"W- &SF fva T?r- r - K ,EHE rPCTTSJTIRG DISPATCH, SiAITTIBIX?, MA.Y 18, 1689, r 1 A GREAT PAPER The Diepatch To-Moriw, Sunday, May 19, mix BE A TRIPLE 20-PAGE ISSUE, COXTAtNINQ ILL THE WORLD'S MS. XST CoisTsiBtmoKs Fnosr the Brightest WBXTEBS or THE AGE OS SUBJECTS Gbaye aks Gay, Ektektahi. .ptO AND IKSTBPCTITE. 0e Sl 'ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY & IBtflL VoLH Ko.lOO. Entered atPlttsbnrsPostofflca, ICoTembcr 14, 1837, u second-class matter. Business Office 97 and. 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing: House 75, . 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Average net circulation of the daily edi tion of The Diipatcb. for six month ending May 1.1SS9, 28,051 Copies per Issne. i Average net circulation of the Sunday edi tion of The Dispatch for April, 18S9, 46,143 Copies per Issne. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE PREI IN THS TOITXD 8TATXS. DAn-T Dispatch. One Year I 8 00 Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00 Daily Dispatch, One Month 70 Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, one year 10 00 Daily Dispatch; Including Sunday, per quarter. z Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one month.. .. 90 Sunday Dispatch, one year 260 Wiesxy DISPATCH, one year 1 !S The daily dispatch li delivered by carriers at j JScenU per week, orlncludlngtheBundayeditlon. at 3) cenu per week, PITTSBURG. SATUBDAT, MAY 18, 1888. A BADICAL DIFFEBEHCE. The contest over wages which our local reports show to be impending at the Home stead Steel Works is a singular illustration of the radical divergence of views which can exist between the the different interests. A good many such, differences have caused lone and costly strikes; but there have been few which started out with such a wide gap as the 30 to 50 per cent advance asked by the men, and the equally decided reduction announced by the firm. It is hardly possible to avoid the infer ence, where there is such a discrepancy in the first proposals, that one side or the other has committed the error of making exor bitant demands in order to gain leeway for liberal concessions. Ko intelligent knowl edge of the steel market can permit such radical differences, as are here disclosed. It is not the province of the press to adjudicate the rights and wrongs of such a dispute. It can only point out the inevitable loss and danger that must follow such differences if they are pushed to the result of a strike. Perhaps it is just as well that such a striking divergence, as in this case, shall come up occasionally in order to show the absence of the necessary influences for the prompt end equitable settlement of wages. When in place of fl in wages by the present scale, the men ask $1 CO and the firm offers 50 cents, the wide discrepancy implies the absence of the force which should maintain wages on an equitable basis. What the exact lack is and how it can be supplied forms the problem of the age. With regard to the present case, we can only say that it shows the need of some equitable method of settling wages, and hope that the method may be found before the present difference produces a long and disastrous strike. A HEALTHY SIGH. The remark of a railroad official reported in a Chicago telegram, with reference to the abolition of differential rates, that it is im possible to permit a system of differential rates without a pool to regulate it, tells a part of the truth, but not the whole of- it. The differential rates cannot be maintained without a pool, and-would never -have been dreamed of except in connection with a pooT. ""The differential as applied in this era is to permit the roundabout roads to carry freight cheaper than the direct ones. The device of authorizing those roads, which can least afford to carry cheaply, to do so in or der that those which can best afford to carry cheaply shall not do so, is an outgrowth of the system of pooling. It is never heard of except in connection with combinations to prevent competition from fixing rates, and to nullify the healthy principle of having industrial services performed by the agen cies best fitted to do them, because they do them the cheapest. Therefore, the abolition of differentials is a healthy sign that the prohibition of pools is doing its work. The roads which can af ford to do the work at the least prices are likely to do it, when the anomaly produced by pooling disappears. A HOTEL AFPLICATIOH. A striking example of the early spring madness of partisanship may be found in the reference of the Iionisville Courier Journal to the defeat of the ballot reform bill in New "York, as: "The veto of the Sax ton bill, which would have made it impossi ble for Mr. Quay to carry the electoral vote of "New York in 1892." This way of looking at things implies a very novel vie1 of pol itics. It indicates a belief that the Repub lican "Legislature which passed the bill de-j sired to defeat the Republican candidate iu 1892. It also implies that the Democratic Governor of New York who vetoed the bill wishes to stand in with Senator Quay in the next Presidental election. Probably the esteemed Courier-Journal thinks that Cleveland will be the next candidate and that Governor Hill desires to defeat him: but still it is a decidedly unique view to I represent the Democratic Governor of New "York as acting in the interests of our own Matthew Stanley Quay. When tie poli ticians of one party get to doing exactly what their enemies would wish them to do it is a novel application of the golden rule in politics. CUTTING THETfi OWH TH&OATS. The natural result of the agitation which has been most successful in the cattle raising States, against dressed beef, is apparent in the fact that "English journals are pointing to it as an argument for excluding Ameri can beef from their country. 