Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 16, 1889, Image 1

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    ? Tlf'iHRnHR K ifcy " Sw!Kk jWttBBPBgBWg-BWBBBHPBBMr r dS."1 qK&Ttr 9PWff?nsssffrcilfiTMffiP''ffil r .P!rsssssssssssssssn
;": fJnr M$Il BWahV"vSaigss ':;il
Will be reaped by all wtib
advertise In the Dispatch.
It reaches every borne and
is read by everybody. II
yon are in business Jt tlie
Eublic know it through TH
r- : -: - " : ' ' ' iDKr ZZ
rmnn m n a nua urn as" ss. s -zirr feri.. zr :-- ss.. . g- a
But the Office Seekers Are So
Persistent and Numerous
That He Has
Solicitor General JenkB' fiesignation
at Last Accepted. .
Attorney General Miller Writes Jadce Jcnks
a Nest Appreciative Note The Freseot
Administration Has No Cso for Ex-Cou-eressmen
Several Pcnnsylvnnlans Given
the Cold Cat on Various Occasions
IVesIdent Harrison's Kcplr to a Delega
tion of G. A. B. Keancstlnc Thnt Veteran
Soldiers be Given Preferment for OQce.
President Harrison longs for an opportu
nity to prove be is a hustler, but the pes
tiferous, ever-uresent and numerous office
seeker affords him no opportunity. He
can't turn around without tramping all over
them, and so hasn't room to work in and do
himself or the subject justice. Solicitor
General Jenks has at last been relieved
from the cares of office, but no man knowetii
who'll be his successor. No ex-Congressman
has any show with the present admin
"Washington-, May 15. There was very
little less of a rush, at the "White Ho'use to
day than yesterday, and the consumption of
the time of the President is having its effect
in preventing consideration of applications
for appointment. The President is a very
patient man. He has immense self control
and a vast deal of obstinacy. Therefore be
is neither irritated by the persistency of
visitors and the consumption of his time,
nor is be to be driven to hasten his move
ments by fanlt finding or importunity. He
said to-day to one of his visitors:
"I am moving as rapidly as I possibly
can, when you remember that practically
the working hours of the day are to a great
extent merely wasted by office seekers or
Vfheir solicitous friends. I don't partict
v urly object to this. It is unavoidable, as
veil as customary. If it is a hindrance, it
itisajs occasionally a help. I have a
fountain of applications now on file, but I
shall aoL'be able to go through with them
"apidlvnntil the number of visitors each
dayisiargely decreased."
The President Wonts a Best.
The truth is, it has been almost officially
announced that if the office seekers and
their friends will but give bim a rest, the
President will show himself to be a genuine
"hustler. The father and mother and pas
tor of Nelson Colbert, the colored yonng
man condemned to be hanged Friday, were
among the earliest of the visitors this morn
ing. They came again to plead for even a
brief .respite for the murderer, but the Pres
ident again firmly told them that he had
fully considered the case, had granted one
reprieve for the purpose of full considera
tion, and had concluded that the unpro
voked murder of an old man could give no
excuse for clemency. The party left appar
ently more resigned than yesterday, feeling
they had done all they possibly could in the
Amongthe Senatorial callers were Senator
Harris, who is fighting the appointment of
Zj. G. Hines, a candidate for District Com
missioner, and Senator "Washburn, who is
taking a hand, after the model of Senator
Quay, in pretty near every appointment,
large and small, in his State.
Tom Ochiltree Modest as Ever.
Bed-headed and jolly Tom Ochiltree was
an early visitor, and remained so long in
the library that he made the other fellows
jealous. "When he came hobbling forth on
his crutches he was besieged by the corre
spondents to know what office he was after,
and answered with his perpetual authority:
"I had a talk with the President about
Texas anairs. I do not think that he is
going to take np those matters right away,
but I am pretty sure that he is going to
make bis appointments there on the basis of
fitness and business qualifications. If he
rloes that I shall be perfectlycontented. He
knows perfectly well that I had control of
the patronage of the State under Grant and
Arthur and that every appointment made
there was a good one. That is what has
made me so popular in the State, and en
abled me to come to Congress from a Demo
cratic district. Yes, I think that the Presi
dent is going to do the right thing by Texas.
I haven't presented any names at all, and
shall not right away.
Thinks Virclnla Will Go Ucpnbllcan.
Another distinguished caller was Prof.
John M. Langston, the interesting Con
gressional contestant from "Virginia. He is
an almost daily visitor, and is invariably
admitted. Though the President has been
universally accused of favoring General
Habone by his appointment of Farr instead
of Treat theother day. no Virginian is more
welcome at the White House than this
.eloquent colored man. Prof. Langston ap
peared gratified by the result of his" visit,
and said to intrusive inquiries that Presi-
deat'fiarrison would do the fair thing air
aronhd, that his policy would help the Ee
publican party in Virginia, and that that
State wonld give a sweeping Republican
victory at the State elections of next fall.
Judge Jeoks nt tnst Allowed to Go.
Judge Jenks' resignation was accepted
finally yesterday, and tbe distinguished
jurist of Indiana county passes into private
life, though he will for some time occupy a
conspicuous position as a counsel for the
Government in the prosecution of the Bell
telephone cases. It is said to be necessary
that his successor be selected at once, and it
is rumored the appointment was made this
week, but no one not in the all-kno"wing po
;. litical circle seems to hare the least idea in
regard to the identity of that successor.
I hough ex-CongressmCK Boand, or the
..Dauphin district, was the chosen candidate
rolTJhe friends of BenatorCameron, he is
peculiarly nnluckyagun o'fice seeker under
s.i:tr,vir-s-ri-rrMsri.T?v-. r. ..
sus mmminnissiUM
' '. : zrr . kvtgl ssssi
his ambition on the office of Solicitor Gen
eral, and as he was a gentleman of dignity,
fine legal attainments and experience on
the bench, with ample political backing, as
ft was thought, many supposed his prospects
were of the brightest. For pome reason he
sopn abandoned that application probably
because he was informed that Attorney Gen
eral Miller had another candidate for the
successor of Judge Jenks.
fill Hopes a Third Time Blasted.
