r t'r- ??'" K.V- , m-- r- J 14."$ MTUKES LAID OUT. 8V Titusnlle Decides Oil Brokers Must Stick to the Old Plan. THE QUESTION FINALLY SETTLED. - s Kevievof the Keal Estate Situation from , the Standpoint of an Agent -i. 'lIBEETI STKELT DEAL CLOSED UP The Tote of Titusville yesterday settled in the' negative the question of dealing in oil iutures. After the close of business many brokers hung around the Exchange tele graph office to learn the result, and when it came there was both gratification and dis appointment expressed, according as the men receiving the news were friends or op ponents of the departure. As Titusville was all that was required-to defeat the rules, nobody waited to hear from Bradford, which was still wrangling over Enle 3, which pro vides for dealing in certificate oiL "We might as well shut up shop," re marked a friend of the change. "To-day's business don't look like it," re plied one of the other fellows. "If we al ways do as Veil we ought to be satisfied. I think that the market will improve now that this wet blanket has been removed. Its adop tion would have buried the market out of sight" Real estate is a trifle dull as compared with the early spring boom, but that it continues to be a lively element of business is shown by the reports of sales published daily in this depart ment of The Dispatch. In support of this 'statement an agent said yesterday: "J am almost as bnsy as at any other time this season. There is a steady, I may say crowing, demand for nearly every description of property. I am negotiating the sale of several business sites on the Southsidc. Unimproved lots in the sub urbs are in as great demand as ever and scarce ly a day passes without more or less sales. The number of bouses going up in and about the . city is highly gratifying to the friends of im provement. I wouldn't be at all surprised if tbo original estimate of 4,000 should be reached. Pittsburg is growing faster than at any other time in her history." "Is there any reason to apprehend a tumble in prices T" "No. I think that impossible under existing conditions. There has been no boom no flurry. Purchasers have proceeded cautiously. The enhancement in values has been the re sult of a legitimate demand, backed by abund ance of capital, for which no equally safe and profitable investment could be found. As most ot the purchases are paid for and'have been or will be built on and occupied by their owners, I can see no reason for a reaction. 1 think real estate has moved up to stay. The rapid growth of the city demands the constant enlargement of its boundaries and the erection of thousands of houses every year to accommodate the in creasing population. This alone is sufficient to keep prices at the top. I think property that is adapted to either residence or business purposes is worth all that is asked for it. I am not aware that any purchaser has lost money. On the contrary,! know of many who have made snug little fortunes. Hundreds of re sales have been made at a handsome profit. There is scarcely a piece of property in the city or suburbs that could be bought to-day for the price that was paid for it six months or a year ago. As an instance of this I may cite one case in my own experience. Three months ago lot in the upper part of Edgewood, owned by the National Bank of Commerce, was sold for 81,500. Last week the owner was offered 52,000 lor it." J ' ' r "Do you think prices have reached the top I" " 'For the present probably they have. I think so for several reasons. The demand is not quite so pressing as it was earlier in the season. This is always the case in summer. Hot weather seems to take the snap out of peo ple. Then, again, the unsettled condition of tswm trade, rendering the Income of thon- ijjss of wage-workers uncertain, will deter i of ware-workers uncertain, will litor tliem from investing until they can see their way clear to meet payments nromntlv. Sail. I look for a steady movement all summer, and for a revival, with possibly a higher level of values, next talk Everything is in good shape to justify this anticipation." Among the important deals in realty that were consummated yesterday was the sale by C H. Lore, for Andrew Jackman, of twoots Nos. 431 and 433 Liberty street, having a front age of 43 feet, to D. H. Voigt and T. E. Ash for S35,000 a trifle "over $900 a front foot, which is considered a very reasonable figure for that locality. There are two two-story buildings on the property which will be torn down to make room for a large business house. This and sev eral other recent transfers of property in that part of the city show that it has been aroused by the spirit of improvement, and is deter, mined to do its part in the work of making Pittsburg the model city of the country. MOVEMENTS IN STOCKS. The Market n Little More Active, but Prices Still Bearish. The stock market was moderately active yes terday in comparison with the previous day, the sales amounting to 661 shares, of which Pittsburg Traction, Pittsburg and Western Railroad and Philadelphia Gas contributed about five-sixths. Snitch and Signal was the only thing that showed a decided advance, selling at 24J against 24 on Monday. This was on the strength of increasing business of the company. None of the gassers developed any strength, and all of them except Philadel phia were neglected. The summer season bringing rednccd earnings is unfavorable to these stocks, and it is the opinion of many brokers that bed-rock quotations have not been reached. Electric was oifered down to 56 wiiuoui. ia&crb. j.b wouju ue too mucn to ex pect an improvement in it, either in demand or prices, until the pending suits are settled, after which it will get on its feet again Pittsburg Traction sold to the extent of 200 shares, which brought 5 The other tractions were neglected. With the rapid growth of the suburbs it is a little strange that these securi ties are not in better demand. Some attribute their condition to the manipulations of a bnll clique, who want them at lower prices and are raking in little jags here and there so as not to arouse suspicion. The movement in Pittsburg and Western was continued, but prices realized were not materially different from those of the previous day. This stock is being absorbed by a few knowing ones, who will be able to spring a surprise on the market one of these days. The rest of the list was featureless. Bids, oilers and sales follow: KOENTNO. AFTIENOOX. Bid. Ailed. Bid. Asked. Commercial N. Bank 105 Pitts. I.. B. of Cora'ce 231)f Enter'se baVs;. AH'et 45 Bridgcwateroas.. .... .... FenusvlvanlaGas Co.. .... Philadelphia Co 36) 48 15 36H 30 29H 36ft 36ft 30M waeeunr uu u...... nt Central Traction. 29 30 Citizens' Traction... . Pittsburg Traction.... Pitts., Cln. Abt.l. Pitts A V cstern B B. p. A W. K. B. pref. .. 70S S3 "i2 21,S S3 16 1214 21M HK 13 "io 15 1M "S7J4" 25 118 1VH 21 TJnlonBrldge 13f LaNorla Mining Co... 1)4 Bllverton Mining Co AVestlnghouse Electric 55 V. Switch A Signal Co. 2494 W cstlng'se Air B. Co.. 1U IK 1 8t4 25 "is" 24K Sales at the flrt call were 2 shares of Phila delphia Gas at 36K. 50 Pittsburg and Western S referred at 21H- 2" Switch and Signal at 24Jf, ) Airbrake at 117 and 1 at 11& At the afternoon call 100 shares of Philadel phia Gas at 36 200 Pittsburg Traction at 53k. 100 Plttsbnrg and Western common at 12Ji, 100 ot 12H. 50 Switch and Signal at 24J The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 361,602 shares, including Atchison, 27 485: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 8 190: Erie, 3.72S; Missouri Pacific, 8,6S5; North western, 24.765; New Jersey Central. 