Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 23, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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of Cattle at Liberty Yards
Falls Below Average.
Sheep and Lambs Active and Firm at
Prices of Last Week.
Office of rrrrsmjRG Dispatch, 1
Wednesday, May22, ISA J
The run of cattle was about 80 loads,
against 2 last week and 70 the previous
week. More thsn 50 loads were from Chi
cago. The grade of the Chicago cattle was
below the average. A leading; stockman Raid:
"I cave not seen as many low grade cattle from
Chicago Iot many months as those received this
week " Smooth grades of light fat Lutcticriug
stock were about op to last week's prices. Other
grades were 510c lower.
Heavy cattle were neglected. Buyers of ex
port stock have been giving the Liberty stock
yards the go-by or lato w eeks. The demand for
heavy catslc is 'down to zero.
A few oi this class were left over from lat
week, and to-day some 5 or 6 loads were
shipped east, having failed to find customers
here. A part of these w ere still in lira hands.
Ths ranee for smooth, light butcher cattle
was SC T5 to Sf4 10. Some very fancy. w clgbing
1.250 pounds, were sold to a-Johnstown butcher
at44. The time w as when heavy prime cat
tle were most in demand at this market.
Nowlightweights have the field. The sharp
competition with dressed beef has brought this
Our butchers aro unwilling Vo go beyond 4c,
claiming that beyond this there is no profit to
their trade.
Sberp RndLnmbs.
Supply and Quality varied very little from
last week. Prices of last week were fully main
tained. Demand was more active, and stock
was well cleaned up at rates of a week ago.
Both at Herr's Island and Kast Liberty this
week markets were stronger for sheep and
lambs than for anythiuc elso in lire stock
Buyers from Philadelphia and New lork
were in sharp competition lor stock, and mar
kets were stiong all along the line.
Markets were demoralized last week by rea
son of the heavy run. At the beginning of this
week receipts I egan to fall off and prices ral
lied from the lowest point. Between Monday
of last week and Monday of this there was
a decline of 4050c In the past day or two
there has been a rally of 1015c The rates to
day are M 60(4 70. One of our leading packers
reports prices at Chicago about the same as at
East LiDerty. At the former place hogs
drooped below $4 20 last week. To-aay they
are quoted at $4 60 and firm.
McCall & Co.' Review.
The receipts of cattle fair, market ruled slow
At unchanged prices. Wo quote the following
as ruling prices: Prime, 1,300 to 1.600 lbs,
54 254 ou; good. 1,200 to 1,400 tts. $4i 23, rough
fat, 1,100 to 1,300 B.S, 3 703 90; good butcher
grades 1)00 to 1.100 lbs. 3 604 00, common to
fair, 900 to LOGO lbs, S3 503 75; bulls and fat
cons. 12 003 00; fresh cows aud springers
S20 0010 00 per head.
The rent'ipts of hogs Monday was about
equal to the demand, and prices 5 to 10c higher
than the close of the previous week. Yester
day and to-day the supply is very light, and the
market active, pnces'15 to 20 per cent higher
than Mondav. Prospects fair for this eek.
Sales to-day SI 60S 4 70; roughs, S3 S04 00,
The receipts of sheep Monday were liberal,
and the market steady at last week's prices.
Yesterday and to-daj's receipts were light and
market active, at prices 10c to 20c per cwt.
higher than Monday. We quote as follows:
Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weigh
ing here 110 to 120 Rs, H 2o4 40;
Hood, 90 to 100 lbs, S3 90 4 15; fair to good
i n
) 7i
mixeo, bo to au as, 53 ood vu; common to lair,
75 to 80 lbs, S2 503 50; prime yearlings, bo
to 90 lbs, S4 0065 00, good yearlings. 70 to 60 lbs.
S4 254 75; common to fair, 50 to 60 lbs. S3 25
3 65; veal calves, 110 to 120 lbs, S3 754 2a
Br TelerDh.
New Yoke Beeves Receipts. 2.000 head,
including 4$ car loads for exportation, 45 cars
for the market and 57 carloads for city slaugn
rers direct. The trading was interrupted by
-V late arrival of one-fourth of the offerings,
bet some 33 car loads of fresh receipts -and 8
caT loads that were carried over on Monday
were readily sold at an advance equal to 10c per
100 pounds, including common to prime steers
at S3 904 65 per 100 pound"; dry cows atS2 00
3 25, and bulls at S2 853 50. Exports to-day,
630 beeves and 4.700 quarters of beef. Calves
Receipts. 4.000head; dull and not all sold. Veals
told at S3 755 00 'per 100 pounds: buttermilk
calves at $2 (J03 50. Sheep Receipts, 9,2 00
head: firmer and t to Jicper pound higher for
sheep; steady foi yearlings, slow for lambs.
Sheep sold at S3 05 00 per 100 pounds; year
lings, S4 50S6 00: lambs at S6 U07 5a Hogs
Receipts, 6.900 bead; none offered alive; nomi
nally steadvat S4 504 9a
Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 2,653 head;
shipments, 1,991 head; markctstrongand active;
dressed beef and shipping steers strong
and 5c higher; cows steady; stock
ers and feeding steers steady; good
to choice enroled, S3 S54 10: common to me
dium, S3 253 75; stackers and feeding steers,
S2 251 45; cows and heifers, $1 753 25.
Hogs Receipts, 8,280 head; shipments, 1,397
head: light, steady to 5c lower; hcavv, steadv to
2Kc lower; good to choice light. S3 ?$il 32ft
common to medium, SI 1034 25. Sheep Re
ceipts, 4,687 head; no shipments; common to
medium, S2 503 5a
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,900 head: ship
ments, 400 bead: market steady: choice heavy
native steers. S3 904 40: fair to good do, S3 10
3 90; stackers and feeders, fair to good, S2 15
3 20: rangers, corn-fed, S2 90Q3 70; grass-fed.
52 70S la Hogs Receipts, 600 head; ship
ments, 200 head; market lower; choice heavy
and butchers' selections, S4 404 50: pack
ing, medium to prime, S4 304 40: light
grades, ordinary to best. S4 354 45. Sheep
Receipts, 2,300 bead; shipments, 800 head; mar
ket strong; lair to choice, S3 004 50,
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 14,400 head; ship
ments, 5.000 heaa; market active but a shade
lower; beeves, S4 004 37: steers, S3 50Q)4 15;
Blockers and feeders. S2 o03 75; cows, bulls
and mixed, S2 003 25' Texas steers, S2 76
3 75. Hogs Receipts. 19,000 head; shipments.
2,000 head: market opened steady, closing 5
10c lower: mixed and heavy, S4 254 50; light.
S4 304 70: skips, S3 504 2a Sheen Receipts.
4,000 head; shipments, 1,000 head: market
stroncen natives, S3 504 30; Western, shorn.
53 754 25; Texans, shorn, S3 003 75; lambs,
54 006 sa
Bitffalo Cattle dull and unchanged; re
ceipts, 29 loads throucb; 4 sale. Sheep and
lambs active and 1015c higher: receipts, 2
loads through; 12 sale; good to best, S4 404 50;
f ai' to good, S4 25; lambs, good to best, S4 40Q
5 40: fair to good. S4 O04 6U Hogs anil; re
ceipts, 8 loads through: 1 sale; Yorkers and
pigs. $4 60; roughs, IS H04 00; stags, S3 003 75.
CntcnfifATi Hogs steady: common and
lleht S3 75ffl4 Mh packinc and butchers'. S4 25a
4 50; receipts, 3,320 head; shipments, 800 heai
Drycoods Market.
New York, May 22. The drygoods trade was
moderate, bat Steady to-day, and notmaterially
affected by impending auction sales. Dress
Eoods, cloaking?, blankets, cottons, flannels and
printed dress cottons were relatively active.
Cotton goods continue to bold a firm position,
and good prices are anticipated for to-morrow's
trade sale of colored cottons, though this class
or goods has been for some time slow of Bale
and without definite basis.
Wool Market.
' 'ST. Lotus Receipts during the week, 888,890
ponnds, as against 26,351 pounds the previous
week. The market is strong, active and buoy
ant. Whisky Markets.
There is a steady demand for finished goods
at SI 02.