Judge Bound then filed his application
for the office of Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, only to have his Lopes blasted in
a short time by the discovery that Senators
Cameron and Quay had indorsed the appli
cation of Holliday, of Erie, for that place.
Again he transferred his papers, this time
applying for the office of Second Controller,
but the prospect is that Jndge Gilkeson,
notorious as the bone of contention between
Quay and Sherman, will get that very com
fortable position.
Senator Qnay thought he had the slate
fixed for Gilkeson to be District Judge in
Florida, but the fighting Floridians settled
their State quarrel by combining upon
Aiuger, of Georgia, and as President Har
rison has shown a disposition in all his ap
pointments to adhere to the principle of
home rule, enunciated in the Republican
platform, it is thought Aiuger will get the
Judgeship, and that Gilkeson will be made
Second Controller, thus again
Leaving Jndce Bonnd In tho Gravy.
This is so discouraging that it is feared
Judge Bound will abandon the contest, but
it is possible his papers may bob up serenely
in a new place.
Ex-Congressman Brumm is another dis
tinguished Pennsylvanian who has been
dropped out of the favor of ths powers that
be. He also was an applicant, successively,
for several fat places, but he has apparently
retired permanently from (he field.
Perhaps the strangest lapse 5n the part of
the Pennsylvania Senators was to assume
parental care of ex-Congressman "Jack"
Hiestand, of Lancaster. Mr. Hiestand has
long had a feast of fat things at the public
crib, and when he failed of a renomination
for Congress on account of his own neglect,
it was supposed the Pennsylvania power
which does not permit a single sparrow to
fall to the ground that can be of any use to
it would again take care of the redoubtable
Jack. The first dash of Mr. Hiestand was
for naval officer at PhiladelDhia. Failing
there he transferred his affections to the
office of Collector of Internal Bevenne for
his district, but with no prospects of suc
cess. Like Brother Brumm and Brother
Bound, he seems to have been passed oyer
to the ranks of the veterans who lag super
fluous on the political stage.
No Ex-Congressmen Need Apply.
It is somewhat remarkable that not one of
the ex-Congressmen who are applicants for
office under this administration, hare been
recognized. The assumption seems to be
that a man who could not get nominated or
re-elected is not worth wasting an office
upon. "William "Walter Phelps is the only
one who has been given anything at all,
and his office is temporary, and he did not
ask for it. Representative Ryan, of Kansas,
was appointed Minister to Mexico, but he
was a member-elect of the Fifty-first Con
gress, and not an ex-Congressman.
Louisiana Politicians Ablo to Give Points to
the Field How They Work Their
Little Schemes When to Strike
and When to Quit.
Washington, May 15. No man holds
on belter to a bad cause than your Louisiana
Bepublican politician, and no man knows
better than he when to strike and when to
abstain. The exception of Packard's recent
break for the Liverpool Consul Generalship
only proves the rule true, for Packard, liv
ing awhile in Iowa, lost allhis cunnine-.
A familiar figure at the Treasury and the
Postoffice Departments, and in the evening
about theWillard Hotel lobby, is P. J.
Herwig, or New Orleans, Chairman of the
Louisiana Bepublican Committee. "When
he come here five or six weeks ago Coleman,
the only Bepublican Congressman-elect from
the State of Louisiania, was apparently in
high feather, especially at the "White House,
Coleman was a man of the time young,
active, enthusiastic. Late a protectionist
Democrat, he had behind him a body of or
ganized white laboring men. He was
The Knight ofGolden Promise,
and to him there was gladsome acclaim.
For awhile he went to see the President
every day, and gave out long interviews on
the Southern policy of the new administra
tion to the correspondents of New Orleans
All this time Herwig was either immured
within the walls of his hotel, complaining
of how the weather affected his rheumatism,
or making little sallies to the departments.
He did not go near the oak table or even
peep into the East Boom with the casual
visitor. Herwig played a modest role.
"When all of the kaleidoscopic views of a
Southern policy had been presented to the
Pelican eublic, and when news of coming
appointments was getting pamiuuy scarce;
when nothing of all the golden dreams
which had been dreamed since his election
had been realized, the Hon. Dndley Cole
man save out that he was going home. In
terviewed some days later in New Orleans,
he boldly asserted that there could be but
one Bepublican leader, hud he was the
His Time to Move.
Now moved the phlecmatic Herwig. He
called upon the President and made him
acquainted with the situation from the
standpoint of the old Republicans. Alleg
ing that he was told by Mr. Harrison that
no one man, even a Senator, should not
control the patronage of a State, he pro
ceeded to secure a number of removals in
the postal service.
Meantime Coleman lingered at home or
by the wayside. The dispenser of patron
age is not dispensing, but patronage is dis
pensed. The vender of views has ceased to
vend them. The places of Superintendent
of the Mint and Supervisor of Public
Buildings at New Orleans will soon be
filled. A great fight progresses over the
postoffice, the collectorship, and the naval
office Meantime, the leaders' movements
are nnknown to friend and foe alike. The
private secretary goes home without inform
ation, perhaps in search of it. The day
waxes and wanes, and he the torchbearer
of the new civilization, cometh not.
Pennsylvania Secures Bat Thirteen New
Postmasters in a Day.
"Washington, May 15. One hundred
and forty-three is the sum of new postmas
ters made by Mr. Clarkson to-day, the un
lucky nnmber of 13 being the total for
Uepsylvania, as follows:
H. J. Been, Delta: R D. Beams. Fallsincton,
J.F.McGrew.FindlayviJle; E. F. Hackman:
Hatfield; D. W. Rank, LiraestoncvIIle: Charles
Reo, Maud; W. R. Vandercnft.NewportvIIIe:
H. B. Groff, Ferkasil; E. M. Snyder, Point
Manor; J. M. Pernne, Putnam: Joseph E. Mc
Noldf, Schenksville: Charles Merriman, Sheri
decrille, and Fhilo Fuller, Tioga.
President Harrison's Bcply to a Reqaeit of
n G. A. R. Committee.
Washington, May 15. Comrades Jos.
