Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 16, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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K I ; . .1 'I ' , ., " " S
mew ABTEKrasxancxTs.
P- HH H Krtl'M A riMil li AH. ; r . L Aim UiUAlUJilii IaO. II .1
Bf .11 I J JLJLJ-kJ UjL.Jl.t The Result of a Cnrlon Got Explosltlon "
m the Inhalation oT the Flames, me Large rUUU UUl Willier AWU1UU
Tlie CampM Alien Labor In
yestigation "Waxes Warm.
The Gentleman Under Fire Becomes
Sarcastic Over the Affair.
Says He is Prosecuted Because
Stamped for Harrison
The Executive Committee of the Central
Trades Council met last night in K. of L.
Hall to open the investigation into the
charges against President James Campbell,
of the "Window Glass "Workers' Union, and
others, for importing foreign glass workers.
Mr. J. C. Young acted as president of the
meeting, and "Wm. Brennen, Esq., had been
called in to swear the witnesses and ex
amine them. There were abont CO persons
in the room.
There was some discussion soon after the
meetinc had come together as to the pro
priety of admitting reporters. President
Smith, of the American Flint Glass "Work
ers, vigorously championized the press,
stating that the entire proceedings should
be public, in order to give the people an
opportunity to learn the aims and objects ol
the committee. He was overruled, in so far as
It was decided to leave the matter of giving the
proceedings to the press in charge of the -Executive
The testifying lasted from 8 o'clock until
midnight, and only three witnesses were put
on the stand Messrs. Gesner, Phillips and
Isaac Kline.
After each witness was duly sworn Mr. Bren
can, who conducted the examination, asked the
following question : "Do yon know'Mr. James
Campbell T Did be ever talk to you about the
importation of foreign window class blowers 7
.Sid he at any time lead you to infer that be
knew something about these men being ex
pected here T Do you believe that he knew that
thev were coming here 7"
When Mr. Brennan was through with the
witness any member of the committee was at
liberty to ask the witness questions, but all
tended to one central object, and the spirit in
which the interrogatories were propounded
left the impression that the committee was
after Mr. Campbell's scalp.
It was but once that somebody asked this
'question' Did Mr. 6. Cake, the Secretary, or
any other official of the Council of the Window
Glass Workers, speak to yon about the impor
tation of these foreign workmen?
After the adjournment, however, the com
mittee was not at liberty to say what bad
transpired. The matter bad been left in the
hands of the stenographer and he vi nuld -prepare
It for publication on Sunday. The next
"meeting will be held on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Campbell was seen by a Dispatch re
porter afterward, ana -alien he was asked what
he thought about the investigation be said:
The whole thing don't amount to anvthing
at all, and these people will find it out before
long. The cause of all the trouble is simply
this: There are several men on that commit
tee who have made a boast that they will
blacken my character among th labor peo
ple. They are sore at me for several reasons.
"They have said they will get even with me
because 1 went around the country speaking
during the campaign. Tbey have said they
will get even with me. because I have boldly
come out now and spoken in favor of prohibi
tion. They are prompted bv purely jealous
motives, and they mean to do me up. They
know that my people, the working people, hve
rreat confidence in me. They are aware of the
fact that the members of our association stand
by me, and it riles them. Let them go ahead.
I am able to brave their bailing.
"Just think of the idea of having an investi
gation of this- kind. It is a disgrace upon the
name of the Central Trades Union that they
are not able to handle snen a matter without
calling in a lawyer to do the cross-examining
ol the witnesses for them.
"If seems to-me. if there are not men of suffi
cient brains in the Central Committee to
handle this thing among themselves without
cetting a lawyer to assist them, they had bet
ter shut up shop, disband and get reorganized
to give competent men a chance to do the work
that they should do.
"If tbey had any evidence to stand on why
don't they go and prosecute me in the courts.
This proceeding is nothing but a farce from be
ginning to end, and you will see whether I have
not told you tho truth."
General Worthy Foreman Wheat
dresses a Small Andlcnce.
General Worthy Foreman Morris Ii.
"Wheat, of the Knights of Labor, lectured
last night at Lafayette Hall on land,
money and transportation. Although this was
the first public lecture delivered here by the
-high official of the great labor organization,
there was a very small attendance It was one
of the most interesting lectures on the prob
lems of the day e er delivered here, and the
speaker was frequently interrupted by ap
plause. At 8 o'clock there were only 69 people in the
nail and Master Workman Koss was somewhat
discouraged. It was decided to bold the meet
ing anyway, and Mr. Boss appeared on the stage
and introduced the speaker. He said he was
not accustomed to talk to empty benches, and
did not think it was possible that Fittsbnrg
people tooL. so little interest in laoorsunjects.
He had lectured in many cities in the country
and said that he bad never addressed so small
an andience before. When he began talking a
.number of persons entered the hall and almost
every seat on the first floor was occupied before
the close of the lecture.
The speaker was evidently discouraged over
Ms reception, for he introduced his remarks by
saying: "Please remain in this room until I am
through and I will not afflict you ajrain with
my presence" He spoke of trusts and corners
put on the necessaries of life and condemned
monopolists. Jay Gould and other capitalists
were severely scored.
In speaking on the land question, he said
that English noblemen owned 22,000,000 acres
of land in this country, ana that the land
lord system that has cursed Ireland might
some day be a curse to the country.
The lecturer believes the Government
should own the railroads and telegraph. He
said that one man conld now cause a panic in
the country. The only solution is the plan pro
posed by the Knights of Labor, and the order
will not die until monopoly is buried in a grave
from which there is no resurrection.
In talking on politics, the speaker recom
mended the Australian system of votmg.saying
that by this system only two persons will know
how yon vote, yourself and Almighty God.
Mr. Wheat will lectnreat McEeesport to
night and at Salisbury Hall, on the Sonthside,
to-morrow night.
The Strike nt the Dnqnesne Steel Works Is
Practically Settled.
The strike at the Allegheny Bessemer
Bteel -"Works will likely be declared off
within the next few days, many of the
sttikers claiming that it is no use to stay
out any longer. Two of the best skilled
strikers returned to work yesterday, and five
sew men from Pittsburg are now at work in
the milk A carload of rails were shipped from
the works yesterday and large numbers are
being turned out. They are said to be equal to
any yet made at this plant.
It is reported that the company are prepar
ing a scale of wages which will advance some
of the former employes wages To per cent, A
meeting of thcstrikers was held yesterday and
eaeh ono was given his weekly allowance
Ex-Sheriff Gray has had the deputies who
were drinking the other day discharged. It is
probable that all the officers will be withdrawn
soon, as no further trouble is apprehended.
Will be Expelled.