01 course the 'English interest that will use this argu ment most freely, will he financially bene- lid by the exclusion; bet when they ea -saint to the ex&siBte of ca4le rats-ise States ?as!rliiig to permit the sale of dressed beef, it fi hard -to see how the. supporters of American beef abroad can find a prac tical reply to it. The possibility of shutting off the export of beef and cattle may show the cattle growing interest how the measure into which they hare been misled will cat their own throats. The exports oi beef products last year were 274,000,000 pounds, equal to about 350,000 cattle. The exports of lire cattle were 140,000. Here we have a total exportation of nearly half o, million cattle at the value of $30,000,000. Supposing this outlet to be cut off is it not clear that the results must be disastrous to the cattle-raising interests of the whole country? The act of the Western interests in famishing the weapon that can thus be turned against themselres is all the more foolish because the measure that would hare secured the legitimate purposes had been urged before the country. State legislation to co-operate with the federal inspection law for guarding the health of beef prop ducts for inter-State and export trade would have placed American beef above reproach. Similar legislation against trusts and com binations would have prevented undue control ot the live stock trade. Both meas ures together would have added to the pros terity of the cattle growers, cheapened the price and guaranteed the quality of meat, and enlarged instead of restricted the commerce of the country. But the cattle growing interests have in stead been led into serving the puiposes of those who are anxious to maintain the high prices of food. How much it will cost them before they discover and correct their mis take it is hard to estimate. HOT A DAHGEB0TJS HaBKET. The immensity of the recent strides of im provement in Pittsburg real estate has caused a few timid persons to note with ap prehension the occasional reappearance of the brass band and free lunch feature which was quite the order of the day in 1673. But nothing of that sort has yet occnrred'here in the present revival on a scale to warrant even the slightest shadow of apprehension. ' J ,Br lue "rgesi volume ui transacuuus w real estate at present is in improved property. Persons have bought houses to live in them; and others have bought sites to build houses upon. Thus it is an actual present demand which, so far, has been catered to. The fact that few houses anywhere in the city remain unsold or unrented is the best evidence that the movement in,, that respect is not ahead of the times or of actual requirements. - As for indiscriminate speculation, there is as yet but little, if anything, of it. Enough people are still living with vivid remembrance of the events in the early '70's to check the folly of baseless booms or dreams of enhancement springing solely .from mere maps and recorded plans or from a too fervid imagination. There is not yet any advancement to speak of in values of Pittsburg real estate, or in the local demand for property, that is not a fair outgrowth of population and busi ness. Buyers, in nine cases out of ten, if not indeed in still larger proportion, seem to have actual needs for what they buy. There is evidence, also, that they are con sulting their pocketbooks and their pros pects with close discernment. That is not the sort of activity in the real estate market which characterizes dangerous speculation. On the contrary, quite the reverse. ABSOLUTISM AJTD IHDU8TBY. The course which the young Emperor of Germany took in dealing with the recent miners' strike was about as ridicu lous an example of absolutism applied to industrial disputes as could well be im agined. Hardly anything roye foreign to the status of industrial matters iu this country could be conceived than the spectacle of the sovereign of the country telling a delegation of the workingmen that if they did not obey orders he would call out the troops and have them cut down like dogs; and thehMurning around and giving their employers a sharp lecture, with or ders to give the men fair wages and. steady work; It is certainly to the Emperor's credit that he perceived the vital necessities of the position. Order and respect for the law on the part of the workmen, is something which the ruling classes are very apt to teach; but" few of them are as lucky as he to see that the employers must found the principles of good order in good pay and decent pros perity for their employes. The rule of might did better than usual in this case; J and a good many people maybe led to think that perhaps it might be well to have some such power in this country, by which the wasteful and destructive disputes between labor and capital could be readihr adjusted by a power higher than either of them. Still such an opinion wonld be a mistake. Neither labor nor capital would be bene fited by taking their liberties away from them. The grave disputes in which they engage are an evil; but the evil will work out its highest good when it makes the Em ployers and their men learn that they must settle their disputes intelligently and peace ably. It is better for a nation to learn that lesson even at the cost of some danger and dispute than to lean upon some absolute power to govern them. Beyond that it appears that the imperial order was not as efficient as was expected, from the news that the strikers have come into collision with the troops and that the result of bloodshed has followed. A SOCIETY CATCH. Consul Doty, who has labored under the stupendous burden of representing the United States for some time in the Society Islands, has won the "heart and hand of Princess Polona. It is always pleasant to note signs of life in our consular agents, es pecially in the rather slumberous atmos phere of the South Pacific. The Princess Polona is said to be a pleasant, reddish brown brunette, of refined tastes, accus tomed to civilization's ways, Including the bustle. That she is a woman of sense is proved by the fact that she rejected an offer of marriage made to her some time ago by that eminent and aristocratic blackleg, the Earl of Dudley, whose arrest for gam bling in a London club house was chron icled in The Dispatch recently. We have sot the pleasure of knowing Mr. Doty, but we feel reasonably sure that Princess Polona will find him superior to most of her olive or bright brown hrethren, and certainly better than any errant En glish earl. It is a wonder that the Society Islands have not attracted a greater number of Americans to their hospitable shores. There are thousands in this country, male and female, who are eating their hearts out be cause they cannot get into Bociety. Why should not they find what they want in Tahiti. We have reliable statistic? at hand which state that pigs, dogs and rats, to say nothing ofdoaaet&o animals in general, thrive remarkably well on these islands. Surely "sateiety" breegkt to famed 400 . if MflnlJflFJmtTl.li - IHronriAtt Tt flWVt' .yW WJWI !. .. VIIHM &" I worm et vM any Banco inexwaiowwMi bine blood if a little farownblood were in jected into it That new English engine on -the Penn sylvania Railroad does not seem? bo able to keep np wllltthejrap!d pace of this country. The PennBylyanlaHailroad should donate it to the anglomaniacs of New York. It may be popular with them because it Is English, even though it is not fast enough, for their balls. It is noticeable that the Philadelphia License Court took the same view of the license law, with regard (6 wholesale license, that our own court did. It rejected 225 