.''" -1 tf5? tyrf ")imw T ,IT ,? " if i , -f m 4' 0j liftft, ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 3. 1840. VoL 44, 'o. S7. Entered t Pittsburg PostoQcc, lioveuiberll, US7, ai second -class matter. Bueiaesa Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing- House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Average net circulation of the daily edi tion of The Dispatch for six month coding Star 1.1SS9. 28,051 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday cdi tloa of The Dispatch for April, 1SS9, 46,143 . Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rosTAGZ rsiE et TnE totted statu. DAILT Dispatch. One Year. t 8 00 DAILT Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00 Dailt Dispatch, One Month TO Dailx Dispatch, Including fcundsy, one year. 10 00 Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, per quarter ! SO Daily Dispatch, Including; bunday, one month... 90 BrxDAT Dispatch, one year 2 50 AVeeext Dispatch, one year 12 The daily Di6patch Is delivered by carriers at l&cenu per week, orlncludlngthebundayeditlon, at SO cents per week. V PITTSBURG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1SSS, PARK POSSIBILITIES. The discussion of the park question has certainly been fruitful during the part few days in pointing out projects tbat are prac ticable. It is worth while to recount all the possible parks that are within the com mand of the city, if it promptly takes steps to seenre them. First, we hare tbe space at the two ex tremities of the city, one on Dpquesne way, the other at the Hilaud reservoir, which are assured facts. Then the city owns ground at the Bedford avenue and Herron's Hill reservoirs, where small parks could be made contiguous to closely built sections at slight expense. Then the Bluff street improve ment affords a chance for a boulevard which could be made to serve the purposes of a park. At another point in the Old City the summits of Ruch's and Gazzam's hills offer open spaces where land can be secured at small cost. Made accessible by inclined planes and cable roads, they would afford magnificent Tiews and invigorating air to the workers of the city districts. Further out the splendid proposition for making a 375 acre park out of the Schenley property gives the promise of something which would compare favorably with the parks of other cities. The further sugges tion is now made of a boulevard starting at Soho and following the brow of the Monon gahela hills around to Four Mile Run, thence by Four Mile Run over Squirrel Hill to Penn avenue, near Brushton. This proposition, if it is worth noticing, worjld only require the bridging of a small rf to connect it with the proposed Bluffstreet boulevard, and the latter could beyitcnded around and down Boyd's HL to a con nection over viaducts with TVlrd or Fourth tvenue. A branch boulevard out Sylvan '.venue to Hazelwood, cr even Glenwood, id up Nine Mile Run would give it even nobler scope. These points ought to be enough to show at Pittsburg , -has possibilities in the line parks-ssi Boulevards that can be made to comprise mce unique and imposing at tractions than any other city in the country has got The main question is, when will Pittsburg get ready to pnt the money into such improvements on a basis that will re turn her the worth of her money twenty folL VSSSTDESTS AHD PARTISANS. Speaking of President Harrison's Sunday trip down the Chesapeake on the United States steamer Despatch, the New York Herald, which has for some time been un- wontedly steadfast as a Democratic organ, cuts loose "with the following attempt at sarcasm: We dimly remember, however, that when Cleveland boarded a Government vessel for a trip ol that kind the Republican leaders threw up their hands in holy horror, while their chins dropped down to the last button on their waist coats. "Using a naval vessel for a personal purpose! Great Scott l" they cried, "the country is going to the dogs." The esteemed Herald is a little wrong with regard to the original objections of this sort. The first to raise an outcry over the use of a Government vessel by the Pres ident were the Democratic organs when some of the Republican predecessors of Mr. Cleveland did it; and the statement of the Herald discloses the fact that notwithstand ing the Democratic horror at such a prac tice, President Cleveland did the same thing. "We do not remember the occasions when President Cleveland did so, but as the pro tempore representative of his party says that he dia, it is natural to suppose that it must be so. All of which is in the nature of proof that Presidents and partisans, whether they are on one side or the other, are tarred with the same stick. AH OBJECT OF INVENTION. Now that Mr. Edison has engaged in an other big lawsuit, it is suggested that he may, if the case does not go to suit him, spend a few days in inventing a Judge and jury to his liking. It certainly seems as if some of the famous electricians might get tip an electrical method of trying cases, like patent suits, which would decide them many times more promptly and just as intelli gently as the present tribunals. If Edison's present suit should result in such an inven tion it would be a blessing in disguise. But, on the whole, we have no reason to think that either Edison or Bell has any reason to be dissatisfied with the courts. Probably it will require the overthrow of 'the telephone patents before either of the inventors de vises a new, improved and economical machine for testing lawsuits. CITIZEN TRAHTB LATEST. Citizen George Francis Train of New York City, is an amiable crank. Usually what he says is worthy of no more attention than the utterances of any other poor creat ure of his class. Once in a while, however, as it were by accident, be is guilty of saying something that betrays wisdom. On Sun day night he addressed an audience of his admirers in New York City, and in the course of his speech he said: "I clearly fore see that we are on the eve of a terrible civil war and financial crash; if you owe any body, don't pay it, if anybody owes you, get your money within sixty days or you will never see it." There are alwavs plenty of people in this world who will follow Train's advice as to dealing with debts, but it shows an unusual knowledge and use of logic on Mr. Train's part to predict a financial panic and then to point out the surest wy in which to bring it about. A general repudiation of debt would inevitably under .anv circumstances. sr and in any country, produce a?collapse of that country's financial institutions. Civil war is only too likely to follow a radical revolution in a nation's money matters. Still it is hardly necessary to consider Mr. Train's remarks seriously. Citizen Train is trying at present to show the good qualities of water by re stricting himself to it as an article of food for one hundred days. He has lost a good many pounds of weight and gained consid erable additional notoriety by this feat thus tar. We fancy that the civil war, which he so plainly foresees, will ensue when the authorities of New York see proper to pre vent him from continuing his slow process of suicide. It is quite possible that the re sult will come as a cruel financial crash to the sharp-witted New Yorkers who are at present matin;: money out of a crank. A GOOD SETTLEMENT. The question of the miners' wages in the railroad district was settled yesterday, as The Dispatch has predicted it would be when the two parties got so nearly together as they have been for the past week. Tbe operators offered 73 cents or one cent less than the miners asked; and the latter very sensibly concluded that it was not worth while to fight over the cent. The mines will resume operation to-day, on a basis which speaks well for tiie moder ation and good sense of both