Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 26, 1889, THIRD PART, Page 19, Image 19

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Brnest SI.
P in the royal cas
tle, in a bedroom
hidden away from
all noise and ex
citement, King
Odrick was lying
on bis deathbed.
It was in the
middle of the nicht,
and the attendants
upon the dying
monarch were all
sodding and shaking their heads with
sleep. Only the king was awake, but al
though he noticed that nobody was taking
any particular notice of him, he never mur
mured. "I am ahout to die," he solilo
quized, "and those who used to watch my
very eyes and lips for the smallest com
mand are now asleep because they have
realized that my power is waning. A king
is very powerful, but Death is his master."
Suddenly Odrick seemed to hear the
noise of a fluttering dress or a flapping
wing. He looked up and there he beheld
the lonn and features of a most beautiful
lnrf-r- Vnv n mnmont thl Vino WIS SPCeCh'
less: then he lilted his hand to pull the bell
and wake his servants, but before he acconi-
punea ins onjeci inc appannuu a -
hand on his Srm and stopped him. Then
che said:
"Odrick. mv kins." she commenced,
"don't vou remember me? Don't you re
call the day of Burrowmale, the battle with
King Foxtail, and Lilial, the fairv, who
saved your life and lead your armies to vic
tory over yonr enemies. Alas! but it was
ever so with the rich and the great- They
accept the aid of the poor and lowly, but
gratitude is not in them."
"Hold on, Lilial," the dying man ex
claimed; "you do me an injustice. "Why,
even now, just before you came in, I re
membered you and I also recalled the oath
I swore to you on the day you saved my
life. You are here, and I am ready to re
new the compact."
"I am glad to hear you say so. ohl Odrick,
my king. Let us proceed, then."
"Over there, in the right hand corner of
the room, just near the door,"is Wolmar, my
private secretary and trusty servant. Go
Odrick's Fight With the Sear.
and wake him. 2Jext to him is my son,
whom you know: wake him also, and let
them both come here."
nil,, jHlHll
$ a Xiiii&i oDeyea me ting s orders and in a
vl -f few moments the two men stood before
"L Odrick' bed wondering what the meaning
oTttnrt ghostlike woman could be.
i "Odrick my son, and "YV"olmar my faith
ful friend," began the dying man, "this
lady here is -Lilial, the fairy, of whom you
no doubt have heard, she being the lady
who at one time did me and our beloved
country a great service when we were wag
ing war with King Foxtail. Well on that
dav I promised the fairy that my son, you
Odrick, should marry the daughter of
Xiilial, the fairy, out of gratitude for her
service to me. I am about to die now, and
I want you to swear, both of you, that you
will consider my oath to Lilial binding
upon you, and whenever yon want to marry
Odrick, Lilial's daughter must be your
cnoicc. jNowswearr
For a moment "Wblmar looked at young
Odrick, while the latter in turn looked first
at Volmar, then at Lilial and at last at his
father, who, lrom his couch of death, re
turned his son's gaze very steadily and
urgingly to fulfill his wish. Young Odrick
was an obedient son and he was vpry lond
of his father, who had always been good and
i kind to him. The young man was only 17
years when this event took place, and inas
much as his affections were not already en
gaged in any particular direction, he did
not consider his father's wish very much.
Just now he only looked at his sick sire,
and his first impulse was to do anything to
please him.
"I am ready to swear," he replied, "and
so am I," said Wolmar.
"Then I am glad," was the old King's re
joinder. "Then let us take the proofs of this com
pact," the fairy stated. "Here are two rings
exactly autre, une is lor you, my prince,
and -the other I will keep. Once a year I
will come to see you, and whenever you are
willing to exchange the rings, then I shall
understand that you are willing to marry
my daughter. It you do not want to ex
change, I shall understand that you mean
to wait anyther year. Are you satisfied?"
"Yes," replied young Odrick."
"Then listen further to me." continued
Lilial the fairv. "If yon refase after ten
years to fulfill the condition of your oath
you must die. Are vou willing to do that?
"Yes," replied Odrick. "If after ten
years I still refuse to marry your daughter I
am willing to be burned at the stake like
anr other man who refuses to fulfill the
conditions of his oath."
"That is agreed to!" said Lilial. Then
3 the ring was given to Odrick and Lilial
Next morning the old king was dead,
and after he was buried with all the cere
monies incidental to such an occasion,
young Odrick was placed upon his father's
mruue. xne young man was a very good
fellow, and his people liked him verymuch.
He was a bad king because he could not be
" a tyrant, and he was all the better for it.
He was of a noble, manly, chivalrous and
honorable nature, who loved every man for
the amount of manliness about him.
He had now been king in his father's
place for over five years, and 'every year
Lilial, the fairy, came to see him on his
birthday, and asked him whether he was
willing to exchange the ring. Odrick in
variably answered:
"Dear Fairy, let me enjoy my freedom
and youth a little longer. I have not even
thought of getting married yet Maybe
next year I will have changed my mind."
After Lilial had been for the ninth time
at the court of young Odrick aud aked him
to exchange the ring, it happened one dav
that the young king and a small retinue of
his followers went ont hunting. There
were a number of enormous bears around
that part of the country, and the king, who
was a great sportsman, anticipated a great
deal of lun. When the party got into the
forest, OdricK gave orders tbat everyone
was to go and hunt for himself, and that all
were to meet in one particular spot in the
evening Then the party separated.
Odrick soon found himself alone in the
depth of the forest, but he had a good horse
and he longed to get sight of a bear.
Suddenly he heard the crushing and
-" breaking of the brushwood on his right and
v ' upon looking in that direction he saw a big
-. bear coming toward him. Odrick at once
turned his horse toward the. bear and bore
down upon him.j He shot, iut unfortun
ately his aim had pot been a true oue, and
auimatxiauaxnea ov a sugnt wound.
a I... it.; j -...
Lontnistninunegs- ana came
MBjHUiirnvL --. 3; jamm
xmjtv uureyj mini
the bear Jpulled horse and rider to the
ground. King Odrick fell down and the
horse came down on his leg, which made
him completely helpless and put him at the
mercy of the infuriated bear, who did not
wait very long to take advantage of his
Bat it was not to be. Just at the moment
when the bear sprang toward the young
king to tear his head off, if he could, an
avwiir. iorrff? liia riport nnrl dena ss a loff
f he tumbled down at the side of Odrick.
The latter was astonished for a moment, but
in the next minute he was even amazed.
