Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 19, 1889, Image 1

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ptttttM JM&W&4
poety-fohrth:- year.
The Tourist Who Visits the
Paris Exposition to Have
A Good Time
Balfour Snr$ to Be Dictator of Ire
. land at Any Kate.
Be Draws a Plitol nnd Flourishes It Over
the Read ot a Mad Frenchman Who
Attacks Him on a London Street The
Editor 'hot a Coward Frenchmen at
Home Wrapped Up in Their BIk Show
Buffalo Bill's Original Manner of Adver
tising; in the Streets of Paris The preat
Coal Strikes In Westphalia A Steady
Stream of American Consols Reaching
Endand Sir Charles Russell's Narrow
Escape From Arrest as a Gambler.
There-is absolutely no news o! interest in
England or on the continent not connected
with the great Paris Exposition. The show
is a success a monster success. A little in
terest is yet maintained over the question of
the Irish vice royalty. Balfour must be dic
tator, under any circumstances. A steady
stream or newly-appointed American Con
suls pours into England. .Boulanger is in
bad health and is not being at all patron
ized by the big guns of London society.
Henri Rochefort caused something of a
scene in London last evening by brandish
ing a revolver at a mad Frenchman who as
saulted Mm on the street
Losdos May 18. Copyright The
most depressing dullness characterizes
things over here, and no matter bow much
this may surprise Americans, they must
take it as a solemn fact It is all very well
for the man who simply comes to have fun;
be succeeds. The Paris Exhibition is a
monster success. Of course the ordinary
tourist swarms as never before. The dis
tinguished foreigner is commonplace, from
over-production, and the society person is
working with even unusual energy at his
annual task of breaking down his constitu
tion, but it is all monotonous and sad for the
r n with a newspaper mission.
ociety seems to lack ambition, and cer-
y lacks incident It has supplied
r a really sensational marriage nor a
riginal scandal. Of the thousands of
s and colors swarming up the Eiffel
ng, not one falls or jumps off. Po-
jings, dull at best, are positively
keryr ' "
The Only Oasis In the Desert.
Only the qneer jumble into -which the
question of the Irish vice-royalty has be
come twisted helps to relieve the deady
House of Commons ronnd of idiotic ques
tion and answer and dismal speechmaking.
If you are Viceroy of Ireland you hold a
miniature court, sit on a throne, and have
much bowing down done before you. Tour
wife is at the top of the social tree, has a
longer train than anybody else, and rules a
lot of maids of honor and ladies of the bed
chamber who dare not contradict or give
A viceroy has all this fun and a large sal
ary, without doing any work, and permis
sion to come over here for race meetings.
Tet big noblemen of England have recently
been busy excusing themselves from this
very dignified job, which has been offered to
several of them. Balfour is responsible for
this stranjre reluctance of peers to be made
-comfortable at the nation's expense.
Batfonr Most Boss the Business.
The viceroy must have Balfournominally
for bis secretary, but really for bis dictator
and supervisor. The present noble in
cumbent is leaving, and others decline to
succeed him because of their fear of being
led into uncomfortably hot water &b the
puppets of the lank and vigorous Balfour.
Opinions about the vice-royalty are chang
ing in a funny fashion. First the Radicals
and Irishmen wanted to abolish the office,
whilst the Liberal-Unionises clamored for
another noble lord to succeed Londonderry,
and the high old Tories dreamed, as they
still dream, of making the Irish peasant
quite comfortable and happy by sending a
man of royal blood lite the rotund Prince
of 'Wales or his silly oldest son to rule the
island in a truly regal fa shion.
Just now Irishmen, led by United Ireland,
bave changed their minds. They have
concluded that they want a viceroy kept in
Dublin to mark the fact that Ireland is a
separately ruled nation and not an integral
part of the kingdom, while the Unionists,
changing about also, demand that the vice
royalty be abolished.
What Will Probably Be Done.
The probability is that some nobleman
will be found to swallow Balfour with a big
salary, and th&tthings in Ireland will run
along as usual until changed in a very pro
nounced fashion by tbose who have taken
the hometnle business in hand. The Grand
Old Chief of these is, bar the way, as fit and
vigorous as ever, gets younger, apparently,
and particularly enjoys talking about the
Parnell Commission. Somebody has lent
him a fine steam yacht, and be is going off
to the west coast of England with Mrs.
Gladstone, stopping everywhere and doing
a fortnight's hard speech-making.
Many Tories with sense enough to know
bow fatal a general election would be to
them console themselves with the hope that
Gladstone will be ont of the way before it
comes, bnt they are destined to be disap
pointed Tories. The Grand Old Man has
plainly come to stay.
Positively Jho Greatest on Earth.
Frenchmen continue to be wrapped up in
their Exhibition and neglect politics, their
ninal business, in their delight at possess
ing, beyond all question, the greatest show
on earth, and drawing the biggest business
ever heard of. Borne nglisb-speaking ex
hibitors half of them, unfortunately, are
Americans have been making exhibitions
of themselves in an idiotic fashion by trying
to preach morality at the French. The lat-
. ter, who are a common-sense if not a sancti
monious people, naturally keep their show
open on Sundays to giveithe working class, I
for whom it is particularly intended, a
chance to benefit by it, but these virtuous
Anglo-Saxons have determined not only to
stay away from the Exhibition themselves
on that day, but to cover over with cloths
their glass cases full of cracker boxes, pre
served tomatoes, boots, patent varnish and
similar objects admirably adapted to under
mine by their exposure on Sunday the
morality of the French. It is to be hoped
that the French will forget their usual good
nature and put these uncivil exhibitors and
their goods out of the Exhibition.
I Apologizing for III Manners.
Englishmen here are showing their good
sense by signing very readily an address to
the President of the French Bepublic, in
which 'is regretted the ill manners shown by
Lord Salisbury and the Queen, in with
drawing from bis presence at the opening of
the exhibition. Nearly 200 members oi
Parliament haye signed this address, among
them John Morley and Stanseld Mundella.