sides. The miners accept a decline of three or four cents a ton on last year's average rate; and on the other hand the operators pay a rate for the entire year considerably above any other district in the country. This secures steady work in the railroad mines for the ensuing year; and that is a great deal better than the enforced idleness and possible disorders of a strike. RELIEF AND INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS. The perennial question of tbe relief as sociation is now agitating the employes of the Pennsylvania Company's lines west of this city. It appears from local reports that many of the employes are disposed to organize against the acceptance of the plan which is presented to them by their mana gers. The general expressions of dissatis faction with which these schemes are re ceived should certainly induce railroad officials to examine the plans which they have formed for such associations and to re form all features in them "which do not respect the individual rights of the men. It is neither practicable nor proper tor a newspaper to decide upon the correctness of every plan for relief or insurance associa tions that is formulated; but there are cer tain points which should be clearly recog nizee. At a corporation proposes such a plan to its employes, it should give them 1 more and better insurance than they can get in outside companies or associations; other wise it is best to keep the insurance and railroad business separate. It should per mit the men to have a voice or at least rep resentation in the control of their fnnds. It should not be used to secure a loan of a share of the men's wages to the company; nor should it be left on a basis which practically inflicts a fine upon the man who exercises the freedom of seeking employment elsewhere. With all these points conceded it must not be com pulsory on the men. The Pennsylvania Company has no more right to force its men to be saving and provident than the men have to declare that the Pennsylvania Com pany must lay up enough each year to pay off all its bonded or leasehold obligations at maturity. These principles are based upon one. vital fact The contributions which the employes make to relief associations are money which belongs exclusively to them from the date of the services that earned it If the man agers will bear that fact in mind they ought to be able to shape their relief associations with due respect for its cogency. DR. DEPEWS ERUDITION. The Centennial orations delivered in New York recently seem bound to create a dis turbance in some direction or other. Bishop Potter's address aroused the entire na tion. Now Dr. Chauncey Depew's ora tion is flapping about his ears in a most un comfortable manner. At present Dr. Depew is said to be chuckling about the ludicrous features of a controversy which- has arisen between bim and Dr. Edward C. Towne; but it is hardly likely that he will be required to supply all the manifestations of mirth. Two months ago Dr. Depew found that he had to deliver the oration on tbe Centennial of the inauguration of the first President of the United States at New York, and that, while he knew George Washington was the first President, the father of his country, and first in war, peace, and his fellow citizens' hearts, his knowledge of the events of 1789 was what one might call general rather than particular. So he wrote to the Rev. Dr, Towne, who had been a classmate of bis at Yale in '56, asking him to abstract from the Congressional Library or other sources such facts or suggestions in regard to the occa sion of Washington's inauguration as would appear to him useful to the orator of the day. Dr. Depew added to this "request in effect: "This is biz; pay sure." Dr. Towne went to work like a beaver. For twenty-two days he accumulated infor mation far Dr. Depew. Then the latter curtly informed Dr. Towne tbat further work would be unnecessary ; that he had fin ished his oration. Since then Dr. Depew has refused to pay Dr. Towne the eight hun dred dollars he asks for, andasuit for 1,500 damages against the orator and railroad king is the result We do not wish to prejudge the case, and all we say now is that we hope the man who is in the right will win. Still it is some what of a surprise to learn the secret Of Dr. Depew's incessant oratory, or rather the se cret of the erudition displayed in the peren nial eloquence. A check book is appar ently Dr. Depew's substitute for a library, though there seems to be some douDt now about the signature on the check. Money is the root of many things beside evil; and the man who has it can be wise, witty and full ofbooklore by proxy. We have no doubt that Dr. Depew will learn by experience; and it is also likely that Dr. Towne's prices for research are a little steep. When Mr, Depew wants any thing more in that line The Dispaich will engage toifind writers who will furnish him Centennial orations research,oratory and everything else at a sharp discount from $800 per oration. PHILADELPHIA'S GOOD IDEA. The belt line movement in Philadelphia has taken a shape which should afford a model to all other cities. A number of the leading capitalists have iormed a com pany which is to build a belt line along the wharves; and tbe road thus affording access to the entire water front of Philadelphia is to be turned over to the city in trust for the use of all roads that may connect with it in the future. This will not only improve the shipping facilities of .Philadelphia, but it will give all lines that may reach tbat city an equal chance to compete for its foreign 'shipping'. Roads heretofore shst out from that city by - . . tfjw -k THE the cost of terminal facilities will be at tracted to it. Above all the publio princi ple is asserted that grants of franchises aad rights of way by a city must be for the equal benefit of all trans portation companies, ' and that there can be no monopolizing of public franchises such as constitute terminal facilities. Other cities should profit by Philadelphia's exam ple. Indeed the time ought to be near at hand when an intelligent policy will demand that all railway tracks secured by city grants should be open to the use of all com peting roads on payment of reasonable and uniform tolls. But we must warn our Philadelphia friends tbat trust deeds are uncertain things, as is shown by the experience of Pittsburg with the Pittsburg and Lake JErie trust The more common sense and straightfor ward method of having all grants of franchises by the city make this stipulation, with a forfeiture of them if the use of the track is ever refused to a competing line, shonld be adopted in Philadelphia as it might have been in the case of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie road. AftD now we learn that Colonel William R. Morrison is to be a candidate for the Chairmanship of the National Democratic Committee. The selection of Morrison would put a consistent representative of the low tariff Democracy in charge of their cam paign, and would therefore be commenda ble. But before Colonel Morrison accepts that position he should resign his present place of Inter-State Commerce Commission er. The duties of that position are too im portant to be mixed with political campaign ing; and so long as Colonel Morrison draws the Balary oi $7,500 a year he should do something to earn it When it gets to dog eating dotr on the Petroleum exchanges no wonder there is a wish expressed for a return to the old fare of spring lamb. But the lambs were all consumed about the time that theProduc ers' Association signed the shut-down con tract with the Standard, It is a mild remark that the person who interviewed John C. New for the James Gordon Bennett cable syndicate in London earned a premium for glittering idiocy in asking Mr. New these two