Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 17, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The Programme Now Completed for
the Yalley Campmeetins.
Besides Bishops Vincent and llallalieu
and Other Eminent Hen. "
The programme for the Taller camp on
the Allegheny rirer is about completed.
lEev. J. W. Miles, Presiding Elder of the
Pittsburg district, will have chargeuf the
meeting. Since the last meeting the grounds
have been beautified, but no new cottages
hare been built so far as could be. learned.
An excursion will be run to the camp
grounds on Decoration Say to give people
who have not been there a chance to see the
place. The hotel will be opened for the day
to accommodate the visitors.
Yesterday Key. Dr. Miles, Presiding
elder of the district, went to Delaware,
where a meeting of bishops is being held.
He will endeavor to induce some of them to at
tend the campmceting. They will probably he
Bishops Vincent, of New York, and Uallalleu,
oi-newurieans. uisnop jn ewman was lnroeo,
but he cannot attend.
The campmeeting will open Thursday, July
25, and continue ten days. The first sernce
will be hejd at 7:30 in the evening, when Rev.
Charles Edward Locke will preach. On Fri
day, July 28, "lie v. C. 11. Miller, who recently
returned as a missionary, will deliver a lecture
on Japan, and Rev. W. JB. Watkins, of New
ISrigbton, will preach on "John the Baptist."
On Saturday, Juiv 27, there will be no service
in the morning. Dr. T. J. Leak will hold forth
in the evening-'
Sunday, JuiyZS, some Bishop will preach,
xiot yet selected, a sermon in the afternoon and
at 7.30 Dr. A. H. Norcross. Preceding the
evening meetings on Sundays a vesper service
will be held. Monday, July 29, Rev. O. V. Wil
ton will preach. On Tuesday, July SO, a praise
service, at which Rev. C V. Wilson and Rev. L.
NcUuire will deliver addresses. On Wednes
day July 31, a praer and experience meeting
will be led by Rev. McGuire and Dr. C. W.
Thursday, August 1. will be children's day,
the greatest day of the camp. An excursion
rate of 30 cents from Pittsburg has been se
cured. A public exhibition given by the chil
dren of the camp ground and the singing will
be features. An orchestra has been engaged
for the occasion. Addresses will be delivered
by Rev. W. L. Davison. Secretary of the Sun
day School TJhlon,on "A Foot Journey Through
the Alps."
Lewis Miner, president ol the unautauqua
Sunday School Assembly, and other speakers
will be present. Dr. Purves. of the First Pres
byterian Church, will preach in tho evening.
On Friday, August 2. a Bible reading will be
conducted by J. W. Miles and Dr. A. C. John
son. On Saturday, August 3. Dr. R. H. Allen,
President of the Board of Education of the
Presbyterian Church. ill preach. On Sunday,
August 4. preaching by Dr. W. G. Williams, of
the Allegheny College, and one of the Bishops.
Monday, August 6, Dr. T. J. Leak will close the
The following named persons are among
those who have already taken cottages: H.
Sampson, W. Price. J. B. Stewart, Will
Freeman, J. A. Thompson, J. V. Brobst, J. H.
Nobos, George Bushfield, W. J. Jackson, Dr.
Lee, James Camera. Mr. Williams, 8. W. Hay,
Mrs. John Metcalf, Mrs. C West, Dr. Tom Pat
terson, John Fatterara, Harry Peeples, J. B.
The Ridgeview Park campmecting win be
held in the early part of Augnst. Rev. J. F.
Core, Rev. J. T. Riley, of Pittsburg, and othen
will have charge or the -meetings. The fine
Eingmg, accompanied by a comet, will be a
leading feature. A number of new lots will be
sold next Thursday. There are about 200
cottages on the ground. It is one of the largest
camp grounds in tne State, situated 47 miles
from Pittsburg on the Pennsylvania Railroad.
The old Tarentum campground, with Its
lovely park clearing in the forest, will be the
scene of ihe usual religious convention this
Hummer. The date will be fixed by the lot
holders, who bold their annual business meet
ing next month. There are somo 70 cottages
here. IL 8. P. McCall is President of the as
sociation, and quite a number of Pittsburg and
Allegheny families summer on tho grounds.
Sunday trains are not allowed, and gate fees
are only charged vehicles, and that only on
Snnday. Rev. J. T. Mitchell, of Tarentum,
wui nave charge oi the exercises, assisted by
the presiding elder.
Over a Landmark In Allegheny
Judge Stowe yesterday granted a pre
liminary injunction to restrain the Pitts
burg and Allegheny Droveyard Company
from removing the buildings of the stock
yards in Allegheny. The injunction was ob-
tained by Robert Woodslde and others, heirs
and executors of William Woodside. They
own the lot in the First ward, Allegheny, on
which the stockyards are erected. It was
leased in 1SS2 to Omslaer & Smith, who assigned
the lease to the droveyard company. The lease
expired in 1SS7, but the company did not give
up possession, and have paid no rent since.
Suit was commenced by the company to have
the lease renewed, but a decree was refused
them. Negotiations then commenced for the
purchase of the property. This, however, it is
claimed, was only for the purpose of deceiving
the Woodside heirs, as in the meantime the
company has commenced to remove all the
buildings on the place. As the buildings were
on the ground when the lease expired, it is
held that they now belong to the estate of
Woodside, the owners of the ground. The case
will be argued on Saturday.
And Eight Men Arelnjnredon ttfe Plttsburfr,
Virginia nnd Charleston Road.
Eight men were injured la a collision of
freight and gravel trains on. the Pittsburg,
Virginia and Ch.arleslon Railroad yesterday
morning, near Onnsby station, Southside.
Daniel Morris, the conductor on the gravel
train, gave orders for the engineer to go ahead,
when another train came around the curve,
and the trains ran into each other.
