Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 23, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Can You Tell Us of Anything for
Wich tf is Uot Available?
3lore Light on Electric Lighting Ij Henlo
rark Wizard's Counsel
Notwithstanding suggestions of Jarndyce
Vs Jarndyce, the case of "Westinghouse vs
Edison evidently grows in interest from day
to day. That olaclc hole called the United
States Circuit Court room was crowded to
Its utmost yesterday. A considerable por
tion of the crowd was composed of members
of the Allegheny county bar, but business
men's faces predominated. It is supposed
that the fact that no matter in what light
you looked at the case you saw marked all
over it this figure "$," had some effect to
draw. The decision of the case will trans
fer much of what the character represents
irom one set of pockets to another.
Mr. Thomas A. Edison sat at the counsel
table, and though evidently listening closely
did not exhibit any unusually apparent inter
est, and his smoothly shaven face and the gen
eral contour of his features suggested ex-Secretary
of State Bayard. The proceedings were
as on the day previous enlivened from time to
time by their honors asking questions. When
Mr. Grosvenor P. Lowrey referred to Sawyer
as a man of intemperate habits, who might
havo fared better and had more success. Judge
WcKennan wanted to know If Mr. Lowrey un
derstood the temperance laws of this State.
Mr. Lowrey said he did not. but he had a
Xnend who suffered greatly from thirst last
Sunday. The visiting counsel evidently
hadn't got onto the "speak-easles." There is
eUU another of the "furrin" attorneys in the
case' on the side of the defense. W. D. Don
nelly, Esq. He is associated with Mr. Richard
2?. Dyer, who made the argument in the after
noon. IT IS 12 YEARS OLD.
Mr. Lowrey, on resuming his argument, said
the incandescent lamp started to burn in
ilenlo Park in 1S77 and has continued just as it
was then constructed. Edison, he said, gave
the light to the world and it was the plaintiffs
who infringed on them, and not the defendants
on the plaintiffs. .Mr. Lowrey contended that
the use of carbons was an old story. Alluding
to the Sawjer-Mann lamp, he said it was
neither the father nor mother of the Edison
lamp, but might be called a mule in science.
Mr.Xowrey gave a general history of the var
ious experiments of Mr. Edison, and read
opinions from various scientific men who in
1879 discredited the fact that Edison had per
fected his light and had sub-divided electric
light. A lamp was exhibited which Mr. Low
rey said was used by Mr. Edison in his experi
ments in 1877. It was then discovered by Edison
that be must have a perfect vacuum to produce
a perfect incandescent light. He worked then
to find something that would give a high resist
ance conductor and the result was this fine
fibrous filament, he then used and now uses,
the bamboo fiber. The speaker said there
would be no electric light, out for the wonder
ful genius of Edison. The discovery of the use
of bamboo was an accident. Exogenous woods,
are of no use in making the fine fibrous fila
ments and Edison soon found this and when
he discovered tbat bamboo was needed he sent
to Japan and China to procure specimens of
the fine fiber which grows immediately under
the bark. Mr. Edison experimented with over
6,000 kinds of bamboo and of these only three
or four can be used. Mr. Lowrey finished his
argument after the noon recess.
Richard N. Dyer, Esq., followed Mr. Lowrey
or the defense, and the part assigned to him
was almost entirely technical. He had a large
chart and a large number of drawings illustra
ting the advance in electricity since 1S00, when
patents were first taken out in England, and
since the discovery of the voltaic batteries.
Air. Dyer said that it was not the quest' on of
material to make household lighliu. but that
it required a new invention, which was bt-ncht
about by Mr. Edison, and which was not known
by Sawyer & Mann. The chart was then re
sorted to and electric lamps patented by De
Moleyn in 1S11, showing the nse of boxwood
as a carbon, and a lamp Invented by
Xing, an Englishman, in ISIS, and other inno
vations all showing the idea of incandescent
lighting. The gradual improvements in
electricity from 1853 to 1S72, and finally the last
and grandest improvement by Edison. Mr.
Dyer claimed that the light invented in 1872 by
Xoun was in reality what caused the after
thought of the arc system. The speaker
claimed it was not the character of the burner
that was to make the electric light a success;
something yet remained to be discovered, and
if Sawyer A Mann had discovered that why
did they keep it quiet and not give it to the
world, as Mr. Sawyer testified that not one of
their lights had been sold. Mr. Dyer closed by
heading a statement of Prof. Barker on the nse
ol carbonized paper.
Cadge Ewlng Settles n Texed Question
About Corner Sewer.
The jury is out in the case of Allegheny
City against Andrew D. Miller, an action
on a municipal lien for a sewer assessment
During the trial of the case an important point
was ruled upon by Judge Ewing. Miller owns
a large piece of ground, a full square, on Wash
ington avenue. The place is valued at about
$100,000 and the assessment for a sewer on
Washington avenue amounted to $1,000. The
assessment was made on the frontage on Wash
ington avenue. Miller claimed that the front
age of the place was next to the Fort Wayne
Railroad tracks, and he held that be was en
titled to a reduction of 50 per cent on the as
sessment, the same as on a corner lot, when the
sewer was on the side street
City Attorney Elphinstone contested this
claim, holding that the place was not divided
into lots, and the front was as much on Wash
ington avenue as anywhere else, hence bo was
entitled to pay a full assessment Judge
Ewing took the same view and so ruled in
favor of the city.
To-Day's TrinI Lists.
Common Pleas No. 1 McGuire vs Dollar
Savings Bank; Edmundson vs Flanlgan; Heath
Vs Thomas et ux; Sprague vs Pittsburg Trac
tion Company; Sleeth vs same; Evans vs Toerge
et al; Jeffries vs Walker Brewing Company;
Patton vs Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com
pany; Lippert vs Herald; Beckert, Br., vs Mc
Ouire et al; Commonwealth vs Luty; Patterson
ct ux vs Knhn; McLaughlin vs Barton; 'Paxon
et ux vs MiUrale borough.