questions: "What do you think of the appointment of Robert Lincoln as Minister to England?" and "Was the appointment of Whitelaw Reid as Minister to Paris well received in America?" The interviewer who does not know that Mr. New, as the recipient of one of the plums from the administration, can have but one opinion on other appointments, needs some primary instruction on the sub ject of politics. General Botoangeb from the safety of English soil calls upon the French people to rise as one man. Boulanger not only emulates the character in "Olivette" who found the "one man;" but surpasses him by doing the "rising" on the other side of the channel. Possibly the building of the Standard Oil Company's big refinery in Indiana indi cates an intention on the part of the big cor poration to take a hand in Indiana politics. That State appears to offer a good field for Standard methods; and it might purchase a Senatorship to take the place of that which it is to lose by the retirement of Payne. The Standard cannot be going to refine oil in Indiana; tor have not its organs assured the public, time and time again, that it will not? We hope that Common Council does not mean to place any restraints on the personal liberty of resigning office that looks like a liberty which can be given free exercise without any danger of bringing the affairs of State to a dead stop. That new war vessel that was built at San Francisco seems to require an immense amount of supplementary trials and altera tions for a vessel that made such a wonder ful success on the first trial trip, as was re ported by the press dispatches. Is it possi ble that the first roseate reports of her trial trip were just a little bit fixed up? No more remarkable evidence of Mr. Gladstone's wonderful vigor of mind and body can be given than the report that he dined with Punch humorists the other day and made the occasion a cheerful and lively one. Incidentally we notice some of our esteemed cotemporaries noticing the fact that Thomas C. Piatt in his recent article on politics attacked civil service reform. It was hardly worth mentioning. Everyone knew that Piatt wrote, and Russell Har rison's paper published the article for that purpose. The historical research of Chauncey M. Depew's orations certainly ought to be worth enough to pay for the raw material. Is not the historical researcher worthy of his hire? The plums which have been distributed among the Illinois politicians lately lead to the fear that when it comes to the Su preme Court appointment the President will not be able to give it to Judge Gresbam. More than that the appointment of Vander voort creates the graver fear that he does not wish to. PEOPLE OP PEOMINEfCB. Aetottr L. Thomas, the new Governor of Utah, was at one time a telegraph messenger boy in Pittsburg. MB.E.W. Haxfobd, the President's pri vate secretary, has returned to Washington from a short visit to Atlanta, Ga. Goyeknok Beaver has been tendered the position of member of the Board of Visitors to the Annapolis If aval Academy in placoof Ed ward T. Steel, of Gcrmantovn, Pa., who de clined on account of a prospective trip to Europe. .EX-ATTOBNEY GENERAL GARLAND has bad good luck since he bung out his shingle in Washington In corrallng more-law cases than be can take caro of. lie has been so Dusy, in fact, that bo will be nnable to take bis usual vacation at Hominy Hill this summer, i Hadji Hassetw Ghooly Khan, the Persian Minister, is just recovering from a severe shock which his Oriental dignity sus tained a few days ago. He Etarted to make some calls, and went to the residence of a prominent Government official. The domestic refused to admit bim and sent him away, think ing be was a peddler. JIBS. MABOABET OLfPHAHT is One Of the most indefatigable of living writers. Her novels, biographies, historical books, editions of foreign classics, would nil a library. Her latest enterprise is a biography of her dis tinguished namesake, Laurence Oliphant, who died lately. Her novels are particularly re markable for their accurate painting ot Scotch characteristics. She is Scotch herself, and was born near Musselburgh CI years ago. Mbs. Cleveland is soon to be the recipient of an elegant souvenir in tbe shape of an album containing tbe autographs of the members of the Authors' Club ot New York, spread npon leaves of tbe finest parchment The signatures were collected through the efforts of Dr. Ed ward Eggleston, and tbe book has been artistically bound byune of the most skillful bookbinders In the eonntryl It is to ba pre sented to Mrs. Cleveland in remembrance of tbe courtesies she extended to the authors while She Was living at the White Ho wo. , .PITTSBURGr- .MSPATdfe" THE T0PICA1V TALKEK. Bishop Was Insane A Woods' KuriLIon The Marring of May. A curiously variegated careen was that of Washington Irving Bishop, the mind reader, whose death occurred in Such sensational fashion on Sunday night in a New York club house. It is not a career one can linger over with any pleasure. Probably his vagaries may be ascribed to derangements in his mental ma chinery. When ho was here some years ago it hap pened that I spent an evening with him. He was not performing trick? of mind or muscle reading that night, but breathing wrath and fearful tnreats against his Bos ton wife, Mrs. Helen S. Pond, who had the day before published in the newspapers some very ugly charges against him. He wasa small man, very effeminate in appearance, and his voice was a high treble. His prodigious ex hibition of anger by contrast made it bard for those who saw it to refrain from laughter. This scene occurred at the Hotel Anderson, where there are still at least a couple of clerks who remember Mr. Bishop's behavior that night vividly. He persisted in saying over and over again that he intended to sue every news paper that had published his wife's charges, for libel, and added that he had engaged Major Brown and D. T. Watson, W. D. Moore, and Major E. A. Montooth to wage war for him in .Pittsburg. In every thiughe said and did that night Mr. Bishop impressed me as being out of his wits. For tho time I believe ho was a maniac. The suits for libel were never bropght, of course, and I presume none of the lawyers Mr. Bishop mentioned ever saw tbe color of his money, or even knew that he had connected their names with his case. V A rambling and decayed row of houses which have long enjoyed the distinction of being the ugliest in that home of the beautiful, Woods' Run, are being pulled down to make way for the approaches to the new railroad uriage con necting tho Panhandle and the Fort Wayne. The new bridge will certainly improve tho appearance of the Northside neighborhood of the Fort Wayne tracks adjoining Woods' Run. There is a noisome little pond which will pre sumably be filled In, and a comical vineyard on the cllif just east of it will probaDly cease to try ineffectually to bear grapes. The recent heavy rain storms have caused the work on the bridge foundations and tbe embankment to be sus pended. V The great charts of seats for the May Fes tival are gradually showing the inroads of the purchasers. It is a fact though, that Pitts burgers are rather famous for putting off their purchases of seats for such an event as this to tbe last moment It is a foolish habit, and in this case particularly so. If anyone who intends to go to the festival thinks that he can afford to wait and buy his seats at tbe door, permit me to point out to him that thousands are coming in from all tho ad joining towns, and that precious few of them will buy seats until the doors are open. The rush for seats at the last moment will be tre mendous, and as a piece of disinterested ad vice, 1 repeat, buy your seats to-day or to morrow. . KAY1SAPBIL. It seems as if when May was born, In these United