Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 21, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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King Mataafa Wants the Protection
v" of the United Slates.
Kearly All of the Shipwrecked
HaTe Been Sent Home.
Apia, Samoa, May L The shipwrecked
.officers and crew of the United States men-of-war
Trenton and Vandalia, leave here on
the steamer Bockton to-day for Mare Island
avy yard. Owing to reports which had
been received here recently it was thought
that the Oceanic steamship Mariposa would
top at Apia last Sunday, April 28, and
take 300 of the men to San Francisco. "
Preparations were made for the Mariposa's
arrival, and the men were selected to be sent
away in the steamer. The steamer Lubeck ar
Tived here from Sydney on Sunday, and re
ported that Lieutenant J.C. Wilson, who was
sent to Auckland and Sydney to charter a
steamer, had engaged the 2,000-ton steamer
Rockton, belonging to the Australian United
6team Kavigation Comnanr.
The Mariposa did not call at Apia at all but
passed the islands at Tutnila. The mail
schooner which went to Tutulla to connect
with the Mariposa had not returned here at the
time the Bockton sailed for America, and it
was not known whether she had connected with
the Mariposa or not.
The Rockton arrived here from Sydney April
' SB,' and when she was first sighted outside of
the harbor the Trenton and Vandalia sailors,
who have been living in barracks since the
storm, creeled her with loud cheering. Ad
miral Kimberly decided to send iwzj every
man that the steamer could take. The work
of loading the Rockton commenced the next
day. All of the survivors of the Vandalia, in
cluding S officers and 112 men, and 12 officers
and 300 men from the Trenton were sent
, Beside the Admiral and his staff 10 officers
and 75 men remain here. The Rockton was
anchored in the bay abont a quarter of a mile
from shore, andthe men were commanded to go
aboard in small boats about 1 o'clock yester
day afternoon. The Trenton's band was first
to go aboard, and as the boat left the dock the
band played a national air and 500 sailors
ashore united in a great cheer. Every boat
was cheered heartily as it pushed off from
shore. The boats had to pass close to the
wrecks of the Trenton and vandalia.
Allot the men and baggage were aboard be
fore evening, but a few final arrangements
were not completed and the Rockton was not
able to sail nntil the following morning. Nearly
the whole population of Apia was on the beach
when the steamer left her moorings and
steamed out to sea, and for a few minutes loud
cheers were heard in every direction. The
crews of tho men-of-war Kipsic and Rapid and
iiuuureus 01 people on me ueacn cneerea tne
to the Mataafa party. The Mataafa men were
pasting a house at Faleta, asbort distance from
Tamasese's camp, when anumberof Tamasese's
men concealed in the house fired upon them.
Both men were slightly wounded, bntsucceeded
in making their escape. AnumberofMataafa's
warriors stationed in that vicinity were very
much excitAd and thrpatened to make an at
tack upon Tamasese, but were persuaded to I
uso no violence ana to auow me wuueut n
pass unnoticed.
The natives have succeeded in recovering a
safe containing S15.O0O from the wreck of the
German gunboat Eber. .Native divers are still
at work on the wreck of the Eber making an
effort to save the guns. The battery and-other
articles of value of the German crulfer Adler
were taken ashore some time ago. The rudder
fortfcaNipsic, which Admiral Kimberly had
under his personal supervision, has been com
pleted and placed in position, and it Is probable
that the Nlpsic will start for Auckland as soon
as the Alert arrives here. ,..,.
The British man of war Rapid, which left
here ten days ago, returned on the 27th. Her
captain reported upon his return that he bad
been to buwarrow, a small island about 400
miles east of Samoa. Ho stated that the island
was occupied several years ago by a resident of
Auckland for the purpose of raising cocoa
nuts, and that at the latter's request the Rapid
had gone there and raised the British flag and
formally annexed the island as a part of the
.British possessions.
Secret Societies In Erie County Organize to
Fight the Amendment The United
Brethren Conference Abont
Through-All the Ne!h.
borhood News.
rsrsciAi. mxQux to the pisrxTcn.i
Ekie, May 20. Opponents to the prohibi
tion amendment have risen np in a new
qnaner. ah tne uerman societies, inciuu
ing the benevolent, church and secret socie
ties, have organized, and to-night their rep
resentatives met in secret session. There
were 33 societies represented, and one clanse
in the constitution prohibits any saloon
keeper, wholesale dealer or brewer from being
enrolled, Among the societies which have de
clared against the amendment is a lodge of the
Ancient order of United "Workmen, three
branches of the Catholic Mutual Benefit As
sociation, two tents of the Knights ot the
Macabees, four lodges of the Harukaris, and
several other secret societies.
