jjf!3 55 naffgV qP' - w- :t- V RICH Will be reaped by all who advortiselnTHE DISPATCH. It Teaches every borne and Is read by everybody. It yon are la business let tbo Sublic Lnowit through THE IISPATC1I. HARVEST FORTY-FOTJKTH YEAH HE TAKESJIS TIME, Sarrison Gaining the Name of the Most Self-Willed and Obstinate OF ALL THE PRESIDENTS. Senator Quay Daily Urging Him to Get a Move on Him, But EB ALLOWS XO ONE TO HURRT MM Postmaster Larkin Assnscd That Bo Will Be Allowed to Serre Oat Illi Term The Qany and McBIanes StrncElc Qnay's Faculty of Always Getting What llo Wants, Thongh Sometimes Mowly The National Chairman VrrrSolid With Fostmattcr General Wanamakor Ex Senator .Piatt in tbo Same Boatns Col one Quay. Though Senator Quay's influence with the administration is very great, and lie gener ally.gets what he goes after, the President doesn't wish to have it appear that he is in a hurry to oblige Vhe National Chairman, so when the latter leaves the presence of Gen eral Harrison, after an interview, he says he trill know later if his mission was suc cessful. Ex-Senator Piatt, it is said, has made the same discovery. Postmaster Larkin, of Pittsburg, is reported having been assured by the powers that be that he will not be disturbed till his term expires. tSr-ECUX. TELEGEAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, May 22. It is not often that two such practical and eminent politi cians as Senator Quay and ex-Senator Piatt have asked the attention of the President on the same day. Mr. Piatt was after a lot of znarshalships and collcctorships for trusty and useful members of his party faction, to day, but he does not feel assured that he is as powerful with this administration as he would like to think he is. It is a discovery now some weeks old, that Mr. Harrison is just about the most self-willed and obstinate man who has ever filled the Presidcntal chair, and that while he is courteous to all, the so-called political bosses seem to make little more headway with him than lesser lights of the ,party. Both Piatt and Quay are having " this discovery impressed freshly on their minds this week. The President Tery Slaw to Moe Where there are factions the President ii ia I Very slow to more ana when jur. yea' -"J Hr. y&STanes- appear oithe scene at "tarslme moment, advouatiug difTerenttaOu-'f didatesfor Collector of Internal Bevenue and Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, as they did yesterday, the President tells them he proposes to give them ample time to compose their differences before making a choice between them. Evidently Senator Quay accomplished little or nothing daring his brief visit of yesterday, for he was at the White House among the earliest callers this morning and made an unusually long stay. When asked, on coming out, if he had got whathe want ed he smiled and said he might say more about it, when he knew more abont it him self. That he will secure the appointment of DaTid Martin as Collector of Internal Bevenue and Senator Cooper as Collector of the port of Philadelphia is almost certain. Quay Has Never Yet Been Left. Though they have come slowly, all the appointments yet made have been Quay's selections, and this is accepted by the poli ticians as absolute proof that, though Mr. Harrison may be very deliberate in his movements, not to seem to be amenable to Mr. Quay's dictation, he will end by giving the Senator what he asks. There is no cool ness or bad feeling between the two gentle men, as has been reported. They may not be particularly affectionate, as they are widely different in! character and tempera ment, but they are cordial, and have an un derstandinc sufficient for practical purposes. There is little truth in the reports of a lack of friendly feeling on the part of Quay and Wanamaker, on account of the Field matter. To show that Quay is "solid" with the Postmaster Genercl it is only necessary so state that in several instances recently, Mr. Wanamaker has incurred the anger of Representatives by refusing to make ap pointments of fourth-class postmasters in dorsed by these Representatives. At the Request of Senator Quay. In one case recently, aPennsylvania'mem- ber of Congress had a positive promise that his man should at once be appointed to a certain fourth-class postoffice. The appoint ment not being made, he inquired into the k '"matter and discovered that friends of a rival candidate had induced Senator Quay to telegraph a request to delay the appoint ment, and it has been delayed to this day. There are numerous other instances of the tame kind. Congressmen have protested in great indignation at what they call this "usurpation of power," but the Postmaster General refuses to be moved from his position, that Mr. Quay has the right to even go into the Congressional districts, which are supposed to be bossed by their Congressmen in the matter of patronage, and dictate the appointment of postmasters of those classes which are not selected by the President and in whose confirmation the Senate has no part. Quay Mates tbo Kickers Sick. Mr. Qnay hasn't used his power in this direction to any great extent, except with Congressmen who have shown a disposition to kick out of the traces. To one or two of these he has given very nauseating doses. Mr. McManes also called on the Presi dent to-day, bnt merely stated his claims more fully than before against Martin and Cooper. He does not know what impression he made. Senator Quay states this evening that he expects at least three gentlemen who have been recommended for office by him to re ceive their commissions to-morrow. The appointments of Gilkeson as Second Con troller of the Treasury; Holhday, of Erie, as Commissioner of Customs, and Martin. jts (for Collector of Internal Bevenue for the Philadelphia district hare been made oat gkt the Treasury Department and sent to (he I "White House for the signature of the Presi dent. Tito Leu Bones of Contention. This will settle the incumbency of two offices which have been claimed by numer ous Pennsylvanians in the Treasury De partment, Ex-Congressman Bound, of the Harrisburg district, was exceedingly anx ious to capture the Second Controllership, hut when Gilkeson failed to get either the Solicitorship of the Internal