Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 18, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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iJ-f .-
Laxard Freres have ordered 51,000,000 gold
bara for shipment to Paris.
Jndce JohnL. Mllbarn, of the St Mary
connty, Maryland. Orphans' Conrt, was.struck
and instantly killed by lightning Tuesday even
ing. Nelson Colbert, colored, was hanged la
"Washington, D. C at 12:54 p. it yesterday for
the munier of Philip Wentzell in October last.
HU neck was broken by the fall.
Orer 1,000 ttoremen working along the
water front on Brooklyn are out on a strike.
They demand 25 cents an hour in lien of 20
cents, which, for the last ten months, lias been
the rate at which they hare been paid.
Chancellor McQill has appointed Chester
Van Syckle of Fleailnpton, K. J., receiver for
the West End Mining Company, a corporation
owing iron mines In Hnnterdon county and
Pennsylvania. The liabilities of the company
are reported to be 9100,000 greater than its as
sets. James Kelly, who was asphyxiated by gas
on Tne&day night at New Brunswick, .N. X,
and Incorrectly reported dead on Wednesday
sight, died Thursday night. It is believed he
is from Home, Pike county, Ky. He was a
nephew of Dr. Clark, of No. 69 Georgetown
street, Lexington. Ky.
A project is under way to have the 63,000,000
people of the United States join in singing the
"Star Spangled Banner" at a fixed hour on the
Fourth of July next. The idea is to have Pres
ident Harrison visit Philadelphia on that date,
and, when the signal to begin singing is given
by him, to have the wires flash the news over
all the country, so- that the singing will be
going on all at once.
The Federal grand jury at Indianapolis is
again investigating election irregularities, and
it now develops that some of the parties who
escaped trial uy reason of the quashing of the
indictments by Judge Woods will be reindicted.
Particular attention will be given to the impor
tation of voters from Kentucky. A number
of witnesses came up from Southern Indiana
yesterday, and some of them testified that a
number of negroes from Louisville voted in
the border counties.
William E. Woods, aged 24 years, a builder
by trade, was found in a Chicago boarding
house suffering from smallpox. He came from
viaianoma a lew aays ago. ne ieic uoiorauo
Springs, with a number of friends. April 18,
and reached Oklahoma April 22. There were
several cases of varioloid between April 25 and
Hay S in Oklahoma, and he left that country
on the latter date, arriving here May 7. Woods'
case is a mild one. He was removed to the
smallpox hospital, the boarding-house was fu
migated and the Inmates were vaccinated.
Senator Scheffer's Drunkard Law went into
effect in Minnesota yesterday. It provides that
whoever becomes intoxicated by voluntarily
drinking intoxicating liquors shall be
deemed guilty of the crime of drunk-,
enness. and upon conviction thereof Jshall
be punished as follows: For the first
offense a fine of not less than 10 nor more
than $40, or by imprisonment for not less than
ten days nor more than 40 days; second offense
by imprisonment for not less than 30 nor more
than 60 days, or bv a fine of not less than $20
nor more than $50; for the third and all subse
quent offenses imprisonment of not less than
60 or more than 90 days.
It is stated on the authority of a director of
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, in
order to correct any misapprehension which
may exist as to the facts, that in the years 1883,
1884. 1885, 18S8 and 1887, the net earnings of the
company are shown by the figures of the expert
who examined the company's accounts to have
been J7.250.731. and that the dividends declared
for those years amounted only to $6,209,339,
leaving a balance of net earning during those
years of $1,041,392 which was not paid out in
dividends. It is, therefore, plain that the divi
dends which were paid in those yean were
rightfully paid out of the net profits.
It is generally understood -in Ottawa that
J. H. Pope, Minister of Railways and Canals,
will be succeeded by J. A. Chapieau, .Secretary
of State. Mr. Colby, M. P will succeed Mr.
Chapieau as Secretary of State. These appoint
ments will cause great dissatisfaction through
out the county, as it is generally conceded that
Colby received his appointment because of the
service he rendered the Government last ses
sion by a powerful speech supporting the action
of the administration on allowing the Jesuit Es
tate act. The Government is coming in for
vigorous denunciation all over Ontario for its
action in reference to this question, and Mr.
Colby's appointment will simply add more fuel
to the flames, which even now threatens the
Government with defeat at the next general
Keep up the appetite and aid digestion
in every way, and you can overcome general
debility and gradually recover strength.
Dr. Jayne's Ionic Vermifuge is an excel
lent remedy for indigestion, sour stomach
and weakness of the stomach, it is therefore
the best of tonics for yonng and old, and is
an old-time worm cure in addition. It
drives these pests oat of the bodv and
destroys the nests in which they breed.
"When a tonic is wanted the large sized bot
tles are cheapest.
Extra for To-Dny.
"We have placed on sale for to-day only
260 men's suits made of the finest Hockanum
wonted and high colored hroadwales. No
tailor in Pittsburg can duplicate these suits
for less than $50 to 500. Oar special price
will be for to-day only $22. These suits are
cut in sacks and three-button cutawavs;
sizes from 33 to 44. If jrou wish to see the
finest garment ever produced in ready made
clothing call for these two styles of suits.
