W H fs jgl " 'Zfy jmr'- - . , A ; 1- " -a, 'i? rr IT'S A. ,?rt;. -. ;a rich HARVEST Will bo reaped by all who adrertise in THE Dispatch: It reaches every home and is read by everybody. If yon are in business the ubllc know it throuehXius iispatch. PORTT-FOTJETH TEAR. A BOON TOTHE CITY. J Rates on Iron Ore From the Lakes Reduced to a Fair Competing Basis. ALL THREE ROADS AGREE, Through Presidents Oliver and lTew- ell and Vice-President HcCullougb., TO THROW OFF JDST 20 CENTS A TON. Ore From the Three 1nke Ports to Flits- bare farSl 03 Instead of SI 25 How It Wni Brought About Piltsburc Gains 600,1)00 a Year by It Competition With the Valley Furnaces of Ohio Made Possible at Last Sir. Oliver Credited t With' Forcing the More Mr. A. M. "Byers Says Labor Will Koir bee the Great Necessity of Also Making a Con. ' . cession A Comparison With Chicago Coke Most Come Next. The Pennsylvania, Jhe P. & L. E. and the P. & "W. have -come gracefully in line, and given Pittsburg her just reduc tion in iron rates. Mr. Andrew Car negie's words were true. Bumor gives Harry Oliver the credit of neutralizing the opposition of the Pennsylvania. Pitts burg' supremacy in the Iron world is once more asserted for good and all. A move has been made in railroad circles that most vitally affects the interests of Pittsburg; and, fortunately, the move has been made in her favor. At a meeting yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock between Vice President McCul longh, of the Pennsylvania Company; Presi dent Oliver, of the Pittsburg and "Western, and President John Newell, of the Pitts burg and Lake Brie, it was decided that the roads, carrying ore from the lake points to Pittsburg should reduce the rate from 51 25 per ton as at present to 51 05 per ton, a clean reduction of 20 cents per ton. The change in rates cannot be made until after the regular three days' notice, and the official announcement has not yet been made; but The Dispatch has received re liable information to the effect that the re duction has been definitely settled npon,and the official announcement will be made public in a day or two. Late events nave not been without their significance, and to those who havo been watching-nfliirs closely there were surface 'Jmaiciuons that' a reduction of this sort wpuld come. Indeed, there were some ex peclations among the shrewd ones that even s larger reduction than that mentioned would be made. Merely AsKed Justice. The iron manufacturers, it seems, had asked flatly for a reduction from $1 25 to 90 cents, instead of $1 05, and this 90 cents they claimed would place them on an equal ity with points in the Hocking Valley that received such favorable rates from the Ohio railroads; so the reduction .granted was not only expected, bnt almost assured to the in siders. In his last interview with The Bis patch, Mr. Andrew Carnegie expressed the expectation that iron ore would be car ried from the lakes to Pittsburg as cheaply at from the lakes to the Ohio furnaces, and I his words have come nearly true, at a most unexpected time. Matters have been greatly delayed by the railroad officials, and this delay has caused the fear that perhaps a mistake has been made, and that there would be no reduction .to give this city her due; but, happily, this feeling was in error. This delay-showed di verging views among the railroad officials, no doubt, but the conclusion was reached at last, and, lucky for Pittsburg, the rate of $1 05, instead of $125, per ton was decided upon. While all the negotiations and inner workings of the affair are not attainable "by the press, by putting two and two together and by combining this and that point, it is not hard to reach certain conclusions.' It was expected that this reduction would hare been made sooner; but the death of President Callery caused a delay, and the reduction did not come until the election, of Mr. Harry Oliver as his successor. An Inside View. But, a few weeks ago, there was a rapid .advance in the stock of the Pittsburg and vTesternrosa. The inference' was plain: Some heavy and determined interest was buying the stock, and it all pointed to the election of Harry Oliver as President of the Pittsburg and "Western! President Oliver is very well known as a warm supporter of Pittsburg, and as being closely allied with, and interested in, her prosperity. His business and social, and in fact friendly, interests all lean toward this city, and the deduction is easy. , Connect this with other straws in the railroad situa tion, and they at least give color to the inti mation that the influence of the Pittsburg and "Western was not only in favor of this reduction named, but was in favor of the more decided reduction expected by Pitts burg interests. Then, beyond that, there is a theory in certain circles that. If ihe other roads had not agreed to this reduction the Pittsburg. and "Western would nave made it, regard less of their wishes, and the conclusion is reached' that the figures named are but a compromise with the other lines on the one side (probably the Pennsylvania) and the extreme views of the Pittsburg and "Western on the other This seems the more reasona ble, since gossip credits the Pennsyl Tania with the most pronounced oppo sition. Thus another victory is placed on the glowing side of opposition and compe tition, and one more fight won shows the value of competition, especially if the cem- Jpeting lines represent the interests of the shipping point, which lines thus are bound ftp look out for its welfare. ' .Now as to the actsal redvetioS, though not all that could be. wished for, it estab lishes a Material improvement in Pittsburg's position In the iron industry, and a few fig ures to clinch this statement will 'not ba ont of place. Some Idea of the Benefits. It takes one and six-tenths tons of ore to make a ton of .pig iron, so a reduction of 20 cents per ton on ore, means a decrease of 32 cents per ton in the cost of manufacturing a ton of pig Iron. There were 890,000 tons of pig iron made last year in Allegheny coun ty, and the reduction or rather the savi ng by this freight item alone, would have been 5218,000. Then again, in actual practice it requires about one and one-half tons of pig iron, and about 600 pounds of ore, to make one ton of finished iron, so that by this break there is an actual reduction of 56 cents per ton. As for steel rails, the reduction to come in force will make it from 45 to CO cents per ton, and on blooms it will amount to from 40 to 45 cents. The