor in that section. At that time he
was attending school, and I took him
into my family and treated bim
as a member because I saw a good
deal of brightness In bim and a prophecy of a
useful life. He was always of a visionary na
ture and regarded himself as above everyone
eise. ite consiucreanimseu.too mucn oi na
ture's nobleman to do any work. After he had,
been In my family for some time he began to
get a little more independent and wanted to
borrow some money. Then I broke with bim.
He came in contact with three or four women,
whom I would call 'perfectionists 'and they
carried him away completely. He had a
strange mental makeup and was ambitious to
know something.
"Although a consistent young man he was
mentally unbalanced. There was a strange
feature of religious life about him, I must say,
and I made many efforts to have him abandon
his notion, but nothing could be done with him.
Though a good student he was born to be above
the ordinary class of men."
Bat the Price Was Paid bj a Man Who
Won't DIlss the money.
Mebidkn, Conn., May 26. Horace C. Wil
cox, President of the Meriden Britannia Com
pany, is one of the richest men in Connecticut.
Like the late Jim Fisk, he began life as a tin
peddler. The other day Mr. Wilcox tried to
perpetrate a little joke on Nathan Fenn, a
Yankee watchmaker of the old-fashioned sort
Calling in at Watchmaker Fenn's shop, Mr.
Wilcox pulled out a brass-plated lead paper
weight, cast in imitation of a watch.
"There, Citizen Fenn," said he as he laid it
on tbe counter, "is a watch I think a good deal
of. If you will make it run I'll give you $10."
And with that left the shop, chuckling glee
fully. The watchmaker was not to be easily
stumped. He immediately set to work, hol
lowed out tbe lump of lead, Inserted a set of
old works, attached a pair of leather hinges to
tbe case, made a crystal of a dark lantern lens,
and attached to the whole business a cbaln, the
links of which were ingeniously constructed of
peach stones. Thus armed he broke into the
office of the Britannia factory the next morn
ing and laid tbe wonderful watch on Mr. Wil
cox's desk. Tbe latter didn't say a word, but
drew his check for $10, while the soore of
clerks, led by Robert M. Wilcox, hnsband of
the poetess of passion, who happened to be
present giggled outright,
He Stumbles Against the Building, fright
ening Barglnrs Away,
Hot Springs, Dak., May 26. Burglars en.
tered Minnekabta Bank at this place last night
and attempted to blow open the safe. A hole
was drilled in it and this was charged with
powder, but just then a queer thing happened
that frightened the burglars away. A yearling
calf was taken with blind staggers and in its
frenzy rail against fences and buildings, butt
ing squarely against tbe door of the bank.
The burglars left thelf tools and made their
escape. The calf was found dead this morn
ing. J -
Winning tbe Applnnso of Mugwumps.
From the Boston Herald. J v
Let President Harrison stand his ground.
The people don't care a rap for tbe shrieks of
a horde ot hungry office seekers.
Without hearts there Is no home. Byron.
How much the wife is dearer than the bridal.
We can have many wives, but only one
mother. Abd-el-Kader.
Be ever gentle with the children G6d has
given you. Elthu Burritt.
It destroys one's nerves to be amiablo every
day to the same human hclD.Beaconsfield.
A wise man in bis house should find a wife
gentle and courteous, or no wife at all. En-
Women must have their wills while they
live, because they make none when they die.
Douglas JerrolcU
Nothing flatters a man so much as the hap
piness of his wife; he is always proud of him
self as the source of it. Johnson. v
A curtain lecture la worth all the sermons
in the world for teaching tbe virtue of patience
and long suffering. Washington Irving.
Don't be affald of wild boys and girls; tbey
often grow up to be the very best men aud
women. Wlldness is not viciousness. Iftroeri
IN family government let this always be re
membered, that no reproof Or denunciation Is
scpotent as the silent influence of a good ex
ample. Hosea Jlallou. ,
The early months of marriage often are
times of critical tumult whether tbat of a
shrimp pool or .of deep waters which after
ward subsides into' cheerful peace. Qtotgt
Eliot,' '
Some Points of Interest Not Developed la
Fusil's. Hanq Beqk-tA Das.l)l.n; B.asl,
nesi Blqu and a BilUpasley Bill Hustler.
