I' f t V I t v I I . . uriwirmi ! &l t -83-fepray. adturttxmev one doltar-psr. tquare or one insertion. Classified advertise ment on this page such as ff anted, for Sale, 2b Let, etc ten cents per line for each inter- . Hon, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the aooommodation of the public, Branch Ofices have been established at the folio-wing places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. L for inser tion next morning: Advertisement are to be prepaid except -where advertisers already have account wlthTHXDlS- TXKB- FITTsfeURQ. THOMAS MCCAFFKKY, Sis Butler street. EMIX. G. STUCKKY, 54th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEYA CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton st. . STOK.1XY, Fifth ATenoe Market House. ISTXSD. j. -w. WALLACE, 61 Pcnn avenue. OAKLAND. MCIISTEE SHlBLER,5thav. AAlwoodst. EOCTBSISK. JACOB SPOHN. Mo. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEH, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBEIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FRED B. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKb SOX, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS 11CHENEY, Westernand Irwlnavcj. (x. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEHEr M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Hols Hcln. WAKTLD-BOY WHO CAN MAKE READY on small job presses. Address K. 8.. Dis patch office. myl8-90 W ANTED-EXPERIEKCED ELEVATOR boy: references reaulred. FLEISHMAN A .. ..'.. 7- .0 At TTr ANTED - BlACHINERr PATTERN V MAKER. Address or call at VULCAN IRON CO., New Castle, Pa. myl7-8 WANTED - COACHMAN FOR LITERS ; none bnt experienced need apply. r. -OKEAND, 6100 Penn ave.. East Had. my6-12 -TTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS. EXPERIENCED VY foreman fot a foundry: eood reference will be required. Address HUNTERS, Dispatch office. mylC-'fl mylS-49 -TTJANTED-BOLLING MILL CLERK: ONE VV experienced in payroll and mill accounts. Address, with references, K. A. B., Dispatch office. myl6-J4 WANTED BLACKSMITH IN PRESCRIP TION glass works; one who thoroughly un derstands his business. Address F. J. T., Dis patch office. myl"-70 ANTED-A SHOEMAKER; FIRST-CLASS workman and sober man: no others need SasTSl ly; good wages. Address H. S. CKISSAN, Sols, Pa. mylS-100 -VTTANTED A WHITE STEWARD FOE V hotel in the country: must be able to man age dining room. Apply or address HOTEL MARIAN, Jeannette. fa. y!8-92 TJANTED-MAN TO TAKE OFFICE AND V represent mfr.: $50 per week; small capital required. Address, with stamp, MANUFACTUR EE, Box 70. West Acton. Mass. myll-l-ws WANTED STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE WRITER, that can also do general office work; must have good references: state salary ex pected. Apply at once to A. A. A., Dispatch office. myl8-72 -t-TTANTED AGENTS TOSELLTEA. BAKING V powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners orrnlllmtn can makemoney In their spare time. YAMASH1KO TEA CO., 88 Jackson at., Allegheny, Pa. JA26-66-TTB TTTANTED- SUPERINTENDENT FOR V large office building; man of good business ability; state age, previous employments and time employed: give names of reference or letters, etc Address In handwriting or applicant P. O. BOX 218, Pittsburg, Pa. myl5-17-WB WANTED-CAREIAGE DKIVER-AK UK MARRIED white man who can take care of horses and cows and make himself generally use- n; must niTe experience ana lanusa reierences; zbest wages paid to right man. Address J. F. xrisp&ica omcc xuyi9-o TANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S COLLEGE, 4 Sixth street, Pittsburg. Pen- .hip, bookkeeping, eclectic shorthand, type- ig, arithmetic, etc, thoroughly taught for month; Instruction private for both sexes; rough summer, day and evening. my 12-ttseu "ED-AGENTS FOR OUB NEW PA NT fireproof safes; sizes 8xl8;welglit .eiatl price 833; others In proportion; ward (silver medal) Centennial Exposi- . rare chance: nerntnent business: our prices lowest: we are not In the safe pool: exclu sive territory Riven. ALPINESAFE CO., Cincin nati, O. ap3-72-WB Female Help. TTJANTED-EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. VV Inquire at 193 LOWR1E ST., Troy H11L Allegheny. myl8-99 YXTANTED A GIRL TO DO GENEBAL T V housework: reference required. Apply o. 6S ARCH ST., Allegheny. yiS-87 WANTED-GIRL TO 1)0 GENERAL HOUSE WORK: German preferred. MRS. JOSEPH GRAHAM. Boup station, East End. mylS-47 Illale and Veinale Helo. VrjANTED-EVERY MARRIED LADY Y V needs one: regular canvassers address with tump. B. U. LEWIS, Chlllicothe, O. apl2-U-s -TTT ANTED SEAMSTRESS. WAITRESS Tv chambermaids, cooks, 100 bouse girls, Ger man and colored gins, male and femate help for hotels, waiters, drivers, farm hands, gardener. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant st. apS-lOe-MThS -TTTANTED-AN IDEAL RETAIL DRYGOODS VV salesman; one that has had experience in all departments of the traae: also, a competent saleslady for millinery department; good salaries to tne ngnt parties. v . c UEKN AUDI, 1302 Car son st, bouthslde. myl6-19 TTANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; ITS PER t month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home: salary paid promptly and expenses In ad Tance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean lost what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston. Mass. fel8-3-p -1X7-ANTED-2 LADIES FOR STAGE WORK; V one who plays guitar or banlo preferred; also & man, one who can take part of Irish come dian or a darkey and play the banjo, etc.; steady work to the right parties: must be of good moral character and have reference. Address for three days, staUng salary expected, H. D. N., Dispatch office. myl8-42 Booms. Hoqees. Etc. TTJANTED-STEAM POWER AND ROOM FOR V 1 or 2 wood tnrnlng lathes In planing mill or sawmiii: state terms. Aaaress u. a. jn., 07 uob- .lnson St., Allegheny. mvlS-89 -VTJANTED-BY YOUNG MAN, NICELY i. VV furnished room with bath; convenient to street cars; either Pittsburg or Allegheny. Ad dress, three days, P. M., Dispatch office. mylS-5 Situations. -TTrANTED-POSrTlON BY A YOUNG MAN TV as collector; can furnish good bond and reference. Address J. B., Dispatch office. mylS-86 WANTED-SITUATION BY EXPERIENCED drug clerk: registered: capable of taking fall charge of store. Address LOCK BOX 827, Washington, Pa. myI7-22 XtTANTEDBrrD'ATI0NS AS PRINTERS BY V V two young men of 12 and 4 years' experi ence: weekly preferred; one a job printer. Ad dress P. o. BOX 267, St. Clalrsvllle, O. myltU-Ths Boarder and Lorfffers. VtT-ANTED-BY A DOCTRESS. RESIDING IN t y a beautiful country town, four Invalid chil dren to board and receive professional attention; the advertiser has many years' practice In medi cine, and also as a nurse: terms reasonable: corre spondence strictly confidential. Address DOC TBEbia, Dispatch office. mylS-3S-ws , Financial. "TTTANTED-HOUSES TO REST AND RENTS VV to collect; monthly settlements with Item ized statement. L. O. FRAZ1ER, Real Estate Broker, Forty-firth and Butler sts. jaylC'lS-ThBSu w ANTED-KENTS TO COLLECT IN BOTH cities and snbnrbs: to this branch of the business we pay special attentl on: established 1862. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth aye. ;myM9-TTS -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-WE CAN LOAN VV $500toe0,000andupwardonPltUbnrg, Alle-a-litnr. Or suburban Improved real estate, at low est rates. ALEXAN DEB & LEE, 113 Wood st. myl8-63-jrws. -T1TANTKD-TO LOAN MONEY ON MOET W GAGES on Improved real estate in sums of KOOand upward, at W, 6 and 6 percent. L. O. FRAZlER, Real Estate Broker, Forty-fifth and Butler streets- myl6-16-ThE6u -TTTANTED- TO LOAN SOOO,ora. LH AMOUNTS W of p, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on a per cent, free or tax; also smaller amounts at Sand (percent. BLACK BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D TTTANTED MOKTG AGES-p, 000, 000 TO LOAN VY on city and suburban properties at 4, and C per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and aqla cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PEN NOCK SON, IPS Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 TTT-ANTED-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MOET V V GAGES; I1X and upward at 6 per cent; two, 000 at Hi per cent on residences or business property; also in adjoining counties. S. H. JRENCH, 12S Fourth avenue. ocai-eM-p "TTTANTED-MORTGAGE8 WE HAVE FROM St v swung to fioaooo to loan on mortgages on ropertylnthe city or county or adjoining conn es; all the details attended to In person and without Publicity. J AS. W- DSAPE & CO., IM uuxLii ATcniifL r!ninnrr yl8-24-l.18,a0,24,S4,aB,27 .. WANTED. - - - FOB SALE-IMPR8TKB REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-LOTS. f JOR BALg-'MlSCliLLAHguueh- - - TROPOSALS. - ti.i . FlBancinii '. WANTED-MORTGAGES GEOBeH:On.V- STON, Agent, a fourth aye. nylB-4 WANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN lnanms to stilt, at M. 5 and 6 tier cent. GRAEBING & LYON. 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-p "TTTNTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN . VY in sums to suit at 4f. S and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 1(4 Fourth aye. Tel. 167. t apl9-14 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, oyer-M.000; 4K per cent: jno tar. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., SiFourth avenue. tnh2-a22-p "TrTANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PBOMPT VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth ayenuey Tel. 167. TUT ANTED -MORTGAGES IN ANY YV amounts: 4V to 6 per cent; tity and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. S9 Fourth avenue. Ja20-E3-MThS "TTTANTED GOOD CITY MORTGAGES IN VY large and small amounts; Interest, 4", 5 and 6 per cent, as to amount, security, etc L. H. LOVE, 8 Fourth avenue. myls-65 miscellnneons. XHTANTED-CASH PAID FOR ALL SECOND VV HAND furniture, pianos, etc. THOMAS & CO., 2318 Penn ave. mylS-M TTT-ANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH 4 V V jveeuan repair, reuuisu v. uiuiuuiu ww furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 83AND3f VVATERbT. 'Phone 1625. my9-83 TTTANTED MEN LEARN THE ART OF VY gentlemen's garment cutting; no trying on required: night sessions Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 7 to 9 P. ., S14 Wood st. URLINCr SON. ap30-68 WANTED-EVERYBOD Y TO GET ONE DOZ. fine cabinet photos for 99 cents at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Pa., for 30 days only; elevator: come, rain or shine; bring children. myS-Ul TTJANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO V TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal Btreet, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at (1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; Instan taneous process. mhl!MS3 -TTT ANTED-A MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL V V to purchase an old established photograph gallery, centrally located, with good trade; con- tinned Illness of owner the reason for selling; Tiossession sriven a. once. addit to iai . DSLONG, People'sBankBuUdlng, McKeesport, Pa. WANTED-MARRIED OR SINGLE MEN TO invest in building sites at Maplewood Park, Wilklnsbarg; lots 40U2O; 110 to f down, balance fl to 3 per week; act quick before they are all gone: 70 sold in one week: call on the agents, who will pay your fare and take youto see the gronnds, j. is. lAJUirl. W.. Wl jourui ave. my9-8-TTS8u FOR SALE iaiPKOYED KEAL ESTATE. City Residences. F OR SALE-t550-CONGBESS STREET: 4- JJ ROOMED brick dwelling: large, nice lot; easy terms. GEORGE 8CIIMIDT, 15? Fourth aye. m yii-iv-n s b u FOR SALE-HOOO: FORBES STREET; 9 KOOMED hnck -dwelling bouse; good lot; a big bargain. GEORGE SCHMIDT. 157 Fourth avenue. myll-10-TTSSu FORSALE-WYLIEAVE.. NEAR ERIN ST., a bargain; brick house of 6 rooms, good cellar; nat. and art. gas; lot 22X110; price (3,500. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl8-84 TTWB SALE-ONLY .U00-CONKLING ST., Jj half square from W'ylle aye., new frame house 4 rooms, well finished, good lot, J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. mylS-84 FOR SALE-THIRTEENTH WARD-PROPERTY convenient to Central Traction Cable Road; desirable location; price low; enhance ment sure. Call soon and see these bargains. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth aye. myll-ZS-D . FOR SALE-(950 A VERY NEAT LITTLE cottage of 3 rooms, summer kitchen and wash house; a fine well of spring water: lot 2RxlOO; in closed with good fence; terms 90 cash, balance to suit purchaser. M. P. HOWLKY, 3819 Butler St. myiS-85 TnWRSAL-(99)-TOWNSNDSTREET, NKAB J Fifth avenue, 3-story pressed brick resi dence. ID rooms, all modern conveniences; ele gantly finished: large lot running back to an alley: a bargain: very easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99. Fourth ave. myl7-97-TTS FOR SALE-GREATEST BARGAIN IN THE city, a frame dwelling house of 7 rooms with storeroom in front, situated on Fifth ave., above the Fourteenth ward schooUiouse ; lot 24 by 177 feet, extending to Forbes st: price only 82,200. C. BEKINGER4 SON, 103 Fourth aye. tnylS-59-Tussn POB SALE-MT. WASHINGTON PROPERTY 7-room frame on Wyoming st, (3,900; 6 Toora frame on Virginia aye., $2,500; 6-room frame on Bertha St., 3,000; 7-room frame on Virginia ave., 83,000: 5-room frame on Grace st, and Woodvllle aye., 8L60O, and a number of others: also vacant lots. C. BEBINGER 4 SON, 103 Fourth ave. inyl8-59-Tussa East End Residences. TiTORSALE-THENEW HOUSES AT COLTART X1 Square, Oakland, are for sale by W. A. HEB RON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. Superin tendent on the premises. ap20-8g F)B SALE-LILAC ST. AND WESTMINSTER place, house, 9 rooms, bath, w. c, nat. gas, etc, etc; lot 63x100 ft.: only ti 500. BPENCER4 GLOS3ER, 4l9Smlthfleld St. myl6--TTB6u "EWE SALE-CORNER LAUREL AVENUE X! and Cedar street, Bloomfleld: lot 41x100, with 4 small houses: good investment, very cheap. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth aye. myll'io-rrssa FOB SALE-13,800: ELEGANT 7-HOOMED brick dwelling house; bath, slate roof, slate mantels, natural gas, papered throughout; lot 22x 126. nicely fenced up; terms moderate. GEO. SCHMIDT, 157 Fonrth aye. myll-10-TTSSu FOB SALE-5 SPLENDID LOTS ON HAYB st., corner St. Clair, near Negley ave.; dry and nice; coming improvements; soon will sell at an advance: Duy now; price Ji, ew each. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., .,.. myl2-21-TU8 FOB SALE-VERY CHEAP-LARGE AND desirable dwelling, 12 rooms, lot 165x100 ft., on Rebecca St., near Penn aye., Twentieth ward; a very desirable home at money asked. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. No. 80 Fourth ire myl6-22-16, 18. 