ilfS.T TinpW".' j? I T '" . V:.;T T p -' .- . -.'- -A-BEAUTY EECALLED By Preparation to Repeat a Funeral Service 27 Years Past. SCORES WHO PERISHED INSTMTLT And Were Buried in One Great Pit After the Arsenal Explosion. 50TICEABLE MEMORIAL DAT SEBYICE Between the hoars of 9 and 10 A. 21. on Decoration Day, Thursday, If ay 30, a sol emn and impressive service may be wit nessed at the Arsenal Monument in Alle gheny Cemetery, where lie the unidentified remains of 38 girls and two men, the vio timsof the terrible Arsenal explosion on September, 17, 18G2. The services will be nnder the direction of Garfield Council No. 15, Ladies of the G. A. E. The exercises will consist in read ing the burial services of the society, strew ing flowers about the monument, an address by Rev. R. Lea, the benediction, etc The flowers will be furnished by the Boho school children. The exercises, in as many respects as possible, will be the same as those at the funeral 27 years ago. Many mothers, sisters, friends and a few surviving companions of the victims belong to the society, and will there meet in com mon sympathy. Garfield Council was the originator of this beautiful custom three years ago, and this year it is expected that the exercises will be larger and more inter esting than ever. At the former meetings some of those that escaped from the wreck found among the mourners and recognized, for the first time since that dreadful day, a companion in the work at the arsenal then of preparing cartridges for the soldiers. A THBILLING COINCIDENCE. Bev. Bichard Lea, who will deliver the address on the occasion, also delivered the funeral address when the bodies were con signed to the grave, and the following ex tracts from what he said in this connection on September 28, 1862, but a few days after the explosion, give the story of the 38 martyred girls in more graphic language than a writer of the present might com mand: The uncertainty of human life was never more strikingly shown in this community than upon the memorable 17th day of September, 1862. The moraine was calm and beautiful. and, until noon, nothing unusual occurred at the Allegheny Arsenal. It was pay day, and the noble Union girls, who bad toiled ail the month, were rejoicing over the reception of the fruits of their labor. The shop had been swept, and, among the leavings, some loose powder was scattered over the stony road winding around the beautiful grounds. A wagon was passing, when either the iron of the wheel or of a horse's shoe struck fire. In an instant a terrific explosion 'was heard, shaking the eartn and inflicting in jury on the surrounding buildings. Amid a dense column of smoke and a bright sheet of flame were seen fragments of tho building, mixed w.'ih portions of the human frame, ris ing hig. ic too atmosphere, and then falling in a horrid 0ower all around. THE DREADFUL MAGAZINE. Some panic-stricken persons shouted: "The magazine is on fire!" Repeated explosions, and the wild confusion seemed to confirm the awful report. But amid all this wasdls-1 may and fearful consternation and apprehen sion of still worse to come, when the magazine shonld explode. There were many who entered the gates and climbed the walls, determined to aid or die in the attempt. Rev. Richard Lea himself was the first man to scale the walls from Covington (now Fortieth) street, and assist in the rescue. J The doors of the large bnilding near the en trance to the park were closed, and the frantio girls, supposing themselves confined for cer tain burninc, without hope of escape, pushed u n uu ujjvu vtiuii viaer, screaming ana leap- Ing from the windows, seeking avenues of es cape, or sitting aown in dumb despair. But the central terror was the burnine labor. atorr. Here 156 cirls were readr to rmnn their labors, and were almost without a mo ment's warning, wrapped in flames, or vio lently thrown from the building; a few ran or were blown out into the yard and escaped: some were rescued by the daring of friends, bat the majority met death Instantaneously perhaps hardly knowing the cause of their death. The fire was so fierce, the sulphur so suffocating that an instant was sufficient to ex tinguish all sensibility. Some were dragged from a mass of rains who had died In each other's arms; some wete rescued who would recover; a few escaped without assistance, who will die of their Injuries. Some could merely mention their names, or call for a priest, or for water, or for prayer: but all upon the ground were naked, blackened with powder, roasted! somewhat bloody, and, with manv, the resem blance to the human form was completely lost; nothing but masses of FLESH AND CHAEBED BONES remaining of what, such a short time before, was life and beauty. In most instances the skulls of those taken out were fearfully cracked. The victims lay about upon boards and shutters, amid a horror-stricken crowd, the trees above holding fragments of female attire, mournfully waving to and fro over their former owners. "When the fire was utterly subdued, tho noise, the turmoil of the scene was over, then came the terrible, orderly process of identifica tion and burial. A hand was Identified outside the grounds by a ring npon the finger, a leg by a shoe upon the foot; but in neither case was the former owner of the fragment found. A parent would bend over some blackened corpse, examining minutely the form, hair, or any relic of dress, and then drop oown silently, if nothing was discovered, or shriek wildly if something certainly proved that these changed bodies were the remains of his or ber loved one. Farts of two days the affecting scenes were constantly witnessed; but, after all the efforts of deeply-interested friends, about 40 were nnrecognlzed. They lay subjected to the minutest scrutiny; yet neither sister nor mother could tell which