t I 9 -s I j TgB FITTgBtrRG DISPATQB, OfflUfigDA7, MAY J.6. , 1889. . . v , J TITI? p A TTC17 nft'nTJT AY HAPPY COLORED CHILDEEH, KEW ' DXV&'tlfaMtfs , ., , , , t yf w ADTEa?8f mbsth, rgw ApygRTiaBaoraTB. ww ADYgaiisErTsv"- . ,-.... wew adtertiskmictto "- m sV , .,. rr . iii..u THURSDAY. May IB, 1SS3. , I ILL ML. LL.IU .M Tv Tlie Late A. 0, Smith's Sweetheart Tells of Their Loye Engagement, SEE POSTPONED THEIR MARRIAGE Because Her Mother Yery Seriously Ob jected to the Hatch. GfifERAL SEWS OP THE COUNTY COURTS . The case of C. H. Aiken, executor for A. O. Smith, against the Connecticut Mutual Xife Insurance Company to recover $10,000 on a policy held by Smith, was continued in the United States Circuit Court yesterday. Hiss Lizzie Genkinger, the girl to whom Smith had been engaged to be married, aud whose refusal to fill the engagement was claimed by the defense to be the cause of Smith's despondency, was called and occu pied the stand more than half of the after noon. She gave a clear statement of her ac quaintance and engagement with Ur. Smith, ana gave as a reason for oaring postponed the marriage that her mother was opposed to it. They were encaged early in 18S5, and the wed ding was postponed two or three times until in 18S7 Smith died. Miss Genkinger was Sware that she was a beneficiary by Smith's will, and, with a feeling that she bad no rightfnl claim, ehe made an assignment of her Interest to the Tanous members of bis family. Although she bad no reason to bellere Smith had committed suicide, she refused to become a party to the present suit. The counsel for the plaintiff endeavored to overthrow the claims that Smith had com mitted suicide. However, the defense claimed that a bottle containing some laudanum had been found in Smith's room after his death. A sister of the deceased testified yesterday that sh e had bonrhci 10, cents worth of laudanum during her brothers illness. She gave him three drops of it and then locked it up. She was sure he had not taken any of it without her knowledge. w. r. .bins, unairman oi tne iteiiex uomrait tee in an order of which Smith was a member, was with the deceased at the time of bis death and for two or three days previous. Be testi fied that the deceased bad complained of heart trouble all along: Mr. Archibald Smith, father of the deceased, was the last witness examined before the ad journment of court. Ue was with his son at the time of the latter1 death. He never beard of suicide, but was given to understand by the attending physician that his on died ot heart disease. The case will go to the Jury to-day. To-Day'a Trlnl Lists. Common Pleas No 1 Wray vs Applegate; ferry vs Nortbeide Bridge Company; McGuin ness et al vs Barton et al; Watkins vs Chappel; Lynn et al vs Jenkins; Corbett, administrator, vs Metropolitan Insurance Company; Wolthcr vs Bethel township (2); Jamison et al vs Hills etal; Glllesole vs Wilbert; Eaton vs Bonner, executor (2j; Ford vs Pennsylvania Bail road (2). Common Pleas No. 2 Habbert et ux vs Aderhold; Briggs. Fish A. Burke vs Keating; Cannon vs Hope Oil Company: Haney vs Mc Keesport borough; Bier vs Standard Mann facturipg Company; Boschert vs Nellls. Criminal ' Court Commonwealth vs Mary Saner, Teresa Lee, Moses D. Silknetter, James JIcNernay, Kicbard Harris, James Liney, G. Bakerman, Ferdinand Klein. A Peculiar Point. Attorney William Reardon yesterday made a motion before Judge Slagee to have the indict ment against Moses D. Silknetter for selling liquor to minors quashed. He claimed that the (indictment was defective, as the offenses charged were very indefinite. He held that every drink sold to a minor was a distinct viola tion of the law, and there should be a count in each case, while the indictment reads that Silk netter sold to several minors, but gives no de tails. District Attorney Porter resisted the notion, holding that the indictment was cor rectly drawn. Judge Magee reserved his de cision. Silknetter'a case is set for trial to-day. How the Jury Toted. At the opening of Criminal Court yesterday the verdict of the jury in the case of Superin tendent A. B. Starr, of the Ft. Wayne Bail road, was read. Mr. Starr was found not guilty, but ordered to pay the costs. The jury reached an agreement at 10 o'clock Tuesday night, and delivered a sealed verdict, which was read yes terday. The first ballot showed nine jurors for acquittal and three for conviction. The voting was kept up at intervals until 10 o'clock last bight, when all voted the way the verdict was rendered. ' Two Murder Trials. Charles E. Allen and John Carter were ar raigned for murder, and both pleaded not guilty. Allen is charged with the murder of Stephen Lee. on Second avenue, and Carter with the murder of Isaac Gross at the Solar Iron Work?. All four men were colored. Allen will be placed on trial next Monday, and will be defended bvR.II. Johnston. Carter will be defended by William Beardonand Will lam Brennau, and will be placed on trial next Wednesday. From Jail to Happiness. James Dwyer, of Saltsburg, and Miss Myrtle .Maguire, of Tarentum, were married in the District Attorney's office yesterday afternoon by Dr. Douglass. Dwyer was taken from the jalk where he bad been confined on a charce lTOugbt by Miss Maguire. The wedding ended the suit against him. Legal Tender. Edwabd Mat received a verdict for 62 In his suit against Louis Fritsch for damages for the destruction ot bis cabbage patch by 1'rltsch's cows getting into it. A verdict by consent was taken, yesterday, in the case of John M. Tiernan against W. W. Patrick, executor of Margaret Jones, an action on a mortgage, giving the plaintiff 31,000. Mast