The French, who are nothing if not touchy,
are much appeased by this attention.
-Buffalo Bill, who has instituted himself
a featnre ot Paris, bids fair to succeed there
almost as well as, here, when he took all
London into bis camp. Clever young men
who are paid to advertise him have suc
ceeded in making President Carnot, the
American Minister and such people useful.
The feelings of -adventurous Frenchmen
have been stirred by the sight of a bison ap
pearing to dash madly through the streets
of Pans and then lassooed, and onr profes
sional "Wild "Westerners will probably go
home with a great- many francs changed
into dollars.
Germonr's Chief Topic et Talk.
Germans are mostly interested at present
in the great coal strikes in "Westphalia.
Tour Berlin correspondent has again vis
ited Dortmund, the center of the disturbed
district, and sends au interesting account oi
his inquiries made among leaders of the
striking miners. The principal of these is
Friedrich Bunte, who led a deputation to
the Emperor and who was seen by your
correspondent this morning. Bunte is de
scribed as a remarkably intelligent man,
and one possessing tb full confidence of
all the miners. He describes in a simple
way the visit of bimself and his comrades
to the Emperor, driving up to the palace in
a cab, timidly inquiring their way about,
bullied by half a dozen servants, sternly
rebuked and a very little encouraged by the
Emperor, and sent away after being re
freshed with plain water, with orders to
keep their mouths shut and a promise to
shoot them down if they didn't behave
better In future and remember that the Em
peror and capital were things to be looked
np to.
A Peoplo Easily Pleased.
Altogether, however, the deputation was
pleased, for the Emperor had condescended
to see them, and even said that be would try
to make the employers, treat them better.
Bunte wisely observed that he did not see
bow the Emperor could influence the em
ployers quite as easily as be could the poor
miners, for the latter, to produce any effect,
had to gather and demonstrate by thou
sands, when they could conveniently be
shot, whereas the employers conld carry ont
their plans by remaining comfortably at
home and by doing nothing illegal.
It is believed, however, that this strike
will come to a conclusion ere long, unless
the arrangement now on band should abso
lutely fall through. This arrangement,
which Is being fixed up, in Berlin, provides
that the working day shall be of 8 hours'
duration, excepting only In cases where im
minent danger to life or property may be
averted by prolonged labor. Another im
portant provision is for an increase of wages
proportionally to the profits of the employ
ers, and third, the establishment of a Court
of Arbitration.
The English Reap a Harreit
Meanwhile the strike has, profited the
English coal business just at a time when it
was in need of encouragement Dozens of
fulfcargoes have been ordered for shipment
to Germany,1 and not only New Castle, but
Sunderland, Hartlepool, Seahan and South
"Wales bave bad a tremendous' demand for
foreign shipments ot coal already. "With
the prospect of the strike continuing, the
coal men have assembled, with a view of
raising prices. As has been said, however,
any considerable prolongation of the trouble
is improbable, as 30,000 out of 105,000 miners
have already gone back to work.
The French, in the midst of their other
interests, have found time to get interested
over the German coal strike, the latter hav
ing revealed the fact that France was burn
ing tremendous quantities of German coal,
contrary to all ideas of patriotism.
Editor Rochefort Comes a Little Excite
meat by Flourishing a Revolver oa
the Streets of London An
Attack fay a Countryman.
London, May 1&- Frenchmen are kind.
Two have just afforded a little ripple of ex
citement to relieve London's dullness. The
tale includes a challenge, charge of assault,
much bad temper, and the presence of Henri
Bochefort and General Boulanger in a
police station here.
It was 7 o'clock this evening. A.n un
usually tall Frenchman, with big shoulders
and an imperial goatee and bushy bead of
wbite hair, came walking, down Begent
street into Piccadilly Circus. Under the
hat was Henri Bochefort, and without an
unkind thought except lor those who differ
with him politically, be was going calmly
to borne to eat . A Frenchman always eats
regularly at the same time. From the op
posite direction there came along Begent
street a recond very tall Frenchman, not so
broad, and with long, curly black hair, in
clined to be greasy. This was Monsieur
Pilotel. He saw Bochefort coming along; a
strange excitement 'seized him; he drew in
big breaths, and be excited the attention of
passers-by. He V
Raised Bis Right Arm,
"While he said in his native tongue:
''Ahal You won't fight, eh? Ah, I'll
make you fight!' and soon he was dancing
around the man whom he wanted for a
Considering the circumstances Bochefort
was calm. First he threw both arms up to
heaven and his shoulders shrngged violently
to indicate to passers, as Frenchmen do,
that be did not know the violent man.
Then, gazing closely, he said: "Ah! you
have fattened, but I know you. It is
Now the crowd was getting big, and
Monsieur Pilotel was threatening with both
hands instead of-one. It looked as though
he really might strike, and a few kind
bearted British cabmen climbed down with
the hnmane idea of making a ring, and so
having things done squarely.
Bochefort was not afraid, but annoved.
He said: "I will friehten this individual."
and he did. He pulled out his revolver,
and witn us leather case still on, oomted i
at -monsieur "iiotei. xnis gentleman
Fled With Hair Streaming.
A policeman took charge of him. as d
took Bocherbrt. to the Vine street police
station, which is very convenient to the
spot Monsieur Pilotel made a charge of
murderous and deadly assault, and a con
versation began which lasted two hours.
In the meanwhile Madame Dieudonne came
and gave bail for 50. She is an energetic,
pleasing and plump person wbo keeps the
hotel Bochefort lives in. Then brave Gen
eral Boulanger came and shook Bochefort's
hands until they both almost wept, and
looked at the revolver and took Bochefort
back to his hotel, a neat little one near
Madame Dieudonne's in Ryder street
There I bave just left Monsieur Bochefort,
having gathered from him these details. He
was in a little room hard at work prepar
ing manuscript with a dark young woman.
Bochefort's opinion ot Monsienr Pilotel is
not. high. The few unpleasant things he
did not mention about Monsieur Pilotel
were promptly brought out by the dark
young woman.
