1 -- ,- f e THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, HAT 16, 1889. W$r STILL ON THE SLIDE Boston Again Downs Our Crippled Ball Team. JSOME TEERIFIO HITTING. Manager Phillips Talks About the Prospects of the Club. THE BABIES SHOT THE GIANTS OUT Pitchers Conway and Morris Ordered Home Without Pay. GENERAL SPOETIKG NEWS OF THE DAI Games Flayed Yesterday. BOSTONS. 13....PITTSBTJRGS 9 CeICAQOS.. ........ 7....PHILAIELPHIAS 5 Clevelaids...... 5....KetYoek8 0 ueookltxs. 4....ce5ces-xatis 0 st. louis 7.... baltimores 2 Kansas Oitys.... 11.. ..Columbus 10 rochestebs 10....buffalos 9 Sybaccses 12....HAMILTONS....... 6 toledos. 3....londons 2 torontos 10....detboits 5 caktojjs u....sfrlvgfrelds.... 6 McKeespokts.... S....New Castles ... 2 johxstow2s 7....alt00xas 3 To-Day' Games. National League Fittsburgs at Boston; Chicagos at Philadelphia; Cleveland at New York: Indianapolis at Washington. There are no games scheduled for the Ameri can Association. League Record. Perl Per TVon. Lost. IX I Won. LosLCL Bostons 10 S .GS7 New Yorks .. 8 S .500 Plilladelphlas 9 6 .OOOUIttsburgs... 8 10 .444 8 .579 Indianapolis 7 10 .412 8 .523, ashlngtons 3 IS -230 ieveis.nus...n Chicagos 9 Association Record. Perl Per Won.Lost.rt. Won.LosLCt. St. Lonls IS 6 .760' Athletics . ..11 10 .824 Hrooklvns. ...12 8 .600 Clnclnnatls. .10 13 .483 XansaCltys..l4 10 .5SS Columbus 15 .2S8 .Baltimore.. ...12 9 .371 Loulsvuies.... S 18 .217 SOME HEATF SLUGGING. Pittsburg Knocks Sowders Oat and Still '( Is Beaten. israelii. TXLZQKAU TO THE DISFATCH.l Boston, May 14. Some idea of the pic nic which the boys from the "Smoky City" had with Billy Sowders daring the first three innings of to-day's game may be gleaned from the fact that in that brief period they had pounded the bean eating iwirler to the extent of 9 singles, with a total of 16 bases. Leather hunting teas the chief occupation of the bean eaters, and they had more of it to do in the third inning than any other inning in recent years. They ran until they were ready to drop, and still the Pittsburgers unmercifully banged the bajif all oyer tbe field, ana kept it where the heme players had to hustle to reach it. & The third Inning in to-day's game was sine of he most remarkable as regards the .batting at has ever been witnessed Thjf Bostons rtcd in with 6 runs on 5 singles (nd 3 errors. SOME HEAVY SLUG! yerybody thought that Vfas a phenomenal t, and the 2,500 spectators were as happy as s -when the visitorswent to the bat. But batting disease jwas catching, and when ager Phillips' nj'en took their position in leld once more ihey had not only given the eaters a taste -of their own medicine, but "iad rubbed it In in the most aggravating ufl e.caed a record of seven runs on five singles and two three-baggers. Then did the faces of those 2,500 bean eatingcranks be- come so long as the poles neon .ghlch their favorite fruit is reared, and they looked as though the services of many physicians were 1 needed to save them from immediate dissolu tion. The Bostons began the sport. Ganzel was given first base and Sowders and Brown se cured singles. Ganzel scored. Johnson was unable to sena the ball beyond Miller and per ished at first. Maul seemed to be AFRAID OF KELLY and sent him to first on balls. Then big Dan Brouthers got in his work in the shape of a single, and Sowders and Brown crossed the plate. Richardson followed with another single to left field, and Kelly and Broutbers ecored, the latter having reached second on an attempt to retire Kelly. Richardson got around to third on the return of the ball from left field and Nash's oat at first, and scored the sixth run for Boston on Quinn's single. Ganzel stepped to the bat again, but was easily retired by Dunlap and Beckley. That was pretty good work, but it was noth ing compared with what the Pittsburgers did "when they got the opportunity. Sunday showed liis contempt for Sowders' strategy by biding the ball in right field for three bases. .uanion cut out anotner nit xrom me same ana in the same place, sending Sunday across the plate and scoring himself on Beckley's long fly to Johnston. Sowders became excited, ana bit Carroll with the ball; the latter was not hurt, however, and showed it by immediately steal ing second. "Foghorn" Miller cleared his throat, and the ball landed safely in left field, Carroll scoring. Dunlap sent the sphere sailing nearly into the right cow pat tare, sending ililler to third. MADE THINGS LIVELY. Maul continued the sport by banging the ball over the second bag and Miller and Dunlap scored. Smith placed the ball beyond Quinn's reach and Maul landed safely on third by reason of Nash's muff of the ball thrown to cut him off. Laner distinguished himself by making another ramoling bit to right field. Maul was streaking for the plate when Kelly throw the balk and bean eater's arm was so strong that the ball ent far beyond the reach bf the players around the diamond. The result was that Maul and Smith both scored, making 7 runs for Pittsburg in that inning and a total of 9 runs. Sunday and Hanlon closed the inning by popping up easy flys, then the Bostons breathed easier when they went to the bat in the fourth inning. They tied the score on two singles, a three-bagger and base On balls and a sacrifice bit. "When the visitors again took up the stick they found Radbume in front of them instead of Sowders. The latter had retired in disgust. Radbume held tbem down to one weak hit during the rest of the game, and as the Bostons fielded w ell they could not score again. The beau eaters scored two runs in the sixth and two more in the ninth by superior batting, -winning the came and secuiing the leadership of the League through the defeat ot the J Phillies by the Chicagos. score: BOSTOX. B B r A I PITTSBURG B B P A Itrown. 1.. . S 1 2 Johnston.m. 2 S 3 Jvellv, r..... J l l liroulbera,l. 1 S IS .Klchd's'n, 2. 2 2 4 J4ah.3...... 0 11 Qulnn. s.. 12 0 ijauzel. c... 1 13 bowdcre, p, . 12 0 Xadbo'ne,p. 0 0 0 bunday, r... Ill uanion, xn.. l i'i Heckler. 1. . o -- CarroU, c. lyt"4 aimer, a...., . 2 a Ounlap, 2.ti 2 3 Maul, p... fil 1 1 jmlth. ..1.. 2 2 3 Laner, !,... 0 12 Touitt. , 10 27 2 Totals IS 16 27 U 6 Bostons 0 0.6 3 T 2 0 0 213 PitUburgs 0A 7 0 0 0 0 0 0-9 Earned runs Bostons, 8,-Tlttsburgs, 4. Two-base hit Qnlnn. Three-base hits Johnston, Sunday, Hanlon. Home run Smith. Btoien bases Brows, Johnston, 2; Qnlnn, Gan aeL Double plays Dunlap, smith and Beckley; Dan lap, ManL Miller and Smith. llrst base on balls-Brows, Kelly, 2; tianzer.2; Beck'.ev. Hit by pitched ball CarrolL bacrlfice hit Qnlnn. Struck ont Brown, Hadbourne, 3; ManL 2. .Passed bail Carroll. 