The Republican Ticket Completed at the
Convention Yeiterdny.
The County Republican ticket was com
pleted Testerday morning, at the conven
tion, in Common Council Chamber. Hon.
KH. Collier was nominated for Judgef Com
roon Pleas Court No. 2, Arch H. Rowand was
nominated for District Attorney, and lieber
McDowell was named for the Coronership.
Judge Fetterman was elected Chairman of
the convention, and H. Grant Miller. James Mc-
Knigbt and 'Bquire ivooen riinusay acted as
secretaries. In nominating Judge Collier, John
S. Lambie paid an eloquent tribute to his
abilitv and integrity as a member of the bench.
He reviewed his past life and his record as an
attorney, and aald the Judge's character was
un marred by a blemish.
General A L. Pearson nominated Arch H.
Rowand for District Attorney. He spoke of
the lattcr's bravery while he was a scout In the
Army of the Potomac and said his ability as a
lawyer eminently fitted blru for the position.
William Reid. of Bellevue, nominated lieber
McDowell for Coroner. He referred to him as
the son of a worker who sleeps in the window
less palace of peace.
The country delegates nominated Joseph T.
Rlchey for Director of the Poor.
Wheat In Light Remand nnd Lower Corn
and Oats Weaker Hog Prodneti
Actlvo and Unsettled Prices
Show n Decllnlnc Ten
dency. Chicago Trade in wheat was slow to
day, fluctuations were light and within
a lower range, prices declining Jc be
low the lowest point reached yes
terday, recovered Jc and closed c lower than
yesterday. The shorts bought some, which
partially held the market in check. There
seems to be but little inducement to trade for
the present. Prices are too low to be attrac
tive for heavy short selling. At the same time
operators say they see nothing especially to
buy on, and are awaiting new developments.
Market advices were unfavorable to holders.
Only a moderate business wastransacted in
corn, prices showing but little change from
yesterday, being limited to He ranee. The
feeling developed was easier. The market
opened at about yesterday's closing, was firm
for a time but soon became easier, selling oft
He and closing KKC lower than j esterday.
Oats were In fair demand early, and a firmer
feeling prevailed. Trading centered chiefly in
June aud July, one large operator buying the
former and selling the latter, and at oue time
June commanded a slight premium over July,
but later an cislcr tone developed and prices
receded Hic
An active speculative trade was reported in
port, and the feeling was easy during the
greater portion of the day. Prices were irregu
lar within a small range. Opening sales were
made at about j ceterday's closing figures, but a
weak feeling was manifested and prices de-
cuueu 4piaiiK. j-arerme marsei snoweaa
little more strength, with fair buying on local
account, and prices rallied again. Toward the
cloe the feeling was easy, and prices receded
l-l15cand closed quiet.
A fair business was transacted In the lard
market and the feeling was easy. Prices ruled
K10c lower, and the market closed quiet at
maiue ugures.
A weak and unsettled feeling prevailed in
the market for short ribs, and trading was
fairlv active. Prices declined 12i15c, and
the market closed quiet at inside figures.
Tho leading futures rancea as follows:
"jWHEAT No. 2 June, 80Sl679S0c:
73g673c: year. 724i7373V72c.
Corn No. 2 June, &i33UG3333Hc;
u&v3i&e6c; AUgt, afjj3i
Oats No. 2 Jnne, 22Ve22K22K22e;
Jul j. 2222Jic; September. 22Ji62c.
Mess Pork, per bbL-June, $11 52K11 55
11 4511 45; Jul, Jll 67Jfll 67f:ll &U 55;
August, Sll 65ll 6U
Lard, per lOOfts. June, S6 72K6 67K: Jul v.
S6 b06 806 7JU6 72K; August, JO &&& So
G 77gC 77K6 TIM
Snour Ribs, per 100 fts. Jane, f 5 72K5 77X
65 6556j; July, So 855 855 705 70; August,
to 905 90o 77X65 7
Caen quotations were as follows: Mour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 82c;
No. 3 spring wheat, 70c; No. 2 red. S2c No.
2corn.33Jfc. No. 2 oats. 22fc. No. 2 rye.
40c. No. 2 barley, nominal. Sn. 1 flaxseed,
SI 5t Prime timothy seed, $1 S3. Mess pork,
per barrel. Sll 5011 65. Lard, per 100 pounds,
IC 67S 7a Short ribs sides (loose). So 65.
Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S5 12J5 25.
Short clear sides (boxed), S8 126 25. Sugars
Cutloaf.9K9-Xc; granulated, bjfc; standard
A, 8Jc. Receipts Flour. 13,000 barrels; wheat,
16,000 bushels: corn. 629,000 bushels: oats, 230,
000 bushels: rye, 6,000 bushels: barley, 8,000
bushels. Shipments Flour. 12,000 barrels;
wheat, 43.000 bushels: com. 333,000 bushels: oats,
201,000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels; barley, 79,000
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was firm; fancy creamerv, 1516c; choice
to fine, 1214c; fine dafries. L.'14c; fair to
good, 8I0c. Egs firm xt 12c
New York Flour weak and moderately
active. Cornmeal quiet and steady. Wheat
Spot fairly active and lower; options fairly
active, and iKc lower and weak. Rye qniet;
western, 50olc. Barley malt dull. Com Spot
iainy active ana easy; options auil. uats spot
steady and fairly acthe; options firmer and
moderately active. Hay steady and quiet.
Hops fairly active and firm. Coffee Options
opened steady and unchanged to 5 points down,
and closed barely steady 510 points down;
Bales, 29,000 bags, including May, 16.40c; Jnne,
16.35c; July, 16.45l6.50c; August, 105516.6nc;
September, 16.60016 75c: October, 16.75c:
November. 16.8016.85c; December, 16.85
016.95c; January, ia9016.95c; February,
17.00c; March, 17.00I7.05c; April, 17.05c:
spot Rio dull; fair cargoes. 18c
Sugar Raw firm; fair refining 6Jic: centri
fugal 96 test, TJc; refineasteady; fair demand.
Molasses Foreign quiet; New Orleans qniet.
Rice quiet and steadv. Cottonseed oil dull:
crude, prime, 3940c Tallow quiet: sales, 100
hogsheads; city, 4)fc. Rosin steady and quiet.
Turpentine stronger: sales, 375 barrels; S9
39c. Eges in moderate demand; firm for
choice; western, best, 13Jf14c; receipts, 7.634
packages. Port qniet; mess, S13 0013 25;
extra prime, S12 0012 25. Cutmeats firmer;
sales, pickled bellies, 12 ponnds average, 6Kc;
pickled hams, HJc; pickled shoulders, 5Jic;
middles dull; short clear, $6 45. Lard lower
and dull; western steam. S7 10; city. S6 50; Mav.
$7 06 asked; June, 87 06708, closing at 87 05
asked: July, S7 087 10, closing at $7 07 asked;
August, $7 12 asked; September. S7 1507 16.
closing at S7 14. Butter firm; best grades in
demand; western dairy, 913c: do creamery,
1317$c: western factory, 8llc Cheese
easier; light skims, 66Jc
Philadelphia Flour Demand light, but
prices steady. Wheat dull and prices of car
lots in bujers favor: futures neglected
and nominal; No. 2, red. May, 90S
91Vc: June, 8S90c; July, 8081c; August.
7i80Kc Com wear; No. 2 yellow, on
track. 4ic; do in grain depot, 42c; No 2 mixed,
on track, 42c; do in grain depot, 41c; No. 2
mixed. May, 40Jf41c; June, 4041c; July.
41K42c; August, 41Jf42c Oats Carlots
barely steady; No. 8 white. In Twentieth street
elevator, 33Jc; No. 2 white. In grain depot. 35c;
futures quiet but steady; No. 2 white. May
3334c: June, 32322c: July, 3333Jc; Au
gust, 31?32c. Eggs steady; Pennsylvania
firsts, 14c.
St. Lotus Flour quiet and unchanged.
Wheat lower. Fine weather and crop pros
pects in this country and In Europe, together
with dull, lower cables and declines at all out
side markets, caused a f nrther weaicening off
in prices and the close was easy at lie below
j esterday; No. 2 red.cash, 77c; July, 72k72JJc,
closed at 72Jc asked; August, 72jl725lc
uiuccu i.au vw,u u&uj, ,iu,i njixeu, casn.