The action of some of these societies in med
dling as organizations with the liquor question
has stirred up a great deal of feeling among
other lodges of the same fraternity, and threats
are made against the continuance of the char
ters of the aforesaid societies. Over 20 of the
strongest societies arrayed acainst prohibition
are connected with the German Catholic and .
Lutheran Churches ana represent over 2,500
There is a great deal of excitement among
the opponents to the amendment; and if the
election were to take place to-morrow the
amendment would be lost in this county.
Ermine Wrap for the Mar Festival.
Embroidered white Chins' silk shawls and
scarfs, cashmere shawls, Persian shawls
(the famous $5 ones), also cream and black
Spanish lace fichus, mantles and circulars.
Penn Avenue Stores.
May Festival Gloves. Full assortment of
lengths and shades. Fine kid gloves for
evening wear, f 1 25 to ft
Yea Coma to the Silk Aisle To-Dny,
The May bargains aret therein full force
Indias and all the rest 'It will continue
every day. Jos. Hoeke & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
I$Y. the latest perfume, Lightner's Maid
of the Mist.
Mnrrlnge Licenses Granted Yesterday.
Nune. Beildenge.
(Wn. Bcnlly. Walker's Mills
Baroara'E. Connelly Walker's Mill.
(Joseph, Then , Etna
'JosefaUerhart Etna
JFrankA.Traub , - Pittsburg
lAnnle E. Bchroeffel Pltttbnrg
I Harry E. Eberman PltUbnrg
I Mary E. Verner. Pittsburg
I Arthur Kelly Fittsbnrg
I Kate Sullivan : Pittsburg
Patrick J. Bent "Washington
(Josephine A. Hlndman Jefferson township
I August Cztbnlla, Pittsburg
1 Caroline Jacobuf.....; Pittsburg
jjSernardVoekuhl Pittsburg
I Anna Uumlller Plttrtiurg
J "Win. Lewis Pittsburg
1 Nary 1H vis Pittsburg
I Wm. Sharpe. Pittsburg
lAnnUeaken i Pittsburg
(George Webb.... i Allegheny
I Carrie Schoettle Allegheny
(KobertCroker Allegheny
I Mary r. Butler Allegheny
In the Basement Bargain
Annex Entrance just
inside our Jjittn avenue
The enormous sale of Car
pets by us since April i has
left many broken lines and
single pieces of Carpets in all
grades, which, although de
sirable in pattern and good in
quality, we wjll not duplicate
H v J!
parting steamer and the Trenton andVan
11a men on the decks of the Bockton re
turned the cheers with a will.
The 75 men who remain here are in charge of
Lieutenant Commander Lyon. It is supposed
they .will either be sent home in the course of
another month or be transferred to other
American war ships which may arrive here.
The departure of the shipwrecked sailors is
geeted with a feeling of relief, as Apia is not
rge enough to accommodate such a number
I of men without great confusion resulting, and
f it has been feared that serious illness might
f break out in the town owing to the crowded
' quarters of the men.
Admiral Kimberly received the following
letter from Mataafa a few days after he had
issued his proclamation advising the natives to
give up war:
MAOIAGI, April 22.
L. A. Kimberly, Admiral of tbe American Fleet:
Your Eiceixenct I and the chiefs and
councilors of my Government at Maciaei.
having consulted together to-day, are highly
pleased with tbe proclamation. The kindness
of tbe Government of tbe United States is be-
sa- jrond porsnarln, and I am now able to Dnder-
sndjfc-o-daypiyjesirrfor war with our
kindred at Luatuinun is fluished. I declare
the war which was carried on between this part
of Samoa and that part of Samoa is at an end,
because I earnestly desire that Samoa should
And a state of prosperity, and to give over to
?'ou the office of umpire between uj both, and
et ns all work to the same purpose. Besides,
I declare that Samoa would escape danger If
Tbe United Brethren Conference Hns Abont
Completed Its Work.
Yoke, Hay 20. BishOD "Weaver presided over
the majority conference of the United Breth
ren Church to-day. Directors of the Mission
ary Society were elected as follows: R. J.
White, New York; L. Bookwalter, Ohio; W. M.
Beardshear, Iowa; H. Gorst, Ohio; G. A. Funk
hauser, Pennsylvania; J. P.Landis, Ohio; J. "W.
Etter, Pennsylvania; E. S. Larens,' Pennsylva
nia; J. A. Wells, Kansas; E. P. Kephart, Iowa.
