VrfJp THE PITTSBTTCG 'DISPATOEk WEDNESpAY, MAT lHt 1889. c V Jr k "2k (FT ACHATS x iu.nxii-ijjLi.AJv Their JJhifef Makes a Eeport on Their .. Actions in Oklahoma. A GENERAL DENIAL OP TfiAUD is 'Made, but a feir Deputies Secured Land Claim3 in Advance. IHE DEPABTHENT IS KOI SATISFIED "Washixciton, May 14. Attorney Gen eral Miller has receded a report from United States Marshal Jones, of Kansas, in regard to the condnct of himself aud depu ties upon the opening of Oklahoma to set tlement. He says that -he thought he ap preciated the influx of population that would follow the President's proclamation, and that he knew that the people could look to the civil authorities only for safety and protection after April 22, when the functions of the military authorities ceased, and consequently he attempted, and he thinks successfully, to organire a force ot marshals at different points where it was supposed there would he a concentration of people, sufficient to preserve them from law lessness aud bloodshed, which it was ex pected would follow the opening of the territory. Marshal Jones says: I Ordered, from my old experienced deputies, four to Guthrie CantalnBarnck. A. Soayne. J. G. Sarcrens and H. S. Keys together with three new appointees, to protect the homo seeker against lawlessness from and alter that critical moment (April 22). BRADY FOB TEOUBLE. There had been stationed two or thrc com panies of United States troops to preserve, the peace at that point up to that date, whose func tions ceased at the Tery moment when the greatest difficulties were likely to occur, and when the thousands of homo seekers, business men, (ramblers and whisky dealers who rushed from the incoming train and private convey ances until within 24 hours the entire face of the country was dotted with homesteaders' tents and two or three cities of from 1,000 to 13,000 Inhabitants born in one day proved to me the necessity of a respectable number of deputy marshals. At Kingfisher I ordered John 'Walters, D. F. "Wj-att, old deputies of experience, and a new man, Ed F. Madden. At Darlington, Ft. Reno, I made no chance, leaving Jack Stillwell in charge, who had been local deputy there for three years, and at Oklahoma City 1 ordered J. H, Koonce, Asa Jones and Ewers White; I also had at that point G. F. Thornton, who had re sided there for over a year, and who was ap Sointeda marshal six months ago. Koonce ad been a deputy for over three years, and Jones was appointed last January. At the request of the officers commanding the troops at Alfred for a marshal to capture horse thieves, I appointed a couple of deputies and sent them to that point They were old experienced deputies from the Western district of Texas. 1 also appointed, at the request of an officer of tho Atchison.TToneka anQ Hanta Fe Railroad, eight of their employes, most of whom were conductors constantly passing through the territory, in anticipation of law lessness on the trains. IK ADVASCE OP THE HOUE. The full number of deputy marshals in Okla homa, appointed by me, is 19, besides the eight temporarily appointed at the request of the railroad company. 1 believe that a few of my deputies have attempted to file on as many tracts of land in the territory, but I know many of them have not, ana, while I instructed them not to do so, when they saw themselves surrounded by from 500 to 700 persons at Guth rie and at least one-half that number at Okla homa, waiting lor the honr of 12 to come, I do WHY, BISHOP DIED. A Cataleptic. Expert Thinks Blind Heading Bnd Nothing to Do With It Moro Like Epilepsy or Softening of the Brain, In Bii Opinion. rSrrCTiX TELEGRAM TO TBI DISrATCIt.I New- Yoek, May 14. Dr. Allen McLane Hamilton, who has made a specialty of catalepsy, epilepsy and similar diseases, and who was almost the first physician in this country to write upon the subject of their nature and -treatment, was asked to-day what he thought of the seeming relation be tween .Bishop's mind-reading feat and his death. He said: "Whatever I say must he understood as referring to the case as I have learned of it through the newspapers. Speaking from the symptoms as stated in the newspapers, I have no hesitation in saying that I don't believe the man died of catalepsv at all. In catalepsy the patient becomes rigid and motionless, wilh probably a slow pulse and breathing, and remains so while