31K: July, SIKc: August, 3232Kc, closed at
32c bid; September, 32$32Jc closing at
32c bid. Oats firmer: No. 2 ciih, 23Jc bid;
July, 229c: May. 24c bid. in settlement offered
245c regular: June, 23c bid. Rye neglected.
Barley entirely out of season. Provisions dull.
Cetcinnati Flour easier; family, $3 45
3 60; fancy, $4 004 20. Wheat weak and lower:
No. 2 red, 80c: receipts, 1,000 bushels; ship
ments, none. Corn strone: No. 2 mixed, 35KC
Oats easy; No. 2 mixed, 2626kc Rye steadv:
No. 2, 4Sc Pork dull at ill Lard dull ami
lower at S6 52J. Bulkmcats dull and lower:
short rib, SS 87$6 00. Bacon in fair demand
short clear, $7 12X7 25. Butter weak. Sugar
firm and quiet. i.ggs firmer. Cheese steady.
Mn.WAtnc.EE Flour unchanged. Wheateasy
cash, 72Kc; June, 75Jfc; July. 76c. Corn
quiet: No. 3, 33c. Oats quiet; No. 2 white.
2727Vc. Rye dull; No. L 42c Barley InacH
ire; No. 2. 50c Provisions easv. Pork. cash.
$11 50: June, $11 5a Lard, cash, $6 70.
June, $S 7a Cheese steady; Cheddars, old, 9
Baltimore Provisions quiet Butter firm:
creamery, 1618c Eggs steady at 128P121c
Coffee quiet and steady; Bio, fair, ls18c
Toledo Cloverseed nominal at $4 25.
FIttsbnrc, With All Her Mnmmoth Mnchln
ery. Runs by Cora,
Ask the average man you meet how much
leather belting, gum belting, or any other
kind of belting is used in Pittsburg and Al
legheny cities, and while be would not be
likely to be able to tell you, 10 to 1 he would
express the opinion that the amonnt must be
very large; and there is just where be is off.
As the most prominent feature of the city is
its immense machinery, an idea has grown that
it must use a large amount of belting; but it is
because of the vast power of "that machinery
that very little belting is used. Most of the
connections on this account aro necessarily di
rect, thus doing away in the greater part with
Hartley Bros. 4 Co., the only belting manu
facturers in the citv, state that their local
trade In belting Is comparatively insignificant,
sack villages as Fall River, Mass . using more
of this kind of propulsive power than ail Alle
gheny county. They say the longest belt made
is 36 inches across: but they say thev cannot tell
what its horse power would be if fully devel
oped, as mechanical engineers' calculations do
not agree.
Chronic Rheumatism Cared.
Robert G. Eldert, Valley Stream, N. Y..
-... -.- ....u.uu ujjHarus oi ail
years of age. .1 have suffered severely froral
iucubikubui u& ,uc luKoi part ui my nacK. luv
back ached without cessation, and: at times i
thought 1 would be paralyzed. I procured two
Allcock's Porous Plasters and put fhem
across the lower part of my spine. In 24 hours
all pain had ceased. At the end of aveek I
put on two fresh Allcock's Porous Tlasters.
wore them ten days, then took the off. and
washed my back with a little alcohol, which
removed every trace of the plasters. It is now
three months since the plastersjnred me, and
1 feel very much stronger and Jj'etter than ever
before." jf Tj,
Genii Thin 1
360 dozen colored and m 'riggan under
wear at 37Uc, 45c, 60e. f b, 60 Dereent
store, at Bosenbaum & 27 Fifth Are.
A Woman Kicks Because the House
She Lately Rented Has None.
How an Old Citizen Missed Making a Great
Fortune in Bloomfield.
Disagreeable weather made things rather
qniet at the real estate offices yesterday, and
some of the agents spent the time swapping
jokes and,telling stories. One ot them re
counted the case of a woman 'to whom he
had rented a house at Shadyside some time
in April. A daj or two ago she paid him a
visitand demanded a bay window, the house
having none. Shesaid she had alwaysbeen
accustomed to a bay window, and felt lone
some without one. Several rumors of im
portant deals were flying around, but could
not be definitely located. One was to the
effect that a busiuess property on Liberty
street, between Sixth and Tenth, had been
sold for $70,000. Another involved the
transfer of a property on the lower side of
Fifth avenne, between Smithfield and Grant.
Black & Baird sold another lot oa Boqnet
street, Oakland, showing there is a movement
in that direction. Two more of the Maplewood
lots were disposed of by J. R. Cooper 4 Co., a
Southslde lot was sold by Alles fc Bailey aud
one on .'Ellsworth avenue by J. F. Baxter.
Sales were made also by Samuel W. Black &
Co. and by James W. Drape fe Co. The latter
firm placed two mortgages on suburban prop
erty. A well-known gentleman, who was horn and
reared in Pittsburg, said yesterday: "When I
was a boy of 16 what is now known as Bloom
field, in the Sixteenth ward, was a farm with a
rail fence along the Philadelphia pike, now
Penn avenue. A friend of my father's urged
him to purchase this farm, which he could
have done for less than $200 an acre; but, al
though be had the money, he declined with
thanks, for the leason that the property was
inaccessible, there being neither streets nor
roads which would give free access to it. This
was about 185a The same property Is now
compactly built over, has good streets and all
other conveniences, and is worth $100,000 an
acre at least. The farm in question joined the
Wlnebiddle tract on the east and the Wool
slager on the west. Scnuetzen Park is one of
its distinguishing features. The fine new cem
etery gate, newly completed at a cost of $30,000,
is just across Penn avenne from the center of
the tract"
The citizens' kick against the proposed rail
way on Ridge avenue, Allegheny, is having the
desired effect, and if it does not head off the
scheme entirely it will give its promoters con
siderable trunblo and involve them in large ex
pense. Several Councilmen discussed the mat
ter yesterday. All of them expressed strong
opposition to the project. One of them said :
"1 would as soon think of giving the corpora
tion the right of way through the parks as
along Ridge avenue. Besides, a railway is not
needed there, the two in operation in the im
mediate vicinity affording all the traveling
accommodation the public neeaV'
The Braddock farmer should arise and pro
test. Agriculture is the most important in
dustry in the United'States, and yet the farm
ers have but a meager representation in Con
gress, much Delow that of the British House of
Commons or the French Chamber of Deputies,
as the following statement shows: British
House of Commons Total number of mem
bers, 670; agriculture. 162; Industry, 161; com
merce and trade, 127; professional men, 107;
army and navy, 66; office holders, 47. French
Chamber of Deputies Number of Deputies,
SS0; professional men, 270; office holders, 95; in
dustry, 61; agriculture, 72; commerce and trade,
62. United States House of Representatives
Number of Representatives 325, ot Territorial
Delegates 8, total, 333; professional men, 264; in
dustry, 24; commerce and trade, 24; agriculture,
2L To make the showing still worse for the
farmers, it should be observed that they form a
far larger proportion of our entire population
than is the case even in France, and altogether
more than in England.
Local Stocks Enveloped ' With
a Wet
Blanket A Drop In Electric.
The stock market yesterday reflected the
feeling engendered by the disagreeable weather
which prevailed from morning till night. The
strong spots were Pittsburg and Western com
mon, which advanced to 13 on sales of
100 shares, and Wheeling Gas, which
sold in a small way at 30. The most
active stock was Pittsbnrg Traction, but
holders had to make concessions to effect sales.
It was wanted to the extent of 350 shares at
53. At the opening 55 was old and 57 asked
for Electric, without transactions. In the af
ternoon it was struck by a cold wave and
dropped to 53 bid and 54 asked, but nothing was
done in it. The depression was due entirely to
the lack of a buying demand and the fears of
smallholders regarding the outcome of the
pendlDgsuit. The rest of the list was dull and
featureless. Bids, offers and sales were:
horning, aftkrnoox.
lid. Asked. Bid. Asked.
MV W m "37
74X .... u4
29 30 .... 30
.... TOJf .. . 70
SJ 64 S3 ....