Bevenue Bureau or a Florida Judgeship, he con cluded that the office of Second Controller was about the only available place that would suit him. Henry C. Johnson, of Mcadville, and ex-Congressman Gilfillan, of Franklin, would both have liked the office of Commissioner of Customs, but Hol liday has been a. valuable man in the Erie district, and was urged so strongly by Mil lionaire Culbertson, the man who defeated William It Scott's nominee for Congress, that Senator Quay became his enthusiastic backer. Postmaster Larkin to be Let Alone. There doesn't appear to be any near pros pect of important appointments for Alle gheny county. Postmaster Larkin, of Pittsburg-, dropped into town this morning, and went home this evening with the assurance that he wouldn't be disturbed until the ex piration of four years irom the date of his confirmation. It seems to be practically agreed between the President and Senator Quav that the term officials shall be per mitted to remain in office four years from the date of their confirmation, though this hasn't been up to this time the practice. APOLITICAL EOMAtfCE. A Mixture of Love and Postoffice la North Carolina A Gallant Democratic Sen ator Work Hard for a Ke pnbllcnn Postmistress. I8TJ1CIAL TELEGRAM TO THX DISFATCB.1 Washington, May 22. There is a ro mantic story connected with a prolonged fight over a village postoffice in Western North Carolina. It is a romance of two ad ministrations, and inyolves such important personages as an ex-Federal General's daughter and a Democratic State Senator, connected by blood with two nations and several high families. The Senator is the head of his party in the county, and one of its leaders in that Congressional district. His influence there and here may be judged by the sequel. The lady was a hold-over postmistress from the Arthur 'administration, and was also a sort of hotel keeper. With her boarded the gal lant Senator, whose military rank was that ot Colonel. .When Cleveland succeeded Arthur a large majority ef the Democrats and a very large majority of the citizens of Concord, Cabarrus county, requested their Congressman, the redoubtable anti-civil service reformer, Judge Bennett, to remove the Postmaster. Judge Bennett tried once, twice, many times, and always met opposition. The Postoffice Department assured him that leading Democrats asked for the lady's re tention. Big Congressional influence was behind the Republican incumbent, and she was not disturbed, altbongh town and county meet ings of Democrats were held and weighty resolutions were forwarded. Hundreds of people signed innumerable petitions. In tact, in that district almost the only issue during two great campaigns was this: Shall Miss Dusenberry be removed? Well, time and Cleveland Dassed. but the lady postmaster at Concord stayed. Mean"! time, the gallant Senator, Colonel Means, was her unfailing, unflagging friends Every few weeks he made a pilgrimage from the shrine at Concord to the political shrine at Washington. It was a desperate struggle, but he won, and received the smiles of the fair in return for all his devotion. Harrison at length succeeded Cleveland, and then the thick-aud-thin Republicans began to stir up charges against the Demo cratic holdover. As yet there had been no union of the blue and the gray. She smiled upon him, and that was all, but, gallant knight that he was, he came to her rescue again. He is moving heaven and earth in her favor. The enemies within the party fold are en couraged by the almost unanimous support of the political enemies without Grave charges affecting the management of the office are preferred, and the line of warfare is wholly changed. The State Senate is armed cap-a-pie, and his generous heart beats high, but the difficulties are greater than ever, and the lady's hand is ntill as free as her native air. A YERI HAPPY EAMILT. The Members of President Harrison's Cab inet Not the Resigning Kind. rtrECIAJ. TELEOttAM TO TUB DISrATCH.1 Washis oton, May 22. The story of a row in the Cabinet today, and of several threatened resignations, especially that of Secretary Blaine, is not only denied by Private Secretary Halford and Mr. Walker Blaine and by members of the Cabinet themselves, 1)ut It is effectually disposed of by the following statement from a gentle man who is intimate with the Secretary of State: "I had a long conversation with Mr. Blaine last eveninc. and anotherone to-dav. and he never made the remotest allusion to any such thing as this story describes I am quite sure that the Secretary would have made some reference to it in these two long conversations with me, -if he had been quar reling with the President, and had threat ened or even contemplated resinning." Secretary Windom, who was represented in this story as taking the part of the Secre tary of State in an angry controversy with the President over foreign appointments, had a long interview of an amicable charac ter with the President, this afternoon. SLIGHTLY UNDER THE ATEEAGE. Colonel Clarkson Apologizes for Not Keep ing Up His Gait. rtrZClAL TXLECBAM TO THX DISrATCH-1 Washington, May 22. One hundred and twenty-eight postmasters were appointed to-day, which was under the average, but Mr. Clarkson. as though to excuse himself, said he would start out to beat the record to-morrow, when he expects to find room for about 250 Republicans. Following are to day's appointments for Pennsylvania: 3. B. Harding, Central Moreland; H. J. Mol leston, Dawson: Mrs. E. J. Meats, Dudley: Philip Boush, Kreamcn Joseph Culver, Port Carbon; Mrs. X Owens, Bidceburg; Edward Merriman, Bheridanvillp; H. IS. Merihew Simon; w. E. Welch, Spring Rnn; Joseph F Stanton, Stanton, and W. W. Mumford, Star- UVMi UNITED PRESBITERIANB. Bev. E. S. HeKlrrlck. of Allegheny, Chosen us Moderator of the Assembly. tErrCIAL TELEQEA3I TO THB BIsrATCH.1 Spmngfiixd, May 22. The General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church convened here to-night in its thirty-fini annual session, with Moderator, Ber. E. Meloy, or Chicago, in the chair. ciecLiuu ui a uiuueraiur lor me ensuing .year resulted in the choice of Bev. E. S. McKit rick, of Allegheny City. The Assembly will be in session six days here. Two hundred and thirty-one