Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 21, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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W-P -
Pittsburg's Music festival to
"be. Formally Opened
All the Artists and Musicians are
Here, Eeady for Work.
And is a Great Marvel in its Perfect Acous
tic Arrangement.
"When Anton Seidl stepped on tbe
prompter's stand at the Exposition yester
day afternoon and began to work his long
arms and broad shoulders like a steam
pump, as he swung his baton, a wild burst
of melody tilled the edifice. It was the first
'rehearsal of the great orchestra, and the few
ladies and gentlemen present stood en
tranced. The noisy carpenter in the loft
and the box decorators stopped their work
The finishing touches to the temporary
work at the big building are rapidly" being
made and to-night everything will be in
readiness for the opening of the May Festi
val. Manager Charles Iiocke with his com
pany of artists and the orchestra arrived
yesterday morning. Last night a full dress
rehearsal of the chorus was conducted by
Carl Better, and this morning there will
be another.
seidl's fejlrs dissiissed.
Anton Seidl regretted the building was
enrved, and he was afraid the sound would
be too much concentrated in one place, but
the first rehearsal of the orchestra, even in
the emptv auditorium, dissipated such fears.
The music could be heard distinctly in the
rear end of the large room as well as in
other parts.
The actual seating capacity of the audi
torium will accommodate 15,000 people, but
this was entirely too large, so part of the
south end of the room was cut o Here the
stage is erected, and the large sounding
board above is almost perfect.
Under the stage are the dressing rooms,
and tbe singers will be admitted through a
door at the east end of the building. They
will go on the stage from both sides up short
The seats are arranged in a very simple
manner and people will have no trouble in
finding their places. About 30 ushers will
be on hand. It will be remembered that
the building runs parallel with the river
on Duquesne way near the point. The
side doors will be kept closed, and the audi
ence will be admitted through one main
entrance with three large openings at the
north end. These passage ways open into
a large lobby where the
To direct the people to their places. The
seating capacity has been gauged for 6,000
people. The boxes are arranged around the
pit on both sides and at tbe rear.
Just inside of tbe main entrance two stair
ways on either side lead to the galleries. A
little farther in the corridor two more short
stairways are encountered running to the ele
vated stage for the people, and the pit can be
reached by continuing throueh tbe main aisle
on tbe nrst floor. The boxes are easily reached
and are nicely arranged. They are numbered,
beginning at the stage and running around the
. parquet. All the odd numbers ate on the
felt band side; all tbe even numbers
on tbe right, facing the stage, and If box
holders will remember this fact much con
fusion can be avoided. A 'sort of portico has
been constructed outside of the boxes around
the room. At short distances stairways have
been placed, so tbat the boxes can be easily
reached. In addition the numbers of the
boxes have been painted on tbe woodwork
- outside, and one will know at a glance where
his box is without wandering into tbe wrong
one or disturbing other people.
The singing will begin promptly at 8 o'clock
and the doors will be closed at once. Ko one
will be admitted until there is a break in tbe
programme. Manager Locke says these rules
will be strictly adhered to. All the boxes have
been neatly decorated by Mr. Boenigk with
bright-colored bunting. Mr.Westinghoase has
taken special pains with tbe one he holds. It is
ornamented with new choral and shrimp
A desperate attempt has been made to finish
tbe paving en Duquesne way, but without
avail. Carriages will reach the building by
way of Fenn avenue and Second street, and
they will be compelled in leaving to drive
around the Point on Second and First avenues
and Water street. ,
The singers and mnsicians are stopping at
the varions hotels. Anton Seidl, Miss Emma
Juch and her mother. Miss Aus der Ohe, Signor
Perotti and Einil Fischer are at the Anderson:
Lllli Lehmann-Kalisch and her husband are at
tbe Monongahela Honse: Campanari. Ricket
son. Herbert Foerster, Victor Herbert, Max
Bendix and Helene von Doenhoff are stopping
at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. The famous or
chestra Is scattered around among all tbe
Emma Juch Is well known to .Pittsburg audi
ences, and so is Aus der Ohe, the pianist. She
Slaved here once before for tbe Mozart Club,
be sweet German singer with the short body
and golden hair is quiet in manner and easily
pleased. Miss Juch occupies rooms 60 and 5S
at the Anderson. These are the finest parlors
in the hotel, and Booth, Barrett or Mrs. Lang
try always engage them when they come to
ItwiU cost about 830,000 to give the May
Festival as mapped out, and the extensive pro
gramme will be carried out in every detail. Of
this amount the Exposition Society will get 5
$cr cent of the net receipts.
To begin with, the singers and musicians
will be paid $15,000; the work in the building
will cost 54,500; 3,000 was spent for advertising
and about 32,000 for printing; $500 was expend
ed for chairs, and the decorations will amount
to $2,000.
The railroads will sell excursion tickets at 2
cents per mile within a radius of 123 miles of
the city. There is a great demand for special
'trains and special cars, and large crowds are
expected to visit tbe city.
Even last night 400 eager people gained ac
cess, by various pretexts, to tbe grand audi
torium of the Exposition building, to listen to
the final rehearsal but one of the Festival, which
.opens to-day. In the chorus there were 157
voices, wide from tbe soloists, while the mag
nificent orchestra contained 87 instruments, all
trained harmoniously. Director Anton Seidl,
assisted by Prof. Carl Better, .has the
and there Is a surety of tbe already promised
big audiences hearing music to-night the like
of which was never listened to in this city.
Theoorwillbe heavily laid with matting,
thereby Increasing the acoustic properties,
which are already superb.
There are about 30 ushers in charge of the
different sections, as follows:
Directors John iSolsc, John TV. Fullwood,
David Green, James tJmltb and Charles bmlth.
Box Ushers T. B. Hau, William Essex and C.
X. Bonnenl.
Dress Circle J. C Connor, H. E. Geisancrhler,
L. C. Manchester.
Balconles-E. Ritchie, A Gellcfaus, H. E.
Xelbaum. Elmer Fleming, Logan Williams. AUle
Deltoy, A. JL. Andrews. Cranes Brown, Kobert
ilartln, Morris Oreen and William 1'reU-L.
Orchestra Ushers W llllam H. 1'rlest, Grant
Armour, W. M. Anbery and 1 8. Brown.
J. A. beavor has full charge of this corps.
The final rehearsal will be given at 12 noon
to-day. and the doors will be thrown open at 7
sharp in the evening for the grand concert at
The Exposition Societr will auction oft tbe
Governor's boxes, intended for their use at the
lestlvtd, at the rooms of the Chamber of Com
merce this morning at 11 o'clock. The boxes
are Kos. 19, 50, 53 and Si.
Manager Locke stated last evening that the
condition of Duqnesne way is such that car
riages will not be able to enter by that way.
