Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 20, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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VoL-H, No.lffi. Entered atrittsburgrostoffice,
November It, 18S7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average net circulation of Ibe daily edi
tion of The Dispatch for six months ending
Blur 1, 1SS3,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of tbo Sunday cdi.
lion of The Dispatch for April, 1SS9,
Copies per Inr.
IUILT DisrATCH. One Year S 8 00
Daily DisrATCn, Tcr Quarter Z DO
Daily DisrATcn. One Jlonth 70
Daily DisrATcn, Including bunday, one
Tear 10 00
Daily DisrATcn, including Sunday, per
quarter. 2 50
Daily Dispatch, Including Bandar, one
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ECSDATDlsrATCn, oneycar 150
WEEKLY DISPATCH, one yea;-. 13
Tiil Daily DisrATcn Is delivered by carriers at
35 cents per week, or includlu g the bunday edition,
at 20 cents per week.
The outcome of the bitter, blustering fight
'between the rival aspirants to the control of
the Republican party machine in this neck
of the woods is that the two Pittsburg Col
onels, Magee and Flinn, still command the
situation while the Beaver and Allegheny
Colonels, Quay and Bayne, though, as the
phrase runs, slightly battered, are yet in the
arena. They continue factors of the situa
tions to the extent, at least, of being able to
siake local politics picturesque and inter
esting if the spirit moves them.
The public who remember how, until a
few years ago, a majority of the Colonels
"were pulling together, a happy and har
monious band, and who never took too
seriously their seeming breaches, will now
be prepared to admit that the factional
rupture is very real and life-like. It is a
fight for personal supremacy in the leader
ship, in which the party workers who hold
or expect office, who are grateful for favors
or revengeful for slights, are particularly
lot and active in ranging themselves on
bides according to their personal interests.
There is no profound pretense oi any deeper
It can do no great harm to the party, and
it may do some good, to have such rivalries,
if they only result in putting the successful
wing on its mettle to bring out fit candi
dates for office and to support proper meas
ures in State and city legislation. In re
pelling so decisively the assault of the
Quay-Bayne combination the Magee and
Flinn men have given the junior Senator
and his colleagues in State management
their first serious check. They reveal a
fighting strength which the Beaver Napo
leon will not rashly underestimate in the
light of Saturday's returns. On the other
hand, the Magee-Flinn leaders may well
have an incentive to wariness and discre
tion in presenting candidates and urging
policies in the knowledge that alert and ex
perienced opponents lie in wait to take ad
vantage of their mistakes.
Approaching events will show whether
the antagonisms inspire prudence. If the
opposing -wings will not learn wisdom from
each other, the Democratic organization is
always willing to be used by the public as
a short-term corrective. But as Colonel
Dumas says in the play, "It is astonishing
how well you like a man after you have
ibnght him," and there is always the chance
that after the Republican managers have got
ten'rid of all their accumulated bitterness in
a first-class general fight, such as this now
on hand, they may wake up, if they cannot
destroy, one another. In any event, the
sequel promises to be of interest.
.The musical enjoyments to which the
public of Pittsburg have been treated of late
will reach their culmination this week, in
the Music Festival which opens at the
Exposition building to-morrow night. The
scope of musical art in the seven perform
ances this week will give Pittsburgers a
taste of the greatest works of classical
music, and will surpass anything in the
lestival line yet attempted in this city. In
addition it will introduce the Pittsburg
public to its new building, the first of the
Exposition. "When our people find out
what has been secured by the efforts of the
Exposition Society and perceive the great
public uses of which this addition to our
list of public structures will be capable,
they will be strengthened in their deter
mination to secure for that project its full
est success. Great social as well as musi
cal results are to be expected from hiq
week's event
Some day, say ten thousand years hence,
2New York City will be full of statues and
monuments. At present she is only pro
vided with Bites. But New York City
makes up for it by the number of her ap
peals to the entire country for funds with
which to build statues. Several imperfect
lists of these appeals have been printed in
the newspapers, but the one which follows
ve believe is nearly complete:
For the Statue of Liberty.
por the Grant monument.
For the Philip H. Welch monument.
For the Centennial arch.
For the statue to Horace Greeley.
For the Postmaster Pearson monument
For the Nigger Minstrel Bryant monument
For the John Bright monument
For the Ericsson statue.
For the Lester Wallack monument
For the statue to Henry Ward Beecher.'
Of these monuments and statues only one
lias been finished, the Bartholdi statue of
liberty; three or four of the others may be
built some day if the people of the United
States turn in and lift the New Yorkers out
of the hole into which their stinginess has
precipitated them. At present the foremost
appeals from New York are for the Greeley
statue to be erected in City Hall park, and
for the Centennial arch. There is no reason
at all why New York should not build any
number of statues in Mr. Greeley's honor,
or to mark a glorious anniversary in her
history, but if Pittsburgers have any monev
to give away to such purposes we advise
tbem to contribute to onr own Exposition
building, or other local enerprises of a
patriotic and beneficent order in this com
munity. New York is like a beggar who
whines for alms while he hugs close to his
skin a heavy bank account. And it is not
worth while encouraging a dead beat
metropolis ic mendicancy.
" The remarkable progress of science, at
least in making claims of great achieve
ments, is shown by the assertions which are
made concerning a new system of rapid
transit at Boston, which it is asserted will
attain the speed of the birds appropriately
named "swifts." So far as the claims are
concerned the new system of rapid transit
certainly seems to leave nothing to be de
sired until we get ready to beat the light
ning. With regard to the speed of the new sys
tem, we are told that the carrier pigeon can
fly at the rate of 114 miles per hour.
Swallows can beat the carrier pigeons by
flying at the rate of 150 miles. AndtheJ
swilt leaves most of its feathered competi
tors far in the rear with a record of 200
miles per hour. The new system of rapid
transit is not going to be kept back with
any such humdrum birds as the carrier
pigeons or swallows; but it makes itself an
example of rapidity by rivaling the swift
in fact as well as in name.
The invention is said to consist of utiliz
ing the momentum of a car passing between
the magnetic coils. This rather indefinite
statement is the basis for an assertion that a
speed can be obtained exceeding 200 miles
per hour. In this way passengers' can be
sent from Boston to Hew York in about an
hour; from New York to Pittsburg in about
two hours more, and so on, until we cross
the continent to California in 15 hours or
about the time it now takes to travel from
Boston to Pittsburg. The new process is
stated to have the further advantages of
very small cost, compared with that of rail
road transportation and remarkable con
venience and freedom from smoke, flying
cinders, flurry and noise. After these de
sirable results are realized, it seems that
nothing would be left for the traveling
public to desire until we get ready to beat
time itself, and by flying around the globe
in the twinkling of an eye, gain an entire
day by beating a revolution of the earth.
The fact that this revolution in traveling
is to take place when the tests are success
ful, is extremely interesting; but the public
will probably restrain its impatience for the
realization of the wonders in view of its
long standing experiences of the wide gaps
between prospectuses and performances.