The following board of trustees of the Union
Biblical Seminary were elected: TV. II. Beard
shear, Iova: T. J. Earbaugb. Ohio; J. Boltrell,
Pennsylvania: H.L. Herr. Ohio; Dr. L. Rike,
Ohio: G. SI. Matthews, Ohio; S. M. Hebbard,
Ohio; J. L. Funkhauser, Indiana, and S. W.
Keister, Ohio. The board will elect five more
The trustees elected for the printing estab
lishment are as follows: D. W. Crlder, C. I. B.
Brane, J. A. Mills. B. F. Wilt, S. Mills, George
The conference will probably adjourn tomorrow.
wtre to protect and give their support to it and
be the sole master of all Samoa without tbe in
terference of any other power; for in years
gone by we have been endeavoring to form a
strong government on the basis of protection
by three powers. -In consequence Samoa has
been constantly torn to pieces and many lives
iave been lost, and the country has been
brought down to a very low condition. On this
account, we are sure that recurrence of the
triple system woujd be useless. If now one
Sower took charge of Samoa and oontinued to
o so forever, then Samoa would for the first
time enjoy standing prosperity. I place every
hope In your good wisher toward Samoa, and
hope you will not draw back from them. May
you live. Your brother "in the Lord,"
- Mauetoa Mataafa. King of Samoa.
Admiral Kimberly replied to Mataafa's let
ter as follows:
Apia, April St
To Bis Boyal Highness, Malietoa Mataafa.
Your Royal Highness Your letter dated
April a a receivea yesteruay, and read with
great care and interest. Tho previous day I
also received one from Tamasese. In ithe
cays nothing of peace except on the conditions
Of submission. His heart has cot yet been
penetrated by the evils of war nor softened by
the sufferings of the people. Your coble sen
timents for the welfare of Samoa, as shown in
your sincere expressions for peace, and by
council of your chiefs 2nd rulers, prove that
you and they have the true feelings that gov
ern men who love their country better than
themselves. Such men are they who
and responsibility of troublous times that
aurgeVrer the land, as the ocean waves surge
against the shore. They are strong men
against whom the weak can lean like the vine
against the tree. May your services and wis
dom long be spared to Samoa. The United
States now, as far as I know, are In convention
with the other two treaty powers, and I can as
sure you that, as far as she is able, her efforts
will be directed to obtain those points that will
advance and promote the interests of all Samoa
In every respect, and tbe evils that have here
tofore afflicted tbe country will, if not extin
guished, at least be diminished. Have, there
fore, good heart. The day of rest and peace
' and prosperity is not so far away but that its
coming, like tbe dawn, can be seen before the
rising sun. A copy of your letter will be for
warded br the first mall to Wa&hlnrtnn for thn
Information of the Government. Trusting that
Suu may uTe gooa neaiin ana you long may
. o spared, I remain, very respectfully.
Your obedient servant,
, li. A. KlMBEELY,
Bear Admiral, U.aNMof the Pacific station.
Admiral Kimberly declined to make theN
curretpunuence Between mmaelt and Tamasese
public, stating they must first go berore tbe de
partment at Washington. An effort was made
to obtain the correspondence between the Ad
miral and Tamasese from Dr. Knappe. tbe Ger
man Consul, but the latter declined to give it
out for publication. Consul Knappe said he
Lid not think that Admiral Kimberly's procla
mation would amount to anything, as the
bamoans were an indifferent people, and would
read the proclamation once and forget all about
It afterward.
- Dr. Hteubel, the new German Consul at Apia,
arrived here on the steamer Lubeck, from Syd
ney, April 23. The" Associated Press correspon
dent had a short Interview a f ?w days ago with
Mataafa. Me said nis people were great!
rtleased witn tne aance puDiisueo in tbe Ai
miral's proclamations, and felt vey grateful
for tbe interest which the Americans bad taken
In their cause. Ane present war was a great
hardship to the country, .and tbe people wanted
peace. The bad no desire to fight Tamasese or
the Germans.
He said he would like to see the American
. Government declare a protectorate over the
Samoans. He thought that was tbe best way
to avoid trouble, as the natives were continual
ly fighting among themselves, when the Con
suls for the United States, Germany and En
gland bad equal power, junuavits cad been
prepared, under the direction of Mataafa,
ivaicn nai
A Terrific Wind iMorm Sweeps Through
the Lackawanna Ynllcy.