leading reduction, of course, is in the cost of manufacture; the actual cold, hard cash paid fox material, and the effect cannot but be felt. There were over 600,000 tons of finished iron made in this booming Allegheny county last'year, and about an equal amount of steel (cal culated in rails), while the production o! steel, if figured in blooms, would reach over 700,000 tons. Therefore, without any more details in tiresome fignring.these reductions in freights should make a total economy or saving to iron and steel manufacturers of about $600,000 per year. Where Wo Distance Chicago. At onetime Chicago could and did under bid this bustling city on contracts and other building jobs that 'should not have been lost; nevertheless they were lost because, on account of freight rates, the "Windy City of the "West could and did underbid Pittsburg, and of course money and business drifted away toward the setting sun. Now, however, with hardly equality granted and not even favor asked, Pittsburg will be amply able to correct these little contracts, if not reverse the situation. "With a margin of 30 cents on pie iron and 50 cents per ton on finished iron and steel, Pittsburg will not only recover, but tran scend, her former supremacy in the iron world; and a corresponding expansion in the output of her mills should follow this most welcome and undeniably, just reduction in freight rates. A EUBMOEMAFS TIEW. Mr. A. M. Byers Bars Labor Must Yield a Little Also Railroads Forced .to See the .Necessity That Workmen Are Asked to See Com parisons With Chicago. Calls were made last evening by reporters for this paper at the residences of Hon. B. P. Jones, Mr. John "W. Chalfant and Mr. A. M. Byers, for interviews setting forth the significance of the ore freight reduction. Only Mr. Byers, the iron manufacturer who has some furnace interests, could be seen, however, and that gentleman was interro gated in regard to the matter. Mr. Byers said: "Last week all the furnacemen of this city addressed a petition to the Presidents I ot tne rauroaas carrying ore irom tn&iaKcs I to this -vicinity asking them to take up the matter of freight rates on that commodity aid give them some relief from the existing charges which were considered to be exces sive. It was stated that the rates were higher from the lake ports to Pittsburg in proportion to the number of miles hauled, than they were from the same points to the furnaces in the Mahoning and Shenango Valleys. "The-Pittsburg men claimed that they were thus unable to compete with the others, whose plants were more favorably located. "It is a well known fact that the prices the Pittsburg manufacturers received for their pig iron barely covered the cost of production, and they have been losing money for some time. Owing to the high price of labor, and the discriminating rates on coke, ore and other materials, it was ab solutely necessary to do something, and they asked the "Western jailroads for relief. "The rates on coke from, the ovens to the valleys are more objectionable to the furn acemen there than the ore rates from -the lakes were to thePittsburg manufacturers. "I do not know whether the reduction to $1 05 per ton will more nearly equalize the rates as between Pittsburg and Chicago manufacturers. The latter get their ores direct by water from the Lake Superior mines, while the Pittsburg furnacemen have to get theirs via" Cleveland, Ashtabula and Fairport. The inland freight rates they pay are over and above what it costs the Chicago men by lake. These freight charges make the cost of production greater to the Pittsburg and the Valley furnaces than, it would be to their competitors. "By the reduction the officers of the local railroad companies have shown that their intention is todo anything that will enable the Pittsburg iron manufacturers to com pete with others where pig iron does not cost as much as it does in this city." f- "Will the reduction have any effect on the labor market? "I think it will have the effect of making the officers of the labor organizations see the necessity of acceding to a redaction of wages. If the railroad companies recognize the necessity of giving the iron manufacv turers some relief, the workmen should do it also."" FORTIFYING THE PACIFIC. Canada U Preparing to Monnt Some Cans on That Coast. Ottawa, Ont., Mar 20. The Canadian Government has received a cablegram from the imperial authorities stating that work on the Pacific coast .defenses will be begun this summer. The home government has alwavs been keenly alive to the importance of fortifications on the Pacific coast, especially at and about the Esquimault terminus of the Canadian Pacific Bailway, as well as the arsenal of the British navy on the Pacific Hon. G. P. Foster. Minister of Finance, speaking to a reporter to-uay regarding a statement published in a San Francisco paper to the effect that the British Govern ment was contemplating a scheme for the transformation of the entrance to Paget Sound into s second Gibraltar, said the ex pression "second Gibraltar" was too strong, but it was the intention of the Canadian and imperial authorities to make great im provement in the defenses of the Pacific sea board ports, especially Esquimault "If the Americans object," he said, "to our establishing batteries commanding the entrance to Puget Sound, why let them build forts on the opposite side of the straits." Dlxey Will Not Travel Any More. New Yobk, May 20. Henry Dixey, the actor, will travel no more. Business ar rangements were closed to-day nnder which he 'will henceforth make the Standard Theater the home of .burlesque,, opening with a new piece. Mr. Duff will be aasoci- ....9 f.I. Tt.. ' " BfrVU ItUH JSJC. 1 m wmm - JENKS WAS JILTED, And to Get Even With Bis Scboolmnrm Sweetheart, He and His Friends Boy cott Her School She May be Compelled to Shut Up Her Shop; rgraaix. ixtraiuit to the dispatch.1 Pbovidence, E. L, May 20. There is a queer fight going on at Chapel Pour Cor ners, which comprises what is known as School district No. 3, in the town of Cum berland, and it has resulted in the boycott of Miss Evans, who teaches the little dis trict school. A young fellow named Tenks, son of a prominent farmer in the district, had been paying attention to Miss Evans, who has taught the school acceptably for two yean. The- young man seemed to be getting along in his suit all right until last winter, when for some reason or other Miss Evans shut him off, and since then young Jenks has been trying to down the