" v -3' v THE PITTSBURG .DISPATCH,. SUNDAY,- MAY 26, 1889. 5 SETTLING UP SAMOA. .The AYort of the International Con ference Bearing Completion. BLALNE HAS BEEN ON GUARD. The American Delegates Received Daily Instrnctions From Him. EIXG HUMBEKT FOECED TO BACK ODT. Ireneh rrotcsts rrerent Him From Going U Stasbnri: With miliara. The work of the Samoan conference is be lieved to be nearly completed! The plan of government has been drawn up, and but little remains escept to affix the signatures. Blaine is understood to have taken an active part in the negotiations by cable. The new agreement between Germany and Italy is attracting a great deal of attention. tcorTEtGHT, issa, rr xew tokk associated press. 3 Beklix, May 25. Sir Edward Malet, Mr. Kasson and Herr Holstein, as a com mittee on revision, completed to-day a draft of a protocol concerning Samoan questions. It contains clauses relating to the municipal Government ot Apia, the ports held by the powers, the land commission and the au tonomy of the Samoan Government, the text of which has already been cabled to Washington and approved by Mr. Blaine. The remaining clauses defining the tariff of Samoa, the Constitution of the native Government and the limitation of the Ger man claims for indemnity from the natives, have been framed in consonance with in structions from Mr. Blaine, who is in daily cable contact with the commission. JTEAEtKO THE X2TD. Nothing, therefore, ought, in the opinion oi the delegates, to prevent the winding up of the conference on Tuesday, when the business is expected to be limited to the ex change of signature agreements. The suc cess of the commission and the rapidity with which the business was got through with was partly due to the conciliatory attitude of Count Herbert Bismarck and the impartial policy displayed by Sir Edward Malet, and largely to the American Commissioners having definite instructions covering every point. The constant hard work of the subcom mittees marvelously expedited matters, the plenary sittings ot the conferences having little to do further than Jo hear reports. Throughout no embarrassing developments have retarded the progress of the delibera tions. "When the conterence bejran it was announced that the Foreign Office was con fident that the sessions would terminate in the first week in June. HAVING A GOOD TIME. The German official world, following the example of its chiefs, treats the American Commissioners with high favor. If they respond to all their invitations they would find their hardest work in recreation. Count Herbert gave conspicuous emphasis to his friendly feeling with each of the Commis sioners by his friendly greeting at the Temoelhofer parade, when he left the parade to converse with each Commissioner, riding between the carriages ot Mr. Kasson, Mr. Bates and Mr. Phelps, and exchanging cordial words with them. King Humbert's projected visit to Stras burg was countermanded alter the Italian Embassy received telegrams from Paris re porting the disturbance in the public mind. The arrangements at Strasburj: included a review of the garrison and a night attack on Jtie citadel. After Signor Crispi had re feTed the matter to Prince Bismarcfc it was announced that King Humbert would not viWt Strasburg, but would keep on the Baden side of the Bhine on his homeward journey. Neither Signor Crispi nor Prince AJismarcK care at the present juncture to over-excite the French. GEBMAmr AND ITALY. The revision of the treaty agreed upon during the King's visit has not yet re ceived the adhesion of Austria. Associated with the treaty is a military convention fix ing a definite plan, for the mobilization of the Italian army in the event of war. Signor Crispi wanted an entente on the question of the Papacy. Prince Bismarck obtained from Signor Crispi a pledtre for a moderate internal policy toward the Vatican, and hae asked the Austrian Prime Minister to join in united pressure on the Pope to make peace with the Quirinal. It is understood that Emperor Francis Jo seph reluctantly allowed Count Kalnoky to intervene in the matter, and the Pope, on receiving private assurances of the Austrian Emperor's svmpathy, promptlv rejected the overtures. The result is a distinct breach in the continuity of the alliance. The re vised treaty will probably remain unsigned until Emperor Francis Joseph and Count Kalnoky pay their expected visit here. The Italian Generals Poland's and Sironi re main in Berlin