"v-5i, - V. 3V THE ! PITTSBURG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, -J&A.T, 15, 1889. 3i! IB0N10 BEAT' STEEL Why the Former Excels the Latter for Steamboat Shafts. POOR STEEL LIKE PLATE GLASS, And the Terr Best of Iron a Great Deal Better for a Strain. r CHATS WITH HEX WHO ENOW ABOUT IT A revulsion of feeling regarding the sup posed superiority of steel over iron for heavy shafts for steamboats has been gaining strength for some time, and it is said that nearly all steel shafts that break nowadays are being replaced by iron. It is also stated that those made by Krupp, the German ironworker, have fared no better in builders estimation than some made in this country. Considerable inquiry was made on the subject yesterday, and the only one who pave a good word for the steel shaft was Mr. David Shaw, Superintendent of the steel works at Chartiers. He stated that he thonght good steel would answer the purpose, but that some kinds would te no better than pig iron. Mr. James A. Henderson stated that the shafts on the Scotia, Katie Siockdalc, John Moran and Beaver had all been replaced lately with iron. Mr. Henderson explained that steel seemed to be affected something like French plate glass. "When a fracture is made in the latter, it continues to extend, un less a hole be bored at the end thereof, and the manner in which the particles of steel were pressed together apoeared to deprive them of tenacity or coherence. Mr. Henderson instanced tho familiar ex perience of flndingbroken iron axles on various kinds of vehicles, where it is often seen that the axle has been doing duty for a longtime partially broken, the old fracture being plainly visioie. witu steel it is ainerenu wuen -shaft begins to give way the fracture extends ramuiy. Iron shafts have been known to do dntvfor a quarter of a century, doing good service long alter tne nssure began to yield. A gentleman at the office of Carnegie, Phlpps & Co. stated that they had made quite a num ber of iron shafts for steamboats lately. Hs attributed their superior strength to the fine quality of iron used in making them, and to their superior torsional strength. 'From the above it maybe inferred that the qualities that go to make steel superior to iron for rails are not called into play, or are not adapted to the strain a shaft is required to sustain. DECORATIONS KECOMMEJfDED. The Exposition Society Deeply Interested In the May Festival. , A resolution was passed by the Exposi tion Society yesterday requesting citizens generally to decorate their houses and places of business during the May Festival, as is the custom in other cities when May festivals are held. An effort will be made to have the week observed as a gala week, and the mem bers of the society will set the example by flaunting decorations from their respective business houses. The following were elected lite managers on Savment of $100 each: Dr. T. A. Bex, E. E. aker. Wm. J. McAfee, H. C. McJilton, Thos. Nuttridge, Keystone. Construction Company, Pittsburg Bridge Company, Adams & Co., sec ond subscription; Bertbold Baumann and John Eichleay. Subscriptions to the loan fund were received from Danzigcr & Shoenberg. $500; Central Bank of Pittsburg, $100, and O'Leary Bros. fc Co., $100. She Won't be Cheated. Usury persists until Every claim's receipted. Thus we know when we are ill, .Nature won't be cheated. 9 But don't Day your debts by suffering. If you have drawn exhaustively on nature, bal ance the account uy supplying her with blood food pure and simple that is instantly and easi ly available. Y This is Drs. Starkey A Palen's Compound I Oxygen Treatment precisely. And here are a Viewef those who inaorse the Componnd Oxy gen Treatment for that best of reasons they have been cured by it: Hon. Wm. 8. Kelley, Philadelphia; Eev. Victor L. Conrad, Philadel phia; Rev. Chas. W. Cushing, Rochester,. N. Y.; Hon. Wm. Penn Nixon, Chicago, 111.; Judge H. P. Vrooman, Quenemo, Kan ; Mrs. Mary A. Livermore, Melrose, Mass.: Dr. O. A Darby, President of Columbia (S. C.) Female College: Eev. A A. Johnson, President of Wesleyan College, Fort Worth. Texas: Rev. J. F. Spence, President Grant Memorial University, Athens, Teiin., and thousands of others. You may have their names if you will send to Drs. Starkey fc Pal en for their brochure of 200 pages, it will be forwarded free of charge to any one addressing Dks. Staeket & Pales, No. IKS Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Latest Sensation Is our sale of men's fine suits at $10, which has created the wildest excitement among onr competitors. "Who ever sees 'em pro nounces them the biggest bargain they ever saw. To-day you can call and take your choice of 5,000 suits in cheviots, cassimeres, corkscrews, French worsteds and Bannock burns, lined with a silk-finished serge, at the low price of SI 0. It's true these same suits are sold at 18 by our competitors, but when we quote bargains we give them. Don't hesitate; come to-day and secure a regular ?18 suit lor 510 at the P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond streets.opposite the new Court House. Fine Whiskies. X. X. X 1855 Pare Eye Whiskey, full quart '. 2 00 Monogram Pare Eye "Whiskey, full quart 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet Pure Eye Vhiskev, full quart . ISO lST9Extort Pure Eye Whiskey, full quart 1 25 1880 Export Pure Eye Whiskey, full quart 1 00 .For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. The Latest Scnsntion Is onr sale of men's fine Euits at $10, which has created the wildest excitement among our competitors. Who ever sees 'em pro nounces them the biggest bargain they ever saw. To-day yon can call and take your choice of 5,000 suits in cheviots, cassimeres, corkscrews, French worsteds and Bannock burns, lined with a silk-finished serge, at the low price of 810. It's true these same suits are sold at $18 by our competitors, but when we quote bargains we give them. Don't hesitate; ccme to-day and secure a regular $18 suit for 510 at the P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. Black Luce Wraps, Mantle shape and in the new peasant shrfpe, in our cloak room. Jos. Hokke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. The Largest Stock of Iiincrusta Walton, Japanese and pressed leather papers and room moldings ever shown in Pittsburg at the wall paper 6tore of John,S. Eoberts, 414 Wood street. Order Tanr May Festival Bonnets Now. Our trimming department is very busy, give us all the time you can. v JOS. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. COMBES'ATIOX Patteeks 100 entirely new combination dresses will be opened on Monday,' the 13th inst They are worth $30; our price until close, $15 each. irwrsa Hugus & Hacke. "When it becomes necessary to employ an alcoholic ttimulant to sustain life in disease, I know of no better one than Max Klein's 'Silver Age." I have examined it, and find it chemically .pure." So says one of our prominent physicians. nwr Dr. Ah. Smith, Dentist. .Painless extraction. All kinds of dental work at reasonable prices. 