"W. Kay -an 1 George W. Brown, and David
XT. Anick to-djy talked to the President as
a committee representing the Grand Army
of the Bepuhlio of Brooklyn., They laid
.Dei ore mm resolutions aaoptea nvtBe Mem-
,omI aad ExHilvc Crait f(HT5ay
during April last, urging the carrying out
of those provisions of the revised statutes
looking to the preferment of veterans of the
late war for office under the Government.
They asked the President to give full force
and effect to the laws now existing or here
after to be enacted on this subject.
The President replied that he would con
sider this question very carefully, and would
give the resolutions their due weight.
Attorney General Sillier Bids Solicitor Gen
eral Jenks Adlen.
"Washington, May 15. Attorney Gen
eral Miller yesterday wrote the following
letter to Solicitor General Jenks:
Department of J ustice.
My Dear Mr, Jenks:
The President anthorlzas me to accept your
resignation of the office of Solicitor General of
the United States, to take effect this date, and
I accordincly do so. This resignation you ten
dered at the commencement of this adminis
tration, but at my request you have remained
with ns to this time a time fixed by yourself
from the beginning as the possible limit of
your retention of the office, and your resigna
tion is now accepted, at vour request.
In severing our relations, permit me to say
that they have been to me exceedingly pleas
ant, profitable and satisfactory: and I know
that your withdrawal leaves a vacancvintho
Snblic service which, it will no very aimcuu to
1L With thanks for your personal courtesy
and kindness toward me. and with my very best
wishes for your prosperity and liappxi
isnes lor your prosperity ana nappini
I am your sincere friend,
yonr sincere trieno,
W.W. H, Mi,eb, Attorney General.
A Harrlshnrs Family Preparing to Start a
Dime Museum.
Habbisbueg, May lti, A third Albino
baby made its appearance in the home of a
"West Harrisburg family this morning. It
is a girl, exceptionally large, finely devel
oped, and a more perfect type of the Albino
than its brother and sister. Dr. M. K.
Bowers, the family physician, says the third
little stranger is the most pronounced Al
bino he ever saw. i
There are two other children born to the
same parents, the boy, on May 11, 1886, and
the second, a girl,' on August 15, 1887. The
three children form an interesting group.
All have hair pure snow-white, and pink
eyes. The two older ones are healthy
youngsters. A great many persons called
to see the curiosity to-day.
The father of thu children is of dark com
plexion, with black eyes and jet-black hair.
The mother is also inclined to the brunette
type, and has dark hair and eyes. Maternal
impressions are doubtless the cause of this
singular physiological change, as the history
of the mother previous to the birth of the
first child is the best possible evidence.
Both Branches of the United Brethren Are
Gathered In Conlerence.
YoitE, Pa., May 15. Bishop "Weaver
presided oyer the majority Conference of
the United Brethren Church to-day. The
motion to license women to preach was
adopted after a long discussion. The Secre
tary of the "Woman's Missionary Society,
Mrs. L. B. Beister, was introduced, and
read a paper on the wort. A motion was
adopted that no minister should be allowed
to preach more than three consecutive years
at one point without the consent of the con
ference. The minority conference was piesided
over by Bishop "Wright Bey. Becker was
elected a delegate to bear fraternal greetings
to' the American "Wesleyan Methodist
Church Convention. , It was agreed that
four Bishops should be elected,, one for tha-J
Pacific Coast and three for the East. It
was recommended to call a congress of
Christian churches in the fall in some large
city to urge a war against secret societies.
Mexican Desperadoes Kill and Bob a Ball
road Treasurer of 8700.
Topeka, Kan., May 16. Details were
received to-night by General Manager Rob
inson, of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa I
Fe Bailway, of a murder and daring
robbery at the Santa Fe mines, near
Socorro, N. Mex, The miners were being
paid their April earnings to-day and a large
sum of money had been received from
Treasurer "Wilder, of thiscity. At3 o'clock
three Mexican desperadoes entered the com
pany's office from the rear and deliberately
shot and killed Treasurer G. "W. Richards,
who was alone, and took all the cash in the
office, about 700. They fled on horses to
the mountains. A posse of miners is in
Richards has been a mining engineer and
superintendent for five years. He was a
graduate of the "University of Illinois. Gen
eral Manager Bobinson offers a reward of
51,000 for the murderers and, $500 for the
Two Sides of tho Case fn a Peculiar Breach
of Promise Halt.
Galena, III, May 15. Samuel Cun
ningham, the wealthy bachelor of this city,
aged 70, against whom suit was begun yes
terday by Louisa Lohrmann, a widow of
three score and ten, for 510,000 damages for
breach of promise, employed one of the
leading lawyers of this city to-day to defend
him. Mr. Cunningham to-day said that the
widow Lohrmann popped the question to
him several times and bored him nearly .to
death during his visits at her house with
importunities to marry him.
Me asserts tnat tne widow is atter bis
wealth, and that she has no case whatever.
Her attorneys, however, say that a number
of witnesses will be produced who will swear
thet Cunningham promised to marry their
client, apd maintain that his closeness alone
prompted him to desert the widow, after
duly considering what it would cost him to
support her.
A New York Village Belle Elopes and Mar
ries Her Rector.
Stbacuse, N. Y., May 15. The BeV.
Charles Kimball, rector of the Episcopal
Church at Oriskany Falls, N, Y., and his
bride, are stopping here at they Empire
House, on their honeymoon. Mrs. Kimball
was Miss Fannie Putnam, of Oriskany
Falls, and she eloped with the rector last
Saturday night, her friends being opposed
to the match.
Miss Putnam was the belle of her town,
is 19 years of age, and has money. Mr.
Kimball was to be ordained a priest at St.
Paul's CatHedral here, on May 29.
Fire Men Along a Barbed Wire Fence All
Strnck at Once.
Helena, May 15. News has. reached
here that Henry Hoffman, a blacksmith,
was killed by lightning at Bed Bluff. He
and four others stood near a wire fence
when the storm broke. Lightning strnck
the fence, knooking down all five. Four
soontecovered, but the shock killed Hoff
man outright.
What thePabllc Printer' There For.
"Washington. May 15. Public Printer
Palmer.to-day appointed Thomas J. Lazier,,1
of New Hampshire, chief time.'clerk ofthe
uovern ra easiinnuBgtUHice.ijyice uames
xtw, Tfigasa.'