The approach to the building will be over Penn
avenue and Second street. The carriages will
drive up to tbe main entrance at the east end
of the building, and afterward will be taken
around tbe building to the level on the south
end. Returning, drivers will come back over
toe tame route, .tacn carriage jnu be num.
bered, and as ranch trouble as possible avoided.
Captain Can Sylvus with six officers will look
after tbe carriages.
Manager Locke also requests tbat rivermen
will refrain from blowing steamboat whistles
for the balance of the week. The noise im
pairs tbe harmony of the music.
A Critical Forecast or the Feast to Be Pre
sented Music Lovers Tbe Artlsu Who
Will Appear.
There is considerable variety in the pro
gramme with which Mr. Anton Seidl and
his musical host are to open tbe May Festi
val to-night and entertain the very first audi
ence that will gather in the new Exposition
The occasion Is, in a sense, the inauguration.
of tbe people's Exposition and the manage
ment have planned, by the miscellaneous char
acter of the music as well as by the extraordin
ary number and quality of the performing
1 forces, to make this a veritable people's festi
Conductor 'Seidl whoso face and career
were sketched in this paper yesterday and his
orchestra of 68 selected players open tbe festi
val with the Grand Centennial March, by
Richard "Wagner (born Leipzig, ISIS; died
Venice, 18S3). American pride may feel grati
fied over tbe -fact tbat the great composer
wrote this march for tbe occasion of tbe open
ing,Df the Philadelphia Exhibition, in 1ST6.
We may also feel pleased over the pretty
compliment paid by Wagner In writing to Mr.
Theodore Thomas: "In some of tbe more deli
cate portions of the composition I figure to my
self the beautiful and vivacious women of
America in their festival attire." (Was this
because the "Women's Centennial Commission
ordered and paid for tbe march?) We might
have been still more delighted, however, had
this composition proved to be what few "oc
casional" pieces are a truly representative
specimen of the composer's wort Mr. Kreh
biel makes this
First, a simple ascending triplet, which is beard
at the outset from the full orchestra; second, a
vigorous march melody beginning with the tones
of tbe major triad of G (the key of the march):
third, a fanfare for the brass Instruments; fourth,
a broadly sustained melody la B fiat, succeeded
by, fifth, a graceful figure for tbe violins, calcu
lated to mark a strong contrast with the other ele
ments or the march. The most significant of these
elements Is the opening triplet, which Imparts
great vigor to the composition- It is
emDlOTedthHtns.tlr.allr. thatlstosav. it is nlaved
in conjunction with all the other melodies, and
thus It gives the tempo of the march throughout.
The second number of the proeramme is an
arrangement for orchestra of Bach's G minor
prelude and fugue. This is the only work to
be given at the festival from the pen of the
grand old Thomas-Cantor, "to whom," says
Schumann, "music owes almost as great a debt
as a religion owes to its founder." Johann Se
bastian Bach (born, Eisenach, 1685; died, Leip
zig, 1750), within less than the allotted three
score years and ten, made himself known as
tbe greatest organist of his time, and showed
himself the best of fathers to just 20 children:
at his death he 'left an enormous number of
compositions that created new epochs in al
most all departments of music His organ
works of which this prelude and fugue con
stitute one ot the most famous are character
ized by Grove as "productions unsurpassed and
unsurpassable." .They were mostly written
during the ten years he spent as court organist
at Weimar. In transcribing this work for or
chestra, a chorale has been introduced as a
middle movement and then placed under tbe
f ncue as a canttu firmus a proceeding sugges
tive of Bach's fondness for writing new parts
into already completed works, just for the fun
ot the thing.
"Die Melstersinger von Mnernberg," is repre
sented by three favorite solo numbers: 1'og
Tier's Address, Sam Sachs' Monologue and
TTaUer's Prize Song. The first two will be
sung by Mr. Emil Fischer, a prominent Wag
nerian bass singer, who was for eight years
.manager of the Dantsic Theater and subse
quently wfngreat success in leading roles at
Rotterdam, Carlsrnhc. Vienna, and, especially,
Dresden. He has this season been a leading
member of tbe New York German Opera, at
tbe Metropolitan. Into the same company was
Mr. Panl Kalisch received when he came over
last spring from Berlin (where he was one of
the lesser tenors) to marry Miss Lilli Leh
mann. Von Buelowhas wittily dubbed him the
"Lillt-Putlan tenor." "Die Melstersinger" is a
legitimate comic opera, to be distinguished from
the modern opera bouffe and operetta; it
aims at reforming manners and customs
by good-humored satire. Wagner in 1818 be
gan this lively picture of the foibles and ped
antry ot these simple-minded tradespeople of
the olden time, who made music by rule and
yard-stick, as a humorous counterpart of tbe
noble minstrels whose contest on the Wartbnrg
he bad just finished portrajing in'Tannhau
ser." The music, however, was not written un
til tbe period between 1861 and lS67.after he had
written "Lohengrin," the text and part of tbe
music for the "Nibeluneen Ring" music
dramas and "Tnstam und Isolde." It was first
given at Munich in 1S58. under Hans von Bue
low, Wagner watching the performance from a
seat besidfe King Ludwig.
List's E flat piano concerto was played with
such great success by Miss Adele Aus der Ohe
two years ago, when here with the Boston Sym
phony Orchestra, that she will repeat it to
night. This gifted yonng woman of 21 sum
mers astonished Von Buelowat the age of five,
was for seven years one of
and has fully realized all early promise in tri
umphant concert appearances ou both sides of
'the ocean. Franz Liszt (born, Raiding, Hun
gary, 1811; died, Bayreuth, 1SS6), marvelous
piano player and composer as be was has left
no more important work for his favorite in
strument than this brilliant and orginal com
position. The Ingenious transformations of tbe
few themes employed and the fusion of four
movements into one are points that distinguish
it from concertos of strict form. After his
two concerts, Liszt's 15 Hungarian Rhapsodies
the third of which will be played to-night in
an orchestral arrangement are his chief works
for piano. The wild, barbanc blood of the old
time Huns may be traced into this composer's
veins; its effects appear nowhere "more clearly
than in these brilliant, erratic picturesque
Miss Emma Jucb, who needs no introduction
to Pittsburg audiences, makes her entree upon
our festival stage with tbo cavatina from
Gounod's "Queen of Sheba.'' Charles Fran
cois Gounod (born, Paris, 1818), since his tre
mendous success with "Faust" fa 1859, has not
produced a single opera that can permanently
hold the boards. "Reine de Saba" suffered
from a wretthed libretto, and thus soon fell
into disuse after its first performance in 1862,
thoueh an English version entitled "Irene" has
occasionally been given, and several numbers
are frequently heard on the concert stage.
