Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 16, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of East Liberty
Live Stock Markets.
Prices Wer on All Grades, Except Light
Butcher Stock.
Office of PirrsBWRO Dispatch, 1
Wednesday. May 15,189.
The run of cattle this week was about 82
loads against less than 70 loads last week.
The extra run furnished fine opportunities
to the few buyers on hand,- and they failed
not to take advantage of the situation.
Smooth butcher Stock, weighing 1,000 to 1,200
pounds, held their own in price. All other
grades goffered a decline of 5 to 10c
Toe quality of supplies this week was above
the average Tor the season. Four or fire loads
were prime cattle weighing from 1,400 to 1,500
pounds. There were few stockers and few
were wanted. A few loads of light cattle
welshing 850 to 950 pounds, were sold at $3 60
S 75 lor feeding purposes. Though designed
for the butcher trade. It was the view of stock
men that better results could be obtained by
sending these lightweights to grass until tall.
The highest price paid for prime Western
beeves was H 55. The range for smooth, light
butcber stock was $3 80 to U 25. A Herr's
Island drover reports the outside price there
this week K HSU The impression received
f mm interviews with a number of the East
Liberty ana Allegheny drovers was that there
was little of any profit to them in their cattle
deals this week. The price paid at Chicago was
84 20 for prime heavy beeves. Add to this the
40c freight, and the margin left at M 55 was on
the wrong side of the ledger.
A leading drover said to-day: "I believe that
very few dealers have held their own this week,
and some have certainly lost money. The prices
we paid at Chicago were too high to do any
good here this week."
The featnre of markets which upset calcula
tions of drovers was an unexpectedly large run
of country cattle. This and the fact of rainy
weather in the early part of the week, which
kept buyers at home, bad a depressing influence
on markets. However, stock was well cleaned
up. This was done by concessions to buyers.
There was an extra run of calves, the largest
of the season. Receipts since Monday were
above 2.000 head. Ax last accounts 1,000 bead
were left unsold. The range of prices for veal
calves was 4c to iic From present outlook
these prices will require to be shaded slightly.
A Diamond Market butcher within a few days
found a countryman with a bunch of fair real
calves willing to accept 3c
Sheep and Lambs.
Supply varied very little from last week, the
total being abont 23 cars. Dealers differ as to
markets. Some maintain that prices held up
to rates of last week. Others claim that there
has been a slight decline. Yearlings were
scarce and held their own. Spring lambs were
in supply sufficient tor all demands, and were a
shade weaker than last week. Prime heavy
wetJicrswere5ctol0c lower according to the
average view.
Supply was larger than it has been for a few
weeks past. At Chicago receipts of hogs
since Monday morning were abont 80,000 head.
One of our" leading packers received advices
to-day that prices at Chicago were f4 654 75, a
decline of 10c within a few days. The same is
the situation at Liberty, where prices are 10
15c below rates of last week. The demand
from butchers has about ceased, and packers
are not anxious to buy at present rates, claim
ing that there is no margin to them.
McCnll & Co.'s Review.
The receipts of cattle wero fair, market slow
ana lowerra heavy, while light and medium
IT weights sold at about last week's prices,
market closing slow with a few heavy cat-
e remain-rig unsold. We give the following
ruling prices: Prime. 1,300 to 1.600 fts,
f 2MJ4 bo; good. 1,200 to 1.400 Its. ?44 20: rough
t .,100 to L200 as. $3 703 85: good butcber
pades, 900 to 1.100 fts. S3 704 00: common to
fa'r. Suit to 1.000 Is, S3 50 i 65: bnlls and fat
5,0WA 200i(t3 00: fresh cows and springers
, owat KM OOflW 00 per head.
The jfeceipts of hogs were light, and with a
iwMafli demand the market was dull and slow,
prices tending downward owing to heaw sup
ply at "Western markets; heaw hogs Were hard
to sell. Sales to-dav as follows: Phlladcl
phias and Yorkers, S4704 75; roughs, S3 25
Receipts of sheep Monday and Tuesday were
liberal, and the market slow at last week's
prices. To-day's receipts were light and
market steady at the following quotations.
Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weigh
ing here 110 to 120 Its, S4 154 25:
good, 80 to 100 as, 3 754 10; fair to good
mixed, 83 to 90 6s, t3 253 75; common to fair.
75 to 80 ft, J2 503 25; prime yearlings 85
to 90 fts, S4 5085 00; good yearlings. 70 to 80 lis,
$4 50 4 75; common to fair, 50 to 60 Its. S3 CO
S 85; real calves, 110 to 120 Us, $3 604 15.
Br Telegraph,
New York Beeves-Receipts, L3G0 head,
including 19 carloads for slaughterers direct
and 19 carloads for the market; light cattle
were about stadv; heavy steers dull and a
fraction lower: ordinary to prime steers sold at
J3 904 60 per 100 pounds, a carload of extra do
at ?4 70, and bulls and dry cows at $1 753 80;
exports to-day, COO beeves and 27,760 quarters of
beef; to-day's Liverpool cable quotes American
refrigerator beef dull at scant Sc per pound.
Calves Receipts, 4,100 head, an over supply;
prices were off about He per pound; veals
ranged from 4c to 5c. with a few choice sold
at ojc; buttermilk calves from 2c to 3c
Sheep Receipts, 8,600 head; market steady and
firm for sheep at 35c per pound, all clipped;
quiet and unchanged for yearlings at5K6Vc;
dull and lower for spring Iambs at TJjgyc per
pound, some early sales going to 8&c: about
1,500 lambs were received to-day. Hogs Re
ceipts, 7,000 head: market nominally unchanged
for lire hogs at $5 005 30.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 13,000 head:
shipments, 6,500 head; market steady: beeves.
14 .204 40; steers, S3 504 15; stockers
nnd feeders. S2 503 70; cows, bnlls and
mixed, SI 50g3 40: Texas steers, $3 003 80.
Hogs Receipts. 34,000 head; shipments, 6,000
head; market demoralized and lower; mixed,
H 254 50; heavy, $4 204 50; light, 35
4 75: skips, $3 604 10. Sheep Receipts, 6,000
head; shipments, 1,000 head: market stronger;
natives. S3 005 00: Western. $8 70415;Texans.
73 003 70: shom lambs, S4 505 25.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2,900 head: ship
ments, 400 head: market steady; choice heavy
native steers. $2 90 4 40: fair to good. S3 1 04 00;
stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 153 20;
rangers, corn-fed, S2 703 50; grass-red. SI 90
2 85. Hogs Receipts. 8,600 head: shipments.
3,100 bead; market lower; choice, heavy and
butchers' selections. S4 354 45: packing, me
dium to prime. Si 2534 35: light grades, ordi
nary to best, $4 3004 40. Sheep Receipts, 430
head; shipments, 3,800 head: market steady; tair
to choice. S3 004 4a
Kaksas Crrr Cattle Receipts, &2T3 bead;
light steady; heavy 5c lower; shipping steers.
S3 453 80; native cows, $2 003 10: mixed
butchers' stock, $2 252 50: stockers and feed
ers. S2 753 15: range cattle, 82 002 35. Hogs
Receipts, 1C.674 head; market 510c lower;
heavy. S3 904 20: medium and light,S4 'M
4 30. Sheep Receipts, 894 head; market
steady at S3 6004 15.
BUFFALo-Cattle-Dull and generally un
changed; receipts, through. 77 loads: sale, 2
loads. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 3 loads
through: 29 sale; market falrlv active and. un
changed. Hogs Receipts, 43 loads through:
20 sale; market very dull and 1015c lower on
Yorkers and mediums, which sold generally at
S ."iS5" W M: ronhs, SI 254 40; stags,
S3 503 7a
ClxcrxuATi Hogs in lignt demand and
lower; common and light, S4 OOgi 05: packing
and butchers'. $4 404 00; receipts, 4,650 head;
shipments, 1,500 head.
Drycoods Market.
Nrw YOEK, May 15. The temporary reduc
tion made yesterday in Wamsutta. New York
Mills, TJtica Nonpareil and Mohawk Acme
bleached shirtings from 10c to 10c has not
affected the tone of the market, the movement
being well understood and not at variance
with the general course of business doing for
fall. -On tbe basis of last fall's prices tbe mar
ket is very firm, with an upward tendency.
