BMf-fl ?m .5. -- "-4r 3? 31 v ' FJS W v ,vJ-' - j?" m ty IM. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1S18. Vol.44, .Jo. 105. Entered atPittsbnrgPostofilcs, ovcmberl4, 1SS7, as second-class matter. Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 PlamondStreet, Average net circulation of the dally edi tion of The Dlipatch for six month ending Mot 1, 1SS9. 28,051 Copies per Issue. ATerage net rtrcnlntlon of tlio Sunday edi tion of The Dispatch for April, 1SS9, 46,143 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE FltEE tN TBi UM1XD STATES. DATlt DISPATCH. One Year 8 CO Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00 Daily Dispatch, One Month TO Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one year. 10 00 Daily Dispatch, Including Ennday, per quarter 2 SO Datlt Dispatch, including bunday, one month , 90 Eckdat Dispatch, oneycar 2 50 eeklt Dispatch, one year ; 1 25 The Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at IS cents per week, or including the bunday edition, at to cents per week. PITTSBURG. THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1SSSL KOHlKATIOire WITHOUT CONTEST. After the hot struggle for the prestige ot leadership, the Republican Convention yes terday got at its task of nominating can didates, and found it so easy and harmoni ous that there was practically no formal op position to any of the candidates. Judge Collier had the pleasant fortune which has latterly attended nearly all the Allegheny county judges who hare come up for renom ination. His experience, his ability as" a jurist and the gentle, kindly temper which alike on and off the bench has for many years endeared the Judge to all classes of citizens, without regard to party distinc tion, gave of course the fullest war rants for the compliment of acclamation. The nomination of Arch. H. Kowand for District Attorney was also without opposi tion, becausB in managing and pushing his canvass he seemed to hare entirely distanced his recent competitors. But Mr. Eowand is without donbt too astute a political observer not to be aware that in the event of the Democrats taking up a popular and active man he may still have considerable work to do in the campaign. His military record and his peisonal force and earnestness, to gether with his heavy party majority in the county, are factors favoring his prospects. The litigation growing out of his term as Clerk of the Courts and the disposition of the bar and of the public not to follow party lines strictly where the administration of the courts is concerned make it nevertheless possible that he may have a Tery active contest before him. Coroner McDowell also had the comple ment of a unanimous call. Of late years the Coroner's office has been run without the canses for complaint which distinguished it in by-gone days. The present incumbent seems to be fairly entitled to the considera tion accorded him in again placing his name on the ticket NEW EAHE0AD PB0JECTS. The reports of new railroad lines which are to reach-Pittsburg from the Northwest, and furnish new outlet for the "Western Pennsylvania coal fields, and a new route from Pittsburg to New York, show that the fate of the Sonth Penn project does not deter the builders of lines on paper from pushing their profession. The Dispatch, while the South Penn project was still among the possibilities, pointed out that lines connect ing both the Lehigh Valley and Beach Creek roads with Pittsburg were practi cable. How much real capital there is in the new schemes may be left for the future to determine. In the commercial interests ofPittsburgof course a new line is de sirable; but the construction of one road would be especially to be hoped for, as a demonstration of the fact that the commer cial ancTindustrial interests can build rail roads without the consent ot the Pennsyl vania Railroad. EOT0ECE TEE PRESENT ONE FIRST. The proposition for a Constitutional Con vention, to give our State a new Constitu tion, does not meet with very much support outside the ranks of the practical politician. The people are generally of the impression that we have already, as the resnlt of the labors of the Constitutional Convention of 1873, a very good fundamental instrument, and that it is better to give it a fair trial be fore abandoning its provisions. Possibly there may be details with regard to the oaranization of the Legislature, which require amendments, but that can be done by a single amendment to the Constitution. It is also quite likely that there are ele ments of considerable influence in politics, that would be willing to see the provision against special legislation and those regu lating the corporations of the State, repealed or altered. But we think that the opinion of the great mass of disinterested people will be that since the present Constitution is the work of some of the greatest minds that this State has ever possessed, it is no more than fair, both to the Constitution and to the public, to give its provisions the test of thorough and honest enforcement before throwing them aside. This has not yet been done with the work of the convention pf 1873. Some of its most important provisions have been neglected, if not absolutely nullified. Special legisla tion has, it is trae, been somewhat hampered ly itsprovisions, but in several notorious instances that prohibition has been evaded. The Legislature has constantly refused to enforce the provisions of the Constitution with regard to the regulation of corpora tions. While that which forbade the acqui sition of the South Penn by the Pennsyl vania road has been declared by the Court to be self-enforcing, the practical result of nullification has been reached just the same. The public interests lie in the direction of enforcing this instrument rather than aban doning it If the experiment of giving the Constitutional provisions full effect is tried for a period of years, the result will be such that the people will never permit that in strument to be emasculated. We think that the people of Pennsyl vania will have no difficulty in perceiving that it is better to enforce the Constitution -which we have than to fly to pthers that we know not of. THIS LILY IS NOT BETIBINO. Although there is very little reason to be lieve that the sale of some of Mrs. Langtry's theatrical property and her announced in tention to go to Europe portend her perma nent retirement from the stage, we deem this a fitting occasion to record our opinion that Mrs. Langtry would confer a benefit on the American stage by leaving it If she could have managed it it would have been better for her to have retired before she set foot on the boards. Some of her chivalrous, but indiscreet, friends say that Mrs. Langtry is about to leave the stage because she is tired of being talked about This is a substantial reason, for truly very few actresses have been able to carry about with them such an umbrage ous cloud of gossip as has surrounded Mrs. Langtry wherever she has wandered. If she is tired of being -gossiped about, we trust she is likewise tired of providing food for the scandal-mongers. The public is very tired of the whole Langtry business, from ncr inability to act to her squabbles with unpaid tradesmen and cooks. Therefore, should she determine to forsake the American stage, her alleged desire for a quiet, unnoticed life and the public's hopes for a day which shall not offer amateur society beauties in the guise of actresses will both in varying measure be gratified. But, as we have ventured to say before, we deem it the suggestion of a too sanguine lover of the real stage which bids us look for Mrs. Langtry's retirement to-day or to morrow. The notoriety for which she now affects disgust has proven a gold mine to her. And such notoriety as Mrs. Langtry's will last several years yet as a money making medium. THE PESTIYAL'S ATTRACTIONS. Theenjoymentof such a musical eventas the May