delegates, represent ing the United States arid" Canada, are present f The Church numbsrs 10 svnods, 60 presby teries, 903 congregations and 101,858 mem bers, The anti-organisf -Taction met this afternoon and formulated a protest to pres- cui vi me AEsemory. m A MAD MUBDEREB. An Italian Shoots One of Bis Countrymen and Wants to Kill Six Others-He Also Gives Bis OWn Llttlo Daughter a Dose of Parts Green. tsrrcTH.xr.i.rr.n im to tm pisrATcn.l New" Zobk, May 22. Franceses San Vito, a cabinet-maker from Lombardy, lived with his wife and two children on the top floor of the tenement 28 South Fifth avenue, and worked in the furniture fac tory of Formica & Winner. He was a good hand at the lathe and was industrious and sober. A year and a half ago he befriended Canillo Bongatti, a coun tryman who had just come"to town. Bon gatti had a 10-year-old daughter, Lena. On Monday Bongatti and San Vito had a trifling dispute. On Tuesday Bongatti went to the factory and said something to hjs friend San Vito. He was not working that day. He was not at the shop long, and there was no fight between him and San Vito.although-both were talking earnestly for awhile. To-day he went round to the shop again and asked permission to go upstairs. It was granted. When he got to the bench where San Vito was working, Bongatti ad dressed him, eaying in Italian: "Francesca, forgive me for what I said to-day. I did not mean it, for I was not sober then." Almost before San Vito had time to speak the first word of a reply, there was the sharp explosion of a bulldog pistol, and San Vito, shrieking the name of his wife, fell to the floor, dying of a wound just below his heart. The same instant, the workmen saw Bongatti jump to one side, pistol in hand, his whole manner that of intense agitation, and his eyes gleaming as if he were abont to begin a general attack upon all the men in the room. It seemed as if he had become mad in a moment. The workmen were alarmed, but some of them crowded about the frantic Bongatti, and, grasping him from behind, overpow ered him and wrenched the pistoHrom him. He struggled and cried that he "wanted to shoot six more of them. An ambulance took San Vito to St Vin cent's Hospital, where he died immediately after arriving. Bongatti was marched off to the station house. He said that he had given his daughter Lena a dose of pans green before he left home. She was deathly ill late in the evening, but it did not seem likely that she would die. FOE THE EXPORT TRADE. . American Factories Want to Manufacture Cigars to Send Abroad. NewToee, May 22. A large meeting of local cigar makers was held at the Fifth Avenne Hotel this evening with the object of devising some plan by which Americans can manufacture cigars in bond for the ex port trade. Letters of encouragement were received from manufacturers throughout the country. David Hirsch presided at the meeting. It was claimed that laws should be passed to furnish the plan so that a large export trade may be opened up and a new field given to American labor. United action was advised by the speak ers to bring the matter before Congress. Besolutions were passed, asking Congress to enact the necessary- laws, or such amend- ments to existing laws, as to allow theman- utacture here ot cigars lor the export trade, free from all tax or duty, A committee of six was appointed to submit the matter to the Ways and Means Committee. INCENDIARIES OS TRIAL. ,riio.J"oted.HULBurnIng Cases 'Called. Up In Court nt Greensbnrg. ISrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Greensbubg, May 22. Thp mill burn ing cases, which attracted great interest at the time of the arrest of the accused parties last December, were called up in the Crimi nal Court here this afternoon. The defend ants are Frank Bear, a young man of this place; Henry. Hetzel and Charles Frances, of Connellsvilte; William Bichardson (col ored), of Pittsburg, and Harrison Fox (col ored), of Uniontown. The interest mani fested in the trial is exceptionally great and a number of the people from neighboring towns are in attendance. One of the accused parties has turned State's evidence, and he was placed on the stand this afternoon. His testimony against the other accused was very direct and cir cumstantial. The trial will probably con tinue two davs. FI8HIKG "WITH T0EPED0ES. A Party of Marauders Kill Thousands of Fish In French Creek. I6PXCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCH.1 Fbanklin, May 22. This morning resi dents were surprised to see the banks of French creek covered with hundreds of dead fish, while the stream was fnll of them. They were of many varieties, but princi pally black bass and salmon. An investi gation showed that some time Tuesday night parties had been exploding torpedoes in the creek between this city and Meadville and had in this manner destroyed several thou sand fish of all sizes. The number of dead fish would indicate that the work of destruction had been car ried on all night, and that 10 or 15 persons were engaged in the unlawful business of depopulating French creek of fish. ANOTHER WAGE REDUCTION. The Furnaces In the Shennngo Valley All Moke a 10 Per Cent Cat. ISrECIAL TSXSOBAM TO TIDS MSrATCH.1 Shabon, May 22.4-A general reduction of 10 per cent has been made in the wages of furnace employes throughout the Shenango Valley. The manufacturers claim that they were forced to this by the dull market and low prices. The reduction in wages through the Mahoning Valley several months ago was another cauW. At Sbarpsville 500 men are affected and at West Middlesex 300. The men have accepted the reduction and the different plants are working steadily. One ot the prominent iron manufacturers said to-night that it was not a question of wages just sft present It was a question whether worli would be continued. BISHpt WANTED K0 AUTOPSY. The Mlntl Reader Reported to Hare Been Bobbed of a Note Whllo Dying. NE-whroEK, May 22. Walter Hubbell, an actor, called at the Coroner's office to-day and sain that at the Xamb's Club, on the night that Irving Bishop performed the at ended in his-death. Louis Aldrleh saw the bvsician take a paper from amonr fleets found on Bishop's person, and he physician immediately destroved it is supposed to