Common Pleas No. 2 Harrison vs Orr et al;
Fahey & Mitchell vs Gledhill (six cases).
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs John
Carter, Win. Mahneke, Philip Franz, Arthur
Oallo, James Rodtrers, Maurice Wallace,
Thomas Connors, Peter Bcbon, Virginia l
Ashe (2), Joseph S. Dawson, H. W. Audree.
To-Dnj's Audit LIsr.
Estate of Accountant
Ida M. Fahnestock B. L. Fahnestock.
M. Voegtley N. H. Voegtley.
- Margaret Hannon Peter Hannon.
J. H. O'Brien a A. O'Brien.
Thomas Adams ...A. W.Adams.
D. O'Neill A. M. Brown et al.
Win. Hare ......Samuel W.Hare.
W. E. Fahnestock B. L. Fahnestock.
.JT- -McKenna..." Hugh Gayton.
iry A. Long Sarah Cable.
W. B. Fulton James M. Cook.
JohnL. Rhoads H. D. Gamble et aL
James Irwin.... John J. Irntnetal.
All Caused by a Dog.
The suit of John Kappeti against John Wei
linger, for damages for false arrest is on trial
before Judge Slagle. Wellinger, it is claimed,
lost a dog, and had Kappetz arrested on the
charge of having stolen the animal. He alter
ward found the dog and withdrew the informa
tion against Kappetz.
Legal Tender.
Iif the case of James Liney, charged with
selling liquor without licence and on Sunday,
at No. 727 Forbes street by Inspector White
house, the Jury was out at tha adjournment of
A sox-suit was taken yesterday by the
plaintiff in the suit of John Wooley against
Manager John O'Brien, of the CaslnoMusenm,
for damages for having been ejected from the
Judge Ewing yesterday made a 'decree in
favor of th plaintiff In the equity case of
Mary E. McKenna against Charles B. Head.
The suit was to restrain the defendant from in
terfering with the erection of a party-wall be
tween Nos. 1231 and 1238 Penn avenue.
John Cabteb was to have been placed on
trial in the Criminal Court yesterday for the
murder of Isaac Gross at the Solar Iron Works
laxt March. The case was not quite ready when
court opened and another case was taken up.
The jury in it remained out all day, and not
having a full panel of lurors to draw from for
he murder trial, was postponed until to-day.
Weak stomach,Beecham'i Pills actlike magic
Tzars' Soap secures a beautiful complexion.
Illinois has adopted the Australian Eyttem
of voting.
A slight fall of snow Is reported throughout
The President yesterday appointed Nathan
Kimball Postmaster at Ogden, Utah, vice John
G. Tyler, resigned.
A number of towns in Central and South
em Minnesota report a hard frost, doing some
damage to vegetation.
At the Inman Line office in New York the
announcement Was made yesterday that the
City of Paris had broken the record for east
ward passages by an hour and S5 minutes,
The heaviest rainfall known to the people
in Western Wicomico county, Maryland, for 30
years, fell in that sectlonycsterday. Growing
crops were submerged. Highways were badly
A mine of graphite has been discovered on
the farm of J. H. Berch, near Plattsburg. Mo.
The vein is 4J feet wide and 800 feet long. It
will be developed for stove polish, lubricating
powders and lead pencils.
The grand Jury of Union county. Now
Jerseyryesterday handed into court three in
dictments against General J. Madison Drake,
Commander of the Veteran Zouaves, for crimi
nal libel. He was held in 8,500 bail.
The jury In the celebrated Carter divorce
case, at Chicago, yesterday brought in a ver
dict in favor of Mr. Carter, the defendant Mr.
Carter was granted a divorce on his cross-bill
charging Unfaithfulness. An appeal will prob
ably be made.
R. N. Whitlock, a manufacturer of box
sbooks at Tiffin, O., complains to the Inter
State Commerce Commission of a wrongful
classification of box shooks, which are now
charged higher rates than lumber, with which
iney were tormeriy classed.
The Bourne Mills Corporation, of Fall
River, Mass., have decided to adopt a plan of
profit-sharing with their employes. The plan
is to go into effect on the 1st of July, and after
that date 6 per cent of the profits of the mills
wiu oe umaeo. among tne employes.
At a joint meeting of the Massachusetts
Freight Handlers' Assemblies, 6372 and 7174,
K. of L, Tuesday, it was decided to ask of the
Fltchburg Railroad Company's contractors an
increase In wages to $11 40 per week for men
working on the docks; and $11 per weeklor
men working in the freight houses.
Brooks & Wells, boot and shoe manufac
turers at Westboro, Mass., with an office at 103
Bedford street Boston, have failed. Liabili
ties are reported at $80,000; nominal assets $00,
000. The firm, it is stated, has been doing too
large a business for its capital, which is $50,000,
while the transactions aggregated $400,000
Mayor Grant of New York, yesterday
made .announcement of his appointments as
follows: Police Commissioner, James J. Mar
tin; Commissioner of Charities and Correction,
Edward Sheehy; Corporation Counsel, William
H. ZClark; Dock (Commissioner, J. Sargeant
Crane; Police Justices, Charles N. Talntor,
Edward Hogan and General John Cochrane.
The most disastrous May storm and freshet
tnat nas occurred in many years was expe
rienced Monday and Tuesday at 'Stillwater, N.
Y. The canal overflowed and the crops on the
lowlands were ruined. Four inches of water
fell at Comstocks. Washington county, and the
crops were badly damaged. A f nrions storm
of wind, rain and hail fell at Sandy Hill and
vicinity. Considerable damage was done to
crops by the storm. The Hudson river has
risen about three feet at Troy owing to the
The Supreme Court of Ohio has decided
the case of the State against Henry 8. Ives
and George H. Stayner in tavor of the defend
ants. The prosecuting attorney of Hamilton
county had taken exceptions to the ruling of
Judge Shroeder, of the Common Pleas Court,
where the jury was directed to bring in a ver
dict for acquittal, the defendants being on trial
for swindling the stockholders of the Cincin
nati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. The ex
ceptions were overruled and the case dis
missed. The American seamen who were brought
from Samoa on the steamer Rockton complain
of the bad accommodations and insufficient
food on that vessel during the voyage. The
steamer was greatly overcrowded, carrjing 444
men, while she had accommdoations for but 250
at the outside. The Rockton had been used as
a cattle ship, and her general condition, the
men sav. wa miserable. The sailors also state
that while in Samoa they were compelled to
sweep the streets of Apia every morning in
front of the German, British and native prop
erty. A peculiar case of wholesale poisoning on
the farm or Mr. Hayden, near Wichita, Kan.,
has been reported. The father, mother, child
and hired man are deathly sick, and two cows
and a horse lie dead in the barn yard.