J. Kearney, yesterday, filed a bill in equity against Joseph A. Stone Jhd others, heirs of William Stone, asking for tbe parti tion of property in tbe Thirty-fourth ward. A verdict for the defendant was rendered yesterday in the suit ot Charles Jntte against Allegheny City, to recover for the loss of barges swept away from the Allegheny wharf. JOHN Sacee was yesterday acquitted of the charge of arson brought against him for setting fire to his own bouse. It was shown that Sauer, who lives at Beck's B un, accidentally set the bouse on fire while Intoxicated, afterward help ing to extinguish the flames. S. EL Wabo, the Westmoreland county post master, who plead guilty in the United States District Court of robbing the malls at Welty postofflce. was sentenced yesterday to pay a line of $50 and undergo imprisonment in the Greensburg jail for a term of six months. The case of Baxter S. Redpath against George Schmeltz is on trial before Judge lowing. The suit is to recover for damage to Schmeltz's property claimed te have been caused by Redpath turning a stream out of its course and causing it to run over Schmeltz's land. The case of R. Patrick & Co., bankers, against Sebastian Deip, formerly proprietor of the Albemarle Hotel, is on trial before Judge Collier. The suit is to recover 300, which amount Delp is alleged to have overdrawn his account with the plaintiffs, who were his bankers. Rocked on Ibo Crcit of the Wares, The landsman, tourist or commercial traveler, speedily begins, and not only begins, but con tinues, to leel tbe extreme of human misery during the transit across the tempestuous At lantlc. Bnt if, with wise prescience, he has Srovided himself with a snpply of Hostetter's tomach Bitters, bis pangs are promptly mlti pated, and then cease ere the good ship again drops her anchor. This is worth knowing, and thousands of our yachtsmen, summervoyagers, tourists and business me do know it. Fresh Arrival. Just received from Anheuser-Busch St Louis Brewery a large supply of their cele brated Budweisser beer, in both quarts and pints. For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. i Wall Paper Of all erodes and an infinite variety of pat terns, at the trail paper (tore of John 8. Boberts', 414 "Wood street, Pittsburg. Save Time nndTroable. Marvin's Queen's jubilee bread, red seal bread, rye bread and milk bread are pure and sweet equal to any that you can make nthome. Give them a trial. Tour grocer Jteejis them. TTSStf Elgin, Hampden and Waltkam Watches In gold or .silver cases. The largest oad frnpst.. complete stock in thecityjat E.P. irBJaharts & Sam, corner 3?lftli anA Vik. i Anniversary v - ....,....., ' sMItf H 1.11 l Ur lllflin In AnnlTenarT of Tbolr Home Id AUrsbear Yeiterdny The Exercises Operatlans Darin e tbo Past fear. There is an amusing fascination to most everyone in watching the antics and char acteristic "monkeyshines" developed in a group of Southern pickaninnies, who, warmed by the sun to a degree of innocent in dolence, cause smiles unconsciously for tbe casual observer. A vast difference there is when a number of these neglected heirs ot misfortune gather together to show their respective merits in more ways than one educational and in dustrial. The Home for Colored Children on Green wood street, Allegheny, was crowded yesterday afternoon from 2 till 6 o'clock, the occasion be ing donation and exhibition day. There are now CS children, male and female, harbored at the institution. Through the aid of Mrs. Onns by Phillips, the President, Mtis Phillips, Secre tary, and Miss Hummings. Treasurer, assisted by numerous charitably inclined ladies, yester day's entertainment was an individual success. Rev. Dr. White, of St. Andrew's, opened the services with prayer, followed by a song by the chorous of colored children, whose natural ability musically was truly very effective and harmonious. The selections rendered by the inmates were composed of songs, recitations, essays and dialogues, and no adjectivo is favorable enough to express the mer ited and hearty appreciation the per formers 'received from , the large attend ance. Miss Phillips, the Secretary, read tbo report of the past year's gains of the institution and In substance showed that tbe expenditures were J13.SS7 for urgent necessi ties, while tbo donations and other beneficent things helped the treasurer' of the Home to have a balance of 5145 54 on hand to-day. Donations, monetary add useful articles such as flour, coffee, sugars, etc, etc., were made yesterday in large quantities. During the past year IB neglected colored children have been taken in, 8 returned to their parents and 1 was found a permanent home. The girls are expert seamstresses, and some of their needle handi work was very remarkable for such tender years and experience. None are received und or 2 years; tb ey are kent,unless found homes, until they are 12. Notwithstanding all the suc cess with which the Home is meeting It needs money, and to further this object a delightful refreshment menu was served to all after the entertainment, which was liberally patronized. The Home is a most deserving one, and from interest shown by the galaxy ot leading ladles from the two cities present yesterday, it is des tined to become a permanent and very im portant institution soon. AS A LAKE PORT. The Effort to Brine the BUpi of Erie Down to Pitubnrs;. Some prominent business men who are members of the Chamber of Commerce, are about to send a petition to the Governor, asking for tbe appointment of Col. T, P. Rob erts as a member of the Committee of Five which is to look into the practicability of the proposed ship canal