1M nitch Maul. Time or same One hour and 40 minutes. Umpires Kessendcn and Curry. A CHAT WITH PHILLIPS. jHo Talks Contentedly About the Chances of His Team. ' rSFZCIAX, 7TLECSAV TO THE DISPATCH. J Boston MAS&, May H. Manager Fhillipr, Lof the Pittsburg Baseball Clnb, in a chat to-day regard to the progress of the League con- gtest, spoke In a very contented manner of his sown club, and said that he was sorry that he f could not present tho team in bettor shape than j was the case. Thcpitchera had been in a bad way, and Maul has had to be pressed into service. It will be some days before Galrln will find his leg all right, and it will take plenty of warm weather to -bring tho other pitchers into shape. The speaker alluded to Herman Long, the sbortshop of the Kansas Citys, in the warmest terms, and said that this young man was the coming ballplajer of the country, being a great baseman, fielder and base runner. ' "Clubs like Cleveland." said he, "will jump right in and do better than the older and stronger clubs because their pitchers are so mnch younger andf riskier. They are willing to take chances at any stage of the season, and go right in and pitch for all they are worth. You do not sec the veteran pitchers do this sort of thing. They take their timo in getting Into tbo heat of the season. Yon will not cich them taking any chances of breaking their backs at this time of the year, and they laugh at the way these youngsters pitch into their work, well knowing that their time is bound to come." COSTLX ERROUS AGAIN. They Cnnso the Fulltcs n Defeat by the Chl cngos. Philadelphia, May 14. Philadelphia lost a game to Chicago to-day through costly errors in the first and third inning. With men on sec ond and third in the fifth inning, with no one out, the Phillies were blanked, none of the .three succeeding batsmen being ablo to do any thing for.tue cause. Score: r-IIILAD'A. B B r A El CniCAGOS. B B P A E Wood, 1 0 lelaha'y,2,. 1 Focart), la. 0 Th'son. r... 1 Jlulvev, 3 2 Clements, c 0 frarrar, 1.... 1 Hallman s. 0 Sanders, p., 0 Kran. s.... VanH'tn,m Dairy, r.... tnson, 1... rfefler, 2... Farrcll, I.. Burns. 3.. . 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 12 3 2 Uumbert, p runt, c... Totals .. .. S U 24 IS 8, Totals . 710 27 9 5 Phlladelphl&s 1 0020002O-S Chicago 2 0301100-7 Earned runs-Philadelphlas, 2: Chicazos. 2 1 wo-bate bits Delehanty, Clements, Kyan, VanHaltren and Preffcr. Three-base hit Thompson. hacrifice hita Karrar, llaliman. Stolen bases Uelahanty and Farrar. Double plays Anson, unassisted: Delahanty and Farrar. Hrst base on balls-Off Gumbert, 2; off San ders. I. btruck out By Gnmbert. 2: bv Sanders, 6. Passed balls Clements, 1: Flint, 1. lid pitch Gumbert. Time One hour and 0 minutes. Umpire ilctiuald. MHUT THE GIAXTS OCT. The Lusty Babies Again Trim Up tho Champion. New Yoke, May It Th e G iants again played in a listless manner to-day, and, as a 'result, were whitewashed by the Clevelands. Titcomb did phenomenal work, except in the seventh inning. Score: KEWTOBK. B B F A ICLEVEI.A'D B B P A E Tiernan, r.. Ward, s.. . Connor, 1... Murphy, c, Klclid's'n.2. O'K'rte.-L. Foster, m... Whitney, 3.. Titcomb, p.. Totals. ... 1 1 a 3 0 13 0 0 Strieker. 2. 1 McAleer. m. 1 McKesn. s . 0 1 1 1 C 1 2 0 0 0 14 0 2 1 2 0 0 1 0 Twltchell, 1. 0 Faatz. 1.. . o Kadrord, r.. 1 1 e bean. S ... 1 Zimmer, c... 0 O'Brien, p.. 1 0 2 24 10 2 Totals S 5 27 IS 0 NewYorka 0 000000000 ClCTClands 0 0000080 S Karned runs Clevelands, 3. Two-base hit Tebcan. Sacrifice hits-O'Kourkc, Foster, Twltchell, Zim mer. btolen bases Tiernan, 2. Double plavs 1 ebean and Faatz. First base on balls Titcomb, 8; O'Brien, 4. Hit by pltcned ball Connor. Struck out By Titcomb, L Time One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Lynch. .. ' Only One Inninc Washington; May 14. The Washington and Indianapolis clubs played one inning to day, the home team making one run when rain stopped the game. SENT THE3I HOME. Pitchers Convrar and Morris Laid Off Without Pay. What several people have been expecting has taken place, Conway and Morris, pitchers of the local club, have been ordered borne without pay. and will stay here under this condition un til they are able to pitch. Few people who are interested in the club will be surprised at this. Neither of the play ers named are any use at all to the club at present, and it is not to be expected that the club could carry them round the country and pay them a salary for the privilege. It is some what singular that both Conway and Morris were in such remarkable form last fall and are worthless now. During their absence and until Galvin is ablo to pitch. Maul and Staley will alternate in the box, Carroll and Miller alternating in left field. Manager Phillips lias made an effort to get Garfield, but the Faculty of his college refnse to let him away until next month, when he will graduate. Outside the pitchers the team is in good-jondition, and it is extremely unfortunate that such bard luck should occur. Conway and Morris will arme in the city to-day at noon. ASSOCIATION G4.MES, At Cincinnati Cincinnati 0 000000000 BrooLIyns 0 010030004 Base hlts-Cluclnnatls, 2: Brooklyns, 5. Errors Clnclnnatls, 3: Brooklyns, 4. Pitchers Vlau and Lovctt. At St. Louis St. Lonls 4 0201000 7 Baltimores 0 000001102 Base hit St. Louis, 8: Baltimores, S. Errors St. Louis. 1: Baltimores, 3 Pitchers Chamberlain, Kilroy and Foreman. At Kansas City KansasUtrs 0 2 0 0 3 2 10 3-11 Columbus 1 0 6 0 10 2 0 0-10 Earned run Kansas Citys, 2: Columbus, 3. Base hits Kansas Cit) s, ll:Columbns, 1L Errors Kansas Citys. I: Columbus, 8. Pitchers Bweartiel and Baldwin. International Leacnr. rSTECIAI. TELEGBAltS TO THE DISPATCH. At Buffalo Buffalos 2 100004200-9 Bochcsters 1...1 30000201 310 At Hamilton Hamiltons.. 0 2001300O-6 byraense .2 0 2 10 0 6 2 0-12 At London Londons 0 OlOOtlOOl 2 Toledos 0 3 0 fa 0 0 0 03 At Toronto Torontos , 6 3 0 0 0 10 0 0-10 Dctroits ..S 0JP200000 S TrI-State Lenene. Canton, May 11 Baseball. Cantons........... .JfL.1 2 0 2 10 0 3-11 Sprlnfrflelds. ,S 022100008 Base bits-Cantons, 13iSprlnpfleIds, 9. Errors-Can'ons, 2: SPTinjrfieids, 2. Batteries KUey and Doyle; btaib and StenzeL Baseball Notes. And what do yon think of the Babiesf The First Ward Bines, Allegheny, beat the Second Ward Blues yesterday by 6 to 3. Pook Pittsburg! There must be a tremen dous Jonah connected with the club some where. TitEE. A. Montooths want to play any club in Western Pennsylvania whose members are noOnore than 16 years of age. The Nat. C. Goodwins defeated the Diamond Stars yesterday bv a score of 24 to 1L The winners want to play any other junior clnb. The First and Second nines of the Western University plaved a game yesterday, which the Firsts won by 22 to 5. Base hits, Firsts, 22; Sec onds, 8. President Von deb Ahe, by his action in the Robinson case, has greatly injured baseball in tbe Mound City. At the second Columbus game there were not 100 people at the park. The St. Mary's Musical and Literary Society has organized a nine, and they challenge the Troy Hill Literary Society to play on Decora tion Dav. Address Otto A. Schad, 234 Ohio street, Allegheny. The Alarms, Jrs