Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 23, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Archbishop Eyan Here to Set
tle the Ursuline Trouble.
A FEW 3SUNS WANT $75,000.
The Two Sisters Who Went to Borne
Will be Dack To-Day.
Mother Alphonse to Ectire When She Gets
the Cash She Claims.
The troubles between MolhersAlphonse
and Gertrude, at tbe Mount St. Ursula Con
vent, in Oakland, over which there has been
' an upheaval in the French Cstbolic com
munity, are now in a fair way or settlement.
An ecclesiastical investigation has been
ordered by Borne, to be held in Pittsburg.
The question of whether or not the deposed
Superioress will be paid any money to leave
tbe community will be settled, and Mother
Alphonse will be expected to abide by the
decision. In case she and her followers re
fuse to recognize the ecclesiastical disposi
tion made of the case, they will be interdicted
or denied the rites of tbe church.
The arrival In the city Tuesday evening fof
His Grace, the Most Reverend Archbishop
Ryan, of Philadelphia, accompanied by his
.private secretary and chancellor. Rev. Dr.
t3I ortsxnan,meant more than was first supposed.
Notwithstanding the fact that it was stated
that the object of the Archbishop's visit was to
divide tbe diocese of Pittsburg ana Allecheny,
it was believed by the majority of Catholics
that the great prelate was here on his triennial
inspection of the different convents and
churches belonging to his province. From a
person connected with the convent it was
learned yesterday that His Grace is here to
settle up their difficulties.
L. .ArchbishopRyanbearswithhimalltheletters
r and other rinrnmpnfs Rpnt tn 'Rnmn sinrp thA
trouble first began. He has been authorized
to bold an ecclesiastical investigation, and find
a verdict in accordance with the testimony of
the witnesses called.
He will bear herself and all tho complaints
against Mother Alphonse. and if be thinks she
is not tbe proper person to conduct tbe affairs
of the institution, be will sustain her deposi
tion yid confirm the appointment of Mother
Gertrude. Tho testimony of the lay sisters who
were not allowed a voice in the management of
affairs, and over whom tbe sisters stated
Mother Alphonse exceeded her authority in
many ways, will also be heard. The lay sisters
are very bitter against the denosed Superioress,
and are unanimous about her removal.
In order to give the reader an intelligent idea
of the matter, it will be necessary to rehearse a
brief history of the troubles. About two years
ago murmurings of discontent among the sis
ters of tbe convent, on account of the way
Mother Alphonse was conducting the affairs of
the instil ution, began to crop out.
The community began to divide itself into
factions. Mother Alphonse had the majority
of tbe Choir sisters with her.and at the triennial
election she was re-elected Mother. Her
opponents made charges of mismanagement,
eta, and the case was referred by Rome to
.Bishop Phelan, of this diocese, for settlement.
Tbe latter armed with a letter of authority
proceeded to tbe convent. He held an investi
gation, and, exercising his episcopal powers,
ordered Mother Alphonse to give way to Sister
Gertrude, whom he appointed Mother of the
Mother Alphonse refused to recognize the
authority of Bishop Phelan to displace ber, do
'daring that emj bad been elected to tbe bead
of tbe Community according to the laws of the
order. Her followers refused to recognize the
authority of Mother Gertrude, and not only
refused to carry out her orders, but would not
speak to her.
While her appeal to Rome was pending
against the action of Bishop Phelan, Mother
Alphonse filed a bill of eauity in the name of
the civil corporation, alleging that Bishop
Phelan had illegally
of the corporation. She asked the court
to restrain him and Mother Gertrude
from interference with her in the discharge
of that duty. Bishop Phelan answered, stat
log that he had not removed ber as President,
and claiming no authority in that capacity. He
claimed that be did not remove ber from the
Mother Superioress of the Community of Ursu
line Nuns, in the extrcise of his powers and
duties of tbe Bishop of the diocese, under the
rules of the Catholic Church, and that he was
amenable to the officers of his church for said
action and not the civil courts. Bishop Pbelan
also answered that Mother Alphonse bad
taken an appeal which was then pending in
the church.
At tbe hearing held before Judge Stowc last
fall, the court dismissed the bill and refused
the injunction. Since then Mother Alphonse
and ber adherents have changed their appeal
to Rome to a money claim, wbich they asked
Rome to decree them upon their retirement
from the Pittsburg Ursuhnes, and establishing
a new community in another diocese.
It is the amount Mother Alphonse and her
five adherents will be fairly entitled to is the
information wanted by the Archbishop
and the Church authorities in Rome.
The dissatisfied sisters have been very
useful, industrious and nersevcrinc since the
foundation of tbe Community, and have deter
mined to settle their connection with the Pitts
burg convent for tbe order elsewhere.
The amount asked by Mother Alphonse is
JTJ.OOO, but it is not thought by some that she
will f?et anvthine near that cum Tho lnctH
if tutionis supposed to be heavily in debt, and
this will be a drawback against ber.
It is not a question with Mother Alphonse
-whether she will continue at the head of the
Community, but how much money she will se
cure to establish a house elsewhere.
The two sisters who went to Rome were or
dered to return to this city, and it is sup
posed will arrive at the convent to-day or to
morrow. One of them is a former Mrs. Burns,
who came here from Havre, France, to estab
lish a community. Her mother and two sis
ters, one of whom is Mother Gertrude, arc
now in tbe Oakland convent building.
Yesterday tbe Archbishop visited the insti
tution, and began his investigation. It will
probably take him until Monday to complete
!j! the work. His report will be scaled and sent to
iioine be.ore being made known.
In regard to the report In a morning paper
that tbe Archbishop was here to arrange the
details of the division of the two dioceses of
Pittsburg and Allegheny, Bishop Phelan stated
to a Dispatch reporter that such was not tbe
object of tbe visit.
No confirmation of the union has yet been
received from Pope Leo X1IL, though it was a
sure thing.
He further added tbat when such informa
tion was received, ho would be pleased to give
tbe sews to the public.
Air. John S. Robb Goes Before the Supreme
Court Once Store to Arcne.