The trial of Master Workman Boss, of D. A
8, K. of It, will take place on Monday night
The investigation will bo conducted by a
oreign court, as stated In this paper. There is
10 doubt but that Mr. Boss will be vindicated
nd that tho persons 4wko brought tho charges
The Remit of a Curious Gas Explosltlon
Lnst Friday The Victim Slay Die From
the Inhalation oTthe Flames,
A suit for damages maybe brought to-day
against the Allegheny Heating Company,
as the result of a curious accident that oc
curred to a well-known resident of the upper
portion of Allegheny Friday morning last.
About 7 o'clock, upon the forenoon -named,
John BIttner. a teamster, was driving along
Madison avenue, and stopped at the comer of
Canal street, where John Huckenstein, the
contractor, is tearing down a number of old
buildings. BIttner sat down to cBat with the
workmen, and filling his pipe struck a match
upon his clothing to light it. As the match
ignited an explosion occurred, and BIttner was
badly Injured. His face, neck, breast and hands
were burned, and the shock to his body caused
by being knocked down, was severe. He im
mediately jumned up and ran screaming to the
patrol station. A man there wanted to throw
water on his blistering flesh, bat was prevented
from so doing by the officers. They hurried
him to the Grant engine honse, where he was
attended. He was afterward removed to his
home at No. 3 lten street, where he now lies in
a precarious condition. Dr. Heckelman the
physician of' the gas company, said the man's
chances for pulling throngh are very slim.
Yesterday and last night he was expectorating
blond and matter, and complained of pains in
his breast. This shows be was burned 'inter
nally, and his recovery Is doubtful.
His family went to the heating company,
whose gas pipes run alongside where BIttner
was sittinc, and complained to them about the
matter. They blame it upon Mr. Huckenstein,
whose wagons are hauling the debris awav.
The officers of the company say Huckenstem's
men drove -ver the pipes and broke them,
causing them to leak. The escaping gas en
tered the old buildings, and the light coming
into contact with the gas caused the explosion.
The New Land Commissioner Defends His
Race He Will Appoint Competent Per
sons to Office.
J. M. Townsend, the Indiana colored man
appointed Land Commissioner, was a pas
senger on the Eastern express last evening
bound for Washington. Here is a colored
man, bright, earnest, intelligent, lacking the
educational bombast of Laneston and the
sparkling surface brilliancy of Douglas, who is
bound to be a success in his new office.
This is what he said: "I take it that my ap
pointment was made as the representative of
the colored people in Indiana. 1 shall endeavor
to fill the position in as dignified a manner as
possible. If I have any patronage to distribute
it will goto the most competent men, Inde-
Eendent of color. I am not one of those who
old that the colored race must be recognized
at the expense of efficiency. I am going to
Washington now to receive my instructions
and learn some of the details of the office. For
this reason I do not care to say what I will do,
nor express any of the views 1 may hold on tho
land question. I am opposed to the colony
idea, and 1 have seen the evil effects that have
resulted from the exodus of colored people in
the West and Southwest.
"I know Langston of Virginia, but I do not
approve of bis course. He made a great mis
take when be undertook to Organize a colored
wing of the Republican party to fight Mahone
with the whites. The negro problem is the
auestion of the hour in the South. Those who
say the negroes in the South are ignorant and
good for nothing) form their opinions of the
race from the depot loafers and the gutter poli
ticians. The Southern negroes have made
rapid advancements. Many of them have be
come wealthy, are engaged in trade and the
mechanical, and the man who says my race as a
whole is not progressive is Ignorant of the
Conrt Honse Employes to Come Out In
Uniform Why tho Engineers Offer
On next Monday the Court Honse em
ployes under Superintendent J. C. Mercer
will den blue cloth uniforms, garnished
with white buttons, on which will be the seal of
the county, Maltese crosses on the caps, num
bered from 1 up, and each department will be
distinguished by badges bearing Inscriptions
such as "elevator," "watchman," "engineer,"
The object of the arrangement Is the con
venience of the public which Is often non
plussed because the particular person Wanted
cannot be distinguished at present. People
will also find it convenient in case they have
complaints to make of any dereliction
of duty, and at-, the same time
the man who does his duty will be protected
from unjust suspicion 'for the shortcomings
of another. So far. it is said, only the engi
neers object to the arrangement, and their ob
jection would seem to carry some weight, viz:
That crawling around oily machinery is hard
on uniforms of fine blue cloth, which are some
what expensive. They also contend that their
contact with the public is not of that fre
quency which makes It imperative that they
should be uniformed.
It has been suggested that men who are re
quired to wear niuforms should be furnished
them by the powers compelling obedience, just
as the United States furnishes uniforms to
soldiers. There is one mitigating feature, how
ever, about the order in the case of the Court
House employes, and that is that tho buttons,
badges, etc. can be removed when off dnty,
and the uniforms be, in a few moments, con
verted into very respectable wearing apparel
for general purposes, and were aa employe to
lose his situation, he would not be out of
pocket by means of his enforced dress.
Interesting Facts Abont How the Arsennl
Secures Its Water.
For over half a century the United States
Arsenal has drawn its supply of water from
one of the most wonderful natural springs
of water in existence The offer of Major Mc
Kee, commandant at the arsenal, to permit a
connection with this spring for a public drink
ing fountain, at Thirty-ninth and Butler streets,
has aroused much curiosity about the source
of Uncle Sam's aqua. ,
The Government discovered two sorings 53
years ago on Forty-fourth street, near Penn
avenue or half a mile away from the Arsenal.
A whole acre of ground was purchased and in
closed to protect the water. So large was the
flow that costly stone troughs Were put in and
two spring-houses erected over them. A pipe
line was laid from the springs to the Arsenal at
Fortieth street, the natural fall from the head
of Forty-fourth street to Butler street being so
?reat as to not require a reservoir to be built,
he inclosed gi ass-plot, the Ivy-covered spring
houses and the cool limpid water in the same
plcntifulness still exist just as they did long
ago. Experts believe the capacity of the twin
springs great enough to supply a goodly portion
of the Seventeenth ward by pine service
Tho Supposed Prize Fighters Arrested and
Spectators Are Nervous.
William Ryan and Charles McCoy, the
two alleged principals in the prize fight
which occurred in a stable on Try street
Sunday night, were arrested and locked up in
Central station last night.
James McCoy, brother of Charley, and who
is said to have acted as his second in the fight,
and John Davis, supposed to be referee, were
also arrested at the same time in an adjoining
The friends of Ryan were hustling around all
evening trying to get mm out oi prison, some
of those who were preseat at the fight being
among the number, and tbey betrayed great
nervousness lest Byan would give themaway to
the police officiate Agentleman from the Eight
eenth ward promptly offered to go bail for the
two McCoys and Davis, and at midnight Magis
trate McKenna was sent for.
Neither of the supposed principals of the
fight have any .marks to show they had partici
pated. AN UGLI'PALL.
A Carpenter Burled Under a Wall In the
East End and Badly Crashed.
John Miller, a carpenter, while making
some repairs on a building in the East End,
fell from the house yesterday and suffered
severe injuries.