A Terribly Bad Send OK
Pilotel, Bochefort says, is radically bad.
"When lie was a Police Commissioner in
Paris, and went to, inspect people's houses,
he used to steal things. Later he was ac
cused and convicted of a serious crime, and
is now not able to go back to Paris. Then
be became an artist, and ot late he has been
in tbe'pay of the French Government, draw
ing very unpleasant pictures of Boulanger
and all bis friends, including Bochefort,
and even, according to the latter, disgrace
fully attacked women, Madame Laguerre
and the Dnchess d'Uses, Boulanger's great
friends, among others.
Bochefort who has a cutting style and
uses language freely, expressed numerous
opinions, all uncomplimentary, of Pilotel
in the Intransigeant, Jtochefort's paper.
Then Pilotel challenged Bochefort and sent
witnesses. Bochefort was sarcastio and" re
gretted that he could not .fight thieves.
Pilotel vowed revenge, and bow he tried to
get it has been told.
Rochefort a Real French Fighter.
I fear there is not much fight in Monsieur
Pilotel, but if I can find him he shall have
his say. Bochefort, on the contrary, is a
real fighting Frenchman.with a thick
neck, thoroughly understands the art of
sticking foils into folks, -and has always
been cheerful about accepting invitations to
M. Bochefort must appear in court on
Monday, but a little fine will probably he
the extent of his punishment He does not
fear any further trouble from Monsieur
Pilotel, for be'says that that General was
too much afraid;ithat when he saw the re
volver he started away to translate Roche--fort
literally, with his four irons in the air
namely, with both feet off the ground;
that is to say, very hurriedly.
Rochetort did not know it was wrong to
have a revolver here. "I c&rry one in
Paris," said he, "because I go home very
late, out through the Bois dn Boulogne, and
am particular about not being assassinated
under the trees. I have more revolvers, as
Monsieur Pilotel knows, and he will not
come near me."
Sorrv He Can't Stick His Enemy.
Bochefort was indignant, his mustache
twisted and his neck swelled out Tha
voung woman in black was very wroth, and
her black eyes blazed; she was sorry that
honor prevented Bochefort from eoing out
and sticking a sword in Monsieur PiloteL
Bochefort was sorry, too. There may still
be some amusement left in this thing.
In the way of general news, Bochefort
said be believed the French Government
would withdraw the accusation against him
self and Laguerre, and that they would be
able to go back to Paris! in a month. He
thought the prosecution against Boulanger
would also be withdrawn. Bochefort has
that comical horror of telegraph expense
which characterizes the French conception
of journalism. He is worried because he
must pay for telegrams lrom Paris, though
pot often, As hii Matter goes to bis paper, by
mail and is one day behind. Last night he
was in Brussels, aod from there telephoned
bis leading editorial to the Intransigeant,
and was much impressed with his feat
Sir Cbarle Rnssell Among the Lucky Ones
at the Great Gamblers' Hani.
London, May 18. The arrest of numer
ous lords and gentlemen at the Field Gam
bling Clnb is still talked about It seems
now quite certain that the police were in
stigated in the raid by Lady Dudley, who
wished to give her son a severe lesson on tne
folly of gambling. H& has already been
rooked for about 40.000 by the gam
blers in the few months since he became
of age, and his mother wisely preferred to
bave him properly humiliated to having him
divide his fortune with sharps an d blacklegs.
Other youthful idiots closely allied to
Cabinet Ministers were caught in the same
way, and the wonderfully decisive action of
the police was due to their liavinc orders
from the Government Sir Charles Russell,
the eminent cross-examiner, had a narrow
escape. He is fond oi cards and horses, but
goes in for them sensibly. "With his usual
bad luck be had lost a collection of chips in
which he had invested at the field, and went
away just 20 minutes before the police
Montague "Williams, the police magis
trate, was not so iortunate; he was caught
at the table with a fine collection of mother-of-pearl
chips that he had won, and was
walked like the rest by a humble "bobby"
who dared not let him go. He gave a false
name, however, and bis identity was not re
vealed' thanks to the kindness of his fellows
on the bench, and the country at large is
not aware of the tricks of a magistrate who
has the reputation of being one of the most
severe in England.
The Principal American Arrivals In London
Carry Their Credentials.
London, May Iff. American Consuls
and all kinds of functionaries have been
steadily -arriving in the English spring
stream. One of them, Mr. "Washburne, of
Worcester, Mass., who is going to Switzer
land, had a good time on his arrival in
London. A dinner had been prepared for
him by James E, Osgood, of Boston, which
turned out a very cheerful function. John
C. New, iust appointed Consul General
here, was there, also Governor "Waller, his
Sredecessor; "William Black, Henry "White,
barge d'affaires; E. A. Abbey and a
great many others.
Washburne was carermi lea and made
much of and invited everybody, particularly
James B. Osgood, to come to Switzerland
and climb.
A BritishBnrlesqne Queen Sadly Takes la a
Party of Tanrlsts.
London, May 18. Some Americans
coaching out to the Star and Garter at Bich
mond last Sunday came in for an amusing
illustration of English ways. One ot the
best known women on the English bur
lesque stage was there to meet a noble
lord just resigned from the Government He
had not come. She was hysterical, shriek
ing for him and breaking the crockery.
The sympathetic Americans saw her
forced by the attentive waiters into her neat
little single brougham and started, all drip
ping with tears, to her home, where by the
way, she has several children.
An Advertisement In Bishop's Heath.
c 1J1I WAU1.. AU'lJl.EJHSf'ATCH.j
1 LoNDON.May 18. Irving Bishop's death
r mA tit nte nYiAnt. it hswa BTnUaJ 3fKA
over here, and another mind-reading in
dividual, Stuart Cumberland, has displayed
marked presence of mind In extracting from
the gloomy event all possible advertisement
lor mmseii. , r
Three Prominent Citizens of an Ar
kansas Town Shot Down in a
Negroes Creale a Bow by Trying to Control
A School Election.
