U 4if: ' fi? ?tiC - S?r '--? - .-? - ft - - vt J" tm BitLj.. 89-JHspIay atZvertisements one dollar jwr tguare or one iruerf ton. CIwn'ed adtcrttje merit on tMpapKAairanfL JrSaZe, 2b Let, etc, ten cento per line "" mw turn, and none taken or lea thanjlfly cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the folio-wing places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have account with The D1S-r-ATCH. rrrrsBURG, TIIOSIAS MCCAFFREY, 3K9 Butler street EMU, G. STUCKEY, S4th street anil Fenn are. . G STUCKEY A CO., Wylle aTe. and Fulton St. '. STOKELY, Filth ATenne Market House. EAST EM). 3. VT. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAKTJ. MCALLISTER & SHE1BLER, 5th av. & At wood It. EOCTHSIDE. JACOB SFOHN, Ko. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J, KAERCHEK, S9 Federal street. H. J. MCBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. 1 BED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEIte 4 SOX, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVEJ.SON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS. McHENBY, Western and Irwin arcs. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'EltliY M. GLEIM. Itebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Hcln. TTTAXTED-A GOOD BARBER AT 718 CAR Y bON ST., S. 8. my!7-86 WANTED-A GOOD BRIGHT WHITE BOY for elevator, at ST. CHABLES HOTEL. myl7-33 TTANTED-GARDENER-GOOD VEGKTA Y BLE gardener. CillaUMOBANTiiT. mylS-63 WAJTED-A GOOD 1SAKBEK IMMEDIATE LY Apnlv at ADAM. MILLER'S. Sixth avenue. Homestead. myI7-93 T7-ANTED MACHINERY PATTERN Address or call at VULCAN V T AlAKEK. IRON CO., New Castle, Pa. myI7-8 WANTED-100 LABORERS ON WYLIE AVL. cable road, at comer Klrkpatrlck st. and Wylleave. BOOTH & FLI. my 17-5 WANTED-AT OhCE 6 CAKKIAGE rAIM EKS, at F. W. SAWEKT & CO.'S, Carriajre MTr, 5917 to 593 Penn ave., E. E., elty. myB-lJ4 WANTED - COACHMAN FOR LlVKRl": none but experienced need apply. T. B. . MORELAN D, 6100 Penn ave.. East End. my6-12 t WANTED-A FIRST-CLAbS. EXPERIEN CED foreman fot a foundry: rood reference will be required. Address HUNTERS, Dispatch office. myl&-3 -TTTANTED-IMMEUIATELY-GOOD ARCHI V TEC! ORAL draughtsman. Call on GEO. HODGDEN, Architect, 83 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. mylS-46 WANTED-BOLLING MILL CLERK: ONE experienced In payroll and mill accounts. Address, with references, .. A. B., Dispatch office. myl6-34 WANTED BLACKSMITH IN PRESCRIP TION glass works; one who thoroughly un derstands his business. Address F. J. T Dis patch office. myl7-70 -VTTANTED-o GOOD PLUMBERS -MUST V come well recommended: no others need apply. W. N. SAUER & BRO., JH-96 Chestnut su, Allegheny. mvl7-S3 TrfANTED-AT HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, V an experienced orderly or male nurse; none but those having experience need apply: best of reference required. myl7-16 WANTLD-EM'ERIENCED lODNG MEN for oyster counter, at NEWELL'S RES TAURANT. 101 Fifth avenue. Steady employ- xnent ine year round myu-a WANTED-IMMEDIATELY ONE GOOD wagonmaker; steady work. Call or ad dress A. V. SMITH, Carriage and Wagon Manu facturer. McKeesport, Pa. myl7-S5-rsu VTTA-N TED-TWO STOUT YOU AG MEN TO 7 v V work In a wholesale house; must be sober k nd Industrious, and nave best of references. f Idress WHOLESALE. Dispatch office. myl6-20 TANTED-A LIVE ENERGETIC BUSINESS man, to take charge of onr branch office In rg; best of reference required; salsryJlTS th. Address BID, 306 Ninth street, N. W., ton, D. C mj 17-71 ED-CARRIAGE DRIVER-AX UX ARKIED white man who can take care . JM and cows and make himself generally . SFmut have experience and furnish refer- ences. highest wages nald to rleht man. Auoress myl7-88 i. x. v., xjupaicu omce. Female Help WANTED-A GOOD FEMALE SHORT OR DER cook, at RESTAURANT, N o. 156 Fifth avenue. myl7-9 Olale and female Heln. -TTfANTED-MAN AND WIFE FOR DAIRY V farm: none but experienced need apply. F. W. SILVER, Wcllsville, O. myiJKM -TITANTED BOOKKEEPERS. bTENOGRA Y PHEKS, typewriters and all others desiring situations ofa clerical character, and havlngfirst class references, to call on the COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTING AGENCT, 163 Fifth avenue, rrom 8 to 10 A. M. mylS-8 WANTED-AN IDEAL RETAIL DRYGOODS salesman; one that has had experience in all departments of the trade: also, a competent saleslady lor mllllnerr department: good salaries to the right parties. W. C BERN AKDI, XT. Car son st., Sonthslde. myls-19 TjrjAN TED AGENTS Of SALARY; J75 PER V month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home: salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample case tree, we mean just what we say Address S1ANDARD BILVERWARECO.. Boston. Mass. fel8-3-D Booms. Ilonses. Etc .TTTANTED-STEA JI POWER AND BOOM FOR 1 V 1 or Z wood turning lathes In planlngmill or awmlll: state terms. Address C R. M., 207 Rob inson st., Allegheny. myl6-S9 Situations. WANTED-SITUATION AS STABLE BOSS: good references. Address STABLE, Dis patch office. myI7-85 -TTTANTED-SITUATION BY EXPERIENCED V drug clerk; registered: capable of taking full charge of store. Address LOCK BOX 627, Washington, Pa. myl7-S3 ( Boarders nnd Lodecrs. TTJANTED - bUMMER BOARDERS-FINE V location. River View House; has all modern (Conveniences: five minutes' walk from station, ton Fort M ayne Railroad. Address E. C, Dis 'patch office. myl7-S6 Fnrtners. YTrANTED-PARTNER-W ITH CAPITAL OF V riOto take half interest In well estab lished manufacturlngbuslneos; pays 100 per cent; partnertotake charge of factory and books; sat isfactory reference given and required, Address U. A. J., Dispatch office. myl7-63 Financial. TrrANTED-n5LO0O FOE FIVE YEARS ON V Fifth avenue property. Adiress SECURITY, mspaicn omce myi-tH -VTrANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO IA)AN V In sums to suit, at AH, 5 and 6 per cent. GRAEBIXG & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D "TTJANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN V In sums to suit at H, i and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. TeJ. 167. aplS-H XTfANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP V ERTY. ovcrHOOO; 4H vei cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER 4 CO., S2Fourth avenue. mu2-a2S-X VTJANTED-RENTb COLLECTED PROMPT- V LY; prpperty managed with satisfaction. ALLEb & BAILEY. 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. U19-S1 TTANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR V small amounts, at 4 to 6 per cent, accord ing to the size and kind of mortgage. W. A. HEKBON &SUNS, No. 80 Fourth ave. my4-z8-MWT XI7"AXTED-TO LOAN (300,000. IN AMOUNTS W of f3,000and upward, oncltyand suburban property, on X per cent, free oftax; also smaller amounts at 5 and per cent, BLACK & BAIRD, (6 i ourth avenue. sell-LK-D XTrANTED-MOBTG AGES-tL 000, OOOTO LO AN SON, lOo i ourth avenne. ap7-f41 XITANTEJ)-TO LOAN (2)0,000 ON MORT Y GAGES; 9100 and upward at 6 per cent; I0P0 000 at H per cent on residences or buslnes property: also In adjoining counties. SB. 1 REN CH,-I5S Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D Miscellaneous. XiTANTED-EVEEYBOD Y TO GET ONE DOZ. V fine cabinet photos for 99 cents at A UFBECHT'S ELITE GALLERY. 816 Market St., Pittsburg. Pa,, for 30 days only; elevator: come, rain or shine: Wing children. mys-lll TTTAXTED CUSTOMERS FOR CASH BAR V GAlNS-EIgln. sllverine watches, f-5,??, S3: Elgin gold ladles' watches, p, to, ES; nickel clocks 75 cU. : 1S4T Rogers' knives and forks, II 75 per set. JOHN MTT&CH, Jeweler. 130 1 ederal su apis-Mwren "VATANTED-BY PEAICSON, LEADING PHO V TOO KAPHER, 88 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 (Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be is making fine cabinets at (ISO per dozen: photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhU-63 WANTED-A MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL to purchase an old established photograph .gallery, centrally located, with good trade; con T tinned illness of owner the reason for selling; possession given at once. Apply to JAMES L. iELOjiu, reepit'tunx gauaing, MC&eesport, J)i'IL, WANTED. Unscellnneonn. TJANTED-CASH PAID FOR ALL SECOND V HAND furniture, pianos, etc. THOMAS & CO., 2513 Penn aTe. myl6-95 tTTANTED-PKOPOSALS FOE DRILLING AN T artesian water well. Address SUMNEK GLASS CO., bteubenvllle, O. myU-13 TJANTED1-A SECOND-HAND DOUBLE T V door sale; give dimensions, price and where can be seen. Address P. O. BOX 415, Pittsburg, Pa. myl7-10 WANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH Keenan repair, reSnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AA U 34 W AXEK Si. 