.John S. Robb, Esq., the attorney of the
'Pittsburg Bottlers' Association, and Mr.
Einstein went 'to Philadelphia last night,.
Mr. Robb will hand in an argument to the
judges of the Supreme Court to-day, in which
be gives reasons why tbe bottlers should have
their licenses granted.
He claims tbat the bottlers, doing business
with private bouses only when they dispose of
their goods in parcels, are not to be considered
like the wholesale liquor dealers or tbe retail
ers. A Dear Seven Cents.
In a suit before Alderman O'Donnell yester
day. James McCaffery sued Martin Joyce, a
contractor, for extra time worked to make up
for loss of time on acconnt of rain. He ob
tained a judgment for 7 cents and $250 costs
against tbe defendant.
That Center Avesae Pond.
Thomas Carlin & Sons, who havo charge of
the pumps at the Center avenue ponds, have
succeeded in preventing the water from rising.
Several new pumps will bo put in operation
ttbis morning, JTifty men are now employed on
the work. .
Anxious Relatives Inquire far a Beautiful
Glpsr, bnt Too Late A Romantic Elope
ment and Sad Death.
A peculiarly sad, and, at the same time,
romantic story,' told in The Dispatch of
Sunday, January 27, has been revived by an'
inquiry from James Stanley, of Coatesvillc,
Chester county, regarding the death of
Annie Stanley.
Annie Stanley was a yonng GipsyJ who
died in a tent under exceedingly sorrowful
circumstances, in McCarthy's Hollow,
Thirty-sixth ward, at 3 o'clock Saturday
morning, January 20. The tent jn which
she died was not sufficiently comfortable to
house a well person, and Annie had given
birth to a pretty girl baby, following soon
after a severe spell of fever.
The people were English Gipsies, and had
lived in the open air of Merne England all
their lives until nearly four years ago. Wm.
Stanley had a son whose name was Richard,
and William's brother. Richard, had a daugh
ter wboso name was Annie, tbe subject of this
sketch. The cousins fell In love.
The parents on each side opposed the young
people when they proposed marriage on the
groundchat they were too young. Richard
and Annie, however, thought differently, and
in June, 1SS5, while "tho band was camped in
Somersetshire, concluded to elope. Richard's
parents had gone to Bristol on a visit to friends
and young Dick and Annie seized the opportu
nity to mate, and went to Bridgewater and
were married. ne parents were so mucn ex
asperated tbat the youthful pair concluded not
to return to camp, but came to America in
stead. As soon as Dick's parents learned where
the couple bad gone they relented and
started for tbe United States, bringing one
child with tbem, and on landing start
ed in search of the lost ones. The parents
roamed tbe country for four months,
wbeu tbey met their son and daughter-in-law
near Charleston, S. C, and there was a recon
ciliation and coalition. Two years passed and
Dick and Annie were blessed by tbe birth of a
child, and all were as happy as possible for
roamers to be.
They arrived in this citT last December, and
expected to meet some friends at Christmas
time, but were disappointed, and Annie, whose
fever bad partly dethroned her reason, mourned
their absence almost continuously. On the 25th
of January Annie gave her life in exchange
for that of a girl baby, becoming delirious and
remaining so until death.
Dick Stanley, broken in spirit, started after
the funeral to look for the friends Annie so
frantically called for in ber delirium, and tbe
matter wouia nave ueen lorgotten oy most peo
ple even in the East End, had it not been re
vived by Annie's cousin, who is probably also a
brother-in-law, asking lor trace of ber. Some
curiosity has been expressed to know what ob
ject James Stanley has in making inquiry, but
it is probably prompted by family reasons, or
perhaps by tribal relations.
Tbe police authorities last evening tele
graphed the inquirer all tbe information they
possessed regarding the matter.
A Great Chnnce In Banks' System Tho
Country Not Going; to the Dors.
Tbe changes in trade methods in the Pitts
burg banks during two decades are greater
than most people now doing business im
agine, and are illustrative of the change that
has taken place In public confidence. Said a
prominent business man yesterday:
"When I began business SO years ago, if a man
offered bond or stock collateral, wbich is now
considered the best basis of security, he was
regarded with suspicion and supposed to be in
the direst extremity. Tho banks would accept
almost any good business paper if yon Indorsed
it yourself. When you wanted accommodation
you were charged 8 per cent interest, and,
in order to get around tbe overcharge in inter
est rates, you were paid in Eastern exchange
and charged the difference for the exchange.
Proceeds checks were then the almost invaria
ble accompaniments of such transactions.
"There waS one bank that for several Tears
after tbe establishment of Good Fridav, re
fused to acknowledge it as a holiday by 'sus
pending business. Tbe directors of this
bank did not, however, deny tbe divinity
of Christ, as has been jokingly asserted, but
they tbonght the observance of the day smacked
too much of the spirit of subserviency to the
demands of Catholicism. Prejudices of this
sort are fast dying out; and I do not see that
tbe country has suffered for it."
This observer does not agree with Bishop Pot
ter that tbe country is going to the dogs, but
holds that along with material progress there
has been an increase in truthfulness, sobriety,
chastity, humanity and all the other virtues,
and that the increase is proportioned to tbe
progress made in the removal of prejudice. He
admits that character docs not stand for as
much as it did 40 years ago, bnt thinks
that, on the whole, the business of tbe country
is in better shape than it was when a man's
word was required to be equivalent to his
bond in order to secure him respectful recog
nition. We have been making more advance
toward the cash system than we ourselves are
fully cognizant of.
An Old Gentleman Tells Hustling Bora What
He Saw Ycnri Ago.
A well known gentleman of this city,
William Collingwood, who is still in active
business, and to all appearances good for a
score or more years, was one of the school
boys who joined in the welcome of Lafayette
to Pittsburg in 1825.
He tells that he, with a number of other
youngsters, were decorated with a badge upon
which was written, "Welcome to Lafayette."
While the crowd was in waiting at the head of
Wood street he broke ranks with some other
boys and footed it to the arsenal where
Lafayette was first received before his entrance
into the city.