Festival is not confined to the scholarly masters of music, nor even to the lovers of the divine art, who adore where they do not always understand. As far as the music is concerned there are many who will sit through every concert of this mighty series and yet never for a moment obtain from the rendering of masterpieces by renowned art ists that acute pleasure which a simple bal lad sung to the accompaniment of on aged piano brought to them in the shadow of the parlor at home. But should they stay away because the musicians and the singers oc cupy a higher plane than their tastes com mand? No; for several reasons. For instance, when four or five thousand interesting human beings gather together in one place there is always a grateful field there for the student of human nature to survey. If a man does not care a fig for Wagner, he may be an intense admirer of a pretty girl. There are many of Allegheny county's famous beauties to be seen among the celebrants of the Festival. Or again a woman may not value a chorus from Haydn's "Creation" more than a solitary hair pin, and yet burn with an absorbing desire to compare her new Parisian hat with the head gear of her friends and enemies. There are all sorts of ways of getting one's moneys worth out of a popular concert The audience is not down upon the programme, but its performances, individually and col lectively, are often fully as remarkable as those of the musicians and vocalists. POINTS OF RESEMBLANCE. Some of the features of the contest which is going on for the control of the Oregon and Transcontinental B. B. present points of peculiar public interest Besides the fact that the attempt to solve the problem involved in a study of the leases, guarantees and stock ownership com prised in the Oregon and Transconti nental, Oregon Short Line, Oregon Railway and Navigation, Union Pacific and Northern "Pacific railroad companies would afford a grateful variety upon the popular struggle with the "pigs in clover," the contest presents some peculiar resem blances to the ordinary political contest The advertisements of the Villard party invited stockholders to send their proxies to that interest, in order to establish a policy in the interests of harmony with the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific lines and for the removal of the difficulties which have heretofore hampered that corporation. The advertisement of the Smith party invited the stockholders also to send their taxes to the other interests, for the sake of removing the difficulties that have heretofore ham pered the corporation and in the interests of harmony with the Union and Northern Pa cific lines. These may not be exactly ver batim copies of the advertisement, but they set forth the fact that each party claims to be the party of harmony and prosperity for the corporation. This presents a striking resemblance to the political candidate and platform which tell the public that the party making them is the true party for the prosperity of the country. As in politics, the faot that both parties promise the same thing, does not suggest that they should unite their forces upon the same platform. Each wants to get hold of the offices, and in order to do so, promises are cheap. The further fact that something like $24 per share above the market price was-paid for stock in order to Becure votes at the coming election, presents another resemblance to some of the shady practices of politics. If such parallels continue they will give pertinence to the inquiry whether the practices of politics do more to demoralize corporations, or the corporations do more to demoralize the practices of politics. PITTSBUEG INTERESTS AT HELENA. Mr. John Thompson, a former well-known resident of Pittsburg, bnt for some years settled at Helena, Mont, was in the city yesterday seeing some old friends. Mr. Thompson gives a graphic account of the .rise of Helena, which appears to be en dowed with a great business movement lately. Helena is in the center of the mining district, and a distributing point for supplies. It has had a lively real estate experience, the demand, Mr. Thompson states, for places of business being such as to yield IB per cent returns. Some Pitts burgers have lately been making invest ments in that quarter, and the principal business block is called "The Pittsburg Block." Major Walker, a well-known Pennsylvanian, brother-in-law to James G. Blaine, is Paymaster at Helena, and it is there Bussell B. Harrison, the President's son, has put down his stakes. THE PARIS EXPOSITION. The statement is going the rounds that the success of the Paris Exposition has led to the discussion of the project of reopening it next year. It looks possible that this micht be a case of shouting before theshouter has got out of the woods. It will be abetter time to predicate the success of this Exposition when it is ended, than within the first week of its opening. At present it remains to be seen what measure of success is to be gained. If it scores a success the encouragement would be decidedly in favor, not only of repeating it next year, but of making it a permanent Exposition. Philadelphia's attempt in the way of a permanent exhibition did not suc ceed veiy well, but Paris could put a per manent exhibition on a different basis and command elements of success that the Quaker City could not. The fall of the old church building on Wylie avenue which the traction company was tearing down to make room or a power house, gives a new lesson -on the necessity of active care against unsafe buildings. A THE few years ago there was a "proposition to use this building for Mnrphy's temperance meetings, and the plan was checked only by the condemnation of the building. Tester day's casualty shows how well fonnded the condemnation was, and what a terrible dis aster might have taken place if big crowds had been allowed to gather there. It is understood that Mapleson's Opera Company is to be backed during the next season, by one of the rich singers, living in Paris. The result is expected to demon strate that this Binger's notes are most pow- crful in the production of first-class opera. It is not surprising that the race for the vacant Bussian mission is a close one, be tween Colonel Elliott F. Shepard, of the New York ifail and Express, and General Felix Agnus, of the Baltimore American. General Agnus seems to have obtained a slight lead on the banqueting question; but Colonel Shepard's professionally religi ous character is a strong point which may tell at the finish. It would be a decided feather in the cap of the United States to send a Minister to Bussla who could stop the Czar's Sunday reviews. ' 'The cool wave is neither emphatic nor pretentious," says the Philadelphia Press. In viewof the recent meteorological events it would seem that the esteemed Press has the luck of most weather prophets in its forecasts. How Senator Quay stands at the White House and whether Ford or McKean is to get the Pittsburg postoffice are evidently questions upon which the Washington cor respondents consider themselves privileged to entertain the widest latitude of opinion. At last reports there were symptoms that Congressman Dalzell might have the call. This would probably be not wholly un accounted for by the results of the primaries. But Larkin, P. M.f is doing pretty well, and the community will calmly await official advices. THAT Fifth Assembly district conven tion's refusal to vote in favor of a resolution against the use of city employes in election work, appears to have been a case of in voluntary frankness. The declaration by some of our esteemed Democratic cotemporaries that "when Jar rett gets a Consulship, there is nothing good enough to offer Dudley," assumes the aspect of a clean bill of health for Dudley. Ab no definite allegation has ever been made, much less proved, against the honesty of Mr. Jarrett's political methods, such remarks