2345.28, 31 OR SALE-ONLY 84,000 POK A GOOD FRAME house, corner Broad and Beatty sts.. E. K; double parlors, slate mantels, hall, vestibule, hot and cold water, Inside shutters, large attic etc. CBERINGEB 4 SON, 103 Fourth ave. m yl8-59-Yu8Su FORSALE-BOQUET ST., OAKLAND, MAN SARD brick of 8 rooms, bath, w. c, inside shntters, nat. gas, tile hearth" In parlor, hard wood finish, etc.. etc.: lot 24x175 ft.: price, 83.000: bargain. SPENCER 4 GLOSSER, 419 Smithfleld street. myl6-15-TTB8u FOR SALE-A WELL LOCATED, 4-ROOM frame dwelling on Broad street, one square from Firth and Penn cables, near Hlland ave. ; lot 24x145: also fronting on Kirk wood street; only 82,700; payments to suit. MELLON BROS., 6319 Station street, E.E. myl2-i5-we FOR SALE-1N THE EAST END, NEAR steam and cable cars, brick dwelling of 14 rooms: all modern appliances: lot 128x260 feet; sta ble and carriage house; fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, etc.: a desirable location. ALEXAN DER 4 LEE, 313 Wood st. my!8-60 FOBSALE-HOMEWOOD, P. E, B. A SUPE RIOR 7-room frame dwelling, bay window, slate roof, large Improved lot 43x151, on Grazier St., near Twenty-first ward school; S minutes' walk -to station; 50 trains a day; will sell low, 84,000: payments arranged to snlt purchaser. MELLON BEOS., 6349 Station St., E E. myl2-17-wrg FOR SALE A HANDSOME EAST END stone residence, carriage porch, hardwood staircase and reception hall; tower laundry, bath, 10 elegant, large rooms ; all the latest improved con veniences, asphalt paved street, good location and near P. B. B. For further particulars call at office. BLACK 4 BALED, 85 Fourth aye. myll-26-D CK1B SALE-89,750-11,000 CASH, BALANCE ON reasonable payments, In the midst of the East End, near steam and cable cars, brick house Just finished, 9 roomB, modernly improved and convenienced throng-bout, besides bathroom, wasbhouse, pantry and large porches: lot 40x121 ft.; location first-class. For full Information see W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth aye. -myl6-16,18,23,25,28,81 FOR SALE OB RENT-IRVING PLACE, Ellsworth avenue, Shadyslde. E. E., several new pressed brick residences Just finished, con taining ten xooms each, also laundry, bath, pan try, etc; each house situated In separate lot with large lawn; near steam and cable cars: terms to snlt purchasers or rent reasonable. Inquire of THO,H CHAPMAN, on he premises, or ROOM 42, Safe Deposit building, 81 Fourth avenue mylt-4i.TT8 T?0 OR SALE-ELEGANT EAST END RE3I- in-center, spacious rooms on either side oboth floos.-atnrat gas, bath, lavatory and all other modern, annllances: srood dry cellar: conlons flnw .of port crystal water; lot 570x380 feet: rows and group or Norway pines and stately oaks all, over the property, the learj boughs of which, meeting each other overhead, form an agreeable and re freshing shade: grassy glades, shrubbery, fruit, etc, etc: most delightful place. Terms, etc. from J AS. W. DBAPE CO. , 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. myl8-76-D M)B SALE -THOUGHTFUL PERSONS IN X? buying a home will take Into account the sur roundings and probabilities of enhancement of value; convenience to good Improvements is a leading consideration; also rapid transit to and from the business part of the city: the quality of the bouses In the neighborhood goes for a good deal: as to build or buy a handsome stone or brick residence and have Inferior houses go up after ward on adjoining lota detracts from the value of the first; to buy on a neatly paved street, ynth sewers, gas and water already laid. Is lmcortant; one then knows what the whole cost Is, and has not to worry about the cost of future grading and paving. All these Items and many more are cov-ered-at the handsome new dwellings on Oakland Square (formerly Linden Grove), which need only be seen to be appreciated. The price is 86, 500 and and 88,750 payable on easy terms; 'for elegant, thoroughly well built and commodious houses, standing apart, on lots 30x100, and fitted -kith aU the modern conveniences. All the bouses Irbnt on asphaltum streets, and upon a handsome park Filanted with shade trees; old forest -trees plentl-' ally shade the neighborhood. The cable cars are now but s minutes' distant, ana.will he brought still nearer. These bonses are ruldly KlUw , be ing pronounced bargains at present prioes. Ap ply to SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 OO.. Xa. 89 Fourk'; TTTANTED-FINANCIAI "0.000 TO LOAN VY on bond and mortgage, and S per cent; Pittshurp and Allegheny City property preferred. GEO. JOHNSTON, 62 Fourth are. mylS-4 " v'i .' i isjrjmrM-fL si . , . Allegheny Realdence- inORSALE NOS. 7. 9 SHEFFIELD ST., ALLE r GHENY City, lot 80x90 ft., with 2 small houses; price onlyHOOO. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. No. 80 Fonrth ave myl6-22-16,18,23.2S.28.31 FOR SALEHANDSOME MODERN HOUSE, all conveniences and large lot, choice loca tion, BldweU street, Allegheny: low price; easy terms. JNO. H. M'CREERY, 95 Fifth ave. ap9-46-TT8 SabHrban "Kestidenee. FOR SALE AT INGRAM COZY 6-ROOM house; lot 50x160 feet. GEORGE JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fonrth aye. mylS-4 P OB SALE-NET 13PEE CENT INVESTMENT, at bharpsbnrg. dftuble frame hosie or 8 rooms. In good order: lot 20x100; price 81,600: easy terms. W. W. McNEU 4 BBO,, 105 Fourth ave myl5-53 FOR SALE-CHEAP -AT KAYLORS STA TION. Ebensburg and CressonR. R., small lot, dwelling and stable: suitable for summer residence A. McDERUIT, Klttannlng Point, Pa. myl8-89 P IOR SALE WILK1NSBUBG, NEAR STA TION, at & bargain, new and verv neat frame dwelling 7 rooms, reception lull, finished attic good cellar and sewerage; corner lot, 52X120; terms to suit. J. R. COOPER 4 CO.. 107 Fourth ave myl8-84 TEHIR SALE-SUBURBAN HOME-AT JACK'S X? Run station, Ft, Wayne R. R., within 5 min utes' walk from station : house 8 rooms, large stable and carriage bouse; plenty of good fruit and water: will sell cheap and on easy terms. A. D. WILBON, 65 Federal St., Allegheny. myl5-33.wB FIR SALE-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE AND large lot, with fruit and shade trees and snrnbbery. water, etc., etc: 5 miles from the city: 10 minutes' walk from railroad; a very beautiful rural property: quiet, cool and healthy. Terms, etc., from JAS.W. DRAPE 4 CO 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myl8-76-D FORSALE-THE BEST, NEW HOUSE, WITH large lot. at Wllklnsburg for 83,000; now on the market; It was built by a party for a home: well built in every way, and now they feel that It is a little more expensive property than they are able to live In and not interfere with their busi ness, etc C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. mylS-63 TTIOR'SALE-6 ACRES; HOUSE OP 8 ROOMS: X? never falling spring: barn: abundance'of fruit; adjoining borough of Bellevue; one square from the proposed Bellevue electric road, and 10 minutes' walk to Neville station, PFt.W. 4C.R. R., 4 miles from Allegheny market; would make a lovely Suburban home. Address M. I'. HOW LEY, 3319 Butler St., city. mylg-85 FOR SALE-AT INGRAM-EIGHT ACRES with Improvements; location and scenery superb: fruit trees In abundance with a variety of majestic forest trees, snch as walnut, oak, elm, sugar maple shellhark, hickory and others too numerous to mention; good water; Philadelphia Company's gas; 20 minutes' walk from railroad 6 tat Ion; this beautiful place will be oSered for one week at very low figures and easy terms. GEO. JOHNSTON, Real Estate Agent, 62 Fourth ave PIV18-4 . FOR. SALE-LOTS. City Lota. fTlOKSALE-ON LINE OF NEW CABLE LINE. X? Wvlle ave. several hundred very fine build ing lots. GEORGE JOHNSTON, Agent. 62 Fourth ave. mylS-4 FOB SALE A CHANCE FOB SPECULATION, one acre near Wylle ave. cable line in the Thirteenth ward, beautifully situated and will lay out In lots to advantage: a great bargain. J. B. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave myl8-84 TTIOR SALE-LOTS! LOIS I LOTS! 24X100 FEET X to alley on paved 50 foot street; 8100 cash: bal ance to suit purchaser: one square from Citizens' Traction Line: price 11,000 each. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler streets. myl6-l6-Thssu FORSALE-50-t50CASH, THEBEMAINDEB 850 semi-annually until paid for: lots 20xS0 ft. froitflng Hatfield st,, near Forty-seventh stji the best lots for the money in the market. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fonrth ave my 16-21-18, 18, 22, 25,28 T7IOE BALE-ON IOWA.ST., NEAR HEBRON J ave and terminus of Wylle ave., one of the finest building lots in the Thirteenth ward, lront lngOft. on Iowa st. by 125 ft, deep; will be sold cheap. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth aye. myl8-84 FOR SALE-WYLIE AVE.-LOTS FROM 8250 to 8350; terms, 10 cash; balance in small monthly payments; come quick and buy quick; these lots are bound to double In value on the completion of Central Traction road. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth aye myl8-84 FOR SALE-60 LARGE BUILDING LOTS ON Mount Washington, 10 minutes walk from Incline plane, on Boggs, Washington and Chess avenues; city water, natural and artificial gas, pure air, good title; will be sold at public sale on Saturday afternoon. May 13. at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Positive sale, to close account with the heirs or the estate Plans, etc, from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. myl6-23 Eait End Lots. FOB 8ALE-ALLINDEB PLACE-ON GBA ZIEK street, Homewood, P. B. R. ; one lot, Srlce (150; terms easy. MELLON BROS., 6349. tatlon street, E. E. myl2-16-vrs P It SALE A DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT , .tvuuijiiu wubu. vJLiwitt, ucarujD- f efcarlweli,, liV. .. 1T...4 tn.imA ... 1. n unu ave., ana convenient to steam or caoie can, ALEXANDER 4 LEE, SIS Wood st. mylS-60 TTlOE SALE 1900 EAST END LOT. 81x150 FT., X7 on the corner of Claybonrne and Graham sts., near Itoup and Shadyslde; terms easy. W. A. HEREON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. myl8-7-18,22,2S.28 FOB BALE-NEARLY 8 ACRES. AT A BAB GAIN; only a few minutes' walk from Swiss vale station; all In natural forest trees; will sell for 500 per acre. O. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue myu-ce TTIOB 8ALE-CHEAP- BEAUTIFUL ACRE C plots, 200 ft. deep, on Roup near Wilklns ave., Twenty-secondward; beautiful location; easy of access. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, No. SO Fourth ave myl8-73-18,22,25, TTIOR SALE ON HOMEWOOD AVE. THREE X minutes' walk from station; 2 pleasantly lo cated lots 24x100; price 8950 each: make payments to suit purchaser. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station 8t-E.E. f vl2-14,16,18,20 FOR SALE-LARGE LOTS NEAB SOUTH HI LAND ave., size 40x141 feet to wide alley; price is very low, and extraordinary good terms can be given. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt., 512 Smithfleld street. my 12-91-rrssu 1T0R SALE-EUCLID AVE. .LOTS, 40xl X' feet, nicely elevated, close to Penn ave cable cars; street sewered; these lots will be sold at a bargain. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithfleld street. myl2-92-TTS F OR SALE AT HOMEWOOD, P. B. R., ONE -beautifully located lot on ftrazlprnt . nsir public school and station: price only 8750; pay ments to suit purchaser. MELLON BROS., 6319 Button St., E. E. myl2-16-TT8 FOE SALE-2 ACRES OF NICE, LEVEL ground at East End. 3 minutes' walk from railroad station: will cut up Into tine lots. Terms and particulars from JAS. Y. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth aye., Pittsburg. myl8-76-D P OB SALE-TWO VERY CHOICE COBNEB tisr. uito iicigu uvi uwu, ui ivc fO,ouv jutirj BROS., 6319 Station St., E. E. myl2-18-15, 18,20 FOR 8ALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. R.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from 8408 to 1600. Inquire 0fl. O. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn aye., East End. Jio23-y78 FOR SALE ON LINDEN AVENUE, EAST END. a fine piece ofland containing IM acres, fronting 213 ft. and extending back 260 ft, to a so ft. St.: can be subdivided into smaller lots: a No. 1 Investment. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood St. myU-CO FOB SALE CHOICE SHADYSIDE LOT fronting 135 feet on an 80 foot pared street close to station, buildings on adjoining lots, first class; price S55 per foot front: a bargain; terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler streets. myl6-l6-ThS8d TTIOR SALE ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF 4X ACRES D In Thlrty-flfth ward. Pittsburg, to be sold at public sale Monday, May 20, at 3 o'clock p. H. Full particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. myl8-76-D TJOR 8ALE- ACRES, BEAUTIFULLY LO JO GATED, and fronting 360 ft. on one of the leading 60-rt. avenues or E. E.; no finer sites for 2 or S first-class residences, and 81,660 an acre will take It If sold before Junel; to secure this you must act promptly. See M. P. HOWLEY. 3819 Butler St., city. myl8-85 FOR SALE-EABT END LOTS ON MONTHLY payments, close to Perm avenue 3 minutes' walk from railroad station; finest and most level lots In the East End; fruit and shade trees, etc, on each lot; will-sell on monthly or quarterly payments.- Plans from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO.; 9 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. myl8-7-D ''Suburban Lota. FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOD PARK-LOTS 40x 120. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourthaye y9-8-TTSSU FOB SALE-AT INGRAM-) BEAUTIFUL building lots. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent 2 Fourth ave myi8-4 TTIOR SALE AT INGRAM BEAUTIFUL X? woodland lots: easy terms. GEO. JOHNS- V-l. kgc .! U-- vw.-. TU XDJlO-l p IOR SALE-LOTS-LOTS WTEKINSBUEG .JL. iUA VCiKUt -Cl Cl-UUUi UCUUIUUI IOC UOD. wide streets, sewered and mwadainlzeil, nat. gas; uuvrLAa wt sviumi .ifc myuHH T7K)B HALE-INGRAM STATION-4 VERY X .choice acre plots, overlooking the Cbartleri valley and oilly ten minutes' walk from the .sta tion; the cream or locations for a suburban home: prices very low and terms to suit. D. p. THOMAS 4 CO., 408 Grant streee myl8-41-TTS ! B SALE-LOTS-THE PITTSBURG NAT"L Runs: of Commerce has a very few int. lar... Wllklnsburg, all well situated and very desirable: also at E dgewood; for persons wishing large lots for less money, they have quite a "number pleas antly situated on the hillside commanding a beau tiful view, of the whole valley: they will be sold free of taxesfor 1889 on very easy terms. Apply at the BANK. fe27-fl-v?8 FOB SALE MAPLEWOOD PARK, WIL KTNSBUBG, laid out by Geo. 8. Martin; ele gant building lots, 40x120 and 40x240; SIW to woo each; 810 to 880 down, balance 81 to 83 per week: these are the most desirable lots on the' market and are bound to double In value within the next 90 days; 58 train each , way. dally; clLonthe swente' who wxH,'ayoMre n4tkeyeu to'se tGgVoWs. 3. S. COOPER 4 CO., l.oar Allegheny Xou- FOR SALE - SHERMAN AVENUE, NEAR Montgomery ave.: lot 40x110: finest vacant lot on on paras. A. uujsbuh, " St., Allegheny. inyl6-44 FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McNAUGHEH, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-D F OR SALE-LOT100X75-FHEMONTST. AND pnn.ivimi ivimnii kMnii ward. Alle gheny; splendid plot for erection of good renting dwellings: onlylWO a foot front on Fremont st. A. LEGUATE 4 SON, 31 Federal st. my!6-44 FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS FOR DWELL INGS or manufactory, T28 feet front on Strawberry lane by 100 feet, near Preble aye., Ninth ward, Allegheny: easy terms. W A. BIPE. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburg. Pa. .. ap30-60-MW8 FIR SALE-YOU SAY YOU DESIREHEALTH, pure air, pure water, beautiful scenery ana rapid transit: locate on the Watson acre and acre sites. Perrysvllle avenue Tenth ward. Alle gheny; Pittsburg office A. J.. PENTECOST. 