Orders for replenishments are now running
light, but there is a good inquiry from larger
buyers for next season, with some good sales.
No general trade has developed, but some buy
ers are here, and their number will probably
ncrcase with an early expansion of business.
Metal Market.
New Yoek Pie Iron firm: American, $14 50
616 50. Copper dull and heavy; lake. May,
S13 VOL Lead quiet and firm; domestic, S3 -87k.
Tin inactive; Straits, (20 75.
Wool Marker.
Sr. Louis Receipts during the week, 620.351
pounds. Tne offerings continue to be insuf
ficient to supply the active demand and tbe
market is strong.
An Atlcalicny Appllennt.
Colonel John Askev. of 'Alleirhenv. leftfnr
Washington vesterdav withVa deleratlnn nf
friends In lho,lnterestf ofj'tbeP'AlIegbeny post-;
Wheat Dnll nnd Lower Crop Advices
Favorable Corn Hlther-Oati Weak
at the Close Hog Products
Abont Bold Their Own.
Chicago A dull feeling was developed in
wheat to-day. There was less doing than yes
terday, and at times the pit was almost
wholly deserted. Large traders seemed dis
posed to hold off, for the present at least.
Prices evidently are considered reasonably low
and operators are reluctant about putting out
large lines on the short side, and at the same
time do not take to the buying side, and are
content to await' developments.
Prices again touched a lower point and the
feeling was easy. Fluctuations were slight,
being confined within o range most of the
day, but at close sold oft Kc more suddenly
and the closing was Jlc lower than yester
day. The weakness was attributed to a lack of
support. Crop advices are generally favorable.
A steady feeling prevailed in corn, trading
being only of moderate volume. nd most" of
the business was transacted early in the session,
after which the pit became rather quiet. The
prices were governed chieflyby local influences.
The market opened St yesterday's close, was
firm for a time, advanced Kc, ruled easier,
reacted ic, partially recovered, and closed
a snaae uetierinan yesieroay.
Uats were traded in moaeratejy
and a
stronger fpellnr prevailed.
There was little
desire to sell, and the buying by a local oper
ator caused a firmer feeling and an advance of
Kc in prices, but it was not "maintained
. . . -. . . .. .
until tne ciose.
A moderately active speculative business was
reported in pork. Opening sales were made at
12XG15c decline, and a further reduction of 5c
was submitted to. About the middle of the
session the market showed more steadiness,
and prices rallied 7410c, but toward the close
prices settled back again, and the market
closed quiet.
A quiet and dnll feeling prevailed in tbe lard
market. Prices ruled 57&c lower, the market
closing easy.
Trading was fairly active in the market for
short-ribs, and the feeling was easier. Prices
ruled 57c lower, and the market closed
quiet at inside figures.
The leading ruturcs ranged as follows:
WHEAT No. 2 June, 82KS2S2J4
; August, o
July. S5J4
fiS5,S35fi4c: Auirust. 3ffkffi35eic
OATS No. 2 June, 23JiHS3K23i23J6c;
July. 23232323Kc; September, 23g0
Mess Poke, per bbl June, Sll 6011 5
11 406 U 40: July, Sll 60 11 62KCJ11 50&U GO;
August, Sll 6U 67KS11 5511 io.
LABD, per 100 Its. July, J8 87K6 82W:
August, SO 92K68 90; September. 6 97&6 97
6 92K6 92M-
SHOBT Ribs, per 100 Its. July, So 95
5 955 905 90; August, SS 006 (05 655 97.
New Yoek Flour dull and unchanged. Cora
rocal steady. Wheat Spot quiet, heavy and K
lc lower: options Qull, heavy and Klc
lower. Rye quiet; western, 60c Barley malt
dull: four-rowed State, 9SUcS100: two-rowed
do, 8592c; Canada, 80cSl 10 for old ana new.
Corn Spot moderately active and JiSKc lower
on canal; options dull and steady. Oats Spot
weaker and dull; options steady and fairly
active. Hav steady -and quiet; shipping, 65
70c; good to choice, S5cgSl 00. Hops in fair de
mand and firm. Coffee Options opened dull
and unchanged to,5 points up, closed dull at 5
10 points down; sales, 17,75u bags, including
May, ia-l.516.55c; June, 16.55c; July, 16.70c;
August, 16.80c: September, 16.B5017.OOc: De
cember, 17.1017.25c; FeDrnary, 17.2517.35c;
spot Rio steady;, fair cargoes, ISJjc. Sugar
Haw unsettled and quiet; fair refining. 65-16c;
sales, 800 hogsheads, English Islands, 87 test,
6Kc: cargo centrifugal, 96s test, c. and f., 5c;
6,200 bags concrete, 5c; refined lower and
quiet; C. 774c: xtra C, 7J7c; white
extra C. 7J7 J3-lBc; yellow. 6K7c: off
A, 7c; mold A, 8c; standard
A, 8c; confectioners' A, Sc: cutloaf, 9c;
crushed, 9c; powdered, '9c; granulated, 8Vc;
cubes, 8c Molasses Foreign steady; New
Orleans quiet. Rice in fair demand and
steady. Cottonseed oil dull; crude, 4040c;
yellow. 49650c Tallow firm; sales S5o hogs
heads city, 4 9-324 5-16c Rosin quiet and
steady. Turpentine dull at 39c Eggs firmer
and in fair demand; western, 13J14c:-receipts,
8,896 packages.'' Pork weak; mess, SIS 00
13 25; extra prime, $12 0012 25. Cutmeats in
active; pickled bellies, 6WKc; pickled
shoulders, 55c; pickled hams, lie; mid
dles quiet; short clear, S6 50 Lard depressed
on large receipts of hogs and dull; western
steam, $7 157 17, closing at 7 I'M; sales of
city at SS 55; May; S7 15, closing at ST 13 asked;
June, $7 15, closing at S7 12 asked; July, S7 16,
closing at 7 15 asked; August, $7 18 asked;
septemoer, s zow -i, closing at $7 zzasKed.
Butter In moderate demand and easy: western
dairy, 9B13c: do creamery, 1316Xc: western
factory. 7llc. Cheese weak and dull; part
skims, 79&
Cash quotations were as follows: Klour steady
and unchanged: No. 2 spring wheat. 8484Kcf
No. 3 spring wheat, nominal; No.2 red, 8484J4C.'
No2 corn, 34c bid. a 2 Oats, 2SUc No.2
rye, 41Kc No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax
seed, SI 631 52. Prime timothy seed, tt 35.
Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 45011 60. Lard, per
100 pounds, SG 77&6 SS. Short ribs sides (loose).
So S55 9a DrysAlted shoulders (boxed), S5 25
5 50. Short clear sides (boxed), 86 12K6 25.
Sugars, cut loaf, 9K6Cc; granulated, 8?c:
standard "A," 8&C Receipts Fle-ur. 21.WW
barrels; wheat, ll.OuObushcls: corn, 402,000 bush
els;oats,200,000 bushels; rye, 6,000bushels; barley,
22,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 10.000 bar
rels; wheat, 19.000 bushels; corn, 402,000 bushels;
oats, 170,000 bushels; rye. 7,000 bushels; barley.
8,600 bushels.
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was weak: fancy creamery. 1616c;
cnoice to nne, izxmik; nne aanes, KB'Hc;lalr
to good, 810c. Eggs firm at UKei2c.
St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Little done in the old crop months, as
sellers were scarce and asked high prices. The
new crop months declined and were dull and
unsettled. Late all outside markets were dull,
the close was c belowyesterday; No. 2 red
June, 76c. closing at 77Kc: July, 73Ji7SKc,
closing at 73c; August v3c, closing at TSJgc
asked. Corn irregular; No. 2 mixed, cash, 31c;
May. 32c. closing at 3232cbld: June, 31Kc
closing at 31c bid; July. SZJi32c, closing
at 32c: August. 3333U33kc. closlnr at
330 asked; September. 33j33c, closing at
S3v;c bid. Oats strong: No. 2. cash, 24c bid;
Mav, 235c bid; June. 23c bid; July, 230. Rye
No. i 40c Barley Nothing doing. Pro
visions dull and drooping.