of these they had watched over from infancy, and bad so lately parted from, with the farewell kiss for the day, as they supposed; but; alas ! it was a final adlen! The Government provided plain black coffins for the undistinguished remains. The Alle gheny Cemetery managers donated a suitable lot for Interment; the bodies were gradually re- uiuvcu iu lueirmace oi' repose, ana,aooata o'clock on the lsth, the mighty mass of human beings moved, accompanying the last body from the Arsenal to the grave. The Mayors of both cities were there, the Council and clergy of Lawrenceville, a number of carriages ana a countless multitude of all ages and classes walked in mournful order to the place, AN AWPUL GRAVE. It was a large, deep pit. unlike, inltsvast ness, any other grave. Flanks were laid across It, and, from these, coffin after coffin was low ered to men below, who placed thirty-nine cof fins side by side. After the last coffin had been lowered, the friends of the deceased were In vited to the front rank, upon the margin of the grave, opposite the clergy. l"Brother Miller, said Mr. Lea, "of the Methodist Church, offered a ptayer. Dr. Gracey read a portion of the book of Job, Rev. Mr. Andrews, pastor of the U. P.-Ohurcb, prayed, Hev. Richard Lea, pastor of the Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church, made an address, and Eev. Mr. Ed monds, of the Episcopal Church, pronounced the benediction." The names on the monument (erected some years after the explosion by contribu tion) are: Margaret Kelly. Llna Nekerman. Grace Me. MUlan, Hester Heslip, Agnes M. Davison. Mary Algeo. Virginia Hammell. Anna E. Brown, Eliza Lindsay, Martha Robinson, Mar garet A. Furney. Ann Jones, Bridget Clair. Mary Emerein, Lucinoa TruxaL Ellen McKen na, Magdallno A, Douglass, Mallnda Coiston, Mary A Davison, Mary A Bollman, Harah George, Catherine Miller, Catherine Kaler. Susan Fritschle, Adelaide Mahrer, Mary A Dripps. Harriet Lidsay, Sarah A Maxwell, Mary Johnston, Maria I. McCarthy, Elizabeth Ager. Elizabeth J. Maxwell. Emma J. Clowes. Clowes, Mary S. Robinson, Ella Rushton, Mary Collins, Sidney Hanlon. The two men's names are Robert Schmidt and David A Gilland. PERSONAL BEMrNTSCENCES. Mrs. Laura 'Guinn, sister of Mrs. Eliza beth Smith. 65 Franklin street, is a sur vivor of the explosion, and, with her mother, Mrs. McCarthy, yesterday told a Dispatch reporter some reminiscences of the terrible day. Mrs. Gninn's sister, Maria, had just taken the oath ot allegiance to the United States, and received her month's nay. She was leaving the room, after showing her sis ter her money when the explosion occurred, and that was the last that has ever been Ken of her. Mrs. Guinn was blown up three f times, and, when found, was TunnIng"down the road witn ner aress on nre. one remem bers no more, and for months lingered be--tween life and death. She is yet covered with scars from the wonnds received. She was employed as a"bundler," puttine.the cartridges into packages after they had been fitted and the ends "pinched" together by othe rgirls. Many of the girls worked from purely patriotic motives, as they felt they did not need the money. Among them were the Hisses Davidson, who, jnst before the ex plosion, were preparing to go East to board ing school. Mrs. Clare, of 'Washington street, lost a daughter. Many other residents in the -city have cause to mourn and meet in union at the Arsenal Monument on Decoration Day. AS 'TO PENSIONS FOB SCBVTVOBS. Several attempts have been made to secure pensions for the survivors, but so far with no avail. Ex-Mayor Weaver at one time tried his utmost to get such a bill passed through Congress, but failed. Thomas Bane, James Anslow and other legis lators have also made the attempt. At one time a bill passed the House of Representatives, but was killed by a Sena tor from Georgia. The last hope of those interested is pinned to Congressman Dalzell. Mrs. Gninn stated yesterday that he had promised tbat alter election ne would use his utmost endeavors in their .interest, and that he had -written her a very kind letter to that effect. She, with the others, is now awaiting his action. About 75 were killed altogether in the explosion. Lieutenant Eddy and Major Simeton were on duty at the arsenal at the time, and the former was compelled to leave, as he was blamed by some for negligence. EMULATING CLEVELAND. Iognlli Telia Ben to Turn the Unseals Ont Faster. United States Senator Sabin, of Minne sota, was a passenger on the limited last evening, bound for home. Speaking of General Harrison.he said: "Senator Ingalls .and I visited the President the other day. Mr. Ingalls remarked to the chief that he thought he was not turning the rascals out fast enough. " 'Well, you know,' replied the Presi dent, 'I don't want to be outdone in gener osity by Mr Cleveland.' "'res.' answered Intralls. in his sham way. and you know where Grover Cleve land is now.' "I suppose Harrison took the hint It was plain enough. "The people in the West favor a moder ate reduction of the tariff, and I think a light cut will be made this winter. I went to a pnmpkin show last summer, and I told the larmers there that, whenever the East ern industries are booming, there is a good demand for grain at reasonable prices. When the mills are idle, it is much easier to sell Pittsburg's second grade flour than the best variety. I understand the Du quesne rail mill here is making rails cheaper than they can be brought here from En gland, and this argnment will be used bv free traders against the tariff." TALKS WITH BREWERS. Mr. Slaughter Say the Ohio Border Towns Are Booming, Mr. Slaughter,Fresident of the Slaughter Brewing Company, of Cleveland, came to Pittsbnrg last night to see what the city looked like since Judge "White slaughtered the saloon keepers. The Cleveland