fair schoolmarm who toyed with his affections. Old man Jenks and the neighbors took up the case on young Jenks' side and tried to get Miss Evans replaced, but trustee "Watterson sided 'with her. At the annual school meeting, last month, the Jenks peo ple tried to oust the trustee and failed. Then they set to work to boycott the school. There were some 15 pupils under Miss Evans rod. Seven of them did not live in the district, and these were promptly in structed to go to school in their own district. Then a family with one child moved out of town. Of the six remaining two were rela tives of young Jenks, and these were with drawn, and only four are now left As the law requires at least five pupils in a school to secure the town's support Miss Evans' educational honse is likely to be closed, and the trustee is hustling, without any success so far,to find another youngster about the .Four Corners who will go to school. He says he has a good mind to at tend himself. The whole town is getting excited over the matter, and friends of the trustee and. Miss Evans who are blessed with children think of moving into No. 3 district and sending their youngsters to school there. A WOMAN INDICTED FOR LIBEL. She Makes a Peculiar Affidavit to Prevent a Man's Graduation. ISrECXiL TELEQEAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Philadelphia, May 20. Sarah A. Poole was indicted to-day for libel because in last December she made, an affidavit be fore Magistrate Baird that Henry J. "Woodhouse had two years ago deceived her by a bogus marriage. "Woodhouse and Mrs. Poole, who was a widow, were nurses at the Pennsylvania Hospital. On January 13, 18S6, she accompanied him, so she declares in her affidavit, to what he told Jier was the private residence of Magistrate Brown, where a marriage ceremony, which she afterward learned was bogus, was per formed. "Woodhouse subsequently, after a trip to Europe, married a Miss Goodenough. The widow was enraged by this marriage, and sought to do "Woodhouse harm. He had be come a student at Jefferson College. She called on the dean, Dr. Holland, and divulging "Woodhouse's re lations with her, asked him to prevent the latter' graduation. Dr. Holland said he conld not consider her story unless it was backed by an affidavit. Therefore Mrs. Poole went before Magistrate Baird on the 14th of last December and made oath to her charges against "Woodhouse. He, however; much to Mrs. Poole's chagrin, got his .diploma, or JDr .Holland refused the widow's declaration, even flavored with the oath. ' But Mrs. Poole was resolved on bringing shame and sorrow on the new doctor who she professed had wronged her. Friends of "Woodhouse began to receive anonymous notes intimating that he was not as upright as he might be. One of these caught'his eye, and upon inquiry he learned of her affidavit, and therefore brought suit against the widow for libel. THE CLEMSON WILL CASE CLOSED, And nn Agricultural nnd Mechanical College Will be Founded. rSPECIAL TE1EOHA1I TO THE DISPATCH.1 Charleston, S. C, May 20. The great Clemson will case has virtually come to a close,although the court has not yet rendered a decision,and the Clemson Agricultural and Mechanical College may ba regarded as al ready an established fact. The State takes about $80,000 snbject to the terms of the Clemson will. When the argument com menced on Saturday Chief Justice Fuller interrupted the regular order of the argu ment by intimating that he wonld prefer first to hear all the contestants' council. It was expected that the council for the State would be heard, but upon the meeting of the court it was passed over and another taken up. The inference is that the conrt had made up its mind, and it is said that the Chief Justice is engaged to-night in writing out a decision in iavor of the State and sustaining the Clemson will. It is doubtful if the case will be carried to the Supreme Court. This decision gives the Fort Mill proper ty, the birthplace of John C. Calhoun, to the State for the establishment of an Agri cultural and Mechanical College. The en tire property is variously estimated to be worthirom$80,QP0to?100,000. Under the will there are to be seven trustees appointed by Clemson's executors and six by the State. The Legislature at its last session made pro visions for carrying ont the provisions of the will. ' MELBOURNE AND FANNY. They Are Enjoying Their Honeymoon, bnt Already Preparing for the Stage. rsria.M.TELioBiJi to the dispatch.! New Yoek, May 20. Fanny Daven port, the actress, and Melbourne McDowell, the leading man in the "La Tosca" Com pany, who were married on Sunday, are staying at the St. Cloud Hotel. Mr. Mc Dowell said to-day to a reporter: "Well, we are married at last The newspapers have wedded us half a dozen times already, but this time it's a dead fact It was not a secret wedding, only a private one. v e am not want any puniicity about the affair. Are we going to quit the stage? Gracious me, nol After we have made sufficient preparation for another season of 'La Tosca,' which, by the way, is paying im mensely well, we are going to California. My wile needs a new wardrobe, which we shall have to attend to before leaving the city. Miss Davenport, I mean my wife, never looked better. It would do your eyes good, yonng man, to see her. After a pause he added: "I was awfully nervons during the ceremony. This is the first time I have gone through it My former wife, oh, that was only a piece of boyish folly. I was 21 then. I am 31 now." FATAL WRESTLING MATOfl. A Canal Boat Cnptaia Who Was Thrown by a Woman. Cleveland, May 20. Arthur Frazier, an Ohio canal boat captain, went to visit Edward Howe and wife, near Hawkins Summit county, Sunday. In the course of conversation Mrs. Howe said: "There never has been a man here that I couldn't throw." Frazier told her she could not throw him. They clinched and after few moments tug Mrs. Howe threw Frazier on his back on a lounge and the next minute he was a corpse, supposedly'from' rupture of an artery. PITTSBURG, TUESDAY, HAY' 21, 1889 PKEPARED TO PLOW; A Fertile, Fruitful Field Spread Out Before the Charitable. THE MISSION FOR THE FREEDMAN. The Old Tet'Ever-NewSubject of Evolution. Causes a Southern -How, , AN OLD NEGRO'S INTERESTING SPEECBV He Gives the Kelson Why Eis Bace Are 2t Better ' Presbyterians. An interesting question was brought up in the Presbyterian General Assembly yes terday. It was the topic of the negro and how he shall be educated. Colored preachers in attendance on the Presbytery added their mite to the fund of information on the sub ject Home missions will be discussed to day. There was another outbreak of the row in the Southern Assembly over the composition of Adam's body. 