413 Grant street. my 12-64 F IOR SALE-CHOICE LARGE LOTS IN "fiioriwi pitinA tt hmf Kt"t cars and schools; city water, natural and artificial gas, etc: 13 neat handsome houses now on this plan, costing about 830,000: low prices and easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. jnyll-98-S Hazel ood Lota. FOR SALE-LOTSlLOTSIlLOTSllI AT HA ZEL WOOD; choice lots, 28x130 each, fronting on 50-rt. streets; location unsurpassed: termsto suit buyers: J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. mylS-84 Farms. FOR SALE-FARM AT HOBOKEN-93 ACRES: 2 minutes' walk from station: one of the best farms In the county. For particulars see J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 .Fourth aye. mvl8-M FOR 8ALE-65 ACHES GOOD LEVEL LAND, well fenced, 4 miles from Pittsburg, brick house 7 rooms, frame barn, 40x150. stone spring house outbuildings, fine orchard, etc., "o.", ED. WITT1SH, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. myiS-D P OR SALE-NICE FARM OF 56 ACRES, CLOSE tather.ltrsnd rallrrciri station and borough line; line large orchard, water, dwelling house and outbuildings, etc., etc. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. myI8-77 Miscellaneous. "T7WRRar.TsTrtnrnT. nnnn RAitriATNS AT Oakland, Bellefield, etc. near the now cable. line v. a. .love, 93 Fourth avenue, myia-oa FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE, IMPROVED AND nnlmprovea. In all parts of the city: call or send for new printed descriptive list lustlssued. L. O. KBAZIEB. Real Estate Broker, Forty-firth and Butler sts. mylS-lS-T&SSu FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-HOTJBLS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by EG. ADAMS 4 CO., real estate agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City. N. J. ap5-9-D FOB SALE-BYEED B. COYLE& CO.. A 1W bargains In East End real estate: Sheridan ave.. T-room frame lot 28x95. 84,400: Claybourn St., 6-room frame lot 80x140, 84,000: Westminster St., 9-room brick, lot 30x105, 87.500: Uoeveler St., 8-room frame lot 29x95. 5,00O: Mnrtland ave., 5-room frame lot 25x138, 82,300; Meadow st,, 7-room frame, lot 22x100, 83,000: Park ave., 7-room Queen Anne frame 3.500; Collins ave., 7-room brick and two frames on rear, lot 30x139, 15, 300: Howe st., 7-room frame lot 26x160, l,000: Carver St., 7-room frame lot 24x100, 83.100; Beatty St., 8-room frame, lot 25x10a, tiOOO; Sheridan ave., 7-room frame lot 40x170. 83,800; Renfrew st,, 8-room frame lotfiOxlls, 81000: Beatty st., 7-room frame lot 60x126, 85,600; Larimer ave, 5-room frame, lot 22x147, 83,600; Sheridan ave, 7-room frame, l)t 21x105, 81,000: Enterprise St., two 7-room frames, lot 22x118, H6U0; Turret st,, 8-room frame, lot 25x109, t W0: Franks town ave., 6-room frame lot 30x120, 85,000: Broad St., 6-room frame, lot 25x145, 83,500; Meadow St., 9-room frame lot 28x100, 83,900; Howe St., 7 room frame, lot 21x120. t300; Station St., 7-room frame, lot 30x106, 84,000: Woodworth st., 7-room frame lot 33x100, jM, 600; Euclid aye,, 6-room frame, lot 41x48, 82,600: Frankstown avo., 7-room frame lot 30x110, 83,700; Carver St., 5-room frame lot 24X10U, 82,400: Carver St., 6-room rrame lot 24x100, tOOO; Mayflower St., 7-room frame lot 24x100. 00; Mayflower st., 6-room frame lot 24x100, 000; River ave, 7-room rrame, lot 33x84, 83,800; Ivy st., 7-room frame, lot 25x100, (5,600; Center aye., 6-room frame, 5, 600. All the above proper ties can be bought on easy payments. Plenty of fine building lots in any part of Shadvside or East End. Call and examine onr list before buying. REED B. COYLE4CO., 131 Fonrth ave . myl8-70 FOR SALE BUSINESS. BnslneH Chances. P OR SALE-LEASE, TOOLS AND FIXTURES for carrying on and manufacturing ooocorn. candy, etc Address B., Dispatch office. my!4-49 FOR SALE-LEASE AND SALOON FIX TURES, pool and billiard tables and ice: good location. Address JOHNSON 4 SON. New Llihon, 0., for particulars. myl7-31 FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS BOARDING house, doing a good business, and well located In the heart of the city: will sell at a bar--gain. O. BEBINGER 4 SON. 103 Fourth aye. rayl8-53-TU8Su p IOR 8ALE-A riBST-CLASS SALOON AND restaurant: centrally located: doln? rood uuuutoei u VAutiUUs Vti ai;Bsuuavt euiuki asiit' Ing health. Address or call on F. O. BOLl. 13, East Tuscarawas street, Canton, O. myl7-72 4stlM4.a( rrt llanfnn sf aann rnvenlllna T.l FOB SALE-GOOD PAYING BU8INESS FOR lady that can sew for about 8L000: neat little confectionery and ice cream business, 8200; bakery with horse and wagon, fKX); stores or all kinds; 100 business chances. SHKPABD 4 CO.. 54 Fifth aye my3 FOB SALE THE HALF INTEREST IN A large country store business near to city ad vertised: by us recently In these columns, bas been sold. Our many correspondents wlU please accept this announcement, JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myl8-77 FOB S A L E-RESTaURANT, DOING A splendid business; central location: a well known and old established stand; all the latest Improvements; will be sold at a bargain on ac count of 111 health. For particulars see J. B. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl4-9t-TTS FORSALE-THE ONLY BILLIARD ROOM IN town of Sharon: one billiard, one pool table; first-class order: standard size: entire outfit at 50 cents on the dollar; extensive iron works: weekly pay, 825.000: rare opening for rlghtparty. Call on or address W. A. MCKNIGHT, 251 State street, Sharon, Mercer co Pa. myU-51 TTIOR SALE-LEASE OF HOTEL BRUNS C WICK,Nos.254and256 Washington St.. Johns town, fa. ; the said hotel building contains 20 rooms, is a handsome 3-story brick building, cen trally located, doing a very large bar trade; If sale Is.made at all It (must be made before June term of court, so that license can be transferred to purchaser. M. J. MURPHY, Proprietor. myl4-71 FOR BALE A GENERAL HARDWARE, bouse furnishing and builders' supply busi ness In one of the most populous manufacturing towns In Western Pennsylvania, on line of rail road; Talue or entire stock) about HO00; could be reduced to 83,000; no opposition; the only store of same kind In the town; the place Is booming on a solid basis; this Is an excellent opening; ill health the only reason for selling. Fuller par ticulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. myl8-76-D TTiOB SALE AT CLEVELAND, O.-SALOONS X? from 8400 to 3,000: restaurants from 8G50to 87,500: hotel, 83,000; livery stable, 81,000; tin shops, 81,000 to 85,000; stove stores and hardware stock from fLOOO to 86,000: several valuable patents, which wUl bear Investigation; many of the best places In this city for money-making are offered by me: I have alio some of the very finest real estate in all parts or this city on easy terms. WM. H. LAF0CNTAINE4C0., Agent, 219 Superior st Cleveland, 0. Real estate and business ex change. myl2-13 Business Stands. FOR SALE-OHIO ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY, between Arch st. and Diamond, Allegheny; lot 36x90, with building; fine location with a future. A. LEU GATE 41JON, Agents, 31 Federal at. myl6-44 TTIOB SALE-820,000-TERMS TO SUTT-ONE JO square from Court House: business property; 5 brick dwellings: rental. 11,608 per year: big bar gain; enhancement snre ALLES 4 BAfLEYt m Fourth ave. Tel. IP. myl2-25-wssu FOBBALE-BB1CK WORKS FOB SALE IN Leechburg.Pa. : the latest Improved machinery in It for making red brick and flrebrlek; also, 2 dwelling houses and two (2) acres ofland for sale. Inquire of GEORGE HINYEB. Leechburg. Pa. myl2-63-TTssu FOR SALE-THIRD AVE. BUSINESS PBOP ERTY above Wood street, lot 30 feet wldeand extending 160 feet to Second ave.; much cheaper than property has been sold in the vicinity and these streets do not need widening either. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth aye myl8-78 EORBALE-A FULLY EQUIPPED EIGHT pot glass works, located at BtonebOTO, Pa., on L. S. 4 M. S. and W.. N. Y. 4 P. R. E. ; every thing In first-class condition, having been built Within the last year; works running full time on specialties; cheap fuel; excellent railroad facili ties. Particulars, address SXONEBOBO SPE CIALTY GLASS CO., Btoneboro, Pa. my9-25-Th6Su Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE BEST MANUFAC TURING sites in the city, fronting the Alle gheny Valley and Junction Railroads and the Allegheny river, 380x400 IT. deep; located In the midst of the manufactnrlne district In the Seven teenth ward. W. A. HERRON 4BONS.No. 80 Fonrth ave myl8-73-18.22.2S,28 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Borates. Vehicles. Live (Stock. c FOE SALF CHEAP-LADIES' PHAETON IN good running order. Inquire at FARMERS' HOUSE, 1114 Carson St., S. B. myl8-37 FIB BALE-A PRETTY PONY-STYLISH and gentle: any lady or child can drive it: also dogcart and harness. Address G Dispatch office. .myl7-7 iH)B BALE-A FINE DRIVING HORSE, I JtW ....As...... ,fl ..... Am .. J .. 1... ju yai.cuwtnui, .wuuus, euuuu auu all rism; can show a 2:50 cUp, .GEO. W. JlISSELL, 715 Liberty St., city. myl8-54 T7K)R SALE-A FINE MATCHED PAIB OF X1 black 'coach- horses. 8 years old, 16 bands bJgh, sound and well broken do not scare at cable cars. Inquire of T. . MORELAND, Penn ave., E. End. t mylS-58 FOE SALE-SINGLE RELIABLE COACH BBS, fine saddle horses and drivers, Jersey wirsMittitiHivinw years ao yesrsoiage. 'gtyenss trial fwperrect MUsfeouoa; horses nd, Hifctfrort eMy.VAr . A-I TT10RSAIX-2ORONTANGIN8, 18x22, X! 1 Ball engine I smiU dynamo and 2 lamps and meatchoppers, rendering-kettles, etc VELTE4 MCDONALD, l'ennaye, cor, Thirty-second st. Iel8-168-TTS ,t HTsceUaneoHs, , ' FOR SALE-FOUR C. 4 6. ELECTRIC FANS, in use two weeks; will sell cheap. 197 FOURTH AVE., city. .. myl7-W TTIOR SALE-COB. BUTLER AND MAIN STS., X? Lawrencevllle that property known as St. John's Church lot; 95x155 feet to an alley, with large church building and dwelling. W. A. HER KUN 4 SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. myl5-63-wg TO LET.. Cltv Residences. TO LET-NO. 35 LOCUST ST.. 8-HOOM BRICK, dwelling: hot and cola water, bath, etc C. H.LOVE, 931fourth avenue myl8-5 TOLET-8I6AMONTH-NO. 804 FIFTH AVE., Oakland, brick house or 6 rooms. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave myl4-67-TT8 TO LET-NO. 101 FAYETTE ST., 8 ROOMS; late improvements; all In first-class order; rent ao ptr year. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. No. 80 Fonrth ave. myl-16,18,23,25,23,31 TO LET-WYLIE AVE, LOW RENT, BRICh. house 6 rooms, hall, bath, range nat. and art. gas: In good repair, i, R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fonrth ave. my!8-84 East End Heslaences. TO LET-AT SWISSVALE DESIRABLE residence 12'rooms; first-class order, Jato conveniences; large grounds; easy of access to and from the station: only 850 per month. W. A. HERKUN 4 SONS.- No. 80 Fourth aye. myie-22-16. 18,23, 25,28, 31 TO LT-(99)-PENN AVE.. E. E., RESI DENCE, 10 rooms, 4 acres or ground, all modern conveniences: completely furnished; will rent for summermonths:flrst-class neighborhood. SAMUEL W. ULACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. myl5-56-wrs Alleshcny Residences. TO LET-VERY FINE FINISHED 10-BOO1I house, near parks, in Allegheny. GEO. JOHNSTOtf, Agent, 62 Fonrth aye my!8-4 TO LET-HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, GOOD ORDER, late improvements, located No.214 Lacock st.. Allegheny. W. A. HEREON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. myl6-I0-WThs TO LET-IN THE SECOND WARD, ALLEv GHENY Brick house of 6 rooms and finished attic; bath, range both gases, hall, cellar, etc.: so water rent. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood st. yl8-61-Tus Suburban Residences. TO LET-IN 8EWICKLEY-THE BRICK RES IDENCE of James Adair. Jiroad street, one square from station: completely furnished; Imme diate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. myl2-76-wrs TO LET-B1Y HOUSE THIRTEEN BOOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carriage house, two acres ground, with liver flew. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 T 10 LET A CHOICE BELLEFIELD RESI DENCE, being elegantly and comfortably ...lieu. CJ .WIT, 1. I. BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave, my!4-8l Apartments. TO LET APARTMENTS HAVE TWO suites rooms connecting with cafe; for rent either with or without board! KENNEDY, No. 2 Sixth st. myl8-53-MWF8 TO LET-SUITE OF DWELLING BOOMS IN brick building on Liberty street: natural gas, etc JAS W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. myl8-76-D TO LET-ONE FLOOR OF CHOICE APART MENTS suitable for llfrut housekeeping: gas and water. Apply to J. G. MOBBO W, Shoe Store, 289 Ohio St., Allegheny. mylS-67 Offices. Deik Room. c TO LET-DESK ROOM IN OUR MAIN OF FICE, with use of desk, etc.; rent low to a good tenant. C, H. LOVE, 93. Fourth ayenue. myllHS TOLET-DFFICEORDESKROOM-ONWOOD Btreet, near Fourth ave. : large front window: ground floor. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood st. mylS-62-D TO LET-FINE OFFICE, I8x37 FEET. ON second floor, front room; also other offices, large and small: fine, large rooms, suitable for lodges; on Smlthfield St. Inquire T. MELLON 4 SON'S BANK. 512 Smithfleld street. myl4-3S-TTS Huslness Btnds. TO LET-A HOUSE AND STOBEEOOM AT corner of Tunnel st. and Webster ave. No. 43. Inquire on PREMISES. " myl7-8I TO LET-LARGESTOREROOHANPCELLAR on Liberty street, city, near Smithfleld street; immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mylS-76-D TO LET-A LARGE BU3INE38 HOUSE ON Liberty Btreet, convenient to Union depot; rear entrance; immediate possession. JAS. W, DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mylS-23 TO LET-STOREROOM AND DWELLING ON Frankstown avenue between Park and Lin coln avenues; good business stand and low rent. Apply to F. 0. VANGOBDEB, 6014 Penn avenue. mylO-47-MWS TO LET-NO. 105 SMITHFIELD ST., BE TWEEN First and Second aves., 3-story business bouse; rent low to desirable tenants, and house will be put In good condition. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fourth aye. ' myI4-C7-TTS PERSONAL. PERSONA L-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 81.CC0, Jet us know; we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Aye. Hotel building. my3-23 EERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean , your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st, second floor? charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed; suits madeto order; spring styles now ready, telephone 1553. mb.3 LOST. LOST-TWO POCKETBOOKS, CONTAINING rings ("Mattle" engraved on one) and' money; finder can keep money If rings are re lumed. MRS. JACKSON, 634 Second avenue. . myI8-34 MISSING. "TVyflfaSING WM. KBEADKK,AGED68 YEARS." -IYX left his daughter's residence on Tuesday af ternoon and has not been heard from since. Any information that may lead to his whereabouts will he tnankfully received by LIZZIE -READER, 177 Washington ave., Thirty-first ward, S. S., city. . my!8-45 STOLEN. STOLEN-TO-DAY AND SHIPPED NORTH, a white clpped Scotch terrier and small yellow Italian greyhound from Louis Schaefer, Canton, O.: a reward will be paid for the capture Of either or thief. Advise LOUIS SCHAEFER. myl8-94 MEETINGS. THE srNQI TAX LEAGUE, OF PITTS BURG. Public meeting In Union Veteran Legion Hall. No. 77 Sixth avenue, SUNDAY, MAY 19, at 2 p. m. Address on the land question. Dts. enssion. myI6-47 THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Pittsburg and Falrport Terminal Company held at the office of the com- Eany, Coal Exchange Building, corner Smith eld and Water sts., Pittsburg, Pa., MONDAY, MAY 27, 1889. 