8.810; Northern Pacific, 33.190; Northern Pacific pre ferred. 27.921: Oregon Transcontinental, 4,645; Pacific Mail, -3.170; Reading. 60,800; Richmond and West Point. 8.365; St. Paul, 27,885; Union Pacific, 6,225. AM0KGTHE BANKERS. Checking and "Depositing Heavy nnd Dis counting Light Talk en Business. The Clearing House report yesterday was in dicative of a large movement in business cir cles for the eeason, the clearings amounting to 1 $209,399 40 and the balances to $462,285 S3. In explanation a financier said: , "That business, m a whole, J good cannot bo denied. Eyen the iron trade about which so much has been said and so many evil predic tions made, is in good shape. Nearly all the mills are running on orders. Thero is com plaint about low prlces.but with lower rates on ore and the settlement ot the wage question, I think this drawback will be removed, and our greatest industry soon be put on a better foot ing. We are doing so well in everything that lam surprised there are any growlers, we are many millions ahead of the corresponding time last year when we thought we did wonders. We are in the swim and should feel happy." Checking and depositing were the best fea tures of the market, both being large. The borrowing demand was light. The result of the day's operations was to leave more money in the banks than they had at the beginning of business. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2 to 2 per cent, last loan 2, closed offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 3 Sterling exobange dull but steady at for OJ-day bills and H S3 for demand. Government Bonds. XT. S. 4i, re 10SV107M D. S. 44S, coup io;iosw U. 8. 4s, re?.... ISH&HSJs v. S.4J. coup isjiaiafc Bid. Currency, 6 per cent, 1895 reg VUH Currency, 8 per cent. 1806 rcg I-'.; Currency, 6 per cent, l8S7ree -i:s Currency, 6 per cent, 1898 res; 131 Cnrrcncr, 6 per cent; 1899 reg... 133.H Government and State bonds were dull and,ftrm. Nfw-Tobs Clearings, $148,839,977; balances, 57.193,733. Boston Clearincs, 315,322,200; balances, 81, 700,445. Money 114 percent Philadelphia Clearings, $12,139,793; bal ances, 1,505,643. Baltikobe Clearings, 11,752,204; balances, J199.475. Pabis Three per cent rentes, 87f 42c for the account. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings. $10,427,000. St. Louis Clearings, $3,369,843; balances, $679,169. ACUTE AND HIGHER, Good Trading In OH nt n Higher Range of Prices. The oil market yesterday was fair to mid dling in point of activity and strength, trading being of good proportions at all of the ex changes. The supply of certificates was suf ficient for all the wants of the day, and carry ing was flat. Titusville voted against trading in futures, thus killing the proposition. Brad ford was still wrangling over rule 3 at the close of this report. The market opened at Sl&c, where it held for some time, and then dropped to 81c, after which it slowly rallied during the day and sold up to 82c In the last hour It was hammered down to SlUc, from which it recovered in the last 20 minutes and sold up to the highest point previously reached and of the day, 82e- It then softened and closed at 82c 5ic above the opening, with odds in favor of a lower level to-day. There was notfiing important in the field news. A. B. McGrew 4 Co. quote puts, 81c; calls, S383Xc Fentnrca ot the Market. Corrected daily by John M. Oaciey A Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened SIXILowest 81M Highest 82i I Closed 82 Barrels. Average runs 47.068 Average shipments 63,304 Average diallers 40.152 Clearings 770,000 Keflned, Jew York, 6.85c lteflne.', London, 5Md.x . Kenned, Antwerp, laiT Kenned, Liverpool, 6)d. Carrying, heir York, 15c premium; Oil City, 15c; Bradford, flat; Pittsburg, flat. Other Oil Markets. Titubvtlle. May 2L National transit cer tificates opened atSlc: highest, 82c; lowest, Slc; closed, 82c OIL Citt, May 2L National .transit cer tificates opened at Slc; highest, 82c; low est. 8Uc; closed, ti2c New Yobk, May 2L Petroleum opened steady at SlJc but after the first sales became strong and advanced to 82c. A slight reaction then set in and the market closed firm at S2c. Bales, 598,000 barrels. ACTIVE AND STE0NG. Keal Eslale Still Wanted Beporta of the Latest Snlcs. Jonn . uaxter. agent, otz omiinneiQ street. John F. Baxter, agent; 512 Smitbfield street. sola lot No. 60 ana one-nair or lot JMO. 0, In the -faum urove piaa, m xvoup station, ixunung o f eetron Banna street, near the corner of Negley avenue , and having a depth of 120 feet to a 20 foot alley, to George Campbell for $3,750. He will erect a handsome dwelling on the property. 3. R. Cooper & Cc 107 Fourth avenue, sold for George Martin, in the Maplewood Park plan, Wilkinsbnrg, lots 10S and 108, having a frontage of 40 feet each on Maplewood avenue by 120 feet to Washington lane, for SS0O, to Win. J. Lowery. Alios & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for Mrs. J. Ballard a frame dwelling of four rooms, etc and stable, lot 20x90 feet, on Vera and Morgan streets, to J. C Alles. C. Beriucer & Son, 103 Fourth avenue, sold the Prof. W. H. Wakebam place of 33 acres, in Buffalo township, Butler county, near Free port, to Charles B. Btraube for $4,000. They also placed a mortgage of $1,200 on two acres of land at Etnsworth at 6 per cent for three years. W. A. Herron t Sons sold for W. R. i E. G. Mooney a lot 47x105 feet and a brick house in Westminster place, to W. D. Loomls. for $8,500. . Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for 3. P. Urling to John Gneser lot No. 19 in the Urlmg & Bihlman plan. Nineteenth ward, near Penn avenue, fronting 20 feet on Dear born street bv 100 feet in depth to an alley, for 600, payable 100 cash and the balance on easy terms. SHAEP MOVEMENTS And Large Transactions In Wall Street Stocks Irregularly Changed, Bat Ad vanccs In the Blnjorlly-London frellsund Chicago Buys. NEW Yoek, May 2L The stock market was again active to-day, with the interest centered mainly in the grangers, "V illards and special ties, and, while the room was in favor of a re action, the buying was of snch nature as to prevent any marked decline in any stock, and to materially advance several of the prime favorites. The buying was still principally by the Chicago operators, bnt there were sharp movements and large transactions in the Coalers, VUlards and one or two others. The movement in the Northern Pacifies came to a halt to-day, and nothing new was heard in the stocks, but after the first hour the activity subsided and their prices aft erward slowly yielded, and both are fractional ly lower this evening. Chicago Gas next took up the leadership of the market, and on large purchases was ad vanced about IK per cent, but it could not hold the improvement in the face of sales to realize and hammering by the bears. The anthracite shares became prominent upon the announce ment that there would be a meeting to-morrow to talk over the situation with a probable ad vance in prices later on. Reading once more assumed its old position as leader of the mar ket in point of activity, and very large blocks of the stock were traded In. Jersey Central later felt the stimulns,and its final advance was nearly 2 percent The others, however, were not not so prominent, and their fluctuations of less importance. The buying of the