CTxersK-ATi Flour steady. Wheat lower to
sell; No. 2 red, 87c; receipts, 1,000 bushels;
shipments, 1,500 bushels. Corn a shade firmer;
No. 2 mixed. 35V35Kc Oats firm; No. 2
mixed, 27ii27Kc Rye firmer; No. 2, 4Sc Pork
dull at S12. Lard weak at $6 6 Bulkmeats
easier at SO 106 15. Bacon easy at S7 25.
Butter dull and unchanged. Sugar active.
Eggs dull. Cheese steady.
MnATATTKEE Wour steady. Wheat easy;
cash, June and July, TsVc Corn firm; No. 3,
35c Oats steady; No 2 white. 28c Rye quiet;
No. L 46c Barley dull; No. 2. 5051c Pro
visions easy. Pork, Sll 65. Lard,S67& Cheese
steady; Cheddars, old, 910c
Baltimobe Provisions qniet and steady.
Butter quiet; Western packed. 1213c: cream
cry. 18c Eggs weak at 2223c Coffee Rio
fair, lJ18?ic
Philadelphia Flour quiet. Wheat quiets
E rices largely nominal. Oats Carlots steady,
ut demand very moderate; futures quiet hut
Toledo Clovcrseed nominal; cash, 84 25.
The Union Passenger Railway Is to bo Ex.
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Pittsburg Union Passenger Railway Company
was held yesterday for the purpose of taking
action regarding the building of a branch lino
of the railway in order to meet the increase in
business. A resolution was adopted providing
for the building of the branch line over the fol
lowing route:
Hnrlnnlnr-ntllip corner of Llbertv and Firth
avenues, along Liberty to Fifth street, to tne
Allegheny river, over the proposed bridge to Arch
rtrcet, Allegheny, to .Ellsworth avenue, to
Y coster street, to uervey ancy, to tteosierstrcet,
toTaylor avenue, to Irwin avenue, to Washington
V) coster street, to Genre;
avenue, and connect with tbe main line.
A request will bo made to Pittsburg and
(Allegheny Councils for the necessary permis
A Committee of EastXndera to Confer With
Him on Park Matters.
A committee of East End citizens com
posed of Messrs. W. J. Diehl and Thomas H.
Chapman left Pittsburg for Washington. D. C
last night for tbe purpose of conferring with
Secretary of State J. G. Blaine on the subject
of the proposed park on Ellsworth avenue.
The piece of property which the East End
people want to utilize for park purposes is the
tract of land the Government bought some 14
J ears ago on which to erect a marine hospital
t is necessary to get the Government's per
mission to make a park there.
The Westinghonse Electric Street Car Is
Almost Completed.
A novel contrivance has just been made
by "Westinghouse lor his electric street car.
It is a regulator which will operate the car.
This piece of machinery is a new Invention
adapted to the auto-convertcr. It will be
placed on the front platform of the car and
will resemble a lanre dial. Tt will lio nuin..
lated by a crank, which, according -to theitnrn;
uiauc wuo n,-win eiuae-r. step tae car.TjBWUcejKi
To be Erected at Lawrenceville and
the Old One Torn Down.
Hubbard Ax Company to Concentrate All
Its Works at Bearer Falls.
Many reports have been flying around
since tHe Pennsylvania Railroad Company
commenced cutting away the bill at Law
renceville as to the object of the excavation
or work. It was learned yesterday that it
is to afford room for a roundhouse, which is
to be built there and the old one torn down,
so that the railroad tracU can be straight
ened and a troublesome curve done away
with. The building will be one of the best of
the kind on the road.
The movement in real estate is almost as
great as at the height of the season, March and
April. All the lots but one in the Hoffman
plan at Edgewood have been sold within a few
days, through W. A. Herron 4 Sons,toWest
inghouse employes, who will build on them this
summer. There is such a demand for lotsln
the Clowe's plan, at the upper end of Edge
wood, that prices will probably be advanced.
Adjoining this plan on the east Is the McKelvy
farm of SO or 60 acres. This will be subdivided
and pnt on the market next fall. There is still
talk of a dicker for the Singer property at
Wilkinsburg, consisting of a fine house and S3
acres. If sold it will be subdivided into about
200 lots and thrown open to purchase. Both
the McKelvy and tbe Singer properties are
among the finest in the vicinity of Pittsburg,
and no doubt there will be a great scramble for
lots when the announcement is made that they
are for sale.
The English locomotive Dreadnaught, which
was brought over by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company tor a series of experiments to deter
mine its merits in a fair trial with the Ameri
can variety, has been sent back. Speaking of
the results of the tests, which were numerous
and thorough, a Union depot official said to
The Dispatch representative yesterday:
"After a fair trial, the Dreadnaught was
found to possess both advantages and disad
vantages as compared with American locomo
tives. She saves fuel and makes fast time. on
long runs, but she is slow at starting and is un
able to get around curves without slackening
speed. She is not so substantially built as our
own engines, and is therefore shorter lived.
The workmanship is of the plainest sort, bo
that, in point of beauty, she ranks far below
the American make. These drawbacks wero
considered too serious to justify her adoption
as a model for American builders, and she was
accordingly sent home. While here she re
mained some time in the machine shop, where
the master mechanic took notes of her good
points, and they mayjie utilized in some way
in the locomotives hereafter built for our use."
It has been decided not to rebuild the Hub
bard ax works, destroyed by fire a month or
two ago, the firm having determined to, con
centrate all their works at Beaver Falls, where
they have a largo and prosperons plant. In
this connection, it may be stated that the
Frew and the Long interests have been with
drawn from the company, and that the grounds
upon which the works stood, consisting of
about six acres, are for sale, the price asked
being $30,000 an acre. The company paid 116,
900 17 years ago. Twenty thousand dollars an
acre was recently paid for ground In the imme
diate vicinity.
Very Little Bniiness and Few Strong Spots
In tbe Market.
There was a distressing absence of activity
in" the market yesterday, the sales amounting
to only 405 shares, contributed by Philadelphia
Gas, Electrio andXa Noria. BrokenVere well
supplied with both buying and selling orders,
but prices were either too high or too low for
them to come together on trading terms. The
strongest featureswere Pittsburg and Western,
Electric and Philadelphia Gas, all of which
were higher. La Noria weakened nnder the
absence of expected news from the mine. The
rest of the list was unchanged.
Concerning Electric a broker said: "I attrib
ute Its weakness and dullness entirely to the
pending suits. Tbe result will determine
whether Edison or Westingbnuse will have the
privilege of dictating terms of consolidation,
for consolidation is inevitable in any event.
That once accomplished there will be a boom
in the stock, for It represents an interest of
great public Importance and limitless possiDili
ties. The tlmo will come, in my judgment,
when electricity will furnish all our light, heat
and motive power. This will make tbe stock
tne most vaiuaDie 01 any in tne world." .bids.
offers and sales were:
Bid. Asked.
Bid. Asked.
Pitts. Pet 8. AM. EX.. 480 495
Kocrth Nat. Bank..... IKK 130
Fldelltr Title AT. Co. 124
Pitts. N. H, of Com'ce 231)i
Allegheny Gas Co SS
Urldzewnter 48
unaruers vai. uas co.
Manufacturers Gas Co.
People's NU&l'Co..
Philadelphia Co
Pennsylvania Gas Co..
Wheeling Oas O
"Washington oil Co....
Central Traction
Citizens1 Traction
Pittsburg Traction....
Pleasant ValleyK.it...
Pitts, ft Western It. K.
P. ftW. K. E. pref....
La Noria Mlnlce Co...
Westing-house Electric
U. Switch ft Sbroal Co.
Wcstlnc'se AlrB. Co..
Westlng'sc B. Co, Hm.
Bales at the morning call were 100 shares of
Philadelphia Gas at 8 and 250 La Noria at
the afternoon 50 shares of Philadelphia
Gas sold at 36 and 5 Electric at 58.
The total sales of stocks at New York yes
terday were 208,070 sharos, including Atchison,
10,151; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
2L11S; Missouri Pacific, 3,625: Northwestern.
S.400; Reading, 15,200; St. Paul. 7,930; Union
Pacific, 9,175; Wabash Pacific, 8,200.
The Local Financial Situation Without New
or Striking Feature.
