Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 24, 1889, Image 1

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Will be reaped by all who
advertise In THE DISPATCH.
It reaches every homo and
lis read by
you are in business let the
ulllc Know it through The
The Assassination Mvstery of
" Dr. Cronin to be Probed
to the Bottom,
By the Murdered Man's Friends, to
Avoid Giving an Alarm.
No Arresti Tet Made, bnt a Number of
Suiprcts Being Wntcbed The Brother
of ihe Victim Identifies tho Remains
A Religious Emblem Left on tho Doc
tor's Body Indicate the Belief of III.
Assassins All Thought of buflocntlon
Kow Abandoned Denth Caused by the
Blow of n. Sharp Instrnmcnt Postpone
ment of the Inquest Until Tuesday.
"Why Dr. Cronin was murdered and -who
committed the awful crime is more of a
mystery than ever. The body found in a
catch-basin in Chicago has been positively
identified as that of the missing Irish
Rationalist, his own brother having seen it
and being convinced that there was no mis
take. The Chicago police force are not
entirely without blame in the affair, there
being powerful reasons why several members
should hide such a crime if they were
cognizant of it.
Chicago, May 23. The body of Dr. P.
H. Cronin, the Irish Rationalist, lay all
day to-day upon a table in the basement of
the Lakeview police station. All last night
friends of the murdered man entered the
dead room, and with scarcely a single ex
ception the visitors identified the body as
that of the Irish leader. The silky black
hair, the teeth, and the scars on the hands
corresponded with those of Dr. Cronin.
The day pasted without any arrests. Ice
dealer Sullivan, however, was watched by
Pinkerton detectives. Dr. Cronin had
friends who, while they were confident that
they knew the identity of the band of con
spirators, refused to make threats or utter
innuendoes until a thorough and searching
investigation could be made. They first de-
) sired to establish the fact that Dr, Cronin
I had been murdered.
The Animus Made Known
"When the body of the Rationalist was
carried into the basement of the station
house they began their work. The animus
of the action of the Irish party, which is
jslmost beyond doubt responsible for the
esassination, was then made known to the
police. The wjfk of ferreting out the actual
conspirators is now being pushed. There are
three suspects. Two of them are under sur
veillance. These men are believed to be so
closely associated with the foul murder as to
be able to tell all about it.
There is another class of suspects. These
3re the leading conspirators who, while they
probably took no hand in the actual assassi
nation, gave it their indorsement if not
their hearty support The party friends of
Dr. Cronin have begun their work of in
vestigation on a cautious basis. Their ex
perience soon after the mysterious disap
pearance of Dr. Cronin has satisfied them
that the influence which worked to kill the
Irish leader
Permeated Even the Chicago Police Force.
"When the inexplicable absence of Dr.
Cronin was first announced the police au
thorities put two detectives on the case,
who, friends of the dead man have reason
to believe, were not desperately anxious to
solve the mystery. One of them is a rela
tive of one of the suspects. The other is a
member of the same faction of the Irish
party which is charged with the terrible
crime. He is also a member of the commit
tee which tried Dr. Cronin for treason.
"When the action of the police authorities
became known to Dr. Cronin's friends
they became alarmed, but manifested an in
difference which created no suspicions.
"When, bowever, Cronin had been killed,
the case was instantly transferred from the
hands of the police force to those of the
Pinkertons. This agency is now prosecut
ing the only intelligent search for the assas
sins. That they have damaging evidenee
against many of Dr. Cronin's enemies will
be developed within the next 48 hours.
Origin of the Latest Suspicion.
The distrust entertained by Dr. Cronin's
friends of the Chicago police force, while
warranted by the strange conduct of cer
tain officers in the selection of detectives,
finds its origin in the ramifications of the
Clan-Ra-Gael. The friends prefer to leave
the matter with a body of men picked for
the purpose, and who are known not to be
influenced by politics or sentiment All
the Buspects are now being shadowed by
Pinkerton men.
The fact that the "Agnus Dei," the
emblem found fastened with a cord around
the naked body of Dr. Cronin, was not de
stroyed, is accepted by many as proving al
most conclusively that the assassins were of
his own religious belief, and that their
superstition during the performance of their
ghastly work was so overpowering that they
were loath to remove the token of identifi
cation. The Cantlon of the Murderers.
The clothes of the dead man were de
stroyed. His jewelry and his case of surgi
cal instruments which he carried aw3y with
him when he left with the mysterious man
on the evening of May 4, are also missing.
Rothing remained on the body but the
towel nsed in strangulation, and the little
heart-shaped agnus dei. It is held that if
anybody but one of his own religious belief
had murdered Dr. Cronin this symbol
would have been destroyed, because it was
almost a conclusive means of identification.
The manner in which Dr. Cronin was
murdered is still a matter of speculation,
but friends of the dead man believe that he
was lured into a vacant house or room and
struck down the instant the outer door was
closed upon him. Although of powerful
physique and more than an ordinary ath-
Jete, it is evident from the condition of the
-- body that the victim had no time to defend
everybody. If
himself. The fltsh on his hands is not
bruised or scarified. The man
Must Have Died Without a Struggle.
Decomposition advanced with such terri
ble swiftness after the body was placed on
the table in the basement of the station
house that identification was almost impos
sible this morning.
Early in the day John J. Cronin, of
Bradford, Kansas, entered the dead room
and positively identified the remains as
those of his brother. He was deeply af
fected and cried bitterly as he accompanied
the officer up the stairs. The body was
also identified by Dentist Shay, who is
positive he made the plate on the false
teeth found in the mouth of the corpse.
The inqnest was to have been held in the
afternoon, but it was postponed until next
Tuesday morning, pending the action of
several secret conferences which will be
held before that day, and the accumulation
of some much-needed evidence.
A Post Mortem Held.
