-k 'i. t?tv . ' - -s. rr -,, "3t rHT." if ! -"it s5,. i-rTHJ SUOTTAY, MA.T19r 18803 - ?- ""s W .t hml THE " IOTSBnBGr DISPATCH; ftfc f . IN THE SOCIAL SWIM. '5fB POISTS OS ETIQUETTE. -A Cousin's FrlvHcce Letter of Introduce tlon Proper Topic of Conversation at Pinner An Interesting Paragraph on Tnble Etiquette. The author of 'JDon't" comes again to the rescue of compassless barks on the sea of society and maps out a number of the shoals and rocks in their course. The question of a cousin's privilege is also taken up and definitely settled. 'Will yon tell me through the columns of "Etiquette" if one's servant is out, or If one does her own work and the young lady has a peutleman call on her and she answers the bell herself, should she stand one side and let the gentleman pass into the parlor, or should she step ahead and lead the way herself. A lady under such circumstances would na turally lead the way to the parlor, although "when at the parlor door she might give way for ier guest to precede her. Which should be dune would depend upon whom the guest is. If a gentleman precedence should not be ex tended to him; if an elderly lady it should. If we properly address a firm composed of men as "Gentlemen," why should we not ad dress a firm of women as "Ladies?" Is there any good reason for preferring the French word "Mesdames" to English "LadiesT" Firms composed of ladies is so new a thing that no well established usage in the matter of addressing them has obtained. It is always bet ter to nse English words than foreign words, and hence "ladies" is preferable to mes dames." "Will you please give the form of an answer to en invitation to a reception or party, etc Hebcui.es. The usual form is as follows: Mr. John Beach accepts with pleasure the ln xltatlonor Mrs. John binita for reception May 10." GIVE TJS UOEE COUSINS, L I am a young lady, 16 years old some peo ple say I am pretty. There is a young man who has the same name as myself and thinks per- laps be might be a cousin, and hare a cousin's privileges, now jong will it te proper tor me to insist on being coaxed before I grant it. 2. If I dare a yonng man ta kiss me and lie does t, ought I to be indignant. A Possible Cousin. 1. What do you mean by a cousin's pnvi leges? So you mean the right to kiss you? This is a privilege that a young woman should lie cautious about giving to any one. A good rule for her to adopt is never to let any one Kiss licr that exhibits a particular desire to do so. 2. What would you expect of a young man 'whom you dared to kiss you? What sort of young man would it be who undersuch circum stances didn't "up and kiss you?" As to your indicnation, we rather suspect that you would sot be indignant at the youth that accepted your challenge, but at the one that exhibited eo much indifference as not to do so. I recently called on a friend at his rooms. On leing sbown in I found that my friend had stepped out a moment. Before he returned an other gentleman came in. known to me by name, but to whom I had never been intro duced. In such a situation is it not the most ' sensible course to introduce oneself? Count Johannes. Certainly. Persons meeting at a friend's house do not require an introduction. iETTEES OP ETTEODUCTION. Should letters of introduction be sealed, and tow should they be delivered? Felix. j A letter of introduction should not be sealed. If in anyway connected with business present It in person, but if solely a social introduction, send it by post inclosed with your card and ad dress. In sending my plate at table for a second por tion should 1 leave my knife and fork upon it? James S. There is a difference of opinion on this point. Many persons stoutly uuhold the practice of leavxngrbe knife and fork on the plate, and probiDly the greater number of people do so. Sipt'the knife and fork on the plate are embar--fassing to the carver or whoever serves the may be inconvenient for one to retain his knife and fork, but in doing eo he incommodes him self rather than other people, and this is an elementary principle of politeness. If I accompany a young lady to a party, and one of the young gentlemen present is unavoid ably called awaj and leaves his lady in my charge, and when the gentlemen are requested to see the ladies to the dining room for refresh ments I start with both my own partner and also the lady left in my care, and as we get out side the parlor and in the hall my partner leaves me without excusing herself and goes to the table with another gentleman, how should I regard her treatment to me, and what should be my conduct toward her In the future? IGNOBAHUS. The lady's conduct in such a case would cer tainly be very unceremonious, not to say grossly impolite. Tour conduct toward such a person should be not less polite than it always had been, but your revenge would be not to offer yourself as her escort another time. 4 HOW TO EAT. The habits of people at table who consider themselves respectable seem to me often very cad. They handle the fork and the spoon awk wardly; they make disagreeable noises in eat ing their soup; they turn their backs to persons next to them; they commit many other offenses against good taste. Is there no-way to enforce upon people the rules of good society in eating and drinking? C. D. B. Many efforts have been made to extend the knowledge of table manners, but without much effect. The fork is now used where the knife was formerly, and this is about all. Here are a few rules that everybody is supposed to know, but which, simple as they are, are often disre garded: Spread the napkin over the knee and not over the chest. Take soup from the side of tho spoon; do not tip the soup-plate; eat soup "without making gurgling noises. Hold the ibrk when in the left hand with handle in the Iiollow of the hand: when in the right hand, using it with prongs upward, hold it between the forefinger and thumb. Take up on the fork only so much as It can easily carry, and do not load it with the knife. In drinking wipe the lips before doing so, so as not to soil the glass. Chaucer told us 00 years ago, in his "Canterbury Tales," of the young lady who never dropped portions of food and always wiped her mouth on her napkin be fore drinking. This young lady's manners are a good example even to-day. Avoid bending over your plate or dropping your head too low, or thrustinr your elbows out, or sitting with your back turned to your neighbor. Take care sot to eat too heartily, or to take too large xnoutlifuls. An elegant manner at table is im possible unlets one eats slowly and quietly, with small mouthfuls. In short, elegant man ners at table consist mainly in doing nothing that attracts attention. DON'T TALK ABOUT THE tVEATHEB. What are suitable subjects for conversation at a dinner table or at a social gathering ? O.EB. It is the rule in all circles to avoid those sub jects in conversation that are likely to wound one's feelings or -trench upon bis convictions. For this reason politics and religion are forbid den. And yet those themes more nearly con cern us than any others. Literature, art,sclence, invention, all afford themes for conversation; so does travel, exploration, great achievements in any direction. We have the doings of the world before us, and these ought te give us ample material; and yet from this Urge field to choose from cow commonly do we find con versation drifting Into social gossip, into the trivial incidents of our own set? Literature, if ' .TtiKC- rvc4 i e -. SMs . JT-" "-- .a V " it is not confined to the last sensational novel, Is an excellent theme for the table or tne par lor circle; so is ait, If it chances that anybody present knows anything about A The diffi culty, after all, is not the