J -" f W7 ?f t ia r f8-L thst FEATITKES OF TBADR J" Canned Htots on the Eoom, Corned Betfand Lunch Tongue W GREATER DEMAND THAN EVER. fe Depression in Breadstuff's Most Affects Low Grade flour. GOOD PE0SPCTS FOE SEW CROPS OFFICE OF PITTSBURG DISPATCH, Tuesday, Alay 14, ISSB. J In such times as these when Pittsburg's leading industries are generally depressed, and the pessimist is getting in his best licks, it is good to find an industry which is on the boom. It was the fortune ot the commer cial editor of The Dispatch to-day, after several unsuccessful efforts to find a trade optimist who cocld see nothing in the situation and outlook but what was bright. Said a lead ing dealer in canned meats: "Our trade was neTer as good as It has been this season, lbe hot weather of last week Cave a very decided impetus to demand for all Linus of canned meats. The leading article in onr line is corned beef, and the amount of staff we are now handling is fully 50 per cent greater than it was a year ago. This notwithstanding an advance in prices. Our 2-pound cans are 20c per doren higher than last rear, and our 14-ponnd cans SI a dozen higher. "Lunch tongues are 10c a dozen higher, and our volume of trade in this line, though not so greatly increased as in the line of comedbeef, is 15 per cent better than it was at this time last j ear." The bulk of the canned meat trade is confined to the hot mouth quarter. Picnickers and hunting and nsning parties are tne principal consumer. A Chicago Monopoly- All the goods in this line handled in this city come from Chicago, from the houses of Armour, Llbby and Falrbank. The Libby canned meat firm is now consolidated with Swift's. From now until September the receipts here will ag gregate about three carloads monthly, a total of 3,500 cases or 70.000 pounds. The representa tives of the Chicago canned meat houses sell only to wholesale grocers. The trade here this year will Teach 500,000 pounds, an amount fully four times as -great as five years ago. A de cade ago this industry was struggling to gain a foothold. Now canned meats have become one of the prime necessities of summer touring, and F.ttsburgers would find it very hard to re turn to the good old days of yore when this in dustry was in the future. The wise man spoke better than he kn ew when he admonished, "Say not that the former days were better than these." "We in this day would find it very hard to prepare for the summer out ing without the corned beef and lunch tongue, of which our ancestors lived their day in bliss ful ignorance. Brmditnui. The current number of the Minneapolis Miller finds some crumps of comfort in the wheat and flour situation, which it has not been able to find for some months past. The inquiry and demand for Hour has improved, but prices are a shade lower. There has been a slight improvement in the export demand. Or the 08,220 barrels of flour turned out by the Minneapolis mills last week nearly one-half was exported. The light expert demand all the past winter has been the depressing factor ot flour markets. All speculative prognostica tions on the score of export demands have been upset by stubborn facts. The Miller says "the Northwest is relatively above the rest of the country in breadstuff markets. Except the Pacific coast America is better than other countries which export wheat and flour." The news comes from Western trade centers that low grade flour suffers most in the de pressed condition of markets. Only favorite brands are active, and even these brands can only be sold by concessions. A week ago there were.sw' comprehensions of a drought that -&ould seriously ittlTeIKcoming cmiC- fear has now been dispelled by timely rams. Prom over the sea comes the word that the young wheat plant in England, France and Germany is most promising. Jn the French ports on April 1 the amount of wheat in bond was ll.Olb.OOO bushels, against 2,760,000 bushels Apnll, 1S8S, and 1,233,000 bushels in liS7. These figures cannot furnish much comfort to those who still cherish hopes of a strong export de mand for wheat and flour. HTE STOCK 2LAEEETS.. i - Condition of the Market nt the East Liberty Stock Yard. Office Pittsburg Dispatch. East .Liberty: May 14, 1SS9. CATTXB Receipts, 340 bead; shipments, BOO head; market strong at unchanged prices; no cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts. 1.100 head; shipments, EGO head; market dull; Philadelphias, U 80QJ 85; pigs and Yorkers. 4 SOg-4 bo; no hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipt. 5,400 head; shipments, 4, 00 head; market dull at a shade lower. By Telegraph. New York Beeves No fresh offerings; no market for beeves; firm for dressed beef at 6Ji 7c per pound. Exports, 1,660 quarters ot beet and 450 cattle. Calves Receipts,480 head; rteadv at KoKc per pound for veals, and at 34cfpr buttermilk calves. Sheep Receipts, 1,600 bead: with an easy tone,but nearly all sold including clipped sheep at 3J3Jc per pound; clipped at 56Vc, and spring lambs at S3 60 6 50 per headfor State and Jersey offerings, with three carloads of Southern lambs, sold at S BXc per pound. Dressed mutton firmat99c St pound: dressed yearlings steady at Sllc ogs Receipts, 6.500 head, all for slaughter ers direct; none offered and quotations steady at nominal range of 5 005 3a Kansas crrr Cattle Receipts, 4,611 head; shipments 1,100 head; medium and heavy-weight beef steers slow, weak and 5 10c loner; butch ers' steers and heifers firm: stockers and feed ing steers quiet and steady; good to choice comfed. 83 o54 10: common to medium, S3 25 3 75; stockers and feeding steers, 82 253 GO; cows. 81 75g3 00. Hogs Receipts, 17.818 head; shipments, 766 head: market 1015c lower; good to choice. S4 30i 37J: common to me lum. Si 154 25. Sheep Receipts, 3G9 head; no shipments; strong and 610c higher; good to choice muttons, clipped, -3 PPffii 20. Chicago Cattle Receipts. 6,500 head; shipments, 3,000 head; market slow and steady; beeves, 84 001 30; steers, S3 404 15; stock ers and feeders. 2 S03 85; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 903 40: Texas cattle, S2 203 15. Hogs Receipts. 24,000 head; shipments, 4,000 head; market slow and 510c lower; mixed, $4 40i 47K; heavy, $4 40&4 63; light, 84 50 4 90: skips, "S3 404 40. Sheen Receipts, 8,000 head; shipments, 800 head; market firm; natives, $3 504 15: Western. S3 50S4 lOjTexans, 83 003 65: lambs, Si 755 10. St. Loots Cattle Receipts. 2,200 head; shlu xncnts, 100 head;market stronger: choice, heavy native steers. SS 9004 4S:fairtogood.S3 10Q4 00; stockers and feeders, fair to good, 82 1003 10; rangers, corn-fed, 82 75S3 60; grass-fed. 81 90 62 85. Hogs Receipts. 6,600 head; shipments. 400 bead; market steady; choice, heavy and butchers' selections, S4 404 50; pacsing, me dium to Prime. S4 3034 45: light grades, ordi- nary to best, 84 40Q4 55. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; shipments, none; market strougen lair to choice, S3 1004 45, Buffaio Cattle Feeling steady and un changed; receipts, 16 loads through; sale. Sheep steady and unchanged; receipts.UO loads through: no sales. Hogs steady and unchanged; receipts, 4 loads through; 10 sale. Cikcinxati Hogs easy; common and light, U 004 65: packing and butchers', $4 4504 65; receipts, 1,280 head; shipments, 1,240 head. AIT IHP0KTAKT CONTENTION. The State Board of Health Will Meet Here This Month. Preparations are being made for a Sani tary Convention, which is to be held at the end of this mouth at Lafayette Hall, in this city. The State Board of Health and all the local boards of Pennsylvania and other States will be represented on the occasion. Dr. J. It. Thompson, of Penn avenue, Ii ar ranging the details of the programme for the convention. The object of the meeting will be toimprove sanitary regulations for the preven tion of disease. Physicians from all over the country will be here to read papers on different subjects relating to sanitary measures. Mr. William Metealf, ot Miller, Mctcalf & Parkins, will act as chairman during the different ses sions of the two days. The exact date of the conference has. not been definitely decided upon. TO COST $14,000. 