have been a paper re- esting physicians in case Bishop was zed with a cataleptic nt, not to perform autopsy. GETTING ALONG ALL EIGHT. The Samoan Conference Is Slaking Satisfac tory and Peaceful Progress. Berlin, May 22. Contrary to expecta tion, there! was no difficulty encountered during the deliberations of the Samoan con ference at its session to-day.' The question of the indemnity to be paid by the Samoans for the killing of Germans at Apia by natives was not brought up, butVi-s left to the working committee. This action is taken as an indication that the question can be solved here. The next session of the conference will be held next week. The final adjournment may occur then. trick to thatt Vt SSI PITTSBtJEQ- THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1889. CROHN. WAS KILLED. The Doctor's Body, Hated and the Head Covered TVith "Qashe?, FOUND'Jlf A SUBURBAN SEWEB. The Chicago Follcs Threaten to Make a Number of Arrests. ALEXANDER SULLIVAN IS HORRIFIED He Treats All of the Wild Charges Hade Against Him With CoBUmpl Dr. Cronin was foully murdered. His body was found last evening in a sewer north of Chicago, -and positively identified. The discovery caused intense excitement among his friends. The police will take searching measures in order to probe the mystery to the bottom. Alexander Sullivan was shecked by the news. He repudiated all connection with the tragedy. Chicago, May 22. The dead body of Dr.. Cronin, the Irish-American, who strangely disappeared from his home in Chicago two weeks ago, was found this evening some distance north of the city in a sewer. A bloody towel was wrapped about the head. The rest of the body was stark naked. A Catholic emblem which the doc tor always wore next his skin, suspended about his neck, was untouched. On the dead man's head were a dozen deep cuts, which had severed the scalp and indented the skull. It is the opinion of the police that Cronin was foully murdered, and by some man who conld not bring him self to disturb a Catholic trinket. Much excitement was shown at defective head quarters when doubt as to the identity of the body was finally removed by definite messages from Lakeview. IT WILIi BE FBOBED. It was evident from the expressions of the officials that one of the first objects of the police will be to haves number of suspi cious assertions explained assertions made by supposed friends of Cronin. Lieutenant Elliott will have these people at the in quest and demand an explanation, full and complete. The detectives claim that they have been handicapped from the start by a lack of assistance from those who claimed to know all concerning the doctor's disap pearance Lieutenant Elliott said soon after the finding of the body: "I will have this information now, or there will be a number of prompt arrests." Wholly accidental circumstances brought the corpse to light A gang of laborers in the employ of the Lakeview suburban gov ernment have been cleaning the ditches along Evanston avenue during the'week.v Foreman Henry Boesch and two men were working north on the east side of Evanston avenue toward Fifty-ninth street As they neared the catch basin at the corner they noticed a strong smell of putrifying flesh, and Boesch pried off the top of the catch basin with his spade and uncovered the body of Dr. Cronin. . THE .nOEUIBIE DISCOVERT, naa apparently heen nastily pitched into.the basin, for the head was underneath. ...j'.t.. . i.i- ... .. .. Z-.7 It had apparently been hastily pitched and the feet au'dlees were In the opening. The place where the corpse was discovered, Fifty-ninth street and Evanston avenue, is about 300 yards from the Argyle Park sta tion of the Chicago and Evanston Bailroad. It is but two or three blocks from the lake, and nearly a mile north from the corner of Sulzer street arfd Evanston avenue, where the mysterious blood-stained trunk, empty, was found on the day after Crontn's disap pearance. Directly upon taking the body out of the basin Foreman Boesch notified the Lakeview polioe station and summoned the- patrol wagon. The body was stretched out m the Lakeview Morgue, which occupies the front room in the basement under the station. Telephone messages were sent to the city police, and an hour after the finding of the body a dozen of Cronin's friends were at the station. The three Scanlon brothers, who have been intimate with Dr. Cronin, were among the first who arrived. They all but positively identified the body as that of Cro nin Upon first sight. A POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION. Later it was unqualifiedly identified by T. T. Conklin, the saloonkeeper with whom Cronin lived, and by James Boland and Patrick McCary. During the evening Dr. J. B. Brandt, President of the Cook County Hospital Stall, who was an acquaintance of Cronin's, carefully examined the body and positively identified it as that of the miss ing man. Dr. Brant's examination showed the fol lowing cuts and bruises over the left tem ple: A cut of four inches long, through the scalp and into the skull; over the left par ietal bone a cut one and a half inches long, which also marked the skull; also a cut one and a half inches long over the frontal bone; at the junction ot the left parietal a cut three inches long. Among many others, the dentist who recently fixed Cronin's teeth, reached the station late in the evening and positively laentinea tne Doay, as did, the man who lor years has been Cronin's tailor. A great nuDDUD was caused in the suburb by toe finding of the corpse. EXCITED CBOWDS. Shortly after the body had been removed to the police station the street in front was jammed with vehicles, and scores of people were crowding for admission to the basin where lay the remains. Officers were sta tioned on the stairway, and at the basement door, and were once " or twice obliged to use their clubs in forcing the crowds back. The tumult continued far into the night. Long"before midnight at least 40 men bad identified the body. The suburban police will keep the body and the towel at Lake view until the Coroner orders otherwise. The man Woodruff or Black, who con fessed to having helped to carry off a trunk containing a corpse, that ot a woman, he claimed, from a barn in the city