There is a great deal of satisfaction in
noticing that the convention of Farmers'
Alliances which met in Birmingham, Ala.,
not only brought the jute bagging combina
tion to terms, bnt left it knocked clear out
of the ring. The organizations of cotton
raisers decided to purchase 6,000,000 yards
of cotton bagging, simply for the crop of
three States. "When this decision was pend
ing the jute bagging combine made pro
posals to reduce the prices; bnt the farmers
properly refused any further dealings with
the men who had fully displayed their dis
position to extort high prices when they
The new material for covering cotton
bales will, it is said on good authority,
absorb 125,000 bales of the cotton supply,
and is so much superior to jute bagging that
it will save nearly one-fourth of its entire
cost by the decrease of insurance. The loss
of the market for 6,000,000 yards of its out
put will put the bagging combine in just
about the same position as the copper syn
dicate when it commenced to go to pieces;
and the fact that this diversion of the trade
will probably be doubled by the purchases
ofjother cotton-raising States, makes itonlya
question of time when that combination
will tumble into ruin. This is the legiti
mate result of its policy of conspiracy and
extortion. Hardly any more satisfactory or
salutary outcome of that policy can be
imagined than the loss of the market and
the destruction of their trade which the
schemers have brought upon themselves.
The experience of profit sharing, which
has been in operation for two years, at the
great mercantile establishment of John
"Wanamaker & Co., Philadelphia, appears
o be very satisfactory. The result of the
year's operations were announced last week,
when on salaries of 558,000 nearly 46,000
of shared profits were distributed. In two
years the employes have received by this
plan nearly 5214,000. As this almost
doubled their salaries there can be no doubt
that it works satisfactorily to the employes.
As to the other side of the bargain neither
the most ardent admirers nor the sharpest
critics of John "Wanamaker' have ever
claimed that he did business for love.
There is every reason to believe that the
amount of money distributed has been fully
balanced by the gain from the interest which
every employe has in the prosperity of the
Prof. Drummond, the English explorer,
in a recent magazine article, urges the
United States to join Germany in the sup
pression of the slave trade in Africa. If
the crusade against the barbarism which
still exists in the Dark Continent can be
kept clear of any purposes of territorial or
commercial aggrandizement, the United
States can unite in such a movement just as
it did a generation ago, against ocean
slavers. But the course of Gennany-both
in the Pacific and at Zanzibar is not calcu
lated to allay the suspicion that she has
more interested motives than pnre philan
thropy in her attacks on the slave trade.
The United States has no mission in the
line of helping Germany to conquer Africa,
in order that Germany may enjoy the
usufruct of the conquered territory.
Me. Jacob "W. amalong, the foreman
of the once famous Dukes, takes the trouble
to deny that he has committed suicide.
But perhaps Mr. Amalong does not know.
His failure to understand h.ow nearly the
acquittal of Dukes approached to the same
result, is calculated to cast doubt on the ac
curacy of his information now. As be
tween Mr. Amalong's authority and that of
the reporters the public will have to take its
It is stated on the authority of an East
ern cotemporary that "ex-Senator Biddle
berger is inclined to take a very sober view
of the Bepublican situation in Virginia."
The opponents of Bishop Potter are now
furnished with an unanswerable argument
that the world is steadily improving.
Local politicians who have been strug
gling with the heat of the canvass will learn
with envy that Senator Quay has been tak
ing it coolly in his favorite occupation,
catching two drumfish at a time. The envy
is enhanced by the returns, which show that
the Senator is catching more in the sea than
his hard-working supporters have been able
to do in the troubled waters of Allegheny
county politics.
Me. BLAINEhavingscoredapoint by send
ing his Private Secretary to the $18,000 posi
tion of Consul at Liverpool, it is beginning
to be recognized that while the Secretary of
State holds that position he is determined to
be Secretary of State.
The giants will commence fighting to-day
over the electric light patents. That they
will fight Hhe battle for a long ti Jspo-
tent to-all observers of patent litigation.
Meanwhile the pnblio will rest contended
to let them struggle for ownership of the
patcnt,Srith a calm confidence that which?"
ever wins, the public will eventually pay
the costs of prosecution.
The announcement that the Parnell
Commission will not make its report till
February 1890, is a measure of the despera
tion with which the Tories are banging on
for something to turn up.
The uncompromising declaration is made
by the Atlanta Constitution that civil ser
vice reform is "the most monstrous fraud
ever perpetrated on the people of this Gov
ernment." The esteemed Constitution evi
dently studied the kind of reform presided
over by Mr. Edgerton, and on that basis its
opinion is strongly but not extravagantly
The city authorities are troubled with a
surplus. It is the surplus of water which
continues to accumulate in that pond ont
Center avenue by reason of the stoppage of
a culvert.
A proposal has made its appearance
that the six great powers, Great Britain,
Germany, Bussia, France, Italy and the
United States should take possession of the
globe and declare a universal peace. The
main trouble with the plan, is that the
kind of peace which some of these powers
would establish, is that which reigned in
This music that has been heard in politics
the past few days is about as "Wagnerian as
anything which will be rendered at the Ex
position building this week.
Secretary Blaine's declaration that
the present administration is a non-partisan
one is surprising enough; but it is not half
so stunning as the discovery that Mr. Blaine
regards non-partisanship as a virtue. There
seems to be ground for hope that before long
Mr. Blaine will be rivaling Senator Quay as
a civil service reformer.
Prof. Griffin, of Williams College, is to
be professor of history, of philosophy and dean
of the faculty at Johns Hopkins.
John R, Lynch, Fourth Auditor of the
Treasury, is a mulatto, with a heavy mustache,
prominent nose and large mouth. He is a good
talker and has acquired considerable property.
The oldest living Odd Fellow in the United
States is James S. Irwin, of Buffalo, who has
been an active member of Niagara Lodge No.
25 for 45 years, and has been its secretary for 40
Mb. Adolf Sutro is traveling about the
world getting ideas and plans for the great
public library building which he proposes to
put up in Ban Francisco. He will give the
building and his 200,000 volumes to that city.
M. Henri Rochefort, Jr., who recently
killed himself in Algeria, was only 29 years old,
but had led a most adventurous life. He had
been with Oliver Pain in the Soudan and with
M. de Brazza on the Congo. He had also trav
eled much in South America.
At a recent meeting of the Nineteenth Cen
tury Club in New York it was announced that
Mr. Andrew Carnegie had offered to fit up
rooms for the club, including a hall for its lec
tures and discussions, in his new music hall at
Seventh avenue and Fifty-seventh street The
offer will enable the club after" next month to
have permanent quarters.
The other day a visitor at the Agricultural
Department, gazing over the ample grounds in
which the buildings are located, turned to the
Secretary and remarked: "You've got the
prettiest place in the city." "Of course. Why
not?" was the prompt rejoinder. "You know
the Secretary of Agriculture is the tail-end of
the Cabinet and the tail is almost altogether
ornamental. Its principal use is to keep the
flies off the other members of tho Cabinet."
The lady who, it is announced, will soon be
come the bride of ex-Secretary Bayard, is the
only daughter of the late Dr. George Clymer,
for many years a surgeon in the navy, the
granddaughter of Admiral Shribnck and the
great-granddaughter of George Clymer, who
was one of the signers of the Declaration of
Independence, as well as one of the framers of
the Federal Constitution, and whose portrait
was in the Centennial collection at New York.