From that point he was one of the escort,
bringing up tbe rear of the cavalcade, which
accompanied the distinguished guest Sixteen
years later he formed one of the escort wbich
accompanied President-elect Harrison as far as
Wilktnsburg on his way to Washington. A
few weeks later he was one of the
committee from this city to receive
the President's remains at Wilklnsburg
and escort them to tbe Cincinnati packet,
which was to bear them to their final resting
place. Mr. Collingwood has distinct recollec
tion of the ovation the people of Pittsburg
gave the veterans of the 1S12 war upon their
return from Lake Eric, though he was but i
years of age at that time.
The battle scarred veterans, as they marched
down Wood street, amid the shoutings and
cheers of men, women and children, keeping
step to drum and fife, made an impression on
the little 4-year-old that stamped itself Indeli
bly on bis memory.
She Wasn't n Bit Popular, bnt She Got
There Just the Same.
A friend of Emma Abbott, who played
with her when she was a girl in Peoria, had
this to say about her yesterday:
"I lived in the same town with Emma,
and went to the same public school
with her. Bob Burdette was in the
High School, and Emma and I were attending
the secondary. She wasn't popular with tbe
boys and girls, for the reason that she was self
assertive, very positive and always spoke with
considerable energy. The result was that none
of us had much love for her, and I must con
fess tbat I shared the same feeling.
"But she had the pluck, and is to-day a
shining example of what perseverance,coupled
with a fair amonnt of ability, will accomplish.
hadnt any too much money. He used to teach
the scholars in the public schools. Emma in
those days used to give local concerts, and
often practiced on my father-in-law's piano; of
course I wasn't married then. I remember she
onco went to Chillicotbe, a small town near
Peoria, and gave a concert there. When she
returned she showed her friend, who is now
my wife, a very flattering notice she bad re
ceived in the local newspaper. Turning to her
companion, she said:
" 'But I paid for it at the rate of 25 cents a
line,' and she laughed. That was the kind of
a hustler Emma was. Both Bob Burdette and
Boblngersoll lived in Peoria at the time of
wbich I speak."
A CongTecntlon to Be Established In the
Basement of the Cathedral.
Last Monday weekTHEDlsPATCH stated
that an effort would be made, to organize an
Italian Catholic Church, in this city upon
close of the mission which is now being con
ductedat St. Paul's Cathedral. Since then, it
has been decided to establish the church and
one of the Italian mission priests will be placed
incbargoof it.
For tho present the church will be In the
basement of tbe Cathedral, whero religious
services in Italian will be held every Sunday.
The details of the plan havo not been arranged,
but there will probably be two masses cele
brated each Sunday, Father Arazini will be
tbe pastor of the congregation. As soon as
funds can be raised, and an available site
secured, a church will be built for the accom
modation of the sons and daughters of sunny
The Italian mission is meeting with great
success. Services are being held morning and
evening. About GOO Italians attend each
' THE,
The Proposed Tark on the Schenley
Property Out in Oakland
What the New Councilmanic Committee
Now Proposes to Do.
Much interest has been aroused', in the
public park movement. Chief Bigelow's
communication to City Councils and their
prompt action upon it, brings the Schenley
property in the Twenty-second ward promi
nently beiore the public The proposition
of Chief Bigelow is to get Mrs. Schenley to
donate this ground to the city. He thinks
if Councils will authorize the purchase of
20 or 30 acres, tbe owner will make them a
present of over 300 acres.
A great many people of this city, and
some members of Council, too, who will be
asked to vote upon the measure, do not
know where the property in question is sit
uated. "How can it be reached, and is it easy of
access?" is a popular question.
The Dispatch has had the following
map of the Fourteenth and Twenty-second
wards made, in order to show the public ex
actly where the proposed park lies, and how
easily it may be reached:
The clonded portion of the map represents
the proposed Schenley Park. It has an
area of 379 acres and lies southeast of the
Oakland power house. If the ground is
made into a park, the entrance would be within
800 feet of Forbes street. The grounds are
bounded on the east by the line of Brlghtwood
street, on the north by Joncaire street, the
Junction Railroad skirts along tbe western end,
and on the south the proposed park is bounded
by Nixon street.
Tbe park may be reacbed by a number of
routes. By taking the Fifth avenue cable cars,
a visitor can reach it via Halket street. Ward
street, lleyran avenue, Atwood street, Oakland
avenue and Boquet street. The shortest
route would be down Oakland avenue to Bates
avenne and across the Four Mile Run hollow
to tbe western boundary line; or down Boquet
street to Joncaire street, which crosses tho rnn
and winds around the hill. Another route Is
via the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad or Second
avenue. Laughlins station is within five min
utes' walk of the spot.
A rood view of the ground may be had from
the Forbes street bridge over the Junction
Railroad. Bryson street rues into a section of
the proposed park. The land Is 6loping,and
the highest point commands a magnificent
view of the surrounding country. The pro
posed line of the Fifth Avenue and Park Place
Railroad crosses Neville street and cuts through
the center of the property. The Pittsburg and
East End Railroad, another projected line of
past years, was also surveyed along the north
ern edge. As will be seen by the illustration.
Linden Grove is just opposite the ground, on
tbe other sido of Fonr Mile Run.
The Councilmen who have the matter in
charge are Mr. McGunneglc, Chairman of the
committee, and Messrs. Magee and Carnahan,
of Common Conncil, with Messrs. Lambie and
Keating, of tbe Select branch. In regard to
the project, Mr. Lambie said yesterday:
"Owing to the absence of Chief of thaD-
partment of Public Works Bigelow, who is in
the West, the committee has not yet done any
thing in tbe matter, and it is not at all likely
tbat we will hold a meeting until Chief Bigelow
returns. I do not know what the
committee will do. Nobody has any right
to purchase any part ot the property, and it will
require some legislation from Councils before
we can do anything. 1 think that Mr. Bigelow
should improve the grounds he already has for
park purposes before we buy any more land
and expend money fixing it up. There is the
Hiland avenue property, the Ave acres of
ground near the Bedford avenue basin, Sny
der's square on Penn avenue, the strin of
round on the bluff, and the spot from the old
larine Hospital in the Twentieth ward all
need fixing up.