ap plications for wholesale licenses. The case will be carried to the Supreme Court from Philadelphia, and there the question will be decided whether the same discretion is given for granting of wholesale licenses as has already been supported with regard to the retail licenses. The editorialfraternityin theBepublican party mav not be saying much about the fact that "two first-class missions the Ger man and'Bussian are vacant; but that is no reason why they should not keep on sawing wood, just the same. As the heated season advances with rapid strides, the fact that the drug stores are not permitted either to sell even soda water or mineral drinks on Sunday, lends force to the suggestion that someone feelingly pro vides drinking fountains, where plenty of cool water can be procured by the crowds who march the streets on" Sunday afternoons a better and healthier resort than hot courts and back alleys. The arrangements for the May "Festival at the Exposition give great promise of a striking and appropriate inauguration of Pittsburg's new attraction. The Music Festival will be a great musical event, and a greater sooial one. The doctor at Clifton Springs, New York, who accidentally hanged himself in testing the new suspensory apparatus for the cure of curvature of the spine, reversed the usual medical ruleofat experimentumincorpore vili. The doctor who hangs himself first, in order to find ont whether his patients can stand the process, certainly exercises, perhaps an excessive, but still a commend able degree of caution. The remarks upon Mr. Kyrle Bellew's recent expose point to the conclusion that if Mrs. Potter accepts his further assistance in "elevating the stage," they will both to gether succeed in knocking the stage higher than a kite. Colonel W. S. Cody is not very well satisfied with the reception of his Wild West show in Paris. The experience to which he objects most strenuously is that the authorities of Paris insisted upon vac cinating his entire show, Indians and all. Colonel Buffalo Bill's stage experience doubtless qualifies him to exclaim, "This is the most nnklndest cut of all." Pboctob. Kitott, the race horse, was beaten twice this week. This gives Gov ernor Proctor Knott, of Kentucky, some chance for fame in connection with that As the poet Tennyson is suffering mors and more nuder the infirmities of age, the number of candidates for his position of Poet Laureate increases. As the effect of the office has heretofore been to deteriorate the quality of the poetry, it is to be hoped, in the interest of English literature, that all the candidates may be disappointed by the abolition of the place. Now that the danger is past, it is rumored that Bonlanger will go back to Paris and resume his profession of overthrowing the Government, in his imagination. Apropos of Mr. W.vD. Howells light opinion of Sir Walter Scott, even the most ardent admirers of the Wizard of the North will have to acknowledge that Sir Walter Scott never could have written Mr. Howells' novels. A hundred-pound Krupp gun never could be of the slightest use in shooting snipes. PEOPLE OF PBOMINENCE. A boy 9 years of age has neon arrested in Harrisburg for stealing three horses. -Genekal Sickles will deliver an address on Decoration Day atTremont Temple, Boston. A little church has been built by the ladles of Grovetown, Ga., as a memorial to Paul H. Hayne, the poet, who made his home there. The Empress-dowager of China, who has ruled that country for 25 years, and Is now over SO years old, is an accomplished archer and boxer. A blacksnAke eight feet In length and one third of a foot in circumference was killed a few days ago on the farm of H. H. Kisaman, near Adamsburg. The widow and daughter of Chief Justice Wolte have removed frdm the Washington house he purchased some four years since, to a less expensive one on Bbode Island avenue. The late William W. "Harding, of Philadel phia, although less than 59 years old, had for 31 years been publisher of the Philadelphia In quirer. He had also published 3,000,000 copies of the Bible. Miss Nettie. HollidAT, who is visiting Mrs. Harrison at the White House, has been for the last six years a missionary at Tabreez, Persia, and will soon return thither. Bhe is an old-time comrade of Mrs. Harrison. Sybil Sanlebsok-, an American girl, whom Jules Massenet prophetically styled "another Kilsson" some time ago, achieved a brilliant success in Paris on Wednesday night, accord ing to cable specials, which say she accom plished wonders. The new diva is a daughter of the late Judge Sanderson, of the California Supreme Court. Hiss Theresa Stotjqhtos, fiance of Sen ator Allison, Is the daughter of tha late A B. Stoughton, of Washington, D. C. Her sister Is the wife of Paymaster Bacon, and it was their former residence on I street which Becretary Tracy recently purchased. Senator Allison has been paying attentions to Miss Stoughton for some time. Senator Allison Is now in Call fornia with the Senate Committee on Trade Relations with Canada, and Miss Stoughton is with the party under the chaperonage of Mrs. Eugene Hale. MARBIED IS THK-MIDDLB OP THE EOAD. A Young Couple Who Were Bound to Wed and Saeceeded. NEW HAYiar. May 17". A young couple were married in the road in Harwlnton, Litchfield county, on Monday, under circumstances which show the genius of people on marriage bent. Fred Chamberlain, the groom, is a hand some Yankee tanner, 35 years of age. He arranged to marry Miss Nellie Hungerf ord, a neighbor. The Harwintoniteaao to church in Terryville, where the Rev. W.F. Arms preaches. Chamberlain cot his marriage license in Har wlnton and went to the minister with his af fianced, wbeahe was informed that the license was good for Harwlnton, but not for Terry Tills. The unhappy couple were in a quandary at this, but they finally adopted the suggestion of the clergyman that be get Into the hack with them and drive into Harwlnton and there tie the knot. Thedrlrer,JohnAbbottoutof sym pathy for the couple, whipped up bis horses and soon crossed- the town line, and there In the middle of the sandy road, with uncovered beads, the marriage ceremony was quickly performed. , EnallyAccOBBted for. v ifresL the Courier-Joaraal.1 - - j It is considered a earieatJaec- that no deaf man h ever jetetd lathe try that "swriaee MasaJMM.?' ' -. .:, THE T0PI0AE TALKER. Sorao Pair Toarhts Return Greenup Has Ko Ilandkerchleia KaturalteatlonBoom iog OdaVand Bads. The party ot ladle from this city who went to Cincinnati last week on the steamer Bcotla have returned safely. There were no casuall ties daring the voyage, although one or two of the ladies had to return home by jaU, because of family illness. On the second day out the party organized with Mrs. Dr. Eifton