Wilkesbakek. May 20. A terrific wind
and rain storm, which afterward turned into a
cyclone, swept through Lackawanna Valley
this afternoon. Many houses were wrecked,
fences blown down, barns demolished and
whole orchards ruined. The houses occupied
by Challes Boblnson and Charles White were
swept from their foundations and all the lnH
mates injured. ,
Murdered by Two Brothers.
Akeoit, May 2a A number of Standard Oil
Company pipe line laborers got into a quarrel
over bard cider at Boston, this county, on Sun
day, and John Partle, of Louisville, Ky.. was
cut by two brothers named Wringer, of this
city. His nose was cnt off and be was other
wise so badly wounded that be died to-day.
Wringers are in jail here, having been captured
after a long chase. '
BELLMAN On Monday nleht. May 20, 1889,
atllO.at her residence, Sbarpsbnrg,LizziEM
wife of Conrad Bellman, aged 28 years' and 3
months. .
Notice of funeral hereafter.
BAJLIE-On Sabbath afternoon May 19, 18S9,
at 12:40 o'clock at his residence at Hites station.
Mb. Robert Bailie, Sb., In the 85th year of
his age. .
Funeral services from his late residence on
Tuesday mo&ning at 1050 o'clock. All friends
of the family are respectfully invited to at
tend. 2
BELTZHOOVER On Monday. May 20, 1889,
at 2 P. siM Mrs. Hetty T. BltzhooV2B in
the 69th year of her age.
Funeral service at ber late residence, rear
2844 Penn avenue, on Wednesday at 9 a. m.
Friends of the "family are respectfully 'invited
to attend.
Charted With Attempted Forgery
Tirrisr, M?y 2a Elza A. Cole, a young mar
ried man from one of tbe best families of this
county, tried to borrow money from the. Green
Spring Bank, forging as security notes on John.
Armstrong, Wesley Halton and Henr; Hath-'
away, ;all prominent farmers. They all pro
nounce the notes forgeries, and the man has
been arrested. "
Against Locnl Prohibition.
WooSTKB, O., May 2a Apple Creek, this
county, voted wet by 17 majority out of a total
vote of 103.
A Number of Important Bills Made Laws by
General Beaver.
Special Telegram, to The Dispatch.
Harkisburg, May 2a The Governor this
"evening signed. Senator Delamatcr's bill pro
viding for the incorporation and regulation of
savings banks without capital stock, established
for the encouragement of saving money. Sena
tor Delamater introduced this measure at the
request of Postmaster General Wanamaker.
It is similar to a law in operation in New York,
The Governor also approved the bill to pro
tect women and cbildren who work in factories
and mercantile industries. It provides for one
State Factory Inspector at J1.&00 and six depu
ties at $1,200 a year. The bill is modeled on a
law of England, and was warmly supported by
Judge Kelly's daughter and other women. The
act forbids minors from being employed longer
than six hours a day in factories.
The Governor also signed tbe following bills:
Authorizing companies incorporated for tbe
snpply of water to the public, or for the supply
of water and water power for commercial and
manufacturing purposes, to condemn property
andxignts for the purpose of obtaining and
supplying water or water power; providing
for extension of time to corporations that have
commenced work on buildings or other improvements.
COULTAS-At 1130 A. h May 20, Maggie,
daughter of Charles and Barbara Coultas,
aged 15 years and 2 months.'
funeral on Mat 22, at 8:30 A. M., from their
-residence, No. 20 Third street, Sharpsburg.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend.
GLITSCH-On Snnday, May 19, 1889, at 420
p. m.. Tebesa GtrrscH (nee Kntsch),
wife of John Ulltsch, aged 84 years.
Funeral from her late residence, 179 Juniata
street, Allegheny, on Wednesday, at 8&)
A. M. Requiem mass at St. Joseph's Church,
Fulton street, Allegheny, at 9 A. If. Friends of
the famfly are respectfully Invited to attend.
Carriages will leave A Pappert 4 Son's, cor
ner North and Avery streets, Allegheny, at 7;45
A.M. -
HECKERT At the residence of his parents,
Negley avenue and Margaretta street, East
End, on Monday, May 20, 1SS9. at 9:18 p. M.,
Willie Hay, son of W. B. and Kate Heckert,
aged 7 months and 4 days.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
HAMMERLY-On Monday, May 20, 1889, at
2:30 T. x., Henky Hakuibly, aged 88 years
Funeral from his late residence, Thirty
seventh street and Penn avenue, on Wednes
day at 2 P. it. Friends of the family are re
spectfully invited to attend. 2
HALL-On Monday, May 2a 1589. at IX) a!