604 Penn ave., Pittsburg, pa. Office hours, 9 to 5 P. M. -J yr "An ounce of pWention is worth a pound of -cure." Use Brown's Ginger. Fred. Brown, PhiladelpM0822. .Druggists. TAKING KEW LIFE. Bis Plans of the Second Avenue Railway Benchlnc the Exposition Financial Re suscitation. The Second Avenue Passenger Railway Company will begin this morning to lay its tracks from Market street to the extreme lower end of the Exposition buildings. The company will be ready for hauling passengers to the May festival next Tuesday. The com pany has had the privilege of laying its tracks over this route for nearly a year, but owing to a court decision affecting the xharter of 6 passenger railways in this State, of which the Second avenue lino was one, the work was de layed until tho matter was settled. This was done yesterday, when the Governor signed the new street railway bill, and within two hours after tho bill was signed the representatives of the road called upon Chief Bigelowand secured a permit to proceed with the work. The route of the extension will be down Third avenue from Market street to Ferry street, along Ferry to Fourth avenue, thence across .Liberty street to Fourth street, down Fourth street to Duquesne way and down Duquesne ay to the Point. The line will be double tracked from the corner of Fourth and Liberty streets to the Point, and single above Liberty street. Cars returning from the Ex position will go up Fourth avenuo to Grant street, as they do now. As soon as the Exposition branch of the road is completed the work of extending this line to Glenwood over the right of way granted by Councils over a year ago will be commenced, and the company expects to have "a complete line from the Point to Glenwood, a distance of over seven and a half miles, in full operation within four months. The el6Ctric moter sys tem will be eventually adopted and the horses done away with. It Is understood that the late James Callery, J. CReilly and William J.Burns held 8,000 shares of stock in connection with the original owners, the F&wcetts. The company has ex pended $12,000 since January last, and expects to spend $112,000 more in completing the line and equipping it. THREE GREAT BARGAINS TJprltht Piano, $200. Sqonre Piano, $150. An excellent upright piano, 7J4 octaves, splendid tone and handsome case for $200. A fine rosewood square piano, worth $150 whennew, for 5150, and a 9 stop parlor or gan in perfect order for $50, cost 150. Three great bargains at the musie store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smithfield street Horses and JIuIcx. The ArnheimLive Stock Company, Lim. have 2 carloads of saddle, driving and gen-' eral purpose horses; also 40 head of draught and nit mules in their stables. Anyone wishing to purchase should not fail to call at 52 Second ave., Pittsburg, Pa. The Latest Sensation Is our sale of men's fine suits at $10, which has created the wildest excitement among our competitors. "Who ever sees em pro nounces them the biggest bargain they ever saw. To-day you can call and take your choice of 5,000 suits in cheviots, cassimeres, corkscrews, French worsteds and Bannock burns, lined with a silk-finished serge, at the low price of $10. It is true these same suits are sold at $18 by our competitors, but when we quote bargains we give them. Don't hesitate; come to-day and secure a regular $18 suit for $10 at the P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. Pittsburg nnd Lake Erie R. R., Buffalo Line Leave Pittsburg 7:40 a. m., arrive in Buffalo 4:50 p. M.; leave Pittsburg 9:30 p. M., arrive in Buffalo 620 A. si.; central time, one hour slower than city time. Saddle and Driving Horse. .Persons desiring to purchase a first-class driving or saddle horse should call at Mc Coy's Sales Stable, on Duquesne way,below the new Exposition buildings. Bedroom Furniture. "We desire you should know where to get satisfied if you are looking for beautiful and late designs in bedroom suits, and unless you are very hard to please you will cer tainly be satisfied with our bargains in wal nut and oak suits and our styles of antique suits. M. Seibebx & Co., Cor. Lacockand Hope sts., Allegheny. Kear railroad bridge. D Bonnets and Toques for Evening Wear. Some exquisite creations from Paris work rooms in our millinery show room. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Persons wishing crayon or other por traits cannot do better than giving their orders to B. L. H. Dabbs, 602 Liberty st He has had an immense experience, and shows the best ol judgment all through. His pictures will be treasured when others will be put out of sight Oar Kid Glove Department for All Sizes and lengths in Suede gloves for even ing wear. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Fresh Arrival. Just received from Anheuser-Busch St. Louis Brewery a large supply of their cele brated Budneisser beer, in both quarts and pints. For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Pifth avenue, city. Summer Hon so Furnishing Goods, Bed spreads summer blankets bed lin ens by the yard add made up towels damask cloths and napkins. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Best $1 50 per doz. cabinet photos in the city. Panel picture with each doz. cabinets. Lies' Popular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st . SuirvvT Dress Goods At 50 and 75c a yard we are showing some specially atttactfve and desirable fabrics this week. mwfsu Hugus & Hacke. Lawn tennis belts and sashes, at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. Fans for the Slay Festival. A large assortment of very elegant fans Japanese, French and Viennese now on sale. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. MEETINGS. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OP THE stockholders of the Pittsburg and Fairport Terminal Company held at the office of the com pany, Coal Exchange Building, corner Smith neld and Water sts., Pittsburg, Pa., MONDAY, M AY 27, 18S9, 2 P. st, to elect directors, vote upon the lease of the company's property to the Pittsburg, Fairport and Northwestern Dock Company, and consider such other busi ness as may be brought up. A J. THOMAS, C 8. WIGHT, Sec'y. President myll-29 DIVIDENDS. Third National Bank, ) PrrrsBTJBG, May 9, 1899.$ DIVIDEND NO. 60-A DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT has been declared this day, out of the earnings of the last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. myll-41 W. STEINMEYER, Cashier. RESORTS. rpHS OCEAN HOUSE 1 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Now open under old management fe22-31-MWF J. A. REED. THE CHALFONTE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. apl6-81-D E. ROBERTS 4 SON& nRDFttRD MINERAL HPRINrjH JD BEDFORD, PENNA. Leading mountain resort. Water uneanaled. Hotel newly furnished. Toerge's Orchestra.- UJICU9 U UJJO Us 1W A VA bUIAIi ap7-87-l L. B. DOTY. Manager. ORESSON SPRINGS, PENNA.. MAIN line Pennsylvania Railroad, on ton nf ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS. THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE TOT.ll nnnn tn-'3 All -!. .1.. . f .T For circulars, etc, address TJ)1. IV. UUXXilAil, BUpt., rm"-2-DSn Cresson. Cambria qo Pa. E. LINKENHEIMEK, ARCHITECT, 6B;Smltbneld street, Pituburg,,Pa. Frelbelts Frennd Building, second floor" rnhZl-SO-uynfj., V JT3-IHsplay advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion, 'Classified advertise, menis on this page such as Wanted, .Tor Sale, To Let, etc., ten cents jer line for each inser tion, and none taken Jor less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branoh Offices have been established at the following places, o-here Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to '9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be 'prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The DIS PATCH. rrrrsBUBG. THOMAS StCCAFFUEY, 35C8 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, Mth street and Penn ave. BG. STUCKEY ACO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St N. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. "WALLACE, GUI Penn avenue. OAKLAXD. McALLISTEH&SHEU5LER,5thav.4AlwoodJt. Botrrnsrox. JACOB SFOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEK, S9 Federal street H. 3. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FltEDU. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street T. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON,. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERKY M. OLEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. SInJo Heln. WANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS MOLD TOBY makers. 