From a cause not known a portion of the end
of the building fell out, and he was buried
under considerable stone, etc When rescued
Miller was taken to bis home at Sandy CreekT
By the fall out of the building Miller had both
legs crushed, one of which Dr. Barr amputated.
The Pennsylvania Company Is Behind In
Operating tho Ft. Wayne Bond.
The annual meeting of the Ft Wayne
stock and bondholders was held yesterday.
Messrs. L. H. Meyers, E. P. Williams and O. E.
Specr were re-elected directors. About 318,703
votes, representing 531,870,800, -were cast.
The income for the year was 9,842,113 OS,
less cost of operating expenses, $7,129,360 ft),
leaves a balance of $2,712,752 IS as the net in
come The operating company paid the lessee
company a rental of 53,153, 90S 00. thereby losing
$4)6.155 52,
, A minute on the death of General Cass i was
The Large Pond Oat Center Avenue
Alarming the Residents.
, -, - , , .
Three Engines Can't Keep Down tie TFater
and Another Ordered.
The people living on Center avenue,
Beed, and Chauncey streets, In the vi
cinity of the large pond, near the old
skating rink, are considerable alarmed over
the futile efforts of the Department of PubX
lie "Works to thus far dislodge the obstruc
tions in the large sewer drop, which formerly
carried off the water constantly flowing into
the pond. Unless the water is drawn from
the basin, some of the streets surrounding
the big hole will be flooded and the houses
inundated. Many of them are below the
level of Soho street, and as they are occupied
by poor people there will be considerable
loss and suffering.
On last Friday night, when the terrific storm
swept over the city, part of tho old dumping
ground on tho south side of the pond slid into
the water, carrying with it considerable debris
in the way of old boards, planks, etc.
This mass of stuff was carried Into and over
the manhole of the sewer leading to the cul
vert under Soho street. The dirt, wood, etc,
completely filled the drop, making it abso
lutely water tight. The water pouring down
from the hill lodged in the basin,
and the natural drainage of Cen
ter avenue and Clancey street, together
with the constant leakage running down from
Herron Hill reservoir, causes the water to rise
at the rate of two inches per hour. There were
21 feet of water in the pond at midnight last
night. The embankment is GO feet high.
The officers of the Department of Highways,
under the direction of Captain Paisley, have
been working since Monday trying to dislodge
the obstructions in the drop. Yesterday they
began the construction of a roadway down to
the water's edge, from the western end of
Reed street. They have secured four fire
engines, which tbey will rnn down to the pond
and try to pump-the water ont sufflcientlyto
allow the men to work at the sewer drop. The
water from the various sources runs in faster
than one engine could pump out.
Tuesday they had a raft out over the
sewer bole, bnt could make no headway, on ac
count of the deep water. The men working at
the place, yesterday, said there was enough
watej-running into the poud from Center ave
nue and Clancey street (natural valleys) to fill
an eight-inch pipe. To draw this vast amount
off, as soon as it flows in, would require the
services of two engines alone. With the aid of
two more engines they expect to draw off about
four inches per hour.
The water last night was over the level of the
floor of the old rink, and the residents of the
vicinity were beginning to move their effects
to the npper stories of their houses. Center
avenue will probably be flooded, but not enough
to seriously impede travel. The sewer drop is
about eight feet square and leads to a culvert
under Soho street. If the earth in the drop is
loosened the people in tho valley between Cen
ter and Fifth avenues may expect to see a
large amount of water come down. Should a
heavy storm happen to come up now Center
avenue, some distance above the head of the
pond, would probably be flooded.
Half a Hundred Doctors Tako Their Own
Allopathic Doso Delightfully Bare Fra
ternity of Feeling".
"When doctors disagree," etc, has been
so long a familiar adage as to be believed by
the multitude. If belief in it be the rule,
there must certainly be one glittering ex
ception to that rnle Ttieouths!de Medical
Society has both furnished arid long exem
plified the exception. A more fraternal' body
of professional men than this one, which this
morning concluded by a banquet its nineteenth
anniversary, would be difficult to find through
out the length and breadth of the land.
The banquet was held at Rich's parlors. Car
son and Fifteenth streets, and was one of the
most highly enjoyable and instructive in the
dnal character of the feast provided that bas
been held In Pittsburg for a long time From
the valedictory of the retiring President, Dr.
II. B. O'Connor, to the concluding toast, "The
Press," happily responded to by Erasmus Wil
son, Q. 0,M. D., it was a veritable flow of
soul and feast of reason Well worthy
of so excellent a society. The
salutatory of Dr. W. T. English, the
newly chosen President, was a charming de
parture from cold, dead usages and stereotyped
forms, in that he sang with splendid effect the
tenor solo. "Oh, Why These Clouds that Dim
the SkyT" from "The Lion of Peru," whose
libretto was written by Dr. E. A. Wood, one of
the most prominent members of the banquet
ing society.
Before alluding to the refreshingly varied
and entertaining toasts, which were still crisply
toasunz at x ocjo:k mis morning, it will
be but fair and just to say that the other viands
included in the large allopathic prescription
for the evening were delicious, spiced with
a wealth of variety, and well worthy
of the attention bestowed upon
them by the eminent convalescents
who took the dose Imagine sage old doctors,
who have for years wisely shaken their heads
to patients, saying: "Light food, and very lit
tle of it; no pastry" just conceive of such
pld fellbws, and their younger breth
ren of the same strict school, wading
throngh a menu half a yard long and having
100 parts,beginning with pickled lambs' tongnc.
turning on the downward course at custard pie,
lady fingers and cream, and winding up with
Spts.IiYumenti, Vinum.Khinls.nd. Apolllnarisl
But how pleasantly they did take the entire
dose to be sure! Mnsic and flowers pervaded
and surrounded them, and the medicine was
truly stimulating.
The hour ot writing precludes the possibility
of reviewing toasts in detail: but here's a glance
at them: "Our Guests," with a double play on
scruples, drachms and the bier, by Dr. W. T.
Burleigh; "Our Medical Society"' with a re
juvenated horse.and "soap" as the prescription,
by Dr. E. A Wood; "Allegheny County Medi
cal Society," with Centennial reflections, by
Dr. Kerns; Pennsylvania State Medical So
ciety," with lots of the code by Dr.
J. B. Murdoch; "Western" Pennsylvania
Medical College," with plenty of
local patriotism, by Dr. J. M. Duff: a duet,
"Ship Ahoy," by Drs. English and Hersman;
"Our Patients." and patience by Dr. J. D.
Thomas; "Preliminary Education," with mighty
instructive suggestions as to method, by Dr.
B. a Jillson, of the High School; 'The Med
ical Sciences," with real stimulus to pursue
them, by Dr. C. B. King; and finally "The
Press," well represented by Erasmus Wilson.