The jurors looked at the body and were
then dismissed. Subsequently Drs. Todd,
Egbert and Miles held a post mortem ex
amination. Their work consumed the
greater part of the afternoon. They refused
to give the result of their examination.
During the autopsy the .crowd in front of
the station house was so great that police
men were detailed to keep the sidewalks
clear. At 5 o'clock the body, wrapped in
sheets, was transferred from the morgue to
the wagon, and five minutes later it was
on its way to Byrne & Carroll's undertaking
rooms on .East Chicago street.
Big, ruddy -faced Bosch, who found Dr.
Cronin's remains in the catch-basin and
who remained at the station house all after
noon, was told that at a secret conference of
the dead man's friends it had been agreed
to pay him 52,000 for his discovery.
Dr. Todd said to-night that the sknll of
the dead man was cnt open and the brain
removed. After the scalp had been taken
off the physicians discovered that the bones
composing the skull had scarcely been
marked by the blows of the sharp instru
ment which probably caused the doctor's
No Sign ot Strangulation.
There was no sign of congestion about the
brain, but the lungs and pulmonary cavity
were filled with blood. Dr. Todd says this
might have resulted from the fact that
Cronin's body was placed head downward
in the catch-basin. A cut one-half inch
deep was found upon the neck, and several
bruises upon the lower limbs.
The theory that Dr. Cronin was choked to
death was exploded. The doctors found no
signs of suffocation. The passage through
the windpipe was unobstructed. Dr. Todd
declares that both he and his colleagues
were surprised at the fact that there was no
fracture of the skull bones or small bones
about the face. Even the inner table of the
skull was intact
Dr. Todd is of the opinion that the cuts in
Cronin's scalp must have been made with
a knife or some lighter weapon than an ice
pick or a hatchet, but he cannot account for
the cause of death except from the contu
sions resulting from severe blows.
Slay Have Been Killed by a Blow.
The rest of the doctors were of the opin
ion that Cronin might have been killed by
the blow at the outer corner of the left eye.
Even this blow was not hard enough to
fracture or splinter the bone.
Frank Black, alias "Woodruff, was in
dicted by the grand jury to-day for larceny
as bailee, in trying to sell the horse he hired
pf liveryman Charles Dean, the circum
stance which first implicated Black in the
Cronin mystery. "Woodruff was very much
disappointed that the detectives did not
accept his offer to go out with them and
work on the Cronin murder case. He spent
a lonesome day in jail.
A reporter to-ntght discovered another
bloody towel and a human finger farther in
the catch basin where Dr. Cronin was found.
It is believed that another murder was com
They Are Anxious to Have tho Murderers of
Cronin Hunted Down.
REW Yoke, May 23. Edward L. Carey
said to-day that he was not able to say
whether or not Dr. Cronin had been removed
by men who were opponents of his in Irish
societies. He did not believe that any one
could be so blind as to believe Dr. Cronin
an enemv of Ireland. Edward .T. Ttnwo
who was believed to be a sympathizer of the
Sullivan side in the faction fight in the
Clan-na-Gael in 1885, said to-day that he
hoped that the men who had murdered Dr.
Cronin would all be captured and hanged.
Personally he did not know Dr. Cronin,
and had been inclined to believe that Dr.
Cronin would turn up all right. He added
that there had been too manv cases where
Irishmen had resorted to violence against
men who did not believe as they did upon
Irish questions. He believed "that Irish
men who had the welfare of their country at
heart would struggle to root out all such
men. He, though poor himself, would give
$100 toward the prosecution of them.
A Tacoma Man Abandons Property Which
Eventually Makes Htm a Millionaire.
TACOMA, "WASH. T., May 23. Twenty or
thirty years ago Bobert Shields, then a com
paratively young man, acquired a homestead
on the bank of the Missouri river, on the
site where the city of Omaha now stands.
After perfecting his title he left for Califor
nia with his wife and family, and there
acquired a considerable amountof property.
Some 12 years ago he quarreled with his
family, and left his Calilornia property in
the hands oTan agent, whohas since collected
the rents and paid one-half over to the fami
ly and deposited the remainder in the bank
to the credit of Shields. The latter moved
to Puget Sound, and has for some years been
working as a day laborer in Pngallup, eight
miles from here.
After he left for California the Omaha
Town Site Company jumped Shields' claim
and included it in the land it sold. Shields
commenced suit against the company 16
years ago, and the case has been in the
courts ever since. He has received word
that the Supreme Court of the United States
has decided the case in his favor, and that
the damages have been assessed at $22,000,-
Shields has sent his brother, who is a
State Senator of Nebraska, a power of at
torney, with instructions to go ahead with
the enforcement of the judgment obtained.
He secured a letter a few days ago from his
California agent asking him for instrnction
as to the investment of his rents from his
California property, which had accumulated
to between $20,000 and $30,000. Shields is
a man of 58 or CO years, and has many
friends throughout this country. j
United Presbyterians for Prohibition
Springfield, O., May 2oyAt to
night's sessiop of the IT. P. General Assem
bly a resolution was unanimously adopted
favoring the Constitutionalamendment in
Pennsylvania. The preamble and resolu
tions are to be read in all tte Pennsylvania
V. P. churches either Jute 9 or 16.
No Testimony Tet Adduced That Clears Up
the Mystery of the Mind-Render's
Death Tho Search of His
Clothes and Its Result.
New Yobk, May 23. It was a hetero
geneous assembly that filled room 19 in the
City Hall, this afternoon, when Coroner
Levy was conducting an inquest into the
causes of death of the mind reader, W.
Irving Bishop. George Francis Train,
wearing his usual big bouquet, sat with the
lawyers and spent his time writing verses
about the "murder of.Bishop." There were
two doctors on the jury. Coroner Levy told
the jury that Bishop's relatives declared
that he was alive when the first autopsy was
begun, and moreover, that no permission
had been given to the doctors to make a
post mortem examination.