'SPECIAL TEKEGBAM TO THE DISPATCII.1 New York, May 20. The General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States settled down to,-day for a week's business in the Key. Dr. Howard Crosby's Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church." Beports of the work the Presbyte rian Church, through its Board of Missions for Freedmen, is doing in the South, con sumed the greater part ol to-day. President Harrison's pastor in "Washington, the Bev. Dr. Tennis S. Hamlin, had objected to the adoption of a report which declared that "the fidelity, patience and devoted service of the officers and members of the board be heartily commended, and that with full confidence in their ability, the details of management and administration, under the instructions of the assembly, shall be left to theirjudgment Dr. Hamlin's criticism, so far as he let it be known, was that the Secretary of the board, the Bev. E. H. Allen, ' had not at tended strictly to the business, and that the machinery had consequently been clogged. THE WOBK AMONG THE XEGBOE3. There is. he said, a lack of means to sup port schools. Secretary K. H. Allen spoke at length on the necessity of sending more ministers and more nfoney to the South. The church had been asleep on the subject, he said. Dr. Allen pic tured the necessity for Christianiz ing Southern negroes. They are increasing, he said, in numbers and in ignorance every dav. It is impossible to send them to Africa, because the Government could not build ships fast enough to to take them. Over 600 negro children ore born every day in the Southern States. ' The race'has come to stay, and the only safety for the South and for the whole United States is to edu cate the blackfenan and put into his hand, -with the primer, the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord's prayer. Mr. Taylor introduced to the, .assembly Uncle Joe "Williams, of Knox Presbytery, a negro preacher. The Bev. Mr. "Williams is 84 years old. His head is bald, with a nar row frinze of white hair around the back of 'the head, apaLatuft on the chim. "Uncle Joejoined the Presbyterian church in lszu, when he was a slave in Georgia. This is a specimen of the old gentleman's speech. UNCLE JOE'S STXLE. A brudder spoke de udder day bout Iowerin' down de standard ob Presbyterian Church. Lemmo say dis, f m an old colo' Presbyterian, don't let down dat standard one ito. Laughter and applause. I didn't hear de brndder who made da report say anythin' 'bont Geo'gia. By the Moderator That was left for you to speak on. Uncle Joe Don't know 'bont dat I couldn' say as much as he ought to say. Laughter. Weil, brcd'ren, cnilud people don' like de Presb'ter'n doctrine. Dey kyarn't hoi' it It takes eddication. my bred'ren, un'stan' Preb' ter'n doctrine 1'anghter and applause, bnt the's in de Bible, prase de Lord, an' what de Bible reveals common sense must accept it as a solemn tact Applause. I have concluded I'm ign'unt in a good many ways, an' I'm goln' to carry my ic'nce to the Judgment seat an' toll do blessed Lord I jes' did what I could. Applause. Then the question arose whether the Board of Freedmen should be commended. The Bev. Dr. Crosby said that Dr. Dickey, who proposed the resolution commending the board, and Dr. Hamlin, who criticised it, were conferring, and that a compromise would be reached. A COMPEOMISE POSTPONED, The two ministers appeared at that mo ment walking up the aisle. On Dr. Ham lin's motion action on the dispnted resolu tion was postponed until to-morrow morning. The Bev. Dr. Hall was called on to report on tne condition ot resbytenanism on the continent ot Europe. "But I never heard that I had been assigned to snch a duty, Moderator," said the Bev. Dr. Hall, with astonishment pictured on his face. "I was never notified of it" ''The Secretary says the notificati'on was sent by mail," said Moderator Bobets. "We shall have to call Buling Elder John "Wanamaker to account" Laqghter. Post master General "Wanamaker has not at tended any of the sessions. In the afternoon the Bev. L. S. Coffin, of Iowa, for five years a Ballroad Commis sioner in that State, said on the topic of ob servance of the Sabbath that he was as tounded at the death rate of brakemen on the railroads. Every year in the United States 2,700 brakemen are killed and 20,000 are crippled. No legislation reaches the question. THE NEW EULE DISLIKED. Dr. Chauncey M. Depew had told him that he had received many letters from stockholders who were inquiring with con siderable severity why their stock should be depreciated in value because all but neces sary Snnday travel had been doneawtty wjth on the New York Central Bailroad. Yet, added the speaker, all railroad officers know that there is no necessity for the great slaughter of brakemen. They should be pressed in every State to observe the Sab bath. Dr. Hamlin, .Chairman of the Committee on Ministerial Belief, reported that 5150,000 is needed for the ensuing year. Into this subject of assembly' housekeeping the Bev. Dr. Cot tell, formerly President of Lafavette College, plunged further. He compared ministers to Aristides the Just, who died in such poverty that he did not leave enongh monev to pay for his funeral. Becently Dr. Cottell had received a letter from a minister 93 years old, who said that if he died the needed expenses for his funeral would be wanting. ANOTHEB VISIT MADE. The Assembly adjourned early in the af ternoon to accept an invitation by the Bev. Dr. Thomas S. Hastings to visit the Union Theological Seminary on Park avenue. On the invitation of Prof. Duffield, of Princeton Theological Seminary, the min isters and elders and their families will go to Princeton, the "Jernsalenvof Presbyteri anism.in America," the professor called it on Saturday next The Assemby accepted the invitation. There waff a large attendance this evening in the Madison' Avenue Church, of which the Bev. Dr. Thompson, is pastor, to hear addresses on the condition ot Presbyterian mission work among the Freedmen. The Bev. Drv Pulton ot Philadelphia, made a short address. The other speakers were colored ministers who are" delegates to .the Presbytery., They werft.theJSev. Mr. Sav age and the Bev. D.'J.JSkndeje from Cape Pear, the Bev. Lewis Johnston, of Arkan sas, and the'Ber. Joel "Williams. To-morrow