Prof. J. A Brashear was ill and couldn't be
What a representative professional gathering
it was! Half or more of them looked like the
excellent physicians they are. Yet no two
looked alike, une resemued uonianger: an
other Bismarck, and yet a third General. Han
cock, while a fourth looked like the last Na
poleon at his best. Yet they might all be
spotted for doctors" by any intelligent
stranger in a strange land.
Anti-FroUbltlonlstsNntaralize 4,000 Aliens
to Vole for Liquor.
The Executive Committee of the Anti-Prohibition
Association of the Sonthside held a
meeting last night and were In session until 11
o'clock. They arranged tor three meetings on
the Sonthside against the prohibition amend
ment One will beheld in tho Odd Fellows'
Hall on the evening of May 25; on the following
Wednesday evening one will be held on Mt
Washington, and on the evening of June 7 a
meeting will be held in Salisbury Hall.
The anti-prohibitionists of the Sonthside
have been doing effective work since they or
ganized. During the past six weeks or two
months more than 4,000 aliens have been nat
uralized in this county, all of whom will vote
against the amendment It is the Intention to
bold meetings every week during the balance
of the campaign, and vigilance committees will
be placed in eTeryvotingprecincton the South
side m
The Pattern Sinkers Listen to the Com
mittee's Report on Cpnstltntlon.
The pattern makers continued their ses
sion yesterday at the Seventh avenue. Sec
retary Duchenun stated that the Committee
on Revision ot tho Constitution reported, and
their recommendations 'were referred back to
the committee Ko radical changes will be
The reports of committees on the piece and
elr-ht-hour system, the limitation of annren-
tlces, and kindred subjects are expected to re
port to-day. The grand banquet .willt be held
this OTenlnc.iand.thOiBessienMrtilieloee.to-
Many Matters of Much nnd Little Moment
Tersely Treated.
Br-ossoimta sweet commencement buds.
Strange that a man is down when he Is on
his uppers.
It is the cultivated man who can harrow
another's feelings.
Bet. Melley mado a prohibition speech in
his own church in Soho.
Me. and Mrs. A. J. Duivl, of Harrishurg,
are registered at the Dnquesne.
The man with frayed trousers evidently got
the worst of it in this world's affray.
When the Allies win a game will pass Into
history with the letter that never came
W. J. McConnkli. addressed prohibition
meeting in the Sonthside market square
Congressman Scull, of Somerset, wa3 cir
culating among the politicians yesterday.
Ella Wheeleb says her husband is a
masher. A small potato masher evidently.
Pat Martin was arrested last night while
trying to sell a gold ring supposed to be stolen.
Old friends are best, else they would not
have lasted long enough to become old friends.
An ingot fell on Chris. Koch's arm and
crushed it badly at the Keystone Bridge
The contract was let yesterday for the build
ing of a substantial curbing around the Second
avenue park.
Db. Mates went to Chicago last evening to
attend the funeral of S. Hlrsch, a well-known
Hebrew rabbi. '
Br the Coroner's directions Miss Lizzie
N olan was held on a charge of abandoning a
new born uaDe.
The question arises in the East, "Can an edi
tor be a Christian T" He probably can be, but
he probably isn't.
Mb. W. S. Anderson, of the Monongahela
House, returned from Philadelphia with his
family yesterday.
The Monongahela Gas Fuel .Company will
build an 8-inch pipe line from the Bellevernon
field to Pittsburg. .
James alsop, an inmate of the Children's
Temporary Home fell and broke his leg at the
Forbes school yesterday.
Little things, not the great, show the true
man. Little things are done naturally; great
things are 'premeditated.
James Gibbon was killed on the Baltimore
and Ohio road at Braddock last night He was
taken home to Port Perry.
Mrs. Grady charges John Murphy with
kicking her boy in the side. The latter is said
to be in a serious condition.
As adventurer claiming to be the son of Sir
Dick Sutton worked New York's lOOsobeautl
tlfnlly they all turned sour.
John Sherman tells a London reporter the
politicians can run America, He forgot to say
nucro tuey wore running it.
The Mayor of New York went fishing on a
Snnday. and the horrified clergy rose en masse
and inquired what he caught.
Will the Signal Failure Service man please
tell us what kind of weather we are not going to
have within the next two days r
The pupils of the Thad Stevens school. West
End, are preparing to give an entertainment
for the benefit of a school libraty.
Tbowsebs are getting so wide and newspa
pers are becoming so careful, they will soon re
fer to the dude as an "alleged man."
The Government Is going to stop the annual
sun dance of tho Indians. This means the
usual stoppage of some more Indians.
The suspension of operations on the Govern
ment building leads to the hope that it may be
finished in time for the next Centennial.
Sib Chables Dilee Is trying to re-enter
public life, and not a single London paper will
even mention his name. This is scandalous.
Matjd Yes, dearie, there is a great differ
ence between the conrt marital and the court
martial. The latter generally means business.
Daniel Davis, employed in the West End
mill of J. Painter & Sons, had his hands
crushed yesterday by an ingot falling upon
HoaGlTT is the name of the Guthrie, Ok.,
District Attorney. ( ;. This blank
will be filled with jokes by numerous bright
Campheeting season opens up in McKees
port at Beulah Park next Sunday. Well
known ministers and temperance speakers will
Mr. S.M. Moody, District Passenger Agent
of the Pennsylvania lines west left yesterday
afternoon to attend the Traffic Association
meeting at Chicago.
Mr. Dutendeefeb. agent at Wilklnsburg
for the Pennsylvania Railroad, has resigned,
and Mr. Kline formerly of East Liberty sta
tion, nas laxen nis place
W. A Huguart and wife, President of the
Grand Rapids and Indiana road, are at the An
derson Hotel. Mr. Huehart attended the an
nual meeting of the Ft Wayne
The intellectual atmosphere surrounding
Boston, or a change jn Ahe drinking water,
made our Allies plav a verv loose game with
the usual result in favor of the other fellow.
Girls, don't wrinkle yonr pretty faces so
this sunny weather, or you will find it isn't at
all pleasing to have a new wrinkle Besldes.it
Is entirely unnecessary to frown so dreadfully.
It is a charming thing to see the universal
resnect and regard showered upon Editor
Childs by all newspapers, but It is discouraging
to think one must reach his sixtieth birthday
ere he is appreciated.
Botjrad Schifban, a brewer's driver,
claims Andrew Rholl struck him with a stone.
He sned him for assault and battery. It seems
a crowd tried to take some beer from tho
wagon, ont tne ariver would not allow it
Kate Fields says her lectures won the day
for the Massachusetts liquor partv. These
aren't the first lectures that have driven men
to drink. Kate is coming to Pennsylvania, and
the Prohibitionists had better fence that Field
in. '
vSrx more private boxes at $100 each for the
Hay Musical Festival, have been sold to tho
following gentlemen: C. H. Jackson and E. H.
White C. Qr. Andrews, of Yonngstown; 8.