Mr. Cockran objected, on the part of Dr.
Irwin, to the Jury considering anything bnt
the cause of death. Anybody else, he said,
was beyond the coroner's jurisdiction. Coro
ner Levy said that it would probably be
brought out Incidentally, whether permis
sion tor an autopsy had been granted.
Milton Lackeye, who is now playing at the
Madison Square Theater, testified that
Bishop seemed ill for afewminutes after the
first exhibition, and then attempted a more
difficult test, after which Bishop was much
excited, and in a few moments fell over, ex
hausted. His first symptoms seemed to be
those of nervous exhaustion, and then he be
came rigid. Dr. Irwin hastened to his side
at once, and said that the stiffness of his
arms was cataleptic. Bishop was taken up
stairs about 1 o'clock Monday morning.
Clay M Green, Secretary of the Lambs'
Club, was asked: "Did you hear of any
search made in Bishop's clothes?"
"I did. There was no paper found giving
his mother's address and advice to his doc
tors, as has been described, however."
"Did you hear that Dr. Irwin had taken
a paper from Bishop's clothes?"
"I was told so by Lonis Aldrich,I think,"
said Mr. Green." Mr. Aldnch, however,
stated that this paper was not the letter de
scribed, but a memorandum which several
gentlemen present saw, and which, being
of no importance, was destroyed.
The inquest will be continued at 2 o'clock
to-morrow afternoon.
A Cocoannt Leads to the Arrest offxlvo
Negro Murderers.
BnraiNGHAsi, Ala., May 23. During
the trial of Gilbert Lowe for murder to-day
the testimony of Ben Elzey disclosed the
fact that the superstition of five negro mur
derers was largely instrumental in the iden
tification of their victim and their arrest
One night last January Ben Elzey, Law
rence Johnson, Joe Malachi, Gilbert Lowe
and Henry Joe, all negroes, found J. "W.
Meadows, awhile man, drunk on the streets.
They learned he had about $100 in money
in his pocket, and they took him out on
Bed Mountain, where they robbed and mur
dered him. Meadows had a cocoannt in
his hand when murdered. One of the ne
groes picked it up and was going to eat it,
so Elzey testified to-day, but the others told
him if he ate the frnit the ghost of the dead
man would haunt him. This frightened
him and he left the cocoanut laying by the
It was six weeks before the body was
fonnd, and then it was little more than a
skeleton, and conld not be identified. The
shell of the cocoannt was still lying by the
body. A frnit dealer hearing of this, re
membered selling a cocoanut to a drunken
man, who went away from his place in com
pany with five negroes. This was the first
and one of the most important links in the
chain of evidence which led to the identifi
cation of the body and the arrest of the mur
A Runawnay Girl Who Couldn't be Made
to Give Up Her Lover.
New Yobk, May 23. Bertha Harteck,
the daughter of one of the best known cap
tains in the coast steamship service, was ar
rested in Jersey City to-day on complaint
of her mother, who says she is in love with
Edward O'Hara, of "West Ryack, and that
she ran away from home because he was not
allowed to call on her there. O'Hara is 26
years old. He met Miss Harteck at a pic
nic. Mrs. Harteck didn't like him, and
wouldn't permit him to call on her daugh
ter. Last Monday the girl ran away and
Mrs. Harteck says she fonnd her with
O'Hara. She made a complaint before Jus
tice Bougot and Miss Bertha was arrested.
O'Hara was not found.
"When arraigned before the justice, the
girl was told that she would be discharged
if she would promise her mother not to see
O'Hara again. She said she would rather
be locked np than promise that. Her
mother pleaded with her with tears in her
eyes, bnt without success, and the justice
sent her to the county jail on a charge of
insubordination to her parents and dis
orderly conduct She refused to see any
body after she was locked up. Her parents
live in Lafayette.
He Is Found In n Dying Condition With Some
81,400 Missing.
Ashland, "Wis., May 23. The authori
ties have been engaged all day in endeavor
ing to solve a mystery which will in all
likelihood develop into a cold-blooded mur
der. About 6 o'clock this morning a po
liceman found the insensible body of
Charles Harris, a gambler and all around
character, in a Bay City saloon. Harris
was removed to one of the city hospitals and
is now in n dying condition.
His friends say that he had $1,400 on his
person, and when the man was found it was
all gone. Harris was evidently struck with
a siuug snot, xnere is a snaaow oi mystery
all over the case, and the authorities are"
having a hard time making any headway.
The Trial of the Electric Sugar Refining
Swindlers Commenced.
Rew Yoek, May 23. The trial of "Will
iam E. Howard, of electric sugar refining
notoriety, was begun in the Court of Gen
eral Sessions to-day. The first witness was
President Cotterill, fit the Refining Com
pany, whose examination brought out the
story of -the greatsugar swindle. The Presi
dent's story of hoyf the credulous investors
were duped brought a smile even to the face
of the Recorder.
He described how the interested parties
were allowed to look at the refining ap
paratus without touching anything, and
were then osked to step outside till the result
of an expriment should be shown them.
They say the machinery and the result, but
they did'not witness the process. The case
goes on; to-morrow.
Expected to be Built to Join the Fleet With
the New Yorktown.
"Washington, May 23. The Ravy De
partment has completed and will soon issue
advertisements calling for proposals for the
constructiox of three new cruisers, slightly
larger than the Yorktown, and of 2.0QO tons
The limit of cost fixed in the apnropria
priation act is $750,000 for each vessel. As
they will be longer than the Yorktown, it is
expected. that they will be more powerful
and faster.
PBmts Bi&aftt) .
Does a President Have to be in Order
to Do the .Filibuster Act and
Harrison Allows Another Day to Pass
Without Appointments.