Dr. Meredith Clymer, a distincnished physician
of New York City, is a member of the same
Devout Italian Slistako a Monument for a
i-hrlne of ibo Virgin.
Newburg, N. Y., May 19. Residents near
Mount Eve and in the vicinity of the granite
quarry at Mount Adam, in the town of War
wick, Orange county, have this week noticed a
religious revival among the members of a gang
of Italians who have been put at work in tho
quarry referred to. The beautiful monument
erected over the grave of a danghterof the late
Colonel A. P. Kerr, on the Kerr place, near
tbe mountain, has been mistaken by these
foreigners for a shrine, such as are to be seen
by tho roadside in their native country. At an
early hour every morning these devout Italians
prostrate themselves before the chaste marble
pillar in worship.
The other evening, when a new lot of Italians
arrived by a train and started from the station
to walk to the quarry they saw the monument
in the twilight, and in accordance -Kith some
superstition they would not pass it after sun
set. The ladies at the Kerr homestead wero
greeted by them with what was undoubtedly
the request that they be allowed to sleep in the
barn. Not understanding the matter fully, the
ladies declined to give the necessary permis
sion. They were greatly surprised the follow
ing morning, however, to find that the entire
company ot Italians had lain down, and spent
the night in the open field near the house. In
the morning the visitors, after worshiping at
the hrine," passed on and commenced work
at tbo quarry.
A Hackman Who Has Lost an Eye, an Arm
and n Foot.
Brooklyn, May 19. Jack Rice, ot Great
Neck, L. X, seems to bo in hard luck. He is a
hackman at the depot there, and is known all
over the county. He began the work of dis
figuring himself by accidently shooting ont one
ot his eyes. Later he tried to kill a man who,
ho believed, was too attentive to his wife. The
gun burst, and one of his arms was so badly
shattered that it was amputated.
Ycsteiday he tried to board a moving train
at Bayside. He slipped and fell, and one of his
teot was run over. The foot was afterward cut
off by surgeons. He has up to date one eye,
one arm and one foot
Yonngstovrn Grand Array Men Blamn Him
for Forgetting the Soldiers,
Youngstown, O., May.19. The appointment
of Edward Hosmer as Postmaster hero has
stirred up a very hostile feeling against Con
gressman McKinley in Grand Army circles,
they claiming that a soldier instead of a citizen
should have been recommended by him, as
several soldiers of conceded ability were can
didates, and he had promised it should be given
to a soldier.
The post ha nearly 600 members, ana Post
Commander Eddy states that McKinlei said to
him personally that a soldier should be ap
pointed. Hosmer was largely supported-by
the business clement
Two Appropriate Names.
From the New York Sun.3
Mr. Charles Swayne, whom General Harrison
has just appointed District Judge for tho
Northern district ofFlorida, comes from Kis
siinmee, a name of Tich collabial and buss-suggesting
sound. Whence should a swain come
If not from Eisslmmee?
Mod Dogs and bad Dogs.
from the Philadelphia Ledger.
Another mad dog scare prevails in "Washing
ton. If tbe canines are any madder than som e
of the place hunters down there, it is no won
der they are reported as dangerous.
Going Down Dill.
Pm tho Boston Herald.;
Governor Hill seems to be dwindling down to
a mere hillock.
Cabinet Officer Urged to Join tho Postmas
ter General's Sunday Closing Movement
Secretary Noble's Letter Writing
News Note From the Capital.
Washington, May 18. A strong effort Is
being made by the Sunday school people to In
duce the other members of tbe Cabinet to fol
low the example set by Postmaster General
Wanamaker and forbid the admittance of em
ployes to the departments on Sundays. There
is more form than substance in this order.
Any one who knows tbe peculiar constitution
of a Government employe would never suspect
any of them of working on a holiday unless ho
was driven to It with a elnb. The employes
begin to watch for 4 o'clock, the hour of dis
missal, an hour before it is due. In imagina
tion they reach out and grasp the joys of a
public holiday a week before it arrives. They
havo a habit of getting to their work jnst as the
clock is striking 9, and of preparing for their
departure so that they can be on the street a
minute after 1 o'clock. The only object that
will bring a department employe to his desk
on Sunday is a job of private correspondence.
A great many employes write their private let
ters at ineir aesus csunaav, ana me esect oi an
order forbidding them admittance to the de
partments will be to compel tbem to do their
letter writing at home. The example of the
Postmaster General has given the "Sunday
rest" people courage, however, and they have
been besieging tho other members of tho Cabi
net with petitions to go and do likewise.
Hounded by Offlco Seekers.
El-Senator John B. Henderson, of Missouri,
has gone to Europe to escape the office seekers,
who are making his life a harden. Mr. Hen
derson has tbe misfortune to live in Washing
ton, so he must go away from home to escape
the importunities of those who are seeking
place. "I had been in the city, or rather in my
hotel, just six minutes on mylreturn from a
trip to St Louis when 1 was attacked," said
Mr. Henderson last Tuesday. "My mall is full
of requests for assistance. I see that Secretary
Noble is endeavoring to answer all tbe letters
that are sent to him," and a grim smile crept
over the ex-Senator's face. "He'll get very
tired of that before lone. Every letter that
you answer means another to be answered from
tbe same source. You write to a man saying
that you have put his papers on file in tbe de
partment and he writes to thank you and to
ask if you will advise him when his case is
likely to receive attention. I am not in official
life, but I know I would have a hard time
answering all of the letters I receive."
Secretary Noble' Mall.
Secretary Noble's mail holds about one hun
dred letters a day, and the answers that are
sent to most of them are written by Private
Secretary Hume without reference to the Sec
retary and are to the effect that the corres
pondent's papers have been received and put
on file. It is astonishing what comfort an ap
plicant for office can derive from one of these
formal acknowledgments. Its value is nil. It
is merely an assurance that the Postoffle De
partment has done ltswork and the letter has not
gone astray. Yet the anxious applicant looks
upon it in the light of an assurance that his
letter has met with favor in tbe eyes of the
Secretary. The Executive Mansion seal or
letter head, hasmore than ordinary significance
in the eyes of these innocents. One of them
called at the Interior Department a day or two
ago and asked to see the Secretary. He was
told that the Secretary was busy. "But I have
a letter from the President" said the visitor.
The letter was produced. Private Secretary
Hume took it and read it at a glance. It was
signed by Private Secretary Lige Halford, and
it contained the simple information that the
correspondent's letter had been received and
would have proper attention at the proper
time. Mr. Hume smiled.
"The Secretary is busy at present with the
head of one of the divisions and you will have
to wait" be said.