The name of the Republican1 State Chairman
is familiar to everybody in Pittsburg who took
the slightest interest in the late Republican
primaries, but few know little more about him.
Smull's Hand-Book. which nretends to give
brief biographical sketches of each member of
the Legislature, telis little concerning bim";
no more than it tells of- other and undistin
guished members; noj; as much as it tells of
some. It simply says:
"W. H. Andrews, Crawford county, was bom
in Younesville, Warren county. Pa., on Janu
ary 14, 1812. At an early age he entered on a
commercial career, in which he continued until
18SI. Mr, Andrews served his party S3 Chair
man of the Republican County pemmlttee of
Crawford county for four terms. He was Sec
retary of the "Republican State CeotrakQom
mittee during the ye4rs 1887 and l?83j was
elected Chairman pf the Republican State Cen
tral Committee qu April 29, 1888, to serve from
January,l, 1889, o 1890. In politics he has
always been a Stalwart Republican."
Only that and nothing more. It is a very
bare skeleton ta clotne with lntereting de
tails. A Story That Slight be Told.
The commercial career that Mr. Andrews
passes so modestly over (for the members write
their own biographical sketches for taabandi
Dook) is one that might be woven into a busi
ness romance. There was a time when he did
business on an immense scale. He bandied
large stocks of goods and special trains were
run from every town in Northwestern Penn
sylvania to his place of business. His opera
tions were conducted In a dashing and enter
prising manner that Is largely characteristic of
the oil regions. But a crash came as crashes
win oiten eome, and Mr. k Andrews' business
and f ortpn ewereswept awa v. '
His career in Crawford county politics is not
less interesting. His efforts to land Dr. Rob
erts in Congress were heroic, but failed. This
is pointed to bv political enemies as an evi
dence of incapacity, but those who are familiar
with the intense feeling against Dr. Roberts
because of his tomedo monoTiolv and his nrose-
because of his torpedo monopoly and his prose
cntions of infringers on bis patents, do not.
wonder at the failure to gratify tbe nltro-gly-
cenne man's ambition. Dr. Roberts' narao has
been very familiar in politics through his ef
forts to reach the lower branch of the national
legislature, and memories of his numerous
failures have not yet faded from tbe public
The great struggle in the. last Republican
State Convention, resulting in tbe dethrone
ment of Cooper and the elevation of Andrews,
is another interesting chapter that is condensed
into tbe mere statement ot the bare faot That
was tbe political seusation of the year in Penn
sylvania politics.
Fighting the Standard.
There is one chapter in Mr. Andrews' history
that is not even touched on in the brief bio
graphical sketch tbat appears in Smull's Hand-
Book. It is his great fight in the Legislature of
1887 against the Standard Oil Company. That
and the effort to pass an anti-discrimination
bill and tbe peculiar manner in which tbe reve
nne bill failed were the remarkable features of
tbe session of 1ES7. In the oil. fight
Mr. Andrews stood foremost He was
not a member of the Legislature.
His first experience as a legislator
was in the session of 18S9. But he worked as
no legislator did. Dr. Roberts had suffered
wrongs, or thought he had, at the hands of the
Standard Oil Company, and he was the inspira
tion of the famous Bllllnssley bill. Hiswell
fllled purse furnished the smews of war that
began the agitation, and Andrews was bis
agent His work was well done. The Legisla
ture was thoroughly canvassed and thoroughly
impressed. Doubtfnl members were soon con
vinced by petitions tbat came pouring id from,
constituents: lukewarm localities were at
tacked with brass bands and tbe robust oratory
of David Kirk, or some equally enthusiastic
oilman. Tbe oil conntry was soon ablaze and
tbe State was stirred. Whatever may have
prompted the measure it was so just that it
won favor at once with the people, and its jus
tice was, after the bill had been killed by the
Senate, admitted by the Standard people In
the large measure of relief granted.
A Leap Into State Politics.
It was possibly the excellent work done by
Andrews in his fight for the people of tbe oil
country that convinced Senator Quay that
tbat gentleman was just the person be needed.