as Presl- uent, ana Airs. a. ju. watson- as vice presi dent, and Mrs. Bchaefer, Secretary. These ladies fulfilled their duties to the satisfaction of the whole party. Mrs. Schaef er has written a history of the voyage, or rather a humorous account of all its incidents, and this will be written out and given to every member of the party as a memento of the trip. A committee. has been appointed to look after the little book and it will be handsomely bound with hand painted covers, and otherwise made beautiful. The officers of the Scotia were extremely sorry to see the band of SO ladies get off, and the ladles themselves would gladly make the trip again. The news that she carried such a fair cargo went ahead of the Scotia all the way down, and the journey Consequently became something like a triumphal progress. The gal Iant captain bad a band taken on board soon after the vessel passed into the State of Ohio, and its music coupled with the fact that so many ladies were known to be on board brought out the Inhabitants of all the towns. . On their way up from Cincinnati their recep tion was no less enthusiastic. The entire popu lation of every town invariably lined the banks as the Scotia drew near, and handkerchiefs were waved continuously from the shore and from the boat's deck. An Idea of how much handkerchief waving was done on board the Scotia may be obtained from the fact that hardly a member of the party but had lost two or more handkerchiefs before reaching Pitts burg. One of the ladies tells me a funny story about Greenup, a small town in Kentucky on the river bank. 'When the Scotia drewnear to it the people of Greenup, as usual, came out to salute the vessel, and the ladies lined the Scotia's rails to return the greeting. Thirty handkerchiefs waved from the deck, but not one appeared on shore. The good .people of Greenup cheered and waved their hands, but not one of them seemed to be the owner of a handkerchief. At last a colored barber ran out from his shop with two towels in his hand, and with these he made a magnificent demon stration. A small dog of the white Pomeranian breed also added his tail to the salutation. Greenup had an unpleasant reputation during the war for banging runaway slaves, and it looks as if Its people had not got out of bar barism yet The flood of applicants for naturalization pa pers continues tobe very great m all the courts. Court officials tell me that nine-tenths of the new citizens are carefully getting their votes ready to throw against the prohibition ques tion. From a casual glance at the names of the new citizens I should imagine that the German element very largely predominates. V Even the best restaurants in town make little or no attempt to fix their bill ot fare to suit the weather. The same hot meats, the same entrees, and the same side dishes we were glad enough to eat in December are still offered tons. TVhen the thermometer shows 80 in the shade men are not anxious to gorge themselves with rich food. What men want now are cool, appetizing dishes, salads, fresh vegetables and refreshing liquids. The restaurant which takes a lesson from the New York lunch bars, and makes a study of hot weather dietetics will catch an enormous number of Fittaburgers who practically prefer to go lunchless under exist ing conditions. The Mail Pouch disgorged a letter 40 hours ago which the editor ot that department kindly hands to me to answer. Here is the letter: Deab Era-Please give me a little Information as to the number of newspapers published, their early history and when first Issued, and oblige Tours truly, E. B. S. P. S. Please answer this query to-morrow morning, as I very much need the Information. It would be a pleasant bagatelle to give E. B, 8. the information he desires, as far as the mere work of compilation is concerned. The only objection to the publication of the early history of the world's newspapers, eta, in this column is that it would keep it Oiled for about half a dozen years, and the subject, we fear, might become somewhat monotonous to most readers of The Dispatch. ALL Hf COSTUME. A Very Pretty Amateur Theatrical and Musical Performance. The large hall of the Pittsburg Female Col lege presented a pretty appearance last even ing. The occasion was the presentation of "The German- Peasant -Concert," and after this, "Pandora." The large hall was not as well filled as It should have been, probably owing to the ex tremely warm weather, but the visitors present enjoyed the affair most thoroughly, and the pretty slnging'and clever acting of the young amateurs show very plainly that the Eastern college craze ot amateur theatricals has reaohed here with a vengeance, and found some very bright amateurs, too. The German concert was rendered by some eight lovely young misses dressed in the pretty peasant costumes of that country, somewhat overdrawn, perhaps, as to color and arrange ment, but very pleasing nevertheless. The singers were Misses Mae Zeth, Catherine Collins, Lulu Orcutt, Mary Robinson, Margie Wilson and Emma waiter. The Greek play, "Pandora," was also a pleas ing affair, and in this Miss Hattle Cook, as Epimethevt, showed herself to be an actress and elocutionist of rare promise, and It is said by her many friends the young lady is studying for the stage. The other charming participants were Misses Emma Soandau, Mary Reed, Ola Lockwood, Nan Snodgrass, Kittle Lyons and Mr. Frank Norcross, IB ATJLDEN TIME CONCERT Of the Central Reformed Presbyterian Choral Society a Success. The members of tbe Central Reformed Pres byterian Choral Society gave their last concert of the term last night at Masonio Hall, Alle gheny, Mr. W. S. Weeden, the President, acting as director of the evening's perform ances. It was "Ye Aulden Tyme Concert" in all the details of Its arrangements. The lady members of the society were all arrayed in the fashions of the past, from the ultra-grotesque, puffed-np kind of costume of the times of Queens Anne and Elizabeth, to the more picturesque of the age ot Marie Antoinette. Among the gentle men some very elegant suits were noticed, and altogether the stage presented a very attractive appearance. The programme was composed ot 23 numbers of choruses, quartets' and solos of the best known composers of the day. Messrs. D:E.Nuttall, W.E, Haines, W. S. 