There, a few paces away from him, stood a
voung girl, as beautiful as he had ever seen
in all his life, holding the bow in her
hand, which had shot the arrow into the
bear's heart. Odrick was not able to speak.
He stammered a few inaudible remarks of
thanks to the young lady as she came up
and extricated him from his dangerous po
sition. "Are you hurt?" she asked him then.
"Yes, "I have my led crushed," was all he
could mutter.
The young huntress, who looked a verita
ble Diana, helped the young king on his
feet, and she led him to a cave nearby.
Arrived there she requested him to lay
down on a beautiful leopard skin, which
was soread out in one corner. Mechani
cally Odrick obeyed the lady. Now that
he sat down she came and examined his in-
f juries and then dressed them.
"iou will nave to stay Here lor a day or
two before your limb will be well again,"
she said, and then she went out and left
Odrick to himself.
The young king, greatly relieved of his
pain, had now time to think over the occur
rences of the last hour. He seemed to be in
a dream. He could not understand it all.
But of one thing he felt sure, and that was,
that at last he had found a girl he could
love with his whole heart; a lady, who
should be his queen. Never in his life had
he ever seen anything like her.
He stayed in the cave for nearly a week.
The second day the huntress who had saved
his life became more communicative, and
Odrick lost his shyness too. They talked
and chatted together like old friends. Be
fore Odrick went nway he told the young
lady that he loved her and that he would
come and fetch her to he his wife and his
During all this time he had quite forgto
ten his compact with Lilial, the fairy, and
when he recalled it again, his heart shook
with pain and despair.
"Alas! what am I to do cow. I cannot
keep my word with her and marry her
daughter, because I do not love her. I can
never love anyb6dy but my hostess and
friend in the woods. Oht that I was ever
foolish enough to swear such an oath when
I had never seen Lilial's daughter. It was
cruel to inveigle a boy into such a contract.
But therel I know what I shall do. Marry
Lilial's daughter I cannot. Still, we owe
her a debt of gratitude, and my father would
not rest in his grave if I did" not pay the
debt. But I know what I will do. I shall
die at the stake and my part of the contract
is fulfilled. That settles it."
"When Lilial came for the tenth time
she said to Odrick: "Well, my dear young
king, your time of waiting is over now.
You will have to give me the ring now."
"I am very sorry, Lilial, but I cannot
Since I saw you last I have seen a young
lady, whom I adore above everything in the
world, and I could not marry anybody
"But do vou know that you forfeit your
life if you do not marry my daughter?
xes, l Know it, ijinai, and, if you look
outside into the yard, you will notice that I
have the stake already erected, and as I can
not marry your daughter I will go and ful
fill my contract bvgettingburued to death."
Lilial cried and lamented and asked him
to reconsider and not be so foolish.
"I am a man of honor," replied Odrick,
"and I fulfill my contract I cannot marry
your daughter, therefore I will die."
Then he quietly but firmly stepped from
his throne and walked down into the yard
where the blocks of wood were put in a big
pile. All was ready, it only had to be lit
Odrick climbed on the top and gave the sig
nal to have it set afire, He did it as quietly
as it ne was ordering nis soiaiers around on
a day of parade. Poor Lilial did not know
what to do. Suddenly a thought seemed to
strike her. "If he were to see my daughter
in all her youthful beauty and loveliuess he
would perhaps forget all about his other
love. Let me try" it."
"Hold on there a moment," she cried,
and then turning to Odrick she said: "Will
you allow me to show you my daughter be
fore you die? Perhaps if you see her your
mind may change."
Odrick smiled, but acquiesed.
Then Lilial, taking a' whistle from her
pocket blew it, and behold! There through
the air came the form of a beautiful maiden
floating along. Lilial held up her hand
and the flying lady took hold ot it and
jumped to the ground. But no more had
Odrick looked at the face when he jumped
up from the wood pile like a maniac and
running to Lilial, he said: "Is that vour
"Yes," replied Lilial.
"Well, then, thank the Lord, for she is
the lady I (ound in the wood, who saved
my life from a bear and whose image is in
my heart ever since."
Lilial, the fairy, was glad when she
heard that, and great rejoica'ng took the
place of mourning. u.ne next day was the
wedding and the yonng king and queen
lived very happily lor manyjears.
A Trifle Careless.
Lieutenant of Atf.illerv (during great-
gun practice at winett's Point; met away,
there! Do you want to be blown io pieces ?
Long IsUndiFaraer-i-liet her ro,, cap. I
ir y
i -m
OdrteJL Jticognizes the Fairy's Daughter.
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The Possibilities of Increase of Speed
in Bailroad Travel.
The Greatest Speed Attained on (This Side
of the Ocean.
Those who have watched the progress made
in railroading in America during the past
dozen years, and the comforts that travelers
sow enjoy on the rail, need not be told that
all that money and brains can do to increase
speed and safety of travel is being done.
The brainy men of' brawn, who are build
ing locomotives and equipping passenger
coaches in a style not equaled many land in
the world, are giving much thought and at
tention to fast time on the rail. It is a rule
among these men to guard their secrets well,
and they would not consider'it professional
to talk to an interviewer, but the editors of
the various journals devoted to railroads,
railroad engineering and locomotives, and
there are a score of them in this country,
have no hesitancy in speaking.
With a view to finding out what is being
done in the matter of locomotive engineer
ing to gain great speed the writer called on
a few experts the other day. EditorTalbot,
of the Railway Age, who is known to every
man engaged in railroading from the Atlan
tic to the Pacific, was asked if he thought
the maximum of speed had yet been at
tained. He did not seem to like tbat ques
tion exactly, and so the interviewer gave
him another one. It was this:
"What is the greatest speed yet attained
by railway trains?"
"In the United States the speed attained
by passenger trains has been constantly in
creasing during the last lew years, until on
some of our lines having the most perfect
roadbeds, bridges and motive power it has
reached the rate of from 65 to 60 miles an
hour, and in some cases almost 70 miles, not
including stops and for comparatively short
distances on practically straight track. Of
course there arc no regular trains which are
run at these speeds, including stops. The
tendency leans toward still greater speed
than has yet been adopted, because of the
necessities of competition and the demands
of the traveling public, which it would seem
can only be satisfied by the substitution of
lightning for steam as a motive power.
"Could people travel with comfort and
safety at 100 miles an hour?"
"No. After a speed of say 40 miles an
hour has been achieved each mile of in
crease adds both to the dangers and discom
forts. The greater the speed the greater the
possibility ot broken rails, broken wheels
and axles, falling bridges, etc. The various
parts of the locomotive ate more liable to
get out of order, and in case of derailment or
collision the results are proportionately dis
astrous. These and other rlements of danger
apply to fast running. Some of the discom
forts which result are the .swaying of cars,
the creation of dust and the increased jolt
ing and jarring."