That same year Mr. Andrews was made Secre
tary oi tne KepuDiican state committee, and
his work there was so much to Quay's satisfac
tion tbat tbe convention of 1S8S saw the fa
mous compromise by iwhioh Cooper was per
mitted to be Chairman for tbe balance of the
year, Andrews to be his successor when tlis.
nrsi o.ay oi January usnerea tne year isaa upon
the scene. . . -
His First Stato Campaign.
Mr. Andrews will conduct his first State cam
paign this year. It will be a trying one, and bis
pathway will not be smooth. It is an off year,
with at least one troublesome question to meet
in addition to the disaffection that is bound to
follow tbe prohibition election. Mr. Quay says
there will be disaffection, and he ought to
know. The anti-discrimination measure which
the Republican party has long been
pledged to pass was not intro
duced in the last Legislature by
a Republican, and when, late in tbe session, it
was introduced by a Democrat it met with no
encouragement from the Republican leaders.
In fact when tbe Legislature, carried away by
Andrew Carnegie's eloquence, gave the bill an
advanced place on tbe calendar for a particular
day, the leaders connived at a Legislative ex
cursion that had tbe effect of returning it to its
place so far down tbe calendar tbat it could
not be reached again daring the session. But
Democratic apathy in an off year is likely to
offset losses due to the foregoing, Republican
apathy included.
Mr. Andrews is said by those who know bim
to be a genuine hustler and to have few peers
as an organizer. His experience as Secretary
of tbe State Committee and as a worker in
New York and in some Southern States during
the national campaign will be valuable to him
in the coming State contest
Mr. Andrews' Appearance.
The Republican State Chairman is a 6-f ooter.
He is large-boned aud his frame is well covered
with flesh. His face, with the exception cf a
heavy dark brown mustache, Is clean shaven
and his cheeks are pale. His dark hair is al
ways smooth and parted in the middle. His
linen is Immaculate and his clothing plain but
elegant His appearance Is one of continual
and persistent good nature, and his presence is
a handsome one. He wonld not at first glance
strike one as a hard worker, but such he is de
clared to be. He is not a speeebmaker, but he
is a good conversationalist a pleasant, easy
talker, with a, good' fund of anecdotes. In a
small circle he Is at ease and perfectly at home.
It is one of the remarkable things in politics
that Senator Delamater, who worked against
bim and helped the Standard Oil people in tbe
last Legislature, is now one of his closest
friends. They were together on everythirg in
the session just closed, as tbe result of their
compact with Quay, and while Delomater is
for Andrews for State Chairman, Andrews is
for Delamater for Governor.
Something Local to Look After.
Mr. Andrews was in Pittsburg during the
late struggle in which the Quay forces failed
to capture tbe county organization from C. L.
Magee. K,e had an opportunity at that time to
see something of local politics, and may have
gathered in some valuable pointers, though
his association was entirely with but one fac
tions It may or may not nave struck himtbat
a spirit ot compromise is a good thing to culti
vate, but'if it hasn't the fact will be pressed
upon him before the campaign is ended. Tbe
Magee forces are particularly interested in the
success of the local ticket; Some 6f them, how
ever, more so than others. The friends of Arch
Rowand are more than a little interested m it.
They are preparing to show that tnosewho
are interested in the success ot the State ticket
must support the local ticket as a whole if they
expeot a majority in Allegheny county for tbclr
candidate. The greater part ot tbe opposition
to Rowand comes from the friends of Quay,
and Rowanu's friends want it understood tbat
it will be cut for cut. If is reported that sev
eral Republican members of-tho Legislature
who feel aggrieved at certain rulings of
Speaker Boyer, and wbo feel especially ag
grieved because, tbey say, he went on the floor
of the House and tried to looby the second
Pittsburg ganger bill through, will help the
effort to reduce the majority for him for State
Treasurer. But they are not trumpeting their
intentions abroad, and the memory ot tbe com
promise by wb'ich the ganger bill was not
pressed to passage and by which they were In
ducedtovoie for the Judges' salaryjncrease
bill, may causo them to go slow. It is some
thing, however, for Mr. Andrews tu see to.
My love lies sleeping far away,
Beside a flowing river.
Whose gurgling waters gently play
A requiem forever.