"On acoount of the position of Mr. Carnahan
in the matter, I do not think it would be a po
litic move to send him to London to see Mrs.
Schenley, if as I understand, this has been sug
gested. The person who would nresent the
matter to the owner of the property would H
necessaruy nave 10 uo it in a cnaritame spirit,
and ask the ground as a gift. This would not
be a pleasant position in which to place tho at
torney for the property.
mbs. schenley's piest offeb. .
"I understand that about 10 years ago Mrs.
Schenley offered tho city this ground for park
purposes. She expected that the natural in
crease in the price of her adjacent property
would compensate her for the gift of the 378
acres. The city was not in a position at that
time to accept the gift."
Mr. Carnahan, a member of the committee,
and Mrs. Schenley's attorney also, when seen,
said: "I do not want to say anything about the
matter, for the reason that I do not know
officially that I am on the committee. I saw my
name used in connection with the matter, but
as yet have no official notice of it. I will not
venture an opinion as to whether or not-Mrs.
Schenley would donate the land."
An effort was made to see Francis H. Tor
rens, the agent of all the Schenley property,
hut the gentleman was not in bis office. An
other attache of the estate said they did not
know anything more than what had been pub
lished in The Dispatch. He would not ex
gress an opinion as to whether or not Mrs.
chenley would donate the ground.
In this connection it should be stated that
a most generous offer has been made by
Mrs. J. M. Gusky awaiting the result of
the new Duquesne way park project, for
wbich an ordinance is now in Councils. It is
in the shape of a marble drinking fountain, to
be built in a most elaborate and ornate style,
tbe cost ot wbich is not yet known.
Possibly there will be two built by the con
tributor, each to contain six or eight drinking
pools. And again, if the idea suits, a spray
may be added to each.
However, tbe definite plans and cost have
not been decided upon, and will not be until
Councils have considered the offer, as before
A New Mayoralty Candidate.
Allegheny citizens will have a long list of
candidates .to select from when they vote for
Mayor next February, j. M. Hanna, an Alle
gheny furniture dealer, announced last night
tbat bo would be a candidate at tbe Republi
can primaries. He is a resident of the Second
ward and this ward now has fobr candidates
James G. Wyman; Wm. Crulkshanks and Wm.
Griffiths. The Fourth ward has one,- Wm.
Bader, and the Eleventh ward has one, Chas.
Geyer. '
Another Landmark Gone.
An old Bouthside landmark, in tho shape- of
two houses located at the corner of South
Ninth and Carson streets, has been torn down
to make room for a handsome business bouse.
The property belonged to the Wood estate and
the houses were built over 40 years ago.
St Clair Sprincs, Michigan,
Is considered tbe gem of northern resorts.
The popular Oakland Hotel has been en
tirely refitted and is open for guests in bet
ter shape than ever before. f h
Death of Charles. Clendenning Ha Walked
From Canada to Elctsbur A Birthday
Celebration Interfered Willi.
Charles Clendenning died in West Beer
township yesterday at 7 a. M. Had he
lived until to-day he would have been ex
actly 101 years old. Arrangements had beett
made to celebrate the birthday with great cere
mony. Mr. Clendenning came to Allegheny county,
when a boy. f rourlreland. He landed in Canada
ana walked from there down the Allegheny
river to Pittsburg, stopping for six or eight
mouths at Meadville on tbe way, and made
quite a little pile of money by teaching thepeo
ple of that town bow toweave Irish linen. He
was married shortly after coming here, and
settled outin WestDeer township, near Bakers
town. He had lived in that vicinity ever since,
and had raised a big family of boys and girls,
most of whom live on farms cut from his orig
inal tract. By sturdy thrift he bad made a lot of
money during bis long lifetime. Most of it has
been distributed among his children and grand
children, however.
Up to a very few weeks ago Mr. CJendenning
was remarkably vigorous for a man of his years.
He had a great many bees, and devoted most of
his time to caring for them. He walked about
with tbe aid of a cane, and read newspaper
print without the aid of spectacles. He was al
ways cheerful and hopeful, and was noted over
all that part of the country for bis liberal hos
pitality. Lastyear on tbe occasion of his 100th
birthday, bis friends from all over tho county
assembled at bis home and gave him a rousing
celebration. Two weeks ago ho had a slight
paralytic stroke.
Another Nolch In the Centnries ot Unclo
Samuel's Building;.
Bids are again being received for the iron
roof of the new Government building, and
quite a number have been sent into the
Supervising Architect at Washington. As
is customary in the asking for bids on public
property, no date was set by the Government;
but it states in the lengthy plans and specifica
tions that the time to complete the contract
must be definitely stated in the bids which will
be considered in the matter of acceptance.
The successful bidders will be subject to all
the municipal building licenses and ordinances.
Only skilled labor can be employed. The qual
ity of iron to be used must be of the best:
tough, ductile, fibrous and ot the finest Ameri
can manufacture, or equal thereto. It must
have a resistance to tension of 43,000 pounds to
the square inch. Bids are open until June 1L
An Allegheny Colored Cltlzon Prevented
From Tnkins Poison.
George Bucher, a well-known colored
man in the Third ward, Allegheny, at
tempted to commit suicide yesterday after
noon. About 2 o'clock he entered the drugstore
of George V. Haering, at the comer of James
and Ohio streets, and asked for laudanum. Ha
was given a half ounce bottle and declared "that
. JriSSr1 lo ena "IS existence, as he had
lost $1,000 in betting, and did not expect to be
able to ever save that amount of money again.
He attempted to take the drug, when Haer
ing and his clerk interfered. After a lively
tussle they succeeded in taking it from him.
Bncherwas formerly a driver on the Troy
Hill street car line, but for the past few
months has been a hod carrier. He was well
known by Mr. Haering, having been a regular
customer for some time.
Opened in Allegheny Yesterday With Ap.
proprlate Services. "
The Home for Young Women, 49 Stock
ton avenue, Allegheny, was formally opened
yesterday with exercises at which about SO
of its advocates and founders were present.