the tit lasts, which may be for hours, days, or even weeks. There'is no violence. I suppose I have never seen over 25 cases of it myself, but I have never known of one that resulted in death. "To me the symptoms which are said to have characterised "Bishop's case all point to his death having resulted from symptom atic epilepsy due to some brain disease, pos sibly softening of the brain. I don't think that there is any question that Bishop's brain has been effected lor some time. I have known him for several years, and have been familiar with his condition and all his actions indicated brain disease. This would account for his erratic habits before the personal eccentricities for which he has been noted, as well as for the fits with which he was afflicted, and which finally caused his death. "I do not believe that mind-reading, so called, had anything to do with Bishop's disease, and it is not right to make it appear that it had. The idea that Bishop died a martyr to the intense mental or .nervous strain incident to reading other people's minds will inevitably lead to an increase of public faith in that sort of thing, and there is too much faith curing, Christian science and such humbugging already. Mind- reading had nothing whatever to do with Bishop's disease." T1IH BOiiHNG'BRETiBEN Are Read Out of' Church fay the Rcgnlar Element, of the Conference tBriCIAt.TELEOEAU TOTUS DtSPATCtLl Yoek, PA, May 14. The Majority Con vention of the United Brethren Church was presided over by Bishop' Flicklnger, of Africa, to-day. In regard to those who withdrew from (he conference it was agreed almost unanimously that "the aforesaid persons are declared thereby as having ir regularly withdrawn from this body and the church, and are in view ot the facts cited no longer ministers or members of the Church of the United Brethren of .Christ." Some of the seats made vacant by the bolt ers were filled. The Committee on Superin tendence reported favorably on licensing women to preach alter having conformed to the requirements imposed upon male appli cants. A petition was received praying for the appointment of a Committee on Church "Union. The Minority Convention of "Bolters" held an interesting session in the Park Opera House. They appointed working committees, and were addressed by Rev. G. "W. Storney, of Illinois, who in his remarks said that rum and secret societies go to gether. The "speaker was a fraternal dele gate from the Wesleyan Methodist Confer ence. This division is now without church Eroperty, but in due season will no doubt ave recourse to law to secure a share in the property now held by the larger division of the church. NEW A6VERTi6fiMMtttt. LOOK IN SHOW WINDOW OF WATTLES. &SHEAFER'S JEWELRY STOKE Aha see the largest display of watches iter made in this city. We make a specialty-of watches and will give the best watch made for the money. Every one we sell is guaranteed to be Strlotly as represented and must be So -or money will be refunded. Whether you want a fine; ot cheap watch call and see us at our NEW STORE, 37 FIFTH AVENUE. LOOK FOR OUR BIG CLOCK ON SIDE WALKi . , myS-ifffi- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. EElARKABLE NE.W ADVERTISEMENTS. The Latest Sensation Is our sale of men's fine suits at $10, which has created the wildest excitement among our competitors. Who ever sees 'em pro nounces them the biggest bargain they ever saw. To-day yon can call and take your choice of 5,000 suits in cheviots, cassimeres, corkscrews, French worsteds and Bannock burns, lined with a silk-finished serge, at the low price of $10. It's true these same suits are sold at $18 by our competitors, but when we quote bargains we give them. Don't hesitate; come to-day and secure a regular ?18 suit for $10 at the P. C. C. 0., corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. or other por- thelr not wonder that some of them, deputies who the interest of good order, took the fever and were serving without pay and only there in attempted to get a home. As to myself I never anempiea io nomesieaa. a loot either in Oklahoma or any other territory or State. In a postscript Marshal Jones says: The country is absolutely quiet in Oklahoma, and I am astonished at the false reports of bloodshed circulated by the papers. There has not been a single person killed by violence in that Territory since the 22d