It would seem from the death of the ani
mals that the poison came from the well. My.
Hayden became sick Sunday evening, and dur
ing the night his cows died. In the morning
the hired man complained of being ill, but
after vomiting he became better. Soon after
the daughter, aged 15, was seized with convul
sions, and had no sooner been placed in bed
than her mother and father were seized with
the same pains. The girl, it is feared, will not
An explosion of gas occurred in the base
ment of the Van Ness House, Boston, yester
day morning. The windows of the hotel were
blown ont and those in the vicinity smashed,
while the lower portion of the hotel was
wrecked. Edward Levers, the porter, was dan
gerously burned and is noi expected to live;
Ellis Zarditskl was dangerously burned abont
the face and body; Herbert Russell, aged 28,
clerk in the hotel, was badly burned about the
bands, head and face; Nicholas Emery, aged
67, a lobster peddler, and Clement Saunders
were cut abont the hands and face by glass.
xuey are aii in tne nospiiai. xwo men stand
ing in the entrance were blown across the
street but escaped without serious injury. The
cause is said to have been the lighting of a
match in the basement where a gas-purifying
machine had been disconnected from the
service pipes, which had been left unplugged.
It is supposed one of the men now in the hos
pital lit the match.
A Dnngerom Letharct.
The forerunner of a train of evils, which too
often culminate fatally.is Inactivity or lethargy
of the klaneys. Not only is Bright's disease,
diabetes, gravel, or some other dangerous in
tegral disease of the organs themselves to be
apprehended, but dropsical diffusions from the
bjood, rheumatism and gout, are all traceable
to the non-removal from the blood by the kid
neys of certain impurities. Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters depurates the blood, renders the
kidneys active and prevents their disease.
What Does it Mean f
Whyj it simply means that we will name
three big bargains for to-day's sale and sell
some of our finest suits at ?8, $10 and $12.
Call to-day and see these bargains. One
thousand patterns and every one bright, new
and fresh, at the P. C. O. C, cor. Grant and
Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House.
Elgin or Wnltbnm Sliver Watches,
Hunting or open face, stem wind, and war
ranted first-class timekeepers; prices,-513,
S15, 518, $25, $27. Call at E. P. Roberts &
Sons', corner Fifth are. and Market st.
Bile mitts and silk gloves in largest
variety, our own importation at money
saving prices. Eosenbatjm & Co. m
Alivnvi With Yon.
The Hay Festival lasts for a week, but
Marvin's new May Festival cakes,one of the
most delicious dainties made, can be had
every day for a year. Don't fail to try
them. Your grocer keeps them,
Geeat Western Gun Works removed to
706 Smithfield street
Bargains in blonscs and new styles of
jerseys, 98c to $5, laree variety of fresh
goods, at Rosenbaum & Co,'s.
J. H. Johnston's gun store removed to
706 Smithfield street
Its superior excellence proven in millions of
homes for mots than a quarter of a century.
It is uf cd by tho United h rates Government
Indorsed by the heads of the great universities
as the Strongest Purest and molt Healthf uL
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not
contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold onlv
THUBSDAT, May 23, 1SS9.
No More Stiff Joints
"I am prompted by a grateful
heart to write you a few lines.
IJtave suffered
For two years with rheuma
tism in my limbs, back and neck.
The past winter
J was unable to rest
Except in a chair, night or day.
In February last
I saw your advertisement
In the Waupaka, Wis., Republican.
I have never heretofore paid
the least attention to advertised
remedies, but something seemed
to say to me,
'Just try one bottle of Paine's
Celery Compound!
I did so and I wish everyone
suffering with rheumatic troubles
Go and do likewise.
I used only one bottle and I
feel younger than I did ten years
Can walk just as spry,
With no more stiffness in my
Than when I was a girl.
That is what Paine's Celery
Compound has done for me!
I Would rather shake hands
with the proprietor of Paine's
Celery Compound than with
The President of the United States.
I would deem it more of an
Mrs. M. V. Hungerford,
Paw Paw, Mich.
Afrit 4th, iSSq.
At Druggists. z.oo per bottle. Six for J5.00.
Burlington, Vt
MB. GEORGE LAMBERT, who lives on
Jones avenue, this city, near Twenty-seventh
street, has been cured of a very bad case of
catarrh by the physicians of the Polypatblc
Medical Institute. 1 o. 420 Penn avenue. When
he applied for treatment be complained of
much soreness In his luBgs,sbortness of breath,
a choked up feeling in his throat, with much
dryness; the catarrhal secretion tbat he raised
from his throat and luncs was very tough and
tenacious; his eyes were weak and troubled
him very much about reading or seeing ob
jects distinctly. The disease also extended to
his stomach, so that he had great pain after
eating. On account of his food souring on
his stomach be had much belching of gas, and
was so bloated that his heart would frequently
palpitate, and cave him so much pain that be
thought he had heart disease. After becoming
cured, as above stated, he says:
"I am very glad to give my testimonial, and
shall always speak in praise of the doctors to
my many friends for curing me of this dread
ful disease, and I cheerfully recommend all
others suffering from chronic diseases to call
on these specialists, who will frankly tell you
what they can do for yon.
"Qeobgk Lambert."