look like a confession that all the Democratic charges against Dudley have been unfounded. The weather may try to throw cold water on the Festival; but the spirit of the occa sion is too ardent to be dampened by exter nals. The announcement that Steve Brodie jumped from the top of the Passaic Falls into the water fifty feet below, records a very common place feat If Mr. Brodie wants to do something that will attract the attention of the world, let him jump from the water fifty feet below to the top of the Passaic Falls. That would be something worthy of making a fuss about Snow in the Fayette county mountains may be a natural resnlt of what the poli ticians have been making it do,ln Pittsburg. "It does not help Benjamin Harrison's case to record in his behalf that Grover Cleveland appointed his wife's cousin, Benjamin Fulton to be Consul at Shef field," remarks the New York Sun; but does it show that Presidents, like the rest of ns, are subject to the ordinary weaknesses of humanity. PERSONAL PACTS AND PANCIE8. STB Moeell Mackenzie has greatly re gained his health at Madeira. Thomas Hardy, the English novelist is a Justice of the Peace in Dorsetshire. Mb. W. D. Howells will spend the summer near Boston and go to that city to livo in the fall. The Czar of Russia has appointed the Czarowitza member of the Council of the Empire and of the Committee of the Ministers. Count Bayobgsaw de Brazza recently had his famous collection of old gold and silver plate melted into bullion by the burning of a wrecked railroad train. The late Washington Irving Bishop might have been a very wealthy man. He made a great deal of money, bnt did not possess the faculty of keeping it He was a spendthrift Ex-Seceetaey BATAED'S forthcoming mar riage is regarded as an admission upon the part of the distinguished Delawarian that it is do mestic rather than foreign 'affairs that he is best qualified for directing. Solomon Htbsch, the newly appointed Minister to Turkey, is now at Carlsbad, Ger many. That he will accept the post is not doubted, hut it is not yet known whether he will returnjo the United States before assum ing office. The excursion to Mount Vernon, which was to have been given by Secretary Blaine in honor of Sir Julian Pauncefote, the new Brit ish Minister, and which was postponed on ac count of the death of Minister Bice, will take place next Monday. Russell Habbison is considering an offer of W. J. Arkell to take an active part in the editorial direction of Drank Letlie's Illustrated Newspaper. The climate of Montana does not agree with Mrs. Harrison and she is anxious to move to New York. Colonel Feed D. Musset. Washington correspondent of the Commercial Gazette, leaves the capital to-day tor Cincinnati to en ter upon dnties in connection with the editorial page of the Commercial-Gazette during the absence ot Mr. Marat Halstead in Kurope. Alphonse Datjdet is at work on a book which is to be called bMes Donleurs." It is a stndy of his own physical ailments, which are registered with the most minute care. An ac quaintance asked him a few days ago when it would bo published. Daudet looked at his questioner very seriously for a moment and re plied "I am waiting till I feel worse, for there may be some fresh symptoms to chronicle." The analytical school of literature is coming to rather a queer pass. Sib Edwin Aunoltj has received yet an other decoration. This time it is a commander ship of the Order of the Lion and the Bun, and the Shah of Persia is the giver. Sir Edwin, who is a charming, good natured old gentle man, has a mania for collecting foreign decor ations. He is not content with his O.S.L and K.LE., bnt claps an additional star .on his poetic breast almost every year. He has been decorated by most of the Oriental potentates the Khedive, the King of Slam, the Shahof Persia and one or two others. The New York Sun says: In conversation with an acquaintance yesterday Mr. Chaunccy Depew referred to the time when he held the office ot American Minister to Japan 23 years ago. It appears that some of Mr. Depew's friends are unaware that he ever enjoyed the honor of an appointment to this high diplomatic post. Bnt he himself has not forgotten it He was appointed to it by Secretary Seward, under the administration of Andrew Johnson, in 1866. Mr. Seward was desirous that he should accept this office at that time, and it was not until Mr. Depew had taken a whole month to think of it that he notified the State Department of his final determination to refuse it. He preferred life in New York to diplomacy in Toklo. Not Well Tempered. From the Baltimore Americana From recent accounts of Bismarck's little fit of passion, the Man of Iron does not seem to be very well tempered. PITTSBITRG DISPATCH, TfiE TOPICAL TALKEB. Colorado In Two Color The Old Stamp Cry Editor (Scott's Flan A Little Change. It is all In the way a man looks it a thing. Yesterday a TTenver man-was telling me that the place to live In, the place in which to spend a vacation, was Colorado. "Lovely air," he said, "grand mountains, the most wonderful stock-raising land, and the finest stock you ever sawl" Hardly had he left me than a Pennsyl. vanian who hid plenty of experience in Colo rado came np and asked me where I intended spending my vacation this summer. I asked him what be thought of Colorado. He replied: "Don't be such a fool as to go to Colorado for pleasure. The air they crack up so uuich isn't a circumstance to what you can get at Cresson You've got better mountains right at your door, and as for stock farms and stock I tell youl've seen more cattle and finer la Lancas ter county than I've ever discovered In Colo rado." Now I am waiting for someone to come along to throw the casting vote on Colorado's merits. GET OCT TILE FAINT, UB. WANAMAKEB. O Wanamaker, hear our cry) The weather's drear and damp, And dismal Is the bilious dye Upon the two-cent stamp: Too long has that sad sickly green Made countless millions weep, Iween. V Mb. Scott, tho editor and proprietor of the Chicago Herald, was talking of how he had built that prosperous and clever journal in bnt eight years, to a friend ot mine by the side of the sounding sea a few days ago, and he said that he believed he owed a large amount of the Herald's success to the amateur baseball scores which were made a special feature in its col umns soon after the paper was started. The scores of these juvenile contests were printed in the same way as the professional games, and allusion was always mado when possible to tho good playing of some particular member of the team. Of course the Herald did not depend on this alone, bnt Mr. Scott thinks it had a most im portant influence on his journal's fortune. V A LITTLE CHANGE. Most happy Is the man, and ne'er Upon the (sheriff's docket, Who always has a little change Within his tfouser's pocket. And so the Signal service nan A panper can be never, For In the elements he finds A little change forever 1 V PEBHAP3 you noted before in great assem blages of peoplo that tho quietest and most modest people therein are usually the greatest. This truism came to my mind as I observed the demeanor of the great audience at the opening night of the May Festival. There was one tnan whose size and tremendous pomposity excited considerable attention among his neighbors, and induced me to inquire who he was. It doesn't matter what I discovered, be yond the fact that the person who Wore the air and attributed clothes of "a dook" or a New York politician, was not worth talking about on any score but his site physically. AT THE INDIAN SCHOOL A Distinguished Party Present nt the Annual Graduating Exercises. Special Telegram to Tho Dispatch. Carlisle, May 22. The tenth anniversary aud graduating exercises of the Indian Indus trial School took place to-day. A varied and attractive programme had been prepared. The morning exercises were highly interesting. They comprised inspections