theme, but tho skill of presenting themes in an easy and attractive manner.of having something to Bay and a small measure of gumption in saying it. A gentleman of my acquaintance Is accus tomed to speak of women as females. Is this in good taste ? It Is not merely in bad taste; it Is a vulgar and a low taste. The cow, the mare, the sow, each is a female, and assuredly Wb should have some other word for our women. It is custom ary to see at our 8choclhouses over the en trance at one side, "For Males," over tho other. "For Females," thus giving sanction to a phraseology never employed by truly cul tured people. Why should there tiot be placed over these entrances the single words, "Boys" and "Girls," tho plain honest terms by which we all designate these young pupils? A lady who bears the word females applied to her sex is justified always in resenting it. The authob or "Don't." Social EvenU. The Twenty-fifth Ward Debating Club met at the home of Hiss Ella Reese, and discussed the annexation of Canada. Last Wednesday evening a very enjoyable birthday party was given by Mrs. F. D. Mc Keever, on Bedford avenue, in honor of her daughter Katie. Quite a number of little folks were present. As a fitting finale to a season of pleasurable evenings, the Wednesday If lght Reading Club will give a garden party at Idlcwood on w eanesuay, May 2), irom 4 to it ociock. xue cbaperones are Mrs. Sol Kaufman and Mrs. Hugo Rosenberg. The members of class No. 12, of Emory M. E. Church, held a social at the residence of Miss Delia Murdock, on Luna street, East End. Among those present were the Misses Cleland, Bulger, Clark, Murdock, Hines, Pentz, Moffet, Messrs. Davis, Castor. Barton, Woolslair, Johnston, Lambing, Fentz and others. A most enjoyable evening was spent by all present. A most delightful surprise party was ten dered Miss Mary Jiclntyre, of Allegheny, on Thursday evening. Those present were: Misses Mary Smith, Eva McCrory, Sarah and Minnie Ambacher, .May Bates, Bella Jordan, Lizzie Phillips, Lizzie Saut rers, Sarah Mclntyre, Messrs. Charles Taylor, Lewis Reynolds. Jesse Taylor, George Richless, Harry Demoss.CharlesVauroy,Anson Pace, Jos. Summers, John Barnes, aud the ma jority of the young Iolks'parents. On Friday evening a pleasant surprise party was given Mrs. M. W. Russell at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Jessie Dyer, on Second avenue. Dancing was indulged in till after midnight, after which a good supper was served. Among those present were: Misses M. Slattery, H. Thompson, K. Fresh, M. Ken nedy, L. McKenna, M. Geonrs, 3. Smith, J. Freiling Wotzs; Messrs. E. Ward, J. Jordan, J. Carlon, M. Cull, W. Reiley, E. Slattery, J. Slartery, E. Ward, C. Thompson, J. Slattery, C. Hubert, M. Coin and many others. An enjoyable progressive euchre party was given at the residence of Miss Minnie Brown, Ellsworth street, on Thursday evening. The first prizes were awarded to Miss Bella McGill and Mr. E. A. Reineman, and the booby prizes to Miss Emma Cooper and Mr. Clarence Hipp ley. Among the guests were Misses Mary and Anna Schwer, Sadie Harnick, Emma Hunnes ghen, Bella McGill, Emma Cooper; Messrs. Charles M. Saner, W. P. Lange, E. A. Reine man, C. Hippley, Harry Fearing. Thomas Rogers, Harry Vangordon, Charles Brown and others. Oi Thursday evening last another contest for the Demorest silver medal was held In parlors of Miss Milly TntelL Contestants and guests alike were pleasantly entertained with choice music and recitations. Since January 10 up to the present date Miss Tutell has presented medals to the following pupils: E. Gauger, M. Christian, Mclllvar, LichUter. H. NeilUe. W. Schilling. M. McCausland, L. Kentner, D. Dun lap. Ida Peoples. Lulu Thomas, A, Young. The following pupils have received honorable men tion: Edna Halloway, E. Steffler, E. Jones, Kettle Wylie. A surprise party was given in honor of Miss Anna Fielding and Miss Mattie Mendel by Misses Anna Burns, Anna Herdt and Jessie Basset Those present were Albert Mendel and Eva Fielding, Sloan Connelly and Anna Herdt, Eddie Harmon and Birdie Burry, Will iam Stern and Annie Burns, Frank Manly and Marie Eisenbeis, Henry Hetzel and Sidle Swan, Hudson Williams and Katie Caskey, Joe West and Anna Fielding, Albert Hummel and Jessie Basset, Rov Page and Lizzie Bards ley, Eddie Craig and Edna Silverman, William Creeks and Sadie Meyer, Eddie Meyer and Bes sie McMillan, Mattie Mendel, .Bessie Moore, Daisy O'Brien, Silvia Meyers. Mary Gilchrist, Lottie Burrv, Minnie Rlesick, Elsie Pielding and many others. A few evenings since Miss Laura, the daugh ter of Mr. John Phillips, honored her friends by holding an anniversary of her sixteenth birthday. The guests enjoyed themselves in, various games. Among those present were: Misses Emma Cronmiller, Annie Kraft, Maggie Falrman. Jennie and Bertha Reese, Blanch Bonland, of the East End; Jennie Wilson, of the Soutbslde: Fannie Milwood. of Wilkins bure; Lizzie Phillips and Carrie Fremont; and Messrs. J. C. Horner, Arthur McMurray, John Mouhler, Fred Robson, of VilkInsburjr; Frank Andrewson, of East End; George Witchel, Wicfield Baker, Frank Edwards, Ralph Graham and Charles Madison. All had a very pleasant evening, and as the guests were about to leave Mis Laura was presented with quite a number of beautiful gifts. Weddlne of tho Week. Numeeous wedding notices were thrown in to the waste basket this week. The writers forgot to sign their names. A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mr. John Dietrick, No. 65 Boggs avenue, Mt. Washington, on Tuesday evening, May 14, at 8 P. M., it being the marriage of his daughter. Miss Katie Dietrick to Mr. Harry Donnewitz, by the Rev. Fr. Ruoff. Miss Lizzie Euler was best lady and Mr. Jacob Dietrick best man. A reception followed, and after the neuly wedded couple had received the con gratulations from all present they left to take up their residence on Boggs avenue. Visitors nod Absentees Mrs. and Mrs. John K. Ewing spent last Sun day with their uncle, Dr. J. C. Cunningham, of Mrs. Mary A. Swaney, of Pleasant Gap, Center county, Pa., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. A, Miller, No. 67 Congress street, city. Mrs. Willis H. Smith and her ancle, Mr. Ar temus Grow, of Webster avenue, are in Buffa lo as guests of Mrs. W. W. Stevens, of West avenue. Mr. Hartman, Mrs. Dr. Schneck, Mrs. John Oberhell, Mrs. George Kenner and Mrs. Frank Parkinson and son, from Mt. Carmel, I1L, are visiting their cousin, Mrs. William Hartman, of Preble avenue, Allegheny. Mrs. LauraB. Knollp. wife of W. B. Knolle, of Wylie avenue, sailed Thursday morning on the steamship Leerdam on a European trip to Mr. Knolle's parentis up the Rhine, then to the Alps in Switzerland, Strasburg and all the European cities, and home again by wav of Berlin, to Paris, where Mr. Knolle, next Sep tember, will join ner. SewIcUler Society, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Davis are home from New York City. Mrs. McCampbell, of Staten Island, is, visit ing her sister, Mrs. Watson Woods. Miss Lide Ramsey and Miss Jennie Arrott are hom.6 after a pleasant stay in Philadel phia. Miss Belle Ramsev has returned to Canton, Ohio, after a short visit to relatives at Osbome Station. Mr. Charles Cass, or New York City, and Mr. John Hutchinson, of Philadelphia, spent a few days last week with their sister, Mrs. S, C. Hutchinson. "Nothing could have been prettier or more sociable than the reception given by Mrs. Henry A Davis last Friday afternoon from 3 to 8. Mrs. Davis was assisted in receiving the numerous guests by her cousin, Miss McCue, of Massillon, O.; Mr. Joseph Craig and Mrs. Mansfield Cochrane, while Miss McCleery, sister of Mrs. Davis; Miss Chaplin, Miss Whit inc. Miss Dravo, Miss Blair and Miss Fleming assisted In entertaining them. At 6.30 o'clock Mrs. Davis and her assistants were joined by Mr. Davis. Mr. Craig, Mr. Cochrane. Mr. D. R Warden. Mr. F. E. Rutan, Mr. Frank Mc Cleery, Mr. E. S. Carpenter, Mr. George White sell, Mr. Charles Richardson, Mr. R. P. Nevm, Jr., and Mr. J. E. Porter, when a delicious supper was served by Hagan, after which the evening was spent in dancing, the Gernert brothers furnishing the music Bogna British Officers. Kew Tork Evening World,: The recent developments in high life, going to show that there are many bogus noblemen and officers in the British -army and navy, are paralleled by the discovery that there are a score in less prominent cir cles. It seems that we Americans will be lieve anything that is said to ns, concerning himself, by anyone manifestly British, or German, or French, and the undiscovered frauds among ns outnumber, 10 to 1, those who Bre.exposed. 