4519BUTLEKST., city. mylS-14 "TTTANTED-'HOUSE PAINTERS. APPLY 12 TV o'clock, 229 MAIN ST., West End. myl5-85 WANTED A WAITER FOR A EUNCH counter at KOOil No. S, Allegheny Market. myl5-69 "TT7-ANTED 3 FIRST-CLASS HARNESS YY makers. Apply at once at 3S10 BUTLER ST. myl5-15 w ANTED-J OR 4 GOOD TINNERS AT GEO. W.ari5ViiNSONJJRO.'S, 637 Liberty St. mylS-36 WANTEDYOUNG MEN OF GOOD AP PEARANCE before 10 A. M. 885 FIFTH AVE. myl5-6S WANTED-2HAND TOBY MAKERS. AP PLY at TWIN CITY CIGAR FACTORY, No. S3 Rebecca St. royl5-35 WANTED-TWO BLACKSMITH HELPERS at WERNKE BROS.' CARRIAGE AND WAGON WORKS, Mckeesport. myl5-75 WANTED-BOY TO LEARN THE BARBER'S trade, Alleghtnian preferred. Apply at ! FEDERAL ST., Allegheny, Pa. myj7 WANTED-ATONOE-fl CARRIAGE PAINT ERS, at F. W. SAWERT & CO.'S, Carrlate MTr, 5917 to 6923 Penn ave., E. E., eity. myl2-134 TTTANTED - COACHMAN FOR LIVER IT; V none but experienced need apply. T. B. JIOKELAND, 6100 Penn ave., East End. my6-12 -TITANTED-A GOOD BARBER-WAGES 17 VV per -neck, with board and lodging. J. J. HATFIELD, Foxburg, Clarion co.. Pa. myl5-49 WANTED-A BOX NAILER. APPLY AT once to National planing mill AND BOX FACTORY, 64 Lacock stt Allegheny. -TIT ANTED A FIRST-CLASS TAILOR TO TV work on attcrlntr and repairing. Apply at JAMES DICKSON'S, & Fifth ave., cor. Wood St., 2d floor. Piyl5-C7 TT A N T E D - IN JEWELRY STORE - A VV bright boy about 15, who has ambition to ad vance. Parent must address MERCHANT, Dis patch office. myl5-62 WANTED-FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER and typewriter: must be quick and rapid and come well recommended. Address CITY, Dispatch office. rayl5-5 WANTED-A PRACTICAL YOUNG MAN as bookkeeper and attend to office: immedi ately; German preferred. Address CONTRACTOR, Dispatch office. mylS-70 WANTED-MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF A planing mill; none but competent men need apply: good wages to the right man. Ad dress (i, , Dispatch office. myl4-52 ANTED-MAN TO TAKE OFFICE AND represent mfr.: $50 per week; small capital required. Address, with stamp, MANUFACTUR ER, Box 70. West Acton. Mass. myll-1-ws WANTED-EIGHT OK TEN ENERGETIC canvassers; big money. Apply at offices of KICE & MOORHEAD. 213 Federal St., Allegheny, or 2S9 FIFTH AVE., Pittsburg. myl5-15 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED REAL ES TATE salesman to work on suburban prop erty permanent position- for-tbe right man. Address REAL ESTATE, Dispatch office. myl4-37 WANTED - CARPENTER - CAPABLE OF taking charge of work: not less than S3 per day ror No. 1 man. B. F. BEALE, cor. Pennsyl vania and Allegheny avenues, Allegheny. myl5-84 WANTED 1 YOUNG MEN TOTRAVELAND advertise new article; no talking required; reference and small deposit; good salary to workers: no boys. ,F. B. 1, Dispatch office. myl5-29 TTrANTED SUPERINTENDENT FOR VV large office building; man of good business ability; best reference required. Address In hand writing of applicant P. O. BOX 218, Pittsburg, Pa. myl5-17-WS WANTED-MEN TO 8ELLt SHETLAND mountain ponies; sample pair free to sell by, on business-like conditions; letters answered if a self-addressed stamped envelope is Inclosed. B. VANBAUB, Bocrne, Tex. myl4-6I -TTTANTED-AGENTS FOB OUR NEW PA- y tent nreproorsares; sizes 233a8xl8;welglit 500 lbs.: retail price $35; others in proportion; highest award (silver medal) Centennial Exposi tion 1SSS; rare chance; permanent business; our prices lowesti we are not in the safe- pool; exclu sive territory given. ALFIN E SAFE CO., Cincin nati. O. ap3-72-ws Female Help. WANTED-A GOOD AND INDUSTRIOUS cook. Apply at 68 DIAMOND ST., right away. myI5-39 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED DISH WASHER for night work at MILLER'S, 123 Fifth ave. myl5-68 WANTED - EXPERIENCED MILLINERS for city. Apply to J. D. BERND & 'JO., 815 817 Liberty st. mylo-58 WAHTED-A GOOD SERVANTGIBL; PROT ESTANT preferred. Apply at 211 MAR KET ST., Allegheny. myl5-72 TT7ANTED-25 EXPERIENCED MILLINERS W immediately, at DANZIGER& SHOEN BEEff'S, Sixth st. and Penn ave. myl5-71 TTTANTED GOOD GIRL FOB GENERAL Y housework. Apply to MRS E. HOUSE, 'Greenfield ave., Twenty-third warcLFrankstown. myH-51 WANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK in small family out In Oakland; German preferred. Call ouH. JOHN'S, 630 Smith field st. myl5-23 TTTANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL VV housework; apply between 10a. h. and 12 ji. this day; bring references. No. 40 FREMONT ST., Allegheny. my!5-52 ITr ANTED GOOD, RELIABLE GIRL VV (Protestant preferred) to nurse and assist with central housework. CaU or address 6014 PENN AVENUE. myl4-60 WANTED-GIRLS FOR DINING BOOM, work and chamber work; also a good woman to take charge of hotel. Apply or address HOTEL MARIAN, Jeannette. Pa. myl6-2 -TTTANTED-MATHON FOR A PROTESTANT VV Institution In Allegheny; reference re quired. Address by letter MRS. JOHN D. CAR bON, 20 Marlon ave., Allegheny City, Pa. myl5-27 Slolo nnd Pemalo Help. -TTT-ANTED-MAN AND WIFE FOR DAIRY V V farm: nons but experienced need apply. F. W. SILVER, Wellsville, O. myl3-20 WANTED-FOR SAME HOTEL, PANTRY man, storeroom girl, fine ironer, 6 laundry girls, 4 dishwashers, 6 dining roomgirls: highest wages paid. MEEHAN'S AGENCY; 615 Grant st. myl5-76 TTT A N T E D-I M M ED I AT EL Y-FAKM VV hands, S3) per month; male cook, S10 per wk. : 0 girls tor hotels, cook and chambermaid for small family, aw nouse gins, z nurse girls, S3 per wk.; col. girls. fli rftn n n -o Ajrii.am, maurani El. myl4-D WANTED AGENTS ON SALARY; 175 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to seU our goods by sample and lire at home: salary nald promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean just what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. felS-3-D Situations. WANTED-SITUATION IN SUMMER HOTEL or waiter in private family; references. TTPfcTTV DftTt.l.',n RwfCflritV Pft mvlUI Wi ANTED-A SITUATION IN A WARE- can give good reference. Address F. W. L., Dis patch office. myu-12 We 'ANTED SITUATION DRUG CLERK, exnerlenced. with first-class cltv trade and registered, is open for situation. Address PRE SORIPl'IONlSTDIspatch6fflce. my!5-50 WANTED - POSITION BY CUTTER, 11 years' experience; one of best cutters in centrafPa.;37 yearsold, and married. Address W., P. O. -Box 30 Phlllpsburg, Center co., Pa. TOJlS-IO Bonrdcrs nnd Lodgers. WANTED BY A DOCTRESS. RESIDING IN a beautiful country town, roar Invalid chil dren to board and receive professional attention; the advertiser has many years' practice In medi cine, and also as a nurse; terms reasonable; corre spondence strictly confidential. Address DOG TRESS, Dispatch office. myKMS-ws Boardini;. WANTED-ROOMANDBOABDINPRIVATE family on or near Bluff St., by (Ingle man with good reference. W tl., -Dispatch office, WANTED. Partners. WANTED-PARTNER IN MEDICINE COM PANY; small' capital only required; a young.hustllngbusiness man can make big money during the- summer,- F. B. FOSTER, Hotel Albion. myl5-25 financial. WANTED MORTG AGES LARGE OB small. ED.,WITTISH,-'410 Grant street, Pittsburg. ap24-47-P -TTJ-JTED-M0KTGAGES-M0J,EYT0 L0Af VV In sums to suit, at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. GUARDING & LYON, 1Z5 Fourtn ave. ap&-el-D -TT7-ANTED-MORTGAGES-M0N EY TO LOAN W In sums to suit at 4Ji, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 1C7. apl9-14 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over S4.0CO; 4 per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 82Fourth avenue. . mh2-a22-D -TTTANTED-HENTS COLLECTED FROMFT- W LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. laW-Sl -fTTANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR , VV small amounts, at H to 6 per cent, accord ing to the size and kind of mortgage. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth aye. my4-z3-nwir -TTT-ANTED-MORTaAGESIMORTGAGESt-IN VV large or small amounts on Pittsburg. Al legheny or suburban Improved real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER &LEE.3I3 Wood St. rayll-20-MWB WANTED TO LOAN t500,000, IN AMOUNTS of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on H per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 6 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-U6-D TT7-ANTED-MORTGAGES-S1, 000, OOOTO LOAN V V on city and suburban properties at 4M, oana C per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and agja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M.FENAOCK & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. aP'-nl TfTANTED-TO LOAN 200,000 ON MORT VV GAGES; S100 and upward at 6 per cent; p per ceni on resiliences vi "u"vt so In adlolninir counties. S. tu 125 Fou rth avenue. oc31-e84-D miscellaneous. WANTED-PROP03ALS FORDR1LLING AN artesian water well. Address SUMNER GLASS CO., Steubenville, O. myl5-13 WANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH Keenan repair, resnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AND af WATER ST. 'Phone 1623. my9-S2 ANTED -MEN -LEARN THE ART OF gentlemen's garment cutting; no trying on required; night sessions Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. 