f- (1 V x , V-x JK. es. m. I J meet. -- .. $he' Festival of Song Brings Solid Comfort to Florists. &IRST MACKEREL OF THE SEASON. for Choice Strawberries Keeps ' Pace With Supply. TfiOPICAL FKUirS DKIFTIKG UPWAED . Office or Pittsbtjbg Dispatch. 1 v FEIDAT. Alay 24, IS9. J i?-All venders of market basket materials re- -"port an improved trade for the week with the J ezceptioii of those who deal in butter, eggs and poultry. Fish markets hold up unusually well for this season of the year. The first fresh mackerel of the season from onr eastern coast landed to-day, and sold at 49c a piece. They were extra larce and fine. Oysters are now out of the market with the exception of New York counts, which have a limited demand the year round for restaurants. Supply of large frogs is not up to demand. Clams are in coed sup ply and demand. In the line of fruit and vegetables trade Im proves as new staff from the South comes in more freely. New potatoes are more reasona ble in price. "While strawberries are plentythe supply of choice ones is hardly up to demand. There is. however, an improvement in quality this week. The distance the berrr has to travel is growine shorter, and the effect already ap pears in the quality of the fruit coming to the lront. The long haul is certainly unfavorable to delicate fruit. Flowers for the Festivnl. The influence of the Hay Festival is felt for good by the florists. The demand for pink and red roses has been so active that supplies were not sufficient to meet it. Choice flowers are higher than last week, but are expected to drift back again when the festival of song is over. At the Diamond market meat stalls an im proved trade is reported over last week, but prices are like the laws ot the Medes and Per sians. Th'eychange not though prime beeves are from 2c to 3c below what they brought a year ago. . Markets are flooded with country butter, and supplies in this department are at their lowest for this year. Choice creamery butter, in a jobbing ay. Is a shade higher than last week, but retail prices are unchanged. Tropical fruits show an upward drift. Choice oranges are in good demand at 50c per dozen. Following are retail prices of market basket .materials as furnished Dy leading dealers: Bleats. The prices called for at the Diamond Markets remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin steak range from 20 to 26c, with the last figure for very fancy, which are very often no bet ter than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from 18 to 20c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c; chnck roast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks. 15c; boiling beef, 5 to 8c; sweet "breads, 20 to 50c per pain beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, oca pound: calf livers. 25c apiece; corned beef from 5 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing "commands 10c; roast, 12 to 15c: cutlets. 20c 'per pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 15 to 20c: hind quarters, 20 to 25c. A leg of mut ton, hind quarter, of prime quality, brings 12Kc; fore quarter, 8c; loin of mutton, 15c; giblets, 5c per pound. Vegetables and Fruit. Potatoes, 15c a half peck; new Bermuda pota toes, 25c per peck; new Bermuda onions, 'lac per quart; tomatoes, 25c per quart box; new cabbage, 5 to 25c; apples 15c to 20c per half peck; bananas, IS to 25c a dozen; , lemons. 20 to 25c per dozen: oranges, 50c: spinach, 15c per half peck; lettuce, 5c .per bunch, 6 lor 25c; radishes, 5 to 10c per bunch; cucumbers. 3 for 25c; asparagus, 6 bunches for 25c; new beets, 10c, 3 lor 25c; straw berries, 15c to 20c; cauliflowers, 15 to 85c a bead; golden wax beans, 35c a quarter peck; green beans, 25c a quarter peck: peas, 20c a quarter peck. Better, Ebe and Poultry. Choice creamery butter, 20c Good country " butter, 20c. Fancy pound rolls, 25c. The ruling retail price for eggs is 15c The range for dressed chickens is Toe to 11 00 per pair. Turkeys, 20c per pound. Spring chickens 1 per pair. Fish In Season. Following are the articles in this line on ihe stall", with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Call "Ktok, salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her ring, 4 pounds for :Sc; Spanish mackerel, 45c to SUc a pound; shad, 60c apiece; sea salmon, 40c a pound: blue fish, 20c; perch. 10c; halibut, 2oc rock bass, 30c; black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12c: lobsters, 25c; green sea turtle, 2Sc; mackerel, 40c apiece Oysters: N. Y. counts, SI 75 per gallon; dams, SI 25 per cation; scol lops, 50c a quart; f rogs. 51 50 to $2 50 per dozen. Flowers. , La France roses, SI 50 per dozen; Bride roses, SI 25 per dozen; Perlcs, SI 00 per dozen; Nipbetos, SI 00 per dozen; Bennetts, SI 25 per dozen: Magna Charta roses, 35c; American Beauty, 2550c apiece; Mermets, $1 001 50 per dozen; lie "Wattville, SI 50; carnations, 35c a dozen; Lily of the Valley,75c per dozen: Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda Easter lilies. S3 00 per dozen: tulips, 75c per dozen; mignonette, 75c per dozen; daffodils, 75c per dozen; pansies. 25c a dozen; Jacque minot roses. SI 00 to S2 00 a dozen. LITE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Market at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office Pittsbtjko Dispatch. I East Liberty, May 24, 1S89. 'cattm: Receipts, 20 head; shipments, -760 head; market nothing doing; all through 'consignments: no cattle shipped to New York to-day. , Hogs Receipts. 1.40G head: shipments. 2,000 head; market active; all grades S4 fc0470; most ' sales $4 65; 5 cars of bogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 1,200 head; shipments. 1,400 head; market firm at yesterday's prices. By Telegraph. New Yoke Beeves Receipts, 2,600 head, including 42 carloads for the market, 54 car loads for city slaughterers direct, and 57 car loads for exportation, alive and dead; prices -were maintained, and the market closed firm withacood clearance; native steers ranged from S3 S5$4 60; bulls and dry cows from 12 003 75. Exports, to-day and to-morrow, "will include LBO0 beeves and 6.000 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts. 300 head; market steady and all sold.including common to choice veals at S3 755 12 per 100 Hounds, and butter milk calves and mixed lots at $2 503 50. -heep Receipts, 4.500 head: market firmer at full prices. with sales of sheep at S3 505 25 per iw pounus. ana 01 lamosaito j&Qit ou. nogs Receipts, L400 head, nearly all for slaugh terers direct; no trading on live hogs; nominal - range, S4 604 9a KAiTSASLCrrr Cattle -Receipts 2,477 head; shipmernsfo9S head; market firm, values rang ing strong to 510c higher on both cows and steers; stockers and feeding steers steady; good to choice conifed, S3 90g4 15; common to medium, $3 3303 SO; stockers and feeding steers, S2 253 45; cows, SI 753 25. Hogs Receipts, '6,615 head; shipments, 607 head: market strong and'active; heavy and mixed 5c hicher: light 510c higher; good to choice light, S4 354 40; heavy and mixed, S4 224 30. Sheep Re ceipts, 651 head; no shipments; market steady; good to choice muttons, S3 764 25; common to medium, S2 503 50. Sx. Louis-Cattle Receipts. 1.100 head: ship ments, 100 bead: market strong: choice native steers. S3 904 40: fair to good do, S3 20 0)i 00: stockers and feeders.' fair to good. S2 103 25; rangers, corn-fed, S2 853 60; grass fed. S2 203 15. Hoes Receipts, 5,300 head; shipments. 