X,, John Y. Hall, at the residence of his son,
J. M. K. Hall, Elfinwild station, P.4W.B.R,
aged 84 years.
Remains will arrive on 11 A. M. train, P. x
,W. depot, :on Wednesday, to proceed to
Unlondale Cemetery. 3
HAY On Monday, May 20, at 8:30 o'clock,
Lieutenant Fbank W. Hay, of AU Battery,
youngest son of Captain John Hay, late of
Funeral on Wednesday, on arrival of train
at Federal street station at 1 o'clock T. x. Iq.
terrmeqt private. 2
BOEGEB At the parents' residence, 67 Van
Braam street, on Saturday, May 18. 18S9, at 11:15
p. M., Charlie M. Roeoeb, son of George Ph.
and Margaret Roeger, in his 12th year.
Funeral TUESDAY at 2 p. M. Friends of the
family are respectfully invited to attend. 2
SHADE At his home. Brilliant Station,
A. V. B. R., on Sunday. May 19, 1889, at mid
night, Henry Shade, in the 70th year of his
Funeral services on Tuesday, May 21, at 2
p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend.
We have just put them into
our Basement Annex at large
reductions from our regular
prices, to-wit:
Cotton Ingrains, .
18 to 20c.
Heavy Cot. Ingrains,
25 to 35c.
Extra Super Unions,
40 to 50c.
Extra Super Best,
55 to 65c.
Tap. Brus., lowest, 45c.
Body Brussels, - 85c.
China Mattings, from
53 50 per roll (40 yds.)
N. B. We have to-day'
placed on sale at a discount of
30 Per cent from recent prices
a large line of English Ingrain
Art Squares of our own importation.
&r CO.,
mjSrrs I
Several months aero wa announced our
intention to bare each month during 1889,
a special floral opening, on which occasions
we would present to our patrons floral
souvenirs. Thus in March ire had our
"Violet Opening," when eaoh yUitor wai
presented with a small bunch of Violets,
and in April we had a "Lily Opening,"
when each customer receivea a spray of
Lilies. At our "Rosebud Opening," which
will be
All our lady visitors will be presented with
natural Kosebuds furnished by John B. &
A. Murdoch, florists, of No. 608 Smithfield
A particularly fine display oi goods will
be the feature of the "whole week,-but the
10-DAY ONLY. Thereforebe sure tocome
if yon desire a rosebud souvenir.
In view ot the approaching May Musical
Festival we have made extraordinary pre
paratlons, and are now ready with ft special
display of
Evening1 Bonnets,
Evening Fans,
. Evening, Piohus,
Evening' Lingerie.
Evening Handkerchiefs,
Evening Jersey Waists,
Evening Gloves,
Evening Wraps,
Evening Corsages,
And a complete line of -Ladies' and Misses'
Furnishing Goods, Corsets, Hosiery, Oauxe
and Muslin Underwear, Parasols, etc
Evening Dress Shirts,
Evening Neckwear,
Evening Gloves and
Fine Furnishing Goods.
Can have their bundles and packages
checked without charge.
It will entitle you to a qouvenir,
if presented to us when you make
your purchase.
' nisPATcm
B. & B
TUESDAY, May 2i,
s Is there' anything yott-need
for the May Festival? Possi
bly a fan. WhetJier one of the
chorus, or in the audience, yoii
are in need of a- fan of some
sort. It matters not what the
"sort," we have it, and at in
comparable prices. We have
a fapanese Parchment folding
fan, heavy hard-finished bam
boo sticks, fancy silk cord laced,
at 2c. It is good enough for
anybody to carry to the Festi
val We would like especially
to sell every member of the
the chorus one of these
fans. The extremely low
price was put on for that pur
pose. We bought them at a
great advantage, too, and we
guarantee the same fan cannot
be bought for less than $o cents
anywhere but here. We have
enough to supply every member
of the chorus with more for the
others who may and doubtless
will take a fancy to them. 4
5,000 Japanese Parchment folding fans, fin
ished bamboo sticks, at 6c, good size.
The same in a larger size at 10c
Nice Black Parchment Fans, look like satin,
at 26c
. This is considerable space to
fans, yet you have no idea of
the immense stock we have. It
has not included the fine lines,
up to $20. The Prima Donnas
probably want to be distin
guished from the chorus by a
finer fan. We can suit tfie
most fastidious taste.
raw ABVEKTisxaczirni
Customers can always rely on Our Goods place the raost
implicit confidence in 'em. For ouraim has ever been, to
merit eulogium similar to the Roman proverb-cited by Cicero:
"You May Trust Him in the Dark !"
No matter which way the mercury jumps people can buy row
us just the same. We've got something for everybody to wear '
for every minute in the 34 hours.
We can do nothing unnatural or impossible. We can't paint,
a cork so as to resemble a rock that it'll sink to the bottom
if cast into a stream, but t
We are selling all kinds of Seasonable Clothing, Hat3,Jiix
nishing Gooas and Footwear at Prices which we guarantw
are the Lowest in this or any other city in the Union.
117, 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below
Smithfield St., next door to Central Hotel.
Carriages for funerals,S3. Carriages for operas,
parties, ic., at the lowest rates. AU new car
riages. Telephone communication, myl-ll-rra
Assets . 19X171,69953.
Insurance Co. of North America,
Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L
JONES. Si Fourth avenue. . ia20-B2-D
Underwear and Hosiery.
Our own special hand loom made Silk, Limbs'
Wool, Merino, Balbriggan, Lisle Thread, etc.
Dress, Promenade, Driving, etc. Best
makers. First-class only.
Assets 4S,G01S7
JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President
f e22-26-TTS WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary.
No. 8 Kine Edward St..
London, E. C. I New Yorl
No. 4 Rne D'Uzes, Paris office. m;9-24-TTS
Madison Soure,
With an Increased capacity and hydraulic
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
in our Une cheaper and better than by the old
methods. Repairing and general machine
work. Twenty-nlnth street and Allegheny Val
ley Railroad. xeS-5S-TTS
TEETH, $5, $8, $10.
Gold fillings from $1 up. Amalgam, 60c;
silver, 75c; white alloy, JL
Corner Smithfield and Fourth avenue.
1Y1 INS. Co., 417 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Capital .: $250,000 00
Assets January 1, 1889 863,745 80
Directors Chas. W. Batehelor. President;
John W. Chaltant, Vice President; A E. W.
Painter, Robt Lea, M. W. Watson, John Wil
son, Joseph Walton, Wm. G. Park, A M.
Byers, Jas. J. Donneli, Geo. E. Painter, John
Thompson. Wm. T. Adair, Secretary; Jas.
Little, Assistant Secretary; August Amnion,
General Agent, ja22-43-TTS
We will place on sale beginning May 18, a
large lot of fine Nainsook Flonnclogs, 27 and 45
inches wide, at 37c to $2 per yard. These prices
are mnch below actnal cost of the goods. Ex
traordinary values in
Misses' and Children's
Ages 1 to IS years, from 85o to J5.
Special offerings In Ladies', Misses', Chil
dren's and Men's Underwear and Hosiery.
In Scotch Flannel, Oxford, Madras and Silk,
for Ladles, Misses and Children.
710 PENN AVENUE. 710
' Between Beventh and Eighth stx.
3-Open until 9 P.M. Saturday. myl9-TuF3n
Trimmed Bonnets and round Hats.
Mourning a Specialty.
IK GLOVES Doubtless hundreds of
ladies will discover to-day that they need a
new pair of gloves for the occasion. Other
have been finding it ont every day for a week,
and have discovered as well where they get
the largest choice at the best prices. Can'tgo
into details. Evening Shade Gloves from
$1 to $4; come in all lengths; especial lines
in 4-bntton goods.
For performers there's probably nothing
more desirable than the beautiful pure silk
mitts in evening shades 75o to fl 50,
Allow a word for the parasol denartment
may not need them to wear at tbe May
Festival, but, speaking of bright, beautiful
goods, they necessarily demand attention.
Yon can use them if you attend the mati
nees. Out lines include the most stylish goods
of the season from the best manufacturers;
all prices, from fl 25 to $20.
Special values in our ?2 SO and $3 para
solsgoods sold earlier in the season at $5.
The $2 SO fancy Striped Silk, Canopys,
La Tosca Stick and medium lengths.
The 3 Eich Double Warp Surah, with
deep brocade satin border, selected sticks,
La Tosca and medium lengths and Canopy
Tops, in all best shades Tans, Cardinals,
Garnet, Seal, Medium, Brown, etc.
A novelty in a fine Surah Parasol, La
Tosca Stick; Canopy and gathered hem,
covered ribs and braces; plain, $6 CO to $10;
fancy (10 to $16 60.
Don't forget our UMBRELLAS.
A word to Dress Goods, Silks Every
evidence yesterday that they were in de
mand; counters lined dnring the entire day.
The special offers of Lace, Long Wraps
and Jackets filled the wrap room.
See our White Suits for Children, Misses
and Ladies.
Men's Suits We Sell at $8 1
In Sacks and Frocks, Summer Weights, cannot be purchased orit
side" our Store for less than 10, and in many stores you'd pay 12 for
Suits of like Quality. . -
Men's Suits We Sell at $10 1
Are remarkable Values for the Money, that you can take choice from
Cheviots, and Light and Dark Colors or Plain, Fancy arid Wide Wale ,
Worsteds, and that we certainly expect to attract to our -Store for these
Bargains every man in. town who wishes to obtain, the best jxo Suit
ever offered.
Men's Suits We Sell at $12 1
Are elegant for Dress Wear of the Average Man- 'Tis with Suits at this
Price and at 15, $iS and I20 that we "hustle" the tony tailors, and it is
where we leave Competition very far behind. Handsome and Stylish
Spring Suits, Frocks and Sacks, in Cheviots, Casimeres, Corkscrews, Im
ported Irish Tweeds, Shannon Mills, Etc. Every Suit elegantly made
and finished, and not to be duplicated outside our Store under at -LEAST
30 per cent more money.
While Some Dealers make a Big Blow about Selling
At 10, and others vow they undersell everybody, while their-price ij
212, we nereDy oner tne same suits
When it comes to the cheaper goods we have them from $2 90 ap,
and guarantee, to give you choice at any price from this up to $1$ from
a stock three times larger than you'll find in any other store in this city.
A Complete Assortment of G. A. R. Hats, Caps, White Vests, Gloves, Etc
115, 117, 119, 121
Federal Street, Allegheny.
A Kevr Thing: In Shaving Soap.
Colgate A Co.'s Demulcent Shaving Soap
contains peculiar Ingredients fcr softening the
beard and coollnc the iUb.
See the Black and White Striped Sarah,
This is one of our May silk trade bargains.
Fenn Avenue Stores.
GEEATharpains in cuns and revolvers at
our new store 706 Smithfield street.
J. H. Johnstok.
More of ThMf Black SIIk'Barcnlns To-Day.
Surahs, 48c, Nc, 65c. 75c (26-Inch), 85c.
95c, $1. 1 15, n 25, SI 35, fl 50-a Breat
assortment, surely, and beats all comparison.
Jos. Hokite & Co. 'a
Penn Avenue Stores.
WM, 6MPU?8,
MAY 20, 1889:
A Few More Tempting and Attractive Bargains.
pxrtment at Washington, In reference to the
December battle, to be presented at tbe Berlin
conference. These amdatlts are made br
Keumanu Tafa, the Chief of Apia, and the
Governor of tbeTnamasajra district and by a
number of other natives who were present dur
lnctbengnt. Witnesses declare that the Oer
mant commenced the flshtinjr, and tilled one
native and wounded another beiore a shot was
fired by the Samoans.
An attack was made by seme of Ta
ago upon two. .natives 1
BIr Bnrcntni, Floe Embroideries,
Cheaper .than the commonest goods,
Home & Ward's this week.
Extra' Heavy Bleach Table Damasks, 65c,
66 inches wide. Napkins to match at $1 25:
the best linens at these prices.
Jos. Hobks & Cos
Penn Avenue Stores,
J. H. John stok's gun store removed to
706 Smithfield street.
free the Benl Canton Printed Silks at OOc
A yard; best Yalue yet offered; soit, pure
silk. New styles too.
CARPETS AND CTJETAINS-In this- department we have some remarkable bargains. First, in Body Brussels Carpets we ofler a lot at 75o and 80c a yard, cannot be du
plicated m any regular market for less than $1 and $1 25. Come early for choice; better goods at 91 up. Our line of Tapestry Brussels at 50c nnequaled for quality and design. In
grains in great variety. Hall, Stair Carpets, Carpet Squares, Bugs and .Mats, all sizes. Oil Cloths, all widths alright prices. In Xace Curtains and Curtain materials we have as
usual the most complete stock. Thousands of Curtains sold this season and plenty more of those specialties at ZU 51 20, 81 50, $2 and np to 55 a pair, while we are certain they
have never been surpassed in value; new-lines from 50c to $20, just opened of our own importation. Silk and Oriental Curtains, heavyTurconian and.Chenille Curtains and Por
tieres, $3 a pair up. Curtain Laces, Scrims, etc., by the yard, Also, Tapestries and Silks for Curtains by the yard at close prices. "Window Shades, spring fixtures complete, 33Kc
np. Shade Cloths, all colors. Curtain Poles in cherry, ebony, walnut, oak and bamboo, with trimming in great variety. Visit our upholstery department, yon will find it complete.
MTIiMNEKY DEPARTMENT All the novelties ip Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and untriinmed. All widths and colors in Bibbons for hat trimmings, dress nd fancy
work. Wealths of .Flowers in wreaths, roses, sprays, buds, etc Gauzes, Laces, Nets, etc. Misses school and dress Hats. Bovs' Hats, infants' Caps, full assortments at popular
prices. i ' '
IN DRESS OOODS We offer special bargains this week. 40-inch nll.wnnl Am flr9- 25 nrl SI., irnnlil lu or. at itn and 50a. All.wool Cashmeres, snmmer weichta. 35n
and 50c In Henriettas, 50c for 46-inch goods. 'All-wool Debeiges 30oto75c Pine assortment Cloth Suitings, light weights and colors, from 50c to $2. Black and white Plaids,
stripes and mixtures, 2fc, 3730, 50oan6V75c Largo lines Novelties for combinations, 50o to S3. Black and colored Albatross. Black -Nun's Veilings, plain and side bands.
Serges. Cashmeres. Silk Warp Henriettas at fl and 1 25 are specially good. In Silks see the 24-inch Black Gros Grain at $1, tl 12 and ?1 25 for bargains. Black-Dress Silks,
60c up. Black Surahs, extija values, 45c, 50c, 65c and 75c. Black Failles, Armnres, Baratheas, Radzimers and other fancy weaves at cash prices.
. INJF?- E00J.1rQr8nd JMKIM fo Us week in Jerseys, Cloth and Stockinette JackeV Silk and Cashmeres, Capes and Piohus, Beaded Capes. Suits for ladies and
misses. Vf ash Suits and Wrappers. Prices away down.
Immense Une of Parasols for 'ladies land children. The lone La Tosca handles as well as the jnedium and short ones, in plain, striped and check silks and black. Gold tipped
Umbrellas, $1, SI 12 np. A specialty in Gloria Silk at 81 50, 81 75.
New Goods in boys' and men's Striped Kersey Plannel Shirts, boys' "Waists, Underwear for men, ladies, misses. Hosiery and Gloves, Traveling Valises, Satchels and Bags
at popular prices. Mall orders receive prompt attention. SPEOIAIr-paU and see tho Interesting bargains we are offering.
r165, 167 and 160' FEDERAL STREET, AI-LEGEENY, Sl'-
Onr Store cliuck fnjl of desirable goods at the Lowest Prices. Coats
in Cretonnes, Alpacas, Mohairs, Pongees, Linens, Seersu ckers, eta, from
19c up to 4. Coats and vests from 98c to $8. Black Summer Coats
39c only!
For Beauty of Design, Tasteful Styles, Perfection of Detail
in Boys' and Children's Clothing
We're far ahead of Back History or any other house in this part of the
country. The perplexing problem, "What Shall I Buy for the Boys?
that fills many a mother's mind can be solved .very easily by simply com
ing to our Store. We have
Boys' Elegant Suits at $41
Yon can take choice from over 1,000 Suits every fashionable style,
every correct fashion. The generous assortment will win your gqod will;
the extraordinary low price will cause you to buy instanter. Of course
we know that other dealers copy our Styles and endeavor to imitate our,
patterns, but none of them have the pluck to match our low prices; whea
it comes to quality tney are as dumb as oysters.
For the Boys and an unexcelled line and beautiful assortment of Ladies
and Children's Blouses and Blouse Waists. Undoubtedly we show the
Prettiest Styles and Designs ever shown in this city. We will offer this
week 500 doz. Best Quality "Star" Waists, same goods as are being re
tailed all over town at $1 50, for 83c only.
One Dollar Twenty-four Cents Only for a Man's Elegant
Light-Colored Derby, -worth Every Gent of $2 25 !
Now you would-be Competitors of ours, Match this Bargain if vots
can; if you dare. We don't mean match it in print, but in your stores. Brit,
you know you can't do if. This is one of the Bargains for which we are
famous, one of our old-time Competition Paralyzers.
Men's Straw Hats 74c Only! Sold all over town for 98c and $1 25. BojV
Straw Hats 39c only! Sold all over town at 50c and 60c. Children's -Straw
Hats 25c only! Sold all .over town at 39c and 50c
Our Great Sale of Summer Underwear and Footwear is now on asd
should be attended by everyone wishing to -save money.
The Famous ECHO PISTOL an entirely Harmless Toy
" Given Away FREE with every Purchase of a Boy's or
Child's Suit
EISBMA'I I ,T YXA-virv J rA Fm I I
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