12 ISIf 123 IS
3a 37
1 .... 1
S7 S3 S4
243 25 24tf 25
W 55 .... 55
175 183
150 ....
, 46 ....
17 ....
Pitts. Pet. 8. AM. Ex..
City Insurance.
Pitts Ui Co
Chartlers Val. Gas Co.
Philadelphia Co
wneeunr uu i
"Waihlneton Oil Co....
Central Traction
Citizens' Traction
Pltttburc Traction....
Pitts. June It. It Co..
Pitts. A Western K it.
P. &W. B K. nref....
N.Y. & CGu Coal Co.
!.&.Norla Mlnlc? Co...
"W estlnichonse Electric
U. bwltch Siirnal Co.
V. 8. & SI? Co. prd. .
PittsburcI'late Glass .
People's. Bank
Enter'seSav'. All'gy
puts., cm. &Bt.u
Sales at the morning call were 53 shares of
Wheeling Gas at 3u: 200 Pittsburg and West
em preferred at 21& 100 common at 13. and 25
In the afternoon 350 shares of Pittsburg
Traction sold at 53?
The total sales of stocks at New York yes
terday were 607,308 shares, including Atchison,
16,435: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
4.020: Lake Shore. 3,010; Missouri Pacific. 10.
835; Northwestern, 12.385; New Jersey Central,
9,780; Northern Pacific, 5,195; Northern Pacific
preierreu, au.uw, bcuiu:, oa,ouv; ns. iaui,
49.600; TJnlon Pacific, 4,100; Western Union, 2L
The Bunks Not Hnnhed, bat Dolus Well for
the Season.
Nothing new in the way of business was dis
covered at the banks yesterday. Counter deal
ings weraof good proportions, but the loan de
mand was light, and the supply of idle capital
was reported on the increase. Rates were un
changed 56 for call and time paper. No
traces remained of the recent small note fam
ine. The clearings were $2,100,123 89 and the
balances $350,222 85. Published statements
show that on the 13th Inst, the 24 national banks
of Pittsburg had loans and discounts of 133,
700,000 In ronnd numbers .an increase of $1,400 -000
as compared with the February statements.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easyatlK2K per cent, last loan 2J, closed
offered at 2H- Prime mercantile paper, SX
5- Sterling exchange dull but steady at
$4 SiH for oTWay bills and $4 88 for demand.
Government Bonds.
TJ. 8. 4s, reg
U.S. 4s, coup
U. 8, 4s, reg
U. b. 4s, coup
Currency, Spercent, 1895 reg
Currency, 6 per cent, IS9S rep
Corrcncv, Sper cent, 1837 reg
Currency, Sper cent, 1838 reg
Currency, 6 per cent, 1899 reg ).
Government and State bonds
and firm.
New York Clearings, $121,002,875; balances.
Boston Clearings, 114,653,084; balances, JL
334,683. Money $ per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, $12,951,861; bal
ances, Jl,460,82
Baltimore Clearings, 1,790,453; balances.
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, 9,899,000.
St. Louis Clearings, (8,089,269: balances,
.120 V3 1297,
were dull
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balanoe to-day is
Pabis Three per cent rentes, 87f 47io for
the account.
It Reaches a Hleucr Level When tho Con
trary Wns Expected.
The oil market was comparatively strong yes
terday, but not remarkably active. The fluctu
atlons were wide enough to afford the scalpers
a good opportunity to turn an honest penny,
but they were not in a mood to take advantage
of it to an unusual extent.
The market opened with a bullish undertone
at 8214, hi above Tuesday's close, and, under the
influence of good buying, advanced during the
day to 8 which was the. best price reached.
It was then hammered down to 81, the lowest,
from which it rallied to 82-Ji above tho
opening where it ''stood when tho gong
A broker said: "To-day's oil market proved,
if proof were ncccssarv, that none of us know
much about It. I expected lower prices to-day
than yesterday, but 1 was fooled. In my opin
ion the advant e is a bull movement without
reason other than to put the shorts in a hole.
What the market will do to-morrow is more
than I can tell. It may go up a trifle and it
may go down. I think the latter contingency
the more probable."
Features ot the Market.
Corrected dally by JohnM. Oaaiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of tho Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened .. 8W,liOwest 81H
Highest 83HClosed Sttt
Average runs jZ'SS!
Average shipments 7, so
Average charters '"-Isl
Clearinss , J,H0,
Defined, New York, O.S5c.
J'.cBne.', London, 5 7-lCd.
Kenned, Antwerp, UHt.
Kenned, Liverpool, 64d.
Carrying, Aew York, 154 premium; Oil City, 10c;
Bradford. !Stn5S" Plttshiipp- flat.
A B. McGrew fc Co. quote puts, SlJii calls,
Other OlI'Mnrketa.
Bradford. May 22. National transit certi
ficates opened at 82c; lowest, 81c; highest,
83c; closed, 82c.
TrnjaviLLE. May 22. National transit cer
tificates opened at Sc: highest, 83c: lowest,
81o; closed, 82c
Oil Citt. May 22. National transit cer
tificates opened at 82c; highest, 83c; low
est, 81c; closed, 82Jgc
New York, May 22. Petroleum opened
steady at82c and after a slight decline In the
early trading rallied and advanced slowly until
the close, which was strong at 83c Sales, 895,
000 barrels.
A Healthy Movement In Real Estate The
Latest Transactions.
Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenne, sold to
George O. Morse for J. S. McCord a lot on the
east side ot Boquet street, Oakland, 46x125
feet, for Jl,500.
J, R. Cooper fe Co., 107 Fourth avenue, sold
for George S. Martin, in the Maplewood Park
plan. Wilklnsburg, lot No. 65, fronting 40 feet
on Maplewood avenue by 120 feet to Washing
ton lane, for H00, to B. F. Harlan; also lot 155
in the same zn to Susan B. Schroder for
$500. The rapid sale of lots m this plan Is at
tributed to the desirable location, together
with the low prices and easy terms upon which
they are being sold.
John F. Baxter, agent, 512 Smithfield street,
sold a lot fronting on Ellsworth avenue, be
tween College avenue and O'Hara street, size
aixiiaj ieet, to nerman neim lor smuu.
Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for J.
Myers a frame house of five rooms, etc., lot 20
x40 feet, on Berrv street. Southslde.
Reed B. Coyle fe Co., No. 131 Fourth avenue,
sold lot No. 34. in the Marlon Place plan of
lots, at Marlon station, Baltimore Ohio Rail
road, size 20x125, for 315a They also placed
three mortgages on Wilkinsburg property,
1,200 each, for three years at 6 per cent.
Samuel W. Black Co 99 Fourth avenne,
sold a lot 25 feet 7 Inches by 122 feet, near
Turner Hall on Forces street, Sixth ward, for
$2,500 cash.
James W. Drape & Co. sold four lots in the
Kast End, about 20x100 feet, for J6.200cash.
They also placed two mortgages of 5,500 at 6
per cent on houses and lots in tho suburbs.
J. R. Cooper & Co., 107 Fourth avenue, sold
for Edeburn fe Cooper to W. C. Lyne
about three acres in the Thirteenth ward,
fronting on Madison avenue, for 11,000.
Good Trodlnjr and a btroa. Feeling- In Wall
. Street Grangers, Coalers and Gas
son Take the Lead Nearly
Everything; Fraction
ally Higher.
New York, May 22. The stock market was
not so active to-day, bntthe tone of the deal
ings was stronger, especially for the Grangers,
Coal stocks and gas shares. There was some
lively covering in some of the favorites, and a
tew stocks made very marked advances. St.