Its purpose Is to supply a boarding place and
refuge for young women who have no other
place tp go. The house and grounds were
donated by Mr. Brunot, and others of those in
terested have signified their intention of
donating furniture, etc The home will ac
commodate 21 boarders, and six are already
availing themselves of its benefits. The board
ranges from S3 00 to 3 GO per week.
Many Matters of Much and Little Moment
Tersely Treated.
Maid of the missed the old one.
Judos Inqrajt, of Washington, Pa., is at
the Monongahcla House.
Judge Hakky White, of Indiana, is a
guest at the Seventh Avenue Hotel.
Mabt took a little lamm in school one day.
She played "hook" and the lamm followed.
There's a cat out in Lawrencoville said to
have eight feet This is "tall scratching" for
Hon. J. W. Rat, ex-Congressman,o f Waynes
burg, Ind., is staying at the Seventh Avenue'
Hotel. ,
The first mass meeting of theAnti-Prohlbltion
Society, of the Bouthside, will be held at Odd
Fellows Hall n ext Saturday night.
James D. Wight, aged 63 years, residing
on Duncan street, Lawrenceville, has been
missing from his home since Friday last.
All Hibernian delegates who are going to
the State Convention can get round trip tick
ets for S3 20 from Thomas Watt of the P. R.R.
To-night Mr: John T. Shallenberger and R.
N. Spous will speak for the Constitutional
amendment in Haymarket square, Allegheny.
Kobelinski, a Pole, was charged before
Alderman O'Donnell with larceny of a table
cloth. If be thought it was a towel he should
be discharged.
An unknown man was found'ln the Balti
more and Ohio depot .last night in an uncon
scious condition. He was taken to the Homeo
pathic Hospital. ".-
Edwaed Murphy will speak to-night at the
Smithfield M. E. church on the prohibition
amendment. The colored quartet of Alle
gheny will furnish the music
Detective "Coulson will cot start to Baltimore
to bring back George Owens, the colored man
who is'charged with being an accessory to the
Bud Lee murder, until this morning.
At a debate of the Washington Colored
Literary Society, In Lawrenceville, on the
subject "Is prohibition constitutional?" it was
decided by the judges in the affirmative.
The St. Louis brewers say they
wiu quit.,
using Pittsburg glass and bottles. If they need
a "tip" or two, this-city can send a man down
there to instruct them how easy it's done.
Peteb Conway, a brakeman on the Balti
more and Ohio Railroad, fell from tbe top of a
box car, near Jones Ferry, yesterday, dislo
cating bis right shoulder and spraining his
right ankle.
Because Frederick Noah's ferocious dog is
alleged to havo bitten the children of Michael
Carrigan, Noah will have to appear before
Alderman Jones to-day. Why didhenotleava
his dog in the arkf
Bainbridge Council No. 128, Jr. O. XT. A.
M., Saratoga Conncil No. 277, Jr. O. U. A. M.
and General Custer Council O. TJ. A. M. have
taken steps to transform Klopfer's Hall, Forty
third and Bntler streets, into a Mechanics'
Hall. It is proposed to spend about tl.000 in
fitting it np.
Held For False Pretense.
Peter Oakes was held for court by Alderman
Doughty last night on a charge of false pre
tense in obtaining $150 worth of cattle upon
false representations ot real estate he alleged
that ho owned. " s
Extraordinary Edison Unbends for a
Wonder and Tells Tales.
flints as to the Marvelous Future of
Electric Fluid.
Thomas A.Edison, "the Wizard of Menlo
Park," arrived in the city yesterday. He
hates lawsuits, and considers them great
.bores, bnt he is philosopher enough to be
reconciled to his fate.
Outside of George Westinghouse, Jr., he
is without doubt one of the hardest workers
on earth. He hasn't a head for managerial
affairs, and he leaves that to his lawyers.
The great Edison is one of the most com
panionable of men. His deafness has led
him into tbe habit of talking in jerks, and
he laughs as merrily as though he hadn't
a care to bother him. His fnnd of good
humor is inexhaustible, and this is one ol
the reasons why he enjoys such excellent
A Dispatch reporter had a long chat
with him at his hotel and here are some of
the things he said:
cubiouspeesonal h!abits.
"Yea, I am a hard worker. I hardly ever
sleep more than four hours per day, and
I conld keep this up for a year. Some times
I sleep ten hours, but I don't ieel well when
I do. If I shonld sleep eight hours, as
most men do, I would wake up feeling
badly. My eyes would hurt me, and I would
have a tough time to keep awake. I inherit
this from my father. He is a remarkable old
man, eating -little and sleeping less. I have
often known him. when I was a boy, to sit up
all night talking politics with a friend or swap
ping stories.
"I eat about a pound a day, and my food is
very simple, consisting of some toast, a little
potato or something of that kind. You know
when I am working on anything I keep at it
night and day, sleeping a few hours with my
clothes on. "I never take them off; don't even
wash my face; couldn't think of such a thing,
and in this condition I take my meals. If I
were to remdve my clothes when I slept, I
would get up feeling out of shape and with no
desire to go to work. 'No. 6' is my den in the
laboratory, and I shut myself in there and
"I sleep from 10 to 6 in the morning, and
then I jump up and go to workagain as fresh as
a bird, ibis is all tbe sleep I need.
"But I tell you we have lots of fun In the
laboratory. Sometlmo ago I had 42 men work
ing with me on the Incandescent lamp in a big
building. I hired a German to play an organ
for ns all night, and we worked by the music
About 1 o'clock a farmer brought In our lunch
and we ate from a long table. At first the boys
had some difficulty in keeping awake, and
would go to sleep under stairways and in the
corners. We employed watchers to bring tbem
out, and in time they, got used to it. After
awhile I didn't need 42 of them, and I dis
charged six of tbem. Well, do yon know, I
couldn't drive them away. Tbey stayed there
and worked for nothing.
"Oh, we enjoy this kind of a Hf el Every now
and then I hire a big schooner, and we go down
the bayj.my men and myself, to fish for a few
days. Then we come back and buckle down to
it again."
Some one here suggested that he had proba
bly learned to keep awake by playing poker.
"By the' way," Mr. Edison began. "I have
played poker once or twice. It's a fine game.