1ET HaTTEES A Copt in oil color of Sir Joshua Reynold's picture, "Angels' Heads, or the Cherub Choir," has been shown at Boyd's. This picture is very Tvcll known here through various reproduc tions in monochrome, but this Is, perhaps, the first copy of it In color which has been seen In this city. A collection of etchings and water colors by Mrs. Edith Loring Getchell, formerly Miss Edith L. Pierce, a Boston artist of spme abil ity, has occupied the Gillespie gallery during the week. The water colors are bright in eolor, handled in a rather broad and sketchy manner, and are of various degrees of merit. The etch ings, some of tncra at least, show a greater amount of artistic skill, and considering the extreme rarity of works of this nature exe cuted by women, Mrs. Getcbell deserves credit for the the progress she has made in this very difficult branch of art. One of tbe largest and best of these works is that entitled "Tbe Lift ing Clouds," which shows some very good drawing and a clever rendering of the effect of a landscape under a rather stormy sky. Those who have not yet seen the Haseltine collection at the Hacke gallery will do well to take advantage of the opportunities afforded them during the next couple of days, as that will bo the limit of their stay, unless something occurs to Induce a change in present plans. With the chance of viewing so many really fine works of art at no greater cost of energy than the amount expended by simply stepping into an elevator and being carried up to them, the inducements offered onght to be sufficient to crowd the galleries daily. To obtain a glimpse of the Carpentier painting alone would be auiplo reward for climbing a considerable number of stairs, but in addition to this tbe large room is well filled with fine art works, open to the view of all who care to Inspect them. An etching by Lucien Gautier, after Corot's picture, "Tbe Sand Cart," has been on view at Young's, and it goes far to prove what was always pretty well understood, that the pictures by Corot which have been exhibited in this city recently are very far from samples of that artist's work. This picture is an artistlo production, well composed and well drawn, showing on the left a cart being loaded with sand from a rather high bank, and on the right some fir e and graceful old trees, with their tops outlined against the sky. From the scant opportunities they have .had of judging, some Pittsburg people have farmed but a poor opinion of Corot, and wondered upon what his great reputation was founded, but it is very probable that, like most other men, he has at different times produced good, bad and indiffer ent work. Since many of the "Corots" extant are counterfeits, and his best works are few in number, it is likely to be a long time before a really good example of his style is seen in this city. Mb. D. B. Walklet's studies of picturesque buildings partly hidden by trees are always very pleasing and strong in line arrangement The one on exhibition at Mayer's during tbe past week is the best work of this class which he has produced for sometime. In color it is quiet and subdued, but not weak in any sense, while the handling is at once broad, vigorous and free. The beauty of a work of this class is largely due to its simplicity; not that it is simple in the sense of expressing little, but that it expresses much with little labor.' Tbe subject consists of a dwelling among the trees on the bank of a stream, and a boat containing several rustic figures about putting off from a small landing on the shore. Perhaps a little stronger drawing In the herbage on the stream's banks wonld improve the picture, which certainly looked rather vague and misty in this part, but It is just as certain that a great deal, and perhaps the whole, of this appear ance was due to the defective light in which It was seen in the store window. -Many good pictures are seen to a disadvantage from this cause and it is a difficulty which cannot be en tirely overcome, but which might be materially lessened by a little more care in placing them so that they will receive the light in tbe best manner possible under the circumstances. Mb. Clabence Johns, who has charge of the art department of the Exposition, expects to have a highly interesting exhibit arranged when the time arrives for the opening next fall. Besides the works by our local artists, a large number of fine pictures will be brought from elsewhere, and in addition to these there will be aloan exhibition of rare paintings from the col lections of leading citizens of Pittsburg. These latter pictures will form one of the most inter esting features of the exhibition, as it will satisfy the very natural desire, with which all true lovers of pictures are posessed, to obtain a glimpse of the art treasures held around home. According to the original intention the art gallery was to have been constructed in tbe form of one large room, but the plan was changed at Mr. Johns' suggestion, and the original space is being divided into seven rooms 30x60 and one SOxGO. This arrangement gives a largely increased wall space, as the par tition wail may ue covered wim pictures, anu at tbe same time admits of each class of work being kept distinct and separate; thus the pict ures owned in this city will be separated from those which come from elsewhere, and works by home artists will occupy a room by them selves. Special attention is being paid to tbe construction of the galleries with regard to light and ventilation, and it is expected that In tins respect they will be among the finest in the country. Bltthe's caricaturo of a Democratic pro cession of former days has been on exhibition at Gillespie's, where it has attracted a great deal of attention from those who are interested in the works of this eccentric representative of Pittsburg's infancy as regards art. In every respect the work is characteristic of the man, and to some extent of tbe condition of art in this city at the time it was painted. It indicates to a keen observer the possibilities which were in Blythe, and even the most cursory examina tion will serve to show how disastrously he failed to develop the power that was in bun; which failure was due to two very sufficient causes: first the want of energy and steadfast ness of purpose, and second the lack of oppor tunity. One siugu'ar feature of this work ex hibits not only ignorance on the part of the artist, but also a deficiency in the faculty of everyday observation, and that is that he has represented tbe old gray horse as progressing by moving both feet on the one side at the same time, a mode of locomotion which have never been adopted by any horse since the commence ment of their evolution from the pre-historic hypposion. There are some few quadrupeds