'Weeden, J. A. Strouss, the members ot the Alpine Quartet, with Mr. Sam M. Brown as ac companist, rendered very efficient assistance in making the concert the success it turned out tobe. Only Fonr In One Day.' Special Telegram to The Dispatch. WAsmsGTOK. May 17. Two hundred and three new postmasters were appointed by Mr. Clarkson to-day, only four of which were in Pennsylvania, while West Virginia loomed up with no less than 28. These ore the Pennsylva nia: John Donahue, Belden; J, C Boyer, Stone Church; C. A. Daniel, Successful; E, H. Painter, TurbotsvWe. The Vegetables Away Ahead. from the Punxsntawney Spirit, It Is now maintained by some scientists that certain plants actually possess a degree of in telligence. That Is where they have the bulge on certain people we know of. x Too Much Mother-Ia-Law. from the Chicago Herald. The House of Lords at London has again voted against the deceased wife's sister. Prob ably the wife's folks have made lot of trouble for the Duke and Earls. DEATHS OF A DAT. Joshua Clark. BACO, ME., MayI7,-Joihua CSrfc agtd 'Kr an eccentric character who has lived as a hermit in a alterable hat la -the tewsaaln of Barton tor years, 'was iosnd dead Wednesday In his thanty, j which he, poeuoled la cesunon-wHh a. Sock of 1 sheep, aaebodyof afeedssabtaerredasaplHowl fortM corpse.-" Vaster hlraed were'eereawe of-t wtalbfe wpeiea toiaave iwwbM.Ui last nintfl ' tmTsansuuxx IHI f OIITICAL POT. It Boiled Hetty on the Last Bar of the Cateeaign Claim of the Ieaier- Bayae on the AHeftkesy Feteee General Goialp. Twenty-fire men were waiting for Colonel Bayne whenhe appeared yesterday morning at the oSce of the JPrctt. They received their instructions and went out to hustle. Others kept coming and going all day, bringing in reports and receiving instructions. It has gen erally been conceded that the Sixth district Is the real bone of contention, and whoever cap tures that prize the winner. Colonel Bayne told a DISPATCH reporter that while the Cox matter was an aid in that district, his forces would have won the fight without it. He felt so sanguine ot this that he was even making the claim that he would carry the Fifth dis trict. Some of tbeMageemen confessed last night that the Sixth looked a trifle shaky, and they weren't betting much on winning it. Mr. Magee, however, was uttering no such uncer tain sound. The Magee headquarters in City Hall were lust as active as the Bayne I headquarters. Alk over the county yes- teraay toe worsers oi ootn siaes wera getting in their hardest licks. Mr. Magee con cedes SO committeemen to the opposition, and claims 60 for himself. Mr. Bayne yesterday of. f ered to give odds of 3 to 2 that he would be a winner. Xn the evening he retired to bis home in Bellevue, completely tired out, for a good night's rest. During the day, it is said, a num. ber of Magee men came In and pledged them selves to him. A Question of Offices. Colonel Bayne was asked yesterday concern ing the offices, but bad little information to give.. The most important thing, he said, was that he didn't think the present Allegheny postmaster would serve out his term, and when he stepped out Mr. GUlIland would step in. The latter was hard at work yesterday earning his appointment. Colonel Bayne did not know anything about the Pittsburg postofflce, be said. Nevertheless, Mr. McKean worked just as hard and just as cheerfully as Mr. Gllltfand and as Mr. warmcastle, whose appointment is secure. The Colonel said the statement in the Washington correspondence of a morning paper that he had indorsed "Mr. Holllday" for Collector of Customs at Pittsburg Is a mistake that grows out of the fact that he indorsed Major Holllday, of Erie, for the position of Commissioner of Customs at Washington. He wouldn't say who was likely to get the customs appointment In this city, and didn't know any thing for publication about the other Federal appointments here. Legislators In Town, Senator McLaln, of Washington county, came to town yesterday. He was on his way home. After the Legislature adjourned he went to Boston to visit friends. Captain Bd linzslev. member of the Legislature from the same county, and author of the Billingsley bill, was also here. Senator McLaln paid a visit to Bayne headquarters, and then went to Alle gheny to see Senator Rutin. Captain Billings. ley paid his respects last evening to State Chairman Andrews at his room at the Seventh Avenne Hotel. 'Representative Pngh, ot Somerset, who Isn't very particular whether his next political venture Is the State Senate or Congress, was also In the city. Representa tives Btegmaler, Caffrey and Neary.of Lu zerne, have returned home after a visit of several days. Hon. Henry Houck, Deputy Superintendent of Pnbllo Instruction, was another official visitor yesterday. Where the City Loses. Controller Morrow was at els desk In his office In City Hall yesterday after his trip to Harrisburg, where he induced the Governor, without much trouble, to sign the Pittsburg' Street and sewer bill. He says the present rush to the Btate capital for street railway charters Is simply phenomenal. Mr. Morrow still holds to the opinion that Senator New myer's munlolpal lien bill will work great in jury to the city. The Penn avenue end of the trouble is not the only one, he says. Under the law the city cannot enforce the collections on judgments entered on liens under 120, and there are a large number of properties the taxes on which will not amount to CO In the time In which liens must be entered. Consequently, as the city cannot force the matter, a great part of the money must be lost. Drinks and the Color Line. A colored employe of a City Hall office hid an experience yesterday, concerning which there is nothing laid down in the Brooks law. He was invited out by a white friend to a prominent hostelrle to take a drink. The col ored brother's liquor was assessed at 25 cents and that of the Caucasian at the regular rate. "How much for beerT" Inquired the former. "Fifteen cents to you," replied the smiling bartender. By stiffening the rate he lost a customer, but is losing no sleep about it. He has probably lost many others of the African persuasion In the same manner. Consal Jarre tt and Arthur. John Jarrett had not last evening, received official notification of his appointment as Con sul to Birmingham, but expects it to-day. Mr. Jarrett, it Is recalled, was appointed to a Con sulate Dy the late President Arthur, who soon afterward revoked the appointment on hearing it reported that Mr. Jarrett had said be was better fitted to be a scullion at Delmonico's thanPresident of the United States. Mr. Jarrett visited Mr. Arthur and told him be had not said that at all, but had declared him better fitted to preside at Delmonico's than to be President. Mr. Arthur thought this bad enough, and didn't revoke the revocation. One cannot but admire Mr. Jarrett for the manly way in which he stood by what he had said, even though one may not conour In the judg ment SUETITAL OP TAB FITTEST. The Stronger Western Roads Are Protest Ing Against Differential Bates. Chicago, May 17. The rumored settlement of all differential rates was the malntoploof Interest