defeated for the second time the Ann Street Stars by a score of 18 to 10 yesterday, and would like to hear from all "11-year-old' clubs. Address L. Asber, 2S5 and 237 Forbes street, city. TJsirntE Lynch is even worse than he was last year. If President Young really thinks that this man is tbe best in tbe League, there is not much wonder that we have poor umpires. yew York Sun. "Worcester," said Umpire Gaffney, "would pay S50.000 for a place in the American Associa tion. And Worcester is the town they should surely select. It has grown to be a great city since tbe days whenBnshong played there with the old Worcesters. There would bo no trou ble at all locating a club there." Mars: Baldwin explains his poor work In his opening game for the Columbus clnb a week ago by saying that he had never been accustomed to the coaching methods employed by Association players, and found himself badly rattled before he had occupied the box for two innings. PatronB of League games who have seen one or more Association games this seaon will readily believe Bald win's statement. "Dirty" ball playingand rowdy.boisterous coach ins seem to have a long vi ay the best of gentle manly conduct and honorable ball playing In tbe younger organization cities this season. Hew York Sun. SP.0KANE ONCE MORE. r The Derby Winner -Again Defeats Proctor Knott and CAPTDEES THE CLARK STAKES. Hyder All's Son Considered Better Than Bryant's Flyer. SOME LOCAL IIORSE ULCUS ARRANGED. Gossip About EnlliTan's New Training Quarters and Other Sporting Events. rSFECIAt, TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCB.l Louisville, May 14. The meeting of Proctor Knott and SDokane in the Clark Stakes, together with the improvement in the state of the weather, caused a decidedly increased attendance at the race to-day. The crowd witnessed the running of a rather good programme, being the largest of the present meeting with the sole excep tion of Derby' day. As to the track, it was heavy and slow. Jn'the first race only Sportsman and Red Letter started and the former was a. 1 to 5 favorite. He won but was closely pressed by his sole angonist. In the next race Zclica, a handsome daughter of Virgil, was the pick of the talent and sno won cleverly, with Millie Williams, decidedly the best of the others, second. Then came tbe race of the day, tbe Clark stakes. While the field was limited, it was full of quality Including tho Futurity winner. Proc tor Knott, his conqueror, Spokane, the Phoenix Hotel and Blue Ribbon stake winner, Once Again, and that useful colt Come to Taw. WERE TREMENDOUS FAVORITES. The latter was coupled with his stable com panion. Proctor Knott, and the pair were tre mendous favorites, the best price ever against them being 1 to 2. Spokane was a second fa vorite at 3 to 1, while Once Again was rated at 5 to L The last named was the first to come on the track, followed by Spokane, while neither of Bryant's pair ent by the stand, thoy going straight from tbe field, where they were saddled to the post. Richio was on Proctor Knott, Finnegan on Come-to-Taw, Murphy on Once Again and Kiley on Spokane. After one or two breakaways they were dis patched, with Come-to-Taw in front and the others very closely bunched, Once Afaln being last. At the stand the latter had his head in front, tbe others being necks apart, in the following order: Spokane, Proctor Knott and Come-to-Taw on the turn. Proctor Knottwent to the front and led by the quarter by one length, Spokane second, the others head and head, a length further back. Going down tbe back stretch the former drew away, but it was only for a moment, Spokane closing once more to within a length and a half of him at the half. The other two here commenced to labor and it was readily discernible that they were out of it. Round the bend for tbe three quarters Knott led by a length and it was that order as they straightened tor home. Once in in the stretch, however, Spokane quickly closed upon Bryant great colt and soon having him in difficulty he came away as he pleased in tbe last eighth, and, showing that his Derby victory WAS NO FLUKE, ho won in decided clever style by nearly three lengths. Proctor Knott finished four lengths in front of Once Again, while a like distance away came Come-to-Taw. Time, 2J2, which was exceedingly good for the slow track. The fractional time of the race was, first quarter 26 half 53K, three-quarters 1:19, first mile 1:46. Value of the stakes to the winner was t3,570. On returning to the scales the winner re ceived a great ovation, being cheered and re cheered until led off the track. He showed no signs of the struggle, seeming fresh as a daisy. When asked about Proctor Knott's defeat, Bryant said he had no excuse to offer: so far as he was aware, tbe borso was in the best of con dition, and was beaten purely on his merits. Spokane has no other S-year-old engagement until the American derby at Chicago, which will probably be his next start. In that event, he will now have to carry a penalty of five pounds. xne lonnn race to-aay was won oy iseitina, the second choice in tho betting, the fa "Trite, Lvdia Belle, failing to seenre a place, while the last race was captured bv Vidette, an outsider. He defeated an air-tight favorite in3ee-Ve-Na, after a desperate finish. Following is the result of the big races: Clark stakes, for 3-year-olds, ?lOOcntrancc1.600 added, S300 to second and XU to third, one and a quarter miles btarters and odd6: Spokane 118 pounds. Klley. 2 to 5: Once Acaln lis, Murphy, 6 to 1; Proctor Knott 115, Ritchie: Come to Taw 115, Flunegan. Betting 2 to S on the two owned by Bryant. ,. Armstrong's Spokane, ch. s., Hyder All In terpose. 118 pounds Klley. 1 Sam Bryant's Proctor Knott, ch. c, Luke Blackburn Tallapoosa, 115 Kltcbie. 2 Milt Young's Once Again, b. c, Onondaga Black Maria, 118 Murphy. 3 THE OTHER EVENTS. First race. McCambcll 'handicap, sweepstake, 400 added, 575 to second and S to third, one mile and 70 yards Sportsman took the lead at the post and was never headed, winning handily. Time, 1:50)4. Second race, selling, 2-ycar-olds, five furlongs Several attempts were made bciore a start could be had. Finally they got off with Kevin leading He soon gave place to happiness, and she in turn to Zelica, who was followed close by Millie ill lams. In a whipping fishing Zelica won by half a length. Samantlia third, a length behind Millie "tt ifllams. Time, 1.