between Lake Erie and Pittsburg. Col. Roberts' long experience as a practical engineer is held to especially St him for a seat on tbe committee. In speaking of the proposed canal, Col, Roberts had thisjto savyesterdav: "There are two Important Industries to be benefited if it Is practical to establish a canal between Pittsburg and Lake Erie. It is not the idea that Pennsylvania shall build the canal, but that the Legislature shall interest the National Government in tbe enterprise. The Northwest will be especially benefited, be cause ore can be transported co Pittsburg and coal can be taken back to the Northwest at a cheaper rate than it is now done by the rail roads. If the lake cities, such as Erie, Cleve land. Chicago and Milwaukee, can only be in terested in the canal there will not be much trouble in bringing the matter prominently be fore Congress. v There are two routes In view. The people of Beaver and that locality are anxious to have the route that was abandoned in 1870 re-established. But a better route is from Krie to Conneaut Lake, thence down French creek and the Allegheny river to Pittsburg. I think a canal could bo built over that route with a 1,000-ton capacity." Hilled on the Rnllrond. George Lisslc, a repairman on the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, was killed by the cars at Emsworth station yesterday morning. His bodywas taken to Lowry's un dertaking rooms. The Coroner will bold an in. quest. Seep up the appetite and aid digestion in every way, and you can overcome general debility and gradually reoover strength. Dr. Jayne'k Tonic Vermifuge is an excel lent remedy for indigestion, sour stomach and weakness of the stomach, it is therefore the best of tonics for young aud old, and is an old-time worm cure in addition. It drives these pests out of the body and destroys the nests in which they Dreed, "When a tonic is wanted the large sized bot tles are cheapest. Ladles' Ribbed Bilk Tests, 75c., Sold everywhere at $L Better save the quarter. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Fresh Arrival. Just received from Anhenser-Busch Bt Louis Brewery a large supply of their cele brated Budweisser beer, in both quarts aud pints. For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenne, city. Wall Decorations. Do you want to beautify your home? Then go and make a selection of wall pa pers from the magnificent stock shown by John S. Boberts, 414 "Wood st, Pittsburg. Summer Wraps Up to a Hundred Dollars In this cloak room. If you want any kind or any quality for less, you will find the largest variety here. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Doa't Worry. Young housewives shouldn't break down their health by standing over hot babe ovens. Use Mrrvin's Queen's jubilee or milk bread, and always be sure of having the best that is made. ttssu Cable Dye Fast ISIack Stocking! Don't Fade And wear fine and soft as silk. Try them. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. .Fresh Arrival. Just received from Anheuser-Busch St. Louis Brewery a large supply of their cele brated Budweisser beer, in both quarts and pints. For sale by JG. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. Endles' Gold Watcfaea, Elgin or Waltham make. All the new de signs plain, chased or inlaid with diamonds. Elegant goods at 25 to $100. Call at E. P. Boberts & Sons', cor. Filth ave. and Mar ket st TTS Specials In Children's nod MUes' Jacket!. Odds and ends at h alf price in children's suit department to-day. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Aetisiic photos only 81 00 a dor. Proof shown. Bring the babies. Hendbicks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny. Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more -than n quarter of a cehtury. It 1? used by the United States Government Indorsed by (le heads of the great universities as the Strongest, Purest and most- Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baiting Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans.- PRICK BAKING-POWDER C07 ..i Yesterdny-Tlie Exercises-Operation. Uf hlf 1 1 A Wf.ll llfiiQU 'I ' M Dnrlnsr tbo Past Fear. IVIIW WW I WM WU1UI I p?pRicr$ CREAH Baking Powder If you're all tired out when you get up in the morning, have a pain in the head, a coated tongue, no appetite for break-' fast, what do you do about it ? Let it wear off? Some people da And it wears off in a bilious fever or long illness. Others use Paine's "Celery Compound. Result: Refresh ing sleep, hearty appetite, new energy, strength, life, vigor, Get a bottle to-day from your druggist No more listless, nerve less, tired put days for you. Physicians prescribe it, drug gists endorse it, all users recom mend it Try it yourself. You'll find it the best medicine you ever took. Does just what it claims to do, does it quickly, does it well The medicine for spring, use Paine's Celery Compound now. Why do you delay? CURED OF CATARRH. MB. GEORGE LAMBERT, who lives on Jones avenue, this city, near Twenty-seventh street, bas been cured of a very bad oase of catarrh by the physicians of the Poly pat bio Medical Institute, No. 420 Penn avenue. When he applied for treatment he complained of much soreness in his Iuncs,sbortnesa of breath, a choked up feeling' in his throat, with much dryness; the catarrhal secretion that ha raised from his throat and lungs was very tough and tenacious; bis eyes were weak and troubled him very much about reading or seeing ob jects distinctly. The disease also extended to his stomach, so that he had great pain after eating, un account oi nis looa souring on his stomach he had much belching of gas, and was so bloated