9CT 1 riaai of the Ken- Public School Building on Jj Sit. Washington. Xotieariy as expensive as some, but pos sessing jnuch unaffected toeantr, is the new Thirty-sfecin'cl ward sAool house, to be built. on Mt Vashington. its plans are most liber ally dimensioned, being 80x64 feet, and the rooms will be spacious, with every convenience of the dar. The structure will bo void of any pretenseVand will cost $14,000. The buiiaets will begin work shortly, but tbe School will , not be ready for occupancy before riUU41J A 'iSV &j As . Sfc'i-V A. a.JpM7-KW leMjataiz Mli1 11 ' ilia !" .1 fillli'r Tm m'l i -c& t9'TiiPSKMHm.&ustfmiAlRrim niTMiii iliiln 1 Wn fiifi iifr . MABKETSBY WIRE. Wheat Dull and Lower The SInrkot Held Dp by One Biun Corn nnd OaU Higher Bos Product ,Qulet nnd Stendv. Chicago This was about the dullest day witnessed in wheat in this market for many weeks. Fluctuations were too small and nar row to stimulate trading, and the market ap parently was held in check by a prominent local trader who bought and sold enough to hold the market under control. July delivery opened K5c lower, declined is more, ad vanced -JSc fluctuated within Jc range during the session and closed about J.P lower than yesterday. The market was without any im portant feature. A fair degree of activity was manifested in corn and the feeling prevailing was one of firm ness. The market opened at about yesterday's closing, was steady, but soon sold up 5HtC, the near futures showing the most strength, eased off a little, ruled steady and closed c higher than yesterday. Oats were stronger and a shade higher. Trading was light and mostly of a local charac ter. Prices advanced JiJic and the close was steady at about outside hgures. Quite a good business was transacted in pork, cspeciallv early in the day. The market was considerably unsettled, and opened with sales at 1012c decline, and a further reduction of 20gffi!c loilowed, with good trading at the re duction. During the balance of the session the market was steadier and prices rallied 7Kc. and cloed rather quiet A quiet and easy feeling prevailed In lard and trading was comparatively light. Prices rnled weak, and declined 5gCc, closing quiet at the reduction. An increased business was reported In short ribs, and the feeling was easy. Prices ruled 7 10c lower, and the market closed rather tame at the reduction. The leading futures rancea as rollows: Wheat No. 2 June, 63S3Ke&3;GS3c: Julr. 7J797.?;8c; August, 7G7G 6"oK7bc; year. 7oi74je. Corn No. 2 June, 3iK3iJ3rtf34c; luly. ZlUm?AllXi&iv, August. SoiiJ 35K3c. Oats No. 2 June. 2J-E23-52J-23?ic: July, 23X.3Jg23K23)c; August, 232bHc Mkss Pork, per bbl. June, til 70011 b5: July, Jll 82K11 85011 7011 75; August, $11 85 fill b5fi'll SuSill S2K. Lard, per 100 fts July, S6 90; August, $0 926 S7'6 92K66 95: September, 7 02X 7 00. Short RIBS, par 100 Us. July, S6 05 6 0o5 S7J5 97J4; Aueust. $6 logo 106 05 6 0o;September,S6 126 10. Cash quotations were as rollows: Flour steady and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat. WKgSSc; No. 3 spring wheat, nominal; No. -" red. 8484c. No. 2 corn, 34c bid. No. 2 oats, 22&C No. 2 rye, 41c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 54. Prime timothy seed, Jl 85. Mess pork, per barrek 511 C-KffiU 65. Lard, per 100 pounds (C S2V.QS 85. Short ribs sides (loose). Jo 90 (lo 95. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 25 5 60, Short clear sides (boxed), S6 256 37J. Sugars unchanged. Receipts Flour, 12,1X10 bar rels; wheat, 13,000 bushels: corn.2S3.000 bushels; oats. 129,000 bushels: rye, 2,000 bushels: barley, SO.O0O bushels. Shipments Flour. 6,000 bar rels; wheat, 16.000 bushels; com. 81,000 bushels; oats, 165,00 bushels; rye, 10,000 bushels; bar ley. 15,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was weak: fancy creamery, 15016c; choice to fine, 12JUc; fair to good, S10c. Eggs unchanged. New York Flour steady and moderately active. Cornmeal dull and unchanged. Wheat Spot moderately active, weak and iKc lower: options dull, JJc lower and heavy. Barley out of season. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot unsettled: free offerings; H0 lower and moderately active; options firm and quiet. Oats Spot dull and steady; options dull and J4?c lower and steady. Hay quiet and steady. Hops firm, fair demand. Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged to 5 points up, closed steady at 501O points up: sales of 21,250 bags including May, 18.5510.00c; June, 16.70c; Julv, 107016.80c; August, 16 9016.95c; Sep tember. 17.W17.10c: October. 17.0517.15c: De cember. 17.20c; January. 17.2o17 30c: February, u.23aiJ.duc; iuarcu, K.ouigK.-oc; pot Rio smi , preyed forwvjjjaaVaSSS iS'a"UJ i i,iw uujiaururt " ..V . . . f quiet and about steady. Molasses Foreign steauy; new uneans quier, uce steady and in fair demand. Cottonseed oil quiet. Tallow dull. . Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine dull at 39. Eges quiet and a shade firmer; west ern, 13K13Jc; receipts, 8,892 pickages. Cut meats quiet; pickled Dellle, 67c: middles dulk Lard lower and quiet: sales of western steam at $7 207 25, dosing at 87 22; city, 86 65; May, S7 20 asked; June. 87 197 20, clos ing at S7 19 bid; July, 87 237 24, closing at 87 23; August, 57 27 asked: September, 87 30 akod. Butter quiet and weak; western dairy; 913c; do creamery, 1316Jc Cheese quieter and steady; part skims, 79c. St. Louis Flour quiet and steadv. Wheat Cash higher; old crop options were strong and higher; new crop options eased off some in sympathy with other markets; there were few sellers, however, and enongh demand to pre vent much of a decline; No. 2 red, cash, 78k 79c: June, c closing at 77c asked; July, iai 74Jc, closing at 7374c bid; August, 73k 74c, closing at 7474c bid. Corn firm but business small; No. 2 mixed, cash, 31Ji32c; May, 315c; June, 31Jc, closing at 31Jc bid; Julv.323P32c, closing at 31c; August, 3333H33Jic. closing at 33Jr; September. 33K33c, closing at 33c. Oats higher but trading fight; No. 2. cash, 24c bid; Mav. 23Kc bid; June, 23c bid; Julj, 22Jc bid; August, 23c, and year 22Jc asked. Rye None offered. Flaxseed, SI 45. Provisions dull and generally lower. Philadelphia Flour' steady but quiet; Wheat dull, but firm; cash No. 2 red Jc higher: No. 2 red Mav, 9293c; Jone, 90ft91c; July, 83 81c: August, 82KS3Kc Corn firm, but quiet; sales ungraded mixe'd on track, Hiic; ungrad ed yellow in grain depot, 45!c: No. 2mixca May, 4242c; June, 4242&c; July, 42J 43c; August, 4343Kc Oats Car lots firm and in more demand; futures firm. Butter steady, but quiet; Pennsjlvania creamery, extra, 17c; do prints, extra, 21c. CisciNirATi Flour dull and neglected. Wheat in light demand; No. 2 red, 8bc; re ceipts, LOOO bushels; shipments, 1,000 bushels. Corn dull and easier: No. 2 mixed, 3535Kc Oats firm and quiet: No. 2 mixed, 27Jic. Rye quiet and steady; 1.0. 2, 4Sc Pork easier at 812 25. Lard weaker at $6 67. Bulkmeats weaker; short rib, So 206 25. Bacon In fair de mand and easier; short clear, 87 257 40. Butter heavy and unchanged. Sugar firm and quiet. Eggs heavy. Cheese quiet. Milwaukee Hour steady. Wheat easy: cash and June, 78c;July. fSc Corn firm; No. 3, 35c Oats firm; No 2 white. 28c. Rye firm; No. L 46M45Kc Barley dull: No. 2. 50ffi 51c Provisions easy. Pork; 811 65. La; ard. 86 So. Cheese steady; Cheddars, old, OffilOc Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady. Mess pork. 813 55. Batter weak; Western packed, 1316c; creamery, 18c Eggs easy at WSlSXc Coffee Rio firm at lsc Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash, SI 25; Oc tober, S4 55 bid. Wool Market. Philadelphia Wool quiet and nominal. New York Wool steady and in light de mand; domestic fleece, 323Sc; pulled, 3339c St. Louis Receipts, 159,750 pounds; demand active anAvalues stronger on better grades; bright medium. 