-01. w Fourth race, purse ftoo, for maidens, six fur-longs-Bettina Hrst, Metal second, Elk third. Time. 1:18. Fifth race, purse S40Q, for 2-year-olds and up ward, six furlongs Vitette first, Kecvena second, Finality third, lime, 1:18, It is generally conceded to-night that Spokane is better than Proctor Knott. A few still in sist that Knott was not well ridden and make other excuses. The showing made by the Western horse has given the Montana climate a high reputation for breeding racers, and by association has added to the favor in which California is held. All excuses to the contrary, the fact-remains that Spokane has given Knott threcpounds and beaten him in two races hand running. The following are the entries and weights for to-morrow's races: First race, selling, three-quarters of a mile Robin 104 pounds. Bravo 105,Uightaway U9. Tudor 108. LlzzieL97, Benson 100, evaC95,Copperfleld 107, Finality 104, Jakie Toms 96, Sala W 105, Chandler 100. Charles Keed 106, Cams 103, d Buttes 103, False Alarm 98. becond race, selling, 2-year-olds, five-eighths of a mile Mount Lebanon 111 pounds, Millie Will iams 33, Avondalc 09, Morse 93. Hall j nana 84. 1 bird race, Merchants' handicap, one and one eighth miles Badge 122 pounds. Libretto 116, Clay btockton 107. Hypocrite 110, Lavlna Belle 112. Mollie's Last 100, McDowell 95, Stony Mont gomery 100. lonrth race, selling, mile Castaway II. 106 pounds, Pat Donovan 109, Entry SL Jim Nave 100. Fifth race, selling, seven-eighths of a mile McCaulev 110 rounds. Brldgllght 116. Probna 103, isonlta Belle 105, Lizzie B 104, Springtime 82. 4 DECORATION DAY RACES. An Excellent Programme Arranged Gossip Abont Poolscllinc. An excellent programme of racing has been arranged to take place at Exposition Park on Decoration Day. The officials of the track are putting the latter in good condition, and if the weather keeps fine, the track will be fast, Tbe events are chiefly for local horses, but the classes are such that horses from a distance may be entered. The programme is as fol lows: Batchers and Merchants' pacing race foi 2-40 class, purse S100: 220 class, trotting, purse $150: 254, trotting, purse S150; 2.30, pacing, purse $150. There will also be a "Blue Ribbon pony" run ning race for local ponies; first prize, riding saddle; second, bridle; third, a whip. Entries will close on the 25th instant, at U P. M. There was considerable talk in horse racing circles yesterday of holding a big summer meeting. One gentleman who la. interested in tbe matter said: "Pool selling is being allowed in Philadelphia, and I don't see why anybody should prevent it here. I think an effort ought to be inadeto bold a big meeting and go on with pool selling. It would undoubtedly be a great benefit to the city. I think thatpools could be sold at Homewood because part of the track is outside of the city limits." The Quicksteps Won. rSPECIAt, TELEOBAIC TO THE DISPATCH.! Johnstown, Pa., May It The Quicksteps played their first championship game with Altoonas to-day and defeated theinpy the score of 7 to 8. Following is the score by innings: Qnlckstepi ,.....-. 4 0101001' 7 Altoonas 8 000000003 Batteries Keyscr and Lewis for Quicksteps; Melndie and Manlove for Altoonas. Umpire Mr. Murtha. Their First Defeat. New Castle, May H Thd. McKeesport Ba eball Club easily defeated the New Castle 1 clnb here this afternoon by a score of 6 to 2. Barker and Bergcr occupied the, points for the . . -Jig.. .... visitors, and Farron and Gllllland pitched and caught for New Castle. McKee?port made six base hits and the homo team four. This ifljbe first defeat New Castle has experienced. SULLIVAN IN TRAINING. The Big Fellow Gets Down to Work and Means to Win. v JgrECIAL TII.EOr.Alt TO TUX DISPATCH.! Friendship, N. Y., May 14. A Dispatch reporter saw John L. Sullivan at the country residence of Billy Muldoon, in Belfast, N. Y., where ho is training for the coming Kilrain fight, and found bim playing ball with brother Muldoon, who said that Sullivan was responding finely to his training, which was begun Saturday last, and would be in good. condition by July 1. Sullivan was brought to, this quiet-no-license place and placed under the close watch of Muldoon to keep him quiet and away from drink. He seems to be tractable in his confinement and contented. His training is peculiar. He walks a mile every morning bofore breakfast to Muldoon's farm, milks the cows, returns, eats plenty of cracked wheat, oatmeal, milk and raw eggs. No meat is allowed a3 yet. The rest otthe morning is taken up with wrestling, pounding; the bags and boxing. Muldoon, the champion? is teaching him tbe London wrestling rules and Sullivan told the reporter that- if he had known them before he would have whipped Mitchell in the Paris fight. Muldoon has en tire charge of the training and is assisted by J, W. Barnett and two rubbers from Dr. Ryan's bath, lie has slept soundly. His nerves are steadier and in addition to bis regular work and a 12-mlle dally run has indulged in tbe Gladstonian pastime of felling trees. He says he intends to stick to work and win, and Mul doon declares that no man can whip him when he is in shape, and he is going to put. him there. Salllvan weighs now 225 pounds. His fighting weight is 210, which he will soon reach under his present work. He has never trained as earnestly and thorongbly before. THE CLEVELAND SALE. More Fast and Vnlanble Trotters Sold at Big Prices. Cleveland, O., May 14. At the annual horse sale of W. B. Faslg to-day, Suisun, con signed by J. H. Houstan, of New York, was sold to John Madden, of Lexington. Ky., for S10.100. Suisun is a bay mare by Electioneer, dam Susie. Calhoun (230) bay stallion by Pilot Medium, consigned bv Dickey and Brown, Marshall. Mich., was sold to q. A. Hedges, of Battle Creek, Mich., for (4,950. English Racing. London, May 14. At the spring meeting at York to-day tho race of the day was the Great Northern handicap, distance one and three quarters mlle, and was won by three lengthy by J. F. Saville's Ringmaster. Objections were made to tbe race being given to Ringmaster on the ground that his rider, J. Turner, was not a bona .fldo apprentice. Tho judges adjourned the case in order to give Turner an opportunity to produce his indentures. Elected Their Officers. The Central Hunting and Fishing Club held their regular meeting yesterday evening and elected the following officers: John Kelner, President; Myers Brown, Vice President; Louis Keiner, Treasurer. They will start for camp the 1st of Julv up the Kisklminetas river. They will stay from six to eight weeks and wiU call their camp "Camp John M. Kelly," in honor of the editor of the Commoner and Glass Worker. Carner and Niklrk. Arrangements for a battle between Harry Niklrk and Mat Mallet couldn't be made yes terday, but it was decided that J. Carney, of tho Sixth ward, fight Niklrk 20 rounds at Wheeling with the smallest gloves tbe law will allow. The conditions are: Queensberry rules, the winner to take 75 and the loser 25 per cent of the receipts. There will also be an outside bet of $100 a side. The 'Frisco Pcda. San Francisco, May 14. The 9 a. m. score of the walking match was as follows: Albert, 421 miles; Guerrero, S&i; Peterson, 363; Crozier, 359. Sporting Notes. Spokane must now be considered champion, for a time at least. Reader Teemer did offer to row O'Connor prior to the event you name. There are letters at this office for Ed