'W- '. & THE PITTSBURGH DISPATCH, TUESDAY, MAT 21, 1889. 4 m f wt . A LinLET0O GAY, lm Beam and Milbee's High No tions About Salary. BIMIOK CAMOT BUY THEM. Hore Efforts Will be Made to Get a Good Pitcher. RESULT OP ASSOCIATION GAMES. President Davidson Means to Sell the LouisTille Ball (Hub. GENERAL BASEBALL NEWS OP THE DAT Game Flayed Yesterday. St. Lotus 4. ...Athletics 1 Kansas Crrrs.... 18... .Bbookltxs. ...... 12 COLCMBCS 2....CINCIJOJATIS 0 DCTfcorrs... .. 8....BcrrAios 2 ROCHESTXBS 9....TOEONTOS... i HAJtJXTONS (OntO 8....TOLEDOS...r. 3 HAMILTOKS 10....MAXSFIELDS 9 Games To. Day! National League Pittsburgs at New York; Chlcagos at Washington; Cleveland at Boston: Indianapolis at Philadelphia. American Association Brooklyns at Kansas City; Baltlmores at LouisTille; Colum busit Cincinnati; Athletics at St. Louis. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE TorOntOS at Rochester; Londons at Syracuse; Detroits at Buffalo; Toledos at Hamilton. League Record. Perl Per Won. IiosUCt. TVon. Lost-Ct. Bostons 14 6 .737! Clevelands...!! 12 .478 l'Mladelphlastt .6S4 NewYorV.s...II S .5501 Chlcagos II 10 .KM Pittsburgs... 13 Indianapolis 8 It Washingtons 4 13 409 .381 .555 Association Record. Perl Per M'on.Lost.Ct.1 Won.Lost.Ct. St. Lonls 23 8 .742 Clnclnnatls.. .14 16 .430 Kansu(JUys..l7 11 .607 Baltlmores....l2 14 .462 Brooklrns.....lS 11 ."7iColumbus. .... 9 17 .347 Athletics 12 13 .4S0 LoulsvlUes.... 7 20 .259 CANNOT GET BEAM. The Latrobe Tenth Holds Ont for a Big Price. Bain called a general halt in the League pennant straggle yesterday, and probably more than one clnb was glad of it. Cer tainly Pittsburg had no reason to kick, and the probability is neither New York nor Chicago had much, to complain of. The clubs named are all in more or less difficul ties at present, and the more idle time there is just now the better it will be for the, crip ples. The less there is accomplished while they are regaining condition the more there will be to do when they are all right again. According to the expectations and hopes of President Nimick it will not he lone before the local club's weak spot is thoroughly strength ened. The President talked Tery frankly yes terday afternoon about the officers of the local club and said a few interesting things. He was unable to leave the city yesterday as intended as an effort is being made to signyoungMilbee, the pitcher of Scottdale club. If Milbee can not be secured Mr. Nimick will leave for Washington this eTening where he will join Manager Phillips to-morrow and talk over( matters with a view of securing a good pitcher or ef en two. The President said: MEAN to hate them. "Wejnean to have one or two new pitchers. It seems that we cannot secure Beam, of La trobe. His demands are far in excess of rea sonable, considering he is to a very great ex tent an untried man. He wanted f 1,200 guar antee for the season, but I told him we did not sign'men that way. Better men than Beam is, presuming that he is an extraordinary man, do not demand any such conditions. We do not guarantee any player a season's salary, and it is not business to do so. We offered him a guarantee of 1100 and $200 per month as long as he played with us this season, and he deemed that beneath bis acceptance. Negotiations with Mr. Beam have ceased, therefore, as far as we are concerned. "Mr. Scandrett is in communication with Milbee. a young pitcher at Scottdale. I have received several letters stating that Milbee is Certainly a superior man to Beam. I have also talked to several good judges, who emphati cally contend the same thing. At any rate we are in communication with Milbee and I will know by telegraph to-morrow whether or not he will join onr club. If we cannot cethlml will leaTe the city and meet Mr. Phillips at Washington to-morrow and find out whether or not he can suggest a good man whom we are likely to get. We must have one or two new pitchers, regardless of the cost. A GOOD PEICE OFFERED. "Of course we cannot afford to pay tremen dous prices for untried men, but we will cer tainly offer every reasonable inducement to promising youngsters and big prices for first-class and tried men. , The team, outside of the pitchers, is playing good ball excellent ball. In fact and if we wire only stronger in the box, I think', we' wonld be hustling the leaders very, very close." There is, to a great extent, much surprise at thettemandsofBeam. He undoubtedly seems to have a very high notion of his own abilities, as he is trying to exact an unusually large fig ure for a young player because of the club's difficulties. Were Beam signed to-day he would be an experiment, and the truth is no club is. willing to plank up SL200 for a test of that kind. The club is run on business prin ciples, the same as other business concerns, and to give a youth 11,200, whether be pitches any more than one game during the year or not is not a wise business transaction. Doubtless the admirers of Mr. Beam have talked to him somewhat extravagantly about his own abilities. If this is so, it may result unfortunately for the young man if his ambi tion is to be a ball player. An offer of $200 per month, with tho opportunity of testing himself in an organization like the National League, is a cnance that some very good pitchers don't get in a lifetime. As intimated in The Dispatch yesterday, the officials of the local club have two or three experienced pitchers on the list; but whether they can be secured or not is another matter. President Nimick refuses to say whether these men are East or West He, however, in timated yesterday that-Mr. Phillips may have one or two good and available men to suggest: So far, Milbee has proven himself a good man among the amateur clubs, but a good and full fledged professional is the man required. Pres ident Nimick feels certain that one new pitcher at least will be signed this week. It may be that Manager Phillips will be sent away on a hunting expedition. MILBEE WON'T SIGN. The following dispatch was received at this . office from Scottdale at a late hour last evening: J. Z. Milbee, one of the Scottdale club's pitch ers, who was the object of becretary bcrandett's vlsithere this morning;, stated this evening that lie wonld not thru with the Pittsburg clnb. Mil leetnlnks uecando better by remaining In the Western Pennsylvania league during the present season at least, and does not care to run tlie.rtst or becoming an "exploded phenomenon." The management of the Scottdale club will not sell his release for less than 1,000. ANSON'S OPINION. He