"What progress has heen made of late
years in the building of locomotives?"
"Recent improvements in locomotive
building, both in the matters of speed and
power, have been very great in the past few
years. Increased experience, inventive
genius, and the skill possessed by the men
who control the motive power department of
our railways, with the Unceasing efforts of
our great locomotive builders to provide a
perfect locomotive, have resulted in placing
iae American engine aneaa oi an otners.
For several years it has been victorious over
all competitors, not only in this country,
but in South America, Cuha, Mexico and
the islands of the Pacific. Every year adds
to its possibilities as to speed, hauling
powers and endurance. A recent trial of
the new Strong locomotive, A. 6. Darwin,
furnished a most interesting illustration of
the progress constantly being made in these
respects. It may he interesting to know
what has been accomplished on the other
side of the ocean. Prom London to Crewe,
a distance of 158 miles, the run is made in
176 minutes withont stopping, a stretch of
52J4 miles being made in 50 minutes, the
speed sometimes reaching 70 miles an hour.
Prom Carlisle to Edinburgh, 101 miles is
made in 105 minutes; from London to
Grantham, 105 miles, in 117 minutes, with
out stopping, and from York to Newcastle,
84 miles, in 86 minutes."
Mr. N. M. Forney, editor of the .ffatJroad
ana Jngtneennq journal, when inter
viewed, expressed himself as follows :
"The details in locomotive building are
the same as they were 20 years ago; the only
difference in the construction ot locomotives
now compared with 10 to 20 years ago is that
they are built heavier and more powerful.
As to the question of great speed, about 80
miles an hour has been reached for short
distances, but for short distances only. This
speed is rarely attempted and more rarely
"Fifty-four miles an hour may be consid
ered the average maximum Speed for long
distances, and I don't think you will find
that more than this speed is registered in
any of the railway guides of this country.
If you have a proper road to travel on there
is no reason why it should not be just as safe
and just as pleasant traveling at 100 miles
an hnnp no of TSi Ort' ti.if ns I. .l..l...
this enormous speed will ever be,reached is
. more than I can answer, nor could any rail
road man. it is not likely to occur for some
time yet, and may therefore be considered
outside the pale of practical discission for
the present This is emphatically a day of
great achievements when man's ingenuity
and skill are constantly making new con
quests, and," added the'editor with a mean
ing nod, "you and I will live to see a good
many more triumphs of inventive genius
yet. There are Stephensons and Edisons
yet to come. Increased speed, however,
means increased danger all around,"1
The young and enthusiastic editor of the
Zoeomotice .Enofneer, who watches the evo
lution in machinery of all kinds with keen
interest, when asked for his opinion,replied
as follows:
"The greatest change in the building of
locomotives is in the weight and the in
creased boiler pressure. Some locomotives
built nowadays have a boiler pressure of 180
pounds per sauare inch. Engines are built
to-day to pull very heavy loads, and while
there is absolutelv no change in nrinnnle nr
details they are made as strong and! heavy
as possible."
"As to the maximum speed?" ,
"I cannot give you the exact figure for
the reason that no statistics are published
on this question of maximum speod, but I
should say 75 miles an hour, orjpossibly
oyer. This is not done every day in the
week. I believe the highest regular speed
on the guide is 64 miles an honrj but 60
miles an hour is often reached by engineers
who are behind time, and sometimes even
70. In my opinion, it would not be possible
to travel at 100 miles an hour with com
fort and safety, that is, under present con
ditions. We should require to have a dif
ferent style of car altogether, and then the
tracks and curves would also require to be
built ou an entirely different plan forjsuch a
tremendous speedl Now 60 miles an hour
is as much as I care for, and what 100 miles
mieht be I don't know. Some folks not
afflicted with nerves," continued the'ditor,
jocosely, "might enjoy it, but I'would
rather be excused. Then could tbe engineer
preserve his presence of mind at such a
speed? Perhaps he could, but it is d ques
tion. I met an engineer once who had
driven a train at 80 miles an hour,and when
he got it up to that speed his kneesjbegan
to shake together, and he gave every indica-
Me-a of intense nervowflew. . , iJ-
the event of a collision or breakdown, other
wise, however, I don't consider there is a
bit more danger. I prefer the fast train to
the slow one, and there are as manv acci
dents or more with slow trains as with fast
ones. If a fast train is run on good tracks
there is practically no danger.
Mr. G. H. Prout, editor of the Batroad
Gazette, is a very conservative man, and
writes for a very critical class of readers.
He, therelore, will not vouch for the abso
lute accuracy of the views given below,
though he considers them measureably cor
In reply to the question the editor, after
referring to a formidable looking volume on
his shelves, replied: "The fastest trains run
between Philadelphia and Washington;
they run at 44U miles an hour, including
four stops. The fastest speed made by
these trains is 59 miles an hour. A great
many trains run as fast as 60 miles an hour
every day for short distances between
stations to make up for lost time. The
fastest English trains make an average
speed of about 50 miles an hour. The Lon
don and Northwestern Railway ran trains
last summer from London to Edinburgh, a
distance of 400 miles, at a speed of 51 miles
an hour, including three stops or 55)4 miles
an hour, exclusive of these stops. This is
the maximum speed done in regular every
day practice."
"Could people travel in safety at 100
miles an hour?"
The editor seemed a little staggered at the
question, and after a little thought he re
plied with admirable candor, "I don't
know. There Is no experiment nor any re
liable reasoning which would warrant me
in saying whether passenger trains will ever
run 100 miles an hour and carry people
with comfort and safety. It is not likely
that everybody would una it comfortable,
though it might be perfectly safe. But one
thing is pretty certain it will not be for
many years yet. I do not regard it a phy
sical impossibility, however. The dangers
would certainly be increased, but no person
need have any fear of traveling in a train
running at the rate ot 60 miles an hour; at
such a speed they may be considered reas
onably safe, provided it is on a first-class
road. Not only must the track be in good
condition and the rolling stock, bat there
must also be precautions for protecting
trains by proper signals. Most or many of
tne accidents wnica occur can be traced to
defective signaling.
"Very little alteration has been made in
the building of locomotives. The weight
has been very greatly increased within the
last ten years, and they are constantly be
in? built stronger and miirfi nnirerful. in
order that they may haul heavier trains at
greater speed. They are also makingthe boil
ers stronger, so that they can carry a higher
steam pressure. An engine and tender to
day often weighs as much as 75 tons, and
will haul 90 tons of cars and freight."