Slaugh ter thinks the city has become as dead as a door nail, and he was surprised to see such a small number of men on the streets. He claims that East Liverpool, Wells ville, Youngstown and oth'er Ohio border towns have been booming since the saloons were closed in Pittsburg. Prank Overbeck, the Cincinnati brewer, was on an Eastern train last night bound for the Carlsbad Springs. He says Judge White shut out his proposed agency lor Pittsburg, and his business was injured in consequence. He thinks the prohibition idea will soon die out. The Ohio brewers have not been asked to fight the amendment in Pennsylvania, but if more money is needed Mr. Overbeck said they would con tribute. He said the brewers are anxious to know what the decisions on the Sunday question will be in Cincinnati. Ifthesa loons are closed on that day the liquor men will lose considerable money. C0RA0P0LIB ON A RAMPAGE. Tie Prayer Meetings Adjourned to Consider Prohibition. If the Prohibitionists do not carry Cora opolis for the amendment, it will certainly not be for want of effort. OnWednesdav evening prayer meetings were adjourned in order that the moral effect of the members' presence at a prohibition meeting might be felt Some of the citizens nre talking tem perance from early morn until dewy eve', and then they gather to hear professionals talk. Meantime the members of the brass band have become so red in the face from almost continuous blowing on their horns at these meetings, that they present the appearance of a lot of jolly good fellows who have repeatedly tarried late at the wine. Heretofore there have been known two yard-wide-and-all-wool Prohibitionists in the borongh, 'Squire Ferree and Jolin Mc Cabe, though several others talk that wav most of the time, except on election day. There is also another man who is sometimes rated as a Prohibitionist, whom Mrs. Mc Cagne, a daughter of the 'Squire, rates as a sort of intermittent temperance man. The vote of Coraopolis will be an inter esting study on the morning of the 19th of June. HOLT BERT1CES. The 40-Honrs' Devotion Will BceIb nt Bt. Panl'a Cathedral ToOIoitotv. The 40-hours devotion in adoration of the blessed sacrament' will begin with solemn high mass in St, Paul's Cathedral at 1030 A. k, to-morrow, and will close at 1030 "Wednesday morning. Just before the ser mon Bev. S, J. Buckley will institute the Holy League of the Sacred Heart. In the afternoon a ifieeting of the congre gation will be held for the purpose oi raising 3,500 to renovate and repair the Cathedral. In the. evening the regular May devotions will be held. Archbishop Eyan, in all probability, will preach the sermon. CflANGIHG BASE. Badness Homes Displacing Dwellings Near the Point. The produce and commission trade seems to be working toward the Point C. H. Love sold two lots for 535,000, the other day, to L. H. Volgt & Co., and yesterday he sold No. 407, on the same street (Liberty), for 515,000 to the Pittsburg Produce Commis sion Company, Myers & Tate, The lot is 32)4x90 feet, and there is a dwelling hnnse on it It was owned by Miss Anna S. Smith. All three of these buildings will be torn make room for business houses. A Trltamlag Store Falls. The trimming store of L Shoenthal, un der the Hotel Anderson, was closed by the Sheriff yesterday, on executions obtained by creditors to the amount of nearly 510,000. DB. b. jr. Hakita. Eye, ear. nose and throat diseases exclusively. um Bce,718Penn sireei, x-insDurg, ra. essu 150 runs surah silk waists,, our own Parisian Importation, drygoods store price 512, will be sold for only 7 93 to-day. Kaotmaxns'. CTiARA REM,!? n ,(MnrW' dm- JUtlRO. Omiup patch daeribu a olonat aebuianlc who Aoi.uvm tu H.nt., " J l. Gom oef rty. and will bt the retfm ing belle of the earning uaton, I .THE PITTSBURG WWUWLIG Is to Dig at Those Charges Made Against President Campbell FOR IMPORTING GLASS WORKERS, Arrangement .Between Glass Blowers' Union and Trades Council. PITTSBURG AND WESTERN'S BIG CUT At the regular meeting of the "Window Glass "Workers' Union in Kauffeldt's Hall, 1605 Carson street, an agreement was made last night' between three representatives of the Trades Council and the members of the "Window Glass "Workers' Union to have the charges of importing foreign glassworkers under contract publicly investigated. Messrs. "William Smith, President of the Flint Glass Union; Dennis Hays, of the glass molders, and Patrick Carr, of the bot tle blowers, constituted the committee of the Trades Council. A motion was passed "bv the window glass men to declare an open session and let the three gentlemen come in to state their case. Mr. Smith thereupon stated "WHAT HAD BEES DONE by the investigation committee so far, and they asked the window glass blowers to help them in an effort to clear up the charges or else assist them to convict the guilty par ties, if there were any. Mr. James Campbell replied for the mem bers of his organization, stating that they were willing to adhere to the details of the proposition made by them some time since. He asked the matter to be investigated pnhlicly, and he also stipulated that those witnesses who had already been examined by the investigating committee should be asked to testify again before the new board of investigation. This was agreed to, and it was then decided to select a Committee on Arbitration, consisting of the following named members: Two members from the Council of the "Window Glass "Workers' Union, two members from the Trades Coun cil, and the fifth member to be selected by these four. That being again agreed to, the weeuug wiu uujuurueu. GOING EIGHT AT IT. The Council of the "Window Glass "Work ers will elect their two men to-night, and the Trades Council will do the same. These tour, alter having selected tne nitn man. will then be ready to call for the general