The diseases treated successfully at the
INSTITUTE, HO Penn avenue, are catarrh,
diseases of the stomach and all forms of skin
and blood diseases, and they especially Invito
those whose diseases have failed to improve
npaer ine general practitioners treatment to
call and examine their system of treatment
and cure, which have been the result of years
of careful study and investigation. Office
hours, 10 to 11:30 A. SI.. 1 to 4 and 6 to 8p. M.
Sundays, 1 to i p. m. Consultation free.
Mrs. Dr. Crossley, one of the Consulting Physi
cians at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 323
Penn Avenue.
To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered
on for 13 years. The aches and pains which
she experienced in almost every part of her
body was simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting
pains across the small of her back and lower
part of her body was almost unbearable. In
fact she suffered -with all those diseases and
conditions peculiar to women. For three
months her mind was unbalanced, and for
months she was confined to her bed. She be
came very weak and emaciated, so that she
only weighed 93 pounds. No one expected her
to live, much less get entirely cured. After
receiving three months' treatment with the
physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti
tute, 323 Fenn avenue, who make a specialty of
her disease, she says:
"I never want any one to suffer as I have for
the past IS years. The condition of my case
was much worse than has been described, and
I am only too glad to testify to my complete
cure by the doctors of the Catarrh and Dys
pepsia institute.
Please remember that the physicians of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute never display
their patient's portraits in the papers. Neither
do they publish any testimonial, except with
the full consent or wish of tho patient
Furthermore, their testimonials are not from
some far off place where no such parties reside,
but from your own county and your own
city, with the full name and address
given, thus proving their genuineness. The
atrrrb and Dyspepsia Institute is thoroughly
established in Pittsbure, and thousands of
patients gladly testify to cures they have re
ceived. The treatment used does not consist
of the so-called magnetic, or superhuman
agencies, but medicines made from roots
and herbs, and compounded to suit
the requirements of each individual
case, thus removing not only the disease,
but the cause of the disease as well.
Ninety-five out of every hundred of the pati
ents treated at this Institute are those suffer
ing from Catarrh, which is the certain fore
runner of consumption. The testimonials pub
lished speak for themselves. They treat suc
cessfully Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Kidney and Female
Office hours. 10 A. ir. to 4 p. itM and 6 to 8 p.
K. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. M. Consultation free
to all. ruyll-D
Almeria and Malaga Grapes,
Bananas, Florida Oranges and all kinds of
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Core BUJIOUS and
Nervous ILLS.
25ct. a Box.
Magnetic Artesian Baths.
The Best Mineral Water in the "World.
Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Catarrh.
Cancer: Skin Diseases from anv cause. For
particulari address ARTESIAN BATH CO.,
jTerre Haute, Ind. my23-12
Over 10,000 Yards to be Sold at
In original Strips ' of sjf to 4 yard
lengths, and only in this way. The prices
placed on the goods ARE SO LOW that
quotations here would not convey an
Idea of the
We Offer This Week in
Come in at once and see for yourself.
Visitors to the May Festival in the city
this weekure invited to pay our house a
visit of inspection. We are headquar
ters for
my21-D "
Or the Liquor Hibit Positively Cured
by Administering Dr. Haines'
Golden Specific.
It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without
the knowledge of the person taking it: Is abso
lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and
speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
Drunkards have been made temperate men who
have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without
their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit
drinking from therr own free will. IT NEVEB
FAILS. The system once Impregnated with the
Specific, It becomes an utter impassibility for the
llnnnr Armpttt a to exist. For sale bv A. J. Kankln.
Btxtb andJPenn ave.. rittsburg: E. Holden Co.j
lito. A. Eellv & Co.. Pittsburg, Pa. de27-S-TT8
bpecialty Correct fitting of lenses and
frames. All styles of Spectacles and Eye
Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own
factory and workmen are our inducements.
WH.E.STJERM, Optician,
dealers in wines, liquors and French cor
dials for family nse. Sole agents for San Gab
riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND
SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a sOec
alty se22-bl3K-TTS
We pay cash for them.
mylO-4S-TTF 102 Second ave.
Td Buy
In Fittsburg, CaU on
WM. H. ALLEN, 51srS,oa
from Liberty and Market streets clear through to Fifth avenue. Our counters are
loaded down with attractive goods of all
.The largest and best selected stock in the two cities.
Over 500 Styles. Far superior to any other assortment west of the mountains. Nice
goods from $1 to $5.
"Fl 1 "TC An unequaled collection of all the latest novelties in Silk, Satin
JD ii.il j and Gauze Fans, also Elegant Feather Fans from 35c up. Pocket
and Japanese Fans in Largest Variety.
T A snTTQ Pxqulsite Lace Flounclngs, Figured Nets, Russian Nets, Spanish
Juia.J-Ei& Guipure and Chantilly Laces, and the dantiest in Oriental and
Point de Gene Laces.
UNDERWEAR Silk, Lisle and Muslin Underwear for Ladies and Children,
at unheard-of low prices. Also,
GENTS' FURNISHINGS Fine Balbriggan Underwear, Neckwear, Hosiery,
Collars and Cuffs, Suspenders, Kid Gloves, at money-saving prices. .
GLOVES AND MITTS Positively the largest varietr ever shown here. Fine
Silk Mitts, 24c to 75c Pure Silk Gloves, 38c up. Kid Gloves, latest styles, 44c,
68c, 75c, 89c $1, Si 35. Gloves fitted to the hand If desired.
SPRING WRAPS closing out at greatly reduced prices.
510 TO 514 MARKET ST.
EIENOR Another Patient Whom the Physi
oiana Failed to Help
Cured by Dr. Smith, the Magnetio
Physician, at 602 Penn
Dr. Smith is performing some of the most
wonderful cures ever witnessed in Pittsburg.
Scores and hundreds of invalids who have
hitherto been nnable to find relief from their
sufferings are being restored to health in large
numbers through Dr. Smith's strange magnetic
power. It is exceedingly interesting to see
and talk with the vast number of invalids suf
fering from all manner of complaints who are
brought to the doctor for bis favorable or un
favorable opinion of their diseases. It is also
gratifying to observe the change that takes
place in many of these seemingly helpless cases.