to settle the details of the military convention with the War Office. A LITTLE DIFFEBENCE. The adverse rumors go the length of as serting that the difference with Austria is leadinc to a rupture of the alliance. Em peror Francis Joseph inclining to regulate the Balkan questions in conjunction with Itussia. The official circleabsolutely denies that a rupture is within the range of prob ability. Kins: Humbert, in a letter, thanks the people of Berlin for the splendid recep tion accorded him, and tends a gift of 20,000 marks for charitable objects. The situation at the Westphalia collieries continues critical. According to Bhenish papers, the proclamation of martial law is imminent Hitherto the miners have held aloof from the Socialists and have resented their approaches. Now there are symptoms of impatience under the passive resistance of the' masters. Herr Weber, President of the Bochum strike committee, was arrested y after making a speech last night, in which occurred the phrase: "War against capital; victory or death is acclaimed." The mineri in several pits in Bochum, Gelinkirchen and Aachen will go on strike again, Herr Hammacher having failed to cet the assent of the owners at Dortmund yesterday to the concessions demanded. It is understood that they will be granted after the Berlin convention. The men accuse the employers of breach of faith. THE STEIKES SPBEADINQ The other strikes grow. The 6,000 ma sons in Berlin, who resumed work under the belief that the employers would grant their demands, will strike again on Monday. Nineteen thousand men employed in the building trades are now out here. The dock laborers and porters at Hamburg threaten to strike. This wonld cause serious embarrassment in the supplies of grain and coal for the interior. Coal ships have been lying in port for a week undischarged. The companies are trying to import English laborers. The aged workmen's insurance bill passed the Keichstag yesterday by only20 majority. Prince Bismarck wanted 70. Minister von Boetticher, in announcing the vote and de claring the sitting closed, said he hoped the objections to the measure would disappear when the workings of the law disclosed its benefits. Herr Kickert tried in vain to elicit from the President some information regarding the press law. The impression of tbe House is mat anotner snort session, which will be devoted to the discussion of the new penal code, will end the present Reichstag. French PlayTJndcr American Management. i WT CABLE TO TItEDISrA'Bcn.J Lox&ror, May 25. L'AvenJurierc, with Coquelin and Jane Hading, will open the season of French plays at the Gaiety, on ij-M-onaay night, under the management of guAcury ADoey ana .Maurice urau. This will Ibethe first time that French plays will have been done in England under American management. Robert Lincoln and John C. New will be there. NOT 0 BUCK AS PAINTED. Ono of Dickens' Famous Character Finds a Defender. fBT CABLZ TO THE DISPATCH. London, May 25. Bather late in the day a man has arisen to deiend our old friend Squeers, the master of Dotheboys Hall, and to paint his daughter Fanny in pleasant colors, incidentally of course at tacking Dickens most fiercely. The story, which is very interesting, is told in the Newcastle Chronicle.. It relates that in spite ot Dickens' denials, it is absolutely certain that the original of Squeers was a most estimable man, and that it must have been he, as he was the only school teacher who had only one eye in the neigh borhood of (iretna .Bridge. .tie wasa.very good man and very kind to his pupils, but had the misfortune to be not very polite to H. K. Brown and Dickens when they in vaded his school, when he and his daughter were at work. The girl, the sweetest and kindest of women, was known to the writer when he was an apprentice. She is spoken of as the sort ot woman a dojr or child leaps to in stinctively, which is not what we have or dinarily thought about her. Both the father and "poor Fanny died of broken hearts. The father also went crazy. JDST LIKE PICKING DP MONEY. Libel Saiti Aralnst the Thunderer Called a Snfo Investment. rBT CABLE TO TUX DISPATCH.) London, May 25. An interesting squab ble has come before the law courts this week, which will have as interesting an end. Mr. Greenwood, formerly the editor of St. James' Gazette, sued Hicks Gibbs, the previous proprietor, for salary. In the course of the trial two letters were referred to by counsel, but not produced in