of April. The report is dated May 9. It is under stood that the Attorney General is not satis fied with the report, and that he will call fapon the marshal for a supplemental report giving the name of each officer who filed a claim and a description ot the land secured by him, together with an account of the at tending circumstances. The Lntest Sensation Is our sale of men's fine suits at $10, which has created the wildest excitement among our competitors. "Who ever sees 'em pro nounces them the biggest bargain they ever saw. To-day yon can call and take your choice ot 5,000 suits in cheviots, cassimeres, corkscrews, French worsteds and Bahnock burns, lined with a silk-finished serge, at the low price of $10. It's true these same suits are sold at $18 by our competitors, but when we quote bargains we give them. Don't hesitate; come to-day and secure a regular $18 suit for $10 at the P. C. O. 0., corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. So Sorry I Didn't Come Here First Was her remark when looking at our lace curtains and the chenille curtains; "will be wiser in the future." Profit by her mistake. Jos. Hobne & Co. 'a Penn Avenue Stores. Fresh Arrival. Just received from Anheuser-Busch St. Louis Brewery a large supply of their cele brated Budweisser beer, in both quarts and pints. For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. THEIE OPENING NIGHT. The County Democracy Bare a Restive Time at Their Dedication. The members of the County Democracy celebrated the opening of their new club rooms in the'Mellon bank building last sight Fully GOO persons were present W. J. Brenn en, Esq., Chairman of the Demo' cratie County Committee, made the opening address. He reviewed the history of the or ganization and complimented it on its adher ence to the true principles of Democracy. ' The speech was followed by an invitation to the Visitors to the festive board, which was spread in the former meeting room of the club. Upon refreshing themselves after the dough ty little chairman's remarks, the company re turned to the main assembly room where they -.... - .. -....-. , u.i..cu ljj uid a resi dent of the Association. Dennis J. Boyle. The following programme was then rendered: Song, McCIellan Quartet; overture. Royal Quadrille Band; specialties, Leon J. Long; pong. "Marguerite," J. O. Poland; recitation, William P. Clinton; song "The Warrior Bold," George Williams; recitation, James Callaghan; song. "Let Me like a Soldier Fall," H. L. Aland: piano recitation, William Schmidt; eong, Lewis Quartet; song, "Sou Will Re member Me," V. B. Meldon; recitation, Charles V. Lewis. The old quarters of the club were too small for the large and growing membership, so that it became necessary to secure the large room in the rear of the second floor. This has been nanosomeiy papered, carpeted and furnished. The old meeting room will be nsed as a smok ing and committee room, and will be supplied with a sideboard and refreshments for the use of members. Black Silk Trade Larger Than Ever. The values are great in surah and plain Indias especially, and other summer wear black silks. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Persons wishing crayon traits cannot ao better, than giving orders to B. L. H. Dabbs. 602 Liberty st He has had an immense experience, and shows the best Of judgment all through. His pictures will be treasured when, others will be put out of sight. Imported Street and Home Drciiec, About one dozen, to be sold at a great re duction. Ko duplicates. See them in our ladies' suit department. Jos. Hoenb & Co. 'a Penn Avenue Stores. Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday. T?me. Eesldenes. Daniel O'Brien Allegheny JMaryVasey Allegheny t Hairy D. Summers Allegheny J Hattfe E. Watt WUklnsburg Phillip Flchter Allegheny I Josephine t,nlk Allegheny I Burton K. Little , Pittsburg lEflleE. Moore Httsbnrg J Robert Thornton.'