N,0T 0HE
But toe Cornier Has Been Invited to Leate Town
for a Short lime.
Three of the most prominent citizens of
Grove City, Ark., inclnding the Sheriff",
were killed in a political quarrel yesterday.
The disturbance is said to bave been the
work of colored agitators, but none of them
were injured in the fight. Their leader is
now in a house surrounded by armed men,.
and will probably be killed on sight The
entire community is in a state of intense ex
citement Fokest City, Abe., May 18. Our quiet
city was horrified at 2:10 o'clock this after
noon by the most terrible tragedy in the his
tory of the county, resulting in the death of
three good citizens. For several days past
excitement has been high over ,the school
election, and A. M. Neely and 0. "W. In
gram (both colored) haye been making in
cendiary speeches, advocating the ousting
of the whites from tbe control of school
Neely has been a disturbing element in
the politics ol this county for some fime,
having almost absolute oontrol of the ne
groes. To-day a large crowd assembled at
the junotion of "Washington and Front
streets in the vicinty of the polls. The
exact origin of the trouble cannot, in con
sequence of the terrible excitement, be as
certained at present. '
As near as can be learned it seems Neely
had a fight with a white man and was
knocked down by a bystander. He then
ran to Captain John Parham for projection.
Marshal F. M. Folbre interfered and com
manded the peace. Thomas H. Parham,
son ot John Parham, beard the disturbance
.and came running down stairs from the
County Clerk's office, where he is employed
as a deputy, with a pistol in his hand.
He saw the Marshal and his father in
close proximity to each other, talking ex
citedly, raised the pistol and fired, the ball
striking Folbre in the back of the head. In
falling Folbre raised bis pistol and fired
two shots. Tom Parnham fell, mortally
wounded, and died in a short time, falling
to the sidewalk.
Sheriff D. M. "Wilson came' running to
the scene, when a stray ball struck him,
piercing his heart, killing him instantly.
His only words weret "I am a dead map."
It is supposed a ball from "Neely's pistol
killed Sheriff "Wilson. Captain John Par
ham is thought to be' wounded, but refused
to allow the wound to be examined.
"Wilson and Parham are whatareknown as
Fnsionists. Thus three of thebest men in
the county were seen lying murdered niJon
the street at the same time. Tho cries of
the afflicted families were heartrending
Ladies from every4portion oj th&.fuwn-
rusbed through tne streets searching lor
husbands or brothers. G. W. Ingram, Cor
oner of the county, was waited on by the
citizens this afternoon and invited to leave
town, which he did on the 6 o'clock train.
Neely and a few companions are in a build
ing on Washington street surrounded by
armed men.
Everybody able to bear arms has been on
duty since tbe trouble, and the town is be
ing patrolled to-nieht by armed men under
the supervision Ot Colonel T. B. Izard, who
was this evening, by wire, appointed Sheriff
by Governor Eagle. "While an attack npon
the town may not j occur, yet it is honght
best to be prepared. The awful calamity
has cast a pall of the deepest gloom over the
Tho Latest Autopsy on Blind-Reader Bishop
the Most Unsatisfactory.
New York, 3Iay 18. Another post
mortem examination was made to-day of the
body of "W. Irving Bishop, in th,e under
taker's room at 8 Sixth avenue. Deputy
Coroner Jenkins was the operator. Dr.
Jenkins was assisted by Dr. Biggs, of the
Carnegie Laboratory: Dr. Frank Ferguson,
the pathologist, and Deputy Coroner "Wes- t
ton. A careful examination was made of
Bishop's brain, heart, liver and kidneys.
After consultation with the doctors present,
Deputy Coroner Jenkins made the follow
ing offiqial statement: ,
We find the organs In a fair state of preserva
tion, but from our examination wa are unable
to state tbe cause ot death. Portions of tbe
different organs have been taken for micro
scopic examination. This examination will be
made by Drs. Biggs and Ferguson, and tbe re
sult will be put in evidence at tbe Coroner's
inquest next week.
The story that Bishop always carried on
his person a letter addressed to the physi
cians giving directions about his autopsy
nnd the address of his mother, is denied by
his friends. No such letter was found on
him. A well-known member of thejamb's
Club, who was present the night Bishop
was seized by a cataleptic fit, said there was
no foundation either for the story that
Bishop was dazed at the club by standing
him on his head and sticking pins into him.
He came -at the suggestion of Mr. Dixey.
Bishop's third wile called at the under
taker's shop to-day to see about the cast
taken of Bishop's face. Mrs. Eleanor F.
Bishop has made the arrangements for
her son's funeral, which will take place
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Grace
A Probable SInrder Results From the Be-
traynt of a Counterfeiter.
BbooUltn, May 18. Two dark-skinned
Italians stood quarreling in Hamilton ave
nue, near Summit street, this morning.
Finally the younger of the men drew a re
volver and shot the other. Then he ran to
ward Hamilton Ferry. A crowd of work
men who saw the shooting followed him and
he was arrested just as he was boarding a
ferryboat for New York. The other Italian,
who fell when ho was shot, was taken to St.
Peter's Hospital. The bullet had passed
through his left lung and lodged in the
back, causing what is believed to be a mor
tol wound. After much difficulty it was
learned from him that he wasMicael Altae
la, aged 45, of 86 TJnion.street
The prisoner is Marzio Giudici, of 149
Van Brunt street He admitted the quarrel
and the shooting, but would not say what
the cause was. Altaela'i brother, who"
seemed very much disturbed when be found
Micael In the hospital, had only a theory as
to the cause of the quarrel. Giudici had
given the authorities information about a
counterfeiting scheme, in which ode of
Altaela's friends was interested, and this
friend was arrested on the strength of
Giudici's information. If Altaela'i condition-shows
no improvement to-morrow vhls
ante-mortem. statement will be takes. t
The Latest Theory Abont the Staten Island
Mystery Now Supposed That the
Deceased Bnlclded After the
Quarrel Willi Her Lover.