Mr. Wellington, editor of the Engineer.
ing Nec, who is a very busy man, found
time to reply to my queries as follows:
"As to speed?"
"Down grade 90 miles an hour, 70 miles
frequently, 60 miles, every day. Up to 60
miles an hour there is no necessary increase
of danger; it is quite as safe as at 30. Ten
or 15 miles an hour is always safer. Low
speed means fewer accidents, and that is the
reason why there are, so few casualties on
the elevated railroads. As to whether it is
safe to travel at 100 miles an hour I answer.
No: it is impossible. With the present
style of cars it would be neither safe Dor
comfortable. There has been no great
change in the building of locomotives since
the days of George Stephenson and the first
railroad between Stockton and Darlington
in the north of England. They are built
pretty much the same way in general de
sign, and the only serious change is -the in
crease in weight , The Strong locomotive is
the most promising experiment in locomo
tive building and attains a high rate of
Mr. Galvin, editor of Railroad Topic,
further supplemented these talks.
In reply to mv question, "What is the
maximum speed?" he replied, "70 miles an
nour lor short distances, and on good roads.
This may be regarded as the highest point
reacnea in regular everyday traveling. One
hundred miles an hour will never be
reached. I have a personal friend who has
been at work during the last few vears on
an engine that he is building to run 100i
muesan nour, oun doubt whether he will
ever succeed. It would require to be alto
gether different from those running on the
tracks at the present day. The Strong loco
motive, which has obtained such favorable
comments in so many newspapers, has made
a first-rate run only recently. On April 1
the Stronglocomotive "A. G. Darwin' hauled
the Erie express from Jersey City to Buffalo,
421 miles, in the regular schedule, thus
doing with apparent ease the work which is
ordinarily assigned to four different engines.
The train consisted of six cars, including
one Pullman, at the start, which on portions
of the run was increased to seven or eight
"On the followinc dav the same Micnnn
returned with a still heavier load, making
the run on time. This I regard as a re
markable performance, and it speaks highly
for the power aud endurance oi the Strong
locomotive. The West, however, claims the
honor of beating this record by a still longer
continuous run, made on the Chicago and
Northwestern Railway. On April 8, an or
dinary engine of the eight-wheel type, draw
ing the special, train of Dr. Webb, of the
Wagner Palace Car Company, made the run
from Chicago to Council Bluffs, a distance
of 490 miles, in 12 hours, including 18
stops. If I deduct 50 minutes for stops, the
average speed was 41 miles an hour, and
the speed recorder showed a speed ot 64J
miles an hour between Colorado and Nevada,
a distance of seven miles."
Ficrotoxln Will Probnblr Prove a Usofal
DraB to the Medical Profession.
According to a Klausenberg scientist,
Prof. Bokai, picrotoxin is the best nntidntn
to morphine. The effect of morphine is, of
course, to paralyze the action of the respira
tory center; picrotoxin. on the nontrnrv
when given in small doses, increases such
action. Thus the two drugs act in a directly
opposite way. An overdose of morphine
prodnces paralysis of the respiratory organs;
picrotoxin prevents such paralysis; therefore
picrotoxin is likely to be of great use in
cases of poisoning from morphine. Dimi
nution of the pressure of the blood ensues
upon an overdose of morphine; but picro
toxin counteracts such effects by stimulat
ing the vaso-constrictor center of the med
ulla. These two agents attain have an en
tirely opposite effect upon the cerebral hem
ispheres. Up till now the onlj antidote to mor
phine known has been atropine, but it can
not be administered in large doses, and it is
therefore necessary to discover some other
antidote if possible. Prof. Bokai considers
that picrotoxin maybe useful as asubstitute
for preparations ot nux vomica. He even
considers that its use will be efficacious
in the prevention 0f asphyxia from chloro
form. In Training.
Mr. "Wlnthorpe (of Boston, whose father
nas secured aim an assignment for a .New
Mexican ranche) Excuse me, Bridget, but
that was MwtbWa feodthrowrwasa't it ? '
Those materialists who imagine that
Christianity is a spent .force, playing at life
to Serve as the retreat of selfish place-men,
must have had this notion rudely jostled by
the case of" the Belgian priest, Father Da
nuen, just dead in the Sandwich Islands.
He went as a missionary to Honolulu in
18S4, at the age of 24. He found that lep
fosy was a prevalent disease. On account
of !the danger of infection, the lepers were
isolated in a separate community at Molo
kal. Here, cut off from social intercourse
with others, subjected to the slow rot of a
hopeless ailment, deprived of mental and
moral ministrations, these Incurable sufferers
lived as the swine live. Their village was a
stye. Without marriage, the sexes horded
together and propagated lepers. It was an
actural hell worse than that painted by the
Imagination of Dante.
Well, this Intrepid young priest selected tnis
Place as his field ot labor. He Went deliber
ate, knowing the cost, aware that ho must
inevitably contract the disease and die a leper.
For IS years he dwelt in this ghastly com
munitydying by Inches; and he has just gone
to heaven ont of it. He found Molokal a per
dition; he left it an intellectual and moral
community, with schools and churches and an
honest domestic life. He found squalor; be
left cleanliness. He met despair; be departed
with the sweet consciousness tbat he had
taught his hapless flock patience here and hope
What does unbelief make of such a career?
Where, whan, nai it matched it? Here wo
have living and breathing proof that Chris
tianity is not a poem, a strain of music, the
beautiful dream of a Sunday, a mere text for a
romantic sermon. No poem is as grand as
Father Daraien's self-sacrifice, no strain of
music is so sweet, and no dream so heavenly.
It is said that this Is a sporadic case T It is
true tbat such heroes do not march in battal
ions. But they always arise with the need.
Witness this very case. Father JConrady is al
ready in Molokai, carrying on the work begun
by the translated saint. jVnd two new volun
teers are even now en route to re-enforce and
co-operate with him the one, another priest,
also a Belgian, Father Wcndolin Aloellers: the
other, an accomplished younp; woman. Miss
Nellie Flavia, who goes to devote bor life to
the service of God's afflicted children. May
these not say with Paul: ''I live yet not I,
but Christ liveth in me."
Some Grand PhllaDtropuIits.
Father Damlen's ministry among the lepers,
suggests the kindred worlc of other holy souls
in allied fields. In 1775 the Abbe de l'Epee nrst
taught the deaf and dnmb to speak with their
fingers and hear with their eyes. In Germany
and some other countries of Europe, where
language is more phonetic than in France or
England, the dumb are taught to articulate
actually to utter intelligible words, which they
mutually understand by the motion of the lips.