. Fayette township i Hannah McGrogan Fayette township (Bernard Wagener..., ,,, Pittsburg J Llllie Werner , ...Pittsburg (Charles K. lie-molds j pittshnri? (Louisa H. Ountz ; Pittsburg ( Henry Connell Braddock BoseOuInn . Pittsburg (James A. McConnell Pittsburg 2luiu3 r.. juiuer.... THE SHERIFF'S WORK Opens up the grandest chance for bargains at this BANKRUPT .:. SALE Of the stock of J. R. ANDERSON, at 138 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. Dry Goods -.' -AUD- Lace Curtains, Hosiery, Underwear and Curtain Poles, t Linoleums -Ksca- Carpetings. The grandest bargains seen in tms neighbor hood. , , T. M. r 138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. mylS-irwrsn Pittsburg Agnsta E. iioerner..... Pittsburg ( Charles F. Eeebler Chicago A obeat country is ours indeed, Freemen we are, and have no need, For Eeror, King or Pope; ' " But one thing still we're bound to have, So that our lreedom may be safe, And that's; Dbexdoppel Soap. To be continned next Saturdav. .tennsylvania rye w brands, seven years old, by the quart, gal lon or barrel, at Max Kfein's, 82 Federal st,, Allegheny, Pa., at rock bottom prices. Thousands Moro Yards Satino and Ginghnm Bargains in stock.' All the buyers in the two cities will find this the best place to come. Large stock. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. A JAHITOK'S BAD MEMORY. It Causes Disappointment to a Proposed Prohibition Meeting. A prohibition meeting of the TV. C. T. TJ. was to li3ve taken place in the First Pres byterian Church, on Wood street, last nirht; but when Mrs. J. EUen Foster, who was to have addressed the meeting, arrived at the church, she found the gates locked. An investigation Into the cause of the matter developed the fact that tho janitor of the church had forgotten all about the meeting. In consequence everybody had to go home. AK0THER LOCAL PL00D. A Bank Cares Jn, Slopping Up a Little Han and a Sewer. A large bank at the head of Soho street caved in yesterday and stopped up the creek which runs from Mlnersville. The Street Commissioner hes set a large force of men to work clearing the ground away, because, the water In the creek is 30 feet deep and rapidly rising, threatening to damage some of the houses. Dynamite is to be used to-day. Sir. DilworthV Fnilnrp. The suspension ofDeWitt Dilworth from the Petroleum Ezohasge for .non-fulfillment of contracts has been bulletined in the' Oil Ex change. Mr. Dilworth became embarrassed sometime ago. Air. Dilworth denies that A. B. , Davitt is In any way connected with bis finan cial embarrassment. Mr. Davttt was cashier of the Keystone Bank, but resigned that posi tion on May 7, voluntarily, to engage in oil pro ducing. At present be is lying in a dangerous condition from pneumonia at his brother's .residence, in the East End. - Tho Preibyterinn General Meeting. VRev. John Eox, pastor of the North Presby terian Church, Allegheny City; Rev. George T. PUrTiev pastor of tho First Presbyterian Cbarcb, this city, and Rev. Dr. Allison left last evf Dinsfar New York -to attend the General Assembly of the chuieb, to be held In Dr. Howard Crosby's church, on Fourth avenue, that Jity. ' Crit Will a ItnZor. Felonious cutting and assault and battery were iie charges preferred against Thomas Smith intt. William Brennan, last night, before Alderman porter, xne prosecutor is tiugli Lyons, whptalleges that he "as cut with a razor last Saturday! night, -on Tortieth street. If every min.wlvo cuts with a razor should be -arrested, wjatjrpuld'ljecome of, our barbersr - -.:. Black Oashmebe Our lines of 45-inch wide cashmeres at 50c, 65c, 7Cc, 85c and 51 are positively the best value ever offered in this city. Hugus & Hackb. mwfsu Bewildering. This word is the only one which will ex press the variety of patterns and colorings to be lound at the wall paper store of John S. Boberts, 414 Wood st, Pittsburg. Amalgam fillings, 60c up. Dps. McClaeej? & Watgamax, . WTSu Cor. Smithfield and Fourth avenue. Peikted India Silks At 69c, i'5c, l and 125a yard. Large assortment, choice patterns, newest colorings and extra good values. Hugus &Hacke, irwrsa Hex's balbriggan underwear at James H. Aiken &Co.'s, 1U0 Filth ave. In the Spring pearly everybody needsa good medicine. The impurities which have accumulated In the blood during the cold months, must be expelled or when the mild days come, and the effect of bracing air is lost, the body is liable to be over come by debility or some serious disease. Tho remarkable success achieved by Hood's Sarsa parilla, and the many words of praise it has re ceived, make it worthy your confidence. We ask you to give this medicine a U"aL We are sure it will do you good. ' "We have used Hood's Sarsap ."Ma for sev eral years, and feel proud to rect mend it as an excellent spring medicine or to be used at all times as a