Thinks tbe Giants Won't Win and We'll be Fifib. In an Interview with a New York Herald re porter on Sunday Captain Anson said: "Why, the Chlcagos, of course will win the pennant. We are a stronger club than we were last year, and barring accidents we ought to win handily. It's true we miss Williamson badly, but be will be alf right soon, and playing in his old form again. I want to say right here," Mr. Anson continued, "that the published report that we are doing nothing for Williamson is un true. We are paying him a fixed sum each week. It is no concern of the public what ex tent this sum is, but it is sufficient for all his ' current expenses. The Chicago club is always disposed to treat its good men fairly, and we are making no exception in Williamson's case." "In what position do you think the New Yorks will close this season?" I asked. "1 can't give them any better than third place. The-second place will lie between Boston and Philadelphia. Both clubs are playing a strong game, and it's difficult to tell which will come outaheAd. It Is not Improbable that both of them may heat the Giants outthus putting tho latter in the fourth position. The fact that the New forks won the pennant last season is no evidence that they will accomplish that result again this Tear. Luck was with them last year and relatiVely quite as strong against the Chlcagos. This rear the situation will be re versed, and New York will find her proper leveL" Captain Anson does not believe that the Clevelands will long continue their present pace. He says they are light batten, and will soon drop ont of tbe leading position they are Holding at present. Tbe flfthposltion. he says, lies between Pitts burg and Indianapolis, both of which he re gards as excellent clubs, with an even race be tween Cleveland and Washington for tail end honors. MAY SELL THE CLUB, President Davidson ChnngesHhMInd Abont Keeplngthe Colonels, ISrXCIAX. TPJOSIM TO THE OIBf ATCO.1 Louisville, May 20. It was announced this morning that President Davidson had again re considered his Intention not to sell and was anxious to dispose of the club. He owns 807 shares of stock, the par value of which is 810 each share, making a total of $3,070. The price offered for the stock was just double its face value and Mr. Davidson's price -was SXSOOmore. It was stated, this morning that he had come down J500 in bis valuation and there is now only a difference of $1,000 between them. ' This may be split or compromised in some way before the clnb leaves. ". lack Kerins has been released by therLouis villecluh. He has not yet made any arrange ments or received any offers. His arm is in such a condition that he is not much use as a catcher justyet Kerins is an excellent umpire, however, and will try and get a place on the Association or League staff. Ramsey has not been released as was rumored and it is not likelvthathe will be. Mr. Davidson stated that be has not fully decided what to do, but has taken no steps looking toward Ramsey's release. ASSOCIATION GAMES. The Browns Bnnchcd Their Hit and Bent the Quakers. St. Louis, May 2a Cloudy weather cnt down the attendance at to-day's game to L00O. The field was damp and slippery, and neither side fielded' well. The Browns won by bunching their hits In the fourth inning. Curt"Welcb, of the Athletics, was too ill with malarial fever to play. He expects to join the team to-morrow. Manager Sharsig, of the Athletics, saw Gleason to-day, and came to an agreement by which Gleason will probably join the team before It leaves here. Score: bt. Lonls 0 004000004 Athletics 0 01 00000 01 Earned runs-St. Lonls, 2; Athletics, L. Base nits St. Lonls, 6; Athletics, 5. Errors St. Louis, 1: Athletics, 1. Pitchers Chamberlain and Seward. BLAMED TBE UMPIRE. Tbe Cincinnati! Explain Why tho Babies Shut Them Oat. Columbus, May 2a The game between Columbus and Cincinnati closed at tbe end of tbe fifth inninc to-day pn account of rain. Umpire Holland was hit in the shoulder at Cincinnati and was unable to officiate. Frank Arnold, one of tbe substitutes, umpired the game. The Cmcinnatis claim he gave them the worst of it on balls and strikes, hence they batted at everything that came in the direction of tbe plate. Score: Columbus 0 0 2 0 02 Clnclnnatls 0 0 0 0 00 Base hits-Columbus. 7: Clnclnnatls, 2. Errors Columbus, 0: Clnclnnatls, 3. Pitchers Mays and Ylau. SOME HEAVY SLUGGING. The Cowboys Wallop the Brooklyn! at a Merry Rate. , KANSAS Cm, May 20. The Brooklyns were beaten to-day In a regular slugging match. Donahue and Collins did fine work in the field. Score: Kansas Cltys 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1-18 Brooklyns 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 1 3-12 Earned runs Kansas Cltvs, 7; Brooklyns. S. Base hits Kansas Cltys, 21; Brooklyns, 16. Errors Kansas Cltys, 7: Brooklyns, 8. Pitchers McCarthy and Hughes. Barkley Is Sick, Kansas Crrr. Mo., May 20. Sam Barkley, the noted second baseman of theKansas City Ball Team, is lying dangerously ill at his home in this city from a terrible attack of quinsy. He Is rational part of the time and his physi cians have performed two operations on his throat already. The disease attacked him Thursday and assumed an aggravated form yesterday. The attack is similar to that which carried off Minister Rice. Another Local Pitcber. Gilbert Ward, a young Southsider, has been practicing with Galvin, Morris and Conway for two or three days at Recreation Park. His friends claim that he is a better Ditclier than Kxuram. He is also a good catcher and caught Galvin yesterday. To-day he will be given a chance to pitch and the three twirlers named will judge of his abilities. International League. rsrxciAx. tileoiums to the dispatch.i At Buffalo Buffalos 0 10100000 S Detroits 1 003200X08 At Rochester Bocbesters 0 01002510-9 Torontos 0 1 0 0,2.0 1 0 04 At Hamilton Hamlltons 0.0 4002800 9 Toledos 0 0 2101000-4 An Annual Trent. One of those interesting ball games that only come once a year took place at 'Cycle park yes terday afternoon. The opposing nines were made up of employes of the Bijou Theater and Harry Williams' Acadamy respectively, Harry Davis of the London Theatre was umpire. Be fore the game started be caused every player to make affidavit that there would be no Kicking about decisions and the contest preceded. As a result the game was played under original rules and when the Bijou's had made 30 runs the Acadamy representatives became weary and left the field. That was when the first half of the eighth inning was played and the umpire