States, Tbe makers of the almanacs Flayed havoc with the dates. For April weather comes in May, The sunshine and the showers; The lawn you mowed just now will need He-mowing n two hours) HIS TIEWS TOO LIBERAL. Prof. Russell's Ideas of tho Andover Ques s tlon Cause His Resignation. rSFECIALTXLSQRAUTO THE DIBFATCB.l New Haven, Conn., May 14. Rev. John E. Russell, of the Yale Theological Seminary, to day resigned bis position as Professor of Bib 11 lical Theology. This action of Prof. Russell was received with great surprise by tho faculty of the university, and with indignation by the students, especially the members of the senior class, who are to graduate to-morrow. This noon they met and passed resolutions express ing their sorrow, and appointed a committee of five to wait on President Dwight and endeavor to make arrangements to have the resignation not accepted. While the reason for Prof. Russell's resigna tion is said to be due to a call to Williams Col lege, it is generally understood that his too liberal views on theological questions, es pecially on the Andover question, have been distasteful to the members of the faculty of the theological school, who are of the old school. Prof. Russell is with the Andover pro fessors and a supporter of Dr. Smith's views regarding the future probation. He graduated from Williams College in 1S72, and has been at Yale since 1SS5. A HAPPT, CONTENTED SET. Paraguay a Country Where Women Work and tho Mem Are Idlers. Washington, May 14. United States Con sul Hill, at Ascuncion, in a report on the con dition of Paraguay, states that of the entire population but 82,447 Paraguayans "and 3,818 foreigners know how to read and write,leaving the number of illiterates as follows: Para guayans who are unable to read and write, 199,431; foreigners in the same condition, 4,070. There are, therefore, of the inhabitants only about 15 per cent who are able to read and write. England furnishes 43 per cent of the total imports, and beside a few agricultural in plements and a little lumber, none of "the im ports come from the United States. Women do the work and tbe men do tbe smoking, gam bling and cock fighting. The Depple are a hap py, contented set, without aspirations, and as indifferent to us as we are toward them. TOO GOOD TO BE SOLD. Ap Old Wooden Government Vessel to bo Attain Patched Up. Washington, May 14. The United States steamship Monocacy was to have been sold at auction to-day at Yokohama, bu? an order from the Navy Department has been tele graphed, stopping the sale. The Monocacy is an old wooden vessel which has been on tho China station so long that It would not be safe to undertake to bring her across the Pacific to the United States. Several times tbe department has decided to sell this vessel, but the orders have always been revoked at tbe last moment Not long ago a board or appraisement was ordered, but alter doing their duty in tbe matter of appraisement the board recommended tbat tho Monocacy be repaired, and for this reason the sale has been again postponed. VERY NEARLY CORRECT. A Shortage of Only S35 Found In a Cannt Of 8184,000,000. WASHINGTON, May li The recent count of money at the New York sub-Treasury revealed a discrepancy of $35 out of a total sum of J1&4, 000,000 to be accounted for, The shortage re sulted from the" acceptance of a few counter feit notes in tbe hurry of business, and by the loss of a few pieces of silver. The loss was promptly made good, ana a re ceipt in full given to ex-Treasurer Hyatt, who was responsible under bis bond for the entire amount An Awfnl Prospect. From the Chicago .News. J . It is reported from Pennsylvania that black bears are more numerous in that State than they have been before for many years. If Sen ator Quay succeeds in getting Federal positions at Washington lor ail the rennsvlvanians who want them it is feared that the black bears will drive out the small fraction of the population remaining, and that the State will become once more a howling wilderness.. minister Lincoln at a Banquet. NewYohk, May 11 The newly appointed Minister to England, Boberfc T, Lincoln, wa3 tendered an Informal dinner at the University Club to-night by his classmates "at Harvard of tbe class of '62. Tho dinner was entirely in. formal and there were no toasts. Minister Lincoln sails on tbe City of Paris to-morrow, A Toutu of Remarkable Talent. From the PhlladelphiaFress. J The new story by Sidney Lnska whose real name is Mr. Harlan Is quite a Buccess, an en tire edition having already been printed. Con sidering the extreme youth ot the author he is only 19 this is, indeed, remarkable. r ; A Perpetual ScssionTrobnblc. From'thffChlcaioHetald.J v" Tbe Connecticut Legislature Is to allow wo men to take part in tbe debate oh the female suffrage bill now before that body. It will be the longest Legislative session in the history of V tne country. . ,. . vs " WEME&pAY,, W& ffi CIYiL SEEVIfJS PRADDS. It Is Claimed That There Is. a Leakage la Examination Papers. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. NEW YOKKMay 14. John M. Comstocfe, Chairman of the Civil Service Board at the Custom House, said there were wild rumors flying about the Custom House to-day t6 the effect tbat the practices at recent civil service examinations bad been fraudulent If these reports are. substantiated, Mr. Comstock said, somebody would learn that a penal offense had been committed. The reports were that certain persons in the service bad furnished to mem bers of the examination classes keys to tbe forthcoming qnestlons for 25 and $50, and that substitutes had passed examinations before the Examining Hpard. Mr. Comstock said: i "I have no charges to make against anybody at tbe moment; I have simply started a general investigation. It is more in the nature of a hunt I have just been elected Chairman of the board. Yes, I attended as one of the ex aminers, tbe examinations in the postofficaf buildings. So far as I could see, and I paid close attention, the seals of the packages con taining the question papers sent from Wash ington had not been tampered with. But they may have been. It would have required an expert, though, to discover any nans In the seals. Why have I not beBun a general Investi gation before? Simply for the reason that I have only jnstbeen elected Chairman of the board. I ao feel, though, that there were op portunities for fraud so far as the examinations for promotions, were concerned. The questions for these examinations were made in the naval office, while questions for entry to the service came from Washington. The questions for promotions were sent from the naval office to Mr Mnsnn'aofflcRln the Custom House. Mr. Mason was Secretary of the board and had full charge. 