18626c; coarse braid, ll21c; low sandy, lll7c: tne iight,1622c; fine heavy, 1218c; tub washed, choice, 36c; inferior, 32 3o& Boston There is no material improvement in the domestic wool market, although several manufacturers havo been on the market in search of supplies. Prices are quoted steady, but to more large lines of wool concessions would have to be granted. In-Ohio and Penn sylvania fleeces there have been sales of X at 8132c, and XX at 3334c Michigan fleeces have held at929fc. Nothing of consequence has been done in conTbing and delaine selec tions. Territory, Texas and other unwashed wools are quiet The receipts of new wool have been small, and it quite generally held at high price-. Pulled wools are in good demand, and are selling at 30638c for super, and 2528c for extra. In Australian there has been good busi ness at the ranee of SG37c for merinos aud cross-breeds. Foreign carpet wool is quiet and unchanged in price. Dryeoods Mmkct. New Yobk, May It The jobbing trade in drygoods was moderate, but a fair business was done at first hands. Agents continue to sell round lots of cotton goods for fall, while a large business was done in 4-J bleached shirt ings, following a reduction of e a yard, made in Vamsutta, New York mills, Utica Non pariel and Mohawk Acme brands, the price of each being made Wc a yarcL This is not to be taken as a break mihe market or v, eakening, a it has been looked for, and as it is only going back to last fall's prices for orders, the basis on which most all stocks have been reduced and on which basis tbe gen eral cotton goods market has an upward ten dency, with some goods already advanced. Woolen hosiery and underwear were more ac tive. When baby was sick, ire gave her Castoria, When she was a phild, she ciied for Castoria,v When :e became Miss, she clang to Castoria, When sic had Children,she gave them Castoria iE3 PrCTSBtTEG- TWO imrBMBRS. rrrf f How a Poor Young Han Wort the Hand of a Beautiful Heiress. A BIG FOETUNE IN REAL .ESTATE Quickly Secnred by the Foresight of a Toung Woman Wildly in LoTe. A BE0WH -jlME FKO-iT AND FELICITY Ten years ago Mr. Poorman and Miss Eich met at a charity fair, where they stood on opposite sides of a table and fished ior the strawberry in the chanty cake and en deavored to detect the flavor of lemon in the lemonade. It was a case of love at first sight. Or, to speak in a business way, for this is a business story, they immediately took stock in each other. She was the danghter of a proud, rich man, who had made his money by buying bank stocks when they were away down; be, the son of an oil broker who managed to scratch out a living by trading in puts and calls. This was an insuperable bar to their union. How this difficulty was overcome will be told in the suc ceeding sections of this true story. "Love laughs at locksmiths" is an old and true adage. These two fond hearts put their heads together, figuratively, and tolled until they had devised apian by which Mr. Poorman could acquire a fortune, this being all that was needed to raise huntto par and secure for him the hand and the heart of the charming Miss Rich. It was determined that he should en gage in the real estate business. This import ant preliminary being settled, he engaged an office on Fourth avenue, and went to work. As he was a pioneer in the business he had very little opposition, and he soon had all he could do. Love inspired his every act. In imagination his adored one stood beside him whenever he made a deal. Thus encouraged ho labored early and late, and made his cus tomers pay pretty steep prices for those days. He also placed a great many mortgages, in variably stipulating that the borrower should pay the State tax. Of course Miss Rich took a deep and per haps selfish interest in Mr. Poorman's rising prospects. Every sale he made, every mort gage he foreclosed, brought them closer to gether. She contribnted to bis success in various ways by smiles of encouragement and by inducing her gentlemen friends to throw as much business in his way as possible; with profound emotion she read of his first sale as reported in the morning papers. It was to this effect: "Mr. Poorman sold three lots in Mr. Oreen sward's plan, each 60x120, for (3,000 spot cash. He reports a great demand for lots in this de sirable locality." She cut the notice out and pasted it in her scrap-book, among other literary treasures, where it remains to this day. In the language of the day this was "the making of him." "Ho encouraged the reporters to write him np with great liberality, and it was a Cold day when the papers came out without a reference to Mr. Poorman as "our leading real estate dealer," or as "our rising young capitalist who is doing so much for the improvement of the city." Of course Mr.Foorman soon became wealthy. He bad chosen a pursuit that necessarily led to Lfortune. As a real estate dealer he could not I Vmain nnnr nnd TinTnMn lnrtTinfl fi'inwororl .licats at his feet, and all he had to do was to bk them up and invest them in unimproved operty, sub-divide it and put it on the mar- t. Sometimes he would vary tho programme gobbling a honse oil Diamond street, in the pectatlon that it would be improved and de on iv of the principal thoroughfares of the cltt. HewuuuBv. ... iueuerB," O V J?- . - rtf thu nnfflnnl nH Ifn - ,t, ' his progressive views do not seem to have mad much impression, or the street would not b permitted to remain very long in its present! J condition. ' fl ' .- - .. vl At tne end, of three years Mr. Poorman was a rich man. He was the prond possessor of 8100.' OOOlin cool cash, all of which he had made in thelreal estate business. He was happy, and so Iwas another. Miss Rich had patiently waited for him all those years waited for him to become wealthy so he could stand before her father and the faithful watch dog without fear and claim her hand as an equal. But while waiting she never grew discouraged. She knew she had a sure thing of It; that the years of separation would be few for was he not en gaged in a pursuit thatbestowed affluence upon all who followed it? At length the crisis came. Mr. Poorman got a corner on old Mr. Rich, and sued for tbe hand of his daughter. The old man said: "You sav you are worth 8100,000. Prove it." The suitor, nothing daunted, drew from his Inside pocket cash and mortgages representing the amount specified. "Take her," said the old man, with tears in his eyes. "She is yours so long as your money holds out." And they were married within two weeks. After a short excursion tbey moved into a brown-stone front, lot GOr 120, where they have lived happily ever since. Moral If you want to get rich and marry ad vantageously invest your money ia real estate. If you have none of your own invest somebody else's. . A YAWNING CHASM Between Baying nnd Selling Orders on the SlockExchange. The stock market yesterday was remarkable chiefly for tbe amount of business that was not transacted. Orders to buy were a little below tho prevalent quotations, and orders to sell a trifle down. This chasm was not bridged, and the result was a featureless market. Philadel phia Gas was a fraction stronger, selling up to S3 at tho close, with a prospect of a further ad vance to-day. Wheeling Gas dropped to 2 Bridgewater sold at 50, against 60 asked the day before. Electric vas firm at 67 bid and 5Satkedat the close. The Tractions were weak and dull. Junction Hallway was wanted at 26, but was held a point and a half higher. Allegheny Heating Company came to the front on a bid of U0, but there were no offers. La Norla was the only stock dealt m at the afternoon call, when 275 shares changed hands at 1 and 1J There was no direct news from the mine, but rumors were of an unsatisfactory nature. Bids, offers and sales follow: MORXIKG. XTTZSXOOX. xuu. ABkea. Did. AsKed. Pitts, l'et. S. &M. Ex. 500 Boatman's Ins City Insurance.