called tbe game back to the seventh inning which left the score 18 to 14 in favor of the Bi jou's. Trl-Stnto League. At Mansfield- Mansllelds 0 0330020 1-9 Hamlltons 0 10 0 7 10 0 1-10 Batteries Wilson and Morrison, Burchard and Fitzslmmons, Browner and Dillon. Base hits Mansllelds, 11; Hamlltons, 7. Errore Four each. Umpire Hengle. Bent the Grcensburgs. Greensbcko, May 20. An exhibition game to-day between the Kiskiminltas and home teams resulted in a victory for the latter by the score of 11 to 3." Baseball Notes. y. Rain prevented the Louisville-Baltimore game yesterday. The Park Stars defeated the E. H. Mon tooths by 10 to 2 yesterday. The Erleweln, Jr.'s, want to play any team whose members are not more than 13 years old. Ratn prevented all the League games yester day and the London-Syracuse game at Syra cuse. Ant club wishing to play tho St Pauls is requested to leave a notice at J. Miller's, 03 Smlthfield street The Northslde Comets defeated the Hubs yesterday by a score of 22 to 7. Yeager pitched a fine game for tbe winners. "A Spectator" writes to this paper point ing ont that Baker, who pitched for Braddock against the East End Athletics on Saturday, was weary because of pitching at -Erie on the day previous. The P. J. Mo'rans have .organized with the following team : P. Schultz. c,; T. 'Finnegan, p.: D. Carney, s. s.: D. Salmon, 1 b.; T. Rey nolds, 2b.; T. Salmon. 3 b.:W. Smith. 1. 1.; j. Reynolds, m. f.; J. Klnnegan," r. t; M. Wright change catcher. They want to hear from junior clubs. It is said that Sunday was timed in running three bases in Saturday's game, and made the distance in 10 4-5 seconds. It is singular how anyone should be prepared to time Sunday be fore he hit the ball, which must have been done to time him correctly. Fans for the May Festival. 6c to 550 all sorts here. Jos. Hobne & Ca's Penn Avenue Stores. Guns and revolvers, pistols etc, boys' target rifles and 100 cartridges. $2 75; splen did revolvers, double action, any caliber, 53; double barrel breech loaders, $8 to $100. Great bargains in all kinds of guns. J. H. Johnston, 706Smitbfield street. TTSSU Elgin or Walthnm Silver Watches, Hunting or open face, stem wind,, and war ranted first-class timekeepers; prices, $12, $15, $18, $25, $27. Call at E. P. Roberts & Sons', corner Fifth ave. and Market St.. MIT ALMOST A WALE OYER Hindoocraft Wins th& Latonia Derby Without Trouble. "' THE TALENT YEEY BADLY LEFT. Stoval Wins His Admirers Some Dollars by His Mounts. THE WINTERS AT BROOKLTH Entries and Weights for the Races at BowMyn and Cincinnati To-Day. The Latonia meeting was a good one for the buyers of short horses yesterday. Hin doocraft won the Derby easily. Stoval reaped honors by winning three of tbe six races he was mounted in. The Brook lyn meeting was full of interest, there being several exciting races. Cincinnati, May 20 The Latonia meet ing began to-day with bad weather, but a large attendance and good racing. It was a short horse day and the talent got badly left, as but two favorites won. The Derby was almost a walk over for Hindoocraft, as but three horses started out of seven, and while the book makers laid good money against him, the other two were well thought of. He took the lead from, the tap of the drum and never was pushed, winning by a good length under a pull. Stoval rode three of tho six winners, and fol lowers of his mounts made good wins. First race. Introductory purse, $500, of which $75 to second, $25 to third, three-quarters of a mile. Time, 1 Jf They were sent away to a good start, Bettina in the lead. Bettina won by a length from Longberi, second, a length in front of Liedkranz, third. Second race, purse, same conditions as first, three-quarters of a mile. Time, 1:1 Galen was tbe first away when tbe flag fell and led Into the stretch, where the Chevalier came on and won by a length easyj Barndolette second, a head In front of Valuable, third. Third race, selling, for 3-year-olds and up ward, one mile, time 1:44 Pat Donovan was the first to show out the start, but was soon collared by Stuart, who led to the three-quarter pole, where Gardner and Pat Donovan closed on him, the latter finishing first, Gard ner second, Stuart third. Fourth race, 3-year-olds and upward, seven eighths of a mile, time l-32 Clamor got in the lead with Cupid second. These two ran in this order to near tho wire, when Cupid puHed past the leader and won, Clamor second. Obelisk third. Fifth race, Latonia Derby, for 3-year-olds, $2,000 added, of which $400 to second, $100 to third, mile and a half. Time, 2:4. The Derby is an easy race told. Hindoocraft took the lead and never was reached and won by a length to a length and a half. He led all the way round, Come-to-Taw and King Regent running neck and neck back of him. Hindoo craft won in a gallop by a length,Come-to-Taw second, a head in front of King Regent, third. Sixth race, purse, for 2-year olds, four and a half furlongs. Time, 55 After half a dozen breakaways the youngsters were sent away in a bunch with Portia w in the lead, which he held Into the stretch, where Ballyhoo came out of the bunch and won by a length. Joe Walton Second, half a length in front of Portlaw, third. Entries, weights and pools on to-morrow's Latonia races: First race, seven-eighths of amlle, selling Chlt howle 110 pounds. SIO; Cupid 119. S5: Macanley 105, ; Virginia 105, S3:AUalOS, S3: KedarKhan 107, S3; Land Lady 112. S3; (lollghtly 10-, Fargo 119, Lake view lift as a field (no price given). Second race, five eighths of a mile Lord Peyton 111 pounds, $10; Avondale 111, to; ZeellkalOS, (5; Mt. Lebanon IK, S3; Grade M 103, S3: Mayor Nolan 105, Judge Morrow 105, Uncle Kit 105, Uhanman iws samanian iuo, as a neia, $. Third race, three-quarters of a mile, selling- Springtime S3 pounds, Mayo 99, Neva L 101. Los Webster 102, Festus 104, St. Ledger 105, Myorna 107. Ernest Bace 114. Obelisk 116. Nonools sold Fourth race, mile .handicap Clay Stockton 103 pounds, $10; Lela May 106. SS: Trust 10S, S5; MoUle's Last 106, 4: New Castle S5, S3: Prince Fortnnatus 100. S3: Leontlne 100, S2; Queen of Trumps 93, K; Gymnast 95, It "- -- ruin .race, nve-eicnms or a rune, uiipseuc iiy. j; ever 110, $2; Favor Ban 108, Dilemma 103, Sister Geneva 103, English Lady 108, Martha Page 108, Heart's Ease 110, as a field, $5 A GREAT CLUB. Mr. Hustings Tells of tbe Schuylkill Ath letic Organization. S. E. Hastings, a member of the Athletic As sociation of the Schuylkill Navy, was in the city yesterday, and favored a Dispatch writer with some very interesting gossip rela tive to