publio investigation meeting, to which the press will be invited. The meeting was a very large one; bnt everybody seemed to be well pleased with the decision arrived at. "While some of the members of the Trades Council believe that they have evidence of a very damaging character against Mr. Campbell, that gentle man and all the members of his organiza tion feel confident that the result of the in vestigation will be nothing else bnt a grand triumph for him. THOSE TWO TROUBLES In the Amalgamation, of Which One la Settled and One la Not. The trouble in the first division of the first district of the Amalgamated Associa tion has been settled, and the aetion of the firm of Oliver Bros. & Phillips has been sustained. A strike has therefore been avoided. As stated yesterday the firm dis charged a hammerman and he appealed his case to the Executive Committee. This body heard both sides and the decision is that the man shall remain discharged. This is a vindication for the firm and the decision seems to give general satisfaction although the membershave nothing to say on the subject The Executive Committee have refused to legalize a strike at the South Fif teenth street works of the company and work will be continued as usual. The trouble at the "Wayne Ironworks has not yet been settled. As already stated the pnddlers declined to work steel scrap and -the company closed down the milL A settlement may be reached to-day. WAGES MUST BE ADVANCED In Some of tbe CienrfleldMlnlns; Districts or Lowered In Others, The following telegram was received at theo fiice from Phlllipsbnrg, Center county, last night: Action was taken this afternoon at a largely attended delegate meeting of tbe miners of tbis district at this place which may result in causing a suspension of mining operations in the Gallitzinn district and along the Bells Gap Railroad at all banks working below the 60 cents per ton mining scale A resolution was adopted pledging the support of the miners of the Beech Creek region and the lower end of the Clearfield region to all miners who are now working below SO cents a ton who might be thrown out of work in consequence of making a demand for an increase of wages and for the support of organizers to be sent into those fields. Miners here realize that the scale in the regions named must be advanced or wages will drop here. A BIG CDT In Wages Raid to Have Been Made by the P. & W. H. R. Manager. General Manager McDonald, of the P. & "W. JR. E., who recently received the ap pointment, has taken charge of affairs. If reports received last night are correct, he proposes to operate the road on a very economical plan. One of the employes said last night that Manager McDonald ordered a SO per cent reduction in the wages-of the clerks all along the line. This sweeping reduction in wages is al most incredible, and an effort was made to see President Oliver, but he is out of the city. Mr. McDonald could not be found, Sev eral railroad men were questioned in regard to the cut, but they discredited the state ment, saying that wages were so low now that it would be almost impossible to re duce them. A Pipe mill for Canada. The manufacture of pipe in Canada is in creasing and several plants will be put down this summer. Yesterday "Wm. Swin dell & Bro. received a contract to erect three tube welding fnrnaces at Montreal, Canada, at a cost of 515,000, for'J. C. Hodgson. The mill will have a capacity of from 25 to 30 tons a aay. A BEAUTIFUL dresses, all sizes, manns. line of girls' fine jersey at 54, to-day, at Kanf- Gentecll Cool! Stjllsat Cheap! 1,200 men's fine flannel coats and vests, in 30 different patterns, for only 98c to-day at Eaulmanns. Same goods sold else where for ?3. The Celebrated Baseball Fnzzle Combination ."Will be presented vlth every boys' waist or boys' pants at ICaufmanns' to-day. Home of American Heroes Is the title of a most magnificent work of art, consisting of a number of beau til ully engraved and colored leaflets, tied together with a silk ribbon. Tbis unique and costly souvenir has been especially designed as a Decoration Day souvenir for Kaufmanns' and will be given gratis by them to-dav to all purchasers of 51 worth (or more) of merchandise. Ladies' genuine French flannel blouse waists, stripes and plaids, at $1 49, at Kanf manns' .to-day. together vHlh the duties o her maids o ftonor and attendant!, U graphically described in t& morrovrs jJirATCH ey jurt, Alexander. pISPATGH; -SMTORDAT, ' SOUS ND NOTIONS. Many Matters of Much aaa - Little 'Dfoiaent Tersely Treated. Both branches of .Councils meet on Meaday. Hits, 1? to 8 against them;' and yetihey wont Sono street's nond Is doing business at the same old stand. Yesterday- closed the appeals from the mercantile Appraisers list. The Allegheny club needs a substitute a pitcher instead of a growler. The rosebud may yet be the froze bud unless we get a more settled temperature. Aldkbhan Cassidy fined 'William Carson $25 yesterday for violating the fish laws. The Water Assessors books will be in the City Treasurer's hands by next Saturday. Haekti Hosthan and Mary Collins were fined 810 and costs for cruelty to children. A babe belonging to the family of a French immigrant, died at the Union station yester day. A few of the mines along the Monongahela river are preparing to resume operations next week. The Committee on surveys meet this after noon to take action on a large nnmber of or dinances. Jacob Wsuns, ,of Allegheny, fell off a wagon on Butler street, cutting an ugly gash in his head. The Board of "Viewers yesterday held final meetings on the opening' of Auburn and Meadow streets. Thomas Kennedt had his right foot horri bly bnmed with hot metal at the Edgar Thorn- The Bessemer department of Shoenberger & Co.'s mill, which has been shut down for re pairs for a week, was started last night Some one slipped into John Kesenburg's cigar store on Gist street while the proprietor was outside, and stole $21 In paper money. Sol HcnoYER, Je., and his wife started,for Europe last evening. Thoy were accompanied as far as New York by W. A Schoyer, EsJ. A shall dancing party was given last evening by Mr. Will Mndle, at the residence of his aunt, Mrs.