Wonderful as is tbe thought, it is nevertheless
proved that there is a language of the muscles
as truly as of the voice.
A litttle later, Valentino Hauy, of Paris, ac
cording to Mr. Horace Mann, became ac
quainted with tbe Baroness Von Paradis, a
blind German laay who visited the French cap
ital as an organist, and performed with eclat.
About the same time an event took place at tbe
annual fair of St. Ovid which roused bis com
passion. An inn keeper had collected ten blind
persons, attired them in the most absurd man
ner, with asses' ears, peacocks' feathers and
spectacles without glasses, to perform at a bur
lesque concert. What was designed for wan
ton amusement only kindled Hauy's benevo
lence. He resolved to do for tbe blind through
the sense of touch what tbe Abbe de l'Epee
had done for deaf mutes by the medium of
sight. Accordingly, he founded an Institution
for their instruction in Pans, in 1784 the beau
tiful and prolific mother of those hundreds of
similar schools now scattered up and down
A Christian physician, Esqulrol, was the first
man to make any impression npon the public
in favor of a more humane treatment of the
insane. In 1799 he founded, also in Paris, tbe
first Insane asylum moved to it by discovering
in one place a wretched huddle of 20 of these
sufferers, manacled, caged like wild beasts,
nestling in their own filth, deserted by friends
and all human kind, and agonized by a malady
whose very nature excluded consolation; so
goaded into hpstillty to their race that the
mere sight of their keeper tbrewtbem into par-
u3ui3 ui tdjtv. jcauuirui weiitinamonginem,
qnieted their ferocity, and taught the world
how to treat insanity. In this country, the late
Dorothea DIx took up his work, and by her
own efforts established 19 of these insane asy
Is Christianity a fable? How account, then,
for Howard and Mrs. Fry and Lord (Shaftes
bury and Oberlin who plunged into the Alpine
fastnesses where tbe gospel and the school
master were never beard of, and beginning
with spade and mattock, introduced comfort
and purity, and led the people forth on their
way to everlasting life?
A Child or Christianity.
The truth is that philanthropy is the child of
Christianity. The religion of Jesus is tbe only
one which makes brotherly love its central and
characteristic duty. Thetsplendld polytheisms
of antiquity were, without exception, based
upon some other principle art, patriotism,
power, conqnest; never upon love. Tue master
passion of human sympathy was Ignored; or if
it existed it was exemplified only by an indi
vidual here and there. "I do not recollect in
all classical history," remarks Edward Everett,
a competent authority, "a single individual
portrajed to us as a philanthropist, in the
modern acceptation of the term."
Count Tolstoi's Wife.
Miss Elizabeth D .Hanscom. iuan Interesting I
article, quotes Mr. Stead (who writes of life at
Yasnaia Pollana, the country estate of tbe
Russian novelist and theorist, Lyof Tolstoi) as
saying: "The dreams of theidealist are seldom
capable of translation into the prose of actual
lite, especially when the idealist happens to be
married and tbe lather of a large family."
Mr. Stead further affirms that if Count Tol
stoi had been at liberty to fully carry out his
ideas, there would now be no Count Tolstoi.
All the world knows tbat he believes in liter
ally obeying the injunction to sell all and give
to the poor, that he believes manual labor to be
a necessary condition of ideal life, and that to
possess more than the bare essentials of life
seems to him a sin. Yet be and his famliv live
- in luxury on his ancestral estate. What all the
world does not know is that the Countess Tol
stoi Is tbe reconciling factor in this apparent
conflict of theory and practice. ,
Nearly 30 years ago before he developed his
philosophy of life. Count 1 olstoi married tlia
daughter of a Moscow Phjsician. During all
these years she has shown herself to be a
woman of unusual powers. She directs, con
trols, manages everything at tbe households at
Moscow and at Yasnaia Pollana. dhe assumes
tbe whole responsibility of caring for the fam
ily, which numbers 13 children, superintends
their education and teaches them English and
music. Her business ability is also shown by
the fact that she has sole charge of tho sale.
circulation and distribution of her huband's
books. Nor fs she wanting in sjmpathy for the
Count's intellectual labors. She is both amen
uensts, revisor and translator. Tolstoi's writ
ing is illegible to most readers and his wife re
writes his manuscripts again and again until
they suit his fastidious taste. In this way she
copied "War and Peace." from end to end,
six time, and his last work, "Life," she re
wrote 10 times, beside translating it into
When, however, it comes to a question of
adorning his views entirely, she reluses. One
of the country seats has already been sold, tbe
family has retired from society, the mode of
life has been much simplified; buttlieConntess
Tolstoi will not consent to giving up everything,
or to living like a peasant. For the sake of her
children, she insists on a comfortable life. By
the law of the land, without the consent of his
wife, the Count cannot resign all tbe resources
on which tbe family is maintained. Accord
ingly, he has retired from active participation
in the household arrangements; he Is his wife's
guest, coming and going as be chooses, partak
ing pf the plainest fare, maintaining a rjgid
simplicity of life, and.aU the time considering
that his family lire in culpable luxury because
they have servants to wash their linen and to
prepare their food. r
Artistic Beggars.
Sir Walter Scott, in his interesting descrip
tion of the professional beggars of Scotland, in
the introduction to "Tho Antiquary," relates
an anecdote of Andrew Gaminels, one of tbat
class, who said to a gentleman on his express
ing his regret that be had no silver, as in that
case be would bave given Andrew a sixpence
"I can give you change for a note, laird."
Speaking of beggars, the late Edward Ev
erett, In his charming lecture on "Charity,"
affirms that mendicity in Europe is a trade
almost a profession. It is carried on by orga
nized fraternities; ,it is taught in regular
schools; and strange as the proposition sounds,
it yields a handsome income.
Mr. Everett quotes our great American nov
elist, Cooper, as telling an amusing anecdote of
a battalion: of beggars, near a hundred strong,
which herecrulted at Sorrento, in theKingdom
of Naples, during a few weeks sojourn at that
aengutiui spot, ana operation oegan uy ma
giving a grano, a copper coin worth about a
cent; to a-hezgar who dally seated himself at
the gate of Mr. Cooper's villa. In a few days
one or two additional pensioners made their
appearance, and received their expected grano.