sports in the Quaker City. Especially so was the history of the club from Its infancy. It is now proposed by the club to build the finest gymnasium in the country, not excepting the one in San Francisco, which leads tho list in point of elaborate equipment The originators were such men as Horace Disston, William McMillen, Mr. Bailey, of Bailey, Banks fc Biddle, and a few other gen tlemen who admire athletic amusement This wa8backlnlSS2, and soon the idea took seed and over 200 members were on the list with inferior clnb rooms attheoldSecondRegiment Armory. Like the little apple it grew and now the membership numbers nearly 1,600 people, who are of the best families it) Philadelphia. Recently the clnb purchased two large lots at 1618-1620 Arch street upon which a building of solid stone will be erected at a cost of $100,000, which is all paid in. Its conven iences and equipment win be of the latest and finest order and unsur- Sassed by none. It will contain a irge natatorium, billiard, reception rooms, library and a gymnasium, tbe equal of which is not to be seen. The finest track, ten laps to the mile, is also one of the boasts, while a novel feature will be an open tennis air court on the roof of the building. Although a young organization 'it has com peted with the leading athletic clubs of the country, sucb as Manhattan, Jersey City and Nassau, taking from them several trophies in the shape of gold medals and cups. The Phil adelphia Club won last year the lightweight and middleweight sparring contests,' light weight and heavyweight wrestling. In the former W. Rocap who strips at 118 pounds has vanquished everybody he met, and the club is especially proud of him, as he is of a very dis tinguished family. Walter Lefferts also is highly spoken of as a wrestler. The building wasbegun last April tind the club expects to move into tho palatial quarters id one year from the time of commencing oper ations. MUDDY AT GRATESEND. The Rain Causes Slow Time An Important Track Order. New Yoek, May 2a Rain fell at Gravesend track last night and nearly all the morning. The track was fetlock deep in mud, but it was thin, and not sticky or holding. Racing asso ciations will not hereafter permit any race descriptions to be telegraphed from their tracks. First race, three-quarters .of a mile Starters: King Crab, Fordham, Guarantee and Jay F. Dee. Jay F. Dee won in 1:16K, Guarantee second, Fordham third. Second race, one and one-eighth miles Starters: Diablo, Bordelalse, Le Logos. Barrister and Toronto. Diablo won in 2:01, Bordelalse second, Barrister third. Third race, five-eighths ofa mile Starters: Joe Daly, Cllffwood. Mucilage, Tormentor, Onward, Elmstone and Unarada. Mucilage won in 1:05, Tormentor second. Onward third. Fourth race, one mile Starters: F. Grlmaldi, Bohemian. Gallus Dan and Bella B. Bella B. won In U4SH. Uohemlau second, "Grlmaldi third. Fifth race, tliree-qnarters of a mile Starters: Bob Furey, Dupllcltyn Long Island. Germanic, Blue Itock, Blpton, Sunshine and Village Maid. Blue Bock wdn In l:tti. Long Island second, Bob Furey third. , Sixth race, one and one-sixteenth miles Starters: Long Knight, Inspector B, Slnglestonev Housatonlc Fenelmi, Guarantee. Inspector B won In 1:5 Guarantee second, Fenelon tnlrd. Brooklyn entries: First race, five furlongs-Britannic 135 pounds, Reveller 135, Bessie Jane 130. Second race, mile and a sixteenth Juggler 110 Sounds, Tbe Bourbon 106, Joe Lee, Fitzroy 105, A Wood 98, My Own 93, J J O'B 99, Diadem 99, Tenny 93. Ihlrd race, five furlongs Sunnyslde, May Queen, Beclare, Paradox. Minute, Bay W, Folly, Clemie G Ally, Caiess, Fldelo. Leda, Carramla, Phoebe, Maria filly, Mamie B, Homeopathic, Insight Rainbow, Bronze and Blue, Urbana, Veva and Fannie J 115 pounds each. Fourth race, one and one-sixteenth, miles Swift 112 pounds, Blchmond 110, Dunboyne 110, Glen Echo 108, Tea Tray 106. Falcon 106, Now or Never and Joe Lee 104, BendlgolOO, Duke or Lelnster 99. Flflh race, flvefurlongs Civil Service, Padishah, Bell Selcher, Am boy. Blaekborn and Prince Howard, 118 pounds each, Urbana U5, Chaos 113, Blpley, 113. Kixth race, eleht rhrlones Miracle 122 mnniiL Melodrama 122, Battersby 119, Golden Reel 112, Umpire 112, Tourmaline 110, King Arthur! 109, Alice 108, Louise 95, Hot Scotch 95. t ' Humphrey Knocked Ont. Ss. Lorns, May 20. At French "Village, Ills., yesterday, Redfleld Brown and John Hum phreys, two St. Louis sports, fought a brutal .mill to a finish. In the 19th round Humphreys,, . i .'-. . lit .. -fr-inniiiBMTHlrflfvit iT'rTii' r'lfii"!! -i i -i it t tf. i i'ji i MMIii.n 'maitirirMiikiMMiiianrMiHMlf 1 1 "i wlio was blinded by blooa flowing from wounds over his eyes, received a terrlfib .blow in the jugular and fell like a log. He lay some time without moving. It was only with difficulty that he was resuscitated. The faces of both contestants were rendered almost unrecogniza ble. A WOUNDED MAN BUTTERED. The Novel Remedy Used by' a Barkeeper Who Turned Doctor Chicago Herald, j In one of the popular down-town lunch rooms the lunchers sit at long tables and help themselves to butter from a large-sized roll, which is placed on a plate near the center of each table. The other day the tai ble nearest the front door was fully occu pied, and a young man near one end was just reaching for the butter, when the door was thrown open with a jarring bang, and a bare-headed man, whose face was flushed with excitement and who wore'a long white apron, dashed in with a bound, rushed over to the table mentioned, grabbed up the whole roll of butter and then tore out again with it in his hand. The young man who had been reaching for the butter fell off of his chair, and the other guests were greatly excited at the strange and sudden incident. A few of the cooler heads took advantage of this excitement to put their checks in their pockets and sneak out without obeying the injunction, "Please pay at the desk." One ofthese people had seen the- excited young man disappear with his butter in a doorway just across tbe street, andhis curi osity prompted him, to follow. The placn mi n. swell saloon, and the young man was evidently the barkeeper. It appears that J two or three of his customers naa oeen standing in front of the bar exam ining an old dueling pistol. One of them raised its hammer, saw no cap on the ninnle. and suoDOsed it was not loaded. He blew in the muzzle and was just removing it. from between his lips wnen tne nammer fell, there was a blinding flash and report and the poor fellow received the entire rusty charge full in the face. He fell to the floor and everyone became crazy with excite ment Only the barkeeper had presence of mind, and as soon as the man fell he darted out of the door and across the street, return ing quickly with the butter. Kneeling at the wounded man's side, he smeared this butter all over his torn and powder-stained face and rubbed it in vigor ously. Then he threw a handkerchief over the face and helped convey the man to the rear room. Meantime someone bad gone for a doctor and he soon.amved. 