And Leares Washington Wilhont" Word as to Bit
Success or Failure.
Senator Quay has'left "Washington, either
in disgust at not obtaining what he de
manded at tho President's hands or satisfied,
to leave to his lieutenant, Colonel Bayne,
their mutual interests. Ro appointments
were madeyesterday by the President to
appease the hungry crowd. A large num
ber of visitors called, prominent among
whom was Eev. T. De "Witt Talmage, who
came away delighted with his Presbyterian
brother. John Jarrett, J. T. "Wilson and
"Wilson King represented Pittsburg.
"Washington, May 23. Senator Quay
is evidently satisfied with the promise ha
has got, or satisfied that he has tot all he can
get at present, as he left for home this morn
ing. Possibly for the reason that Colonel
Bayne appeared upon the scene of action last
evening, the Senator felt that he could safe
ly leave the field to so able a commander of
his own faction. Previous to the Senator's
departure the two gentlemen held a confer
ence at Chamberlain's, and it is to be pre
sumed there was a thorough understanding
as to what has been done dnring Colonel
Bayne's absence in another portion of the
political vineyard, as well as to what yet re
mains to be accomplished.
Rotwithstanding the positive statement
yesterday that the commissions of Holliday
for Commissioner of Customs, Gilkeson for
Second Controller, and Martin for Collector
of Internal Bevenue at Philadelphia, had
been made .out and would have the Presi
dent's signature to-day, there seems to have
Possibly the President was so fatigued by
the volnme of the demand of such great
managers as Qnay and Piatt for two succes
sive days that he concluded to take a day
off after the departure of those gentlemen. I
At any rate, neither the .Pennsylvania nor
any other appointments made their appear
ance, and again there is a loud outcry
against the filibustering tactics of the Presi
dent. He is compared to the one man of the
House of Representatives, who may not be
mnch of a fellow himself, but whohas the
power, under the rules, to block the game of
all the other fellows.
To-day it is again promised the appoint
ment machine will begin to grind ont a new
grist to-morrow, and to-morrow possibly a
similar promise for Saturday will be all the
The great politicians were conspicuons
by their absence from among the throng of
callers at the "White House to-day, such
figures as Quay and Piatt having left the
city, and the field presented a .more favor
able aspect for the Smaller fry .'and for citi
zens not professionally political.
The agile form of Rev. T. De"Witt Tal
mage was about the most notable of the day,
and the doctor professed himself greatly
pleased with President Harrison. "I am
sure he is a man after my own big Presbv-
terian heart," said the doctor to there
porters. "He may have to knock ont some
Democratic Presbyterian occasionally, but
I suppose among those who supply the
vacancies our church will be cared for in
the natural course of appointments. I
think Harrison Is a good, pure, careful,
thoroughly conscientious man, who will
come as near doing his duty to his whole
country as a party man can, and that with
out any regard to the contest of 1892. Ro,
thank you, I am not after any office. I am
minister to Brooklyn already, vou know."
And the abnormally active spiritual gen
eral marched away down the walk at a
double quick. His son was with him, and
they were favored by being taken into the
domestic end. of the white House to see the
ladies and the babies.
Senator Hiscock was the only caller who
could be dabbed a political boss. He
marshaled a dozen or so of .Brooklyn poli
ticians in great style who wanted to berate
the President in a friendly way for his lail
ure to cut off the nn worthy heads of Brook
lyn Democratic office holders.
Big ej-Congressman Finnerty.of Chicago,
who flopped to the Republicans, was an
other visitor,and with him was little Patrick
Egan, Minister to Chili, who said' good-by
preparatory1 to taking the train for Rew
York, whence he will shortly sail for his
new post of duty. Nearly a score of ladies
and gentlemen from Buffalo got into the
library just to shake hands with the Presi
dent They had been at Gettysburg to dedi
cate a monument to "Wiedrich's Battery,
which played a great part in the battle.
Another large delegation was from Fred
ericksburg, Va., including nearly all the
officials and prominent citizens, regardless
of party. They pleaded eloquently that the
President would grace their county fair
with his presence.
Probably the most welcome visitor of all
was Hon. Charles P. Griffin, Secretary of
State for Indiana, who was elected on the
same day as Harrison, and who is an inti
mate frlfend of both the President and Pri
vate Secretary Halford. He lunched with
those gentlemen at the "White House. They
tai-ea over inaiana pontics, and indiauans
now expect to get a new whack at the offices.
Ro Hoosier having been appointed for a
day or two, some discontent among the
large crowd from that State isx being mani
Alrendy n Deficiency of $15,000,000 Made
by Pension Payments.
"Washington, May 23. The pension
appropriation act for the current fiscal
year appropriated (80,400,000 for the pay
ment of pensions, and $8,000,000 was also.
appropriated for the same purpose to meet a
threatened deficiency, making the total ap
propriations $88,400,000. This whole
amount will be necessary to meet the de
mands of pensions, and it may be that there
will be a deficiency, but it is said at the
Pension Office that there is no truth in the
statement that $105,000,000 will he expended
for pensions during the fiscal year.
Mr. H. C'Bell, chief, of the agents di
vision of the Pension Office, who is in
trusted with the luty of seeing to the ex
penditure of pension appropriations, says
that it is true that the $88,400,000 appropri
ated for pensions has all beeadrawn from
the Treasury, but that more than $16,000,000
of the amount drawn out is in the hands of
the eighteen United States pension agents
with which to meet the quarterly payments
of pensions which fall aue on the 4th of
next month. It is thought that this amount
will nearly suffice until July 1, when the
appropriation for the next fiscal year will
become available, though it is said that
some of the agents may run out before that
time. .