-Harriet Qllmore, of Sewickley. ARTHUR Sullivan, who was charged be fore Magistrate McKenna with horse stealing and misdemeanor, was held for court yester day. TuATwasawetraln last evening. It "sort o sneaked np under the nmbrell," as old Uncle Parsnip would say, "an" made a feller feel disa greeable like." William Ryan and "William McCoy, who were charged with prize fighting by Inspector McAleese, were discharged by Magistrate Gripp yesterday. The strike at the Solar Iron Works is still in progress, but some of the departments are being operated. A meeting of the strikers wfll be held to-day. If Pittsburg keeps on getting such dread fully large doses of dampness (externally, of course), mere win be a rising demand for good, high baptismal boots. When the Butler cable cars stopped run ning last night tbe men began to splice the cable. It Is so badly worn that it will bore placed In the near future. The farmer listens' to the patter and says: "It's great growin' weather," while the victim of rheumatism echoes and corroborates the sentiment "Yes, great groan weather!" The Lake Erie and Allegheny Valley roads will put the tourist tickets toLake Chautauqua on sale May 29. The tickets to Niagara Falls and Buffalo will be sold from June SO. T. Edwabd Mubpht will deliver an address to-morrow afternoon, at 2:30, on the amend ment at Silver Lake Grove. East End. The Jubilee Quartet will furnish the music. A large meeting of strikers was ield at Duquesne yesterday, but nothing definite was done, There is no indication of trouble. Five heats were run and almost 100 rails were made. Standish Montgomery, the well-known police telephone operator, telegraphed from Washington last night that he would return home from a business trip to the Capital to day. Hals1 a milliok spent for a little difference as to the definition of that wee word "fibrous" in the incandescent patent litigation; and yet some people get rich without ever looking into a dictionary! Mrs. Mabt Btkbs, living on the hillside at Twenty-eighth street, wis foolish enough to give a fellow S3 of a forfeit that he would fur nish her with a 5i5 gold watch in a week. She Is out the five. Aotbew McGlumpht is charged with felonious assault and battery by Mrs. Mary Jeffreys, of Hemlock alley, before Alderman Porter. She says the defendant struck her on the head with a poker. The old ferryman might have mistaken tbe foot of Fifth avenue hill In 8oho for the River Sticks when last evening's storm fairly got down to Its work. Many of the cobblestones even seemed to be afloat, W. A McCoknkll addressed a Constitu tional amendment meeting, at Ames Church, last night On Sunday afternoon he will speak in me iuoorneau Duuointr, ana in me evening as Glenwood Temperance Hall. Master Workman Boss, of D. A 3. K. of L, addressed a meeting of L. A 9697, a mixed local at Blalrsville. last evening. There is no trouble In tbat section, bnt the members want- eato meet weir master workman. The Commoner and Glass Worker will be out to-dav, and will contain a full account of the starting of the tank furnace at Jeannette. The paper will be illustrated by a number of superb cuts Snowing how the work is done. Lee Mason was arrested on theSouthside by Officer Kelly on a warrant charging him with being a suspicious character. Mason has been acting in a suspicious manner and loiter, ing around a planing mill, the owners of which caused his arrest. Bet. Dr. Feltos" will preach. In Christ Church to-morrow morning on "The Physical and Spiritual Man," and in the evening on "Tbe Natural and Carnal Man." He is partic ularly anxious to have all members of his con gregation hear both of these sermons. THE'pupils of the Twenty-eighth ward school will give an entertainment In Salisbury Hall on the night of Saturday, June 22, the proceeds for the benefit of the Southside Hospital. A feature of the performance will be a "inn. flower chorus." something new, arranged by the teachers. George, alias Dad, Schwebel was held in S500 bail for trial i at conrt by Deputy Mayor McKelvy, of Allegheny, yesterday on a charge of felonious shooting. He is accused of firing two shots at James Smith, of Ohio township, one of which struck the daughter of Mr. Smith on the arm. inflicting a flesh wound. The new TJniversalist Church, Eev. W. 8. Williams, pastor, holds Its services in U. V. I,. Hall, on Sixth avenue, between Grant and Smlthfleld, over the Pittsburg Gas office. Tbe morning service will be at 10:45; subject "What UnlversallstB Believe About God."'' Evening service at 7:30; subject "Who Are YonT" BoIiethinq suddenly jostled an Adams Ex press wagon so violently yesterday afternoon, as It stood in front of the express office on Fifth avenue, that the horse was Jerked back ward several inches. It turned out to be tbe efforts of a giant turtle to escape from within. The turtle covered the whole floor of the wagon. Committees from ten of the lodges In the Northslde jurisdiction of the L O. O. F. met at the James L. Graham lodge rooms, on West Diamond street,- Allegheny, last evening to make arrangements for a summer excursion or picnic, j.en lodges were represented, and the matter was referred to a sub-committee to re port at a future meeting. Corner Loafers Arrested. The front office force of Allegheny ar rested six professional corner loafers at South Diamond and Federal streets about 9 o'clock last evening. "When they were taken to the lockup one of them stepped out the back