the night of Cronin's disappearance, was interviewed to-nieht in iail. He manifested no surprise or discomposure when told that the body of Ur. Uronin had Deen louna north ot where the trunk was discovered. But while he apparently talked freely about the matter he seemed careful not to go outside of the story he had originally toid. He repeatedly said that if he had not been locked up in jail he could and would have cleared up the trunk mystery before this time. SUIXIVAN AGITATES. The face of Alexander Sullivan, ex-President of the Irish National League of America, was that of a man horror-stricken as he sat to-night in his parlor and was told by a reporter of the finding of Dr. Cronin. When asked what he had to say in regard to the startling discovery, Mr. Sullivan re plied: "I am at a loss to know what to say. I itm horrified dumfounded, for I have be lieved all along that Dr. Cronin would turn up all right in the course of time."' "nave you not theories to advance as to the probable cause of the doctor's murder?" "None whatever." "Do you think that this promised expos ure of alleged crookedness in Irish national organizations had anything to do with his murder?" "Most certainlv. I An Tint" "The Conklins, with whom he lived. havaJ ,saia an aiong mat, ii wo doctor's dead body . .. .. .. . . T were found, they would, accuse you of knowing a great deal more abont it than yon would care- to tell. Do you wish to make any statement on that question?" NOTHING TO DO -WITH IT. "I treated it with ntter contempt at the time the statement was first made, and I do the same now. It is beneath my notice." 'Then you know absolutely nothing about Dr. Cronin's death or the causes that led op to it?" "I certainlv do not. and X don't think Any honest man imagines such a thing for a moment" "You and the doctor were members of the same societies, were von not?" "Well, I can't saythat we were. Ihard ly know whether I am a member of the National League at present of not I sup pose, however, I am. I know npthing about any other societies or. organizations that Cronin may have belonged to. As I have already said, lam horrified to hear of his murder, and will do anything and everything in my power to help place the guilty persons where they belong." Shortly after the news of the finding of Dr. Cronin's body had been received a re porter called on Mrs. Conklin at her home where the doctor has resided. "Have you heard the news, Mrs. Conk lin?" was asked. "No, what is it?" "Dr. Cronin's body has been found." Mrs. Conklin leaned against the door and her eyes rested on the floor for a moment. ''Where did. they1 find it?" she asked in a low, unnerved voice. NOTySUBPEISED. . "Out in Lakeview in Argyle Park in a sewer." "Are you sure it is the doctor's body?" "Quite sure. A messagei has just been received stating that the identification was positive." "Well," after a moment's pause, "I am not a bit surprised. I always said he had ueen murdered and this proves it "Mrs. Conklin, have you an Idea who Killed the-Doctor?" ,Mrs. Conklin picked up a little rat terrier that was playing around her feet, and held him in her arms. "I can't say. I knew he had been murdered." - "ITdu will undoubtedly give the police the benefit of your knowledge concerning the doctor's enemies to aid in finding the murderers?" "I don't know that I will. They seem to know so much that they won't appreciate what I can tell them," and Mrs. Conklin shut the door in the reporter's lace. Mrs. Conklin's husband had an interview with Police Captain Schaack late at night, uub we omciais aeny mat ne gave up any information of importance. 'When an attempt was made to see Mr. Conklin he refused to talk, and, slamming the door, turned the key in the lock, effec tually keeping to himself the alleged in formation which since the first day o-f Dr. Cronin's disappearance he had persistently claimed to possess. STBOM IN TOIM. Knights of Labor Combining With tho t Farmers' AHIanco of Alabama to Con trol the Next Stato Legislature. rSFECIAt. TELEOHA1I TO THE EISPATCIT.l Birmingham, Ala., May 22. A politi cal scheme, having for its object the control of the next State. Legislature, has been started in Alabama with fair prospects of success. It is nothing less than a fusion of the Farmers' Alliance, the Knights of Labor and all other secret labor organiza tions. The plan is for the Knights of Labor to nominate candidates for the Legislature I u every county in the State nexVyear. and rt"f". "t,TXZ n io.. ,r,:n)T'. 'every member of all labor organizations will support these candidates. Ii the plan is successfully carried out, it is asserted that the labor candidates can be elected in at least 40 counties in the State, which will give them a good working ma jority in both branches of the Legislature. The Knights of Labor appealed to the last Legislature for the enactment of cer tain laws in the interest of workingmen and organized labor. These bills all failed to pass, some of them being vigorously op posed by capitalists and corporations. One bill, the passage of which was especially urged by labor organizations, was to pre vent the payment of laborers in store checks. It was vigorously fought and defeated by capitalists. The movement to control the next Legis lature in the interest of organized labor is being quietly pushed, and the Farmers' Alliance and the Knights of Labor have al ready agreed upon it. The membership of the Alliance is now about 14,000 in the State, and there are upward of 100,000 Knights of Labor. HE WANTED TO DIE. A Policeman PInds a DInn In the Act of Attempting Hulclde. Baltimore, May 22. A policeman was standing under the Baltimore and Ohio trestle at Carey street when he noticed an aged man sitting above him on theedge and who, should he lose his balance, would bo killed. The policeman got on the trestle and slipping np behind, caught the old man just as he was about to swallow poison, it being his intention to jump after taking the poison. His name is J. W. Bondell and he says that he had married and buried four wives, and now his fifth wife, after getting into a religious discussion, had knocked him down with a tin pan and told him that his second cousin John was dearer to her than lieand overcome at