PITTSBURG, .THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1889. y&jmY4 UJMxa- i
Lord Lonsdale Tet Uncertain Just
How Far North He Eeally Went.
But Ho Secured the Heads of Two Moose
Oxen That He Went After.
ns Describes the Great Blare Late as the largest
lake In the World.
Lord Lonsdale has arrived in NewSork
on bis way -home from an adventurous trip
in the Arctic 'regions. He answers those
critics who deny that he was inside the
Arctic Circle by plainly saying that he was
so far North that he doesn't yet know
just where he was, but ho will soon be able
to ridicule those who are now laughing at
New Yobk, May 15. Lord Lonsdale,
whose long trip ampng polar bears and the
Esquimaux has puzzled eyejybody inter
ested in arctio geography during the past
month, to-day arrived at the Brevoort
House, where be. will remain a few days be
fore sailing for home. In appearance, Lord
Lonsdale shows no trace of the severe hard
ships he encountered during 15 months that
he spent amid snow and ice. He comes
back stalwart and ruddy, and looking quite
the trained athlete, save a pound or two of
superfluous flesh, which perhaps is the
product of the fat-producing blubber diet of
extreme northern latitudes, He has learned
within two or three days, on his arrival
East from the Pacific coast, of the discussion
among geographers and others, in this coun
try and Jn England, which his journeying
in the extreme North has set going. The
incredulity and criticism which have been
expressed, he says, have by no means of
fended him, and he is quite willing to clear
up all tjie doubtful points -in the narrative,
as far as it lies in his power.
But as regards some of the geographical
details of his movements, Lord Lonsdale is
himself somewhat in the dark as yet, and he
will not be able to make an exact statement
about his journeying from day to day until
he has figured out, with the aid of a table of
corrections, the readings of his sextant,
which he regarded as the result of observa
tions taken -whenever the weather permitted.
"Whether he actually succeeded in reaching
that all-but-inaccessible land, Melville's
Island, he does not himself know, but he
did reach an island, he says, northeast of
Banksland, which the only reliable maps of
the region led him to believe was Melville's
"A wrong significance and importance
has been persistently given to my trip," he
said to-day, to a Dispatch reporter. "I
know and care little about geography, and
I didn't start ont in search of tWe North
Pole, as some seem to think. The objects of
my trip were entirery zoological, and not in
any sense geographical. Perhaps my chief
ambition was to secure ...
one of the rarest of natural history prizes.
There are only three or four in the museums
of the -world. I was fortunate enough to se
cure two splendid specimens, besides a great
number of other ouriosities and speoimens
of animal Jifej I went as a representative
of the Scottish Society, to which I shall
make my report and turn over my speci
mens, but I acted upon my own responsi
bility from first to last, and personally bore
the entire expenses of the trip."
In all published reports of Lord Lons
dale's most extraordinary feat crossing the
ice-covered sea, from the continentto Brule's
land, and thence on to Melville's Island
the trip has been mentioned only as an inci
dent, and without detail. His lordshin was
therefore urged to describe for the benefit of
The Dispatch readers his experience
while undertaking what Fullen, Bae,
Parry, McClure and other hardy explorers
strove in vain to accomplish.
"While unwilling to dwell in much detail
upon the personal hardships he encountered,
Lord Lonsdale was quite ready to furnish an
outline of his party's adventures on the trip.
"WHEEE the stbait was crossed.
"It has been wrongly stated," he said,
"that I crossed to Banksland from near the
mouth of the Mackenzie river. Such is not
the fact. "We crossed the strait from Cape
Bafhrirst, which is a long distance to the
east of the Mackenzie. I reached Cape
Bathnrst early in August last, and about
the 17th of that month we made the start- I
thought I saw land to the northeast, and
I was told there were reindeer and other
animal life there. I was accompanied by
my servant and four Esquimaux.
"Our boat was an open one, 29 feet long
and 10 feet beam amidships. She was light
and strong, and could be easily transported
over snow and ice. "We took a large team
of dogs and sleds for this purpose. Some of
the dogs which we took with ns to Banks
land and across that country I have in my
possession still, and they will reach New
York from Montreal to-morrow. The
passage of the strait was hazardous and dif
ficult, of course, but we were remarkably
fortunate. Still, we were caught in a floe
of heavy ice for three or four davs. and we
were badly pinched.
' "I would not attempt the passage of the
strait again any more than I would try to
fly across. I had been told that the current
and drift of the ice was from east to west,
but I found it to be in quite the opposite
direction, we encountered no icebergs,
but only very heavy hummocks and field
ice. "We were compelled ty make all sorts
of twists and turns, often retracing ourway,
but we finally reached Banksland on or
about August 25."
"What was the distance, as you traveled
it, from Cape Bathurst to Banksland?"
"I can't give you even an approximate
idea. Our course was so crooked, and we
drifted so much, that I have no means of
judging. As a rough guess it may be 50 or
100 miles possibly more. This map, the
last I could find, locates Banksland too far
from the continent. I found Banksland to
consist of a certain portioir" of rock, around
which there are great alluvial deposits,
probably from the Mackenzie and other
rivers. There is little vegetation save an
alluvial growth of gray willow. There are
but a heavy growth of moss. The topog
raphy of the region is rolling, with no great
elevations. The land is uninhabited, but is
sometimes visited by Exquimanxon whaling
trips. "We found a few there on that mis
sion. "We remained in Banksland until
well into September, moving steadily north
with boat, sleds and dogs, skirting the west
ern coast "We made the trip partly by
water, crossing the bays and dragging the
boat over the low capes."
'Did you reach Harbor of Mercy, where
McClure abandoned his ship Investigator?"
"I don't know. I had no means of identi
fying any of the pblnts I reached. I simply
pushed ahng to the northern coast, collect
ing such natural history specimens pf value
as came within reach. I Mnmi rpinrWr
L the ivory-, black and white gulls and white
;!? "-jv w t Xjx-j 1 fiJ! sib -A j. r
n b ftvAi, ; M zru. jTnAi. i s rvra
Mj-irs.uS j wmvx, ttwmwu m oo a h save
etfcettesttflitframirsAsvBtt faarf
VDUHITWB . . .. - ji,ssK". .v. mm
' '.1' n . n jh . . . J . Xl j- HnIffV . . L W sh lnrAr.' UH-iHjtw4 lrrtll SW
which frightened the Esquimaux with me.