Ask the salesman to showyoa the adver
tised 522 suits. This price only for to-day
(Saturday). P. C. C. C, cor Grant and
Diamond sts., opp. new Court House.
Bedroom Furniture.
"We desire you should know where to get
tatisfied if you are looking for beautiful and
late designs in bedroom suits, and unless
you are very hard to please you will cer
tainly be satisfied with our bargains in wal
nut and oak suits and our styles of antique
aits. M. Seibeet & Co.,
Cor. Iiacockand Hope sts., Allegheny.
Near railroad bridge. D
Balbriggan undershirts and drawers st
33c, plain and fancy gents' socks at 9c and
20c, and fine neckwear at 25c, 39c and 50c
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the .new Court House.
Vine WfaUklea,
XXX 1855 Pure Eye "Whiskey, full
quart $2 00
Monogram Pure Eye Whiskey, full
quart 175
Extra Old Cabinet Pure Eye Whiskey,
fall quart 1 E0
1879 Export Pure Eye Whiskey, full
quart. 1 25
1880-Export Pure Eye Whiskey, full
quart.' 1 00
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and
97 Filth avenue, city.
Don't Worry.
Xoung honsewives shouldn't break down
their health by standing over hot bake
ovens. Use .Marvin's Queen's jubilee or
milk bread, and always be sure of having
the best that is made. ttssu
Summer Underwear,
Thinnest and gauziest kinds, cheapest and
finest grades, for men, women and children,
at Home & Ward's, 41 Fifth are.
For Three Hours.
Between the hours of 8 and 11 this morn
ing, we will sell 90 cases of men's stiff hats,
worth $2 75, at the low price of $1 50; men's
crush hate at 38c P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
Fan Opened To -Day.
A large display of choice fans, for use or
decoration; open and folding- fans at all
prices, from 5 cents up. Tremendous as
sortment and Tow prices.
Jos. ElCHBAUii & Co., 48 Fifth aye
Men's Silk Shirt
And finest Scotch flannel shirts a specialty.
All sizes for men and boys.
Hobne & Waed, 41 Fifth ave.
Excursion to Wheeltnc and Ohio Pyle To
Morrow via B. & O. It. R.
$1 CO-rouud trip to either point; trains
leave for Wheeling at 6:45 and 8 JO A. m.;
Ohio Pyle at 8 A. M. '
Fresh Arrival.
Jolt received from Anbenser-Busch St
Xouis Brewery a large supply nf their cele
brated Budweisser beer, in both quarts and
pints. For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and
97 Fifth avenqe, city.
Slimmer Underwear,
Thinnest and gauziest kinds, cheapest and
Honest graoes, ior.ir.en, .women ana cnuaren,
fStJHorne &"Wara', 41 Fifth ave. -- . ?
The Several Courts Take Action on Mnjor
Harper's Death.
Yesterday afternoon Uoah W. Shaffer,
Esq., announced in the United States Cir
cuit and District Courts the death ol Major
Samuel Harper, who has been a Commissioner
in Bankruptcy for 20 years,ana on Mr. Shaffer's
motion the courts immediately adjourned ont
of respect to the memory of the deceased.
Both Common Pleas and Criminal Courts ad
journed yesterday afternoon in respect to the
memory of the late Major Samuel Harper.
Leon J. Long, clerk of the Criminal Court, in
scribed on the record an elegant design of a
weeping soldier, underneath which was an ap
propriate minute. The bar association will
meet at noon to-day to take action. Messrs. J.
H. Hampton, J. JH. Baldwin, W, D. Moore, S.
H. Geyer, Samuel Palmer, D. P. Patterson, A.
H. Clark and Albert Y. Smith have been ap
pointed a committee to draft resolutions.
Against the Seven Sons.
A number of suits In admiralty were entered
yesterday in the United States District Court
against the steamboat Seven Sons. The suits
werebronzbt by A. M. Caskey, John O. Mc
Donald, Thomas Ralston, A. H. Shaw, Andrew
Weir, John W. Bake, Joseph YV. Riley.Thomas
Staley, Thaddeus Work and Florence L. Sill,
who claim wages from S15 up to 8125. The
parties were all employes of the boat owners
and comprize the pilots, stewards, mate and
deck hands.
They Are Rlvnl .Ferrymen.
An argument was had before Judge Stows
yesterday in the case of the Harger Ferry Com
pany against Hngh Fagan. The snit is to ob
tain an injunction preventing Fagan from
running a skiff ferry across the Monongahela
at Soho. The ferry company has a charter and
have started to operate a steam ferry.
Several Charters Filed,
Charters were filed in the Recorder's office,
yesterday, for the Rural Water Company, of
Wiltons township, and the Valley Water Com
pany, of Penn township. The capital stock of
each company is $500, divided into ten shares at
S50 per share. The directors are John D.
Cherry, E. J. Harlow, G. R. Harlow and R. S.
r razer. A. cnarter was aiso wen ior me ruuri
son Township Water Company. The capital
stock is 52,500, divided into SO shares at $50
each. The directors are P. S. Brackenridge,
F. N. McDowell, J. F. Humes, O, C Camp and
J. L. Black.
Lciral Tender.