Grangers by the western operators was the feature of the day, and the ctronirth nf Bnrllnrton was specially notable. the feeling among the insiders being very con fident, and on the announcement of the dec laration of the dividend of 1 per cent to-day it quickly recovered its early slight losses and rose 1 per cent further. Northwestern, Atchi son and Rock Island also displayed marked strength in view of the temper of the room, but St. Paul was sluggish and without feature. Oregon Transcontinental was lower this morning and rapidly fell off 3 per cent and the trading in the first few minutes was marked by some sales at seller 3 and some cash, but the re mainder of the day was bare of such trans actions and the stock remained dull and steady until the close. London was a seller to a lim ited amount and the early prices -from that center were lower than our last evening's fig ures, and first prices here this morning were .made f rom to X per cent lower in sympathy. The early trading was also marked by a weak tone, and fractional losses were sustained all over the list during the first hour, but after that time there was a decided change for the better in the temper of speculation, and Chicago Gas and the Grangers became the leading stocks. In the afternoon the Coalers Came to the front, but the highest prices were generally reached toward 1 r. Jf, when the bears succeeded in bringing about another re action. Th e last few minutes of business, how ever, was turned to account by purchasers, and the close was firm to strong. The unlisted de partment was barren of feature, except for the weakness in Cotton Oil at the opening, and only a portion of the loss was recovered. Bruns wick was steady at 22?f2 The final changes are irregular, but advances are in a majority. Jersey Central is up 1. Pullman V Chesa peake and Ohio first preteired, 1 per cent, and others fractions, while the only marked decline was in Oregon Transcontinental, which lost 2. Rab-oad bonds were quite active1 to-day, but the animation was like that In shares conpned 0?HE to a few leading issues, and out of the total day's business of $1,911,000 Fort Worth and Denver contributed $125,000, Beading first in comes $118,000 and the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic 6s $107,000. The tone of the deal ings was at first rather heavy and declines fol lowed in all the prominent issues traded in, but later under the stimulus of 'renewed buying l the market improved and a general recovery took place, wnicn ieit prices nut sngnuj changed and important differences to-nigbt are few in number. The advances include Burling ton, Cedar Rapids and Northern 6s 6 to 91; Indiana, Bloomlngton and Western first pre ferred U 8, to 120, and Fori Wayne firsts ft to 150. The following table shows the prlcas of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dally for Tns -Dispatch by Whit ney & Stophenson, members of New lork Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: cios-Open- nigh- Low- Ing' In. . ML est. Bias. Am. Cotton Oil 56 .. . .... M'i AtOtl.. lop. A B. r.... H 45)4 44 H Canada Southern. 53H 833? S1S4 53$ Central or New Jersey. OT lOOK 7H W Centrairaclflc &K 35K S5J4 SX Chesapeake & Ohio ... 18 18 18 18" C, Bur. sQulncy.... .102V 103K 101V 10i. C, Jill. A St. Paul.... 3Ja 6946 6Sfe C9H ti, Slll.&bt. P.. pr....U3!i 1H imi 114 C KOCEL&P 87H $&X 9SH m C., St. L. & Pitts 17 17 17 US (1, St. L. A Pitts, pf.. 40W 41 40M 40ft C St. P., M. O SoR S6k( .-38 88 C St. PM. AO., pr, 9SS, mi 98M 87 C. & Northwestern.. ..U0X 1U 109 111 C& Northwestern, pt 1H U.C.C.&I 69 69 69 683 Col. Coal iron 2M 24K UH Wi Col. A Hocking Val .. 18)4 18j 1SW 1SH Del.. L. AW... 140?, Hisj uwj 140ft Del. A Hudson.., 139)4 1S9M IMS US Denver A KloO... 17 17 17 17 Denver A Klo l., of. E. T., Va. AUa - 3( E.T..V&. Aba 1st pr E. 1.. Va. A Ga. Id pf. 3 Illinois Central 115)4 1 Lake Erie A Western.. 18 Lake Erie A West. pr,. 53V Lake Shore AM. 3 113 1 Louisville A Nash vUle.i BJH Michigan Central Mobile Ohio Mo., K. ATexa ilk Missouri faclflo. "2H Hew rork Central 107K 1 . TC.. L. E. A W MH N.Y., L. E. AW., pref .... X. Y a ASt.L . "r., ti A St. L. pr. N.Y.. C. A8t.L.2d of 37 fJ.YAN. E 44X A. Y.. O. A V orfolk Western HorfoIkA Western, pf Northern Tactile 24 Nortnern 1'aclnc nref. 64K Ohio A Mississippi Zih Oregon improvement. 8334 Oregon franscon 38 FacifloMall 36 feo. Dec AKvans. FhlladcL A Heading., ieit Pullman falace Car... 189M : Klchmona A W. F. T.. aJ Richmond A W.F.T.nf 8SJ( bt. Paul A Dulnth 34 St. Paul A Dnlnth pf. it. p., Minn. AMan.nl02i 1 St. L. A San Fran St. L. A San Fran pr.. S9 bt. L. A Ban r.lst pi Texas Pacific Z1K Union PaclOc GOV I Wabasn mi Wabash preferred as; : Western Union 8fjJ i Wheeling A L. 66! I National Lead Trust.. Sift 11SS 18 89)4 103ft Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Kallroad S3 83)4 Keadlnc Railroad 23 7-18 S3), BuSalo. Pittsburg and Western lOjf 11M Lehigh Valley S3K MH Lehigh Navigation SVi ta Central Transportation Co 17 .... U. Co.'sNew Jersey 230 .... .orthern Paclflo 28ft 29 Northern Pacific preferred 64) 61)4" Boaton Stocks. Atch. A Ton.. 1st 7s. 117 A.AT. Land Gr'tTs. 106 Atch. A Top. It. K... 44 Boston A Albany.. .214 Boston A Maine... ..181 C B. AQ. 103 Clnn. San. A Cleve. UH Eastern R. K 87 FllntAPereM 25 Flint A Fere M. era. 93 K. C St. J. A C. B. 7s. 123 Mexican Cen. com.. 1334 .N. Y. ANewEng... 44K N. Y. AN. E. 7s.... 128 Ogd.AL.Cham.com. S Old Colony. mn Kntland preferred.. 39 Wls.Central.com... 17V Wis. Central pf,... lhi MlonciMgCo(new). (5 Calumet A Heda....217 Kranxlln 9ft Huron IS rewaoie mewj z Onlncy S3 Bell Telephone 242 Boston Land.,...., W aier Povor. ... 6X Tamarack San Diego .105 . Z4 Mining Stocks. NEwYonicMay 21. Amador, 100; Caledonia B. H.. 310; Commonwealth, 4u0; Deadwood T, 100; Eureka Consolidated, 270: El Cristo, 130; Homestake, 750; Horn Silver. 110; Hale St. Nor cross, 3S5; Iron Silver, 185; Mexican, 340; Mono. 145; Mutual, 140; Plymouth, 10.00; Savage, 320; Standard, 100; Sullivan Consolidated, 12a A NEW OIL WELL It Is at Osborne, and the Ohio Valley Gas Company Snnk It. While drilling for gas at Osborne station, on the Port Wayne Railroad, the Ohio "Val ley Gas Company struck an oil well yester day on Mitchell's farm. As soon as it was dis covered that a good flow of oil bad been struck the company put a guard on the place, and no body is allowed to get near it. ' Mr. West Guffey was asked what he thought about the prospects of oil at Osborne station, and said: "I don't think thero is anything in it. Whenever oil has been found in Allegheny county the well has cost more to drill than the profit from the oil amounted to. "There are only two places in Allegheny connty where there is any oil. at Crafton and at Brush Creek, and this new find will turn out to be nothing when it has been investigated." Wool Market. Sr. Louis Receipts, 192,533 pounds. In good demand and firm. New Yoek Wool steady andnulet;domestic fleeces, 323Sc; pulled, 2439c: Texas, 142Sc Philadelphia The market is quiet, stocks Ught and prices nominal; Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia XX and above, 3234c;X, 3233c; medium, 36S8c; coarse, S537c; New York; Michigan, Indiana and Western fineX and XX, 2S31c; medium, 8537c; coarse. 35 37c: fine washed delaine X and XX. 3337c; medium washed combing and delaine, 3740c: coarse do, 3739c; Canada washed combing, 34 36c; tub washed. 34c;medium unwashed comb ing ana delaine. 