that progress in tbis peculiar manner, of which tbe camel is perhaps tbe most famlliar,:ln stance, and anyone who will compare the sidling, awkward motion of this animal with that of the horse will readily understand that it would require a radical change in tbe anato my of the latter to enable him to move in the manner which Blythe has depicted. A horse walks by moving first one of his fore feet and almost at the same moment the hind foot on the opposite side, and this has so sooner touched tbe ground than the other forefoot is raised followed by the remaining hind foot. A picture showing the animal moving hind and tore foot on the same side at once has no more real appearance of action than has the child's model of a horse made with a cork for body and toothpicks for legs. LATE NEWS IN BK1EP. During the past week the Treasury Depart ment has disbursed 511,330,000 on account of pensions, thereby exhaustine the appropriation for tbe current fiscal year amounting to 181, 750,000. Captain James Chester, of the Third Artil lery, U. S. A, stationed at Governor's island, became violently insane early this morning. He was taken into custody, and in court turned over to tne military authorities. William McLaubglin, a private in the Four teenth Infantry, stationed at Randall, Neb., shot and instantly killed bis sweetheart, Maggio Lowene, Thursday night, with a rifle because she had been talking with another soldier of whom he was jealous. He was arrested, but yesterday escaped from the guardhouse, i A detachment of cavalry is in search of him. The steam barge R. P. Ranney arrived at Port Huron yesterday and reported running into and sinking the schooner Merrick off Presquo Isle Friday morning. The collision occurred during a thick fog. Captain A' C. Rusbo and the man at tho wheel were the only ones saved of the Merrick. The following were lost: Martuin Johnson, mate; Mrs. Cole, J. Charlevoix, J. Clayton, W. Ours, Detroit. General B. F. Butler publishes a reply to Admiral Porter's recent charges, in which he gi7es long extracts from a letter by Admiral Porter to Secretary Welles written on January 21, 1865, in which the Admiral criticises General Grant very harshly. General Butler calls it "abuse," and jays that Admiral Porter after ward denied its authorship, and attacked Sec retary Welles for publishing it General But ler says: "I think I can bear the abuse by the same person which Grant and Welles had to stand." The Indians at the Cheyenne Agency, at the recent big council, decided on the manner of treating with the Sioux Commission, They have appointed out of the different tribes a council of 50, and 12 were elected judges. The council decided upon a plan of action for tbe entire tribe, who are bound by their action. Tbe judges will report v the commission and have alldealings with them. At the meeting of the council this week, many speeches were made on the Sioux bill, ana a large majority favored accepting its provisions at once. Chief Justice McAdam, of the New York City Court, has issued an order of arrest for Isadorc Deprez. Tbe man was found onboard tbe steamship Normandie, ready to sail for Havre, and taken into custody. Deprez was engaged in tbe jewelry business in Galveston, Tex., and in 18S6 obtained $500 worth of jewelry from Leopold Weird: Co.Lpf New York City, for which he never paid. The firm has been instituting a search, for him for sometime. They allege that Deprez disposed of the goods wita a view v ueutiuuuig ua vicuuuis. BHAND ARMY ECHDES. -air j.-is. A MEMORIAL tDAY HYMN. Inspection ot Post 3 Corporal Tunnert Beplr to a Democrat' .Resignation New From the Posts What the Sons of Veterans Are Doing. Comrade B. O. Clark, of Post No. 162, Allegheny, has composed a hymn especially for Hemeorial Day exercises, the themes appropriately chosen being gratitude to the Creator for a united country and reverence for those who yielded up their lives in its defense. The meter fits the tune of America. The poem is as follows: MEMOSIAIi DAT HYMN. Thou Gnide of all the free, Author ofllberty, Who manhood gave; Let us our voices raise. In earnest, fervent praise, JTor all tbe brighter days Won by our brave. O. KeeDerofourdead, With love we bow the head. In reverence deep: Accept thou at this hour Tbe Incense of each flower Tbe heart's symbolic dower JTor those who sleep. When treason reismed without, And men were filled with doubt On land and sea. .... These sons, 'mid war's black night, With With and purpose brbzht. Went forth to plant the right For liberty. In memory, too, w'd keep Our debt to those who sleep On battle fields. Unmarked though be their graves, They are not trod by slaves, J or flag or treason waves , Above their shields. O Lord, thy providence Has bei n the truth's defense And freedom's friend. Colombia's praise to thee Shall rite from sea to sea, Jfor her dear liberty, Till time shall end. From Hl Own Post. At a regular meeting of Colonel W. H. Moody Post 155; G. A R., held in their hall on Friday evening, May 17, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, Tbe great destroyer has once more entered our ranks and chosen for his victim Com rade PastjCommander Samuel Harper, one of our most prominent members and active workers, one who has not only occupied a high and prominent poiltlon in this post, but one whose merits and ability have been recognized br bis comrades everywhere, hot particularly by tbe Department orPennsvlvania, which they nianifestedby elect ing him to the highest and most nonorablcposl tlon in that bodv: and at various times placing: him in positions of importance and trust, all of which he filled with honor to himself and com rades everywhere; and Whereas, Onr comrade has been ruthlessly taken from us in the prime of life. In the high tide of a useful and honored career, and we his comrades who were associated with him for so many years, in fraternity and charity, sit within tbe shadow of a mysterious dispensation, would offer a feeble but well merited tribute to his mem ory. Our comrade was in the truest sense a man, keenly alive to his duty to his comrades and to humanity, and possessing tbe firm and lofty reso lution to perform it to the tullest extent of bis ability and opportunity. In his charity he was unostentatious, constant in his devotion to his friends, blgh minded and honorable, and In all E laces of trust his integrity was inflexible, and In is dealings with others he was an example of honor and truth, and the unvarying love of his great heart was the central sun which attracted the loving devotion of wife, family and comrades; therefore, Besolved, That in the midst of out own desola tion we extend to tbe sorrowing wife and children our slncerest tsympathy in this hour of trial and mingle onr own with their sorrow and bow oar hearts before tbe altar at which their lay bleed lnir therefore. Kesolved, That these resolutions be spread upon' toe recora oj mis post anu a copy oe sens to we family of our deceased comrade. Jacob sottel, it. M. oabgo, T. E. Boss, Committee. Inspection or -Tost 3. The following general orders have been Issued by Post 8: Headquabtebs Gen. Alex. Hats Post) Ho. 3, Defabtment op Pennsylvania, G. A. B., PITTSBDBG, May 13. J885. J General Orders No. 2. I. OQclal notice has been received from Comrade A. M. Carline, Assistant Inspector at Large. Department of Pa., U. A. K., that Com rade Win. K. Long, Post No. 157, Assistant In spector has been detailed to inspect this post, Mondav evening. May 20, 1S59. II. The members of Post No. 3 are hereby directed to assemble in the post room in full O. A. K. uniform, as prescribed by tbe post by-laws white vests and gloves at 8 o'clock P. II., of that date for Inspection. HI. The musicians