J.Huxick yesterday entered suit against
George R. Rynd, W. A Herron and Constable
A. A. Heiner for $300 damages for an alleged
illegal levy and sale.
To-DAY's trial list is as f ollows'ln the Crim
inal Court: Commonwealth vs Mary McDer
mott, Thomas Richards, M. Marry, W. A Mc
Clintock, Thomas Clark.
Is the suit of R. Patrick fe Co., the bankers,
against S. Delp. to recover the amount over
drawn on a bank account, a verdict was ren
dered for the plaintiffs yesterday for $389.
A statbmknt was filed yesterday in the snit
of Sadie F. Hall against the city of Pittsburg.
The plaintiff claims 61,000 damages for having
been ejected from a stall in the market before
the expiration of her lease.
The arguments in the case of O. A Smith
against the Connecticut Life Insurance Com
pany consumed all of yesterday in the Circuit
Court, and at 4 o'clock the jury retired. The
verdict will be in this morning.
Avebdxct for fyi. cents damages for the
plaintiff was given yesterday in the slander
suit of Henry Habbert and wife against Henry
Aderhold. It was claimed that Aderhold ac
cused Mrs. Habbert of stealing grapes.
Is the Criminal Court yesterday Teresa Lee,
colored, who was tried on the charge of keep
ing a bawdy house at the corner of Liberty and
Fir6t avenues, on oath of Captain Wishart. was
found not guilty. The costs wero divided be
tween the accused and Captain Wishart.
Leonabs Scuafer, a farmer in Robinson
township, yesterday entered suit against the
Suburban Gas Company and the Pennsylvania
Gas Company, now leased by the Philadelphia
Company, for $500 damages for Injury to two
corses which fell in a ditch.
Extra for To-Day.
We have placed on sale for to-day only
260 men's suits made of the finest Hockanum
worsted and high colored broadwales. No
tailor in Fittsbnrg can duplicate these
suits for less than 850 to $60. Our special
price will be for to-day only $22. These
suits are cut in sacks and three-button cuta
ways; sizes from 33 to 44. If you wish to
see the finest garment ever produced in
ready made clothing call for these two
styles of suits. Ask the salesman to show
yon the advertised $22 suits. This price
only for to-day Saturday). P. O. C. C,
cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new Court
The world is beauty, nature clean,
And nothing natural is mean
Under heaven's wide scope;
Humanity alone must see,
That sonl and body shining be,
And use: Dbeydoppel Soap.
To be continued next Wednesday.
203 and 205 Market Street,
Is headquarters for adjustable window
screens, which will fit any window. Price
from 30c to 50c each. Also for fencing of
every description. eod
Fans! Fans I Fnnsi Fans!
Palm and Jap fans. Hundreds of patterns
and styles now ready at Home & Ward's,
41 Fifth ave.
This Morning
We will Eell 1,000 pairs of men's checked
and striped pants at $1 25, worth really
?2 50. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia
mond sts., opp. the new Court House.
Men's Silk Shirt
And finest Scotch flannel shirts a specialty.
Ail sizes for men and boys.
Hoene & Waed, 41 Fifth ave.
Fresh Arrival.
Just received from Anheuser-Busch St
Louis Brewery a large supply ol their cele
brated Budweisser beer, in both quarts and
pints. For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and
97 Fifth avenne, city.
Elgin, Hampden and Waltham Watches
In gold or silver cases. The largest' and
most complete stock in the city at E. P.
Boberts & Sons', corner Fifth ave. and Mar
ketst . tts
Fans! Fans! Fans! Fans!
Palm and Jap fans. Hundreds of patterns
and styles now ready at Home & Ward's,
41 Fifth aye.
FOB finest photos and crayons at lowest
prices, patronize Aufrecht's Elite Gallery,
516 Market st, Pittsburg. Use elevator.
Bring baby. irwrssu
Aetistic photos only $1 00 a doz. Proof
shown. Bring the babies.
Hendbicks & Co.,
68Federal st, Allegheny.
uidft, it described in detail in to-morrow's DIS
PATCH by Frank O. Carpenter. vtu alto tells
of a nation of tattooed people
Its superior excellence proven in millions of
homes for more thap a quarter of a century.
It is used by the United States, Government
Indorsed by the heads of the great universities
as the Strongest, Purest and -most Healthful.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not
contain Ammonia, Lima or Alum. Sold only
in cans, jtiuasa jjaai u rvn uiuv-uu.
myfr-SE-TTSeosu ' 4- . ,,. ,rii,
r Perfect lJ
ihiUtfOiiM I'M JLUtashlUli.
It Will be Thrown Open to the PubHo for
Oao Evening.
The Exposition building will be thrown
open for the inspection'of the general publio
on Tuesday evening, May 28, the week fol
lowing the Festival. While the building is
not nearly completed, the management are
desirous of showing just what progress has
been made toward erecting the finest build,
ings for the purpose in the country, not ex
cepting the famous Cincinnati buildings.
The inspection will be in the nature of a
grand honsewarming and "love feast," as
Secretary Batchelor calls it, and the public,
who have contributed thus far will be given
an opportunity of seeing just how far their
money has been made to go. The prepara
tions in the wav of building seats, etc., for
the May Festiva'l will be allowed to remain
in place where the weary may rest if so in
clined. The building will be brilliantly
The Batchers Will Go to Detroit With a
Dross Band.
About 80 butchers from Pittsburg and
Allegheny will go to Detroit on the 27th, by
way of the Lake Erie Bailroad and the
lake, to attend the annual meeting of the
Hational Butchers' Protective Association.
The local butchers will be accompanied
by a brass band, and the social features of
the trip will be quite enjoyable.
Natural Gas Light.
The People's if atural Gas Company yes
terday completed arrangements with the
Wellsbach Incandescent Light Company, of
Philadelphia, for the use of their newly in
vented natural gas burner. It is probable
that from $3 to ?5 a year will be charged for
each lamp. But this charge may be mod
ified. An Ohio Oil Well.
The Pew & Emerson Oil Company got
another new oil well in Wood county, Ohio,
yesterday. The company has about 2,000
acres of oil land in Ohio, and this is the
fourth well they have secured during the
last two weeks, while six more are being
A Scaly, Itching Skin Disease Wiih Endless
Suffering Cured by Cut!-
cura Remedies.
If I had known of the Cuticttba Remedies
23 years ago it would have saved me 200 (two
hundred dollars) and an Immense amount of
suffering. My disease (Psoriasis) commenced
on my bead In a spot not larger than a cent. It
spread rapidly all over my body and got under
my nails. The scales would drop off of me all
the time, and my suffering was endless and
without relief. One thousand dollars would
not tempt me to have this disease over again.
I am a poor man, bnt feel rich to be relieved of
what some of the doctors said was leprosy,
some ringworm, psoriasis, etc. I took . . .
and . . . Sarsaparlllas over one year and a
half, bnt no cure. I went to two or three doc
tors and no cure. I cannot praise the Cun
cuea Remedies too much. They have made
my skin as clear and free from scaleB as a
baby's. All I used of them was three boxes of
Cuticttba, and three bottles of Cuticuka
Resolvent and two cakes of Ccticuba
Soap. If you had been here and said you
would have cured me for 200 yon would have
had the money. I looked like the pioturo in
your book of Psoriasis (picture number two
"How to Cure Skin Diseases"), but now I am
as clear as any person ever was. Through force
of habit I rub my hands over my arms and legs
to scratch once in a while, but to no purpose.
I am aU well. I scratched 23 years, and it got
to be a kind of second nature to me. I thank
yon a thousand times. Anything more that
you want to know write me, or any one who
reads this may write to me and I will answer it,
WATEBBCBT, Vt., January 20, 1887.
Psoriasis, Eczema, Tetter. Ringworm, Lichen,
Pruritus, Scall Head, Milk Crust, Dandruff,
Barbers', Bakers' Grocers' and Washerwoman's
Itch, and every species of Itching, Burning,
Scaly, Pimply Himors of the Skin and Scalp
and Blood, with Loss of Hair, are positively
cured by Cuticuka, the great Skin Cure, and
Cotictjba Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifier,
externally, and CrmcuuA Resolvent, the
new Blood Purifier, internally, when physi
cians and all other remedies fall.
Sold everywhere. Price: CUTICUKA, 60 cents;
Soap, 25 cents; Resolvent, SL Prepared by
Tioir, Boston, Mass.
SySendfor "How to Cure Skin Diseases,"
61 pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
piUPLES, black-heads, chapped and oily
rim skin prevented by Cuticttba Medi
cated Soap.
Free from Rheumatism
In one minute the Cntlcurn Antl-
PIater relieves Rheumatic,
, hip, kidney, chest and
lar nalns and weaknesses.
The nrst and only pain-killing Plaster, ws
Boni3Tat.lt t bisi, importers and
dealers in wines, liquors and French cor
dials for family use. Bole agents for San Gab
riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND
SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a spec
alty se22-blSK-TT3
Almeria and Malaga Grapes,
Bananas, Florida Oranges and aU kinds of
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
bpecialty Correct fitting of lenses and
frames. All styles of Spectacle and Eye
Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own
factory and workmen are our inducements.
WH. E. STIERE1V, Optician,
n jm.
IJSEf A Pain
1 fltsclatlc.
a r mused
2SmJr jr
At 4 per cent Compound Interest, expressed in Round numbers, as issued by
ft Pittsli M to Saws,
Per Day. For 5 Years. For 10 Years. For 20 Years. For 25 Years. For40Ye?rs.
5 .01 i 20 i t lis s Ie t m
.02 40 90 230 820 730
-03 60 140 340 470 1,090
.05 100 230 570 780 1.820
.10 200 k 450 1,130 1,560 8,630
.25-600 1.140 2,830 aS90 9,060
.50 1,000 2,280 5,650 7,7i0 18,120
LOO 2.000 4,540 11,300- 16,650 86,240
The above table shows what can be accomplished by anyone disposed to lay aside a small
portion of their weekly receipts, and depositing the same In some well-managed Savings Bank.
Everyman who is oCliged to work for his living should make a point to lay up money for
that "rainy day" which we are all likely to encounter when least expected. Unquestionably the
best way to provide for this emergency is to open an account with a good, live Savings Bank.
Accumulated money, thus cared for, Is safe, is rapidly Increasing, is always ready to use
when needed, and is free from the many uncertainties and fatalities of life.
Strive at once to get together five dollars, or even one dollar, and make your flrstdeposlt
Then resolve to add to ltes often as you can, even though the amount be small.
You will be surprised with the magic comfort and strength of this course. Nobody knows,
without having tried it, how easy a thing it Is. without being miserly or stingy, to save money,
when once an account with a bank has been opened.
A man then feels a new ambition and a constant desire to enlarge his deposit It gives him
pleasant lessons in frugality and economy, weans him from tho habits of extravagance, and is
the very best guard in the world against Intemperance, dissipation and vice.
If you are not already a depositor, and have no special bank in view, permit us to suggest
that you at once try a deposit with
THE PITTSBURG BANK FOR SAVINGS, No. 60 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Ps.
To all who may thus favor us, we promise a courteous and accommodating treatment and
it shall be our endeavor to make our business relations, when once formed, pleasant and of long
continuance. GEO. A. BERRY. President
CHAS. G. MILNOR, Treasurer.
Managers Geo. A. .Berry, Alex. Bradley, H. O. Bughman, J. K. Dorrlngton, J. L. Graham,
Geo. A. Kelly, Jas. Laughlin, Jr., Chas. F. Wells, T. C. Lazear, J. Fainter, Jr., L. M. Plumer,
Frank Rahm, A. C. Dravo, Wm. Rosehnrg. Chas. G. Mllnor. my!8-69
To Buy
In Pittsburg, Call on
&: 4',', s L,'
BttfeTl.. ..L .-ti t-M. jjfc.
SattodaT, May 18, 1SS9.
When you hear of a good
thing, don't you always want to
try it? .
And if you find that it is really
good, don't you wish ypu had
tried it before ?
Here's a really good thing
that we want you to try Paine's
Celery Compound, It is no new
thing, but has been .used by
physicians for years, and is
rightly called the best spring
medicine. It will send the pure
Dlood a-tingling through your
veins, carrying vitality to every
part You'll wish you had tried
it before.
A physician's prescription, it
is worthy of your confidence.
Perfectly vegetable. If will re
store the vigor and vitality so
lacking every spring.
There's hardly a man, woman
or child in this city who doesn't
need it A few doses for some.
A few bottles for others.
Headaches, dyspepsia, lan
guor, nervousness, Paine's Cel
ery Compound will drive them
all away. Try it
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
S3 Sl3Ctri Street, JPIttstoursr.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted
to every defect of sight. Field and Opera
Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers,
Thermometers, eta
ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order
and warranted. Alwavs on hand a
large and complete stock. jaS-TTSSu
Flocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing
Italian and American Hemp Packing,
Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines,
Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide
Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc.
WORKS East street, Allegheny City, Pa,
at 8 water
ttsburg. Telephone No. 137a
-rr "TTVTT" scientific
Cj. L7 JJZ-, optician.
Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka
Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nosa
blades fitted to other eye glasses.
Oculists prescriptions a specialty. AU kind
of lenses ground and spectacles made on the
premises. . 908 PENIT AVENUE, PITTS.
Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia.
Underwear and Hosiery.
Our own special hand loom made Silk, Lambs'
Wool, Merino, Balbriggan, Lisle Thread, etc
Dress, Promenade, Driving, etc. Best
makers. First-class only.
No. 8 King Edward St, I Madison Square,
London, E. C. New York.
No. 4 Rue D'Uzes, Paris office. my9-2i-TTS
Repairing a specialty.
103 THIRD AYE., near Wood St.
Telephone 851. PITTSBURG, PA.
517" W:oo3.
9 Si3xee"b3
,-i 'i4.fti
f fill' J
.MAT 18, 188&
No Clothing So
You know i) i 2, but
you know as well they don't
equal 3.
You want" a good money's
worth. That's natural, Shout
and Sputter imagine you want
a little money's worth. They
overwhelm you with cheap
ness upon cheapness.
But, how good is it? That's
the vital question. Instead of
camly, fairly showing you why
it will wear well; emphasizing
to you the quality; pointing
out how well it is made
Sputter goes into excitement
over price. Take care! if it's
clothing, money may be easily
thrown away!
It takes more than 1 j 1 to
make 3. We manufacture
clothing to wear. To wear
longer, look better, and cost
the least on that account
Don't let the dust of odd
prices whirl in and blind you!
Our prices are considerably
lower, because the clothing is
so dependable and durable.
1,000 styles of goods to
make up to order.
& Brown,
Sixth street and Fenn avenue.
All American and European Patented Eye
Glass and Spectacle frames, with glasses of
superior quality, perfectly adjusted to the
A complete stock of Optical and Mathematical
Instruments, Medical Batteries, Photographic
Cameras. The largest and best assortment of
Artificial Eyes, at
Optical Establishment,
Telephone No. 1686. myl2-109
.A. TIE IN" T S -
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents.
131 Fifth avenue, above SmithHeld, next Loader
omce. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
after May 12. 1839. trains leave Union
Station, Pittsburg, as follows. Eastern Standard
New York and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ye
tlbnle dally at 7:15 a. m.
Atlantic Express dally for the East 333 a.m.
Mau train, dally, except Sunday, S:3ua. m. Sun
day, mall, 8:40 a. m.
Day express dally at 8 .00 a. m.
Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 1:33 p. m.
Eastern exnress dally at 7:15 p. m.
East Line dally at 8:10 p. m.
Oreensburg exnressS:10 p. m. week days.
Deny express 11:00 a. m. week days.
Alltfirouph trains connect at Jersey City with
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, N. Y.,
avoiding double ferriage and Journey through N.
Y. City.
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows:
Mall Train, dally.... 8:10 p. m.
'Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m.
Pacific Express, dally 12:45 p.m.
Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m.
Fait Line, dally... 11:55 p. in.
aouTUWEsr .penn ba.ilwa'i.
For Unlontown, 5:30 and 8:35a. ra. and 4:3 p.
m., without change of cars: 12.50 p. m., connect
ing at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union
town at 8:45 a. m.. 12:50, 5:35 and 8:10 p. m.
From FEUEUA.L ST. bTATION, Allegheny City,
Mall train, connecting for Blalrsvllle... 6:43 a. m.
Exnress, for Blalrsvllle, connecting for
Butler 8:13 p. m.
llutler Accom 8:20 a. m 2:25 and 5:45 p. m.
Sprlngdale Accom9:00. 11:50 a.m.3:30 and 6:20 p.m.
Freeport Accom 4:15. 8:30 and 11:40 p. m.
OnSnnday 12:50 and 8;30p. m.
North Apollo Accom..... U:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation
connecting formatter. I 0 a. m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation 10:40 p. m.
Trains arrive at FEUEliAL STREET STATION :
Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m.
Mali Train. 1:45 p.m.
Butler Accom 9:10 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation 9:52p.m.
Freenort Accom.7:40 a. m 1:25, 7:3) and 11:10 p. m.
On Snnday 10:10 a. m. and7:Mp. m.
Sprlngdalo Accom. ...6:37,11:43 a.m., 8:25,6:30 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Trains leave Union station. FIttsnnrg, as follows:
For Mononeahela City, West Brownsville and
Unlontown. 11 a. m. For Monongahela City and
West Brownsville, 7:05 and 111. m. and 4:40 p. m.
On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 5:43
p. m., week davs.
Dravosbnrg Ac, week days, 3:20 p. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:20a.m., 2:00,
sou and ll:3op. m. sunaay, : p. m.
Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try
street and Union station.
General Manatcer. Gen'l 1'ass'r Agent
Schedule In effect May 12, 1889. For Washing
ton, li. C, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New
York, 8:00 a. m. and "9:20 p. m. For Cum
bcrland ,8:00a. m., $1:00, 9:20 D. m. For Con
nellsvllle, $8:40 and 8.00 a. m.. 1:0C. $4:00
and9:20p. m. For Unlontown, $6:40, 8.00a. m
11:00 and 4:00 p. m. For Mount .Pleasant, 6:40 and
$8:00 a. m., and tl:C0 and 14:00 p. ra. For
Washington, Pa., 6:4S. $9:40 a. m,, "3:35, $5.30
and 8:80p. m. For Wheeling, 6-45, $9:40 a. m.,
"3:35, 8:30p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis.
6:45a. m., '8:30p.m. ForColumbus. 6:45and9:
a. m.. 8:30 p. m. For Newark. 6:45, $9:40 a. m.,
3:35, 8:30p. m. For Chicago, 6:45, $9:40 a. m.,
3:35 and 8:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington,
6:20 a. m. ana 8:50 p. m. From Columbus, Cin
cinnati and Chicago. "7:45 a. m. and9:00p. m.
From Wheeling, 'fits, '10:50 a. m., $5:00, "9:00 p.
m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
ington and Cincinnati.
Wheeling accommodation. 8:30 a. m.. Sunday
only. Connellsville accommodation at 58:35 a. m.
Daily. $Daily except Sunday. SSundayontv.
The Fittsbnrg Transfer Company will call for
and check bsggage from hotels and residences
upon orders lelt at B. & O. Ticket Office, corner
Firth avenne and Wood street. CHAS. O.
SCULL, Gen. Pass. Agt
Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
tune): Klttsnnlng Ac. 6:55 a. m.: Niagara Ex..
dally. 8:43 a. n-... Hulton Ac. 10:10 a.m.: Valley
Camp Ac, 12:05 p. m.; Oil City and Dn Hols Ex
press,2:00 p.m. ; Hultcn Ac, 3:00p.m. : Klttannlng
Ac, 4:00p.m.; Braeburn Ex., 5:00p.m.: Klttann
lng Ac, 5.30 p. nu; Braeburn Ac, 6 :20p.m.: Hal
ton Ac, 7:50 p. m.r Buffalo Ex., dally,
8:S0p. m.; Hulton Ac. 9:43 p. m. : Braeburn Ac,
11:30 p.m. Church trains Braebnrn, 12:40 p. m.
and 9:35 p. ra. Pullman Sleeping Cars between
Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. H. UTLEY. G. F. A
station. Central standard Tlrre. Leave for
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d8:0p and
d 11:13 p. m. Lennlson, 2:45 p. m. Chicago,
12:05, d 11:13 p. m. Wheeling, 7:30 a. m., 12.05,
6:10 p.m. SteubenvUle, 5:35 a. m. Washington.
8:65, 8:35 a. in., 1:5E, :36, 4:59 p. m. Bulger, 10:10
a. m. Bnrgettstown, Sli:35a.m 5:25 p, m. Mans
field, 7:15, 11:00 a. m.. 6:30. d 8:35; 10:55, p.m. Mc
Donalds, d 4sl d 10:&p. m. . . .
Horn uie west, a iuv, aoau a. m., o.w- mw.w
m. isennuoita viw a.m. oteuDenTuio, w v- ".
lieellng. 2:10. B:46a.nui 3:05, 6:55p.m. Bnrgetts-
tnwn 7tl& n, UQ,njl m TVK.hlnffton S:no. 713UL
8:55 a.' m.. 2:36, 6:20 p. 'm. Mansfield, d 6:35, 8:00
a. m.. 12:45 d6: and 10:90 p. m. Bulger, 1:10p.m.
jtbivuMusj, Mu.tisM,iut uviwtf in s f 1
ITor TO-DAY Oifey
' mfl iS"
f. iJf4ff in ' -1
for good, handsome, pleated Flannel ,Shirts, stri
and plaids; yoke collar band.
p for fine French Flannel Top Shirts, in fancy pat
that 're all the rage; won't shrink.
for the genuine Otis Mills Lawn Tennis Flannel
Shirts, in a large variety of novel designs.
I 0 A ceieorated Manhattan Brand Flannel Shirts,
I -. guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction.
I KCl fr ex(lUI"site Silk stripe Tourist Shirts, very gen-
1 O tee col and comfortable. Look at them.
I 7 or yur colce from a brilliant line of Men's
n superfine French Flannel Top Shirts'.
Qr. A rr for our celebrated English Twill, China
LU 4 r)V Silk. Silk and Wool m.vpd and Frnrh
" ri i.1 .1
repe omns inese are tne very ftnest shirts manufactured.
Ladies' and Children's Blouses.
for good quality Flannel Blouses, in stripes and
plaids goods "that'll wash."
a aI Li I 1 1 J I . . 1 r . 1T
iui oujiui x-iaimei
waists; $1 25 tor .French JtMannel Blouses.
Cl a for Ladies' very
H" f
Flannel Blouses in
r Tj: c i.
I r- iui xduici inie pia.ni anu iancy vv ooi ana OiiK
m J .UM.W U14UW1 ,rU AAVhAhJ V AAVkfLV.
ft fl 0 fl ' " ift 0
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street
May IS. 1880. Central Standard Time.
Aa follows from Union Station: For Chicajro, a 7:23
a. m., d 12:20, d 1.-00, d7:43. except Satnrdar. 11 a
6. m.: Toledo, 7:15 a. m, dn:3X d lrfX) and except
atnrdar. 11:3) p. m.;-Crestline, 5:45 a. m. Cleve-Lind,6:l6,7C3a.m12:15nddll.-05
p.m.: Newcas
tle and Yonngstown, 7:03 a. m 12:2), 3:43p.m.;
Yonngstown and Mlf s, d 12:20 p. m.; SleadrlUe,
Krleand Ashtabnla, 7:05a. m., 12:20 p. nu; Mies
and Jamestown, 3:43 p. m.: Masslllon. 4:10 p. m.;
Wheeling and Belial re. a0a. m 12:45, 1:30 p. m.:
Hearer r'alls, 4:00, 3-03 p. m Bock: Tolnt. 9 80
a. iii.: Leetsdale. 3:90 a.m.
AML.EGHE.NY Kochester. 8:S) a. ra.; Beaver
Falls, 8:15, 11 KD a. m.: Enon, 3:00 p. m.j Leets
dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. m., 2.-00, 4:00, 4:45, XO, IMt, 9.-00
p.m.; Conwar, 100 p.m.; i'alr Oaks, S 11:40 a.
m. : Leetsdale, 8 8:30 p, m.
TBAISAIUUVE Union station trom Chicago,
except Monday iaa, a 1:00, d65 a. m.. d oao, p.
ra.: Toledo, except Monday l-M, d 6:35a. m., Siio
&. m. , Crestline, 2:10 P- m.; xonngstown and
ew Castle, 9:10a. m., 1:25, fJB. 10:13 p. m.;MleJ
and yonnestown. d 6:50 p. ra.; Cleveland, d30a.
m., 2:15, 7:00 p, m.; WheellnK and Bellalre, 9:00
a. m 25, 7:0u p. m.; Erie and Ashtabnla, 1:25,
10:13 p. m. ; Slasslllon, 10:00 a. m.; Nile and
Jamestown. 9:10 a. m.; Bearer Falls. 7:39 a. m.,
1:10p.m.. Hock Folnt, S 8 S3 p. m.; LeeUdale,
10:40 p. m. ,
AHKrVlS ALLEGHENT-From Enon, 80 a.
ra.; Conway, 6:30; Kochester, 9:40 a. m.; Bearer
Falls, 7:10a. m., 3:43 p. m.: Leetsdale, 50, 6:15,
7:43 a, m 12:00, 1:43, 4:00, 8:3a 9MI p. m.; Fair
Uaks, 8 8:55 a. m.; Leetsdale, S 8:05 p. ra.: Bock
Point. 8 8:13 p. m. ,
S, Snnday only; d, dally; other trains, except
Snnday. fell
Trains (Cet'lStan'dtlme) I Leave, j Arrive.
Bntler Accommodation .-. 60 am
DayEx.Ak'n.Tol.,crn.Kane 7 SO am
7110 am
1-Sm nm
Bauer Accommodation....... Da) am
'Chlcasro Express (dally) 12:30 pm
NewCastleand Greenville Ex 1:50 pm
zellenople and VoxbnrfrAc. 4:40 pm
Bntler Accommodation 8:40 pm
H:cw pra
11K)5 am
3-.ja am
8:30, am
2:10 pra
First nliss'fare to Chleaeo. HO BBi Second elaT
89 30. - Throoan coach and Jfullman Baife t sleep-
lag: oar to vuwso ouiy.t i
gffe 'vMff--
joiouses; 09c ior jersey douse
fine plaid and striped French
a large variety.
j r IT?- t 1 -"it
Slimmer Time Table. On and after May I,
1839, until further notice, trains will run aj follows
on every day, except Monday. Eastern ttandard
tlmei Leaving rUttbnrg-6:20 a. m., 7:10 a. m..
8:09 a.m.. 9:30 a. m., HSa. m 1:40 p. m., 3:40 p.
m MO p. m.. S:50p. m.6:Mp.m.. 9:30 p.m.,
U-JSOp, m. Arilngton-5:40 a. m., 620 a. m., 7:10
a. m., 8:00 a. m., 10:20a.m., 1:00 p.m., 2:40 p. m
4:20 p. m., 3:10 p. -m., saj. ro., 7:10p.m.. 10:30
p.m. Snnday trains; learlnel'lttsborit 10a.ro.,
I2l3vp.ni.. 2:30p.m., 3:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9:30
p. m Arlington 9:10 am., 12 m., 10 p. m., itSJ
p.m. :30pm., 80 p.m.
COMPANY Schednle In effect February 21,
lb80. Central time:
P. & L. IS. K. B. DETAltT For Clereland. i3.
7:40 a. JC, iao, 4 US. 9aop. K. For Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Louis, 325 a. at., 120, ? Jo r. .
For Buffalo, 7:40 A. 2. 4:13, 95 P. M. For Sala
manca, "7:40 K. M.. 120, "9:30 r. K. For Bearer
Falls, 523, -7:40, 10:2) HL X.. 1:20. 30, 4:15. 520.
9:30 P. M. ror Chartlers. S2 'S-.S. JJ, J7.-W,
7:13, 8:40, 9, 923. 10:20 A- M.. 12.-05, 12:43, 1125,
1:43, 3.30. 4:43, :10, 3:20, till, VHSr. M.
ABBTTE From Cleveland, 530 A. v.. ISO,
8:40,8i00p. jr. Trom Cincinnati, Chicajro and
Bt. Louis, loo, 8KX) P. It. From Bnffala. 53 A.
It:, 10, 8:40 P. jr. From Salamanca, 'ljOO, "81
P. Jr. From Yonngstown. 5:30. 8'JO, 920 a. JJ.,
lrfvi R.4CI NHnv w vmm nearer Falls. 5:30.
2:50, Viffl, 920 A.M., 1.0O, 103: 5:40, "8900. P. M.
From Chartlers. S:io, 3:32,3:30, VzC.'Kaa.l&L
7iXL Hian. gvi in.m a ' tr ttsco noon. 12:30. 1:T2. .
1 "3:42, 4:00, 45, 5ri)0. 5:10. 5:40, 9:12 P. Jt .. Of
. P., McK. 4V.E.B.-DxPABT-ForNeTrHaren, ST ,
8:30 A. M3:30P. jr. For Vest Newton. 5:30a, jf.. ,-
3:30 and 523 P. it. For New Haren, 7:10 a. Jt, .p
Snndays, only. -
AniUTE From New Haren, 10rt0 A. X.. "Mar. .
K. From WestNewton.e:15, 'lOrtOA. f.,'3p.-li.j.
For McKeesport and Elizabeth, 5WA. Jf. 3:38.',
4.3J6r.K.. 17:10 A.M. - v
from juizaoetn ana jncttccyti,.,i'ji. m.a
7. 10:OOA. K., '3:05 r.H. Li.'Ste &
(Ballr. ISnndavs only. TMW M
E.HOLB1HKI1C UenewISaperliMMMlMt.fJK
A, r ULiU, uenerai riloiniK s c
tut ----. --- ,BugkM ygaH,--
vtf iBMk www, mmmNB Bnwi 38