"But don't a letter from the 'President get
me in?" asked tbe applicant He was informed
that that class of letter did not,
Wlndom Wilt Set the Pace
I am told that Secretary Wlndom designs
doing much of the entertaining that tbe Whit
neys made such a feature of tbe last adminis
tration. The house he has taken is located on
K street fronting on tbe beautiful Franklin
square, and stands about midway of the block
between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. I
do not know of a private residence in Washing
ton that is so amply fitted for entertainments,
unless it be the old Frellnghuysen mansion
which Secretary Whitney occupied, and which
he enlarged by adding a $30,000 ballroom and
theater to it Mr. Wmdom's house is about 60
feet front and for most of its great width runs
back almost 100 feet A very roomy library,
square In shape, is at the left of tbe main en
trance, and just beyond is a broad stairway
that leads to the upperfloors. Across the wide
hall from the library is the first of a broad
sweep of deep salon parlors, leading through
high arched doorways to an immense dining
room that extends clear across tbe rear of the
house and opens on a pretty, well-shaded gar
den. The rooms on the first or salon floor are
16 feetin height
In Troublous Times.
One of the best known railroad attorneys
in the West is J. L. Saunders, chief counsel
for tbe Northern Pacific Railroad in Montana.
He is not only well known as a lawyer, but he
is famous in his own country as a politician.
He was the Republican candidate for Congress
last year and was beaten by tbe present dele
gate, J. L. Toole. A story that Mr. Saunders
tells of his first experience in Washington will
Interest not only his friends but the friends of
a man much more widely known than be. It
was at the time that Andy Johnson was pre
siding over the deliberations of the Senate that
Saunders and another boy from Canton, 0.,
camo to Washington. When I call them boys
perhaps I should rather sav young men, but
they would class men of that age as bojs now.
It was in March, 1S61, tbo last night of the
session of Congress, that Saunders and his
friend sat in the gallery of the Senato intently
watching tbe proceedings. There was much
feeling in tbe cilleries as well as on the flonr.
for it was at a time when party strife and sec
tional feeling ran very high a time when the
nation was in danger. Tho Southern Confed
eracy had not been formed, but it wrs as good
as organized. The demonstrations of approval
and dissent in tbe galleries finally became so
decided that Cbaries Sumner proposed that
the galleries be cleared. Johnson was at this
time engaged m currying popular favor and he
opposed the proposition. It was debated for
fully two hours, Mr. Sumner and his friends
coming off victorious. The visitors retired
from the galleries in some disorder.
A Confederate Senator.
Saunders and his friend wandered down
stairs and roamed about the corridors for some
time. Then tiring of the monotony of that oc
cupation, Saunders announced that he was go
ing on the floor of the Senate."
"Bat they will stop you," said his friend.
"I guess not" answered Saunders, and he
marched around to tbe doorway at the rear of
tho Senate chamber, used to admit Senators
and employes of tbe Senate during secret ses
sion. The doorkeeper, as was his duty, tried
to stop him. "Don't you know, sir, that I am
a Senator from tho Southern confederacy,"
said Saunders, fiercely, and before tbe door
keeper could make up his mind what course
he should follow, Saunders was within the
chamber and listening to the proceedings. He
sat there undisturbed throughout the greater
part of the night session. After a time tho
doors of tbe galleries wero opened, and the
part of the crowd that had not left the build
ing was admitted again. Saunders looked
up after a little while and saw his
young friend sound asleep on one of the
benches. He came to the conclusion that it
was time to go, and, as the proceedings were of
little interest then, he left tbe chamber and
went upstairs. There sat his friend, bolt up-
i.buvuuu ..... ..-.,.. mm on the
floor reposed his boots, for the feet of the
young men had become weary with much
wandering that day. Saunders aroused his
friend and told him to put on his boots. It was
easier to say it than to do It Tight boots were
very fashionable at that time, and his friend's
feet had swollen so during the time he had
been asleep that It was impossible for him to
squeeze them into their customary covering
So ho gathered up his boots and in his stock!
inged feet walked to the 'bus that at that time
conveyed passengeis from the Capitol to the
residence part of the city. The man with the
swollen feet is now a Senator and sits In the
Senato chamber by authority of the Legisla
ture of Nebraska, which last tall elected him to
serve a second term. His name is Charles F
Manderson. O'Brien-Bain
Robert Bnlllc, Sr.
Mr. Bobert Bailie, Sr., whose death notice ap
pears in another column, was born lu County
Down, Ireland, in August 1801. He came to
America in 1816, andsettled first on the bank of Deer
Creek, Allegheny couuty, but forthe past 53 years
resided lnEast Deer township,near Kites station,
at which place be passed qiilcllv nnrt peaderullv
away yesterday afternoon. Jtir.ltallle was lor a
number of Tears an active member or the lie
ionued rresbyterian Church at Deer Creek, but
kHJVMMHtuiui.Aif.iunc HW U MKWtKI OI the
KclorracQ Presbyterian Church orTarentum. He
was one of six In Deer township to vote far
Blrney u the Abolition candidate lor President
ASubJect of tho Utmost Importance Taken
Up by tho Commission.
from the Philadelphia Kecord.1
In a circular addressed to the labor organ
izations throughout the country the Inter
State Commerce Commission invites attention
to the great number of accidents that overtake
railroad employes and passengers, and to the
general opinion that many accidents might be
avoided in the future by tbe adoption of poper
measures of safety. The commissioners re
quest tbe labor organizations to express their
views as to tbe best means of regulating rail
road transportation so as to protect human life
and limb. In order to systematize the inquiry
the organizations are asked:
What laws have been adopted by the several
States for security in railroad travel, and what
has been their effect? How have the various auto
matic coupling systems operated, and what sys
tem should be generally recommended? What
progress has been made in methods or lighting
and beating of cars? and, anally, What measures
of security In railroad transportation should be
adopted by Congress?
It is highly creditable to the Inter-State
Commerce Commission that In the midst of its
labors it should have directed attention to this
important subject But It may well be doubted
whether the General Government can take
effective steps to reduce the number of acci
dents by rail, as this is a matter that lies ex
clusively within the jurisdiction of the several
States. Tho defective coupling and heating
arrangements by which so many lives are sacri
ficed should be reformed by the railroad com
panies themselves, without tbe intervention of
National or State Governments. Anything,
however, that Congress may legitimately ac
complish in this direction would be most
heartily welcomed. The Inter-State Commerce
Commission is entirely within its own jurisdic
tion in its attempt to arouse public attention
on this subject
A Favorable Crop Ontlook and Improve
ment In the Railroad Situation.
Special Telegram to the Dispatch.
New York, May 19. Henry Clews & Co.
will say to-morrow that a distinct improvement
has taken place in the stock market during the
past few days, and the opinions advanced in
these advices for some time past are now in
course ot realization. There is little real
change in the situation, except that the senti
ment of the street is at last beginning to reflect
tbe influences of easy money, a favorable crop
outlook and continued improvement in the
railroad situation. These aro really the strong
est arguments in favor of better prices that
could be presented; and, as a matter of fact
tbe improvement in conditions is progressin g
more rapidly than the improvement in prices.