The tamillar largo by George Frederick
Handel. (Halle, 16S5 London, 1759) will De
played by the orchestra, with obligatobyMr.
Max Bendix, one of tbe country's leading vio
linists, and formerly amcert-meister of Theo
dore Thomas' Orchestra. The melody is
adapted from a vocal number in Handel's
opera, "Xerxes," produced in 1738. Is it not
nearly time, by the way, to give this overdone
tune surcease?
The first part of the "The Creation" con
stitutes tbe entire oratorio programme for the
festival. Festivals of seven concerts quite
commonly devote three entire evenings to as
many, oratorios; let us be thankful that we
have one-third of an oratorio, at least. When
Franz Joseph Haydn (Rohran, 1732; Vienna,
1809) wrote this immortal work and its com
panion, "The Seasons," " he rather mer
ited the title ' of "Grandpapa" than
tbat of "Papa" Haydn, as he is affec
tionately called. He had finished his 125
symphonies and his scores ot scores in
almost every other department of composition;
had devoted to the noble bouse of FAterhazy
an ordinary life work; and had returned from
the glories of thar famous visit to London
seemingly ripe for tbe sickle of Time, when he
surprised tho world with these two great
achievements in a hitherto untouched field.
Bqth were written within a very short period
on librettos adapted from English poems
(Milton's "Paradise Lost" and Thomson's
"Seasons") and both attained (phenomenal suc
cess immediately upon their public production
in 1799. Opinion was much divided as to their
icspective merits. Haydn himself, being asked
by tbe Emperor which ho preferred, replied:
" 'The Creation;' because in it angels speak
and tell of God; but in the "Seasons' only Si
mon talks." He also said on another occasion:
"Never was I so pious as when composing tbe
'Creation I knelt down every day and prayed
God to strengthen me for my work." A de
tailed description of the first part of the ora
torio may be fonnd in the admirable Band
Book which Mr. H. E. Krehblel has edited for
this festival. Tbe solo parts will botaKenby
Miss Juch, Mr. Kalisch and Ml. Fischer. In
this work Mr. Better will conduct and reap the
first fruits of the laborious rehearsals he has
been holding with bis 450 chorus singers all
winter, C. V. S.
The LIqjior League Preparing to Flood tho
State With Literature.
In a week or so the Liqtfbr League ex
pects to flood Allegheny county with the
first official circulars, about 250,000 being
tabled for circulation here.
It seems that at the last meeting of tbe State
League every brewer and distiller was In
structed to send such answers to the General
Committee as to how many men he employed;
how much capital was invested; what was the
amount of bis yearly output, and what was the
amount of yearly taxes paid, This circular
Sires the result.
Is Responsible, Says Justice Bradley,
for the Rush for 'Place.
lie Corrects an Error About That Decision
on Prohibition. -
Mr. Justice J. P. Bradley, of the United
States Supreme Court, arrived last night on
the limited and went to the Mouongahela
House, his old resort. The Judge has not
been here for two years and he was anxious
to know how much work there was to do.
He seemed disappointed when told that
he was expected to try the "Westing-house-Edison
case, but he hoped there
would be enough appeals to keep him occu
pied, and be would rather Judges McKen
nan and Acheson would go ahead with 'the
patent case. The Judge remarked that in
any event he would probably hear it argued
before the Supreme Court anyhow, and it
wasn't necessary for it to come before him
He did not know who would succeed Jus
tice Matthews; but he noticed that Attorney
General Miller had been mentioned for tbe
place in the newspapers.
l Speaking of tbe rush for offices, he said: "It
is a deplorable state of affairs when tbe Presi
dent's time is taken up with those who person
ally seek offices. Even the Cabinet officers are
pestered to death with these people. I have
thought a great deal about it, bnt no remedy is
obvious outside of the civil service system. If
this plan conld be properly applied, the clerks
would bold over when the administration
changed, and the President would be relieved
of this extra work.
"The trouble began with the introduction of
the spoils system. I know in the past there was
not such a wild rush for office. I remember a
postmaster in Newark who was appointed by
Washington. He held tbe office lor 14 years,
when Jefferson displaced him. The man he ap
pointed held tbe position for SO years, but you
never bear of such a thing now."
The Judge said he had not read Bishop Pot
ter's sermon; but, from what he knew of it, he
thought the Bishop was a littls wild In bis
statements. Continuing in this line he natur
ally drifted into a discussion of the labor prob
lem. On this snbject he said: "It is quite evi
dent to every man that the Government is
drifting more every day toward a pluto
cracy. The concentration of wealth into
the hands of a . few gives them
great power, and they have used it op
Bressively against tbe workingmen. I can't
see why a man, because he is a little sharper
and shrewder than his fellows and has amassed
great wealth, should use it against his
brethren. On the other hand, an equal distri
bution of wealth would never do. in such a
case there would be nothing left to support art
and education, and men would be worse off
than before. I am anxious to know what will
be tbe outcome of the uprising of labor against
capital. It has been true in tbe past that capi
tal overcame labor.
"The condition of the American workmen is
quite good, and It Is strange that our laborers
sbonld be so restful and dissatisfied. They
clamor for shorter hours ana more leisure;
but I can't see that this leisure time doesthem
any good.
"For tbe past 20 years the Supreme Court
has been doing all it conld tor American ship
ping by the interpretation of the limited lia
bility act for vessels; that l a ship owner is
responsible only for tbe amount of money be
has invested in his ship should there be a loss
not the result of his own carelessness. This
law has helped the shipping interests a good
deal." '
Concerning prohibition the Judge said: "Tbe
general impression seems to prevail that the
Supreme Court decided tbat prohibition was
constitutional. That is a great mistake. The
Supreme Court merely decided that it was not
unconstitutional. The court has nothing to do
whatever with the question. It comes nnder
tbe bead of those rights delegated to the States
by the Constitution, so that if the question
were submitted to a voce of the Supreme Court,
I am uot sure that tbe measure would carry. I
never express personal opinions. Probably -prohibition
is a good thing, and there is no
doubt tbat intemperance has became a deplor
able evil, but I hardly believe that such a law
can be enforced."
A Murder Trial Postponed Because an Im
portant Witness Is Gone--Tho Detec
tive Traces nnd Corners Him.
When the Criminal Court opened yester
day morning it was intended to proceed
with the trial of Charlie Allen, the colored
man who killed Bad Lee, also colored, at tbe
Yellow Row on March 21; but, when Detective
Coulson looked over the assembled witnesses
in the case, he discovered tbat one very impor
tant witness, George Owens, was missing. In
quiry developed that Ovens had left tho city
last Thursday, and no one appeared to know
where be bad gone. Detective Coulson had
subpoenaed him as a witness on Wednesday
night, and he left early the next mosning.