-) Western Insurance Allcgheuy Gas Co l'ltts. Gas Co 62 Allegheny Heating Co 110 Uridgewater Chartlers Val. Gas Co. 51 Manufacturers Gas Co. 3 Pennsylvania (Jas Co.. 35 Philadelphia Co Wheeling UasC( ;.... Washington Oil Co.... 70 8F "si m 62 "45 61 23 "i5Ja M 74 23 70K 63 57 23 SO us 75 "io 52 30" 75 2SX "si '22 55 75 2S 72 Central Traction 23 1'ltlzens' Traction.. 70 "is a 57 23 Plttsbnrg Traction.... Pitt3. June K. B.Co.. P. t W. B. R. pref.... La Norla Mining Co... eitlnghouse Llectric U. fawltch i Signal Co. U. 8. & Slg. Co. pid... Westlng'ue AlrB. Co.. 24 115 113!4 Sales at the morning call were 200 shares of Bridgewater Gas at 60, 55 Philadelphia Gas at S 42 at S5Ji, 10 at 86 ahd 100 Wheeling Gas at 29. At the afternoon call 125 shares of LaNnria sold at 1 and 150 at The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 204,798 shares, including Atchison, 15835; Delaware, Lackawanna and'Westem, 6.020; Louisville and Nashville, 3,710; Missouri Pacific, 3,621; North?, estern, 8,450; Oregon Trans continental, 25,435; Reading, 9,000; Richmond and West Point, 4,090; St Paul. 80,870; Union Pacific, 11,835; Western Union, 3,735. QUIET AND EAST, fbo Monetary Situation Without Any Fea-turer-LFaraers Among the Borrowers. The locil money market was -quiet yesterday in all of Its ramifications. As compared with the previous day checking was lighter and dis counting of smaller proportions. There was no cbinffe in rates, and small n.otS were abundant The inflow and outflow of money was about even. Farmers have been borrowers inasmal way for a week or two, their object being to improve their farms. The clearings were f 1,& 9.565 46 and the balances 303,8.. 81. Money 'u etui at new lort, yesterday, was .per cent; last loan at 2;, closed I r t-.-rf . ' - - A offered at S. Prime mercantile paper, -SK 5K Sterling exchange dull hnt steady at Sl'87 for 60-day hills ahd 4 88 for demand. Government Bonda. U,s,4js, re..., TJ 8. 4s, coap. U. S.-4s, reg u, B. 4s, coup..,, ...s.......rf... ,..107X( ,..K96 iiosk 4120.1a iiax 'Bid. Currency, 6 per cent, 1893 reg ...12lji Currency, per cent, 1896 rcg.., "vi Currency, 6per cent 1897 reg... Currency, 6 per cent, I898reg.... .......Wt Currency, 6 per cent, I8D9 reg 4s Government and State bonds were quiet and firov New YOBK-Clearings. 8130,925,965: balances, S,026,9ia Boston Qlearlngs, $16,093,615; balances, $1,750,038. Money IK per cent. Pnn, vdelfhia Clearings, 510,812,691; bal ances, SL342.557. Baltimoek Clearings, 81,711,683; balances, Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, S9,93(f,O0O. St. Locn-Clearlngs, 83,169,533: balances, 8512,931. Londos The amount of bullion gone into the Bank ot England on balance to-day is 221,000. PAMSVThree per cent rentes, 87f 72o for the account. ONE OP THE W0EST. The Oil Market Too Dull and Narrow for Even Scalpers. The oil market yesterday was one of the dullest for a long time. Trading was very light all along the line, and fluctuations were too narrow for profitable scalping. Oil City unan imously adopted the new rules for trading in futures. It is expected that Bradford and New York will go the same way. There will be some opposition here, bnt tho plan will bo car ried. The market opehed at 83, and soon slumped toS2 It then braced up a little and held around 82 and 82 nearly all day, with very little doing. Finally it rallied a fraction, with a sale or two at 83, Softened and closed at 8 with the chances favoring a further decline to day. Carrying was flat and freely offered at that- . Washington field news was to this effect: The Robbing well was doing 20 barrels per hour. The Weinach well was doing 10 barrels per hour. The Brownlee well was in the Gantz sand; the production was estimated at 9 bar rels per hour. The Union Oil Company's Robert Knox No. 1 well had been drilled deeper in the sand; it was doing 30 barrels per hour. Reed's Campbell No. 2 well at Taylors town was in the sand and showing for a mod erate well. Kelly's Wolf well, at Tayl -rstown. naa peen snut aown to move ine oouer. filling up in the Gordon sand. It was Features of the market. nnpnfiit M ir,mr09t 82S Highest. 83jclosed &: Barrels. 58,183 45.410 74,521 67,900 49,'iJ9 1,SCO,000 Runs Average Shipments n... Average Charters Average Clearings ,. .. Kenned, Mew York, 6.85. Kcfincd. London, Sii. Kenned, Antwerp. 18J. New York closed 82M. Oil City closed SOi, Bradford closed Kf . rA. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 82c to 82KO calls, 63c TRANSACTIONS IN EEALTI. A Good Demand nnd an EnconrnglnsNnm ber of Sales. J. R, Cooper it Co., 107 .Fourth avenue, sold for George S. Martin lot 68, In the Maplewood Park plan, Wilkinsburg, having a frontage of 40 feet on Maplewood avenue by 120 feet to Washington lane; also lot 118 In same plan, with a frontage of 40 feet on Maplewood ave nue by 141 feet to Fahnestock avenue, to P. Shultz for 8835. John F. Baxter, agent, 612 Smtthfield street, sold lot 29 in Bank of Commerce addition, near Biushton station, size 40x135 to a 24-foot alley, situate on the south side of Kelly street, for SSOOcasb. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to John H. Rice lot No. 109 In the Walter Hay plan of Rebecca street lots, near Penn avenue cable road, lot 20x84 feet, for 8200, on the easy payment plan. They also placed a mortgage bn at 0 per cent. L O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler siieeis, soia ior wiiuam veirea new modern frame dwelling of five rooms, lot 20x100 feet to anauey, t'tuateoninenortn side or JjlDerty avenue, mar Fortieth street. Sixteenth ward, to Alois Schirra for 82,700 cash. need xs. uoyie 10., 131 fourth avenue, sold or the Linden Steel Comnanv. Limited, a lot Ion Bates street. Fourteenth ward, city, size 25x .w leet, iui cuuu. Aiies oc miiey, 101 ourtn avenue, placed a nortgage on property in Elizabeth township or tow, tnrce years, at 6 per cent. v. a. nerron a eons sold lot no. a. in the . L. Hoffman plan, Edgewood, size 50x120 feet, jroou. Thomas Liggett sold for Martin Prenterto redValbrecht a lot on Irwin avenue. Second ard, Allegheny, near North avenue, having a outage oi. ieeb on arwin avenue, anu luu et in ueptu io urovers' alley, lor sota 00. e has a tew more desirable lots in the same an. ames W. Drape s Co. sold four lots on Cen- street and Highland avenue. Allegheny. ch about 24x150 feet for 82,600. They also iceo a mortgage or. ruju on a house and lot McKeesport, at 6 per cent; also a mortgage 31 finfl nn a farm tn P.u.tf. nnnnt-w at A ra 0Ilt. ceihomas McCaffrey yesterday sold for L. W. nold, to Charles Fuchs, lot 24x100 in Nine nth ward, on Dearborn street, for 8550. Other Oil markets. n. Crrr. May 14. National transit cer- esll820' closed' 82?ic- CS JtADroKD, May 11 National transit cer .jRites opened at S3c; closed, 82c; highest, nci0we8fi 82Jc ooc;l -r ,. Tt . 1 ov ! , . nauonai transit cer tes opened at 83c; highest, 83c; lowest. tiflc; closed, 82c 82. w York, May 11. Petroleum opened lyat83c, but after the first sales became dull and transactions ire -erv lfn-ht. thn N: steai vonfl.. .1.. ,, ..m.1 . . ''. ' ";, let closing uuu at ozc sales, -0,wu bar rels. LOWER FIGURES. Manipulated by the Bears and Stoc lues Chipped Off The Grangers Til Make a Fair Showing A Quiet nnd Heavy Close. 1'oBK, May 14. The stock market was Nrm more active to-day. While firm to a littlJ in the forenoon it reacted later in the d while the final changes are somewhat strong day, an ar the preponderance is on the side of lrregul gures. The buying of the Grangers, e generally favorable crop news, azain lower ffl with th witn mm ted th 8pecuatjon thj3 morning al- f h n(th tlle Gransers were the only feature of the marl , v ..v.. WU..WH W -UW hicago, Burlington and Qulncy, and time in uk scored a marked advance during the that stoi , but lost the greater portion of it forenooi ' r-t, -.