7 to 9 P. M., 514 Wood st. URL1N& & SON. ap30.G8 -TTTANTED-EVERYBOD Y TO GET ONE DOZ. VV fine cabiuet photos for 09 cents at AUFRECHT'S ELITEGALLERY, 516 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa., for 30 davs only; elevator: come, rain or suine; bring children. myWIl -TTT-a-NTED-CUSTOMERS FOR CASH BAR W GAINS-Elgln, sllverlne watches, S3,?7,,S3: Elgin gold ladles' watches, 120, 23, S25; nickel clocks 75 ctfl.: 1847 Rogers' knives and lorks, SI 5 perset. JOHN MTTSCH, Jeweler, 130 Federal st. aplS-irwrsu WANTED-MOLDERS TO KNOW THAT THE Kelly ft Jones Co. shop at Greensburg has been closed to union men until the trouble in tbat shop has been settled. By order of LOCAL UNION 243. Iron Molders' Union of North Amer ica. myl2-H8 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 86 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at Jl 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. rahl3-63 FOR SALE-I3IPROVED HEAL ESTATE. City Residences, FOR SALE-SECOND AVE.; 3-STORY BRICK house of 12 rooms: lot 0x80 ft.; between Wood and Smithfield streets. L M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. myll-43-EOD FOR SALE-THIRTEENTH WAED-rROP-ERTY convenient to Central Traction Cable Road; desirable location; price low; enhance ment sure. Call soon and see these bargains. BLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. myll-26-D FOR SALE-CENTER AVE., NEAR ROBERTS St., brick dwelling 6 rooms and storeroom; also brick dwelling In rear 6 rooms, etc.; lot 24x 100 to alley: rental 1764 yearlyjnrlce R.O00. ALLES & BAILEY, 164FoUrth ave. Tel. 167. myl2-54 FOR SALE-NO. 7 MAttlON ST., BETWEEN Fifth ave. and Forbes St., Sixth ward: lot 24xlis:feet: brlok house of 10 rooms: if sold at oncecan be bought for 13,000 on very esv pay ments. W. A. HEREON & SONS. No. SO Fourth ave.; .my4-91-6,9,13,15 FOB SALE-B. J. SUGDEN'S BEAUTIFUL residence. No. 221 Fortieth st. ; a brick house Of hall, vestibule and 12 large rooms and finished attic, batb, range, double parlors, sliding 'doors, both gases, and In fact every modern convenience for a complete home: lot 25x125 ft.; price 7, 600, one-third cash, bal. to suit: be sure and examine this property before buying elsewherej any agdnt procuring me a purchaser for this and any other property that I nave for sale, I will divide the commission. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st Telephone 5514. my9-2S-wssu East End Residences. FORSALE-THENEW HOUSES AT COLTART Square, Oakland, are for sale by W. A, HEB RON &SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. Superin tendent on the premises. ap20-85-ws T710E SALE-ONLY S3,200-OAKLAND-GOOD X? location; a nice new brick house of 5 rooms, with slate mantels. Inside shutters, etc. ; elegantly papered; call early. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-23-D FOR SALE-EAST END, CRAIG AND CEN TER aves., splendid residence of 12 rooms; handsomely finished; combining all modern con veniences; choice In all respects: Iotl00xl42ft. to a 20-ft. alley. L M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. myll-43-EOD FOR SALE -A NEW 6-EOOM FRAME dwelling (nearly finished); lot 117x93; corner Elyslan ave. and Hastings St.. near Point Breeze and Torrens station; very cheap: price S2,650; easy payments. MELLON BROS., 6S49 Station St., E.E. my!2-19-WF FOR SALE-A WELL LOCATED, 4-KOOM frame dwelling on Broad street, one square lrom Fifth and Penn cables, near Hlland are.; lot 24x145: also irontlng on Klrkwood street; only 12,700; payments to suit. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station street, E. E. myl2-16-ws FESALE-FEAME HOUSE 4ROOM3; WELL located on two good streets and convenient to cables and P. H. R. : lot 73x115; healthy location; very low and a good investment; only SL 175 cash; title free to purchaser. H. M. LYNN, No. 1 Frankstown ave., Denholm b'ld'g, East Liberty. inyl5-61 FOKSALE-HOMEWOOD, P. E. K.-A SUPE RIOR 7-room frame dwelling, bay window, slate roof, large improved lot 48x135, on Grazier St., near Twenty-first ward school; Smlnntes' walk to station; 50 trains a day; will sell low. & .w; imyuieuis srraagea 10 suit purcuaser. ELLON BEOS., 6349 Station st, E. E. myia-n-wi b FOR SALE-A HANDSOME EAST END stone residence, carriage porch, hardwood staircase and reception hall ; tower laundry, bath, 10 elegant, large rooms; all the latcstimprovedcon venlcnces, asphalt paved street, good location and near P. E. R. For further particulars call at office. BLACK & BAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-26-D FOR SALE-SPLENDID HOUSK6RQOMSAND ball: lot 44x100: splendid location; onlyfonr minutes from East Liberty station and cable cars; the lots alone costing 81,500; a good- investment aud bargain for quick buyer: certificate of title furnished free; price only fl,675 cash. H. M. LYNN. No. 1 Frankstown ave., Denholm bl'd'g. East Liberty. myl5-6l TTIOR SALE-J25, 000-SHADYSIDE RE31DEN CE, A7 4 minutes from P. R. R. Btatlon: elegant new modern style pressed brick dwelling: 12 rooms, hall, bath, range, etc.; all bardwood finish, hard wood mantels, sliding doors, stationary wash stands, etc.; 4 rooms on eacb floor; lot 110x200; very desirable location: a hirrnin. KAM1IRI, WL .BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. myl-55 TJU)R SALE-A BEAUTIFUL OAKLAND X' resldenccon Meyran ave,, near Bates, two story and mansard brick or 9 rooms, hall, ves tibule, tile floor, laundry, bath, w. c, stationary washstands, slate mantels, French plate glass mirrors, elegant chandeliers, natural gas, hand somely papered, etc., and only 86,600; terms reasonable. BLACK A BAIRD, 95Fonrth avenue. my4-60-4, 6, 8, m, 13, 14, 15 FORSALE-FINELY FINISHED AND COM PLETE frame house,6rooms, hall and pantry, large lot; near Hlland ave. and Penn and Fifth ave. cables: f. and b. porticoes, n. and a. gases, inside shutters, transoms, chandeliers, electric bells, city water. Inside w. c, shrubbery, eic, at a sacrifice; only 2,900; tpoo cash, balance end of 4 or more years. H. M. LYNN, No. 1 Frankstown ave., Denholm bl'd'g. myl5-61 TTIOR SALE-THOUGHTFUL PERSONS IN JL buying a home will take into account the sur roundings and probabilities of enhancement of value; convenience to good Improvements Is a leading consideration; also rapid transit to and from the business part of the city; the quality of the bouses in the neighborhood goes for a good deal ; as to build or buy a handsome stone or brick residence and have inferior houses go up after ward on adjoining lots detracts from the value of the flrstt.to buy on a neatly paved street, with sewers, gas and water already laid, is Important; one then knows what the whole cost is, and has not to worry about 4he cost of future grading and paving. All these items and many more are cov ered at the handsome new dwellings on Oakland Square (formerly Linden Grove), which need only be seen to be appreciated. The price Is 88,500 and and 80,750 payable on easy terms, for elegant, thoroughly well built and commodious honses, standing apart, on lots 30H00, and fitted with all the modern conveniences. All the houses tront on asphaltum streets, and. upon a handsome park planted with shade trees; old forest trees plenti fully shade the neighborhood. Tue cable cars are now but six minutes' distant, ana will be brought still nearer. These houses are rapidly selling, be ing pronounced bargains at present prices. Ap ply to SAMUEL W.BLACKCO., No. 99Fonrth avenue. ' myl2-71 Allegheny Residences;' TT1OR8ALE-DESIHABLEALLEGHENYEESI-X DENCE, Federal St., near the parks; will exchange for flrst-claBS'suburban property. A. J. PENTECOST, 418 Grant St. myll-44 Suburban Residences. TTIOR SALE WEST BELLEVUE, ONLY TWO JD minutes' walkfrom station, P., Ft. W.1C. it. K.: lot 175H50 feet, with modern frame house of 8 rooms, attic cellar; slate roof; natural gas; wash and .summer bouse, with "outbuildings; 'r. "cruti -,w. iu. fiuiiiuuL a Dun, iuo Fourth ave.- " . nvituLvin FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. 7tri r " Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-NET I3PER CENT INVESTMENT, at blrarpsburg. double framehouse of 8 rooms, in good order: Iot28xl00; price 11,600: easytetms. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave. myl5-63 FORBALE-ATEDGEWOOD, P..FT.W.