court. Nevertheless, the Times got them and printed them. They allude to various per sonages, Salisbury, Churchill and others with charming freedom, and among other things Dr. Morell Mackenzie is accused by Bismarck's Secretary of putting np a gigantic plot to swindle the people out of money. Mackenzie is going to make a good thing out of it He will sue the Times and Stein kopf, the writer of the letters, for 10,000 damages, and is assured Dy Mr. Lewis, Par nell's clever solicitor, that to get the money he claims will be as easy as to pick it up on the sidewalk. PIGE0XS THAT BREAK THE SABBATH. A Comical Attack on a Sport That la Being Condemned. IBT CABLE TO TUX SISFATCB.1 London', May 25. A comical attack has been made upon the' sport of flying pigeons, on various grounds, among others the un truthful one that it encourages very heavy betting and the extremely ludicrous me that carrier pigeons are made to fly on the Sabbath, contrary to the Ten Command ments. The President of the Manchester Flying Clnb being interviewed, instead of express in:; a belief, in which the community would snpport him, that the commandments do not apply to flying pigeons, has solemnly denied the accusation of Sunday pigeon flying, saying that pigeons seen flying on the Sjbbath are doing it on their own hoot, without any encouragement trom the club, and that when a pigeon race necessitates living on Sunday the race is invariably de clared oft. PARIS DOCTORS FORI! A TRUST. They Combine to Help the Public and Also Enrich Themselves. IBT CABLI TO THX DISPATCH. 3 Ijohikw, May 25. The doctors of Paris have found it necessary to follow the cus tom set them by the humble bricklayers and other workingmen. At a gigantic meeting, held this week, they agreed to form them selves into one body, including all the med ical societies of the city. The motive gen erally given out as having inspired the doc tors was their desire to mutually improve each 'other and help the public, but it is not denied that they also mean to help themselves. They repudiate any idea of going out on strike against sick patients, as the doctors in a cei tain town once did, if the patients failed to pay promptly and liberally, but they do mean to regulate rates. A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR, Twenty-Two Conches Attrnd the Saturday Afternoon Meet nt Hyde Park. rBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.) LONDOJT, May 25. Twenty-two coaches attended the meet of the Four-in-Hand Club in Hyde Park to-day. Tne Prince of Wales and all his family were present in two vic torias. The Whole fashionable world was there, and being Saturday afternoon, an im mense crowd of a11 kinds collected. There was great cheering and much lifting of hats when the coach driven by Lord Charles Beresford, with tbe pretty Dnchess of Lein ster on the box seat, appeared. Among the coaches the finest were driven bv Lord Londesborough, General Boulanger sftting beside him; Lord Aveland, Lord Elcho, Mr. Leigh, Mnjor Shuttleworth's Liie Guards coach, and Sir Henry Thomp son. Pigs-In-CloTcr Cross Iho Ocean. CBT CABLE TO THE DISFATCH.! Londos, May 25. The pigs-in-clover puzzle has captured London. Electric Bine Suits, Worn by the finest dressers, and obtainable only at tailor shops heretofore at a cost of lrom $35 to M5, are now on sale, all ready to put on and not discernible from tbe finest custom work, at Kaufmanns', Fifth avenue and Smithfield street, for lees than half the regular tailors' prices. No other store in the city has them. Chooio Yourself. Get Philip Best's, now Pabst Brewing Co.'s Export, Bohemian, Bavarian and Se lect Beer. Address, TounKstown, O. Best $1 per dozen cabinets in this State at Elite Gallery, 516 Market street. Aufrecht, proprietor. Bring the children. Use elevator. ' j m W&$ A Good Appetite is essential If good health; nut at mis season ine oioou may be impure. that tired feeling predominant and tbe appe tite lost. Hood's Sareapaillhis a wonderful medicine for creating anapetite, toning the digestion and giving strenfeth to the nerves and health to tbe whole system. Be Sure to Get Hood's sirsarjirflla. Sold by all druggists. Prepared orily by C. I. HOOD ds CO., Apothecaries. Lovrellj Mass. Another !trlde Forward Has been made by Kaufmanns'in the manu facture of ready-made clothing. They have just made up in their custom tailoring de partment 350 electric blue English cloth suits, the same for which you have to pay from 535 