1 do not believe that Mr. Mason would countenance any leakage, but I must confess tbat I have never had any confidence In his clerk, Fred Davis. I don't say there is anything wrong; I cannot tell that until I complete the investigation. If the papers or questions have been tampered with some one will suffer. The reports come from people in and out of the service." Mr. Mason started on his vacation to-aay pre liminary to leaving the service June 1. He was in Albany last night Fred Davis, clerk of the Civil Service Board, bad never beard of the ugly reports. He told how the questions ar rived from Washington in a package plastered With seals on the morning that tbe examina tions were held In the Postoffice building. Packages were addressed to E. B. Post, or tbe Postmaster. He did not take any stock in the story ot frauds. It was said by Mr. Mason's friends tbat he should forego his vacation and confront Mr. Comstock and the other mug wumps and insist upon a rigorous investiga tion. It was remarked tbat Mr. Comstock had been chairman ot the board a week and thai' It was not until Mr. Mason had left town that the reports of criminal fraud were circulated. A FIGHT IN THE W, C. T. TJ, Mrs. J. Ellen Poster Raises a Bow In tbe Minnesota Branch. Minneapolis, May 14. "Internecine strife" describes the state of affairs now existing in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union organization of Minneapolis. The recent coun ty convention of the union opened into the secret Efforts are now being made by the mal contents to organize a rival association, and It is not at all unlikely that they will succeed. Secret meetings of those interested in the new organization are being held,and as soon as they feel strong enough the non-partisan people will take the field for supporters. A fightwhich has contributed in no small measure to this split is the one which is on between Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, of Iowa, and Mrs. Hobart, President of the Minnesota W. C. T. U. In the last issue of tbe Progressive Age, tbe official organ of the Minnesota W. C. T. U., is a long three-column article by Mrs. Hobart in which she seeks to prove all the charges that she bad previously made throngh the pauers or against Mrs. Fos ter', and which Mrs. 'Foster had pronounced "f also in letter and in spirit; false in general and in particular." Mrs. Hobart accuses Mrs. Foster of trying to unite the W. O. T. U. to a political party under tbe guise of "non-partisanship!" of suppress ing, as President of Iowa W.C.T.U., legally elected delegates becauso of thelrindorsement of prohibition; of trying to make it appear tbat there is widespread disaffection in the ranks of the W. C. T.U. by "sending out spuri ous reports and doing other Judas-Tike work." The end of the fight is not yet TAKING THEIR TIME. Only One-Fifth of the Land In Oklahoma Uesalarly Entered. Washington, May 14. The clerks who were detailed from the general land office to go to Oklahoma to assist the land officials at the Guthrie and Kingfisher land offices returned to Washington to-day. They state that at Kingfisher about SOO entries had been made up to last Friday, and at Guthrie about 1,000 had been made. The total number of quarter sec tions in the territory opened to settlement is about 10,000, hence less than one-fifth of tbe whole has beon filed upon. The force of clerks now employed at the two land offices is be lieved to be sufficient to keep up the current' work. Many of the settlers, it is said, have gone to their former homes to settle their private affairs; and will return next fall to complete their entries and establish themselves perma nently in the new territory. Ihe scarcity of water has been to some extent overcome by diggmgiwells. COMPARATIVE EXPORTS. Beef, Hay and Dairy Products Exported This Yenr and Last. Washington, May 14. The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics reports that the total values of the exports of beef and hog products of tbe United States during tbe month of April, 1SS9, and during tbe four months ended April SO, 1889, as compared with similar exports dur ing the corresponding periods of the preceding year, were as follows: April, 1889, $8,88S,602; 1SSS.S3.89S.OU; four months ended April 30, 1SS9, 36,222,762; four months ended April SO, 1888, 828,103,843, The values of the exports of dairy products were as follows: April, 18S9, 5120,021; April, 18S8, 8302,781. Twelve months ended April 30, 18S9, $10,011,600; 12 months ended April 30, 18S8, 810,673,685. ' HONORS TO THE BRAYE. A Gallant Sailor Highly Complimented by Secretary Trncy. Washington, May 14 Secretary Tracy has issued a general order calling attention to the repeated acts of berqism of William Fooye, a seaman on the Vandalia, who jumped over board February 23 and March 9, in the harbor of Apia, and rescued shipmates from drown ing, and again, on the latter date, when the ship's propeller was fouled by a rope during a heavy swell, disabling the engines at a time when the vessel's position was unsafe. The Secretary says: "Such bravery and devotion to duty merit the highest praise. Tbe department-directs that this order be read at quarters, on board all fhips of the navy in commission," Protect Homo Industrie. From the Chicago Tlmes.3 Whenever the fellow who gets up the cable letter on tbe other side of the pond gets hard up ho reels off a yarn about some American girl being fooled by a bogus baron. Something ought to be done to keep our girls at bome. If there is any fooling to be done, let it be by our own boys. PLEASANT AND PECULIAR. On. City iiliaard: The inertia of .indiffer ence permits the existence of many imposi tions. Chicago Nev:ti Pension Commissioner Tanner to the surplus: "You and the Democracy will have to go." Detroit Free Presi: Ireland has seen enough of the vices of royalty pot to welcome the idea of having a prince of the realm as Viceroy. CincApo Times: Ex-Secretary Bayard, who used to be accused by his enemies of having no backbone, proposes to refute the statement He is golng'to marry again. PHTLAnELPHiA Press: Tho mercury and the price of ice are marching upward together. They come, or rather they go, high, but we must have them in this climate. Boston Herald: As to the merit:) of the dis pute Detween General Wolseley and Jeff Davis, the public will gladly side with both, provided they will agree to keep quiet and write no more war articles. Philadelphia -Pu&Wo Zedgerr James D. Fish's voice deepened considerably daring bis stay In Auburn prison, whence he was released on Saturday. For nearly four years Fish has been a striped bass. Boston Herald: If Dr. Tanner wants to find aconuino caso of suspended animation, where the patient has subsequently developed into renowed life, let him examine a roan wholost bis omciai neaa in i&h and who is now looking 1 for Its restoration by the now adalnistratteB, iThereVre Iota of them, J - :,'-! v ' ' AMERICAN PLTJTQCBAOr. A London Editor1 Pays His Respects to the -Gould and Yanderbltti Money Kings of Ancient Times The Millionaire's Xo t Not a Happy One. From the London Standard.' The American press Is just at present devot ing much attention to the annual examination of that portion of the revenue returns' from1 which, by a process of calculation based on the statements handed in for the purposes of direct taxation, the acknowledged Income of tbe various transatlantic millionaires can be com puted. How far such returns may be accepted as accurate Is an open question. It is doubtful whether the State can ever take tithe of the taxable wealth of magnates whose invest-1 ments, spread over half the world, are only to a small extent In tangible property. On the other hand, there Is gossip to the effect that, to Increase their consequence, and the credit which follows, aspiring bachelors and pushing men of business sometimes return their means as higher than they really are, and find their profit in paying on the fictitious amount. Mr. Jay Gould, we aro told, is worth 60,000,000, a figure that Is, probably, enormously exagger ated, as are also the 50,000,000 set down tor a Nevada mine owner, who. It Is added, was wheeling a barrow in Virginia City some 25 years ago. These are followed at some distance by the head ot the New York Asters, who is credited with 38,000,000, the Vanderbilts with 25,000,000, and a variety of less familiar per' sonages. M. de Varigny, who has been exam ining these and similar figures, considers that the richest Englishman is tbe Duke of West minster, whose property is estimated at 18,000, 000, and tint no continental, land owner or merchant comes within many millions of this amount America Has most Rich Men. The New World millionaires, however, differ in certain respects from those of this side of the globe. On the one band their riches are all their own, unhampered with entails or other obligations incident