Business at the local banks yesterday was'of
a striking correspondence to that of tbe
previous days of the week. Checking was
slightly heavier, but the other routine lines de
veloped differences too slight to merit notice.
Discounting, which is the life of banking, was
entirely too quiet to suit, but still a consider
able amount of money was disbursed in that
way. To sum tip, tbe situation was character
ized as easy and healthy. The clearings were
$2,082,201 00, and the balances 408.619 55.
Money on call at New York, yesterday, was
easy at 22X Per cent; closed offered at 2.
Prime mercantile paper, 85J. Sterling
exenango uuii, uun ebcaujr m vt oi
for 60-day
bills and $4 89 for demand.
Government Bonds.
U. S. 4Ks,-reg...
TJ. 8. 4&S. coup
U. S. 4s, reg
IS. a. 4s, coup...
Currency. 6 per cent, 1893 reg ..121
Currency, 6 per cent, 1898 reg 124;
Currency, 6 per cent, 1897 reg 128
Currency, (percent, 1833 reg 131
Cnrrencv. 6 percent, 1899 reg .....133
Government and rftate "bonds were quiet and
New Tokk Clearings, 1103,885,635: balances,
Boston Clearings, $14,840,276; balances,
11,669.573. Money lJi per cent.
BAMTMOES-Clearlnss, 1,878,463: balances,
London Bar silver, 42id per ounce.
Pabis Three per cent rentes, 87f 70o for
the account. '
PHttADELPniA Clearings, $11,745,634; bal
ances, ti.87a.066y
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, $10,572,000
St. Lottis Clearings, $2,994,704; balances.
They Pound the Oil Market Until It Becomes
Very kick.
' The opeaiac of the oil market yesterday was
accompanied iwlth considerable .excltemeatM
60 48 ....
Dl fi
16 18
36X S6)i MX 37
29X " "ao 30K
75 71 7S
JS5. 28 2SJj, t8
'.. "m 53K "H
... 200 .... ' SCO
12 .... 12, ....
a; 22 2i an
va .... m in
sik s&h &s S8
23 24 23 Oh
113 ....
and the price dropped to 82o. From this
point it rallied and sold np to 82c where it
held until the last 40 minutes, when it was
struck by another cold wave, which sent it
down to81c It afterward recovered a frao
tion, and closed at 81fc amid another
spasm of excitement, j The indications were
considered about even between a Bllcht rally
and a further decline to-day. Trading was of a
professional character; outsiders preserving
their customary attitude of disinterested ob
servers. Carrying was flat.
Field news was in substance as follows: The
Union Oil Company's Robert Knox No. 4 was
doing 30 barrels per hour. The Brownlee No. 2
well was doing 170 barrels per day. There was
no change at tbe Robblns well. The Uriah
Clark No. 3 and the Wolf well were due. The
Frey well, Brush creek, was, dry. PetrieNo. 2.
Crafton, was said to be-rmall. Considerable
excitement was caused by the striking of oil in
a wildcat well now being drilled on the Qarver
farm, about three miles east of Rochester,
Beaver county. It is believed to have been
found in the 100-foot'sand, but as the well Is a
mystery and admittance to it is denied every
body, there is considerable doubt about where
it was struck. The location is considered very
good, as it lines up with the Glade run and
other very rich fields in Butler county, and now
that oil has been foijnd there, the prospect of
opening another very rich pool is regarded as
very promising. Drilling Is still progressing,
bnt as it is only abont 16 days since the well
was started, it is difficult to form any idea as to
the depth at which the oil was reached.
Features of the Market
Opened 82XLowest
(best 82ft Closed.
Jtnns 57.654
Average , .....a ;?;
Shipments ! .'. 80,7ii
Average. . 68,983
Charters 27,381
Average 47,487
Beflned, New York, 6.85.
Kenned, London, t'A.
Kenned, Antwerp, 1S.
New York closed 81.
Oil City cloed 81M.
Bradford closed i
A. B. McGrew A Co.
79c; calls, 82Jc '
quote: Puts, 7c to
Other Oil Markets.
TrrusviLUt, May 16. National transit cer
tificates opened:at 82c; highest, 82Kc; lowest,
81Kc: closed, 81c
Bbadfobd. May 15. National transit cer
tificates Qpened at 82c; closed, 82c; highest,
82c; lowest. 82Jc
Oni Crrr. May 16. National transit cer
tificates opened at 82o; highest, 82c; low
est, 81Kc; closed, Hlc
New Tonr, May 16. Petroleum opened
steady at 82Jc and fluctuated within a narrow
range until late in the afternoon, when Western
selling caused a sharp decline and the market
closed weak at Hlc Sales, 952,000 barrels.
Beat Estate si Lively as Ever The Latest
Alles & Bailey, "164 Fourth avenue, sold to
Jacob Silverberg for the Kennedy heirs, the
property situated at the corner of Colwell and
Townsend streets, lot 95x95 feet, having two
brick dwellings of five rooms each, for $4,400
J. B Cooper 4 Co., 107 Fourth avenue, sold
for George S. Mai tin, in the Maplewood Park
plan, Wilkinsburg, lot No. 66, having a front
age 40 feet on Maplewood avenue by 120 feet to
Washington lane, for $400, to John H. Kenne-
weg; also lot 67, in the same plan, to Edward L.
Kenneweg for $400. Messrs. Cooper & Co. re
port several resales in this plan having been
maae at an advance oi i to hj per cent aDove
the prices paid two weeks ago.
L. O. Frailer, corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, sold for the Irwin estate, lot 46x100 feet
to an alley, situate on the northeast corner of
Plnmer and Home streets. Seventeenth ward,
to Ezekiel Gordon, Jr., for 82,250.
Black & Balrd, No. 9a Fourth avenue, sold to
William M. Dodds, a lot on tbe east side of
Iowa street. Th Irteenth ward, opposite Adelaide
street, 50x150 feet, for $1,600.
Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Butler street, sold
for B. H. Voskamp & Co. to W. Carr, lot 99x107
x60 on Sawyer street, Eighteenth ward, for
Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
for J as. P. Speer. to H. C. Russell, a lot on
Ward street Fourteenth ward, Oakland, size
38x165. for $1,400 cash.
James W. Drape & Co. sold a lot on Hiland
avenue. East End, about 75x150 feet, for $6,500
cash. They also placed a mortgage of $2,000 at
6 per cent on a suburban residence and lot; also
a mortgage of $1,200 at 6 per cent on a house and
lot on Mount Washington.
Control and Give Character to the Stock
Market A Qalet but Finn Close
at the Best 'Prices of
the Dny.
New Yoek, May 15. The stock market
shows about the same amount of business from
day to day, with the interest centered in a few
shares only, but to-day there was a stronger
tone than usual of late, and some of the active
stocks are higher this evening. Oregon Trans
continental was still the great feature of the
day, and while tbe buying was as urgent as
during tbe preceding few days, there
seemed plenty of the stock for sale notwith
standing that the daily borrowing rate went up
to H per cent, and sellers three-days' options
were made at a discount of per cent. Sales
at seller 5 and seller 10 were reoorded at 1J per
cent below the regular price. The difficulties
between the Union and the Northern Pacifies
was felt in the market and made those shares'
the weak points in the active list, while Oregon
Navigation declined materially on very small
Tbe trading In tbe general list was mainly of
a professional nature, but the buying by tbe
Chicago party in ths Grangers was a feature,
and Burlington and Omaha preferred were ad
vanced sharply at one time, but the others took
a secondary place in tbe market Notwith
standing the last report of reductions in coal
prices the Coal stocks became strong.and Lack
awanna and Delaware and Hudson especially
scored marked advances, while Reading and
Jersey Central were moved within narrow
limits, though the last named displayed more
strength than the general list'
Chicago Gaf was again a feature andVrose to
above 6Sbecomlng one of the leading active
shares. The result of the sale of the Wabash
was announced late in tbe day, and tbe stocks
of that road became prominent immediately
for strength and animation, tbe preferred scor
ing a material rise for the day. Among tbe
specialties Pullman developed weakness
toward the close and declined 2 per cent, but in
no other stock was there feature or movement
of importance. The market displayed some
hesitation at the opening, and first prices were
only fairly steady, while Union Pacific and
Omaha were down per cent each. New En
gland became the leader at first, and moved up
nearly 1 per cent but soon retired and re
mained dall throughout the remainder of the
aay. cseverai stocks arooDert nelnw their alien
ing prices in the first hour, but toward noon
the Coal shares came to the front, and their
strength was soon Imparted to the rest of the
list which, however, made but slow progress.