Scores of invalids who are so weak and feeble
that they have to be carried to tho doctor In
chairs and on beds are restored to health in a
short time. Some are cured by one, some by
two magnetic treatments, while others require
more. The following very interesting cases
were cured by our magnetic treatment:
Mr. Geo. T. Hartrey, who resides at Bpring
dale, Pa., has been a great sufferer from con
sttpation hemorrhoid (piles) and from fistulas
for a number of years. Pile tumors as large as
a black walnut made their appearance several
years ago. and were the cause of much suffer
ing. These tumors were often prolapsed, and
would bleed so profusely as to cause extreme
prostration. As the disease advanced four fis
tulas made their appearance, and were so pain
ful tbat he was obliged to give up his business,
and was unablo to perform any manual labor.
Mr. Hartrey had tried the skill of a number of
physicians but had been unable to find relief
until he applied to Dr. Smith, the magnetio
physician, at No. 602 Penn avenue, who cured
him permanently without fhe nse of the knife
orltgature. Dr. Smith agreed to cure him for
a certain sum of money, which Mr. H. paid
mm ai. mo uegiuuiuc 01 tne treatment, air.
Hartrey was permanently cured in a short
time and may be referred to.
Mr. Peet, owner and manager of Imperial
Hall was a great surlerer from verlcocefe for
many years. He applied to Dr. Smith and was
Sirmanently cured. He may be referred to.
r. John Foley, who resides at Millvale, was
taken with a terrible pain in his right shoulder
npward of five months ago. The attack came
on suddenly, like a shock of paralysis. The
arm became useless in a few moments' time.
He could not use the hand nor move a finger.
A short time after the attack he began to ex
perience pain .in the shoulder. The pain In
creased In severity for a number of days, when
it was discovered that there was an accumula
tion of pus in the shoulder joint. Mr. Foley
applied to a doctor, who opened the shoulder
with the knife. Large quantities of pus was
discharged ,at the time and a fistula formed,
which continued to discharge a thin acrid pus.
In this helpless and hopeless condition he ap
plied to Dr. Smith, the 'magnetic physician,
at 502 Fenn avenue, and was cured per
fectly. He basjregalned the use of his arm.
J. C. Henderson had been tortured with piles
for ten years. He was cured by Dr. Smith in
one week.
Dr. Smith cures all forms of female com
nlalnts without the use of instruments or ex
posure of the person. He also cures piles and
rupture without the use of the knife, or pain
to the patient, nor detention fiom business.
He treats and cures cancers in less time and
with less pain than by any other known
Dr. Smith is permanently located at 602 Penn
avenue, where everybody can go from 9 a. m.
till 7 P. x. The doctor consults free and cures
after all other means fail. He treats every
form of disease known to humanity. Go to
602 Penn avenue and consult him if you wish to
get well. Letters of inquiry must contain two
stamps, myl9
tlj. C? k9 OPTICIAN,
Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka
Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nose
blades fitted to other eye glasses.
Oculists prescriptions a specialty. All kind
of lenses ground and spectacles made on tho
premises. 90S PEN1T AVENUE. PITTS.
Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia.
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
S3 Stjcth Street, IPlttstrarg.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted
to every defect of sight. Field and Opera
Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers,
Thermometers, etc.
ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order
and warranted. Always on hand a
large and complete stock. jaS-TTSSu
We expect to see our city thronged with
visitors from surrounding-towns. In tab
ing in the sights o! this wonderful city
you cannot miss our great stores, runnintr
,ssssfi.VJM 19,' 1 8 oSsesjI
mi.-' .vJHr t: rgs
kinds, among wnicn are:
While it is impossible to avoid attacks of ill
ness and to finally conquer the great destroyer.
Death, there is abundant evidence to prove
that there are agencies within tho reach of
skill and science capablo of correcting the ten
dencies of disease, and restoring enfeebled
enereies to their healthy functions. Life cer
tainly cannot be made perpetual: but it can
doubtless bo prolonged by judicious treatment,
and misery and suiferlns can be prevented.
The idea that disease trill spend itself without
the aid of mediSal skill is as absurd as to sup
pose that the lairs of nature are without pur
pose and direction. It is the same in the ani
mal as In the vegetable kingdom. Vfben a
tree shows signs of weakness or decay it is by
care that its vitality is restored. Leave it alone
and tho process of decay will advance, and in a
short time a dead trunk only will remain.
But, attend to it, water its roots, protect it
from blighting winds, etc., and it will again
nourish as it it had never given evidence of
feebleness. So it is with the human being; for
it nothing be done to control colds, fevers,
lung, liver and kidney affections, and a thous
and and one other diseases to which flesh is
heir, they are certain to obtain headway, break
down the most vigorous constitutions, and,
after a longer or shorter time of wretchedness
and suffering, end life. Thousands die every
year from neglect resulting from carelessness,
prejudice, orsome other blameable cause. Fam
ilies are depleted, fond ties severed, torturing
anxieties produced, and endless miseries pro
tracted from one generation to another by
reason of overlooking the commencement of
disease and delaying medical treatment. Fatal
beyond conception is this carelessness in regard
to health and life, for without health therecan
be no happiness, and when life ends, all is
darkness and mystery.
After carefully considering these circum
stances every one will recognize the import
ance of consulting a skillful and experienced
physician as Boon as the existence of any dis
ease is detected. The delay is always danger
ous, and may prove fatal. The principal point
to decide is the choice of a doctor. Advanced
medical science alone, as practiced by Sr.
Woods, can meet the demands of the case, and
be wishes to impress upon young and old alike
the importance of retaining, if possessed, and
regaining, if lost, the full force of physical and
nervous energy. Sr. Woods thoroughly under
stands the treatment of such cases, as is proved
hy the fact that a large number of young peo
ple who consulted him when in a state of de
bility have regained powerful constitutions.