-.- . . 1 1 . pi,- Ti)ica,,c1 vJc.ai.uio auu -no -uiciuiici- ' 1 AVO ttlBH.li thn I.M.. m vmJ..mJ were buy with sell. '..-, WUU 1UD 1U-.C1 CklV .iCUlkCt ng considerable St Paul but the local ere inclined to sell, and realizations traders w were largl. e and at last turned the tide. The e not idle, however, and the selling bears wel ion sellers' options extepded to several of stocks Iks beside Oregon Tranrontinental, in wever, it was most marked, while the other 6toc which, ho1 uu-wcen ine regular way ana xne itra Yiaa finirvtc, ell.!..!.. dltlercnci sej'e 'ftock there was large trading around in Inat .1 maninnlritirm caomarl - Vin-n A 3 Pon the cmne t the stocKas its 5 1 rfh!-fFe is unimportant and its extreme SSrtn. Ttwl. S0T the day was 0DlTK oI Per flnc'ua"0Ifaul was again the leader in point of Jr.J.Zj.'T1 the preferred at one time moved activity anlnt, when the movement in Burling- ?plpe. 4 ,ts he,EIt- Tne fandine schemo ion. 7" Meet, and the new deal in Eichmoiid had tms ent0ntaiso made tle preferre st0C 5? .i..iPanT verT Prominent for strength, ? i??L-?M the most important advance of the and it madil within its best figures. !S?ir0i.nplosed lssuo of 'new stock weakened rr-SIFFcand Oregon Short Line, and the i.?t? Mih has leen dormant for nearly a iHi-'.M ,'lown materially from its last price. TnJdVl5rh01'eful feenK opened the mar- S8.?f,nt flrm' tbls corning, and Atchl H airtS.,!0 and the other (.rangers be S? h ?fedc3 or the speculation -mmedi-m nnnJ.htheywere VU passed by TlrLOlerre(1' whlch rose i PW cent be fP nlhe.?.arket was veryquiet and be forenoon. !.(? in th t-i- A,,.i-- -,-, yond the stre entirely devi id of feature, and toward noon Union Pacifi anu -ransconunental showed nlng, and after 12 o'clock ex- signs of weak Decame the role, with a sagging Chont the list. treme dnlln tendency thn Are animation in the last hour. There was n and tbe down ara .enuency, especially in Bur lost all except a slight fraction lington. which' of its forenoor o improvement, xne close was y ana generally at Blight de- quiet but sea creases from 0 emng prices. The Eaaioritv of onally lower, but the onlv im. r--i. . .. . . tbe list is tract portant changi f were aa advance of 2 percent "WEDNESDAY, MAT 15, 1 in Richmond add West PoidS preferred and a decline of 1 in Oregon Short Line. Railroad bonds were dull and quiet within very narrow limits, and showed no feature of any kind. The sales were SU71,000. The final changes are generally insignificant either way, but there were a few marked differences. Bur lington. Cedar Rapids and Northern consols rose 2i to 8.1, and St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth 7s SM to 12 The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock .Exchange. Corrected dailrfor The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ivenue: clo- Open lDe. Am. Cotton Oil S5X. Atch.. aop. u. Ki... 4JH Canaaun facittc. ..... MS. Cnad southern 52 Central of Hew jersey. 86 Centraijfaelfle 3iJi Chesapeake & Ohio C., Bur.4 Qulncy..... SSX C, Mil. a, St. Paul.... 68 U, Mil Abt. P., pr....l09K C, Kockl. ftl 85H C, St. I,, il'ltu...., c, st. l. & ruts. pf.. 39 C st. p., sua o...... 35 c, st. p., si. ft o., pr. osk C. ft .Northwestern.. ..KSJJ C. ft A orth western, pC ..., O. V. C&l 70 Col. Coal ft Iron .... Col. ft Hocking Val Del.. L. AW., ....,,, .,138'. Del. ft Hudson. 137X Denver KloO, ,.,..... ,. , Denver ft JtloG., pr... 47W E.T., Va. ftUa 9S E.T.,Va.&Ua., HtpITJJ? K.I.. Va.&Ga. 2dpf. .... Illinois Central 1-ake Erie ft Western.. ISM Lake Erie ft West. pr.. ssm Lake Shore AM. S 103 Louisville ft Nashville. 68 Michigan Central Mobile Ohio Mo., H. ftTexas n4 Missouri Pacific 72K Hew York Central 107M N. Y.. L. E. ft Vf 28K N.Y., L E. ft Wi, prcf HUH .N. y., C. ft St. L 16)4 x. "t., c ft st. l. nr. N.Y.. O. St.L.2dpf .... K. Y&N.: 41 to. Y.. O. ft w Aorfolka Western Norfolkft Wester.pl Northern Pacific 23 Aortnern Pacific nrer. 62J4 Ohio ft MlsslssInDl .... Illjm- Low- inv est, est Did. 53! 43H 4254 4i4 -"H K Sll 5-2 62 KU S3 h tm 36 a 33?i 17 68". 67)1 67Jf 110k 1OTM UO'i SSkl UK KH ... .... 17 39 59 S3 KM Si HH SCH SoU S3). 108 10SJ 109H ..?. .... H0M 71 71 71 .... i... 23 IS WSK 137 231 114W 18 6SM J03 11 UK 71 107). iSii lH 63 SS 139 137K 13SK 1SX cs 1C3 63. s 18U ssS 103 67). 12 71 107 16J4 72 107H 28'. 70 16). tm uk 4i UU 18 6-K IVi 23S. Z5K MX SIM 81H Z-7k aSl. h wi 88H 3d SS 23 45 441. 41 ,. 187 VSH M 2J5 81 tlii Sl'A 31 30 SO. 101 2a 23 a. 60X 69 MX n 21 20JS 61). 60 60-K iiji is" ! te SSH SflJ, 65). 68 M UK !i Oregon improvement urejion iranscon i Pacific Mall.. .....1 S8M l'co. Dec. .t Krans..... .. . I'hlladcl. ft lteadtnir.. UH Pullman Palace Car Richmond ft W. P. T.. 25 lUchmond ft W.P.T.pf 81. St. Paul ft Dulutli 31 bt. P., Minn, ft Man St. L. ft San Fran 23 St. L. ft ban .'ran pf.. G0 St. L. ft Sanjr.lstpr.. . .. Texas Pacific 21 H Union Pacific J 6IJ4 Wabash 1. . Wabash preferred 28'4 Western Union 86)4 Wheeling ft L. E 68 National Lead Trust.. 22 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney , Stephenson, brokers. No 57 Fourth avenue, llembers New York Stock Ex change. Bid, Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad , 53 .... Readlnir Railroad 22'4 22 5-16 liuflalo. Pittsburg and Western 10U 1IM Licnin vauev ) o.a Lehigh -Navigation 52 b2H Northern 1'aclfic zra 25W 61 Northern Pacific preferred., olM Roiton Stocks. A.4T. LandGr't7s.l09 Atch. 4 Top. B. R. .. 42 Boston ft Albany.. .214 Boston ft Maine 180 C, B. ftCJ MH Clnn. San. ft Clove. 24 Eastern R. R 84 Eastern R. B. 6s ....I2&H Fllntft 1'ereM 25 Fllntftl'ereSI. nfd. 96 K.C.St.J.ftC.B.7s.l2l Mexican Cen. com.. 13 N. Y. ft New En... . 44b If. Y. &N. E.7S....127). Old Colony. 174 Wls.Centrai.com... 17 Calumet ft Hecla....206 Franklin 10 Huron 1 Osceola. 10 rewaoic mewj z Qulncy 49 Belt Telephone 238 boslonLaiid 61 Tamarack 109 San Diego :X Business Notes. The McKeesport Council Monday night ordered about $50,000 worth of street improve ments. The Westinghouse Electric Company yes terday declared its usual dividend of l)per cent out of the earnings of the best three months' business the corporation has ever had. The election for directors of the Allegheny Gas Company was held on Monday with the following result: James McCutcheon, Presi dent; L. Mcintosh, H. M. Boyle, Addison Lysle, John PorterSeld, Robert Young, Wm. Walker, Herbert Du Puy and James Graham. Jornr M. Oaklet & Co., with their usual enterprise, have opened an office in the Rialto building, Chicago, and one of the partners will in person execute orders on the Chicago Board of Trade. Mr. M. R. Jacobs, the new member of the firm, is favorably known in this city and in Brownsville, Pa. The following charters were issued from the State Department at Harrisburg yesterday; Progressive Perpetual Building and Loan As sociation, of Washington, Pa., capital, 81.00U, 000: Pittsburg Electric Company, of Pittsburg, capital, 10,000; the Rural Water Company, of Pittsburg, capital. !500;tbe Donegal and Connoy Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Marietta; the Valley Water Company, of Pittsburg, cap ital, -00. Metal Markets. a New York Copper weak; lake, May, $13 00. .Lead dull and steady; domestic, S3 87. Tin firm and quiet; Straits, sis 80. Whisky Market. There is a continued good demand for finished goods at fl 02. THE PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK HATE ON HANS AND ISSUE "- BROWN BROS. & CO.'S Circular Letters of Credit for Travelers Good in all parts of the world. ap27-S3-WS BUTTER, a BUTTER, :: BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURE Chartlers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General 0Hce3, 616 LIBERTY STREET, Telephone 1428, PITTSBTJBQ-,' PA. Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations. Wholesale exclusively. rahl8-irwT GOLD MEDAL, PABI3, 1878. W. BAKEE & CO.'S .Bmiast Cocoa Is absolutely pure and it is soluble, No Chemicals are and In its prepar-tion. It hu non am (Atm timn Ot ttrmgth ol Cows mixed wit-t Stsrch, Arrowroot or Saar, tnd it therefore iu mora I economical, ttina leu tSeoi on ctni a np. It U dtladotn, no-rit-lng, I itretelng, IXT DlO-STOD, -pdmlnblj --opted ibrlnnlldt I u wdl u forpcnoni in health. Sold bv Grocers eYerywhew. W.IiXI-EftGO.lBor08tr,Xa8B. 1880. -DOMESTIC MABEETS. Batter Tumbling Potatoes and Ap ples a Shade Firmer. TOMATOES PLENTY AHD DBOOPING. Oats StrongCorn Weakening Wheat and Plonr Still asj. SUGABS FIRMER AND C0PPEES SMADI OrncK op PrrTSBtmo DrsPATCs,! Tuesdat. MayH18S9. J Conntry Produce Jobhlng Prices. Britter stops not on it downward drift. The hest creamery is expected to fall belo 20c be fore the week is ont. Tomatoes from the golf are coming in freely and are tending down ward. Eggs are scarcely as flrm as they were last week. A leading jobber reports 16c as tho ontside price. Others pot their figures one-half cent above this. Strawberries are in good sup ply and demand. All old cheese is about done. Markets for new cheese bare been better in New York than here the past week. At the metropolis there was an advance of one-half cent last week and one-quarter cent this, but here prices have kept on their old way without change. Potatoes and apples are a shade firmer, and are moving out f reel. BnTTEn Creamery, Elgin, 2021c; Ohio do, 1920c: fresh dairy packed. 1817c; country rolls, 1314c; Chartlers Creamery Co., 20v Beans $1 75i 00. ESWx-BtS3UC ft 3--orcnoice;iowgTa-e, L'ider Sand refined. SS S0S)7 50: common. S3 5U. 00; crab cider, S8 00&8 80 jfl barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c p gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese, 9K10c; New York, fall make, 12lc; Umburger, 010c; domestic Sweitzer cheese, 9K12Kc; Dried Peas 51 2301 35 $ bushel; split do, ZyMiMa 53 ft. Boos 1615Jo p dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, 30c jfl dozen. Fbotts Apples, $2 503 00 ?1 barrel; evap orated raspberries. 25c ty ft; cranberries, $i5 ffl barrel,60c!l 00 p bushel; strawberries, S3 00 3 SO a crate; pine apples, $1 752 25 9) dozen. FEATHEfts Extra live Eeese, 5060c; No. 1 do. 1045c; mixed lots, 3035c fl A. Honey New crop, lijjl7c; buckwheat, 13 015c. Honnnr 52 632 75 fl barrel. Potatoes 035c bushel; Bermuda pota toes, SS 509 00 fl barrel; new Southern pota toes. So 005 60 V barrel. POU1.TBV Live chickens, 75gE0o per pair; undrawn chickens, 10012c ?l a; drawn, 14 15c $1 ft: turkeys, 1820c dressed f ft; ducks, live, 6070c fl pair; dressed, 13llc ?l : geese, live. 81 001 25 fl pair. Beeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $5 CO f) bushel; clover, large English. 2 Bs, $6 00: clover, Aliske, 88 50; clover, white, $9 00; tim othy, choice, 45 fts, 1 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 ft, SI 00: orchard grass, 14 fts, ?165; red top, 14 fts, $1 25; millet, 0 &), 81 00; German millet, GO fts, 81 GO; Hungarian grass. 60 fts, 81 00; lawn grass mixture of fine grasses, 82 60 ft bushel of lifts. Tallo-w Country, 45c; city rendered, 55Ja Tbopical Fnurrs Lemons, fancy,. 85 00(5) 5 GO ft box; Messina oranges, 84 605 GO ft box; Valencia oranges, fancy, $7 509 00 fl case: bananas, 82 0, firsts: 81 0, good seconds, fl bunch: cocoanuts, 84 004 GO fl hundred; new figs, 89o fl pound; dates, 66).c fl pound. Vegetables Radishes, 2540c f) dozen; marrowfat peas, S3 00 fl crate; new cabbage, two-barrel crates, 83 00: onions, 81 0Ol 25 $ barrel: string beans, 82 CO; tomatoes, 82 OOgS 00 fl bushel. Groceries. Sugars are firmer in the East Last week speculators managed to bear markets for a few days. But having no substantial basis on which to work, the tide again turns upward. Coffee is firm. An active movement of general gro ceries is reported by wholesalers, with no change in prices. Gkeen Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c! prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 1819c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c: Mocha, S0K31c; Santos, 19c; Caracas coffee, wiiWSc; peaherry, Rio, 21023c; Ja guayra, 2122c ' Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24cj high crades, 262Sc; old Government Java, bulk, 3233c; Maracaioo,7J.23c; Santos 224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 224cj choice Rior-5c: prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22c; ordinary, 21J.C Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia. 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 70S0c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) llu test, 7c; Ohio, 120, 8c; headlight, 150. 8c; water white, 10$c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; caraadine, llKc; rovaline, 14c STB-TS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 333So:primo sugar syrup, 8033c:strict lyprlme. 3335tf; new maple syrup, 80a N. V. Mol 4SSES Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed, 40012c Soda Bl-carb in kegs. SKSHc: hl-carb In Ms. 5c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal- soda in kegs. 13c: do eranulated. 2c CANDLES- 1 Htar. inn weight, ac; stearine, per set, 8Xc: parafflne. 11012c Rice Head, Carolina, 77J.e; choice, 6Jiffl 7c; prime, 6J61c: Louisiana, 66Kc. STAECH-fearl, Sc; cornstarch, 67c; gloss starch. GKS7c. Fokeiqn Fbtjits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, 82 60; Muscatels, 82 '25; California Muscatels, 81 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 718c; sultana, 8Xc; currants, new, 4K5c; Turkey prunes, new, 4J5c: French prunes, 8X13c; balonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, 80 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12016c; Sicily filberts, 12o: Smyrna figs, 12). G-tfc; new dates, 53-gtic; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, 11015c; citron, per ft, 21022c; lemon peel, per ft. 13l4c; orange peel, 12c. DniED Fuxirrs Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c: apples, evaporated, 66c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15lac; peaches, evaporated, pared, 223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, tutted, 2122c; Cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424)c; blackberries, 7JSc; huckle berries, 1012c Sdoabs Cubes, 8?9c; powdered. 9 9Kc; granulated,9c; coufectloners' A. ;8ic: DMUUUU Xk, u-., O-.fc niik-i?, 07. choice, 7SHc: yellow, good,7Jj stanoaru a. ec; son wanes. wic: yeuow, 1ici7eilow, lair, vc: yeuow, uarK, .54c Pickles Medium, bbls, (1,200), 84 GO; inedi nms, half bbls. (600), 22 75. Salt-No. lfl bbl. 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl,rsl,05; dairy, f) bbl, 81 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, 81 20; Hmgin s Eureka, 4 bu sacks. 82 SO; Hlggin's Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, 83 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches 81 SO 1 90; 2ds, 81 301 35: extra peaches. Si &01 90: Bio peaches, 00c; finest com, 811 GO: Hfd. o. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl 00; Lima bean', 81 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do. 75 85c; marrowfat peas. 81 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, 81 401 GO; Bahama do, 82 75; damson plums. 95c; greengages. SI 25; egg plums, 82 00; California pears. 82 GO; do greengages, S2 00; do egg plnms, 82 00; extra white cherries, 82 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, 81 401 GO; strawberries, 81 10; gooseberries, 81 201 30: tomatoes, E2H92c; salmon, 1-&, 81 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c: do green, 2 fts, 81 ?51 GO; corn beef, 2-ft cans. 81 75; 14-B cans, 813 GO: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft. Si 751 80; mackerel, 1-S cans, broiled, 81 GO; sardines, domestic, Us, 84 151 GO; sardines, domestic, Ks 88 258o0; sardines, imported, is, 8U 504512 GO; sardines, imported, s, 818 CO: sardines, mustard, 84 00; sardines, spiced, 84 25. FisH-ExtraNo.1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl bbl.; exta Ko. 1 do, mess, 840; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed, 836; No. 2 shore mackerel, 821. Codfish Whole Sollock, 4.c ft ft ; do medium, George's cod, c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67c. Herring Round shore, 85 00 fl bbl; spin. 87 00; lake, 82 50 ?! 