2 P. Jt, to elect directors, yoto upon the lease of the company's property to the Pittsburg; Falrport and Northwestern Dock Company, and consider snch other busi ness as may be brought up. A. J. THOMAS, C. a WIGHT, Set?y. - President. myll-29 OAKLAND SQUARE, $6,600 each, moderate cash payment, balance $500 per annum, elegant new two-story and mansard brick dwellings. 8 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, slate mantels, art Ore places, tile hearths, sliding doors, wired tor electric light, fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, etc; Oakland Square, five mlnntes from Fifth avenue cable line and directly on line of new cable loop which is to be constructed this sammerfa beautiful park (on hichare sev eral hundred beautiful shade trees), the whole surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and payed with aspbaltum;ofl each side of and facing the parlr are the above described dwell ings; most desirable houses yet offered; en hancement of values 'sure. SAMUEL W. BLACK t CO., 99 Fourth aye. myU-39 LARGE LOT FOR SALE, THIRD WARD, ALLEGHENY, Near Federal street and the Park, hayln a total frontage on three" streets of upward of COO feet It is especially adapted for the build ing of 5 and S-roo dwellings (the sizes most sought for), which could be rented or sold very profitably. SAMUEL W. BLACK .CO 99 Fourth avenue. mylS-79-TTS "Walter J. osBotra-JE. Richard babbows. BARBQWS OSBOURNE JOBPR1NTERS, 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 8U se2-k56 sau plANOS, ORGANS r. j SH AMitoy.v -.RAND KTlf&L'&VsmvnsVlSt. Ute OftIce op BoROtroH. Clerk, TkTOTICETO CONTRACT6RS SEALED Ll proposals win be received at the office of the Borough Clerk until Tuesday, May 28, A. D.1S89, at i p. jr., for the following, Ti, SEWERS. One of Inches in diameter on Fourth ave nue, from Huey street eastwardly to a point near Jackson's alley. One of 15 inches in diameter in Locust street, from Twelfth to Fourteenth avenue. Ope of 12 Inches in diameter in Tube Works alley, from Thirteenth to Fourteenth avenue. One of 12 inches in diameter in Strawberry alley, from Eighth to Seventh avenues. One of 12 inches in diameter in Locust street, from Tenth avenue to Whlgham street. STREET BIPEOVEMENTS. Grading, curbing and paving with fire brick of Coursfn street, from Fifth avenue to St. Joseph's Cemetery, and Jenny Lind street,from Sixteenth avenue to Hitchcock ayenue. Plans and specifications of the above work can be seen and blanks for bidding and all in formation can be had at the engineer's office on and after May 24. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond in double the amount of the proposal and probated before a notary oX the "public, and unless this is strictly adhered to, the bill will riot be considered. The Committee on Sewers and Streets re serve the right to reject anv or an proposals. . myl8-l-18.j.27 GEO. BOSSAKT. Clerk. POLITICAL. -pEPUBLICAN CONVENTIONB- HEADQlTAKTERS OF THB COUNTS' H Republican Executive Committe: Pittsburg. May 1L 18S9, In accordance -with the rules of the County Republican Executive Committee Assembly District Conventions will be held on TUESDAY. MAY 2L 1889, at the places and time below designated. Three separate Conventions-will be held for each Assembly District, to which delegates from each election district of the county will be elected, on SATURDAY. MAY 18, 1889. between the hours of i and 7 o'clock P. , One delegate to Convention No. 1 to elect members of the County Committee. One delegate to Convention No. 2, to elect delegates to the County Convention, which shall nominate one candidate forjudge of the Com mon Pleas Court No. L One candidate for Coroner. One 'candidate for District Attorney. The delegates from the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Assembly Districts to nominate one can didate for Director of the Poor. One delegate to Convention No. 3, to elect delegates to the State Convention. VlBST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Conventum No. 1, Headquarters Allegheny Central Republican Club, corner of South Diamond and Federal streets, at 10 A. M. Convention Net 2, Headquarters of Allegheny Central Republican Club at 2 P. Convention No. 3, Headquarters of Allegheny Central Republican rCInb, at 3 P. If. SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1, Common Council chamber, Allegheny, 10 a. jr. ' Convention No. 2, Common Council chamber, Allegheny, 2 P. jr. Convention No. 3, Common Council chamber Allegheny, 3 P. at V, THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention Ko. 1, Rooms of the YoungMen's ' Republican Tariff Club, 61 Sixths venue, at 10 A.M. Convention No. 2, at the same place at 11 A. M. Convention No. 3, at the same place at 12 M. TOUETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. ' Convention Ko. I, Rooms of the Young Men's Republican Tariff Club. 61 Sixth avenne, at 2 P. ST. ' Convention No. 2, at the same place at 220 P. M. Convention No. 3, at the same place at 3 P. lUFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1, Select Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 730 P. sr. Convention No. 2, Common Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 7:30 p. ir. Convention No. 3, Common Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 830 p. if. SIXTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1 at Salisbury Hall, South side, at 10 a. sr. Convention No. 2 at the same place at 11 AM. Convention Ko. 3 at the same place at 12 , SEVENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1, Common Council Cham ber, Pittsburg, at 10 a. m. Convention No. 2 in the same place at 11 A. Jf. Convention Ko. 3 in the same place at 12 Jf. EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. L Select Council Chamber, Pittsburg, at 10 a. K. Convention No. 2 in the same place at II A. M. Convention Ka, 3 in the same place at 12 M. The temporary chairman of each convention will be designated later. Proper notice will be given of the time and place of holding the County Convention, ac cording to the rules, as soon as Tuesday's con ventions are held. GEORGE M. yon BONNHORST, ROBERT.BERRY, Chairman. Secretary. myl3 BANK STATEMENTS. EEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE IRON CITY NATIONAL BANK, a Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business. May 13 18S9: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1,786,599 SI Overdrafts. ,. 328 64 V. S. bonds to secure circulation.... 100,000 00 Other stocks, bodds and mortgages. 36,230 60 Due from approved reserve agents. 64,917 45 Due from other national banks.... . . 49,818 14 Due from State banks and bankers. 6,064 67 Real estate, furniture and fixtures- 142,638 87 Current expenses and taxes paid... 687 20 Premiums paid. 6.000 00 Checks and other cash items 3,486 14 Exchanges for Clearing House. 67,367 26 Bills of other banks 10,226 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies 308 16 Specie.. 141,500 00 Legal tender notes 196,400 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer's per cent of circ) 4,500 00 $2,606,120 M LIABILITrEa Capital stock paid in S 400,000 00 Surplus fUnd. 260,000 00 Undivided profits 66.853 14 National bank notes outstanding.... 89,450 00 jjiviuenas unpaia ,7ou w Individual deposits subject .to check L2S9.067 34 Demand certificates of deposit. 4,500 00 Cashier's checks outstanding. 10,036 70 Due to other national banks 426,994 34 Dne to State banks and bankers... 63,459 42 S2.606.120 94 State of Pennsylvania, County of Allegheny.ss: t, Oliver Lemon. Cashier of the Iron City National Bane of Pittsburg, Pa., do solemnly swear that the above is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. OLIVER LEMON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn td before me, this 16th day of May, 1889. GEO. L WHITNEY, Notary Public, Correct Attest: J. KEOD FLEMING, D. C. CLAPP. E.M.BYERS, mylS 50 , Directors. EEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business May 13, 1889: RESOURCEa Loans and discounts.. 