Niklrk and William Nolan, the pedestrians. Jim Connors offers to wrestle Jim Dunkerly for $50 a side at Harry Nlkirk's boxing tourna ment, which, takes place at Kittanning on tbe 25 th ins t. ANOTHER SUMMER HOME To be Rented for Poor Orphans in tho Heated Term. The annual meeting of managers of the Protestant Orphans' Asylum was beld in Allegheny yesterday. The officers and Board of Managers elected were: President Mis. Elizabeth D. McKnight; Vice President Mrs. Elizabeth Van Kirk; Treasurer, Mrs. H. B. Logan; Secretary, Mrs. Lois J. Campbell; Managers, Mrs. Mary A. Brunot, Mrs. Letitia Holmes, Mrs. Martha Albree, Mrs. C. A. Oudry, Mri. J. V. Dalzell.Mrs. R. Wood, Mrs. Anna C. Kav, Mrs. Emma Stowe, Mrs, Anna W. Scott Miss H. B. Lothrop, Miss L. Forsythe, Miss S. C. Campbell, Miss Amelia Grier, Miss H. M. Smith and Mjss S. Garribon. Mrs. McKuigbt read the fifty-sixth annnal report, which stated that there are now 200 children in tbe asylum, of whom 24 are under tboir control, being indentured to them. In bis will the late Colonel Richard Grtyleft $5,000 as the nucleus of a fund to purchase a place in the conntry to be used as a summer home for the children. Mrs. Joseph Alhre. Mrs. Van Kirk. Mrs. Dalzell and Mr. J. B. Scott are a committee to select the site. Mrs. Albree said that the fund had not yet grown large enough to buy a dace, but tbat the com mittee were trying to rent one. A SUMMER HOSPITAL For Children Will Certainly be Established la Allegheny. Although there is some opposition to the scheme to establish a summer hospital for children in Allegheny, it is likely that one will be had before Juno 1. A special meeting of the Allegheny Health Committee was held last night at which the sub-committee reported that they had secured a house on Spring Hill. They had made a verbal agreement with the owner, Mr. Sauer, for the rental of "the build ing during tbe summer months. After the re port had been received, George Koch, a real estate agent who was present said that Mr. Sauer had reconsidered the matter and would not rent the property, but would sell it to tho city. A long discussion followed, and Mr. Walther contended tbat a summer hospital for children was not necessary. He said such children could get all the fresh air they needed by going Into the parks. Tbe other members of tbe commit tee and City Physician Woodburn advocated tho establishment of the hospital. It was finally decided to hold Mr. Sauer to his verbal agree ment The sub-committee will see him again and report the result at the next meeting of the body. Tho Latest Sensation Is our sale of men's.fine suits at $10, which has created the wildest excitement among our competitors. Who ever sees 'em pro nounces them the biggest bargain they ever saw. To-day you can call and take your choice of 6,000 suits in cheviots, cassimeres, corkscrews, French worsteds and Bannock burns, lined with a silk-finished serge, at the low price of $10. It's trne these same suits are sold at $18 by our competitors, but when we quote bargains we give them. Don't hesitate; come to-day and secure a regular $18 suit for $10' at the P. C. C. 0., corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. Just Received Black Nets And wide black laces for dresses in lace department Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Fresh Arrival. Just received from Anheuser-Busch St. Louis Brewery-a large supply of their cele brated Budweisser beer, in both quarts and pints. For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. Cloak Boom We have j'ust opened some entirely new and choice styles in.Con nemara traveling wraps; the handsomest shown this season. HuGUS & Hacks. Mwfsu French Honbnlx Costumes. $25 and $30 styles at one-half. See them in dress goods department JOS. HORNE& CO.'S Penn Avenne Stores. Men's flannel dress shirts, greatest vari ety In tbe city, .at James H, Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. -"V '&. ' KILLED BI HIS COMRADE. The Corpse pf a Mnrdercd Nan TJncartlied Near the Cheyenne Agency. rSPECTAL TXUQBAH TO THE SISrATOH. Pierre, South Dakota, May It While some Indians were camped near the bank of the Missouri river, six miles south of the Cheyenne agency, they found the body of GI "W. Duncan lying near the edge of the water, partly buried. The water had washed the sand away, leaving the feet ex posed. Duncan left the Cheyenne agency two weeks ago, in company with Arthur Redmond, 21 years old. They Were going to Ft. Pierre with a herd of horses to sell. When about ten miles out from the ngency the herd was seen with only one man in charge. The corpse had a mark on the head, as if struck with a hatchet Duncan had large snm of money when he left. Arthur Redmond came to Ft. Pierre, said Dnncan had started back, and showed a written order from Duncan for him to dispose of the stock to G. D. Mathie son, of Ft. Pierre, receiving $600. He then started toward the Black Hills. A large reward is offered for his arrest. . SUNDAY MAILS AND LIQUOR. Southern Baptists Want a Permanent Stop Pat to Both. Memphis, May 14. At the Southern Baptist Conference to-day Dr.W. E. Hatch er, of Georgia, introduced the following res olutions, which, after debate, were adopted: Whereas, The American Sabbath Union is laboring to secure such national legislation as will allow.to all employes of the National Gov ernment one day in seven as a day of rest; therefore, Resolved, That we fully sympathize with this important object of the American Sabbath Union, and request our brethren to promote its work so far as may be practicable. Whereas, The liquor traffic is a most power ful hindrance to the gospel of Christ and, an aggressive enemy to social order; and, Whereas. This traffic is steadily encroaching npon all tbe Christian men revere and the human heart holds dear; and. Whereas, Iteeks to destroy the Christian Sabbath and annihilate public morals and the public conscience: and. Whereas, All Christian bodies should speak out in no (Uncertain tones on this question; therefore, Resolved, By the Southern Baptists. ;n con vention assembled, that we favor the speedy and entire prohibition of the liquor traffic; that we oppose license for this traffic in any and all of its forms, through which men buy the right to destroy human hope and happiness and blight human souls as an offense against public morals and a sin against God. 10 RECLAIM ARID LANDS. A Senatorial Committee to Make a Thor ough Investigation of the Subject. Washington-, May 14. The Senate, at its last session, appointed a committee to investigate the question of the irrigation and reclamation of arid lands, consisting of Senators Stewart, of Nevada; Plumb, of Kansas; Allison, of Iowa; Hiscock, of New York; Gorman, of Maryland; Eeagan, of Texas, and Jones, of Arkansas. The com mittee will commence their work on the 1st of August next, starting from St. Paul. Thev expect to snend ten weeks in the r