Crop prospects are probably as encouraging
as they have ever been at this season. Timely
rains removed all fears existing some weeks
ago, and all cereal crops aro reported in excel
lent condition, that for winter wheat being the
highest average for many years. Gross earn
ings still continue to make satisfactory com
parison, even against the considerable increases
which were reported about this time last year,
while net earnings are also making favorable
returns, Jargely tbe result of decreased expendi
tures. At tbe same time it should be remem
bered that the present rally is based upon an
ticipated results, which Immediate conditions
amply justify; and these records of what is
passed, now appearing, are mainly useful in
showing that past results were not so bad as
was represented. Values have been unduly
depressed through fear and demoralization,'
and discouraging as the outlook then was, the
decline was out of all proportion to what the
facts justified. If prices, therefore, were un
duly depressed, we have an additional argu
ment for a rising market; and now that tbe
downward pressure is being removed the influ
ence of this factor is asserting itself.
A Kentucky Boy Takes BU Llfo Because
He Ilnd to Work Too Hard.
Harrodsburq, Kt., May 19. Yesterday
afternoon, near Bohon, this county, Raney
Teater, aged 10 years, hanged himself In his
mother's barn. Two years ago his father died,
leaving an invalid wife and two children in de
pendent circumstances. Since then the lad has
managed and worked the little farm, and by
tireless energy has kept the wolf from the door,
tbe family being dependent npon his exertions.
Yesterday, on returning from the field, where
ho bad been thinning corn, he remarked to his
mother that be had to work, so bard tbat he
was broken down and wished that he was dead
and conld join bis father.
In a short time be left the kitchen and went
to the barn, as his mother supposed, to feed the
stock. When supper time came, repeated call'
ing elicited no response, and his mother went
to see what detained him, and, on opening the
barn door, was horrified to see him hanging by
tbe neck from a rafter. He had climbed to tbe
loft and tied a plow-line to tbe rafter and let
himself down and had slowly strangled to
death. Several people in the neighborhood
have expressed a determination that tbe lad's
mother shall be provided for in the future.
Unnsunl Demands Canso a Short Snpply of
Blonde Tresses.
From London Life.
Tbere is said to be a crisis just now in the
false hair trade. The great hairdressers of
London, Paris and Vienna have placed orders
for hair Which it will take the supplies of
five years to satisfy, and tbe amount of fair
hair brought into the market is beginning to
fall short. When the hair was worn in a short
coil on the nape of the neck, as was the fashion
a few years back, little false hair as used, and
the complaints of the hair dressers were loud
and deep.
Since ladles, however, have taken to pile
tbelr tresses on tbe too of tbe bead an addition
is required by those to whom nature has not
been bountiful in tbe matter of locks, and
hence an Increased demand, which the intro
duction of the catogan has only served to stim
A Bad Omen on a Wedding Day, Followed
by Misfortunes. "
New Haven, May i9. Leonard Searborn
and Jennie Maylord, of this city, were married
last November, and on their wedding day, just
as they were leaving the church after tbe sol
emnization of the nuptials, they were con
fronted by a coffin containing tbe remains of a
young man who bad died of rheumatism. The
undo turned pale, and, with many other per
sons, deemed it an omen of bad luck for herself
andher husband.
Be this superstition or otherwise, Searborn
was stricken with rheumatism four weeks after
his marriage, and has been confined to his bed
ever since. -die is now so crippled and helpless
that the doctors say he cannot recover. He
and bis wife attribute all tbelr misfortune to
meetmg tbat corpse at tbe church door on their
marriage day.
A Political Term Which Editor Dana Claims
to Have Iavented.
To a correspondent who asks "What is a
Spellbinder?" tho New York Bun makes the
following reply:
SpcllDinder" Is a person who holds other per
sons "spellbound." A member of tbe Bepublican
National Committee noticing during the last cam.
.palgn that the speakers, In reporting to tbe com
mittee, invariably said that they bad held their
audience "spellbound, " he gave them the name
of Spellbinders. Tho Sun applied tbe name to the
Kepubllcan leaders, who soon after the last elec
tion, held a jubilation at Delmonico's.
Tho Widow and Daughter of Chief Jnstlco
Watto Keeping Boarders.
From the Philadelphia Times.!
Tho widow and daughter of Chief Justice
Walte have removed from the house he pur
chased some four years since, to a less expen
sive one on Rhode Island avenue. Mrs.
Swann, a sister of Mrs. Samuel J. Randall,
has leased tbelr former residence for a term of
years. In a quiet, select way, Mrs. and Miss
Waito have taken boarders for several months
past Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sumner Teale were
with tbem earlier in the season, and Judge and
Mrs. Orange Fcrriss have removed with them
to their new quarters.
A Doctor's Opinion of Blaine.
From tbe Philadelphia llecord.l
A prominent Philadelphia physician who had
an opportunity at tbe reception given by Gen
eral Agnus, near Baltimore on Wednesday, to
watch Secretary of State Blaine closely, says
that Mr. Blaine cannot live many years. It is
doubtful, this gentleman thinks, whether tbe
Secretary will live to aee the beginning of an
other Presidental campaign.
Mnny Men Hnvc Been Bongnt for Loss.
Columbus, May 19. Governor Foraker's
great toenail, which he pulled off some weeks
ago while taking a bath, was valued at 61 28,
as he received a check for that amount to-day
J froin an accident insurance company,- -
Grant and Hi Friend.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
1 see General Leggett named quite promi
nently as a candidate for Governor of Ohio. J
happen to know a little incident in his life not
hitherto published, and which I learned at first
in a confidential way that was a perfect guar
anty of its authenticity. It Is well known, by
the way, that he served close to General Grant
in the War for the Union, and there a friend
ship as warm and reciprocal as that of Damon
ana rytnias sprung up between them.
After General Grant was raised to the Presi
dency and was about to assume that office in
1868, he paid General Leggett the high honor of
inviting him to a private conference about the
distribution of his Cabinet offices and princi
pal missions. After tbe old comrades had
fought their old battles over together once
more at a private campflre of their own. Grant
quietly said in substance: "General Leggett
1 will reserve the Treasury. Mow. my dear fel
low, look around and take your choice of any
and all other offices within my gift"
Was this not unprecedented T What other
President ever so honored any man, except
Sossibly Garfield and Harrison In the case of
Iaine alone T This was tbe highest compli
ment Grant ever bestowed on any man. beyond
all question. Leggett qnletly answered : "I do
not deserve this compliment, still I thank you
for it I want the place that I know I am best
prepared to fill the Patent office." Grant,
with a smile at his modesty, quickly granted
his request and Leggett was made Com
missioner of Patents. Private Dalzell,
Caldwell, O., May 18.
Street Ball way Franchise.
To the Editor or The Dispatch:
For the first time a true note has been
sounded on street railway franchises, and that
in your editorial of Friday morning. If the fran
chisesalready granted to horse car railways
had been limited, and sold to the highest bid
ders, the sum realized to the City Treasury
would have run into millions. What did the
city realize? Nothlngl
It is wise to be liberal in the first lease, as
pioneers should be encouraged, but the peo
ple's rights should be carefully guarded; tbey
rarely are. Grant franchises leases for, say,
20 years (like Schenley's leases) to the highest
bidder; at the end of tbe 20 years sell the lease
for an additional 20 years, the purchaser to buy
the personal assets at an approved value. Reg
ulate fares, the character and tbe number of
cars. Possibly such regulations might not so
speedilv develop a system of street railway
service, but it would, I take it, develop the
best system for tbe public and reserve to the
people those franchises which are forever parted
with under our lax system of grants.