There were about SS workmen on the gravel
train, most of them being Hungarians. Sev
eral of the cars were smashed, and the men
were buried in the debris. When the wreckage
was cleared away eight men were found to be
injured. JohnFeter, one of them, who has a
family in the old country, is thought to be
fatally injured, and John Uherst, as well as
John Spedro, two more Hungarians, are also
seriously injured, while Thomas Hackett, John
Maloney and three other men received several
bad cuts and bruises. The first three men
were taken to, the hospitals, and the others
were sent home.
Heavy Damage Claimed,
Cyrus Alshouse yesterday entered suit for
$25,000 damages against Samuel Creelman, jus
tice of the peace at Wilklnsburg, and William
Ross, Floyd Ross, William McCluskey, George
C Welsher, William Louis and Frank Cunrod.
Alshouse states that he is a huckster and lives
at Port Ferry. He was arrested on February
14 on a charge of burglary, lodged against him
before 'Squire Creelman by William Ross, and
was accused of having committed a number of
robberies, among them that of the store of X.
K. St Clair, at which time St. Clair was shot
and seriously wounded. Alshouse received
several hearings and was finally discharged on
February 25. He claims damages for false- arrest.
Ready to be Argued.
The case of C. H. Adams, executor for O. A.
Smith, of New Castle, against the Connecticut
Mutual Life Insurance Company, which has
been on trial in the Circuit Court for three
days, was concluded yesterday and the argu
ments to the jury will .be made to-day. The
plaintiffs endeavored to'bring out that Smith
was temporarily insane from trouble when he
took the dose of laudanum, and that it was not
taken with the intent to commit suicide, but to
relieve the pain from which be was at the time
The Overhead Tracks.
The final hearing in the case of the Allegheny
Valley Railroad Company against the Junc
tion Company to restrain them from running
overhead tracks through their yards at Twen
tieth street, was held before M. A. Woodward,
Esq., who is master In the case, yesterday
afternoon. Some rebuttal testimony was of.
f ered showing the danger of such a structure.
The 3d of June was selected as the day upon
which the arguments will be made.
Answer to tae Liquor Dealers.
The answer of County Treasurer Hill, inthe
mandamus proceedings brought to compel him
to issue a wholesale license to Henry L. Berger,
under the act of 1S72, was filed yesterday. It
was similar to the answer filed by Clerk of
Courts McGunnegle, and sets forth that he be
lieves that the law of 1872 was repealed by the
Brooks law. The cases will be heard before
Jndge Stowe. May 18.
Good Templars to Sleet.
The district officers of District No. 3, Inde
pendent Order of Good Templars, will hold
their semi-annual meeting to-morrow in the
hall over the Pittsburg Gas Company's office
on Sixth avenue. Tho chief business to be
transacted will be the election of officers. In
the evening a large meeting of Good Templars
in the interest of prohibition will be held in the
Herr'a Island Dam.
The Board of Viewers to examine and assess
damages on the property of Captain Vander
grlftat Herr's Island, which is wanted for a
lock bouse, were quallfiedvesterday afternoon.
The board consists of T. C. Lazear, Esq.,
Captain W. W. Young and D. B. Oliver. They
fixed upon May 23 at 2 o'clock to visit the prop
erty and assess the damages.
A Hone for the Saddle.
If, with advice, you could disclose
Some easy way to follow it,
'Twould cease to be the nauseous doso
That sickens those who swallow it.
Very well, here's advice you can follow; yon
Bet it by Inference from the following:
dbs. etabkei s i-ai.es: --x our iwmpouna
l " dvri
Oxvcen Treatment cured me of Asthma.'
L. Douglas. Louisville. Kv October. ISA
JJks. Starket A Pales: "My daughter re
ceived decided benefit in' a case of bronchial
asthma from vour ComDOund Oxvren Treat
ment." John J. Mason, M. D., Columbus, -
Ua., AUgUSt A3, 1S3S.
Drs. Starker & Palen's office records show
over 43,000 different cases in which their Com
pound Oxygen Treatment has been used by
physicians in their practice and by invalids in
dependently in cases of consumption, bron
chitis, asthma, catarrh, djspepsia, nervous
prostration, rheumatism, neuralgia and all
complaints of a chronic nature. Their
brochure of 200 pages will be forwarded free of
charge to any one addressing DBS. Stabxey,
& Pales, Xo. 1523 Arch street, Philadelphia
line Whiskies.
X. X. X. 1855 Pure Eye Whisker, full
quart ?2 00
Monogram Pure Eye "Whiskey, full
quart 1 75
Extra Old Cabinet Pifre Eye Whiskey,
full quart 1 CO
1679 Export Pure Eye Whiskey, full
quart. 1 25
1880 Export Pure Eye Whiskey, full
quart.... 1 00
Eor sale by G. W. Schmidt, ITos. 95 and
97 Pilth avenue, city.
Talked Abo at Wishart.
The jury is out inthe case of Teresa Lee,
colored, who was tried on the charge of keep
ing a bawdy house at the corner of Liberty and
First avenues. The prosecutor was Captain
Wishart, Attorney Reardon, who was defend
ing Mrs. Lee, in bis address to the jury, severely
scored Captain Wishart.
To-baj' Trial Lists.
Common Pleas No 1 Wray vs Applegate;
Watkins vs Chappel; Corbett, administratrix,
vs Metropolitan Insurance Company; Jamison
et al vs Mills et al; Gillespie vs Wllbert; Eaton
vs Bonner, executor (2); Ford vs Pennsyl
vania Railroad (2); McCarthy vs Rawley et al;
McCarthy vs Calhoun et al; EggleyvsUricb;
Graham vs Kerber.