Now, since I have been making a little money 1
can afford to play occasionally. Last summer I
went to Chicago with some of my boys. They
got me into a poker came, and a little Dutch
man when we got there had made
'K00.. He thought we were at Phila
delphia when the porter called .out
Chicago, and tho man' who lost believed wo
were in Omaha. Well, it just cost me S5.ccnts
a mile to learn the game, but the trip to Chi
cago was soon over. We staved up all night,
and had our meals brought to us.
"Yon ask me abont the future of electricity.
It is the coming motive power. It will be used
on all the railroads some day, but the point is
to get an economical engine. My theory is to
have immense dynamos located
of the road, and have the electricity conveyed
from these stationary engines to the locomo
tives by wires through the rails. For example,
I would put two big engines between New York
and Philadelphia, and enough power could be
furnished to wblsk the limited at tbe rate of
wo miles per nour..
"But this is the point I have been working
on for years; to convert heat directly into elec
tricity without the intervention of boilers,
steam and all that. What an enormous amount
of expense could be saved if this could be
done. Think of putting something into the
heat of that natural gas fire ana making elec
tricity out of it. It can be done. I feel it In
my bones, and just now I have a suspicion that
I am on the right track, but it is a pesky prob
lem, one that can be worked out only in time.
"1 have been experimenting with an electric
road in New Jersey. I had rails laid as they put
them down on railroads, bnt the machine would
run oil the track in going around the curves. I
then raised the curve to an angle of 40, and tbe
motor went around all right. It looked as if
the engine would topple over, but it didn't You
know in a centrifugal machine you can make a
car go clear around a circle in the air without
leaving tbe track.
"At tbe present time the phonograph is occu
pying my time.- I have been improving it, and
it is more perfect to-day than ever. In speak
ing into the phonograph' it was soon found tbat
the sibillants were not recorded. For Instance,
if I were to say species, the 'sp' sound would
be lost Well, I have about solved
the problem now, and the sound of Vis in
scribed with tbe other letters. I run tbe phono
graph or grapbophono In three ways, with a
treadle, a battery, or with tho ordinary incan
descent light by attaching the machine with a
wire to the lamp. Business people can have
their choice. I shouldn't want to be bothered
with a treadle, and 'I think tbe best plan is to
use tbe electric light, since tbeyarenowso
commonly distributed: The battery is made to
last for a month, three months or six months
without being renewed. Let every man take
his choice. I am making tbe three kinds."
Mr. Edison said he hadn't slept more than
3 hours since Sunday. He laughed abont
tbat joke of Crawford's, that he, Edison, could
make food out of dirt. He was surprised how
some of the leading papers bit at the bait.
TheDlenltvof Railroad Officials a Snbjcct
for Ridicule.
"I am greatly amused at the dignity of
certain big railroad officials," said an old
timer yesterday. "Men that I used to
know as clever, genial fellows when they held
minor positions, now are as cold as icicles from
Greenland since they have been advanced a
"I met.one of them the other day, and in a
Joking way I asked him what had struck him
itely that made him so frigid. Why.' 1 added,
'von are not the same man I "used to know some
years ago. xou have changed and not for the
"Well." be replied, "it Is not my fault I
would like to be free and easy as of yore, but
we are instructed to be dignified and treat with
neonle at a distance. Wbetber it adds anv-
thingto tneconersot tne company,! can'ttell
but this Is tbe nolicv of the road. It is Drenched
tons day after day, and to keep peace in tbo
family we are forced to act cold and dry parts."
I couldn't help but like his frankness, but I
think such roads make a great mistake. Dig
nity is well enough in an office to keep down
underlings, but tbe people who patronize the
roads have no desire to be treated so coldly.
Many Idle Coal Works.
The mining situation along tbe Baltimore
and.Ohio Bailroad, between McKcesport and
Connellsville, although reported to be good, is
not. But few works are in full operation out
side of tbe Scott Haven Works, tbe Blockbal,
Republic and Penn Gas Works. Tbreo of tho
largest are only working two daysin the weok,
and not much more is being done in other
works that are in operation.
Looklnc for tils Sister.
Harry Amond. a young man from St Louis,
Mo., came into the city yesterday and visited
the police authorities, asking for information
about his 18-year-old sister, who. he said, had
run away .from borne six weeks ago with a
could be learned late last night,
Which Will bo Dedlcnted In September
Wbr Postponement Was Necessary
Flttsbare Soldiers Colas; to Gettysburg.
Monday and yesterday had been originally
set apart for the dedication of soldiers' mon
uments at Gettysburg by the State Monu
ment Association. Very manyPittsburgers bad
arranged to attend, but only a week or two ago
all were notified tbat the event has been post
poned until September 11 and 12. The reason
of this was that the Legislature went to tbe
New York centennial celebration of Washing
ton's Inauguration and was so delayed tbereby
tbat it got behind in the work, and arrange
ments could not be made to carry out tbe mon
umental programme.
Tbe upper part of the monument to be erected
by the Ninth Regiment, Pennsylvania Reserve
Association, Is shown in the picture. It is of
granite and 12 feet high. The design is thus
explained by Mr. Alexander aiuraocb, or this
city, treasurer of tbe association: It represents
an infantry soldier in light marching order,
leaning on his gun and looking down at the
grave of a comrade, at tbe bead of wbich tbe
crackerbox, extensively used in the stirring
times when the battle was fought, as head
stones, is shown.
All Pennsylvania soldiers who fongbt at the
battle of Gettysburg will be fnrnisbed free
transportation In September and tbe represen
tation will be Immense, and as those who get
transportation are required to parade tho dem
onstration will be impressive in point of size as
well as in general interest. It is expected that
63 or 70 monuments will be dedicated on the oc
casion. A BIG REC0BD.
Lucy Fnrnnce Blown Oat After Producing
102,000 Tons Metal.