Paul attracted most of the Interest, and the
steady buying In that stock was variously at
tributed to different influential parties. The
stock crossed 70 for the first time since the
break of last September. The bullish feeling
In the other Grangers met with somewhat of a
check from the decrease in earaines renorted
for the Northwester-! for April, and the' deal
ings in that stock wo-e not so large as usual of
The Coalers occupi. d a prominent place in
the market, and tlutgh Reading 'was first
among them In point oi -ctivity, Jersey Cen
tral showed most strength nd rose 2 per cent
on the expectation of a dividend in a short
time, and the figures reached were the highest
attained by that stock in many years. The
market again displayed an unmistakable
broadening tendency, aud several stocks which
nave oeen almost totally neglected oi late were
brought forward and advanced. The Gould
stocks were also more prominent, and Western
Union, after a period of Inaction, became ac
tive and moved up fractionally with the rest of
the list. Among the specialties there were
some wide fluctuations, and Pittsburg and
Western preferred, Oregon Navigation and a
few others were decidedly strong, while Mar
quette, Houghton and Ontonagon declined
sharply, though a portion of the loss was re
covered. The opening figures were higher and the
London figures were also higher, but London
was doing little or nothing in this market, and
was at no time a factor in the course of prices.
New England became a marked feature of the
dealings in the first few minutes, large Eastern
orders to buy being executed, but the demand
for tho stock died away toward noon, and it re
tired to a secondary position in the market
again. Chicago Gas took the lead in point of
activity In the early trading, hut it did not ad
vance much and later retired fractionally, while
the upward movement in the general list was
confined to small fractions only.
St. Paul and a few of the specialties showed
more strength toward noon, although the mar
ket began to show periods of comparative dull
ness, but Chicago Gas again became strong
after 12 o'clock and St. Paul attained the hlirh-
est figures; the Coal stocks came to the front,
and Jersey Central also developed the most de
cided strenfth. The best figures were gener
ally reached toward 2 p. m., after which reali
zations sagged the Iisfoff, but the close was
fairly steady at fractional gains In almost the
entire list.
Railroad bonds began the dav with a rather
quiet business, but they fully sympathized
with the improvements stocks, and later de
veloped a -marked activity and many material
gains were scored. The business of the day
foots up 2,341,000. Denver and Rio Grande re
ceipts contributed 205,000, Texas Pacific sec
ond Incomes 111,000 and Ft Worth and Den
ver firsts $137,000. EaBt Tennessee fives rose 2,
to 108: Ohio and Mississippi seconds 3, to 124;
Peoria, Decatur and Evansville firsts 2K. to
110; San Francisco sixes 2, to 121; Texas Central
sevens of 1909, 8, to 50, and Chicago Gas firsts
2Jf to 100.
The following table shows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dalli for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue:
In?. Am. Cotton Oil H
A ten.. Top. & a. F.... 441
Canadian Pacific
Canada Southern 53H
Central of New Jersey. ICO
Hiislt- Low- Inv
est, est. Bids.
445 44
m H)! 53X
100 100 10134
35 S5H
WSJ Ifijl J8H
103X 1(0 WJJi
"OH 6954 704
115 114 11431
88 83 88
41J4 40)i 40U
Ws 36J4 3814
88), S3 M
114 110X 112
19 19 ISM
MIX 140 141
139S 199)4 lttX
7$ 7$ 73
::: :::: SA
Mi 1894 181
S9tt X9N K
104 104 10IJ4
H 83 68
89 S9 88tf
iiffj iij liV
74! 7SH 738
193 107K 107N
CentraiPaeltlc 3o
Chesapeake Ohio ... 18jj
u. itur: vuincy..
C, Jill. & St. Paul,
C, ilU.tbt. P.. pr.
C, Koctl. AP ,
.. 9J
.. 98
C, St. Li. & Pitts
C, St. L. &Pltti. pr.. 41
C9t. P..M. tO MM
C bt. P.M. O.. of. DsC
C. & Northwestern. ...liwi
C .Northwestern, pL ....
C. C. C. Al
Col, Coal A Iron
Col. A Hocking Val .. 19
Del.. . &W 141
Del. & Hudson. 1WH
Denver itloU
Denver&KloU.. nr.
E.I., Va. JtUs es
E. T., Va. & Ga 1st pr., 7iJ
fc.1.. Va.AGa.2dpf. ....
Illinois Central
Lake Krle A Western., UK
Lake Krle A West, pr,, can
Lake Shore AM. a 104),
Louisville A Nashville. 68
Michigan Central S3
Mobile i Ohio i
Mo., iv. ATexas i lli
Missouri Pacific, i... 73U
Kew v0rk Central. .., .107H.
J.Jt..L. E. A W MJ(
N.Y., L. E. AW., pref 71
V.. C. A SLL.:.... 1JX
Jj...C. ASLL.pt.. ....
N.Y. c. A8t.L.2dnf ....
Jjorrolk & Western
Norfolk Western, pr
Northern Pacific 28K
Nortnern Pacific m-cC 64
OhloA Mississippi
Oregon improvement. ....
Oregon I'ranBcon 37
PacincMaii 37
Phlladel. & Head In.. 6J?
Pullman Palace Car...l00'l
chmona A w. P. r.. !
Klehmond A W.P.T.pf M
St.PaulAl)uiutli...... &j
St. Paul A JUuluth pf.
gt. P.. Minn. A Man
JJt.i,. &8an Fran
at. l. a san Fnn pr 53
St. L. 4 aan P.ut pi
Texas Pacific 21
UnlonPaclBc 6l,
Wabasn is
Wabash preferred 29'i
Western Onion sr.
Wheeling A 1.. K 68
National Lead Trust.. 22
28K 28K 28V
71 70 7UM
llii )4 1
iiii 45Ja 45
;:;; "" w
20 28M Z8
38 iTAi 38
25W 24K Wi
47? 4M 46H
1S1 1'KW 190S4
28 25 2aV
Mil 82 83
15 . S3
(OH 59 594
22 21H 21k
MX C1H f'lX
1B 16 16
29 20X Wi
S7H 86 87
K), 68 (fi
Boaton "ttockn.
J' A Toe.. 1st 7s. H6f
Ogd.AL.Cham,com, S
Kutland preferred.. 38
Wis. Central pf.... 41
MlouczMxC'o(new). 1
taluinct A Jieda....21",
SranKIln 10
uron 1&
".. auaurrts. 117
Atch.Alop.lLK... 44K
Boston A Albany.. .2I4H
Boston A Maine.. ...183
. 103)4
Clun. san. A Cleve. 24
Ea.ternR. 1 64K
Eastern K.B. 6s ...,12a
flint PereM a
f'lJtiPereM. prd. 1)85,
fJIeK.AFt.8. 7S.108
Me-tican Uen. com.. 14
J. 1.AN.E.7S....123
Osceola, 0
rewaDie (new) 1
Quincy S3
Kelt Telephone 241
Boston Land 8)4
Water Power 7
Tamarack 107
San Diego ZS
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations ot Philadelphia stocks, rur
nlshed by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No 67
fourth avenue. Members Aew York stock Ex
change. Bid,
Pennsylvania Kallroad 53
Keadlnc llallroad 2J34
Buttalo. Plttsburc and Western 10
Lehigh Valley S3!?
S3 7-18
yuiifu .navigation SJ
P'K'burir. cinn. A at. L. bonds... .119)
. iiwourg. cinn. A at. L. bonds. ...119
J. Co.'s New Jersey 230
Northern Pacific 28W
Northern Paclflo preferred 63
v. Ktv. B ,
Mining Stock.
Nw-YoBK.May 22.-Amador, lOO.-Bodle. 135;
Caledonia B. H., 800; Consolidated California
a"l Y.,r?loIa. 762: Commonwealth, 485: Dunkm,
120; ElCristo, 120; Hale 4 Norcross, 375: .Horn
Silver. 105: Homestake, 775; Iron Silver, 185;
Mexican, 355; Mutual,140; Opuir, 415; Plymouth,
10 00; Quick Silver. 675: Savage, 230: Sierra
Nevada. 270; Standard, 120: Sullivan Consoll
dated, 120; Union Consolidated, 350; Yellow
Jacket, 380.
A House Where Visitors Mny bo Enter
tnlncd Willie In Town.
At a meetyig held st the Seventh Avenue
Hotel last evening, a movement was started
for a traveling men's club. 'It was resolved
to Incorporate It under the name of the Pitts
burg Traveling Men's Commercial Club. Club
rooms will be opened in a modest way at first,
but sufficiently attractive to he worthy of the
pride of those who take an Interest in the en
terprise. To make a fitting start, ft was proposed to
give a grand excuislon and picnic on June 18
to aid in furnishing the rooms, which will con
sist of reception, reading, billiard and smoking
i.MJ; P' K- Kohler was named as Chairman of
the Committee of Organization, and Mr. H. W.