Common Pleas No. 2 Flih t Burke vs Keat
ing; Boschart vs Nellis; Allegheny City vs Mil
ler; Oliver et al vs Muse.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs John
doetz, James McNerney, Richard Harris,
James Liney (2), G. Bakerman. Ferdinand
Klein. Wn. Mabneke, Philip Franz, Agnes
Ward, alias Young:
Legal Tender.
Henut Battsb yesterday received a verdict
f or $300"in his suit against the ML Oliver In
cline Plane Company for damages for injury to
his property caused by filling up John street.
F. A. Pope, a fireman on the Pittsburg and
Lake Erie Railroad, yesterday entered suit
against W. H. McCluskey for $1,000 damages.
Pope claims that on April 21 McCluskey beat
mm, oreaKing nis nose.
Judge Maoee yesterday overruled the mo
tion to quash the indictment against Moses D.
Silknetter for selling liquor to minora. The
indictment, he maintained, was not defective
enough to affect its validity.
James A. Chambers yesterday filed a hill
in equity against the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road. Chambers owns property in the Third
ward. McKeesport, and asks for an injunction
to restrain the railroad company from laying
side tracks on ground belonging to him.
The suit of Emma Perry against the North
side Bridge Company is on trial before Judge
Stowe. The suit is to recover damages for in
juries to property on Seventh street and Du
quesne way caused by the building of the ap
proach to the Seventh street bridge. The jury
viewed the premises yesterday.
Makes Delicious Lemonade.
A teaspoonf ul added to a glass of hot or cold
water, and sweetened to the taste, will be found
refreshing and invigorating.
.Insurance and Suicide.
In the United States Circnit Court in this
city a case is now on trial whereby an insur
ance company is contesting the payment of
its policy, claiming that the insured com
mitted suicide.
The first company to erase the suicide
clause, from its policies was the New York
Life Insurance Company. This occurred in
1861, and to-day, nearly 30 years afterward,
the New York Life' Insurance Company
stands almost alone in regarding suicide as
a disease. Many companies hide this clause
by leaving "it out of their policies, but in
serting it in the application.
Insist on a liberal and clear contract.
Agents wanted in Pittsburg and every
town in Western Pennsylvania.
Address for policy or aggnoy Vanuxem,
Pierce & Co., General Agents.
J. H. Page, Manager,
95 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
WnAEE" is a word often mis
W understood. A rare stone
Is not necessarily more
beautiful or more desirable.
But it is always more costly.
Its value is purely extrinsic Its
worth lies not In itself, but in the
scarcity of its duplicatea
Only a very small per cent of
diamonds are of pure color or per
fect crystallization. Their extreme
rarity determines their price above
their intrinsio value.
We have a number of diamonds
of exceptional brilliancy and pur
ity, but the prioe of which is not
unduly enhanced by their conform
ity to strict standards, which
would make them exceedingly
rare and -proportionately costly.
206 Fifth avenue,
Madison Square, New York,
Correspondence invited from in
tending: purohasera
Building Contractor,
71 Diamond street.
Second door above Smlthfield,
Pittsburg. fell-7-Kwr
S9c, 4Sc, 65c, 73c, 93c, fl 20 and up to 2 90.
Undoubtedly the largest, handsomest and
most complete assortment of Straw Hats ever
seen can be found at Ruben's. In braids; we
bavo the Canton, Cbanzy, Milan, Japanese,
Venetian. Saginaw, Senate, Mackinaw, Manil
la, Porcupine and Dunstable. In shapes, we
show a bewildering assortment We are intro
ducing half a dozen new blocks, as well as
three different dimensions of the ever popular
"Yacht" Hat Entirely new is our "Newport"
in black, blue and brown underbrims. By far
the most stylish hat in the market Prices
we positively name tho lowest prices in tbei
city, anu aro reaay to prove it to your satisfac
tion. The Hatter and Furnisher,
421 AND
- myl2-wrsu
Catarrhal Dangers.
To be freed from the dangers of suffocation
while lying down; to breathe .freely, sleep
soundly and undisturbed; to rise refreshed,
head clear, brain active and free from pain or
ache; to know that no poisonous, putrid matter
denies the breath and rots away the delicate
machinery of smell, taste and hearing; to feel
that-the system does not through its veins and
arteries, suck up the poison that is sure to
undermine and destroy, is indeed a blessing
beyond all other human enjoyments. To pur
chase immunity from such a fate should be the
object of all afflicted. But those who have
tried many remedies and physicians despair of
renei or cure.
Sanford's Radical Cube meets every
phasepi Catarrh, from a simple head cola to
the most loathsome and destructive stages. It
is local and constitutional. Instant in relieving,
permanent in curing, safe, economical and
San-ford's Radical Cube consists of one
bottle of the Radical Cum, one box Ca
tarrhal Solvent, and one Improved In
haler, all wrapped in one package, with
treatise and directions, and sold by ail drug
gists for 51 00.
Potter Dana and Chemical Corpora
tion, Boston.
r jt. I tf fs fjtJ
NOS. 318 AND 820 PENN AVE.
Elegant Carriages of the highest grade.
Landaus, Broughams, T. Carts, Coupe Kocka
ways, Eitention Uoupes, Pony Carts, 6-Passenger
Itockaways, Market wagons. Village Carts,
Backwagons. Cabriolets,LadIes' Phaetons.Surrey
Wagons, Top Wagons, Road Carts, Jump Seats,
Phaeton Bnggies, Open Wagons.
Don't purchase a Carriage until you pay ug a
(No connection with any other Carriage House.)
Bargains Every Hour in' the Day and Every Bay
in the Week at
We've got a few hundreds of pieces excessively pretty Dress Challlcs, to be sold at So and
6Vc the regular 8o and 10c goods.