that his heart would frequently palpitate, and gave him so much pain that be thought be had heart disease. After becoming enred, as above stated, be says: "I am very glad to give my testimonial, and shall always speak in praise of the doctors to my many friends for curing me of this dread, f ul disease, and I cheerfully recommend all others suffering from chronic diseases to call on these specialists, who will frankly tell you what they can do for you. "Geobge Lambert." Tbe diseases treated successfully at the POLYPATHIC MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, 420 Penn avenue, are catarrh, diseases of the stomach and all forms of skin and blood diseases, and they especially invite .those whose diseases have failed to improve under the general practitioner's treatment to call and examine their system of treatment and cure, which have been the result of years of careful study and Investigation. Office hours, 10 to 11:30 A. M., I to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m. Sundays, 1 to iv, . Consultation free. royia-D Mrs. Dr. Crossley, one of the Consulting Physi cians at tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, SU Penn Avenue, 15 DOCTORS FAILED To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered on for IS years. Tbe aches and pains which she experienced in almost every part of her body was simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting pains across the small of her back and lower part of her body was almost unbearable. In fact she suffered with all those diseases and conditions peculiar to women. For three months her mind was unbalanced, and for months she was confined to her bed. She be came very weak and emaciated, so that she only weighed B3 pounds. No one expected her to live, much less get entirely cured. After receiving three months' treatment with the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti tute, 823 Penn avenue, who make a specialty of her disease, she says; "I never want any one to suffer as I bave for the past 13 years. Tbe condition of my case was much worse than has been described, and I am only too glad to testify to my complete cure by tbe doctors of tbe Catarrh and Dys pepsia institute. "MRS. THOMAS HATTON, Putnam, Pa." Please remember that the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute never display their patient's portraits in tbe papers. Neither do they publish any testimonial, except with tbe full consent or wish of tbe patient Furthermore, their testimonials are not from some far off place where no such parties reside, but from your own county and your own city, with tbe full name and address given, tnus proving tneir genuineness, une Catrrrh and Dyspepsia Institute is tborouchly established in Pittsburg, and thousands of patients Gladly testify to cures they bave re ceived. The treatment used does not consist of the so-called magnetic, or superhuman agencies, but medicines made from roots and herbs, nnd componnded to suit the requirements of each individual case, thus removing not only the disease, but tbe -cause of the disease as well. Ninety-five out of every hundred of the pati ents treated at this Institute are those suffer ing from Catarrh, which is tbe certain fore runner of consumption. Tbe testimonials pub lished speak for themselves. Tbey treat suc cessfully Catarrh. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Kidney and Female Diseases. Office hours, 10 A. K. to 4 p. H, and 6 to 8 P. K. Qunuays, unir, Consultation free to all. myll-D ESTABLISHED 186L BUDD. SPBINO- AND SUMMER, 1889. DRESS SHIRTS. SPECIAL DESIGNS. Underwear and Hosiery. Our own special hand loom made Silk, Lambs' Wool, Merino, Balbrlcgan, Lisle Thread, etc. GLOVES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, Dress, Promenade, Driving, etc Best makers. First-class only. samueTbudd, No. 8 King Edward St, I Madison Square, London, E. C. New York. "No. 4 Rue D'Uses, Paris office. my9-24-TTS B.FOX, BCIENTrFIO OPTICIAW. Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka isye uiass. jNocnainrequireu. jsuresa nosa blades fitted to other eye glasses. Oculists prescriptions a specialty; AU kind of lenses ground and spectacles made on the premises. 808 PEN1T AVENUE, PITTS. Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. dol-b53-TTS T)ONlSTALLIfcBISl, IMPORTERS AND Jp dealers In wines, liquors and -French oor Sals for, family use. Sole ag&n$a -for SaaGab--rilWii 0ur, Calif edk e DIAMOND! Vtett-wtrjAll.fj9l IBBSe, df We Enow Ton Want the Reliable. Rumor relates a likely story of a .would-be brilliant, but unwise man, who fed his beast on sawdust instead of meal, till, suddenly and to nis as tonishment, without notifying him, it died. . It's as bad a starvation and loss policy o sell unreliable clothing and expect trade to prosper. It don't tally with our ideas of gathering and keeping the confidence of customers. Our business as "clothing merchants is to sell superior and dependable goods. AU our experience and wisdom as manufacturers is headed to ward making clothing better and better. We haven't any time to spare to learn clothes- makmg backwards, or to sell what is poor and unsatisfac" tory. , It's a profitless experi ment! Substantial qualities and the best workmanship and nothing less are our lamps for reliable clothing. We can give no less and be loyal to you. If you're willing to be sure that you're not getting the cheap and common in cloth ing that you are getting the serviceable and long-wearing you can deal with us with perfect confidence. 