Mr. Bell says that the appropriation for
the next fiscal year,$80,400,000, is too small,
and that there will be a deficiency of about
$15,000,000. General Black, he says, did
not ask tor enough money to prevent a de
ficiency even on a basis of the expenditures
then existing. The pension roll at the time
the appropriation was made was and still is
constantly increasing, so that it is evident
that if we expend $88,400,000 this year,$80,
400,000 for the next will be wholly inad
Instead of Returning to His Native Land Ihe
Poor Boy He Was When He Left it,
He Goes to Fill nn Im
portant Position.
"Washington, May 23. Mr. John Jar
rett, recently appointed Consul to Birming
ham, took the oath of office to-day, filed his
bond, got his instructions, had an agreeable
chat with Secretary Blaine, will return
home to-morrow evening, attend to an arbi
tration case in Pittsburg, arrange his per
sonal affairs, and sail for England about the
middle of June. Mr. Jarrett left Encland
when he was 16 years of age, and his last
visit to his native country was made 20
years ago. He will therefore return once
more with no small feeling of pride, after
leavine there a poor workman, to fill one of
l the best consulships, not only in the United
n-ingaom, but in any country ot tne wona.
Mr. John T. "Wilson, of Pittsburg, called
on the President to-day, merely to pay his
respects, and was very pleasantly received,
as the President is aware that among Mr.
"Wilson's indorsers are some of his own per-
I fcnntl friar, Am A v-rnll its oai ? trift ilnflOf
f personal friends of Mr. Blaine. Mr. "Wilson
would like to go to Glasgow, and has ex
ceedingly strong back for the place, bnt it
is just possible that Secretary Blaine may,
as a compliment to his friend Mr. Andrew
Carnegie, as well as a gratification to many
other political and personal friends of Mr.
"Wilson, select for him the consulship at
Dumfermline, Mr. Carnegie's native city,
which is considered a very desirable office.
The city has a vast trade with America in
linens. Mr. "Wilson will remain here for a
day or two, as he has not yet had oppor
tunity to see Secretary Blaine.
Mr. "Wilson King is still in the city, and
is one of the most indnstriousof the many
workers for Consulships, and feels that bis
long experience and strong backing ought
to have great weight for him.
It is reported among the thousand or two
of applicants for Consulships who are in
the city that a large number of appoint
ments will be made in their line to-morrow
or Saturday, but this may be a mere rumor.
But He Will Send a Substitute to Represent
the Administration.
1 'Washington, May 23. Mr. Brecken
ridge Jones, of Georgia, called on the
President to-day and in the name of the
citizens of Rew Decatur, invited him to
attend the ceremonies to take place there
on Hay 29 in celebration of the opening of
various industrial enterprises. The Presi
dent received Mr. Jones very cordially and
assured him that he took a warm interest
in the industrial growth of the South and
expressed his gratification at the many evi
dences of material advancement which the
South was exhibiting.
The President said he regretted that the
state of the public business would not per
mit him to be present in person at the open
ing of Decatur's new enterprises. At the
suggestion of the President and Secretary.
Noble, Judge Shields, Assistant Attorney
General for the Interior Department, will
attend the ceremonies at Rew Decatur, and
will, represent the administration on. that
Clarkson Demonstrates His Ability to Bent
His Own Record.
Washington, May 23. Mr. Clarkson
made his word good in.regard to breaking
all former records; to-day, in the number of
postmasters appointed. He reached a grand
aggregate of 243. Two hundred and five
was the highest previous connt. About
three-fourths of those appointed are remov
als. Following are the appointments for
T. B. Cosgrove, Archbald: C. Van Buskirk,
Bald Mount: M. R. Brown, Canal; J. B. Hard
ing; Center Morehead; C. L. Bartleson, Clifton
Heights! R. P. Cochran, Cochranville; W. A.
Straw, Drums; William Wolf, Gelger's Mills;.
H. H. Rehr, Gibraltar; W. S. Huys. Lyclppus;
u. J. Reese, uiypnant; ij. ii. unaitant. rerry
opolis; H. C. Howard, Pickering; H. B. Porter,
Smock: H. C. Courson, Wasbingtonville: W. C.
Allen, west Hickory and W. H. Clonse, Wood
First Cms His Wife's Throat and Then Cats
nis Own Writing: a Message After
the Bloody Work Was Partly
Completed No Causo
for tho Deed.
WiLKESBAEEEjMay 23. Prank Compton
killed his wife, Dora, at "West Pittston, this
morning, and then cut his own throat,dying
two hours later. Compton and his wife
seemed to live happily together until about
six weeks ago, when the husband became
jealous of his wife. A few days ago he pro
duced a piece of clothesline about ten feet
long and said he would hang himself with it.
About 4 o'clock this morning Henry
Young and his wife, next door neighbors,
were aroused by piercing screams issuing
from the apartments occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Compton. The screams were- those of
a woman evidently in great agony. Young
summoned help and broke in the door. jLy
ing on the floor, clad only in her night
dress, was Mrs. Compton, in a pool of blood
and blood was still flowing from a gaping
wound in the throat.
Jnst behind the door of an inner room
stood Prank Compton, the murderer, his
throat also cnt. He held in his hand a
butcher knife, with which the crime had
been committed. Blood was dropping from
the knitc and blood was also flowing from
the wound in his throat. He swore he
would kill the first person who dared to
enter. Mr. Young and his companions then
fled. During their absence Compton en
deavored to enter Mr. Yonng's house, but
Mrs. Young succeeded in keeping him out.
Compton lingered until 7 o'clock, when
he died in great agony. The murderer took
his own life in the inner room. He made
two attempts, the last one being successful.
After killing his wife and inflicting the
first wound upon his own throat, Compton
wrote a message upon a slate. It is said
that Compton had not the slightest ground
for his insane jealousy of his yonng wife.