field and will visit Northern Dakota, Mon tana, laanoiasiarasthebnakeriver basin;, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, South western Texas, along the valley of the Bio Grande from El Paso to San Antonio, thence by the Fort Worth, Santa Fe and Colorado Eailroad, across tbe Staked plains, the Panhandle region and part of South eastern New Mexico, through that Territory to Southwest Kansas, Colorado and Wyom ing. INVESTIGATING 0GLESBT. It Was Claimed That the Illinois Ex-Got-ernor Spent Too Oloch Money. Springfield, III., May 14. In the Senate to-day the majority.ahd minority re ports of the Committee on Appropriations on, a resolution providing for an investiga tion as to the expenditures for maintaining 'he Executive Mansion under Governor Oglesby, was taken up. The majority reJ port declared that the expenditures in ques tion came properly within the appropria tions made for maintaining the Executive Mansion. The minority report simply dissented from this opinion. After some debate, the majority report was adopted. OLD SOLDIERS IN OKLAHOMA, A Board of Examining Sargeons Already Necessary nt Guthrie. Washington, May 14. The Pension Office has decided to establish a Board of ExaminingSurgeons at Guthrie, Oklahoma, it having been represented by Congressman Perking, of Kansas, and others, that a medical board to examine pensioners was necessary there. It is said that there are 00 old soldiers in the city of Guthrie. The board will consist of E. M.Pickens, Frank Dulin and L.J. Hiatt Senator Hale Injured In a Collision. Los Angeles, Cal., May 14. The Senate Commission on Trade Belations with Canada arrived here this afternoon. Sena tor Hale had his right leg badly injured in a collision of trains near San Jose yester day. i Wall Papers Of all grades and an infinite variety of pat terns, at the wall paper store of John S. Boberts', 414 Wood street, Pittsburg. For medicinal use I order Klein's "Sil ver Age," and as an alcoholic stimulant it gives perfect satisfaction. MWJP D. F. MCINTOSH, M. D. Visit our cloak room (second floor) for all tbe latest styles of wraps, jackets, jer seys, etc Huous &-HACKE. MWFSU CONTINUED. Our popular priced sale for 1 a few days longer. Tea, Dinner and Chamber Sets. Lamps, Cat Glass, Art Potteries, etc, comprising a host of goods suitable for wedding gifts In rich profusion. THE J. P. sum. LampiGIass & China Co, 935 Penn Avenue. P. a An assortment of open .stock pat terns, both plain and decorated, enabling you to select jnst such pieces asyou may require for your Dinner Set yl2-wrsu THE WEATHER. For TTesfern Pennsyl vania, light local shovs er, cooler, northerly winds. For Ohio, fair, followed by local show ers,, northerly winds, slightly cooler. For West WW if Virginia, fair, preceded by showers in east ern portion, cooler in northern portion, warmer in southern portion; northerly winds. PrrrsBTrRG, May 14, 1B89. The United States Signal Service officer in ti city lurmsnes the following. .me. Tlier. 8:00 a: If 64 12.1)0 A. M 71 I tier. Mean temp ,,,. 65 Maximum lemp.... 74 Minimum temp..... CO Kancre 14 1:00 P. M.. 2.00 r. i t:00P. M 8KOP.lt River at 5 p. hoars. Precipitation 34 ,.62 , 5.5 (Ml; no change in 24 River Telegrams. f SPECIAL TELEGRAMS TO TUB DISPATCH. 1 JIoroantown River 4 feetlO inches and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 62 at 4 p. M. Warren River 9-10 foot and faHlng. Weather cloudy and warm. Brownsville River 6 feet and station ary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 63 at 7 P.M. A YOUNG PRISONER. The Boy Who Set Fire to Morgnnza Ar rested In Allegheny for a Felony. George Willson was arrested by Detec tive Eichenlaub, of Allegheny, yesterday afternoon. He is accused of entering the house of Nicholas Neidhardt, of Adams street last month with Intent to commit a felony. The prisoner is only 17 years of age and has a very interesting history. He was in Mor ganza about two years ago when he set fire to the building. For this offense he was sent to the penitentiary for one year and was only re leased two months ago. He will have a bear ing before Mayor Pearson this morning. From Might to Day. Mr. Joseph Johnson has been Depot Master at tbe Union station at night for the last ten years. On May 1 he was changed to the day light turn. When he came to tbe depot from his home in Wllkinsbnrg. about 5 P. M. yester day, he was surprised to see his old comrades drawn up in line on the platform. Then Rob ert Wilkinson stepped forward and, in a neat spoech, presented him with a gold chain and charm. To Visit Their Works. James C. Converse, President; D. W. Hitch cock: William S. Eaton, L T. Burr and J. C. Leach, of Boston, all of them officers in the Na tional Tube Works at McKeesport arrived in the city last night on their way to the works, which they will visit to-day. WdlfTsAGMEBIacking BEATS the World, ft Is the Best The BEST for Men's Boots " Ladles a " Children's" AB80ZVTEZY WAXETtPBOOR 80FTENS andPRESERVES tho Leather Once a wikfor iMn's hoott and one a month for woncnU is avplt for perfect results. It makes the handsomest and zocst durable polish yoa ever saw. You dont havB to groan and sweat with a black ing brush. Be wise and try it. Because your grandfather worked bard is no reason yon should not spars yourself this worse than useless labor. Sold by Grocers, Druggists, and Shoo Dealers. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, phiudelphu Jiwrsn bTEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. c NE UNAEDLlHE EW YORK TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENS- lOWH, JTKOM PIEK 40 NORTH EIVEB. PAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Servla, May 18. 8 A II i Gallia, June 5, 9:30 A X Bothnia, May22,U:30AU)SUmbria,June$. 1PM sEiruria, May 25, 3 P u Servla. June 15. 7 A It Aurania, June I, 7am JBothnla, Jane 19, lo a if SThese steamers carry first-class passengers only Cabin passage, too, (80 and iiou; Intermediate, 35. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Enrone at very low rates. VEHNONH. BROWN & CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, New York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent fourth ave. and Smithfield st, Pittsburg. ap22-D HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET CO.-EX-PKES3 service between .New York. South ampton and Hamburg by the new twin-screw steamers of 10, COO tons and 12.KX) horse power. Past time to London and the Continent. Steam ers unexcelled for sarety, speed and comfort. Regular service: Every Thursday from New York to Plymouth (London), Cherbourg (Paris) and Hamburg. Ihrough tickets to Loudon and Paris. Excellent fare. Rates extremely low. Apply to the General office, ho. 37 Broad war. New York. K. J. CORT1S. Manager; 0. 