Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 14, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of the Markets at
the Herr's Island Yards,
Prices Answer to the ImproTement-Sprlng
Iambs Active.
Office of wttsbueq Dispatch,
MONDAT. May 13. 1K&J
The run of stock was good, and, consider
ing the disagreeable weather, markets were
active all along the line. This was especial
ly the case in cattle lines, which brought
from 10 to 15 cents better prices than last
Monday. Some dealers claim an advance
ot 20 cents in the best grades.
The supply was below the average; the
total number on the market was 437 head.
In addition to these "Winter & Dellenbach
received 259 head. The demand was Rood and
buyers did not hesitate to pay the advance ot
1020c, A leading buyer reports quality of
cattle in this week's supplies much above the
recent average A number of prime 1,600
pound cattle were in the receipts. The bulk
was nice, smooth butcher stock from 1,300 to
1,400 pounds in weight. There was little or
nothing of butchering stock from the neigh
boring counties. Choice heavy western beeves,
1,600 to 1,600 pounds, sold at $5 005 15: medi
ums, 1.200 to L400 pounds, SI 731 95; prime
li ght, 000 to 1.100 pounds. Si 2064 55; thin steers,
S3 2o3 75. Fresh cows were dull at last week's
prices, vit, S20 X4S 00. The range for calves
was 35c, the latter figure for a tew extras.
'Receipts from Chicago J. Zeigler, SO bead;
U. Gcrson, 86; H. Hlrsch A Co.. 33: A. From,
77; Trauerman Bros 50; Rothschild & Co., 79;
Winter &. Dellenbach. 2o9. From Pennsylvania
Fisor A Thompson received 8 head; various
owners. 7; J. Langdon, from Ohio, 7. Total re
ceipts, 696; last week, 631; previous week, 1S9.
Sbeep and Lambs.
Supply was considerably below last week, but
notwithstanding the light run drovers were un
able to holdup prices. Against their views
they were forced to concede to the buyer, and
markets were fully 10c below rates of last
The exceptions to this were yearlings and
spring lambs, which fairly held their own.
Prices paid for prime heavy wethers, clipped,
ranged from H 404 65: medium to good, & 90
4 15; common to lair. $3 153 65: mixed ewes
and wethers, S3 153 40; yearlings, $5 508 25;
spring lambs, 68c With the exception of
the last two on tbe list all receipts were from
Pennsylvania: S. Louenstein, 189 head; Pisor
& Thompson. 37; G. W. Keesey, 71; J. Acker
man, 226; G. Fhnner. 23: Sergeant Craig, 133;
William Garvin, 37; A. Williams, 116; J. Lang
don, 6. Total, 848; last week, 1,034; previous
week, 786.
Supply and demand were both light. Mar
kets were slow at last week's prices. The sea
son is here when butchers want very few hogs.
Those they do want are of the light weight. At
Chicago to-day a heavy run of hogs brought
prices down to $4 75 for tops, a decline ol 5c
from Saturday's prices. The bulk of those re
ceived at Herr's Island were held by Needy
Smith. The range for heavy hogs was S-i 9o to
$5 00; for light. $5 10 to $5 15. Receipts Needy
fc Smith, 237; J. Langdon, 19: G. Flinner. 3; Ser
geant d. Craig. 2; total, 261; last week, 360; pre
vious week, 252.
Condition of the Market at the East liberty
Stock Yard.
Office Pittsburg Dispatch. J
East Libertt. May 13, 18S9. (
CATTLE Receipts, 1,820 head; shipments,
920 head; market firm on light, slow on heavy;
29 cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day.
JIOGS receipts, asw Dead: smpnients. 3,HUU
ad: market slow: Pbiladelnhias. S4 S5fii 90:
CS and Yorkers. S4 S54 90, 11 cars of hogs
ipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 4,600 head; shipments, i,
"i head; market slow at uud:ccd pnrea..
By Telegraph.