Johnson ana James Dewast J. E. Schmertz,
Joseph Brown and Marvin Scaife '
Whiles they are suspending operations on
that Government building that doesn't build,
why not suspend architects, superintendents,
and contractors (there are no workmen). Then
pluck the moss off of the gentlemen and adorn
the walls, and train a few vines (century plants
wonld be apropos) over the stones. It would
mako a superb ruin, with the moonlighted
Monongahela zephyrs and ward bums stealing
throdgh It
It is positively trne.
Sometimes we really do,
Make a joke.
And we think that we are smart,
When we see our bright remark.
And we go to bed and court sleep, soothing
slumber, and while we do so the vigilant proof
reader gets in his deadly work, and when we
gaze at the paper in the morning,
Onr heart is broke
Mr. Flauler Will Beslcn the Presidency
Directors Meet TofDay to Complete the
The directors of the National Tube Works
spent yesterday in making their annual in
spection. Manager J. H. Flagler said last evening
that the directors ot the new fnrnace com-
Jiany would meet to-day to complete the organi
zation and give out the contracts for building
them. Mr. Flagler will resign the Presidency
of the company in favor of E. C. Converse.
Two furnaces will be bnilt at McKeesport
with a capacity of 200 tons each per day. The
company intend to build them on the most
modern plan, and when finished tbey will be
the finest in -the world. Mr. Flagler said they
would buy their ore in no particular place but
would get the best The product will bo used
in making pipe in the tube works. They will
buy some iron, bnt it is expected the two fur
naces will be sufficient to supply the works.
Mr. Flagler believes that they can make their
own pig metal cheaper than they can buy it
from tho Mahoning; and Shenango furnace
The work on the two furnaces will be com
menced at once The ground will be broken in
a few days.
Concerning Southern pig metal, Mr. Flagler
said it wasgood enough when mixed with
other Iron. He doesn't think Southern com
petition will hurt Western Pennsylvania iron
He Used a Knife.
Thomas Chrehen had a hearing before Alder
man Richards last evening on a charge of
felonious assault and battery, preferred by
Wm. Boden, who alleges that Chrehen cut him
on the right side with a knife while engaged in
a fight on the night of April SO last He was
held under $600 bail for court
Worn!, Don't Fight.
Charles and Samuel Sample were arrested by
Officer Hardlgan, of the Central Traction "Ball
ruwi, jBDiuruar MikemgoB orngnilBgonw yllo'I
avenue, near Fulton street-aThaT-arua ltij I
Pittsburg Tobacco Dealers Generally
Are Glad it lias Passed.
The Newsboys Are Great Customers for the
' "White Tubes.
Pittsburg cigar dealers have put on their
thinking caps over the law passed by the
Legislatures a few weeks ago, forbidding the
sale of cigarettes to bbys or girls'under 16
years. It meets with the general approval
of the better plass of tobacco men. A num
ber of dealers were interviewed by Dis
patch reporters yesterday on this subject,
and some interesting facts were elicited.
The statements on some points conflict, but
in the main they agree that cigarette smok
ing is an injurious and pernicious practice,
and the majority of them only keep cigar
ettes because they have to.
Quincy Robinson had this to say: "I cer
tainly approve of such a law. It is a good
.thing. A great many boys under 16 smoke
them, but we were never anxious about
their trade. I never sell them to children.
The 'newsies' often buy them, and it is use
less to refuse them. It cannot be denied that
cigarette smoking is growing in Pittsburg. The
demand is getting larger every day, though we
do all we can to discourage it
hurts cigar business.
"The sale of cigarettes injures the cigar
business. There is no profit of any account in
the cigarette, and when a man buys a pack of
cirarettes he gets 20 smokes, when, if he
couldn't get them, he would buy cigars. For
the sake of the latter trade I nould like to see
the sale ot cigarettes abolished. The habit is
more prevalent in Eastern cities,but it is grow
ing in the Western towns.
"Young fellows, principally, bny cigarettes.
Children take kindly to them because they are
mild and cheap. I sell large quantities of them,
but the business, of course, does not begin to
compare with the cigar trade. One would be
surprised to know how many kinds are made
Each manufacturer has at least from 15 to 20
brands of Ills own, and there is a call for
them all.
"It is funny about cigarette smokers, but
they invariably fall into the habit of inhaling
the smoke. At first they puff it out like cigar
smokers, bnt unconsciously a man finds him
self swallowing it It is this practice that
makes cigarette smoking injurious. I
can't understand this habit but I
must say the sensation Is very agreeable One
feels good, as if ho had taken a small dose of
morphine or opium. Whether there are such
drugs put in the tobacco or paper I don'tknow,
but the sensations are similar to those pro
duced by these drugs on a small scale. The
satisfaction is pleasurable to swallow the smoke
and allow it to work its way out through the
month and nostrils. I do not approve ot cigar
ette smoking, and would be glad to see it
can't be enforced.
The views of W. A. McClurg are as follows:
"The law is all right hut it can't be enforced.
Children will get the cigarettes anyhow, and
there are a thousand methods they can employ
to evade it My experience has been that not
"many boys under 16 smoke cigarettes. I think
the evil is largely imaginary and exaggerated.
The "dudes' and, "newsies' buy most of the
cigarettes, though occasionally you will find
men asking for them. Boys who have been
well brought up hardly ever smoke them.
"Trirm'tlibA rlrarflttes. and I can scarcely
stand the smell, so to me It is somewhat of a
mystery why the the habit becomes so strong.
Ihave heard young people say repeatedly they
conld not break themselves of the habit and
sometimes a well-dressed young fellow will buy
one, with the remark that he is trying to break
off. Whether he Is actually trying to stop the
habit or that is the size of his pile, is a conun
drum I cannot answer.
"Yes, Battsbnrg is a good cigarette city, but
the profit In the business is so small that it
doesn't pay to handle them, and in addition
they injure the cigar trade. I would like to see
them knocked out"
Mr. G. C. Davis, near tne Monongahela
House, said: "I never sell tobacco to children.
I have boys cf my own, and I don't want to see
them smoke This law was badly needed. In this
part of the city not many cigarettes are sold.
The river men and coal men prefer the toble.
In fact you scarcely ever see aworkingman
smoke a cigarette Tnev leave mat to tne
dudes and the young bloods on the avenue
"Yes, It is true that a great many children
smoke cigarettes. I havo seen little fellows
only 5 to S years old puffing away at
one, and sometimes they will try to buy
them in the store The practice Is very preva
lent among school children. They slip off Into
corners and quiet places, and smoke them on
the sly. The cigarette is net like a cigar. It
can be smoked in a few minutes, and if you
watch boys at recess you can soon discover
them pufflog at a cigarette. They buy them
from the Italians and candy stands, a cent's
worth at a time The larger dealers will not
bother with trade of this kind, and refuse to
sell them, very often on higher grounds.