blood purifier. For children as w.ell as grown people we consider It the best. We set aside one bottle for our boy to tako in the spring. He is nine years old and has enjoyed good health ever since we began giving it to him. We are seldom without it" B. F. G ROVER, Rochester. N. H. N. B. If you have made up your mind' to get Hood's Sarsaparilla do pot take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, tljslxfor to. Preparedonly by C L HOOD fc CO., Lowell, Mass. '' 100 Doses One Dollar DIED. ANDERSON On Tuesday, May 14, 1S89, Makt Jane McBbtoe (Mat), daughter, of James and Annie Anderson, aged 12 years. Funeral services at the residence of her pa rents, Hazelwood avenue, on TntraSDAT, Hay 16, at 1:30 p. sr. Interment private. 2 BOYER On Tuesday morning. May 14, at 9:30 o'clock, Adam Botes, aged 25 years, 8 months and 9 days. Best in Peace. Fnneral from his father's residence, 172 Mc Clure avenue, Allegheny, on Thursday afternoon at 220. Friends of the family aro respectfully inTited to attend. - . 2 DEFLEY At Idlewood, on Monday. May 13. 1SS9, at 11:15 a.-jr., Bridget, daughter of John and Margaret Defley, in the 25th year of her age. Interment at Craf ton, Pa., on Weditesdat, May 15. at 10 A. m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 FLANNERY On Tuesday, May 14,1889, at 1a. m., Ratmond, youngest son of James J and Hattie E. Flannery, aged 2 years, 7 months and 2 days. Funeral from the family residence, 611 Grant stfe ,t on Thursday af 230 p. it. MELDRUM On Monday. May 13, 18S9, at 6 o'clock a.m., Emma Meldrujt, aged 21. Funeral from her late residence, 117 Forty third street, on Wednesday, May 15, at 2 o'clock -P. M. Friends of the family-are re spectfully invited to attend. 2 McGINESS At Sewickley on Tuesday, May 14. 18S9. at 8:10 P. M.. Frances Emma, vnnno-ost uaucuter ui tv.ri.ana ,&mma u. MCUlneSS, aged 10 years 3 months 16 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. ROBINSON-On Tuesday, May 14, 1SS9, at 9 p. h., Andrew Robinson, late of Company B, One Hundred and Twenty-third Pennsylva nia Volunteers, aged 67 years. Funeral from his late residence,Grazer street, Brushton, on Thursday at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are respectfullylnvitedto attend. 2 SPEAKER On Tuesday morning, May 14, 1SM, at 525 o'clock, S. H. Speaker, at his resi dence, 2STustin street Fnneral will take place THURSDAY, May 16. Services at Zion's Evangelical Church, High street, between Wylie and Webster avenues, at 2 p. M. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. WIBLE-On Sunday, May 12, at H30 P. JL. Mrs. CHARLOTTE WXBLE. Funeral will take place from her lata resi dence, Shaler township, on Wednesday, May 15, at 10 o'clock A. H. 2 WELLER At her residence, 69 Klrkpatrlck avenue, Allegheny, on Monday, May 13, 18S9, at 8:15 p. jr., Catherine Heck, wife of Jacob Weller, aged 69 years. Fnneral on Wednesday, May 15, at 2 o'clock p.m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. lliiimf i ifSJlffff At $u mJ,i''4Jiljff At. $3 5 feet on order. warranted to hold. any two of the cheaper patterns. SPLINT PORCH ROCKER. The best ever brought to this mar ket for $i. Maple frarr.e, splint seat and varnish finish. This Lawn Settee, Vermil lion or light finish. In lengths, 4, 5 and 6 feet. 8 and io Bent and bolted, Will outwear At ft. , BEDFORD ROCKERS, The original from Bedford,. Pa. Made of hickory and oak, bent. Warrant ed to last. For comfort none are equal. Bargains, In the Basement. JBafgain Annex Entrance just inside our Fifth avenue doors. The enormous sale of Car pets by us since April i has left manv broken lines and single pieces of Carpets in all grades, which, although de sirable in pattern and good in quality, we will not duplicate again. We have just put them into our Basement Annex at large reductions from "our regular prices, to-wit: Cotton Ingrains, 18 'to 20c. Heavy Cot. Ingrains, ' 25 to 35o. Extra Super Unions, 40 to 50c. Extra Super Best, 55 to 65c. Tap. Brus., lowest, 45c. Body Brussels, - 85c. f China Mattings, from $3 50 per roll (40 yds.) up. N. B: We have to-day placed on sale at a discount of 30 Per cent from recent prices; a largeline of English Ingrain Art Squares of our own importation. HEW APVEKTISEXEST9. Ball's stylo B Corsets.at.81. Ball'B style A Corsets at $1 25. Ball's Kabo Corsets, No. 103, at 8L Ball's Kabo Corsets, No. 101 B, at 