'When he saw the man he inqnired: "What's that stuff on his face?" The barkeeper told him what he had done. ""Well," said the physician, "you have saved himfrom being disfiguredforlife by your prompt action. That grease has kept the powder from getting in under the skin, and I can pick it all out." Luckily, there was nothing but powder in the pistol. The grains were picked from the young man's face, and now he is as good as new, two deeply-imbedded particles of powder at the side of his nose being the only visible marks of the accident. He will never blow into another pistol, and will always regard presence of mind as a wonderful trait in anv man. KILLED BEFORE HER EIES.' An ArkansasFnrmerDellberately Shot From Behind nn Ambush. Fobdyce, Abk., May 50. Saturday, about eight miles from herein Dallas coun ty, John Allen "was shot from ambush while at work hy George Fike. Allen's wife, who was in the field with him at the time he was killed, stated before the inquest that her husband was dropping peas within a few feel of her when first fired on; that he turned to run, when he was shot again and fell. Soon af terward George Fike came up to where he was lying and asked if he was dead. On hearing Fike speak her husband raised himself up by catching bold of her dress and fell back dead. Fike remarked thatb? had reloaded his gun for the purpose of kill ing him if he was not dead. She also stated that a few days before she reported to her husband that Fike had insulted" her, and that he had given Fike until Friday night to leave the country or be killed. Fike is at large. A PAIR 0FBURGLAES, Who Collared Some 810,000 Worth or Plunder, Arrested at Philadelphia. Philadelphia, May 20. A pair" of daring burglars who have seenred $10,000 worth of plunder in this city recently, were arrested here this afternoon by detect ives. The prisoners are Isaac Mof fatt McKay, alias "William Moffatt, alias Hart, and James Crofton, who also has a long string of aliases. Both men are from Baltimore, and were released from the Maryland State penitentiary about a year ago, after, several years imprisonment During the car strike in Chicago last fall McKay is said to have plied his vocation successfully in that city. A telegram was received this evening from the Superintend ent of the Chicago police, asking that Mc Kay be turned over to him after v he shall have done penance for his crime here, TBE EDITOR'S HORNED TOAD. A Present That He Wonld be Glad to Give Away Again-. Portland Oregon ianl Some kind-hearted individual has sent to this office & very fine, large horned toad from Sonthern California. As a specimen of the productions of that country it is' im mense; bnt as a pet and a plaything it' is a blank failure. The only sign of activity or intelligence the "critter" shows is to feebly wiggle its tail when its back is scratched with a lead pencil, and less, certainly, could not be expected of it The toad grew horns, for he had need of them to keep from being swallowed "by the rattlesnakes, which are his neighbors when he is on his native heath. Frogs are ac counted a delicacy, and perhaps the horned toad might be good fricasseed. Anyone who thinks so is welcome to this specimen. IT WILL BE EXTENDED. The Pennsylvania Will Build a Road From Toledo to Detroit. Detboit, May 20. The Free Press has has received reliable information that the Pennsylvania Railroad will shortly extend its line into .Detroit from Toledo and will unite with the Canadian Pacific and the Flint and Pefe Marquette roads in erecting ahandsoiiie-depoton Fort street, near the site of the new postofuce. Considerable land has already been quietly purchased by the reads in the vicinity of the proposed depot, and it is expected that work will shortly be commenced.- Fnna far the Slay Festival, Co to $50 all sorts here. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B.A-B. See our' May Festival Fans largest as sortment and lowest prices special lot 1,000 fine Japanese Parchment Fans at 25oj worth 50c. Boggs & Buhl. Those Silk WarpHenrlotta Cloths at 75c Are the front rank of dress goods bargains in the United States 20 colors this week for the dress goods bargains. JOS. "HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Guns and revolvers carefully repaired, guns for hire, tents for , sale, at J. H. Johnston's Great Western Gun Works, 706 Smithfield st, ttssu Lace Wraps and Fichus for May Festival Wear In onr Cloak Room and Lace Department to-day. , Jos. Hobne & Co.'s ,Va' r" :$-ifirATtt BteTWii ?. DE. SCOTT'S REVENGE. The Chief Persecutor of the Presi dent's Venerable Father-in-law MADE TO STEP DOWfl AHD 0DT. Corporal Tanner Finds Seasons Why He Should Be Bounced. AN EXECUTIVE CHANGE 0B PROGRAMME Gen. Harrison Shortens His Eecfptlons to Facilitate , Business. The persecution of Dr. Scott, President Harrison's father-in-law, by an unknown bnt not unpunished chief in the Pension Office, has resulted in the dismissal of the said chief by Commissioner Tanner, though it is claimed that there were other reasons for his discharge. The President has been obliged to curtail his reception hours at least 60 per cent in order to facilitate the removal of Democratic officeholders. SPECIAL TILIOBAM TO THE DISPATCT.1 Washington, May 20. A man lately employed in the Pension office is just now getting a good deal of free advertising through ajrecentl? published story that Dr. Scott, the father-in-law of the President, bad suffered at his hands and got even by calling on Commissioner Tanner, a few days ago, with a letter from the President direct ing this man's discharge. The story is mostly romance, though there is more truth in it than there is in some letters that he or his friends have induced some papers to print abont his alleged efficiency and mis cellaneous necessity to the office. This man was appointed many years ago, and General Black found him a chief of division. The division chief manifested a remarkable alacrity in running errands and doing chores for the General, who was easily imposed on fay people who made professions of