"The Hebrews on Wylle and Old avenues
smoke a great many. They are always sup
plied with them. A lOcent package of cigar
ettes cost 8H cents, so you see there is not
mnch profit in the business, and the dealers
will not lose much If the law is carried ont"
Mr. S. P. Miller, who bas given cigarette
smoking considerable stndy, says: "In propor
tion to the population ot children now many of
them actually smoke cigarettes? My experience
has been the number is small, and the
good people havo been agitating themselves
unnecessarily on this subject In walking along
the streets I always watch the boys, and it is
seldom I see any of them smoking cigarettes.
The nnmbesis always larger on Saturday, when
the boys are out of sohoou
"Certainly, I approve of such a law; but I
don't believe it can be enforced. I never sell to
young boys, though some of them range be
tween the ages of 14 and 18. The greatest de
mand for cigarettes comes from boys between
IB and 20 years old. I often sell to the newsies
to get rid of them. In fact it isn't safe to refuse
a newsy. I have known them to throw stones
and dirt when disappointed.
"I am not anxious to work up the cigarette
trade In proportion to the cigar business I do
It is nothing at all. I believe many of the
young fellows inhale the smoke for effect and
finally tbey fall into the habit. Tho dude, in
bis fancy rig and with his cane under his arm,
thinks it is the proper thing to curl the smoke
of a cigarette through his nose and mouth."
Mr. Bald, of Linhart Bald & Co., said: "I
sell about 10,000 cigars to 00 cigarettes. I
don't believe I have had more than one boy
under 16 ask for cigarettes in two weeks. I
don't ULe the law, because It is hard for the
dealer to tell when the boy Is 16 years ot age
Ha may look to be that old, but appearances
aro deceiving. The newsies buy a few cents'
worth at a time, but they usually manage to
steal enough to consume more than the small,
The cigarette for some reason or other. Is
Injurious. They are made out of Virginia
stock generally, and when the paper is made
ont Ol rice x cant see w&t mey are any more
harmful than tobacco. The cheaper brands
certainly are lnlnrious when they are wrapped
with a poor quality of paper.
"Do I ever sell to women? Well, sometimes,
but I neter thoughtthey belonged to the better
classes, judging from external evidences. I
sometimes think boys bny cigarettes more for
the pictures found inside the pack than for the
tobacco. I think these plcturesare responsible
for a great deal ot the harm done While not
altogether objectionable they are not the
proper specimens of art to put in the boy's
bands. "
"I notice most cigarettes are asked for by
boys between the ages of 16 and 22. In a short
time they become slaves to the habit so they
tell me. I know one man, 35 years old, who is
smoking the cigarette tobacco in a pipe, trying
to break himself of the practice"
At Beymer Bros, the clerk said they liked
the law. and" at any rate they never sold to
children. Nothing less than a nickel goes in
their department The clerk thought the
dudes smoked cigarettes because their consti
tutions will not stand anything stronger. They
have a large trade and find PIttsDurg a good
cigarette town. Ho said also that the smoke
must be inhaled to get tho aroma, and it is this
pare of the habit that is injurious.
Sir. Williams Says There Are 30 Open Sa
loons In Ft. Madison.
Nathan B. Williams, Esq., returned last
evening'from a trip to Iowa whej-e he had.
been collecting evidence in the Sueebau case.
Mr. Williams stated an attempt was now
being made to enforce prohibition for the first
time in jvcoictik. in it, Aiaaison mere are
open saloons in fall blast' and the local.offlcers
wa aAjtM3 Inn Jthn prAtinfi t!a& tbA malnnn
Tho Annual Conventions of Both Branches
of the Faith Names of the Commis
sioners Who Will Attend.
The General Assembly of the Presbyter
ian Church of the United States of Amer
ica, will be held, beginning to-day, in the
Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New
York City. The delegates from this city and
Allegheny, or commissioners, as they are more
properly called, left yesterday and Tuesday for
the metropolis to be present at the'openlng
meeting. The commissioners from this city
are Ministers J. M. Maxwell, D. D., John .
Plumer, George T. Purves, D. D.; Elders:
Thos, Davis Davis, M. D., W. C. Bane, M. D.,
W. J. Alexander. From Allegheny Ministers:
James Allison, D. D., John Fox: Elders: L. A.
Brown, S. W. Spencer. Dr. Allison, of the
JPresbyterian Banner, of this city, will also at
tend the convention.
The Thirty-first General Assembly of the
United Presbyterian Church of North America
will meet in the United Presbyteran Church of
Springfield. O,, On May 22. The opening ser
mon will be preached by Bev. W. T. Meloy,
jj.jj., tne Moderator oi tne lastuenerai Assem
bly. The delegates who will go from Pittsburg
are: J. D. Sands, J. T. McCrory, J. D. Turner,
j. ai. wauace. .&. a. Morrow, j. a. mewarvps.
McCurdy, John Duff. '
The churches in Allegheny will be repre
sented by: A. H. Calvert, J. W. Witherspoon.
John McNaugber, D. A. McCIenaban, E. 9.
McKItrick, Ji V. Hill. J. D. Fraser, J. M. Al
lison, J. L. Robertson, E. W. Kldd.
The most important business of the General
Assembly will be connected with the reports of
the boards, and the arrangement of their work
for the next year. The standing committees ot
the assembly will also present their reports.
There are several memorials to be brought to
the attention of the assembly. Thevare as fol
lows: From the Presbytery of Allegheny, In
reference to the power of presbyteries over the
official relations of ruling elders to their con
gregations; from the Presbytery of Cone
maugh, on the use of tobacco; from the Pres
bytery jof Wheeling, asking that the book of
government be so changed as to admit theolog
ical students to licensure at the end of the
second year; from the directors of the Alle
gheny Theological Seminary, with refer
ence to increasing the number of
ministers: from the .fresbytery of Omaha
asking the assembly to direct the Board of
Publication to abandon the copyright on the
revised Psalm book and the Psalter; from
certain members of the Church, asking the
assembly to withhold appropriations from con-
ffr.mtlnn nnr? mhalnn Gtitlm., Yvilili nu In.
strumental music in the worship of God, and'
io appiy meir comnouuons omy to tnose con
gregations and mission stations which do not
use instrumental music. The one from the
theological seminary will be a petition to de
vise ways and means to have more young men
study for the ministry. Dr. William J. Beid,
of this city, will be the principal clerk at the
The Heart and Hand Society, of the Third
Presbyterian Chnrch, will give a supper on
Friday evening next at 6 o'clock for the bene
fit of the West Penn and Homeopathic Hos
pitals. The supper will be held in the lecture
room of the chnrch on Sixth avenue.
The Electro-Hydraulic Company Pnt It Up
From 810,000 to $100,000.
The Electro-Hydraulic Company met at
the Duquesne last night and increased the
capital stock from $10,000 to 100,000.
Mr. J. P. Wltherow is President and H. K.