Toward delivery boor the Western stocks
again became prominent and the market took
on a stronger tone than at any previous time
during the day, and Atchison, Lackawanna,
Chicago Gas and Transcontinental were ail
prominent In the last hour. The close was
quiet but firm to strong and generally at the
best figures. Pullman is down 2 per cent, and
Tennessee Coal L but Wabash preferred rose
IK, Omaha preferred 1 and Lackawanna
The transactions in railroad bonds were some
what larger to-day and the tone, especially in
the afternoon, when the greater part of the
business was done, was decidedly stronger, and
at the closo many issues wero materially high
er than at the last previous sales. No special
feature marked the trading, but tbe important
advances include Kansas Cltv, Wyandotte and
"fr0?18 ? t0 0K.aBd Texas Central 7s,
of 1909, 2 to 47.
Tbe following table shows tbe prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected daily for The Dispatch' by Whit
ney t Stephenson, members of New York
Bteck Exchange, 67 Fourth a venue:
. lnsr
Bids. 65
110 ,
' 39
lnir. Am. Cotton Oil. ...... M
Ateh.. Top. a. F....A2H
Canadian Pacific Sa
est MS
wuw ouuiuern. azH
Central orew jersey, S5ft
CentraiPaeltlc ,
Chesapeake A Ohio.... nii
U., Bur. 4 Qulncy. ... 39k
C, Mil. st Paul.... nil
(X, Mll.&UtP.. Pf....ll0
C, itoctL 41' ,. ssu
0., St. L. Pitts .."
tt, St L.& Pitts, pf.
C St. P., II. 4 0...... S5
C St.P.,M. 4 0.. pf. MK
C. & Northwestern.. ..WSJ?
CA northwestern, pf. ....
C. O. tt 41 71i
Col. Coal 4 Iron....... .,..
Col. 4 Hocking Val "
Uel., L. 4W.... Its
Del. 4 Hudson m
Denver4Blot 17
Denver 4 Bio (1.. nf... 47K
E.T., Va.4Ga T
E. T Vs. 4 Ga., 1st pr 74
E. T.. va, 4 Ga. M pf. 24
Illinois Central
Lake Erie 4 Western.. IS'4
Lake Erie 4 West. pr.. Wi.L
Lake 8h ore 4 M. 8 103 !
LouliTllloA Nashville. C7M
Mobile Ohio .- ...?
Mo Ji. 4Texas 12 '
Missouri paclflc... TIK '
Mew York Central '...1OT )
71X 71X
K.or.. u. e. w...... ;?, x,
g.X.. O. Jt8t.li.2dnf
n. I XK,
N. V ,i ETm
,... UH H UH
orrolk Western
Norfolk ft Weitem,nf. It
Northern Pacific MS
Nortnern faclflo Dref.eiH
OMoAAtlulMlppl 2Z
Oregon improvement. ....
V.reon franscon...... UK
PacifloMall 36
eo. Dec A Krtn
PhlUdel. ft Bcidlnic.. H
fTHlman Pause Car. ..187(4
Richmond ft w. v. ., S5
Klchmond ft w P.T.pt 83H
St. I'aolftDttlutti S2
8t. Paul ft Dulnth pf.
gt. 1-., Minn. 4Mn...lO4 ,
ot.L. &San Fran ....
St. L. ft San JTran pf.. 60
t-L. ft Ban .lst pr.
Texas PaeWo n
Union I'aclflo 60$
Wabash 15
Wabsjh preferred 28
Western Union........ 80)4
Wheeling & L. ...'... 8SW
National Lead Trust.. -Hjj
a J
, 61H
Philadelphia Htoclcs.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. BM. Asked."
Pennsylvania Bailroad KX
ReaHnir Kallroad HK
Buaalo. Pittsburg and Western 10K nx
Lehigh Valley Mtf M
Lehigh Navigation. UH S3
Philadelphia and Erie 30H
U-Oo.-s New Jersey "R8H
"Northern Paclflo SlH UH
Northern Paclflo preferred 61J 1H
Boston Stocks.
Atch.ftT0D..lst7. US
A. 4 T. Lafid 0 1 7s. 107
Bntland preferred,. 39
Wis. central. com...'il7V
Wis. Central pf,... 41
AIlonezMgCo(neW). H
Calumet ft Heda... .205
Franklin 9
Hnron 1
-ws.uu a AiamnT...zi4
Boston ft Maine, .... 18
C.. B. ftQ OTH
Clnn. aan. ft Clave. 24W
Eastern K. B. es ....126H
fllntft Fere At m
flint ft Fere M. nfd. KH
Mexican Cen. com.. n
. If.ftNewKng... 43)4
N.Y.Sn. E.7I....123
W Colony 174
Osceola, 10
revalue (new) z
Qulncy 43
Bell Telephone 237
Boston Land
Water Power,
Mlnlujr Stocks.
New Yobs. May 15. Amador, 100: Aspen,
900; Bodie, 125; Caledonia B. H..310;' Consoli
dated California and Virginia. 775; Common
wealth, 450; Doadwooa T.. 100: Eureka Consoli
dated, 150; El Cristo, J25; Horn Silven 110;
Homestake. 750; Iron Silver, 200; Mexican, 430;
Mono, 150; Mutual, 140: Ophir, 485; 8avage. 260;
Standard, 100; Small Hopes, 150; Sullivan, 125;
Union Consolidated, 450.
Business Notes.
Henkt A. Weaver &Co. yesterday placed
a mortgage for $5,000 at 6 per cent on Allegheny
city property.
Yestebdat the New York Exchange voted
to adopt the rnles recently proposed by the
conference and will deal in oil futures. This
action was expected, as the proposition had
been favorably acted on there some time ago.
The regular monthly meeting of the Balti
more and Ohio Railroad Company was held at
Baltimore yesterday. Mr. J. T. Odell, late of
the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, was elected
General Manager of all lines east and west of
the Ohio river.
GENEBAibuslness men seen yesterday ex
pressed decided opposition to permitting street
cars to occupy Diamond street One of them
said: "I would rather the street would remain
as It is than to be widened and enoumbered by
a street railway. In my opinion tbe proposition
is a fatal blow to tbe improvement It is so far
as I am concerned."
The Success of the Jog-gins Venture Tempts
Many Imitators.
St. Johns, N. B May 15. The success
ful trip of the Joggins raft from the coast
of New York has led to the formation of a
'Baft Trust" by English capitalists. The
only thing that stands in the way of
immediate action on the part of the new
compsfny is tbe export duty of (1 per 1,000
on piling, and the same duty on sawn logs.
The Government has not yet decided whether
it will remove the 'export charge, but if it
does the company will cut af Vancouver
Island and the mainland of British Colum
bia for shipment to the old country.
In the event of the Government deciding
otherwise, the company will confine their
operations to the American coast, in 'Wash
ington Territory, Oregon,. California and
Alaska, for shipment to thev Southern States.
A Thirteen. Ponnder Caught Near Pongh.
keepsle by nn Old-Timer.
Potjghkeepsie, N. Y., May IS. John
Alverson, a North river fisherman, caught
a 13-pound salmon in his net to-day off Van
Eenssaeler's Point. A prominent commis
sioner, referring to it, said that, although
760,000 salmon are soon to be put in the
Hudson, tbe stocking of the river.with them
will be a failure.
Three years ago Seth Green pnt in a large
number, bnt not over half a dozen salmon
have been caught since. ,
The Humane Society Demand the Discharge
of Superintendent Maxwell.
The special committee of the Board of
Managers of the Humane Society, appointed
to inquire into the charges of 'cruelty
against the Protestant Home for Boys, met
yesterday to take flpal action in the matter.
A resolution was passed notifying the mana
gers of the Home to discharge Mr. Maxwell,
the Superintendent for his treatment of tbe
boys, and that failure to do so would leave tbe
Humane Society the alternative of prosecuting
How the Dear Public Was Prevented From
Ealing Tlicro.