At eventide the mountain bird
Salutes thee with his singing;
At early dawn his notes are beard,
. In tender cheer upsprlnglng.
Best On, dear love, in peaceful sleep
While song-bird and wulle river
Do music make and vigil keep.
Hear thy lone grave forever.
Mabt fbancss MAnnna.
Kwinu, N. Y May ,
Brief Review of the Contests of Tester
day's Ue.Pngo Dispatch.
The triple number of The Dispatch Issued
yesterday presented a great variety of newsy
and entertaining matter. It embodied every
feature of a complete newspaper of the first
class, as well as scoies of special contributions
from writers of wide reputation.
The proceedings of tbe British Parliament
were reviewed at length, and soma very funny
scenes described'most graphically. Indeed, all
the cable dispatches were replete with enter
taining news and gossip, Le Caron, the spy,
has been interviewed regarding Dr, Cronln's
murder. He says the doctor was killed be
cause of the secrets he possessed. The Shah of
Persia is creating excitement in his pilgrimage,
and fashionable London is In a flutter to learn
what manner of manjie Is. Tbe exhibits for
the great show at Paris are not half unpacked
yet, but the sightseers are numerous. The Ba
moan conference at Berlin Is thought to be
nearly through with its labors, Blaine is
thought to have taken an active part in the ne
gotlatlons by cable. The new agreement be
tween Germany and Italy is attracting much
George A JTesaup, cashier of the City Bapk
ofScranton, was arrested, charged with em
bezzling funds. He denies the charge. There
is said to be $135,000 missing, and the bank has
closed Its doors. Officer Cougblln, a Chicago
detective, has been arrested on suspicion of
complicity with the Cronin murder. A valua
ble discovery of gold is reported In Dakota.
President Harrison got away from the office
seekers and took a sail down the bay. Gover
nor Beaver signed bills appropriating nearly
$1,000,000' for State institutions. Senator Rey
burn doubts the aeeuraey of the Governor's esti
mates of the revenues. Those New York la
dles, Tsho were arrested in France and impris
oned for a short time, will call upon the state
department to call down the French authori
ties. Bow Joseph Kemmler will be put to
death by electricity was told by a New York
correspondent. The civil service commission
will hereafter make public the lists of candi
dates who pass the examinations successfully.
Tbe Northern and Southern Presbyterian As
semblies bave agreed that tbe church shall
make no distinction between white and black
PresDyteries and Synods. The inhabitants of
Guthrie, Oklahoma, are protesting vigorously
against tbe acts of their city officials, accusing
them of working for their own interests.
Tbe May music festival closed with two
concerts. It has been a financial success. A
patient'who was confined in the Homeopatbie
Hospital complains of his treatment there, al
leging tbat inexperienced physicians were put
In charge of bis case. The officers of the insti
tution say that the complaint is groundless.
A universal federation of trades is proposed,
and local labor leaders have been asked to en
courage the movement Tbe force of men em
ployed by tbe Pittsburg and Western Railroad
is being cut down. A penny savings bank in
Pittsburg is one of the possibilities of tbe fut
ure. The Carter trial continued until a late
"hour, but no verdict was reached. Secretary
Rusk passed through the city and talked to a
Tbe Pittsburg club defeated the Washington
nine by a score of 3 to L Fnll'reports of other
games and tne results of the Latoniaraces Were
given, together with the usual interesting
sporting review.
In addition to considerable local and general
news and tbe usual departments, the second
part contained many contributions from favor
ite authors. Under tbe head of "A Land of
Poverty" Frank G. Carpenter described he
condition of the people ot India in a very in
teresting letter from Agra. Mrs. Alexander
sketched Ufo in the court circles of Great
Britain, A London correspondent gave tbe
history of the famous forger and swindler,
Charles Price. L. B. France furnished a read
able paper on Mexico and its people. Lillian
Spencer gave an entertaining description of an
opera at a Cuban theater. Oliver Weston
wrote of Browning, bis life and work.