Floyd Secretary. The company holds two val
uable patents, one: on an elevator. For the
present tney will not build'a plant
Ticket Sellers Versus Piano Sellers.
It will be noticed that while some mnsio
firms are picked upon to do the ticket sell
ing for concerts, the menial work, others are
chosen to furnish the artistic, the musical
material for the same, viz: The pianos. No
matter who sells tickets, for when it comes
to the musical part they all must apply at
Kleber & Bro.'s to get a suitable and satis
factory piano for the occasion. Look at our
own May Festival, Gilmore's concerts,
Rosenthal's concerts, and all others of any
importance; it is Steinway and nothing but
Steinway. All the best pianos are concen
trated in the hands of Kleber & Bro., it ap
pears. Here we find the great Steinway, the won-
derful Conover, the charming Opera and I
Emerson makes. Also the lovely Bnrdett I
organs and the phenomenal vocallon chnrch
organs the grandest church instrument
ever invented. The Kleber Bros, are the
oldest and most trusted music house in
the city, and they do the lion's share of the
mnsio business. Their salesrooms are at 506
Wood street
Free of Charge for First Tbreo Months.
Five eminent doctors will arrive on May
17, and locate permanently at their resi
dence. 315 Penn avenne, between Third and
Fourth streets, Pittsburg. All who visit
the doctors before June 1 will receive serv
ices for the first three months free ot charge
The only favor desired is a recommendation
from those whom they cure. The doctors
never publish the name of any patient, bnt
simply nse the recommendation as a refer
ence. These English and German physicians
treat every variety of disease and deformity,
bnt will in no instance accept an incurable
case If yonr malady is bevond all hope
they will frankly tell you, also caution yon
against spending more money for unnecessary-
treatment Remember dates and go
early, as their offices are crowded from morn
ing till night.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday,
10 A. m. to 750 P. M.
P. M. This Government staff of physi
cians is incorporated by an act of Legisla
ture. Largest Stock or Summer Neckwear,
As yon will say if yon take a'look through.
English styles 4 specialty.
Penn Avenue Stores.
401 Smltbfleld Street, cor. Fourth A-renne.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000.
Deposits of ?1 and npward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent xts
Printed Challla Direct From Farls.
Newest and prettiest styles shown, in
dress goods department.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
' 203 nod 205 Mnrket Streer,
Is headquarters for adjustable window
screens, which will fit any window. Price
from 30c to 50c each. Also for fenein-r of
every description. EOD
The Snmmer Dress Good Bar-rnln.
Double width Albatross, street shades, $1
quality at 45 cents; dress goods department.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
The Largest
Stock of Lincrasta Walton, Japanese and
pressed leather papers and ..room moldings
ever shown in Pittsburg at the wall paper
store of John S. Roberts. 414 Wood street.
Fnns for the May FestiTnl
And commencement-, all the newest novel
ties shown here. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Fresh Arrlrnl.
Just received from Anheuser-Busch St
Louis Brewery a large supply of their cele
brated Budneisser beer, iu both quarts and
pints. For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and
97 Fifth avenue, city.
Come In tho Mornings to the Gingham
1 Connter
If you can, though we have plenty of clerks
to wait on you at any time.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Dr. F. H. Smith, Dentist.
Painless extraction. All kinds of dental
work at reasonable prices. 504 Penn ave.,
Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours, 9 to 5 p. M.
Be Wise MoxHEBS-t-Euy your infant's
cloaks this week at reduced prices. Busy
Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty.
The Silk and Wool Persian Skawb'at 85
"For evening wear less than one-half usual
prices etoak. .;;-. stJ - - jt
iies.iAeBNs k uo.;sfj
The Tonnage Required to Keep Visitors to
City Hall Cool Court Hosso Larger
Iron OIIIIj Ahead of AIL
Yesterday the Department of Awards
made a contract with the Chautauqua Ice
Company' to furnish Municipal Hall with
ice during the summer, for 56 per ton. It will
require a wagon load of ice every morning to
fill the coolers in the various offices of the hall.
This amounts to about 100 tons for the year, or
heated term.
The regulation of fluid temperature at the
Court House falls on Superintendent J. C.
Mercer. He states be cannot estimate what
this year's consumption will likely be. as he has
no data to go on. Before he went to the new
house the consumption was from the middle of
May until the last of November 133,050 pounds,
a little over 66 tons: Now, however, ice is used
the whole year, as the supply of water is stored
in a tank and is unfit for use without ice at any
season. Then the number of coolers is three
times as great as formerly, and thev are
charged twice a day instead ot once, as of yore
It will be se en tha t as there is no c riterion in tho
case It mayrequire 150 tons this year, especially
as beer is not so generally convenient to the
Court House as in times past
in one oi tne great iron manuiactunng uras
of this city the ice supply Is distributed to the
office building and to Mill No. 1 and to Mill No.
2. The total consumption of ice in all three
reaches 175 tons from May 1 to October 1.
The City's Mew Ambulance Now Beady for
For the sum of $385 the handsomest
ambulance in the city was delivered to the
Department oi Charities yesterday. It is
tha ono ordered by Councils, to be built under
the supervision of Chief Elliott
It weighs hut 1,050 pounds, and is finished as
fine as the best carriages, with steel axles, tires
and running parts. A patent movable bed in
the bottom affords an easy couch for the sick,
and a medicine chest and all manner of appli
ances assure a- comfortable journey of the
patient to hospital or Poor Farm.
Buy Only the Iiovely Wnsbbnrn Mandolins,
Guitars nnd Zithers.
The genuine can be had only at B. Kle
ber & Bro.'s mnsic store, No. 506 Wood
street See also Klebers' large stock of
violins, banjos, conrtois, Besson & Slater's
cornets. Sheet music and mnsio books.
We desire also tocall attention to the new
American woo'd Arion guitars, which Kle
bers are selling at the remarkably low price
of 10. They are guaranteed to be equal to
any $20 guitar in the market
Fine Whiskies.
XXX. 1855 Pure Eye Whiskey, full
quart $2 00
Monogram Pure Eye Whiskey, full
quart 1 75
P-stra Obi Cabinet Pure Eye Whiskey,
full quart '.. 1 50
1879 Export Pure Eye Whiskey, full
quart, 1 25
1880 Export Pure Eye Whiskey, full
quart 1 00
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Kos. 95 and
97 Filth avenue, city.
Pare Rye Whiskies.
We offer the trade a selection of the
largest and finest stock held in this city of
Pennsylvania pure rye whiskies from 1 to
10 years old, comprising the following
brands: Finch's Golden Wedding, A. Over
holt & Co., H. Large, Jr., Gibson and
Dillinger& Son.
Geo. H. Bennett & Beo.,
J(o. 135 First ave.,2d door below Wood st.
See the Fine Leghorn Hats 81,
Flats and other shapes, all at $1 each
millinery department
Penn Avenue Stores.