'rnone 1KB. my9-82 TTTATED-MK -LEARN THE ART OF tV gentlemen's garment cutting; no trying on required: nlgbt sessions Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 7 to 9 r.M., 514 Wood St. URLlN(t 4 bON. ' ap3U-68 FOB SALE-IBIFHOVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residences. FOR SALE-FRAME HOUSE, 4 ROOMS AND halL lot 20x60 feet, o. 2310 Larklns alley, S. S.; (1,900. D. BEHEN&SON, 4112Pennaa myl7-67 TTIOR JD 1 Road; IOR SALE-THIRTEENTH WAED-PROP- ER1Y convenient to centranracuon iuie desirable location: price low; ennancc- ment sure. Call soon and see these bargains. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. niyll-28-P East End Residences. FOR SALE-HANDSOME HOME AND ONE acre of land, with large Ellsworth ave. front; much below value: until May20. AddrcssTUR COMA, Dispatch office. myl7-94 FOR SALE-ARE YOU SATISFIED WITn the house you rent or ownr if not. 6ee the Itncly bnllt residences In Coltart square, Oakland. W. A. HLRRON SONS, 80Fourthave. apIO-54-Tur FOR SALE-FRAME HOUSE, 9 ROOMS, RE CEPTION hall, bath, pantries, laundry, stable, large lawn, flue fruit and shade trees; orcbes, lront and back: lot 1S3XJG0; idiast.: KO, C. D.BEHEN &bON, 4112 Penn ave. niyl7-67 FOR SALE A NEW 6-ROOM FRAME dwelling (nearly finished); lot 117x93; corner Elyslan ave. and Hastings St.. near Point Breeze and Torrens station; very cheap: price (2.650; easy payments. MELLON BROS., 6519 Station St., E. E. mylS-19-vrp FOR SALE-A VERY NICE QUEEN ANN dwelling: "rooms, bath, bay window, large lot 50xllu on Mellon St., one square from Neglev ave. and five minutes' walk to Penn cable: nice neighborhood; great Improvement now making: price onlv HO09; payments to suit. MELLON BROS., 6349 button St., E.E. myl2-22-14,17,3 FOR SALE HOMEWOOD. P. R. R. A SUPE RIOR 7-room frame dwelling, bay window, slate roof, large improved lot 4SX1S3, on Grazier St., near Twenty-nrst ward school; 5 minutes' walk to station; 50 trains a day; will sell low, ROM; payments arranged to suit purchaser, MELLON BROS., C349btatlon St., E. E. my22-l7-wrs OR SALE-A HAN DSOME EAST END stone residence, carriage porch, hardwood staircase and reception hall; tower laundry, bath, 10 elegant, large rooms; all the latest Improved con veniences, asphalt paved street, good location ana near P. R R For further particulars call at office. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-26-D FORSALE-S5.000-SHAD1'S1DE RESEOEN CE, 4 minutes from P. R. R. station: elegant new modern style pressed brick dwelling; 12 rooms, hall, hath, range, etc.; all hard ood finish, hard wood mantels, sliding doors, stationary wash- stands, etc. ; 4 rooms on each floor; lot 110x200; very desirable location: a bargain. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. myl5-55 FOR SALE-THOUGU1FUL PERSONS IN buying a home will take Into account the sur roundings and probabilities of enhancement of value: convenience to good improvements is a leading consideration; al6o rapid transit to and from toe business part of the city: the quality of the nouses in the neighborhood goes for a good deal: as to build or buy a handsome stone or brick residence and have Interior houses go up after ward on adjoining lots detracts from tbevalne of the first; to buy on a neatly paved street, with sewers, gas and water already laid, is important; one then knows what the whole cost Is, and has not to worry about the cost of future grading and paving. All these Items and many more are cov ered at the handsome new dwellings on Oakland bqnare (formerly Linden Grove), which need only be seen to be appreciated. The price is (0,500 and and (8,750, payable on easy terms, for elegant, thoroughly well bnllt and commodious houses! standing apart, on lots 30x100, and fitted with all the modern conveniences'. All the houses- lront on asphaltnm streets, and upon a handsome park Flanted with shade trees; old forest trees plentl ully shade the neighborhood. The cable cars are now bnt six minutes' distant, and will be brought still nearer. These houses are rapidly selling, be ing pronounced bargains at present prices. Ap ply to SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., No. 99 Fourth avenue. myl2-7l Allegheny Residences. FORSALE-DESIRABLEALLEGHENY EESI DECE, r ederal St., near the parks; will exchange for first-class suburban property. eriy. a. myll-44 i . itjx 1LLU3J, 4i urani St. Suburban Residences. FORSALE-NET13PER CENT INVESTMENT, at bharpsburg. double framehouse of 8 rooms, in good order; lot 26x100; nrice 11,600: easy terms. W. W. McN KILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave. mvJ5-53 FOR SALE-AT 1SEI.LEVUK. ON JACKSON St., near Beaver road, well located; good new dwelling of 9 large rooms, natural gas and other Conveniences: lot 80x176 feet to an alley, with fruit trees; an easy distance from the station and convenient to Electric road. W. A. HERKON & bONh, No. 80Fourth ave. myU-99-11.14,17.21 FOE SAL E-CO UN TRY HOM E AT FAIRO AKS. P..1UW.&C.R R, embracing between 4 and 5 acres of land on which is dwelling of 11 rooms. Ice house, wash room, large stable, carriage house and several out buildings; land is covered with bearing fruit trees and large shaae trees: dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious spring water, and heated and illuminated with gas at reasonable expense; premises are connected with K. R. by board walk, and are unsurpassed In beauty and healthfulness of location; will be sold quite low. J.M. bTONER, 22 Bake well Building. aDl9-36-MWF FOR SALE-LOTS. CUT Lota. FOR bALE-VERY CHEAP, AS LOW AS (175, Mt. Washington building lots: call or send for particulars, W. A. HERKON &MINS, no. bu r ourcn ave, myl7-75-l7, 20, 23, 25, 28, 31 FOR bALE-0 LARGE BUILDING LOrS ON Mount W ashlngton, 10 minutes walk from Incline plane, on Hoggs, W ashlngton and Chess avenues; city water, natural and artificial gas, pure air, good title: will be sold at public sale on Saturday afternoon. May 18, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Positive sale, to close account with the heirs of the estate. Plans, etc, from JAS. W. DRAPE &CO., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. myl6-23 Enst End Lota. FOR SALE-BEN VENUE LOTS 50x120 FT.; location first class on Ben Venue ave. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, No. 60 Fourth ave. myl7-74-17,a,23,27,31 T711 OR SALE ON CENTER AVE.. NEAK NE- J VILLE st In, VKmrlCn 4 ..- - cable cars, fourth aye. W myl7-74-lT,20,23,27,3l FOR SALE-LARGE LOT. 120 FEET FRONT, on Jackson St., near inland ave.; corner lot; nicely located; price (2.000. MELLON BrtOb., G3W Station St., E. E. my2-24-12,I4.16,I7,20 FIOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. R , convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on cisy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from (406 to (600. Inquire of 13. C. NEGLEi, 6106 Penn ave., EattEnd. no2S-y7S FORSALE-THE LARGEST LOTS, THE BEST Improvements, most convenient locations, lowest prices, easiest terms; can all be secured In "The Bsum Grove Plan," Negley ave. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt., 512 bmithfield street. myl2-90-Mwrsu FOR SALE-QN THE EASIEST TERMS AND at prices much lower than any in the sur rounding neighborhood, lots 40 and SO feet front age, and 100 to 150 feet In depth. In that best of all locations. "Baura Grove." MELLON BROS., E. E.. or JOHN F. BAXTER, Ag't, 512 Smithfield, street, myl2-93-Mwr FOR SALE-ONE VERY SUPERIOR LOT ON Negley avenue (soon the finest avenue m the East End), and 3 minutes' Penn cable; only good Improvements allowed; lot 100x236; avenue Im provements nearly completed:tbls choice lotmust lie seen to be appreciated: will sell now for ( 500. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E, myl2-19-wp Alleahcnv Lois. TTIOR SALE - SHERMAN AVENUE, NEAR X? Montgomery ave.: lot 40x110: finest vacant lot on parks. A. LEG GAlE&bON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. myl6-44 FORbALE-LOTSON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards-on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUGHER, 43 N. Dlamondst. mh7-98-D ' TTOR SALE-LOT 100X75-FREMONT ST. AND J3 Pennsylvania avenue, Second ward, Alle gheny; splendid plot for erection of good renting dwelllnss. only ilOO a foot front on eiiuaioufc irom ou fremont st. A. LEGGATE 4 SON, 31 Federal st. myl6-4l TpORSALE-YOU SAY YOU DEblREHEALTH, J? pure air, pure water, beautiful scenery and rapid transit: locate on the Watson acre and X acre sites. Perrysvllle avenue Tenth ward. Alle gheny; Plttsbnrg office, A. J. PENTECOST. 413 Grant street. myl2-64 Suburban Lots. FORSALE-ONLY750,ON EASYPAYMENTS, lots 52x120 ft., in one of the best locations In liEinsunrg, near me station, w. A. liiCRRON A SONS, SO Fourth ave myl2-50-Mwr Forma. FOR SALE-75 ACRES RICH, LEVEL LIME STONE soil. 8 miles from Pittsburg atR. B. sta.. fine modern brick residence 13 r, brick sta ble, ft. tenant house, orchard, ornamental trees. etc ED. W 1TT1BH. 410 Grant St. mylO BnseeTtaneons. FOR S ALE-ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-HOTELS, boarding bouses, cottages, lots and bath bouses to let or for sale by l.G. ADAMS & CO., realestateagents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City. N. J. ap5-9-D TTIOE SALE-A PROPERTY OF 30 ACKES x considerable fruit: well located, midway be tween Alliance depot and Mt. Union College, on Union avenne: suitable to lat lor building lots;, terms easy. .Calif on or addreMWV.. A. JOHN.t Bi.ya, jm&iw.AiiW."Y,flMWn THE FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chnncca. FOR SALE-LEASE. TOOLS AND FIXTURES for carrying on and manufacturing popcorn, candy, etc Address B., Dispatch office. myl4-49 FOR SALE LEASE AND SALOON FIX TURES, pool and billiard tables and Ice: ood location. Address JOHNSON 6. SON. New isbon, 0., for particulars. myl7-31 FOR SAUE-A FIRST-CLASS SALOON AND restaurant: centrally located; doing good bnslness: in Canton, O. : reason for selling, fail ing health. Address or call on F. O. BOLL 13 East Tuscarawas street, Canton, o. myl7-72 FOR SALE-GOOD PAYING BUSINESS FOR lady that can sew for about (1.000: neat little confectionery and ice cream business, (200; bakery with horse and wagon, (400; stores or all kinds; 100 bnslness chances. SHKPARD & CO.. M Firth ave my3 TTIOR SALE GROCERY BAREST OPPOR JD TUN lTJf; situated on best business street In Allegheny; doing a No. 1 paving business: will sell at invoice or lump: good bargain if sold Im mediately, as owner Is moving W est. Address A. F. H., Allegheny P. O. myl5-32-Tnwrsu FOE SALE-iTHE ONLY BILLIARD BOOM IN town of Sharon: one billiard, one pool table; first-class order: standard size; entire outfit at 50 cents on the dollar; extensive iron works: weekly pay, (25.000, rare opening for rlghtparty. Call on or address W. A. MCKNIGHT, 251 State street, Sharon, Mercer co Pa. myl5-51 P OR SALE-REAL ESTATE BU8INESS-AN old-established real estate business located on one or the principal streets of Allegheny: an excellent opportunity for the right man; good reasons given for selling. Address, giving cor rect name and address, H. L. K., Dispatch office. . myl7-30 FOR SALE-LEASE OF HOTEL BRUNS WICK,Nos 254 and256 Washington st.,Johns town. Pa.; the said hotel building contains 20 rooms, is a handsome 3-story brick buUdlng, cen trally located, doing a very large bar trade: if sale Is made at all It (must be made before Jnne term of court, so that license can be transferred to purchaser. M. J. MUEPHY, Proprietor. myM-71 TTOR SALE-AT CLEVELAND. O.-SALOONS A? from (400 to 83,000: restaurants from (650 to (7,500: hotel, (6,000. llvcrv stable, 91,000; tin shops, (l,C00to(a,0C0, stove stores and hardware stock i'rom (1,000 to (6,000; several valuable patents, which will bear investigation; nvtnyor the best places In this city for money-making are offered by me; 1 have also some of the very finest real estate In all parts of this city on easy terms. WM. H. LArOUNTAlNE & CO., Agent, 219 Superior St., Cleveland, O. Real estate and business ex change. myU-13 Bnslness Stands. FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-HOTEL PARK, Brldgewater: brick hotel 32 rooms, doing profitable business; In first-class order. Address P. O. BOX 4191 Pittsburg. my!7-65-TuFEu FOR SALE-OHIO ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY, between Arch st. and Diamond, Allegheny; lot 36x90, with building; fine location with a future. A. LEGGATE A bON, Agents, 31 Federal st. myl6-M FOR SALE-E. E., NEAR CORNER PENN and Frankstown aves., two-story business house, with lot 17x125 feet to a street; first-class location: Is enhancing rapldlv; will sell -at a bar gain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. , myl5-55 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. lTorscs. Vehicles. Lire Stock. fcc TTtOR 8ALE-A PRETTY PONY-STYLISH JD and gentle: any lady or child can drive it; also dogcart and harness. Address G , Dispatch office. my!7-7 FOR SALE-5 DRIVING HORSES. TRAINED for single or double driving; 1 extra standard bred Almont, lspan grays, 2 single drivers; all warranted young, sound and kind. HENRY A, CUMM1NGS, Exposition Driving Park. . myl5-77-"WF machinery nnd metals. FOR 8ALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; ait sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 b. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, S to !5h.p, 23-2S Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Ta. Ja3-92-MWT FOB SALE-28X4S CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be 6een in operation; price on application; also a new btrange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. aul-p32-irwF FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7iX12-lnch double engine, double drum: others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wire and manlla rope centrifugal pumps, etc; two 2Sx4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'SSONB, cor. Lacock and Sandnsky sts., Allegheny. Jal7-liwr Dnscelloneons. Fu IOR SALE-FOUR C. 4 C. ELECTRIC FANS. In use two weeks: will sell chean. 197 1 OURTH AVE., city. mj 17-90 TO LET. CItv Residences. TO LET-r99)-TOWNSEND STREET, NEAR Fifth avenue, 3-story pressed bnck resi dence, 10 rooms; all modern conveniences; chean to good tenant, SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. . myl7-96-MWF TO LET-NO. 2118 PENN AVE., 6 ROOMS AND attic natural gas, etc.; (So a month. Also house No. 706 Duqnesnc why, near Seventh street, 9 rooms, both kinds of gis. etc: (50 per month. M . A. HEREON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. myl7-6-nhP East End Resiaences. TO LET-ONLY (16 A MONTH. GOOD HOUSE of 6 rooms, large yard, on Filbert St., Shady side, near steam ana cable cars. W.A HERKON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. myl7-6-MThF TO LET-THAT NEAT 5 ROOM BRICK, COR NERof Walnnt and Bellefonte sts., bnady slde, with bath room and laundry; (21 month. I. J. WILbON, 149 Fourth ave. myl7-29 TO LET-(99)-PENN AVE., E. E., HESI DENCE, 10 rooms, 4 acres of ground, all modern conveniences: completely famished; will rent for summer months: first-class neighborhood. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth aye. myl5-55-wrs Allegheny Residences. TO LET-RENT LOW-NO. 37 POPLAR ST.. Allegheny; house 5 rooms. W. A. HERKON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. myl2-a;-MWP Suburban Residences. TO LET-IN SEWICKLEY-THE BRICK RES IDENCE of James Adair. Broad street, one square from station: completely furnished; Imme diate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave myl2-76-Mwrs TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel btatlon, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable and carriage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny, WM. T. DUNN. mh9-6S TO LET-A CHOICE "BELLEF1ELD RESI DENCE, being elegantly and comfortably furnished throughout, haying 7 rooms and all modern conveniences: rent for 4 mouths to good tenant very low. If taken at once. BLACK k BAIRD, 95 Fourth aye. myl4-81 Apartmcnis. TO LET-SOME FINE UNFURNISHED rooms suitable for housekeeping: three store rooms; good stands; low rent. For particulars Inquire 44 FOURTH STREET. my!7-92-FSu Bnslness Stands. TO LET-A HOUSE AND STOREROOM AT corner of Tunnel st and Webster ave. No. 43. Inquire on PREMISES. myl7-81 rpO LET-A LARGE BUSINESS HOUSE ON i Liberty street, convenient to union depot: rear entrance; immediate possession. JAS. W, DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myl6-23 TO LEI -40 FT. FRONT BY 90 FT. DEEpT story high building; fine location for ssloon and billiard room, upstairs for boarders and fami lies: large transient trade In the immediate vi cinity; a grand stand for the right party. For full particulars write to J. A.VIENER, cor. bherlffand Huron sts.. Cleveland, O. my!5-48 LOST. LOST SPECTACLES-TUESDAY P. M., between Ingleslde and Wlneblddle ave.. gold spectacles In case, marked Sadler, Balti more. Under please return to DISPATCH OFFICE, orlNGLESIDE, Penn ave. myl7-78 LOST-A COCKER SPANIEL 1)00 RED DISH brown, curly hair, bushy tall, long cars: answers to name of Adonis or Doney. A liberal Tcward wiU be paid for Its return to Mr. F. O'NEILL, 6B53 Penn ave.. East End. may!7-89 T OST-BETWEEN HEEREN CO.'S. ON JL Wood st, or Fourth ave. and Market, or blxth and Penn. or on traction car. Fifth aye., small package of Jewelry, containing cross, but tons and gold pins: cross valued greatly as a keep sake. Reward will be paid If left at R. I). BRENT'S DRUGSTORE; Fifth ave.", Oakland. myl7-19 J" OST-MAY 15, BETWEEN CARVER ST. AND J Aiken ave. and Fifth ave., via Park ave., Frankstown ave.. Shady Lane Walnut St., Ill land ave., Bellefonte st. and Filth ave., a pocket book containing a small amount of money and papers or value to owner only. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of same to E. J. 210 LAUGHL1N, 166 Carver St., E. E., city. my!7-15 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth (1,000, let us knoar: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. , my3-28 PERSONAL THOSE DESIRING TO BUY American gold and sUver watches or fine clocks, and novelties in standard and fashionable jewelry, win nnu ajcmuu urtuicnt atyery low est prices at HUttKX -XJUUl&XUN'S. 630 St est prices Smtth- neia st. myK-MWTEu PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother ordaughters in repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle .by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood it., second Tloorf Charges moderate: facilities nniurpawed: suits madeto order: spring styles nowTcsu. iwmuuucfcaa. mhs JC. TWYMAN, . OF LEXINGTON, KY., Has a lot of nicely broken SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES For sale at the Allegheny EXPOSITION DRIVING PARK. And win .take .much pleasure in showing the I same toaaaies una genuemen, 4 wui remain.) ejdyjjewdaya l9pger.Jpt,jg?a3!ffirW-HgJi PITTSBURG DISPATCH, MEETINGS. SPECIAL MEETING-THB MEMBERS OF PitUbnre Encampment No. 2, 1. O. O. F., will meet at Colfax Hall. If 0.99 Fifth avenne, at 7 P.M.. Friday, May 17, to make arrange ments to attend the funeral of Pat. Christo pher Strabley, on Saturday, May 18. A-ACK-ERMAN. Chief Patriarch. Attest: W. H. MC CREARY, Scribe myl-24 THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE stockholders ot the Pittsburg and Falrport Terminal Company held at the office of the com- Sany, Coal Exchange Bnilding. corner Hmith eld and Water sts., Pittsburg, Pa,, MONDAY, MAY 27, 1889. 2 P. M.. to elect directors, vote upon the lease of the company's property to the Plttsbnrg, Falrport and Northwestern Dock Company, and consider such other busi ness as may bn hronrht nn. A. J. THOMAS, C. a WIGHT, Se?y. : -i r' - .,. ov TTpgiaent. myll-29 PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. ALLE GHENY Arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa., May 3, 1889 Sealed proposals, in duplicate subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock A. St., JUNE 7, 1889, and then opened for supplying this post the fuel, forage, straw and hauling requited for fiscal year ending June SO, 1690. The U. S. reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids for delivery at other points will be entertained. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Pro posals for Forage and Straw," or for "Fuel," and addressed to A. S. M. MORGAN, Capt .& O. a K., A. A. Q. M. myl4-H-14,15.16,i7-Jn5.6 J PROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF-COMMISSARY'S Office. Allegheny Arsenal, ittsburg, Pa., May 11, 1SS9 Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received at this office until 10 o'clock ATM., JUNE 10, 1889, for furnishing the fresh beef required by tho Subsistence De partment, U. S. army, at this station daring the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S90. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, conditions of quality and price (including in the price of foreign pro ductions' or manufactures the duty thereon) being equal. The Uovernment reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Full informa tion can be obtained by application to this of fice. Envelopes containing proposals must be marked "Proposals for fresh beef," and ad dressed to A. S. M. MORGAN, Capt, & O. S. K.. A. C. S. myl-42.14.15,16.17.ea.6 DIVIDENDS. THE'WESTrNanousE Electric Co., J PlTTSBUKO, pa.. May 16, 1SS9 1 DIVIDEND NO. 5-THE BOARD OF Directors of this company have this day declared a dividend ot ONE AND ONE HALF (IK) PER CENT-out of the earnings for the quarter ending March. 81, 1889. payable on the 25th Inst. Transfer books will be closed from the 20th inst. to the 25th inst, both in clusive. Checks will be mailed to stockholders. tnvl7-79 JOHN CALDWELL. Treasurer. NOTICES. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Common wealth by the General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, for their approval or rejection at asneclal election tobe held June 18, 1889. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Jn pursuance of Article XVIII of the Constitution. Joint resolntion proposing an amendment to the Constitution of, this Commonwealth. Section L Be )t resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the following amendment Is pro- puacu lu mo uuauiuuuu ui me vuuiuivu wealth of Pennsylvania, in accordanco with the Eighteenth Article thereof: AMENDMENT. There 6haU be an additional article to said Constitution tobe designated as Article XIX, as follows: ARTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, or keepingforsale of intoxicating liquor, to be ns:d as a beverage, is hereby prohibited, and any violation of this prohibition shall bo a misdemeanor, punish able as shall be provided by law. Tbo manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale, of intoxicating liquor for other purposes than as a beverage may be allowed in such manner only as may be prescribed byi law. The Gen eral Assembly shall, at the first session suc ceeding the adoption of this article of theCon stltution, enact laws with adequate penalties for its enforcement. A true copy of tbo Joint Resolution. CHARLES W. STONE, mhl5.10O-F Secretary ot the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Common wealth by the General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, for their approval or rejection at a special election tb be held June 18, lbS9. Published by order of the Secre tary of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of Article XVIII of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of tbe Commonwealth. Section 1. Be it retolved by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met That the following is proposed as an amend ment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with tho pro visions of the eighteenth article thereof: AMENDMENT. Strike out from section one, of article eight, the four qualifications for voters which reads as follows: "If twenty-two years of age or upwards, he ' snail nave paia, witnm two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one month before the election," so that the section which reads as follows: "Every male citizen, twenty-one years of age, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: First. He shall have been a citizen of ,the United States at least one month. Second. He shall have resided in the State one year (or if, having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Third. He shall have resided in the election district Where he shall offer to vote at leasttwo .months immediately preceding the election. ruuu, ii iwenty-iwo years oi age or up wards, ho shall have paid, within twq years, a state or county tax, which shall have been as sessed at least two months and paid at least one month before tbe election," shall be amended, so as to read as follows: Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, possessing the following qualifications', shall be entitled to vote at tbe polling place of tbe election district of which he shall at the time bo a resident and not elsewhere: First. He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least thirty days. Second. He shall have resided in the State one year (or if, having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) Immediately preceding the election. Third. He shall have resided In the election district where he shall offer to vote at least thirty days immediately preceding the elec tion. The legislature, at the session thereof next after the adoption of this section,vshall, and from time to time thereafter, may, enact laws to properly enforce this provision. Fourth. Every male citizen of the age of twenty-ono years, who shall have been a citi zen for thirty days and an inhabitant of this State one yearnextlorecedinir an election, ex cept at municipal elections, and for the fi&t "", uja at iDsiucub ui me eieciiou uisirict in which he may offer his rote, shall be entitled to vote at such election in the election district of which he shaU at the time boa resident and not elsewhere for all officers that now are or here- auer may do elected uy the people: JToviaea, That in time of war no elector in the actual military service of the State or of the United States, in the army or navy thereof, shall be deprived of his vote by reason of -h'is absence from such election district, and the legislature shall have power to provide the manner in which and tbe time and place at which such absent electors may vote, and for the return and canvas of their votes in the election dis trict in which they respectively reside. Fifth. For the purpose of votiug, no person Shall be deemed to havn c-Afneri a, lnef rot. dence by reason of bis presence or absence while employed in the service of the United States or the fetate, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of the State or of the high seas, nor while a student of any college or' seminary 'of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public institution, except the in mates of any home for disabled and indigent soldiers and sailors, who, for the purpose of voting, shall be deemed to reside in the election district where said home is located. Laws shall be made for ascertaining, by proper proofs, tbe citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage hereby established." A true copy of the joint resolution. ,., . , CHARLES W. STONE, mh!4-I-F Secretary of the Commonwealth BUSINESS CHANGES. ."VT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE A3,part2el2.hlPJ?SretofotB existing between William a Pendleberry, Thomas F. Pendle berry and John T. Markland. under the firm name of W. a PENDLEBERRY, SON i CO., was this day dissolved by mutual consent, John T. Markland retiring from said firm. All debts owing to said partnership win be collected by William a Pendleberry and Thomas F. Pen dleberry, and ail debts of said partnership will be settled bv them. WILLIAM S. PENDLEBERRY THOMAS F. PENDLEBERRY. JOHN T. MARKLAND. MAT 16. 1889. The business of the firm wffl be continued by the undersigned under tbe firm came of W. a PENDLEBERRY, SON & CO. WILLIAM S. PENDLEBERRY, THOMAS F. PENDLEBERRY. myI7-6fl PIANOS, ORGANa Vi ' , . eTTl Jtre mnw tt'AND FIFTH AVENUE. iSKj rHjwur,yriMiPW-7Mi PRIDAY, MAT 17, OFFICIAsV-PnTSBDRG. PrrrsBUBQ. MayM.1889. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BIJ RE CEIVEDat the office of the City Control ler until 2 p.m., on MONDAY, May 20,1889, for f urntshfni- Im tn thn KAvaral bureaus in the Department of Public Safety for the ensuing year. Further information can be obtained upon application at the general office of said Department. Bonds in double the amount of bid must accompany each proposal, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or aU bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of the Department of Public Safety. myl&39 AN ORDINANCE-GRANTING ARM STRONG Bro. & Co. the right to erect and maintain weigh scales on Twenty-fourth street, between Railroad and AUeghepy river. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city ot Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the privilege be and the -same is hereby granted Armstrong Bro. fe Co. to construct and maintain for their own private use a weigh scales on Twenty-fourth street, between .Rail road and Allegheny river, the work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Chief of the Department of Public Works, upon plans to be approved by said Chief. Section 2 That said Armstrong Bro. & Co. shall pay into the City Treasury annuaUy, so long as said weigh scales remain upon said street, the sum of seventy-nve ($75doUars, and should said scales be removed the said Armstrong Bro. & Co. shall replace the street in as good condition as it was before the con struction of said scales at their own proper cost and expense, and to the satisfaction of the Chief of the Department of Public Works. Section 3 The city hereby reserves the right to cause the removal of said weigh scales upon SOdaysnotioe being given to said Armstrong Bro. & Co. Section 4 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as tbe same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 22d day of April. A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common CouncU. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, April 26, 1889. ApprovedtWM McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. Mc CLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. 1 Recorded in Ordinance Book, yoL 7, page 76, Hth day ot May. A. D. 1889. myl5-21 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals win be received at the office of Citv Controller until Wednesday, the .29th day of May, A. D. 1889, at 2 P. Ttni or the fol lowing, viz.: BEPAYTNG. Penn avenue, from Fifth avenue to ClyLine. Forbes street, from Brady to Boyd streets. Sixth avenne, from WyUe, avenue westward- First avenue, from Smithfield street to Grant street. Butler street, from Forty-ninth street to Fifty-first street. Eighth street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Ninth street, from Penn avenne- to Liberty avenue. Liberty avenne, from Smithfield street east ward! y. Cherry alley, from Third avenue to Water street. State alley, from Wylle avenne to Fifth ave nue Scott alley, from Penn avenne to Daquesne wav. Garrison alley, from Fayette street to Lib erty avenue. Barker's alley, from Duquesne way to Lib erty avenue. Church alley, from Blxth avenue to Straw berry alley, Slocum alley, from Penn avenuo to' Liberty avenue. Strawberry alley, from Smithfield street to Liberty street. GRADING, PAVTKO AND CURBCTO. Halket street, from Fifth avenue to Wlltnot street. Herron avenue, from Center avenne to Thirty-third street. Boqnot street, from Bemple street to Frazler street. Denniston arenue, from Fifth avenue to Penn avenue. Atwood street, from Fifth avenue to Boquet street. Center avenue, from Soho street to Htland avenue. PAVTNQ AND CUBBrNO. Stanton avenue, from Hiland avenue to Heberton avenne. Corday alley, from Pearl to Cedar streets. The paving of the above named streets to be either with EJock Stone, Standard Sheet Asphalt, Vulcanite Asphalt, Irregular Block Stoue or Cobble Stone, aud bids will be re ceived for each kind of pavement, , SEWERS. Center avenuefrom Summit, near Aliqulp pa, to Reed street, 18. 