&C.R. R , 12 acres choice land with comfortable 9 room brick house, frame stable, with fruits, etc.; beautiful surroundings: very desirable In all re spects. I. M. PENNOCK & SON., 105Fon?th ave. mylI-43-XOD FOR SALE-SUBURBAN HOME-AT JACK'S Hun station. Ft. Wayne R. R., within 5 min utes' walk from station: bouse8rooms, large stable aud carriage bouse; plenty of good fruit and water; will sell cheap and on easy- terms. A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal St., Allegheny. mylS-33-wS TTPR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD 8TA P. R. R., II a.. ...... 1 . L1.I.I- It .......... hIapb ,A B.Q .. vui; acre iuu jiiKiiiy nupiuvcu, nirac , -- tion, with 2-story and atticmodem built residence. 9 rooms: Inside shutters, w. c, cellar, large halls. aiKu ceiuugs, veranua in ironi; porcu in rtc hot and cold water, natural gas, etc.; stable, out buildings, concrete walks and drives, ornamental shade trees; also apple, pear, plum aud peach trees, grapes and small fruit: a desirable, com plete home; only 12.000. ED. W1TTISH. 410 Grant street, Pittsburg. myl4-47 ITIOESALE-COONTRYHOM E AT FAIEOAKS, P., Ft. W.4 CE. 11.. embracing between 4 and 5 acres of land on which Is dwelling of 1J rooms, fee house, wash room, large stable, carriage house and several out buildings; land is covered with bearing frulttree3 and large shaue trees; dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious spring water, and heated and Illuminated with gas at -reasonable expense r premises are connected v with R. R. bv board walk, and beauty and healthfulness of location: will be sold quite low. J. M. STONER, 23Bakewell Bulldiug. aDlfl-36-MWT FOR. SAXE LOTS. City Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS. LOTS. LOT'S, LOTS, IN Dickson plan, Thirty-third St.. 0 and 25ft. by 100 up to 185 leet each, from ?350 to 8700 eacb, on very easy payments: title guaranteed: special in ducements to those building at once. See plan nnd get full Information from THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butfer st. Office open evenings; telephone, 5514. ap30-69-W Enst End Lots. RALr ALT.TNDER PLACE-ON GRA- P IOR D ZIER street, Homewood, P. R. B.: one lot, rice 8150; terms easy. MELLON BROS., 6349 Pi btatlon street, E. E. myl2-I6-ws FOR SALE AT HOMEWOOD, P. R. R., ONE beautifully located lot ou Grazier St., near pumic school and station: price only 8750: pay ments to suit purchaser. MELLON BROS., 6319 Station St., E. E. myl2-16-W8 FOR SALE-TWO VERY CHOICE CORNER lots on Rlppey st. (paved), and St. Clair, near Penn cable and N egley ave. ; lots 60x120; all sew ered: nice neighborhood: price 13,800. MELLON BEOS., 6349 Station St., E.E. myl2-18-15, 18,20 FORSALE-THE LARGEST LOTS, THE BEST Improvements, mo3t convenient locations, lowest prices, easiest terms; can all be secured in "The Baum Grove Plan," Negley ave. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt.,Z12 Smithfield street. myl2-90-MWTSu FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION. P. R. R.. convenient" to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed: price ranging from S406 to 8000. Inquire ori). 0. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. no23-y73 IT'OR SALE-ON THE EASIEST TERMS AND . at prices much lower than any In the sur rounding neighborhood, lots 40 and 50 feet front age, and 100 to 150 feet In depth. In that best of all locations. "Baum Grove." MELLON BROS.. E. .. or JOHN F. BAXTER, Ag't, 512 Smithfield, street. myi2-S3-MWF TTIOR SALE ONE VERY SUPERIOR LOT ON JC Negley avenue (soon the finest avenue in the East End), and 3 minutes' Penn cable; only good Improvements allowed; lot 100x2; avenue im provements nearly completed: this choice lotmust be seen to be appreciated; will sell now for 83,600. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E, myl2-19-wT POR SALE-ON SHADY" LANE, WITHIN 5 minutes' walk of the proposed electric road, about 6 acres with a modern frame dwelling or 7 rooms, stable, orchard of 'select bearing fruit trees, grapery, with a fine lawn; the. owner wish ing to remove, will sell much below the current prices in the neighborhood. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.. 92 Fourth ave. my!2-3 Allegheny Lots. FOR SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McNAOUHEE, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-93-D TTIOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS FOR DWELL Jj 1NG8 or manufactory, 126 feet front on Strawberry lane, by 100 feet, near Preble ave., Ninth ward, Allegheny; ''easy terms. WM. A, S1PE. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Po. ap30-60-SiyS FOR SALE-VOU SAY YOU DESIRE HEALTH, pure air, pure water, beautiful scenery and rapid transit; locate on the Watson acre and K acre sites. Perrysvllle avenue. Tenth ward. Alle gheny; Pittsburg office, A. J. PENTECOST. 413 Grant street. my 12-64 Subnrbnn Lots. POR SALE-ONLY 8750. ON EASY PAYMENTS, lots 62x120 ft., in one of the best locations in Wilklnsburg, near the station. W.A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. myl2-50-MW POR SALE-LQTB-THE PITTSBURG NAT'L Bank of Commerce has a very few lots left at Wilklnsburg, all well situated and very desirable; also at Edge wood; for persons wishing large lots for less money, they have quite a number pleas antly situated on the hillside commanding a beau tiful view of the whole valley: they will be sold free of taxesfor 1SS9 on very easy terms. Apply at the BANK, fa27-Jl-WS- Itarms. FOR 8ALE-75 ACRES RICH, LEVEL LIME STONE soil. 8 miles from Pittsburg atE. R. sta., fine modern brick residence 13 r, brick sta ble, fr. tenant house, orohard, ornamental trees, etc. ED, WITT1SH, 410 Grant St. mylO SHscelluneons. FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-HOTELS, boarding bouses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO., real estate agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic Citv. N. J. ap5-9-D TTIOR SALE-COB. BUTLER AND MAIN STS., JD Lawrencevllle, that property known as St. John's Church lot; 95x155 feet to an alley, with large church building and dwelling. W. A. HER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. my!5-63-W8 FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-FINE SALOON, LOCATED IN Lima, O. For full particulars address CHRIST GEIGER, Lima, O. myl4-31 FOR SALE-LEASE, TOOLS AND FIXTURES for carrying on and manufacturing popcorn, candy, etc Address B., Dispatch office. my!4-49 FOR SALE-LEASE AND IMPROVEMENTS of band brick yard, near Rochester, Pa.; first-class clay for 20 years; will be sold cheap; good reasons for selling. Particulars from BAL TENSFEKGEE A WDjLIAMS, 154 Fourth aye. myl5-57 FOR SALE-GOOD PAYING BUSINESS FOR lady that can sew for about 81,000: neat little confectionery and Ice cream business. 8200: bakery with horse and wagon, 8400; stores of all kinds; 1C0 business chances. SHEPARD CO.. 54 Fifth ave. my3 ' TTIOR SALE-GROCEBY-HAREST OPFOK- JU TUN1TY : situated on best business street in Allegheny; doing a N o. i paying business will sen at invoice or lump good bargain If sold im mediately, as owner is moving West. Address A. F. H., Allegheny P. O. myl5-32-TuwrSu ITIOR SALE-THE ONLY BILLIARD ROOM IN JD town of Sharon; one billiard, one pool table; first-class order; standard size; entire outfit at 50 cents on the dollar; extensive iron works; weekly pay, 825,000; rare opening for rlgbtparty. Call on or address W. A. MCKNIGHT, 251 State street, Sharon, Mercer CO., Pa. iuyli-51 FOR SALE-LEASE OF HOTEL BRUNS WICK,Nos.254 and 253 Washington st., Johns town, Pa.; the said hotel building contains 20 rooms. Is a handsome 3-story brick building, cen trally located, doing a 'very large bar trade; If sale Is made at all It imnst be made before June term of court, so that license can be transferred to purchaser. M. J. MURPHY, Proprietor. myii-a ITIOR SALE-AT CLEVELAND, 0,-SALOONS ? from 8400 to $3, (XX): restaurants from 8650 to 87,500: hotel, 86,000; livery stable, 84.0CO; tin shops, 61,000 to 85,000; stove stores and hardware stock from fl,0C0 to 86,000; several valuable patents, which will bear Investigation; many of the best S laces in this city for money-making are offered y me; 1 have also some of the very finest real estate In all parts of