1,000 styles of goods for to-measure work. Wanama'ker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. mylS-D WALTEBOSBOTTRNE. KtCHABO BABBOWS, "DARRQWS & OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 8U se2-k5a-TTsan BMllMJIIItllS, New Nettings and Laces. Full line of Children's School Hats. New styles of Infants' Caps and Fauntleroy Hats, at lowest prices in the city, in our Big Millinery Department - s BLOUSES Seem to have secured a h,old upon public favor. We have them for Ladies, Misses and Boys. Look at the fine French Cashmere. Blause at gi 38, worth $2 25. Fine Silk Striped, at $2 00, $2 25, $2 50, etc, up to the finest JERSEYS. New styles of Smocked and Braided Jerseys and Jersey Blouses, for Ladies, Misses and Children,' at prices that cannot fail to please. ' :ps.:r.aso:1.S- Beautiful line of new Parasols La Tosca handles, silver and gold caps arid hooks, from $1 to 10, every one a bargain. More new styles of Silk Umbrellas just opened. Over 500 different handles just opened. The low prices will astonish you. We do not boast -We simply tell the truth. In our G-eiOL-bs3 TFP-n T--n -i rh -. Ti g; Dejp'-b: We offer unusual bargains in Balbriggan, Gauze and Fancy Striped French Underwear, 75c to $4 00 a suit A lot of French Percale Shirts at $1 00, worth $x 75. Everything new in Summer Neckwear for Gentlemen and Ladies. ggSpecial novelties in Sashes, etc. Also the new Ladies. bgecxvn$ V 510 TO 514 MARKET ST. IP YOU COM PROM EAST LIVERPOOL To Buy WALL PAPER In Fittfburg, Call on WM.. H. ALLE N,?3&g8&: J3M- Ejsi'm5flaUj HORRIBLE FOREBODINGS Of Impending Danger An Unpar-i alleled Statement of Faots bti Smith, at NJ, 603 Penn Ave., ' 0OMBS TO THE RESCUE, No human being isjempt from disease. The. most powerful and apparently healthy have no ?uarantee that their strength win not be taken rom then) and their bodies wasted by same loathsome disease. Few who are in health consider their liability to disease or pay at tention to the ills of their suffering fellow creatures. The following very interesting case is that of a woman whose magnificent physique could apparently defy the rav ages of disease and pain, aad whose muscles seemed secure from thtt ills which weaker women are heir. to, yet she for three long years was a terrible sufferer and! was in a most pitia ble condition imaginable, when she applied to Dr, Smith. Tbe case in question was that o( Mrs. L. H. Auberry. who resides at MrrPt .Mrs. A. had been afflicted with hemorrhoids lora numuer ot years witnout paylnsvery much attention to, them. But as the years wcqv vj "tw mjcmo uegan 10 grow upon ner. Pile-tumors began to make their appearance at each movement of the bowels. These tumors began to Increase jn size, aud when prolapsed would bleed profusely. The pain and suffering which she experienced from them, together with the- loss of blood, from repeated hemorrhages gradually under mined ber nervous system until she Uecame a physical wreck. She became weak and languid. The least physical exertion caused great fatieuo. She lived In constant fear that some thing dreadful was about to happen. She suf fered from melancholy, and felt thatsbe would never get well. A feeling would come over ber that she was alone in the world, and was constantly looking on the dark side of life. She had tried the skill of so many physi cians without finding relief that she had given up a.l hopes of ever being restored to health. In connection with hemorr hoids she suffered from female weakness in its worst form, and had hnnnmn m thoroughly discouraged that she had given up in despair. Bearing of the remarkable cures that aro being maue by Dr. Smith, the mag netic physician, at No. 502 Penn ave., she de cided to consult him, and make one more effect to be restored to health. She did so, and began treatment April 3. Mrs. Auberry is now convalescent, and is one of tbe happiest women in this State. This is bnt one case amonc hundreds. The dootor's offices are crowded dally with cripples and invalids of every degree and condition. No disease escapes the Influence of the magnetic touch, and no person need despair of receiving benefits therefrom. Nb matter what the con dition or how long you have been sick, there is hope left. No matter what other physicians have failed to do, or what prejudiced people say, Sirs. Auberry had been. under the care of several eminent physicians before coming to Dr. Smith, and had never been helped. When other doctors give you up, and tbe bos. pltals turn you away as incurable, go straight to 502 Penn ave. aud consult Dr. SmlthKba cures after all other means fail. Office hours 9 A. M. to 7 p. m. Sundays 10 A. M, to 4 P. M. Consultation free. All letters must contain two stamps. inyl2 All American and European Patented Eya Glass and Spectacle frames, with glasses of superior quality, perfectly adjusted to the sight t A complete stock of Optical and Mathematical Instruments, Medical Batteries, Photographic Cameras. The largest and best assortment of Artificial Eyes, at KORNBLUM'S Optical Establishment, NO. SO FD7TH AVENUE, NEAtt WOOD STREET. Telephone No. 16S6. mylZ-109 THE SUCCESS Of our new Hat. the "SUCCESS," would be phenomenal were the Hat not so stylish and becoming. Talking about Millinery, are you aware that we keep not only the LARGEST STOCK OF HATS AND BONNETS and Millinery Goods in gener al, but are also doing the largest business in this line, without exception, in the two cities. One visit will prove our assertion. m$z&jflmr sflSIS' TffBWQJIQPC QKnTID i.uu uiiwuuv. u(U U. p: Ladies' Directoire Chemisettes, RufSings, Linen Collars, with reinforced bands, for AND 27 TIFTH AVE. myU-TTS3o lassakb v Xt f lt DR. WOODS, Specialist In ibe Cnro of Rapture and Cbroulo DIedes, Office