the assembly will djscuss home missions, and there will be apop'ular meet ing in the evening, in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. ' I ' DISCUSSING EY0LUTI0N. The Southern Assembly Ha a' Warm De bate on the Snbject. Chattanooga, May 20. The General Assembly of Southern Presbyterians met this morning at 9 o'clock? Bev. J. E. Latham presented the report of the committee ap pointed to examine the minutes- of the 8ynod of South (Carolina. This report pre cipitated a warm discussion on Dr. "Wood row and evolution, which has been brewing ince the beginning of the session. This committee recommended that the minutes be approved with one exception, and this related to the Synod's action with referenee to the Presbytery of Charleston. This Preshvtery, after the meeting of the last General Assembly at Baltimore, passed a resolution announcing that the assembly had declared the views heldhy Dr. Wood row as to the origin of Adam's body to be contrary to the standards of the church; that the decision of the assembly was con clusive; and that all furthur public con tending against that decision should be ceased. A warm debate ensued on the re port, which was still in progress when the assembly adjourned for the day. ODD FELLOWS' SESSION. Opening; of the Pennsylvania GrnndEncamp- ment at York Chances in the Constitu tion Proposed The Election of Officers for the Ensnins Year. rSPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO TUE,DISrATCrt.l Yoek, EA., May 20. The Grand Encamp ment of Odd Fellowship of Pennsylvania opened its session in the city this morning, Grand Patriarch Wiley presiding. After the ceremonies of the opening were over, the Committee on Credentials made its report, and 32 Past Chief Patriarchs were admitted. The GrandPatriarch advised the appoint ing of a committee to revise 'the constitu tion, as the year 1890 closes the limit for such changes. Grand Scribe Nicholson's report showed an increase, of 618 patriarchs the past year; that 549,484 39 was paid for the relief of patriarchs, which with other forms of relief increased the disbursements to 65,234 18. The ctftnmittee reported a balance of $323 87. The question of reducing the age of ad mission of candidates from 21 years to 18 years was lost. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: Grand Patriarch, Amos H. Hall; Grand High Priest. Edward O. Deans; Grand Scribe, Jas. B. Nicholson; Grand Treasurer, John Heiss; Grand Senior Warden, B. H. Graham; Grand Junior "Warden, F. "V. Van Artsdalen; Outside Sentinel, G. C. Hoster; Inside Sentinel, Jas. H. Avery; Grand Marshal, Ed. L. Neff. 'THE T0BIN MYSTERY DEEPENS. A Physician Asserts Positively That the Girl Was Not Drowned. rSPZCIAL TELEGBAM TO TOE DISPATCH.1 New Yoek, May 20. A sensation in the Tobin case to-day was the statement of Cor oner J. "Walter Wood, of West Brighton, made on the conclusion of the inquest "I was present," said Dr. "Wood to a reporter, at the autopsy, and I say to you that Mary Tobin was not drowned." His reputation as a-physician in West Brighton is very hisi-and his words will go far to make many persons almost absolutely certain that the girl was murdered. Dr. Loom's and Dr. Feeny were not present at the inquest to-night, and it was said that Dr. Loomis had not concluded 'his analysis oT the stomach. His report is .expected at the re sumption of the inquest to-morrow evening. Coroner Hughes, in conducting the in quest this evening, called as the first wit-, TiAa T.ivinnotnn Rnoinl'np ft Mnnrfpf nf West New Brighton. He was asked whether he knew any person wno naa seen miss Tobin since April 15. Snedeker replied that his daughter, Mrs. W. J. Hasbrouck, had told his wife that she had seen Miss Tobin the day of the naval parade, April 29.. His wife ha'd repeated this to him. This evidence, though hearsay, is in sub stantiation of 'the declaration of Mrs. Horace Hillyer that she also saw Miss Tobin on that day. Mr. Bryan was subjected to an exhaustive cross-examination without" eliciting any thing new. A reporter ascertained to-night that Dr. Bryan has failed to account for an hour and forty minutes of his time after he says he parted from Miss Tobin. ALL. QUIET AT FOREST CITY. Thcro Havo Been No People Killed for at Lenst 24 Hours. Little Bock, May 20. There are no new developments in the Forest City riot to-day, trnd it is believed that qniet has been restored. At mid night all was serene, though men were still on guard to protect the town from nn assult by the negroes, none of whom are to be seen or found. Governor Eagle re turned from there to-night and says he does not anticinaie any further trouble. He spoke to the citizens and urged them to pre-' serve peace and let tne law take its course. He expresses great confidence in this being done. Yoong Ed. Neely.was released to-day, and it is said his father; Henry Neely, will be released on bond to-morrow. It now comes to light that when Americns Neely was discovered'under the floor of the Advo cate building he fired two shots 'at his dis 'coverers and was then 'riddled with bullets, though he lived a half hour afterward. The military will not be needed, and all prepa rations are being made for their return. . A REWARD FOR CR0NIN. S3,000 Offered for Bis Murderers and 82,000 for Him If He is Alive. Chicago, May 20. The man Woodruff, who confessed some days ago to carrying away a body from a barn on the night that Dr. Cronin disappeared, said to-day that. tne(Ooay was taKen irom a cellar nnaer tno tarn. Detectives were sent to the place and found the cellar as described, and in it a bundle of blood-stained rags. Blood stains were also found in the barn. James F. Boland, Chairman of a committee of Dr. Cronin's friends, issued a circular this even ing narrating the circumstances of the doctor's disappearance, reasserting the belief that he was murdered, and adding: I hereby offer a reward of 5000 lor any in formation that may lead to tho arrest and con viction of any of the princinals in, accessories to, ox instigators of, this crime. I am also authorized to offer a farther reward of 52,000 for any satisfactory evidence that will prove that he is not dead and would lead to the dis covery of his whereabouts. SOMETHING OF A DJFFJ3RENCE, A Man Who WiU'ciiango "$50 a Month for 850,000 a Year. ST. Patjl, May20.