Lucy Furnace No. 1 has just been blown
ont, after having been in blast 2 years,
10 months and 14 days. In that time it has cast
192,000 tons. The lining has all been removed,
and a force of men are now engaged in blast
ing and removing tbe salamander, wbich is a
mass of about 60 tons at the bottom of the fur
nace. In another week work on relining will be
commenced. Other repairs are to be made In
the engine bouse and to the hot-blast stoves,
wbich will take until about the middle of
The Big Ax Factory May Not All be Taken
Prom Pittsburg.
It is reported that the ax factory recent
ly destroyed by fire in Lawrenceville will
not be entirely rebuilt at Beaver Falls.
As the story goes the firm has secured the
old Citizens Oil Refinery building In tbe Eight
eenth ward, near the Sharpsburg bridge, and
will remodel them for a part, of their ax
Labor Notes.
There are no new developments in the strike
at Duquesne. The strikers are more con
fident than ever of winning.
The heaters and puddlers at the Bolar Iron
Works are taking tbe places of tbe strikers in
tbe finishing departments.
The warehousemen who compose L. A. 7190,
K.ofL., will roeot on Friday night and adopt
a new scale of wages. They will probably ask
for an advance. ,
Owing to an unusual increase in orders for
electric light plants,several of the departments
at the Westinghouse Electric Companj's works
started to work double turn last night.
Contbactob John Shaw, who has the
marble work at tbe Monongahcla House, says
he is paying union wages, S2 75 per day, which
is the amount asked by the union for work In
marble. Tbe men are striking for pay above
the union figures.
Pittsburg, May 21, 1889.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Deae Sib Statements have appeared in
several papers tbat this company has re
turned to the use oi coal at their Allegheny
station in preference to natural gas. As we
are desirous of removing any false impres
sions that may have been created by the ar
ticles referred to, we would state tbat this
company has for a considerable period been
carrying on a series of tests to ascertain the
exact cost of producing electric light; we
recently erected two batteries of boilers in
our Allegheny station, and to assist ns in
ourtests and for comparison of cost with
other electric light companies not having
the use of natural gas, we decided to-use
coal for about 30 days;, at the end of this
period we shall have obtained all the in
formation we desire, and shall then connect
the gas to our new boilers.
Yonrs very truly,
The Allegheny County Light Com
pany. What Does It Mean?
WJiy; it-simply means that we will name
three big bargains for to-day's sale and sell
some of our finest suits at $8, $10 and $12.
Call to-day and see these bargains. One
thousand patterns and every onebright, new
and fresh, at the P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and
Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House.
Great Reduction In Spring Wrnpg.
The balance of beaded, silk and lace
wraps will be offered now at nearly half
price. Fine beaded wraps $2 75 up. Come
quick if you wish to secure a bargain, at
Kosenbaum & Co.'s.
Loir Prices on Pino Embroideries Wide
Widths ,
Flonncings and skirtings; also new patterns
in hemmed embroideries just received.
Jos. Hobne &?, Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Guns and revolvers, nistols etc.; bovs'
target rifles and 100 cartridges. $2 75jsplen
did'revolvers, double action, any caliber,
53; double barrel breech loaders, $8 to; $100.
Great bargains in all kinds of guns.
J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield street
ttssu I
A Good Time to Bay Llgbiwclght Jackets,
Prices aTe so low here. Summer weights &id
newest styles, colors and blacks.
Penn Avenue Stores,
Gents' Gold Watches,
All grades of the best American makes in
plain or fancy style cases; prices 535, $50, 560,
$75,' 585, 5100, etc, at E. P. Roberts & Sous',
corner Fifth ave. and Market st mtt
f Pare Rye Whiskies
For sale by Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., No.
135 First ave., second door below Wood st.
Several Hundred Dozens Striped Cotton
Hosiery Cheap.
Cleaned up from manufacturers' agents
yesterday. Come in and see them to-morrow.
Great values at 25 cents a pair.
Jos. HOBNE & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Cake Worker at Rainej's Ovens Come Oat
oa n Htrlkc.
The men at Raihey's coke works, at Moy
et, came out on a strike yesterday. They
state that they will not return to work until
the company agrees to accept a level wagon and
pay tbo drivers a day's wages for tho work ttey
do, tbey not being responsible for the com
pany's failure to furnish them sufficient work.
They also state tbat the air is so bad in the mine
that one miner has to bold the lamp while an
other is filling bis wagon. One of tbe principal
causes of tbe strike is that tbe men are obliged
to load from six to eight bushels of coal for
wbich tbey get no pay. Tbe coke drawers are
also affected by having to draw these heavier
A mass meeting will beheld to-day at Movers,
wbich will be addressed by Peter Wise, Master
Workman of Sob-division No. 4; John Costcllo,
a member of the Knights of Labor Executive
Board, and Julius Side. The object of the
meeting is to organize the men into the Knighu
of Labor.
At a meeting of the Executivo Board of Sub
division No. . held yesterday afternoon. Master
Workman Wise was given full power to carry
on the strike, and instructed to organize the
men as quickly as possible.
Brlee and tbo Chairmanship.
Calvin S. Brice, Chairman of the Democratic
National Executive Committee, pajsed through
the city yesterday. He said tbat he was in no
way a candidate for the Chairmanship of tbe
Democratic National Committee, but he said
many of bis friends were anxious to have him
take the place, and just what will be done
when the committee meets will be-hard to tell.
Great filar Musical Festival To-Nlghr.
The music lovers are nearly all crazy to
hear the unprecedented musical treat at the
new Exposition Hall, to-night, and little's
the wonder, for we are promised the greatest
orchestra, the greatest leader, the greatest
singers, the greatest lady pianist and the
greatest pianos the famons Steinways.
.Everybody wants to hear the great Stein
way, which has cut out all the other appli
cants. At the warerooms of H. Kleber &
Bro., 506 Wood street, the duplicates can be
seen and admired; also the wonderful Con
over, the charming Opera and the popular'
Emerson. Eleber's is the greatest musical
headquarters in Pittsburg, and everything
musical and every artist naturallv gravitates
to tbeirspaclons warerooms,306 Wood street.
Their reputation for fair dealing and their
judgment are beyond compare.