this he resolved to suicide. Ho was locked up for safe keeping. A FIGHT AT A FUNERAL. Five Brothers JUnko an Unsuccessful AN tempt to Cnpluro a Body. (SPECIAL TELEGBA1I TO TUX DIBPATCII.J Akron, May 22. Only the presence of a number of policemen prevented riotous proceedings at the funeral in this city this afternoon of Arthur Frazier, who fell dead after a friendly tussle with Mrs. Howe last Sunday. Five brothers of tho deceased came from Kent and demanded that the body be given to them for burial there. Mrs. Frazier and her friends wanted the burial in Akron Cemetery. The funeral was interrupted by the at tempts of the brothers to get possession of the body, and when they were unsuccessful they threatened to steal the remains from the cemetery. A guard has been put over the graye. SOME SERIOUS CHARGES. Several Peculiarities About the Russian Chnreh at San Francisco. SanFbancisco, May 22. It is claimed by many Bussians here that the Bussian Church.-which was destroyed by fire yester day morning with a loss of $20,000, was the work o! an incendiary, with the object of concealing of the misappropriation of funds and getting rid of Bishop Vladimir, who had a narrow escape from burning to death. Many of the members claim that the Bus sian Church here is little but a detective aeencv, and the clergymen are acting as spies for the Bussian Government; that the affairs of the chnreh are in the hands of an I unscrupulous ring, and that two bishops nave already been murdered. Honors for King Hnmbert. Berlin, May 22. There was a parade of the,Berlin and Spandau garrisons to-day in honor of King Hnmbert The troops were reviewed by Emperor William and the King. Afterward a banquet- was given. Wftp&i EEGUL'AREYJQASTED The Presbyterian Freedmen's Board at Last Called to Account FOR HAYISG SO LITTLE TO SHOW. A Large Amount of Money Constantly Be ing Expended, and Evidently ROT THB BEST RETURN8 FOR IT. Ibe Assembly Posltlrely Refuses to Sellers Charzts Hade. (to The Freedmen's Boardof the Presbyterian General Assembly yesterday received the roasting that has been expected for some time. Its poor results with the money at its command was the cause of the discussion, but the Assembly sustained the board by a vote taken after a long and rather heated debate. (SPECIAL TELEOHA1I TO TILE D1SFATCB.1 2etv Yobk, May 22. At the afternoon session of the Presbyterian General Assem bly to-day the long-delayed discussion took place on the work of the board having in charge all the interests of the Presbyterian Church among the colored people in the South. The Freedmen's Board has been criticised Dy the pastors of the Western churches for lnefScieney. Two General As semblies have fought off the matter, and it seemed as if the one hundred and first General Assembly might succeed in getting off without a ballot on the subject The Chairman of the special committee to inves tigate the Freedmen's Board and report this year was the Bev. Dfr. Dickey, of Philadel phia. The report was favorable to the board. Mr. Allison, editor of the Pittsburg Pres byterian Banner, began the discussion. He had in his hand an anonymous type-written statement attacking the board, not attributa ble, however, to the Washington Presby tery, which was in antagonism to Secretary Allen. somebody untruthful. The statement, Dr. Allison continued, al leged that money was lost through the board, which was untrue. It declared that Biddle Institute was legislated away from the board and the church in 1877, and that the board did not become aware of the fact until seven years later. "I am responsible for the statement," said the Bev. William A. Halladay, formerly President of the Biddle Memorial Institute in North Carolina and now of Brooklyn. "If money was lost," Dr. Allison contin ued, "it was not the fault of the Board for Freedmen or of the Bev. Dr. Allen, the Secretary, against whom the charges are really brought It was only a matter of delay by the board in establishing the Bid dle Memorial Institute. Colonel Meyers had left a large snm of money to the insti tute, and in the North Carolina Presbytery a colored brother moved, when the question who shonld be educated at their institute arose, that colored scholars and others should bo educated there. The words 'and others' could only refer to white persons, and the cqlored. people were afraid that if the whites came in THE HEOS"&3 ITOUXD HAVE tOttO. sooner or later. It took two years to get the words 'and others' out, with the aid of the Legislature, which meets only once in two years. Now, I have to say that I have been assured by those who are attacking Secre tary Allen that if we wouldn't ask to have the work of the board commended highly, all charges against the secretary, would be dropped." Then the Bev. Dr. Tennis S. Hamlin, who has been most active in turning the guns of the Washington churches against Secretary Allen, said he had been charged with circu lating the document just read by Dr. Alli son. Dr. Allison That member apologizes for it Dr. Hamlin That gentleman also said I had been agitating this matter among the colored biethren. Dr. Allison Oh, Moderator, I took it all back. , Dr. Hamlin I don't approve of political methods and I don't practice them in things religious. I have some little regard for my reputation.. We have tried to have this matter settled harmoniously, and until a few hours ago I believed this debate might have been spared to us. NO COMPLAINTS HEABD. Dr. Hamlin read Dr. Creighton's letter to him, stating that Dr. Dickey, Chairman of the Special Investigating Committee, would not hear the complaints against the Freed men's Board. Dr. Dickey asked permission to say that no impression had been left on his mind at Dr. Creighton's visit to his house that his remarks were anything more than conversa tion at a friendly visit The assembly shook the building with applause. .General John W. Foster, an elder .from Washington and ex-United States Minister to Spain, said there was evidently a sentiment in the as sembly against the Washington brethren. Many voices "Give us facta." "I will," said General Foster. "Among the 8,000,000 freedmen, how many churches have been established in the 'past year? Nine. How many new schools have been