this city on easy terms. WM. H. LAF0UNTAINE4 CO., Agent, 219 Superior St., Cleveland, O. Real estate and business ex change. myl2-13 Business Stands. FOR BALE-82O.0OO-TERMS TO SUIT-ONE square from Court House: business property; 6brickdwelllngs;rental, 81.6C8 per year; big bar gain; enhancement sure. ALLES & liAfLEY, 164 Fourth eve. Tel. 167. jnyl2-25-W8Su FOR SALE-E. E., NEAR CORNER PENN and Frankstown aves., two-story business house, with lot 17x125 feet to a street: first-class location; Is enhancing rapidly; will sell at a bar gain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO,, 99 ourth avenue. my!5-55 FOR SALE-9I1SCELLANEODS. machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, lrom 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-ltWP FOR SALE-28X48 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen in. operation; price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, aU complete: capacity 10,000 in 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 i irst ave. aul-p32-J!WJ' FOR SALE CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7jxl2-lncli double engine, double drum; others large and small, with single or doable friction drums; wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc.; two 28x4S-lneh horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLINS SONS, cor. , Lacock and Sandusky sts. , AUegheny . Jal7-UWF Miscellaneous. SOR SALE-A FINE DECKER BEOS. UPr RIGHT piano at. a great sacrifice: owner yes-city. Call at 440 PENN AVE. myM-43 E" OR SALE ROLL TOP COMBINATION deskl nearlv new: cost 875: will sell for 15 cash. Inquire C. ,-W. GREEN,' 'Janitor Penn uuiiuuiB 4k J v. i,.- ttjw-w FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, i&c. TTIOR SALE -PHAETON BUGGY AND A JD good set of harness aU In good condition; price ?75cash. Address J. L. B., Dispatch omce. myl5-31 H. S. MCCONNEL, New Brighton, Fa. FOR SALE-2 GOOD HORSES, YEARS OLD, well broken to harness: will not scare at any thing; will be sold cheaD for want of use. For prtfcnlars call at E. GHOETZIN GEE'S, 627 to 629 Penn avenue. my8-31-WTha TTIOR SALE-S DRIVING HORSES, TRAINED -JD for single or double driving 1 1 extra standard bredAlmont, lspan grays, 2 single drivers; all warranted young, sonnd and kind. HENRY A. CUMM1NGS, Exposition Driving Park. myl5-T7-rx TT-OHALEtI BAY HORSE 6 YEARS OLD. JO fearless of nothing, aud Is sound: can trot in z:ou; aisuziamuy carriages ana narness; nm w sold cheap, as party Is leaving city. Inquire of in 2:50: also 2 famUy carriages and harness: will be buiu cucaM, as party is leaviDK city, mil A. J ACKMAN & SON, 530 to 538 Penn ave. t myl5-73 TO LET. East End Residences. TO LET-(99)-PENN AVE., E- E.. RESI DENCE, 10 rooms, 4 acres of ground, all modern conveniences: completely furnished; will rent for summermonths: first-class neighborhood. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. myl5-58-wrs Hnzelwood Residences. TO LET-HAZELWOOD, B. & O. B. B., A cozys-room frame house: rent (18 month. I. M. PENNOCK Jt SON, 105 Fourth aye. myU-43-EOD ATIeshenr Residences. TO LET-RENT LOW-NO. 37 POPLAR ST., Allegheny; house 5 rooms. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth aye. my43-82-JiWF ' Suburban Residences. TO,LET AT HULTON, BRICK HOUSE OF 11 rooms, hall, good cellar, etc. : fronts on Railroad ave.: rent low. I. M. PENNOCK & SON. 105 Fourth ave. myll-43-EOD TO LET-EDGEWOOD,P.. FT.W.JtCR. R..12 acre3 choice land, fruit, etc.; comfortable brick house of 9 rooms and frame stable; beautiful surroundings. I. M. PENNOCK & SON. 105 Fourth ave. myll-43-xoD TO LET-IN SEWICKLEY THE BRICK RES IDENCE of James Adair, Broad street, one square from station: completely furnished; imme diate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., S9 Fourth ave. , myl2-76-MWTS TO LET-MY HOUSE. THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern improvements, stable aud carriage bouse, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN, t m 1)9-63 TO LET-A CHOICE BELLEFIELD RESI DENCE, being elegantly and comfortably furnished throughout, having 7 rooms and all modern conveniences: rent for 4 months to good tenant very low. if taken at once. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. myl4-81 Business Stands. TO LET-A GOOD STOREROOM IN CENTRAL location at low lent. Address BOX 563, P. O., city, myl5-et TO LET-STOREROOM AND DWELLING ON Frankstown avenue, between Park and Lin coln avenues; good business stand and low rent. Apply to F. O. VAN BOEDER, 6014 Penn avenue. mylO-47-itws TOLET-40FT. FRONT BY 90 FT. DEEE3 story high building: fine location for saloon and billiard room, upstairs for boarders and fami lies; large transient trade In the Immediate vi cinity; a grand stand for the right party. For full particulars write to J. A. WIENER, cor. Sheriff and Huron sts.. Cleveland, O. myl5-48 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-A MANI FROM GERMAN COL LEGE teach language and conversation, bookkeeping, and practice writing in German to gether or private. Address E. M Dispatch office. myl5-82 PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth JL.0OO, let us know: we will buv one as quickly as tho other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE,, seveuiu Ave. iioiei ouuuing. my3-za PEBSONAL-THOSE DE3DJING TO BUY American gold and sliver watches or fine clocks, and novelties in standard and fashionable Jewelry, will find a grand assortment at very low- est prices at muii&i -j.riftnr.xuiiici'a, ixsuamiui- neia st myl2-uwrsa SERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean r yonr old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Filth ave. and Wood St., second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mh8 LOST. LOST-SABBATH EITHER ON FEDERAL, North Park or Sandusky sts., a pair of spec tacles and stlut pin. Finder please leave at 311 FEDERAL ST.r Allegheny, Pa, myl5-34 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of administration on the estate of Margaretha Schnsler, deceased, late of Pitts burg, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. HENRY SCHUSLER, JOHN SCHUSLEB, ap24-56-W TTISTATE OF GERHARD STRATMAN, J2i deceased. Executors' notice. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Gerhard Stratman, late of the Fourth ward. City of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to JOS. STBAT MAN, JOHN STRATMAN, Executors. 418 Liberty ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. myM7-w PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office- of City Controller un til WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of May. A. D. 18S9. at 12 it., for the furnishing bf Ice for of fices in Municipal Hall. Also, for the furnish ing and setting of curbing around the Second avenue park. Plans and specifications can be seen at this office. Each proposal must be ac companied by a bond probated before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids, E. M. BIGELOW, Chief Dept. Public Works. mylO-CT-p QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, ALLE GHENY Arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa., May 3, I8S9 Sealed proposals, in duplicate, subject to usual conditions, will he received here until 10 o'clock A. Jr., JUNE 7, 1889, and then opened for supplying this, postthefnel, forage, straw and hauling reanired for fiscal year ending June SO, 1890. The U. & reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids for delivery at other points will be entertained. Envelopes containing proposals should! be marked "Pro posals for forage and Straw," or for "Fuel," and addressed to A. 8. M. MORGAN, Capt. & O. S. K., A. A. Q. M. inyl4-41-14,15,16,17-ju5,8 The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. J Office, 233 South Fourth street PHILADELPHIA, May 10, 1SS9. ) QEALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO O the undersigned (and marked on the out side "Proposals") will be received at this office until 9 A. M. May 20, 1889, for furnishing all labor and materials and performing the work neces sary to complete the foundations for tbe pro posed car repair shop at Wall station, on the Pittsburg division, P. R. R. Proppsalsto state (1) price per cubic yard for excavation; (2) price per cubic yard for masonry. Plans and specifications can be seen at office of J. F. Stuart, Assistant Engineer, Wall sta tion. This company reserves the Tight to re ject any orall proposals. WM.H. BROWN, mvll-3-EOD Chief JSngineer. J PROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF-COM-. MISSARY'S Office, Allegheny Arsenal, ittsburg. Pa., May 11, 1889-Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received at this office until 10 o'clock A. M., JUNE 10, 1889, for furnishing the fresh beef required by tbo Subsistence De partment, U. S. army, at this station during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S90. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, conditions of quality and price (including in the price of foreign pro ductions or manufactures the duty thereon) being equal. The Government reserves the right to relect any or all bids. Full informa tion can be obtained by application to this of- '- ffce. Envelopes containing nronosals most be marked "Proposals for fresh beef," and ad dressed to A. S. M. MORGAN, Capt, & 0. 8. K., A. C. S. myl4-I2-I4,15,18,17,je5.8 pECRUlTlNG RENDEZVOUS, 915 PENN JX avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.. May 10, 1889. Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, frill be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, June 10, 1889, and then opened, for furnishing cooked rations, three substantial meals daily, of good quality, and the allowance of soap and candles authorized to be issued to a soldier, to the recruiting party and recruits stationed at this Rendezvous, dur ing the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1889. and. ending June 30. 1830. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufact ure, conditions of quality and price (including In the price of foreign productions or manu facture the duty thereon) being equal. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Forms of proposals and full in formation will be furnished on application to. this office. Proposals for furnishing complete rations at a place objectionable for recruits will not be considered. "Envelopes .containing pro posals shonld be marked, "Proposals for cooked rations," and addressed to CAPTAIN RICH ARD COMBA, Recruiting Officer, 915 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ' . POLITICAL. t TTEPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS .headquarters of the cotjntt j Republican Executive Committee, PlTTSBUBQ, May 1L 1KS9. ) In accordance with the rules of the County Republican Executive Committee Assembly District Conventions will be held on TUESDAY, MAY 21. 1889, at tho places and time below designated. Three separate Conventions will be held for eacb Assembly District, to which delegates from each election district of the county will be elected, on SATURDAY. MAY 18, 1889, between the hours of i and 7 o'clock P. H., viz.'! One delegate to Convention No. 1 to elect members of tbe County Committee. One delegate to Convention No. 2, to elect delegates to the County Convention, which shall nominate one candidate for Judge of the Com mon PleaiConrt No. L One candidate for Coroner. One candidate for District Attorney. The delegates from tbo Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Assembly Districts to nominate one can didate for Director of the Poor. Ons delegate to Convention No. 3, to elect delegates to the State Convention. FIEST ASSEMBLY DISTEICT. Convention No. 1, Headquarters Allegheny Central Republican Club, corner of South Diamond and Federal streets, at 10 A. Jr. Convention No. 2. Headquarters of Allegheny Central Republican Club at 2 P. M. Convention No. 3, Headquarters of Allegheny Central Republican Club, at 3 P. 31. SECOND ASSEKBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1, Common Council chamber, Allegheny. 10 A. M. Convention No. 2, Common Council chamber, Allegheny. 2 p. M. Convention No. 3, Common Council chamber Allegheny, 3 P. Jr. THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTEICT. Convention No. 1. Rooms of the YoungMen's Republican Tariff Club, 61 Sixth avenue, at 10 A. If. Convention No. 2, at the same place at II A. If . Convention No. 3, at the same place at 12 x. FOURTH ASSEMBLY DISTEICT. Convention No. L Rooms of the Young Men's Republican Tariff Club, 61 Sixth avenue, at 2 p. JL. Convention No. 2, at the same place at 2-20 P. M. Convention No. 3, at tbe same place at 3 P.M. FIFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1, Select Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 730 P. M. Convention No. 2, Common Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 730 p. m. Convention No. 3, Common Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 8-20 p. M. SIXTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1 at Salisbury Hall, South side, at 10 A. Jl. uonvention no. 2 at the same place at u A.M. Convention No. 3 at tbe same place at 12 M. SEVENTH ASSEMBLY DISTEICT. Convention No. lin tbe vacant courtroom, corner of Grant and Diamond streets, County Court House, at 10 A. jr. Convention No. 2 in the same place at II A. M. Convention No. 3 in the same place at 12 x. EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1 in the 8heriff Sales Room, County Court Honse. 10 a. m. Convention No. 2 in the same place at 11 A. M. Convection No. 3 In the same place at 12 K. The temporary chairman of each convention will be designated later. Propernotlco will be given of the time and place of holding the County Convention, ac cording to the rules, as soon as Tuesday's con ventions are held. GEORGE M. VONBONNHORST, ROBERT BERRY, Chairman. . Secretary. my!3-29 OFF! CIAL PITTSB URG. AN ORDINANCE-GRANTING ARM STRONG Bro. & Co. the right to erect and maintain weigh scales on Twenty-fourth street, between Railroad and Allegheny river. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same, Tbat the privilege be and tbe same is hereby granted Armstrong Bro. & Co. to construct and maintain for their own private use a weigh scales on Twenty-fourth street, between Rail road and Allegheny river, the work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Chief of the Department of Public Works, upon plans to be approved by said Chief. Section 2 That said Armstrong Bro. & Co. shall pay Into the City Treasury annually, so long as said weigh scales remain upon said street, tbe sum of seventy-nve (S7o) dollars, and should said scales be removed the said Armstrong Bro. & Co. shall replace the street in as good condition as it was before the con struction of said scales at their own proper cost and expense, and to tbe satisfaction of the Chief of tbe Department of Public Works. Section 3 The city hereby reserves the right to cause the removal of said weigh scales upon 30 days notice being given to said Armstrong Bro. & Co. Section 4 Tbat any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, De and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 22d day of April. A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HQLLIDAi. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, April 28, 1889. Approved:WM McCALLlN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. Mc CLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 76. 14:h day of May. A. D-1S89. myl5-21 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of City Controller until Wednesday, the 29th day of May, A. D. 18S9, at 2 p. M.,f or the fol lowing, viz.: BEPAVING. Penn avenue, from Fifth avenue to City Line. Forbes street, from Brady to Boyd streets. Sixth avenue, from Wylie avenue westward- iy. First avenue, from Smithfield street to Grant street Butler street, from Forty-ninth street to Fifty-first street. Eighth street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Ninth street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Liberty avenue, from Smithfield street east wardly. Cherry alley,- from Third avenue to Water street. r State alley, from Wylie avenue to Fifth ave nue. , Scott alley, from Penn avenue to Duquesne way. Garrison alley, from Fayette street to Lib erty avenue. Barker's alley, from Duquesne way to Lib erty avenue. Church alley, from Sixth avenue to Straw berry alley. , Slocum alley, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Strawberry alley, from Smithfield street to Liberty street. GRADING, PAVTSO AND CUBBING. Halket street, from Filth avenue to Wilmot street. Herrou avenue, from Center avenue to Thirty-third street. Boquet street, from Semple street to Frazier street. Denniston avenne, from Fifth avenue to Penu avenue. ' Atwood street, from Fifth avenue to Boquet street. Center avenue, from Sobo street to Hdand avenue. PAYING AND CUBBING. Stanton avenue, from Hlland avenue to Hebcrton avenue. Corday alley, from Pearl to Cedar streets. The paving of the above named streets to be either with Block Stone. Standard Sheet Asphalt, Vulcanite Asphalt, Irregular Block Stone or Cobble Stone, aud bids will be re ceived for each kind of pavement. SEWERS. Center avenue, from Summit, near Alinntn. pa, to Reed street, 18. 