way and made his escape. Amendment Meeting at Soho. A Constitutional amendment meeting was held in tbe "Welsh Mission Church, Second avenue, Soho, last night, with a good at tendance. Addresses were made by Bey. Mr. Ferren, S. B. Charters and Alderman Jones. The Oakland Hotel, At St. Clair Springs, Michigan, has been and is; one of the most popular "resorts in America. It has recently been refitted and is, if possible, more attractive than ever, s 160 riNE surah silk waists, our own Par isian importation, drygoods store price 513, will be sold for only $7 98"to-day. KATJFMANNS', A SPANISH OPERA ftSSGSSi thing, from costumes to chorus girls, belongs to antlgutty. ptquanltp described by Lillian Spencer xn to-morrow's Dispatch. -MA:Y "25,, 1889. ON' THE "'SsCeEE-D SOIL Where Bible History Was Made the Eev. C. E. Locke Took" Notes EOR iNTBEPfiETATION AT HOME. Lecture on an Exploration From Jerusalem to the Sea of Galilee. DEEADFULU DIETI BAT1TE3 TflEEE Interesting always is an appreciative de scription of Jerusalem and other places of the Holy Land; bnt particularly so was the offhand talk of Eev. CE. Locke, last night in the Smithhcld Methodist Church, de scribing a ramble from Jerusalem to the Sea of Galilee. Among .other good things, he said; The first thought of Jerusalem, to one who had never been there, was a pure, beautiful city, which is beyond everything lovely. Tbe surprise and disappointment coming to mo on entering the place was great; as the filth and dirt existing is extremely noticeable and nauseating. Our party spent one week here. In Palestine there are so many in teresting places and things which you have read ot in the Holy Book. that. a full description cannot be given. However, in the immediate vicinity of Jerusalem are Mount Calvary, the site of Solomon's Temple; Jordan, Bethel, the Dead Sea and many other points. We traveled on horseback and lived In tents altogether. The trip through the Jordan Valley was most charming though hot from Jerusalem to Damascus. There are no railroads connecting with it; bat I think it will not be long until tbe English people will find a necessity of a more rapid mode of transportation. We stopped at 13erea,the city where Jesus was supposed to have been discovered. It was "wash day" here, and A HOTEL SIGHT IX WAS, to see the women out in a body cleansing everything but their faces. The big stone tubs are like cans, while the wasboards are nothing more than a club. Instead of rubbing tbe clothes, they beat them. Here we met a most beautiful marriageable young lady who was just 12 years of age. She was betrothed, and, as is the case, her father settled a dowry upon her, and she helps her husband in turn. Farther on is Shiloh, where the great temple stood; but now nothing Is left bnt a mammoth tree to mark its ruin. The people are a curious lot aoout tne place, and tneir worsnip is weira, the singing of their hymns being similar to groans. I would like to describe it; but cannol Near here are Jacob's well and Josenh's tomb. Jnst beyond is the spot between the two great mountains, where tbe children of Israel gathered the largest assemblage ever congregated, perhaps there being several millions of people present to listen to tbe admonishment and advice of Joshua. The country now is a deserted place, and no signs of life are shown. There is a small attempt to manufacture soap, which is most woefully needed m tbe neighborhood. The olive production Is tbe greatest source of income to the people, this being the largest producing olive country In the world. We entered a church, or rather a temple, which was presided over by a priest, whose filth was something horrible. The ladies in our party would not go near him. as the vermin could be seen crawling about him. The male members of our partyhad more courage, and approached him. He showed us the Bible In manuscript, which was strongly affirmed to have been written by a grandson of Aaron. It was very interesting. As regards the filth in tneso places, it is general, and everybody's eye sight is affected more or less by the early neglect MT. XABOB AND NAZARETH. We traveled and reached Mount Tabor, where was the scene of the Transfiguration, mentioned in tbe Bible. From thence we went on to Nazareth, the beautiful city where our Savior lived. This place, unlike the other, Is a remarkably attractive city. Its architecture is quaint and oriental, while every building is of stone. There is a home for girls there, estab lished by three or fonr American ladles, wMch is prosperous and instructive. Tbe following day was Sunday, and we staked our tents on the outskirts of the city, to research the Bible for interesting points relative to the vicinity wo were in. Weiourneyed on to Canaan, which is so In teresting in the Bible as the land where the children ot Israel and numerous "ites"hada controversy as to the right of possession, etc. Here we saw several water pots which were claimed to be the same ones in which Jesus turned the water Into wine at the wedding feast. We went on, bat here the roads be came exceedingly hard to travel, there being no public thoroughfare to the Sea of Galilee, and It was with difficulty we made our way, being compelled to follow one another, duck fashion. We met a native tbat day, and were immeas urably surprised to be greeted with a kind "Good morning," in excellent English. I talked to him, add found a very well-educated man, who bad been trained at a Christian school, and was converted. He was working in a quarry for his lather, who was a disbe liever, as were bis mother and sisters. He said he was sorry for it, but he co Id not convince them ot the virtues of Christianity. I told him to persevere. Next we entered Tiberius, the cll built by Herod. It is a wierd place, and the Jewish people will not go into it, because of