He likewise gives attention to people advanced
in age whose systems bavelostvitallty. Broken
down constitutions come within one of his
greatest specialties as a practicing physician,
and the amount of good he has done in restor
ing health and strength is simply incalculable.
j.110 nrsi principle 01 nis Treatment is to stop
the disease and then restore the vital organs
to- their proper functions. He repairs and
builds up the constitution, so that the whole
system is made new. The truth of this is
shown by the fact tbat his patients gain from
.10 to 0 pounds in from one to three months.
Dr. Woods can refer to hundreds of well
known and influential citizens whom he has
restored to perfect health after their diseases
were considered incurable, and in many in
stances they had given up all hope of ever real
izing the sense of good health again.
When possible the doctor prefers to see his
patients; but when this is impossible his suc
cessful system of treatment by correspondence
enables the afflicted in all parts of tho world to
avail themselves of the benefit of his skill at a
very small cost. Send 4 cents in stamps for
question list. All communications sacredly
confidential. No charge' for advice. Exam
inations are also free to those who desire treat
Office hours, 10 to 13 A. M.'. 3 to S and 7 to 8
r. m. my23
In the Lead
For Low Prices
Good Clothing.
Don't fall into a rut and a
beaten track when you can
buy our dependable Clothing,
and our methods keep you
free from mistake.
We invite comparison of
the Clothing and the prices.
You're quitewelcome whether
looking or buying.
Every obstacle goes out of
your road when we tell on
the ticket the quality, exactly
as we know it, and guarantee
the goods to be true.
That helps you, whether
you're a judge or not, to make
sure of a good article; if
you're a judge, our way makes
you doubly sure.
The workmanship is of a
higher character than gets
into usual ready-made, and
will serve you well, whether
it is Clothing for office or
shop, or best wear.
Bear in mind we make
manufacturer's prices.
& Brown,
Sixth street and Fenn avenue.
I KuttA.U l .jr.-. w -tt toon V YVtatilTi(
-w MViiCU Uli; tu CUCC JIUir Ja. UK. SVk llsjaa.sj,-
ton. U. 0., Ualtlmore, Philadelphia and New
York, '8:00 a. m. ana .-M p. m. Kor Cum.
berland, 8:00a. m $1:00, 9:20 p. m. For Con
nellsvllle, : and '8:00 a. ro il:0C. M.-00
and 0:2O p. m. For Unlontown, M:, '8:00 a. m..
il :U) and l:CO p. m. For Monnt Pleasant, 8:40 and
8.-00 a. m and ll:CO and 4:00 p. m. For
Washington, Fa., 6:4S, 9:40 a. m,, '3:33, 3:30
and8:30p. m. For Wheeling, '6:43, 9:40 a. m.,
3:35, 8:3dp.in. For Cincinnati and St Lonls.
'6:43a.m., 8:30p.m. ForColnmbns. 6:15and:W
a. ra 8:S0 p. m. For Newark. 6:43, 8:40 a. m.,
3:35, 8:30p.m. ForCbicaeo, 8:45, 9:40 a. vs.,
3:35 and 8:30 p, m. Trains arrive from New
York, FbiladelpBla, .Baltimore and Washington,
6:20a. m. and '8:50 p.m. From Columbus, Cin
cinnati and Chicago. 7: a. m. and 9:00 p. m.
From Wheeling, 7:43, '10:50 a. m., 5:00, M p.
m. Th rou eh sleeping cars to Baltimore. Wash
ington and Cincinnati.
Whee!ln; accommodation, 8:30 a. m Sunday
only. UonnellSTllleaccommodstlonat S8:35a. m.
Daily. Dally cxrept Sunday. JSnnday onlr.
The Fittsburg Transtcr Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and residences
upon orders left at B. ft O. Ticket Office, corner
Fifth avenue and Wood street. CHAd. O.
SCULL, Oetf, Fasa. Agfc
station. Central Standard Tint. Leave for
Cincinnati and BU Louis, d 7:30 a.m., dS-OO and
d 11:13 p. m. Dennlson, 2:45 p. m. ChlcjKJ
12:03, dllilip. m. Wheeling, 7:30 a. m.. 12:08,
6:10 p. m. BteubenTiUe, 8:55 a. ra. Washington.
5:55, 8:35 a. in., 1:55, 8:30, 4:55 p. m. Bplger, lOila
a, m. Jlnrgettatown, Blh35a.m.. 5:p. m. Suns.
Held, 7:15. 11:00a. m t30. dS:35t 10:55, P-ra. Mc
Donalds, d4:li dlOKB p. m. . ....
From the West, 12:10, d;0n, a. m.. 3:05, ds:3
p.m. Dennlsou 11:30 a.m. Stenbenvllle, Sraap. m.
Wheeling, 2:10, 8i43 a.in., 3:05, 5:55 p.m. Biirgetts
town, 7:13a, m.,Brtaa.m. Washington , IjSJ. 7j50,
8:33 a. m.. 2:35, 6:20 p. m. Mansfield, d 6:35, 9:00
a. m 12:45 d6:20 and 10:00 p. m. Bulger, 1:40p.m.
McDonalds, d 1:36 a. m., d 9:00 p. m.
d dally; a Sunday only; other trains, except
The following are but a few of the many. Read them carefully:
2,500 Men's. Fine Business Suifis
Scotch Flaid8,
Neat Stripes,
Flain Shades,
$8 85
At this price these Suits are th e most remarkable bargains ever offered
by us bargains such as only Kaufmanns' can show. Workingmen and
mechanics should buy these suits because they're cheap and durable;
clerks, salesmen, bookkeepers and business men should buy them be
cause they're handsome and stylish. Remember, there are but 2,500
of them (not a very large quantity) and the price for your choice is
only $8 85.
Men's Finest Dress Snits, $15 to 20
These garments will satisfy, aye, delight, the most careful and particular
dressers. Gentlemen who are in the habit of paying high tailor bills
should see these suits. Why, nobody can have an idea of the high de
gree of perfection attained in- the manufacture of clothing until he has
seen these suits.
C A. R. suits. G. A. R.