Doctors have been cheated. Meat and
Milk Inspector McCutcheon reports that
he condemned 129 boxes of cranberries,
worth $129. It is hardly possible to cstlinato
the amount of suffering' Mr. McCutcheon
saved mankind.
He also condemned and destroyed 1,600
pounds of -beef. 1,750 pounds of pork, two bead
of cattle and 16 calves.
Mntrons for Police Stations.
Tbe bill providing for the appointment of
matrons for the various station houses will go
into effect as soon as Chief Brown has made
his selections from the numerous applications
ho has received for the positions. In the future
some of the special -officers will sleep in the
station bouses tbe same as tbe firemen do now,
and besides looking after the female prisoners
the matrons will also Jia veto make tbe beds for
tbe officers.
Paralyzed la a Darber Shop.
James Matthews, tbe confidential business
manager of Hon. W. L. Scott, was suddenly
stricken with paralysis on his left sldo while in
tbe barber shop under Mellon's Bank yester
day morning. He was taken to the Central
Hotel, where he lies seriously ill. He is widely
known in this city.
Six Cars Derailed.
Six freight cars, filled with sacks of floor,
were derailed yesterday on the east tracks of
the Ft Wayne Bailroad, and the flour from
one car was scattered broadcast A delay of
several hours was caused to the train.
Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured
by Administering Dr. Haines'
Golden Specific.
It can be elven in a cup of toffee or tea wlthont
the knowledge of the person taking It: Is abso
lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and
speedy cure, whether tbe patient Is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
Drunkards have been made temperate men who
have taken Golden Specific In their coffee without
their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit'
drinking from their own free will. IT NEVER
FAI1.H. Thi arctitin Ante lmnreraated with the
Specific, It becomes an utter Impossibility for tbe
:r: E. Holden 4 Co..
65 E. Federal st, Allegheny. Trade supplied by
Geo. A. Kellv4 Co.. PltUburg, Pa. aei7-58-TTS
MB. J. A. CAYTON, Staten Island, writes
For a number of years I have been troubled
with pain in the small of my back and other
trouble peculiar to kidney disease. Acting on
the advice of a friend, 1 took
, After using six bottles I feel like another
Tropical Frnits BoomingStrawber
ries in Fall Supply.
Cereals Blow and Are in Buyers' r Favor All
Along the Line.
Office op pttbsbubo Dispatch,.
Wednesday. May 15, 1888. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
New cabbage is drifting down. Eggs are
fairly steady. Tbe Elgin Butter Board dropped
prices 3c at the Monday meeting. Strawberries
are in better supply than for a week past but
prices hold up well, with 20c as the outside
figure for the best Apples are moving ont
freely at an advance, and It will not be many
days until the old crop will be exhausted. The
most active article in produce lines is tropical
fruit New cheese comes In freely, but demand
is equal to supply. Prices are better in New
York than here. Markets here are overstocked
with low grade cheese from Chicago. This
grade goes slow. Bnt good Ohio cheese is ac
tive at quotations.
t Butter Creamery, Elgin, 1920c; Ohio do,
18019c: fresh dairy packed, 1517c; country
rolls, l$14c; Cbartlers Creamery Co., 20c.
Beans $1 751 9a
Beeswax 2S30c ft ftf orcholce;lowgrade,
Cider Sand refined, $6 507 50; common,
$3 504 00; crab elder, $8 008 50 $ barrel;
elder vinegar. 1012c f) gallon.
Cheese New Ohio cheese, 9Wc; New
York, fall make, 1212Kc: Llmborger, 910c;
domestic Swettzer cheese. 9K12Kc
Dried Peas $1 251 35 $ bushel; split do,
2Jl3Kc W I".
Eqgs Io15Kc ) dozen for strictly fresh;
gonso eggs, 30c ) dozen.
Fruits Apples, $2 E03 50 ft barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 26c f ft; cranberries, $45
V barrel,50cJl 00 fl bushel; strawberries, $3 00
Q3 GO a crate; pine apples, $1 752 25 fl dozen.
Feathers Extra live geese, 606flc; No. 1
do, 4045c; mixed lots, 8035c fl lb.
Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Homint $2 652 75 fl barrel.
Potatoes 3&SM0C V bushel: Bermuda nota-
toes, $8 008 50 ft barrel; new Southern pota
toes, $5 005 50 ft barrel.
Poultry Livo chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c $ ft; drawn, 14
15c $) ft: turkeys. 1820c dressed fl lb; ducks,
live, 6070c t pair; dressed, 1314c $) lb; geese,
live, $1 001 25p pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lbs to bushel, $5 60
ft bushel; cloyer, large English, 62 lbs, $6 00;
clover, Allske, $8 50; clover, white, $9 00; tim
othy, choice, 45 lbs, $1 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 lbs, 90o; bine grass, fancy, 14 lbs, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 lbs, $f 65; red top, 14 lbs, $1 25;
millet oO lbs, $1 00; German millet, 0 lbs,
$1 50; Hungarian grass. 60 6s. $1 00; lawn
grass mixture of fine grasses, $2 50 t bushel of
14 lbs.
Taliow Country, 45c; city rendered,
55c. i
Tkopicai, Fbtjits Lemons, fancy, $5 50
6 00 fl box; Messina oranges, $4 6005 50 ft
box; Valencia oranges, fancy, $7 509 00 ft
case: bananas, $2 50, firsts; $1 60, good seconds,
ft bunch: cocoanuts, $4 004 50 ft hundred;
new figs. 8KS9c tt pound: dates. 5XQ6Kc f)
Vegetables Radishes, 2530c f) dozen;
marrowfat peas, $2 25 TH crate: new cabbage,
two-barrel crates, $2 5O3U0; onions,$l 001 25 fl
barrel: string beans, $2 OOjtomatoes, $2 00fi3 00
fl bushel.
Geeen Coffee Fancy Bio. 2223c; choice
Rio, 2021C; prime Bio, 20c; fair Bio, 18Klc;
old Government Java, 27c; Maracalbo, 2223c;
Mocha, 30K31Kc; Bantos, 1822c: Caracas
coffee, 2022c; peaberry, Bio, 2123c; La
guayra, 2122c.
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands, 21c;
high grades, 2628c; old Government Java,
bulk, 32K33c; Maracaibo,Z728c; Santos,
2224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c;
choice Bio, 25Kc; prime Bio, 23c; good Bio,
22Kc; ordinary. 21Kc.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c;
cassia. &g9c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 70g0c
Petboleum (Jobbers' nrices) 110 test 7c;
Ohio, 120. 8Uc; headlight, 150, 8Xc; water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
llKc; royaline. 14c.
STRTPS Corn syrups, 2829c; choice sugar
syrup. 8338c: prime sugar syrup. 80333c:strict-
ly prime, 8336c; new maple (fyrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 4Sc; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed, 4U42c
Soda Bl-carb in kegs. 3K4c; bl-carb in ,
osc: m-caro, anoneu pacKages, o?ijoc; sal'
soda in kegs. 15ic: do granulated. 2a
Candles star, full weight, 9c; stearine, per
set 8c; parafflne, ll12c.
Bice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 6V
7c; prime, &36Kc; Louisiana. 66Kc
Stabch Pearl, 3c: cornstarch, 6V7c; gloss
starch. 57c
Fokeion Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers, $3 10; California London layers,
12 CO; Muscatels. ?2 25; California Muscatels,
$183; Valencia, pew. 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7M8c; sultana, 8; currants, new, 4K5c;
Turkey prunes, new, 4Ji5c; French prunes,
813c;Salonlca prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c:
cocoanuts, per 100, 8 00; almonds, Lan., per tt,
20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12UQ15o; Sicily fllberts, 12c: Smyrna flgs, 1
lc; new dates, 6Kc; Brazil nuts, 10c;
pecans, 11015c: citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon
peel, per ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12kc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples, evaporated, 66c: apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 13018c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, '2424c; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle
berries. 1012c
Suqabs Cubes. vaeSHv. powdered. WiGt
9Jc; granulated,9c; confectioners' A.8Sc;
standard A. 8c: soft whites, &A&bc; yellow,
choice, TJjgsJic: yellow,good,7!i7J!c; yellow,
iair, v4c: yenow, uaric, vic
Pickles Medium, bbls, (1,200), $4 SO; medi
ums, half bbls. (6001, 22 75.