Trial Trip Across the Atlantic of nn Elegant
New Steamer.
Reyt Yoek, May 23. The magnificent
new twin-screw steamship, Augusta Victo
ria, of the Hamburg-American Line,
started on her first voyage Eastward this
afternoon. She carried 200 first cabin pas
sengers, 150 second cabin and 220 steerage.
Before noon more than 1,000 people had
gathered on the pier to see heron. Captain
Albers did not say he would lower the
record on this trip, bnt he confidently pre
dicted that he would lower it on the trip
About noon the officers gave an informal
reception on board of the big-ship. A little
after 1 o'clock half a dozen tugs pulled the
ship out and -she steamed down the river
alone. She was sainted by the tugs and
ferry boats as she went out into the bay.
Among her passengers were Mnrat Hal
stead, E. L. Godkin and the Baron and
Baroness H. Yoa Munchhansen,
Five Members of a Southern Clergy
man's Family Burned to Death,
A Fire Fanned hy a Sale Destroys a Sum
mer Residence in Virginia,
A Preacher, His Niece, Gorerness and Two Children
Horned to a Crisp.
Details of a terrible disaster are received
from Virginia Beech, Va., where a fire
broke out in a clergyman's residence dnring
the night, and. before all the inmates of the
house could be aroused, five out of the nine
perished in the flames, among them the
pastor, Dr. Clarke, who rushed back into
the house to save the others after rescuing
his wife and youngest daughter.
Robfole; Va., May 23. The quaint
and picturesque little dwelling of Rev. E.
C. Clarke, about five miles from Virginia
Beach, and in a grove of towering pines, was
the scene at 1 o'clock this morning of a terri
ble disaster which left only four persons
out of a family of nine alive. Mr. Clarke
was the pastor of the London Bridge
Baptist Church, and was surrounded
with an interesting family, consisting of
his wife, three daughters, and two sons.
Beside these he has had staying at his resi
dence for some time Miss Pnllen, of Shiloh,
Va., his niece, and Miss Ella Bidgood,
governess for the pastor's family. '
"Wednesday night the occupants of the
household retired about 10 o'clock. At that
time the wind was blowing a gale outside,
and a fire was left burning in the rear room.
Soon the flames set the chimney on fire, and
the fire spread to the house, and the frame
structure was soon burning at a terrific rate.
Mr. Clarke awakened and found his room
fnll of smoke, gave the alarm to his wife in
an adjoining room, and shouted to awaken
the other sleepers.
The flames spread so rapidly that they
cut off all egress by way of the staircase.
The windows were the only exits left, and
Mr. Clarke quickly tied several sheets from
the bed together, and lowered his wife and
youngest daughter safelv to the ground.
Then Mrs. Clarke saw "her husband rush
'back in the burning building. Before he
had been Out of sicrht two minutes the rear
portion of the building caved in, and no
more was seen of him.
At that time only four persons had es
caped from the building, and they were
Mrs. Clarke, James Clarke, Mabel Clarke,
and the governess, Miss Bidgood. The
other five, whose charred remains
were ftund after the flames were
extinguished, were Mr. Clarke, H
his two daughters, uessie and Mariana, his
son Freddie and his niece, Miss Pnllen.
All the bodies were burned to a crisp and
Mr. Clarke's bare bones are all that is left
of him.
Mr. Clarke's oldest son, James, labored
under a misapprehension Und thought that
everybody was out of the house. Instead of
looking out for the inmates, he saved
the piano. After accomplishing
this feat he carried oat
several other articles of value before discov
ering that the five inmates in the burning
building had not escaped. "With the ex
ception of what the lad saved, the family
lost everything, not even saving clothes
enough for proper attire.
Miss Pullen was an only child and the
daughter of wealthy parents. She was a
pretty girl of 19 summers, and very popular
among all who knew her. Her parents are
grief-stricken, and the annonncement of her
death to her mother caused her to go into a
fit of hysterics which, it is feared, may
prove fatal. t
The funerals of the five victims will take
place from the Oak Grove Church, of which
Mr. Clarke was the pastor, to-morrow after
noon. People from all over Princess Anne
county will be in attendance, as the de
ceased pastor was very popular and highly
esteem e"d.
A Trio of Lads Who Were Bound for the
Wild and Woolly West.
Philadelphia, May 23. Chief of Po
lice "Wood received a telegram to-night
from Jersey City requesting him
to arrest three boys who left there on
the 8:15 p. 21. train over the Penn
sylvania road. Two detectives were
accordingly detailed, and when the train
arrived at the Broad street station at 11
o'clock the boys were arrested. At the Cen
tral police station they gave their names as
C. E. Burgess, aged 14, Volney Gilbert, 14,
and Charles Dnpret, 15. The boys were
walking arsenals. Each was provided with
a rifle, cartridge belt and revolver, and a
search of their baggage brought to light a
small brass cannon, ammunition therefor,
and fully 2,000 cartridges.
In addition to this they had fishing
tackle, dark lanterns, baseball out
fits, and the other paraphernalia
of sportsmen. All their accoutre
ments were of the finest kind. They had
through tickets from Rew York' to Louis
ville, and one of the lads stated that their
destination was Sacramento, Cal. "While
on their way down Chestnut street in a
nnrvnl weMn a 44a Tiayi nr Ksan armetail
one of the boys threw away a revolver and
box of cartridges. They were all well
dressed and supplied with money.
The Horrible Attempt nt Snlclde Made by n
Buckeye Man.
Alliance, May 23. A horrible job of
attempted self butchery and hanging was
enacted in East Alliance ahont 1020 this
morning, the victim being Daniel Collins,
an old and well-known citizen. Collins
lives with his wife, who keeps a grocery,
and with them lives James Boyle, her
brother. This morning the house was the
scene of a family broil.