Ae. fameoftbe benitlcent American
till all the mendicants In Sorrento assembled
dally at his door to receive each bis grant The
rumor of such unexampled munificence could
not be confined within the city walls: new can
didates for the pittance flocked In from the
neighborhood. To prevent jostling,- their bene
factor had them drawn up in line for the re
ception of the accustomed larges", and on the
day of his departure from Sorrento tbey
paraded in this way to the number of 86 as
tattered a corps probably as has been mustered
in Christendom since the days of Faistaffs
regiment; for all beggars, the Neopolitan are
known for their transcendent, not to say
transparent, raggedness. There Is no part of
the Christian world where the art of begging
Is carried to greater perfection than in the two
Sicilies. All sorts of grievous hurts and
shocking diseases are skillfully counterfeited:
a real deformity or mutilation is a revenue,and
an incurable disease an Income for life.
Mormon fetntfitici.
At the closing of the Mormon Conference,
April 8, George Q. Cannon read the statistics
of the church, which are: Twelve apostles, 70
patriarchs, 3,719 high priests, 11,805 elders, 2,069
priests. 2.292 teachers, 1L610 deacons, 81,899 fam
ilies. 115915 officers and members and 49,302
children under 8 vears of age, a total Mormon
population of 153,911. The number of marriages
lor the six months ending April 6, 18s9, was
630; births, 1751; new members, 488; excommu
nications, lia
Protestants In Spain.
The Protestant chdrch of Spain numbers at
present 112 chapels and scboolhouses. 111 pa
rochial schools, with 61 male and 78 female
teachers, 2,545 boys and 2,095 girls. There are 80
Sunday schools, witi 183 helpers and3.231 schol
ars. The churches are ministered unto by 53
pastors and 85 evangelists. The number of reg
ular attendants of divine service Is 9,164; of
communicants, 3,442. Pastor F. Flledner re
ports steady progress on all sides.
Cash Returns From Sllsslons.
Much has been written on the remunerative
effects of missionary enterprises. The most
profitable efforts made in reference to tbe
American Indians are not tho efforts to conquer
them in war, not the efforts to support them in
idleness and barbarism, but the efforts to Chris
tianize them. The Rocky Mountain Christian
Advocate says: "While the Dakota Indians
were savages it cost the Government $1,848,000
tto take care of them seven years. The tost
after their conversion for the same length of
time was $120,000, a difference of (1,728,000 In
favor of Christianity." The Gospel subdues
tbe savage Instincts, overcomes the vices, stim
ulates industry, awakens thought, implants
virtuous principles and reforms society by Re
newing the heart.
Christian Converts In India.
The Indian Witness says: At the present time
there are. in round numbers, about half a
million Protestant Christians in India. One
half of these are comparatively recent converts,
and It is too soon to expect them to exert a
very perceptible influence on their neighbors.
but even allowing this, the little body of
Christians forms a most Important factor in tbe
body politic of the empire. It will not be long
till the half million become a million.and many
of our readers will lire to see the day when
there will be ten million Protestant Christians
In India. When that day comes these ten
million Indians will be the leaders of Indian
thought and Indian progress. Their roico will
be more potent in England than the voice of
India IS to-day. Tbey will be bolder Innovators
than any men in India now, and they will be
recognized by all classes as the natural loaders
of the Indian people.
Briolit Thonsuti of Great Blind.
He that is down need fear no fall. Bunyan
(Pilgrim's Progress).
What makes all doctrines plain and clear?
About two hundred pounds a year.
And tbat which was proved true before,
Prove false again? Two hundred more.
Butler (Hudibras).
And so from hour to hour we ripe and ripe,
And then from bour to hour we rot and rot.
Shakespeare (As You Like It).
Reading maketh a full man, conference a
ready man, and writing an exact man. Bacon.
The body of all true religion consists in obe
dience to the will of tbe Sovereign of the
World, In confidence in His declarations, and
In Imitation of His perfections. Burke.
The Cross
There, and there only (though tbe aelserave,
And atheist if earth bears so base a slave),
There, and there only. Is the power to savo.
Life and religion are one, or neither Is any-
Xning.UeoTge MacDonald.
Piett, like wisdom, consists in the discovery
of the rules under which we are actually
placed, and in the faith fully obeying them.
A2r eminent historical scholar has observed
that the Roman Emperor, Caligula,establisbed
valuable prizes in rhetoric, but condemned the
nnsuccessful competitors to wipe ont their
long dull orations from their tablets with their
tongues. This regulation, happily for modern
orators, has been allowed to become absolute,
it being found that the lapse of a short time
performs the operation with equal success.
A gentleman in New England has given
$100,000, and Japanese gentlemen have sub
scribed about $70,000, to found a Cbrlsoan uni
versity in Japan, according to a plan proposed
by the Rev. Joseph Neesima, of the American
Board. The collegiate institution which Mr.
Neesima has been building up for some years
contains more than 900 students.
A beligious life is a struggle, and not a
hymn. Mme. De Slael.
He who every morning plans tho transactions
of tbe day, and follows out a plan, carries a
thread which will guide him through the laby
rinth of tbe busiest life. The orderly arrange
ment of his time is like a ray of light which
darts itself through all his affairs. He lives
SgffiarSSitv: teVod JTS
own soul, and at tne same time atten d to all
lawful interests of the present xvailtLHunh
It Was Tried by Fnther Dnmlen, but Not la
A cure for leprosy has been found, says
Mr. Clifford, the last European to visit
Father Damicn. It is gnrjun oil. the
produce oi a fir tree which grows plentifully
in the Andaman Islands. It was discovered
by Dr. Dougall, and Mr. Clifford was "as
sured by Sir Donald Stewart, who was then
Governor of the the islands, and who has
sent me the official medical report, that
every single case in tne place was
cured by it. The lepers were con
victs, and it was therefore impossible to en
force four hours a day of rubbing the oint
ment all over their bodies, and the taking of
two small doses internally. In some of the
cases the disease was of many years' stand
ing, and the state to which it "had reduced
its victims was indescribably dreadful, yet
after eight months the sufferers were able to
run and to use a heavy pickax, and even
symptom of leprosy had disappeared."
Father Damien tried it, but too late.
A Husband' Estimate or the Cnsh Value of
His Wife's Talk.
Paris Iflgaro.l
The wife of a telegraph operator having
treated her husband to an interminable scene
of reproaches and complaints, during which
he has remained absolutely quiet, asks him,
infuriated at his silence:
"Well, sir, what have you to say in an
swer?" And be, after a moment's reflection: "Just
this, that it I had had to telegraph all that to
Bordeaux, the message would bave cost yon
426 francs and 60 centimes."
In a Newport Club.
Hun tor 'Wlo's that man at tbe bar ?