Ne-wYoee, May 18. There were few
new developments in the Staten Island
mystery to-day. Coroner Hughes paid a
visit to Dr. Loomis during tbe dayv and
had a long talk with him, but was not
disposed to reveal what had passed
between tnem. Miss Fanny "Warbnrton,
the young professional nurse, who was re
ported to be engaged to Dr. Bryan, was
asked about her relations to Dr. Bryan.
She denied that Dr. Bryan had broken his
engagement with MissTobin to engage him
self to her. Mr. Bobinson still clines to his
I original conviction that Miss Tobin was
foully dealt with, and he was closeted for a
long time "with Chief of Police Blake to
Mrs. "William Qlassford, the lady in
whose house Dr. Bryan resides and has his
t"fficeNsays that at about 8:30 o'clock on
Monday night, April 15, she was sitting at
her dining room window, watching for her
husband to come home, when Dr. Bryan
and Miss Tobin left the house to go to the
railroad station, which is only a hundred
yards or so away. Afthat time, she says, there
was dui little foliage on tne trees, so mat
she could easily see the couple's movements
until they reached the station door. She
claims that she saw them walk up and
down the boardwalk leading to the station
door, and as she watched them the train
from New York, which is due at "West
Brighton at 8:54, arrived. It was at this
moment, Mrs. GlaSsford says, that she saw
Dr. Bryan walk back to the station door
alone and go to the stable for bis carriage
Miss Tdbln, she very naturally concluded,
had paused upon the station platform to
wait for her train. Miss Tobin had 19 min
utes to wait alone on tbe platform.
The most recent theory is that after the
slight quarrel with her lover" which he ad
mits, MissTobin, waiting until be was out
of sight, left the Station and hurried to the
old ferry slip close to the west of the station,
where she threw herself into the water.
Young Mr. Neefus, mentioned by Dr.
Bobinson as a gentleman with whom Miss
Tobin had gone out on occasions, says he
never went out alone with Miss Tobin.
The Body of Miss Tobin Tnken From New
York to Franklin.
Feankxin, May 18. Tbe remains of
Miss Mary Tobin, the young lady who was
drowned in Long Island Sound, and whose
body was found on the rocks at Stsjileton
on Monday last; arrived here at 10 o'clock
this morning, accompanied by her brothers,
David and Daniel. The body was taken in
charge by the Boyal Templars, and was at
once removed to tbe cemetery, where the
interment took place. The coffin was not
opened. "
Several hundred of the former compan
ions of Miss Tobin accompanied the re
mains to the cemetery, where Bey. Merchant
committed them to the grave in a few touch
ing remarks. The floral tributes were many
and very beautiful; one, a pillow of rose
buds, from her former pupils in the public
schools being very fine.
A Jollet Policeman Brings Down an Inno-
, cent Man for a Desperado.
Joliet, III., May 18. Barney Koehler,
while crazy with drink, ran amuck through
the streets of this city last night He flour
ished a big revolver, and at the corner of
Gradner street and Fifth avenue he shot at
Miss Delia Hart, who was walking on the
sidewalk. Her arm was shattered by the
bullet. In the meantime a large crowd
had gathered and the police were search
ing among the. Chicago and Alton
freight cars for -the assailant. Just
then a moving freight train passed
south. As one car, with the side door open,
came into view, a man with a white slouch
hat was standing inside. In an instant a
hundred voices yelled out: "There he is!
There he is!" Officer Bibb excitedly drew
his revolver and fired at the car door, and
the man with the white hat dropped to the
ground with a bullet in his head. It was at
once discovered that he was not the person
who had fired the shot at Miss Hart
The wounded man was taken to the hos
pital, where it was learned that his name
was "William Hansen, of Chicago. Hansen
and a friend named Lewis Larsen left Chi
cago yesterday for Oklahoma, intending to
make their way on freight trains. Hansen
cannot possibly recover. Officer Bibb is
under arrest. The man who shot Miss
Hart was captured early this morning. He
was in a frenzied condition and armed with
an ivory-handled revolver.
Singular Reminder of au Incident of the
Cleveland-Blaine Campaign.
Buffalo, May 18. Judge Corlett has
just granted a divorce in a suit growing out
of the Cleveland-Blaine campaign of 1884.
The suit was brought by Anna B. Boss, of
Shelby, N. J., against her husband, Henry
Boss. The derelict husband came to Buffalo
with a political blub and participated in the
big Cleveland parade, when Cleveland rode
bare-beaded through the rain up Main
After the parade Boss and some other
Shelby men flirted with some young women,
and Boss went away with one of them, a
pretty damsel, who occupied his attention
for several days, until he had spent all his
money. Other paraders "testified against
him, and two swore they saw his unfaithful
ness to his wife.
The Knights of Honor Will Have Nothing; to
Do With Either.
Indianapolis, March 18. The Su
preme Lodge Knights of Honor to-day de
cided that hereafter benefits shall not be
paid to members who commit suicide, and
subordinate lodges were instructed to rid
themselves of habitual drinkers and all
other characters addicted to vicious habits
that hasten death. Legislation was enacted
creating a quarter rate oenefit of $$500, and
a proposition to raise the full rate benefit
from $2,000 to $5,000 was defeated.
A proposition to change the date of thp
annual meeting from Mav to Sentember
was defeated. Detroit was 'selected as tha
next place of meeting. 4
Tho New Soldiers' Orphnil Plan Said Id Be In
Great Danger?
Philadelphia, May 18. Governor
Beaver has- strongly intimated to a promi
nent Senator in this city that be would veto
the Soldiers' Orphan Commission ' bill,
because it provides fdr'the selection of a
portion of it outside the Executive and
Legislature, namely, the Grand Army of
the Bepublic. The Governor also hinted
that he would veto that portion of the Sol
diers' Orphan Appropriation bill which
prohibits oontmt with the syndicate. Such
action iwoSWfeefitlaue the present system
for two years longer at least.
Colonel Shepard Takes His Presby
terian Quests Ont for a Bail.