at Hotel Albe marle, Pean Avenue and Sixth Street, Pltl.burjr, Thousands suffer for a long series of years and linger out a useless life, who, with proper treatment might be restored to health and contribute to the health and happiness of others. In many cases tbe fault is not theirs, for they try various doctors and quack nos trums for relief; but skill is not readily found. Tbe general practitioner has but little time or opportunity for tbe observation ot a large class of chronic complaints. No man can be come expert in every branch at the bealing art; hence specialists are demanded for the highest good of humanity. Dr. Woods long and patient study, his knowledge of Allopathic, Homospathic and Botanic or Eclectlo systems of medicine, together with bis discoveries and new application of old remedies, bave given blm unparalleled success in that class of dis eases which have until late v baffled the skill of eminent physicians, and secured for himself an enviable reputation. Dr. Woods has given the public, evidence sufficient Co convince tbe most skeptical that bis methods are singularly successful, especially in apeb cases as have de fled the skill of other and Justly celebrated physicians. It is always the truest economy for invalids to secure the best medical aid, and not apply to a physician with a feeling that they would pay liberally If they were only cured. The way to obtain health Is to apply to a physician who is skilled in the treatment of the diseases from which tbey suffer, and secure bis services and a course of medicines. The best evidence that can be furnished of his claims to confidence la indisputable evidence of success, IX be had the ability to effect cures instantly it could not be accomplished by meditation; it requires an effort on the part of the patient who should hare hope, confidence and a desire to be cured If possible. This can only be done by placing one's self under treatment without hesitation about a few dollars, as though health were subordinate to all other things. One of the fundamental principles which guide Dr, Woods in his treatment of patients is to do justice to all classes, so that mechanics and laboring men receive the, same treatment at his bands as merchants and bankers. Bis successful methods are therefore extended to all alike, who apply to him for aid, and bis charges are made so reasonable in all cases that they come within tbe reach of all who seek the benefit of his services. No one who suffers 'need hesitate for one moment before applying iu min anu using piacea on tne roau to re- wnery. Another inducement for calling on Dr, Woods is, he makes no extra charge for medi cines. He compounds his own prescriptions for his patients and furnishes all necessary in struments and appliances. This arrangement saves much trouble, avoids mistakes, is cuar. antee that all the medicines are genuine as well as effects a saving of money to the afflicted who are treated by him. When nosslble the doctor prefers to see his patients; but when this Is Impossible bis successful system of treat ment by correspondence enables the afflicted in all parts of the world to avail themselves oi the benefit ot his skill at a very small cbst Send four cents in stamps for question list AU commnnicatlons sacredly confidential. No charge for advice. Examinations are also free to those who desire treatment DR. It. A. WOODS, HOTEL ALBEHAR&E, PENN AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG, PA, Office hours, 10 to 12 ju jr.. 2 to 5 p. x.. 7 to-a P. jr. myia DO YOU INTEND TO BUILDT The Pittsburg Building Plan Co., Architects, W Fourth avenue, prepare plans ana specifications and superintend erection of dweUings at lowest rates consistent with good service. Estimates guaranteed. Correspond - myld-TTSu ence Invited. J. DIAMOND, Optician, Kl-srtH Mfrroo. I'lttHbnmr. 93 Spectacles -and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted to every defect of sight. Field and Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers, Thermometers, etc. ARTIFICIAT. E7ES made to order and warranted. Always on hand a large and complete stock. JaS-ttssu Almeria and Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Florida Oranges and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, JOHN DEBE fc CO,, 60S LIBERTY STREET, noTTS P .A.TIE IN" T S O. D. LEVIB. Solicitor of Patents. 121 Fifth avenue, above Smithfleld.nextLeadei office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se29-hiu OPTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL GOODS, boeclalty Correct fitting of lenses and frames. All styles of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own factory and workmen are our inducements. WM. E. STJEltEN, Optician, BM SMITHFD3LD 8T:,PITTSBUBG, PA. fc22-27-TTS SHIP YOUR MIXED RAGS AND OLD RUBBERS. "We pay cash for them. JAMES HARRISON, mylO-48-TTr 102 Second ave. ttAILUOD4. PlTTSBUKW Al) LAKE EK1B KA1I.KOAU COMPANY-Scheduie In effect February H 1SS9, Central time: f. & L. E. K. K.-DlPAST-For Clereianrt. 5:28, 7:A. it., '130, 1:15, 9:30p. jr. For Cincinnati, ChlcaKoand bt. Louis, 5:25 4. M., 1i2Q, 9:30r. It. For Buffalo, 7:40 X. u.. 4:15, "9:30 r. II. For Sala manca, V:n a. M., '1:20, "9:30 T. M. For Bearer Kails. 5:25, T:40. 10:20 A. M.. 1:20. 3:30. 4:15, S.-SO. "9:30 r. V. ror Chartlen, 5:25, "5:33, 6JS0, J7.-0U, 7:15, 8:40, "9:OS, 9:25, 10:20 A. M.. 12:06, 12:45, 11:25, IMS, 3:30, 4:45, "5:10, 8.-20, "SiZa 10:30 r. M. Abbivts from Cleveland; 3:30 x. M.. "liOO. 5:40, "8:00 r. M. From Cincinnati, CMcajro and Bt. Louis. "10, S:00r. M. From Buffalo. 5:30 A. W "lrfJO, 5:40 1. V. From Salamanca, '1:00, "8:00 r. it. From Younntown, 5:30, "8:5 3:2) X. M., 1:00. 