20-inch pipe, 3 feet and 3 feet 6 inch: brick and stone. Denniston avenue, from Fifth avenue to Shakespeare street; 20 and 24-inch pipe. Stanton avenue, Viola alley andprivate prop- onjr ui jueury uansun uuu Aieuou uros lrom tho west side of Hlland avenue to Negley run: 18. 20 and 24-inch nine. Mignonette street, from Negley avenne to Beatty street r 15 and 18 inch nipe. Penn avenue and Braddbck avenue, from Lindon ,avenue to Susquehanna street: 15. 18. 20 and 24-lnch pipe. Harvard street, from Negley avenue to Euclid avenue; 15-inch pipe. Plans aud specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Proposals must be accompanied by a bond probated before tho Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of the Department of Public Works. myI3-28 TO s EUROPE ALL THE POPTJT.AR steamers sailing this and next month are rapidly tilling up. Apply for berths without delay. Tickets, drafts and letters of credit at N. V. rates. MAS SCHAMBERG & CO. 527 Bmithflela st. myll-wsu TYUNOAN O, WHITE, Building Contractor, v 71 Diamond street. Qwuwi uvur buuvb obuuiugiu, . --.it I AUCTION SALES. BY HENRY AUCTION CO. . y - : AT AUCTION FINE HOUSEHOLD goods and carpets at the residence. No. BRIGHTON PLACE, AHegneny City,: lHURSDAY,Mayia,atlOo'clocksharp. Fln plush parlor suit, center table, curtains, shades, ruga, book case, clocks, ornaments, bedsteads, bureaus, washstands, wardrobes, H. C; lounge, nfotnTpa Tnllot w,,a nuVn. f....1.,l.. ..v4n all rack, fine oak extension table, dining." chairs, sideboard, dinner set linnflrv firnihh. ments, refrigerator, sewing machine, kitchen, s J HAnda DeoAto stj4 1..i .a - M tuuua,uLuo-KM iuisiida carpets on ruuiua- alls and stairs, etc, eta House open after 8 o'clock morning of the sale. HENRY AUCTION CO LI1L, - ' myl2-9C-TWTSu Auctioneers, j AMUSEMENTS. M A V INAUGURATION OF THE lYI.tt. X KEW EXPOSITION BUILDING. FESTIVAL. EVENINGS 0P MAY 21,-22, 23, 24, 25, and on the AFTERNOONS gls.8 ' TICKETS FOR SINGLE CONCERTS NOW ON SALE, at HAMILTON'a m-yli " i OLD CITY HALL. I WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY15414 THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, 60 PERFORMERS. . , MB. WILHELM GERICKE, Conductor, r -ASD- THE MOZART CLUB, 1E0 VOICES. jus. u.a3. x jiLvuuuuji, onaucior. & 2 GKAJND UUJN CERTS, 2, Wednesday, Mav 15-"ELLTAH.' "" Thursday. May 16-SYMPHONY CONCERT.-S0L018TS-Mr.and Mrs. George Henschel, Dr. Carl Martin, Miss Adelaide Foresman and Mr. Paul Zimmerman. Box sheet open THURSDAY, MAX 9, at Mellor & Hoene'sjn Fifth avenue. 9 A. sr. Admission, SL Reserved seats, 51 50. '.-' my4-20-JW - p RAND OPERA HOUSE To-day's Matinee and To-night, Rice's 20.000 Burlesque, The ' "CORSAIR.'' Next week, Dockstader's Minstrels. myl5-10 ' TT ARRIS' THEATER One week. May 13, WE.TJ3 4C0. Next week Gray & Stephens. tnyl5-6-WT3 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY ' . 'lo-nlght, matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. C. C. MAGEE, Irish Luck Comedy Company. myl2 - BIJOU THEATER Matinee To-Day at 2. J. C. STEWART'S FAT MEN'S CLUB, The Funniest Yet raylS-27 PICNIC GROVE FREEI WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from the city, situated ' on the bluff overlooking Davi3 Island dam. Easily ' reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, fine dancing platform, etc. The use of the grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges. G.A.R. posts, privata fetes, etc., the only charge being fare- g on the steam elevator to and from tbe grounds. For dates and further particulars apply'to. J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fea eral street, Allegheny, or to A.CLANEYon. tne grounds. myii-ia-r OAKLAND SQUARE, $3,500 each, moderate 'cish payment, balancl S500 per annum, elegant tjiew two-story and mansard brick dwellings, s rooms, hall, bath, laundry, slate mantels, arV fire places, tilt hearths, sliding doors, wiredior electric light tine' chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, etc; Oakland Square, flveinntstrox Fifth avenue cable line and directly on IbIJ.;ff new cable loop which is to bo constructed this summer; a beautiful park (on which areu sav- eral hundred beautiful shade trees), the whole surrounded by streets and sidewalks, seweredf.,, and paved with aspbaltum;on eacb side of and :' facing tbe park are tbe above described dwell ings; most desirable houses yet offered; en hancement of values Bure'. myll-39 Our Police and Firemen, WEITTEN BY Henry Mann. Chas. T. Dawson. W. H. GuteliuJ, E. B. Sawyers. Andrew McSwigan, Jaa. S. Henry, C. A. Evans, H. B. Mon treville and R. B. Powell. OUR POLICE. A history of the Pittsburg Police Force under the town and city, by Henry Mann. Il lustrated with portaits and etchings. OUR FIREMEN. A history of the Pittsburg Fire Department from the village period until the present -' time. Contributed to by the above named gentlemen. Edited by Charles T. Dawson. Illustrated with portraits and etchings. Published for the benefit of the Police and Firemen's Gymnasium Fund. Two separate histories in one volume, octavo, abont 700 pages, bound m cloth, leather or full morocco. Over 100 pages of Illustrations, in cluding portraits, scenes of the present, old time scenes, ets. SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. Orders may be handed to any member of the 1 Police and Fire Departments. myl5-42 FOR SALE. WHITELEY PLAEE. LOTS LOTS! LOTS! 10x131 FEET Terms 810 down, 1 per cent of purchase money payable weekly. Lots range In price from $150 to 8300. This property has frontage of 900 feet on Penn ave. Gas on premises. Boardwalk from Wilklnsburg station, where 93 trains stop daily. For plana and particu-. lars, see McCUHE k COULTER, 98 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG, Or on the ground every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 2 to 6 P. H. myl5-M-W3 THTRMA6mSTTHE0BLD. The gates of health thrown wide open to all sickpeople I Tell everybody everywhere to uSd TA-VA-ZON I The only certain remedies, after all other agencies have failed. No matter bow bad or long standing the disease. These spe cifics positively restore to health men, women and children. Makes the weak strong; gives new life to all. Whether you are a prof essTonal or a working man. If you once adopt the TA-VA-ZON PREPARATIONS relief Is positive and a cure absolute upon following the direc tions. Go now; be cured. See sworn home testimony. "Indisputable facts," at DR. GRIF FITH CHEMICAL CO., SOL 303, 395,307 Grant St., cor. Third ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Bring this notice with yon. Save money. myloSO JC. TURYMAN, . OF LKXTNGTON.'KY., Has a lot of nicely broken SADDLE AND HARNESS HORSES For sale at the Allegheny EXPOSITION DRIVING PARK, -And will take much pleasure In showing th same to ladies and gentlemen. I will remain only a few days longer; myl3-44 I M PORT ANT-INSURANCE AGENTS,' bank clerks, express agents, society secre taries, male or female, wanted all over the coun try to act as our agents; will not interf t re with, ' other duties; no capital requiredtliberal induce ments. Write for particulars to INTERNA-" ' TION AL BANKING CO., 31 and 33 Broadway,' .1 New York City. myl5-T7- piANOS, ORGANa S. HAMILTON. 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-7-B "ORESH BUTTEK ' Jt? RECEIVED DAILY -Jt GROCERIES AND TABLE DEUCACEBSX . j MXTa'AVENUE., liSftj. .. i- r . r a- 4 t f V ., ' " ". G. T ll'. -".'' 'V.' H" ' AV.C-,.- . ' . i'v- -J&' i -yM0du-V'- j, jatisBurg. jJLtietM-xwa 1 .- -rysr m .st:..- . .. . i mTaa. ii. tr