100-ft. half bbl. White fish. 87 00 fl 100- ft. half bbl. Lake trout, So 60 ft half hbl. Finnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibnt, 13a a -ft. Pickerel. M barrel. 82 00: i barrel. SI 10: Potomac herring, 85 00 fl barrel, 82 50 fl J barrel. Buckwheat Flotjh-223c f) ft. OATMEAL-J8 306 60 fl bbl. 1 Mihees' 0r No. 1 winter strained, If) gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 42 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of 0. corn, 2 of oats, 6 of hay, 1 of middlings, 3 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cin cinnati and St. Louis, 3 cars of oats, 15 ofcom, 3 of hay, 1 of millfeed, 2 of bran. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 3 cars ot, wheat. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of straw. By Pittsburg and Western, I car of hay. Bales on call, 1 car ex tra 3 oats, Zlic, S days, regular; 1 car No. 3 timothy hay, 81L 6 days; 1 car No. 2 white oats. 3214c, month; 1 car No. 2 white oats, 32c, after 25th of May, Oats ard .tro$, Liberal receipts of corn have had a weakening Irtfluence on mar kets. The dry, hot weather ot last week fur nished an opportunity to wheat bulls which tbey failed not to use. Late rains have brought bears to the front, and prices are drifting back to the old level. The opportunities for bulls all tbe past season have been short-lived. There is no resisting the facts that tbe last crop was more than sufficient for tbe consumers' needs, and that the coming one is unusually promls- DWHKAX'-Jobbing prices No. 2 red, B-gW5c ' No.3red,8588c. .-,., Cobit-No. 2 yellow ear, fiJci high mixed ear, 40llc; No, 1 yellow, shelled, 414Sc; No. 3 yellow, shell-d, 40041c: hteh mixed, shelled. 304Uc; mixed, shelled, 38030c. OatsNo. 2 white, S333Xc: 'ra. No, 3, 3132c; No. 8 white, 3o231c; No. 2 mixed, 27 ' Rye No. 1 Western, 70073c: No. 2. -5S6c Bahlet No.1 Canada, 9.598c; No. 2 Can ada. 8&8S8c: No. 3 Canada, 70a72c; Lake Shore, 7880-- Flotb Jobbing prices, winter patents, 85 505 73: spring patents, $5 00fi8 00: winter straight, S4 753)5 U0; clear winter, 84 604 7o; straicbt XXXX bakers', 81 004 25. Bye flour, S3 503 73. Millfeed Middllnes, fine white, 815 00 16 00 fl ton; brown middlings. 811 GO12 CO; winter wheat bran, 813 0013 GOr chop feed, 815 0018 CO. HAY-Baled timothy, choice, Sll 60015 00; No.l do, 813 2513 50; No. 2 do, SU 0012 60; loose from wagon. S16 0018 CO: No. 1 npland Sralric S10 0010 50; No. , 83 008 0; pickins 0, 85 606 5a Stbaw Oats, 88 0003 25; wheat and rye Straw, 87 007 603 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugarured hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured bams, small, lttc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10Jc; sugar cured shoulders, 8c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders; 9c: sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 8Xc; sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. U.c:bacon shoulders, TJic; bacon clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry salt shoulders, 6Jc: dry salt clear sides. TKc Mess pork, heavy. 814 CO; mess pork, family. 814 SO. Lard Refined in tierces. 7c: half barrels, TVe; 60-ft tubs, 7c: 20 ft pails, 1c; 50- tin cans, 7jc; 8-ft tin pails, 8Jc; 5-ft tin pails, 75fe: 10-ft tin palls, 7ie. Smoked sausage, long. 6c; large, 6c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, 84 0C; quarter barrel, 81 90. Sressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550 lbs, 6Kc;650to630Bs, 6c;G50to750ft3, 6Kc Sheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9o fl ft. Hogs, 634c Fresh pork loins. 9c JOHN M , 0 A K L E Y fi C G Stocks, Bonds. Grain Petroleum, 45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. BTAT.TO BUILDING, OBCtOAGO. M.R. Jacobs, late of BrownsTille, has been admitted as partner to our flrm from March L Mr. Jacobs will have charge of our Chicago office and be onthe floor, of the Board of Trade. yl5-43-HW-' 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, -PITTrSBTJUG, PX. V Transact a General BanMng Bnaness. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STEBLING-, Available In all pat ts of the world. Also issue Credits IN DOT.T.ARS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. ap7-91-tWT CURED OF CATARRH. MR. GEORGE LAMBERT, who lives on Jones avenue, this city, near Twenty-seventh street, has been cured of a very bad case of catarrh nythe physicians of the Folypathio Medical Institute, Ko. 420 Penn avenue. When be applied for treatment he complained of much soreness in his lungs,shortness of breath, a choked up feeling in his throat, with much dryness; the catarrhal secretion that he raised from his throat and lungs was very tough and tenacious; his eyes were weak and troubled him very much about reading or seeing ob- iects distinctly. The disease also extended to lis stomach, so that he had great pain after eating. On account of his food souring on his stomach he had much belching of gas, and was so bloated that his heart would frequently palpitate, and gave him so much pain that he thought he had heart disease. After becoming cured, as above stated, he says: "I am very glad to give my testimonial, and Shall alway- speak in praise of the doctors to my many friends for curing me of this dread ful disease, and I cheerfully recommend all others suffering from chronic diseases to call on these specialists, who will frankly tell you what they can do for you. "Gbobqb Lahbebt." The diseases treated successfullv at thn POLYPATHIO MEDICAL AND SURGICAL -NST-TUT-S, 4-U Penn avenue, are catarrh, diseases of the stomach aud all forms of skin and blood diseases, and they especially Invite those whose diseases have failed to improve under the general practitioner's treatment to call and examine their system of treatment and cure, which have been the result of years of careful study and investigation. Office hours, 10 to 11:30 A- St.. 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. It. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. sc Consultation free. myl3-D Mrs. Dr. Crossley, one of the Consulting Physi cians at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Penn Avenue. 15 DOCTORS fa.tt.-f:t To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered on for 13 years. Tbe aches and pains which she experienced in almost every part of her body was simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting pains across the small of ber hack and loner part of her body was almost unbearable. In fact she suffered with all those diseases and conditions peculiar to women.. For three months her mind was unbalanced, and 'for months she was.confined to her bed. She be came very weak and emaciated, so that she only weighed 98 pounds. No one expected her to live, much less get entirely cured. After receiving three months' treatment with tbe physicians 01 tne uatarrn anu Dyspepsia insti tute. 323 Penn avenue, who make aspeaalty of her disease, she says: "I never want any one to suffer as I have for the past 13 years. The condition of my case was much worse than has been described, and I am only too glad to testify to my complete cure by the doctors of the Catarrh and Dys pepsia Institute. "VfRS Tnnw AStTTATTnxr r-.