The old man went to the orchard, and,
placing a step ladder in position, placed a
noose around his neck and was soon dan
gling between heaven and earth. A pass
ing teamster saw him jost in time, and cut
ihe rope that was drawing life to a close.
On being cut down a huge jack knife was
fonnd in his hand with which he had in
flicted a deep cut in the throat, almost suffi
cient to cause death, also two deep stabs
over the heart and two gashes in his stom
ach. Collins will die.
"South and Age Fall to Agree.
REW Yobk, May 23. Sarah J. Core,
wife of the senior partner of the firm of Core
& Herbert, appeared before Judge Sedgwick
to-day to ask for alimony and counsel fees
in her suit for a limited divorce, on the
ground of her husband's crueltv, abandon
ment and failure to support. She is Mr.
Core's third wife and be is almost or quite
old enough to be her father.
i .,
is a.
The Flan of Co-Operation Between the
Presbrterlan Assemblies Adopted
Money Needed to Educate Yonng;
Men for the Ministry
Foreign Mission.
Rew York, May 23. The subject of
"foreign correspondence" was taken up by
the Presbyterian General Assembly at its
session to-day. The Moderator introduced
Rev. Dr. Clark, of the Reformed Church,
Philadelphia, who spoke of the work done
in foreign lands by his church. The Mod
erator thanked Dr. Clark for his attend
ance and expressed the hope that he would
live to see the day when the Reformed and
Presbyterian Churches would walk to
gether. The report of the Committee on
Education was presented by Rev. George
T. Purves, of Pittsburg. The report showed
that because of the want of funds to edu
cate young men for the ministry an unusu
ally large number of churches are without
The report of the Committee of Confer
ence on Fraternal Co-operation in Christian-
Work "With the Southern Church, which
had already been presented in the afternoon,
was called up on the order of the day. The
report says that the committees of both
churches agreed upon co-operation in for
eign mission work, co-operation in the home
field, and with reference to co-operation in
the evangelization of the colored people,
recommended that the relations of the
colored people in both chnrches be allowed
to remain in sfatu quo, the work among
them to proceed on the same lines as beforeh
and that the sympathy of both churches be
extended toward the evangelization of the
colored race.
Rev. Dr. Crosby supported the report
"One of the grounds of complaint against
it," he said, "is that the Northern church
has more money than the Southern church
and that therefore the Southern chnrch
would reap a greater advantage by this
union. This ought to be a source of grati
fication to us rather than of complaint" A
vote was taken and the first two clauses of
the report on home missions were carried.
The third and fourth clauses were then
consolidated and carried. The question of
co-operation in the evangelization of the
colored people was next taken up, but the
hour of adjournment having arrived, it was
A, Long but Favorable Debate on the Plan
of Ca-Operatlon.
Chattanooga, May 23. The Southern
Presbyterian Assembly was called to order
at 9 o'clock this morning. The Committee
on Sabbath Observance recommended that
the assembly indorse a petition to change
the day of inauguration to the first "Wednes
day in March or the last "Wednesday in
April and to prohibit work on the Sabbath;
and that the assembly request officers and.
members of the chnrch to refrain from all
travel on Sunday except in cases of neces
sity and mercy. The report was docketed.
The Committee on Co-operation with the
Northern Church was called. The special
committee which had been appointed to
consider the report of the joint conference
committee submitted a majority report
favoring the adoption of the Conference
Committee's recommendation to co-operate
and a minority report opposing it Along
debate ensued, in which the sentiment was
discovered to be largely in favor of co-operation.
Ro vote was reached.
Mysterious Dynamiting of the Summer BesL.
denee oi a Wealthy Widow.
Boston, May 23. A dynamite bomb was
thrown to-night through the window of the
summer house, at Jamaica Plains, of Mrs.
C. M. "Weld, a wealthy Back bay widow,
and the kitchen was badly wrecked.
The housekeeper was sitting at the window
through which the bomb was thrown, and
she escaped by jumping over the burning
fuse and running to the front door. The
explosion occurred when she was in the
front hall, and its force was so terrific as to
blow ont the windows of the house.
Rose Rogers, the housekeeper, was hurled
against the front door, bnt was not hurt
She opened the door and yelled for the po
lice. The explosion made a bad wreck of
the kitchen. The bomb was a ten-inch
piece of gas pipe an inch and a half
in diameter, capped at both ends,
with the fuse in the center. The fuse
was a short one and was evidently intended
to work quickly. The bomb was filled with
bullets, and these were scattered all over
the room. The ceiling and walls looked
like a pepper box.
The cause of this anarchistic outrage is
a mystery. Last January the stable was
set on fire, and this fact, coupled with to
night's outrage, seems to indicate some
grudge against the family.
A Church Which Does Not Approve of Its
Pastor's Eloping Proclivities.
Rew Yobk, May 23. At a special meet
ing of the North Rew York Congregational
Church to-night the resignation of the pas
tor, the Rev. John F. Hooper, was unani
mously accepted. This action was due
to the scandal caused by the pas
tor's eloping on last Friday with Miss Mary
Curtis, the daughter of Charles Curtis, vice
principal of a publio school, with whom
Mr. Hooper used to board. Mr. Hooper
had been divorced from his wife In Cali
fornia and his attentions to Miss Curtis were
opposed by her parents. The eloping couple
were married in Union Hill. On Tuesday
the bnue returned to her parents ana a re
conciliation took place.
On "Wednesday the clerk of the Congre
gational Church called on Mr. Hooper, and
insisted that he should resign. Mr. Hooper
wrote out his resignation, and when the
meeting was well under way last night he
walked in before his old congregation and
handed it to Deacon John Lindsay, who
presided. Mr. Hooper mounted the plat
form, and said that although a more ju
dicious preacher than he might be found a
better preacher than he is could uot possibly
be obtained for the salary.