Salt-No. IB bbl, 95c; No.l ex. w bblll 05;
dairy, fl bbl, 81 20; coarse crystal, V bbl, SI 20;
Hmgin's Eureka, 4 bu sacks, 52 SO; Hlggln's
Euroka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 (XX
Canned Goods Standard peaches 31 S0
1 90;2ds, SI 301 35: extra peaches. $1 &01 90:
piepeacbcs, 9Uc; finest corn. Sll 50: Hfd
Co. corn. 7090c: red cherries, 90cfl 00; Lima
beans, $1 10: soaked do. 85c; string do da.75
85c; marrowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas,
7075c; pineapples. $1 401 60; Bahama do,
J2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages. SI 25;
egg plums, $2 U0; California pears, $2 GO; dp
greengages, $2 00; do egg plums, 82 00; extra
white cherries. 42 90; red cherries, 2fti.90c;
raspberries, SI 401 50; strawberries, 51 10:
gooseberries, 1 201 30: tomatoes, 82K92c;
salmon, 1-ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc
cotash, 2-& cans, soaked, 99c: doj:reen, 2 &s,
SI 25 1 50: corn beef, 2-ft can SI 75: 14-& cans,
S13 60; baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft.
SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans. br)iled, SI 50;
sardine1), domestic, 9, S4 151 50; sardines,
domestic, K, SS 25s o0: sardines, imported,
18. ?115012 50; sardines, imported. s,
SIS 00; sardines, mustard, $4 00; sardines,
spiced. S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 $?
bbl.; exf-a No. 1 do, mess, HO; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S2t Codfish-Whole
pollock. 4Kc i) ft.: do medium. Georee's cod.
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K7J4c. Herring
Bound shore, S5 00 ! bbL; split, S7 00; lake,
S2 50 M 100-ft. half Dbl. White flsl), $7 00 a 100
fi. half bbl. Lake trout. So 50 H half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c $3 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
fl ft. Pickerel. H barrel, J2 00; K barrel. $1 10:
Potomac herring, S5 00 $ barrel. $2 SO $ K
Buckwheat Floue 2$s;25o fl ft.
Oatmeal JO 306 60 ft bbl.
Minebs' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grain, Floor nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 13 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayno
and Chicago, l'car of feed, 2 of barley, 1 of bay,
1 of oats. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St
Louis, 2 cars of millf eed, 3 of corn, 1 of mid
dlings, 1 of shorts, 1 of bay. Sales' on call, 1
car b. m. e. com, IQc, 5 days; 1 car sample up
land hay, 811, 5 days. Thero is very little life
to cereal markets. Sales are only made by con
cessions to buyers. The bright prospects for
the Incoming crops coming on tbe heels of art
overdose from last season, has a depressing in
fluence on everything in cereal lines. Oats are
a shade lower. Corn is barely steady. Wheat
is tending downward. Flour is easy.
Whkat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 9495c
Coitir No. 2 yellow ear, 4s43cj high mixed
.... iflffltl.. Hn 1 V.1I.W .h.ll.J A1ZttOt. KT
Car. "V1$y,., A,w. M. JCJ.un, DUG11CU lUfTAV., , M. A
yellow, shelled, 40!lc: high mixed, shelled.
8940c; mixed, shelled, isS39c.
Oats No. 2 white, 3233c: extra. No. 8,.
3131c; No, 3 white, 3D31c; No. 2 mixed, 27
BYE No. 1 Western, 70075c; No. 2, 5556c.
Barley No. 1 Canada, 9598c; No. -J Can
ada, 65S8c; No, 3 Canada, 7Cgi72c: Lake Shore,
Floitb Jobbing prices, winter patents,
S5 505 75: spring patents, to 7503 00: winter'
straight, S4 765 V0; clear winter, H o04 75;
straight XXXX bakers', U 004 35. Bye Hour,
S3 608 75. r
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, S15 69fi
18 00 fl ton; -brown middlings, til 68fl2 of;
winter wheat-bran. H3G8ie68: chop feed.'
110 WQSiO UBL ijv .-'- .K,
loose from wagon. $16 OOglS 00; No. 1 upland
prairie. $10 00lo 60; No. I $8 OOsSeT 50; packing
STSAW-Oats, $3 0088 25; wheat and
Straw, $7 007 6006 00.
Sugar-cured hams, lsrge, 10):; gugar-cured
hams,' medium, lie; sugar-cured hams, small,
UJ$c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10Jc; sugar
cured shoulders, 8c; -sugar-enred boneless
shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams,
8Ko; sugar-cured dried beef fiats. 8Kc; sugar
cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. HKctnacon shoulders, 7Ki bacon
clear sides, 8Hc: bacon clear bellies, 8J5c; dry
salt shoulders. 6Kc: dry salt clear sides, TJfc.
Mess pork, heavy. $14 00; mess pork, family.
$14 5a Lard Refined In tierces, 7c; half
barrels, 7Jic; 60-a tubs, 1c: 211b pails, 7c; 60-
tin cans, 7kc; S-J tin pails, 8c; 5-ft tin palls,
TJgc; 10-a tin palls, 7Kc Smoked sausage, long,
5c; large, 5c. , Fresh pork links, 9a Pigs feet,
half barrel. $4 0C; quarter barrel, $1 9a
Dressed Meat. m
Armour 4 Co. furnish, the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 650 lbs,
5Vc;550 to 650 lbs, 65c;650to7501bs, 6Kc Sheep,
8c fl lb. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6Jic Fresh
pork loins, 9c
The only new featnre developed in lumber
lines the past week or two is the Increasing do
mand for hemlock. On this prices have ad
vanced 50o per thousand. Oak has tbe lead in
hard woods. Poplar Is growing more and ropre
into favor for inside finish. Lumber dealers
are generally light-hearted over the fine bund
ing prospects. The outlook was never better
for a large volumo of trade. .But margins are
too close for the profits of other times.
Clear boards, per M
Delect common hoards, per M.
Common boards peril
Bhea thing ,
Pine frame lumber per M
Shingles, No. 1, IS In. per M
Shingles, So. i, IS In. per M
Lath ..
SS3 0095S00
is co
22 0O227CO
Clear boards, per M..... , $ SO 00
Surface hoards S0 00K0O
Clear, K-lnch beaded celling 28 00
Partition boards, peril 3 00
Flooring, No.l 30 00
Flooring, No.2 r MOO
Yellow pine flooring- SO 00240 00
Weather-boardlnr. moulded. No. 1
SO 03
'Weather-hoarding, moulded, No. 2..,.
Weather-boarding. )j-inch..
Ash, I to 4 In $30 0
25 00
20 00
jiiacE wamnt, green, logrnn "oi
B act walnut, dry, log run 60 C
Cherry SS (
Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In -. 20C
xjtj wnue oaa plana, z to iui a i
Bry white oak boards, 11a 20 (
West Va. yellow pine, I inch SO (
West Vs. yellow pine, M Inch 25 J
West Va. yellow poplar, tolln. ...... SS C
Hickory, itftoSm ISt
Hemlock building lumber, peril.
Bank rails
Boat studding
Coal car plank
Ash. 1104 in S2SC
Black -walnut, green, log run 45
.Black walnut dry, logrun SO C
Green white oak plank. 2 to 4 In 17 (
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In ISC
Dry white oak boards, 1 In , IS (
WestVa. yellow pine. 1 In 'IS t
West Va. yellow pine. l)f In W (
WeatVa. yellow poplar, Ktolln 1st
Hickory, Vi to 3 In 18 (
nemioc ouutunp sunDer, ft jo.........
ISunk rails
Boat studding.
Coal car plank
Lieutenant Milton B. Schwank has been
placed on tbe naval retired list
Tbe New York Assembly yesterday, by a
vote of 80 to 23, defeated the so-called dressed
Turner Hall, situated on Madison avenue,
Bridgeport, Conn., was totally destroyed by
fire early yesterday morning, entailing a loss of
$30,000. The fire was the work of an Incendiary.