of the class rooms and workshops, followed by gymnasium and parade drill A special train from Washington arrived here with a party consisting of the Hon. John W. Noble.Hecretary of the Interior, and wife; Hon. Joseph K. MtCommon, late As sistant Attorney-General for the Interior De partment,and wife; A. K. Smithley,ottbe Board of Indian Commissioners, with his wife; Gen eral Elisha Whittlesey, Secretary of the Board; the wife and granddaughter of Associate Jus tice S. F. Miller of the Buprcmoi Court; and Messrs. Stevins, Gehr and Phillips, or the In terior Department. The other prominent guests included Senator A. H. Colquitt, Of Georgia, and Rev. Br. J. A. McConiey, of Bal timore, late President of Dickinson College; Governor Beaver and Colonel Fuller. The programme was an interesting one. The presentation of diplomas took place this even ing, and were made by Hon. John Noble, Sec retary of the Interior. There are now 607 pupils connected with the school, over GOO of whom were present to-day. Captain Pratt is one of the pioneers of this new idea, which is that the Indian children must be brought away from tho influence of tribal surroundings and placed and educated in the midst of civiliza tion. This certainly was a great day' among the Indians, -KENTUCKY REPUBLICANS. They Nominates a State, Ticket and Adopt 6omo Resolutions. LoTnsvnxE, May 22. The Republican State Convention to nominate a candidate for Treas urer, to be elected next August, convened here to-day. Hon. W. O. Bradley was made Chair man. John Z. Barrett, of Louisville, was nomi nated for Treasurer almost without opposition. Hon. A. M. Bwope, of Lexington, was first offered the nomination, but declined for satis factory reasons. Mr. Barrett is a prominent young lawyer. The resolutions indorse the policy of the General Government especially referring to the granting of pensions, and indo'rslng the sentiment No Union soldier should ever go to the almshouse." They also indorsed the Blair educational bill. The sentiment of the con vention favored the close drawing of party lines in the coming contest for the Legislature. Patriotism In the West. From the Detroit Free Press. Dubnque has voted 16 of the city money to have a grand blow-out on the glorious Fonrth. The further West you get the more a man's patriotism bubbles up. NOTES OF THE STAGE. "MY Pabtxeb," an old favorite, at Harris' next week. Leavitt's LilylClay Company is playing to fine business at the Academy. The famous Blind Tom will make his last ap pearance in Pittsburg at the Bijon Theater to day and to-morrow. Matinee and evening per formances will be given both days. The prices remain as usual. THE Gray and Stephens Company, with their troupe of well-trained dogs, are filling Hams' Theater twice dally. The bill will bo changed to-morrow, the dramatio play, "Without a Home," being given at the matinee perform ance and for the remainder of tho week. WnxABS Bpenseb's beautiful comic opera, "The Little Tycoon," will be presented at the Grand Opera House next week. Although this opera has been before the public for nearly five years it has lost none of its popularity. The present season has been one of the most suc cessful since the opera was first produced. Its bright and tuneful airs are something of which theater-goers never tire; they are perennially fresh and pleasing. This will donbtless be the last opera produced here this season. The sale of seats begins to-day. DEATHS OP A DAT. Joslnh W. Fletcher. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Chahbebsbubq, Pa., May 22. Joslah W Fletcher died here to-day, aged 73 years. He was Sergeant at Arms of the House of ttepresentatives at Harrisburg in 1853. He was a lieutenant of the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Regiment Penn sylvanla.Volunteers, was taken prisoner at Chan ceUorvllfe and spent a long time in Llbby Prison. Robert Cornell. "Washington, May 22. Bobert CorneU, for nine years steward of the United States steamer Dis patch, died la this city last night. He was well kuown to many prominent persons. Including Presidents and cabinet officers, who have dined on the Dispatch when It was largely used for of ficial trips and excursions. JohnH. Emerson. - Denton, M May 22. John H-Emerson, prob ably the oldest newspaper man on the eastern chore, died last night after an illness of four months with consumption. He was bora on No vember 11, 1820. He was owner of the American Union, but had not edited It for several years on account of falling health, John Frederick Dlttler, Jr. John Frederick Dlttler, Jr., an oldand welt known resident of the Sixth ward, died at his home, TJo. S2J Fifth avenue, Tuesday evening, from the effects of a paralytic stroke. His death Is said to have been hastened by worrying over his disappointment at not being granted a license. 'THURSDAY, MAY PENNSYLVANIA'S PEIDE. Adjalant General Hngtlngs'RcportUpon the Condition of the National Guard Some Important Recommendations New Dress Uniforms. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. HabbisbubO, May 22. Adjutant General Hastings, in bis annual report, puts the numer ical strength of the National Guard a"t 8,575. Last year 101 commissions were issued, 190 com missions expired and 40 officers wer e recommiS sioned. The expenditures were $307,50563, of which 127,773 2S were used to pay the militia, 30,457 82 to pay armory rent $69,Z71 02 to meet nnuul allowance to Companies, $21,050 for arm ory rent, and 512.819 S2 for rifle practice. The to tal cost of the three btlgades was 171,315 42, of which 54,239 69 were expended on the third brigade. The average cost per man at camp was: First Brigade, J20 21j Second, $22 06; Third, 21 21. The cost of tho Mt. Gretna Division encamp ment was $174,041) 83, and the average cost per man $22 11, while the average at the brigade en campments last year was $21 10. The report shows that while the cost of rifle practice in 18S6 was $2,M8, last year It reached $12,819 32. The number of qualified marksmen was in creased from 368 to 1,829. The number of Sharp shooters is 4S2. One hundred and forty-seven marksmen and 140 sharpshooters have records of from 5 to H years. Following are extracts taken from the Adjutant General's report! The Mt. Gretna Range. There is probably no more convenient or com plete target range in the Country than that at Mt, Gretna. The experience of tho present year has convinced me that rifle practice should not be carried on during the summer encamp ments. No duty should be required in camp that can be as well accomplished at the armory. The company range Is the best place to qualify marksmen. The spring inspections show in creasing efficiency on the part of the company organizations. The spring inspection gives the true condition-of the company. Experience has shown the futility ot wasting time or money on a poor company or an inef ficient captain. With the growing public in terest and pride manifested in the organisa tion, and with volunteer organizations in every Quarter of the State knocklne at thn door for admission, there is no longer room for any other than first-class company organizations. There are over 100 anplications on file for per mission to raise companies of infantry, and they aie constantly coming in. Occasional re quests aio received for authority to raise a bat tery of cavalry company. It is evident from these applications that the strength of the guard coald easily be doubled In a short time. It is, therefore, undonbtedly for the best interests of tho service to muster out all laggard and Inefficient organizations and replace them with those who are anxious to enter tho service. An Appeal to the Pnbllc The Second and Eighteenth Regiments and Several others are sorely in need of suitable quarters There is nothing left but to appeal to public generosity. When the appeal has been fairly and earnestly made the public has always responded. Tho proofs of this