The boat kept cracking in an alarming
fashion, but keeping on in that direction for
a day and a half, we reached land, I don't
pretend to say what land it was, but the
maps locate nothing in that region except
Melville's Island, so I don't know what
else it could have been, Possibly it was a
sand tnnk( only exposed at low tide. It
nus iow ana sanay, coverea wua mma uu
". j. umnE exDioro it. Jur twcp
peared to be nothing there of interest.
was unlike Banksland, for it was desolate
and not even varied enough in topography
to be described as rolling. ,
We turned about and pushed our way
back to Banksland, which by great good
fortune we were able to reach in 12 hours.
We struck a lane of blear water, hofsted a
big sail, and made our Way without diffi
culty." "What did you find the temperature in
that region at that time of the,year?"
'I took the temperature three times daily,
and it ranged from 37, the average1 dally
maximum while I was in Banksland, to 20.
The return trip from Banksland to the
continent was somewhat less difficult than
the northern passage. The ice was more
compact, but ft was divided into fields, with
clear water spaces between. "We consumed
a week in getting across, for we were nipped
several times. ' "We reached the continental
a point nearer Cape Dalhousie -than Cape
Bathurst, and thence we made our way
overland to Mackenzie late in September."
Lord Lonsdale was asked if he bad been
correctly reported regarding the size of
Great Slave Lake, which he is quoted as
declaring to be about four times the size of
Lake Superior.
"GreatBearLakeis even larger," he re
plied. "That is, I quote Bishop Poumpus,
of the Mackenzie 'diocese,, who says: 'I be
lleve it to be the largest body of fresh water
in the world. Great Slave Lake I crossed,
probably, at Its point of greatest width, and
it is certainly 300 miles broad. I was in
formed that its length was 380 miles, but
Ogilvie's report on that subject will soon be
issued, and that will settle that point. I
on Great Slave Lake for 28 days. We
didn't move A yard in all that time, and we
suffered severely. No, I saw no icebergs on
this or any other body of fresh water, but
the bodies of field ice are enormous."
Lord Lonsdale has brought back with
bim many photos of landscapes and curiosi
ties taken at many points in his travels. He
has a number of negatives, be says, bearing
views in Banksland, bnt be has not yet had
an opportunity to develop them,
Br the Commissioners to the Presbyterian
General Assembly, North, to Meet
To-Dny la New York An Im-
portant Gathering and Its
Weighty Subjects of
, Discussion.
New Yobk, May 15, A representative
gathering of clergymen and laymen, whose
proceedings will be of great importance to
the Presbyterian Church in every State and
Territory in 'America north of Mason and
Dixon'sjline, will begin to-morrow in the
Fourth Prepbyterian Church, the Eev.
Dr. Howar Crosby's. It will discuss
20 questions? and topics on which commit
tees wcre'appointed at the last General As
sembly of the church to prepare full reports
for the General Assembly, about to meet
Colonel Elliott F. Shepard will speak on
Sabhath observance, and. Mr. "Warner Van
Worden on home missions; the Bev.
J. L. "Withrow will report on the
duties oi the Presbyterian church toward
the emigrant population; the Bev. Dr.
J. S. Macintosh on the church at home and
abroad; the Ber. Dr. J, T. Smith on relig
ious instruction in the armyjjthe Bev. John
Dixon on division into classes of ministers
receiving aid from the board of ministerial
relief; the Bev. S. J. Nicolls, of St, Louis,
on unemployed ministers and vacant
churches, and the Bev. Dr. John Hall on
training candidates for the Lord's Supper.
, Dr. Crosby's church has a seating capaci
ty of 700. As the members of the assembly
number 500, there will not be much room
for the public. The commissioners, as the
delegates are called, will sit in comfortable,
low-backed cushion pews, in the body of
the church, while the outsiders will sit in
the rear of the church or in the galleries.
There will be a sermon at 11 A. M. to
morrow by the retiring moderator, the Eev.
Dr. C. L. Thompson, and in the afternoon
there will be an election for the presiding
officer for the remainder of the session.
There are two prominent candidates for
moderator. u.ney are tne itev. Jjra
Charles A. Dickey, pastor of the Calvaiy
irresbyterian Uhurch, .Philadelphia, a di
rector in the "Union Theological Qeminary,
and a member of the Presbyterian Board of
Publication, and Dr. William C. Bobcrts,
of Lake Forest University, formerly trustee
of Princeton College, and Secretary of the
Board of Home Missions. The sacrament
of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated to
morrow evening.
Several More Concerns Gobbled Up by the
English Syndicate.
Detboit, May 15. The titles in the ex
tensive brewing plants ofA. Goebel & Co.,
the Bavarian Brewing Company, the Endriss
brewery and the brewery and bottling works
of Jacob Mann, all of Detroit, paesed yester
day into the hands of representatives of a
company formed in England, and they
assumed the management of the newly
acquired properties at the close of business
last night. ,
The'price paid is?425000 in oash and
bonds.. The stock has all been disposed of
in England, and is now quoted at a prem
ium. There are other breweries here that
are likely to be absorbed within a short time
by tne same parties.
An Inmate of the State Insane Asylnm
Wants to Get Out.
Habkisbubg, May 15. Charles Otten,
a compositor in the State printing office, re
ceived a letter yesterday from a friend
named Leonard Krentz, with whom he had
worked on the Philadelphia Tageblatt,
stating that he had been assaulted and
robbed while in this city, and then placed
in the Harrisburg Insane Asylnm, and
called on Mr. Otten to assist him in proving
his identity and sanity, and aid him to a
release from custody.
Mr. Otten says Mr. Krentz was perfectly
sane when he last met him, and intends in
vestigating the case.
Elect Commanding Officers and Exhibit
Themselves on Pnrade.
Cincinnati, May 15. The Sons of Vet
erans to-day elected William E. Bundy Col
onel. He received 175 out of 261 votes cast.