--, t- n Please remember that tbe physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute never display their patient's portraits in the papers. Neither do they publish any testimonial, except with the full consent or wish of the natient. Fnrtbermore, their testimonials arenotfromj -uuie ia. uu piaco wnere no buci? parties reside, hat from your own county and your own city, with the full name and address given, thus proving their genuineness. The Catrrrh and Dyspepsia Institute Is thoroughly established in Pittsburg, and thousands of patients gladly testify to cures they have re ceived. , The treatment used does not consist of the so-called magnetic, or superhuman agencies, but medicines made- from roots and herbs, nnd compounded to suit the requirements of each individual case, thus removing not only the disease, but the causo ot the disease as well. Ninety-five out of every hundred of the. pati ents treated at this Institute are those suffer ing from Catarrh, which is the certain fore rnnnero. consumption. The testimonials pub lished speak for themselves. They treat suc cessfully Catarrh. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Kidney and Female Diseases, OlBco hours. Ii A. K. to i p. jr., and 6 to 8 P. IT. Sundays, 12 to 1 P. K. Consultation free to all. mvll-D lyjONEYTOLOAS- On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of L06O and upward. Applvat --. j.. DOLLAR aAVlNQBBANK. mhWi-B, No.lMFoarthavew. T.MELLON&SOM'BAffi, SCRATCHED28: YEARS. - A Scaly, Itching Skin Disease Wiih Endlws Suffering Carad by Cuti- eDra Remedies, If I had known of the C-TiCUKA BncEDrsa 28 years ago it would have saved me S2CO (two hundred dollars) and an immense amount or suffering. My disease. (Psoriasis; commenced . on my bead in a spot not larger than a cent, It spread rapidly all over my body and got under my nails. The scales would drop oil of me all the time, and mv suffering was endless and without relief. One thousand dollars would not tempt me to have this disease over again. I am a poor man, but feel rich to be relieved of what same of the doctors said was leprosy, some ringworm, psoriasis, etc. I took . . -and ... Sarsaparlllas over one year and x half, but no cure. I went to two or three doc tors and no cure. I cannot praise the CCTT ctTRA REJrEDlE3 too much. Tbey have made) my skin as clear and free from scales as a baby's. All I used ot them was three boxes of Cutictba. and three bottles of Cuticuiu. Resolvent and two cakes of Cuticcba. Soap- If you had been here and. said yon would have cured me for 8200 you wonld hare bad tbe money- I looked like the picture in your book of Psoriasis (oleture number two "How to Cure Skin D'seases"), but now I am as clear as any person ever was. Through forca of habit I rnb my hands over my arms and legs to scratch once in a while, but to no purpose. I am all well. I Scratched 23 years, and it got to be a kind of second nature to me. I thank you a thousand times. Anything more that yon want to know write me, or any one who reads this may write to me and I will answer it, DENNIS DOWNING. WATEnKOBT, Vt., January 20, 1887. Psoriasis, Eczema, Tetter.Rlngworm.Uchea, Pruritus, Scall Head. Milk Crust, Dandruff, Barbers', Bakers' Grocers' and Washerwoman's Itch, and every species of Itching, Barning, Scaly, Pimply Humors of tho Skin and Scalp and Blood, with Loss of Hair, are positively cured by CtmcruBA, the great BkiD Cure, ana Cuticuka SOAP, an exquisite Skin Beautifler, externally, and Cutictjea RzsoJ-VZ-rr, the new Blood Purifier, internally, when physi cians and all other remedies fall. Sold everywhere. Pride: Crmctnu. 60 cents; Soap, 25 cents: Resolveut; 81. Prepared by the Potter Dbto Afi Chemicai. Coepoka T10, Boston, Mass. 8S"Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 04 pages, du illustrations, ana iuu testimonial-. DIMPLKH, black-beads, chapped and oily rim skin prevented by Cotictba Mbi- CATED SOAP. Free from Rheumatism 'j In oneminnte the CutlcoraAntl- Paln Firmer relieves Rheumatic, sciatic, hip, kidney, chest and muscular pains and weaknesses. The nrst and only pain-killing Plaster. W3 WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. "wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekia SITiTCS, PLUSHES, - DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. J For largest assortment and lowest prices oU i ana see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe-2-r83-r AEMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF., ARMOUR & IJ0., CHIGMOJ; SOLE MANUPIACTUKEHS. This Is now conceded to tie the best lnt market, as witnessed by theMactthat lust secured the DIPLOMA. FOR E LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now t ing held in Philadelphia. v ..- UX iUAilurAUlUIUj, SUPERIOR IN ftU- And with the bright appetiziifg Juror (eel ly roasted beef. t REMEMBER, jaMIOTJR,B- mh-l-irwT IfROE-EI-S FINANCIAL. GEORGE T. CARTER, 6 PER CENT GOLD 1NVESTMENTB0NDS, Eli-515 Hamilton Building; mylO-TO-D Pittsburg; Fa, ' t TTTHITNEY & STEPHENSON, 7 FOURTH AVENUE; Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexsl,' Morgan &. Co, New York. Passports procured,) aps-. JHEDICAL- DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PEXX AVENUE. PlTTSBCKO.lMl.. As old residents know and back flies of Pitts most prominent physician In tbe city, devoting renaveH xcel-qH - speci&i a.ten u on io an enronic diseases, jj ronx i J, PesS1We NO FEE UNTIL CURED' MCDni IO and mental diseases, physical liTnVUUodecay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, elf-dlstrust,bashfnlness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak- -ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, no t 1 fitting the person for business, society and mar- i nage, permanently, safely and privately cured..?? BLOOD AND SKIN SSSTnSr blotches, falling balr, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongne, month, throat. 1 ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood Xj poisons thoroughly eradicated from thesystem. 1 IIkIIMAkV Juaneyana oiaauer derange U 11 1 linn I ) ments, weak back, gravel, ca-. tarrnai -aiscnarges, isnammauon ana otner . painiui symptoms receive searcmng treatment prompt relief and real ces. J Dr. whittier's life-loner, extensive experiences insures scientific and reliable treatment oal common-senso principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as lfl liant --4TtA- Vah Q r O T C-t7trw-l 10 A. M. to 1 P. St. only. " DR. WHITTIER, 81. j Penn avenue, nttsourg, ra. apiKj--Dsuwc DOCTORS LAKE I, PRIVATE DISPENSARY,! OFFICES. 90U PENN AVE, rii-ouu-tu, --, All forms of Delicate and Com-i plicated Diseases requiring Cosr-I FIDESTIAI. and SCTESIXTIOl Medication are treated at this Dispensary wlthl a success rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is al member of the Royal College of Physicians! and Surgeons, and is the oldest and most expe rienced Specialist in the city. Special Atten tion givenio Nervous Debility from excessive mental exertion, indiscretions of voutb. eta. causing physical and mental decay, lack o. j energy, despondency, etc.: aiso lancers, uias Sores. Fits, Piles. Rheumatism, andall diseases s of the Skin, Blood- Lungs, Urinary Organs,! etc Consultation, free and strictly conden- tiaL Office hours 9 to 1 and 7 to 8p.r.:8-J days. 2 to i P. M. only. Call at office or aauressi a K. Lac,M. D'M. R. a P.S..orE.J iiAEE, m. u. seI-134-twTVki" GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CORES nervous debility; lost vigor, loss of memory. . -"nit particulars In pamphlet sent free. The genuine Gray's Specific sold by dnijr!sU only In. yellow wrapper. Priee, fl per pacKaze, or six for 5, or by mall on recelnt of price, bv addres. ng THE OKAY MELUULNE t'O., Buffalo, H,Y Sold In I'lttsbnr? by 8. 3. HULLA- L, corner Emltbfield and Liberty sts. pl-S3- CHICHSTt.K'b tuCiLlbrf PENnOYALPSUS: . rxx 3 -2-- KAi'-El K4H. A . En c::3 si'd sura. nrhIfi.M -a.Va-Mh.tm m vuwvtw f &ja wi tMBt 41 VV Vt M ll Ak for CUtiattft InjUii IxkUrlfl fw1 - - -k - 'war gbW l. v:'i"i'iLiuiuiairinii un rac a-i' 1 . :-- .T WI jrk TS l twin a nMnMi., . Xrafv W BO Ather Ak (ills la taste- . --r' 7y rttora m-U. 10,st ati 1l I RWlCC j k-ata nu K Vaa D. . iilMUiianMVUd "ii wct MIVIU . BUM frr jw UB-ii.-Wf3UWM- J BL' L-VPlW & mi mmmmsMam " "i