20-Inch pipe, 3 feet and 8 feet 6 inch: brick and stone. Denniston avenne, from Fifth avenue to Shakespeare street; 20 and 24-incb pipe. Stanton avenne, Viola aUey and private prop erty of Henry Janson and Mellon Bros., from the west side of Hiland avenue to Negley run; 18, 20 and 24-inch pipe. Mignonette street, from Negley avenue to Beatty street) 15 and 18-inch pipe. Penn avenue and Braddock avenue, from Lindon avenue to Susquehanna street; 15, 18, 20and24-inchpipe. Harvard street, from Negley avenue to Euclid avenue; 15-inch pipe. Plans and specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Proposals must bo accompanied by a bond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOvV. Chief of the Department of Public Works. myl323 V IEWERS REPORT- On the construction of a nubile sewer on Roup street, from south sido of Fifth avenue to Ells worth avenue. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned, Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by tho Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county and authorized by an ordinance passed on tbe 30th day of July, A. D. 1888, a copy of which Is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and expense of constructing a public sewer on Roup street, from south side of Fifth avenue to Ellsworth avenue, in said city, upon the property benefited thereby, under the provisions of and in accordance with an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of tbe second class to provide for Hie improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and pnblic highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment ot a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to CouncUs and Court, pro viding for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property, and providing for filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and pro hibitinir the use of public streets without the authority of Councils," approved tho 14th day oi June, A. v. isa, respecuuiiy report: That, having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act, to discharge the duties of their appointment; that, having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and, having given to tbe owner of each lot ten days' notice of the lime and place of meeting, they met on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1889, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard alt complaints and evi dence offered, and, having made all modifica tions and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of constructing said sewer upon tbe following property upon each for the amount set opposite tbe name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works, state ment of cost. 1,990 lineal feet, 20-in. pipe sewer, SI 85 J 3,681 50 9drops,S60 00 MO 00 7 manholes. 830 00 210 OP Extra work connecting private sew ers on Fifthavenue and drops 117 23 20,600 pounds castings (to FisberF. & M. Co.),n 68. 3 40 Superintending, engineering, advertis ing, etc 230 00' Printing ordinance and notices 40 00 Printing viewers' report 27 25 Making plan and serving notices 15 00 Viewers' time 63 00 $ 5,268 41 ASSESSED. Roup street, east side, from (Fifth avenue to EUsworth Aug. E. Succop (90), ISO feet 9 126 OS Aug. E. Succop, 50 feet. 70 04 E.H. Meyers, 150 feet 210 10 Alex. Bouiton, 100 feet 140 07 F. A. Hoffman, 61 feet 85 44 A. Becker, 40 feet. , 56 03 Mrs. A. M. Steen. 40 feet 56 03 Ada P. MaxwelLSOfect 112 05 J. W. Thompson. 62.72 feet , 73 85 W.J. Gllmore. 64.10 feet..-. 89 78 Mrs. E."W. Cooper, 3L72 feet 44 43 Mrs. M. Houston. 60 feet , 84 04 John Wilson, 106.40 feet 149 03 Mrs. MaryHackett, 105 feet 147 07 E. Wainwright, 84feet 117 66 George Wilson. 4L75 feet 68 48 Mrs. Jos. Herron, 80 feet-... 112 08 Holland & Ruch. 100 feet 140 07 G. T. Rafferty, 220 feet 80815 R. A. Donnelly, 85 feet 119 00 B. Rafferty, 60 feet 84 04 Thos. M. Jones. 175.66 feet 245 90 Rood street, west side . W. F.Easton (58), 165 feet.............. 7525 EUsha Robinson. 45 feet..i ,, 68 08 rg,'E,'RMa)4gi,-rrrrT'.tr;.-.aw88,i "iipvui uw,im;ii,t,,,,i,i,unw 1889. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. M.R. Lare;41 feet.............. .7. Sg George Wamkoff. 42 feet 63 83 G. M. Shaw, 42 feet 6383 Isabella Smelgh, 42.60 feet 3 Mrs.M.D.Lipplncott,45 feet 68 03 John Weiss, 60 feet..? 6o 03 Ada P. Maxwell, 170 feet 228 12 Wra. Laeffler. 65 f eet 80 04 John J. Haley. 65 feet . 04 Mrs. J. Ayres (32). 90 f eet ' 89 82 S. B. McKnigbt (31). 53.78 feet 33 42 E. Peck, 6250 feet ,69 64 R. M. Everson,84 feet US 8, 8. Rankin, 42 feet 5j 83 O. J. Parker. 63 feet : 8o 2 H. M. Duncan. 55 feet 77 04 E. K. Carrier, 55 feet JamesFiood. ULUfeet 155 03 People's Savings Bank. 100.07 feet.... 1M 17 T. A. O'Hara, 100.07 feet W0 17 Fifth avenne E. P. Parke. 195.10 feet 273 28 J.H.Hanna, 277 feet 388 00 S5.268 41 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN. ) DANIEL WENKE, Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, JR., ) PfTTaBUBO. April 25. 1839. myl5-88 TTIEWERS' REPORT- ' On tbe opening of Boquet street, from Fifth avenue to Bayard street. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by tbe Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 25th day of February, A. D. 1889, a copy of which is hereto attached, to appraise the dam ages sustained in tbe opening ot Boquet street, from Fifth avenue to Bayard street, in the city of Pittsburg, and make an assessment therefor nnder the provisions of and in accordance with an act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of tbe cities of the sec ond class to provide for the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sew ers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for tbe appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, providing for the assessment and col lection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property, and providing for filing liens and regnlatingproceedings thereon, and prohibiting tbe use of public streets with out authority of Councils,''approved the 14th day of Jnne.-A. D. 1SS7; respectfully report: That, having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, tbey proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said act to discharge the duties of their appoint ment: and, having given the notices required by said act, they viewed the premises and heard all tbe allegations and evidence of tbe several parties claiming damages, and after full con sideration thereof, made a true and conscion able appraisement of the same; that, after as certaining tbe whole amount of damages, they made an assessment of the same upon tho properties benefited by said Improvement, and caused a plot to be made and prepared a state ment, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting, they met on the 10th day ot Mav, A. D. 1889, at the office of tbe Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard aU complaints and evidence presented, and, after fall consideration thereof, do find that the following named owners of property will sustain damages, for which they are en titled to compensation, each for the amount set opposite bis name, respectively, viz: DAMAGES. Alexander Waddeli ! 2,600 00 Printing ordinance andnotices 40 00 Printing viewers' report 20 00 Making plans and serving notices 15 00 Viewers' time 84 00 8 2,7&9,00 ASSESSED. Boquet street, east side, from Fifth avenue to Bayard street Mary E. Schenley (50), 100 feet 159 67 Mary E. Schenloy (61), 128 feet 194 79 Mary E. Schenley, 78 feet 249 08 Mary E. Schenley, 289 feet 922 85 West side Waddeli & MiUer (139), 164 feet 443 87 A. M. Grierson (71). 89 feet 226 72 D. McKenzle (17). 20 feet 54 23 T.M. Madden (17), 20 feet 54 28 John Grierson (57), 60 feet 182 03 John Grierson (85), 100 feet 271 43 $2,759 00 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, ) DANIEL WENKE. i Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Je., ) PnTSBDRO. May 10, 1889. mylS-53 ylEWERS' REPORT On the construction of a public sewer on Cope land street, from Ellsworth avenue to Walnut street. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned Viewers of Street Improve ments in tbe city of Plttsbnrg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on tbe 26th day of March, A. D. 1888, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and expense of constructing a public sewer on Copeland street, from Ells worth avenue to Walnut street, in said city, upon the property"benefited thereby under the provisions of and in accordance with an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled, "An act authorizing and di recting Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the Improvements of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and side walks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, pro viding for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property and providing for filing liens ana regulating proceeaings tnereon, ana pro hibiting tbe use of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887; respectfully report: That, having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, tbey proceeded in tbe manner and according to the directions of said act, to discharge the duties of their appoint ments; that, having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of tbe time and place of meet ing, they met on tbe 25th day of April. A. D. 1SS9, at the office ot tbe Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifi cations and corrections which they deem prop er, assessed the cost and expense of construct ing said sewer upon the following property, upon each for the amount set opposite the name OI toe owner mereoi, riz: Chief of Department of Public Works, state ment ot cost. 862 lineal feet 15-inch pipe sewer. 81 35 8 1163 70 2drops,S60 120 00 2 manholes, 30 120 00 6,400 lbe. castings (to Fisher F. 4 M. Co.). $1 68 107 62 Superintending, engineering, adver- tising.etc 110 00 Printing ordinance and notices 40 00 Printing viewers' report 22 75 Making plan and serving notices 6 00 Viewers' time ,., 42 00 81,731 ASSESSED. Copeland street, east side, from Ellsworth Walnut J.B. Crooks (89), 82 feet 8117 Steven Sweeney. 25 feet.. Si 65 65 32 72 65 ....I 65 65 32 65 65 131 32 John Thomas, 50 feet EmmaTt. Coombs, 60 feet J. C Kiser, 25 f eet J. C Kiser, 55 feet T. E. Watt, 60 feet John W. Herron, 60 feet Henry P. Kuhn, 50 feet AV. G. Crawford, 25 feet P. M. Lannigan, 60 feet Peter Zem, 60 feet Lonisx Davis, 100 feet John Thoma, 25 feet West side John B. Crooks (67), 75 feet Jas. McCabe', 75 f eet A. R. Sloan, 25 feet.... J. Kearns, 25 feet Jas. Colbert, 25 feet M. Cunningham, 30 feet Mrs. O. L. Roberts, 25 feet G. H. Zacharias, 60 f eet John Thoma, 25 feet L. Goldsmith it Bro., 100 feet. . . . Mrs. J. Dndgeon, 50 f eet D. Slack, 60 feet CO. McDonnell. 25 feet.: P. GeIston,25feet A. F. Delchon. 25 feet L. F. Wefing, 60 f eet 8 L73197 Respectfully submitted- EDWARD JAY ALLEN, ) DANIEL WENKE. J Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jr., ) PrrrSBUBO.'April 25..1889. my 16-53 TTIEWERS' JJEPORT- On the opening of Geneva street f-om Fisk street to Forty-fifth street. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg; The undersigned, Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by tbe Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 27th day of September, A. D. 18S8, a cony of which, is hereto attached, to appraise the damages sustained in tbe opening of Geneva street, from Fisk street to Forty-fifth street in tbe city ot Pittsburg, and make an assess ment therefor under the provisions of and In accordance with an set of Assembly ot the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils ot cities of the second class to provide for the improve ment of .street, lane, alleys and public high ways, sewers and sidewalks," requiring plans of weM,H:woTis;ter' tfce jaffeteteiit .of a, OFFICIAL PITTSBTJBO. Board of Viewers ot Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties, granting appeals to Coun cils and Conrt,providingforthe assessment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property and providing for filing Hens and regnlatingproceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets, with out authority of Councils." approved the 14tn dav of June, A. D. 18S7, respectfully report; That, having been first duly sworn and quali fied according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to tbe directions of said act, to discbarge the duties of their appoint ments; and having given the notices required by said act, they viewed the premises ana heard all tbe allegations and evidence of the several parties claiming damages, and after full consideration thereof, find that no owner of property has sustained any damage by reason of said improvement, that, after ascertaining tbe whole amount of costs tbey made an assess ment of the same upon the properties benefited by said improvement, and caused a plan to be made, and prepared a statement, as required by said act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting, they met on tbo 29th day of April, A. D. 1889. at the office of the Board of View ers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all com plaints and evidence presented, and, after lull consideration thereof, present the following report, showing the amount each property holder is entitled to pay as tbo proper propor tion of said cost: EXPENSES. Printing ordinance and notices 8 0 00 Printing viewers' report f "" Making plan and serving notices 10 00 Viewers'time arm 8 116 00 ASSESSED. Geneva street, north side, fromFisk street to Forty-fifth street J. C. Smith (20), 138.32 feet 5 218 C. P. Tiers (30). 130 12-5 feet 3 03 197 262 John Forbes. 20 feet. John Kennedy, 22 feet. 2 40 Calvin Wells, 24 feet 2 62 Andrew Miller, 21 feet 2 63 Catb. Hughes, 40 feet...... Cath. Dougherty (25), 100 feet 2 73 G. F. Jacoby, 40 feet Chas. Horan,20feet 2 18 Michael Moore. 20feet zi Thos. Bowler, 20 feel 2 18 Julia Bowler, 20 feet 2" George W. Gardner (42), 52.41 feet.... i 59 Geneva street, south side John G. Brown (21). 133.4J feet. 2 2D John G. Fox (20), LJO.12-5 feet.. 2 18 George Blair (18), 80 feet J 97 D. K. Duff, 20 feet 2 18 Sarah Evans, 20 feet 2 18 Ellen C. Green, 20 feet 2 18 W. Livingston (16), 19 feet J 75 John Barrett (13), 15 feet 142 Calvin Wells (25), 95 feet ? 73 Calvin Wells, 14o feet 15 83 Dennis O'Driscoll (25), 100 feet 2 73 St Franciscus Hospital, 275 feet 30 00 3116 00 "RAHnArtfrillv STiTiTTiir.tAi V EDWARD JAY sVLLEN, ") DANIEL WENKE, Viewers. TIMOTHY O'LEARY; Je., J Pittsburg, April 29, 18S9. mylS-53 POLITICAL. -pEPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS Headquarters or the County ) Republican Executive Committee, Pittsburo, May U, 1889. ) In accordance with the rules of the County Republican Executive Committee Assembly District Conventions will be held on TUESDAY. MAY 21, 1SS9, at the places and time below designated. Three separate Conventions will be held for each Assembly District to which delegates from each election district of the county will be elected, on SATURDAY. MAY 18, 1889, between the hours of i and 7 o clock p. M., viz.: One delegate to Convention No. 1 to elect members of tbe County Committee. One delegate to Convention No. 2. to elect delegates to the County Convention, which shall nominate one candidate for Judge ot the Com mon Pleas Court No. L One candidate for Coroner. One candidate for District Attorney. The delegates from the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Assembly Districts to nominate one can didite for Director of the Poor. One delegate to Convention No. 3, to elect delegates to the State Convention. first assembly district. Convention No. L Headquarters Allegheny Central Republican Club, corner of South Diamond and Federal streets, at 10 A. u. Convention No. 2, Headquarters of Allegheny Central Republican Club at 2 P. M. Convention No. 3, Headquarters of Allegheny Central Republican Club, at 3 r. M. SECOND ASSEMBLT DISTRICT. Convention No. 1, Common CouncU chamber, Allegheny, 10 a. K. ,.,. Convention No. 2, Common Council chamber, Allegheny, 2 p.m. Convention No. 3, Common Council chamber Allegheny. 