And Sing Some Yery Venerable Songs to
Master Up Their Courage.
The Southern AssemMr of frtshjterttns Join
Another Wrangle.
Tbe commissioners In attendance on the
Presbyterian General Assembly in New
York, yesterday put aside business and
went on a pious pilgrimage, alias junketing
trip, while their Southern brethren in Chat
tanooga were wrangling- over the report of
the Committee on Union,
New YOBK. May 18. Colonel Elliott F.
Shepard's invitation to the Commissioners
of the. General Assembly of the Presby
terian Church, now in session in town, to
take a pious pilgrimage to Perth Amboy
to-day, was accepted by 937 souls, including
Commissioners and their wives and chil
dren. It was( fortunate for the designs
of the Colonel that the excursion
was called a pious pilgrimage, for If it had
been called a jnnketing tour the commis
sioners would have hadnone of it, as they re
fused a similar invitation last year, in Phil
adelphia, to go to Atlantic City. The breth
ren then preferred to remain in session and
legislate for the church. This year they al
lowed themselves to be persuaded to go and
see the Home for Aged and Disabled Min
isters. There was a sharp line of division be
tween the Eastern and the "Western minis
ters. From east of the Mississippi the min
isters wore stovepipe bats; west of the river,
soft hats. Bald ministers had with them
the black skull caps they wore in their pul
pits inland. City ministers carried opera
It was the plan of Colonel Shepard that
the Sirius should proceed up the North
Biver, then up the Fast Biver, and thence
to Perth Amboy. There was a heavy fog
on the Hudson when the pilgrims were
taken up stream with the tide, and opposite
Fort Lee the steamboat put about and made
for the Kill Von Knll.
Opposite the statue of Liberty so many
pilgrims crowded to the rail to see it that
the Sirius took a frightful list to starboard.
Through the windings of the Kills the
pilgrims looked right and left on many a
cnrious landscape or quiet hamlet half hid
den in the trees, whose beauties New Yorkers
live and die without seeing. At every turn
in the crooked course the pilgrims expressed
their delight.
Colonel Shepard was delighted to see
everybody on board happy, and to make
them happier he told the caterer, Morei, to
set his army of waiters to work. In a trice
a beautiful luncheon was served in the
cabin, with coffee, lemonade and orangeade
to drink. "Now we will have a taste of sea
air," said Colonel Shepard to the pilgrims,
after lunch. "We will go out beyond
Sandy Hook."
The Sirius did not go far beyond- Sandy
Hook. As she crossed Prince's Bay a bank
of cloud was seen, beyond Sandy Hook which
thp. steamboat was raDidlv annroachin?.
The fog clotld advanced and swallowed up
the sea as it appeared. It had been very
warm on 'shore bnt the temperature
fell rapidly. "With astonishment
the pilgrims saw the prow of
the Sirius pointed straight into the snow
bank, and in. 4. second she was engulfed.
The Sirius' engines were slowed to half and
then tcquarter speed and ber whistle was
Kept blowing. No one could see half the
boat's length. It began to be talked about
nmong the ministers that the Sirins was in
the track of ocean steamships and that it
was Saturday, when steamships go to sea.
The commissioners' wives became very ner
vons and kept to the cabins, which were
soon jammed.
Meanwhile the woodwork on the steam
boat dripped with condensed moisture, as
though she had passed through a heavy
shower. Men's beards and clothing were
white as.with hoar frost. An ocean steam
ship with whistle sounding passed within
what seemed a stone's throw, but no one
could see her, though
peered into the tog. Then the City of
Savannah and otner steamers passed close
The Sirius was not actually lost in the
fog, but the ministers were, and they thonght
the Captain was. At least a good many of
them said so. To allay the fears of the
ladies singing was begun in the cabin, and
the strains of "Shall we Gather at the
Biver," "Bringing in the Sheaves," and
other venerable songs floated out into the
The sound of a bell buoy was heard in an
interval of the singing. "That's a familiar
sound," said Colonel Shepard, "and I guess
we are all right."
"I don't know," said a pale lady, "there's
no telling what we may run into in a
Then the pilgrims sang, "For He's a Jolly
Good Fellow," fitting the words to Colonel
ShepaTd's name. There was no real oause
for fear, however, though s it was not until
the Sirius had come up through the nar
rows and was well on her way up the bay
that she got out of the fog.
A Lively Day af tho Meeting of the Sooth-
era Presbyterian Assembly Tha
Brethren Differ as to the Really
Wise Course to Partus.
Chattanooga, May Id. The Southern
Presbyterians held a breezy session in this
city to-day. Elder J. "W. A. "Wright, of
Alabama, moved upon the opening of the
assembly this morning the consideration of
the report of the committee appointed to
confer with a committee from the Northern
Assembly ill regard to a union of tbe two
churclies.be made the special order for Mon
day morning-
Eev.L.-B. Johnson, of Virginia, moved
to substitute a resolution providing that the
report should be referred to a special com
mittee to consist of one minister and one
ruling elder from each Synod; this commit
tee to report to the assembly "Wednesday
afternoon. Judge Fentress, of the Memphis
Synod, moved to tablo the substitute.
'lhe motion failed to pass by a vote of 9
ayes to TJ noes. The consideration of tbe
substitute was resumed, Bev. B, K.
Moseley protested against hasty action
'toward any organization. Judge Fentress
said co-operative and sot organic union was
Mr. Mosely said bis Presbytery had filed
a protest against even co-operative union.
Judge Fentress replied that nothing would
ever be accomplished if every little Presby
tery were allowed to impede the legislation.
Bev. L. B. Johnston, of Virginia, said ho
believed organic union would finally come,
but he did not want to see it brought about
In such a way that it would brand tha
He admonished the Assembly not to be ia
baste to adopt the report of a committee
whose proceedings had never come to light,
and an adoption oi whose recommendations
mig&t bring about a state of affairs which
would inevitably lead to an organic nnion
in which the Southern Assembly might be
the under dog in tbe fight the little man
-"jho did all the work and got no pay.