Then we'll show you piles upon piles really beautiful Dress Ginghams, that were made to
sell at 12Kc A little spat among rival manufacturers makes them now 8o a yard.
Two hundred pieces of new, fresh styles Dress Sateens will be laid out at 10c and 12c, regu
larly sold at 12o and 15c
We've got a magnificent showing of French Sateens at 22o and 25c; they're worth 80c and 85c,
We've lust had delivered a few cases handsome Scotch Ginehams. We proposo selllnz them
L at 17c, 25c and 35c a yard. At these figures they're just from 10 to 25 per cent less than usual
Come and See Us this Week.
Of females instantly relieved by that
new, elegant and infallible Antidote
to Pain, Inflammation and Weakness,
the CutlcnraAnU-Pnln Plaster. The
first and only pain-subduing Plaster especially
auapieu io uure r emaie rami anu w eaicncsses.
Vastly superior to all other plasters yet pre
pared. At all druenrists, 25 cents; five for SI 00:
or, postage free, of Potter Dbuo and Chemi
cal Corporation, Boston, Mass. hf
We'll More than Satisfy You.
Sun Umbrellas. Parasols. Fans. Summer Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Beaded Wraps, Jer
seys, etc An abundant supply. All at prices that'll not only please, but constrain you, as they
have done thousands heretofore, to become regular customers.
Children's Salts.
We will sell to-day 640 nobby pleated
children's suits, former price $5 and $6, at
the uniform price of two dollars and fifty
cents (52 50) to-day only. P. C. C. C, cor.
Grant and Diamond streets, opp. the new
Court House.
Special for Tq-Day..
Call and see the suits we are selling at
eight dollars (58) to-day. They are gems,
and are really worth 515, S16 and 517. We
same this extremely low price for to-day
only, and guarantee to produce 980 snits,
comprising cheviots, cassimeres, whipcords
arid worsteds, well made and stylishly
trimmed, at the low figure of 58 for to-day
only. Command get one at the P. C. C. C,
cor. Grant and Diamond, sts., pp. the sew
Court House.
Glnghnm, Sotine and Chains Salts.
Xiargest assortment of well made, stylish
garments at low prices.
Campbelii & Dick.
Jeesets An elegant line of pleated and
braided jersey waists, black and colors. A
special choice lot in cream. All prices,
from 51 50 to 56' 50 each.
Children's Salts.
We will sell to-day 640 nobby pleated
children's suits, former price 55 and (6, at
the uniform price of two dollars and fifty
cents (52 50) to-day only. P. C. C. C, cor.
Grant and Diamond streets, opp. the new
Court House.
Wall Decorations.
Do yon want to beautify your home?
Then go and make a selection of wall pa
pers from the magnificent stock shown by
John 81 Eoberts, 414 Wood st, Pittsburg.
Klein's "Silver Age" whisky has been
used exclusively in this institution for
medical purposes with good results.
Supt. Allegheny General Hospital,
Aufrecbt ! tbe Basleit
!Photogrepher in the city, owing to his fine
photographs of children and babies at the
remarkable low prices, and his pictures of
adults cannot be excelled by any other art
ist in America. Ton are alwa vs "welcome to
visit his Elite Gallery, 510" Market sL,
whether yon desire work done or not.
"Ajialoa'h fillings '50c np. ,3.
iBBiK- . JDRS.'ilC"
MMfrBrrsntt CarM
Celling Papers,
Embossed papers, plain cold papers, lacaner
papers, mica papers, hand-printed papers, J
pressed learner papers, ingrain papers, uie
papers, in tact every Kind or wall papers, at
John S. Eoberts', 414 Wood street, Pitts
burg. Fresh Arrival.
Just 'received from Anheuser-usch St.
Louis Brewery a large supply of their cele
brated Bndweisser beer, in both quarts and
pints. For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 35 and
97 Tifth avenue, city.
Wash Goods 100 pieces of American
sateens, good styles and colors, regular 12c
grade; our price, 10c a yard.
iiwrsu Hdgds & Hacks.
Black Silk Salts
Gros grain, surah, rhadamei and moire,
from 515 upward. Campbell & Dick.
Fob finest photos and crayons at lowest
prices, patronize Aufrecht's Elite Gallery,
516 Market st, Pittsburg. Use elevato'r.
Bring" baby. irwrssu
Artistic photos only 51 00 a doz. Proof
shown. Bring the babies.
68 Federal st, Allegheny.
J When Making Your Purchases, and by; Doing So
You will Save Money.
211 Wood Street, 102 arid 104 Third Avenue, Between Second and Third Aves.
Sirs. Dr. Crossley, one of -the Consulting Physi
cians at tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 323
Penn Avenue.
To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered
on for 13 yeirs. The aches and pains which
she experienced In almost every part other
body was simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting
pains across the small of her back and lower
part of her body was almost unbearable. In
fact she suffered with all those diseases and
conditions peculiar to women. For three
months her mind was -unbalanced, and for
months she was confined to her bed. She be
came very weak and emaciated, so that she
only weighed 83 pounds. No one expected her
to live, much less get entirely cured. After
receiving three months' treatment with the
physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti
tute, 323 Penn avenue, who make a specialty of
her disease, she Bays:
"1 never want any one to suffer as I have for
tbe past 13 years. The Condition of my case
was much wprse than has been Described, and
I am only too glad to testify to my complete
cure by the doctors of the Catarrh and Dys
pepsia institute; I
"jutto. xnuiUAo haxxuh, rutnam, fa." i
Please remember that the physicians of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute never display
their patient's portraits in the papers. Neither
do they publish any testimonial, except, with
the full consent or wish of tbe patient.