He is a son of ex-Congressman B.S. Bundy.
This afternoon ahaOdsome parade was made
by the Sons of Veterans and by local posts
of the Grand Array of the Benublic. The
)Bons.wers noticeable for their soldierly beats
JsTisl IJWW Hs MnTCK . mMsMal
'ierriDie aniiering Among KTictea " ---.- :PU lua mucui, a.Cuueis aou -hv
Tenants in County Donegal. VZ'rwTiZ " Mr- Cooley's Commission. JB
'Coantrr A Jo(ly B
BAtiiMOBEMay 15. There was a great jB
gereral Hundred People Witiont Either eri twiv t WmJwbmj tb,cBnt Chargea Upon Implj Barrels tlie Chief . S
u i ni.tt seat of General Felix Anjcm, publiher of , ri,minfnf H
Food or Clothing.- the ,, lll(l fon wn!r a re. Cause of Complaint. .
v,m. ., , , ... r ,
Everybody TO, Can D 80 Is Lfailnj in tie land Be -
yond the Ocean.
A terrible state of affairs prevails in
County Donegal, Ireland. The evicted ten
ants on the Olphert estate are without food
or clothing. Aid is needed to prevent
awful suffering. All those who are able are
preparing to emigrate to the United States.
The Farnell Commission resumed its ses
sions yesterday.
Dublin, May 15. Donegal is now the
cynosure of the civilized world. Balfourism
reigns supreme. Around Gweedore martial
law, aided by a hiatal police and soldiery,
is doing its level best to goad tho starring
peasants into rebellion. Jnst now a star
chamber court is trying two English gentlemen-
(one an M. P.), Messrs. Harrison and
Conyheare, for the terrible crime of feeding
the hungry by handing in to the inmates of
the barricaded houses some loaves of bread.
Of course these philanthropists will be con
victed. The? following letter from Mr, J. G. Swift
MacNeill, M, P. for that division of County
Donegal, will give your readers some idea
of the state of the county.
Sib I have Jnst returned from visiting the
seat of war waged against the peasantry of
Swoedore and Falcarrah by Mr. Olphert and
the Government, with their auxiliary forces
the battering ram and the Removables. The
scenes of '
described fn the letters of yonr special corre
spondent arenot over-colored, but, if anything,
toned down, and even understated. The famine-stricken
and evicted tenants are not merely
destitute of food and expelled from their
wretched hovels, they are also destitute of
clothing. The priests tell me that these poor
creatures make every effort to appear decently
clad, and that their outward garments,
though threadbare and patched, are
procured at the sacrifice of warm and comfort
able inner clothing. In nearly every case the
women and children, are without shoes. The
cast-off garments which are so often in England
given to servants and sold by them to dealers
in old clothes, or even got rid of by burning,
would afford comfort and protection against
the bitter cold and wind to many a poor peas
ant man, woman and child In perse'uted Cone
gal. '
Last Monday Messrs. Conyheare, O'Hea,
O'Brien and myself saw a crowd of thinly-clad
and shivering women waiting at the door of the
priest at Falcarragh for a few pence to pur
chase Indian meal, while the piercing wind,
accompanied with sleet and heavy rain, was
actually penetrating their famishing frame?.
Surely, in the intterlts of our common human
ity, It is not too much to ask your readers to
sendaiewcasjroffgariients to these afflicted
belfigs, Such acts will, I believe, gain that
blessing of Providence which is promised to
those who provide lor the poor and needy. The
offerings will, I am sure, be thankfully re
ceived, acknowledged and distributed In the
best and wisest way by the most ReV. Dr.
O'Donnell, Roman Catholic Bishop of Raphoe.
or by the Key. John Boyle, Catholic curate of
Falcarragh, County Donegal.
I may, perhaps, he permitted to say, as one of
the members for the county, how heartily I
agree with the suggestion of Lord Cavan, that
deputations from England should visit the
principal scenes of -
in Ireland, It is only by the evidence of the
senses that the cruelty of men to men can be
realized. In one case in Falcarragh a poor
evicted woman was actually robbed of a few
ducks her little all by the forces of the crown,
protecting landlordism in Donegal. The potato
disease is a visitation of Providence. The
famine, like the bartering ram, is a visitation
of the present Government and the Liberal
Westward, Hoi Such a rush for the
States no one, not even the oldest inhabi
tant, remembers. For the month that its
past 2,337 left the port of Derry alone, and
crowas are stai on tne move, ah the
young and the strong are flying as if the
land were plague stricken. Dunne the 12
months ending March 2,000 families were-.
put out 01 vueir uoiumcs oy toe lanuioras,
aided by Balfour, representing over 10,000
human beings. This is extermination with
a vengeance. Terrible weather for the past
six weeks. Bam, rain and sleet. Very lit
tle of the crops in the ground yet. If mat
ters don't improve the prospect is indeed
black looking for Ireland.
Samoa's New Municipal Council Will Rep
resent Amorlcn, Germany nnd England.
Berlin, May 15. The sub-Committee of
the Samoan Conference has decided that the
Muniolpal Council of Apia shall comprise
six members, Germany, England and the
United States each to appoint one member.
The other three members shall be elected by
the residents of Apiat
This decision displeases the British Com
missioners who cali it the "Phelps compro
mise." Mr. Phelps, although not a mem ber
of the sub-committee, was asked to attend
its last meeting.
Father Egan Gives Emphatic Testimony
Before the Pnrnell Commission.
London, May 15. Father Egan testified
before the Parnell Commission to-day. He
said that the leading men of Loughrea
belonged to the branch of the League in
that district. No serious crime had been
committed from the time of the formation of
the Loughrea branch uutil it was sup
pressed, except the murder of Policeman
This, crime had been condemned at a
meeting ofjthe League and witness had de
nounced it from the altar of his church.
Minister Lnwton Steps Down nnd His Sne
cessor Presents Bis Credentials.
Vienna, May 15. The Emperor to-day
gave an audience td Mr. La.wton, the retir
ing United States Minister, who presented
his letters of recall. Afterward the Em
peror received Col. F. D. Grant, the new
Minister, ybo presented his cre'dentials.
In Offlce for Sixty Years.