of tbe post, including Com rade John Curtln, bugler, will report to tne Ad jutant for duty at tne same hour. IV. The Commander earnestly requests a full attendance of the comrades In order that tbe post can present a fair representation or its strength and sustain tbe high order of merit it has so well deserved and received on past similar occasions. V. In compliance with section 2, article 9, post by-laws, nominations will be opened at the regu lar muster, Monday evening. May 20, 1889, to fill the vacancy in office incident to the death of our lamented Commander, J. M. Eoberts. The elec tion will take place Immediately thereafter. By order, W. F. Spike, Senior Vice Commander, W. H. LAMbeet, Adjutant. Sleeting of tbe Memorial Committee. The Joint Memorial Day Committee met last evening In Municipal Hall, with Comrade H. H. Bengough presiding. Post 203 requested to be detailed, in charge Of Commander Adley, to hold special services at Lincoln Cemetery. Commander O. M. Head, of Post 259. was se lected as Commander of tbe Day at Allegheny Cemetery. Rev. J. F. Riley will deliver the memorial address at the Flats. The Sons of Veterans were invited to participate In the decoration of soldiers' graves at tho Allegheny Cemetery. Corporal Tanner' Manly Reply. To a special examiner, who wrote to Com missioner Tanner offering bis resignation, and saying he supposed the Commissioner would not care to retain in office men who were not in sympathy with him politically, Commis sioner Tanner replied: Ibegtoassnreyou that I did not sit down in this office to wage warfare on employes thereof who may happen to differ from me politically; especially if, as la your case, they were men who, like myself, wore the blue. He continued to say he wanted efficiency, with a disposition to help the old soldier to prove his claim rather than a disposition to knock him out. Grand Armv Note. Post 259 was inspected Tuesday evening. The Department of Tennessee has 2,513 mem bers in good standing. These is no improvement in the condition of Comrade Pitzer of Post 1L The first post in! South Carolina is to be es tablished shortly at Charleston. Comrade Kinzte Moore of Post 41 has been laid up for some time from a paralytic stroke. The ladies of Clark ClrcleNo. 11 will prepare dinner for Post 182 and Invited guests on Me morial Day. The Prisoners of War Association will be in vited to parade with Post 162, Allegheny, on Memorial Day. Comeade J. M. (Private) Dalzell has ac cepted tbe invitation to speak in Pittsburg on Memorial Day. Genebai. Wk. T. Sheeman will be among the guests of Meade Post, of Philadelphia, on Memorial Day. Post 648, Wllkinsburg, will be inspected next Saturday nieht. the 25th, by Chief Muster ing Officer X. S. Rees. Department Cojimandee Stettaet will deliver the Memorial Day oration this year for Post 118, of Columbia, Pa. Department Command ee E. B. McEleot of Oregon, was a member of the One Hundredth Pennsylvania ("Roundheads"). Post 157 -will attend memorial service at Grace Reformed Church, Webster avenue, near Grant street, on Sunday evening, May 28. Fob tbe twentieth time since the war the survivors of the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry will meet at Pleasant Grove on Jane 13. It is said that the sailors will have a candi date for Commander-in-chief at the National Encampment at Milwaukee.in August. Colokjo, Wj J, Patteesoh will deliver an" -M - 1 - . t i n address next Thursday sight at Post 157. Sub ject, "Iho Mistakes and Misfortunes of tbe War." Resolutions on the death of Past Depart ment Commander Harper were passed at Post I62's meeting last eveninsr. Several comrades of his own regiment made appropriate remarks. The funeral services ot Comrade Samuel Harper, late of Post 155, were held at St. An drew's Episcopal Church on Ninth street yes terday afternoon at 3 o'clock and 'Were largely attended. Thomas M. Fishes, lately elected Com mander of the Department of Colorado, was a Pennsylvania boy. He was a member of Com pany G, Second Pennsylvania Reserves, and afterward of the One Hundred and Nlntleth Pennsylvania. Encampment NO. 1, on invitation of Rev. Mackay, will attend memorial services at St Peter's Episcopal Churoh, corner of Diamond and Grant streets, on Sunday evening. May 26. This encampment has placed a splendid organ in its new hall at an expense of &25. ' The, Union Veteran Legion has taken de cided grounds in favor of having a rating fixed for soldiers who suffered in prison pens. The several examining boards frequently have old veterans before them, broken down In health. the cause of which undoubtedly was their prison experience. The organization of the Naval Veterans is growing rapidly. Last month three new local associations were organized, one each at Washington. D. Cm Milwaukee and St. Paul. Three more will be organized the current month, one at Erie. Pa., one at Atlantic City, and one at Albany, N. Y. Comeade Thomas R.Soss Inspected Post 157 on Thursday evening. He reported every thing In excellent shape. A series of -resolutions on tbe death of Major Samuel Harper were adopted, which will be engrossed and sent to bis family. One recruit was mustered and four aDplications ware received. ' The bTfpermirang"thePennsj,Tama'R serves to pool their appropriations for monu ments at Gettysburg, for the purpose of erect ing a memorial hall, has been vetoed by Gov ernor Beaver. This action of the Governor, it is hardly necessary to say, is deeply regretted by the survivors of tbe famous Reserves. A list of names of deceased soldiers, for whose graves there are headstones at the Alle gheny Valley Railroad freight depot at Six teenth street, was published in this column last Sunday. If their friends or the members of the posts to which they belonged will step forward and interest themselves Immediately the bead stones can be placed by Memorial Day. Comeade Colonel John R. Ouesleb, of Post 4, Latrobo, Pa., one of the best known Grand Army men in Western Pennsylvanla,wa3 nominated by the Republicans ot Westmore land county for the ofiBce of sheriff, his ma jority being S21. The county is considered safe ly Republican, and bis election is almost assured. These is some talk of organizing a new col ored post In Little Washington. There Is plenty of material to commence on, as there are about 100 colored veterans in that vicinity who do not belong to the G. A R.. and several members of Post 200, of the Southside, now live there who think the expense too great to come to the city to their post meetings. By all means, boys, get up a post there. . Chaeles Lawrence, the new Department Commander of Pennsylvania, Onion Veteran Legion, accompanied by a portion of bis staff andSeniorVIce National Commander Miller, of Philadelphia, will reach this city to-morrow morning, and in tbe evening will pay an official visit to Encampment No. L A verv large meet ing is expected. Commander Lawrence is Harbor Master of Philadelphia, and one ot the best speakers in that city. Colonel John W. Patterson Post 151 has its Memorial Day arrangements almost completed. It will be escorted by Company F, Eighteenth Regiment, N. G. P.; Birmingham and Capital Councils, O.U. A.M.; Iron City, Smoky City and Acme Councils, Jr. O. U. A M., and Avalon Castle, Knights of the Golden Eagle. Hays Camp, No. 4, Sons of Veterans, and Colonel J. V. Patterson Relief Corps are assisting tbe post in its arraneements. The post will attend memorial service at the Bing ham M. E. Church on the morning and at St. Mark's P. E. Chnrch on the evening of Sunday, May 26. That was a commendable action of General S. C. Lawrence Post No. 63, of Medf ord, Mass., in returning to Rev. J. P. Abbott his applica tion for membership as a contributory