"Boomer" sketched several odd characters
found in Oklahoma. Rev. George Hodges
talked of the proper and improper uses of
money. Clara Belle's gossip: Frank A. Burr's
letter on wealthy turfmen and E. W. Bartlett's
paper on tbe hotel and club chefs of Pittsburg,
were other good, features of this part of the
pMWpage'7vSlaey"luska'a story was Con
tinued. Bill Nye devoted bis letter to the re
sults of his studies of natural history. A corre
spondent described tbe scene of a famous-fight
between pioneers and Indians. Henry Haynie
pictured a grand tete given in honor of Presi
dent Carnot. Shirley Dare contributed one at
her bright essays. E.H. Heinrichs furnished
a fanciful story of fairy land. Frank Fern de
scribed the strange religious rights of tbe
Economy Society. M. T. Atkins sketched tbe
history of some famons books and their au
thors. B. S. M. told of Senator McPherson's
model farm. A column of "Everyday Science,"
"Sunday Thoughts' and various original arti
cles from the pens of gifted writers not already
named were also included.
A Hawk Swallowed It and Was Palled
Down From ibe Sky.
jEFFEBSONvnAE, Ind., May 26. The" story
reaches here that at Muddy Fork yesterday
Stanton Jackson and Luke Warman, two young
men of that place were practising with a yarn
ball which they were pitching to each other.
They saw a huge bawk passing over them, but
paid no attention to the bird, as they are plenti
ful in that vicinity, Warman asked Jackson
to pitch him a curve bait Jackson compiled,
and sent the sphere with all his speed. Sud
denly tbe bawk spread its wings and made a
tremendous 'swoop straight for the ball as it
was passing tbrough the air. He caught it
handsomely on tbe fly and sailed off with it
Some of the yarn had become unwound, and
Warman, snatching at a floating end, caught it
as the hawk flew off. But the bawk; wonld not
let go and swallowed the ball. As be flew
blgbertbe yarn unwound rapidly, with W ar
man still clinging to the end.
When the boys made the ball they had tied
one end of the yarn to a large button, and
wound It aronnd tbe bntton. When all tbe
yarn unwound this button stuck fast in the
hawk's craw, and both boys, pulling on tbe
string, brought the bawk fluttering to tbe
ground. Tbey cut tbe yarn off in his moutb,
and be is now alive in a cage on tbe Warman
place. The button seems never to trouble
W. C. T. U. Women to Spend Election Day
at Church Instead of at the Polls.
PHTLAXixiPiiiA. May 28. The. members of
the Women's Christian Temperance Union in
Philadelphia have decided not to visit the polls
on June 18, when the vote will be taken on the
probibition amendment. They will bold prayer
meetings in churches In various parts. of the
city all through the day, and hope to accom
plish more by this means than by soliciting
Samuel Cbowet, of Fayette Springs,
claims to bo a lineal descendant of Oliver Crom
well. He was born in County Armagh, Ireland.
Edwaud Monitow. of Bradford vicinity,
whllo plowing last fall lost a $26 wad ot green
backs, which his son plowed up a few days since
as good as ever.
A Bethleheiu: dealer displays In his window
a pair of Nile green Oxford shoes, decked with
gems, which a belle ot tbe town is to wear at a
Knights Templar ball.
A eustic chair bought by Messrs. Sheves, of
York, was made of green sassafras wood, and a
few warm daysbave caused Itto put forth many
sprouts', some an Inch long.
T-bessa SirtJMBAUKair, a widow, has had a
boarder named John Smith held to bail by
'Squire Miller, of Sbamokin, for having threat
ened to bewitch her and cause her to follow
iNTGnNAz, Reventte Collectob WrtsoN
asked for birch beer, on tho grand stand, at a
late ball game in Erie, and the attendant gave
him lager beer instead. Tbe act cost the pro
prietor of the stand $47.
John Shannon, of Reading, has a baseball
dog that money can't buy. As a catcher he ts
great taking any and all chances; can't be beat
as a short stop or in the field, taking them right
off tbe bat, and never gets rattled.
Afteii the battle of Gettysburg a member of
tho Corn Exchange Regiment ot Philadelphia,
which vtns in pursuit of Lee's column, captured
three miles south of Round Top a goose owned,
by an old lady, who gave it up reluctantly. A
few days ago the captor and others of the Apol-
linarls Club, of Philadelphia, visited the old
lady and gave hen a live goose, painted red.
White and blue.