among railroad men this morning. The majority of the officials seen took strong grounds against differentials, claiming that they gave every advantage to the weak roads. In an interview with the general manager of a Western road, he said: "There-Is no possible way of controlling the effect of differentials unless all the roads inter ested are In a pool. This whole subject has been revived by the action of the Central Traf fic Association in abolishing differentials on dressed beef. The effect or differential rates in this case is a type of the way it acts in every thing else. Tbe differential roads carried prac tically all the business and the strong roads got almost nothing." "What will be the effect on weak roads if differential rates are taken from them?" "Well, of course, they won't get much busi ness. But why should theyT The doctrine of the survival of the fittest must apply.. Why should tho stronger roads practically pay out money to their competitors? Differential rates are. blackmailing rates. They are levied by weak goats-horn' routes as a bonus for not cutting rates. The strong roads, are getting tired of the blackmail." "But won't the weak roads demand differen tials and take them, whether granted or not?" "If they do, it will only kill them the sooner. If tbe war comes, the strong roads will meet any rate made by the weak roads, and tbe end will be disastrous to some one." Warning on Locusts' Wing. From the BussellTiUe (Ky.) Herald. Mr. George R. Beall brought to our office a 17-year loevst, and called our attention to the marks on its wings. He said 17 years ago the locusts had on each wing the letter "P" mean ing "peace and plenty," and this year on each wing wHlibe found "W" meaning "want and war." Thirty-four years ago, so we understand, the locusts had the same letters "WW," and during that 17 years our Civil War occurred. Making Fog by Machinery, from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. After a series of experiments extending over a number of years, a machine for the produc tion of artificial fogs has been perfected. The object is to produce sufficient humidity in the air to render cotton spinning possible in the sul try cotton-growing regtos of the South. If the fog machine effects this it will rival the cotton gin in value and importance. TRIED AK TRUE. I gte r& back yer troth, Jamie, Ye' v aye been true Uo me; But watt a for this stir disease I'm no sae fata- tee see. The gowdea locks ye praised, Jamie, I've teat them ane an' a, The eheeks ye hae tae often kissed Will never malr be bra w. , I wadna hae the wart, Jamie, - Jeer at ye for ay sake; I'll dee what's rlcht atween us twa Altboaab. my heart should break. We were ance the bonniest poll la a the lovers' lane, But noo tak' back yer troth, Jamie, I'll ne'er look wed again. I'll no' tak' back my troth, Jeanie, Ma! od tae gald has beeai-r e baa left yea' the beauty M at atad ye aotr than queen, f Jat Uyyer watted Ja aria,,. , u. rx 11 m'w tak' say tretb, Jeaait, $ tjJjgfH T0lto&t 4&& SSfiL IWMiM W 'ff. TALK trf THE QOTHAMITES. , A cfrafX HaHday tot the Xonregtana, ' wsrwTOEK'nOBXAff rcilL.f -Nev Yobe; May 17. The Norwegians of the City' have had a holiday to-day because 7$ years ago Norway was f reed; from Danish rule. They hung out national flags, and many of the societies, gave picnics In. the suburbs. This evening they let off- fireworks In an uptown park, and gave a banquet and ball, at which the Norwegian Consul, Christian Bors,Vlce Consul Raon and Mayor Grant were present. tSnrroted In the New Bowery. ' A Mir of muscular fingers were placed on the windpipe of Hiram W. Culver, lawyer, as he was passing a dark alley In the new Bowery, at 10 o'clock last night Two men took his watoh and purse and then knocked blm down. The minute tbe fingers loosened their grip on Mr. Culver's throat he yelled for help. A policeman who heard him followed the garro ters, and after a sharp tussle arrested them. They are now In-the Tombs. Maybe an Extended Strike. More than Li300 storemen, usually employed in warehouses alone the Brooklyn water front, are out on strike becanse tbe warehousemen refused to raise tnelr wages from 20 cents to 25 cents per hour. Groups of the strikers picket the approaches' to the stores. A number- of men who crossed the river from this city, Ho boken and Jersey City looking for employment at the stores returned on being told that a strfke was on hand. A little over 12 months ago EL B. Bartlett organized all the warehouse men from the Empire stores to the Erie basin into a vast corporation, which raised the rates for wharfage and tonnage and reduced the wage of tbe storemen from 25 to 20 cents an hour. The strike will probably extend along tbe whole river front James Gordon Bennett In Egypt. A great many persons have been trying vainly for several days to learn just where James Gor don Bennett Is. All sorts of wild reports as to his present whereabouts are current All that Is known of him at the Herald office is that he is now in Egypt and that he is going further Inland. The last cablegram received from him was dated Alexandria, One rumor is that tbe cause of Mr. Bennett's departure to Egypt Is a bet he made In one of tbe clubs of Paris that ne could visit Khartoum and return unscathed. Another report is that he received intelligence that General Gordon was still alive and a pris oner in the hands of the Mahdi, who would re lease the General in consideration of 1,000,000 francs. Rose Coghlan Keep Oat of Court. Rose Coghlan, the actress, disappointed a large crowd In the City Court this morning by not appearing to tell the Judge why he ought not to fine her for contempt Miss Coghlan and the Fourth National Bank have been fight ing each other in the courts for some time. The last two dates set for trial were Inconve nient for Miss Coghlan, and she failed to ap pear. Her dootor swore that she was very ill of tonsllltis, but a she played her parts on the stage in the meantime, the Judge thought she was fibbing, and at the Instance of the bank threatened ber with a fine for contempt The bank and Miss Coghlan settled their dispute last night, and the whole matter dropped out of court Triplets Turn a Tillage Topty-Tarvy. Triplets were born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis, of Jamaica Village, Sunday night A boy and two girls. Their total weight Monday morning was just 1SK pounds. One of the little girls died to-day. The other two babies have apparently come into the world to stay. Ja maica Village, whloh consists of a grocery, a fourth-class postofflce and 13 houses, has been turned topsy-turvy by the arrival of the trip lets, and a movement Is on toot to make Mrs. Francis, theirjnother, a present A PHILADELPHIA GOLD