Furthermore, their testimonials are not from
some far off place where no such parties reside,
but from your own county and your own
city, with, the full name and address
given, thus proving their genuineness. The
Catrrrh and Dyspepsia Institute is thoroughly
established in Pittsburg, and thousands of
patients cladly testify to cures they have re
ceived. The treatment used does not consist
of tbe so-called magnetic, or superhuman
agencies, out medicines made from roots
and herbs, and compounded to suit
tbe requirements of each individual
case, thus removing not only the disease,
but tbe cause of the disease as welL
Ninety-five out of every hundred of the pati
ents treated at this Institute are those suffer
ing from Catarrh, which is the certain fore
runner of consumption. The testimonials pub
lished speak for themselves. They treat suc
cessfully Catarrh. Hbeumatism, Dyspepsia,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Kidney and Female
Office hours, 10 A. Jr. to 4 r. jl, and 6 to 8 f.
M. Sundajs, 12 to 1 r. M. Consultation free
to all. myU-s
This can only be done by purchasing of a good, reliable firm, and we have that
reputation. Having it, wre are bound to keep it. Our prices are the lowest and all
oar goods are recommended. So it will pay you well to deal with us.
As there is but very little time now left before the busy season starts. Come now
and make your selections. By paying a small amount down, you know that we will
pack the goods and store them for you without it costing you a cent Besides that,
you now have the choice of all the newest and be3t patterns and designs In the
house, and it is full of them. Hurry, now, and get the attention paid you thatcan
not be given when we have become busy.
Lovely Sew Parlor Suits.
Elegant New Bedroom Suits.,
New Carpets. New Mugs.
New Druggets. 1 .. uuU,
Specialist In the Core of Bnptnre and
Chronic Diseases, Offlce at Hotel Albe
marle, Fcnn Avenue and Sixth Street,
Thousands suffer for a long series of years
and linger out a useless life, who, with proper
treatment, might be restored to health and
contribute to the health and happiness of
others. In many cases tbe fault is not theirs,
for they try various doctors and quack nos
trums for relief; but skill is not readily found.
The general practitioner has but little time or
opportunity for the observation ot a large
class of chronic complaints. No man can be
come expert in every branch of tbe healing
art; hence specialists are demanded for the
highest good of humanity. Dr. Woods' long
and patient study, his knowledge ot Allopathic,
Homcepathlc and Botanic or Eclectic systems
of medicine, together with his discoveries and
new application of old remedies, have given
him unparalleled success hi that class of dis
eases which have until lately baffled the skill
of eminent physicians, and secured for himself
an enviable reputation. Dr. Woods has given
the public evidence sufficient to convince tbe
most skeptical that his methods are singularly
spccessfuL especially In such cases as have de
fied the skill of other and justly celebrated
It is always the truest economy for invalids
to secure the best medical aid, and not apply
to a physician with a feeling that they would
pay liberally if they were only cured. The way
io oDtam neaicn is to apply to a pnjsictan wno
is skilled in the treatment of the diseases from
which they suffer, and secure his services and
a course of medicines. The best evidence that
can be furnished of his claims to confidence is
indisputable evidence ot success. If be had
the ability to effect cures instantly it conld not
do accompusnea oy meaiianon; it requires an
effort on the part of .the patienVwho should
have hope, confidence and a desire to be cured
if possible. This can only b done by placing
one's self under treatment without hesitation
about a few dollars, as though health were
subordinate to all other things.
One of the fundamental principles which
guide Dr. Woods in his treatment of patients is
Jo do justice to all classes, so that mechanics
and laboring men receive the same treatment
at his bands as merchants and bankers. His
successful methods are therefore extended to
all alike, who apply to him for aid, and his
charges are made so reasonable in all cases that
they come within the reach of all who seek the
benefit of his services. No one who suffers
need hesitate for one moment before applying
to him and being placed on the road to re
covery. Another inducement for calling on Dr.
Woods is, he makes no extra charge for medi
cines. He compounds bis own prescriptions
for his patients and furnishes all necessary in
struments and appliances. This arrangement
saves much trouble, avoids mistakes, is guar
antee that all the medicines are Pennine as
well as effects a saving -of money to the afflicted
who are treated by him. When possible the
doctor prefers to see his patients; but when
this is Impossible his successful system of treat
ment by correspondence enables the afflicted
in all parts of the world to avail themselves ol
the benefit of his skill at a Very small cost.
Bend four cents in stamps for question list. All
communications sacredly confidential. No
charge for advice. Examinations are also free
to those who desire treatment.
Office hours, 10 to 12 A. jr.. 3 to 6 r.x.,7 to 8
F. X. xnyl2
Sack7 and
Cutaway Suits,
In 3 o distinct styles of
new and popular all-wool
weaves. They show
novel and beautiful
effects in the latest de
signs. Are worth
$12 50 and $15,
$7 85.
v I9HR
75 a-
Sack and
Made by skilled tailors
from elegant imported
fabrics. Competing
houses are making a tre
mendous noise about
them as being worth
$20 to $25,
$10 75.
As a matter of course; imitators and copyists will soon flash dupli
cates of the above sale before your eyes. It's an easy thing to quote
prices on paper but all attempts on the part of would-be competitors
to rival these suits in quality at the price will be an utter failure. .We
ourselves never offered such fine suits for so paltry a price, and you
none of you ever saw their equal.
No' shoddy goods, either, but the same identical qualities which
other houses now parade in the newspapers as big bgains for $8. The
genuine Middlesex Blue Suits, the best in the worldnone genuine with
out trade mark), always sold at $14 and $15, can now be bought at our
store for gio. Let the "Gallant Boys in Blue" come to the front and
see these suits.