to property inherited or acquired on this side of the Atlantic; but on the other, very little of It Is real wealth, Most of the American millions are represented by shares in all sorts of speculative enterprises In mines which may or may not run clear of ore, or in railways, the stock of which is often at the mercy of one or two shareholders, and may In a few hours be made almost worthless. In California there are, perhaps, more millionaires than in any other State of the Union, the rich mines and the endless opportunities for enter prise offered by tbat region having operated to the benefit of its sharper citizens. Ohe of thesa is said to bo a university graduate, and seven are lawyers, The rest were in their youth of the uneducated, barefooted order, their early struggles being unaided by friends or relatives. Forty-nine are Americans by birth, 18 are Irish, 8 are Hebrews, 6 are German, i are English and 1 is of French extraction. Yet it is a strikingcom mentary on public life in America that of thesa 85 millionaires, representing a total of about 90,000,000, only 7 have ever aspired to any political position. millionaires ol Antiquity. The millionaire In America dates, generally speaking, from the time of the Civil War, and we are accustomed to speak of his wealth as putting completely In the shade that of the ancients. But we are Inclined to think that in the palmy days of Rome, when all the world was pillaged to enrich It, there were men, relatively speaking, quite as rich as any of these days. Crcesus possessed in landed property nearly 2,000,000, besides slaves, furniture and money to more than an equal amount Seneca could afford to ba philosophic with a fortune of 8,600,000. Tiberius left at his death over 23, 000,000, which Caligula snent In less than a year. Julius Cassar, before he obtained any office, "nursed the constituency" so adroitly that he owed nearly 3,000,000. In all he squandered 147,000,000 Of the publio money. Appius wast ed in debauchery 500,000, and poisoned him self rather than face the world on a pittance of 80,000. .ASsopus, the comedian, would spend 80,000 on a single dish. By the time the Roman Empire fell Europe had been pretty well skinned, though, as the mediaeval bankers were concentrated for tbe most part in Italv, a great deal of the plunder in tho Peninsula does not seem to have crossed the Alps. When It Was Easy to be Rich, In the Middle Ages there were rich men, of Course, for in such a state of general impecuni- oslty it was easy for a capitalist to heap up wealth. Bo Jonsson Grip, a Swede, died in 13SS, leaving, in addition to enormous estates, mines and sums of coined money, 67,000 ounces of silver. So well provided was he with tho sinews of war, that na could declare hostilities against the Hanseatla League and dictate terms to JjUqsck ana Aanizig. -ine truggers and other merchants also managed to monopo lize a vast amount of money. Yet when Ed ward III. failed in 1386 to pay 1,365,000 golden crowns which he had borrowed of the Feruzzt of Florence, something like a panic ran . through the Exchanges of the Continent The Orient Eclipsed. With the discovery of America, wealth once again began to grow rapidly, but not even then did anything like modern fortunes become common. Within the last 60 years, manufact ures, mines and various industrial enterprises have revolutionized our conceptions on the subject When the elder Dumas revelled in Oriental conceptions, he created Monte Cristo as bis ideal millionaire, Yet judged hy modern standards, this imaginary being would have been rather poor, and would scarcely have found a place in the annual list which appears in New York. The Plutocrats Not Happy. Few of these American plutocrats can be said to enjoy their money. Most of them get it at a time of life when they are too old to begin to learn anew the art of living. They have never done anything but form combinations and rake in money. Publio Ufa they despise. They have no position as great landowners or rjobles to keep up. Most of them are too slenderly educated to appreciate science, or art or learning, though now and then they found universities, or buy fashionable French pictures. But as a rule, tho feelings of the class maybe represented by tbe late Mr. Van derbilt, who declared that tbe weight of his wealth crushed him that he "had no pleasure In money, and no use for it" A HIGHLY PRIZED PAPER, Secretary Rush: Accepts a Written Resigna tion and Gets It Framed. Correspondence Chicago Tribune. Secretary Rusk has a sense of humor about him. He has been trying ever since be entered npon his duties at the Agricultural Depart ment to see what he. could do about making room for a few Republicans. As none ot the Democrats employed in bis Department ex pressed a willingness to resign he has not given many Republicans places. He is averse to turning out Democrats in order to make room for Republicans, and especially if the former perform their duties faithfully. The fore part of this week Secretary Rusk was tendered a written resignation from ona of the messengers, who was receiving a salary of EGGO per annum. This was the first resignation he had received during his admistration of the Department He has, therefore, deemed this phenomenal action worthy ot recognition and has had the resignation framed and placed, in his office Immediately In front of his desk. Clear Case of American Hogeishness. From the Baltimore American, Nothing could be more clear and simple than Bismarck's proposal to the other powers to settle the Samoau difficulty. "Let's take, turns in its government" be says. "First I'll take mine and yon wait for yours, then yon wait for yours and I'll take mine," And yet the cable tells us tbat the greedy American delegates are not satisfied with. this fair division of the spoils. Rusk Gains a Convert. From the Washington Pott. The Viceroy of China, after reading Secre tary Rusk's suggestions en agriculture, issued a proclamation In which he advocates tree planting. He says that trees aro promoters of rain, beautlflersof the country.and preventives 'of drouth and flood. Instructions in tree planting are to ba given in accordance with Secretary Rusk's rules on arborl-culture. What Is the Matter W'tb Chicago f From the Norrlstown Herald.l A Chicago minister says that insanity is caused by disbelief in a future state. The ma jority of Chicagoans, however, think that men aro crazy because they don't believe tbat their city Is tho greatest in the country. Probnblr Wishes Ha Had Thought. From the X ew York Telegram, l A suit to restrain General Butler has been brought in a Washington court This is something Admiral Porter has not thought Of. Watch IHm and See. From the Albany Journal,! ,WIU not Mr. Blaine please admit, that he is snubbed by the President, and resign, Jat to ( snubbed bj inlease the ) Demewatta press T A DAT IN THE METROPOLIS. Annie Plxley Has Pneumonia. txaw TORI BVBSAU SPECIALS.! New Yoke:, May 14 Miss Annie Pixley's In disposition has developed into pneumonia. Her physician hopes that she will be fairly well again within two weeks, but she will be unable to appear ori the stage this season, and her husband and manager, Robert Fulford,has cancelled her engagements. Will Try to Lower the Record. The City of Paris will sail for Liverpool to morrow afternoon, with a cabinful of passen gers. Her officers are betting that they will breakthe record of fast eastward voyages by getting across In six days. At very nearly the same hour at which she will sail f romthis side her sister ship, the City of New York, will sail from Liverpool. ComiilB Homo Under Canvas. The United States warship Qulnnebaug is due here, after an absence of almost sixyeirs at European stations. Tbe Qulnnebaug- left Gibraltar early last month, and is coming home under