friendship for him, and he made the man an assistant chief and let him stay. Serious complaints were made and supported by good evidence against this man, bnt he had made the Commissioner his friend and nothing could dislodge him. Any clerk who reported him did it at his, or more especially her, peril, one lady having been dismissed for making charges against him, and this man was allowed to promote one clerk whose presence and conduct had made much trouble in the office. When Corporal Tanner came into the office be found already there reasons enough for dispensing with the services of this man, wholly irrespective ot his petty persecution of old Dr. Scott, including his transfer to a room on the third floor of the Pension office,' where it was intolerably hot in summer and at all seasons a difficult place to climb for a man almost 90 years old, and his sycophancy in getting the old man back into his division aiter General Harrison's election and paying him a nauseating amount of attention. Dr. Scott never took Commissioner Tan ner any letter or said a word to him at any time in regard to this man who sent a bas ket of roses to Mrs. Tanner, supposing that would make him solid with this administra tion, add he got his discharge the next rricrning. A CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. The President to Shut OfT Visitors and Attend to Appointments. Washington, May 20. In order to have more time for the-transaction of pnblio business, the President has decided upon certain changes in the hours devoted to the reception of visitors On business. Com mencing with to-morrow, the, business re ception will begin at 11 oclock instead of at 10, as heretofore, and on Cabinet days (Tuesday and Eriday) will close at 12 o'clock promptly. On Wednesday, Thurs day and Saturday, the reception will last until 1230-o'clock. The President will reserve Monday to himself, and will receive no visitors on bus iness except by appointment. Persons de siring to pay their respects will be received as usual at 1 o'clock P. M., on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. It is expected that the change in the rules will result in greater rapidity in the matter of appoint ments. IN A STATE OF DESUETUDE. Only a Presidentnl Proclamation to Protect jAIasknn Waters. Washington, May 20. Inquiry at the Department of State, based upon the report from Ottawa that a British war vessel is to be sent to the Behring Sea to investigate seizures of illegal sealers, elicits the fact that nothing has been done by this Government in the matter since the issue of the Presi dent's proclamation which distinctly noti fied all nations of the intention of the United States, to protect the seal and fish life from depredation. It is presumed that the Treasury Depart ment, through the revenue marine service, will carry out the provisions of the statutes enacted to that end. At present the only Government vessels in Alaskan waters are revenue cutters, but they will soon be rein forced by the man-of-war Thetis, which is now at San Francisco preparing for a sum mer cruise. A BRAND NEW BOARD. Tho Visitors to the West Point military Academy Named. Washington, May 20. The Board of Visitors to the military academy at West Point has been appointed. They are as follows: , On the part of the Senate Hon. C. K. Davis, St Paul, Minn.; Hon. D. W. Daniel, Lynch burg, Va. On tbe part of the House Hon. S. M. Rob ertson, Baton Rouge, La.: Hon. S. S. Yoder, Lima, O.; Hon. George W. Sheels, Marion, Ind. By the President Prof. Leroy D. Brown, Reno. NeV;! Prof. C. M. Pinkerton Perry, Iowa; Rev. Dr. B. W. Chldlaw, Cleves, O.; Arthnr Edwards, Chicago: Dr. Nathan S. Lin coln, Washington, D. C; Captain Charles King. TJ. S. A. (retired), Milwaukee, Wis,; General Lew Wallace, of Indiana. ALL I& TBE WILD WEST. No Eastern Applicant Among the List of Monday's Appointments. Washington, May 20. The President made tbe following appointments to-day: To be receivers of public moneys Thomas D. Banmgartner, of Arkansas, at Dardanelle. Ark,: Henry C. Pickles, of Delaware, at Fol som, New Mexico; Frank Lesnet, of New Mex ico, at Roswell, N. M. To be registers of land offices William P. Alexander, of Colorado, at Del Norte, Col.; John H. Mills, of New Mexico, at Roswell, N.M. To be Indian agents James Blytho, of North Carolina, at the Eastern Cherokee agency in North Carolina; John Fosher, of Wyoming Territory, at the Shoshone agency in Wyoming' Territory., The Laymen' Leagne Reception. The laymen of the Missionary League of the EpiscopajTDiocese gave a reception to the rec tors, officers and vestrymen of the local parishes last evening m the Penh building. The rooms were all tastefully decorated for tbe event, and a large number were present, passing a most enjoyable evening. i To Nomlnnto Candidates. The County Convention No. 2, to nominate candidates for Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas No. L District -Attorney, Coroner and Director of the Poor, will meet in Common Council Chamber, in Pittsburg, Wednesday morning, May 22, 1889. at 10 o'clock A IT. -Hon. Chas.' S. Fette-rman, Temporary Chairman. u THE WEATHER, For Western Pennsyl vania, threatening vseater and rain; slightly cooler; norther ry winds. ForWest Vir ainia. liahl showers. ll 'I' followed bv clearing weather; northwesterly winds; slight changes in temperaturet PrrTSBtJBO, May 20, 1SSJ. The United States Signal Service officer la this city furnishes the following. m YA UN rw'. Hfir.1 Time. Titer. llinr. 8:00.1. Jf , 64 Mean temp 67 12:00 a. it 73 Maximum temp.... 75 1:00 p. M Minimum temp... . S9 2:00 F.M 73 Bangs IS 5:00 r. u - Precipitation. 