--John Wilkin Low rey, or "Jack" Lowrey," as he is more familiarly known in this city, has during the past three days blown in something like $200 for cablegrams,, and is still keeping the wires hot. The cause of Mr. Lowrey's re cently developed penchantfor cabling is to be found in the difference between $50,000 per annum and 'of the finest estate in Cumber land, and 550 permonth as an auctioneer in a srnall way in St Paul. In an English newspaper he discovered an advertisement for him, with the statement that the estate must be claimed by May 21. Since "then he has been making matters lively.T Wmm ROCHEFOKTINCffOET. General Bonlanger's Friepd Conies Off With Flying Colors. HE WAS; CHEERED BY THE CROWD. The Proprietor of the Aristocratic Gambling Boose Plne'd. SETTLING THE STRIKE IS GERMANY. Borne Soldiers Involved in the latest Plot Against the fjiiT. Henri Sochefort was placed on trial in a London court yesterday. "He was speedily released on his promise to keep the peace. The evidence showed that his antagonist had acted in a very cowardly manner, and Bochefort was cheered by those present The proprietor ot the gambling club which was raided the other night did not fare so well. The coal mining strike in Germany is nearly adjusted. fBT CABliTOTHE DISPATCH. LONDON, May 20. Copyright Mr. Pilotel, who failed in the effort to slap Mr. Bochefort in the face on Saturday evening, and Mr. Bochefort, the chief supporter of General Boulanger, who got into trouble for pointing a revolver in a leather case at Pilotel, were both in the Marlborough Street Police Court this morning. Mr. Lewis, Pamell's solicitor, was there to look after Bochefort, and did it properly. The whole affair turned out rather uncomfortable for Pilotel, the artist, who appears to have started the row partly for advertisement and partly because of the chaffing ot friends. The fact was brought out, as cabled to you on Satnrday, that Pilotel, in his haste to get away from the revolver, fell headlong on the sidewalk and trembled very much with fear; also that he had been in prison in France, and in England, too, for six months, and was not exactly the sort of man that Bochefort would be apt to fight a duel with. The Court thought it was wrong for the fiery editor of the Instranstgeant to frighten people with a pistol, and made him promise not to do it again.. He also mado him undertake not to attack Pilotel again for six months. He assured the Court that he had no desire to get nearer Pilotel than was absolutely neces sary. His revolver was given back to him and he was not fined,' as it was thought he wonld be, and he went off in triumph. The fact that the noblemen and others ar rested at the Field gambling club were in court this morning had collected a very large crowd, which cheered Bochefort and I-then followed Pilotel, making very un complimentary remarks aoout that tali, long haired individual. The incipient duel, which has been talked about in London a. great deal, is now closed. NOBLE GAMBLERS ARRAIGNED. All Escaped bnt the Proprietor, Who Was Fined Quito Heavily. LONDONj-May 20. The hearing in tha case of the person arrested far-gambling at the time of the raid by the police last week upon the Field Club was continued to-day, and resulted in the cbnyictionof Mr. Seaton, the proprietor of the club, who was-fmed 500. The players were' discharged. Counsel for the Countess of Dudley, whose son, Lord Dudley, was among those irrested, denied that she had had any communica tion with the police concerning the charac ter of the Field club, or that she instigated the raid. The pnblic prosecutor announced that it was the intention of the authorities to suppress all gambling clubs, hundreds of which at present exist in London. STRIKERS RETURNING TO WORK. ' If the Employers' Promises Are Not Kept They Will Go Ont Again. BebLin, May 20. The striking miners atBochum gave in to-day. A resolution was adopted declaring that the miners wonld adhere to the terms of the .Berlin agreement The strikers will return to work, but if the provisions of the agree ment are not put into effect in two months they will strike again. The Emfteror, in answering a toast at a dinner in Brunswick, said: "I hope God will permit me to lead the Fatherland in the way of peace to which the policy of my grandfather pointed." SOLDIERS IN THE PLOT. The Agents of Ihe Czar are Unearthing the Chief Conspirators. London, May 20. Advices from St. Petersburg state thatjthe police, in their en deavors to discover the full extent of the recently discovered plot against the Czar, learned that the ringleaders of the con spiracy belonged to the garrison at Cron stadt. It is reported that the Czar will dismiss General Gourk from the Governorship of Warsaw owing to his unpopular system of administration. Killing Off tho Irish Membors. Belfast, May 20. James Lawrence Carew, 'member of Parliament for North Kildare, who has been imprisoned here for offenses under the crimes act has been lib erated a month in advance of the expiration of his sentences account of ill-health. AN ARTIST'S FATAL LOYE. He Kills Himself Because His Sweetheart Kefuses to Blarry Him. rSFXCTAI. TET.EOEAX TO TBS DISPATCH. St. Louis, May 20. The romance of a poor young artist came to a bloody end in front of 2922 Chestnut street at 10 o'clock to-night. His name was Louis Gabrilliot, and he courted a young music teacher, Marie Boquet He called at the Chestnut street home of his 'sweetheart and asked her to marry him. She refused and he grew frantic "If you don't marry me I will kill myself' ho said. She was obdurate, and the artist stepped out to the sidewalk and presenting a pistol at his head killed himself before the eyes of the woman who rejected him. Then there was a shriek, an unconscious woman, and to-morrow there will be an inquest A LYNCHING IN KENTUCKY. The Very Summary Janice Meted Oat to a Colored Criminal. "Wickliete, Ky., May 20. At 2 o'clock this morning a, mob of about-100 masked men entered the jail and demanded the keys to the cell in which was confined Joe Thornton, the negro who so brutally assaulted little Minnie Brown, some ten days since. The demand for the keys was not complied with, and a rope was quickly placed about the neck of the Sheriff, when he weakened and handed over the keys. The mob then took Thornton from his cell, conducted him to a convenient tree and hanged him. An effort was made to lynch the negro on last Friday, but owing to the vigilance of the authorities it failed. splendid medium: t MS.r0LS0irMAEEIED. The Motber-ln-Law of Ex-President Cleve land Becomes aBrldo Again -A Little Michigan Town Excited by , the ETent Mrs. Cleve " land Present. Jackson, Mich., May 20. A very per