established? Why, they say it's the most gratifying and the mdst prosperous year the Board has bad since it was established. It had $131,000 at Us command and ten schools and ten Sunday schools have been lost Compare the work of the Board with the work of the Home Mission Board. Freed men's Board has built one church for each $15,000 spent; the Home Mission Board one lor each (5,000. ME. ALLEN PULLED THROUGH. Dr. Dickey lacked time to reply, bnt the assembly voted him all the. time he wanted. He is a good special pleader and he pulled Secretary Allen through. When Dr. Dickey sat down commissioners all over the house cried to have the substitute for the special commissioners' favorable report nut to vote. Many were on their feet to speak, but the assembly would nothave it The substitute had been proposed by the Washington churches, and it proposed to absorb the work of the Freedmen's' Board Into the gen eral mission work. The substitute was voted down, only a score voting in favor of it Then the original resolution, expressing complete confidence in the Freedmen's Board, was passed, the Washington pastors and elders voting ho. FOUGHT TO A FINISH. The Southern Assembly Beaches n Tote Upon tbo Evolution IssnaAftrr a Bit ter Debate Dr. Woodrow'a Friends Suffer Dclcat Once More. Chattastoooa, May 22. The Southern Presbyterian Assembly was called to order at 9 o'clock this morning. The report upon the minutes of the Synodof South Carolina, which was so warmly discussed yesterday, was called. Elder James Lyons, of Vir ginia, moved that the Assembly, in stead of approving- the action of the South Carolina Synod, in condemning as unwise, irregular and unconstitutional the action of Charleston Presbytery in forbidding public contending against the decision of the Balti IT'S A. ' "splendid MEDIUM, more Assembly in the Woodrowi evolution case, should disapprove synod's action, be cause of the fact-as he alleged, as an' examin ation qf the full records of the'Presbytery's action showed, that the so-called interdict was not intended to limit either private judgment or the constitutional right of the Assembly. In support pf his amendment Mr. Lyons began reading criticisms of the Assembly's decision in regard to Dr. Woodrows1 case, which appears in Dr. WoodrowV paper. Dr. Woodrow arose' and said if the private character was thus to be discussed he wanted the protection of the Assembly or a full opportunity to defend himself. The Moderator declared Mr. Lyons in order. Mr. Woodrow appealed from this decision, but was not sustained. Mr. Whaling con tinued his rejoinder on the report of the minutes pf tne synod of South Carolina. He made an able and strong address in be half of the synod's action. Dr. Gesardau followed in a 'rejoinder in.behalf of the ac tion of the Charleston Presbytery. Hesaid: "We did not mean, to forbid all legltlmale con tendlne against the decision of the assembly. We were the presbytery and endeaToredto stop the months of gainsayers against the fold. Truth of stood was uttered Dythat assembly when Jt declared that the scriptures were sot silent In resard to the nature of man's creation. The opposition say tha scriptures are silent "We say that It is an error. "We hold that they are not silent "We savthat man's body was created out of dust Br. "Woodrow acknowl edges In his address in 1S83 that the bqdy of Eve was an exception to the operation of the law of evolution, and why not tho body of Adam? The scriptures tells of the creation of Adam; and no principle of evolution can break the word of God. The final vote to adopt the amendment substitute to disapprove the action of South Carolina Synod and uphold Charleston Presbytery resulted in 113 ayes and 33 noes. LOST EIGHT MM. Two- Steamships Collide Near Montreal Tho Cynthia and Eight -of Her Craw Sink in Twelve Fathoms Tho . Polynesian Damaged. Montreal, May 22. The steamships Cynthia and Polynesian collided this morn ing near Long Point, 12 miles east of this city. Eight liver were lost The collision occurred in the channel opposite Long Point The Cynthia, Captain Donaldson, was a freighter and was inward bound from Glasgow. The Polynesian was outward bound wiifi freight and passengers for Liv erpool; Immediately after the collision tha Cynthia sank in. 12 fathoms of water. The survivors from the Cynthia swam ashore Bud the Polynesian proceeded to Quebec in a damaged condition. TherPolynesian left port shortly after 430 o'clock this morning and proceeded down the Varennes Channel. Opposite Point Trembles she perceived the Cynthia, inward bound. From the details obtained it ap pears that there is a dangerous curve in the channel at this point, and that through some misunderstanding of the "rule of the road" the Polynesian was brought into col lision with the Cynthia, striking her on the starboard bow and causing such a gap in the side as to sick her in a few minutes, the vessel filling with great rapidity. Those on deck had barely time to rush below and warn the members of the crew who were off watch and asleep in their berths to get on deck and swim ashofe to save their lives. )Tbe Cynthia carried' no passengers. She was from Glasgow, with general cargo, chiefly pig iron. Following is a list of the crew of the Cynthia who lost their lives: Hugh Irving, chief cook, of Glasgow; Al exander Nicholas, sailor, of Glasgow; An drew Vance and Charles McCracken, trim mers: James Low. fireman. Glasgow: James jferroa, .be&Uiain; Charles-IUaefcatock, messroom ooy, ana uavia xoung, a stowa way from Glasgow. EDITOR 0'BRIES'S ET1DEKCE. He Asserts That the Lcaimo Has Been a Blessing to Ireland. London, May 22. Mr. O'Brien con tinued his testimony before the Parnell Com mission to-day. He denied that he had ever published in United Ireland articles inciting to outrage. The League, he said, was found ed chiefly to oppose secret landlord combina tions. The landlords had formed a combina tion having a nominal capital of 1,000,000 for the purpose of carrying out evictions by the wholesale, and replacing the evicted tenants with colonies of tenants from other countries. He had been a member of tho committee of the League since its organiza tion. Witness had never heard a suggestion to encourage outrage. Several branches ot