2S30c: coarse do, 2728c: East ern Oregon, 1620c; Valley Oregon, 2027c; New Mexican and Colorado, 1322c. Boston There is a moderate demand for all kinds of domestic wool. Sales are limited to small lots. The Western markets are now at tracting most attention, and seaboard markets are somewhat neglected in consequence. In prices there are no material changes here, al though the tendency would be in buyers' favor were It not for the small stocks on hand and the firm tone shown jn tbo West and abroad. Ohio fleeces sell at 32c for X, and 3335c for XX and XXX. Michigan fleeces are steady at 2930c Nothing doing in combing and delaine fleeces. New Texas, California and Territory wools are arriving and selling on a scoured basis of 60c for fine. In pulled wools there is a steady trade at unchanged prices. Australian and all kinds of foreign clothing wools are firm and quiet. 'Car pet wools auu ana steady. Drygoods Market. New York; May 21. The announcement to-day of the annual sale of flannels to take place next week, the 28th and 31st inst., together with the large sale of colored cottons to be made on Thursday next, absorb the atten tion of the track and were the chief tonic of conversation, Dut no unfavorable effect is produced upon the market in any di rection. Business proceeds as usual, and if anything, there is a more cheerful feeling. Something like $5,000,000 worth of goods will be marketed by these three sales. Actual business to-day was without special feature. A jobbing drive was made In "Everett classics" at 6Jic net. OH Tfenr McKeesporr. A great deal of land has been leased near Bursola, above McKeesport. since it is alleged that oil has been discovered in the vicinity. When baby was sick, we gave her Caatorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad hildren,she gave them Castoria ap9-77-KWFSn ABMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This is now conceded to be the best in the market, as witnessed by the fact that we have just secured the" DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing held in Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY, And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. REMEMBEBi mhZL-Mwr HTTSBURG' - DISPATCH, DOMESTIC MARKETS. An Overdose of. Country Butter Choice Creamery Firmeri TROPICAL FEDIT BOOM CHECKED. Cereal Supplies large. Demand light--Corn Drifts Lower. GREEN COFFEE WEAK SUGAR FIRM Office of PrrTSBtmo dispatch, Tuesday. May 21, 1SS9. J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Markets have not often been so flooded with country butter as tbey are at this date. The downward drift of creamery butter has been checked, and holders are firmer in their views. In New York and Chicago prices are lc stronger than they were last week. Eggs, too, are firmer than for a week or two past. New cheese is steadily improving In quality, but prices are unchanged. A drop is looked for soon. New potatoes come in freely from Mobile, and are in good demand at $5 per barreL The cool wave has slightly checked the boom in tropical fruits, but demand is still fair. The quality of strawberries coming to the market is nothing to brag of. Supplies begin to come from Nor folk. The home crop is not expected to reach the average by reason of late frosts. Bhttee Creamerv, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do, 1718c: fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country rolls, 1314c; Charters Creamery Co., 10c Beamj-SI 7501 9a Beeswax 2b30o fl &forchoice;lowgrade, 1820c. CIDKE Sand refined, S6 507 60; common, $3 504 00; crab cider, SS 0008 50 fl barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese, 9K10c; New York, fall make, 1212Kc; Limbnrger, 910c; domestic Sweltzer cheese, 9K12c Dried Peas 81 2501 85 W bushel; split do, 2Ji3Kc ft. M , Eaos 14Jj15c ft dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, 30c $1 dozen. Feotts Apples, $2 503 60 barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c fl lb; cranberries, J45 $1 barrel, 60c51 00 f bushel; strawberries, lo 16c p quart; pine apples, 81 2501 75 $ dozen. Feathers Extra live geese, 50060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c ft ft. Honey New crop, 16017c; buckwheat, 13 I5c Hominy J2 652 75 V barreL Potatoes 35040c H bushel; Bermuda pota toes, 8 0008 60 $) barrel; new Southern pota toes, 85 0005 50 $ barrel. Poultry Live chickens, 65076c per pair: undrawn chickens, 10012c 9 ft; drawn, 140 15c p ft: turkeys, 18020c dressed $) ft; ducks, live, 00070c flpair; dressed, 13014c $ ft; geese, live, SI 0001 25 f? pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lis to bushel, 85 60 $1 bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts. 86 00; clover, Allske, 88 60; clover, white, 89 00; tim othy, choice, 45 fts, 81 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, 81 00; orchard grass, 14 fts, $1 65; red top, 14 fts, 81 25; millet, 50 fts, 81 00; German millet, 60 fts, 81 50; Hungarian grass. 60 fts. 81 00; lawn grass mixture of fine grasses, 82 50 f) bushel of 14 fts. Tallow Country, 4K05o; city rendered, 65Kc Tropical Fruits lemons, fancy, 85 500 6 00 box; Messina oranges, $4 5005 50 box; Valencia oranges, fancy, 87 509 00 fl case; bananas, 82 0, firsts; 81 60, good seconds, $t bunch: cocoanuts, 84 505 00 J hundred; new figs, 809c ? pound; aates, 5X06c $ pound. Vegetables Radishes, 25030c dozen; marrowfat peas, 82 25 V crate: new cabbage, two-barrel crates, 82 5003 00; Bermuda onions, 81 1501 25 fl bushel: string beans,82 00; tomatoes, 82 0003 00 fl bushel. Groceries. Coffee options continue weak in New 3Tork, and there is general anticipation of a drop in packages unless there is a recovery soon from this weakness. Sugars are as strong as coffees are weak. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 22023c: choice Rio, 20021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18019c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracalbo, 22023c; Mocha, 30K3Ic; Santos, 19022c: Caracas coffee, ,2OK022c; peaberry, Rio, 21023c; La guayra, 21022c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 2602Sc; old Government Java, bulk, S2K33c; Maraca!bo,27K02Sc; Santos, 22024c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 22021c; cboice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Jc; ordinary, 21Kb. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia, b∾ pepper, ivc; nutmeg, iutgauc PETkoleuh. (jobbers! prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120. SKc: headlight, 150. Xc: water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne, llKc; royaline. 14c SyeUps Corn syrups, 26029c; choice sugar syrup, 83038c; prime sugar syrup, 3O033c;stnct Iv nrime. j3235l: new manle svrnn. 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 45c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 40042c feODA Bl-carb in kegs. 3X4c; bi-carb in K3. 5Kc; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, 13c; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, per set. 8Kc; paraume, 11012c Rice Head, Carolina, 707Kc; choice, 6 7c: prime, 636iic: Louisiana. 66Kc Staech f earl, 3c; cornstarch, o&07c; gloss starch. 507c Foreign Fbuits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon don layers, 83 10: California London layers, 82 50; Muscatels, 82 25; California Muscatels, 81 85; Valencia, new. 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K08c; sultana, 8Jc; currants, new, 4K05c; Turkey prunes, new, 4J5c; French prunes, 8K013c; balonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages. 