member, with its accomoanvlner fee. Mr. Abbott, in a receut sermon, reflected very severely upon Grand Army veterans, and made the assertion that "more men owed their disabilities to whisky from the sutlers' tent than to shot and shell." He also alluded to them as "whisky scarred and maimed veterans." The Grand Army is an honorable body, and could not con sistently take such a man into membership. Perhaps at no time since the close of the late war have the semi-military societies, those growing out of associations formed during tbe war, been so active as during the present year This is true of all of them. It Is true also of the Sons of Veterans and the ladles' and womens organizations. It is difficult to keeD track of these latter and their differences. Tbis activity has extended to tbe Society of tbe Cincinnati, composed ot descendants of those who served during the Revolutionary War. It is probable there will be a larger num ber of company, regimental and other reunions thisyear than ever before. These will be at flood tide at the National Encampment at Mil waukee the last week in August. The One Hundredtn ("Roundhead") Regi ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, will hold its next annual reunion at Rock Point, August 22. Tho fallowing day the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers will hold its reunion at Butler. The late Dr. Daniel Leasure was colonel of the former regiment, while Senator Matthew Stanley Quay was the first colonel of the latter. Both reclments were composed mainly ot Lawrence county sol diers. Battery B, First Artlllery.Pennsylvanla Reserve Volunteer Corps, also of Lawrence county, of which William McClelland, of this citv, was the last commander, will bold its twentieth annual reunion at Mount Jackson on the 8th of June, the twenty-eighth anniversary of its going into camp. Son of Veteran. During the month of April 74 camps of the Sons of Veterans were organized. Davis Camp, at its last meeting, decided not to turn out on Decoration Day as a body. John A Logan, Jr., has been appointed an aid-de-camp on the staff of Commander-in-Chief George B. Abbott, of the Sons of Vet rans. The penny contributions by the members of Davis Camp and their auxiliary, Ladles' Aid No. L. amounting to 16 01, will be turned over to Post 3, G. A R. The first of a series of open meetings to be given the third Monday evening of each month by Camp S3, ot Allegheny, will be held to-morrow evening at their ball, 23 Federal street. There will be a special meeting of Andrew Carnegie Camp No. 162, Sons of Veterans, on on Tuesday evening next at their headquarters. All members are requested to attend as busi ness of importance to all will be transacted. The members of Andrew Carnegie Camp No. 162, Sons of Veterans, extend ahearty welcome to comrades of the G. A. R. to meet with them at their headquarters. No. 80S Grant street, city, on Tuesday evening at 8 P. M. It affords us great pleasure iu meet, iuo oiu veterans ana heart ar their - experiences. A WOMAN'S FOUR PU0FESSI0SS. She Is on Author, n Doctor, an Artist and an Actress, Mew York Sun.1 There is a woman in this city who is an anthor, a doctor, an artist and an actress. After breakfast in the morning she spends a couple of hours over the manuscript of the story or essay which she has been employed to write. From 10 to 2 she practices med icine and receives patients in her office. She next works at her easel as a painter till 6, and makes pictures, for which she finds buy ers. After dinner and an hour's rest she betakes herself to a theater, where she plays the light part for which she may be set down in the cast. Besides all, she is a mother, knows how to make her own clothes, and understands how to use her income irom all her profes sions. And yet there are men in New York who talk of the inferiority of the fe male sex as compared with their own. Genuine Bluslcal Sand. The existence of the phenomenon of "mu sical sand" has recently been discovered at Stndland Bay, Dorsetshire. Some of onr musicians may lack sand, hut it is doubtful if the newly discovered "musical sand" has as much grit as the American prima donna who charges $4,000 a night for singing. Lakeside Modesty. Washington Post. 1 "We believe it was a member of the Chi caeo Literary Aggregation who, on being asked If he could read Greek, modestly re plied: "I don't know. I never tried." NEWB DF THE DRAMA. f" i&si t V fsng n I Hit ., aIlf R W mil f ' f ' i ' ii" il W- ' tW , t i 7r"ggntiSw"" I if HAHI1IS' TBXATXS.j . uw v.u VBftCU VUCKCt Kzfa& flBlmt .,. . v... Vfsr g wij vfAiSA xiuvbjf Dockstader's Minstrels ACADZMT 01 MrSIO.. Lily Clay's Company The above are the theatrical attractions this week. . The Bijou Theater closed Its doors last night. The Academy of Musio' will not be open after this week. The Grand Opera House will stay open for two weeks more. Harris' Theater will not be shut till July apparently. The Gray t Stephens Combination will open Harris' Theater to-morrow afternoon In their sensational drama, "The Old Oaken Bucket," which will be presented for the first four days of the week, "Without a Home" being given for tbe balance of the engagement. Both dramas will have the advantage of special scenery from tbe studios of leading Metropoli tan artists. The mechanical effects are of the most realistic character. Minnie Oscar Gray, who is one of the best male impersonators on tbe stage, will appear as Haas and Meisenger Boy IS. In female attire she is charming. Ihe supporting company is a cood one. and the sev eral boys tbat figure, in the plot of tbe play are certainly the best trained on tbe stage. V If anything under tbe sun can tempt an audience to cheer up the Grand Opera House this week it should be Dockstader's Minstrels, who are tho best artists in their field to-day. There Is an enormous number of special fea tures In tho programme besides an unusually attractive lot of popular songs and humorous sketches. Mr. Dockstader is very funny they say in "Herbert Eelsey Bellow," a skit upon dude actors. The performance finds a fitting and surprisingly novel finale in Dockstader's latest ray of lunacy entitled the "Musical Bliz zard." This is given by means of a gigantlo musical staff painted on canvas, and which fills up the entiro stage. And through the places where the notes ought to be stick the heads of all the performers, who sine a melange of pop ular music under the directorship of George Marion, who Is made np as Seide Wagner, and Dockstader made up as Gotterdamarung Meyerbeer, an eccentric conductor of sounds and bangs. Tbis is beyond question one of tbe best minstrel companies America has ever seen. . N. S. Wood will appear at Harris' Theater during the last three weeks of June in a ronnd of bis old plays, "Jack Sheppard" and all "The Boy" series. It is understood tpbe something in the natnre of a farewell season of Mr. Wood, who immediately after be leaves Pittsburg will go to Europe. He will be here for three weeks from June 10. The old-time marvel, Blind Tom, will appear at the Bijou Theater on Thursday afternoon and evening and Friday evening. May 23 and 24. He will sine as usual in several-languages and tbe following is a sample programme: "Fantasie KIgoletto" Liszt "Battle or Manassas" (by Blind Tom). Delta Kappa Epsllom March" Pease "March Timpani" (composed by Blind Tom). "Sonatas" Beethoven "Kantasle." "Moses in Eftypt" Tbalberg "When the Swallows Homeward Fly" (which Blind Tom sings In German, French or En (Uish). "Plantation Melodies." Imitation of tbe bagpipe. Imitation of tbe music box. Imitation of the chnrch organ. Imitation of tbe locomotive. "Little Johnny." Original song. "Cyclone Galop, " lately composed by BllndTom. Also