Dearborn temporary Secretary. It is pro
posed from a humble beginning to foster the
commercial interests of the city and add to the
welfare of the traveling fraternity.
Jndffo White to Address Amendmentllea
In Old Clly Hall.
Judge "White in the role of a stump
speaker in favor ol the prohibition amend
ment will doubtless prove a magnet of mam
moth drawing qualities, next Tuesday evening.
May 28, at Old City Hall. None but voters will
be admitted, both ladles-and children being ex
cluded. ,,T!",s''ratheranew,JeD!lrtnrefrom the pro
hibition people's ideas of interesting everyone
mau, woman and child. '
The Executive Committee of the amendment
advocates hayp also engaged Attorney General
Bradford, of Kansas, to speak on the virtues of
Srnbibltion, on some date between June 1 andB.
. Howard Moore, of the same State, will talk
on the same subject at an open air meeting in
Lawrenceville, Forty-first street, one night this
A Narrow Escape.
Yesterday morning the roof of the old
colored church on Wylle avenue, near the cor
ner of Tunnel street, fell In, carrylngwith it
six workmen. A colored man named William
Johnson received a scalp wound from a niece
of broken timber striking him.
Why toll and slave forever P Life
was meant for living', not eternal
slaving-. Cease this weary drudg
ery. SOAPONA does your work
itself, and neither injures hand nor
fanrie. Then why do it you P 'Tis
nonsense, very nonsense. Awake,
Ladies, Awake 1 Your health and
life are at stake. Use SOAPONA
everywhere. It cleans like magicl
B. W. BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, N.Y,
i.1 route to London and the Continent.
Express Steamer Service twice a week from
New York to Southampton (London, Havre,
Ss.Saale, May22,noon I Ss.Fulda, June 1,8AM
Ss.Emg,Mv25,Ji0PM Bs.Lahn. Jdne 5, lrA M
Ss.Trave.My 29,7 A M Ss. Elbe, Juno 8, 1 P M
. First Cabin, Winter rates, from S100 upward.
AIAX SCHAMBERQ & CO., Agents, Pitts
burg, Pa.
OELRICHS 4 CO., 2 Bowling Green. New
York City. ja29-71-D
Servla. MaylS. 8AM iGallia. June 5, 9 30AM
Bothnia, May 22,11:30 AM JUmbrla. June ilm
SEtrurla, MaylS, 3FJt Ifcervla. JnnelS. 7am
Auranla, June, 7AM (Bothnia, June 19, 10AM
SThese steamers carrvflrst-class passengers only
Cabin passage. $50, ?S0 and (100: Intermediate,
tS.5. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of
Europe at very low rates.
VEBflON H. BKOW N & CO., General Agents,
4 Bowline Green, New York.
J. J. McCOKMICK. Agent.
t ourth ave. and Smithfield St., Pittsburg.
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc.
General agents, 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia.
Full information can be had of J. .1. MCCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street.
LOUIS MOESER, 616 Smithfield street
State Line
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage S3S to JM. according to location
or stateroom. Excursion f65 to SBO.
steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AUbTIN BALDWIN A CO., General Agents,
53 Broadway, New York.
J. J. MeCQRMICK, A.ent, Pittsburg. Pa.
Wet Weather a Fampener to Produce
A Strawberry Glut.
Shell Corn Lower Oats Steady Choice
Hay in Fair Demand.
Office or PiTTSBtma Dispatch, 1
Wednesday. May 22, 1889- f
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Cold, wet weather has proved a dampener to
this day's trade. Consignments of strawDerries
were the largest of the season. The bulk came
to markets In poor shape. A few choice ones
brought from 15 to 20c, but a greater quantity
went begging to customers below 10c. Eggs are
weaker. Choice grades of creamery butter are
firmer. New Ohio cheese tends downward.
Cool weather has proved a check to the active
movement of tropical fruits.
Buttee Creamery, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country
rolls, I314c; Chartlers Creamery Co., 19c
Beans SI 7Sl 80.
Beeswax 2b30c $ 2forchoice;lowgrade,
CIDER Sand refined, $6 507 50; common,
3 5U4 00; crab cider, SS 008 60 $1 barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c f? gallon.
CHEESE New Ohio cheese. 9S9Kc: New
York, new, 10KUc: Llmburger,910c; domes
tic Swoltzer cheese, 9K12Kc
Dried Peas SI 251 35 bushel; split do,
Eoos 1414jc $1 dozen for strictly fresh;
goose eggs, 30c ft dozen.
Fkuits Apples, 82 603 60 f? barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c $! ft: cranberries, 515
barrel, 50c$l 00 $ bushel: strawberries, 15
16c V quart; pine apples, SI 251 75 J) dozen.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. I
do, 404oc; mixed lots, 3035c $1 16.
Honey New crop, 16Sll7c: buckwheat, 13
Hominy J2 652 75 ? barrel.
Potatoes 3540c f) bushel; Bermuda pota
toes, iS 008 50 barrel; new Southern pota
toes, $5 005 50 $1 barrel.
Poultry Live chickens, 0575o per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c $1 lb; drawn, 14
15c fl ft: turkeys, 1820c dressed $1 ft: ducks,
live, C070c 1 pair; dressed, 1314c ft &; geese,
live, SI 001 25 pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 &s to bushel, $5 GO
1 bushel; clover, large English, 62 Bs, 6 00:
clover, Allske, S8 50: clover, white, S9 00; tim
othy, choice. 10 lbs, SI 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 Sis, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, 51 00;
orchard grass, 14 ftSl 60; red top, 14 fts. SI 25;
millet 50 9H SI 00; German millet. 50 fts.
1 $1 50; Hungarian grass. 60 fts. SI 00; lawn
grass mixture 01 nne grasses, w ou fi Dusnei 01
Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered,
Tropical Frthts Lemons, fancy. S5 60Q
6 00 ft box; Messina oranges, $4 5005 50 ft
box; Valencia oranges, fancy, $7 509 00 ?
case: bananas, $2 50, firsts; SI 50, good secunds,
V bunch: cocoannts, S4 505 00 $1 hundred;
new figs, 8Ji9c jfl pound; dates, 5X6Kc
Vegetables Radishes, 25030c fl dozen;
marrowfat peas, $2 25 53 crate: new cabbage,
two barrel crates, S2503 00; Bermuda onions,
51 151 25 $ bushel: str.ng heans,2 00: tomatoes,
52 00(03 00 V bushel.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c: choice
Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18KB)c;
old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo. 2223c;
Mocha, 30K3Ic; Santos, 1922C; Caracas
coffee, 20K&22c; pcaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
guayra, 21022c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 24c;
high erades, 2628c; old Government Java,
bulk, S233Kc; MaracaIbo,27H2Sc; Santos,
2224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c;
choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio,
22c; ordinary, 21Kc
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c;
cassia, S9c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c.
Petrolettm (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Hc; headlight, 150. 8Kc: water
white, lOKc; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; caruadlne,
UVc; royaline. 14c
Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, 333Sc: prime sugar syrup, 3033c: strict
ly prime. 333i:: new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. MOL4SSES Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c.
Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 3U4c; bi-carb in
5c; bicarb, assorted packages, 5Sc; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, f nil weight, 9c; stearine, per
sec, oc; paramne, 4iauz.
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Uc; choice, 6
c; prime, oB"c: ijouisiana, txaoHc.
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, i
47c; gloss
starco, oGl'C-.
Foreign FruTts Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, 52 25; California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, new. 67c; Ondara Valencia,
JKoc; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 4K5c;
Turkey prunes, new, 4JJ5c; French prunes,
813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c:
encoanuts, per 100, S6 00; almonds, Lan per ft,
20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap ,
12k15c; Sicily fllborts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12
16c; new dates, 5tJc; Brazil nuts, 10c;
pecans, ll15c; citron, perft. 21Q22c; lemon
peel, per ft. 1314c; orange peel, 12kc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples, evaporated, 66Kc: apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15018c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, :2424Kc; blackberries, 7HSc; huckle
berries, 1012c
SUGARS Cubes, 99jc; powdered. 9
OKc; granulated,9c; confectioners' A,88c;
standard A. 8c; soft whites, SKk?ic: yellow,
choice, 7K6Jc: yellow.good,7ji7Jic; yeUow,
fair. 7i?c: vellow. dark, rat
Pickles Medium, bbls, (1,200) S4 50; medi
ums, half bbls. (600). 22 7a.