Ell Cook, colored, has been arrested on suspi
cion. He was seen leaving the building before
the fire broke out
Ferdinand Schroeder. a grocery and saloon
keeper of Indianapolis, yesterday morning cut
his wife's throat as she stood with a young
babe in her arms, killing her instantly. He ran
about 200 yards to a vacant lot and kneeling
down slashed his throat with the same razor,
dying half an hour later. Schroeder was in
sane. Tames Kellv. aired 21 Tears, of Kentucky.
L while leaving a train at New Brunswick, N. J.,
Tuesday nigntieu ana was nearly run over.
He was taken to McCormlck's Hotel and given
a room. This morning it was found that ce
had left the gas turned on and was nearly dead.
All efforts to restore him to consciousness have
failed, and the attending physicians say his
death is certain.
Since the rigid enforcement of the prohibi
tion law by the new Police Commission, of
Wichita, Kas., many startling violations of the
law are being unearthed. Last night Alderman
F. B. Stone was arrested for selling liquor.
Another arrest was Mrs. Lucy Smith, a promi
nent church member, and the proprietress of a
fine hotel. She had been engaged in the secret
traffic for some time. The fine in each offense
is 500.
Adna Anderson, of New York, committed
suicide by shooting himself in his room at the
Lafayette Hotel, Philadelphia, Tuesday night
Anderson is about 60 years of age. The motive
for the deed is not known. A bunch of keys
was found in his pockets bearing the stamp of
the Brevoort House, New York. A Northern
Pacific Bailroad pass for 1889 was also found.
This bore tbe name, "General A. Anderson."
General Anderson's wife resides atSingSlng.
At Bahwway. N. J., early yesterday morn
ing a handsomely dressed, beautiful young
woman was found lying on the sidewalk in
front of Captain Isaac Bunn's residence.
Breath was just barely in the woman when dis
covered, and a few minutes later she died.
There was nothing found upon tbe body that
would lead to its Identification.' The authori
ties believe that another foul crime has been
perpetrated. .
Heywood Paul, the young millionaire of
Philadelphia, who recently graduated at Har
vard, and who became Insane while arranging
for his marriage to a young woman of Boston,
and for whose apprehension 81,000 bad been
offered, was found drowned yesterday morning.
Ttuhnitvwaiifnnnil float'n? in the Delaware
river by some shad flshermen.in a cove in front
of the residence of General E. Burd Grnbb.
Young Paul broke away from his attendants on
Saturday last and nothing was heard of him
until yesterday.
.Brett Cocoa
It absolutely pure and
it Is toluble.
No Chemicals
an used In its preparation. It has
nort Uan fkne ttmtt (M Hreifl 01
Cocoa mbced with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, ud If therefore far mors
economical, eating Uujkm mt ml
a atp. It Is dellclouf, nonriihlnj,
itrtnglheBing, Easixt Siozstzd,
and admirably adapted for InxiMi
as veil u for persons In health.
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
W.BAEEE & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor taver and quick cleanser, without Injury h
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, mllk-paJk, milk cans, clothes, &c.
Keeps moths out of carpet, bureaus, &e. See
that yoa get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packiges.
.-57, imtt't fhvuLS ftATjte bar
Swift's Specitic has cured moot
. a malignant breaking out on'myl&
which caused Intolerable pain. It was
called Eczema by the doctors four of
whom treated me with no relief. I
candidly confess that 1 owe my present
good health to 8. 8. a, which in my
estimation is invaluable as a blooct ,
remedy. M133 Julia DeWitt: j
2227 N. Tenth st, St Louis, Mo.
Our baby when two months old wa4
attacked with Scrofula, which for,
long time destroyed her eyesight en
tirely, and caused us to despair of her
life. The doctors failed to relieve ber(1
and we gave Swift's Spscmcwbicli
soon cured her entirely, and she is now
hale and hearty. E. V. Delx.
Will's Point Texas.
3-Sendfor book giving, history of
.Blood Diseases and advice to sufferers
mailed free.
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Go.
Cor, Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers oi
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices ,cJ -and
see us.
Is the PUREST, BEST "" CUxnutt
SOAP modi
Of all Druggists, but beware of Imitations.
A purely Vegetable
L Compound that expels
jail bad humors from the)
I system. Bemoves blotch
res and Dimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
Bczema.ItchT, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
T& ilmplo tppllcitton tt "Swim's OlnwW itil
aar uttenul medlcuw, trill con ut em of Truer. Silt
Bomttur fcoTroDiUaitoorlon; nindur. 3oU tij drogliu,
r imt by mill Ibr 50 cu. S BaiM, JUS. Aifc&eMjDj.
Bw.tnso-.PlUKie!iM,r.. Air joor imeltt fcrB-
Capital, S100.000, with privilege of S50o,000.
Surplus and undivided profits, S23.GO0. '
Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac
counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
JAS. CALLEBY President
W.J.BUBNS .Vice President S
mh23-5B-TT3 . '
5115 HamiltonBnilding,
mvlO-70-D Pittsburg, Px
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL
Monran & Co., New York. Passports procured. -ap28-l
Sailing every "Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets said to and
from Great Britain and Ireland. Norway. Swe
den, Denmark, etc
General agents, 807 Walnut st, Philadelphia.
Full information can be had of J.J. MCCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smlthfield. street.
LOUIS MOESEB, Ut) Smithfleld street
Servla, Hay 18. 8 A M I Gallia. June 5, 9:30 i x ,
Bothnia, May CUiWAMMUmbria, June S. lrx
JEtruria, May25, 3pm Servla. JunelJ. 7am
Auradla,,Junel, 7am IBothnla, JunelS. 10AV
SThese steamers carry first-class passengers only
Cabin passage, feu, (ao and 100: intermediate.
135. Steerage tickets to and front all parts or
Europe at very low rates.
VERNON H. BKOWN & CO., General Agents,
4 Bowling Green, New York.
fourth ave. andBmlthlleld it, PItti&urg."
Xi 1
route to London and the Continent "
Exnreas Steamer Service twice a week from.. .
New York to Southampton (London, Havre),
Ss.AIler.May 15, 6 AM I Ss.Ems,May 25, 230 p x,
WerntMay 18,8:30 AM Ss.Trave. May29.7A.lt,
Hs.Saale, May22.noon I Ss.Fnlda, June L.8 AM
First Cabp, Winter rates, from S100 upward. -
Ln5aSCHAMBEBG CO Agents, Pitts.
bnre. Px
York City.
2 Bowling Green. New
State Line
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passane $35 to $50. according to location
of stateroom. xcnrslou?65tot90.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates,
AUSTIN BALDWIN t CO.. General Agents,
53 Broadway, New Yort.
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent Pittsburg. Pa., .
As old residents know and back files of Pitts,
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting! '
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
MCDni IO and mental diseases, physical
PtTU V UUo decay, nervous deHllty.lackof
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight self-distrust bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and man
nage, permanently, safely and privately cured,
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular'
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat
ulcers, old sores; are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
II Dl M A DV kidney and bladder derange
Un!INnnTjment3,weak back, gravel, ca?.
tarrhal riti-hirrL inflammation and other"?
111 Purifier.
painful symptoms receive searching treatmest i, J
Dr. Whittier'sue-long, extensive experience ' '
insures sclentlnc and rename irauajuiw
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as IO
here. Office hours 9A.1C tcrJSlcSundy.
10 AVlf. to 1 V. it. only. DB. WHITTIEB. 8ll
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. apMlK-nsnwk
For LOST or ralllnr "t
aesa. Weacoeaa at
Cody Jt Wind. Laexor strenrtn,-vigor and De-,
velopment caused by Errors, Sxeesses, Ac. JBook; '.
Hods of BKU-TBEarxxsT. and Proofa mH4
(sealed) free. Address KK1K MEDICAL CO
Buffalo. N. Y. deS-o7-TTSeVwk, t
days, aad cure is v daat. j Pi4e H (
, - j. ausaaurvriB j
aAY-Bfe.4oJfc'0lW4C!iS14'59fl5 Mf
ITriAJi'1 " T puwwii
S4.-L. K.
r- " ---- --SSU.1J- 1 A. -- a-1
mfgrVmW JT'S'SJiS'SSHWI j. tWmtfmTWWWftWWt
4BS1V 4RslsaHft vkrlWkWbi I