ceptible flutter of excitement ran through this1 city yesterday 'when it became known early in the afternoon that Mrs. Emma C. Folsom, mother of Mrs. Grover Cleveland, was about to wed Henry E. Perrine, a mer chant of Buffalo, N. Y., and that Mrs. Cleveland would be present at the ceremony. Hardly, had the rumor found credence be fore corroborating testimony came in the person ot Mrs. Cleveland herself, who ar rived on the fast express at 4:50 and was immediately driven to the residence of her aunt, Mrs. John W. Cadman, on Francis street, where the ceremony was to take place. Extraordinary precautions had been taken to keep the affair quiet Mrs. Fol som arrived here on the 8th to be with her relatives, and to escape the publicity which' might attach at the East, and so cleverly had the matter been planned that very few were cognizant of it until the last moment. Mr. Perrine came on, and has 'remained quietly at the Hibba'rd House since Wednes day last It is stated that considerable tele graphing has been going on between the Jackson relatives and Mrs. Cleveland in New York concerning details, and that the telegrams have been sent to third parties that the newspapers might get np inkling of the circumstances. The wedding was solemnized at 9 o'clock this evening, Bev. B. B. Balcom, of St Panl's Episcopal Church, officiating. The bride was attired in her traveling costume. The guests present besides Mrs. Cleveland and the family of Mr. Cadman were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bitch, the latter a daugh ter of the groom, and their two sons, from Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Flinn, of Detroit; M. Harm an and Mrs.Frank Welsh, of Jackson, the two latter near relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Perrine left on the night train for Chicago and the West for a trip before returning to Buffalo to.reside. Mrs. Cleveland will remain. for a few days, the guest of Mrs. Cadman, before leaving for home. The' other guest will depart for home to-morrow. The city is in a state of pleasurable excitement over the advent of Mrs, Cleveland. CEASING MUEDEEEES, West VIrglnlaiDetcctlves and Desperadoes Have a Bloody Encounter X Num ber of Persons Wounded Tho Community Much Ex cited Over the ' Trouble. tSTXClU. TSXZOBAM TO THE DISPATCB.l Pabkebsbtjbg, May 20. For some time detectives have been working clews on the Jacob Morgan case, in Tyler cousy. Mor gan's mnrder, which was reported at the time, was cold-blooded and premeditated. His wife and neighbors were arrested, hut released because the evidence was not suffi cient to hold them. Detectives Burnett and Gale and Con stable TJnnememsetter recently obtained more evidence, and last Friday went into the Morgan neighborhood to make arrests. On Saturday night while stopping at the residence of a Mrs. Wyke, they were notified they rrould be attacked before morning. The detectives made preparations to receive the attacking party, and about 3 o'clock in the morning a number of men surrounded the house and demanded the surrender of the officers, who replied by firing at the party. The mob returned the fire and riddled the house with bullets, wouading Gale in the arm. One of the assailants was reported mor tally wounded and two others badly hurt, before they retired. In the morning the officers found blood marks in the woods, showing that several had been hurt and carried off, but did not succeed in capturing any of the gang. They then sent for rein forcements and returned to the scene of the fight and are hourly expecting another at tack. The alleged murderers are reported, as desperate and determined, and it is be lieved will make a hard fight before they surrender. Great excitement is reported in that,part of Tyler countyover the affair. NOW THE LAFFERTI LAW. The Governor Signs the Bill Eclating to Streets and Sewers. rSPECIAI. TELZOBAK TO THE DISPATCH.1 Haebisburg, May 20. The- Governor to-day signed the bill relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class, intro duced by Mr. Lafferty. The bill repeals the act of 1887 authorizing councils to "provide for the improvement of streets, lanes and al leys, publio highways, sewers and side walks, requiring plans of streets, providing for boards of viewers ot streetimprovements, prescribing their duties granting appeals to councils and court, providing for the assess ment of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property, providing for the filling of Hens and regulating proceed ings thereon, prohibiting the use of -pnblic property without the authority of councils" except in so far as may be necessary to con summate the proceedings and collect the as sessments nnder said act Six Philadelphia Street Bailway Compan ies were chartered to-day, making 12 from that city incorporated under the act ap proved on the 14th inst QUAY IS LOOKING WELL; And Is Preparing for Rushing In a New flttsbnrg Postmaster. rSPECUL TEUQSJX TO TUX PISFATCB. "Washington, May 20. Senator Quay arrived in the city to-day and prepared him self for another onslaught on the President to accomplish the appointment of a post master for Pittsburg. He will' see the President to-morrow, but confesses that he doesn't expect any immediate result from his visit He.will discuss; with the Presi dent all of the Pennsylvania appointments, as a matter of duty, and. unless he is de tained unexpectedly, will leave for home within a day or two. The Senator J!looking remarkably well after his brief contest with the fish in open ocean, and declares that he hasn't fell in better health for years. , AN UNSUCCESSFUL SNAKE CHARMER. A New York Museum Star la Bitten by a Rattlesnake While Performing. ISriCIAL TZXEOSAX TO THE SISPATCH.I New Yobk, May 20. The police of the West Forty-seventh street station were in formed to-night that John McConnell, a young Pennsylvania, who was ex hibited as a snake charmer at the Star Museum, 531 Eighth avenue, to-day for the first time had been bitten in the palm of the right hand by a young rattlesnake, while on exhibition. The hand began to swell and he was filled up with whisky to counteract the poison. As this failed to re lieve him he was taken to a physician for treatment Fleming Has Gained Fonr Totes. SPXCIAI. TILIOnAM TO THE DISPATCH. Chableston, "W. Ya, May 20. The Legislative Committee investigating the Gubernatorial-contest has decided on Bar bour and Berkley counties. So far there is a net gain of four votes for Fleming. can best be yertistosm HEDI3. . CENTS A DEN OF