Dr. J. J. Bullock, of Washington, ex
Moderator, said that in appointing the Con
ference Committee he had endeavored to
appoint m,en who were faithful to the
church and who represented all the views
among its members. He thought the report
was a good one.
Dr. James Woodrow said be wanted to de
fend the committee from aspersions which
bad been cast upon it If the
Assembly should appoint a special
committe'e this hould be done with
out reflection upon the Conference Com
mittee. Bey. S. H. Chester, of North Caro
lina, said the reporf was the joint report of
the Northern and Southern committees and
had to be adopted or rejected as a whole,
3nd it would not be wise to appoint a special
committee to present a modification of it to
the Assembly.
The Bey. B. S. McAllister, of Mississippi,
said the Northern Presbyterians bad yester
day declared that the proposed report was
an entering wedge to organize a nnion. After
much discussion the report was referred to
a special committee by a vote of 70 ayes and
64 noes. The committee will report Tues
day next.
By a vote of 77 to 64, the Moderator was
authorized to appoint a special committee.
During the afternoon the members of the
Assembly visited Lookout Mountain.
Objections Raised to n City Council Commit
tee Olemartallzinc ItseIC
' Boston, .Mtfy 18. The Bunker Hill
Monument Association to-day refused to
permit the erection on its grounds ot the
bronze tablets which a City tcuncil com
mittee has prepared for the purpose of
commemorating the valor of the heroes who
fell on that Immortal ground on the 17th of
June, 1775. The movement to erect these
tardy memorials was started in tbe Common
Council last summer, and the memorial, as
nowt prepared, consists ot bronze tablets
uearing me names oi me aeau ana aiso tne
names of the committee of city fathers who
prepared them.
It is to this latter portion of the business
that the Monument Association now demurs,
although the objection is raised that the
lists as prepared are inaccurate. The com
mittee, however, declares that tbe inaccura
cies were trifling and have been corrected.
It is also understood that the committee
agrees, as a last resort, to allow the names
ot its members to sink in oblivion. How
ever the tight may result it is a very pretty
one and excites a good deal of local interest.
An Aged Mad Freed From the Penitentiary
to Go Home and Die.
Columbia, S. O., May 18. Governor
Bichardson has pardoned Bichard H.
Jacobs, of Greenville, who waa'convicted of
manslaughter 18 months ago and sentenced
to five years' imprisonment in the peniten
tiary. Tbe trial of Jacobs created great in
terest throughout tbe State at the time.
Jacobs was one of the richest farmers in
Greenville county, his property being valued
at $60,000. On Christmas day, 1887, he got
into a difficulty with John Hughes, one ot
his white tenants, who was using Jacobs'
lences for firewood. Hot words passed and
Jacobs returned to his bouse and got a gun.
He claimed that when be returned Hughes
attacked him with a knife and he shot him
Jacobs had the best lawyers to defend
him, but was convicted and tailed to get a
new trial. His confinement in the peniten
tiary has broken his health, and tne peni
tentiary physician certified that if he was
imprisoned any longer he would be a
lunatic. The pardoned man is 65 years old.
A Cincinnati Poliee Court Dismisses 780
Arrests on That Charge.
Cincinnati, May 18. Judge Ermsten,
of he Poljce Court, to-day dismissed the
700 cases of arrests made last year for viola
tion of the Owen Sunday closing law, but
said he would not have done so it he bad not
reliable information that prominent citizens
would cause-arrests to-morrow in case there
were violations. The Mayor, upon being
notified of the action of the Judge, expressed
surprise and spoke af it as a reflection on
his officers. He declared that he would not
now order the police to make arrests..and
added that if citizens asked to have arrests
made, they would have to accompany tbe
poliee into saloons and also go to court and
make the charges.
The Mayor has received written notiee
from the attorney of tbe Law and Order
League that that body will expect him to
enforce the law. There. is likely to be a
conflict in case arrests are made od tha
question of the right of prisoners to release
on bail on Sunday.
A Gnidd for Rapid Readers Its Varied
and Interesting Contents.
The Dispatch this morning present! itself
as a triple sheet of 20 pages, filled with the
cream ot literature and the news of the entire
world. The cable reports contain the gossip of
London. Parts and Berlin, while the domestic
and local news, including the result of yester
day's primaries, is of unusual Interest. Tha
miscellaneous matter is distributed as follows:
Part II Pages 9 to 16. "
Buddha In Barman Fhasjc O. CASrxsTxn
The Erratic Ualda. OLItEWESTOX
Nye As a Eeporler Bill Ntz
Borne lien I Uve Met. Gioegi W. CBTLsa
Fags 10
Home-Grown Flthes.... ..II. A.W.
TVe Are Setter Nov. Biesie Uramblb
A Boantltnl Island EDOABL. Wakxxax
tfage 11
The Music World a E. SCOVXL,
Classified Advertisement.
Page 32
Etiquette, G. A. B. News,
Society Gossip, Theatrical,
Secret Society News, Art Matters.
Page 13
Batler and Porter. J. B.
financial and Commercial.
Military Notes.
The Fireside Sphinx.
Page U
Sporting Keview PniNGLE
Leaene Games....... SrxciAX. CoBitESPOJJDENTa
League Averages Stjf Wbitzb
Other b'portlnjr News.
Business Cards.
Page 15
Life In Oklahoma t.BOOMXR
Everyday Science Stapp WniiEit
The lieap to Death Fkemont AkTobd
Business Cards.
Page IS
Evangeline Yrxxk A. BOxn
Amusement notices.
Page n- .