As soon as the discovery was made Coulson
went to the Yelldw Row to find out. If possible,
where Owens was. Mollie Reynolds, who was
Owens' "best girl," was nut at home when
Coulson called, but ha returned to court and
bad the trial postponed, and then went back to
wait for the woman.
By tbe time he got back again to the Yellow
Row tbe woman had returned, and the detect
ive decided to arrest her. He went in, and,
with a detective's Intuition, told tho woman to
show him tbe contents of her pockets.
She demurred at first, but be insisted, and
the woman finally pull6d out a money order re
ceipt for $20, which she had telegraphed to Bal
timore abont an hour before. The order had
been addressed to a man named Gorman for
Owens. This was sufficient ,for tbe
detective, who placed the woman in
charge of another officer to prevent
her from sending Owens any word, while he
proceeded to the telegraph office and wired
Marshal Frey, of that city, to arrest Owens. A
telegram was received from tbe Marshal at 10
o'clock last night that Owens had been ar
rested. Coulson will go after him this morning.
Owens Is tbe man in front of whose bouse
the murder was committed and Allen was with
Owens at the time. The revolver used also be
longed to Oens. but it was not supposed that
he had any connection with tbe mnrder.
Within the past day or two, however, certain
information has reached the authorities which
resulted in an information being entered
against him as an accessory to tbe murder. It
is supposed he beard of this, and that is what
caused bis departure.
The mnrder trial will probably be commenced
to-morrow if Coulson gets borne in time with
his prisoner.
Less of tbe Metal Is Sold In America To
day Than Ever Before.
Mr. Thomas, of Park Bros., went to New
York last sight to attend a meeting of the
Copper Association.
Mr. Thomas did not know what is on the
cloth. Prices may be advanced, rednced or
not touched, depending entirely on what effect
tbe French Copper Trust has bad on the busi
ness In this country. Less copper goods are
sold to-day than ever before. Tho greatest
trouble is the cost of manufacture. Cheaper
articles made of other materials have taken the
place of copper goods.
He Tied Cans to tho Dog.
Constantine Kramer was charged before Al
derman Barns with felonious assault and bat
tery yesterday. The man making the charge
is Cario Tariso, who claims tbat Kramer's dog
became such an annoyance to him tbat he tied
some cans to tbe canine's tail and "sent him
agoing. Kramer became enraged on that ac
count and struck Tariso with a can.
. 1
Box 93 was sounded yesterday evening for a
slight fire in a two-story frame dwelling on
Lytle street, owned by John Edmondion and
occupied by Edward Alexander.
The roof of Slraub's Brewery, on the corner
of Main and Liberty streets, caught fire last
night about U o'clock. An alarm was sent in
from box 263. The damage was slight.
The gas works in tbe West End were dam
aged by fire yesterday afternoon to the extent
of $100. At 4 o'clock the fire broke out, and an
alarm was sent in from box 113. There is no
cause for the fire known; but the inside of the
works was pretty badly cleaned out,
The Evidence Produced Showed Hit Ac
counts Were All Right.
The hearing, in the coufl of inquiry, of
the alleged embezzlement charges against
Master JVorkman I., N Ross, ofD. A. No.
3, Knights of Labor, was held last night at
the headquarters of the district. The
judges were Homer Tj. McGaw, of this city,
Torreuce B. Malone and Thomas "Walsh of
Beaver Valley district, No. 8, Albert Williams
and H. H. Bengongh were the counselors of
Mr. Ross, while Patrick Barry and Thomas
McNamee, of The Dispatch, acted as the at
torneys of Mr. McAullff e. ,
The bearing began at SsO o'clock, and at
midnight the indications were that it would
continue until daylight. A night session was
deemed necessary, In order to allow tbe repre
sentatives from the Beaver district to go home
Up until 12 o'clock pnly two witnesses were
neara. juessrs. josepo. mii ui ..umi x.
Hughes. They were called bv the prosecutor,
but their testimony was greatly in favor of the
Elalntlff. Master Workman Tloss produced
is receipts for the $1,200, and there is not the
least doubt bnt tbat be wilt be acquitted.
It was stated tbat the charges were made by
Mr. McAuliffe upon information which was
afterward found to be unreliable. The friends
of Ross say it was purely spitework,and say
they will have toe prosecutor expelled from the
A McKeesport and Pittsburg Water Works
Company's Election.
. The American Water Works and Guarantee
Company, of McKeesport, whose headquarters
is in Pittsburg, held its annual meeting yester
day and elected tbe following named officers to
serve for the next year:
Chairman, D. W. Hitchcock, or Boston: Vice
Chairman. K. C. Converse, or NewYorx; Secre
tary and Treasurer, James S. Kuhn, or McKees
port: General Manager, Will 8. Kuhn, of Pitts
burg; Directory, John H. Flogler and E. C. Con
verse, New York; 1). J. Garroand and W. 8.
Kuhn, Pittsburg: D. W. Hitchcock, James S.
Kuhn and O. H. Payson. or Portland, Me.
The company is the strongest financially in
tbe country, and owns SO- water works plants
from Dakota to Mississippi and New York,
located in every State in the Union; also sev
eral gas plants and an electric light plant, and
has justpurchased tbe Jamestown, N. Ywater
plant, which is valued at 8400,000. and tbat at
Clinton, Iowa, valued at 8350,000. Beside this
the company has in consideration contracts
which require an outlay of over 81,000,000.
Tbat Is tbe Lnrest. Novelty Reported br
Rumor From Duquesne.
"Word has just been received from Du
quesne of th e establishm ent of a hospital at that
place for the care of those injured in the works.
It is said that there are at present 18 men con
fined in this place. It is built inside the null
enclosure. It has been rumored on several oc
casions tbat green bands had met with acci
dents tbat were Very serious, but not until yes
terday did this hospital matter become known.
Spme of tbe men, it Is asserted by a man who
was in a position to find out, are very badly
The only new development at Dnquesne yes
terday wasthe arrival of 45 new men, 5 of whom
refused to go to work when informed of the
strike In the mill. Tbe works will not be run
double turn for the present.
Concentrated Efforts to Get the Black Solar
A meeting of the strikers of Clark's Solar
Iron "Works was held last evening. Sav
eral speeches were made, and the general
spirit of the men showed they were in favor
of maintaining their course. A resolution was
passed condemning the general treatment of
tbe employes in the mill previous to the strike.
It Is expected t".at a strong effort will to-day
be made to induce the colored puddlers to join
tbe strike.
Ko Strike nt tbe Oil Tube Works In OU City,
bnt Donblo Turn.