1,200 head: market strong; choice heavy, $4 404 50: packing,. $4 304 40: light. $4 40S4 50. Sheen Receipts 400 bead: ship ments, 100 head: market steady; talr to choice, S3 00S4 4a Chicago Cattle Receipts and shipments, 25.000 head; market steady and a shadeMower for heavy; beeves, $4 004 40; steers. $3 40 A 15; stockers and feeders. 82 703 70; cows. bulls and mixed. SI 803 40: Texas steers, S2 SO 3 70, Hogs Receipts. 13.000 head: shipments, 5 000 bead: market strong and lu15c higher; mixed S4 304 60; heavy, S4 304 55; light, S4 35 4 70; skips. S3 604 25. Sheen Receipts. 5,500 head; shipments, 1,000 head; market steady; natives, S3 254 40; Western, shorn, S3 60 4 35; shorn Texans, S4 505 25. BUFFALO Cattle Nothing doing and feel ing easy; receipts, 127 loads through, 5 loads for sale. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 6 loads through; 21 for sale; market active atv un changed prices. Hogs active and strong and 5 010c higher: receipts. 8 loads through: 25 for sale; mediums, ?4 65Q4 60; Yorkers, M 704 75; pigs. H 70i 6U CrscnrsATl Hogs in better demand and stronger: common to 1 ight, S3 754 60: packing and butchers'. S4 2S4 45; receipts, 2,050 head; shipments, 2,025 bead. The Insane Asylirra Investigation. Chicaoo, Mav 24. The hearing in the :MDS FOE TABLE. Srbemand -& insane asylum case was continued to-day. S-i Ex-CountipComraissioner .Nelson and Com missioner Kim bell were examined as to the jsiy$ system on which the institution is run. out . .9k. 1 40 - . . . ,....' I nothing or tuiportancewas cuciicd irom i teeirteitlmonyve- J 1 BSSSSSSstsSBS&SLIj " " - ' .1-.? ,L 'a..! MARKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Takes a Favorable Tarn and Is Ac tlve and Higher Corn and Outs With out material Change More Interest Manifested in Hoc Products. Chicago There was a favorable turn in the wheat market for holdersj:o-day and prices were higher. Trading was more active both in covering shorts and in buying for investment. The advance was looked upon mainly by some operators as a bulge caused by an endeavor of the shorts to cover. The opening was easy and 14H lower than yesterday's closing, but turned quickly and steadily advanced lc above inside figures. As the most urgent demand was supplied and tie offerings increased the market began to ease up and prices receded Jc ruled steady and closed e higher for July than closing figures yesterday. June closed about c higher. A moderate trade was reported in corn and the feeling was firm. Fluctuations, however, kept within e range, and transactions were mainly local. The market opened at yester day's closing prices, was firm and advanced ic rnled weaker, and closed about the same as yesterday. Oats were traded in moderately and an easier feeling prevailed. Price changes were con fined to a Me range. An active business was transacted, in pork, mainly in July and August contracts. Opening sales were made at 1215c advance, and a further appreciation oi 230c was gained about the middle ot the session. Later the market was less active and prices settled back 17X20c and closed comparatively steady. A litttle more interest was manifested in the lard market. Opening sales were made at 2K 5c advance, and a lnrthcr improvement of 6 7Kc was gained. Later the offerings were slightly increased and prices receded 25c and closed steady. Quite an active business was reported in short ribs. Opening sales were made at 57c advance and a further appreciation of 5c was gained. Outside figures were not supported and the- market closed easier. The leading futures rangea as rollows: j "XT- ' fl l...r 0',mVAMK3MK.. W4VOU43?bU. July. 34c; August, 3434V.Ki4c OATS No. 2 June, 2222Jc:JuIy. 22V 22&2222c; September, 23Je2322Ji MESS Pork, per bbk June. $12 0012 02X0 11 874il 8K: July, $11 9212 axgii 9u 11 974; August, $11 9512 02J4- Lard, per 100 Rs. June, tfi 72K6 75: July, S6 77K8 S56 77)i6S0: August, SB 87K6 S5. SHOBX RrBS,per 100 fts. July, S5 82&: Au gust, S5 955 955 STUS S!U: September, J8 0O5 92K- Casn quotations were as follows: Flour un changed. No. 2 spring "wheat. 8182c; No. 3 spring wheat, nominal; No.J2 red, 81 82c No. 2 corn, 33Jic ISO. 2 oats. 22cNo. 2 rye. 29Kc No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 54. Prime timothy seed, SISa Mess pork, per barrel. $11 90&U Oa Lard, per 100 pounds, SG726 75. Short ribs sides (loose). $5 75 5S5. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 12 6 25. Short clear sides (bpxed), $6 12S 2o. Receipts Flour. 10,000 barrels; wheat, 8,000 bushels: corn, 592,000 bushels: oats. 200,000 bush els: rye, 3,000 bushels: barley, 8,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 10,000 barrels; wheat. 74.000 bushels; corn. 454,000 bushels: oats, 142,000 bush els; rye, 6.000 bushels; barley. 42,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was firm; fancy creamery, 1516c; choice to fine. 1215c; fine dairies. 12lic; fair to good, 8010c. Eggs firm t 10c New xoek Flour dull and unchanged. "Wheat Spot in strong demand, chiefly for milling; options moderately active, c higher and strong. Barley malt dull: four-rowed State. 9SKcSl 00; two-rowed. 8SX90c; Canada, 90cSl 10 for old and new. Corn Spot firmer and quiet, with light offerings; options dull and tirm. Oats Spot steady and moderately active; options fairly active and firm. Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged to 10 points down, closing firm at "510 points up: sales. zu,oou Dags, in cluding May, 16.401650c; June, lb.45 16 55c: July, ia60ld65c; August, 16.7516.80c; September, 16.S0I6.95c: October, 16.S517.00c: December. 17.0017.15c: January. 17.00c: Feb ruary, 17.1017.25c: March. 17.1017.35; spot Rio quiet; fair cargoes, 18c Sugar Raw firm: sales, 1,210 tons, including 96 test centri fugals C and i 5 l-16c and a cargo of Mus covado at breakwater; refined firm and in fair demand. Cottonseed oil stronger; crude prime, 40c; yellow, 49c Tallow higher and active; sales, 52 hhds; city, 4JJc Turpentine quiet at 3939c Eggs quiet and about steady;receipts, 4,138 packages. Pork strong. Cntmeats in fair demand; sales, pickled bellies, 1112 pounds, 66Kc: pickled shoulders. oVc: pickled bams, 1?jC. Lard firmer and quiet; western steam. S7 15: city, $6 55; May, $7 15: June, S7 10, closing at S709; July, S7 10, closing at S7JI; August, $7 14 asked; September. S7 1S7 19, closing at S7 16 asked: October, $7 2a Butter in good demand for extra firm; western dairy, 9013c; do creamery, lS17Xc Cheese steady; choice cleaned up. Philadelphia Flour dull. Wheat Car lots weak, near options wholly nominal, while new crop months were a shade stronger: No. 2 red. May, 9091c: June,8990c; July,6W81Kc; August, 081c: Corn Car lots dull and weak; options quiet but steady; No. 2 mixed and yellow in grain, depot, 41c: No. 2 mixed. May, 4034!c; June. 40Ji41c: Joly, 41J42c; August, 4i;442c Oats Car lots barelv steady; No. 3 white. 33332c; No. 2 white, 84jiS5c; futures quiet but steady; No. 2 white. May, 33K 34c;June, 3233c; July, 32K33c; August, 3132c Butter quiet; Pennsylvania cream ery extra, 17c: do prints extra, 2021c Eggs steady; Pennsylvania firsts, 14c GTOcnnrATi Flour steady. Wheat firm; No. 2 red, S081c: receipts, 2.200 bushels; ship ments. 1,000 bushels. Corn easier: No. 2 mixed. 35)i35Kc Oats weaker; No. 2 mixed, 25J 262c Rye qniet; No. 2, 47048c Pork held higher at $12 25. Lard firmer at $6 55. Bulk meats held higher; short rib. S6 05. Bacon stronger; short clear, $7 207 25. Butter dull. Sugar firm and quiet. Eggs steady. Cheese quiet. St. Louis Flour steady. Wheat higher; No. 2rcd, cash. 77Jc: options closed: June. 76c bid; July, 72li74c; August. 