Everything new, from the highest to the lowest, and don't forget that anything
in our house can be bought either for
Oar popular priced sale for
a few days longer. Tea, Dinner
and Chamber Sets. Lamps,
Cnt Glass, Art Potteries, etc.,
comprising a host ot goods
suitable for wedding gifts n
rich profusion.
LampiGIass & China Co,
935 Penn Avenue.
To every purchaser of our Men's $7 85 or
suit costing $10 or more) we still give one of our
Oak or Mahogany Hall Stands
$10 75 Suits (or any
elegant (5 feet high)
Absolutely Pure
This powder never varies. A marvel of pat
ity, strength and wbolesomeness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude of -I
ow est, short weight, aims or phosphate pow.
ders. Sold only n cant. ROYAL JlAlOSQ
mwJWK.w. j wjw .x." :
hi 1 11 1 1 in imvi aji
All American and European Patented Eye
Qlassand Spectacle frames, with glasses of
superior quality, perfectly adjusted to the
A complete stock of Optical and Mathematical
Instruments, Medical Batteries, Photographic
Cameras. The largest and best assortment of
Artificial Byes, at
Optical Establishment,
Telephone No. ISsa. mylMW
Passenger Elevator.
Open Saturdays Until IO o'oloolc.
-S fc. " 1 S !" La 14
' THE" P Z S imni
m MM m BBMl A J W" -4T
I rMb r
W:- -
B Z'"
P. a An assortment of open stock pat
terns, both plain and decorated, enabling you
to select just such pieces as you may require
for your Dinner Bet.
UNJUST ONE MORE WORD! ? Io5d advertised Boys' Knee-
Pant Suits, from 4 to 14 years,
which competitors in their advertisements quote at $$, and assert as be
ing worth $j and $8, we will sell you at $3 35, and, besides, give
A Genuine League Ball and Bat Free With Each Suit.
Fifth Avenue and Smithileld Street
Wo pay cash for them.
myHMSTTy 102 Second are.
COMPANY-Sehedule la effect February 2
1SS9, Central times
1". & L. K. K. B.-UXPAIt'r For Cleveland. SOS,
"7:40 a. m., Iran 4:1 9:30p. M. .For Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Louis, 6:15 a. m.. 1i2&, 8:J0 r. 21.
for Buffalo, 7:40 A. H.. 4:15, "9:30 P. M. For Bala,
msnes, "7:40 ju m., "1:20, 9:3r. K. For Bearer
Vails. 5:21 "7:40. 10:20 A. K- '1:313:301 4:15. 5:21
9:30 P. M. iror Chartlers, 5:25, t:3&. tiia, 17:00,
7:13, 8:40, SAC, 9.15, IOCS) A. K.. 15:06, llltf, 11:30, i
j:u, aiax, 4:4a, auut axu, -a:o luiouir. j&. 1
Abbivb rrom Cleveland, 6:30 a. k.. Xrto,
S:L"3i0Or. M. From Cincinnati, Chicago and
8c Lonlj, 1:00, 3:0OP. M. From Buffalo, st A.
if., too, 5:40 P. M. From Salamanca, IHK S:0O
p.m. From Yoanntown. t.-so. t-JO, 9:20a. m..
1:00. 8:40, : r. M. From Beaver Falls, 530,
fcSO, 7:ffl, OSMA. v., 'ltOO,-1:15; :, "8:00. r. K.
From Chartlers, 6:10, 5:22, 6:30, W42, 8:50, 7:08,
7:30, 830, 9:20, 10:10 A. M., 12:00 noon, 12:30, 1:12,
1:21. 12. 4:Clft 4:33. SJTL KilO. 6:4a 1-.il P. X.
v? i:r?. n. r..: '...rr-- ..
jr., juci. l.fi.s.MUirAiii-igrae.iTi
A tee, large erayea'pertrsit JB fie; ' see thea
mSt JrStgim3 .
. "am W slslsl
.dvww.v v sir:
wrm'mmm m tm -mw,
Gi" him? m m Brf Mirm gu.ne
Tor Billons and Norvous Disorders, such, as Wind and Pain In tho Stomach, Sick
Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness,
Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Xmsb of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costtreness,
Scnrw. Blotches on the Skin, niitn.hui sinnn. PVltrhtfnl T)renm. and nil Nervous
and Trembling Sensations, &c THE FUtST DOSE WiXtQITEKIXIEF IN XWJsNTi?
EverrcnfTpmr fsfittrnestiv invited to trvona Eoi of thesa Eills,
hevteUlbeaeknoieledaedtobea iranderful 2fed Jdne. "Worth a miinea abox."
BEECHAITS PILTJ3, taken as directed, will auioklr restore fentales to complete health. For a
MINUTES. This is nb fiction.
and they will beaeknoieledged
L tber ACT LIKE MAGIC: a fete dotes wfll work wonders upon the Vital Organs, Strength-
appetite, and arousing with the BOSEBUD OF HEALTH the tchole physical energy of the
human frame. These are " facts " admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the
best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that EEICHAM'3 FILLS HAV3 ISS IAB3B6X &&LS
OF AST PA.7SKT XZSISOnS IX IEE TT0EL3. Foil directions with each Box.
Prepared only by THOS. BBECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, Snglanda. ,
SoldbyDru&vl generally. B. P. ALLEN & CO., 385 aad 387 Canal St., New Tork.
tbO&AeiioTiBQVimmmaKMinqutrejrsii,u.yowrani9&&w&pMWX!inuvi,l ,,v
i T -rwwnTT k-mMmn x. .. .. .w.i.wtc ! nnum ni. Anvnw "elav jvj-.-mi
mail WsMwa riLULUP,rVJUx'i.vf -wum ao.wua A-goA.
S:S0a. M.,"3:S0F. K. For West Newton. 8:30 A. Hi,
"3:30 and 5:25p.m. For New Haven, 7:10a. mL
Bundars, only.