8125. Ball's Kabo Black Satin at! 82 50. Ball's Misses' Corsets at 75a Ball's Nursing Corsets at 81. Ball's Kabo High Bust Corsets at QL STONE'S LADIES' WAISTS. Aft ASSURED SUCCESS, Although it is only- since taking' an additional store that we nave put in a line of HATS, we now see it is an assured success. The sup-' port given us in this department is gratifying and we are pleased to acknowledge it We have been selling so many Hats and so easily that it proves OUB STYLES ARE CORRECT, OTJR PRICES LOW, and OUR ASSORTMENT COM PLETE. We intend to establish the same good reputation for our HATS as we have earned for our CLOTHING. By the way, if you are needing anything in Summer Suits, don't delay making your purohases. NIW ADVERTISBMEXTS. A POSITIVE AND INDISPUTABLE DRESS GOODS BJiRGMI!! Our Silk and Dress Goods buyer has j turned, alter ten days wjourd in the greM metropolis, and on Monday we shaU eo mence our great sale of - '4 SILKS, DRESS GOODS. WASH FABRICS, JACKETS and WRAf' Purchased ot the great auction sala'c TOWNSEND & MONTANT on May S 1889. This ereat sale of nnhejirA-at bai gains will eontinne all next week,bnt early callers will secure the cream of thepurchasefl Challis at 5c PRICE, $1 S6. Sizes 18 to 30 only. White and drab. With our New Patent Loop Lacer, Button Attachment and Button Hole. The handsomest and best in the market; no metal what ever is used in its construction. These Corsets are sold with the guarantee that if not satisfactory to the wearer they may be re turned at any time within three we"eks and money refunded, even if so soiled as to be unsalable. CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT. It will entitle you to a souvenir, if presented to us when you make your purchase. 44 r- Taflors, Holers and. Hatters, 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. O"HHfrfrc0fro O.McCLIITOCK & CO., 33 FIFTH AVENUE 33 my8 Fleishman & Go's. SEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508 Market st, PITTSBURG, PA DISPATCH. mjl5-D ANTHONY MEYER, (Snccessor to Meyer, Arnold & Co., Lim.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEB. -Office and residence, 1131 Penn avenne. Tele pbone connection. mylO-09-MWFSu JAMES M. FULLERTON, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEB, No. 6 Seyejjth Btbeet. P. G. Schoeneck, 7niJBERTY ST. N. B, Headquarters for all things new in summer furniture, lnyl2.TOu SUMMER MILLINERY OPENING Telephone 1153. ap27-S2-WFSn WHEN YOU ORDER, AP0LLINARI8 BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Attempts are frequently made to palm off inferior Waters bearing labels closely resembling the genuine Atollinaris labels. Bottles bearing the genuine Afolli naris labels are frequently filed with a spurious article. LOOK AT THE CORK, which, if genuine, is branded with the name of the Apollinaris Com Pany, limited, and the words uApoU . UnarisBritnncn "aroupdan anchor. fc -" . myi-Sfiws- XTT H.1JEVOE15 4SOK, Undertakers anil EmbMineri nd UrerV SteMet . . J?o;! a.nlil street' near WU avenneT ..-y.S" "". 5"? !?5! JJ. shoBptaBor . ..uj w. ui. a. uj. uivb. Alsasuil&DIB prlC8. Eicuuuuc a. IU3 mhI3-96-WEa FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND BMILAX A. M. & J. JB. MURDOCH, Ki r BMITHFIELD ST. Q1U Telephone 4291 deMfsnTO' FLOWERS. BEDDING-OUT CHOICE FRESH HARDY EOSES AND PLANTa THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 16 AND 17, Real Frehch Trimmed ts All the Summer Novelties in Garden Sup Hats, Turbans, Toques, English Walking and Sailor Hats. The most beauti ful assortmento! Flowers ever shown in Pittsburg. .Mourning Millinery a, Specialty. Bonnets and Veils Mafle on S&ort Notice. READ THIS CARD. IP YOU "WANT FURNITURE THE PLACE TO BUT IS DAIN & DASCHBACH. THE TIME NOW. To appreciate the quality and beauty of our Furniture: seo that displayed by all other reliable dealers of Pittsburg and Al legheny before calling on us. COME POSTED. To gain the full value of the bargains we are offering, price the articles yon want elsewhere, then see ours. We have the stock, guarantee perfect satisfaction, and we will sell you anything yon require in our line at prices bound to please. DAIN & DASCHBACH, 111 Smithfleld St, Pittsburg, Pa. Refrigerators. All sizes. All prices. Baby Carriages. All kinds. All styles. Furniture. Every grade and description. Carpets. Every make and design. if myiz-'wrau 2,000 yards yard, worth ioc. 2,000 yards elegant standard iocn vnamDrays at oc wortn ioc. 3,000 yards fancy stripe Carl- vas Cloth, three and toned, beautiful colorings at 8c a yard, worth 20Cr 2,500 yards elegant double fold,side band Mohairsiol worth 30c, 2,500 yards Beiges in Mixed! . Plaids and Stripes, at worth 30c. ' 2,000 yards French Challia at 21c, worth 30a 2,000 yards 6-4 Mohair Chal lis, Persian designs, at .23c,! .worth 40c. 1,000 French Satin Berber i 39c, worth 60a 5,000 yards twilled Sii Surahs, new spring shades! 