3 p.m. THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. I, Rooms of the YoungMen's Republican Tariff Club, 61 Sixth avenue, at 10 A.M. Convention No. 2, at the samo place at U A. m. Convention No. 3, at the same place at 12 m. FOURTH ASSEMBZ.T DISTRICT. Convention No. 1, Rooms ot tbe YoungMen's Republican Tariff Club, 61 Sixth avenue, at 2 P. M. v Convention No. 2, at the same place at 2.30 p. M. Convention No. 3, at the same place at 3 P. M. "FIFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1, Select Council chamber, Plttsbnrg, at 7.30 P. M. convention in o. a, uommon uouncu cnamoer, Pittsburg, at 7.30 P. M. Convention No. 3, Common Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 820 P. M. SIXTH ASSEMBLT DISTRICT. Convention No. 1 at Salisbury Hall, South side, at 10 a.m." Convention No. 2 at the same place at 11 A.M. Convention No. 3 at the same place at 12 M. SEVENTH ASSEMBLT DISTRICT. Convention No. L Common Council Cham ber, Pittsburg, at 10 A. M. Convention No. 2 In the same place at 11 A. M. Convention No. 3 in the same place at 12 M. EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. L Select" CouncU Chamber, Pittsburg, at 10 A. m. Convention No. 2 in the same place at H A. M. Convention No. 3 in tbe same place at 12 H. The temporary chairman ot each convention will be designated later Proper notice will be given of the time and place of holding the County Convention, ac cording to the rules, as soon as Tuesday's con ventions are held. GEORGE M. VONBONNHORST, ROBERT BERRY, Chairman. Becretary. my!3-29 Our Police and Firemen. TVBITTE2T BY Henry Mann, Chas. T. Dawson, W. H. Gutelius, E. B. Sawyers. Andrew McSwIgan, Jas. S. Henry, C. A. Evan'. H. B. Mon trevflle and R. B. PowelL OUR POLICE. A history of tbe Pittsburg Police Force under the town and city, by Henry Mann. Il lustrated with portaits and etchings. OUR FIREMEN. A history of the Pittsburg Fire Department from tho village period until the present time. Contributed to by tbe above named gentlemen. Edited by Charles T. Dawson. Illustrated with portraits and etchings. Published for the benefit ot the Police and Firemen's Gymnasium Fund. Two separate histories in one volume, octavo, about TOO pages, bound in cloth, leather or full morocco. Over 100 pages of illustrations, in cluding portraits, scenes of tbe present, old time scenes, etc. SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Orders may be banded to any member of the Police and Fire Departments. my 15-12 OAKLAND SQUARE, $6,600 each, moderate cash payment balance $500 per annum, elegant new two-story and mansard brick dwellings, 8 rooms, haU, bath, laundry, slate mantels, art fire places, tile hearths, sliding doors, wired for electric light, fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, etc; Oakland Square, five minutes from Fifth avenue cable line ana directly on line of new cable loop which is to be constructed this sunmcr;a beautiful park (on which are sev eral hundred beautiful sbade trees), tbe whole surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with aspbaltnm;on each side of and facing the park are the above described dwell ings; most,desirablo houses yet offered; en hancement of values sure. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. myU-39 A E. LINKENHEIMER, ARCHITECT, i os BmitfioeMi street Pittsburg, Pa. Fref&eMi j rreag aanaag, www neor, a auHHCiff, 3 AUCTION SALES. T.M-McFARLAND, Attorney, 153 Fourth avenue. . - ORPHANS'COURTSALE . ' BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THS' ORPHANS' COURT OF ALLE- ' GHENY COUNTY, AT NO. , MAY TERM, 1889, The undersigned administrator d. b. n. of the estate of Sam M. Taggart, deceased, will ex pose at public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, JUNE 1, '89, At 2 O'CLOCK P.M. The following described real estate, situated in Stowe township. Allegheny county. Pa., be ing lots Noa. 10. It 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 3L 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, in a plan of lots laid out by Alex. McK. Guthrie, as recorded In Plan Book, vol. 7. page 144. Also all that certain piece of ground situated In said township containing one-half acre.bound ed and described as foHows: Beginning on tho line of Sarah st and lands late of R. B. Guth rie; thence by line of said lands north 3Sf east, 19 41400 percbes to an alley 15 ft. wide; thence north 51J. west by said alley i 12-100 perches to a post: thence by a straight line south 38M, west lfl 41-100 perches to said Sarah St.; thence by said Sarah St. south 51. east 4 12-100 perches to place of beginning, being the southeastern half of lot No. 8 in Sarah McGunnegle's plan. Plan Book,voL 3, pages 314 and 315. These lots are beautifully located within tea minutes' walk of Chartiers station, P.4LE, R. R.. and within five minutes' walk of station of Pittsburg, Chartiers and Youghiogheay Railroad. TITLE TJNDISPUTABLE. TERMS OF SALE: One-half cash 6n de livery of deed; balance in one year, secured by bond and mortgages on the premises, with ia terest and sci. le. clause, FRANK THOMSON. Administrator, D B.N. A. J.PENTECOST. Auctioneer, 413 Grant st m jl0-0-7 AUCTION SALE-FRIDAY MORNING May 17, at 10 o'clock, No. 311 Market st Fine silk tapestry parlor suite, plush trimmed, cost 8400; elegant satin brocateila suit, all spring edges and hair filled, cost J250; mirror-door wardrobe, cost 885; floor cabinet In mahogany and wall cabinet in cherry, very large French plate glass with cabinet base, flno , chamber suits in walnut oak and cherry, hall racks, bookcases, hair and husk mattresses, lace curtains, lambrequins, moquets, velvet and body brussels. tapestry and ingrain car pets, linoleum, toiletware, dishes, fancy goods, notions, glassware, drygoods, lamps, clocks, pictures, sewing machines, stoves, refrigera tors, lot fine wall paper, cedar chests, eta, eta. Goods now on exhibition. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LEX -myl6-33 Auctioneers. BY JAS. W". DRAPE fc CO, PUBLICTSALE -OF- SLOT LARGE B1M LOTS On Bozgs,Washington and Ches3 aves.. Thirty secona ward, Pittsburg, only ten minutes' walk from Mt Washington incline plane. As it Is desired to close up the interests between tbe different heirs, the entire blocks will be ex posed to public sale on SATURDAY, May 18, at 2 o'clock P. m., on tbe premises. The lots are all large, fronting on fine wide avenues and streets, and are in a good and fast improvinjr neighborhood. City water, natural and artifi cial gas: good drainage; pure, bracing air, etc Lots will be sold singly or in blocks, on very liberal terms of payment 810 down on each lot at sale title perfect. Plans, etc- from JAMES W. DRAPE & CO., Aeents and Auctioneers, myl6-25 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. A3IUSE3IEXTS. MAV IN AUGURATION OF THE lYlxlX NEW EXPOSITION BUILDING. FESTIVAL. evenings! 0FIndf AFTERN00Ns0Iaydn8 TICKETS FOR SINGLE CONCERTS --: OWONSALE,at HAMILTON'S. The celebrated Steinway Grand Piano used at the festival concerts. my!4 Grand Opera House Extra E. D. WILT Lessee and Manager. WEEK OF MAY 20. DocMafler's Mapficent Minstrels. Direct from their own beautiful theater. New York City. SEATS NOW ON SALE. myl6-o2 TTARRYWHilAMS ACADEMY 'io-night, matinees Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday. C. C. MAGEE, Irish Luck Comedy Company. myl2-8 B LIOU THEATER J. C. STEWART'S FAT MEN'S CLUB. The Funniest Yet rsylS H ARkTR' THRATTTK One week. May 13. WE, US & CO. Next week Gray fc Stephens. mylSg-WTS GRAND OPERA HOUSE To-night, Rice's most elaborate produc tion of beautiful EVANGELINE. 65 Artists in tbe Cast Next week, Dockstader's Minstrels. mylS-10 PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from the city, situated on the bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, fine dancing platform, etc Tbe use of the grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A.R. posts, private fetes, etc, tbe only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from tbe grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A.CLANEYon the gronnds.SSWSl myll-15-P FREE EXCURSION -TO- WITELEY PLACE, i 1 WHjaNSBURG,' ON SATURDAY, MAY 11 Train leaves Union Station atl o'clock p. K. LOTS ' 40 to 55 feet front by 131 to 190 feet deep. 4 ' ' :J Beautiful building sites, with magnificent B view of surrounding country. - &? S.? j Call on agents, who will take yon oml' ; THEE OX CHAEQE. McCUHE k GOULTEBr AGENTS, 98 FOURTH AVE. myl7-80 , REMOVAL. . i.irftSS aoagaoa, ArcMtecfha roaevrtel graag'".'-" 1 wwnnii immt -AJ ! -1 I mmmm