JVKKIVJ& roin.ftewiaTcii, -iu;wa. .. -o:w
M. From West Mewton,:I3, '10:00 a. M.,'5:05r.i
rorjucneesnorc and joizaoein, :.m a. i. :.
4:05, 6:23 P..U., V48
From Elizabeth and UcKeesport, 6:15
7:30. 'W.-OOA. M., "3.-05P. H.
l)allr. YHnndava onlr.
K. HOLBKOOK, Uenerat Superintendent.
A. . CLAKK.. General Passenger Agent.
city ucaci omce, jiomiioneia siren.
after May 12, 1889. trains leave Union
Station, FltUburg, as follows, Eastern Standard
New Tork and Chicago Limited or Pullman Ves
tlbnle dallv at 7:15 a. in.
Atlantic Express dally for the East, 3:20 a.m.
Mau train, dally, except Sunday 8:30 s, m. Sun
day, mall, 8:40 a. m.
Day express dally at 8:00 a. in.
Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m.
PMladelpnla express dally at 4:39 p. m.
Eastern exoress dally at 7:15 p.m.
julsi Atine aail7 as g:iu p. in.
TreenBbnrflr extiresafi::
Derrr express 11:00 a. m. week days.
Allthrcmrh trains connect at Jersi
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, N. Y
avoiding doable ferriage and Journey through N.
p. m. week days,
. week dars.
ranch trains connect at Jersey City wlta
Y. ntr
Trains arrive at Union Station Ss follows:
Hall Train, dally S:ldp. m,
Western Express, dally 7:45a. m.
Pacuc Express, dally t2:45p. m?
Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:20 p.m.
Fait Line, dally 11:55 p.m.
For Unlontown, 5:30 and 8:39a. m. and 4:23d
m.. without change of ears: 12.50 p. m., connect
ing at Greensbnrg. Trains arrive from Union
town at 9:45 a. m.. 12:20. S5 and 8:10 p. m.
WEST rEHMSxLVAKiA uiviaiim.
In effect May 12, 1S38. For Waihlnz
ton. 1). C., Baltimore, Philadelpbla and New
York, 8:00 a. m. and S0 p. m. For Cum.
berland, 8:00 a. m., tl:00. "9:3) p. m. For Con
nellsvllle, iS:40 and '3M a. m.. 21:0?. tl.-OO
and too p. m. For Unlontown, tS:40, "K)0 a. m..
tl:00aad44:0Dp. m. ForMonntPleasant,tS:40and
J3.-00 a. m., and tlrtO and ?4:00 p. m. For
Washington. Fa., 6:4S. :40 a. m., rs:33, fi-ja
and '3:30 p. m. For Wheeling, 6:45, 29:40 a. m.,
3:35, '3:30 p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Lonls.
8:45a.m., "3:30 p. in. ForColambns. S:4andSi40
a. m., 3:30 p. m. For Newark. "6:45, 29:40 a. m.,
3:33, 8:30 p.m. ForCbleasfO, 8:43. ?9:40 a. m..
3:35 and 8:X) p. m. Trains arrive from New
York, Philadelphia. .Baltimore and Washington,
"8:20 a.m. and "8:50 p. m. From Colambns, Clo-.
clnnatland Chicago. 7:43 a. m. and "9:00 p. m.
rrom tvneeimr, -7:ia, -iuoa. m wnw, -t.ui p.
TOrongn sleeping cars to .Baltimore, nasn.
lngton and Cincinnati.
From FEDEllAL 8T. STATION". Allegheny aty,
MaU train, connecting for Ulalrsville... :44a. ra,
Exnresa, for Ulalrsville, connecting lor
Butler Accom
tS and 5:45 p. m.
Trains (Cet'l stan'dttme)
Bntler Accommodation....,
Way Ex. Ak'n.Tol., Cl'n. Kane
Butler Accommodation...
(Jhlcago Exoress (dallv)..
Newcastle and Greenville Ex
8:00 am
70 am
0:23 am
12:30 pm
4:10 pm
o: pm
7:10 am
7:23 pm
4:00 tin.
11:05 am
- am
60 am
Jo pm
Zellenople and Foxbnrg Ac.
Butler Accommodation ,
First class fare to Chlcaro. 810 50. Second class.
50. Throuxa coach and Pullman Buffet sleep
gear to Chicago dally.
xV.Tralnt leave Union Station (Eastern StandaML
time): Kl-ttannlng Ac. (has a. m.: Niagara Ex.,
dally. 8:4S-a. m.. Ilulton Ac, 10:10 a. mi; Valley
Snip Ac, 12:Xv.'m.; OU City and DuBois Ex
prc35,2rt p.m. ; Haiti n Ac. 3:00p.m. t Klttannlng
Ac, 4p.m.; Bneburn Ex:, 50p.m.; JUttaan
lag Ac, s JO p. a.; Braebum 'Ac, 8 :39p.m.: Hal
toa Ac-' 7:60 d. m.: BsSalo. . JSx.. datlv..
S:(bp.'m.; Halloa Ac. 9:48 d. m. : Braefearn Ac.
CBuraa tnnas maobara, S:4Bb.sb.,
. .8:20 a. nr-
Sprlngdale Aecom9:00.11:50a.m.3-30and 63) p.m.
Freeport Accom ,....4:15. 8:30 and 11:40 p. m.'
On Banday ...... I2:50and 8:30p.m.
xtortnApouo Accom.. ...uawa.m. ana snsip. m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation
connecting for Butler 8:20 a. m.
Blalrsvlllo Accommodation 10:40 p. m.
Express, connecting from Bntler ..10:36 a. m.
Mall Tram. l:4p. m.
Bntler Accom.. 8:10 a. m., 4:40and7:20p. m.
Blatrsvllle Accommodation -9:32 p. m.
Freenort Accom.7:40 a.m.. 1:25, 7ao and 11:10p.m.
ua cranaay io:iua.m. anatwp.m.
Bnrlngdale Accom. ...8:37,11:43 a.m., 1:25,6:20 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40 a.m. and 5:40 p. m.
Trains leave Union station. Plttsonrg, as follows:
For Monongahela City, Wen Brownsville and
Unlontown. 11 a. m. For Monongahela City and
West Brownsville, 7.-03 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
OnSundayy 11 p. m. For Monongahela, City, Sts)
p. m., week days.
I Dravosburg Ac, weekdays, 3:20 p.m.
OVest Elizabeth Accommodation. 8:20a.m., 250,
tap and U:36 p. m. Bandty. 8:40 p. m.
cset omces corner jrourca avenue, ana att
let nnd Union station. .. ...
uenerai uanagar uwiiBH-iAxcai,
heeling accommodation. 8:30 a. m Snnday
oniy. umneusniie scconuaoui una st ja: s. m.
Daily. tDally except Sunday. Sunday onlr.
The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and residences
upon orders left at B. A O. Ticket Office, corner
Firth avenue and Wood street. CHAd. O.
BCCLL, Gen. Pais. Aft. n
i snmmer lime xame. ua and alter slay I,
1889. until further notice trains will run as follows
on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard
time: leaving rnuourg-eso a. m., J:iaa. m..
8K a. m.. 9:30 a. m.. 110 a. m .. 1:40 p. m., 3:40 p.
m., 6:10 p. m.. 6:50 p. m., 8:30 p.m., 9:30p.m.,
lldOp. m. Arllnjrtoa-5:40 a. m., 8:20 a, m., 7:10
A. Ul., ..w A. Ul., IVil a. Ula, lAJ J. Ul., i?U p. UF
4SM p. m., 8:10 p. m.,. 6:60 p. m., 7:10 p. m.. 10:30
nv. oaauay trams, leaving Plttsonrg io a.m..
lay ti
2:30 1
12up. m.. 2:30 p.m.. 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9:30
p. in Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 m., l:50p. m., iM
p.m. (JOp.m,, 8:00p.m.
May 12. 1889. Central Standard Time
As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7
a. m d 120, d 10, d7:45. except Saturday, llcg
&m.t Toledo. 75a.m d 12:20. dlKX) and except
tnrday. 11-D p. m. t Oesttlne. 8:45 a. m. : ClrTs
Iand,8:lD,7CS a.m 12:44 and d 118 p.m. i New Cas
tle and Youngstown, 7:05 a. m.. CO, 3:4Sp.m.;
YoangstownandNlles, d 1230 p. m.: MeadvUle,
Erie and AahtabnU. 7:05a. m.. 12:3) p. m.; Mlea
I station. Central Sundard Tint. Leave for
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 1:30 s-m., d 8.-00 and
d llili p. m. Alennuon, z:4S p. m. unicago,
12.-oS,dllil5 p.m. Wheeling,-7 130 a. m., XI M,
6:10 1 m. Steubenville, t-M a. m. Washington;
86, ftsoa. m., las, liae, as p. m.Bulger. W:ki
a. BulBurgsttstawB, SlldBa.m.. iMv. m. Maa.
Held, 70S, 11:00a. m., 8:30, d8:J8;lfi-o, p,BW Mo
.iVIII M"J "1 ' - w.w - v-J -
ucnnisoL, vuvaura. bmdoctitiuc, np. m,
Jlnr, Site, 8:46 .m., 3 reft. 5:&ap.m. Unrgetts-
nufriaj(9B ;, tVWh.
T.t5 m..Hl!Rik.m.
rn 'ttarL fliS) n. m. aiaarteW, d 6188,
nut dribBdld0D. m. Bl. 1jd. .
UaIOi aiwk seu. aiwv m
a.u.: Leeudale. 8:30 a.m.
ALLEGHENY Rochester. 8 JO a. m.: Beaver
FaUs, 8:18, lle a. m.: Enon. IS p. m.s Leets
dale, 10.00, 11:45 a. m.. 2.-C0, 40. 4:45. ISO. 7:WJ 9:00 e ,
p. m.; Conway, lOJOp. nu: Fair Oaks, a 11M0 a. -
m.:LeeUdalcS8:.TOp. m. , ,
TRAINS AK1UVE Union station from Chicago?
except Monday JO0, dSKio. d6:33 .nw a ..
Ida, except .niwuu-j "3," r "-i-.
CresUIne. 2:10 p. m.: Yonngstown-amfM
p. m.
dedc exceni Monday 1-M d s:jj a. m.,
SM..H.. .io tt m." Yonnrstown
ew CasUc 9:10 a-m., IS, 8ao,lO: p. m.sNlleafr
and Vnnnrttnwn. a soti. m.2 Cleveland, d SlSOSu
m.. is, 7.-00 p. m.: WheeUng and Bellalre, m
a. ra., iS, 7a p. m.; Erie and Ashtabnls, las.
10:15 p. m.: Masslllon. W.-00 a. ni.; Nlles and
Jamestown. 9:10 a. m.; Beaver Falls. t-JO a. m
1:10p.m.. Kock Point, S 5iS p. m.; LeeUdale,
AB1UVK ALLEGHENY-From Enon, :00a.
m.: Conway. 6:50: Uochester, :40 a. m.i' Bearer
Fills. 7U0a. m.. 5:45 p. m.t Leetsd jl v,5 JO, J 6:15.
Oaks. S8Ua.m.:Leeudalr, a 6K;p.-tn..;sRock;
Point.' S I: Hi . ra. - V&llS LJ - .i