MINE. Bradford' Galcb, a Regular Mining Camp, In the Quaker CItr. Philadelphia, May 17. For some time a tegular mining camp has been in existence in a back yard in this city. Its owner is Hezeklah Bradford, a man of 80, living on North Twenty second street Big boxes containing precious ore are brought from Mr. Bradford's Colorado mines. Tho roomy backyard is Uttered with all the appurtenances of camp life. Two big mining sieves stand In the center, ana a steady stream of water courses through them. In tbe sum mer a big tent is stretched over the yard. Two or three times a week the big boxes from bis Colorado mines are bronght to the house by express wagons, and then all is bustle and in dustry at the camp. Two stalwart workmen man the crusher, a big grinding machine of the old miner's Invention. The contents of the boxes are poured into tbe hopper, and rocks and earth are ground to fine proportions. Then Miner Bradford and his workmen put the crushed ore, rock and dirt through the sieves, rocking them to and fro while a stream of water plays on the precious mud. Tbe gold or silver bearing rock is thus separated in a measure from the worthless dirt and nextthe assaying apparatus in the house is brought into play. With that Mr. Bradford tests the result of his washing and determines whether the new diggings at his distant mines keeps up tbe average of pure metal found in former ship ments. After saving a sample, which he care fully dates and numbers and places with his collection, the remainder of the precious metal is taken to the Mint and sold. The principal product of his mines, however, Is disposed ox In the West EX-C0B7I0TS SENT FE0H ENGLISH. A Clan of Immigration That Collector Erhnrdt Ha to Handle. NEW Yobk, May 17. Ten contract laborers who arrived here from Rotterdam last night, on the steamer Obdam, were detained at Castle Garden to-day, until Collector Erhardt in quires Into their cases. The immigrants said that they came here at the instigation of the Prisoners' Aid Society of London, with the understanding that they were to place their services at the disposal of Samuel Neua, so called emigrant agent at Sequlne, Tex. Tha Castle Garden authorities sav that they have evidence to prove that tbe Prisoners' Aid Bociety of London has been shipping English convicts to Nella, in Texas, at the rate of one 'or two a week for many months past A 408-PoaBd Bear Trapped. Hokessale, May 17. A large bear has been committing depredations on the farm of Stan ley Keester, In Damascus township, until Tues day night when it was captured In a trap set for it. Jnst previous to its being caught it killed, a 2-year-old heifer. After the animal had been caught in the trap it broke the trap loose from Its fastenings and climbed a tree, dragging tbe chain and trap with it It weighed 100 pounds. A Jndge'a Rashnoa. From the Chicago Timet, Judge Cooley Is about to do a perilous thing. He is going to make an inquiry Into the work ings of the Standard Oil Company. A man who will do that would have his hair out by a circular saw. A Numerous Class. from the Baltimore American, i Many men pursue an upright course of life- and never overtake tt . , PENNSYLVANIA PSODPCTS. Tkz new town of Jeannette has a 'hustling undertaker" who is also a life Insurance agent A W. MoCloskxy, of Venango borough, has painted the top and bottom ot hi tease black, in memory, as he says, ot prohibition. A UuTLxx man was arrested one day last week simply for trying to lay by something for a rainy day. He had stolen seven umbrellas. Ot 1,030 tomato plants set out by Anthony Bullock, of Upper Providence, Delaware coun ty, fully 900 were eaten by potato bug within ts hours. Air Armstrong county man has been sent to Jatf for 15 days for singing. His musical per formance took place oa a railroad train, and he wouldn't stop when requested by pas eager. A LakoAstib paper says that a pugilist of that city, returning to hi home by night from his usual haunt, was attacked, by a large goat owned by" Adam I)nnls, the negro minstrel, knocked down and so wed up that he had to cry tor help. HI body 1 badly mutilated. its) of Franklla'S meat able ministers, la the coarse of a sermon reeooHy, referred, as an 11 luatsVtftn, to a stldisr wao had lot bete arm t the war. The oM soldier retBtaedBoeaeiad, i mlatstot wat oa tosy, "west up to a BMrt-Ui aaaa on kefrieae? Tfcesetatilir I stlH trytsciessa- SttVMT wflMkC WW-., wss aWssWBJO PRidtV an aAa .ai.gtgtaj-u tchSLj-aa fSM natalslBi HflSs SBWaVlSHsMbfv JFSSlSTr lsSi SBBSBBl OSFS-PaSFiaS j i-L ' ; CtfelOUS CHDEH 5ATI0KS.- A colored bey - JewBville, Ind, swallowed a lead peaeil. The pencil and the boy were saved, bat it took fear doctors several hours to dolt A'Kaasas hrid'egreo sold balls of pop corn to his wedding guests and the papers art Inclined to thinkhTs actios detracted bom the dignity of the occasion. Sea lions are so plentiful on the coast of California this yeassM to Basa4aaee, es pecially, to fishermen, while their harklag ag gravate the farmers for two mile salaad. At Scranton recently a parrot had a very lively tussle with a bat The bat got in the bird's cage and couldn't get oat. TaeaKbefraa attacking the parrot dlTiaer at her and biting: Polly yelled: 'Gracious, how that barwl" and pitched Into tbe bat Tbe bird used' wlsiBan4 bill, and soon tore the little intruder llaBfrosa limb. The steamerNewfield landed at Halifax the other day, and sent two sailors oa shore to get eats. They secured over 80 la two how The cats are to be taken to Sable Is-laad used for destroying the rabbits which are be ginning to overrun the Island. They Berrww . in the sand, making large holes, which cause', the ponies to stumble and break their legs. . The promenade of the Brooklyn bridge was the scene of a great massacre the otfaet" day. Several thousand lives were snuffed, oat. They will not be seriously missed, as they be ' longed to potato bugs, a tremendous swarm of which, probably borne skyward In a whirlwind from Jersey fields, lighted on the big structure. They were crushed under the feet of hundred) j of bridge crossers. 