Bedroom Fnrnltnre.
We desire von should know wTiptb In trat
satisfied if yon are looking for beautiful and
Iste designs in bedroom suits, and unless
you are very hard to please you will cer
tainly be satisfied with our bargains in wal
nut and oak suits and our styles of antique
.suits. M. Seibebt & Co.,
Cor. Lacockand'Hope sts., Allegheny.
Near railroad bridge. "d
Millinery Hats Blbbona Flowers.
All the newest here. Have you seen the
35c ribbons? If not, come soon.
J03. Hobne & Co. '3
Penn Avenne Stores.
Gent's Gold Watches.
All grades of American makes in plain or
fancy style cases. Prices (35 to $150. All
warranted. E. P. Eobeets & Sons,
its Cor. Fifth ave. and Market st.
More of Those Speolnl Bargain Black
In to-day 10 piece lots of them, they go
ont so quick. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenne Stores.
Get the Best.
The demand for Marvin's rye bread grows
larger every day. It is baked by German
bakers, and is the best made in the country.
All grocers keep it. TTSStt
This word is the only one which will ez
press the variety of patterns and colorings
to be found at the wall paper store of John
S. Roberts, 414 Wood st, Pittsburg.
The Latest All sizes Child's jersey
ribbed vests for 10c this week. Ladies'
black coat-back jerseys 25c, worth 75c.
Bnsy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty.
Angostura Bitters, the celebrated ap
petizer, of exquisite flavor, is used all over
the world.
Fancy and Plain Wool Faced Goods at 12Kc
Choice Colorings in 86-inch Cashmeres, with
Stylish Plaids or Stripes to mingle, at 25o a
All-Wool Summer Weight Albatross, 33-Inch,
closing at 37c
43-inch French Serges, newest tints. 05c.
French Cashmeres, Fine Count Spring Shad
ings, 50c and up.
Colored Ground Challles, French effects, 10c
and 20c a yard.
New Printings off Best French TamUe Cloth.
Confined fltvTf In Rrntnh nincrhAma tnn.
and Shadings rivaling finest Woolen Goods 1
just your need for a cool, serviceable costume.
French Style Satines at 12&c 15c and 20c.
May shipments of Pancv Printed Frenoh
Satines, marked departure from early styles.
Bargains in 45-lnch Embroidered Flouncings
at 90c, Jl. 1 25 and up.
Fine Bemstltched Bordered India Linen, 45
and 60-inch widths.
French Nainsook, Stripes and Checks.
SUIT ROOM-.Full lines ot Silk, Wool and
Wash Fabrics, in latest style, and first-class
goods at a moderate price.
Umbrellas. German Gloria Plate Caps, 25
inch, at $1 SO and 12. Specialties.
Parasols and Fancy Top Umbrellas. Large
assortment at popular prices.
,x asai
Wnb EQ.'H
Last week we told you at some length of o
large stock of seasonable Dress Goods and the
, & 1
low prices. This week wo have more to say
abont this largest dress goods department
A special large purchase of French Eobe
high novelties. Now Is tha time to buy really
choice and elegant costumes at a bargain.
Prices J8, HO. some at 118: sold early IrTthe se-j
son at 125; some at $13, were $30. Come in and
secure one or more of these nnequaled bar-
gains all new, fresh goods, deloyed in the cus
tom, honse
One lot of all-wool Albatross, imported to sea
at SI, our price for them 45c; one case of gray
and brown mixed Suitings, 60 inches wide at
40c a yard; some English Striped Suitings at
75c, regular price $1 60; then In All-wool De
beiges, the favorite summer dress fabric, we
have some very much under prica at 30c, 85a,
40c, 50c, 60c and 75c a yard these are all-wool
and great bargains.
Two special lots of 46-inch All-wool Cash
meres at GOo and 75c a yard each a special bar
gain; fine All-wool Serges at 50c, and a 48-inch
wide fine Serge at 75c; largo assortment of La
dles' Cloth Suitings, in spring colorings, 50c to
$2 50 a yard; also new styles in plaid and check
60-lnch Suitings at SI 25 a yard.
Black and Whlto Plaids, Checks, Stripes and
Mixtures In large vansty.
Printed Challles, French goods, all wool. In
newest designs, finest qualities, at 50c a yard;
also at 25c, 30c and 40c; new Empire style side
border Challles at 75c and upward; full line of
Mohairs, in plain colors, printed, striped and
brocbe effects; our plain colored Mohairs, 4fl
Inches wide, only 45c.
Lansdown Suitlnz. the new silk and -wnol
fabric for summer wear, lightest in welzbt;
gleam of color; also all the favorite waives in
cream white woolens, snch as Albatrfass, Khy-
her1. Nuns' Veilincsr.also bordered it om--ZScaj
and silk and wool effects that are entirely new
complete assortment of cream white Flannel
Suitings, 50c to Jl 50 a yard.
Cream white Pongee Silks, 43c a yard to.
finest; fancy stripe washable Silks for blouse
waists; then the largest assortment of printed
India Silks our great specialty tali season;
prices run from 45c to $2 50 a yard; onr 26-inch
real Shanghai Silks at 65c and 75c are-the great-.
est bargains anywhere; also at Jl, JI 25 and Jl 53
per yard.
Black Silks, 24 inches wid3,at 90c a great
bargain; all the best makes in Black Silks, 75c
to U a yard; black Failles, Armures, Brocades,
In special good values; black SIlc Grenadines,
75c and Jl a yard extra value; black Armure
Silks, 22-Inch, Jl 25 quality, for 75c a yard.
Black Surah Silks, extra values, at 45c, SSe,
65c; 21-inch at 65c, and 28-lnoh at 75c, and up to
Plain India Silks at 75c. JX JI 15, 0 25 to Jl 75.
Thin black woolen fabrics for summer wear;
iron frame Hernanis, 75c to S3 a yard; Camel's
Hair Grenadines, 75c to Jl 75; Nuns' Veilings,
plain, 50c to Jl 25; bordered, Jl 60 to $3 50 (silk
and wool); Batistes. Fllde Fer, Silk Warp
Clalrettes, Bilk Warp Challles, AH-wool Char
lies, Wool Grenadines. Wool Bengalines, Alba."
trots, Monssellnes; also the new hemstitched
and fancy side-border novelties la Camel's
hair Grenadines and Nans' Veilings entirely
Special values in black Wool Serges and
Cashmeres, 48 inches wide, at 50c a yard.
Black Mohairs and BrflUanUcesat23cnp to
finest qualities.
A special lot of fancy stripe Mack Fancy
Suitings Jl goods s tiling at 60o a yard.
Our Wash Dress Goods Department an.
enormous bargain stock here in Ginghams, Sa
tines, Percales, Cheviots, Seersuckers, Cotton
Challles the low prices we save put on stand
ard makes surpass all other offerings of Infe
rior goods at small pjices." .
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