725i72Kc bid. Corn extremely ami; pto. z mixea,ca&n.3ic:AUgust, SlllfiSlc bid: September. ."E'UfS'.ER'rv rat 32UJ2c Oats strong; No. 2 cash, 25c; May 25kc bid in settle ments; June, ajjc; July, 2c bid. Provisions firm and higher. Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat steady: cash, 78c; July. 765763ic Corn steady; No. 3, 33Xc Oats dull; No. 2 white, 2727Kc Rye steady; No. 1, 42c Barley dull; No. 2, ole Provisions firm. Pork, cash, $12 00; July, $12 05. Lard, $6 75. Cheese Cheddars, old, 910c Baltimore Provisions dull; mess pork, $13 75. Butter firm for choice grades: Western packed, ll13c: creamery. 17lSc Eggs. 1248 l2Kc Coffee firm; Rio, fair, 1818c Toledo Clovcrseed nominal; cash, SI 25. BRITISH IRON. A Continued Steady, Firm Market, With Some Descriptions Active. Special Keport by Cable for the American Manu facturer. L02JDOX, May 23. Scotch Pig This market is barely steady and trade moderate No. 1 Coltness 55s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Summerlee 54s. Cd. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsherne 52s. CkL f. o. b. Glasgow NalLangloan 54s. Od. f.0. b. Glasgow No. 1 Carnbroe -47s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. IShotts 53s. 6U. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Glengarnock 51s. Gel. at Ardrossan. No. 1 Dalmellington ...40s. Od. at Ardrossan. No. lEglinton 44s. Od. at Ardrossan. Bessemer Pig Irregular market with trade active West Coast brand quoted at 49s Od for Nns. 1, 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig While business is fair, the market is barely steady. Good brands quoted at 38s. 6d. for No. 3. f. o. b. Spiegelelsen Market continues firm but quiet English 20 per cent quoted at 82s. Cd. f. o. b. at works. Steel Wire Rods Steady market demand moderate. Mild steel. No. 6, quoted at 6 0s. Od. f. o. b. shipping port Steel Ralls Market firm but business is less active. Standard sections quoted at 4 12s. Gd. f. o. b. shipping point Steel Blooms A fair demand holds the market firm. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 2s. Gd. f. o. b. shipping point Steel Billets This market continue firm with a good dcmanoS Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted at 4 10s. f. o. b. shipping point Steel Slabs Demand moderate but market steadv. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 2s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point taop Ends Market steady with demand mod erate Run of the mill quoted at 2 15s. Od. to. b. shipping point Old Rails Market held firmly with trade fairly active. Tees quoted at 3 as. and double heads at 3 12s. 6d. c t f. New York. Scrap Iron Demand fair and prices sus tained. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 6s. f. o. b. shipping points. Manufactured Iron This market is firm but the volume of business has decreased. Stafford, ord. marked bars(f.o.b.L'pool)8 5s Od " blk. sheet singles 0 0s Od 715s 067 v cisn Dans, x. o. u. naics... o os uutjj 0 OSOi Steamer freights Glasgow to .New Yi zs. oa. xaverpooi iokcti ore; w. Od. Drycoods Market. New York. May 21 Followine-yhe auction sale of 10.000 cases of colored cottoJs, held yes terday, there has been lncreasi business at tho hands ox agents of cottorygooas. though buyers in the market were much occupied in settling their auction acconts. A further special movement In bleahed shirtings was also inaugurated to-cay b a temporary reduc tion or lie a yard, prices f eingtnado by agrnts as follons: Lonsdale c; Blackstone, 7c; Hope. TKc: Fitehville, trf Fruit of the Loom. B$c: ruiroi tne Lioomii-s, iyc -xno general smrket was steady, aadlthere was a good tone. THE- PITTSBURG AN EAST END, BOOM. Real Estate Investors Beginning to Turn Longing Eye3 Toward HAZELWOOD AHD SQUIRREL HILL. A Hint That Country Roads Should he Fat in Good Shape Before Winter. HONEY MADE BI TRIMMIKG TREES The real estate market continues to show a broadening tendency. There has lately sprang up qnite a movement in the direction of Hazelwood and Squirrel Hill on account of one and probably two electric roads being an assured thing. This has caused a brisk demand for large tracts of land for subdivision, and the prospect for some im portant deals in the near -future is quite rosy. This is one of the finest districts of the city, and only requires rapid transit to give it a boom. "Well located property there can now be bought for about 51,000 an acre. The completion of electric communication will certainly enhance values five-told over present figures. The great loss to the business of the city and county last winter by reason of bad roads should not be forgotten. For weeks at a time farmers were unable to move any of their products to market This resulted in reduced supplies and higher prices to consumers. Such a state of affairs should not be allowed to exist in so rich and populous a county as Allegheny. It is no credit to it to have the reputation of possess ing the worst roads in the State. Nowthat the weather is becoming settled steps should be taken at once to remedy this crying evil. County Commissioners and road supervisors should be urged to the performance of their duty. Farmers would expedite the work by keeping up a ceaseless agitation. It would be shameful to allow next winter to find the roads in no better condition than they were last Keep agitating. The argument of the Arkan sas squatter, that when it was raining he couldn't put a -roof on his house and when it was dry it didn't need it appears hitherto to have been the rule of the Allegheny county authorities. It is time for it to give place to practical ideas which will yield the required results. Beautiful as the suburbs of Pittsburg are in their livery of rich, glossy green and garniture of bright-hued flowers, they could be made much more beautiful bv civinc closer attention to the trimming and training of trees and' shrubbery. It is a great defect to see a fine tree or rare plant with' broken limbs or branches in the midst of a fine lawn; but this is so common in the East End as to attract very little attention, and in most cases none at all. To permit a tree or shrub to grow up like Topsy shows carelessness or want of taste. They should be carefully watched and pruned of every dead or unnecessary branch, and assume such shapes as would enhance their appear ance. A gentleman near Wilkinsburg offered his place for sale last fall but couldn't get his price. There were some fine trees on the grounds which had been permitted to grow as they liked. He had them neatly trimmed, and the shrubbery properly arranged. This im proved the appearance of the place so much that in April he had no difficulty in selling it at a handsome advance over the original price. Foreign advices covering last week show that the general aspect of the Continental iron markets had undergone but little change, but such as did occur was of a satisfactory charac ter. The following is a summary of the situa tion: In Germany, the current ot business, re tarded somewhat by the Easter holidays, now flows stronger than ever. The anticipated rise in the prices of finished iron may now be said to be in progress, for the South German syndi cate of rolled iron manufacturers has advanced itsTates by 3s. a ton. Belgian trade continues brisk and the market is strong in tone. not Withstanding some slackness in the business in joists. As manufacturers have plenty of orders on their books for the present they can afford to wait for the revival, which mnst assuredly soon come. In France, continued progress is being made toward re covery, but the revival proceeds very