44c, worth 75 c. 1,500 yards colored Satinl de JLeon at 79c, wortr $1 10. . Our Millinery Department. So arguing against facts. We canyj more stocs, we devote more space, we em-j ploy mdre people in our Popular Millinery! department man anv concern in western,! Pennsylvania. Our Famous Low .-.Prices and our popular method of no charge- f trimming is our grand attraction. FANS! FANS! Larze and varied stoc of. open-and-shut Fans at 2c, 3c, 6c, 9c, JlcJ xuc ana zic up. vv e claim tnese to De 1 best values ever shown. HOT7SEFUP.HISHINGS ("Basement" Complete line of Honsefurnishing Goods? ijrocsery, uiassware, etc. ask lor our illustrated catalogue and price list, 'free of cnarge. Continued A pTetty Japanese pre given with every purchase in our "Ho iiuuisuiuK jjeparimeuc. . 1 N. B. Mail orders carefully and promptj ly.aiienuea to. k uflUuli vui SUCCE330K3 TO -AT- KEECH'S House Furnishing Emporium, 923 and 925 Penn Ave., . Neas Nnmx Btbeet. OasliiSc 03?edJLi3- mylO-JTWT KID CLOVES. CAUTION! Kid Gloves bearine imitations of our Lacing Hooks are offered for sale. The genuine Foster Glove Hooks do not catch in Fringe, Laces, &o, nor accidentally unfasten. All Gloves with genuine Foster Lacings are stamped FOSTER'S PATENTS. Demand them and see that you get them. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. MORRIS H. DANZlGEf SIXTH ST. ANDPENN AVE fc 13my-V &k FOSTER, PAUL & CO., Maaafactnrers. Established Over Half a Century, PATEIOTIS: ap21-91--WTSu A LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OHAMPOO parlorts tbe latest addition to the already well known and favorite establishment of Miss Marie Landers, tbe Hair Artist. All the novelties in hair styles at reasonable charges. Hngus & Hacto Building, upstairs. Take Bperber's elevator. myl2-wsu mh31-55-wsa HOUSE-CLEANING TIME Is here.''-You will need curtains renovated and carpets cleaned. There la but one place where yon can get them done in tbe best manner pos sible, and thals at CHAS. JPFEIFER'S ALLEGHENY, STEAM LAUNDRY. Offices in Plttsbur38mithfield street, 191J Carson street, and 100 federal streec, Alleghe y. Works, 353-300 Beaver avenue, Allegnen y. Telephone 12&t mh26-arwT We are not lacking in patriotism, but as. lonJcj as me pauuc aeraana iMigusn xiais, oz C0UT9J weuiuaif Kl uieia tueir gnoice. We have Just received tbe new Sprinsr ih Summer styles from the best London Mann.j lactnrers, and are showing them alongside the best American makes, and leave You to dedda wnicn von prerer. In those beantif nt new shades of Brown from! the Rich uouien totho lightest Cream or Bn we have the largest selection ever shown. Fori those who do not wish the finest quality, wol have bad made np in this country excellent! vupiea ui tuts auuvv, uum as io color anu snapej trices iui tucso axe w, fes w anil f3 IA& Ton know our reputation for Extra LizaSl Weights, both in Silk Hats, Derbys and. Soft! reus. Ladies' English and American Sailor Yacht Hats for street wear are now ready. Also .timing aa.13 anu steamer laps. PAULSON BROS.,! 441 WOOD STREET. Five Doors from Fifth avenne. mylS-acwxl anm-NT a insoranoe cor -3ia I LN - Hartford, Conn,f Assets, January 1, 18S7 , ta,56S,839)MJ EDWARDS t KENNEY, Agents. on Fourth avenue PittsburM laio-otf-ji-ir " LAWN MOWERS. JOHN B. & A. MURDOCH, Telephone 239. 608 Sjothpielb- St. ap30-MWF pEPRESENTEUDf PITTSBITCO IN 1SCI assets . . .fgjnfTi flnaoa. Insurance Co. of North America. WILLIAM L ia20-2-n Losses adinetpri mid n:iirl bv JONES. 