I take tbo stand further that the franchises
already granted are invalid void for this rea
son: Streets are only easements to the public,
and no exclnstve rights ot way can be granted.
The property primarily is tbe fee of the abut
ting owners, and Is vacated for their own ben
efit and use. with an easement only to others.
How, then, can the city grant an exclusive
franchise? M.
PirrsBrmo, May 18.
Seats by the Lakeside.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
I think by placing some benches in the walks
around tbe lakes. Park Superintendent Hamil
ton would flllalongtelt wish and desire of
many visitors to tbo Allegheny Parks. I think
it the most picturesque and appropriate place
to put them. Subscriber.
Allegheny, May 18.
A-Chlld Engaged in Dangerous Sport With
a Hugo Serpent.
Canadensis, May 19. The Price brothers,
who own Spruce Cabin, a famous resort for
hunters and fishermen, were driving along the
road to Paradise Valley when their attention.
was attracted by a girl abont 3 years old, who
seemed to be playing with something in the
road. When the Price boys got nearer they
were horrified to see a rattlesnake nearly five
feet long trying to strike the child. The child
had aroused the snake to a high state of fury
by throwing pebbles at it, and by occasionally
running close to it Every time the child ap
proached it tbe snake would strike, and its rat
tles were going in a frightful manner. The
Price boys killed tbe snake, and then spanked
the child in a way that will probably teach her
to fear snakes as long as she lives.
In front of the Price homestead tbere is an
old water mill. In the dam above it tbe water
Is six feet deep. Milt Price went out for a
swim in this dam a few days ago. When he
came out he climbed through a window in the;
muiuouse ana sprang aown to ine noor. im
agine his feelings when what be thought was a
stick turned out to be a blacksnake over six
feet long. He had jumped within six inches of
it, and the big serpent raised its bead and
hissed spitefully. When Milt got over being
frightened he got a club and did Mr. Black
snake up in the most approved style.
An International Conference to bo Held In
Washington la October.
Washington, May 19. Tho following
countries have thus far accepted invitations to
participate in an international marine confer
ence, to be held in this city, beginning October
16 next: Great Britain, Germany, France,
Italy, Denmark, Russia, Belgium, Mexico,
Brazil, Chili, Costa Rica. Guatemala, Hawaii,
Japan, tbe Netherlands, Nicaragua, Spain,
Sweden and Norway, Uruguay and Honduras.
Tbe United States will be represented by a
board of seven persons, and it is expected that
the larger powers will have about the same
number of representatives. The smaller
countries, it is thought, will generally be rep
resented by their Ministers here, assisted by
one or more teebmcians in tbe subjects before
tbo conference. The American board has
framed a programme of subjects to be kconsid
ered, and this has been made public. .
Tbe proceedings will be In English, though
representatives bpeaking other languages will
doubtless make their motions and proposi
tions in their nativo tongue, and their words
will then be translated. Congress appropriated
onlv S20.0C0 for the expenses of tbe conference.
and it is probable that a deficiency appropria
tion will have to be made.
An Atlanta Man Gets Tbat Amount for Five
Cents' Worth of Pork.
Atlanta, May 19. A funny case was tried
in the Justice's court in Jasper between
Stephen Kirby and the Marietta and North
Georgia Railway Company for damage to a hog
by reason of tbe loss of one of tbe hog's feet in
a collision with a train. In a three hours' legal
fight defendant's counsel contended that the
rule of assessing damages was the los In
weight of tbe hog by roason of being rnn over,
which in this case was one foot weighing half
a pound, which at 10 cents per pound would be
6 cents damages.
Tbe plaintiff's counsel insisted tbat the rule
for assessing damages was the value of the hog
when hurt, with the cost of nursing and medi
cal treatment together with such damages as
tbe enlightened minds of tbe jury thought
proper for the mental pain and anguish of the
hog. The jury gave the plaintiff &
Americanism In England.
From the Now York Herald.l
It is announced tbat Queen Victoria intends
to spend a few days at Pale Mansion, in Wales.
That will be next to living in tbe White House.
Americanism seems to be making headway in
England, and if our girls marry a few more
peers we shall soon have control of a working
majority in the Houso of Lords,
Injustice to Ireland.
From the Brooklyn Citizen.
There are ten Irish members of Parliamentin
jail for an offense which would be no offense in
England, Scotland or Wales, and yet the Tories
keep assuring their supporters that the Irish
people aro as free as the inhabitants of any
other part of tbe Empire.
The day was bright,
The skies were blue.
When we two went a-llaylng;
And filled with new
And strange delight.
Like lovers wewcre straying.
Her rosy cheeg.
With blcshcs pink.
Betrayed her soft emotion,
And made tee think
'Twere safe to speak
And tell of my devotion.
Within the shade
We stopped to rest
, Upon the turf reclining.
I trembled lest
That leafy glade
Should witness my repining.
Bh'e heard mo talk
With downcast eyes:
My heart felt like a feather.
I won my prize.
And we shall walk
The path of life together. .
, SomtrxWtJwrnoi.
Brief Summary of Leading Feature of Yes
terday's 20-Page Dispatch.
Yesterday's mammoth edition of The Dis
patch contained a vast quantity of the very'
best of reading matter. In addition to the
latest news, told in the brightest style by gifted
correspondents, there wero scores of special
articles by noted writers, dealing with a wide
variety of live topics. It was a first rate num
ber in every particular.
The Paris Exposition is the subject most
discussed in tbe Old World at present The
great show is a great success. The question of
the vice royalty of Ireland arouses some Inter
est, but it is apparent that in any event Bal
four will be dictator. Boulanger is in bad
health and London society is paying him little
attention. Henri Rochefort created a scene
by brandishinga revolver at a mad Frenchman,
who assaulted him on the street Tbe work of
tbe Samoan Commission progresses satisfactor
ily, the demands of the Americans being gen
erally conceded. Labor troubles continue to
worry the German Government
Three prominent citizens of Grove City.Ark.,
one of them the Sheriff, were killed in a politi
cal quarrel, growing out of differences between
whites and blacks. The Commissioners attend
ing the Presbyterian General Assembly in New
York were taken out on the bay by Colonel
Shepard and got lost in a fog for a short time.
Tbe Southern Presbyterians had a lively de
bate over the question of anion. The cause of
Mary Tobin's death still remains a mystery. A
late theory is tbat she committed suicide after
a quarrel with her lover. Tho President had
so many callers he could do little work. His
family will spend the summer at Deer Park.