From reports received in 011 City it
appears that rumors have gained currency
in Pittsburg that a strike had taken, pface
at the OU Tube Works. The facts are that the
works have been running on single turn, but
have now started on double turn.
The general superintendent came to Pitts
burg tq hire the additional men necessary,
which gave rise to the rumor that they were to
take other menls places.
Is Announced In Shnrpnville to Affect 400
Notices of reduction of wages to take ef
fect on June J. have been posted at the Ma
bel, Sherman, Claire and Donglasi furnaces in
Sbarpsrille. The rate of reduction is as fol
lows: Laborers, from 81 35 to 81 25; keepers,
from 81 90 to 81 75; fillers and all turnmen, from
$1 75 to 81 50, The reductionaffects 100 men.
They Deny the Stntcment.
Carnegie, Phlpps & Co. deny the statement
of their employes, that they pay less wages for
the same kind of work at Homestead than is
paid in other mills. Thev say they have to
compete with the mills at Phcenixville, Harris
burg, Johnstown, Pottsville and Chicago, where
the Amalgamated Association scale is not
recognized. (
PnddlcTs Resume 'Work'.
The puddling department of Jones & Latigh
lln's mill on the Southside resnmed operations
yesterday, after an idleness of three weeks,
owing' to a broken shaft. During tbat time
over 100 men were out of employment.
A Yonng Lndy From Ohio Township Re
ceives a Ballet In Her Hand.
George, alias "Dad" Scrtroebel, was ar
rested by Officer Alexander, p( Allegheny,
yesterday on a charge of felonious shooting,
which occurred in Ohio township last Friday.
Onthatdaythe prisoner went out on tbe
Perrysvillc road to visit his brother and in
some way became Involved in a quarrel with
a neighbor named Smith. The latter has a
daughter, a young lady, named Mary Smith,
who went out on the road to induce her father
to come into the house and as she laid her hand
on her father's arm Schroebel -fired a pistol at
him. Tbe ball struck the girl on tbe arm. The
wound was not a serious one, but Schroebel
did not know the extent of it '
He immediately left the locality and early
Saturday morning the father of the wounded
girl came to town and made information before
Slayor Pearson, charging him with felonious
Since that timo tbe detectives have been on
the lookout for Schroebel, bnt be kept out of
their way. He was apprehended by Officer
Alexander on Ohio street yesterday and at
once arrested and locked up. He will be given
a hearing this morning,
flow a Kw Local Union Alms to Effeot
Many Needed Reforms.
The Electrical "Union No. 1 received a
large addition at a meeting held on Sunday
at 101 Fifth avenue. The aim of the organ
ization is to protect the varions branches of
electrical workers from the evils of unskilled
workmen and tbe ill effects tbat may come to
the public generally In the shape of imperfect
joints in house wiring tbat may start afire;
insecure pole work, endangering life and prop
erty on the streets, and various other traps
that might be set for the unwary by incom
petent workmen.
The Electrical Union is international, and
will embrace all skilled workers engaged in
electrical pursuits.
Played on Sunday, Aro Under tbo
' Hand of the Law.
"Willie Sweeny, Michael Downey, James
Coslett and Patrick Dailey, yonng men, had
a hearing before Alderman Richards last even
ing, on a charge of disorderly conduct prefer
red by David; L. Hutchison, of Bluff street,
wbo alleges that the boys had been playing ball
near his residence, at the corner of Bluff and
Stevenson streets, Sunday; that they congre
gate about the corner and use profane language
and are generally disorderly. Tbe Alderman
reserved his decision until next Thursday.
An Officer's Hani of UmbrefTns.
A philanthropist who had been studying tbe
aspect of the heavens and the weather reports,
last evening set 29 umbrellas in a ack in front
of No. 435 Smithfleld street, bnt about 10
o'clock Officer Dan Sllvus came along and ar
rested them and took them: to the Central
station. ,
TheNon-Eesidents Will Boycott Pitts
burg Iron, Glass and Cork Men.
He Claims the Home Brewers Hake the
Meanest Beer on Earth.
Mr. Adolphus Busch, of the firm of
Annheuser-Busch, the St. Louis brewers,
was a passenger eastbound last night.
Mr. Busch was" on his way to Europe with
his three handsome daughters and two
young sons. He was easily induced to talk,
and this is what he said:
"Wbo is this Judge "White who has been
knocking out the- foreign brewers in Pitts
burg and some of the home brewers, too?
I am told he revoked the licenses of some of
the best saloonkeepers in tbe city. One
thing is true, that he has greatly injured
my business, and not only myself, but all
the Western brewers feel sore. We are sur
prised that the press and the Chamber of Com
merce did not take up the matter.
"Lately I- have personally visited all the
brewers in Milwaukee, Chicago and St. Louis.
We have formed an association and have de
termined to buy no more iron, bottles or corks
in Pittsburg. The foreign brewers annually
paid into Pittsburg $5,000,000 for iron, and as
much more for bottles and corks. Cast
year I bought from the Key
stone Construction Company 860,000 worth
of structural iron, but I will buy no more here
until this embargo against my business is re
moved. Thd brewers try to support Pittsburg
industries; but, when our business is assailed,
the people we have helped stand Idly by and
partially approve of it If this is tbe kind Of
people that live in this city we don't care to
have anything more to do with them. We will
bny onr iron hereafter in Chicago, and the bot
tles we will get at Streator, lib
"Why is it that the foreign brewers, wbo are
acknowledged to make the best beer in the
country, are knocked But, while the Pittsburg
brewers, who make the meanest beer on earth,
are allowed to sell? It is not right, and it is
strange the people have not openly objected.
"Yes, the foreign brewers have agreed to as
sist the anti-Prohibitlonlsts in this State. We
will contribute our share to down the amend
ment. "Another thing I notice is tbe numerous
strikes in Pittsburg. Tbat is the 'fault of tbe
high tariff. The workmen will allow them
selves to be gulled by the mill owners before
an election, but as soon as it is over their wages
are reduced. I wonder how long men will be
fools enough to be duped in this manner?"'
'It Will be Made to Settle tbo MHlc War
The Dealers DonautTneBaipp en union
Abont to Collapse.
Since the milk dealers have made such a
successful arrangement with the non-union
farmers that they can get nil the milk which
is wanted to supply their customers, the
members of the Shippers' Union are very anx
ious to shake hands again with the dealers and
let by-gones be by-gones. A member of the
Executive Committee of the Producers' Union
said to a reporter yesterday
"Qur arrangements with the Cbartlers
Creamery O-mpany bas done us a great deal of
harm. Wo have not only lost the good will of
the dealers, bnt onr entire organization Is
about to collapse. I think we shall have one
more meeting, and after that we will have to
disband. Ot course we cannot blame Mr.