Eltrich Friend ofThatchy's. Visiting
Hnutor Glad he's onlyivisiting.' ilwas
A Collection of MimaM Its for
Home CracMBg.
Address communication for thU department
to E. B. Chadboueit. LewiiAon, Maine.
(After Hood a long way.)
Twas on the "one" th of the flowery month
Death out on a ramble set,
With a pack of darts to attack the hearts
Of the living things he met.
A rebel he saw who was claimed by the law
Being sentenced to die at noon;
Death aiming his dart it a vital part
Made him dance to t he hangman's tune.
Then his bolt was drawn 'gainst the beast that
In Apocalypse behold;
And he said with a jest it was all for the best
That the monster had beeu felled.
But a poet mild twas the aesthetic 7f5W
All tbe darts of death defied.
For he lightly laughed at the erring abaft
As the skeleton' s aim was wide.
But the chaffer's jibe was a useless bribe
To offer tbe democrat Death:
With precision deft be the jester letft
In sorrow and rage out of breath.
There was one made more than he -was before.
And spared by Death to sing;
For Moore iiad a charm in his song to dis
arm The wrath of the grizzly king.
Then he struck by stealth at a millionaire
Had its rampart round him rolled
Still he felt the sting of the railroad king;
Nothing was left but his gold.
As he homeward sped he a steed struck dead
Death spares neither man nor brute
And ever since both pauper and prince
Have trodden it under foot.
In tbe twilight dim for amusement grim.
In his enamel house alone.
As he joins tbe hearts into life there starts
A creature after his own.
W. Wilsos-.
"Peter N. Mac?' was a vagabond tramp;
He was idle and wretched, a drunkard, a
Bat now he is sober, respected who can
Tall me what was it that made him a man T
Exhorting his vol to get his courage up io "ths
sticking point."
433 &UB 14-8
The orthography inclines more to Pittman
than Webster. Can any of my voung ones de
cipher it T w. Wixsosi
O'er a lake's surface smooth and fair,
I saw a two high in tbs air.
And in the lake not far from me,
Tbe one of It 1 seemed to see.
While one eyed men are very plenty.
The too-eyed are scarce one in twenty.
J two twos I shoad unite,
A one-two we should bave in sight.
602 jftraiERiCAL.
Take care, dear child, and shun complete;
To 8, 7. 8. 9 10. 11.
Is to be anything but sweet,
Or well behaved, even.
12,13. 14. 15 boys
And also girls, I know
Will try whole with each other's toys,
Tho' taught to not do so.
If 19. 17. 16, 3
To feed the little chicks. ' ' 1
Tbey seem to think their task to -.
To poke the hen with sticks.
They 18, 3, L 6 up strife,
here'er thev ch&ncn tn bA
They 4, 2, 9 the joy of life
Which those have who agree.
A. L.
The 1.2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are often seen passing
thronch tho country.
The 2, B. 9. & L 5. 3, 7, 4 Is subjecting to one's
will, control or authority.
The 9. 8, 4. 1.5,2,6, 3. 7 was a noted French
theologian who flourished about 15 centuries
The9,8.5.L6,2.3,7,4 is stretching a lone
line or causing to flow.
Tbe 5, 3. 7, 4, 2, 6, 8, L, 9 are individuals belong
ing to a circular group.
The 2, C, 7, 8, 3, 4, 1, 5, 9 are large monkeys or
Tbe 2, 6, 5. 4. a 7. L 9. 8 furnishes with a bor
der. (An old-fashioned word.)
The 3, 2, 9. 6,fi, 4, 1. 7, 8 is the name of a man
of whom you may hare heard.
AKTrBDS Lattbeittius.
To Washington I was no friend
Yon've guessed my name, I apprehend
And yet I hope you'll not forget
Two ladles owe me a great debt.
Threel Think bow they would need forego
Much finery had they now to sew
As did their forebears, still by band.
If my brains they could not command.
I was burning brightly, brightly, .
Lighting up tbe room.
My head was changed, and all at ones
was radianco changed to gloom.
For mist and mnrky atmosphere
Will not enhance a taper's cheer.
Acain my head was changed, and now
Behold me 'nesth the pines,
The canvass flapping in the air,
ibo stalwart forms recumbent there.
While bright tbe watch-fire shines!
Joe Ahoet.
606 teiple acbostic.
Initials Secret.
Centrals A wearing off.
Finals Remedied, set right
Across 1. Lower in degree. 2. The daughter
of a brother or sister. 3. Having the time of
happening noted. 4. A wandering from the
truth. 5. A poem. 6. Greatly disltkes. 7.
Otherwise. 8. A band or tie. 9. One who
gives. t Jeunik.
Mr ereatcr part's a sheep.
And feminine my sender;
The last of me is just
The last remains of splendor.
Mv whole's a kind of pitcher
Of slender shape and fine;
It now is used for water.
But once was made for wine.
J. A.
Prize winners: L Allan Parker, AHeebeny.
Pa. 2. J. Bosch, Salem. O.
Roll of honor: T. Burnett, Ruth Jones. S. M.
W., May Emmet, B. L. D., Eddie Brrne, Master
Mtz. Martin l.. u. m. v , Justus Alohas, Ester,
Dr. P.. Rufus Peakei. M. C. B., Amos Buskin,
Solon, L L. L. Try, S. F. Morton.
590 Westport, Sonthport. Eastpcrrt, Bridge
port, Bellport, Logansport, Newburyport, Pair
port, Newport, Williarmport, Lockiiort, Rock-
691 II O JI E - R
Mo O R - E
B U H S - 8
S O O T - T
592-Colonel (Kern-ell).
593 Sack.
694 She-a-tree.
595 Termagant.
695- G
697 Cuba, a cub.
What's tho Tariff on Whale,?
London Telegraph.
A gigantic whale th'at bag been oxhibitttd
for some time in Berlin was recently trans
ported to Vienna, but on reachinj; the Aus
trian frontier the custom authoritiea refused
for a long time to pass the moc.ster of the
deep, on the ground that "sucJj a thing"
was not registered on the custom tariff 1 Tbe
Austrian seem to bave a prejudice against
nrnalas M. fliia ma Jm.. ..a .... a !....&
"""i '' " uwoo iiutimn vuuaic
(had a friendly reeeptioa froa. ftbe bobbIm
Once Considered Indispensable
Tied la China.
youth's Companion.