11. RICHARD & CO., General Passage Office, 81 Broadway, New York: MAX SCHAMBEKU & CO., 527 Smith field St.. Pittsburg. mh23-27-w? NORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST route to London and the Continent Express Steamer Service twice a week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre, Bremen. Ss.Aller,May 13, 6 Alt Ss.Ems.May 25, 2.30 P K Werra-May 18.8.S0 AK Ss.Trave, May 29, 7 A M Ss.Saale, May 22,noon 1 Ss.FuIda, June 1,8am First Cabin, Winter rates, from S100 npwara. MAXSCHAMBERQ & CO., Agents, Pitts burg, Pa. OELRICHS & COt, 2 Bowling Green. New York City. ja29-71-D State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROMlTEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage $35 to $58. according to location of stateroom. Excursion 863 to 890. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates. AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO., General Agents, KSUroadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK, Agent, Pittsburg. Pa. mhl2-D ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, THE ONLY DIRECT LINE From GLASGOW, LONDONDEERY and GALWAY To PHILADELPHIA. Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled. Prepaid Intermediate, $30. Steerage, $19. Passengers by this routo are saved the ex pense and inconvenience attending transfer to Liverpool or from New York. J. J. MCCORMICK, or A. D. SCORER & SON, Pittsburg. mhl5-99-HWF ANCHOR LINE. Atlantio Express Service; LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. Steamship "CITY OF ROME," from New York, WEDNESDAY.May 29. June 16, July 24. Ang.21 Saloon passage, SCO to SlOQt second-class, 30. GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday from lew York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow, Londonderry, Liver pool; (60 and SS0. Second-class. (30. Steerage passage, either service. 820. Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts for any amount Issued at lowest current rates. For books or tours, tickets -or Information, Apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. N.Y.,or J. J? VcCORMICK. Fourth and Smithfleld; A. JO.' SCORLK&SON. 415 Smithfleld St., Pittsburg; W. BEllPLE, Jr., l Federal it, AU'SJ.,,-, -"" csrtsewriD THE WOES OF WOMEN. Weariness, Unhspptnesi, and MiitrySeem to be the Lot of Women, Instead of Bright ness, Happiness, and Joy-Ths Closes of Bad Complexion Explstned. "Why is It that so few Amorican women have good complexions:" asked Mrs. Langtryonher first visit to America. Her question can be easilv answered. Women are sallow because the blood does not circulate well through their bodies. It does not fill their cheeks with rich color and their eyes with brilliancy. It is ''slug gish." What is the resultt Bad color, weari ness, and poor health. What will prevent this? A gentle and pure stimulant that imparts strength, life ami good circulation. This is pre cisely what Dnftys Pure Malt Whiskey does. It is not a beverage; it is a health giving rem edy. It is admitted to have done more in mak ing ladies stronger and healthier than any other preparation known to tbe world. It has tbe in dorsement of clergymen, physicians and lady workers in the temperance cause, and it has never been known to fall in strengthening, re storing and benefiting. A well-known lady, writing on this subject, said: , "I can never describe the change that has taken place in my appearance and in my feel ings. Instead of feeling tired and 'bine' as I once did, 1 am now strong and young, both in feeling and appearance. I had a great preju dice against the word 'Whiskey,' but since I have found that Duffy's is indeed a pure and harmless remedy I feel like letting all women know what a grand help it is." The experience of this lady has been verified in thonsands of cases, and an innumerable num ber of women are kept In perfect health to-day wholly through this great remedy. To all pnr- cnasers we aesire to say: "ie sure ana secure the genuine, and take no other.'' It is sold everywhere. A LIFE OF FEUR. HORRIBLE FOREBODINGS Of Impending Danger Art TJnpar- alleled Statement of Facta Dr. Smith, at No. 502 Penn Ave., COMES TO THE RESCUE. No human being is exempt from disease. The most powerful and apparently healthy have no guarantee that their strength will not be taken from them and their bodies wasted by some loathsome disease. Few who are in health consider their liability to disease or pay at tention to the ills of their suffering fellow creatures. The following very interesting case is that of a woman whose magnificent physique could apparently defy the rav ages of disease and pain, aad whose muscles seemed secure from tho ills which weaker women are heir to. yet she for three long years was a terrible sufferer and was In a most pitia ble condition imaginable, when she applied to Dr. Smith. The case in question was that of Mrs. L. H. Anberry, who resides at Mercer.Pa. Mrs. A bad been afflicted with hemorrhoids for a number of years without paying very much attention to them. But as tbe years went by the disease began to grow upon her. File-tumors began to make their appearance at each movement of the bowels. These tumors began to increase jn size, and when prolapsed would bleed profusely. The pain and suffering which she experienced from them, together with the loss of blood, from repeated hemorrhages gradually under mined her nervous system until sbe became a physical wreck. Sbe became weak and languid. The least physical exertion caused great fatigue. Sbe lived in constant fear that some thing dreadful was about to happen. She suf fered from melancholy, and felt that she would never get well. A feeling would come over her that she was alono in the world, and was constantly looking on the dark side of life. She had tried the skill of so many physi cians without finding relief that she had given up aJ hopes of ever being restored to health. In connection with haemorr hoids she suffered from female weakness in its worst form, and had become so thoroughly discouraged that sbe had given up In despair. Hearing of the remarkable cares that are being made by Dr. Smith, the mag netic physician, at No. 502 Penn ave., she de cided to consult him, and make one more effect to be restored to health. She did so, and began treatment April 3. Mrs. Anberry is now convalescent.and is one of the happiest women in this State. This is but one case among hundreds. The doctor's offices are crowded daily with cripples and Invalids of every degree and condition. No disease escapes the influence of tbe magnetic toucb, and no person need despair of receiving benefits therefrom. No matter what tbe con dition or how long yoa have been sick, there is hope left. No matter what other physicians have failed to do, or what prejudiced people say, Mrs. Anberry had been under the care of several eminent physicians before coming to Dr. Smith, and had never been helped. When other doctors give you up, and the hos pitals turn yoa away as incurable, go straight to 502-Penn ave. and consult Dr. Smith; he cures after all other means falL Office hours 9 A. M. to 7 P.M. Sundays 10 A. a. to 4 P. XL Consultation free. All letters must contain two stamps. m jl2 BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood St. SPECIAL. STILL ON TOP, AND WE PROPOSE TO REMAIN THERE II necessary to maintain onr reputation of being the lowest priced house in the city. We shall offer yoa our goods at prices no house in the world can or shall undersell us. LOOK AT OUR PRICEa Large size genuine Mexican hammock, nnlv L Croauet sets (8 in set! worth Zl 0. onlv SL Fans in 50 different patterns, 5c, 10c, 15c Baby carriages, rattan parasol top, only S5. Beautiful baby carriages, lined with silk plnsb, satin parasol, only 512. Children's rakes, hoes and shovels. 