Reed; he tried to do the best he could for all
of us. but thethlng has failed. We are going
to meet the Dealers' Union on tbe last of this
month, and another effort will be made to se
cure an arrangement with them. Whether it
will be successfnl or not I am not able to say."
A member of tbe Milk Dealers' Union, when
asked what they proposed to do with the ship
per", said: "We do not recognize the old Ship
pers' Union any loncer,' Any farmer who
wants to ship his milk to the dealers bas to
join our union. Tbe Executive Committee or
tbe producers' organization has defied us so
long that we got tired of it, and now we pro
pose to stick to those farmers who have helped
us out when we wanted milk very badly."
Tbe Troubles of a Justice of a Dry Town to
Get a Drink. '
Phjlip Ward, Daniel Downs and John
Palmer were arrested in Allegheny yester
day on the allegation of 'Squire Bothrock,
of Duqnesne borough, that they had assaulted
and robbed him. The men are coal .miners
and work at Willow Grove, on tbe Pittsburg
and Western Railroad. Yesterday they started
for town, and when near Herr's Island stopped
to drink from a quart bottle of whisky they
bad with them. 'Squire Rothrock came along
and was Invited to drink. He accidentally
broke the bottlo and was knocked down. He
paid tbe men for their lost whisky. While
they were seated in an Allegheny barroom
the 'Squire walked in. The other men In the
saloon took bis side and a fight ensued. One
of the miners was knocked down and kicked
Are Alleged to Havo Been tbe Weapons In a
Fine Italian Hand.
Anthony Nostratia, the Italian who got
into a dispute with Micheal Tobocalast
Monday evening in the honse of Philip
Mnrphy, a lamplighter on Boquet street, Oak
land, was arrested last evening by Officer Mc
Laughlin on a charge ot felonious assault and
The trouble started over 81 indebtedness be
tween Toboca and Nostratia, in which Toboca
was struck with a chair and, it is alleged,
knocked down, and that, while on the floor,
Nostratia cut him on the arm with a razor,
makinc two ugly gashes.
Nostratia was arrested while collecting his
pay at Booth AFlinn's office, on Penn avenue.
He was locked up in the Fourteenth ward sta
tion, where he will be given a hearing to-day.
I Asking for Lodging on Her Way From St.
9 T -I- .. T.-1.1.h
A woman tottering with age and infirmity
slowly descended the steps leading to the
lockup in the Allegheny Mayor's office last
night, and asked for a night's lodging. It was
riyen her. Her name, she said.'was Mrs. Croft, .
and her home Leechburg, Armstrong connty.
She wished to stay over night, and intended to
walk toward Leecbburg tprfay.
She said sbebad walked from St. Louis,
where she had friends, and wished to reach her
destination, which she calls home. She is a
very tall woman, with white hair, and said she
was 74 years old. Some six" months ago she
stayed all night In the lockup on her way to
Leechburg from Cincinnati.
Theee will be a meeting this evening in the
Methodist Church on Fifth avenue near Van
Braam street, in which the merits of constitu
tional prohibition will be discussed by Rev1,
Messrs. Ueazell, Mealy and Shaffer, and J. W
WHJi J. McConneMi addressed a meeting
last night in the Centennary Church. Quite a
number of names were secured for the organi
zation of an amendment voters' club. This
evening Mr. McConnell will address meetings
in the Twenty-third ward, at Hazelwood sta
tion and in the Ames M. E. Church.
A public constitutional amendment meeting
will be held under the auspices of the Sons of
Temperance in the Warren M. E. Church, Ful
ton and Clark streets, Thursday evening. Af
ter the meeting anew division of the order will
be instituted by the Grand Worthy Associate
of tbe Grand Division of Pennsylvania, Will
iam Houston.
A cokstttutionai. amendment meeting
will 'be held Friday evening in theVelsh Mis
sion. Second avenue, beyond Moorhead & Mc
Cleane's mill. S. B. Charters and Joseph Var
nerwillbe the speakers. Workingmen par
ticularly are invited to attend the meeting, as
tbe question of the campaign will be tieated
from an economic standpoint.
Beech Ast's Fills core bilious and nervous ills
Peaks' Soap seenrfe a beautiful coaplezloa
Many matters of Much nnd Little Moment
Tcrselr Treated.
Db. Atbes is at borne after a brie! trip
throughout the West.
They say there is one wage scale that doesn't
fluctuate the wages of sin.
W. JV. Sctjixy, local agent for the Northern
Pacific .Railroad, is in Buffalo.
Mb. Cabnxoie pleaded for and predicted
that cnt in Iron freight rates ore and o'er.
A baley bone looks long before he leaps;
but sometimes be is willing to go It blind.
Home rule political guns are also called
Fllnnt muskets. They are evidently hard to
The Allegheny Committee on Streets bas re
turned fromlts trip with plenty of information
about paring.
An ingot fell on the foot of Charles JDevers
last night at Carnegie's Thirty-third street mill
and crushed it
Db. L N. Hays and Chaplain Mllllganwent
to New York last night to attend tbe Presby
terian Assembly. ,
AxasI Jeannette, Pa.! You may not yet
have bad tqo many glasses; but it is undeniable
that you are tanked.
THE opening' peal at the festival to-night will
doubtless be sweet and mellow to the core
and the encore also, let us hope.
The St. Augustine Literary Society gave a
musical and literary entertainment last night
at their ball, on Thirty-seventh street.
DanxeZi Douohebty" was locked up in Cen
tral station last night on the charge of having
cut his wife's head open with a cbair.
The boys of Engine Company No. 9, in Alle
gheny, the Spring Garden Company, are mak
ing a very pretty flower garden about their new
John McCubby, employed In the Union
foundry, Preble avenue, Allcgheny,was burned
about the face and neck yesterday by a flash of
Annual inspections will be held this week
In the Allegheny G. A. R. Posts, 88 being In
spected to-night, 128 on Thursday and 162 on
James Chambebs fell from the Thirty-third
street railroad bridge yesterday and broke one
arm and leg. He was taken to bis home in
Cable car 207, of the Citizens' Traction llney
had its grip caught In the crossing at Twenty
eighth street, and the cars were delayed for
over an hour last evening.
The dedication ot the Schleiter monument
at Homewood cemetery, will take take place
Wednesday, May 29, Instead of to-morrow.
The programme has already been published.
AT the West End Stone Church a meeting of
the Young People's Union wai held last even
ing. The programme consisted of several
musical selections and an appropriate address
by Rev. C E. Locke.