slowly. s The following patents expired on the 21st inst and the devices may now be used by any one so disposed: Utilizing tin scrap, C. Hirsch berg; making pipe elbows, L. C. Goodaie; rub ber packing. L B. Harris; process of preserv ing iron, W.H. Sterling; rotary puddling fur nace, J. Davis; oscillating valve for hydraulic cement D. O. Saylor; welding brass or copper to iron or steel, G. R. Meneely;belt shifter, W. H. H. Sisum. LOCAL STOCK MOVEMENTS. Electric Boomed on the Ground That Edison Will be Floored. The features of the stock market yesterday were tho renewed movement in and the strength of Electric in consequence ot the be lief that the suit which ha3 been on trial here this week, will be decided in favor of the com pany. It sold on Monday at 52. It opened yes terday at 55 and closed firm at 5tK without any pressure to sell. Philadelphia Gas showed no change in any direction, and sold in a small way at 36. The other gassers were about steady and neglected. Switch and Signal was a trifle weaker, selling at 2 but it was sparingly offered at that -figure. Pittsburg Traction was fractionally Tngher at 63K, at which price 200 shares chanced bands. La Noria Was wanted to the extent of 100 shares at 1, a slight decline. There was a moderate demand for Pittsburg and Western, both Is sues, at the quotations established on Wednes day, but there were no transactions, a better price being wanted, with a good prospect of getting it Tho rest of the list was flat and featureless. The sales for the day amounted to 601 shares. Bids, offers and sales follow: MOUMNO. AFTEBNOOlf. Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked. Pitts. 1'etS. &M. Ex. Arsenal Bank Commercial!. Bank, KonrthHat. Bank.... t Ittli Avenue Bank.. 495 450 495 53 "iii 103 FreeliolU liank oj Mahonlc Hint 53 Pitts. X. B. of Com'co 233 Enter'se hav'g. All'gy Humboldt Insurance.. Ohio Valley Gas People's X U & P Co.. Philadelphia Uo Wheellnr UasCo Central Traction Citizens1 Traction...... Pittsburg Traction.... Pleasant Valley ItK... Pitts.. Un. ibt 1 Pitts. & Western B. It P. V. K- it pref.... l.a Moris alining Co... V csiinghonse iiectric U. bwltch & Signal Co. Pittsburg Plate Ulass.. 43 .... 43 .... 40 45 , 32M 16M 17'4 36U 36M 36b' 3GM 3Uii .... J0"i SI aiK :3J S3 V 7'K .... 70'i S3 53S .... 54 160 200 .... 200 16 13 2!K i3 22Ji 2 til J M IM &H 57 56, X'A WA S5 24tf S5 176 .... 176 .... Sales at the first call were 25 sharps of Phila delphia Gas at 36, 25 Electric at 55 and 40 at 58. "" At the last call 200 shares of Pittsburg Trac tion sold at 53. 100 La Noria at 1, 11 Switch and Signal at 24, and 100 Electric at 56. The total .sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 410,093 shares, including Atchison, 68,190; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 32,900; Dennison, Texas and Fort Worth, 3.810; Erie, 6,305; Lake Shore. 9,632; Missouri Pacific, 17,599, Northwestern, 33,060; New Jersey Cen tral, 5.020; Northern Pacific, 3.360; Northern Pacific preferred, 3.5S9; Reading, 42,6I(h Rich mond and West Point 11.130; 8t Paul. 70,412; Union Pacific 14,065; Western Union, 8,670. A BETTER SHOWING. An Improvement In tho Borrowing Demand ' Cnttlnjt Down the Bnrplus, Yesterday was a very good day with the local bankers, all branches of business being fairly active, and one or two unusually so. There was a better borrowing demand than for a long time, the discounts of one bank amounting to 30,000. Another bank did almost as well. Rates were steady at 66 per cent the former on giltedged collateral. The Clearing House report was large, the exchances being 51,792, 218 71 and the balances S267.442 It This shows a large trade movement for the season, and would be considered good at any time. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 23 per cent last loan 2, closed offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 8 5. Sterling exchange dull but steady at Si STJi for 60-day bills and H E9 for demand. Government Bonds. If. 8.4VS, tee H07k XI. H. 4S.S. COUP ....107 U. 8. 4s, Teg ,....129"gt29H U. D. VJS. COUJI t'A U. b. 4s. coup.. . 123Xf51l2S Bid. Cnrreney, Opcrcent 1695 reg.,....,.,...12lf CwrtncyoperccuVlSWrcg 124 1 DISPATCH, SATURDAY, Cnrrenev; ffper cent 18fi7reg .13 Currency, a per cent I898reg;.., 131 Cnrrenev, Spercent, S99reg Ws Government and State bonds were steady and dull. New York Clearings, $120,364,372; balances, J6.520.515. b-,o Boston Clearings, $14,060,594; balances, 82, 197,189. Money 1 percent Phil.vdei.phia Clearings, J10,136,S79; bal ances, $1,526,335. BAivrnronE Clearings to-day, 11,895,099; bal ances, 336,043. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, 810,593,000. St, Louis Clearings, $3,284,971; balances, London The amount of bullion gone into the Bank of England on balance to-day is 12,000. Pabis Three per cent rentes, 87f 42c for account HOLDS THE ADVANCE. The OH Market Displays Unexpected Stay ins Qaalltles Field News. The oil market yesterday was a good one for the longs, and a number of them availed them selves of the opportunity to unload and swing over totlje short side. The market was firm throughout and trading was of fair propor. tions. The scarcity of oil, and consequently high premium demanded in the morning, doubt less had the effect of holding the market and preventing it from closing lower. In the present condition of the trade the bulls have a decided advantage. They are free to do as they please, but tho shorts are often deterred from making sales through fear of the pre mium, which is liable to So put up on them at any time. The market opened atK83Jic, higher by Vifi than the close of the day before. It then .softened a little, but soon rallied and reached 83Kc, from which it broke with a few sales to 83c Between noon and 2 o'clock it sold up to Wiethe highest point of the day. In the last hour It weakened under bearish influences, and closed at Sic. The first loans were at 60 cents, after which oil was offered at 25, with, plenty to eo round. , The Onion Oil Company's Knox well o. 5, Washington field, was doing 14 barrels an hour. The Porter (brick-yard) well was tor pedoed during the afternoon. The Campbell well was in the sand. It had not struck the pay streak. The JlcKeown No. 19 well was doing 40 barrels per day. The McKeowu Ji os. 15 and 18 wells were drilled in the sand. There was no change at the Woir well. The Galey Bros, well on the Economite lease was expected In thn 0irfn1nv NinA nthpr toaIIk arA In COUrSO of drilling in the Hershberger territory. Gay & Leggett's well on the Schilling farm was doing &0 barrels. , Features ot the Market. Corrected daily by John M. Oasiey & Co., 45 Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 83JfLowest SMf Uigheit alJalClosed 4 Barrels. Average runs 43.763 Average shipments ,7 Average charters S,SI Clearings 1,076,1X0 Refined, New York, 6.85c. Keflneo, London, 5 7-16d. Beflned, Antwerp. JGKf. Keflned, Liverpool, 6id. Carrying, New York flat: Oil City, S3 to 50e pre mium; Bradford, c premium; FltUDurg, 10c pre mium. A. B. McGrew fc Co. quote: Puts, 83Ke; calls, 84c 1 Other Oil Klnrkets. Tituvii,m; May, 24. National transit cer tificates opened at 83c: highest 85c: lowest 83Jc; closed, 84Jc. Bradford. May 24. National transit certi ficates opened at 83c; highest 84jc; lowest 83c; closed, 84c. On. Crrr, May 24. National transit cer tificates opened at 83o; highest 85c; low est 83c; closed, 84c New Yore, May 24. Petroleum opened steady at 83c, and after a slight decline in the first hour, advanced to 84c on covering of shorts, but reacted