fact are seen in the splendid armories of the First and Third Regiments, in Philadelphia, the Ninth In Wllkesbarre, and the Thirteenth, in Scranton. The company armories through the State gen erally are not what they should be, although there are several notablo exceptions. No com pany has ever measured up to the standard contemplated by the law that did not have a good armory. The work of the examining boards is compli mented because they have resulted in putting into the National Uuard a class of excellent men and keeping out those who would have re flected discredit on it The allowance of pay to the boards is recommended. The knapsacks, haversacks and canteens in nse are condemned because of their long service and consequent bad condition, and an appropriation in addition to the 300,000 annual allowance to the guard Is suggested to procure new accoutrements. The troops are encouraged to hope for the delivery of a 45 caliber breach-loading Spring field rilled musket to every soldier before the close ot the present year. The gatling guns are said to be in good condition, but the remaining armament of the batteries is said to be of little account A Now Gnd Needed. The snbstitution of the three-inch rifle re cently adopted by the United States Govern ment is suggested. On the subject of dress Uniforms the Adjutant General says the ap pearance of the Guard in places where it comes in contact with the troops of other States clad in fine dress uniforms has intensified the desire for a new and better outfit than now worn. The service uniform answers the demands ot camp and armory duty, but on occasions of parade and display something better than his working clothes is coveted by the Guardsman. The idea of allowing each regimental organization to adopt its ovn dress uniform, subject to the ap proval of superior headquarters, has merit In it Of the brigade encampments the Adjutant General says there was marked improvement as compared with that ot the previous encamp ment. Marches to and from camp are com mended. The entertainment of visitors at en campments is discouraged, as being prejudi cial to the service. Encampments are neither picnics nor summer reports. Regimental en campments are recommended this year. The Adjutant General closes his report by recommending that companies marching to and from camp be allowed commutation in cash equal to the expense of railroad transportation and one or two days' additional pay. The ming ling of regular and national guard troops is de clared to be advantageous to the latter and the suggestion is made that the three cavalry troops and batteries join the regular cavalry companies and batteries that propose to camp in this Stato this year. DIDN'T MEAN TO DO WRONG. Quite a Number ot Mall Route Contractors Make n Serious Mistake. Washington, May 22,-Asslstant Attorney "General Tyner, sitting with Second Assistant Postmaster General Whitfield and Law Clerk Haynes,of the Postoffice Department to-day be gan a hearing in the mall contract cases of W. H.Smitb.C. W. Underwood, J. R. Piggand L. F. Cbappel, of Windsor. The respondents are successful bidders for about 580 mall route contracts, the execution of which on the part of the Department, was recently suspended by Second Assistant Postmaster General Whit field upon what he regarded as evidence Of ir regularities in the execution of the contracts and the accompanying indemnity bonds on the part of the respondents. They expressed a per fect willingness to execute new contracts and new bonds in any required amount.and stoutly maintained their perfect innocence of any at tempted wrong. The case was continued until to-morrow. Colonel W. W. Dudley and Zovey 4 Finley, of Washington, and Judge W. S. Shirk, of Sedalia, Mo., appeared as counsel for the contractors. TAKING A TKIP WEST. The Inter-Stnto Commerce Commission on , Its Way to Toledo. Washington, May 22. Commissioners Mor rison and Bragg, of the Inter-State Commerce Commission, left Washington to-night for To ledo, O., where they will be joined by Chairman Cooley, of the commission. They will hear a case in Toledo the latter part of the week, and after concluding their work at that place will proceed farther west, stopping at Chicago, Jef ferson City, Mo., and other points, complaints from which have been lodged with the commis sion. Commisioner Schoonmaker was unable to go, on account of an affection of the eyes. Some English Balls. -A correspondent of the London Soectator reprints the following literary "bulls," culled from English newspapers: "To investigate the question would lead us too deeply into the dry and tronbled waters of moral philosophy." "Several chimneys fell, burying tho inmates In the ruins." "A row of cottages fell, but fortunately the inmates were all out." "At first sight, the electioneering addresses sound thoroughly protectionist" Four Bills Signed By the Governor Special Telegram toThe Dispatch. Habeisbubg, May 22. The Governor to day signed four bills regulating the catching offish. One applies to the entire State, two refer to the Delaware river and one to Lake Erie. The State Fishery Commissioners drafted the bills, but toward the close of tho session they were materially amended. A Core lor the Rapid Yonth. From the New York Herald. If you know of a boy who is in danger of be coming "fast" get htm a place in the district messenger service. That is an infallible cure for the disease. Enow Fell, at HnrrUbnrg. Habbisbubg, May 22. There was a severe hail storm in this section to-day. Snow also fell. The surrounding mountains are covered with snow. L889. THE C0DNTY-C0BTES1Y The Change la the Republican Rales the Great Qaestldn Democratic Prospects Itowand Considered Not Too Easy to "Beat tittle Opposition to Jadge Collier. The clouds have largely cleared out of the Republican sky In Allegheny county. The leaders, however, have a problem before, them not very easy of solution in tho changes 'to be made to tho rules governing the party. Every body feels that the County Committee is virtu ally pledged to a chahge, bnt everybody is not agreed as to what the change Should be. The Crawford county system is much talked of and may be decided on by the committee when it takes up the subject. Mr. Magee is understood to favor tha present rules as far as they go, but is quoted as believing that they do not go far enough. For instance, an election precinct has weight in the legislative district convention only in proportion to the number of its Repub lican votes. Bat each legislative district sends delegates to the county convention regardless of the number dr Republican votes it may give. The One Bemocratio Legislative district has as much weight in the convention as a Repub lican district. This Is deemed Inequitable. The same tronble, however, is met la each Re- fubllcaa National Convention with regard to he representation from the Democratic States. A County committee man from each election precinct instead ot the 80 now chosen is favored by the present county chairman,George von Bonnhorst In his opinion much better and more thorough work can be got out of a com mittee ot this kind than out of a smaller one. In evidence of the excellent work of a large committee Mr. Von Bonnhorst points with Srlde to the vote of Allegheny county last fall. n this point the Quay leaders seem to think much as he does. There Will Be No Spilth If assnranccs of the leading Quay men hold good with the rank And file of their wing of the Republican party, the Quay people will support the local ticket this fall as heartily as will the Magee men. Opinions were expressed on Tuesday afternoon that they would dot be inclined to do so, but hints to this effect were quickly met with the warning that the gentle matt who will be on the State ticket is distinc tively a Quay man, and it will not aid him any to have tue O.Uav Deotila in Allegheny County cutting the locaf ticket. ' In addition to feeling