A SEUOHTTUii social was held last evening
at the home of Mr. W. B. Brickell, on Center
avenue, by the Young Ladles' Missionary
Society of the Smithfleld Street Methodist
Colonel Edwaed Jay Allen is about to
revisit his old home at Pnget Sound. Wash
ington Territory. Away back In '52 this gen
tleman wrote from there over the well known
signature of "The Oregon Trail" for The Dis
patch. "We've Reached the Land of Corn and
Wine," was the Initial line of the first hymn
given out after Sunday's prohibition address
nnder the auspices of the Herron Hill W. C.
T. U. Old Monongahela rye is the product of
this locality, though.
The Coroner wasnotlfled last night that Mrs.
Ann Dorsey, aged 30, had been killed by a'
shifting engine of Spane, Chalfant & Co., on
South Mam street crossing, at Sharpsburg.
about 6 o'clock yesterday evening. He well
hold an inquest to-day.
A colored woman named Hattie Cisco was
arrested by Officer Daly last night, charged
with tbe larceny of 815 from a residence on
Roup street East End. The woman was ar
rested once before on a similar charge, but the
case was not prosecuted.
The first and best of Pittsburg's products
will be seen in the new Exposition building at
the festival to-night. They are neither of glass
nor Iron, though; thev are belles. There will
likewise be many a fan to see, if not many a
fantasle, on the programme.
The Edison Electric Company bare bad an
electric storage plant erected in tbe courtyard
of the Postoftice, to show tbe manner of work
ing their patents to tbe court,, in their suit
against the Westinghouse Company, In the.
United States Court to-day.
When it began to rain last evening the peo
ple around that Soho street pond began to put
their heads together and say: "If the city
can't lower this flood In dry weather, nut it
gains on them five or six inches, a day, how
rapidly will it come up when the rain really
begins to come down V
The office that William Maneese resigned on
Saturday was that of constable of the Eleventh
ward, and not the aldermanship of the district,
to which he was recently appointed. Mr. Ma
neese regards hi3 new position more highly
than the old one, and will open an alderman's
office at 469 Fifth ayenue tbfs.week.
George Cebnosky, '14 years of age, will be
taken to Morganza this morning for confine
ment A gentleman named Mr. Weldio, of this
city, had him released from Morganza two
years since, where Cerbosky had beemsereral
J rears. Of late the bov has commenced bebav
ng himself improperly again, keeping late
hours and'sbowmg other bad habits. Upon a
request of Mr. Weldin the boy will be returned
until he has reformed.
For Selling Liquor on Sunday.
Samuel Abernetby will have a hearing to-day-before
Magistrate McKenna on the charge of
selling liquor without license, on Sunday and
to minors. Inspector McAleeie brought the
charge against Abernethy and Alderman Cas
sidy went his ball.
Great May Maslc Festival To-XIgbt.
The mnsie lovers are nearly all crazy to
hear the unprecedented mnsical treat at'the
new Exposition Hall to-night, and little's
the wonder, for we are promised the greatest
orchestra, the greatest leader, the greatest
singers, the greatest lady pianist and the
greatest pianos the famons Steinways.
Everybody wants to hear the great Stem
way, wljich has cut out all tbe other appli
cants. At the warerooms of H. Klqber &
Bro., 506 "Wood street, the duplicates can be
seen and admired; also the wonderful Con
over, the charming Opera and the popnlar
Emerson. Klebers' is the greatest musical
headquarters in Pittsburg, and everything
musical and every artist naturally gravitates
to their spacious warerooms,506 "Wood street
Their reputation for lair dealing and their
judgment are beyond compare.
A Very Successful Opening.
Many callers yesterday admired and pur
chased some of the elegant hardwood man
tels, fine brass and wrought iron fireplace
ornaments, tiling etc., etc., exhibited by
Kramer & Redman, Lim., and 6. T. Her
rick & Co., in their beautiiul new show
rooms, 708 Smithfleld. These goods are all
of very high grade of workmanship, are ex
quisite in finish and comprise many exclu
sive novelties, to be found only in their
stock. The wrought iron work is particu
larly fine. Every piece is fully guaranteed,
and prices are extremely moderate for high
class productions.
Extra Wide (SI Inch) Bleached Table
At $1 and 1 SO per yard; 90-inch at $2 25
to S3; all new patterns; the largest stock of
napkins, hundreds of dozens, 51 to finest.
Ask to see the new Dunfermline Scotoh
linens. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
B. tB.
Festival saleot Parasols extraordinary
values in our 52 60 and f3 Parasols sold
earlier in season at 15 and J6 $2 50 and (3
The Black Silk Department Bargains
That are making trade lively here; come in
this week. J03. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Seines, nets, tents, fishing tackle largest
assortment lowest prices. Call or write for
price list J, H. Johnston,
ttssu 706 -Smithfleld street.
Embroideries Cheaper Than Ever
Before known at our sale this week.
Hobne & "Ward, 41 Fifth avenue.
Thoniands of Dollars Worth of Actual
In this big silk department. This is the bar
gain festival, sure enough, for silk buyers.
Pons Annuo Stone
Tbey Fall to Decrease tbe Depth of Yellow
Lake or Red PoBO WhatSaperlntendent
'Brown Says. .
There were no soft'sounds of two lovers
singiag to the chords of a romantic guitar
floating idly upon the- bosom of a silvery
lake,' nor was there any poetic moon kindly
throwing its rays around loose upon the balmy
district of Soho last night But there was
large quantities of lake left Yellow lake,
orRed bond, bas taken it upon her
self to branch ouf as a yonng
body of water entirely surrounded by land, and
she U succeeding In vei7'"Be90lnt,t,eB- As
Byron truly said in that Utile gem about the
ocean, "Man's power ends with the shore." so
it would seem In the case of Yellow lake.
There have bean 25 men working, excavating
and endeavoring to pump out the threatening
water, but to no purpose as yet. Last night
the two pumps were started, but the diminish
ing result in carrying the filthy sewer stuff
away was very unflattering. v.
Superintendent Brown, of the water works,
was there, engaged in overseeing the mej
and be told a Dispatch writer that the Pmps
would not be working in proper shape before
noon to-day, if then. . . ,,
In the riVst place," sald.he. "these hydraulic
pumps are practically worthless to lift water
any distance, and here there is a drop of IB
feet Another barrier which prevents us from
expediting the work is the crowds of people
who swarm through tho ropes and offer advice
gratuitously, eta. thereby disconcerting the
workmen and exasperating us. There is not
enough police out here." . .
When asked if there was any Immediate
danger to the three housesrat the east end of
the poad Mr. Brown pooh-poohed the idea.
Some exaggerated reports aboat the rapidity
with which the water rises have been circu
lated. Tbey are all canards. This whole thing
could have been avoided if the people had not:
dumped everything over the hillside, literally
coverlnp; up the 'drop.' We now have it lo
cated, and as soon as it is npearthed there will
probably be no more trouble."