imitations of Josef Hofman. Hepbubn Johns. B. P. O. E. Nate. The last meeting was the best attended for a long time. Brother Madden has been seriously 111 the past week. Mb. Elphtnstone took his first at tbe last communication. Brother Weiss, of Detroit Lodge, was in the city last week. Bbother Allen, of New Castle Lodge, was in the city last Friday. Brother Gotthold, of No. 7, visited us at the last communication. The members of Cincinnati Lodge are all anxious to get into their new hall. Brother Jim Maffet was In town last week with the Evangeline company. These were 112 dozen of flags sold on Wednes day evening. Not so bad for a start. Bbother Clem McGee, of New YorkLodge No. I, was at the Academy last week. Brothers Nat Jones andTarr, of Boston Lodge, were both in tbe city last week. , Messrs. Ward, Sellers and Cochran took their second at the last communication. Brother Rust Glasses returned home last week from a ten days' trip to New York. Eveby member of No. U should do allln bis power to see that the line of march is dec orated. Beothes Randall, of Mansfield Lodge, has just recovered from a serious Illness, and was in the city last week. The Executive Committee met onlast Thurs day evening, and have adopted a uniform to be worn on tne aay oi tne paraue. The Committee on Music shonld make ar rangements to get their music for the social session and also their band for the parade. Bbother Gotthold, of Baltimore Lodge No. 7, was here last week in advance of the Lillian Clay Company, which plays at the Acad emy tbis week. Brothers Ed Taer and Ben Miles, of Bal timore Lodge, Al Lawrence, of Cleveland, and Dick Gorman, of the Golden Gate Lodge, were at tbe Opera House last week. Frank Irving, who died at Cincinnati, was buned with Elks' honors at Elks' Rest, in ML Greenwood Cemetery, last Sunday. Chicago Lodge gave their late brothera worthy funeral. Floral emblems were sent by a number of sister lodges, and Walter Gale, of the Thompson Company, telegraphed an orderfor a handsome bank ot flowers. All efforts to find the rela tives of the deceased have proved unsuccess ful. From all accounts the reunion of the B. P. O. Elks, to be held here in June, will be one of tbe best ever held. From the communications received from lodges all over the country it seems there will be a great many people here. Every member of No. 11 should bear this in mind and do all in his power to make there union a success, and also to insure the visiting brothers a hearty welcome. Let every member go to work with a cood will and there is no reason why it should not be a grand success. In speaking of tbe new lodge in Evansvllle. Ind., a paper of that city says: "This order is comparatively unknown in this city, except that people generally have had an idea con cerning the order, believing it to have been composed of professional people only, bat It now appears that people of all callings are ad missible to the society, provided they pass mus ter as thorough gentlemen. From tbe sub joined list ot charter members one can easily draw bis own conclusions as to the character of the order organized in this city. Tbe names are certainly representative ones and of high standing, and when gentlemen of high standing in this community like those embraced in tbe charter member list band themselves together in an order, there can be no doubt of its suc cess." Only 81 00 For a dozen fine cabinet photographs at Hendricks & Co.'s new Photo. Parlors, 68 Federal st., Allegheny. xrssa st Attend our clearance sale for a bargain; great values in every department. M-wrau . Hugts & Hacke. Eosekbatjm & Co. show the largest and finest line of parasols and sun umbrellas in ,the two cities. Their prices are below all others. Eee for yourself. W1" BECXIT. S0C1WX. Select Knlghl A. O. TJ. W. 'The Grand Cominanderpaid his first official Visit to Bradford Legioq No. 18 ott Thursday evening last, and was heartily received by tbe comrades. Colonel OdelL of the Second Regiment of S. K., expects to bay o bis command in good shape for the Conneant lake encampment and well represented. Duke Center Legion 'No. M, located at Der rlck City, was visited on Friday evening by the Grand Commander and a number of comrades fromNos. 16 and 13. The Grand Commander returned to Oil pity and participated at tbe in stitution of the new lodge and the parade of the Select Knights of Northwestern Pennsyl vania last evening. Grand Commander Patterson arrived at Bradford Tuesday afternoon last, and was given a royal reception by the comrade of McKean count. Bradford Legion No 18 ac companied tho Grand Commander on Tuesday evening to Tarport for the purpose of paying an official visit to Washington Legion No. 13. The comrades were out in full force: the even- J ing was well spent in social Intercourse. Some excellent speeches wero maup uutiuk uw avcu ing for the good of the order. Colonel A P. Odell, P. G. C., James A Lindsey, Berrlnger, Hastings and Gash were untiring In their efforts to make the Grand Commander's visit among them a pleasant one. Eoynl Arcnnnm. Assessment No. 422, making the sixth for 1S83, bas just been called on death No. 3773. Tbe late Major Samuel Harper was an en thusiastic member of the R. A. ana addressed many public meetings In the Interests of tbe order. Nearly JILEOO.OOO have now been paid to the families of deceased members. Of this sum nearly half a inillioo. bas been paid to the families of deceased members in tbis county. Grand Regents E. Joseph A Langfitt and E. Lindsay Grier, Bsq., addressed Arcanum meet ings at Harlansburg on the 11th, New Wil- at which place they were reinforeed by 8. U, Trent, Esq., and C. E. Cornelius, Esq. Brothers Trent and Langfitt addressed a meetlne at Linesvilleon the 17th, and Brother Grier talked to the Greenville brethren on the same night. A similar programme is mapped out for next week at which addresses will be made by other speakers. Heptnsophs. Pennsylvania has 13 representative dis tricts under the new law. The Supreme Archon has about completed grouping the conclaves Into supreme represen tative districts. Major Samuel Harper was a member of In dustry Conclave No. m. This conclave has lost four members by death since it was instituted. Allegheny county expects to increase snffl ciently during the present term to give it seven supreme representatives in the next Supreme Session. This will require some hard work,but it can be done. Knights of Pythias. Keystone Assembly was instituted May 9, 1889, by Mrs. A A Young, Grand Chancellor Commander, assisted by Mrs. J. McLoughlin, Grand Keeper of Record and Seal. Twenty five applicants were initiated. Remarks were made by the Grand Chancellor Commander and Keeper of Records and Seal, which were listened to attentively by the members. This is an organization composed of the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of tbe Knights of Pythias. It is new in this section of tbe coun try. Any lady wishing to become a member should address Miss Laura Headrlck, 301 Rebecca street, Allegheny. Jr. 0. 