An East Saginaw family that is sun-
ported bJ public charity scraped together
money enough to pay (be tax on a $3 dog.
A dozen boys, rendered insane by ex
cessive cigarette smoking, have been admitted
to the Napa (Cal.) Hospital for the Insane
within a short tint.
Benjamin HnHck hsa to get a detective
to help him to find what became of a peach and
apple orchard he set out lately, near Farming
dale. N.J. Every tree bad been transported to
a farm some miles away.
Philadelphia had a noted doctor whose
name was physic The names of Keen, the
snrgeon; Gruel. Friend, Hartshorne, Musser,
Pepper the Provost, Seltzer and Trotter ara
also found iq her medical directory. i
It was a Connecticut boy who surprised
his teacher in reading the other day by bis In
terpretation of the sentence: "There ts x worm;
do not tread on him." He read slowly and hes
itatingly: 'There Is a warns doughnut; tread on
him I"
TheTaris Academy of Science is re
ported exeited over a plant called Colocasia.
"This plant often exhibits a trembling or vi
brating motion without any apparent cause,
and as many as 100 or 120 vibrations bave been
observed Jn a single minute."
Dr. J. F. Moorehead, of Arkansas City,
Kan,, has a pet coyote. He got it when it was
young and raised it on the bottle. It ts quite)
tame, resembles a bulldog in disposition, and
is a good hunter, showing much skill in catch
ing rabbits and prairie chickens.
Charles Banner, a negro of Douglas
ville, Ga., does not possess the discriminating;
taste of an epicure. Recently castor oil,
with coffee grounds sprinkled in it was given
him for beef .gravy. He ate it with relish,
smacked his lips and asked for more.
The other night a burglar got into the
bouse of a Bay City man named Jackson, and
made such a noise that htfawoke Mrs. Jackson.
She got out ot bed, picked up a bed slat and
banged the burglar over the head. Then sba
fainted, and tbe midnight visitor escaped,whilo
Jackson still slept.
The new law which has just gone int
effect in New Jersey forbidding any person
from marrying minors except in the presence
of guardians or parents, or unless a properly
authenticated certificate of their consent is
presented, will seriously affect the marriage
business of Camden and all the other Jersey
towns across the Delaware from Pennsylvania.
A Bridgeport, Montgomery county,
family having gone to the circus, leaving the
house in care of a son aged 1 the youth left
the front door open, scattered clothing on the
floor, hid a gold watch tbat was in a bureau
and devised other indications of a robbery.
Then be hid himself till the family returned.
When the excitement was at Its height he came
forth demurely and explained the joke. In the
joy at the return of the lost treasures he es
caped castigation.
The Smithsonian Institution, Wash
ington, D.C., has a special quarter for live an
imals, which for a long time has been infested
with rats. Captain Weedin, who has charge of
the animals, has made a valuable discovery, by
means of which be Is rapidly getting rid of tbe
pests. He noticed that the rats persistently
raided the stock of sunflower seeds, which
were nsed for food for certain of tbe birds, and
acting on the bint he baited his rat traps with
tbe seeds. The bait acted like a charm, and
next morning every trap held from 10 to 15
A rumor comes from the Dead river
logging camps in Maine tbat two trout fisher
men recently resurrected a curious relic of an
tiquity from beneath tbe placid waters of one
of the Carrying Place ponds. The story goes
tbat tbey bad finished fishing and were about
to start for their camp when they found them
selves unable to raise their anchor from the
bottom. The rope was strong, however, and,
redoubling their efforts, they nulled to the sur
face a rode shallop, partially filled with stones,
which bad caught upon one point of the wood
en hillock. Tbe boat is supposed to be one of
those used by Benedict Arnold in his daring
but fruitless effort to capture Quebec
Spring brings the turnpike musicians
and monkeys in great numbers. While one
pair of these were giving a concert on Main
street in Carbondale, Pa., to a crowd of
youngsters and two inebriated countrymen,
one of the men gave the monkey a cent for
which It doffed its cap jauntily. Then the
countryman teased the little animal until at
last it burled its teetb in the man's finger to
the bone. When the blood gushed from the
wound tne monsey looked regretruiiy ac tne
finger, tuea Into the man's face, and handed
back his money. No amount of oersoasioa
1 would induce tnoTem:ent animal to ague ai
cent, me u:3tsui?a it was repeaieaivgoeccc
and thutlgh be accepted uiuuuy froTa others all
around mm.