Onr Parlor Faraliare
'Is to be envied by every other retailer of
furniture in the city, as it is the largest, best
assorted and most reasonable in price. It
is also the most artistic, and comprises
divans, conches, easy chairs, rockers and
fnll snits. M. Seibert & Co.,
Cor. Hope and Lacocksts., Allegheny.
If ear railroad bridge. D
Flne Qanlltles Ladles' Silk Hosiery Under
Handsome goods bought at a loss. We
closed them out.
Come and see them.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Grent Scott! Read These Prices.
All sizes child's jersey ribbed vests, 10c;
ladies', 15c; ladies' silk vests, 65c; ladies
jerseys, 25c, worth 75c; calico basqnes, 25c;
wrappers, 50c to $1; child's calico dresses, 7c
to 50c; mull caps, 5c to $1; infants' slips
and cloaks at reduced prices. Busy. Bee
Hive, Corner Sixth and Liberty.
Men's English Mackintosh Waterproof
In stock, in our men's goods department.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Bay Only the Lovely Washburn Mandolins,
Guitars aad Zithers.
The genuine can be had only at H. Kleber
& Bro.'s Music Store, No. 606 Wood street.
See also Klebers' large stock of violins,
music boxes, banjos, Courtois, Besson &
Slater's cornets, sheet music and musio
books. We desire also to call attention to
the .new American wood Arion guitars,
which Klebers are selling at tbe remarkably
low price of ?10. They are guaranteed to be
equal to any $20 guitar in the market.
What Does It Mean T
Why. it simply means that we will name
three big bargains for to-day's sale and sell
some of our finest suits at $8, $10 and $12.
Call to-day and see these bargains- One
thousand patterns and everyone bright, new
and fresh, at the P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and
Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House.
Expert Watch Repairing
By the most skill ful workmen. American.
English and German fine complicated
watches a specialty, at E. P. Roberts &
Sous', corner Fifth aye. and Market st.
Ladles Imported Waterproof Circulars,
?5 up to $10, in onr cloak room.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Pood Fit for the Gods.
May Festival cakes, the most delightful
ilntipQ nf tbo gAna Ufarvin't latoaf
w. vhm MVWWW.., .,. IH.MI
Order some from your grocer.
EEMOVAiyQreat Western Gun Works
removed to 706 Smithfield street, near Lib
erty. , J. H. JOHNSIOIT.
The Popular Gladstone Traveling Bags,
16 to 20 inches grain leather, leather lined,.
55 rise 50c an inch a spendid bag, made
ot very best materials.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
The most efficacious stimulant to excite
the appetite are Angostura Bitters.
extra Values
Fancy and Plain Wool Faced Goods at 12&C
Choice Colorings in 36-inch Cashmeres, with
Stylish Plaids or Stripes to mingle, at 25c a
All-Wool Summer Weight Albatross, 55-Inch,
closing at 37Kc
46-inch French Serges, newest tints, 65c
French Cashmeres, Fine Count Spring Shad
ings, 60c and up.
Colored Gronnd Challles, French effects, 10c
and 20c a yard.
New Printings on Best French Tamise Cloth.
Confined Styles in Scotch Ginghams, tone
and Shadings rivaling finest Woolen Goods
just your need for a cook serviceable costume.
French Style Satines at 12c 15c and 20c.
May shipments of Fancy Printed French
Satines, marked departure from early styles.
Bargains In -15-Inch Embroidered Flouncing
at 90c, n. $125 and up.
Fine Hemstitched Bordered India Linen, 45
and 60-inch widths.
French Nainsook, Stripes and Checks.
SUIT ROOM .Full lides of 811k. Wool and
Wash Fabrics, in latest style, and first-class
goons at a moderate price.
'fJmbrellas. German Gloria Plate Caps, 26
lntb, at SI SQand $2. Specialties.
Parasols and Fancy Top Umbrellas. Large
assortment at popular prices.
505 AND 607 MARKET ST.
-. . ' ",iv ' ' j-v-v yutim
- K
A week of melody and bargains. Visit tfc
Exposition building for the first article and'
our big stores for the latter. A hearty welcome -to
all onr usual and unusual customers during
this week. Every department has Items of In-
terest for you, especially the
onr last addition to our already big plant. As
for Silks, the prices and qualities are a contin
ual advertisement that daily, almost, Increases
the number of customers. But remember you
'are invited .specially to come in and see what
is here, and we think you will admit our rlaipit
to largest stock and assortment and best values
correct A specially interesting feature will
be found in the special large lots of seasonable
goods bought at greatly reduced prices
"drives" the name they go by that are here
this week. SiUts first of all; then
Especially the summer kinds, wool fab
rics and cotton too, from the Paris robs
patterns we are selling at one-half; the
by-the-yard bargains ot many weaves to the
Ginghams, Satines and other wash dress stuffs.
Cream White Woolens, 25c a yard; Printed
Wool Chillis, 20c: a vast array that are all
new and all low enough to make buying quick
and easy.
A special purchase of
That will be sold very mach under price,'. Also j"
fancy. eoIored3DraperyNeUiia samnjepai
ment that aro handsome, yet cheap. Ebj
Fish Net Draperies In plenty.
Onr millinery show of Trimmed Hats is In
its fnll glory, while the stock of Untrlmmed
Hats for ladles and children includes all the
latest novelties.
In" profusion. Some new Trimming Blbboaa
that are bargains.
The Parasols are a great show, and Include
every latest novelty of handles and covering-
$1 80 to U0 the prices that include this wonder
fully large variety ot son deflers.
Hot Weather Underwear,
Corsets. Wraps in lace and silk, evening weai
Shawls, Flannel and Silk Blouse Waists, made
up Snits for ladles in Ginghams, Satines,
White Lawns, Black Lace, Cashmeres, Challls,
Black Net, Cloth, Cashmere undoubtedly tho
largest variety to be seen is any suit depart
ment Complete summer outfits for Infanta,
small children and girls in Children's Depart
ment in all qualities.
Ti. t
Summer importation of honsekeeplngllneiMl' '
now In stock. Come and see the extra gooAl .
values la
And Napkins, alto in Bed Linens and Towels.
We had almost overlooked the Fans the
here in thousands.
' tMysiswBKir
' -;
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