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, 86 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; ilo ivica, lc; do shelled, 10c; wainnts, nap., 12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smvrna figs, 12 lUc; new dates, 5c; Brazil nuts, 10c; peel, per ft, 13014c; orange peel. 12kc. Dried fruits Apples, sliced, per , ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6VQ6c: apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15018c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 22023c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 21022c; cherries, nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 24024KC; blackberries, 708c; huckle berries. 10012c Suoaes Cubes, 9Jg9c; powdered. 9 SW; granuiatea,c; conlectloners' A.e0c standard A. 8c: soft whites. iXdhc: vellow. choice, 78c: yellowjgood?; yellow, fair, 7Kc: jellow, dark, lyic Pickles Medium, bbls, (1,200) 84 60; medi ums, half bbls. (600). 22 7a. Salt-No. 1 ft bbL 95c; No. 1 ex. M bbl. 81 05: dairy, V bbl, 81 20; coarse crystal, ty bbl, 81 20; Hingln s Eureka, 4 bu sacks. 82 80: Higgins Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches 81 300 1 90; 2ds, 81 3001 35: extra peaches. 81 5001 90; pie peaches, 9Uc; finest corn, 8101 50: Hfd. beans, 81 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 750. 85c; marrowfat peas. 81 1001 15; soaked peas, tw&i'xti piuBappies, ?i. sui ou; uanama aot 82 75; damson plums. 95c; greengages. 81 25; egg plums, 82 00; California pears. 82 60; do greengages, 82 00; do egg plums, 82 00; extra white cherries. 82 90; red cherries, 2 fts. 90c; jasjjuernus, i wl ou; strawoerries, $i iu; gooseberries, 81 2001 30: tomatoes, 82K092c; salmon, 1-ft, 81 7502 10; blackberries, 80c: suc cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c: do green, 2 fts, 81 2601 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, 81 75: 14-ft cans, 813 50; baked beans, 81400145; lobster, lft. 81 7501 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans", broiled, 8150; sardines, domestic, Xs- & 1504 60; sardines, domestic, K. 88 2508 50; sardines, imported, lis. 811 50012 50; sardines, imported. s, IIS 00: sardines, mustard, 84 00; sardines, spiced. 84 25. Fisn-ExtraNo.1 bloater mackerel, 836 f) DDL: exf-a No. 1 do. mess. 840: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do, messed, 836; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole pollock, 4KcJ? ft.; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67Kc Herring Round shore, 85 00 bbL; split, 87 00; lake, 82 60 f 100-ft. half bbk White fish, 87 00 fl 100 ft. half bbl. Lake trout, 85 50 M half bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c $ ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft. Pickerel, K barrel, 82 CO; H barrel. 81 10: Potomac herring, 85 00 fl barrel, 82 60 9 hi barreL Buckwheat Flour 22Jc fl ft. Oatmeal 86 3006 60 ft bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 68060c fl gallon. Lard oik 75c Grain, Flour nnd Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 42 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort "Wayne and Chicago, 3 cars of hay, 1 of rye, 1 of corn, 4 of flour, 1 of malt By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 15 cars of corn, 4 of oats, 1 of millfeed, 3 of straw, 1 of hay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of bran, 1 of flour. By Pitts burg and Lake Erie, 1 car of hay, 1 ot flour, 1 of wheat, 2 of malt. By P. R. R., I car of corn. Sales on call, 1 car ex. 3 w. oats, SlJc, 5 days; 1 car ex. 3 w. oats, SlJc B. & O.; 1 car coarse w. w. bran, 812 50, 5 days; 1 car brown middlings and screenings, 812 60, 6 days; 1 car 2 w. oats, S2c, June Corn is weak. Other cereals are fairly steady. WHEAT-Jbbbing prices No. 2 red, 92093c; No. 3 red, 85088c Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 40K41c; high mixed ear 39c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 40041c: high mixed helled. 3940c; mixed, shelled, 3S0384c OATS No. 2 white, 8232c; extra. No. S, Sl31Kc; No. 3 white, 3uS31c; No. 2 mixed, 27 &Oc Rye No. 1 Western, 70075c; No. 2. 65056c Barley No. 1 Canada, 95098c: No. 2 Can ada, 85S8c; No. S Canada, 70072c: Lake Shore 780SOC FLoUR-rJobbing prices, winter patents, 85 505 75; spring patents, 5 7568 00; winter "WEDNESDAY, MAT 22, Straight, 84 ,7505 00; clear winter. U 5004 75; straight XXXX bakers', 84 004C25. Rye flour, 835003 75. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, 815 000 15 60 fl ton; brown middlings, 811 60012 50; winter wheat bran, 812 25012 50; chop feed, S15 00016 00. HAY Baled timothy, choice. 81 00; No. 1 do, 813 00; No. 2 do, 810 00011 60; loose from wagon, 816 00018 00; No. 1 upland prairie. 810 00 010 60; No. 2j 89 0009 50; picking do, 85 500 Straw Oats, 88 0003 25; wheat and ryo straw, 87 0007 6008 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, lOKc; sugar-cured hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured hams, small, llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9Kc: sugar-cured California hams, 8Kc; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8Kc; sugar cured dried beef setS," 9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, llkc;bacon shoulders, TJic; bacon clear sides, 8Jc: bacon clear bellies, bj;c;dry salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy, 814 00; mess pork, family, 814 50. Lard Refined in tierces, 7c: half barrels, TVc; 60-ft tubs, 7c: 20 ft palls, 7c; 50- tin cans, 7Hc; 3-ft tin palls, 8c; 6-ft tin pails, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7K& Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 6c. Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barreL 84 0C; quarter barrel, 81 80. Dressed Hear. Armour ci Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts, 5Kc; 550 to 650 fts, 6J4c; 650 to 750 fts, OKc Sheep, 8c ffl ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6&C Fresh lur& loins, vc MAEKETS BY WIEE. Wheat Continues to Tpmblo With Only a Local Demand Corn nnd Oats Steady Hog Prodncts Unsettled nnd Prices Irregnlar. Chicago. a lower rango of prices was established for wheat to-day and the feel ing was weak most of the session. There was only a moderate trade and no new features were developed. Trading was mainly local, and the operations of a prominent floor trader on the selling side proved sufficient to create weakness. ' At the opening the market was a trifle firmer and sales were made c overdosing figures of yesterday, but rather free offerings caused a gradual shrinkage in values and prices de clined c then ruled steady, moderate buying at this reduction holding prices andhe market, closed about Hs lower than yesterday. The in fluences brought to bear on the market were generally of a character to create weakness. A steady feeling prevailed in corn and prices showed but little change from yesterday. Thero was a good local demand from the shorts who sold yesterday and this had a tendency to ab sorb offerings and steaoy the market. The market opened a shade above the closingprices of yesterday, fluctuated within He range and closed Vi&Aa higher than yesterday. In oats a fair business was transacted within a narrow range of prices. More business was done in pork, and the market was somewhat unsettled and prices irregular. Early sales were made at 6010c ad vance, bnt this appreciation was soon lost. Later the mark6t was stronger and prices rallied 20025c, but settled back again 2j5c, closing steady. There was