later and closed steady at 84c. Sales, 702,000 barrels. - AN ACTIVE MOVEMENT. The Kfnl Estate Business Picking Up Im portant Deals MormaBe Placed. James W. Draped Co. placed a mortgage of $22,000 on a manufacturing property In the city at 6. per cent; also three mortgages of $6,700 at 6 per cent on city and suburban proper ties. They also sold three lot3 of ground in the Nineteenth ward, Fenn avenue, near Pearl street 24x100 feet for $4,700: also two pieces of ground in the West End for 81,740, and also closed the sale of a house and lot on Penn avenue, near Fifteenth street for $7,300. John F. Baxter,512 Smlthfield street sold lot No. 79, Baum Grove plan, near East Liberty, situate near Euclid avenue, size 60x120 feet to a 20-foot alley, sewer, curbing and sawed stone sidewalk Included, to John E. Carroll for 12,500. Thomas McCaffrey, 35U9 Butler street sold for Michael Crilley to "W.J. Carson, lot S0x89r 20 on Thirty-third street and Brerton avenue for $550. Ewlng fc Byers. No 107 Federal street sold for Miss Mary Gray to John Limegrower two houses in the Second ward, Allegheny, being No. 69 Alpine avenue, a two-story brick house of ei?ht rooms and all conveniences, and No. 68 Carroll street, a two-story brick house of five ) rooms, witn lotzuxiw, ioru,ouu, casn. Major A. J. Pentecost is having a good de mand for building sites in the Watson place plan on Perrysvllle avenue, having just closed the sale of lot No. 270 to Hon. William H. Gra ham, Countv Recorder; lot No. 210 to Arthur Kennedy. Esq., Select Councilman from' the First ward. Allegheny, and lot No. 212 to Mr. Samuel C. Grier, Collector of Delinquent Taxes in Allegheny City, at prices reserved. Several residences are to be erected in the plan Immediately, and great improvements are looked for along the electric road this year, the cars on which are running regularly. Alles t Bailey. 181 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage for $2,000 on property In the Twentj ee renth ward, Pittsburg, for three years, at 6 per cent Thomas Liggett sold a lot on Bonn street 40x 100 feet, for $2,200: also, a piece of ground on the same street. 1C0 feet square, at a price ap proximating S4.500. The purchaser will im prove it at once. Mr. Licgett also placed a mortgage for SL.5G0 on Mount Washington property at 6 per cent He also sold about li acres at Hawkins Station for $3,200. J. B. Cooper & Co , 107 Fourth avenue, sold for George S. Martin" in the Maplewood Park plan. Wilkinshurg. lot No. 170. corner Grand avenue andrMflla street, 40 feet on Mill bv 211 feet to Fabnestock lane, for $600, to J. H. Wil liams; alo lot 143 in the same plan, fronting 40 feet on Fahnestock avenue by 93 feet to Singer street for $150, to James Stratton. Black & Baird. 95 Fourth avenue, old for W. J. Ray to M. A. Rca a vacant lot on the wet side of iLang avenne. Twenty-second ward, being 23x100 feet, for $750. W. C. Stewart placed a morteraee for $25,000 on city property for three years at 4 per cent., free of State tax. Baltensperger & Williams, No. 154 Fourth avenue, sold for K. Q. Bigham, Eq., to J. Mil ligan and J. D. Allen, lots 74 and 75 in the Big ham plan, Mt Washington, having a frontage of 24 feet each on Bigham street and extending ba ck 120 feet to an allev. L. O. Frazier, corner Fortv-fifth and Bntler streets, sold for Mclntlre & Brand, lot 20x109 feet to a 20-foot alley, situate on the northeast corner of Fortieth and Willow streets. Seven teenth ward, to George G. McAleese for $1,000. Mellon Bros., of the East End. yesterday sold D. R. Crawford lot 26x187 on Fairmount ave nue. BTOOKSlJEPBEBSED: They Encounter a Setback and Close at Fractionally Lower Prices Features of a Busy Day In Wall Street Bonds Firm. New York, May 24. The stock market, after a continuance of the extra strength of the past few days, met with a setback in the afternoon. A reaction of moderate extent was brought about, the final prices being generally fractionally lower than those of last evenlnc. The brokers and professionals have been talking and working for a reaction the past three days, but the impetus of the upward movement was so great that all the hammering was of no avail. This morning there was a re newal of the heavy buying of the past few days and tho transactions were larger than at any time yet though the increaso was most in St Paul and Atchison. In "the latter stock there were renorts that the net earnings for Anrll wnnld slinw .in In crease of abont $300,000; and the earnings of St ' paui lor me iniru wees m May, reported tins morning, showed a gain of oyer $50,000. St Paul advanced to 74 and Atchison to 47. with the others following. Jersey Central took a spurt and later Missouri Pacific and North western moved up materially. The engagement of about $3,600,000 gold for export however, brought the bulls face to face with the Clanger ot an advance in the rates for money and the evidence of the recent sales for foreign ac count especially in St Paul and Transconti nental. The bears took courage and, the buying slacking off. there w is a change in the temper of the speculation, rnd, the market became more quiet and prices yielded to the pressure ot heavy realizing sales. Jersey Central was the first to drop, and it lost all ot Its forenoon's advance. Weakness developed In several of the specialties and the leaders sagged off, though the fluctuations were made within the - MAT 25, 1889. narrowest limits, as a rale, until near delivery hour, when there was a, sudden upward spurt in Manhattan, which, however, had no effect upon the remainder of the list as the Grangers and Coalers became weaker in the last bour and generally closed at the lowest prices of the day. whlcn, however, were but slightly changed from the opening figures. Among the low priced shares there were some wide movements, and San Francisco common was specially strong, as were also Denver; Texas and Forth Worth and Kingston and Pembroke. The close was heavy and active. In the unlisted department there was less ani mation, though lead trusts, sugar trusts and Cotton Oil were largely dealt lrr, the first named showing marked strength, but among the others there was no feature, thunirh Brunswick was more active at slightly higher figures. The final figures almost invariably show declines of small fractions, but the only Important loss was 1 per cent in Oregon Transcontinental. Railroad bonds were less active and a smaller number of issues were deal in, with only one active bond, Fort Worth and Denver. The tone of the market was firm to strong, but the changes in quotations are small and unim portant, except In a few cases. The following table snows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dally for The Dispatcui by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth svenue: Closing-Bids. 58 45 tg S3H 35K 18 102 72 us SSM 164 40 361 9S4 DIM 69 244 IS - J42tf 1394 17 47 VK 73! n 117 KM th 89 II 11X 73 108 28 H 71 16 694 36 45)4 6!n 154 524 234 631. 2K 54 Open- HI(ch .1111. cst- Am. Cotton Oil 56Vi AtCil., lop. & a. K..,. JB 47H Canada Southern UK 54 Central or.New jcrsey.lOlJi 102X CentraiPacinc. 35 33H Chesapeake A Ohio ... ISM WA C . Bnr. A Onlnev ...103 103M Low est 46 5334 ia ZiH 18 . IMS 72 116 ma L tt, illt. &, St Paul.... 73" 74 u., Jin., bt. P.. pr....jia4 i" C, Itock L & P 90,4 100 C, St. h. & Pitts C, st. L. i. Pitts, pr. C. St. P.. il. S O...... 37 J7 C, Sit. P., 31. A O.. pr. 9 H WK C Northwestern.. ..lilt J12M c. v. c&i esM em Col. Coal iron., COI. ft Hocking Vat .. U4 Wi Ucl.. L. A W... MS M3H Uel. ft Undson 140'4 1H Denver &Klol 17 17 Denver ft Rio u., nr. E.T.. V. Alia. 36X 99 63 nli uzh i; E.T.,Va. AUalst pf.. ... K 1.. Va. & Ga. 2d pf. UH 23X 23 iiunois ueiurai Lake trie estcrn.. 