good over having, as they claimed, forced the Magee people to con cede a change of the rules, the Quay people are congratulating themselves that they also elect ed nine delegates to the State Convention against seven elected by the opposition. The latter, however, paid no attention to the fac tional complexion of the delegation to the State Convention outside Pittsburg and profess Indifference. Democratic Lookera-On. The Democrats have been watching the fight in the Republican camp with a considerable degree of Interest Some of them are rendered sanguine thereby, but the feeling is not unani mous. Patrick Foley, while professing to be more interested in the laying of gas lines thah in politics, paused long enough to say that the Republican majority in Allegheny county last fall was larger than the Democratic rote. This was in his eyes no small obstacle for the Demo crats to overcome, even if there are differences of opinion in the Republican ranks. He talked some on the District Attorneyship fight, and, while seeing a considerable Republican op position to the Republican nominee, appar ently considered that gentleman's ability as a political hustler no small factor in tbe contest. "And he will make this the fight of his life," said Mr. Foley. "Rowahd," he continued, "can conduct a stronger personal campaign than any man I know of." Mr. Foley, on the other hand, had heard enough to know that there wonld be strong opposition to Mr. Rowand from tbe Allegheny county bar. - For District Attorney. The Democratic primaries do not occur until the latter part ot August, but ex-Chairman Brennan thinks unless something unforeseen happens "Dick" Johnson, as his familiar friends call him, will be the Democratic party's nominee for the District Attorneyship. Mr. Brennan brushes aside any ambitions he may have himself for the honor, holding that Mr. Johnson is the strongest man that can be named for the place by his party. Mr. Brennan sees many reasons for Democratic hope con cerning this office. t k Little Opposition to Judge Collier. There will be little pr no opposition to Jadge Collier, according to both Mr- Brennan and Mr. Foley. Indeed, had not the Republicans named a candidate in opposition to Jndge Bailey it is quite likely the Democrats at this time would not think of placing anyone in tbe fiefd in opposition to Jndge Collier. As it is, however, there is a strone feeling in favor of naming a candidate. Judge Collier is spoken ot in the highest terms as a man and as a Judge. No Individual Is yet mentioned by the Demo crats for the nomination and there has been little talk of a candidate for Coroner, though one will be named. Hopes for a Democratic Treasurer. Mr. Brennan is strongly hopeful of Demo crats success this fall. "Quay," he says, "has publicly declared himself in favor of prohibi tion, ana at the same time the word has gone out among the Republican workers to knife tbe amendment This thing of carrying water on one shoulder and whisky on the other is not likely to add strength to the Republican ticket I am not In favor myself of submitting moral questions like this to the Deople to be voted on, and I am strictly temperate myself, not having toncbed liquor for years. The refusal to con sider Mr. Wherry's resolutions to reform, the sinking fond should be a considerable aid to us and will be, bnt it would be even more of a help if people gave, proper attention to these financial matters. The date of the State con vention has been left to tbe Executive Com mittee chosen at Harrisburg." ODD FELLOWS IN 8E8SI0N. The Grand Lodge Elects a Warden and Transacts Other Business. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. York, May 22. The Grand Lodge of Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows of Pennsyl vania finished its second day's work in this city to-day. The report of the Finance Com mittee was adopted. The important business of the morning was counting the votes for tbe election of tbe Grand Warden. The result was as follows: Edgar Marsh, 8,096 votes; John A. Wnnch, 8,061 votes; Marsh's majority, 85. Grand Warden-elect Marsh is a citizen of Cony, a lawyer by profession, and has been Mayor and Solicitor for his city. The Grand Lodge accepted the Invitation of the Phila delphia Anniversary Association to attend their celebration on June 15. Tbe question ot admitting to membership in lodges at the age of 18 years Instead of 21 years, as at present, will be decided by the Grand Lodge. It is believed that the action of the Grand Encampment of Monday will lead to its defeat by a heavy majority. A motion to ap point an additional assistant secretary for tbe order was voted down. Appeals from different parts of tho State were then taken up for con sideration and properly disposed of. W. H. Cogswell, heading a degree delegation of 20 members from Philadelphia, exemplified the unwritten work of the order this evening. THE ENGLISH TATTEEN AT FAULT. No Blame Attached to tho Workmanship of the Cruiser Charleston. WASHlHGloir, May 22. News coming from San Francisco is to the effect that while there is reason to believe that the new cruiser Charleston will ultimately succeed in fulfilling the contract requirements, much remains to be done upon the vessel, and probably at the Gov ernment's expense, before this expectation is realized. The present air pump failed to give a sufficient vacuum, and must be replaced by a pump of another type. The defective sliders, whicn were spoken of in the report npon the trial trip as the cause of failure, must be altered in design and other changes made. As the same troubles were experienced in the case of the Naniwakan, the Charleston's proto type, the inference is that tbey arise from faults in tbe drawings furnished by the English designers rather than in tbe workmanship, which is said to be of excellent character. The Advent of the Circus Season. From the Mew York THbune.3 This is the time of the year when the follow ing paragraph maybe frequently seen in the weeklies of .the Southwest: "Several first-class death notices are crowded out this week to make room for the circus "ad.' We are confi dent that the relatives of tbe deceased will un derstand and appreciate tbe necessities of the case." They May Carry Out Their Part. From the Philadelphia Inquirer.: Tho Czar is to go 20 miles, ont ot his way to meet the Shah when he comes to St Peters burg, and give him a private reception. A plan to give him a magnificent public reception has been changed for fear of a Nihilist plot; but the Nihilists may carry out their part of the programme just the same. GOTHAM'S GRIST OF GOSSIP. Building a Costly Church. ritEW TOBK BDTUCAn SrSCIALS.1 NEW YoBK, May 22. The Brooklyn -Methodists laid to-day on Ocean Hill the cornet stone of a church which will cost $200,000. Three Times Indicted for Libel. General J. Madison Drake, commander of the Veteran Zouaves, was arraigned In tha Union County Court at Elizaoetb, N. J., this morning, for criminal libel. He pleaded not guilty to three lndiotments. Two of the libels are the outgrowth of the Elizabeth Centennial. Drake had tronble with the commlttep. and in his at tack on them in his paper, the Sunday Leader, he published caricatures of tne Hon. Amos Clarke and Grand Marshal Halsey. W.B. Doland.a merchant In Elizabeth, secured the third Indictment against General Drake. De Spent Her Money on Other Girls. Mary Klein, a shop girl 23 years old, told in court to-day bow her lover, August Petrle, had swindled her out ot $806 and had then deserted her. Petrie took her savings at the end of each month for two years f 0 the ostensible purpose of depositing them In the bank. She eventually learned that Petrle had spent ber SS00 upon other girls. She tried to arrest him, but he ran away to Chicago. He was brought back by a detective, and was placed on trial this morn ing. To-morrow MisS Klein will bring into Court Some of the girls whose