Mr. Clarkson appointed 906 postmasters last
week. Maaame Von Sucrow has returned from
Europe, and relates the story of her marriage
to a bogus nobleman. Asa Jones, of Youngs
town, is confident that he will get the Republi
can nomination for Governor of Ohio,
The result of the local primaries Indicates
that the Republican County Committee will
contain a majority of Magee men. Mr. Magee
Bays it is a victory lor home rule. It H.John
ston Is proposed as the Democratic candidate
for District Attorney. Other political news
and gossip filled several columns. George Rye,
a Virginian visiting in Pittsburg, told a thrill
ing story of his experiences as an Abolitionist
in the South before the war. It is predicted
tbat some of the delegates to the Trades Coun
cil will withdraw from the organization owing to
the charges againstthe president of theAVindow
Glass Workers. Plans for the miners' cottage
hospitals are exhibited, and it is announced
that work will be begun soon. The execntor of
O. A. Smith, of New Castle, wins a salt to re
cover tho value of a life insurance policy and
will receive 11,200.
Saturday's game between the Pittsburg and
New York clubs resulted in a victory for Pitts
burg. Score, 3 to 2. Baseball news from all
parts of the country, the gossip of the turf and
ring made the sporting columns unusually at
tractive. rrr.
Frank Carpenter's letter on the temples and
people of Bcrmah was a leading feature of the
second part Olive Weston described thofa
mousOuida in a brief but interesting paper.
Bill Nye told of his experience as a reporter.
Hon. George W. Childs contributed many
pleasing reminiscences of great men of his ac
quaintance. A column that every disciple of
IsaaK Walton will read with interest and profit
was furnished by H. A. W. "Life in Okaboma"
was described by one of the original boomers.
A Findlay correspondent gave some romantic
traditions of the Indians of Ohio. Frank A.
Burr told of a talk with Longfellow and the or
igin of the beautiful poem "Evangeline." EL
L. Wakeman and Bessie Bramble's letter, and
the usual departments were also included in
the second part of the paper.
Pages 17 to 20 contained the continuation of
Sidney Luska's romance and a variety of well
written special articles. Henry Haynie de
scribed tbe famous cafes of Paris, and Lillian
Spencer dwelt upon tbe pleasures of life in
sunny Cnba. A staff writer sketched the city
of Winchester, once the seat of British royalty.
Clara Belle detailed the history of noted clubs
for women in New York. John L. Sullivan
told how a prize fighter Is trained, and inci
dentally introduced a good many of his own.
ideas on the subject of pugilism. Rose' Terry
Cooke fnrnished wholesome advice to girls
abont to spend the summer at watering places.
Mary Gay Humphries' paper on conservatories
was bright and interesting. Ernest H. Hem
rich's fairy tale. Rev. George Hodges' letter,
an article on the great ocean steamships. Shir
ley Dare on summer apparel, "A Clergyman's"
colnmn, and much other entertaining and in
structive reading were also included.
He Conld Not Fathom the Trick of tho
From the Woodland (Cat.) Mail.'.
Ont on a Yolo county ranch a few years ago
a small band of hogs were confined in a lot
fenced in with logs. In one part of the fenco
there was a hollow log, shaped something
like a joint of stovepipe, one opening being
inside the lot and the other outside. One day
an intelligent porker discovered this fact and
thereafter went out and returned at his own
pleasure. The owner of the ranch happened
to witness the mode of egress of the hog one
day and decided to put up a job on nim. By
slewing tbe log around a littln he so contrived
as to place both openings of the log inside the
In a few moments the bog ran up to his usual
exit and passed through the log. Imagine his
surprise when he walked out the other end of
the log and found himself still inside the lot
He looked about in a puzzled way, scratched
his ear and tried again. Same result. "Well,
I'll be danged." grunted the hog. Again be
ran into the log and ran out again with the
same result He became wild with rage and
dashed througn the log so often and so fast
tbat tbe smoke began to issue from tbe cracks.
Then he gave it up as a bad job. and, so the
owner of tbe hog says, never went near the
fence until the day of bis death.
Contrary Creatares.
From the Atchison Globe. 1
Tell a woman she is homely and she will act
pleasant though she feels mad. Tell her she is
pretty and she will act mad though she feels
well pleased.
A Good Idea.
From the Chicago Mews.
George William Curtis thinks the erection of
a centennial arch in New York is a good idea.
It certainly is, and that is all that it ever will
A resident of Williamsburg has caught six
sparrows in an ordinary rat trap.
William Hartley, of Bedford, has a back
gammon board on which bis grandmother
played a game with George Washington.
There is a Bible in Philadelphia which has
been kissed by nearly 300,000 people. It belongs
to the Controller's offlco and has been used in
administering oaths until it Is nearly worn out
Benjamin C. Ross, or Chambersburg, is re
covering from 40 wounds, some of them pretty
deep gashes in his legs, inflicted by a magnifi
cent Jersey bull once owned by Samuel J.
A robin, toning to build its nest in a willow
tree at the Allentown Female College, missed
its footing and fell with a string about its neck
so that it was banged, despite the efforts of its
frantic mate to savo it
A brewert In Reading being overrun with
rats. Dr. William Deppcn, a neighbor, caught
one of them in a trap, gave him a bountiful
coat of tar and feathers and set him free. A
general squeaking and scampering followed.
Tho neighborhood Is now rid of tbe vermin.
At Granville, Mifflin county, just before a
storm, a thoughtfnl lady told her little boys to
go out and bring in the tomato plants, meaning
a box of plants she had for transplanting, and
to her great surprise when tbey came in they
had pulled up all her plants she had set out in
the garden.
Mrs. Mart Bhunneb, residing in Deny
township Dauphin county, with her son-in-law,
Christian Eegereis, was 102 years old Friday.
She is still able to be about and has but few
gray hairs. The old lady enjoys her pipe and
can converse as freely as many younger people.
A great many friends called on ber on her
Mrs. Maltnda Skelly, of Mlllersburg,
missed $3,375 by getting married. She applied
for a pension soveral years ago and last week
a letter was received granting it, together with
a voucher for the amount named. She had
changed her name, becoming Mrs. Andeison,
eight days before, and the valuable paper had
to be. returned to Washlsgtos,
A hairless calf is owned by Mr. Free
land, of Howe township, Dauphin county. Pa.
Nine petrified frogs were found in a
solid rock at High Springs, Fla., one day last
-Ij. A. Schuyler, of Po'tutown, has a
piece of amber from the Baltic Sea inclosing a
petrified beetle.
Young ladies on horseback will take
'part in the Memorial Day parade at Taylors
vllle, near Scranton.
George Henninger, aged 90, and Henry
Geist aged 89. are among the warmest baseball
zealots in Bethlehem, Pa.
A well that produces genuine turpen
tine by the barrel is the latest Georgia curiosi
ty. It is located in Laurens county.
A thief in Carlisle, Pa., steals nothing
but Bibles, and has taken 93 from tbe people of
that town without being discovered.
VT. Shelly, of Milford Square, has a
Newfoundland dog ponderous enough to do all
the family washing by a tread-power.
Frank Saddler, of Cheyenne, was mar
ried the other day to a lady from whom he wu
divorced 13 years ago. Each had been married
since the divorce was granted.
A Michigan barber puts a queer ad in
the local paper. He doesn't ask for customers,
but begs the boys around town to quii loafing
in his place and give customers a show.
Dr. Samuel H. Case, who is 81 years
old, settled in Milf ordsville, now Oneonta, N.