7. (2,249.764 23 Overdrafts 1,051 67 U. S. bonds to seenro circulation.... 50,000 60 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. 103,279 43 Due from approved reserve agents. 463,681 00 Due from other National Banks. , j. 69,295 63 Due from State banks and bankers. 44,638 00 Real estate, furniture and fixtures. 266,150 00 Current expenses and taxes paid.... 32,022 50 Cbecks and other cash items 13,967 99 Exchanges for Clearing House , 138,036 13 Bills of other banks..... 39,750 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies 173 37 Gold coin ...i.... 155,000 00 Silver coin 2,992 00 Legal tender notes...... 375,000 00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation).... 2,250 00 Due from U, S. Treasurer other than S per cent redemption fund....... 12,000 00 $4,009,011 8d LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in..: 750,000 00 Surplus fund 150,000 CO Undivided profits 84,872 62 National Bank notes outstanding... 45,000 00 Dividends unpaid 4,306 00 Individual deposltssubject to check. 2,703,310 63 Certified checks , 12,822 16 Due to other National Banks. 185,340 40 Due to State banks and bankers. . . . 68,369 18 S4.O09.O11 88 State of Pennsylvania, County of Allegheny, ss.: 1, 3. p. Scully, Cashier of the First National Bank of Pittsburg, Pa., do solemnly swear that the above Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. D. SC ULLY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day Of May. 1889. JOHN EWING SPEER. Notary Public Correct Attest: A ow-a-on arts johnh-mckelVy ' .xue. wiunin i, ADJOURNED SALE Br JAS.W. DRAPE CO. FREE RIDE TO " AUCTION SALE ? n OF ' 25 BUILDING- LOTS, Clifton ave., Highland ave. and Center st, Allegheny, " " Close to terminus of Pleasant Valley car line, and on the route of the projected electric cars, adjoining Clifton Incline plane, only 4 cents fare to Pittsburg postofflce and intermediate points. These lots all lay nice on good streets and present some of the finest building sites In either city, being thoroughly in the country, with pure air and no smoke and overlooking the city; natural and artificial gas all around; city water, shade and forest trees, etc.. etc The' sale will take place on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY , at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Title perfect Free tickets on Pleasant Valleycars to the Sroperty can be obtained from JOHN H. MO KEERY, 95 Fifth ave or from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO- Auctioneers, Qyl&3--TTS 129 Fourth ave- Pittsburg. BY JAS. . DRAPE CO. ASSIGNEE'S SALE Of three pieces of land, about 4acres,onthe "Washington turnpike and Catherine and Co rinth streets. Thirty-fifth ward, Pittsburg, near terminus of west End street cars, one piece of abont i acres on Catherine 'and Corinth streets, and 2 pieces of abont 3 acres, on the "Washington turnpike, near the tollgate. Sals will take place on MONDAY. MAY 20, IS89, At 3 o'clock p. M., on the premises. Terms One-half cash, balance In one year, with interest and close mortgage and bond on the premises. Positive and peremptory sale to close np an estate. By order of F. D. GIEST, Assignee. MILLER AMcBRIDE, Attorneys. JAR . DRAPE CO.. Agents and Auction eers, 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. mylS-TS BY JAS. W. DRAPE fc CO, PUBLIOSALE -OF- SIM LUBE B01DI1 LOTS On Boggs,Washington and Chess aves.. Thirty second ward, Pittsburg, only ten minutes' walk from Mt. "Washington Incline plane. As it is desired to close np the interests between the different heirs, the entire blocks will be ex posed to public sale on SATURDAY, May 18, fit 2 o'clock p.m., on the premises. The lots are all large, fronting on fine wide avenues and streets, and are in a good and fast improving: neighborhood. City water, natural and artifi cial gas; good drainage; pure, bracing air, etc. Lots will be sold lingly or in blocks, on very liberal terms of payment $10 down on each lot at sale title perfect. Plans, etc.. from JAMES "W. DRAPE CO., Agents and Auctioneers, mylB 129 Fonrth ave Pittsburg. RECEIVER'S SALE OF MACHINERY, BRICK YARD AND BRICK. THE UNDERSIGNED. RECEIVER OF the firm of Glockner &. Fenderlcb, will sell at public sale on MONDAY, May 27, 1889, at 2 p. M., on the premises, corner Perrysvllle and Sawmill Hun roads, Tenth ward, Allegheny, two double-fined boilers with stack, one worth ington steam pump, lare steam engine, clay crusher, two dratt horses, two brick wagons, one coal wagon, one cart, lot of brick molds, wheelbarrows, shovels, tools, etc, dryhouso engine house, and about 100.000 brick. Terms, cash. CHAS. R.FENDERICH, Receiver, Real Estate Savings Bank. WEST MOMTJRRAY, Attorney. 162 Fourth avenue. myl8-35-"Ws BY JAMES W. DRAPE CO. Auction sale of HOUSEHOLD FDRKITURE, CARPETS, ETC., At 194 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg, TUESDAY AFTERNOON. May 21, at 2 o'clock. There are bedsteads, bedding, bureaus, wasbstands, sofas, dining room furniture, tables, chairs, etc Terms cash. JAB. "ff". DRAPE CO., Auctioteers, myl8-74-p 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. AMCSEMESTS. MAY INAUGURATIOK OF THB KEW EXPOSlllOK BUILDING. FESTIVAL. EVSflHGBJ 0PLd apt rwnrWR$0f Thursday and Saturday, AFTERNOONS J May 23 and 23. The TICKETS FOR SINGLE COKCERTS , NOW ON SALE, at HAMILTON'S. The celebrated Steinway Grand Piano used at the festival concerts. myl4 TARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY- lo-nlght, matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. C C. MAGEE, Irish Luck Comedy Company. myl2-8 B UOU THEATER- Matinee To-Day at 2 P. . J. C. STEWART'S FAT MEN'S CLUB. The Funniest Yet raylS. GRAK0 OPERA'HOUSE- . ". To-day's matinee and To-night, -Rlce'jJ most elaborate production of beautiful EVANGELINE. 65 Artists in the Cast. Next week, Dockstader's Minstrels. , myl3 TTARRIS THEATEK- One week. May 13, "WE, US -CO. Next week Gray b Stephens. my4rs PICNIC GROVE FREE! WIKDSOR PARK, Only six miles from the city, situated on the bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or b03t. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, fine dancing platform, etc The use of the grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A.R. posts, private fetes, etc, the only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J, H. DAWSON, lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A. CLANEY oa the grounds. myll-15-D M0N0NGAHELA AND OHIO RIVERS Transportation Excursion Co., LIMITED. Steamer LOWii Can be chartered for excursions, picnics and evening parties. Office, No. 113 WATER STt myll-4&TT3 L N. CLARK. Captain. FOR SALE. WH1TELEY PLACE. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS1 10x131 FEET ' Terms S10 down, 1 per cent of purchase money payable weekly. Lots range in prices from $150 to $300. This property has frontage of 900 feet on Penn ave. Gas on premises. Boardwalk from Wllklnsburg station, where 95 trains stop dally. For plans and particu lars, see HcCUHE COULTER, - 98 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG, Or on the ground every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 2 to 6 p.m. myl5-54-ws CURTAINS. We make a specialty of cleaning and dyeing lace curtains: also dry cleaning Damask Turk ish cottiers' and an kinds of fabrics. Sixth Avenue Dve Works, M. MAY SONS Co. ap2-Trs ( 68 SIXTH AVE. . REMOVAL. George BLoHfcdoa. Architect, has removed to a BMwBeooiM.fe Deposit IS ld-j. e.ria-. ay.--it ae . myior w; 1 ti V . f 1 fi s .V K ! L. r-A.i.Lii gli yny71 itPiectof3.