F. C. Grove, one of tbe residents whose house
is in the greatest danger, was spoken to, but he
was as cool as a free lunch codfish DalL He
says his cellar is full of water and tbat five
inches were added to-day by tbe rise, but be is
not in the least alarmed.
There is nearly two feet of water In the
Center Avenue rink now. Engineer Lowry,
one of the best and pldest mechanics in the
city, bas charge of the pumps, and if there is
anything in the management the pending diffi
culty should bo downed by this evening. The
electric light which the men are working by is
manufactured by the engines on tbe ground.
Taken as a whole, the Thirteenth warders are
luxuriating in tbe pleasant divertesment ot
sewer stench and enjoyable excitement
Bedroom Furniture.
We desire you should know where to get
satisfied if yon are looking for beautiful and
late designs in bedroom suits, and unless
you are very hard to .please you will cer
tainly be satisfied with our bargains in wal
nut and oak suits and our styles of antique
suits. M. Seibebt&Co.,
Cor. Lacockand Hope sts., Allegheny.
Near railroad bridge. D
. Fifty Pieces Real China Printed Bilks.
Hot foulards, 24 inches wide, at SO cents;
best value ever seen in any silk department.
Jos. Hokne & Co's
Penn Avenue Stores.
Expert Watch Repairing;
By the most skillful workmen. American.
English and German fine complicated
watches a' specialty, at E. P. Roberts Ss
Sons', corner Fifth ave. and Market st
See our Gloves for May festival, fl to $4.
Fine Lace Gloves andMitts.evening sbades,
75c to 2. Booos & Buhl.
See These tbcNew India Silks at 50c,
65c and 75c a yard; they havequality, width
and style, black and white and dark and
light colorings.
JOS. Hoene & Co.'s,
Penn Avenue Stores.
Seines, nets, tents, fishing tackle largest
assortment lowest prices. Call or write
for price list, J. H. Johnston,
TTStftt 706 Smithfleld "street.
Embroideries Cheaper Than Ever
Before known at our sale this week.
Hobne & Ward, 41 Fifth avenue.
By tbe Strip Only,
The embroideries we are selling so cheap
and at such bargains this week. Come and
see them. Hobne & "Wabd,
41 Fifth avenue.
TjIOHTner's" perfumes please refined
taste. His latest odor1, "Maid of the Mist."
Pare Rye Whiskies
For sale by GeoJ H. Bennett & Bro., No.
135 First ave., second door below "Wood st.
Bla Bargains. Fine Embroideries,
Cheaper than the commonest goods, at
Horne & "Ward's this week.
"Maid of the Mist" perfume, the most
popular. For sale by druggists.
Use Angostura Bitters, the world-renowned
South American appetizer, of ex
qnisite flavor.
Fancy and Plain Wool Faced Goods at KXc
Choice Colorings in 86-inch Cashmeres, with
Stylish Plaids or Stripes to mingle, at 23c a
yard. - J.
All-Wool Summer Weight Albatross, 33-inch,
closing at 37c
48-inch French Serges, newest tints, 65c.
French Cashmeres, Fine Count Spring Shad-,
ings, 50c and up.
, Colored Ground Challies, French effects, 10c
and 20c a yard.
New Printings on Best French Tamlse Cloth.
Confined Styles in Scotch Ginghams, tone
and Shadings rivaling finest Woolen Goods
just yonr need for a cool, serviceable costume.
French Style Satines at 12c 15c and 20c
May shipments of Fancy Printed French
Satines, marked departure from early styles.
.Bargains In 45-inch Embroidered Flouncing
at SOc, 81. 81 25 and up.
Fine Hemstitched Bordered India Linen, 45
and 60-inch widths.
French Nainsook. Stripes and Checks.
SUIT ROOM .Fnil lines of Silk, Wool and
Wash Fabrics, in latest style, and first-class
goods at a moderate price.
Umbrellas. German Gloria Plate Caps, 26
inch, at 81 60 and 82. Specialties.
Parasols and Fancy Top Umbrellas. Large
assortment at popular prices.
605 AND 507 MARKET ST.
Kramer & Redman, Lim.,
G. T. Herrick & Co.'s
New showrooms will be formally opened
on May 26, 2hand 22 with the finest display
of hardwood mantels, fine fire places, brass
goods, tiles, etc, In this city, at
; 708 Smithfield Street.
i t ' -. - w , i . ir'n .?n 4
A week at melody and bargains. "Visit tie
Exposition building for the first article and
our big stores for the latter. A hearty welcome
'to all our usual and unusual customers daring
this week. Every department has items of la-
terest for you, especially the
onr last addition toouralreadr big plant. Ai
for Silks, the prices and qualities are a contin
ual advertisement that (Tally, almost, increases
the number of customers. But remember you
are invited specially to come in and see what
is here, and we think yon will admit our claims
to largest stock and assortment and best values
correct. A specially interesting feature will
be found In the special large lots of seasonable
goods 'bought at greatly reduced prices
"drives" tbe name they go by that are her
this week. Silks first of all; then
Especially the summer kinds, wool fab
rics and cotton too, from the Paris robe
patterns we are selling at one-half; the
by-the-yaid bargains of many weavesto the
Ginghams, Satines and other wash dress staffs .
Cream "White "Woolens, 25c a yard; Printed
Wool Challis, 20c; a vast array that are all
new and-all low enough to make buying quick
and easy.
A special purchase of
That will be sold very much under price. Also
fancy colored Drapery Nets far same "depart;
ment that are handsome, yet cheap. Black ,
v. a '
Fish Net Draperies in plenty.
Onr millinery show of Trimmed Hats Is la
its full glory, while the stock of Untdmmed
Hats for ladies and children includes all the
latest novelties.
In profusion. Some new Trimming Rlbbott
that are bargains.
The Parasols area great show, and iscluda
every latest novelty of handles and covering-.
81 50 to $10 the prices that include this wondef.
fully large variety of sun doners.
Hot "Weather Underwear,
Corsets, "Wraps la lace and silk, evening wear
Shawls, Flannel and Silk Blouse Waliti, made
up Suits for ladles in Ginghams, Satines,
White Lawns, Black Lace, Cashmeres, Challis)
Black Net, Cloth, Cashmere undoubtedly tbe)
largest variety to be seen in any suit depart
ment. Complete summer outfits for Infint,
small children and girls in Children's Depart.
ment in all qualities.
Summer importation of housekeeping Ljaeaa
now in stock. Come and tea the extra goee r"
values fn
And Napkins, also in Bed linens and Towel
We had almost overlooked the Fan they're
here in thousands.
' ,
JOB. HORNE 'iQL'ajj.
t 5
. ?.w,
ftG. MM
v 'Aam.m' -