BtHl i
Toads and frogs were considered as la
dispensable to the outfit of an old-time
medical practitioner, and are still so
garded in Oriental countries. la Sir
Walter Ealeigh's day an ointment of toad1;
fat was supposed to give immense muscular
strength, if applied to the body at the con
junction of certain favorable planets. The
surprising jumping abilities of tbe animal
no doubt suggested the thought tbat soaw
of its power would enter tbe limbs of aa
athlete rubbed with its fat; rut it is hard to
account thus for Josselyn's) assertion that
the fat of the American pond frog is good
fpr burns, scaldings and the reduction ot
inflammation so as to leave no scar.
Brickell, tbe earliest natilralist to visit'
North Carolina, recorded that "these ani
mals, baked and beat to pow ier, are taken
with orrice root to cure th : tympany and
many disorders."
In the era of Sir Thoma ) Browne, say
1630, a cubic inch of dried toad, worn round
the neck, was believed to be an infallible
antidote against many malat lies, bodily and
mental; and a powdered oa i. swallowed io
spoonfuls, lormed an irresistil )le love-philter.
In this notion we perhaps got a hint of tbe
very ancient origin of the supposed medical
efficacv of the toad, for it is a nocturnal
animal, and hence sacred t tbe powers of
darkness, and in particular to Hecate, who
through her relations wit! . the tbe moon,
was highly influential in loye affairs.
If evil-disposed persons sought tbe aid of
these nocturnal servants of witchcraft, what
more natural than that a limorons mortal
should protect himself with Ihe same?
But we need not go so far; back. To-day
in China, the daily medicines include dried
toads and frogs, put down as "tonic and
sudorific." You may buy the articles to
day in Hew York or San Francfccor and I
have read of an enterprising coolie in Cali
fornia who bad caught and sent to China
several thousand "horned toads" which, by
the way,arenottoads,butlizards,tboogh that
doesn't signify where they were converted
uw liigu-jjfivcu jjrescripuoHS.
A Snccesful Strnsgle.
Sommerrllle Journal. i
"Charlie stayed pretty late Iasl night,
didn't he, LilV" asked sister Kate
the next
"Yes," said Lil, sleepily. "We
ere try-.
ing the pigs in ciover puzzle, till
early 11
"And did vou get the Tfii
tigs ill the pen.
Lil?" asked Kate, earerlv.
"No, we didn't; but I gotmy finger in
.... .w U.CUJUUW .J.
Iron In Hla Syaftem.
Burlington Free Preas.l
Doctor Your blood is delacient in quality,1
.air. Jones. What you need is more lroa
in vour system.
3Ir. Jones That can't b ;, Doctor. I have
stepped on at least 22 tack i with
leet since nonse cleanms r -gan.
As old residents know an d back flies of Pitt
burs papers' prove, is tl o oldest established im.
most prominent physic lau In tbe city, devoting,
soeciai attention to ail enrome uiseases. romid
MFRnilC ana mental diseases, pbysicaljl
nCn V UUO decay, iiervousdebility.lackofJ
energy, amniuon anu nope, impaired mem-J
orv. disordered sitrht.sci,.r-dlstrastbashfnlnms.3
dizziness, sleeplessness,) pimples, eruptions, lm-k
porensnea uiooa. lauir'jc powers, organic wealt-j
ncss, dyspepsia, const ir ation, consumption, nn-i
fitting the person for business, society and mar-i
nage, permanently, sagely and privately cured.a
blotches, falling bair bone pains, glandular!
sweiimgs, ulcerations ot tonrui,mouin, mroat;
ulcers, old sores, are uured for life, and blond
poisons thorouchlv eradicated from thesrstem.4
IIRIMARV kidrjey and bladder derange-ii
uiiiiinn menxs, weaK nacc, gravel, ca-;,
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other v
patnini symptoms receive searching treatme
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttier's llfj-long, extensive experience i
insures scientinc ana renaDip treatment on -common-sense
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Patients at a distance as caref ally treated as if '
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10 A. ar. to 1 P. M. only. DR. IV HITTIER, 8H :
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A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa
the Errors of Youth, PrematnreDecline.NerToua
and Physical Debility, Irapurities.of the Blood,
RcsnEangtrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, ExouKior
wcruLxauon, jnerrauni; ana unnnicir tne Tictua;,
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Avoid unskilful pretenders, possess una gress
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blndin?. embossed, fall eilt. Price, only SL0O bv!
mail, postpaid, concealed In plain wrapper. Bins-1
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from the National Medical Association, j
far the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and 3
PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr.Parkerandaeorpal
ol Assistant Physicians may be consnlted. eonfl-l
tjentiaiiy, oy man or in person, at me emce or j
Vn. 4 Ttnlflnrh St.. Boston. Mais.. Io whom sM.
orders for books or letters for advice efcfcld" btl
directed as above.
Oridiul.Mt. oslr mala tod
Itllablapul for nl. ACTer VmS. A
Ait for afcuxai'f JnjIiiM
D -amend1 Bran 4, red nt-
uUiq boxes, sealed vita blue rib
bon. At DrnislsU. Accept
ms nthv- All nula la Bfcsu.
board boxes, pl&k Trappers, an a danger 1
ona eonnieneii. ocoa . isiampai i
cartlcalara and MteUeffbr Ldlea
irfrer. br rtjtarn mall. 10.0OO LmM.1
BtonuRlroaloESouTiuedueia. Kama Paper, m
Ihlehestor Ihrmlcal Co.,MliUKB&,PkllPCl
Luai viuurl.
JtiSSL f.-Ppw?t
Speclflo sold by draMliu only fa'
yellow wrapper. Prlee. n v
package, or six Tor SS, or by maul
Mtha.M Vrf ihti..:' "i"-MiA cornet
" ' PIZ-M
For menl Checks tna -. ... i
days, and cures in five i days. Price 1 08. at
jao-rrsau 412 Market strait. . '
BUrers iroa Erron of Tout. Lett 2
raeautna wracitOBe ior C6B
siSigjWB)n&&KvsV PERFEC1
iBlliPiRTOiil I T '0
" l!i?jyia&VI A l?nrelr Vegetable
pj5fvv.-n '"gjSaKS Conrp jnnd that expels
yfVm-S)1 Dai ' hnmors from the
R DS&i$H!M?!Sf sy3t,!D ' Removes blotch-
fiS a.wHtl3?r es ad pimples, and
TttMfiTii iiftr makei pure, rich blood.
Til h'-EB
Al i
I vkbJ AmSlH . AA BBUAAJM UftMEkftBAtf-"
WWi JyWaWwyMSy. inigyK,
IRiY MttM mMr.iVM r-Ufri-- lJb-