5:40, :) r. II. From Beaver Falls, 5:30, 6:50, 7:20. 9:20 J.M.. "1:00, 1:33: 5:40, "8MB. P. iroin unarticrj, s:i'j, no, a :3a. :42. "O: 7:03, 7:30, 8:J0, 9;2Q. 10:10 A. M., 120 noon, 12:30, "llU 1:35. "3:42. -.l j!K asm. Min si4U "9:13 r. u. P.. McK. AY-K.K. .-vr.r-- ..-- -T-."'.. .-...... XISFABT r orflewniiw, !:30A. M3:30 P. it. For West Newton. 5:30 A. H., "3:30 and 5:23 F. it For New Haven, juoa. k, Sundays, only, Awuvi-From New Haven, 10K A. Hj "2:05p. If. From West Newton,:15, "iohb-a. m.,"5Kp.i For McKeesport and Ellxabetn, 5:30 A. V. 8:30, 4:05, 6:25 P. M.. WHO A. af. .... From Elizabeth and McKeesport, I'M A. X., 7:30. '10:00 A. M.. 5:C5r. H. Dally. Sundays only. E. ItOLUltuoK. General Superintendent. A. K. ULAUK. General Fassenger Aeent. City ticket oalcc. 40lbmlthfleld tn! JlTOblJUltU AND -WKSTEKN KAiMVAf Trains (Uot'l Stan'dUme) h i-e.ne. Arrive. Butler Accommodation....... 8.00 am 7:10 am DayEx.Ak'n,Tol..Cl'n.Kane 7:3V am 7:23 pra Butler Accommodation ,. 930 am 4:00 pm Chlcato Express (dairy) B:30 pm 11K am Newcastle and Greenville Ex 1:50 pm 9:30 am 7fllennnl lndVnThnnr in.. 4:10 Dm 5:30 am Butler Accommodation....... 8:40 pm 2:10 PTO f First class fare to Chicago, 110 50. Second class, N 50, Throuan coach and Pullman Buffet sleep ing car to Chlcaco dally. A LIiEGHENY YALXjET BAILKOAU Xa-T Trains lcare Union station Eastern Standard time): Klttanrtlpp Ac. w5 a. nn: Niairary Ex.. daily. 5:43 a. reJ Button Ae.. 10.10 a. in.t Valley Camp Ac, 12:05 uu 1, in.t.uu Guyana jhwi -i.;llulttnAc.,3:00p.m.:Kimnnins X Bracbwn Ex., 5:00 p. in.: Kittaan- press, 2 J p.m. AC, iaup.H lnu Ac. 5, 30 1 D..m.! Jsracbnrn AcfiUD,ni.s nui n-Ac.;'-78 -b. a.: Buffalo Ex.. dally. JO n; m. i HoMata Ae..- Win. m. t iwaebara Acv .easiii swinirj, ?. b. ii:w b. COMPETfflOM SWEPT AIT -ar- KAUFM ANNS' , TIDAL WAYE ." LOW OIsTXjIT $7 85 -yo- GENTS' and YOUTHS' Sack and Cutaway Suits, In 30 distinct styles of newand popular all-wool weaves. They show novel and beautiful effecte in the latest de signs. Are worth $12 50 and $15, OUR V PRICE, ONLY $7 85. i As a matter of course,- imitators and copyists will soon flash dupli cates of the above sale before your eyes. It's an easy thing to quote prices on paper but all attempts on the part of would-be competitors to rival these suits in quality at the price will be an utter failure. "We ourselves never offered such fine suits for so paltry a price, and yotl none of you ever saw their eqUal. GRAND ARMY SUITS FOR $5 No shoddy goods, either, but the same identical qualities which other houses now parade in the newspapers as big bargains for $8. The genuine Middlesex Blue Suits, the best in the world (none genuine with out trade mark), always sold at $14. and $15, can now be bought at our store for $10. Let the'Gallant Boys in Blue" come to the front and see tnese suits, : KAUFHANNS1 LIBERALITY KNOWS NO BOUNDS, MATCHLESS PRICES MATCHLESS GIFTS! To every purchaser of our Men's $7 85 or $10 75 Suits (or any suit costing 10 or more) we still give one of our elegant (5 feet high) Oak or Mahogany Hall Stands , v " FREE OP ANY CHARGE WHATEVER. UNJUST ONE MORE WORD! ef lf) advertised Boys' Knee- Pant Suits, from 4 to 14 years, which competitors in their advertisements quote at $5, and assert a3 be ing worth $1 and S8, we will sell you at $3 35, and, besides, give A Genuine League Ball and Bat Free With Each Suit, KAUFMANN-S I X v 4 Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD-ON AND after 31ay 12, 1889. trains leave Union Station. Pittsburg as foUows, astern Standard Xusei MAIN LINE EASTWABD. New Tork and Chicago Limited orPuUman Ves. Ubule daily at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Expreis dally for the .East, 3:3) a.m. Hail train, dally, except Sanday, SiMa. m. Sun. nay, mail, o:j a. m. Day express dally at San a. m. Mall exnress dallr at 1:01 ill exnreu dallr at 1:00 n. m Philadelphia express dally at illadelphla express dally at 4:30 p. m. Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. .siern e-enress aaur ud. u. yst Line dally at 8:10 p. m. tirtonsburg express 5:10 p. m. week dayav, DerrvexDress 11:00 a. m. week days. Allffirnnirh trains connect at Jerier cltvw aln boats or "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, N. Y., avoiding double ferriage and journey through N. - - r. -.-: . .. . : ., : .. . Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: Mull Train, dally - 8:10 p. m. western Express, dally Pli-lfln 'VTnnSL oallv ......... 7:45 a.m. , 12:45p.m. Cblearo Limited Exnress. dally 8:30 p. m. Fait Line, day y , U&p.in. SOUTHWESr PENN BAILWATt. Tor Unlontown, 5:30 ana 8:23 a. m. and 4:3 p. m.. without change or cars: 12.50 p. m. connect ing at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m 12:20. 5:35 and 8:10 P. m. WEST FENNSti.VA.aiA ilivioiun. From FEDERAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City. Ilall train, eonnpetlnirl ting ror Jiiairsviue..- o:w a. m. Express, for Blalrsvllle, connecting for SiiSp.ra. Butler Accom .-...8:20 a. m.. 2:25 and 5:45 p. m. uniier . ............................ !. o springdale Aeconi9:oa,iioa.ni.-wana o:-up.m. Freeport Accom 4:15. SdpandniWp. ra. On Sunday. lJ:S0and 9:30 p. m. North Apollo Aeeoni....-.n:COa. m. and SiflOp. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation connecting for Butlei. :20 a. m. Blalrsvllla Arcommodatlon ..vLM-M'tifr 5!" Trains arrive at FEUEUAL STKEET STATION : Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m. Mail Train. ". 1:45 p.m. Butler Accom 9:10 a. m.. 4:40 and 7:20 p. m. Blalrsvllle Accommodation 9:52p. m. Freenort Accom.7:10 a.m.. 1:25. 