the League had been supressed in conse quence of the strong language used at the meetings and the excessive boycotting to which they resorted. In answer to questions by the Attorney General, Mr. O'Brien, said it was impossi ble to say what is legal and what is illegal in Ireland. Anythin? that two resident magistrates say is law, is law. The League certainly tended to lessen outrages, but no league nor hnman power conld prevent crime in such a crisis as that of 1879. He had never advised the people to assist the Government in the detection of crime, be cause that would be accepting a responsi bility that the League wholly repudiated. United Ireland had ever denounced secret societies. The League had weaned nine-teen-twentieths of the people in Ireland from such societies. A HAPPY PRESENTATION. Parnell and Gladstone Tell of the Objects They Are Pursuing. London, May 22. Mrs. Gladstone was to-day presented by the Women's Liberal Federation with a diamond brooch contain ing a miniature of Mr. Gladstone copied from Millais' portrait. Mr. Parnell and a large number of members of the House ot Commons were present Mr. Parnell spoke of the happy change of feeling between England and Ireland, and said that the Irish party accepts Mr. Gladstone's plat form without ulterior objects. That plat form, he said, would enable them to build up Ireland as a nation without danger to the empire. Mr. Gladstone, in reply, referred to his wife as the greatest gift he had received at the hands of Providence. He said that the generous estimate of his services by his countrymen had been mixed with some cen sure, bnt it was better to lose praise than to lose the bracing discipline resulting from free public criticism. Words failed to ex press the gratitude of his wife and of him self for the affectionate kindness of their friends. INTERESTING REVELATIONS. A Newspaper Investigation Into Jho Work inss of tho Philadelphia Asylum. Philadelphia, May 22. In com pliance with a request from President Laugblin, of the Board of Charities and Correction, George W. Symmonds, tho re porter of the Philadelphia Inquirer who se cured admission to the insane department of the Philadelphia Hospital (the county almshouse), and afterward wrote up the in stitution, to-day appeared before Magis trate Smith and made an affidavit charging Keepers Joseph' Marshal, Joseph Devlin and Joseph Williamson with assault and battery upon numerons patients of the insti tution. Warrants were at once issued for the arrest of the three keepers. The hearing has been fixed for Tuesday next, when it Is expected some interesting revelations will be made. The prosecution is in the hands or the District Attorney. Mr. Symmonds will appear simply as a witness. w!aJVTS - Of any kind can. best be satisfied by adrertl3lnc nt the eolmsas ot Thb Dispatch. -' i PeaIingm,Sveet Sioists,, Lovelyiorus' and Per fect Instruments INTOXICATE ALL PRESENT. Second Bight o the May FestiTal Surpasses if Possible THE .FIRST GLORIOUS SUCCESS. Cool Might Winds Could Not KeepMnilc LoTers From tho Scene An "Eren Grent er AndienCe Than Before How They Looked, nnd Who Some of the Many Thousands Were Fars Found Both Hnndsome and Comfortable What a Critic Thinks Items of General and Specific Interest. The hoped for and deserved success of the May Festival is even greater than expected. The vast building was almost filled with lovers of art last night, who would not bs kept away because the weather was rather chilly. An idea of the scene is given with a mention of some present. A critical re view follows. High up in the lofty dome of the mag nificent auditorium should be written ia golden letters the word "Success." as the general verdict on the second night's per formance of the May festival. Jupiter Pluvius wept bitterly in the morning and through part of the afternoon, but toward evening, many thanks to the god of rain, ho dried his tears and turned, to tuning his lyre. Still there was a piercing coldness ia the atmosphere as if the god had had a row with his fairspouse that made the teeth chatter, and the handsome dames and maidens put on their heavy, somber wraps. THET DEFIED THE "WEATHER. The night was raw and chilly, and the breezes from the Allegheny were not at all gentle and zephyr-like, but for all that the lovers of music and the large audience JAlli Lehmann-KaltseTt. present demonstrates that Pittsburg and the surrounding country has many of them were there to greet Lilli Lehmann, Signor Perotti and the others. Tho sharp air had a bracing effect on the singers, for they sang with a force and energy that was surprising. Emma Juch and her mother, MissAusder Ohe, the pianist, Herr Kaliscb, and some of tha others not on the programme, occupied two boxes near the stage. The swet German singer applauded Lehmann and Perotti, and kept it up with the audience until an encore was given. The happy social features of the evening before were in a measure repeated. There was a noted absence of decollete apparel, bnt the full dress among the gentlemen was well represented. JUST A3 PBETTX" AS EVER. No changes had been made in the deco- ration of the boxes, and the happy blending of pink and white and blue and new choral Terete Herbert-Foerster. was still noticeable. Many of the faces were already familiar, having appeared the night before, but there were enough new countenances to make the study of the occu pants of the boxes interesting. Possibly the average mortal would have been better pleased with music more senti mental and less grandiloquent and difficult to render, bnt there wasn't one in the large audience who didn't declare in bis secret heart that the singing was simply sublime. There was much that reminded one of the roar of a cataract, with enough sweetness to smooth the rough, ragged outlines oi tha picture. On the outside of the big auditorium the same busy, bustling scenes were re-enacted. . TOWABD THE ONE MECCA. The streets were lined wltn carriages and people wendlmr their way to the Point. If any thing, the audience was larger thanonTo.es day night Pan StItps and Captain TJntar- Continued on St'stA Fage. i ' 4L-A THREE CENTS' mm MELODY, rnSK. A ' i" lyV. - t s.o la 5T t'1 $ 'XI
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