8i Fourth avenue. -THE AMERICAN FIRE I INSURANCE COMPANY, m Philadelphia. Total Assets, January 1, 1S87 r2,3Ql,K8 68 EDWARDS & KENNEY, Ag'ts, no FQUUTH AVE.V Pittsburg, Fa. w Teienhone TfiQ. iftlS. Telephone 7X jaloO-w line iellOE'fFrencli Taifor System of dress cutting. The only system in America that cuts tbe Worth bias dart. It consists' of a tailor's wooden square, wooden dart and sieeveTUle and scales, the same as best merch- HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVENVE. I my!4-D wiM, mm& Our wm, mm&'m , Display of Millinery This Week Is Unparalleled, DRESS GOOPSL 6c, made to sell at 10c. ant tailors mc anda40-pagd instruction book. fioff.510. Calif AVIS. 611 Penr f fri System and thorough instruction In cutting ana QRSUBtr.ii. uau ior cu M." A. DAVIS, GH Pennine; Call for circulars or address myij-wrsa ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, S29 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURG-, PA. J. B. Golden. 5102 Bntlur street. ' city, 6ajst "I was able to throw saway my crutches after using one half a bottle of tha Anchor Rheu matic Remedy. I consider my cure marvelous and lieartUy iqdprse the remedy.'' Price Mc HTe,th? Anchor Sarsaparilla a trial. 'Tis the Ideal Wood purifier,' and is especially adapted enriching the blood and invigorating the sys- Our Beef. Wine andiron is also meeting the wants of the public, 'Tjs the best tonic in the marcet, and we confiiinntiv 'rafAmmofiri (ta "25uPBT Prfce 0 'each 75 cents: six bottles ?t. -Summer Dress Fabrics in great variety. "We have Challies at 50,60,120 and 18c up. Light Mohairs, 7c upv 5,000 yards Seersucker Qinghamsjwl Stacks of Ginghams, dress styles, at 8c and 10c, equal in appearance and colors to ibe best Imported. Plain and plaid Scotch Zephyr Ginghams. 20c and! ioc, have been sold at 40c. Cream ana uoiprea seersuckers, ujo up. Jbancy stnpea jnanneis ana Ton an noras. ouperjor tines .amenean aatines at cut prices, we have then cheaper, but recommend those wa.are now selling.at 10c 2c and lac French SaUnes, exquisite colorings and cloths, in fast solid blacK and black and white, at 20e, 25c and 30u worth fifty per cent more. Then the lightweight colored Cashmeres, Serges and Henriettas at 35a, 40a and 50a are unexceptional bargains; also the Black Nun's Veiling, JUohairad Serges, Albatross and fancv weaves, specially for warm weather, in all wool, 37J4c, 45o and 50o up. Regular lines, our own importation, Black Cashmeres,, 45c to $1, are gennia Bargains. Hundreds of pieces plain ana fancy uress xaoncs, 20c to ouc, soiu in tne eariy season at wo to ioc oee mem on nrsi counter. MILLINERYI MILLINERY As usual, the most complete assortment of trimmed and untrimmed Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Gauzes, Laces and OrsT taents, aud tbe lowest prices, - - INDIA SILKS, 50c, 62Jc and 75c. Black Surahs, COo and 65c. 24-inoh, 75a and $1, are special good values; so are tho 24-inch Black Gros Grains at fl, 81 13 and 51rJ? .uiacK ana coiorea Dress onus irom ouc up. .- BARGAINS oil the way through the Cloakroom. Cloth Jackets. 81'25 up. Black and colored Stockinette Jackets. $3 to S20. Beaded Canes. 83 to S20, Jersevs In Mac cream and colored, plain, embroidered, braided and smocked. Black Jerseys, 37c.up, Cape' Newmarkets, black and colored, 9. Cashmere Capes, Wraps and Fichus; embroid ered and lace trimmed, iauuup. biiK ana btun suits, see. the popular ciotn suits at ?, in an colors, worth $iz w. w asu suits m oingaam, satmes and unauies. Wrapper same materials. ' WE OFFER this week special bargains in Carpets. Aline of Body Brussels at 75c, 87e and SI; have sold this season at ?1, $1 15 and $1 25; will not last long. Th'emlSSiJ 50c Tapestry Brussels are all new fresh goods and excellent values; as are the Ingrains, Cottage, Hall and Stair Carpets. Every day sees more of those Lace Curtains at gl, ;$lj2,l fix ou ana qp 10 f o a pair, wnicn sweats. iur vueuiauivea aa u rams ana pinerys. IN UNDERWEAR we are ready for the hot season. Gauze, Merino in white and colored, Balbriggan and Lisle Thread for Men. Ladies and Children, at populajr.wicSS jju9V JJiuuJ JjvpiKi,y, ucv IMP tUuia v H" wuj tua vuuuiqu a sua uiavf aumu au jjmiij, at ;, aim mc AitrgtJ uaAUikiucut u juauuy xiusicrji an ca auu piuc. ,- PABASOLS Long, medium nd short handles, newest designs. Misses' Parasoli. -Gold-tipped Umbrellas from $1 up. The Glorias at 1 50, 1 75 and $2 can't be bWfiJ ru3!B'aMKlna Mnl ahuAbI Hfqfl ArrlftVO haVA ATtV TAtr ntranlnn V lay aauiujJica ocuk vu icuuw "m vw umv vut vva wntuwum . -A " 'C ,lXi LXJJLiTjMI SBMPLB'i . : ; 165, 167 BJSa 16Q FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA tmm. z&L ;ap'" . u.sli .-: & : at -iiiitiitilttfini't sf,v.ShV-il