ASSASSINS. The Awful Tales Unfolded Concern" ing the Chicago Asylum. W-1i7& . rKJkiwW.rt w.. iMtmomi the caSraLlfcX patch. FS INMATES DELIBERATELY KILLED 1 Or Cruelly Maimed so That They Will Sever Folly Recover. SOME STARTLING SWOBS TESTI3I0NT. 1 A Big Sensation Caused by the Xridenee of a Railroad Engineer, i Tales of incredible cruelty concerning tha Chicago Insane Asylum continue to come to light At the investigation yesterday one witness revealed a more horrible state of affairs than was yet suspected. His arm was broken by the brutal attendants. Another man was beaten to death because he did not eat to suit his keepers. This evidence created a great sensation. Chicago, May 20. The most horrible revelation yet made in Judge Prendergast's investigation of the management of the Chi cago Pnbliclnsane Asylum was that reached to-day in the testimony of George Hill, a locomotive engineer now running an engine for the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Bailway Company. Mr. Hill is a shrewd-looking man, with black hair and mustache, and a straightfor ward mannerthat carried conviction with it. He said he was admitted to the institution at Dunning January, 1883, and was discharged as enred the following May. He was par tially insane when he went to the asylum, and on his arrival was asked by an at tendant named Lott if he was insane. Ha said he was not " 'Well,' was replied.J'we will make yott a sight insaner than you are now!' " . bbtjtal tbeatment. "Then another attendant named Julian t ordered me to sweep out the room. I re- Jl plied that I was notsent there for that pur- i b pose. " "You aint, eh?' he said. We will see about that' " "Then he knocked me down and kfeked me in the body and mouth and kicked two -teeth out I tried to cover my face by get ting my head beneath a bench. My arm was over it and through a space in the back of the bench. Julian turned the bench over to get another kick at my face. In doing this my arm was broken." Hill rolled up his right coat sleeve and showed about three inches below the elbow a huge lump where the ends of the broken bones, illy joined, stuck out "They knocked me down again," contin ued Hill, "and broke one of my ribs. NO STJBOICAL AID. "My arm caused me great pain, and I had;no proper treatment One day Julian said, 'Let me see that arm,' and he tore my coat off. Then he rubbed the arm with lin iment That was the only attendance I had. I tried to see the doctor, but Julian told me if I dared to speak he would kill me right there. "I told Supervisor Jones that I was badly treated, and he said he would send me to another ward. Then LocJcaoctaE other attendant from "Ward 'D. "W. J.' held me down while Julian kicked me, in tha head and breast 1 got up bleeding, and said I would have justice some day. "'You ,' said Julian, we will give you all the justice you. want; and he struck me in the face and knocked me down again. v -"That was all that was done to me. My " arm and rib healed up in a kind of a way, and I got along all right. One day a poor fellow named Levi was brought in. He did not know enongh to go to the dining room. and I was showing bin the way when Lock: asked me what I was doing. Julian came np, and Lock saidr The won't eat I'll show him how to eat,' said Julian, and he grasped Levi by the hair and, throw ing his head back, jammed a big piece of bread into his mouth. Levi tried to run away and hid in one of the rooms. a A HOEBIBLE TALE. There he was caught by Julian aDd Lock. They struck him in the face, knocked him down and jumped on his stomach. Levi's face turned black. 'Get up,' they said, but he couldn't move, and they picked him up and threw him on the bed. The poor fel low died that night." The court room was as still as death durv ing the awful recital. Tne witness was told to bring in his wife to- corroborate his story, and Dr. Harold Moyer was instructed by Judge Prendergast to examine Hill's arm and rib. Farther evidence was Taken to the effect that the attendants were brutal in their treatment of patients. One inmate? was cruelly beaten for going to bed with his socks on, and it was a common thing for tho attendants to come into the wards with dabs and drive the patients to bed, using their sticks with freedom. It was further in evidence that the food was insufficient in quantity and that the clothing and bedding furnished were entire ly inadequate for the comfort of the patients in cold weather. County Physician Todd testified that Eobert Burns, who was beaten to death by attendants in the. asylum, did not die of consnmption, as was stated by Su perintendent Kiernan in the certificate of death. FIRED THEM RIGHT OUT. The New York State Board of Underwriters Acta With Decisions ISFXCIAX. TXX.XOBAU TO THE DISPATCH.1 Bondotjt, May 20. An eruption has arisen in the ranks of the insurance men of this city and vicinity, and as a consequence the officials of the New York State Board of Insurance and Underwriters has just given notice of its discontinuance of further interest. in the tester County Board of Underwriters. The action is the outcome of lack of harmony and a determination on the part of some agents to write business below established rates. For some time past strifa between local agents to write policies has created consid erable dissension in the board. Members were arraigned and hauled over the coals,, conferences were held between officials of State and local boards, and members dp barred for cutting rates. The action of tha State board practically dissolves the local board. A SALOON KEEPER.SENTENCED. One Seat to the Works at Cincinnati for Resisting an Officer. Cincinnati, May 20. The saloon keepers arrested yesterday1 for keeping their saloons open Sdnday were not tried to-day, counsel agreeing to postpone the trials until Thursday. Louis Martin, who resisted the officers who were making the arrests, was tried and found guilty. In passing sentence the Judge took occasion to say that he wonld be severe in cases like this. He said furthermore that he would support in every possible way the organization of citizens now endeavoring to enforce, the law. With this emphatic announcement from the court, the prospect is that there will be hereafter general compliance with thelaw as no saloon keeper cares to do business on Snnday in violation of law when conviction involves a certainty of imprisonment in tha workhouse. .Martin was fined $10 and seat to the workhouse for tea days.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers