Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 18, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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The Very Latest Charge Brought
Against President Harrison.
John B. lynch, the Colored Orator, Pro
Tided With a Snug Berth.Tmt
Correspondents Fully
Hire to Their
And cow President Harrison is accused
of another failing1. It is gravely reported
that be has no sentiment. Otherwise, it is
claimed, he would ere this have given
Eobert Smalls, the colored ex-Congressman,
a fat office. He had a rood opportunity to
do-so on one of the anniversaries of a great
event in Mr. Smalls' life, anfl failed to em
bracelt Office seekers now in "Washington
are anxiously awaiting the return of Sena
tor Quay.
rerKCUi TxLxa&w to tux dispatch.!
Washikotoh. May 17. This being
Cabinet day. and a Terr hot Cabinet day,
the aregation of visitors at the "White
House was small and mainly uninteresting.
The only Senator to appear on the scene was
Mr. Evarts, who is so used to go to the
"White House on Cabinet days that he can't
stay away, and is so spare in flesh that the
hottest weather makes him shiver. He
goes to see Mr. Harrison merely to suggest
a possibility that he has some influence, but
everbody here knows that Senator Hiscock
is recognized as the Quay of New York.
A very few Representatives strolled lazily
to the white mansion glaring in the sun
light. Among them "was Judge Bound, ex
Congressman of the Harrisburg District,
who went to find ont if he conldn't get a
little comfort from headquarters in his pur
suit of a Treasury appointment Mr. Har
rison received him kindly, but made no
The two appointments which excite most
attention to-day are those of L. "W. Haber
corn and John B. Lynch, of "Wisconsin and
Mississippi, respectively, to the positions of
Fifth and Fourth Auditors of the Treasury.
Mr. Lynch is the colored ex-Congressman,
and Mr. Habercorn is one of the ablest and
most popular correspondents on "TheBow."
He has for some years resided in this city as
a correspondent of the Milwaukee Serald
and the St Louis Westlidie Fast. During
the campaign he was called to New York
by Senator Quay to handle the German end
of the work in New York, and so well did
he do his duty that he got exactly what he
asked the Fifth Auditorship, which is
worth $3,600 a year, without hard work.
Now that the President has begun dis
pensing favors to the colored men, by mak
ing Lyuch Fourth Auditor and Townsend
Becorder of the Land Office. Captain Eobert
Smalls, of Beaufort, S. C, does not see why
some of the droppings of the sanctuary
snouia not ran upon firm. Ue has nad as
strong Indorsements for the office of col-
ector ot the port as any office hunter, white
' colored, has had for any office, and ret
i appointment strangely hangs fire.
neralGoff, of "West Virginia, called on
resident on Monday, and suggested
i that was the anniversary of the day
v Smalls; when a common seaman, stole
jMpi vessel and delivered it to the Union
?HE,it would be a graceful act' to appoint
the Captain on that' day. But the Presi
dent is not easily affected by sentimental
considerations, and he has not vet sent for
Smalls. The office is worth $1000 a year,
and fees up to the sum of $2,000. A few
days ago some South Carolinian telegraphed
the President that the business men of
Beaufort were opposed to Smalls. So soon
as this became known every white business
man, with the exception of two, in Beaufort
and surrounding towns gave Captain Smalls
a hearty indorsement
It is stated at the Treasury Department
that Collector Warmcastle will assume the
duties of his office on June 1, as it will
require the intervening time for the approval
of his bond of $100,000 and the other neces
sary steps to quality him to take charge.
The rumor is that "William Martin will be
the net Pittsburger selected for a foreign
consulate and that his post will be Sheffield
or Manchester.
Mr. James V. Long is in the city, on his
way home from the meeting of the Amer
ican Fisheries Association at Philadelphia.
He has many friends here who -wish him
success in his candidacy for the Florence
Senator Quay was reported on his way
here. yesterday, and also to-day, but up to
this time he has not appeared. No message
ot his coming has been received at Cham
berlain's, where he will stop when he ar
rives. Some of the Pennsylvania politicians
are very anxious in regard to his where
Washington Correspondent! Taking Adran
Inge of the Present Situation.
Washington, May 17. Since news
paper row visited Nacirema, the country
seat of General Ajrnus, of the Baltimore
American, the other daj-, the correspondents
have waited an opportunity to give the Gen
eral a rand send-off for a big office, though
he is not seeking anything. As though by
divine interposition, the chance came with
the death of Mr. Allen Thorndyke Bice,
and now nothing will satisfy ''The Bow"
short of the appointment of General Agnus
as Minister to Bussia. It is safe to say that
every person who enjoyed that day will
support the new candidate, not even except
ing Mr. Blaine, and as Mr. Harrison has a
tender side for journalists, it may be possi-
T.l !-. I. :m -s il. '
"'"" u jom uie procession ior ien
eral Agnus.
It is not often the boys of "TheBow" take
a hand in getting anvbody into office. More
frequently they find pleasure in knocking
applicants out of the race. Another side of
xneir cnaracier was shown to-day in an act
that was certainly unique. Mr. M. A W.
Louis, an employe of the Government Print
ing Office, has in various ways been'courteons
and useful to all the correspondents. With
the appointment of General Palmer "The
Bo w'f determined to say a good word for
Louis. Each correspondent who knew him
addressed a complimentary letter to the
chief, and to-day carriages took a score' or
more ot them to the Printing Office, where
they took General Palmer by storm, and so
overpowered him that he almost promised
Mr. Louis promotion on the spot. It was an
occurrence never before known in the his
tory of "The Bow," and all in the interests
of a $1,400 employe who had Impressed his
personality, honor and high desert upon the
Attorney General Miller' Desire, If He
Goes an the Supreme Beach.
jsrrclAl. tsmoiuic To thx distatch.
Washington, May47. It is reported
that Justice Miller, of the Supreme Bench,
has decided to ask his retirement at a date
not later than next December, and if : this
will leave two vacancies to fill on tao Bu-
preme Beach. It is generally believed, that
(Attorney General Miller will be asked to
ZsuoeeedtbeUte JHtle Xatt&ews. u3 if
I T.t.a J-Itl . .- .t J .- 4- .,-- .7? ...
wiua aecioesie rewre, h
thai he shall be succeeded "by ex-Secretary
of "War George A. McCrary, of Iowa.
Mr."McCrarystudiedlawwitti Mr.. Mil
ler, 30 years ago, when the latter was prac
ticing in Iowa, and a close friendship has
existed between the two ever since. '
The President Settles Down In Earnest to
Filling the Offices.
"Washington, May 17. The President
made the following appointments to-day:
Charles Swayne, of Florida, to be United
States District Judge for the Northern district
of Florida.
William D. Lee, of Ne w Mexico, to be Assocl
ate Justice of the Supreme Court ot the Terri
tory of New Mexico.
John W. Whltcher. of Nevada, to be "United
.States Attorney for the district of Nevada.
John Murphy, of Dakota, to be Attorney for
the Territory of Dakota.
Richard L. "Walker, of Kansas, to be "United
States Marshal for the district of Kansas.
Jacob Yoes, of Arkansas, to De United States
Marshal for the "Western district of Arkansas.
James W. Ravage, of Omaha, Neb., to be a
Government DIrectorof the UHonPacinc Bail
road. Amor Smith, Jr., of Ohio, to be Surveyor of
Customs for the port of Cincinnati
DaTidW. McClone.of Ohio, to be Collector
of Internal Revenue for the First district of
James H. Mills, of Montana, to be Collector
of Internal Revenue for the district of Mon
tana. John R, Lynch, of Mississippi, to be Fourth
Auditor of the Treasury.
L. W. Habercorn, of the District of Colum
bia, to be Fifth Auditor of the Treasury.
Why Thomas Porterhouse Ochiltree Lingers
So Lone at tbe Capital.
rsrzcuL telegram to tsx xusfitch.
Washin qton, May 17. Colonel Thomas
P. Ochiltree, of Texas and New York, has
been in Washington for the past "fortnight,
giving dinners at Chamberlain's, and with
the aid of a pair of crutches visiting at the
White House and in the departments.
There has been much speculation as to the
cause of the Colonel's prolonged stay at the
capital. It was given out a day or two ago
that he was to be appointed to a Federal
vOffice in Texas. This is probably untrue.
The Colonel is seeking not an office, but a
fortune. He filed a snit to-day against the
District of Colombia, claiming a damage of
$29,000 against a cab company for injuries
to his leg while riding down Pennsylvania
avenue in a coach on the 3d .of March last
Secretary Tracy Sees a Place Where an Im
provement U Necessary. '
"Washktgtos-, May 17. Secretary Tracy
has turned his attention to the matter of
purchasing supplies for the navy, and has
already made an order inaugurating a con
siderable economic reform. It appears that
the practice of the department has been to
purchase supplies for the navy by adver
tisement at thebeginning o teach fiscal year,
making the list of purchases extensive
enough to cover the probable needs of the
different bureaus during the entire year.
Upon inquiry the Secretary learned that
in making these purchases, regard was not
had for the amount of stores on hand. This
led to the accumulation of stores which in
many cases rapidly deteriorated and caused
a loss to the Government.
The Supremo Lodge Slakes a Change In tho
Aasesimeot Laws.
Indianapolis, May 17. The Supreme
Lodge Knights of Honor to-day disenssed
the advisability of ordering the supreme
dictator to make an immediate extra assess
ment. The law of the order now provides
that an assessment shall not be levied until
the money in the treasury has been redueed
to $2,000. A single assessment brings in the
sum of $136,000, and it was argued that by
keeping a large sum in the treasury and
levying assessments before the funds run so
low, benefits could be paid within ten days
after the death of members. The resolution
to order the assessment was lost, bnbanother
authorizing the supreme officers to order
assessments whenever they thine the good
of the order demands tbem, was adopted.
An effort was also made to change the
law of the order so as to allow local lodges
to choose their own medical examiner, but
it failed. This evening the delegates to the
lodge called upon the widow of the late
Vice President Hendricks. They were
courteously received and entertained at
Special Hot Weather Clothing; Sale.
1,200 men's nobby flannel coats and vests,
very cool and stylish, regular price'$2, at
only 98c for choice to-day at Kaufmanns'.
ThU'II be the Iait Day
Of Kaufmanns' tree distribution of fine and
elegant oak and mahogany hall stands to
purchasers of men's and boys' suits costing
not less than $10.
White and Fancy Tests.
The largest and most stylish assortment in
the city. Wni Peice,
Hotel Anderson, 47 Sixth st.
Fresh Arrival.
Just received from Anheuser-Busch St
Louis Brewery a large supply of their cele
brated Budweisser beet, in both quarts and
pints. Por sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and
97 Fifth avenue, city.
Those Free Hall Stands.
This is the last day of their distribution
by Kaufmanns'. Bach purchaser of a suit
costing $iu or more will get one gratis.
Ladles Blonse Waists.
Hundreds of them from $1 50 to $6 SO
each, in Scotch flannel and surah silk, at
Home & Ward's, 41 Pifth ave.
Speclnl Hot Weather Clothing; Sale.
1,200 men's" nobby flannel coats and vests,
very cool and stylish, regular price $2, at
only 98c ior choice to-day at Kaufmanns.
White and Fancy Vests.
The largest and most stylish assortment in
the city. Will Pbice,
Hotel Anderson. 47 Sixth st.
Ton Will Regret It
If you don't see the new hats at O. A.
Smiley & Co.'s.
This Morning
We will sell 1,000 pairs of men's checked
and striped pants at $1 25, worth really
$2 60. P. C. O. O., cor. Grant and Dia
mond sts., opp. the new Court House.
Ladles, Here's a Surprise for Ton.
Beautifully embroidered black cashmere
fichus, very fine and elegant, sold in the
drygoods stores for $5, will be offered at
Kaufmanns' to-day for $2 39.
Men's neckwear for summer.
Jakes H. Aikex & Co., loo Fifth ave.
Straw Hats All Day
At a A. Smiley & Co.'s, 28 Fifth avenue.
A Striking Instance
Of the wonderful bargains to be offered In
Kaufmanns' boys' department to-day is
800 boys' handsome combination kilt suits,
sizes 2 to 6, very stylish, at only 69c. Prices
of all other goods proportionately low;
White und'FBTicr Tests.
The largest and most stvliskassortment in
the city. 'WiliAPeice,
Hotel Anderson.
Sixth si.
Straw Hats AN Day
At O. A. Smiley .& Co.'s, 28 Bllik avense.
art deteribed bv Smuni
Mavnlt in an flliulrate
A Teacher Shot Without Warning by
Her Worthless. Husband
The Assassin Then Turned His Revolver
Against Himself
Ana the Hardertr and Els Victim Ealred Inside of
a Few Wantes,
A terrible double tragedy ws enacted he
fore the eyes of the little pupils of a Wash
ington school yesterday.- The dissipated
husband of the teacher entered the room
without warning and shot hit wife and then
himself. Both wounds were fatal, and they
lived only a few minutes. The teacher had
declined to support her husband in idle
ness, Washington, May 17. The little girls
attending the third grade in the Jefferson
Public' School building, in the southern
section of this city, were standing in the
aisles of the schoolroom at 3 o'clocc this
afternoon, about to bid school goodby until
Moricfay, when "their teacher, Mrs. Sarah
F. Allen, was fatally shot in their presence
by her worthless husband, who then killed
Allen had been supported by the earnings
of his wife as a school teacher until some
time ago, when she left him on account of
dissipation and frequent abuses and vio
lence. He has annoyed and threatened her
several times since she refused to have any
thing more to do with him,- and she had
been warned very recently to beware of
him. This afternoon Allen hired a cab on
.Pennsylvania avenue, and told the driver
he wanted to go to the Jefferson school
Arriving there he bade the driver wait
for hLn and immediately went to the room
where his wife taught, and taking out his
revolver, a small-sized British bulldog of 32
caliber, in the cloak room, advanced toward
his wife's desk. The children were the first
to see him and when they showed how
startled they were at his appearance, he
called on them not to make any noise or he
would shoot.
Mrs. Allen had meanwhile been attracted
and she started to move, but her husband by
this time was upon her, and saying: "Now,
I've got you where I want you," he fired at
close range, the ball taking effect near the
right ear and passing through the head. He
then turned thepistofonhimself and inflicted
a fatal wound, the ballet entering the right
temple and passing through the brain.
The murderer's wire and the suicide fell
together on the schoolroom floor, his arm
about her neck and the revolver lying on
her cheek. The startled, terror-stricken
children almost created a panic, but some of
the more collected of them ran for other
teachers, who succeeded in restoring order.
Police and physicians were summoned, who
did everything possible to make Mrs. Al
len's last moments free from pain.
She lingered only semi-conscious for some
time and then passed away. Her husband
expired a few minutes after the arrival of
the police. Mrs. Allen's maiden name was
Johnson. Her father, B. W. Johnson, is
an old and well-known resident of this city.
About 13 years ago, against the advice of
her family and friends, she married her
husband, Oswald O. Allen, 'who, cameirom
Charlottesville, Va. He was. known as a
worthless fellow, with no trade or liveli
hood, but the murdered woman seemed to
be infatuated with him. The marriage was
an unhappy ope, and Mrs. Allen frequently
said that the only blessing resulting from it
was the fact that no children were born to
them. She was a good teacher and was re
tained in the public schools notwithstand
ing her marriage and her husband's drunken
and vicious habits. She supported her
husband until his abuse became intolerable,
"when she left him.
He has often been sent to the workhouse
for vagrancy, and since he came into the
possession of a hundred dollars a short time
ago has been almost constantly in the
hands of the police ior drunkenness. About
a month ago, while Allen was being washed
withpoal oil in the workhouse to rid him
of vermin, one of his fellow prisoners held
a lighted match near him and he was badly
Amsterdam Holds the Belt and America Is
Its Best Customer.
Washington, May 17. United States
Consul Eckstein, at Amsterdam, in ajeport
to the Department of State on the manufact
ures of Holland, quotes at length from a
statement made to him by the proprietors of
one of the largest diamond-cutting estab
lishments in Holland. Amsterdam, the
statement says, is still the principal
market ior cut diamonds, and it is unlikely
that the market will be transferred to some
other city in the near futureas the differ
ent qualities necessarily produced by the
cutting of the rough stones find a better and
more ready sale there than elsewhere, be
cause of the larze number of foreign buyers
who come to the city.
America, it is said, buys only the best ar
ticles. Europe comes next, with a demand
for medium sorts, and the inferior goods are
sold in the remaining markets.
A Dispute Over the Henor Besnlts In a
Death. (
Cleveland, May 17. Farrell J. Mc
Carthy, a saloon keeper in Prospect street,
met Ira C. Benton, a traveling salesman, in
a drinking resort on Superior street this
evening. They drank beer together, and
then a dispnte arose as to who should pay
ior it. ' The men agreed to step into a paved
court back of the saloon to settle the con
troversy. McCarthy struck Benton While proceed
ing to the place where the fight was to occur
and Benton fell to the ground. McCarthy
sprang upon him, pounding him in the face,
kicked him on the head and in the stomach.
He then walked away. Benton was imme
diately taken to a hospital, where he died.
McCarthy is in prison.
St. tools Merchants Thlnlc Their Own Leg
Islatare Sold Them Oat to Chicago.
St. Louis, May 17. There was never a
more disgusted set of men assembled than
gathered in the Merchants' Exchange Hall
this morning. The passage of the grain in
spection bill which takes the inspec
tion of grain out of the hands
of the Exchange and gives it to
the Bailroad Commissioners, is looked upon
as a direct blow at St. Louis, and some of
the merchants go so far as to say that the
bill was passed in the interest of Chicago.
In reply toAhe arguments in favor of the
existing system, Senator Taggard is re
ported to have said: "Why, under the sys
tem which yon now have yon have drawn
corn from Northern Missouri to St. Lonis
which belonged to Chicago. You had no
right to it; it was the property of Chicago;
but you got it on account of your Inspec
tion system."
WWte n4 oer,Vw. , , ,.,
.,- The largest and most stylish nasortweilt Uc
, vWltCPKICB.-
. . " l x w
A Municipal.-Scandal In. Baltimore That
Include the Whole Machine.
Baltimobe, May 17. About two weeks
ago; Councilman Mclrityre, of the Eleventh
ward, shook up the politicians by charging
in the first branch of the City Council that
an attempt Jiad been made to bribe several
members of that body in the interest of the
Washington Automatic Gaslight Company.
An investigating committee was appointee-,
before which all the parties concerned were
summoned to appear. The fraud was
brought to light through the introduction
of an ordinance to give the contract for at
tending to the gasoline lamps in the city to
the lowest bidder. Heretofore the contract
has been awarded by an ordinance, and the
price paid was $14 per lamp. There are in
all about 900 lamps. Other companies re
peatedly tried to compete for the contract,
out in vain.
The Automatic Company, until recently,
was controlled bv Samtiel Begester, now
one" of the Board of Fire Commissioners.
The active worker in securing the contract
was Charles O. Nicblai. CouncilmanHay
den, a Democrat, swore that Nicolai had
offered him money, and Councilman ."Wie
ner, also a Democrat, testified that Nicolai
wanted to retain him as counsel. Nicolai
had convinced Councilmen Brown and Dud
nitz, two Eepublicans. L. D. Passano, the
representative of the Standard Oil Com
pany, charged James W. McElroy, ex
aminer of titles for the city and partner of
Thomas M. Lanahan, "with saying that the
only way to get the ordinance providing
for competition out of the committee's
hands, was to pay $500 to I. Freeman Basin,
now the naval officer at.this port.
A Mnrder BIjstery for Over a Tear Cleared
Up Unexpectedly.
St. L0TJi3,May 17. The letter written
from this city Monday by the assassin of
Samuel Waldrup, of Litchfield, HI., re
sulted to-day in the arrest of the writer.
His name is Thomas B. Knaggs, and he is
a relative, by marriage, of the Waldrup
family. On April 1, 1888, Waldrup, who
was a prominent citizen of Litchfield, was
called to his door and shot. Every effort
was made by the authorities to discover the
identity of the murderer, but they were dis
appointed. A reward of $500 was offered,
but no one ever put in a claim for it
Tuesday morning Taylor Waldrup re
ceived a letter from Knaggs, posted in this
city, in which the writer acknowledged
killing Samuel Waldrup, and insinuating
that he would in time remove the rest of the
family. Detectives arrested him to-day at
the City Hotel. He admitted the murder,
and said he killed Waldrup because he was
anrimmoral man. He will go to Litchfield
to-morrow without a requisition.
Action TakenAgalnst the Doctors Who Held
an Autopsy on Blind Reader Bishop.
New York, May 17. Coroner Levy to
day held an inquiry in the matter of the
death of Washington Irving Bishop, the
mind reader. He examined Dr. J. A.
Irwin and other surgeons who were present
at the: autopsy. Dr. Ferguson, who made
the' autopsy, said he did so at Dr. Irwin's
request He made a specialty of autopsies.
He made tbe autopsy of Mr. Bishop's body
at about 3:45 7. M. Dr. Irwin said he
.thought death had occurred about noon.
Lawyer Atchinson, representing the family
and the District Attorney, declared crime
had been committed.
It was a misdemeanor to have performed
the autopsy without the Coroner's consent,
and manslaughter if the man was not dead
when the autopsy was made. He thought
bail should be fixed, binding all who were
present at the autopsy. Dr. Irwin objected,
but the Coroner held, him, Dr. Hance and
Dr. Ferguson in $2,600 each to await the in
quest, which will be held next week. The
Coroner ordered another autopsy to-be held.
The Indiana Miners Take a Ballot to Decide
the Matter.
' Indianapolis, May 17. It is learned
from Brazil that the miners at the various
mines in that, section of Indiana, about a
third of the coal area of the State, voted to
dayon tbe question of reduction or strike,
Not until the delegate meeting to-morrow
can it be ascertained how the vote went, but
several of the larger mines voted for a
strike. Some also voted to have all miners
now at work quit.
In anticipation of a strike the Coal Bluff
and .fcontanet bituminous miners voted a
tax of 25 cents a day to aid the block miners
in a strike. Two thousand votes were cast,
and it is thought a strike has been ordered.
Several of Them Shot, Stabbed and Beaten,
. With Stones.
Wheeling, W. Va., May 17. A tele
gram from Beverly, Bandolph county, says
a terrible riot occurred there yesterday be
tween Italian laborers on the extension of
the West Virginia Central Bailroad. Abont
40 men were engaged in the trouble, which
was of the most serious nature, and only
quelled with difficulty.
Three men were shot, one through the
lungs, one in the head and one in the thigh,
two others were seriously stabbed, and oth
ers were beaten with stones. No names are
given and no indications of arrest.
The Union Labor Men Slav Consolidate
With the Prohibitionists.
Chableston, W. Va., May 17. Chair
man J. W. Goshorn, of thfe National Union
Labor Executive Committee, has called a
committee meeting at Chicago June 13. In
dications point that at that meeting the Pro
hibitionists and other reform movements
will effect a consolidation, and that a call
ior a convention will be issued ior the in
auguration of the reform party.
White and Fancy Tests.
The largest and most stylish assortment in
the city. Will Peice,
Hotel Anderson. 47 Sixth st.
This I the last Day
Kaufmanns' will give the men of Pittsburg
and Allegheny a chance to buy those highly
elegant and stylish 510 76 and $7 85 dress
and business suits. These goods are worth
double and treble tbe prices. Ask for them
as soon as you enter Kaufmanns' store to
day. Bear In Mind
We have the newest colors and nobbiest
shapes of gentlemen's hats.
O. A. Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth ave.
" FLANifEL dress shirts for warm weather.
James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
Those 810 75 and 87 85 Men's Suits,
Of which Kaufmanns' have sold thousands
during the past few weeks, will not be of
fered longer than to-night. Catch time by
the forelock and double your money by buy
ing one at dnce,
TTon Will Regret it
If you don't see the new hats at C. A.
Smiley & Co.'s.
Flannel dress-shirtrfor warm weather.
James H. Aiken &' Co., 100 Fifth - ave.
ms, , it deteribed In detail tnttZmorrovtt DlS-
jranic.wj Carpenter. . who i alto' telU
SATURDAY, MAT 18-, ' 1889. - --.,.--. - &
i . - - . - . t .
The Covenanters and Seceders Want
to Merge so asto.Tote .
Steps Taken Xesterday to" Gel Togetnef Be
fore Jane 18.
And Borne Other Good Thinjs the Bt&raerj
Pride In Possessing
The Synod of Tarentum has a donble in
terest. Mooted reunion of factions is one
phase. A disposition to take a hand in
government is another. Particularly an
effort to patch things up and vote for pro
hibition seems to be the plan.
The long-existing factional controversy
in the Beformed Presbyterian Church is
truly nearing a conciliatory focus, as was
intimated in these columns yesterday, and
the conference now in session at Tarentnm
bore further evidence at yesterday's meet
ing of the fact.
Avery flattering flock of people repre
sentatives of both Bides were in attendance,
and a most mutual feeling of congeniality
prevailed as regards the question of re
uniting forces and abolishing the old fogy
ideas which have existed since 1833. Yes
terday's action by the Synod was to farther
this object, and arrive at some definite re
sult. At the morning session Bev. S. M.
Bamsey, of New York State, presided. Gen
eral business was discussed, and various
views were given on
In the afternoon Bev. D. McKinney, of
Cincinnati, occupied the chair, and the
topic was "Union With the Other Branch
of Beformdfl Church." The report of a
meeting held at Beaver Falls last Novem
ber to consider the subject was read.
The members on the two committees were
Bev. Dr. Morton, Bey. John Alford and
Elder J. N. Houston for the General Synod,
while Bev. H. H. George, Bev. W. B.
Laird and Elder McCaulis acted for the
smaller Synod.
The result was that, in substance, the only
point of difference was "the practical ap
plication of the testimony of the church to
the United States Government, the Synod
allowing its members to vote, while the
General Synod did not."
Since the prohibition question is so perti
nent, many of the Covenanters want to vote.
and committees were recommended to be
appointed yesterday to hold a convention of
the two synods, and the appointment ot a
larger number of representatives from each
contingent on a side.
It was also favorably considered to ap
point fraternal delegates to meet at Belle
Center on June 5 next, where a general and
final meeting will be held prior to the pro
hibitory election. After this meeting it was
resolved that the next conference r held in
Pittsburg in May, 1890, or any i ier city
the committee may concur upon.
Bev. Dr. Steel, oi Philadelphia, read a
paper on foreign missions and the encourag
ing results accruing from the work of Bev.
G. W. Scott, who is located at Boorkee.
Hindostan. This church has the honor and
credit of sending out the first native mis
sionary, j
After the afternoon services, ending in
prayer, an evening's entertainment took
place for the benefit of visiting delegates.
Becitationsr dialogues, music and refresh
ments were indulged in, while interesting
talks were made by Bev. Prof. Steel and
Bev. John Graham, both of Philadelphia,
and Bev. J. F. Morton, of Ohio. Bev, J.
H. Kendall, of Tarentum, presided.
Cincinnati LIqnorMen to be Fined If They do
Not do Easiness.
Cincinnati, May 17. The attitude of
the municipal administration toward the
enforcement of the Sunday closing law is
just now a matter of keen interest to the
saloonkeepers. For the last two Sundays
many saloons have voluntarily closed be
cause of rumors that arrests were intended.
But no arrests have been made. A motion
is pending in the police court to dismiss the
700 or 800 cases that have never been tried
there, though brought last summer. That
will probably be granted to-morrow. It is
then expected that arrests will be made on
Sunday and trials will be had in the new
police court.
To-day the Saloon Keepers' Association
had a meeting and resolved to keep saloons
open next Sunday. They will assess a fine
of $10 on each member who violates this
agreement A Law and Order League," as
well as other citizens not belonging to the
league, are said to be arranging to make a
new test of the efficiency of the officers in
enforcing the law.
Two Men and a Woman Arrested for the
Attack on tho Paymaster.
JTLos Angeles, Cal., May 17. Assistant
Adjutant General Yolmar, Department of
Arizona, received a dispatch from Captain
Lebo, of Fort Thomas, that "Cyclone" Bill,
who was arrested at Clifton for the robbery
of the paymaster, was brought in last even
ing, and that W. F. Cunningham, of Fort
Thomas, had been arrested.
Both men and a woman, Frankie Strat
ton, having been identified as being among
the party who committed the robbery.
A Kentucky Editor Returns a Shot, Killing
His Antagonist.
Louisville, May 17. At Caseyville
yesterday B. G. Thomas, editor of the Ca
seyville Serald, shot and killed George
Elmer, a prominent merchant. Elmer ob
jected to a publication in Thomas' paper,
and when thev met shot Thomas in the leg.
Thomas then fired the fatal shot. Thomas
is well-known throughout the State, having
been a State Legislator.
Worked the Bonse for 8500.
The residence of E?.,D. Wili, of the Opera
House, was robbed last night of jewelry and
money aggregating 00. Burglars had
jimmied the shutter and window of his
residence, on Washington street. Gold
watches abd diamond rings constitute the
jewelry. Several parties are suspected of
. Bat They Didn't Do It.
Quite a crowd collected to see Bob Lut2
and Jim McAuliffe clean out Fred Staly's
poolroom, at Second avenue and Grant A
small-sized riot resulted and the gentlemen
were pulled in. Lutz was to receive his
sentence on a charge of larceny torday.
Not Many Strawberries.
W.M. Leatherman, a fruit preserver,
went East' last evening.. Mr. Leatherman
states that, judging from the blossoms the
.apple crop gives great .promise. He finds
strawberries this year are a partial failure.
He was not posted on the outlook for
Lace Earns a Lady's Arras.
' Mrs. North's armr are reported "to have
vbeed seriously burned by thatjace curtain
blaze of yesterday afternoon that is reported
flMwhri And Trnichvnsed the'alarm from
." "-I ." .- ,---. ---
The Republican ConntT Primaries' to be
Held To-Day A btruggleforSapreraacr
oa tbe Committees.
The battle for supremacy between the two
Bepublican leaders of Western Pennsylva
nia, Messrs. -Magee and Quay, will occur
this afternoon. The Pittsburg-end of it has
been before written up. One of the main
issues will be the rules governing the nomi
nations of candidates for offices in Allegheny
county. The new rules, which were draited
by leading numbers of the committee, aie
evidently very objectionable to Mr. Quay,,
as he has instructed his friends to elect dele
gates to the Connty Committee to knock
them out;
The work was done very quietly by the
party leaders, and the ward workers and
voters do not yet thoroughly understand' the
system. Heretofore there was one delegate
from each precinct in the County Commit
tee. The next committee will be composed
of less members, and two conventions will
be necessary to nominate a candidate for
any county office.
The Quay men eot a lead in the Second
Legislative district, which comprises the
Second, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, Tenth and
Eleventh wards, Allegheny, and there is no
opposition to any of the delegates set np.
They are all instructed to vote for the fol
lowing slate:
Second ward, James P. Stewart Assistant
Assessor: James Bradley. Health Officer: Coun
cilman, William McDonald, a cleric in the Pro
tbonotarr's office. Filth ward. Councilman,
Charles W. DahllnRer.and Deputy Sheriff and
Councilman, George Rhudolph. Sixth ward.
William F. Trimble, a contractor and Presi
dent of the Allegheny Poor Board, and Coun
cilman Chris Steffen, Jr. Ninth ward, T. B.
Morris, the druggist, who will receive tbe ap
pointment of Consul to Cardiff, Wales. Tentn
ward, John B- Watson. Eleventh ward, Select
Councilman John B. Henricks;
These men, it is said,- were set up to
chanee the present rules, and the matter
was kept so quiet that no person else even
thought of entering the fight. This has
stirred up some ward politicians, who claim
that the leaders cannot have everything
tueir own way, ana tney will mafce an
effort to enter the convention, and if they
secure 19 votes, will make things exceed
ingly warm for the people who arranged the
matter without consulting them. It will be
a verydifficult task, however, to knock the
"setup" out Delinquent Tax Collector
Sam Greer was on the slate, but he declined
to run yesterday, and James P. Stewart was
named in his place.
The fight in the First Legislative district,
which comprises the First, Third, Fourth,
Seventh, Eighth, twelfth and Thirteenth
wards, Allegheny, is very intricate. There
are two slates, one o$ which is called the
Quay and the other the Magee; bus five
persons figure on both slates, and are there
fore "sure winners." A- strong effort, and
in fact the main fight, seems to be on John
W. Neeb, one of the besfknown German
Eepublicans in the two cities. He hast not
declared in favor of either of the two lead
ers, but is classed as an anti.Quay man. His
friends say he cannot be defeated, as the
majority of the voters of the First district
are Germans, and are opposed to Quay-, who
is personally a Prohibitionist and was'the
man who pushed the matter of submitting
the amendment to the Constitution of the
State. The two slates in this district are
Quay-First ward, Daniel T. Mulvey and W.
M. Gibbs: Third, District Attorney Porter and
Secretary R.B. Scandrett, of the Allegheny
Board of School Controllers; Fourth, Hon. C.
W. Bobison and Victor Zennger; Seventh,
Councilman Charles W. Mueblbronner; Eighth,
Councilman George Schad; Twelfth, Theodore
Myler, assistant postmaster; Thirteenth,
Roundsman T. C. Johnston.
Magee First ward. John N. Neeb and D. T.
Mulvey; Third, District Attorney Porter and
Henry Datt; Fonrth.Hugb Kennedy and Street
Commissioner William F. Meese; Seventh,
Councilman CharlesW. Mneblbronner; Eighth,
Councilman George Schad: Twelfth, County
Detective William C. Langhorst; Thirteenth,
Roundsman T. C. Johnston.
It will be seen that Messrs. Mulvey, Por
terrMnehlbronner, Schad and Johnston are
on both slates.
It Is Rumored Superintendent Johnson, at
the P. fc W., Has Resigned.
ft was currently rumored last evening
that Superintendent Johnson, of the Pitts
burg and Western road, had resigned his
position. At the late hour neither Mr.
Johnson nor any of the officials of the road
could be seen to verify or deny the report.
If it be true, it is no surprise to railroad
men. Tbe appointment of a General Man
ager under President Oliver, simply meant
that Mr. Johnson's work would.be attended
to by Manager McDonald.
Some other changes in the local officers
are expected to be made.
Vice President O'Dar. of (he 'Frisco, on tho
Railroad Situation.
"Vice President Daniel 0'Dayt of the
'Friscoiline, passed through the city last
night bound for New York. Mr. O'Day
says capitalists are afraid to invest in rail
roads, and this 13 the principal reason why
so few miles of track will be laid this year.
He said also that his road runs through a
fine agricultural country and the indica
tions lor the crops are quite good.
Now for the Decision.
Mr. W. E. Morrison and General Bragg,
of the Inter-State Commission, arrived in
the city last evening from Titusville. The
Commissioners stopped at the Anderson,
and will leave for Washington this morn
ing. Judge Cooley went to Chicago. Both
men declined to say anything about the
hearing they had just completed.
Knufmnnns' Promise
To make this the biggest bargain day of a
decade will be faithfully kept. As an ex
ample of what awaits purchasers of bovs
clothing we would mention a large lot of
pretty sailor suits, shoulder ornaments, at
only 35c each. These suits, however, are no
cheaper in proportion than the boys' fine
dress suits which Kaufmanns' will sell to
day at ?3 35. They're worth every cent of $7.
For Three Honrs.
Between the hours of 8 and 11 this morn
ing, we will Sell 90 cases of men's stiff hats,
worth 2 75, at the low price of $1 50; men's
crush hats at 38c. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
This Will bo tbe Last Day
Of Kaufmanns' famous sale of $10 75 and
?7 85 men's suits. These goods are just the
thing for business and professional men,. be
ing made from stylish, all-wool materials,
and fitting perfectly. The same class of
suits cannot be bought elsewhere below $15
and $18.
Don't Forget
The finest and best assortment of summer
hats is at O. A. Smiley & Co.'s, 28 Fifth
White nnd Fancy Tests.
The largest and most stylish assortment in
the city will Pbice,
Hotel Anderson. 47 Sixth st
Attention! As Soon as Yoa Enter
Kaufmanns' store to-day, ask to see those
wonderful $10 75 and $7 85 men's suits.
Thousands of them have been sold during
the past few weeks. They're the best and
biggest bargains on record;
White and Fancy Tests.
The largest and most stylish assortment in
the city. will Pbice,
Hotel Anderson. 47 Sixth st
Don't B?rgct
The finest and best assortment of summer
hats is atC. 'A. Smller Ss Co.'s, 28 Fifth
bright markling lett
witet-for to-morrow's
Dispatch ont of ..her
ti, containing the srtm'
A Fall Account of tke Wreck of the
Pacific SteamerlLIaskafl? '
He Eemained Upon tbe Ship Until 'it Sink
Beneath the Waves. r
A BaBBertf the Sailors Befossi to lab to the BtaU
and Bans. -' ,, .'
Thirty of the officers and crew of tho
wrecked steamer Alaskan have not bees, ac
counted for, and are probably lost. Captain
Howes has arrived at Portland, and gives
his story of the disaster. Every effort was
made to save the vessel; arid the "captain re-"
mained with her until she sank beneath the
Portland, Obe., May 17. Captain B.
P. Howes, of the foundered steamer Alas
kan, and First Officer Wood, have arrived,
here on the steamship Columbia. The
Alaskan sailed for San Francisco from As
toria last Saturday noon and crossed tho
Columbia river bar safely, headed down the
coast on Sunday forenoon. A very heavy
gale sprang up, which soon increased to a
terrible storm and the sea ran very high,
and the vessel began laboring very heavily.
In the afternoon the steamer strained and
began taking water. The pumps were kept
going constantly, the officers and crew
vainly endeavoring to stop the leak by stn
ingin blankets and bedding. The storm
continued with unabated fury, and early
Sunday evening the -upper works of the
steamer began goingr to pieces. The water
poured in on all sides, potting out the fires
In the furnaces and flooding the upper
The engines were stopped, and the hnge
vessel pitched and tossed at the merer of
the elements. Tbe pumps could not be.
worked and the vessel began filling. How
ever, Captain Howes gave orders for all to
stay by the vessel, in hopes the storm would
soon abate. About 12 o'clock.. Monday
night it was evident that the steamer would
soon founder.
Captain Howes then gave orders to launch
the life boats and rafts. All the boats were
launched but one, which crushed against
the side of the steamer. The men behaved
well, acting with coolness and obeying
orders promptly. There were 44 men oa
board the vessel and three, stowaways.- All
but seven or eight put on life-preservers,
got into the boats and on liie rafts and
drifted away.
Some refused to leave the steamer at all,
preferring to take desperate chances on
board rather than commit' themselves v to the
hungry waves. At 2:15 A. M. Monday the
steamer took a plunge and went down stem
first Captain Howes gallantly stayed with
the vessel until she sunk, and clinging to
a portion of the wreckage, floated away.
He was afterward picked up by those on
one of the rafts. After 33 hours he and
others were picked up by the tug Vigilante.
The same vessel also picked up the first
officer, G. W. Wood, T. Wallace, W. Col
lins, B. Barnhold, J. Monaghan, J. W.
Brown, W. Alfred Johnson, John Welch
and Geo. Shilderup, the latter person had a
leg broken by the falling of the timbers, be
fore leaving the steamer, and died soon
alter being picked up by the Vigilante.
John welch was found dead on a piece of
wreckage clinging to some iopes. Chief
Engineer Swain was washed off one of "the
rafts soon alter leaving the sinking vessel
and is known to be lost Among those
whom refused to leave the Alaskan and
certainly lost, were Albert Bahles, steward;
8. T. Week, second officer; W. Jenney, a
seaman. Thirty remain yet unaccounted
for, whose fate is unknown at present
The tug Vigilante, after picking up those
mentioned, crnised about the scene" of the
disaster for over 12 hours, hut saw no signs
of the others. At the time the vessel foun
dered a fearful storm prevailed, and the rain
descended in torrents. There is little hope
of the other part of the crew escaping.
Efforts are being made to find them or ascer
tain their fate.
The. United States lighthouse tender
Manzanitza, now on the southern coast, is
cruising about looking for the survivors, if
any. Cape Blanco is also 200 miles south
of the mouth of the Columbia river, on the
coast of Oregon, and is only a short dis
tance from the north port of Cape Orford.
Near as can be ascertained the disaster oc
curred about 18 miles off the cape.
The tug Vigilante saw a number of rockets .
from the Alaskan i, short time.- before the
vessel foundered, and Captain Howes say's
he saw the tug lights quite plainly, but the-'-vessel
was some distance away and could
render no assistance amidst the howling
storm. The Vigilante brought the survi
vors np to the mouth of the Columbia, and
then waited until the ocean steamer Colum
bia came along and then transferred the
With Other South American Nations, Sh"s
Will be Represented at Washington.
Washington, May 17. A dispatch was"
received by the State Department yesterday
rrom Mr. Carlisle, the United States Min
ister to Bolivia, stating that- Bolivia
would be represented at the .con
ference of South American nations,
to beheld here next autumn. The dispatch
also referred to Bolivia's intention to be
represented at Washington by a Minister,
the Consul General of that country sta
tioned in New York at present being Bo
livia's chief diplomatic agent
It is understood that Bolivia will send a
Minister Plenipotentiary to Washington,
and will make the United Btates a first
class mission. This is in line with the
policy of the other-South American nations,
in establishing first-class legations at Wash
For an Execution by Electricity Dnly Signed
and Sealed.
Brm-ALO, May 17. The death warrant
of William Kemmler, the first man con
victed under the electrical execution Jaw,
has been signed and he will be taken to
Auburn State prison in a few days. The
warrant is directed to the warden of Auburn
prison and provided that "the sentence be
executed "Upon some day within the
week commencing Monday, the 24tb day of
Jnnc, in the year of our Lord 1889,-and
within the walls of Auburn State prison or
within tbe yard or inclosttre adjoining
thereto, by then and ''there causing to pass
through the body of him, the said William
Kemmler, a current of electricity of suffi
cient intensity to cause death, and that the
application of such current of electricity be
continued until said William Kemmler be
The Forsaken Sweetheart Gets a Verdict
After Marrying Another Fellow."1 '
Woosteb, May 17. A jury in Common
Pleas Court last evening returned a verdict.
ior $5,000 in favor of Laura Sidle aalnst
Byron A. Fonch for' breach -ot promise. ,
Fouch is a former lawyer here,, but now reV -sides
in Fremont ' : '
. Both Miss Sidle 'and Touch" hive ,beea-
married, but not to each other," since the
suit was commenced several yean sws7.Iher;
r Soyersss I
parties are well eeaneetu
WMIBIll '1,1111,1 JM&35Lr."lITCMHl