18 1K Lake Erie A West. pr.. 59 S9S, Lake Shore A 31. S. . ... 105H 1C5H LonlsvlUeAMashvllle. iSH V3H Michigan Central 0 W MoMleA Ohio llo., K. JLTexas Mlsonrl Paclflc 74 75 Hew York Central lOSiJ 10SX . Y.. L. E. A W 29H tSH H. Y., 1,. E. AW., pref 70 71 X Y.. C. ASt L 16 16X ... iX &suh.vr. XY.. C. ASt.L.2dpf 37! 37H H. YiN. E 45)a 46K . Y.. O. W WH 16& lorfolk& Western Norffllt A VABtrn.Tlf. ... 18V 105X 6SH 74 2Sh 704 16 5" 5!4" 16 Northern Pacl! 2&H ortnern PacWc nref. 64 Ohio A Mississippi... . ZZtf Oregon improvement .... Oregon Transcon .16 Pacmcalall 37f Peo. Dec. AKvani rH Phlladel. A Reading.. T,-i Pullman Palace Car.. .191 Richmond A W. P. T.. MX Richmond A W.P.T.pf 83J, bt. Paul A Dulutu .17 St. Paul A Duluth pr.. 86 St. p., Minn. A Man.. .103 St.L. ASan Fran 22 bt. L. A Ban Fran pr.. 59 St. 1,. A San F.lst pf. Texas Pacific 221 UnionPaciac Wi Wabash 16H Wabash preferred 3SH Western Union S7 Wheeling A L. K 66H National Lead Trust.. 23 2S5f 28J est C3 22!,' I-JW 36 33) 37S !X 234 248 47 46J 191 190 28 253 831j S3 7K S3f 86 86 lM-f 103 25 224 694 9 35J 7H 38 190 26 S3 364 85 103! 24H Wh 109 2IV tm 15K 28J4 874 SUV 24H 21 H SI 4 87 J4 68H Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by WhitnerA Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members Kew York: Stock Ex change. BM. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad S3 534 Reading Railroad 234 23 3-10 liu&alo. Pittsburg and Western 11! Lehigh Valley 53X B33( lehlgh .Navigation I a M Allegheny Valley bonds 1134 Northern Paclflc 28 234 Northern Paclnc preferred C3X ezh Boston Stocks. Atcli. A Tod.. 1st 7s. 103 Wis. Central, com. .. l"3f Atch.ATop.lt it.. 46 Wis. Central pi".... 42 Boston A Albany.. .214 tllonezMgCo(new). 1 Boston A Maine. ....1854 Calumet A Heels. ...215 C. 11. A 102Js rranKUn 10 Clnn. ban. A CI eve. 24V Huron 1.4 Eastern R. R 84H O'reola. 94 FlIntAPereM. nrd. 89 1'ewahic (new) 2 K.O..St.J.AC.B. 78.123 Uulncy 51 Mexican Cen. com.. Ui Ben Telephone 2424 -N. Y. ANewEng... 45H Boston Land 64 N. Y. AN. E.7S....1ZTX Water Power 7 Old Colony...- 1754 Tamarack 103 Mining Stocks. New YORE. May 24. Amador, 100: Caledonia, S. H.. 310: Crown Point, 365: Consolidated Cali fornia and Virginia, 762; Commonwealth. 4S0; Dunkm. 120: Deadwood. 100; Eureka Consoli dated, 170: El Cristo. 120: Gould A Curry, 240; Hale & Norcross, 450; Homestake, 775; Horn Silver. 100; Iron Silver, 175; Mexican, 365; Mu tual, 140; Mono, 150; North Belle Isle. 135; New Commonwealth, 3,400: Ophir, 460; Plymouth, 1.025; Savage, 2S0; Standard, 100: Sullivan, ISO? Union Consolidated. 3C0; Yellow Jacket 400. Wool Markets. PnrxADELPniA Fine fleeces in improved demand. Prices unchanged. St. Louis Wool steady and firm for choice medium, but slow for Inferior. New York Wool quiet and firmer; domestic fleeces, 323Sc;pulled,$2 342 39: Texas, Z729c. "Boston There has been more doing in wool and a somewhat firmer feeling prevails, owing to small stocks here and continued strong mar kets in the West Prices are not chanced, however, and no advance can bo obtained. Sales of the week amount to 1,924 500 pounds of all kinds. A considerable line of new spring California has been sold at 1620c, and some small sales of new Texas wool are reported. A choice lot of new medium Utah sold at 2324c All kinds of washed fleeces have been very quiet Pulled wool has been active, with sales of 519.700 pounds reported, inclnding super at 32 37c, and extra at 2530c Combing wool, 3910c. Oregon wool has been quite active, with sales of eastern at 16019c. Foreign wool has been quiet and firm. ONTO WAY'S 0KIGIN. The Interesting Story Back of an Ordi nance Virgin Alley's RcchrlstcnluB A Noted Group of Politicians. A number of people have been wondering at the origin of the name "Onto way," the proposed substitute for the name of "Virgin alley. An investigation as to the origina tor of the name brought a Dispatch re porter to Mr. John .Neeb, who told the fol lowing story: "A good many years ago, there was a clique of politicians loafing in the Mayor's office every night, and old Dick Fulton, the lather of ex-Mayor Fulton, was one of the party. 1 was another. John Doyle, the Depnty Sheriff, was another. But there were a good many more of ns who used to pass away the long evenings by telling stories and yarns of all kinds and com plexions. "Old Dick Fulton was a great man to re late yarns, but the particular thing which made them more interesting was the wajr in which he told them. The old man had an impediment in his speech, and he stnttered a little, so whenever he became excited dur ing his narrative it was difficult for him to, express himself as quickly as he would like to. "Whenever such a difficulty confronted him his remark invariably was: 'Onto don't you know?' He really meant to say, 'And don't you know,' but he never got it out that way. "From that time the word 'onto' became a bye word with all of us, until we called our little congregation in the evening the 'Onto Club. Since then the clnb has died out, bnt the name has still clung to the men who formerly constituted it, and when I framed the ordinauce to change the name of Virgin alley, I thought it would be a good way of immortalizing our old club." New Books nt tho Library. The following new books have been shelved at the Pittsburg Library: "Lives of Twelve Good Men." DeanBurgon; "The Social Influence of Christianity," Dr. Hill; "Folk-Lore of Plants," T. F. Dver; "Counter Currents." by the author of "Jtis tina' "Esther Dennison."' A. Sargeant; "Dr. Rameau," Georges 01lnet;'"Once Again," Mrs. Forrester; "A Dangerous Catspaw." D. Christie Murray: "The Cost of a Lie." Mrs. Cameron; "Red Carl," J.J. Messmer; "Beechcroft at Rocktone." C. M. Yonge: "A Happy Find." Madame Gagnebln; "Cecil's Knight,' E. B. Hollis. Another Opponent. Judge Acheson called at the Soard of Viewers' office yesterday and said he was opposed to the widening of Diamond street He owns valuable property on the thor oughfare. PflllOT I ICC of England and the venon bUUo I LlrC alhabtUof Queen Victoria, together with the dutits o fier maids of honor and attendant, is graphically described in to monovs Dispatch by Mrs. Alexander, DOMESTIC MAEEETS. Ohio Cheese and ggs Weakenin?- Batter Active and Firm. CHOICE STBAWBEfcRIESIN DEMAND Coffee Options' Becover lost Ground Tea3 Tend Upward. CEREALS SHOW LITTLE ANIMATION Office os Pittsburg Dispatch. 1 Friday. May 24. 18S9. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Eggs are lower and quiet Sales are reported at 13c. The drift is downward. The same is true of Ohio cheese. Creamery butter is in good demand and "firm. Strawberries are in good supply and a choice article brings outside prices. The bulk, however, is in poor condition and moves slowly. It is much easier to sell the choice article at 15c than lower grades. at 10c Friday has been the most active day of the week in general produce lines. This was evi denced both by the words and smiling faces of the Liberty street merchants. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 1920c; Ohio do, 1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country rolls, 134314c; Chanters Creamery Co., 19a Beaks 1 751 9a Beeswax 2830c'il tt forcholce;lowgrade, 1&820C CIDER Sand refined, J6 507 60; common, $3 5U4 00; crab cider, $8 00&3 60 $) barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c $ gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese, 8c: New York, new. 10llc: Limburger, 910c; domestic Sweltzer cheese, 912c. Dried Peas SI 261 33 1 bushel; split do, 2K03KC 11 ft. Eggs 13Uc doen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, 30c fl dozen. FRUITS Apples, $2 603 50 fl barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c fl ft; cranberries, ft5 fl barrel, 50c$l w bushel: strawberrle iwa 16c f) quart; pine apples SI 2j1 75 f) dozen. Feathers Extra live geese, &0j60c; No. 1 do, -IOJ5c; mixed lots, 3035c fl tt. Honey New crop, 16&'17c: buckwheat, 13 15c Homistt S2 65Z 7.5 fl barrel. Potatoes 3510c fl bushel; Bermuda pota toes, 58 003 60 ft barrel; new Southern pota toes, $5 005 60 f) barrel. Poultry Live chickens, t575c per pair; undrawn chiokens, 1012c fl tt; drawn, H 15c f) ft: turkeys. lS20c dressed fl &; ducks, live, 6O70c fl pair; dressed, 1314c fl tt; geese, live, 31 001 2a fl pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel. So 60 P bushel: clover, largo English, 62 tts, S6 00; clover, Alisker?8 60; clover, white, $9 00; tim othy, choice. 15 tts. $1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 as, vuc; blue grass, lancy. n tts, si uu: orchard grass, 14 tts $1 65; red top. 14 tts, SI 25; millet 50 tt', SI 00; German millet 50 tts. SI 50; Hungarian grass. 60 tts. SI 00; lawn grass mixture of fine grasses, 82 60 f) bushel of 14 Sis. , Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, 55c. Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. S5 500 6 00 fl box; Messina oranges. $4 505 50 fl box; Valencia oranges, fancy, V 509 00 fl case; bananas, 12 50, firsts; SI 50. good secunds, fl bunch: cocoannts, $4 505 00 f) hundred; new figs, SK9c fl pound; dates, 6Kc fl pound. Vegetables Radishes, 2530c fl dozen; marrowfat peas, $2 25 9 crate: new cabbage, tiro-barrel crates, 12 503 00: Bermuda onions, SI 151 25 fl bushel: string beans, J2 00; tomatoes, S3 003 50 fl bushel. Groceries. Coffee options declined at the beginning of the week, but recovered lost ground yesterday. Stock in first hands is Increasing, but is un usually light in the hands of dealers through the country: A feeling that a break in coffee will soon come, which generally prevails, makes buyers very cautious. Teas are firm. A recent fire in New York which consumed 20,000 pack ages, following on. the heels of one in Chicago which consumed 60,000 half chests, sent Japans up 2c, and stiffened prices all along the line. Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 2223c: choice Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, lSK19c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo. 2223c; Mocha, 30fSlc; Santos, 1822Kc: Caracas coffee, 20K22o; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La guayra, 2122c Roasted (In papers) Standard brands. 24c; high grades, 2623c; old Government Java, bulk, S2J33Kc;Maracalbo,27K2SKc; Santos, 2224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice RiOv25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21Ke. bpiCESfwhote) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia. 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 70SOc Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c; Ohio, 120. 8Hc: headlight 150. SK water white, 10Kc; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadlne, HKc; royaline. 14c r , syrups Corn synlyi, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c: prime sugar syrup, 3033c:strlct lyprlme. 333oej new maple syr p, 80c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed. 4042c Soda Bl-carb in kegs. 34c: bi-carb in s, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 5J6c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2a Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, per set 8Kc;pararnne. ll12c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77Hc: choice, 60 7c: prime, SJie&Vcr Louisiana. 66Kc Starch rearV3c; cornstarch, 57c; gloss starch, 5K7a Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, S3 10: California London layers, S2 50: Muscatels, S3 25; California Muscatels, 51 85; Valencia, new. 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c: sultaua, 8c; currants, new, 4K5c; Turkey prunes, new, 43c; French prunes, 8K13c; balonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c: encoanuts, per 100, S6 00; almonds, Lan., per tt, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 10c; walnuts, nan.. 12015o: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12K lbc; new dates, 5Koc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. llI5c; citron, per a. 21022c; lemon peel, per tt, 1314c; orange peel. 12c Dried Fruits Apples, diced, per tt, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6!4ffl6Jc: apricots. Califor nia, evaporated, 150ibc; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared. 1012c; cherries. Pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpltted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Wfc; blackberries, 7Sc; huckle berries, imiic Sugars Cubes powdered. 9K 9Kc; granulated,9c; confectioners' A.8(g8c; standard A. 8c: soft whites, SVtSbJic: yellow, choice, 7?Wt.ielIow, good,T7Jc; yellow, fair, 7Kc: yellow, dark, 7a Pickles Medium, bbls, (1,200) SI 50; medi ums, half bbls. (600). 22 7a Salt-No. 1 bbl. 95c: No. 1 ex. 3? bbl. SI 05: dairy, fl bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, SI 20; Hiugin s Eureka, 4 bu sacks. 2 80: Hlggins' Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets. S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches $1 30 l !Ai; -'us, si ciubji oo: extra peacnes. 51 oui uu: pie peaches. VOc; finest corn, Slfjl 50: Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, OOcSSl 00; Lima betns SI 10: soaked do, S5c; string do do. 75 85c: marrowfat peas. SI 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples SI 401 50: Bahama do, 52 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages. SI 25; egg plums, S3 U0; California pears. S2 50; do grcengages$2 00; do egg plums $2 00; extra white cherries S2 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 401 50; strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, $1 201 30: tomatoes S2K602c; salmon, 1-tt. SI 7562 10; blackberries, 80c: suc cotash. 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c: do green, 2 tts, SI "51 50: corn beef, 2-ft cans SI 75: 14-tt cans, 313 50: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster. 1 tt. SI 7501 80; mackerel, 1-tt cans broiled, SI 50: sardines domestic. Us, $1 151 60; sardines domestic, s 18 258 oO: sardines, imported. y.t, Sll 5U012 50; sardines, imported. Ks, $13 00; sardines, mustard, S4 00; sardines piced.54 25.. Fish Extra No, 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl bbl.; exfa No. 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c fl tt.: do medium, George's cod, Cc; do large, 7c; boneless hike, in strips 6c: do George's cod in blocks, 67Ja Herring Round shore, $5 00 ft bbl.: splir, S7 00; lake, $2 50 fl 100-tt. half Dbl. White flsb, $7 00 fl 100 tt. half bbl. Lake trout S3 50 31 half bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c f tt. Iceland halibut 13c fl ft. Pickerel, K barrel, S2 00; barrel. SI 10: Potomac herring, f 5 00 fl barrel, S2 50 fl K barret Buckwheat Flour 252Kc fl ft. Oatmeal-SO 306 60 ft bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5860c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c 1 Grain, Flonr and Peed. Total receipts bulletined aX the Grain Ex change, 23 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 2 cars of oats. 3 of flour, 3 of hay, 1 of rye. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 1 car of wheat 2 of oats, 1 of hay. 7 of corn. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of core, 1 of wheat There were no sales on call. There is very little life to cereal trade in any depart ment Said a leading jobber of flour: "There is very little action to our trade, and collections are wretchedly slow." Witn I he uncertainties aud downward tendencies of flour the pat few months, buyers very naturally pursue the hand to mouth policy. Carload lots of the best spring patents can be laid down in Pittsburg at J5 50 and are offered here at $0 75. "Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 9293c; No. 3 red. 8SSSc Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 3940cj high mixed ear 33c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 3839c; high mixed shelled. 3S38Kc; mixed, shelled, 3 SSc. Oats No, 2 white, 3232Jc: extra, No. 3, 3131Kc; No. 3 white, 30d31c; No. 2 mixed, 27 2SC RYF No. 1 "Western, 7075e:No. 2. 55Q5Cc BARLEY No. 1 Canada, 05g08c: No. 2 Can--ada, 85eSSc;No.'3 Canada, 70472c; Lake Shore, 78c 11 Ty. Flour Jobbing prices- winter pateBtsvi SB 505 75: spring patents 86 75J0 00: winter? straight S4 7oj; clear .winter. S4 601 75; -straieht XXXX bakers', SI 004 25. Rye flour, S3 50g3 75. ." M11.LFZED Middlings, One white, $1-5 00(9 15 50 f! ton; brown middlings Sll 50 12 60; winter wheat bran, S12 2512 60; chop feed, S15 00Q16 00. ' Hay Baled timothy, choice, SI 00; No. I do, 813 00; No. 2 do, $10 0011 50; loose from, wagon. $16 0018 00; No, 1 upland prairie. $10 09, f?10 50; No. 2, $9 C0Q9 50; packing do, $5 &0J t" 0 60. 3j STRAW-Oats, 88 008 25; wheat and ry straw, $7 007 50Q8 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured hams medium, lie; sugar-cured hams small, lljc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10Jc; sugar i cured, shoulders, Sc: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9Kc: sugar-cured California hams2" 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c; sugar- -cured dried beef sets 9Kc; sugar-cured dried beef rcunds llc:bacon shoulders 7Jc; bacon ' clear sides Sc: bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry salt shoulders 6c: dry salt clear sides 7a Mess pork, heavy. Sll 00; mess pork, family, $14 50. Lard Refined in tierces, 7c; half barrels, TJc; 60-tt tubs 7Jc: 20 ft pails 7c; 50 ft tin cans 7c; 3-ft tin pails c; 5-ft tin palls, 7c: 10-ft tin pills 7Kc Smoked sausage. lonR 5c: large. 5c. Fresh pork links Sc Pigs feet, half barrel. $4 CC; quarter barrel, SI 90. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. f urrftsh the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 550 &s 5Kc; 550 to 650 fts, 6c:C50to750fts, 6Kc Sheep, Sc ft tt. Lambs, 9c f? B. Hogs a Fresh pork loins, 9c Oletnl Markets. New York Copper dull and steady; lake. May. S12 25. Lead quiet and firmer; domestic. $382. Tin steady and dull; Straits $20 4a London Pig tin Barely steady market but business fair; Straits 91 15s 6d for spot; futures (3 months). 92 10s Od. Copper Demand is fair, and market firm; Chili bars are now quoted at 39 15s Od for spot, 39 10s Od for fu ture delivery; best selected English, 44 10s. Lead Firm market and demand good; Span ish quoted at 12 15s Od. Spelter A good demand and prices held; ordinary Silesian quoted at 18 0s Od- Tin plate Business has increased and the market is steadier. Swift's Specific cured me of malignant Blood Poison after I bad been treated in vain with old so-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. S. S. 9. not only cured the Blood Poison, but relieved the Rheumatism which was cansed by the poisonous minerals GEO. BOVELL. 2422 Third ave., N. Y. Scrofula developed on my dau chter swell ing and lumps on her neck. 'We gave her Swift's Specific, and the result was wonder ful and the cure prompt S. A. DeArxond, Cleveland. Tenn. Swift's Specific is entirely a vegetable remedy, and is the only medicine which per manently enres Scrofula. Blood Humors Can cer and Contagious Blood Poison. Send for books on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. feI-7 TT3 WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE . CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest pnees call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r8S-D KjshS nt iBrH a WT'$k -'SBTSS BMB-SjssLlBfcssJst? iJsj11sTsf3rffi'M DKT GOODS Mi MIS. CITY SAVINGS BA1TK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. - -' 'P"" " Capital, $100,000, with privilege of $500,000. f7 ? Surplus and undivided profits, $23,600. Transacts a General Banking Business Ao counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. P. Interest allowed on time deposits. JAS. CALLERY President W.J.BURNS .Vice President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier mh23-59-TTS BPsaJpMKg A PERFECT! iramii3 A purely Vegetable i Compound that expels tall bad humors from the t system. Removes blotch 'es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. ap2-58 czemo.Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT T&o aimpls application f "Swatxxs Qnrmrt" wlttout hit Internml medicine, nin enra any case of Tetter. Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT RhCTim.BlarronD,PUe.Itch,Sorft Plmples,ErTtipeL.ll SKIN DISEASES no mum how obttlcste or loos nandio?. Sola 07 dragftiu. r lent tr mill for M ,. 3 Boim. SUS. Addreu. Db, SwHnisos.ralUdelcahJ.rs. All nnr dnaltt sx tt. THE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK HAVE OX KAKD AND ISSUE BROWN BROS. & CO.'S Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers Good in all parts of the world. ap27-83-ws TUt ONEY TO LOAU - On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of $1,000 and upward. Applv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mht-34-n No. 124 Fourth avenue. IJKURERS FINANCIAL. w HiTNEY fc STEPif ENaONi CT FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. ap2S-l GEORGE T. CARTER, 6 PER CENX GOUJ INVESTMENTBONnS, 514-515 Hamilton Building. mvlO-7Q.D Pittsburg. Pa. MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER SI 4 PENN AVENUE. PITTSBURG, FA., As old residents know and back files of Pitts burg papere prove, is tho oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases From SSSr NO FEE UNTIL CURED MCDni 10 ana mental diseases physical liLlI V UUO decay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashf nlness dizziness sleeplessness pimples eruptions im poverished blood, falling powers organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar. riage. permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ?& blotches falling balr, bone pains glandular swellings ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from thesystem. 1IDIMADV kidney and bladder derange U (in inn 1 1 ments weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experlenca insures sclentinc and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hours 9 A. K. to8P.K;Sundjy. 10 A. 31. to 1 P. St. only. DR. WHITT1LR, 814 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-31X-isuwk HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the wont cases in three days and cures In five days Price SI 00, at J. FLEMING'S DRUGSTORE, ja5-29-TTSSu 412 Market street. MEN ONLY! a rosmvis cukk For LOST or Falling MAN HOOD, Nervous ness. Weakness of Bodv Mind. Lack of Strength. Vlror and De- velopinent, cansed by Errors Kxcesaes, Ac Hoot, MODE ot SEU-Tbeatxemt. snd Proofs mailed iiealed) tree. Addreu 1lEI MEDICAL. Co suoilo, a. Y. deavK-TisJtwk 'If eflsT 1".