01 8:00F. M 63 Blverat I r, ,, ID iet; no change la 24 hours. vRIrer Telegram. ISrXCIAI. TXLEOTUMS TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Bkownsvuxk River 5 feet and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 71 at 6 p. ac Warren River 8-10 of a foot and falling. Weather clear and warm. Moeoaktowk River i feet 10 Inches and stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer SO0 at 4 T. n. ENGLISH ALMOST UNIYERSAL. Onr Mother Tongno Spoken by 115,000,000 People at tho Present Time. Boston Advertiser.! There was a time when French was the only cosmopolitan language; but that time is long passed. To-day the tongue of Shake speare and Bacon, of Milton and Burke, of Whittier and Lowell is spoken by not far from "115,000,000 people. There is no considerable city of the civ ilized world where it is not heard. It has long been the language of colonization and of commerce. It is already to a consid erable extent, it is every day becoming to a greater extent, it must inevitably and speedily become to a prevailing extent, the language of diplomacy. It is plain, to any intelligent student of history why French has been the chief vehicle for international negotiations, and equally plain why it can not continue to be so. In the Middle (Ages , the University of Paris was the intellectual center of Europe. Thither flocked aspiring students from Britain and from every part of the Conti nent Then Latin was the language of learning. It therefore became the means of communication among learners and learned. Whatever men deemed worth reading was written in that language; whatever men. deemed worth knowing was enshrined in that language. Hence the locality in Paris where students most congregated is called to this day "The Latin Quarter." When Constantinople fell, and the buried treasures of Greek literature were exhumed, and that morning dawn called "the revival of learning" broke upon Europe, the University of Paris lost its pre eminence, but Paris did not lose its prestige. Inevitably, though it might be unintention ally, those who talked Latin to one another in Paris learned more or less of the native speech of Parisian citizens, when the mighty stirring of the human mind, which was at once cause and effect of the conditions belonging to the modern era, took place, men needed a language which was common to at least a few people in each of many nations. Latin wonld 'not serve the turn, for no dead speech, however splendid, could adequately express such living thoughts as were there struggling for utter ance in the heart and brain of the awakened world. . " r- -- Under these circumstances the French language became, of necessity, the language of diplomacy, and, indeed, during a long period, was also the language of art, science, letters and refined social life. It is a law of human nature that makes us cling to customs after their reason has ceased to exist. But even force of habit must yield at length to force of necessity. English and not French is and is to be the international speech. Those diplomats at Berlin who are talking to one another in English and not in French are simply recognizing the fact that they live in the nineteenth century verging on the twentieth, and not in the eighteenth or seventeenth. KEPT AWAKE BI CLUBS. The Way Lapland Preacher Prevent Their Hearer From Sleeping. New York Sun.l An uptown preacher is troubled over the somnolent habits of some of the members of his church, who fall asleep in their pews before he is half through with his sermon. He has just given them a warning from one of the stories told by Paul du Chaillu, when he came here after traveling over Lapland, When the traveler visited the churches of the Laps, which are of the Lutheran faith, he found that some queer devices were adopted to keep the people awake during the sermon. The minister holds a large baton by his side, and when he sees 'that his hearers are falling asleep, he beats it noisily upon the pulpit, while, at the same time, the sexton seizes a long stick with which he pokes the sleepers in the ribs as he walks around the church. By these means the devout Laps are kept awake under the preaching. The New York clergyman told his hearers that this was an excellent custom worthy of adoption here, but thought that in at least one church the preacher would have too hard work in plying his baton, and that the sexton would never get a rest from poking his long stick into the sleepers' ribs. PAWNING A HORSE FOE $1. A Price Too Loir and a Story Too Stiff for the Policeman. Arthur Sullivan, aged 17, and alleged residence New Orleans, was arrested at 9 last night for trying to pawn a bay horse for II at a shop corner of Smlthfield street and Strawberry alley. He said be borrowed the horso at a livery opposite the Union depot, took it back and the liveryman refused to ac cept it, saying the animal wasn't his. so Sul livan didn't know what else to do but pawn It for SL He's in Central station. The horse is eating city hay. A Choir Trouble. Rev. W. R. Cowl denies that his resignation as pastor of the Union A veil no M. P. Church', in Allegheny, was due to the choir trouble. He says he had personal reasons for his action. Tbe choir was dismissed because tbe congrega tion deemed it too expensive. It cost tfiu church 650 per year. Stephen Glrnrd's Birthday Anniversary. PrrxLATJELPHlA, May 2a The one hundred and thirty-ninth anniversary of the birth of Stephen Glrard was observed to-dav with ap propriate ceremonies in Glrard College by .the Alumni Association, the instructors and the Jiresent pupils. Many men prominent in pub ic life were present, and many .speecne were made. l Tutt's Pills Is an Invaluable remedy for SICK HEADACHE, TORPID LIVEB, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, MALARIA, COSTIVENESS, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. "' Sold Everywhere. iiaoa , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The PEOPLE'S STORE We do not 'wish to be misunderstood when we announce the fact that we carry the largest and handsomest line of Suits and Wraps in Western Pennsylvania. We not only import but have manufac tured for us in large quantities, the best goods which our American manufacturers make. Further than this, we manufacture for ourselves homemade garments which it is impossible for us to buy, among which are a choice line of Wash Dress Fabrics made so as to fit and wear well and not rip when washed,. Ourselves as well as our customers have bees' disgusted with Eastern made goods of this character which DO all the disagreabie things we warrant ours NOT TO DO. Don't fail to notice our Gingham, Satine, and Challis Suits; they possess all the at tributes of well-made stylish garments from which all undesirable points are eliminated. WeTnake everything a lady needs from a plain White Wrapper, up to an elaborate Silk with a little color in it Note our Silk Suits, plain, colored, or combination with Moire, ranging' from $12 to $15. Blacks plain in Gros Grain, Surahs, Rhadames and Moire and combinations with white from $15 to $85. In stuffs we range from $5 to $50, includ ing Fine French Woolens with borders, combined with Silks and Velvets, also Plaids, Stripes, Checks and designs a la Francaise. The Accordion Skirts and Di rectoire are prime favorites. Onr Lustres are in all colors from Pink to Black.. The Ladies' Tea Gowns in elegant and elaborate designs form a very desirable array of novelties. Black Lace and Fish Net dresses moat handsomely trimmed with Moire Ribbon, while the Surahs and Indias CAMPBELL & DICK, Freemasons' Hall, II-1T 1 liSx. 11 teS n&WrtJi " oYpgA i jy r 'jr - vvIB raJLJAviMa The cakes of Ivory Soap are so shaped that they may be used entire for general purposes, or divided with a stout thread (as illustrated) into two perfectly formed cakes for toilet use. A WORD OF WARNING.- , li;. here are many white soaps, each represented to be ''just as good as thr7 'Ivory';" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, Jack the peculiar and remark- able qualities, of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it; Copyright 1&S6, by Procter & Gamble. A PUZZLE IN RELATIONSHIP. By marriage a West Virginia Woman Be comes Her Father Aunt. WKSTok W. VA, May 20. A novel and quite singular marriage has just been brought to light which was celebrated in New York City April 30. Tho contracting parties reside in Lewis and Harrison counties respectively, and the disparity of their ages, as well as the near relationship existing between them, has occasioned no little amusement among friends. The bridegroom is a wealthy old bachelor who has seen not less than 75 summers, while the bride is a handsome blonde of 23. The gallant lover Is the great-uncle of bis vnnthf nl snonse. and his marriage to her makes 'his wife the aunt of her father, the great-aunt of her sisters and the aaugnter-in-iaw orner father's grandfather. ' A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury to hands or fabric. Economical, Dire and good. Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows, houses, dishes, milk palls, milk cans, clothes, &c. Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus. &c. See that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages. BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best Soap Made, R. W. BELL MFG. CO.;Buffafo, N. Y. A CURE GUARANTEED, Health, energy and strength secured by using Amoranda Wafers. These wafers are a guar anteed specific and the only reliable and safe remedy for the permanent cure of impotency, no matter how long standing, nervous neural gia, headache, nervous prostration caused by the nse of alcohol or tobacco, sleeplessness, mental depression, softening of the brain, re sulting In Insanity and leading V misery, decay and death, premature old age, barrenness, spermatorrhea, harrassing dreams, premature decay of vital power, caused by over exertion of the brain, self-abuse or overindulgence. 75 cents per box, or six boxes tor $4, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Six, boxes is the complete treatment, and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we will give a WRITTEN GUARANTEK TO REFUND THE MONEY if the wafers do not benefit or effect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale Only by JOSEPH FLEMING 4 SON, U2Market street.-Pittsburg, Pa., P. O. Box 37, to whom all communications shonld bo ad dressed. myS-23-TTSSu P .A-TIE IsTTS. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor rf Patents. 131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfield, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se'23-hlu p A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. loitpaofie-rW". MaM.-1 i ii.aSBSBSSijliSiSMfMr LABOR-SAVING i A 3" WASHING POWDER -i-i -i r x. i-n-rat-rAjn w - "j-b-s&i . fM.- j.x -js mmtm&wns a. m and novelties in French Satin are the de light of all who see them. What we can do for Misses and Children is expressed in the fact that our stock con-" ,tains an elegant line of the same materials as for ladies, and that we give particular at tention to clothing the younger folks iust as fashionably and elegantly" as their elders. The White Suits in the juvenile department comprise an extensive variety, properly speaking, the largest in the city; they run from $1 60 to $20 00. In fancy Brussels Net and Cream Colored Surahs we cannot be outdone; they range from $6 to $17. WRAP TALK Six hundred Black and Colored Jackets, latest and most popular styles, from $1 50 to $20. .- Stockinettes, Broadcloths, Corkscrews, Whip Cords and Wide Wales. Ladies' Raglans, Ulsters and Connemaras; just the things for travelers, in Stripe, Plaids, Grays, Blues, Greens, Drabs ahd fancy combination stripes cost frora $5 to $18. Long Lace and Silk Wraps for old ladies. Beaded Wraps, the $3 kind, for ?2 75. and a host of other things; in fact,' we keep everything worth having, includ ing Jersey, Blouse and Flannel Waists. Children's Wraps possess all the man'- fold good featnres of tbe older kinds, in eluding Jackets, Gretchens, Ulster, New markets and Connemaras. The People's Store stands at the head in , this department of female attire; leading is '. Styles, Materials, Fits and other attributes, so dear to woman's heart, especially the low. prices, which are convincing the public more and more of its hold on the popular ' mind. Fifth Avenue. myl5-TTS We Can't Afford Extras. Why not? Because we are, selling the best 'Boys' Cloth ing we know how to make for as little as we can. We are putting all the( value into the goods. , Ex cept a small profit, it costs us as much as we are asking for- it No room for extras! Not any. It may seem a peculiar policy to pursue, but we stick at it all the year round. We see no1 cause to depart from it now because you are look ing around to find the best store to spend your money in. The clothing is as peculiar as the policy. It is all-wool, made in unp eopled styles, and the hand somest materials we ever put into Boys' Clothing. It'll, please the mothers besides pleasing the boys. ( What a pleasure it is to pa. for what you want -- Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. See- our making, to measure' this way: Nearly i,ooo styles? of goqds. - t my20-D GRATEtfUL-COMKORTINO. f EPPS'S COCOA ; BREAKFAST. . B y a thorough knowleugeof the natural laws. which govern the operations of digestion and nutrltion,andandbyacarefulapplIcatIonoftho fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epos has provided our breakfast tables with a deli cately flavored beverage which may save ujr many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbythejudicious use of such articles of dief that a constitution may bo gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready , to attack wherever there is a weak point Wa may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette: MadeElmplywithboIlingwaterormilk. SoleU only In "half ponnd tins by Grocers, labelet thac Jas.BppsUi. aum 'TSSSSSSSb i m JK - . A , mlmzk