dresses and theater tickets Petrle paid for with her money. Captain Harrison Objects to Alimony. Mrs. Frank Harrison wishes an absolute di vorce and $50 a week alimony from her wealthy hnsband. Captain Harrison, of Brooklyn. Cap tain Harrison is anxious enough for the di vorce, but be objects to the alimony. His connsel, in showing why Mrs. Harrison should not get her $50 a week, to-day read in court several letters which her husband had found in her secretary. All ot them had been written by her to John B. Hatch, formerly Captain Harrison's best friend. Tbe letters were signed "Yonr Own Little Wife" or "Your.Own Little Girlie." In every one of them Mrs. Harrises told "Jack" how much she loved him and what a "disagreeable old thing" ber hnsband was. Bhe also hinted that she was preparing to get a divorce so that she conid marry him. Hatch is a married man and is prominent in yacntlng Circles. Captain Harrison is a yachtsman and club man o education and high social Stand ing. One More Theatrical Divorce. Mrs. Florence Gale has Served a summons In a suit for absolute divorce from her husband. sWatter Gale, the actor. Gale plays the part of Happy Jack, tbe tramp, In Denman Thomp son's drama. "The Old HomStead." A Hospital Boder Fire. Dr. Mary A. Dixon Jones and her son, Dr. Charles N. Dixon Jones, the managers of the Women's Hospital, in Brooklyn, are defendants in a suit instituted by Mrs. Josephine Steln f eldt for $50,000 damages. She alleges that she consulted Mrs. Jones about Some ailment, and was told by the latter that she was suffering from cancer and that an operation was neces sary to save her life. She went to the hospital in February, and after a black cap, saturated with ether, had been placed on her bead the operation was performed. She now avers that she was not suffering from cancer, and that the operation was entirely unnecessary. Her health also, she says, has been permanently In jured through the malpractice of Mrs. Jones and her son. Other cases of alleged misman agement on tbe part of Mrs. Jones and her son bare lately been called to the attention of the prosecuting authorities, and they are being in vestigated by the grand jury. TICKET BROKERS TOGETHER. They Assert That They Have Been Subject io BnjastPersecutlon. New Yore, May 22 The Ticket Brokers Association met in this city to-day. President McCrary called the convention to order at 1 o'clock this afternoon and read his annual ad dress. He called attention to the fact that the great railroad corporations had been for the past few months endeavoring to have the busi ness of the membersof the association .branded as illegitimate. These magnates, he said, had by every means in their power tried to have laws passed by the different Legislatures de claring the business Illegal, but they signally failed. He hoped that the members of the as sociation would stick together and assertjtheir rights as American citizens. The small rail roads, he said, principally depended on the ticket brokers for sustenance, and that was the reason why tbe large railroads wished to de stroy the business of tbe brokers. The report of tbe Executive Committee dealt mainly with what was termed the perse cution to which members ot tbe association were subjected to during the past year- The following are extracts from tbe report: "It is almost impossible to realize the; enormous amount of persecution tbe association has suc cessfully withstood. Persecuted openly and in secret, in the names of great and powerful monopolies in the halls of Legislatures, through the Inter-State Commission, in print and in speech, in anonvmaps screeds, in word and in action, our occupation bas been maligned, scandalized and misrepresented charged with conspiracy, with crime, with fraud and with all that is evil. But the public has been our ally, and truth and honest dealing our only weapons, and we stand to-day victors upon hard fought fields." A Manhattan Reception. Last night about 60 couples, comprising the members of tbe Manhattan Club, of the South side, went out to the. Windsor Hotel, on the Brownsville road, in carriages, where the club's annual reception and banquet was held. A Reception Last Night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rea, of Penn and Lang avenues, gave a reception at their home last night to a number of their friends. They will also entertain a large party next Wednes day evening. Married a Brooklya Belle. Mr. M. DeWitt Loomls was married last night in Brooklyn, N. Y., at the home of his bride's parents, to Miss Annie Williams, daughter of Mrs. William H. Wallace, of Brooklyn." It Won't be Forgotten. From the New York World.l The experience of the doctors in the case of Mind Reader Bishop will not be lost upon the community. It will be some months before another human body will be cut up hereto make a scientific holiday before proper inquiry Is made as to the relatives of the deceased. No Change ta the Vote. rSFXCIAL TXL20BAK TO THE DISPATCff.l Chablestok, W. Va., May 22. The Legisla tive Investigating Committee progressed as far as Pocahontas county to-daj, when a knotty point was reached consuming about three hours in its solution. Tbe changes made so far in the Gubernatorial vote are insignificant PENNSYLVANIA PRODUCTS. ANDBEwMETZ.of Butler county, has a pet squirrel that is good for two rats per day. The whistle of the partridge is heard now from early morn till sunset on the outskirts of Harrisburg. Two large apple trees now in f nil bloom are growing from the roof of a building on the farm of George Newbart, Lehigh county. Mb. H. B. Bighah, a chicken raiser of Antrim, near Chambersbnrg, finds that eggs will hatch" much sooner if a small hole is punched in the shell. Mns. William Tbissleb, of Christiana vicinity, awoke in the morning with such a hearty yawn that her jaw shot ont of joint and a surgeon had to replace it Atoung lady living fn Chester Valley was promised that if sbe would take charge of a public school three young men, each 20 years of age, would enter her class. Some boys of Clarksville, Greene county, who were gigging for fish several nights ago, saw something swimming toward them. They caught it and, oh taking it to town, an expert pronounced it an otter. W. R. Knox, of Juniata county, states that while on his way the other night to Mifflin to take the Philadelphia express, he was attacked by a f nil-grown panther, which he rolled into a ditch with one well-aimed shot. AcounTBTKAkinwantof a shear entered a Sbatnokin barbeishop, and was told to take a chair. Presently, tho busy barber heard a scuffling behind him and found that the new comer had taken his ords literally and was dragging a missive chair to the window, where tbe light could strike is. CURIOUS C0HDEKSATI0KS. The crying need of this country is a back gate that nobody can hang a joke on. A steel mat for the office of the Hotel ' Richelieu, Chicago, 13 41 feet long and 4 feet wide, the largest ever made in the world in ons piece. A colored boy In Jeffersonville, Ind., swallowed a lead pencil. Tbe pencil and the boy were saved, but it took fo or doctors several hoars to do it. A Portland, Me., business man lost a $20 gold coin on his way to -work a f ew days ago, and, returning at night found the same piece on the pavement, where it. had remained unnoticed alf day. A soldier belonging to a detachment of the Austrian army In Transylvania was recently killed by a bullet from a Manllcher rifle dis charged during target practice at a distance of more than 2 miles. A shaving match took place In the first week of this month between two prominent English barbers for 25 a side. The winner shaved his 12 men in 3 minutes 40 seconds, and then shaved two blindfolded in 2 minutes 14 seconds". John Franklin, of Athens, Ga., wa very much surprised when he went to his home the other night to find that during the day a swarm of bees had taken possession of hi house. They entered