to 545 if made to order, and will sell them at about 45 per cent regular tailor prices. Tbey are silk faced, have black bindings, fit to perfection, and cannot be told from the most expeusive custom work. This is the first time electric blue suits are offered ready made, and it has remained for the enterprising Kaufmanns' to do it Slnrrince Licenses Granted Yesterday. Name. Kesldenes. c Frederick Schroth SharpsDare (Elizabeth Zener....... O'llara township JAupust DIUIneeger Tarcntnm 5 Eltse Watting larentnm I Adolph Halter Pittsburg 1 Marie Fritz Pittsburg 18. W. Schreconpost PlttBbnrg 1 Caroline Kielnscbncltz Pittsburg 5 George Tropman Duqoesne Catharine Howler Duqncsne (Henry J. Pack Lower bt. Clair township (Mary Saw Lower it. Clair township (JohnHurney , PItteburg 1 Marie Harper Pittsburg 5 Patrick Tracy. Jr Pittsburg 3 Saraa Walker Plttaburg MARRIED. ROSS HIBBS On Thursday evening. May S3, 18S9, at the residence of the bride's parents by the Rev. M. J. Bnialley, David P. Ross, of Allegheny, and Alice D. Hums, of Alt Washington. McLELLAN McCALL On Thursday even ing. May S3, ISSD. by the Rev. J. R. Sutherland, Axex C. McLellan and Ella A McCaxl. DIED. ATJRENTZ On Friday, May 24, at 12 P. IT.. Chas. Willison. son of John V. and Lydia C. Aurentz, aged 12 years. Funeral Stoday afterkooit at 2 o'clock from his parents' residence, No. 42 Gist street, Pittsburg. Friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend. Philadelphia papers please copy. BUBB In the 8th year of her age, ADA Btjbb, daughter oi Edward J. and R. J. Bnbb. Funeral services at residence of her parents, 22 Lombard street, Allegheny, STWDAY even tsq at 6:30 o'clock. Interment private Mon day MORNING. DELL On Saturday, May 25,'at 2 o'clock P. M., Birdie Strenq, daughter of Christian and Callie Dell, aged 3 years and 3 months. Funeral cervices at the residence of her pa rents. Haberman street, Beltzhoover Borough, on Sabbath, at 4 o'clock, r. si. Interment private Monday afternoon. BURKE On Saturdaymorning, May 25,1859, William Burke, in the 68th year of bis age, at his home. No. i Brewery street, near Second avenue, city. Funeral services at St. Paul's Cathedral, on Monday morning. May 27, at 9 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. BROWNE-On Friday. May 24, 18S9, at 3:15 p. M Margaret L., relict of the late James M. Browne, aged G9 years. Funeral services at her late residence, Fifth avenue, Oakland, on Monday, May 27, at 3 p. if. Interment private. D DICKENSON At his residence No. 8 South street. Fifteenth ward, on Saturday, May 2a, 1889, at 6U5 P. jr., JOHJT DICKENSON m tbe 6th year of bis age. Notice of funeral hereafter. ENDRES At Hoboken, N. J., John J. Endbes, C. E , In his 47th year. HEASLEY At the residence of her hus band, No. 37 Tunnel street, nn Saturday, May 25, at 525 A. M., Katie HAGGERTY, wile of J. M. Heasley. Funeral on Monday morning at 9:15 o'clock. Services at St. Paul's Cathedral at 10 A. M. Friends are invited to attend. 2 HELMOLD On Saturday, .May 25, 18S9, at 12:30 p. jl. Otto Heluold, in the 74(h year of his age. Funeral services at his late residence. No. 100 Bluff street, on Monday aftkbnoon at 2 o'clock. Funeral from German Lutheran Church, corner Sixth avenue and Smithfield treet, 2 LAPPAN At the family residence. 535 North Hiland avenue. Nineteenth ward, at 92U p. St. on Friday. May 2i 1889, Cathabine Blanche, rounirest daughter of James and Marearet Lappan, aged 12 years 8 months 23 days. Funeral services at Sacred Heart R. a Church, Center avenue. East End,on Sunday. 28th lnst,, at 230 P. M. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 MADINE-On Friday, May 24, at 7 p. M "William Michael, son of Charles and Annie Madine, aged 2 years. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Murray avenue, Beltzhoorer boron ch, at 2 p. m. on Sunday. Friends of tbe family are re spectfully invited to attend. REGAN On the 24th inst, John, son of Elizabeth and the late Thomas Regan, of Pitts burc, atGreyling, Mich., age 26 years 3 months. RlESMEYER Friday. Mav 24, 1889, at 10:45 A. X.. Anna JlARY Riesmeyer, aged S3 years and 8 days. Funeral will take place from the residence of her son, Henry Rlesmeyer. 501 Forbes avenue, corner of Moultrie street, Sunday after noon, 26th fnst, at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 STUBBS-Friday, May 24. 