Vienna, May IB. Judge Von Schmer
ling, President of the Snpreme Court of
Austria, completed his 60th year in office
to-day. Emperor Francis .Joseph, ac
companied by a large nnmber of nigh offi
cials, waited upon the Judge In person and
tenderedJiis congratulations.
-.To Aid the Panama Canal Company.
Pabis, May 16. le Farti says that the
Government hMrdcidedJo iutroaW.ih;
tT 1J ' W 'till Jl Mil! - . ,
caption tendered by General Angus and the 'B
Jonrnalixt CInb, of Baltimore, to Vice A BT1TJJMENT MADE BY THE C0P6EL S
President Frank B. Thomson, of the Penn 1 B
IsylvaniaBallroad. The New Trk Press
1 clabj the Qmioa cfnb ,f -Washington,
and the Clover Club of Pbiladelphiawere
represented, and secretaries Ulame, Tracy,
Noble and Busk came over from Washing
ton to take part
There were altogether about 500 persons
present who spent the afternoon In an en
joyable though. Informal manner. Tables
were spread on the portico and lawn where
a substantial repast was thoroughly enjoyed.
After dinner short addresses were made by
Secretary Blaine, Mr. Thomson, Governor
Jackson, Mayor Latrobe, Joseph Howard,
William Bann, of the Clover Club; Fred
Powers, of the Gridiron CInb, and others.
In his speech Secretary Blaine said the
people of the country might be satisfied
that fhey bad for their President a man who
was, above all things, a just man, and who
would give the copntrv a non-partisan ad
ministration. Mr. Blaine's poor physical
appearance was" much commented upon.
The great hero ot the day was Secretary
Busk, who was easily persuaded at the sta
tion to mount the leader of a team of horses
attached to a common hay cart and, with a
common whip in hand, drive about 50 howl
ing journalists to Nacirema, a distance of
,two miles. The Secretary also, after some
solicitation, drove them back when the din
ner was over, and had his picture taken
seated on the horse.
The Wabash Western People Bay -it In and
Will Consolidate.
Chicago, May 15. It was just 1120
o'clock when Special Master Bluford'WU
son, standing on the steps of the Govern
ment building, eroded one of the most com
plicated railroad litigations on record by
selling the entire Wabash Bailway for
115,550,000 to the Wabash Western
purchasing committee, represented by J. F.
Jay. Special Master A. J. Ricks read the
notice of sale as it bad been advertised since
Judge Gresbam's decree of foreclosure, and
his colleague followed with the ofier for sale.
The road, was sold by divisions, with no
competition to speak ot, and it brought $15,
510,595 68,
According to the decree, the masters were
to again offer it for sale as a unit, including
the Hannibal and Naples branch, which
was originally left out The Popper-Johns-
Iton men twisted their mustaches
when bids on the entire road
and eqnipment were called for. Mr. Jay
bid f 15,550,000, and while Mr. Wilson was
shouting this vast sum Adams street was
blocked with street cars, wagons, vehicles
and spectators. A deposit ot 5100,000 for
each division, as a guarantee of .good faith,
was demanded. The Jay people produced
5900,000 and the road was theirs. President
Ashley, of the Wabash Western, said:
We will consolidate the Wabash Railroad
and the Wabash Western by August 1. We
will probably call the complete system the
Wabash Rail road Company. We have issued
and sold J3J, 000,000 fifty-year 5 per cent bonas
on tne consouaaten system, ui tnis we win
use jll.7ti.00O to pay the first mortgage
on Wabash "Western. We will also
issue second mortgage bonds of
JliOCO.OOO on the lines east of the
Mississippi, making 36,259,000 on these lines.
There arrbeside. on the lines east of the Mis
sissippi, 20,000.000 bonds depending on the in
come and $32,000,000 in stock. The minority
bondholders make a great mistake in not ac
cepting 5 per cent bonds f or'their 7 per cents,
instead of compelling us to buy them out. The
new bonds are already at a premium of li per
cent, and, I thlntywill go between 6 and 10,
Achieve a Great Success la a New Opera
at Paris. .
Pabis, May 15. Massenet's new opera,
"Esclarmonde," was produced at the Opera
iComique this evening. Miss Sibyle San
derson, an American, took the leading
role, and achieved a great success. Presi
dent Carrot, the Composers Beyer, Delibes
and Godard, and numerous stars, including
Nilsson, Melba and Duvivies, were among
the audience.
Miss Sanderson's voice is not of great
volnme, bnt is of the utmost purity and
sweetness. She astonished tne andience
with the ease with which she took difficult
passages, aad critics predict a great future
for her. President Carnot complimented.
Massenet at tne close ot tne performance.
WII! the fiegislaliva Committee Decide Who
Is West Virginia's Governor.
Chableston, W. Va., May 15. The
Legislative Committee appointed to hear
testimony as to the Gubernatorial contest
has reconvened and is going over the- depo
sitions taken, beginning with Barbour
county and taking the others in regular
order. It will certainly take until the 1st
of July to read the evidence alone, there
being about 6,000 pages of legal cap.
Various legal points are still pending and
undetermined, and others will be raised, so
a report can hardly be expected before
Brigands Were Swung From
Senffbld Into Eternity.
Sofia, May 15. Five brigands were
hanged in the courtyard of the prison here
to-day They were led separately to the
scaffold and were hanged in succession.
Each man was enveloped in a bag passed
over the head and reaching to the waist
Their straggles were prolonged several
A mob broke through the cordon snr
ronndinc the jail, and the gendarmes had
great difficulty in keeping them away from
the scaffold.
Crania's Frienf s Firmly Believe That He
Met With Font Piny.
Chicago, May 15. Cronin is stiU miss
ing. His friends' cling to the belief that he
has met with foul play. A pair of men's
kid or dog skin gloves, almost new, bat
torn and stained, were found hidden under
some brnsh close by the spot where the
mysterious blood-smired trunk thnt was at
first connected with the disappearance of
Dr. Croaiu was discovered. His friends
say they are similar to a pair worn by him.
A Number of German Industries Are Af-
fected by the Movement.