Here, as in all else, the clothiers of Pittsburg, of-course, pretend to be
able to compete with us. But can they? Well, this question is easily
answered by our readiness to produce at from 10 to 20 per cent. less
money any Grand Army Suit they may offer. This includes the cele
brated Middlesex uniforms.
3,200 Boys' Fine
Silk Mixtures,
Scotch Flaids,
Narrow Stripes,
Solid Colorings,
$2 48 ofoe $2 48
We, of course, have cheaper and high-price suits than these, if you
want them, but for good, solid value these $2 48 suits are a revelation
to the trade. Mothers, don't fail to see them. If you'd but know how
excellent and rare bargains they are you'd travel miles to get one. '
FOR BOYS, 12 to 18 YEARS OLD,.
We have just placed on sale about 500 extra fine Dres3 Suits, princi-,
pally in fashionable light patterns that are so popular Cfcl "1 f
this spring, and worth from $15 to $18, at only CpJLw
Summer Underwear,
Summer Hosiery,
Summer Necktaear,
Flannel Overshirts,
Flannel Blouses,
And would like to serve you with these articles, if you like fine qualities
and a big saving of money.
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street.
Marll 1989. Central Standard Time.
As follows from Union Station: i'or Chicago, d lid
a. m., d 12:2), d 1:00, d7:15, except Saturday. 11:3)
gm.: Toledo, 7:13 a. m.. d 12:21 d 1.-00 and except
atnrdar. 11:20 p. m. ; Crestline. 5:49 a.m.:ClBTe
Iand,:ll7i25 a.m., 1I: and d lltf p.m. : New Cai
tle and Yonngatown, 7i05a. m., 12:35, J:p. m.;
Youngstown and N Ilea, d 12 JO p. m.; MeadTlUe,
Krleand Aabtaliola. 7:05a. si., 12:20 p. nut Nllet
and Jamestown. 3:13 p. m.; Masslllon. 4:10p. m.:
WheeUnx and Bellitre. (:10a.m., Hitt. lUp. m.:
Hearer falls. 4:00. S--06 p. m Hock joint, 38:20
a. u.t Leetsdale. SiSO a. m.
ALLEBHENY-Kocbester, t-JO a. m.( UTM
Kail j, 8:15, 11:00 a, m,: Enon, 8:00 p. to.; Lee ts
dale, 10:00, 11:43 a. m., 2:00, Oh 4:. 5:30, 7:00, 0:00
p. m.; Conway. 10:30 p.m.; JTalr Oaks, b 11:40 a.
m. : Leetsdale, 3 8:30 p. m.
TRAINS ABK1VE Union station from Chicago
except Monday 1:50, d 6:0(1. d6:35 a. m., d J:50 p.
m.; Toledo, except Monday 1:50. d 6:33a.m., 630
n. m. Crestline. 2H0 n. m.: Yonnrstown and
ew Castle, 9:10a. m., 1:25, 6:50. 10:15 p. m.; NUes
10:15 p. m.: Masslllon. 10:00 a. m.: Mies and
Jamestown. :10 a. m.; Beaver Jans. i:m a. m
1:10 p.m.. KockFolnt, 8 8:25 p. m.; Leetsdale,
10ip. m.
AKKIVK ALLEGHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a.
m.: Conway, 6:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.; Beaver
Fills. 7:10a. m, 6:45 p. ra.: Leetsdale, 8:S0, 6H5.
7:45 a. m 12:00, 1:45, 4.-00. 6:30, 90 p. m.; Fair
Oaks. 88:53a. vs.: Leetsdale, 8 6.-03 p. m.j Hock
Folnt 38:15 p.m. , .. . .
8, Sunday only; d, aallyi other train, except
Sunday. ""
COMPANY Schedule in effect February 24,
isS), Central timet ......
J ft L. 15. K. B.-DxrAKT-For Cleveland, 8:23.
7:40A. II., "1:20, 4:15, '9:30 P. M. For Cincinnati,
Chicago and Bt. Louis, 6:25 i. JL, 'li3 9:30 p. m.
JforBatfalo, 7i40 x. v.. 4:15, 9:3)r-. M. lTorHala
manca. "7:40 a. jj.. !: "9:30 p. if. For Beaver
rails. SiM. 1:Kl 10:20 A. H.. '1:20. J:30. 4:13. 3 :2a
"9:30 p. M. l-or Chanters, 5:23, SjJS, 6:50, V"
70S, 8:40, -), 9:25, 10.-3) A. H.. 13:06, 12:43, 11:25,
1:45, 3:30; 4:45, '5:10, tax, 8:20, 10:30 P. If.
Abiutb From Cleveland, 3:30 A. K., 1M,
5:40. "SiOO P. M. From Cincinnati, Chicago and
8. Louis, 1:00, 3:0OP. H. From Buffalo. 3i30 A.
X., 1:00, 5:40 p.-if. From Salamanca, 1:00, 8:00
P. M. From Yonngstown. 5:30. "8:50, 9:20 A. K..
Iioo. 8:40. liO p. M. From Beaver Falls, 5:30,
6:60, 7:20, SffllA. If.. '1:00, 1S: jV. .,. JJ
From Chanters, 6:10, 5:22, 5:30, 16:42, 8:10, 7:08,
7 dO, 8:30, 9;20. 10:10 A. M., 12:00 noon, 12:30, llB,
IdS, "3:42, 4:00. 4:35, 5:00. 5:10. 6:40. Stlzr. H.
F., McK. ft Y. K. B.DEPABT-For New Haven,
5:30 A. M.,3:30 P. IT. For West Newton, 5180 A, K.,
3:30and5:KP. M. For Ne Haven, 71IOA. It,
Sundays, only,
ABMVX-Frora New Haven, 10:00 A. M '5:05 p.
it. From West Newton, 6:15.10:00 A. m3KBp.m.
ForMcKeesnort and Elizabeth, 6130 A. K. 3UX
,4:03, 5:25 P. M.. 17:10 A. M.
From Elizabeth and McKetsport, 6:13 A. H..
7130, '10:00 a. M.. '5.113 P. If.