During the last month a considerable
number of emigrants have been passing through
Montana to the British possessions, traveling
by wagon. It has been ascertained tbat they
are Mormons from Utah and Idaho, and that
their destination is the country through which
the jGalt Railway passes. Sometime ago the
Allesta Railway and Coal Company was ap
proached by an agent of tbe Mormon hierarchy
with a proposition to buy several thousand
acres of the company's land in tbe Northwest
Territory upon which to settle a colony of the
saints. The negotiations hung Are lor some
time, bnt were completed a little more than a
month age;. It is not known what the consider
ation was nor just bow many acres were pur
chased. The deal was a large ope. however,
and tbe Province is likely to bave a considera
ble Mormon population within a short time. -
The President and three members of the
Ananias Club, of Greenville, Mich., went to
Baldwin Lake to fish" recently. They bad angled
most of tbe afternoon, had caught about 100
pounds, and were rowing near shore at the
upper end of the lake, when they came upon
what appeared to be a log, some 20 feet in
length, lying in the rushes a short distance
from shore. An oar touched the supposed log.
when it gave a quick start, .and the head and
about fire feet of tbe body of an enormous
reptile raised and gave a hiss as loud as a
goose, the bead flattening so as to give it a
most horrifying appearance. The fishermen
didn't stop to consider "The quick or tha
dead," but jumped into tbe water from the
opposite side, capsizing tbe boat, and fled
terror-stricken, never once looking back. This
makes the second time a sea serpent has been
seen in tbe lake. Tbe first one chased and up
set a boat load of fishermen.
Colonel Stevenson, of Fairview, Conn.,
has a very intelligent dog named Point Tbe
dog has often been held up, to the telephone
and has become accustomed to listen to it. The
other evening when the telephone rang. Point
dashed up and barked as usual. Tbe call was
from Hartford announcing tho result of the
great railroad battle In the Legislature, and the
defeat of the cause with which tbe animal's
master was so prominently identified. The
conversation was carried on for some minutes.
Point seemed wrapped in attention until word
came that tbe vote stood 133 to 103 against the
petition, at which juncturo Point pnt hi3 tail
between bis legs, uttered, a howl, and ran out
into tho back garden. An ejaculation of -dismay
and disappointment bad preceded this
action of the animal and probably gave him
his cue. He lay down under a cedar tree, and
no persuasion wonld induce him to re-enter the
house. He refused to eat or drink, lay oat all
sight, and would not be consoled until his
owner came home the nexuday and told him i
was all right
A Natural Question High-toned Native
(in Texas store)-I want a night shirt.
Clerk Yes, sir. Two hip pockets or one?
The Best of Reasons Balkley What's
the matter, deah boy? Why don't yon sit down?
Gantley Cawnt, yon know. Got oo a standing
From Different Standpoints Customer
he leading feature of a ready-made shirt is a
good yoke-lit. '
Salesman No, a good pro-lit
Sniffkins What do you do when your
tailor gives you an ill-looking suit.'
l)lffklns 1 give him fits.
All from tits CtotMerand Furnisher.
The Revised Edition Quericus What
good prophet was It who departed in bis summer
Qnlckman-lljah, when he went up in a Mazer.
Advertising His Business Quigger 0'nst
armed at Mount Oreenaway Hotel)-I'd like to
know what that man has got that heavy overcoat
on for such a scorching hot day as this.
Twigget He's the proprietor.
Upon the smooth and grassy lawn
The giddy youths will soon appear.
In (when they're taken out of pawn)
The tennis suits they wore last year.
The summer breezes softly blow,
And fishermen line every channel;
The l!n shirt now has no show
& -t.. .h- nnn t hts made of flannel..
Where the Wear Would Come Indian
apolis Tallor-llare you any lorther suggestion,
sir, about your trousers? . .
Indiana Man (thoufthtfUlly)-Yes. You'd bet
ter fortlrv the seats with some extra dotbl I ex
pect to go on to Washington la a day or two to see
tae rresiaeat. -c