Beblin, May 15. The builders of Sprot
tan.jthe carpenters of Bupzlau, Konigsburg,
Wurzburgund LubeCk, nnd the brewers of
Dortmund, are 6ut on strike. The tailors
of Bremcrhavea have obtained an increase
of .wanes and. a reduction of the hours of
.later,. The", aeitatioa is extending. . In
i&rliii the-esployea of the General ,0ai.
ii bws xitwpaBy ;, a a sevewu .www; awj a-
Eameiraat of a Dispute Orer a Denumd for the Prf B
dactionof a Contract. 'B
The Inter-State Commission, yesterday
commenced its" investigation at Titusville.
F. P. Gowen, as counsel for the complain
ants, made a statement of their case. It Is
claimed that the rates on returned empty '
barrels are excessive, It is also asserted
that railroads should furnish tank, cars for
all of their patrons. Two witnesses wer
examined. VJ
TrrusviLLE, May 15. The City Hall of
Titusville has to-day been a scene of life
and activity, and contained more personages
of comparative prominence than at any one!
time for a considerable period. The Inter
State Commerce Commission, represented
by Judge Coojey and Messrs. Morrison and
Bragg, met at 10 O'clock this morning to
hear the complaints of the Independent Re
finers' Association of both Oil City and
Titusville, who appeared by their counsel,
M. J. Heywang, of Titusville, and F. B.
Gowen, of Philadelphia.
The defendants, the Western New York
and Pennsylvania Railroad and Pennsyl
vania Bailroad. were represented by their
counsel, J. D. Hancock, of Franklin; the
Erie Bailroad by Judge Williamson, of
Cleveland, and J. A. Buchannan, of l.'ew
York, and the Lehigh Bailroad by Gowen,
of Philadelphia. The complaint includes
three issues: First, the rates between the oil
region and the seaboard; second, that the
difference in freight rates between oil trans
ported in tank cars and in barrels amounts
to a discrimination against them; third, that
the railroad companies are bound to furnish
tank cars to shippers, though generally sneh.
cars are furnished by' the shippers them
The complainants' counsel asked, In open
ing, to compel the Pennsylvania Railway'
to produce before the commission, at a
future hearing fn Washington, a contract
alleged to have beenmade-in 1879 between
the Pennsylvania Bailway and the National
Transit Company, by which the Pennsyl
vania Bailway Company was to be guaran
teed 26 per cent of all oil traffic from these
regions, and the rates were to be the same
for pipe lines and railroads. This was op
posed by Mr. Hancock, who agreed to prod
uce any contract subject to its relevancy to
the questions at issue in these cases.
Judge Cooley refused to make an order
producing this contract He said iho Com
mission came to Titusville for the conveni
ence of taking local testimony. The testi
mony would be continued at Washingtojt
and the argument on these cases, wouldie
heard at Washington, and whether that al
leged contract was relevant and admissable
or not would be decided on argument at
Washington, where both sides would be
heard. He said that the commission might
want to inspect the contract, and that it'
would be the subject of future considera
tion. In opening the case Mr. Gowen
went into a history of the inauguration and
completion of the Tidewater -Pipe Line,;
which led to the establishment of the ssa-
board pipe lines and their subsequent ar
rangements. The counsel wanted to show
that the raising of the rates in oil barrels
by the defendants was in consequence of a
ruling of the Inter-State Commission about
a year ago in.the cases of Bice against the
Louisville and Nashville Bailway Com
pany, and of Scofield against the Lake
Shore and Michigan Southern Bailroad, set
ting forth that the proper method of fixing
rates was to place them on a basis of 100
pounds weight including the package, but
that such a decision was inapplicable to ths
present conditions of the export trade.
The first witness called was S. Y. Bamage,
who went into the general history and con
ditions of refining oil, and testified that the
new rates of which they complained were,
according to the explanations given him by
the various trunk line representatives, made
in compliance with the rule of the commis
sion as aforesaid, and further, that under
such ruling and rates they were unable to
carry on their business profitably in com
petition with the seaboarcr refiners for ex
port On cross-examination it was shown . 1
by witness that the new rate was equivalent
to about 5 mills per ton per mile from the.
oil region to the seaboard.
At the 'evening session- wit
ness further stated that the present
cost of refining oil, exclusive of interest,
insurance, depreciation, etc., was 21 to 35
cents per barrel, and that under the present
freight tariff the refiners, under the mos?
favorable circumstances, could not make a
fairliving profit. The rate of shipment to
Boston, he also said to be excessive, irre
spective of the dinerence between rates on
bulk and package oil. He had cor
responded with the Pennsylvania, Lehigh
Valley. New York Central and other roads
since the advance, and the roads had an
swered that the advance was made in
in the Scofield case at Cleveland, that they
were satisfied with the former rates and
that refiners had themselves or the commis
sion to blame for the increase. He also
testified that it was more profitable for the
roads to haul oil in packages than in tanks,
though a higher rate was charged for the
former because the railroads could use the
cars for "Western shipments on their return,
while 95 percent of the tank cars were re
turned empty.
The Hon. John Schwartz, a liner of tha
Crescent Oil Refinery, was next called and
gave testimony as to production of the oil
fields and the eflect of tne recent decrease in
stocks. At 10 o'clock the commission ad
journed till 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.
There are 150 witnesses snbpcenaed. Thi3
aiternoon the members of the commission
were driven to the adjoining oil fields and
witnessed the shooting of an oil well.
The Election In Montana for Constitutional,
Delegates Is Very Close.
Helena, May 15. Beturns from yester
day's election are too incomplete to deter-1
M:nn Ik. a.haI mATYinArtMn ftf tflfl Cnntfifn..
tional Convention. As far as received thevf-
indicate uiakwe cuu.a nu icij rausc,
with the chances in faror of the Democrala
by a narrow majority. The Labor memjj; f
hers from Jefferson county may havetlitf -casting
vote. ? '.-, -
A Bill Pnurd to Allow Them to Vote at
Municipal Elections. ?v
Lansing, May 15. The woman's mnnicL
ipal suffrage bill was passed by the,Houja
to-day. It was made a special orfer,fcT2i30
p. M..when eTefyavailable'tsf awffor, spec-1
wioraAcjtiiaeBewoiiiMiHOBs, wm Milta