canvas. A Horseback Rldo Across the Continent. E. H. Piatt professor in an uptown rldmjf academy, and John Allen, a millionaire hotel keeper, mounted two mustangs at 6A.M. to day, in the presence of some 300 friends and acquaintances, and rode away westward over the new Washington bridge. They expect to ride all the way to San Francisco, which they expect to reach in QotoKer. They wU travel 30 utiles a day. Their route will take them through Columbus, Indianapolis, Hanover, Leavenworth, Denver, Salt Lake City and the alkali desert of Utah and Carson City. Made Him Harry Her Before Breakfast. Madam Roqueplan became Mrs. Casar Beck man, to-day, much against Mr, Beckman's will. Four years ago she left her husband in South ern France, to live with Beckman. After six months Beckman tired of her and ran away to America. She followed and pursued him all along the Atlantic seaboard, and finally cor nered him in New York. To prevent his es cape she had bim arrested on the charge ot stealing $1,200 from her. In the court room she withdrew the charge on the condition that he would marry her. He agreed, but fled to the West She caught him in Milwaukee, a few days ago, and forced him to sign a contract to marry her. Then she and her lawyer brought him to New York. Th ey arrived this morping. Beckman wished to go to a hotel, but Madam ttoquepiau Said he must marry her before breakfast The Mayor was too busy, but a Justice made the indomitable little French woman Mrs. Caesar Beckman. A Small Boy Saved From Drowning. Little Howard Jones fell' into Jamaica Bay from a boat in which he and his two brothers, both under U years, had been out rowing, on Saturday. He did not rise to the surface im .medlately, and his brothers, thinking be was drowned, hurried home to tell their father of the accident About 20 minutes after tbe ac cident Dr. Houghton, of Brooklyn, and a com panion who had been fishing In the bay saw a little boy In the water, paddling with-his hands to keep himself afloat They rowed alongside the boy and drew bim into the boat. The mo ment the boy realized he was safe he sank into insensibility. Ho did not recover until this morning; Then he was carried home to his parents. BURGEONS IN SESSION. The American Association In Convention at the National Capital. Washington, May 14. The eleventh an nual meeting of the American Surgical Asso ciation began here to-day. Skeletons, skulls and other appropriate emblems ornamented the room in which the surgeons met on the third floor of the Army Medical Museum build ing. Dr. David W. Cheever, of Boston, the President of the association, opened the pro ceedings with an address, entitled, "The Fu ture of Surgery Without Limit" Dr. Cheever said that the student of surgery must of necessity he struck with its great progress and also with its imperfections. Surgery was advancing slowly, but was con stantly advancing. Several papers on purely technical subjects were also read at to-day's meeting. A MONSTER SEA SNAEE. An Ocean Reptile ISO Fast Lonjt Seen by s British Captain. Philadelphia, May 14. Captain Smith, chief officer of the British Princess, in port from Liverpool, comes to time with the first sea serpent story of the season. It was on Satur day, May 4, and in latitude 44. longitude 42.40, that Captain Smith says he saw his big snake, which he says was 150 feet long, with eyes like a ship's starboard light When sighted a large section of his snjkeship stood perpendicularly out of the water, and, as it was daTbreak, with a smooth sea, there was opportunity for a good view of the monster. Several passengers who were on deck at the time ara sa)d to have seen the snake, but when Chief Officer Smith cried out for Captain Freeth to come on deck, the monster turned tail and fled, churning the water like a Missis sippi stern-wheeler. HOTEL MEN'S MEETING. They Elect O Peers and Arrange far the Next Gathering-. Chicago, May 14. Matters were quite lively for a time to-day in the Palmer House at the annual meeting of the Hotel Men' 3 National Mutual Benefit Association. Delegates were present from all parts of the country, the New Yorkers alone numbering 60. Tbe next meet ing will be held in Boston the second Tuesday in May. The election of officers resulted as follows; President M.S. Gibson, of the Preble House, Pottland, Ore.; First Vice .President Wash ington Lv Jacques, representing tbe Interest of me laio ait. nnnungin ine Murray nm notei, of New York;, Secretary and Treasurer, W. C, Snow, ot Chicago. THE TARIFF ON LEAD. A Large Delegation Will Talk to Secre tary Wlndom About It. New Yobk, May 14. A large delegation of metal brokers left this city to-day for Washing ton to be present at the meeting to-morrow morning before Secretary of the Treasury Windom on the vexed lead question. In the West the question of putting a tax on Mexican lead has excited a good deal of interest and two special cars nneu with western mine own ers and others- interested in tha subject will meet the New York delegation at the Capital to-morrow morning. 1 i ' , The Colonel Hai n Competitor, from the Philadelphia Times. And now we awake to the fact that yarn is being shipped to this country from Scotland. Where is Colonel Ochiltree 7 PENNSYLVANIA PRODUCTS. AmoSO the new industries of Butler Is a Schmierkaese factory. A LEWTS-rowN man, finding a neighbor's dog in his garden, struck i; with his fist and killed it on the spot SHEawF Wolf, of Willlamsport, while out boating, caught a 14-inch trout with a quick flash of his bare band. A Philadelphia man arose In the night andin his wrath broke the noseof his roommate. The latter bad monopolized the bed covers. C. F. Bbown, of Malvern, Chester county, has just taken the first drink of water since October last. He can go without water all winter: A carriaqh .maker of Armstrong county has just shipped to Persia a carriage packed in boxes to facilitate transportation across the desert on camels' backs. Tha total freight bill was about $100. AT Pottstown during the last gust about ICO swallows tbat had dwelt in George LIggott's large old-fashioned chimney were suddenly blown downward, and Came flopping on the kitchen floor, along with loads of soot Jambs M. Taylob, of Hatboro, who was slightly scratohed by a mule, which was soon af terkllled for supposed hydrophobia, is con Cqed to his room for 14 days without water, and on Slow, diet by order of the ''mad dog doctor.'" A NOBMSTffwjr man, applied" to the Justice of the peace on January 81 to seenre him a marriage license. He made tha affidavits re quired, and then came a "bitch in the shape of having no cashL to pay. for tha license. After working bard from that day nam yesterday, be Raaaeedto aeeamstatem nessiiary fig nets I i.J lJ..t..Sll-ultV.ll.u.J . . .- i m rr .-t.it. , ,aW . m. ,.lij w ... .. , , .Til ifrir ... i CUIIOUS CQSDENSAflOSS. There are 633 widows in Youngstown, and very few of them are engaged , Bradley county, Kansas, has produced a colored baby that welghedl8 porinda at birth. A ton of rope made from the hair of de vout women of Japan has been used In build ing a $3,000,000 temple to Buddha at: Kioto. At Nevada, Mo E. Williams, aged 50, was married to Mis? Battle Baker, aged 15. Tha groom Is a farmer In good circumstances, while the bride is tbe daughter of a man who lost his all in a trip to Kansas and is now camping on the edge of that city. This is Williams' fourth matrimonial venture. 