17. A. HI. Iron City Council No. 171, Jr. O. TJ. A M., celebrated Its twelfth anniversary at Odd' Fellows Hall, Sarah street, South Side, on Friday evening. May 10. Summer Furbishing. It is now, during the hot spell, that we think of furnishing bnr homes to he cool and inviting. Chairs, rockers and settees made especially for the summer trade now on exhibition: P. C. Schoeneck, 711 Liberty street. Fob a finely cut, neat-fitting suit leave your order with Walter Anderson, 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English suitings and Scotch, tweeds is the finest in the market; imported exclusively for his trade. sn Rosenbaum & Co. show the largest and ifinest line of parasols and sun umbrellas in the two cities. Their prices are below all others. See for yourself. PeUieOse awnings at Mamaux & Son's, bit and ss-J Jfenn ave. THE SHERIFF'S WORK Opens up the grandest chance for bargains at this BANKRUPT .:. SALE Of the stock of J. R. ANDERSON, at 138 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. Dry Goods -AND- Lace Curtains, Hosiery, Underwear and Curtain Poles, Linoleums -AND- - Carpetirigs. The grandest bargains seen in this neighbor hood. T, M, LATIMER, 138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. myl5-MWMu BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 408 and 408 Wood St "Wholesale and. Retail. Baby Carriages, Parasol Tops, only $5. Girls' Tricycles, all sizes, 58 75 to 12 50. Boys' Iron Velocipedes, $3 60 to ?6 50. Boys' 4-"Wheel "Wagons, with seat, 95c. Full Set Croquet, varnished, in box, sold everywhere at $1 25, only 75c Union "Web Hammocks, warranted to hold 300 pounds, 75c, 05a and 1 00. Large Size Genuine Mexican Hammock only ?1 25. Ladies' and Gents' Traveling Bags, all styles and sizes, 50c to 54 50. Children's Iron Bakes, Hoes and Shovels Scents. Boys' Sail Boats, 15c to 51 00. Fans, beautiful styles, 5e to 50c. Elegant Stvles of Picture Frames and Decorated "Wall Pockets, 25o to 51 00. Black"Walnutand Oak Tables only Jl 00. 112-Piece Decorated Dinner Set, 53 50. 10-Piece Decorated Toilel Set, 52 25. 12-Piece Decorated Toilet Set, with Jar, $150. 56-Piece Decorated Tea Set, $2 89. Also full line Tinware, Glassware and 10,000 different articles on our Cc and 10c counters. H. G. HAYDEN & CO. myl9-wsu NETf ABVEHTI8KMEKTS. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC: The great success of Mrs Harriet Hubbard Ayer in the Introduction of Recamler Cream, made from the original formula of Madame Recamler. has produced such a crop of imita tors, most of them men working under the names of women, that It really has become ex ceedingly annoying to be classed as in a busi ness with such persons, so that from-thistimo henceforth all persons using the Recamler Preparations or writins to. Mrs. Aye on busi ness in connection with them. Including appli cations for free samples of powder, must direct their letters and get postal orders to the order of The Recamler Manufacturing: Company, S3 and 51 Park place, New York City. From and after this date no attention will ba paid to business letters not addressed to THE RECAMIER MFG CO., S3 and M Park place, Kew York. New Yobk, December 20, 1S83. Dzab MbS. Atee Immediately after my re turn to New York to open my engagement Z purchased a jar of your Recamler Cream, a bottle of Recamler Balm and some powder which I bad seen strongly indorsed by Mrs. James Brown Potter and Mrs. Lanztry. I also find theRecamier Preparations absolutely peer less, and assure yon I shall always use them. If this letter can In any way be of service to you do not hesitate to nse it. Very sincerely yours, HELEN MODJESKA, lime. Modjeska, Countess of Bozenta. You can have a beautiful complexion by using the Recamler Cream, provided yon avoid all cosmetics, it will remove the damage caused by cosmetics. It will remove pimples, liver spots, blackheads and redness ot the skin. Any of these imperfections on a woman's tace Is equivalent to a painted sign saying: "This woman is uncleanly in her personal habits; she does not think it worth while to make herself attractive." Send for free sample of Recamler Powder. RECAMIER MFG. CO., S3 and 54 Park Place, New York City. A Few Word Abont Soap. Mme. Pattl gives her opinion of Harriet Hub bard Ayer's Recamler Soap in the following word: Cbaio t Nos Castle, October 13, 1S87. Recamler Soap Is perfect. I thought other I nM (rrwir) htif Thnr! navtt.trlAilthaP.fmln. i 1 shall never use any other. It far surpasses an toilet soap. Adexjita Patti Nicoifcxr. While we will have to deprive you from gaz ing at beautiful advertisements In the shape oi pictures, etc., wo respectfully call your atten to the following testimonials as to the merits o the Recamler Sarsaparilla. X7. B. SENATOR. JOHN H. MITCHELL, OF OREGON, WRITES: Usited States Senate Washikgtoit.D. C. May 15, M83. J 'airs. Harriet Hubbard Ayer, eir York City, ' Mr Deab Madame I hadjtteen )tring from a severe cold and my system was quite de bilitated when a friend sent me a couple of bot tles of your Recamler Sarsaparilla which I tried, and am pleased to say I have derived much benefit from its nse. I believe it is a very valuable preparation. I am very respectfully, Jobs H. Mitchell. JUDGE GUNNING S. BEDFORD WRITES. New Yobk, April U, 1889. Mm Harriet Hubbard Ayer. Deab Madame Through the solicitation of a friend I was Induced to try a bottle of your "Recamler Sarsaparilla." It is a great remedy, giving, as it does, tone and vigor to the system. I can cheerfully recommend it, and especially to all professional and business men who bo come worn out from time to time by overwork, and suffer great physical fatigue and nervous anxiety on account of their arduous duties. Gratefully yours, Gensesg S. BEDroEE. The lovely and accomplished daughter of the great Chief Justice and Finance Minister of Abraham Lincoln writes to Mrs. Ayer about her Recamler Sarsaparilla: Washington, April 4, 18SS. Mrs. Harriet Hubbard Ayer. MT Deab Madame I find the Recamler Sarsaparilla superior to all others I have tried, and cordially recommend it as an excellent family medicine, Yours sincerely, Katheeiwe Chase. PRACTICAL CHARITY. The Work of Some of New York's Charitable Institutions. -. St. Geobge's Chapel. H Chttbch of the Reeobmatket, 130 Stanton st. New York. Mrs. Harriet E. Ayer: Deab Madame For some months I have been using your Vita Nuova among our poor and sick with excellent results, but buying at retail makes it rather expensive for charity work, although we never buy less than one half dozen bottles at a time. Will yon Supply this Mission Chapel direct from your manu factory at wholesale rates for sucb small pur chases as a dozen bottles at an order. Yours truly, C. Scaddixg, Minister In Charge. December 11. 1888. New YoeE, August 18, 1888. Deab Mbs. Ateb Having tried your Vita Nuova with perfect satisfaction, we cheerfully recommend Its use to all persons suffering from the ills mentioned In your Danger Sig nals. Wishing yon God's blessing, yours ever gratefully, Little Sisters of tne Poor, sb. meeante. St. Geobge's Memoriae House, i 206 East 16th st. New York, Dec 21, 1888. ( Mrs. Harriet Hubbard Ayer: Deab Madame The Rev. Dr. Rainsford has desired me to write and ask of you a favor. Last year you most generously donated a large quantity of Vita Nuova for the parish poor. It has been carefully dispensed and has proven most beneficial to many. The la& bottle was given a few days ago, and the favor I am desired to ask is: "Would yon again kindly remember the poor sick by con tributing for their use some more of your ex cellent tonicT With sincere thanks for the benefit you have conferred by your gift, I remain, dear roadame, yours truly, J. E. Fobseeet. Vita Nuova Is tho best remedy for dyspepsia, nervousness, sleeplessness and overwork. It will assist the weak stomach, it will rest tho' weary brain, it will "brace up" the shattered nerves. As it is made from tbe prescription of a famous physician, you are not taking a quack medicine. As It Is made by an honest manu facturer, you are sure of pure ingredients. As It is used and indorsed by men and women jou all know and respect, you are not using an un-, known or untried remedy: only be careful to get tho genuine; refuse substitutes. TO INSURE. PROMPT ATTENTION. DO, NOT FAIL TO ADDRESS ALL LETTERS TO THE RECAMIER MANUFACTURING! COMPANY. 63 AND a PABB?,'PLAOb NEW YORK CITY. -myl7-l i J? w g