1889, at 9 o'clock A. M., at the residence of her parents. No. 172 Robinson street, Allegheny, Mollie J., eldest daughter of W. G. and Letttia A Stubbs. Funeral services at residence Sunday at i o'clock p.m. Interment private Monday at 2 o'clock p.m. 3 THOMAS On Saturday, May 25, 1SS9, at 10 a. M- Mrs. Mary Thomas, ageel 58 years. Funeral from her late residence, corner Fifth and Birmingham streets, Southside, city, on Sunday, at 2:30 p. m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. ANTHONY MEYER, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold & Co., Lira.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence; U34 Penn avenue. Tele phone connection. raylO-03-iiWFSu JOHN L. TREXLER & CO., funeral Directors and Embalmers, Livery and Boarding Stables. Nos. 378 and KSQ Beaver ave. Residence. CS1 Preble ave., Allegheny City. Telephone 2116. mb23-MThSu JAMES M. FULLERTON, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. apCT-SS-tvrsa w. H. llKYURK SO.N, Undertakers and Embalmers na Iilvcrystaolet No. S13 Grant street, near Fifth avenue. At the old stand nne carriages for shopping or jjaruva u vymn a. tue uiueh.ciuvuauili prices. 'Jfelepbone mlilS-96-wsa Tutfs Is an In valuable remedy for SICK HEADACHE, TORPID LIVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, MALARIA, C0STIVENESS, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. Sold Everywhere. WE ARE STILL SELLING THE "PARIS "Bang" so much worn, also switches made from combings at reduced rates. A One supply of ladies' braids and wave pieces. You know the place, 25 Fifth ava, Hcgns A Hacks Building, upstairs. ) my 19 -WSU MISS MARIE LANDERS. TEETH, $5, 58, $10. Gold fillings from $1 up. Amalgam, 50c; DRS. MCCLAREN & WAUGAMAN. Dentists, Corner Smithfield and Fourth avenue. my54.TTSu MLLE. E. DREYER. NO. 644 PENN AVENUE. IMPORTErt OF FRENCH MILLINERY, TrimmPd Bonnets and round Hats. Mourning a Specialty. m!il9-79-Sa P ATB3STTS. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents. 131 Fifth avenue,above rimithfleld, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. eelS-hlu OPIUM MorpMne tna WUjUt HMu nln. lealy cared. Treatment Hut oa trial ree. .ConJrlfntl,llT juJOrem M. . KRAMER. Sec, , 1SOX-3 urijetu, U4. sel4-u29-a NEW ADVERTISEMEKTB. SUMMER FURNISHING . -TVTIH- IB0N BEDS. L i 3 feet by 6 feet, at S7 SO. ANY SIZE AND COLOR ON ORDER. Iron Beds prevent crowding in rooms and are cool and pleasing to the eye. AN IMPROVEMENT ON WOOD BEDS. Can be placed in any position without dark ening, allowing light to paBs the head and foot boards. FURNISH COTTAGES with Iron Beds and you will have in effect what is most desired. c. 711 LIBERTY ST. my26-wsu OPPOSITE WOOD. FOOTWEAR PLENTY OF IT AT HIMMELEICH'S Styles that speak forcibly of the goods we handle. Nothing shapeless. Every foot rests with comfort in these goods.' Carefully se lected. Admitted so by a multitude of customers. In summing up these facts we call the attention of the L-AJDIIES To our LINDA BUTTON. A prettier shoe never drew the light 'of day, in appear ance or for comfort, at the same time drawing mildly on the purse to own them. HAND S4 SEWED. All widths, arched insteps Sense last. AAA to E, or Common 430-436 MARKET ST. 916 Braddock Avenue, BRADDOCK. Decoration Day, May 30, our house will be closed all day. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES In Both HM-Maie aM MacWnu-MB. Hand-made Cap at 25c, 35c, 60c, 75c. 90c, SI, $1 22. Jl 25, 81 50, $1 60. Machine-made Caps at &5c, 90c, $1. Jl 25, Jl 75, J2, J2 25. Extraor dinary values in Misses' and Children's WHITE DRESSES. Ages 1 to 16 years, from 85c to 5. Special offerings in Ladies', Misses', Chil dren's and Men's Underwear and Hosiery. BLOUSE WAISTS, In Scotch Flannel, Oxford, Madras and Silk, for Ladies, Misses and Children. A, 6, U 710 PENN AVENUE. 710 Between Seventh and Eighth sts. Ja-Open until 9 p. M. Saturday. my26-Tursu MT. DE CHANTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va., (SISTERS OF THE VISITATION.) A school of more than national repntatlon, offers exceptional advantages for thorough ed ucation of young ladies in all departments. Li brary of 6,000 volumes. Fine philosophical, chemical and astronomical apparatus. Musical department specially noted. Corps of piano teachers trained by a leading professor from Conser vatory ot Btutgart. Vocal cul ture according to the method of theoldltalian mas ters. Location unsurpassed for beauty and Health. Ten acres of pleasure grounds. Board excel lent. For catalogues and references to patrons In all the principal cities, addresi se9-q7frsn THE DIRECTRESS. DESKS A SPECIALTY. The Host Complete stock in the city. 'BED BOCKPRICES. We also manufacture this wonderful combination Easy Ctiatr. STEVENS CHAIR CO. JSK S SIXTH ST.. MMMWMM IIS. I WW Infants' Embroidered Caps. MMIIJMIM Mil MUM. i:ml2-S6-su PrrTSBUBG.PA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408. Wood St STUiIi THETT COMB I More Bargains for This Week. Splash Mats only 5 cents. Wood Towel Rollers only 6 cents. 7-Pin Bat Racks only 5 cents. 3-Arm Towel Racks only 5 cents. bcrub Brushes only 5 cents. 1-Quart Coffee Pot only 5 cents. 2-Q.uart Tin Pail only 6 cents. Teacups and Saucers only 5 cents. (Dinner Plates only 5 cents. 1-Pound 1 ea or Coffee Cans only 5 cents. wire Broilers only 5 cents. Wash Basins only 6 cents. Silvetine Trays only 5 cents. Engraved Band Goblets only 5 cents. x-iain '.rummers only i cents. Genuine Putz fomade only 5 cents. Glass Butter Dish, with cover, only 5 cents. Glass Cream Pitchers only 5 cents. Howell's Ammonia Water only 7 cents. Baby Carriages ! Baby Carriages I Rattan Baby Carriage, Parasol Top, only S5. Croquet Sets, worth SI 60, only 75 cents. Hammocks only 75 cents. Fnli Size Genuine Mexican Hammock only SI 25. Girls' Tricycles, upholstered In plush, S3 75 to S13 50. Boys Iron Velocipedes, $3 23 to $8 00. All kinds of Boys' 4-Wheeled Wagons, S9c to S3 00. Boys' Wheelbarrows, 10c to SI 00. Girls' Dolls' Carriages. 33c to S2 00. 5-Foot Curtain Poles, with brass trimmings, 21 cents. 12-Piece Toilet Set, with jar, only 81 00. Square Brass Bird Cages, 9c, SI 00, $1 25. Nickel Clocks, warranted, only 75 cents. Nickel Alarm Clocks, warranted, only 95 cents. Also a full lino of all kinds House Furnish inj Goods, Silverware, Vases, Dolls, Albums, Jewelry; Ladies', Gents' and Boys' Lunch Bas kets, etc. Great bargains on our So and 10a counters. H. G. HAYDEN & CO. mjlD-WBU 'S SYSTEM Dress Cutting Is the simplest, least complicated and easi est to learn, there being but two pieces the sauare and the curvatures. Seam stresses can com mand better wages alter learning New ton's system. PMECT-fflTM PATTERKS Cut to order. Call and examine system or secure a pattern at the i Sewing 3tIaolilxio "Wliito EOOMS, SIXTH ST. 12 Also Headquarters for - L Hall's Bazaar, fcj Dress and SKIRT FORMS,' a household neces- s i t y . Genuine Needles, Oil, etc., lor all machines. Open Satnrday evening. Closed. Open. .J. KEVAN & CO., 12 SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. 281 Ohio Street, Allegheny. my26su at 15c, 20c, 25c and up. Fine "White Oriental Tl E3 I 111' ( 111 fnj i JiL ufef r SPECIAL SALE v PABASOLS. C3-EEIA.T OTJT 250 Fancy Parasols, reduced from 52 50 to $1 60. Parasols with La Tosca Handles, natural wood and half and fall length silver, at exceedingly low prices. 1,200 New Snn Umbrellas, with new style handles, $1 to 510. One lot 8-inch Silver Handled Glorias at 51 50, worth $3. A 12-inch ditto, 61 75, woTth 53 50. GLOVES AND MITTS. Newest styles Silk Gloves and Mitts. Best ever offered for the money. Full line of Biarritz Gloves, 85e, Mousquetaires, in Tan and Gray shades. Gloves, onr own importation, 1 and op. IB Stooiz S-bill Veary- Large. Another large lot of New BLOUSES, in all the fashionable colors, just opened. Prices ranging from 1 38 to ?5. A 'New Line of . Sash 25c to $1 510 TO SI4 MARKET NEW ADTERTlSEMZMTS.'i i QW&&$&WW&&fr4&&&&&& We sell our customers .with con sideration of mutual benefits. We don't sell them with an indiffer ence as to -whether we see them again or not, but we make them permanent and depend upon -supplying- their recurring wants. A satisfied customer cannot help but advertise his outfitters, and his ad vertistunent is superior to any other, because it is beyond the possibility of a doubt This is the kind we depend upon, and the fact that we are successful makes it selt-evident that our 'CLOTHING: is WELL-MADE, STYLISH and LOW-PBICED. Men's, Boys' and Children's Sum mer Headwear in complete varie ty. STRASSBURGEB & JOSEPH, Tailors, Clothiers aM Hatters, 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. "Veterans will find us ready to supply them with 1'AST BLUE SUITS, WHITE VEST.3, GLOVES and CAPS. $$'gft'S$e' g$o myas-wrsu -C77iL PHOTOGRAPHER. 16 SIXTH STREET. A nne, large crayon portrait ti 50: see tneur before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets,. (2 and f? 60 per dozen. .PROMPT DELIVERY. ' apl4-lS-OTVTsn H AJIBUBO-AILEKICAN PACKET CO. ew exD' AUGUSTA-VICT-OKIA Of 10,000 tons and 12.500 horsepower, will leave New York lor EOUTHAMIION AND HAMBUEG, .May 23 and June SO. Apply to C.K. KICQAKD& CO., General l'aenper Agents, 61 Broadway, New York; MAX SCHAMBEKG. tea 27-sn Srr Smlthlleld St.. WUslur?, Pa. Mine KgIIoe's French Tailor System of dress cutting. Tbe only system In America that cuts tbe Worth bias dart. It consists of a tailor's wooden square, wooden dart and sleeve rule and scales, the same as best merch ant tailors u-e, and a 40-page ins'ruction book. System and thorough instruction In cutting and basting. 310. Call for circulars or address I H. A. DAVIS, 6M Penn ave. myM-tvrau Having closed out the entire stock of a leading importer at a great reduction, we offer this week extraordinary bargains in Swiss and Jaconet Skirtings,45 inches wide, corded and hemstitched, 63c, 75c, SI, np to $3. Beautiful Flouncings ior Children's Dresses, in 22 and 27-inch widths, from 45o to $1 25 a yard. Neat new designs in Baby Edgings, narrow and medinm widths, from 4c to fiOc a yard. Black Cbantilly Flonucings, 42 inches deep (regular $1 75 quality) at 81. A much finer quality Chaiitil ly Flouncinc-i, 1 50, worth 2 25 Another quality at 52, worth 53. Beal Black Span ish Guipure Flouncings, from $1 to $3 50, worth double. Beautiful Chantilly Xaces Laces, all widths, 8c to 25c, worth doable. nsr pbioes. Fine qualities 24c, 38c, 481;, 75c. worth $1 25. Elegant new Saede Also the celebrated Foster Lacing s, Ribbons Jnst Received. 50 a yard. Our Corner-S one m Wras Jetsej 27 FIFTH 4VE. my23-TTsaa KKW ADTKBTlnEMJtirTS CUT PATENT DRUGGISTS Acid, Crude Carbolic..... 18c Balm, Ely'8Cream 33c Balm, Hagnn's Magnolia 60c Balsam, Vlstard. of Wild Cherry 43c Bitters, Burdock's Blood 70c Bitters, Hnstctter's 70c Bitters, Walker's Vinegar. 70c Bnlliantine.Cnudray's 35c Bronchial Troches, Brown's 18c cucers, ur. ivannmans ouipnur. poo Balsam, Hyatt's Ufe 60c Beef, Iron and Wine, Liebig's 4Sc Bloom of Youth, Sander's 50c BrnmoCaffetne GOu Carboline. KonnedB... 75c Castoria, Pitcher's 30c CberrvMalt Phosphites.. 73c Chlondes.Platt's ... 40c Compound, Pinkham's Vegetable 70c Cream. Cold Vaseline 14c Cure, Himrod's Asthma 70c Cure, Kendal' Spavin :..... 70s Cure, Kendal's Bnavin 42c Cure,Piso's Consumption 18c Cure, Warner's Safe Kidney and la ver.. . . 90c Catlcura Salve ..- 40c Clam Juice .... 30c Cream, Mrs. Ayers. SI 00 Cure, Kidney - 72c Charcoal Tablets, Murray's 19c Dentriflce, Sheffield's Cream ISc Drops. Hamburg.. , 40c nrntn VIIr 17. Droijs, Thavers Tootbacbe 10c Emulsion. Scott's 70c Expectorant, Jayne's 63c Extract of Beef, Liebig's 40c Extract of Beer. Liebig's 80c Extractor, Dulley's Pain 18c Elixir, Ferrated of Cinchona 0c Extract, Pond's 35c Extract, Pond's.... 69c Extract, Pond's Jl S9 Food, Imperial Granum 63c Food, Mellln, small 35c Food. Mellin's. large 53c Food, Nestle's Milk 40c Food, Murdock's Liquid ,. 4Sc Ginger, Brown's Essence of Jamaica '40c Ginger. Sanford's Jamaica..... 40c Hair Renewer, Hall's 65c Hair Restorer. Mrs. Allen's 90c Hair Vigor, Ayers '.. 60c Hydroline 70c Honey, Hale's Horebound and Tar... 0c Honey, Hale's Horebound and Tar 40c Horebonnd, Speert d... 2lc Honey. Werts' Syrup Tar. 21c Hair. Revivium Restorer... 41c Hair Dressing; J. H. Sackett's S3c Hair Wash, Belle Chamber's Golden 75c Herbamuui Hair Wash, Dollard's 75c nk. Payson's Indelible 25c Itatharion. Lyon's......... 40c K'Idncy Wort, Liquid 73c Ki'irakoff 43c LlMiment, Family Centaur 21c Lin iinent. Mexican Mustang ISc Lhr.lment, Tobias' Venetian 20c Lini ment, Tobias' Venetian Horse 45e Lotnin, Palmer's 39c Lozenges. Licorice 4c Lime Fruit Juice S5c Magnesia. Husband's Calcined 23c Magna ia, Phillip's Milk 40c Malum. Plain ... 70c Maltine,.-with Cod Liver OU 75c Maltme. Ferrated 75c Malt, Lnilound's Extract 60c Malt, Tro turner's Extract K8c Malt, Job tnn HofTs 40c Malt.Johr.i Wyeth's Liquid 30c Mint, Sod; I 10c Mint, Italia n , 20c Moxie 40c Monell'sTei 'thing Cordial 10c Nervine. Wa rner's Safe 42e Nervura,Dr. Green's 83c un, Moeller's uoaurer hc Also a full line of Soaps and FLEISHMAN k CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT. DISPATCH. WHERE CAN YOU HATCH - PICKERING'S Stupendous and Elegant Stock - OF - Parlorjetaiaiiiiii HIS MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF Raby Buggies and Refrigerators? There i but one answer to this-query, nd that is "NXVWHEEE 1" ItisnottaB fact alone that' we- make it a point of having in stock everything to please the varied tastes, ideas; fancies and demands of the? huge crowds of people ayeaadbayersattfiai that our enormous trade is the; direct result of'nsalways acting on the broad gauje prin ciple of selling all our goods at BEDROCK P"BICES. Nay, more than this, by reason of our expenses being about ONE-FOTJRTH of the marble-front and encaustic tile-floor establishments, we can, and do, positively SELiTr ON TIME AT LESS PEICES THA2T OTHERS WILL SELL FOE ACTUAL CASH . And when we sell ior cash we chargo at least 40 per cent under the prices of all or any o ther dealers in town. Now.what do yon want to make your house complete? It is for you to say. "We have EVERYTHING to furnish a house complete from cellar to garret, and will sell you anything in our store oa time payment? to suit you:. Other dealers will sell only on payments to suit THEM; we'll sell ou payments to please our CUSTOMiJitS. Quite a difference, eh? Just now we have some 5,000 yards of Carpets-and Remnants of from 5 yards to 20. If vouwaai a bit of Carpet to do tome matchfn g, orfo fill up witl', now is your time, as we are almost giving the pieces away. Dontb&deceivetf by the large, flaring advertisements of other dealers. Somebody has to-pay for the space occupied by the announcements in the pai pers, and you. can bet your sweet life the- cost is put on the goods sold by these dealers. Our store opsa every evening-until 8 o'clock; Saturdays until 10 o'clock. PICKERING'S OLD RELIABLE HOUSE, PRICES MEDICINES -AHB- SUNDRIES. Oil, St. Jacob's 40a Ointment, Hood's Olive . 18o Ointment, Trask's Magnetic ISo Oil, Phillip's Palatable Cod Lier ,42c. Oil, Phillip's Palatable Cod Liver. .T 75c Oil, Thayer's Pure Cod Liver J... 638 Pectonal, Ayers Cherry... ........... 85o Pepsin, Bauilault's 88c Phosphate, Hertford's Add 37c Peruna, Dr. Hartraan's 70c Pills, Ayert Cathartic 15c Pills, Brandetb's 15c Pill, Carter's Iron S9o Pills. Carter's Little Nerve 15c Pills, Graefenberg's 15o Pills, Hood's VezetaMe 15c Pills, Hooper's American 15c Pills, Jayne's Sanative 17c Pills, McLane's Liver. 15c Pills, Purgative Pellet 17c Pills. Radway'sX 15c Pill", Sehenck's Mandrake 15c Pills, Warner's Sale Cure 15c Pills, Wright's Indian Vegetaole 15o Pills, .Vjetli's Peptonic (small) 35c Pills, Castor Oil 21c nasters, AllcocK a rorous iuc Plasters, Allcnck's Corn 8c Plasters, Belladonna, plain and porous.... 15c Plasters. Benson's Capcine 17c Plasters. Cutlcura 18c Plasters, Bunion 9c Ponder, Lubin's Violet, for infants 18c Powder, Oatley'slnfant 16c Powder, Saunders' Brnneble 25c Powder,CasbmereBouquet.pinkand white 13c Powder, Tetlow's Gossamer....." 17c Plaster, Perfect Mustard, per box Zlo Pills, Dr. Cooper's 45c Pills, Cathartic 8c Pills, Liver. 10c Powder, Mrs. Aver's, pintand white...... 85c Pierce's (Dr.l Medical Discovery. 70o Pierce's (Dr.) Favorite Prescription 80c Potash, Chlorate 10c Relief. Radwav's Ready. 87c Remedy, Sarre's S5c Resolvent. Cutlcura 75o Salve. Pettit's Eye , 17c - Sarsaparilla, Thayer's 65c SarsapanllavA7er's 70c Sarsaparilla, Hood's 70c Sarsaparilla, Radway's 75c Sea Salt, Ditman's ISc Seven BaTks.... ............. 4Uc Specific. Swift's 75c Syrup, Boschee's German.. 50c Syrup. Dr. Bull's Congh 20c Syrup. Fellow's, of Hypuphnspbites Jl 00 Syrup, McArtbur's Hypophosphites 80c Syrup, Stringer's Pulmonic 18c Syrup. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing.... 17o Syrup, Mother Siegel's 45c Sozodont 50c Syrup, Spruce Cough.. .................. 15c Syrup, Soothing... 15o Syringe, Household 75c Seidlitz Powders, per box.. 20c Salve. Cutlcura 40o Swanrdmvn. Tetlow's 13c Tonic. Schenck's Sea Weed 75c Tooth Paste, Jewsbury &. Brown's 42o Tonic. Dr. Green's Nerve 85c Tippecanoe 88c Tonic. Jayne's Alterative... "h- 88c Tonlqne. Vin Marian! .fSlVW.Sl 25 . Troches, Brown's Bronchial.. ......TTiltr.; lSc Tooth Liauld 2So Vaseline Pomade. .......-......-... 8c Vermifuge, Jayne's Tonic 35c Vita Nuova. Ayert 88c Waters. Congress fpints) 19c Water, Fnedriebsball Bitter. 25c Water, Hathorn.. ................... ....... 19o Water, Hunyadi-Janos 23c Water, Thompsm's Eye ISc Wine, Coca Marian!.. Jfl 25 Witch Hazel 21c Witch Hazel 18a Perfumeries, Toilet Goods, Etc CO.'S 504, 506, 508 HARM STREET, JPlttsbxng. It will entitle yon to a souvenir, if presented to us when you m ike your purchase, provided you buy 31 or more. my2S f it public, which is the means of fcrinjinjr sncxi to onr store. It is the undoubted .yj ''-&