'Squire Beans, of Warminster, Bucks county, sitting by his door at dusk the other evening beard a whirring nolso above him, and found lodged in his tree tons a cloud of June I.... l.ll . .. m. . f. - kl.k m.m .... bu uciiuing norm, ine trees. huku tall, had apparently nlnned their flight He caught one, a fuzzy yellow bug. Mr. Soundstrom, an intelligent young Swede, was in Atlanta a short time ago organ izing a Btock company to manufacture per fumes from flowers by distillation. He met with considerable enctfuragement and will probably start his factory. He already baa such an establishment in Florida. The poorest memory on record is that of the fellow tried for burglary in Brooklyn tho other day. He testified that he had never been arrested before, but when his memory was logged by certain evidence, admitted that ha had a dim recollection of being convicted of mnrder once and a 20 years' sentence. The Trench poodle belonging to ex Mayor Irwin, of Steubenville, O., committed suicide a few days ago. He ran on the track in front of the acproachlng electric car several times, but was driven off. Finally be made a dash and was caught by the wheel, charged with enough electricity to kill an elephant He gave one yelp and died. While a couple of Easton sisters were eating breakfast alone a few mornings ago, their mother being absent in New York, they were startled at bearing heavy footfalls on the stairs. Next Instant a tramp, who bad got in unobserved and slept all nicht In the attic, stalked into the room, gave them a glance and then passed out without a word. Israel Stoops, who a few days ago fell from a roof died, at Los Angeles. Shortly be fore bis dissolution the man said to bis wife: "When my soul leaves my body and enters tha other world I will let yon know by crossing my hands npon my breast" He kept hte word and died immediately after giving the sign. T. C. Mitchell, of Thomasville, Ga., caught a mother fox and three little foxes a few mornings ago while out bunting. Mr. Mitchell carried one of the foxes home and placed him amontr a litter of newlv born nuns. The mother of the pups gives him the same at tention that she gives her own offspring, and the little stranger bids fair to be raised by Its foster mother. A bear hard pressed by pursuers ran into Monn's saw mill at Quincy, Franklin county.. Pa., last Sunday. Mr. Monn. who is a Seventhday Baptist, was at work, and thinking it was a boy tbat had come bustling in. warned him to look out for tbe saw. His panic on dis covering his yisitor was a bear was promptly allayed by a horse pistol shot from the pursu ing party which killed tha animal. Dawson, G'a., has developed a "fly eater," who, for singularity of taste and strength of digestive organs, takes tha cake, flics and all. The negro boy, John Wheel, can eat anything, and, according to a physician, is tbe only person known tbat can retain a fly on his stomach. A few days ago John ate three flies and took a big chew of tobacco on top of them, all for tha snm of 5 cents. Miss Clara Davis, boarding with Prof. W. Parnbam, while in attendance upon tha Female College, at Millersburg, Ky., placed a pet squirrel in her trunk, where there was a box of parlor matches. The squirrel ignited the matches, causing a combustion, which de stroyed tbe trunk and several bundred dollars' worth of fine clothing and jewelry. Tbe carpet was burned off the floor, but the building was saved with great difficulty. Benjamin L. Hurst, of the Pennsylva nia Railroad, celebrated Sunday tha close of hi3 50 years' active service as a locomotive engi neer, and he is not ready, by a long way, tore t're. He is called Uncle Ben by all who know him, and he is still at work running a first-class passenger train. His eye is as clear as ever, and be stands as erect as a cadet. Ha runs from Jersey City to Rahway twice daily and mi.ea one inp to vv a veny. A unique Fourth of July illumination will take place in Washington Territory. A. C. Warner, D. W; Bass, H. F.JJcClura anrrrLy: Shroeder. of Seattle, and W. G. Steele, of Port land, will ascend and Illuminate Mount Rainier on the night of July 4. The party will take along 75 pounds of red fire and burn it at 11 o'clock at night. Iti3 proposed to spend all night on the summit of the mountain. The night before will have been passed at an alti tude of 10,000 feet. A copy of the Mazarin Bible, which was tbe first printed by Gutenberg with movable metal types, and should be more properly called the Gutenberg Bible, formerly in the li brary of Lord Hopetoun, was recently sold for tbe large sum of 2,000. As everyone knows, ic is a Latin Bible, printed by Gutenberg and Faust about 1450 to 1455, at Mainz. This is tha fourth copy of this extremely rare and most in teresting Bible which has been sold within the last 15 years, for prices varying from 10,000 to $14,000. George Gooderl, tha proprietor of a meat market at Barnesville, O., tells this'story of a thimble and chicken. Some time since his wife was engaged in feeding the chickens, when a thimble she wore on her finger at the time mysteriously disappeared. Quite a time elapsed, when tbe other day Mrs. G. requested her husband to behead s chicken, which was done. In dissecting tbe fowl the missing thlm. bla was found firmly imbedded in the chicken's gizzard, tha process of digestion having almost worn the thimble Smooth. Tha hole of tbe tbimbla was found to be completely plugged with Indigested grain which the hen with ostrich proclivities had swallowed. LAUGHING PHILOSOPHERS, President Harrison's dog is named'Dash. The President can relieve his feelings when the demands or offlca seekers ara past endurance by calling his dog. Boston Times, A Chicago Diploma Dullard I see old man Klllmer has taken to doctoring. Is he having a success? Brightly Success? Why, he eared 23- hams last winter. Lowell Citizen. Accounting for the Edition. Enthusias tic Friend -Ah, how d' do, Charlie? Gone lnt? literature, I see. Onlte a book of yours. I bought a copy yesterday. Author, thoughtfully Now, If I could only find ont who bought the other copy I Sew Xotk vtn ing Run, Testing a Clucker's Age. "I say, Jenkins, can you tell a young chicken from an old one?" ' 'Of course I can." "Well, how?" "By the teeth." t "Chickens don't have teeth. " "No, but 1 have. "Pick 3Ce Up. They Agreed. Jolly Bachelor Friend- , Bo, Fred, you're married. &nd,'excuse me, to thai determined friend of ours who was Miss Wllbu,ai.' and you have a temper yourself, Xell me, do yon - agree? The Bridegroom, meexly Oh, yes; I agree,- Sew York Evening Sun. "What's the matter, Bromley?" ' lv'e recovered my valise. ' "I don't see why you should swear Is that way about It." "Oh, you don't eh? The-darn thing isn't worth P, and It had to turn up Just when the company was about to allow me 130 on it. It's just my luck," Equal to .Anything. "This is a disa greeable and somewhat humiliating assignment" said tha city editor to the new reporter, "but it is tho only1 trilng I have for you to-day. It will re- ' quire you to visit two or three dozen salmons and interview a score Of dudes before you finish tha Job." "I guess I can stand it" said tha hardened youngman. "I was one of the reporters as ma . Haw York.Centennial ball." CMeago Traune. Needed No Sympathy. '1 am, tralyj sorrr. JohnnT."sald tho friend of thar-ramuy meeting the little boy on the streetn'toIearBr? ttiitvnnr father a hoiiiA iris hnraed ddvn VeitATfejJ day. Was nothing saved?" h "Don't you waste no gner on me, "irepiieaxv Johnny. "All of paw's old clothes was biiranpwJE'i in that fire, and maw can't make any" jotem over a fo me this time. Tum-tladle-lnmtuai whoop-de-rj "? doodle-do!" CMeago Tribune. 1 ., ' ,-, Caught at Last Father fibtti&iij' down-" $? Stairs la an angry volcc)-aiaryl ' ilry (who is with her beau who 1st. been walt-Lj& ing on ner for about three years) TeaT U. v2? F.-ls Mr. Slowcoach, there? 1 fj M.-Yes, sir. , . V.U he proposing to you th hl'la ftayla r"a late? t' , Z-v-?. M. (to Mr. Slowcoach In a frlglteaM waisWi OhI what shall! say? r"u 'JT 3 ' Mr. 3 .-(trembling WhU W H (foherfalherr-Yes, pJ j - - - ' - ' n ; Ail nffnr- an riffnir can have you.- mess yon- jtseoa't Mry away.-d R I y . .".aaKr"-, m. &