through a knot-hole In the weather boarding. Tbe Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) HorselUil road Company has just disposed of a horsethat has traveled 04,000 miles on the road in that city, having been in the service oi the company 10 years. Daring all that time it has teen sick-but four days. The animal was still ia good condition. Mr. Armory Brown, of Taylor county, Ga., has a ben egg that seems to be magnetized. It will not lie on tbe side or on the large end, but when it is put down it immediately turns up on tbe small end. It makes no . difference in what position it is placed, it will turn until it stands on the small end, A veritable thunderbolt is said to have been seen by a farmer's wife in Cumberland, says an English paper. As she was going to the cowsheds "she saw a black mass descend ing, and it burst with a loud report 50 yards from where sne was standing." Fortunately the fanner's wife was not hurt, only terribly scared. A recent device for tho preservation of paper-covered books Is a caie of seal or other soft leather, made to fit tightly over the book, and removable when the book bas been read. It is flexible, and does not interfere with the book being slipped into the pocket or carried doubled up in the hand or in a satchel, bnt it saves the paper covers from being soiled or torn and keeps the leaves from getting dogs eared. The prize recentlj offered by a Little Rock, Ark., paper "for the largest family" in tne State bas just been awarded to W. D. Green and wife, of Murfreesborough. Pike county. They were married in 1835, and have had 23 children, -18 of whom are living. More than SO families applied for the prize. Green, who is a blacksmith, has lived in tbe one town for 40 years, and his statement Is attested under the seal of the county clerk. The fishermen who find sport and meat in the Withlacoochie, in Florida, are regretting tbe fact that the sucker fish in tbat stream are dying In great numbers. They appear to be af fected by some disease which (rives them tbe appearance of having Smallpox or a similar disease, as they are covered by hundreds of bumps and pimples. No one seems to know the cause of this strange disease among them, and some people are found who believe that it Is the resnlt of the explosion of dynamite in the water. This is hardly the cause, for the ef fect of that substance Is instantaneous; others advance the belief that it is natural for fish of that species to die after spawning. An odd case was tried at the jutice'i court at Jasper. Ga., the other day, between Uncle Stephen Kirby and the Marietta and North Georgia Railway Company for damages to a hog by reason of the toss of one of the hog's feet in a collision with the train. After a strong legal fight for three honrs, the defend ant's counsel contending that the rule-of as sessing damages was the loss In weight of the bog by reason of being run over, which was one foot weighing half a pound, at 10 cents per pound, 5 cents; the plaintiff's connsel insisting tbat the rule for assessing damages was the value of the hog when hurt with the cost of nursing and medical treatment in curing the hotr. together with such damages as the en lightened minds of the Jury thoosbt proper.for , the mental pain and aorntih oilo:Jjos: 'iS . jury gare-the plaintiff $5. . , ' Some extraordinary seenes at Holjj. head over theburialof a woman named Hughes were terminated by the nephew stealing a march on the stepson and burying the old lady a day earlier than was fixed. A dispute arising over the will, both parties claimed possession, and each songht to effect the burial. The townspeople took sides, and the street outside was crowded with a shouting mob. Two coffins were ordered, and two graves were dnj. The nephew took possession of the premises, and held it against all comers. The first coffin ar rived three honrs in advance of the other, and into this the remains were put The second coffin was received by tbe crowd with ironical cheers. The funeral by order of the nephew was kept a profound secret, but immediately it bad gone away tho stepson's friends burst in the front door, and when the funeral party re turned there was a row. Both nephew and step son are now in possession, and refuse to budge. There have long existed in Germany and else wheie societies for collecting cigar ends the tips cut off to permit of suction on lighting, and the parts left when the smoker dare not proceed further out of mercy to his mustache. It is customary to have boxes for preserving these remnants on the tables of hotel well as m private houses. They are collected, at given times and sold to tbe manufacturers, who make snuff of them.or cut tbemnp after a kindly Steeping for smok ing mixtures. Their pnee goes to orphan in stitutions or other charities. Now the news comes that an organization of the kind, and that on a grand scale, .has just been started in Sweden. The Queen is President, and young ladies and gentlemen throughout the country are members. Fathers and brothers and sweet hearts are to be prayed not to throw away cigar-ends. These are to be gathered from the streets. The money to be got for the product will nourish and educate 500 children. Here is acbance for some philanthropic person to start such a society in this country. WHAT WILD WITS ARE SAYING. Patient (at Christian Scientist's office) Is the healer In? Attendant Yes, sir, bnt she Is sick to-day, and can't do any business. Boston Herald, The nuisance of the hotel was in the parlor warbling "Oh, Would I Were a Bird." "Well, here's a beginning for yon, " said the landlord. And he handed him his blll.-i6rt Plain rru Prut. Lawyer My conscience troubled me a little last night about that fee I charged Jones yesterday, friend astonished) Yonr conscience? Lawyer Certainly. 1 was afiald that I had been unjust to myself: Washington Critic. Dumley What's the matter Brown? You look bad. Brown Yes: all bunged up with rheu matlsm again. Dumley-Have jou ever tried Dr, Wragley? Browu No. is he familiar with rheu matism? Dmnley-He ought to bo by this time; he has had it himself for over 40 years. Harper's Bazar. First Tramp Goin' in that bouse over there, pard? Second tramp I tried that house last week. I ain't goin' there any more. First tramp 'Frald on account o' the dogs? Second tramp Me pants are. first tramp Pants are what? Second tramp Frayed on account o' tbe dog. Detroit Trie Press, Daughter Mamma, Mr. Strongbox has offered me his heart and hand. Mamma Do yon love him, dear? Daughter Ub, yes, mamma; very much. He Is worth a million. Mamma Of course you do, dear. How sUly of me to ask such a question. Washington Cntie. His Grand Destiny. You have spent eight years in college, three at a theological sch ooL and two In the study or tbeosophy. and yet you do not Intend to enter the ministry. May I ask what special career yon are fitting yourself for? "I am studying for marriage with a Boston girt" replied the scholastic enthusiast, his voice tremnlons and his dark, melancholy eyes lighting up with an eager, aspiring gleam.-CAJcao Tri bune. Our Idiomatic English. Miss Langham (reading an Amerlcau paper)-Wbst a strange country yours is, to be sure, Mr. De Tank! Mr. De Yank (of Boston)-' don't think itmacn stranger than yours. Bnt why? "Well, this paper glres an account of a game or . baseball (I think they call It), and it says that Chnmpysawared hot ball coming for him ta center field, but he promptly froze to it. " Laartnet (Mass. ) American. Natural. Uneasiness. The stranger tin New York City was talking earnestly arid'ex. cltedly to the hotel clerk. "lam a remarkably heavy sleeper." he said, and often He in bed boars and hoars after every body else Is np. Promise me,"-be entreated, as his, face grew pale with fear, "that .if r"honld happen to sleep till noon to-morrow yon;,wllTnot let any of yonr city pnyslelans undertake to pert fera m aatopsyoa mei"-('Aia?o znewM.' riS