7:20andll:Wp. m. On Sunday. 10:10 a. m. and 70 p. m. Springdale Aceom....6:37,ll:48a.m., 3:25,6:30 p. m. North Apollo Accom 8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. m. SIUNONOAHEUA iUVlSlON. Trains leave Union station, nrtsourg, as fbUows: For Moaongahela Utv, Wen Brownsville and Unlontown, Ha. m. For Monongabeia City and West Brownsville, 7. -03 and 11 a. ro. and 4:40 p.'m. On Sunday. ) all p. m. For Monongahela City, 5-40 P. HI.. WBBS UUT5, DravosbnrgAc. weekdavs, 8.-20 p. m. West KliaaWth Aeeomraodatlon. 8:20a.m. a fit , 2:00, sou anu n: p. m. sunaay, :) p. in. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUUU. J. K. WOOIJ, General Manaxer. Oen'll'ass'r Agent. T9ANHANDLE KOUTE-1IAY 12. I3S9. UNION JT , station. Central Standard Tin . Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louls,d7:39 a.m., d 8:00 and d 11:15 p. m; Dennlson, 2MB p. m. Chicago, 12:05, d 11:15 p. ra. Wheeling, 7:30 a. m., U:0S. 6:10 p.m. StcubenviUe, 5:55 a. m. Washington 6:55, 8:33 a. in., UX, 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Bulger, .10:19 a. m. Ilnrgattatown.Sli:35a.m- 4:3 p. m. Hans Held, 7il4 Hans. m 30. t&:15: lOtiS, p,ra. alc Dormltlf. d 4:1 d 10:1". p. m. From the West; HV.M, dS.an, a. m.. 3:03. 15:M p. in. DcnalsoL. 9:30 a.m. EVteubesvllle. 53)5 P. ". Wheeling. 3:M.8:a.ra., 3t J-JSp.m. Burgetta- :a.-m- MLstsas. m. a,BU. 4SMtUdSJ town, J:la. n.ss.-wia.Hi. wsirringinn :.- i at 'f "F " LaSSia.sa.: -'i -or- PEICES- oisTxrsr $10 ?s ,-J-OB- GENTS' and YOUTHS' Sack and Cutaway Suits, Made by skilled taiIor3 from elegant imported fabrics. Competing houses are making a tre mendous noise about them as being worth $20 to $25, OUR v PRICE, ONLY $10 75. a roy5-D RAILROAD . IJALTTMOKE AND OHIO KAILROAD J Schedule In effect May 12. 1889. For Washing ton. D. C. Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. "SaTO a.m. and 9S0 p. m. For Cum berland, "8:00 a. m., $1:00, "lap. m. For Con neltsTllle, &:40 and "8:00 a. m.. Jlrfr. 41:00 and "9:20 p. m. For Unlontown, $8:40, "8:00 a. m tlaX)and;t:0Op. m. For Mount Pleasant, J8:40 and iSiOO a. m.. and tlO and 44:00 p. m. For Washington. Pa., 6:4 t9:40.a. m,, "3:55, iSM and "3:30p.m. For Wheeling, "8:45, 29:40 a.m., "3:35, "8:30 p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Lonis. 8:45n. m., "8:30 p.m. For Columbus, "8:45a m.. "8:30 p. m. For Newark. "8:45, t9:40 a. m., 3:33, "8:30 n.m For Chicago, "8:4.1. 9:40 a. m., 3:35 and 8:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, "8:20 a.m. and 8i50 y. m. From. Columbus, Cin cinnati and Chicago. 7:43 a. m. and "9:00 p. m. From Wheeling. "7:45, .'lOOa. m., JSaTO, "9:00 p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore. Wash ington and Cincinnati. wheeling accommodation, 8:30 a. m. Sunday Only. ConnellsvUle accommodation at $8:35 a. m. Uallv. Daily except Sunday. SSundayonlr. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & o. Ticket umre, corner jrirui avenue ana ivooa street. CHAS. o.' SCULL, Gen. Pass. Agt. PITT3BOEO AND CASTLE SHANNON B. B. Summer Time Table. On and after May 1. 1889. until further notice, trains will runas follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard timet Leaving Flttsburg-:3) a. m., 7:10 a.m.. ixo a. m 9 Jb a. m.. 11 Jo a. m.. -1:40 p. m., 3:40 p. m., 5:10 p. m fM p. m., 8:30 p.m., H30 p.m., 11:30 p.m. Arlington -5:40 a. m., 6:20 a. m., 7:10 a. m.. 8:00a.m., 1000a. m.. 1:00 p.m.. 2:40p.m., 4:20p.m., 8:10 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:10 p. m.. 10:30 Ii. m. Sunday trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a.m.. 2:50 p. m.. 2:30 p. m., 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m 9 JO p. m Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 in.. 1:50 p. m., 4 JO p.m. 6:30 p. m.. Saw p.m. JOHN JAHN, Supt. itJf ' PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S LlNE3- MayE. 188a. Central standard Time. TRAINS UEPAKT Mm As fallows from Union Station : For Chicago, d 1 7iJ a. m., d Via), d InTO, d7:45. except Saturday. U3J p. m. : Toledo. 7d3 a. m.. d l2da d laTO and except Saturday. 11 JO p. m.: Crestline, 5:45 a. m.s 3"e land, 6:10,725 a.m 12:45 anddllaTSp.t New Cas tle and Youngstown, 7& a. m.. 12.-20, 3:45p.m.: Youngstown and NUes, d 12.-20 p. m.; MeadvlUe, Erie and Ashubula. 7:05 a. m.. 12.-20 P-,m-: NUes and Jamestown. 3:45 p.m.: MassUIon. 4:10 p. m.: Wheeling and Ballalre. :Wa. m 12:43. J:30p. n.i Beaver Falls. 4:00. 5- p. m Kock Point. S 89 a. u.: LeeUrtale, 5:30 a.m. ALL.EGUF.NY'-Bocbester. t-JO a. m.: Beaver Falls, 8:15, H.-00 a. m.S Enon. 3K) p. m.:Leets. daleTlO:ob; U:45 a. m.. 2.-C0, !. WSSo8? . p. a.: Conway, loaop.m.: Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a. Aju m.tLeetsdale, S8:!0p.m. . , .. f.V. TRAINS AKK1VE fJnlon station from Chicago r except Monday lao, dSKft d:35 7,.l'li' m.: Toledo, except MondaylSO. d:3Sa.m., 6io p. m.. Crestline. 2:10 p. m.: Youngstown and, Newcastle. 9:10 i. m.. lSs, 810. 10:15 p. m.:NUs and Y oun gstown. d 6 M p. m. : Cleveland, d 3 do a. m.. J:25. 70 d- m.t Wheeling and Bellalre, tm Ja. m.. 2.-2S. 7.-0O p. m.t Erie ana Asntanuia, las. Jii,mk o.io a. m. : Beaver Falls. 7:30 a. m l:lop. m.. KoekFolot, S SSS p. m.; Leetadale, ju:w p 'tvYt'rvv TTV3irRVY From Tjim'j 4W ?i.: Conway. 6:3): Rochester, 9:40 a, a.Beaver alia. 7U0a. m, 3:45 p. Jn.rLwtdi.'is,t:is.l( 7.-4S a.'.. IMS, H4&, 40. SlSS. SMliatsTllralr uh. sMa.-M.,i.i. , a .iaviai.tv t h s rai .K4 .;..: "" "" - u.Wi . .. JWBTVTOSK. ' CHICAGO, " . T5r.,KWI8. CXXXJGEJi'XANCaEM aa am '& mym rnsasMB gwsur uk rstMtasCaMJ'aMk'L'JivnLff1 kttri ISysVrtgj isiliHsHsr.a -M m rw- "ffloi nMftr nritfi1 ULAAjw-qf AATPVlTtti r.TA,;feMW VMsm-Js!sV;