Salt-No. 1 bbL 95c; No. 1 ex, W bbl, SI 05:
dairy, fl bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ) bbl, SI 20;
Hingin s Eureka, 4 bu sacks. $2 80: Higglns'
Eureka.'16-14 lb pockets, S3 (XX
Canned Goods Standard peaches SI 30
1 90; 2ds, SI 301 35: extra peaches, SI 501 90;
pie peaches, 00c; finest corn, Sll 60: Hfd.
Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cSl 00; Lima
beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do. 75
S5c; marrowfat peas, fl 101 15: soaked peas,
7075c; pineapples, $1 40I 50: .Bahama do,
S2 75; damson plums. 95c; greengages. SI 25;
egg plums, S3 00; California pears, S2 50; do
greengages, S2 00; do egg plums. 52 00; extra
white cherries. S2 90; red cherries, 2 fts. 90c;
raspberries SI 401 50; strawberries, SI 10:
gooseberries, SI 201 SO; tomatoes. 82K92c;
salmon, 1-ft. SI 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc
cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c: do green, 2 fts,
SI 251 50; com beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75: 14-ft cans,
S13 50; baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster. 1 ft.
51 7ol 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50;
sardines, domestic, lis. S4 154 60; sardines,
domestic, K?, 58 258 50; sardines, imported,
V.s. Sll 5012 60; sardines. Imported. Ks,
tIS 00; sardines, mustard, 14 00; sardines,
piced, S4 25.
Fish Extra N o.l bloater mackerel, S36 ft
bbL; ext'a No. 1 do, mess, J40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4cJ3 ft.; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod In blocks, 6K7c. Herring
Round shore, So 00 1 bbL; splir, S7 00; lake,
52 50 M 100-ft. half Dbl. White flsb, S7 00 tTIOO
ft. half bbl. lake tront, S3 50 fl half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c jf ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
b. r-ickerei, js Darrei, uu; ji Darrel. SI 10:
Potomac herring, S5 00 fl barrel, S2 50 iR K
Buckwheat Flour 2H2c ft.
Oatmeal S6 306 60 whli.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 6860c
vl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Floor nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 29 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago, 5 cars of oats, 2 of corn.l of wheat, 2 of
hay, 1 of bran, lot malt, 1 of barley, 3 of flour.
By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 5 cars of
oats, 5 of com, 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg and
Western, 1 car of oats, 1 of malt. Sales on call,
lcar w. oats. 32Kc, 5 days; 2 cars No. 2 w. oats,
32Hc, Juro Shell corn is weaker. Oats are
steady. Wheat seeks a lower level- Flour is
quiet. Choice bay is in fair demand.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 9293c;
Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 40K41c: high mixed
earoac; no. z yeuow, sneueu, raigtfuc: nitrn
mixed shelled.3839c; mixed, shelled; S7K38c.
Oats No. 2 white. 8232Jc: extra. No. 3,
3131Kc; No. 3 white, 30t)31c; No. 2 mixed, 27
Rye No. 1 Western, 7075c: No. 2. 5556c
Bablet No. 1 Canada, 959Sc; No. 2 Can
ada, 85SSc; No. 3 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore,
Flour Jobbing urices. winter natents.
$5 5005 75: spring patents, $5 756 00: winter
straight, S4 755 00; clear winter, S4 504 75;
straisht XXXX bakers', $4 004 25. Rye flour.
S3 503 75.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, S15 00
15 0 ton; brown middlings. 11 5012 50;
winter wheat bran, $12 25012 60; chop feed,
S15 0016 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, SM 00; No. 1
do, $13 00; No.2 do, Sib 0011 50; loose from
wagon, $16 001S 00: No. 1 upland prairie, S10 00
10 50; No. 2, 9 0O9 60; packing do, $5 600
6 60.
Straw Oats. S3 008 25; wheat and rye
straw, $7 007 608 00.
The demand for oak is unusually active.
Hemlock 1 also in fair demand. Dealers are
not ready to give an estimate of the coming
season's trade, alleging that the coming month
will tell the talc Unless unlooked-for compli
cations between- contractors and carpenters
should spring up between now ana June 1, a fall
average volume cf trade is assured for this
rime uotlanxd yard quotations.
Clear boards, per M S32 0O9SS00
Select common boards, per M..... 30 00
Common boards peril... 20 00
Hhealhlng.. ..!... 18 00
Pine irame lumber perM 22 00927 00
Shingles, No. L 13 In. per M ... SCO
Shingles, No. a 18 In. per M 75
Lath .7. 00
Clear boards, per M .. f 8)00
surface boards 30CO35 00
Clear. X-lnch beaded celling. 28 00
Partition hoards, peril 3500
Flooring, No.l 30 00
Flooring, No.2 , SS0O
Yellow pine flooring 30 00&4O0Q
t cather-boarduifc moulded. No. 1.... 30 OO
Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2,... 2S0O
Weather-boarding, s-lnch a) 00
ASh, 1 to 4 10 t30 00(340 00
Black walnut, green, log rnn 5 00f50 OP
Bl ek walnut, dry, log rnn eoonr&73 00
Cherry 65 COOTS 00
Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 20 00323 00.
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 22 00325 00
Dry white oak boards, 1 In 20 00r 00
West Va. yellow pine, 1 inch 2000025 00
West Va. yellow pine, 1J4 inch 25 0030 00
West Va. yellow poplar, Mtolln 25 00ia30 00
Hickory, i toSfn....... 18 0025 00
Hemlock building lumber, peril 13 00
Bank rails 14 00
Boat studdlnz 14 00
Coal car plank 20 00
Ash $28 05335 00
"Walnut lo; rnn, green 45 0050 00
Walnut log run. dry 3S00f3o0 00
White oak plunk, green 17 00(320 00
White oaK plank, dry ISOOfflaoo
White oak boards, dry 13 0023 00
West Va. yellow pine. 1 In IS 00020 00
WestVa. yellow pine, 1J4 In... 19 00S22 0O
Yellow poplar 20 00CS30 00
Hickory, 1 to 3 in is oofiffi on
Hemlock 10 5012 5O
Bunk rails 14 00
Boat stoddlnjr. 14 00
Coal car plant , 18 00
Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured
bams, medium. He; sugar-cured bams, small,
llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 1034c; sugar
cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 8c; sugar
cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. Uc:bacon shoulders, Tc; bacon
clear sides. 8Kc: bacon clear bellies, Kc; dry
salt shoulder?. 6c: dry salt clear sides. 7c
Mess pork, heavy. $14 00; mess pork, family,
S14 60. Lard Refined in tierces, 7c; half
barrels, TJicj 60-ft tubs, 7ci 20 ft palls, 7Jc; 50-
half barrel. $4 OC; quarter barrel, SI 90.
Dressed Meat.
Armour 4 Co. furnish the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts,
5c;550to 650 fts, 60:650 to 750 fts, 6c Sheep,
8c t ft. Lambs, 9c H ft. Hogs, 6c Fresh
pork loins, 9c
Itletnl Market.
New York Pig iron steady. Copper un
changed: lake. May, J12 25. Lead quiet and
steady; domestic, S3 70. Tin dull and heavy;
Straits, S20 40.
Swift's Specific cured me of malignant
Blood Poison after I had been treated In vain
with old so-called remedies of Mercury and
Potash. S. S. S. not onlv cured the Blood
Poison, but relieved the Rheumatism which
was causpd by the polsonons minerals.
GEO. BOVELL. 2422 Third ave N. Y.
Scrofula developed ou my daughter swell
ing and lumps on (T ir neck. We gave her
Swift's Specific, aLd the result was wonder
ful and the cure prompt
S. A. DeArmond, Cleveland. Tenn.
Swift's Specific is entirely a vegetable
remedy, and is the only medicine which per
manently cures Scrofula. Blood Humors, Can
cer and Contagions Blood Poison. Send for
books on Blood and Skin Diseases. mailed free.