4 A Connecticut gardener stepped oa ft M' needle 12 years ago and it entered his foot Bus- ' day night he felt a sharp and severe pricking; sensation in the hip near the joint and an ex amination revealed the end of a needle just under the skin. With a small pair of pliers it was drawn out, and with it nearly srx Inches ot blue silk thread, which had been in the nee63 when he stepped on It The other day a child of John Genther, of Kearney, Neb., was bitten on the hand by a snake over six feet long. The child's hand im mediately swelled up and the father extracted three teeth of the snake, which were imbedded in tbe flesh of tbe boy's hand. The boy was Sven a big dose of whisky and put to bed, and recovering from the bite. The snake was what Is called a bull snake. A novel way of defrauding a railroad company has justbeen discovered by Conductor Baxter, of the Erie. He did not like the looks of the commutation ticket of a youth wno lived In Rldgewood, and an examination showed that 21 dates punched out by the conductor had been plugged and repnnched. that is to say, bad v been traveled on twice. The yonng man had In each case picked np the piece of card dropped from theconductor'spunch&adneatly replaced it "The wearing of the green" this spring is not confined to the millinery and dress good of tbe girl of the period. The fashionable precious stone at present is the emerald, though " it has only secured third place in popularity. The diamond will always retain the lead in popular favor, and tbe ruby comes second. Tbe majority of fine emeralds come from Barman and other Asiatic countries. The American emerald was discovered by Prof. Hlddan. in North Carolina, and Is quite extensively used, though the stones are not anything like as fine as the Oriental stones. Emeralds cost any where from fSO to $3,600. Some men would be rather tough sub jects for execution under the New York laws; a Mr. Schwartzing, of Williamsburg, Iowa, for example. Last Saturday his barn was struck by lightning, the fluid passing down a post, , dividing into two currents, killing three horses ' in Its course. Mr. Schwartzing, who was un- hitching one of the horses, was Knocked down, -T- the horse falling on him. When extricated he i was found to be terribly burned and lacerated ' by the electric current which struck his left ,: arm, passing over his left breast and abdomen -3 and down nls leg. tearing off tha sole ot his , shoe. Next day he was well enough to go to f" town to see his physician. w An Indiana man has just written to the , Secretary of tbe Interior stating that he wants J $3,500. He says he is old and feeble, and needs OS tbe money and thinks the Government ougni to give It to him. He therefore asks the Seen taryfor the amount suggested, and reques that it do lorwaraea as eariyas possioie. . unio man is a uiue more moues. in nis requ He says he has a farm of 640 acres, and thr is mortgaged for $2,000. That amount says, will just exactly get blm out of deV start him square with-the world, the 6H of land, of course, being on the credit si asks the Secretary to send him $2,000 tr mall as a loan, and says he will- pay i; the Government in Installments. The Secretary of the Xnterlof "has re-, celved a novel request from a school teacher In Kansas City. This teacher makes a mild requisition for a full set of blanks such as are used In the Interior Department He explains his request by stating that he teaches civil government in the high school and wishes to give his scholars an object lesson concerning Government blanks, applications, appoint ments, etc In apostscript be adds that a full set of Patent Office, pension, Indian Bureau, education and census blanks will be doubly appreciated. As a f nil set of the various blanks requested would about fill two freight cars, it is not likely that the Secretary will forward them. A special from Cambils, Wis., tells this seasonable story: A few days ago 12 citi zens of that burg each received a letter signed "C. B. Clark," desiring him to meet the Con gressman at Beaver Dam on business relative to the Cambria postofflce. These 12 are candi dates for the postmastershlp, and so all but two of them went to Beaver Dam "on the quiet," each supposing himself chosen tor the office by Clark; After a fruitless search for the Neenah statesman some of the gentlemen met On comparing notes It was discovered that every one had oome to Beaver Dam on precisely the same errand, and that individually and col lectively they had been egreglously fooled by some cruel wag. There never was such a "swearing train" iu this State before as the one thatief t Beaver Dam for Cambria that evening. One of the most interesting achieve ments In modern engineering Is the electric mountain railway recently opened to the public at the Burgenstock, near Lucerne. The rails describe one grand curve formed upon an angle of U2 degrees, and the system is such that the journey Is made as steadily and smoothly as upon any of the straight funicular lines. The Burgenstock Is almost perpendicu lar from the -shore of Lake Lucerne to the Burgenstock Is 1.S30 feet and It Is 2,869 feet above the level of the sea. The total length of the line is 988 meters, and It commences with a gradient of 82 per cent which Is Increased to S3 per cent after the first MO meters, this being maintained for the rest of the journey. A sin gle pair of rails is used throughout and the motive power, electricity. Is generated by two dynamos, each of 23 horse power, whica are worked by a water wheel of nominally 129 horse power, erected upon the river Aar at its mouth, at Buochs, three miles away, the eleo, trfn nirrAnt bnlnor easdncted bv mean Of in sulated copper wires. The los la trwnm)sion is esumstea at a per ceuw CHUNKS OP HUMOR, Why should the spirit of mortal fee) proud ? TTo reason we can see, ttnlest he owns an Ice pond. Puek. . It is said that every man has his doable;' It generally occurs In youth, daring the green apple HMon.t-Pmtdmce Journal, The mean is not the extreme, hut if there. Is anything meaner than a hornet's extreme It a4 not come this 'my'.Binghamton Republican, Definitive. Justice What's the charge? , Complainant I ain't dead sure; but from th' ' feelln' I reckon he must 'r used back shot, y'r honor. Puck. Justly Incensed. landlady No, sir. we cannot admit you; we take only single gentle men. Married Applicant-Well, ain't I a single gen tleman f What d' ye take me for a pair of , Btaaese twins ?-Puc. Didn't Charge Anything. "Is this bsM tery charged t" asked a young man, touching an.; electrical apparatus in one of the downtown .tores. . "No, sir; we do a strictly cash business here."-0 ji How it HariTieaa Verv tall to very D0W4 legged man-Great Beott I Did you learn to walks tooyouag, or what? Saw.lMd mxa RtrTir. 1 warned my leg It stooping down to avoid long-legged bores who' ask questions .Judge. - H Didn't Care to See It Artist xow, yei matt not go until yoa have teen my bet work. 1 wish to show you a picture that was exhibited 1J the last Parts talon. i MIm Perdue fof Chlearol-Exeuse Me, Kr.l Atelier, but I don't eare to exaalae any Moeav Btttare to-dev.-JtWa. 18 Why He Lingered.-JTo GWvttSf sorry, Mr. HarteL but I eanH sell yea aaether? dMBk. It'saaerlo'eloek-ttsaeto-oleea'aajaaa Booon. 1 gsete year wire wm a etsyeeuaft ysss .. . . -x-m x x-3'f. Vf-J- 'J JKi1 sa we wm-wmmjrM 1 & JbL A,&m . - ' t r .-me-"! U)