its being erected over a city ot tbe dead. We at last ar rived at the Bea of Galilee, where we took a vessel and wont fishing, and, like the apostles, caught none. Tbe scenery Is most majestic in this locality, and our stay In the country, though short, was a most Interesting and enjoyable one? which brought vividly to my mind the many holy and happy incidents which are truthfully recorded In the Bible. Arranging for Memorial Day. The joint committees of Grand Army Posts of. Allegheny met at City Hall last night to complete arrangements for the observance of Memorial Day. A letter was received from Private Dalzell giving the terms upon which he would deliver the ora tion. His terms were accepted and he will be here. Tbe Musio Committee reported that everything had been' satisfactorily ar ranged and that good choirs will be present. Arrested on Suspicion. An officer arrested two men coming ont of a pawnshop last night, on suspicion. One fought hard to destroy some papers. They proved to be attachments for board bills. They gave their names as Albert McAnerney and "William Hyman. Inspector McAleese thinks one pf them is a man for whom he has been hunting. Alleged Heirs. It is rumored that a number of persons claiming to be heirs of the deceased mem bers of the Harmony Society believe the or ganization is to be abandoned, and they will put in claims for property. There are still 20 members in the society, and tbe danger of dissolution is not immediate.. A "Bare Lot of Pore, Sweet Milk. Meat and Milk Inspector George "W. McOutcheon yesterday inspected 600 gallons of milk at the Pittsburg and Lake Erie depot, and found it all A No. 1; something unusual. Home ot American Heroes Is the title of a most magnificent work of art, consisting of a number of beautifully engraved ana colored leaflets, tied together with a silk ribbon. This unique and costly souvenir has been especially designed as a Decoration Day souvenir for Kaufmanns' and will be given gratis by them to-day to all purchasers of 51 worth (or more) of mer chandise. Geo. H. Bennett b Bro., No. 185 First aye., seeond door below Wood st., have the largest and finest stock of pure rye whiskies in the city. Special Hot Weather Clothing Sals. 1,200 men's nobby flsnnel' coats,and vests, very cool and stylish, regular price 52, at only 9So for choice to-day at Kautmanns'. " "i Great bargains fn guns and revolvers at our new store 700 Smitbueld street. J. H. Johnston. A LAND OF roVERTY3fi$3! Carpenter's illustrated article in Uymorroui'i Dispatch, in which he desenbts the life of the nasststnJnaia, PITTSBURG'S POPULAR HOTEL. A Departaro' of Great Advantage to the Traveling Public. Hotel Hamilton, on Penn avenue, ad joining theTJijou Theater, has undergone a great change that will increase its pooular ity and give it a valuable and enviable po sition as an ideal place of comfort for trav elers visiting Pittsburg. The new proprietors, Messrs. Brown & Taylor, are well known and bring great prestige to the "Hamilton." . Mr. Thomas Brown Is an old hotel proprietor, latterly of the St. Charles, and thoroughly alive to all requirements of the hotel business. Mr. Frank Taylor, his, partner, has been on the road 17 years, acquiring an immense ac quaintance among commercial travelers and, of conrse, gained a complete knowl edge of what goes, to make a first-class house. The building has been entirely renovated, handsomely papered, decorated and refitted throughout in the most stylish and elaborate manner. The office is modern and elegant in its appointments. Perhaps the most important improvements that have been made areJn the culinary de partment. The table is a feature ot the hotel, and nothing 'better or ot greater variety will be served anywhere. The rates, too, will popularize the hotel alone; 52 a day, with special rates to traveling men, is a great inducement. The Hamilton is a licensed house this year and the bar is at tract ing a good custom already. Ten-year-old whisky.or the Gibson, Finch and Gnck enheimer brand are a specialty, and a nice, cool drink of Best's Milwaukee or Frauen helm & Yilsack's beer can always be had. Washington, Lincoln, Grant, Garfield, Han cock, Logan, Sheridan and Harrison. That beautiful work of art, "Homes of American Heroes," contains the more or less humble or pretentious homes of the above named patriots, most artistically engraved and lithographed in 10 colors. This costly and handsome sonvenir will be presented with every purchase of not less than 51 worth of goods at Kanfmanns' to-day. It is something worth getting and preserving. We Are Still Offering At our salesrooms, 91 and 93 Fifth ave., those extra bargains in pianos and organs that we are noted for. We never let our stock run down, as onr salesrooms are very large and it takes a large stock to fill them, hence' you can always find us with a large stock to make your selection from, and to day it is larger than ever, with new pianos at 5190 to 51,600. If von come in we know it will pay yon, for we sell no instruments that we do not fully know and have known for years, and will freely exchange anv piano or organ that does not prove as we represent it. "We have also a very large stock of second-hand pianos, some of them very good, that you can have at your own price. Come in and see ns. S, Hamiltou-, 91 and 93 Fifth aye. Moat Magnificent and Appropriate, Are the special Decoration Dav souvenirs which Kaufmanns' will present to their pat rons to-day. They are ertitled. "Homes of American Heroes," and are works of art in the truest sense of the word, being beauti fully engraved and lithographed in ten different colors. It will be presented with every purchase of 51 worth or more. Bay Only the Lovely Washburn Mandolins, Guitars and Zithers. The genuine can be had onlyatH.Kleber & Bro.'s Music Store, No. 