IJaiiT. isnndays only.
VE. HOLBKOOK, General Superintendent.
NA. E. CLARK, General Passenger Agent.
Cltrlckct offlce, 4018mlthlleld street.
Summer Time Table. On and after May 1,
1889, until further notice, trains will ran as follows
on every day, Vxcept Sunday. Eastern standard
time: LeavlnV FIttsbnrg-4:20 a. m 7:10 a. m.,
8 mo a.m.. 9:3oa.m.. 11:30a. m.. 1:40 p. m.. 3:40 p.
m.. 5:10 p. m.. HO p. m., 6:30 p. m.. 9:30 p. m..
11:30 p. in. ArnnrvUr-c:tu a, 111., orjua. m., :iv
8:00 am.
M:20n.m.. 5:10 D
I 5:50 p. in., 7:10 p. 111..' 1050
leaving Flttsburg-lOa.mj.
p. in. Bunuay ir
12:5u p. m.. 2:301
p.m Arlington
p.m. 6i80 p. ra
,o:iu p. m., juup. m., uu
) p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9:30
i.,Um.vldep.m., ao
Button-up Sacks,
Soft Boll Sacks,
One-Button Cutaways,
Four-Button Cutaways,
$8 85
Short-Pant Suits
Two-Fiece Styles,
Three-Fiece Styles,
Fleated Styles,
Flain Styles,
Summer Coats,
Summer Shoes,
Men's Siraw Hats,
Boys' Straw Hats,
GMdren's Straw Hats,
JL after May 12, 1880, trains leave Union
Station, f ltUbnrg, a follows. Eastern Standard
New York and Chicago Limited of Fullman Ves
tibule dally at 7 :13 a. m.
Atlantic Express dally for the East, 330a.m.
Man train, dally, except Sunday, 5:30 a, m, Bon
day, mall, 8:46 a.m.
Day express dally at 8:00 a. ra.
Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. ra.
Eastern express dally at 7:13 p. m.
Fast Line dally at 8:10 p. m.
Greensbnrg express 5:10 p. vs. week days.
Derry express llsCO a. m. week days.
All through trains connect at Jersey City with,
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. N. Y
avoiding doable ferriage and Journey through N.
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows:
Mall Train, dally 8:10 p. m.
Western Express, dally 7:43s. m.
Facia c Express, dally 12:45 p.m.
Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m.
Fait One. dally ...lliSSp. a.
For Unlontown, 5:30 ana 8:33a. m. and 4:23 p.
m.. without change or ears: 12.50 p. m.. connect
ing at Greensbnrg. Trains arrive from Union
town at 9:43 a. m.. 12:20, 5:35 and 8:10 p. m.
From FEDERAL ST. STATION, Allegheny City,
Mall train, connecting for Blalrtvllle... 6:i5 a. ra.
Express, for Blalrsvllle, connecting for
Butler 3:13 p.m.
Bntler Accom 8:20 a. m, 2:25 and 5:45 p. ra.
SprlngdaleAccom9:00,lI:50a.m.3:30and 6 J) p.m.
Freeport Accom 4:15. 8:30 and 11:40 p. m.
On Sunday 12:50 and 9:30p.m.
North Apollo Accom 11:00 a. ra. and 6:00 p. m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation
connecting for Butler 8:3) a. m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation 10:40 p. m.
Express, connecting from Butler. 10:33 a. m.
Mall Train 1:45 p.m.
Bntler Accom 9:10 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation -9:32 p. m.
Freenort Accom.7:40 a. m.. 1:25, 7:20 and 11:10 p. m.
On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.
Sprlngdale Accom.. ..6:37,ll:a.ni., 3:23,6:30 p. m.
North AdoIIo Accom 8:49 a.m. and 5:40p.m.
Trains leave Union station. Pittsonrg. as ronowsj
For Moaongahela City, West Brownsville and
Unlontown. 11a. m. For Monongahela City and
West Brownsville, 7:06 and 11 a. m. and P-m.
On Sunday, 1:01 p. ra. For Monongahela City, 5:40
p. m., week days.
Dravosbnrg Ac., week days, 3:20 p. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation. 4:20s. m., 2.-03,
6:20 and Jl: p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m.
street and Union station.
-iicKct omces corner aonrus arsuuo --
General Manager.
Gen'U'ass'r Agent.
Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard.
time): Ktttannlng Ac. 6:53 a. m.: Niagara E,
dally. 8:45 a. m.. Hnlton Ac. 10:10 a. ra.: Valley
Camp Ac, 32:05 p. m.: Oil City and DaBpIs Ex
press,2:00 p.m. ; Hulttn Ac, 3:00p.m. s hlttannlng
Ac, 4:00p.m.; Braeburn Ex., 51 p.m.; Xlttaan
lng Ac, 5.80 p.m.; Braebarn Ac, 6:20 p. m. Hal.
ton Ac, 730 p. m.t Buffalo Ex.. dally,
8iS0p. m.i Hnlton Ac. 9:43 p. m.: Braebnrn Ac,
11:30 p. m. Church trains Braebnrn. 12:40 p. m.
9:35 p. m. Pullman Sleeping wra wwira
Pullman Sleeping Cars betwsea
org and BnSalo. E. B.uiiit.i,
; 1JAV1D MCCARUO. Gen. Snpt.
ix,r.i, u. a. sa.
jl. iraiusiiet'istanuiuuc u awhc
Bntler Accommodation 6.00 am 7:W sra
DayEx.Ak'n.Tol.,Cl'n.Kane 7:21 am 7r3 pm
Itutlcr Accommodation 9:20 am 4:OJ pa
Chicago Express (dally) 12:30 pm 11:06 am.
Newcastle and Greenville Ex 1:50 pm 9:3G an
Zellenople andFoxburg Ac. 4:40 pm 3:39 am
Bntler Accommodation 8:40 pm 240 pm
Fmrelass rare to Chicago, 110 50. Second class,
50. Throdgn coach and Pullman Buffet sles
g oar to Chicago daily.
. i