Y., on Tuesday, tho 12th day of May, 1829. and
commenced the practice of his profession,
where he has practiced continuously ever
Mrs. Sarah "Wright, a Barry county.
Michigan, woman, who sued a saloon keeper
for selling tbe whisky that caused two men to
drive into her husband's carriage and break
ber arm, has secured a judgment for J5CC, but
the whisky seller will appeal.
A Beading tobacconist has a 10-weeks'-old
bear which he keeps in his store. It plays
with his Newfoundland dog and seems to
enjoy itself greatly. The other day it ap
proached a drummer from behind and gave
him a hug that startled and surprised him.
--Reuben Hastins, an Ohio farmer, had a
horse stolen eight years ago, and he has been
looking for the thief ever since. The other
day, after having traveled 3,000 miles and spent
S900, he got his man in South Carolina, to find
that there were four mora serious charges
ahead of his.
Mrs. Q. M. "Wilkers, of Denison, Tex.,
recently gave birth to three male children, the
combined weight being 22 pounds. Two years
o&uaucgavo uirui fcu twins, wuicn wejgueu -04
pounds. Mrs. Wilkers Is a Welsh lady, aged 32
years. Her husband is an American. There
are 11 children in the family, all enjoying ex
cellent health.
For some time past a large black dog
has made his appearance at a certain point on
the Coopersburg pike, Lehigh county, and si
lently trudged along beside lone pedestrians to
another certain point further np the mountain,
and there has suddenly disappeared. The only
explanation offered is that "a murder occurred
there years ago."
Many residents of Byberry have" letter
boxes at the end of their lanes to save tbe let
ter carrier unnecessary walking. This sprine
tbe birds have so utilized tbe boxes for nesting;
filling tbem with sticks and feathers between
delivery hours, that the carrier has to deliver
the letters at tbe houses lest they be thrown
out or destroyed.
A man in Belfast, Me., doesn't think so
much of object lessons as he did. He got a big
fall the other day while shingling his barn bnt
escaped withou. injury. His son was away at
tbe time and on bis return the old gentleman
told bim about tbe accident and in trjlnn to
show just how it happened, fell from the rdof
again, this time breaking a leg.
Alderman Klackner, of Allentown, has
tied a romantic knot Andrew Duffy was the
groom ana Mrs. Ellen Boyle the bride. Each
had been married twice before, and twice been)
bereft The other evening they met for the
first time, were smitten slmnltabeously, exv
changed tender language and neA day were
made one. The groom is a prominent athlete
and clown. fl
There is a most wonderful Koplar tree
growing just beyond Sharp Top fountain, a
lew miles irom Jasper, Ga, It has Jwo trunks,
both perfectly developed, and stanf ng rfro or
three feet apart at tbelr bases, and link a (actly
like two smooth, straight popIar-fSfcs:! Ata
helghtof 30 or 40 feet these ttr "eer:om
together and form one perfect booy Tronnwhere
they join to the top. - "" f
A subterranean passage has been
covered in the Santa Fe river, three miles
noothwest of High Springs, Fla. A spot about
14 feet in diameter has been found having no
bottom. The water in this particular locality
is unlike that surroundingit having a decided
ly bluish cast. Rails pushed a short distance
down into this hole disappear never to return,
AH attempts to find bottom have thus far
Mr. Henry Kreider, whose farm is
located near Jonestown, Lebanon county. Is
the possessor of a unique freak of nature. It
is a colt born without front legs. There are
small stumps there, but nothing which might
be called legs. Otherwise the colt is finely
formed. It is a beautiful bay, and has a white
star on Its forehead. When tbe colt attempts
to rise it stands straight on its hind legs, but
cannot retain the position very long.
Hezekiah Shetlen, a Beading hotel
proprietor, realizing the uncertainty of life,
altbough in good health, has bad his own
grave dug in the new portion of Cbaries Evans
Cemetery, walled up, cemented and covered
with heavy flagstones, ready for the reception
of his remains when he "shall shuffle oft this
mortal cod." He thinks it is a satisfaction to
know that after his death his body will have a
neat and secure resting place. He intends to
have a handsome monument erected on the lot
Captain Eskridtre, of the lost schooner
Mary E. Bacon, whose whereabouts has been a
mystery for some time past arrived at Phila
delphia last week on the English steamship
John Dixon, from Huelva, Spain. During the
terrific March gales tbe Bacon sprung a leak
while bound from Wilmington, N. C for Balti
more with a cargo of lumber, and narrowly
escaped foundering. A heavy sea filled her np,
and all hands took to the boats, and were res
cued by the Italian bark Antonia M. and landed
at Gibraltar, whence they were brought home
by the Dixon.
Quite a romantic marriage took place
the other day at Woodstock, Ga. Miss Dollie
Gresbam was united in marriage to Will Dial by
Rev. Mr. Hawkins. The manner of the mar
riage ceremony was rather singular. They ran
away from their homes about a o'clock Sunday
evening to a neighboring church, summoned
the pastor, who was then holding services, and
there in the woods, by tbe brilliancy of the
moon, the young couple pledged their marriage
vows In the presence of six witnesses. The
young men were prepared to keep back the
enraged father, who had threatened to prevent
the marriage, and was then in close pursuit
The marriage, however, was concluded without
any interruption.
"You are all the world to me," affection-'
ately remarked Noah as he surveyed his menag
ale. Hotel Matt.
A good business dog is always looking for
a snap Job whenever he starts out on a tramp.
BalUmoTt American.
A Great Barrier. Friend "What's coma
up between you and Miss Dumpling?
De Lefft-(sadly)-Her father. Time.
Nothing Further to Be Said. Algernon
I love you. Miss Ethel.
Ethel-All right; this is a free country. (Exit
Algerton. ) Epoch.
"The Nibelungen Lied," says a head-line
in a dally paper. Tbat settles It then. We shall
neTer believe the Nibelungen in this world again.
SomerviUc Journal.
"Ob, let me cool my aching head," she
exclaimed, throwing open the window during a
summer ibower-and the rain began to pat her on
the pain. Hotel Hall.
Stayed Too Late. Blabbins (during a
conversational lapse Do you ever snore, Hit
Miss Nabley-yawnlng absent-mlndedlyl-Na,
but I'd like to.-CMcago Herald.
A Cool Girl. "That was a pretty young
thing with you in the park yesterday, Willie."
'Yes, tbat was my best summer girl."
"Yonr summer girll What do you mean!"
"Yes, my Ugh school girl. Do you see ltf"-
Chicago Herald, . s
He loved fair Sue and loved her well-j V5
"Ob, Husie darling, love," heeried, ";&
Bhe looked on him full tenderly.
And down he sat by ancle's aide.
Bhe let him hold her pretty hand, ,' "Cc
And let him all his hopes confide v '
In ber, as women often do,
Then softly, sweetly. Suele sighed. -- ?
The summer days went swirtly by, '
And she became another's bride; ' '
While he, poor fellow, sleeps beneath v
A stone onwhlchU "Suicide."
v s . nmmngwmvnuiti
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