":-.: ,- t ,1 1 V 3 i, - r .7 RICH Will be reaped' by ill who advertise InTHK DISPATCH. Ic reaches every home and Is read by everybody. If you are In business let tbe Sublic knowit through TBS IISPATCH. HARVEST FORTY-FOURTH YEAR. B As Lovely Queen of May in the City's Most Magnifi cent Festivali PLEASING 4.000 DEVOTEES, Tie Grand Initial .Event of a'tfev Era of Art in. Pittsburg, SUBPASSINGEXPECTATIM. Three Distinct Descriptions the First KighVs Feast of Melodies, of EUJOIED FROM VARIOUS VIEWS. Impressions in the Abstract, Based Incidents, and on a Critical on Review. SUCCESS THAT PROMISES MORE The first course served in May's grand music feast is appetizing. About 4,000 en joyed it. So such event has preceded it in Pittsburg. "Viewed from any standpoint it was a success. If the entire festival is to be equally satisfactory, it will aflord the most auspicious possible introduction to a perma nent Exposition in which Pittsburg will take pride. "WELL, the Mav -Festival has come, like a marvelous, melodi ous dream of song, and, fortunately for Pitts burgers and all other lovers of mnsie, the dream is a most tangi ble and lasting reality. All preparations and every item connected -with the festival had rather prepared the city for an event on a lavish scale of grandeur never before seen in Pitisbcrg. But the preparations laid not show .ode-half oi what was to be done and of what was done to please and really de light the sense 'and loTe of music inherent in every human breast. No mat ter what had been looked for, the expectations were more than realized; no vjaatterwbat bad been hoped for in an artistic Tray, the wishes were more than answered ; and the pleasant, profitable, delightful an nouncement can be made with becoming modesty: this city of iron and steel, and in dustry and labor, has succeeded in getting np a musical event that is not only appre- Bert -Paul JTalfceA. dated, but has been crowned with blushing honors. The May Festival is a brilliant success. ' Beyond Expectation. JJpon entering the Exposition building last night, the visitor probably expects A something; but certainly not everything, and what burst upon -'Vu I f "ccje unuertne jOv.Jpib' ''. full glory of a tuvubauu eiectnc lights, was so un expected as to be almost a shock. This is what the fortunate visitor saw: A tremendous theater, nobody seemed to know bow immense, how long, IB '' mm Mftih rr....tSl.lfcafiia-.lV,U IP la --'tare m: i i W w Q lv ; Mi W'l V- and how wide, and seemingly acres upon - acres of people. Thousands In the galle- ," ,- ries and circles, hundreds upon hundreds V;) in the parquet, And hundreds in the boxes " - lt:.. u-l- (j. rrt.. 11- 1 .! wtuufi ca sure a.ae wiuu no veauu- f fully and tastefully covered with colored M ' e cloths of pink and bine and cream, each appropriate in drapery and blending in color. Kow clothe the immense audience in silks and rare laces, brilliant colors and modest shades, fill the boxes and parquet and galleries -with every bright hue under the sun, with almost a sheen ot diamonds flashing in the light; then, above all, see the thousands of happy, bright, beautiful1 and rell-known faces of the thousands of Jtfiss Emma Juch. Pittsburgers and strangers who love mnsic for the sake of music alone, and some idea may be had of the gathering that welcomed the first artists on the first evening of a fes tival unprecedented, and success unpar alleled in Pittsburg. A Study nnd a Theme. ,, The place was a study for an artist, and a theme for a poet; and, away at the extreme end of the immense oblong hall, on a raised platform, sat the cause of' all this enthu siasm, the center and focus of all eyes. The orchestra and leaders, the chorus and other singers, were seated upon tier above tier ot raised chairs, and above them an im mense fan-like awning, or rather sounding- board for all the world like a girl's scoop J THB'-trifer CONCEBT hat formed a peculiar and appropriate set ting for those rare musical gems. Then, when the people were all seated, and the hurrying of the ushers had quieted somewhat, a ripple of applause ran around as the dark-clad conductor look his position. He was unknown to the audience, and the chorus led the reception. A few moments of silence, almost painful, ensued. "Would the. music be heard? "Would it beas good as expected ? "Would tbe first notes make or mar the evening? The silence had grown embarrassing, when Conductor Seidl made a movement so abrupt as to be almost ungraceful. The effect was electrical. The tense arms of the score of violinists in a moment became as supple as a lithe willow; the bows swept over the.strings, and A Thrill of Delight actually shivered through the house as the first magnificent notes sprang from the in struments to the sounding board overhead, then out and oxer the house, to break in a silverv shower of melody. The strain was over and the evening was a success. The' chorus looked very well. The cool evening had probably caused the donning of a great many sober colors, in place of the pretty white; but now and then a bright pink or cream or white relieved the eye, and made a charming contrast to the ever dull black of the male singers. The cool air had also affected the dress of the audience; but what gayety had been lost in gowns was more than made up in the handsome wraps, the latter being of white, pink, brilliant red, or handsomer cream or chocolate or pearl. Then, best of all, every body was in U good humor, critical in a musical way, perhaps, but most generous in applause, and almost insisting in recall and encore. By-and-by as the novelty sort of wore off, a thousand glasses began to scan the occu pants of boxes or seats. The. chorus rather plucked up courage at this; and peeped through glasses in search of a possible friend in the audience; but the pretty chorns wasanswered back by the glare of a hundred glasses to their one, and they soon subsided, and tried to look Unconcerned and Pretty. " as one always does under the blaze of an opera glass. , 'Xbe occupants of boxes turned the-battery on each other, and for a while a silent but fatal duel was waged between the pretty blonde in pink, and the handsome brunette in red or cream, and the young man in whiteVaistcoat and the young man in the ,y wfj Vk-. '-&y -4 'V4 I WtM : 4 l!Bli& Hiss A dele Aut der Ohc w fnll dress suit Everything seemed to be mutually satisfactory, and hostilities were suspended while all turned in together to encore someone, who deserved it every time. In looking from the stage out, the scene was too splendid, for a justdescription. First was the well-filled parquet, then the circle of gay boxes, then above that the im mense gallery, and then the elevated stage, stretching away with rows upon rows of countless heads, until it seemed as if there was no end; yet even away back there, where people appeared but -pigmies, every note, every word and every inflection were heard perfectly, and appreciated thorough ly, so beautifully, were acoustio properties maintained. Tbe Scene fn Personnel. Then as to individuals in the audience, they must be seen to be appreciated. They were the best and brightest of this city, and the surrounding towns, and, sitting as some did, side by side, by accident the contrasts in some cases were startling, but at the same time most captivating. In.one box, lor in stance, there sat a girl covered with a per1 feet wealth of laces .and some sort of OF THE JIATf FESTIVAL. creamy, heavenly wrap, that would have been a revelation were it not for the lovely creature within. Bight beside this glorious creature sat a quiet, modest girl, in demure, dove-colored silk, but with a face that drove away all thought of dress, and caused one to wonder which of the two was tbe more perfect; and he would he a vandal indeed if he wouldn't .unanimously gasp: "Both!" So the con trasts ran on, some perfect, some funny, some for better and some for worse. When they began to applaud and when means often the sound rippling down from J Berr Anton Seidl. balcony and box was for all the world like the pattenngof a tremendous rain shower, that turned into a storm, occasionally at some more than usually perfect effort, and it will be a wonder indeed if a thousand vexed little owners do notfind a thousand tiny fingers peeping from a thousand torn gloves. One Joit Felt Little. Actually, the only trouble last night was that an ordinary, plain, every-day mortal could not help but feel crushed and in significant numerically, if not individually, in the presence of such an overwhelmingly well-dressed, handsome, gay and appreciative audience; but everything passed off as easily and beautifully as the rippling notes from the lips of Juch, and none were sorry and all were glad they were present "When the few minutes' iutermission came it was amusing to see how the bright heads flew together and the low hum of voices showed the place, the people, the dress and the singers were being duly dis cussed, and,, no doubt, admired. A cool draft from somewhere caused the ladies to feel somewhat uneasy; but few left before the concert was over, and, with warmer weather promised for the balance of the week, every seat should, and no doubt will, be taken by the patrons and lovers of music, and with the success of this greatest May Festival, a field for the future is opened here that is illimitable. FESTIVAL, INCIDENTS. The Old Foist Transformed Her Bai'efoot Ladyahlp Imitating; Arlitoeracy The Inside and Outside Con trastedGossip With lis Points. The scenes and incidents connected with the grand opening of the May Festival were amusingly, if not monotonously, Continued .on SixtMbge. Bert Emil Fischer. Af WfJA W PPtJrttttt PITTSBURG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1889. A BIG BOW Q?f HAND. Indiana Republicans Complaining Bitterly of the President. HE WOK'T DO A THING THEY WANT, And Seems, They Say, to be Completely Under 'Lige fialford's Thumb. NORTH CAROLINIANS HATE A'SCHEME.. They Will Pretest the flrgantatlon of Congress, 11 Kot Listened To. Indiana Bepublicans are complaining that their State, is being poorly looked after in the matter of appropriations. They say that only personal friends of the President or Elijah Ealford secure the offices, and that the private secretary is the only one whose advice General Harrison will take as to appointments. They have even gone so far as to threaten to dissolve their political organization. North Carolina Bepublicans have their own way of getting what they want. rsrzcui. telegram to the dispatch. "Washington-, May 2L The Indiana Bepublican Association of "Washington and President Harrison are on the eve of a big row, which bids fair to make a big split within the Bepublican party of the Hoosier State! The association is composed of Be publicans resident in "Washington, includ ing those, who are officeholders and those who are not They are complaining bitterly that President Harrison refuses to accept advice from any of them about po litical matters, but depends entirely upon the, wisdom whispered into his ears by Colonel Elijah Halford, his private secretary. At the last meeting of the asso- ciation tho dissatisfaction with tbe President broke out in words, and a motion was made that the club be converted into a social or ganization and the name Bepublican dropped, as it was evident that the Presir dent' was so thoroughly committed to the strictest sort of construction of the civil service law that there was no further excuse for the existence of a Bepublican associa tion. TOO MUCH AT STAKE. The President of the club, one of the most prominent of Hoosier Bepublicans, openly advocated the change, as did others, but it was not made because too many of the mem bers objected to going on record as criticis ing the administration. They had too much at stake. The discussion, however, led to a row which culminated in an embarrassing un derstanding between a Bepublican Con gressman from' Indiana, Secretary Noble and the President, and there are now very strained relations between the three gentle men. About a week ago Congressman Cheadle called on Secretary Noble and asked that certain Indiana men be selected for offices in the Interior Department. Secretary Noble replied that it would give 'him the greatest of pleasure to comply with their request if it were in his power to do so, but it was not, as. President Harrison insisted upon personally dictating the appointment of every man in the department credited to Indiana, " . ' SOMEBODY MISTAKEN. l can do nothing 'or" make no promises;" concluded the Secretary, "but must reler you to the "White House." The Congress nan was astonished, but called upon the President immediately and repeated what the Secretary had said to him. Then he was still more astonished when the President quickly said: "I have never told Secretary .Noble that General Noble afterward called upon the President in relation to the matter, and it was smoothed over, but not to the satisfaction of the Indiana Consressman.or tbe members of the Indiana Bepublican Association. They openly proclaim that the President is completely ignoring almost every man in the State who helped to carry it for him, and relying upon his own personal ac quaintance and that of Colonel Halford in appointing men to office. Both Senators from Indiana being Democrats, and only three members-elect to the Fifty-first Con gress being Bepublicans, there is A LOT OP WOEK TO BE DONE in the various districts, and the disgruntled Indianians say thatthe President is attempt ing to do every bit of the work himself, and refusing to take any advice on the subject irom tne men wno maae mm President. They point to the list of Indiana appoint ments already made to prove that more than half of them were taken from Indianapolis. and that the northern part of the State has been completely ignored. Among the neighbors of the President who are most bitterly complaining of his entire forgetfulness of past friends and political favors is M. S. Bagsdale, of "Worthington, who ran for Congress in the Second district last fall, reducing the Democratic majority from 4,000 to 1,100. He claims that during tbe campaign the President promised to take care of him. He came to Washington on March 4, and is here yet. He wanted to be Indian Commis sioner. This was denied him, and he ap plied for several other places, only to be disappointed each time. Kow he is BEADY TO TAKE ANYTHING, and says that if it is not forthcoming soon he will go home, and let "Harrison have whatever satisfaction he can get from break ing his promises. The Indianians are so disgusted with the outlook that they have decided to send the president of the association or a committee to President Harrison to demand .the con cessions due them, and if they are not forth coming there will be a vigorous kick. The members of the association, some of whom are life-long friends of the President, do not hesitate to criticise him severelv, and charge that he is rapidly alienating himself from an nis irienas in tne state. A NORTH CAROLINA KICK. Tho Offlco Seekers Way Moke Trouble When Congress Opens. rSFZCIAI. TELEGBAJI TO TDB PISPATCIM "Washington, May 21. The North Car olina candidates for office have laid their heads together, or at least some of them have, and this is the programme they have agreed upon: Feeling that their demands have not been properly considered, they pro pose to represent to the President and those of his Cabinet who appear to be most re luctant to concede what the State wants the great power that the three Bepublican members of tbe next House ot Representatives may wield in the organ ization of the body. There will be a sort ot threat made that if the administration can afford to disregard North Carolina now, North Carolina can afford, when Congress meets, to exact terms from the party which shall be ample to make amends for present neglect without those votes the House could not be organized at all. All of the Congressmen have not con sented to enter into this little arrangement, but some of the (ifed applicants for appoint ment have canvassed the matter quietly for a week, and speak with confidence to-dav of Uic cmcBujr u. wic Kucmo u H Shall DC adopted. The North Carlinians who are not applying for local offices are nearly all .candidates for consulates. QUAY WIETHE DAY. Ho Goes to Seo the President AbontnConple of Appointments and Gets "What He Demands Ho Now Owns tho State Politically. KrSCIAL .TELrOKAM TO THE PISFITCIZ. Washington, May 21. Senator Quay spent an hour at the "Wvhite House to-day, accompanied by Boss McManes, of Phila delphia. These gentlemen, although gen erallyon friendly terms, had locked horns over the appointment of one David Martin to be Internal Beveriue Col lector. Each had a candidate, and the fight was carried to the President's lib rary. Quay won. Before calling upon the President, the" Pennsylvania Senator, ad mitted that he regarded his visit as some thing of 'a turning point in" his political career, and he was quite nervous over the outcome. If the President should take his advice it would mean that he is to abso lutely control Pennsylvania's political affairs. If his advice were unheeded, he might fight his enemies without the aid of the powerful Federal influence. Quay met his enemies, he .says, and they are his. During the conference to-day the President agreed to make Martin Internal Bevenue Collector, and also agreed that Quay's particular friend, Frank Qilkeson, should be made Second Controller. This appointment will probably be announced to-morrow. Gilkeson is the gentleman over whose ap pointment as Solicitor of Internal Bevenue the fight between Quay and Sherman oc curred. Sherman's man Hart was chosen for Solicitor, but Gilkeson now gets a better place. The salary of Controller is ?5,000. Gilkeson will succeed Sigourney Butler, of Boston. Senator Quay expects to make some ar rangement to-morrow in regard to the Pitts burg postofEce, and suggests that an appoint ment may be expected in a day or two. GENERAL. FISK SOT A CANDIDATE. He Will Not Ban lor Gorernor of New Jersey on Any Ticket. ISFECIAt. TELEORAJI TO THE DISPATCH,! New York, May 2L General Clinton B. Fisk, the New Jersey Prohibitionist, has been prominently mentioned as a Be publican candidate for Governor this year. To a reporter General Fisk said to-day: "I am not going to run on the Bepublican ticket or upon any other ticket I can go further than that, and say that ther,e has never been a time when I would have' ac cepted a nomination for Governor if I had be lieved that there was. the smallest danger of my being elected. I am going to use all my influence to elect the Legislature candi dates of either of the old parties who are in favor of temperance. ,1 do not care whether they are Democrats or Bepublicans. if they will do anything to further the interest of temperance, 1 will do anything in mypower to help elect them. "I want the local option law of 1888. re stored. That was a long step in advance, and to repeal it was to return from the light to the darkness of ignorance. I was never strongly opposed to local option, nor am I strongly In favor of it now. It was better than nothing, and showed that it would finally accomplish a great deal. The two great parties are pretty nearly evenly di vided on the question of local option, and it is only the managers who are really under the heel of rum." i. ... a uLuyui.uuiuiiii'. Another Election the Only Way Left to De termine thejBabwaT Contest. ISrXCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISP ATCII.l Elizabeth, N". J., May 21. Judge Van Syckel to-day in the Union county court, refused to grant an order for a recount in the Bahway mayoralty election case, where the vote resulted in a tie between Judge Hyer, Democrat, and W. P. Ester brook, Bepublican. Judge Van Syckel held that the court had no power under the law" to order a recount where a tie-occurred, as there was no incumbent of the office and no legal claimant. A new election will therefore have to be held for mayor. The grand jury finished its work and turned in 34 indictments to the court It is said that some of the indictments are against General J. Madison Drake, for criminal libel. Bumor has it that a dozen bills have been found against the doughty General, but so far as known only four citizens went before the jury and lodged complaints against him. Prosecutor "Wilson declines to talk on tbe matter, but says all will be known to-morrow, when the subpoenas will be issued on the indictments. A CURIOUS COINCIDENCE. Some Incidents AttendlnirMrs. JnmesBrown Potter's Appearance In Cblcnso. Chicago, May 21. Kyrle Bellewand Mrs. James Brown Potter were received with a low, but distinct, hiss to-night when they first appeared on the stage at Mc Vicker's, to open their Chicago engagement By a strange coincidence probably unknown to the actors and audience, the jury in the Carter divorce case, in session scarcely two blocks from ths theater, had at'almost the very moment of the hissing, sent to the Judge tor a diagram of the Colonnade Ho tel in New York, where Belle w occupied adjoining rooms to Mrs. Carter and gave her "dramatic instruction." Both Bellew and Mrs. Potter showed un mistable nervousness throughout tho even ing. Except tbe hiss there was no other hostile demonstration by the spectators. The audience was a large one, but could hardly be classed as fashionable. "When Mrs. Potter and Mr. Bellew ended their evening's performance before the footlights the jury in the Carter case were still out. SUICIDE AMONG JERSEllTES. One Man Dies Because of Despondency and Another of Dissipation. 16PICIAL TXLXQBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Hackensack,.N. J., May 21. Charles Francois, of Fairview, aged B2 years, re turned from the city last evening and after greeting his family, passed into the parlor. A minute later the report of a pistol startled the household, he had seated himself on the sofa and sent a 32-caliber bullet into his right temple, causing instant death. The bullet passed clear through, just breaking the skin near the left ear. Francois had re cently lost his situation as bookkeeper and was despondent Augustus Laur, aged 35, a boss mason at Butherford, had a quarrel with his wife last night, and fired a bullet into his head, through his mouth. Laur had a large business, bnt is said to have been a constant patron of the Clifton race track, where he is alleged to have formed the acquaintance of a woman who cansed trouble in his family. Laur will probably die. ANOTHER FIERCE FIGHT. The Southern Presbyterian Assembly Is Having Quite a Time. Chattanooga, Maj 21. The Assembly of the Southern Presbyterians began its fifth day's session at 0 o'clock this morning. Almost the entire session was occupied by a fierce wrangle oyer the old evolution fight in ooutn uaroitna. xue debate was still in progress when the Assembly closed for the uay, Wfom BLAINE HAS A WOEfi. America's Bccretary of State Sends Notice to Berlin That JIALIETOA MUST BE SAMOA'S KING. The German Government Cannot See it in Just That Light. A WELCOME FOB HALTS MONARCH. WHor O'Brien Strong Testimony Before the ParneU Commission. A sudden hitch has changed the face of the Samoa negotiations? Blaine has sent word that Malietoa must be restored to his throne. This point Germany is not inclined to concede. King Humbert received a royal welcome to Berlin. Editor O'Brien testified before, the Parnell Commission yesterday. He made some very plain state ments in support of the National League. COrYKIQHT, 1889, BY HEW YORK ASSOCIATEP PRESS. Berlin, May 21. From certain indica tions at the rooms of the American dele gates, as well as at the quarters of the En glish Commissioners and at the German foreign office, it is evident that there is some serious hitch in the negotiations of the Samoan Commission. Mr. Phelps, who is known as "the peacemaker," both in the conference and in the working committee, is in evident trouble. First he is'interviewing an English com moner in his own room, then he is hurrying off to the foreign office, where he remains for some time closeted with the German representatives, and then repeating the process. "When asked as to the situation, Commissioners Phelps, Kasson and Bates say that there is no great change, and that everything is progressing satisfactorily. A MESSAGE EBOM BLAINE. Both the German and English commis sioners refuse to talk on the subject, but it is learned from other sources that the "United States Government has instructed its commissioners to insist upon the return of Malietoa as king. A message is said to have been received from Secretary Blaine within the past 36 hours directing the com mission to insist upon the restoration of the status quo, and saying that Germany de posed Malietoa as king and must return him as king. They may haggle about indemnity or a unit or dual or tripartite government if they please, hut Malietoa must be king. wnue the uermans nave come to agree with all the other views of the American commissioners, they are reluctant to accept this condition, and point to the fact that Malietoa was pardoned by the German Em peror at the beginning of the conference. 'I'nte .na. .lolm aliAnlil anft.fi. A m&nn AM.O, V..V.J .IMUJ. PUUU.U WMOIJ AWUil... It is thought "that a crisis will be reached at the meeting of the conference. The American commissioners last night were qniet and conciliatory in their utterances concerning the situation, but expressed a determination to remain firm. A PABTIAL concession. The special correspondent of the Associ ated Press here was informed late this even ing that Germany has finally consented to restore King' Malietoa. This action was 'taken finally'after prolonged" and persistent efforts on the part of 'the American Com missioners. But now conies another hitch in the negotiations. This fresh difficulty grows out of the claim for indemnity made by Germany. The American section of the conference holds that if any indemnity is paid it must be a merely nominal sum. Germany, on the contrary, maintains that in the conflicts between the German forces and Samoans, the latter were invariably the aggressors. Besides the native partisans of King Malietoa were guilty of the barbarous practices of "beheading German sailors, as well as inflicting upon the wounded particu lar cruelties. These acts, Germany insists, should entail upon Samoa the payment of special in demnity. Earnest efforts are making in committee' to settle the dispute, but tbe mat ter is very likely to require a reference to the plenary conference. king humbebt's visit. King Humbert, the Crown Prince of Italy, and Signor Crispi, the Italian. Prime Minister, arrived in Berlin this morning. They were met at the railway station by Emperor "William, the royal princes, Prince Bismarck and a number of generals. After embraces the party drove-to the royal cas tle. The route to the castle was lined with troops. Triumphal arches spanned the streets and the houses were decorated with flags and bunting. When Signor Crispi emerged from the train he was greeted oy Prince Bismarck, who shook him heartily by the hand. A detachment of cuirassiers escorted tbe car riages from the railway station to the castle. The first carriage was occupied by Emperor "William and King Humbert, the second by the Crown Prince of Italy, Prince Henry of i'russia, ana Jfrince xreaericc bcconti, son of the Emperor, and the third by Prince Bismarck and Signor Crispi. a musical welcome. Bepresentatives of the Berlin Academy and other associations of artists occupied a pavilion fronting the Opera Honse. Fur ther on were stationed choirs under the di rection of Herr Joachim, who chanted an ode specially prepared for the occasion, com mencing with the words, "Viva TJniberto Be D'ltalia.'' ' The court actress, Hochenburger, recited verses written,by Herr Jordan, Director ot the National Gallery, welcoming King Kumhert to the city. After having been received by the Empress, King Humbert and the Prince of Naples retired to tbe apartments set aside for their use in the castle. Later they visited all the royal princes, Prince Bismarck and Count Von Moltke. After a family dejeuner the Em peror and his guests drove to Charlotten burg, where they placed wreaths upon the tomb of the late Emperor Frederick. A Collision on the Ocean. London, May 21, The British steamer German Emperor, from Loddon for Bilboa, ran into the British steamer Beresford, from Hartlepool for Bombay, at i o'clock vester day morning while the latter was lying at anchor off the Goodwin Sands. Tbe Ger man Emperor sank instantly. The first re ports of loss of life were exaggerated, near ly all of the passengers being rescued. Another Big Strike at Berlin. Berlin, May 21. Three thousand ma sons in this city have gone on a strike. They demand that their hours of labor be nine per day, and that they be allowed half an hour for breakfast, an hour for dinner and an hour for supper. They also demand that work be suspended an hour earlier on Saturdays and the evenings preceding holi days, and that theyreceivefnllpay for those days the same as for other days. Back From Greenland's Icy Mountains. Copenhagen, May 21. Dr. Nunsen and. those who accompanied him on an ex ploring expedition to Greenland have ar rived hereon their return. The party were given an entnusiastio reception. va a. SPLENDID Medium. O'BBM ON THE STA Tho Brave Irish Editor Testifies BeforvjK the Fa'rnetll Commission Some Very Plain Facts Emphatically Stated Charges Against the Gov ernment. LONDONf-May 21. Mr. "William O'Brien testified before the Parnell Commission to day. He remained seated while giving nis evidence and spoke in a weak yoice.; "Wit ness gave details of agrarian outrages which occurred in Tipperary prior to the organi zation 'of tbe League and said the League prevented a wholesale famine and a fearful war in the "West of Ireland in 1870 and that no murders had been committed in Tipper ary since its formation. Mr. O'Brien described the wretched con dition of the people in Ireland prior to the formation of the League. They were in debt up to their necks, he said, and had ab solutely no redress against the exactions of the landlords. The troubles after 1870 arose from tbe universal movement of the landlords to take advantage of the two years allowed by the act of 1870 to get rid of small tenants and thus save the payment of compensation. The condition of affairs in Mayo when Mr. Davitt formed the League there was appalling. "Wholesale famine J and bankruptcy seemed inevitable. Farm ers soia everyining at a aeaa loss, xne landlords did nothing to alleviate the dis tress. They denied that any distress ex isted. Mr. O'Brien stated that he -approved boy cotting. He believed it prevented crime. Mr. Beid, of counsel for the Parnellites, read an article from United Inland de nouncing the Phcenix Park murders, and asserting that the assassins, if discovered, would be more likely to be lynched in Dub lin than in London. Mr. O'Brien said that the anger expressed in the article was un doubtedly gennine. The view of the Nationalists was that the Government should pursue a policy of reconciliation and thbs obtain the people's sympathies with the law, but the members of the Gov ernment lost their heads and passed a strong coercion measure, under which the country had been terribly disturbed for three years. Abe government in xaali suppressed United Ireland because witness charged the Government in that paper with getting up crime, which charge. he was perfectly pre pared to prove. Mr. 'O'Brien attempted to enter into the details of the alleged out rages instigated bv the Government, bnt Attorney General "Webster objected, and his objection was sustained by the Court The commission then adjourned. DROPPED DEAD AT HIS WIFE'S FUNERAL A Sad Oecnrreneo Which Leaves FIto Little Children Orphans. ISrSCIAX. TZUCOSAX TO THE DISPATCII.l Elizabeth, N. J., May 11. Ambrose Van Tassel, aged 39, dropped dead to-day at his residence, 1156 Elizabeth avenue, this city, While preparing for his wife's funeral, who died suddenly on Sunday, leaving five children, the eldest a cripple of 7 years, while the youngest is an infant of 2 months. The death of bis wife preyed heavily on Van Tassel, who has. not eaten or slept since her demise. He was missed just as the minister, Bev. Mr. Burr, ar rived to perform, the funeral services, and some of the neighbors going to look for him, discovered his body lying at the foot of a flight of stairs in the rear of the corridor. It was at first rumored that he broke his neck by the "fall, but the physicians say it was a case of heart disease. The grief of the .children when they learned of their father's death was painful to witness, and the people gathered to at tend the obseauies of Mrs. Van Tassel were "aeeplyrane'etea-by-the sad- occurences Bbthr bodies will be interred to-morrow, in the same grave. IRELAND'S T1CER0T. Peopio Who Do and Who Do Kot Think the Offlco Abolished. London, May 21. A meeting of "Union ist members of the House of Lords and House of Commons held at the residence of the Marqnis of "Waterford fb-day adopted .a memorial to the Government praying for the abolition of the Viceroyship of Ireland and the transfer of its functions to a Secretary of State. The memorial further asks for the establishment and maintenance of a royal residence in Dublin. A deputation was appointed to present- the memorial to Lord Salisbury. . At a meeting of the Dublin branch of the National League to-day. Prof. Galbraith denounced the proposal to abolish v the office of Viceroy of Ireland as an insidious attempt at further absorption of that country. Any interference with the office would fail, he said, especially if the Par nellites chose to obstruct it, "As please God, they would do when the proper .time came." Prof. Galbraith's remarks were greeted with cheers. NAMED BI THE PRESIDENT. Another Batch of Appointments Blade Pub lic by God. Harrison. "Washington, May 21. The Presi dent made the following appointments to day: John W. Mcldrum, of Laramie, TVy., to be Secretary of Wyoming; Orrin W. Balr, of Da kota, to be Beceiver of Public Honeys at Huron. Dak.; James H. Cisney, of "Warsaw, Ind., to be' an Indian Inspector; James C. Luckey. of Oregon, to be Agent for the Indians of tbe Warm Springs Agency, In Oregon; llal achi Krebs, of Petersburg, IniL. to' be a special agent to make allotments of lands in severalty to Indians under theprovtsions of an act of Congress, approved February 8, 1SS7T Among the postmasters appointed to-day by the President were tbe following: AzarlahC. Cooker, at Caldwell. O.; John Devarman, at Loudonville, O.; John Shaffer, at Laporte, Ind.; William H. Dryden, at Martins ville, Ind. and James ilcD. Haynes, at Green castle, Ind. . THE RECORD FAIRLY BROKEN. The Easy Way n Southern Man Expects to Slake a Fortune. Ualeigh, N. C, May 21. One of the most extraordinary cases on record was in stituted in the Superior Court here this evening by"W. T. Hftlge, a citizen-of this county. 'It seems that about 20 years ago a statute was enacted requiring all railroads operating in the State to make annual re ports of business to the Governor of the State, and a failure to make such reports made the railroads liable to a penalty of $500. which should go to any citizen-who would sue for it The statute has never been observed bv the railroads, and Hodge instituted suit this evening against 40 railroads to get the pen alty. If successful he will gain an aggre gate amount of (20,000. MURDEEED BI A COWARD. A Tonne Texan Killed by a Lawyer While Under Arrest. fSriCIAI.TEI.IGKAM TO THE DISFATCH.l Paeis, Tex, May" 21. J. T. Ownby, a lawyer, and Bichard Moore, a young man, fought a duel at short range in Ownby's office yesterday without doing much dam age, Moore was arrested, and to-day, while going to court for preliminary examina tion, he was shot and killed by Ownby. The mdrder was of a cowardly character. Ownby stationed himself at a courtroom window, and when Moore appeared in charge of officers he riddled his body with buckshot Moore's brother threatens to I kill Ownby on sight. 4- v Of any kind can best bat satisfied by advertising in tbe columns of The CIS-PATCH. teSgW THREE CENTS - K?i3uiPTnnu rnn iiir-rn SStiSBA. lutii run mauli - EsJ&V YTCVS rittsburg Leader Captures a Handsome Majority of the Committee. - A HOT TIME IN THE SIXTH, In -Which There Are a Conple of Eather Spirited Encounters. v QUAI PEOPLE FIGHT IN THE FIFTH Bnt Sailer an Overwhelming Defeat Con flicting Claims in the First District, bnt Ijs Loss Would Merely Rednce Dlagee'a Majority Qaay Leaders Claim Victory In a Change or Rales Colonel Bayne Says Something Sharp Mr. Beed Is Harmonious Mr. Magee Feels the Alio gheny Management Vindicated. The legislative district conventions of yesterday elected a handsome majority of county committeemen in favor of C. L. Ma gee, who considers it a victory over outside interference. Quay leaders feel content with the prospective change in the rules. Mr. Beed says he was ready to stop the fight at the time that was conceded. The conventions in the Fifth and Sixth districts were very lively. LL who participated on either side in the Bepublican contest J1 that ended yesterday professed themselves pleased with the re sult The Magee men boast of their big majority on the County Committee and the Quay men point with pride to the fact that they forced a change in the rules governing the party organiza tion in the county. "When the fight in the "Sixth Legislative District Convention terminated at 1:15 p. M. and in a victorv for the Magee people, the climax in the hottest fight the Bon. F. B. Collier, to be Bit Own Successor. Bepublican party of Allegheny county had ever indulged in within its own ranks had been passed. The Quay people had claimed the district up to the last mo ment and had succeeded in capturing some of tbe delegates chosen on the Magee ticket, but some active work on the part of Messrs. Flinn, Von Bonnhorst, Bell and other Magee leaders, who were early on the gronnd, saved the day io Mr. Magee and assured him a majority of the members of the county committee. N. P. Beed looked in on the opening of the convention, but soon went away. Post master McKean and Dr.. Barchfield re mained to see the thing through. Repre sentative Nesbit was there, prominent on the Quay side, with Representative Jones on the Magee side. PIGUBES ON THE EIGHT. Pittsburg had been conceded to Magee from the start, and with the Sixth and Eighth districts, gives him BO members of the committee. The Quay people have tha Second and Seventh districts beyond ques tion, giving them 20 votes in the committee. The committeemen from the First Legis lative district are in dispute. The Magee people claim eight and concede two to the Quay people. Hon C. "W. Eobison claims AtcK Mowand, Esq., WJio Euns for District Attorney. six for the Quay people and concedes four to the Magee people. Colonel Bayne, who arrived in town from Washington this morn ing, claims eight and concedes but two to Magee. According to Mr. Eobison, "Win. Gibbs, Daniel F. Mulvey, W. D. Porter, C. F. Muehlbronner, T. C. Johnson and C. W. Eobison are Quay men, while John Neeb, Henry Datt, "Wm. F. Meese and" W. M. Langhurst are Magee men. Ac cording to Colonel Bayne Messrs. Neeb and Meese are the only Magee men among the ten. Mr. Neeb and the other Magee people claim that Messrs. Gibbs and Eobison are" the only Quay men among them. The claims of Mr. Magee and his lieutanants have thus far proven very close to the facts as the latter developed, but even if the ex treme claim of the Quay people is conceded the committee will stand S3' for Majser ii Sv 13, i 4. .7-. & IF u .A 1 AJlri i ' - i 1 alii Km mm. MM ' ,C. Kyf - BsBBVflyBtsrisVwtfkBttil&&ilsK - ? EajLa1 ..fa ., 9tDKa
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