5c each. Boys' four-wheel wagons. 39c to 2 60. Boys'iron velocipedes, S3 60 to 88. Boys toy sail boats, 15c to SL Boys' wheelbarrows, painted, 25c, 50c 95c. , Rubber balls and baseballs, 6c and 10c HOUSEFORNISHING GOODS. Sheffield silver-plated knives, 10c each. Sheffield silver plated forks, 10c each. 5-bottle silver-plated caster, only SL Brown handle steel knives and forks, only 5c 12-piece toilet set decorated, with jar, 84 60. 68-pieee decorated tea sets worth J9 50, only 63-piece decorated tea sets worth Si 50, only S2 89 liz-piece decorated dinner Bet worth 812, only 88 60-. i ' 100 doz. white granite plates, oily 5c each. 75doz. white granite capsandsaacers,only6c. 25 doz. whlta granite steak dishes, only 10c 100 doz. plain tumblers, only 2c each. 50 doz. banded goblets worth lOconly 5c each. Howell's ammonia water only 7c and 9c Beautiful dolls, vases; albums, and 10,000 dif ferent articles on our 5c and 10c counters worth doable tho money. H. G. HAYDEN 8l CO. my!2-wsu j IIsssBtiiTiIIIIIIli llsBBBBlllLlBBBBllllllllluIn? llHln IsnaotMlVIII IB1 inBnHlJ 1 -- " f TI M sswP 1' It"! jl Mbliils I llni IliniD fflulnilllL I r ' MMiJ tstwBsmH) is n iTiii" J Vm :-2WSfflIIlil 13 SHI HI sTsM tB' stl m IssssssT -miW'rlJ!,w TiHingBlla i 55 iHssri JSSm & This Company is in a position to furnish anything from a gallon of Milk or Cream to inyamona desired. In connection with the Creamery they always have in stock a large line of CDIHXp ST-A-TIE OHBESI1" of their own manufacture. As this is the largest establishment of the kind (excepting none) in this part of tbe country, they can furnish tho lowest market rates. -e - Plaiting weir own ice ana naving tneir own always shin foods in first-class condition. V- -" . E3 UCD MI LT E? UOf. UiQ AY6. ana X30V! sTm ncnifica. P. &-WE GUARANTEE STEADY bUKPLY. .i', 1, NEW ABTEKTISEMENTS. win. 1 a V - DR. WOODS. Specialist In the Care of Rod tore su4 Chronic Diseases. Office at Hotel Albe4 nmrlc, Penn Avenue and Sixth Street, Pittsburg, Thousands suffer for a long series-of years and linger out a useless life, who, with proper treatment might be restored to health and contribute to the health and happiness of others. In many cases the fault is not theirs, for they try various doctors and quack nos trums for relief; but skill is not readily found. Tbe general practitioner has bat little time or opportunity for the observation ot a larga class of chronic complaints. No man can be come expert in every branch of the healing art; hence specialists are demanded for tho highest good of humanity. 'Dr. Woods long and patient study, his knowledge of Allopathic, Homoepathic and Botanic or Eclectic systems of medicine, together with his discoveries and new application of old remedies, have given him unparalleled success in that class of dis eases which have until lately baffled the skill of eminent physicians, and Becured for himself an enviable reputation. Dr. Woods has given the public evidence sufficient to convince the moat skeptical that his methods are singularly successful especially in such cases as have de fled the skill of other and justly celebrated physicians. It is always the truest economy for invalids to secure the best medical aid, and -not apply to a physician with a feeling that they would pay liberally if they were only cured. The way to obtain health Is to apply to a physician who is skilled In the treatment of the diseases from which they suffer, and secure his services and a course of medicines. The best evidence that; can be furnished of his claims to confidence Is indisputable evidence of success. If he had the ability to effect cures instantly It could not be accomplished by meditation; it requires an effort on the part Of the patient who should have hope, confidence and a desire to be cured if possible. This can only be done by placing one's self under treatment without hesitation about a few dollars, as though health wera suDoramate to all other things. One of the fundamental principles which guide Dr. Woods in his treatment ot patients 13 to do justice tor all classes, so that mechanics and laboring men receive the same treatment at his hands as merchants and bankers. His successful methods are therefore extended to all alike, who apply to him for aid, and hia charges are made so reasonable in all cases that they come within the reach of all who seek tha benefit of his services. No one who suffers need hesitate for one moment before applying to him and being placed on the road to re covery. Another inducement for calling on Dr, Woods is, he makes no extra charge for medl clnes. He compounds his own prescriptions for his patients and famishes all necessary in struments and appliances. This arrangement saves much trouble, avoids mistakes, is guar antee tbat all the medicines are genuine as well as effects a saving of money to the afflicted who are treated by him. When possible tha doctor prefers to see his patients; but when this is impossible his successful system of treat, ment by correspondence enables the afflicted in all parts of the world to avail themselves ot the benefit of bis skill at a very small cost Send four cents in stamps for question list All communications sacredly confidential. No charge for advice. Examinations are also free) to those who desire treatment. DR. R. A. WOODS, HOTEL ALBEMARLE, PENS AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG,. PA. Office hours, 10 to 12 A.M..2 to 6 P. H..7 to 9 p.ar. myl2- FOR SALS BY FLEISHMAN & CG. 504 TO 508 MARKET ST. ap21-31-MWV JOmTFLOOKELR & CO., HANTnTACTTJEERS 07 Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOR RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing, Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines. Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and HldS Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc WORKS East street. Allegheny Cltr, Fa. ur r jm An xj oAuvinuuH ev w aier t. ttsburg. Telephone No. 1370L my3-xws I refrigerators at tne creamery enaoies meta taf " ,, . , -Jl Fittsbursr. r ' . i t j )H THE WDHID. jFt jf SUM IVHWHBU f AVOID IMITATION nllrjiPlilsssEiirKLCxQHfllsssssssssssssp M v t ' J. Ax u' , Y" : msm&m$ t iZit:.. .JF j J$&j i. -ArfiSsi