more doing in lard and prices were irregular. The market opened weak atyester day's close, but prices were advanced 205c Later the market was not quite so firm and prices favored buyers near the close Considerable interest was manifested in the market for short ribs and trading was active. The market opened tame at yesterday's close, but the demand was fairly active and prices Tallied 25027KC. Toward the close the market was not quite so firm and prices declined about ZKcand closed steady. ine e leadlne rntnres rantrea as rollows: Wheat No. 2 June. 8OVfi8O07908Oc: July, 76777676Vc: August, 740740 73K073Kc; year. 73Ji737272Mc Coen No. 2 June, 33K33k33K33c; July. 34034c; August, 343l034K34Kc. OATS No. 2 June, 222222K22c; July, 2252222022c; September, 22j; Mess Pork, per bbl. June, 811 47K0U 65 11 40011 57U: July. 811 65011 75011 60011 6 August, 811 60011 75011 57X011 72. Lard, per 100 fts. June, 86 75: July, 86 77 o ootso iiwctv ts; Angnst o easo bo. to Casn Quotations were as follows: Flour noml nally unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 82c; No. 3 spring wheat, 70080c; No. 2 red, 82c No. 2 corn. 33Ke JNo. 2 oats, 22Kc No. 2 rye, 40c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 81 61. Prime timothy seed, 81 3501 36. Mess pork, per barrel, 811 60011 62K. Lard, per 100 pounds 80 7506 77. Short ribs sides (loose), 85 7605 85. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 85 1205 25. Short clearsldes (boxed), H ;Z6 25. Receipts Flour. 16.000 barrels; wheat. 15,000 bushels: corn. 692,000 busUels: oats. 193,000 bushels: rye, 5,000 bushels: barley, 10,000 bushels. Shipments Flonr, 21,000 bar rels; wheat, 34,000 bushels;orn. 316,000 bushels; oats, 203,000 bushels; rye, 3,000 bushels; barley, 2.000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was firm; fancy creamery,15016c;choice to fine, 12014c; fancy dairies, 12 14c; fair to good, 8010c Eggs firmer at 12c New Yoek Flour heavy and dull. Wheat Spot dull and lower; options moderately active, heavy and 01KcJower. Barley malt quiet; Canada, 90c81 10 for old and new. Corn Spot firmer and in good demand; op tions Ann and dull. Oats Spot dull and easy; options dull, bic lower and weak. Hay quiet and steady. Hops firm. Coffee Options steady but quiet; sales, 33,500 bags, including May and June, 16.35016.40c; July, 16.50 016.55c! August, l6.oU016.65c: Septem ber, 16.65016.75c: October, 16.7518.S0c: November. 16.85c; December, 11900 1695c: January, 16.95017c: February and March .17.00017.050; spot Rio quiet; fair cargoes, 18c. Sugar Raw, dull and nominal; refined in bettermemandandsteadier. Molasses For eign, quiet; 60 test 29c bid; sale', 65 hogsheads grocery Cuba, 83c; New Orleans quiet. Rico steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil. quiet. Tal low unsettled; city, 4 9-16e Rosin steady. Tar pentlne dull at S9c Eges steady; western, 13c; receipts, 6.023 packages. Pork quiet; mess, -813 00013 25; extra prime, 812 00012 25. Cut meats quiet; pickled bellies, 6&7c Lard stronger and quiet; sales, western steam, 87 12 0715, closing at 87 15: city. 86 50; May, 87 13, closing at 87 13 bid; June, 87 10: July, 87 OS 7 12, closing 87 12 bid; August, 87 16: Septem ber, 87 18. Butter Top grades in demand and firm; western dairy, 913c: do creamery, 130 17c; jsrestern factory, 8llc Cheese Small receipts, quiet; light skims, 67c Philadelphia Flour dull but steady: Wheat Spot lots weak and irregular; f ntnres wholly nominal; No. 2 red in elevator, 91c; No. 2 red May, 091c: June, 8990c: July. 8081c; August. 8u80c Corn Carlots weak, closing lower; prices of options up to a great extent nominal; No. 2 yellow, in grain depot, 42c; No. 2 mixed. May, 4041Kc; June, 40i41c; July. 4142c; August. 42 42c Oats Carlots quiet but steady; No. 3 white, 33c; No. 2 white, 35c; do, on track,35c; futures quiet and steady; No. 2 white. May, 33034c; June, S2K032Vc: July, 823232Jic; August, 3ll(i3B3iJ4C i-rovisions quie,i; nams, smoked. lf13c Eggs steady; Pennsylvania firsts, 14c St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat lower. All the outside markets de clined and with other depressing influences a decline of c resulted; No. 2 red, cash, 78c; asked. Corn firmer: No. 2 mixed, cash. 31i SlKc: June. 80JS30c. closed at 8: July, SlfMlKc. closed at 31c asked: Aueust. 3132, closed at 3132c Oats nominal; No. 2cash,2SJcbId; Slay, 24c bid: June, 23c bid; July, 22c bid. Bye neglected. Flaxseed steady at SI 45 but nothing doing. Provisions very quiet. Cincinnati Flour easy. Wheat nominal No. 2 red, 83c; receipts, 6.600 bushels; ship: ments. 1.000 bushels. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed, SoKc Oats qniet and weaker; No. 2 mixed, 2627c Eye quiet; No. 2, 48c Pork firmer at 12 (XX Lard firmer at 6 60. Bulkmeats and bacon steady. Butter firm. Sugar steady, ggs stronger. Cheese firm. Milwaukee Flonr dull. Wheat easy; cash, 72cj June. 75c; July. 76c Corn easier; No. 3, 33Kc Oats dull; No. 2 white, 2727Kc Rye quiet; No. 1, 42i2Kc Barley dull; No. 2, 61c Provisions firm. Pork, cash, til 65; June, til 65. Lard, cash. $8 77K Cheese unchanged; Cheddars, old, 910c Baltimore Provisions dull and quiet. Mess pork, 13 76. Butter dull: creamery, 17 18c Eggs steady at 12gl2c. Coffee quiet; Rio, fair, lsc Toledo cloverseed nominal. L1YE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the SInrket at the Sast Liberty Stock Yards. Office Pittsburg Dispatch. ? East Liberty, May 21, 18S9. Cattle Receipts, 220 head; shipments, 200 head; market slow and 10c lower than yes terday's prices; no cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts, L00O head; shipments, COO head; market firm, all grades 31 504 60; no bogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 3,800 bead; shipments, 2,800 head; market firm and a shade higher. By Telegraph. New York Beeves No fresh offerings; no trading In beeves; dull for dressed beef at &A 7Jic;exports to-day, 160 beeves and 2,600 quar ters ot beef. To-day's cable advices from Lon don and Liverpool quote American refrigera tor beef dull at scant 8o per pound; American May, vd$c oia; June, wwiaaionc, ciosea at ioc nominal: July, 72J723ic, closed at 72ic asked: Aueust. 72K72Mc. c losed at 72kc 1880. steers quiet at 11012c per pound lor the dressed weight sinking the offal. Sheep Receipts. 900 bead. The limited trading was at about steady prices, including poor to good sheep at 83 7504 75 per 100 pounds, and common to prime Kentucky lambs at 88 3007 60 per 1W gounds. Hogs Receipts, 4,200 head: a few tate hogs changed bands alive at So oK per 100 pounds; the market is steady at 83 80 390. Kanhas City Cattle Receipts, 4.087 headt shipments, kOOO head; market fairly active; dressed beef and shipping steers strong and 10c higher; cows steady; stoeJ ers and feeding steers firm; good to choice cornfed, 83 8504 10; common to me dium, 83 2503 75; stockers and feeding steers, 82 2503 45: cows, 817503 25. Hogs-Receipts, 9,520 head; shipments, 1.274 head: opened a shade higher, closing weak with the advance lost; fine assorted light sold at 84 3504 37; bulk of sales at 84 2004 3a Sheep Receipts, 782 head; no shipments; steady; good to choice muttons, 83750425; common to medium, 82 5003 60. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2,200 head; ship ments, 700 bead: market strong; choice heavy native steers. 83 9004 40: fair to good do, 83 10 4 10; stockers and feeders, fair to good, 82 10 03 20; rangers, corn-f ed, 82 9003 60; grass-fed. 81 9002 85. Hogs Receipts, 2,700 head; ship ments, 400 head: market a shade higher: choice heavy and butchers' selections, 81 4504 6o; pacaing, medium to prime, 84 3004 45: light Sads. ordinary to best. 84 4004 50. Sheep eceipts, 700 head; shipments, 1,200 head; mar ket steady; fair to choice, 83 0004 50, Chicago Cattle Receipts. 6,400 headtship ments, 3.000 head; market strong; beeves,S4 25 a u- areer 3 eitffA X)- stnMcers and feeders. f$2 6003 80; cows, bulls and mixed, 81 90 5 oo: Texas cattle, tz w3 w. iiogs vckiu. 12,000head; shipments, 27800 bead: marketslov and 5c lower: mixed. 84 3504 65: heavy, 84 3004 60; Hght,S4 4004 65; skips, 83 6004 25. Sheen Receipts, 4,600 head; shipments, 1.0CO head: market steady: shorn natives, 83 60 4 30: Western, shorn. 83 9004 15;Texans, shorn, 82 9003 70; lambs, 84 2505 25. Buffalo Cattle No fresh receipts; feeling fairly steady. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 4 loads through; no sale; steady and unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 3 loads through: no sale; dull; Yorkers, 84 004 65; pigs, 84 6504 70; roughs, Si; stags, 8303 25. Cincinnati Hogs scarce and higher; com mon and light, 83 7504 50; packing and butch ers', 84 2504 50; receipts, L300 head; ship ments, 650 head. Motnl Market. New Yoek Copper nominal; lake. May, 812 25. Lead dull and firmer: domestic, 83 70 Tin weak and inactive; Straits, 820 4a - end ril have it easy now. Wolff'sAGMEBIacking IS A GREAT LABOR SAVER. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. RAIN AND SNOW DON'T AFFECT IT NO BRUSHING REQUIRED. MAKES A SHOE WATERPROOF. USED Br MEN, WOMEN ASS CHILDBEH. Can he washed hks Oil Cloth, and absolutely Softens and Preserves all kinds of Leather. Ask for it, and do not give up tm you get it, and yon will be well rewarded. Bold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, Brngglste, ie. Fcr Harness it Is nnajosJod. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, philadelphu. MWTSU JDHHM.QAKLEY&CQ Stocks, Bonds, Grain Petroleum, 45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg, RTAT.Tr BUILDING, CHICAGO. M.B. Jacobs, late, of Brownsville, has been admitted as partner to our firm from March L Mr. Jacobs will have charge of our Chicago office and be on the floor of the Board of Trade. myl543-siwy WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.. Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week ia SIJJKS, PLUSHES, KRESS GOODS, SATEENB, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see ua. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rS3-D 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTtiBURG, PA. Transact a General BanMng Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, m STERLING, Available In all paits of the world. Also issue Credits - JN DOLLARS For nse in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. i ap7-Sl-KWT THE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK HAVE ON HAND AND ISSUE BROWN BROS. & CO.'S Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers Good In all parts of the world. ap27-83-ws THE GREAT ENCLI8H REMEDY. Beecham's Pills For Bilious and Nervous Disorders. "Worth a Guinea a Box" bat soM for 25 cents, BT ALL DRUGGISTS. BROKERS FINANCIAL. TTTHITNEY & STEPHENSON, 7 FOURTH AVENUE, Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, .Morgan & Co , New York. Passports procured. ap28-l ' GEORGE T. CARTER, 6 PER OENX GOLD 1NVESTMENTBOND8, 6H&5 Hamilton Building, mylO-70-D Pittsburg, Pa. J AOME BLACKING ftT T. El k SOI MIL bScmS& t& All Tired Out from the depressing effect of the changing season, or by hard work and worry yon need the toning; building up, nerve-strengthening effect of Hood's Sarsapa rilla to give you a feeling of health and strength again. It purines the blood, cures biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, etc Hood's Sirijosrilli Is sold by all druggists. H; six for $5. Prepared by C. L HOOD fc CO., Lowell, Mass. Be sure to get Hood's. BQSTOH HOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood St "Wholesale and. Retail. Baby Carriages, Parasol Tops, only IS. Girls' Tricycles, all sizes, ?8 75 to 812 50. Boys' Iron Velocipedes, $3 B0 to $6 50. Boys' 4-Wheel "Wagons, with seat, 95c. Full Set Croquet, varnished, in box, sold everywhere at $1 25, only 75c. Union "Web Hammocks, warranted to hold 300 pounds, 75c, 95c and $1 00. Large Size Genuine Mexican Hammock only fl 25. Ladies' and Gents' Traveling Bags, all styles and sizes, 50c to Si 50. Children's Iron Bakes, Hoes and Shovels Scents. Boys' Sail Boats, 15o to 51 00. , Fans, beautiful styles, 5o to 50c Elegant Styles of Picture Frames and Decorated "Wall Pockets, 25c to fl 00. Blaek "Walnut and Oak Tables only fl 00. 112-Piece Decorated Dinner Set, f8 50. 10-Piece Decorated Toilet Set, f2 25. 12-Piece Decorated Toilet Set, with Jar, $4 CO. 56-Piece Decorated Tea Set, f2 80. Also full line Tinware, Glassware and 10,000 different articles on onr 5c and 10c counters. H. G. HAYDEN & CO. myl9-wsu BUTTER, :: BUTTER, BUTTER. EVERY POUND -WARRANTED PURE Chartiers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General Offloes, 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1125. PITTSBURG, PA, Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. mhl8-lwJ STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. HAMBURG-AMEKICAN PACKET CO EX 1'KESS service between Hew YoTk. Sooth amptonand Hamburg by the new twin-screw steamers of 10,000 tons and 12,500 horse power. Fast time to London and the Continent. Steam ers unexcelled for salety.speed and comfort. Regular service: Every Thursday from New York to Plymouth (London), Cherbourg (Paris) and Hamburg. Through tickets to London and Paris. Excellent fare. Bates extremely low. Apply to the General office. No. 37 Broxdwav. Mew York. K. J. COBT13. Manager; C. B. KICHAED fc CO., General Fassage Office, 61 Broadway, New York: MAX aCHAMBEKO A CO , sr-bmlth-fleld St.. Pittsburg. mhZM7-w VTORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST Xv route toXondon and the Continent. Express Steamer Uervlce twice a week from New York to 'Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. Hs.Saale, May 22,noon l Ss.Fulda, June L 8 A Jt Ss.Ems,Mv 2a, 2.30 PM Ss.Latm, Jnne 5, 10 A M Ss.Travc.My 29,7 A M Ss. Elbe, June 8, 1 v it First Cabin, winter rates, from 5100 upwara. MAXSCHAMBERQ & CO Agents, Pitts burg. Pa. OELRICHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New York City. ja29-71-D spTJNABD LINE. NEW YOBK TO LIVERPOOL VIA OTJEKNS TOWN, KBOM P1EK 40 NOETH B1VEB. PAST ZXPBESS MAIL SERVICE. SerTli-'MaTlS. SAX Gallia, Junes, 8:30 AX (Umbria.June8. IPX Serria. Jnne IS. 7 AX Bothnia, May r, 11 :X A M. 3Liruna, Aisyzo, ir j& Aurania, June, 7AV Bothnia, June 19. 10 AX (These steamers carry flrst-class passengers only uaoin passage, sea, no ana iiw; inierzueauiie, 139. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. VEKNON H. BKOWN & CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, New York. J. J. MCCOKMICK. Agent. i fourth are. and Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg. ap2S-D ANCHOR LINE. Ailsniie Express Service; LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. Steamship "CITY OF BOME," from New York, WEDNESDAY. Mays. JuneZS, July Z4.Aug.zi Saloon passage. SCO to 100: second-class, fax GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver pool, fSO and (60. Second-class. (30. Steerage passage, either service, 20. Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Travelers' circular letters or credit and drafts for any amount issued at lowest current rates. For books of tours, tickets or Information. Apply to HENIIEKSON BBOTHEKS. N. V., or J. J. McCOllMICK. Fourth and Smlthfleld: A. D. SCORER & SON, 4IS Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg; W. SEMPLE, Jr., IU Federal St., Allegheny. jtnr State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage SB to Va. according to location of stateroom. Excursion f65 to tso. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO.? General Agents. C3 Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK, .flsnt, PUttbarg. Pa. 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ON THE VERGE OP DESPAIR. MB. GEO. Tv HARTBEY'S EXPB BTFINOE. Another Patient "Whom the Physi cians Failed to Help Cured "by Dr. Smith, the Magnetic -Physician, at-502 Penn Avenue. Dr. Smith is performing some of the- mo' wonderful cures ever witnessed In Plttsbnrg. Scores and hundreds of Invalids who have hitherto been unable to find relief from their sufferings are being restored to health in larga numbers through Dr. Smith'sstrange magnetta power. It is exceedingly Interesting to seo and talk with the vast number of invalids But tering from all manner of complaints who aro brought to the doctor for his favorable or un favorable opinion of their diseases. It is also gratifying to observe the change that take -. place m many of these seemingly helpless cases. Scores of Invalids who are so weak and feeble that they have to be carried to the doctor ia chairs and on beds are restored to health in a short time. Some are cured by one, some by two magnetic treatments, while others require more. The following very interesting case were cured by our magnetic treatment: Mr. Geo. T. Hartrey. who resides at Spring. dale. Pa., has been a great sufferer from coih sttpation hemorrhoid ipiles) and from fistula for a number of years. Pile tumors as large a. a black walnut made their appearance several years ago. and were the cause of much suffer ing. These tumors were often prolapsed, ana would bleed so profusely as to cause extreme prostration. As the disease advanced four fls tulas made their appearance, and were so pain f ul that he was obliged to give up his business and was unable to perform any manual labor. Mr. Hartrey had tried the skill of a number of physicians but bad been unable to find relief until he applied to Dr. Smith, the magnetio physician, at No. 602 Penn avenue, who cured bun permanently without the nse of the knife or ligature. Dr. Smith agreed to cure him for a certain sum of money, which Mr. H. paid, him at the beginning of the treatment. Mr. Hartrey was permanently cored in a short time and may be referred to. Mr. Peet, owner and manager of Imperial Hall was a great sufferer from vericocele for many years. He applied to Dr. Smith and was permanently cured. He may be referred to. Mr. John Foley, who resides at MUIvale, was taken with a terrible pain in his right shoulder upward of five months ago. The attack came on suddenly, like a shock of paralysis. The arm became useless in a few moments' time. He could not nse the hand nor move a finger. A short time after the attack he began to ex perience pain in the shoulder. The pain in creased in severity for a number of days, when it was discovered that there was an accumula tion of pus in the shoulder joint. Mr. Foley applied to a doctor, who opened the shoulder with the knife. Large quantities of pus was discharged at the time and a fistula formed, which continued to discharge a thin acrid pus.' In this helpless and hopeless condition he ap- nueu to iir. omito, me magnetic pnysician, at 502 Penn avenue, and was enred per f ectljC He has regained the use of his arm. J. C. Henderson haa been tortured with piles for ten years. He was cured by Dr. Smith la one week. Dr. Smith cures all forms of female com plaints without the use of Instruments or ex posure of the person. He also cures piles and rupture without the use of the knife, or pain to the patient, nor detention from business. He treats and cures cancers in less time and with less pain than by any other known method. . ' Dr. Smith is permanently located at 02 Penn avecne, where everybody can go from 9 a. it. till 7 p. 31. The doctor consults free and cures after all other means fail. He treats every form of disease known to bnmanitv. Go to 02 Penn avenue and consult him if yon wish to get well. Letters of inquiry must contain two stamps. myl9 JOB SALE BT FLEISHMAN & CO. 504 TO 508 MARKET ST. ap21-31-aiwy ' TlylONEYTOLOAN- On mortgages on improved real estate In sums) ot 81,000 and upward. AppWat DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK; . mh4-3J-n No. 124 Fourth avenue. MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE. PITTSBURG, P.4... As old residents know and back files of Pitts, burg papers prove, is tho oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From pr18 NO FEE UNTIL CURED IN L.n V U U O decay, nervous debility, lac J: of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers, organic, weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ?& blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 DIM A RV Sidney and bladder derange U II 1 1 lttn I ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experience insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. u. to 8 P. K. Sunday. 10 A. Jt to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 8ii Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. ap9-31K-Dsawk DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY. OFFICES. 80U PENN AVE, PITTSBURG, PA. All forms of Delicate and Com. nllcated Diseases rea uiring Cox- vidential and SCIESTOTO Medication" are treat. J at this Dispensary with; a success rarely attained, ur. a. iw laae is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the oldest and most expe rienced SpiciAUSTln the city. Special atten tion given to Nervous Debility from excessive mental exertion, indiscretions of youth, etc., causing physical and mental decay, lack ot energy, despondency, etc.: also Cancers, Old Sores. Fits, Piles. Rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin. Blood. Lungs, Urinary Organs, etc. Consultation free and strictly conflden tiaL Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 P.M.; Sun days. 2 to 4 P. SI. only. Call at office or address) a K. LAKE.M. D., M. R. C. P. a. or E. J. Lake, M. D. sel-lM-HWTffk ulrtlc-erTPB'ei PNCCISH FENHYROYAL PILLS S9 C2.53 Bi&HaSJ HiilJ. Cr!rliiJ,tt,!il7 "? reUulspulfbriale. Nererrul. a Diamond Braad. I rc.m- UtMiiu bM. mint wuabio.no- 3 bra. At SruraUti. Accept -. . ah fiilla in iimne-. boord DOXef, piOEirnufrr.KVBiia5vrv os counterfeit. BfaiAe. (mmp.)ttr pmieulars sad "BUf fjr Lilej," l..- w Mtirni mall. 10.009 lea St. .llRlfCwbahiTOOMiltheia. BiZMFBpcr. ChlchesUrthenJcsltlUdUonSqPalUTPa. deK-Zl-'WJ'SuWsr GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE UUMC.S NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. Full particulars In pamphlet sent free. Tho genuine Grays Speelflo sold by druggists only In yellow wrapper. Price, fl per package, or six for S5. or by mail pjwl' "-IUU icvciu Ul IJIIKC. UT BUlUOt Sold in Pittsburg by 8. S. HOLLAND, come -Ssalthneld and Liberty sts, spEMt THE LARGEST FACTOBy" JH THE WDHLD. yy MEDALS flS. irS CVKr CB8C8UTE llr JyFDym peb m lyr sou mHiinTlrsP s X AVOIB IMITATIBHS .tflisssV -Oa7?v Al I tJr ye- J? slBBsiisfcfc4ttistSsss4silsssAslitsfa)A. J.