Baltlmoro Gambling Houses Close While
the Grand Jury is In Session.
Baltimobe, May 23. Every gambling
house in Baltimore is closed and the indi
cations are that they will remain to for a
week or ten days. The new grand jury
caused the sporting fraternity to snspend
business. Some one having inside informa
tion posted the boys that the grand inquest
was preparing presentments against a num
ber of dealers. Rather than take any
chances all of them agreed to shut until the
storm should blow over.
It seems, however, that they were a little
too late. To-day the grand jury presented
a number ot tne smaller try, and by to
morrow it is expected the capiases will be
issued. The big houses, anticipating
trouble, have taken the precaution of re
moving from their premises every baize
covered table, chips and all else forming a
A Small Gain for Fleming.
Chableston, "W. Va., May 23. "With
to-day's work in the Goff-Fleming Guber
natorial contest the evidence shows that
Fleming is six ahead thus far in the reading
of the depositions.
Of any kind can best be
satisfied by advertlsinc in
the" columns of TUB Dis
Vi. tA
Charactfd a Wagner Mat
inee and Had Place in the
Evening Concert.
Sunshine "Warms Tip the Tast Audi
torium Hicely.
An Interview With the Fair Divn at the Mat
ineeShe Idkes Pittsburg How the
Wagnerian Compositions Sounded Tho
Deluge as a Chorus Feature PerottI
Intoxicates the Crowd Again Inside
and Outside Incidents, Front Every
Standpoint The Music as a Critie
Beard It.
The "Wagner matinee, with its warmth of
sunshine, brightened up and warmed into
keener zest the third evening concert of the
Music Festival. Daylight didn't draw
well, though. It was toward the evening
performance that the people yearned,. and to
it they went "The Deluge" was intended
to be the feature of the evening, and the vast
audience, no doubt, got some idea of what
St. Saens intended "The Deluge" to be.
They are great concerts, these, in the mam
moth new building; and great ones are to
IT was much
warmer last night,
and the fourth con
cert of the May
Festival was mora
enjoyable. To the
orb of day the mul
titude can unite ia
saying: "Your
kindness was ap
preciated, and if
you give the earth
a warm, sunny bath
Wagner, Bero of the
to-day, the lovers of music will, figuratively
speaking, fall down and worship yon
Do you know, old man, for a gentle
pointer, the chorus girls are angry, and they
have a right to be. For three wearisome
days they have been kept from wearing
their white dresses, and if something is not
done to temper the temperature to those
unshorn lambs, there will be a merry war in
the May Festival camp."
The scene on the Allegheny last night
was most beautiful and picturesque. Those
who caught a glimpse of the building on
the river side, with, the brightljghtssha9 '
tng tnrouga the windows ana glittering' on.
the surface of the waters, beheld a picture
worthy of a painter's brush.
A gbanz shbine and siant at it.
The gentle curve in the structure, and the
round towers, have reminded more than one
of some ancient castle, lacking only the ivy
green and the climbing vine.
The largest audience of the week assem
bled last evening. Fully 5,000 people were
present, and to-night, it is expected, only
standing room can be obtained. Some of the
faces in the boxes were familiar; but there
were a number of new ones. The style of
dress also was slightly changed though the
somber colors still prevailed. Many
of the chorus girls had the
temerity to appear in white; but the build
ing was quite comfortable after all. It was
warm enough for the men to remove their
overcoats, and the ladies to lay aside their
wraps. After the usual preliminaries, a
friendly warfare with the opera glasses was
steadily maintained. There was no ad
vance, no retreat; but everywhere, all over
the large auditorium, friends and neighbors,.
and many strangers, too, were singled out
This ia really one of Uie most enjoyable
features of the entertainment, and it is to be
regretted that the weather is too raw to allow
the ladies to U3e their fans. "With this
modern hand appendage added, the picture
would be more attractive.
The audience felt prepared to grow en
thusiastic. They were a good-natured,,
well-dressed crowd and easily pleased. Herr
Fischer and Miss Aus der One, with a long,
but well-executed, selection on the piano,
paved the way for Signor Perotti, who
capped the climax and even elicited oral
applause from the gallery. The great tenor
was in fine form, as the baseball cranks say,
and he exerted himself like a steam engine
under high preesure. The applause was
continuous, and when the agile Italian ap
peared for the encore and the orchestra
struck up a familiar air, there was renewed
hand clapping.
"Who says Pittsburg hasn't any pretty
girls? Let the man, if he can be found,
step forth and be flayed alive. The boxes
were full of them, and in the orchestra and
dress circles there was a heavy percentage.
Yea, venly, if there are any pessimia and
cranks in Pittsburg, a view of the
scene in the building any night, even from
the rear of the auditorium, will make them
forget for the time their pessimism and
crankyism. A visit to a May Festival con
cert is recommended as a sure cure for them.
The large American flags, with their lessee
companions on the walls on both side3 of
the stage, seemed to hover like protecting:
angels over the orchestra and chorus.
Still the old lady with the gray hair occu
pied her seat in the chorus. She was there
in the afternoon, and is one of the first picked
out by a sharp observer.
An interesting study is afforded by the
people of the Point The same old crowd
was on deck to see the people and listen to
the music,
Mothers with babies on their knees sat on
the doorsteps and lumber piles to watch the
sights and hear the sounds. A gang of
newsies held the post of honor on the high
board feace, smoking cigarettes and
tobies, and bogging the passers
by for tickets. "Say, milter,
give us ver door check, won't
vou?" was their constant yell. Big Dan
Sylvus and Captain TJnterbaum, with their
25 aids, kept everybody straight, including
the newsies on the fence. Dirty-faced girls
pretty children occupied places on heaps
of lumber, chatting with the ladies and ex-
Continued on Sixth Fags.