506 "Wood street. See also Klebers' large stock of violins, music boxes, banjos, Conrtois, Besson & Slater's cornets, sheet, mnsio and music books. "We desire also to call attention to the new American wood Arion guitars, which Klebers are selling at the remarkably low price of 510. They are guaranteed to be equal to any $20 guitar in the market. Another lot of those ladies' handsome beaded wraps at 52 98 will be sold by Kauf manns' to-day. How Does This Strike Ton. LadleiT 76 cents will buy your choice irom about 2,000 beaded, braided, vest front and other popular styles of jerseys in Kaufmanns cloak department to-day. SANlTABtuitand "Water Cure. The only Eastern institution in which mud baths are given. Steam-heating and electric lights. Baths, massage and electricity by trained manipulators; Address John S. Marshall. M. D., Green Spring, O. Magnificent, fine silk-lined beaded wraps, regular price 59, will be offered at 55 is Kaufmanns' cloak department to-day. The Celebrated Baseball Combination Pnzzle "Will be presented with every boys' waist or boys' pants at Kaufmanns' to-day. All lovers of the delicacies of tbe table use Angostura Bitters to secure a good di gestion. Hello, Bays! Don't Forget That Kauffmanns' are still presenting genu ine League balls and bats or Shanghai stilts with every boy's or child's suit. 250 exquisitely embroidered cashmere fichus, worth 56, will go at 52 39 In Kanf. manns' cloak department to-day. EXTRA VALUES DRESS GOODS. SPECIAL PRICES OS SPRING FABRICa Fancy and Plain Wool Faced Goods at 13K& Choice Colorings In 33-lnch Cashmeres, with Stylish Plaids or Stripes to mingle, at IBa yard. All-Wool Summer Weight Albatross, 33-incn, Closing at 37c. 43-inch French Serges, newest tints, 65c French Cashmeres, Fine Count Spring Shad ings, 50c and up. Colored Ground Challles, French effects, 10c and 20c a yard. New Printings on Best French Tamise Cloth, Confined Styles in Scotch Ginghams, tone and Shadings rivaling finest Woolen Goods just your need far a cool, serviceable costume, French Style Satlnes at 12c 15c and 20a May shipments of Fancy Printed French, Batlnes, marked departure from early styles. IN SFASON FOR DECORATION DA?, Bargains In 45-inch Embroidered Flouncing at 80c, si Jl 25 and up. Fine Hemstitched Bordered India linen, 45 and 60-inch widths. French Nainsook, Stripes and Checks. SUIT ROOM-.Full lines of Bilk, Wool and Wash Fabrics, in latest style, and first-class goods at a moderate price. Umbrellas. German Gloria Plate Caps, 26 Inch, at SI 50 and S2, Specialties. Parasols and Fancy Top Umbrellas. Large assortment at popular prices. BIBER I EABTDN, 665 AND 607 MARKET SZ myli-TTSSn B' EDFORDWATER-THEWATEROFTHE celebrated Bedford Serines la now nut no only in qnart and half-gallon bottles and sold in cases of 2 doz. and 4 doz. in any-quantlty b JNP. A RENSHAW & CO, - apis-ws corner I4bertv and Ninta so. TTNFEHMENTED WNE WARRANTED j tmciiy purs Quarts for family ape juice, fn pints aa. pa qqarEa-pwyow.' or sale by the case br tne case or sinus bottla bv JNO. A.-KESSHAWIACO., Family Qroeers, apis-wa IL&eftraadXiattatw. Zatsts&tt :iia.f.z ' SEW ADTRRTIgBMESTS.'S ,'i 'HP JDS. HDRNEVX -.-Gift's: PENN AVENUE STORES; A week of melody and bargains. Exposition building for the first article'andl our big stores for the latter, A hearty welceW to. all our usual and unusual customers during ISfeu. ' tMaal X-MM-J -a . --- ; A-t - ne .uiej ucpathuieubnas iiemsoi ia.jf4 ' "3 terest for yon, especially the ' CLOAK BUILDING, onr last addition to onr already big plant. As for Silks, the prices and qualities are a contin ual advertisement that daily, almost, Increases the number of customers. But remember yon are Invited specially to come in and see what is here, and we think you will admit our claims' to largest stock and assortment and best values correct. A specially interesting feature Win be found in the special large lots of seasonable goods bought at greatly reduced prices- "drives" tho name they go by that are here this week. Silks first of all; then DRESS GOODS, ' - Especially the summer kinds, wool fab rics and cotton too, from the Paris robe patterns we are selling at one-half; the by-the-yard bargains of many weaves to the Ginghams, Satlnes and other wash dress stuffs. Cream White Woolens, 2So a yard; Printed Wool Challls, 20c; a vast array that are all new and all low enough to make buying quick and easy. A special purchasa of LACE FLOUNCINGS .. '-;.- That will be sold very much under pticSJUio n 's't in fancy colored Drapery Nets In same'depax,- ment that are handsome, yet cheap; Blxek Fish Net Draperies in plenty. Our millinery show of Trimmed Had is la its full glory, while the stock of Untrimmed Hats for ladles and children includes all the latest novelties. FLOWERS AND WREATHS . In profusion. Some new Trimming Ribbon that are bargains. The Parasols are a great show, and Include every latest novelty of handles and covering- SI 60 to JiO the prices that include this wonder fully large variety of sun deflers, ' Hot Weather Underwear, " hosieryTgloves, Corsets, Wraps in lace and silk, evening wear; Shawls, Flannel and 811k Blouse Waists, made?., up Baits for ladles in Ginghams, Satlnes, White Lawns, Black Lace, Cashmeres, Challls, INDIA SILKsTbLACK SILK, ' Black Net, Cloth, Cashmere undoubtedly th7 largest variety to be seen is aay suit departs ment. Complete summer outfits for Infants small Children and girls in Children's Depart. 1 ment in all qualities. ''-'vfe Summer Importation or housekeeping Lines M ' '-'Jt now in stock. Come and see the extra good'?'" values in '' I TABLEDAMASKS rr And Napkins, also in Bed linens and Towel,' U We bad almost overlooked toe Faathy'rT . - j here in thousands. . JDS. jfflRNE i W& PENN AVENUE STORESif !". ' ' Ai f-l PV: --.- V" ui &3 JifEV V i iK'Si- ffr ZF '