Cafe Life In Paris HexbT TIatsie
The Colored Cuban.. Lillian" SrxxcxB
Metamorphosis (third Installment)
Page M-
Clara Belle's Chat ClaeX Bills
Ia Dancing-SinfnI...., BEV. Geosqb HODGES
How to Keep Cool SHIBUY DABE
rage It
Herald ana His Belt. E. H. Hxctoxcbs
Ocean Greyhounds Staff Wurrxn
Sunday Thoughts ....A CLEROTMAX
Page K ,
A Once Boyal City... Staff Whites
Training a Bljr Un. JohxL. SulliVaX
Beautiful Vistas mast GAVirmrrnRETS
Onr Bummer Girls...',.,...;... .BOSS Txsst Cooxx
That is Ho.lagee Sizes
According to tne Eetnrns Sent to the'
Fire Alarm Office.
And Denr the Claims Pat Forward by the
ttlaeee Forces Great Rejoicing; at City
ifall Orer Reports of the Defeat of JHca I
Callln, Warmcasile. OIcKean and Bajne
Congressman Dalzell Expects the Bw
tarns to Hare Some Influence at Wash
Ington-A Triumph Claimed for John!
The returns received by the Magee people
at City Hall indicate they have won 60
County Committee men. The; returns r&
ceived by the Quay people indicate art
equal division of the committee. Mr. Ma
gee says it is a Home Bula victory. Con
gressman Dalzell thinks it won't make Mo
Kean Postmaster.
"Jt is a great victory for home rule,"
laid C. L. Magee at 11 o'clock last night.
At that time the fire alarm office, wbera
returns were received, was deserted by all
but about half a dozen of the Magee work
ers and a few of the leaders. The rest had
thoroughly satisfied themselves concerning'
the resultof the Republican primary elec
tions, and bad left convinced that all
was well with them. The returns then iq
showed that Mr. Magee had won tha city
and the indications were that he had cap
tured the Sixth Legislative district, wbila
the Eighth was a certainty, and a report
bad just arrived that John Neeb would
bring in bis district in Allegheny. There
was great jubilation concerning tha
defeat of the Bayne leaders. Ap
plause greeted tbe announcement that Mayor
McCallm had failed to carry a single pre'
cinct in bis ward and had lost the adjoining
wards in the same manner. The announce,
ments that "Warrljcastle and McKean had lost '
every precinct in their wards and that Col-1
onel Bayne had lost everything in Bellevua
borough were received with similar marks
of favor, while the statement that the Col
onel had departed for "Washington on tha
8:10 train was listened to with great inter-
est as it was passed around.
1,The point at issue," said Mr. Magee,
"was simply whether Allegheny county
shall run her own attain or be subjected to
- outside dictations. It was a straight tight orx
our part for home role, and home rule tod,
The opposition started out with the assump
tiorr that there was a quarrel between my-
self and Mr. Plinn, with whom my bust
ness, political and personal relations are
the most pleasant, and that I had been
beaten. They had me, against whom they
were making the fzht, out of the tight and'
ready to go to Europe with a broken, heart,
The question very naturally arises then,
what, under the circumstances, was the
fight against? The Republicans of
Allegheny county are not factions
and these people here are ready to follow
whoever the voters indicate as tbeir leaders.
They are Republicans all the-ti&V. In the
election last fall Allegheny coVnty in-.,
creased her majority 2,000 above tini phe
nomenal Blaine majority. Philadelphia,
under exactly similar conditions, liquor li
cense complications and all that, decreased
her majority 40 per cent. And yet out
siders come here to introduce faction among
ns and to try to upset a, management that
shows a record like that. It was a great !
fight, and there was no brass band oa oar
Mr. Magee wore a pleasant smile all tbei
time he was making this reference to Mr. '
Quay and the State Chairman. Hisap-4
pearance was that of a man who had fought,
a big fight and won it. Mr. Flinnworel
about the same air and went about as happy '
as a school boy. He and Mr. Magee showed )
their enmity by frequent private conferi
ences, during which their faces were'
wreathed in smiles.
Congressman Dalzell sat at a table nntilt
10:30 helping to keep track of tie returns.
"Will Mr. McKean be Postmaster?" in
quired a Dispatch reporter.
"This doesn't look much like it," quickly
replied Mr. Dalzell.
"How is the feeling at Washington?"
"I can't say abont that, bnt this ought to) i
have some effect on it,"
Among those who watched the return."),
come in in the fire alarm office were C. L.
Magee, Fred Magee, "W. A. Magee, Con
gressman Dalzell, ex-Postmaster McClearyy
Coronor McDowell, Arch Bowand, "Will
iam Plinn, Representative "Weaver, Chair
man von Bonnborst, Chief Elliot,
of the Department ot Pubiic(
Charities; George Holliday, President
of Common Cpnncil, and H. X. Gourley,
wbo proposes to figure inthejiext Mayoralty!
contest, Tirnothy O'Leary also watched tbe
returns, but merely as an uninterested,
spectator of the Democratic persuasion. Re
publican workers were on hand in abund
ance and bad much to talk about.
Henry Angloch told with pleasure how
fie had made Ajax Jones "sink into ob
livion" in the fifth precinct of tbe Eighth
ward by 60 votes. The vote acainst Mayor
McCallin in his own precinct, the Fourth,
of tbe Seventh ward, was 49 to 26. McKean
was reported to have lost his precinct by
vote of 6 to 1, and "Warmcastle his by a vote
of 3 to 1, while Bayne lost Bellevue borough,
by a vote of 3 to 1.
"W. A. Magee expressed surprise at news
of victory in the Third precinct of tbe Four
teenth ward. This" is C. L. Masee's ward.
and an especial fight was made against him,
in it. Three delegates were claimed by tbe
Quay forces as a sure thing, but in no
precinct did the proportion in favor ot the
Magee men run lower, according to tha re
port, than two to one.
It was mentioned with some degree of,
pride tbat Superintendent Maione, of the
Government building, was beaten by a col
ored man in the Second district of the Sixth
ward. More than a little Interest was also
shown when it was stated that Dr. Barch
field. Quay's faithful lieutenant on the
Soutbside, had lost bis precinct by just one
James Smith, of Oliver Bros. & Phillins.
was beaten: in the--Second precinct, of tne 'J
Aweuiy-inira wva By,Ar.isvans, a; yuay
..... . . L&Mtl