The Swift Specttic Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta,
Ga. f eI-7 tts
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
Capital, $100,000, with privilege ot $500,000.
Surplus and undivided profits, 123.600.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac
counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
JAS. CALLERY President
W.J.BURNS Vice President
IntcHne Itchlnff
and stlii -tin r mottit
alffhti worse br
cratcD-BE j i ai
B lowed to eoatlnno
beeomlnc Very ra. SWAYKE'8 OI.VT.
MK14T atop the Itching and bleeding, he Is
ltleFAtlon.andtnmaaAapeniOTeatlie ta
mors. SwAm.OisTMxarlJMldbrdrvtsl ,rm ledlo
aaj Idm. on receipt of price, SO eti & box ; S boxes, $1.2 &,
Xilttsi lettei. DR. SWAYXE 80V. PlllUtlpbU, P
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drezel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
614-515 Hamilton Building.
mylO-7Q.D Pittsbnrg. Pa.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
MPRni IQ ana mental diseases, physical
liLn V lUO decay.nervousdebillty.lackof
enercrv. ambition and bonei imnaired mem.
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, basbfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMADV kidney and bladder derange
Unlllrtn I j raents, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Wblttier's life-long, extensive experience
insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it
here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. ST. Sunday,
10 A. SI. to 1P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-31X-iuTvk
Vnr LOOT or FalHnr
MAN HOOD. Nervous
ness. Weakness ol
Body & Mind. Lack of Strength, Vigor and De
velopment, caused bvEr-ors, Excesses, Ac. Book.
Mode of Bbxf-Tbxatmlyt. and Proofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address KBIE MEDICAL CO..
Buffalo. N. Y. dK3-57-TTSwk
For men! Checks the worst cases in three
days, and cures in five days. Price SI 00. at
Ji5-2-CT8Stt --Market street.
93mmE JS IjhE
First Mortgage 6 Per Cent Gold Bonds,
Due October 1,1900.
Secured by n Deed of Trust to tbe Farmers'
Loan nnd Trust Company, Trustee, Cot
erlng the Franchises, Road, Equipment,
and All Lands Belonging to the Company
Blalrstown. N. J.
New York.
Peace Dale. R. I.
Baltimore, Md.
San Francisco, CaL
a. w. wiLtsun,
Corvallis. Oreeon.
uenton ra. Oregon.
Albany, Oregon.
C031PAN Y is organized for tbe purpose of pro
viding tho State of Oregon with an urgently
needed means of communication with other
States and foreign countries by means of a rail
road from YAQfUINABAY on the Paclflo
Ocean, running through the central portion of
the State to tbe eastern boundary thereof, a
uia-nco oi aooutow mnes, wnere connection
will be made with tbe railroad line already
built to that point, as well as with those under
constinction and projected.
YAQUINA BAY. from its commanding geo
graphical position and tbe scarcity of ports on
tbe Oregon seaboard, is destined to be the fu
ture great seaport of Oregon, for, among
others, the following reasons
ON THE SEA cennected by a railway with
tbe great agricultural districts in the State.
ROAD crosses the four north and south lines
of railroad in the Willamette valley, the great
agricultural district of Oregon, and the Wil
lamette River at Albany, gathering business to
be delivered at the port of Yaqnlna.
Third The distance to the Pacific Ocean
from the heart of the Willamette valley by the
miles, while by tbe wav of Portland and the
Colnmbia River it Is 230 miles to tbe sea.
Fourth It is tbe terminus of a railroad trav
ersing an agricultural country of nusnrpassed
fertility, producing millions of bushels of grain
annually and large yields of other agricul
tural products, and supporting herds of cattle,
sheep and horses. The railroad also passes
through a country rich In deposits of coakiron,
gold and silver, and, for 50 miles, through one
of the finest bodies of timber anywhere in the
world. The timber district has been preserved
to this time by the absence of needed railroad
Fifth The whole business of Central. South
ern and Eastern Oregon will be carried ly the
PANY to Yaqnlna. and distributed from that
port, in about one-half the time cocsnmed, and
at about one-half the cost for transportation,
charged by any other existing or projected
The business Immediately available to tho
large business that will come to it. as Itsline is
pushed further eastward, nntil it reaches Boise
City, and there makes connection with the
present transcontinental lines as well as others
to be completed, demonstrates that Yaqnlna
Bay is to be the f utnre greatseaport of Oregon.
iuo buiurapujr ui hue eastern portion ot too
State ot Oregon, and tbe territory of Idaho,
compels all roads crossing Oregon over its
eastern border to enter the State at or near tha
Soint determined as its eastern terminus by tha
PANY. With adequate ocean shipping facilities to
handle the traffic there would now be available
sufficient business to meet all the fixed charges.
From the heart ot the Willamette Valley to
the sea the distance by tbe Oregon Paclflo
Railroad is bat 72 miles, while tbe shortest line
by other roads is 230 miles in length, which will
to hold tbe business against competition. As
distance and time add to tbe cost of transpor
tation it is simply an impossibUity f or compet
ing lines to handle the business at the same
rate as is done by the OREGON PACIFIC
RAILROAD COMPANY. Central Flltrm -
.tfcvi uciug -Miiwcia vuuiihrjr win oiavr Its
timber and coal supply from along tha line of
Cascade Mountains. The snnnlles of Mmhr
and coal will be taken East on the trains golnjr
to the great fertile plains of that district for
agricultural products to be delivered at the
port of Yaqnlna, thns securing traffic each way.
Thlsglves, without interference, the OREGON
PACIFIC RAILROAD the remunerative local
bnsiness, and will enable It to do through busi
ness at prices that will command its full share
of that traffic.
COMPANY will locate and own tbe towns
along the line of its road, and reap the benefits
resulting therefrom. The principal lands
through which the Company's line runs and is
located are owned by the Company, and
amount! to over nine hundred and fifty thou
sand acres. More than three-quarters of theso '
lands are open rolling plains and immediately
available for tillage.
Tbe franchise confers exceptional advant
ages on the Company, and among them is the
return to the Company, by tbe State, of all
taxes levied and collected until 1900. on tho
lands and other properties of the Company.
The company has in operation ISO miles of
continuous roaa, at tne enu oi wnicn it enters
the timber tract above referred to; CO miles are
in the hands of the Construction Department,
and 40 miles of roadbed through the Malheur
Valley are ready for rails. The whole line
will bo completed by tha autumn of 18001 Steel
rails for the comnletlon of the road, together
with fastenings, have been purchased.
Tho five million! of bonds now offered ars
tbe remainder of tbe total Issue of fifteen
millions provided for in the mortgage, and by
an arrangement between the Railroad Co-many
and Messrs. Barker Brothers A Co., ot Phila
delphia, the proceeds of these bonds are held
by that firm to be paid to the Railroad Com
pany only as the work of construction
By T. E. HOGG, President.
New York, May 15, 1S89.
Tbe undersigned will receive subscriptions
for the above-mentioned FIVE MILLION
DOLLARS ($5,000,000) 8 per cent Gold bonds of'
the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company at par
and accrued interest.
The subscription will be opened at 10 o'clock
on Thursday, May 23, and will close at 12 o'clock
on Saturday, May 25, ont the right is reserved
to reject any and all appllcatloos,or to close tts
subscriptions at an earlier date aud to allot a
smaller amount than applied for.
Payment to be made: 10 per cent at the time
of allotment, 45 percent June 15, and tbe bal
ance of 45 per cent on July 11; interest to be ad
justed to date of final payment,when the bonds
will be delivered. Payments may be antici
pated if desired, and interest will be allowed
thereon at 6 percent.
Copies of the Articles ot Incorporation and
of the-mortgage have been deposited with tho
undersigned, from whom forms of applicatloa '
maybe obtained. .
125 Siuth 4th st., Philadelphia. -MANHATTAN
10 Wall st, New York.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
On mortgages on improved real estate In
ot i,uw ana upwar . Appiv at
mhs-34-D Nvl34Foartave.
-r T
ii raHaa aai.