Jew Yobk Beeves Receipts, S.500 head,
iiapjV.100 for the week. Arrivals included
"Vk svJ-ift to be eoJ:L-iCScarloads for exporta
tion and 118 carloads for city slaughterer's
direct. Prices were a fraction lower, but a
cood clearance was made, and the feeling at
the close was fairly steady. Steers sold at
from S3 S54S4 SO per 100 pounds, with some of
the tops at- S4 654,75: bulls and dry
cows at S2 003 4a Shipments from
this port Saturday and yesterday were 1,300
beeves. 1,500 sheep and 2,440 quarters of beef.
For the week 3,200 beeves, 1.660 sheep and
5.OS0 quarters of beef. Sheep Receipts, 12,600
head: making 32,700 head for the week; firmer
for sheep; steady for yearling lambs; high for
spring lambs; clipped sheep sold S4 005 00
per 100 pounds; clipped yearlings at S5 256 25:
Miring lambs at S3 5005 50 per 100. Hogs
Receipts, 9,700 head: making 33,100 head for
the week; common to choice quotations, 55 00
KANSAS Crrr Cattle Receipts, 2,253 head;
no shipments; light weight fat steers firm;
heavy steady; cows and fat heifers steady to
strong; stockers and feeding steers firm; good
to choice cornfed. S3 854 10. common to me
dium. S3 253 75; stockers and feeding steers,
$2 253 60; cows, 11 753 00 Hogs-Receipts,
4,116 head; shipments, 2,428 head; market
weaker and 5c lower; good to choice, S4 40
4 45; common to medium, $4 204 35. Sheep
Receipts, 1.106 head; no shipments; market
steady; good to choice, S4 09ffi4 50; common to
medium, J2S03 75.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 14,500 head;
shipments, 4,500 head; market active and 5I0c
lower; beeves, $4 004 40; steers, 83 404 10;
stockers and feeders, S2 503 60; cows, bulls
and mixed, SI 803 50: Texas cattle, SI S03 75.
Hogs Receipts. 28,000 head; shipments, 9,000
head; market 510c lower; mixed, H 504 70;
heavy, $4 404 6o; light, $4 554 85: skips, $3 50
4 6U Sheep Receipts, 3,000 head: shipments,
1,000 head: market strong and 10c higher;
natives. S45: "Western. S3 60ffi5 00; Texans.
S3 253 65: lambs, $4 905 85.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,000 bead; ship
ments, 100 bead; market strong: choice, heavy
native steers, S3 904 40;falrtogood.S3 I04 40;
stockers and feeders, fair to good, S2 203 25:
rangers, corn-fed, $2 S03 50; grass-fed. SI 90
2 SO. Hogs Receipts. 5,000 head; shipments.
1,500 head; market lower; choice, heavy and
butchers' selections, $4 50J 55: packing, me
dium to prime, $4 308:4 45: light grades, ordi
nary to best, H 404 50. Sheep-Receipts! 5,600
headfsbipments. 200 head; market slow; fair to
choice, $3 004 40.
Buffalo Cattle Recelots351oadsthrouirh.
145 on sale: good light fairly active, S2 373 15;
heavy dull, S3 003 25: market weak, bbeep
and Iambs Receipts, 110 loads through, 20
loads on sale; good sheep, H 1004 25; fair to
rood, S3 754 10; common, S3 503 85; lambs
food to best, to 505 75; fair. So 005 25; light
at in demand. Hogs Receipts, 64 loads
hrough,S0on sale; market opened dull, 510c
oer on Yorkers; heavy, S4 90; Yorkers, S4 85;
med-nuu, Si S5&4 90.
CnrcnnfATi HogsJowercommon;and light,
84 004 fi: packing apd botchers', H 451 C5j
receipts, 4QS0 bead; shipments, 1,550 head.
Brit'ih Breadstuff.
Losrooir, May 13. The Mark Lane Express,
In its weekly review of tho British crain trade,
rays: Heavy imports lmc tended to depress
EtgUib wheats. The sales of English wheats
oui:ng tho past week were 03,576 quarters at
29s iOd. against 49,050 quarters at 31a 5d during
the t-orrespondlnp: week last year. Fine flours
ate stiffly held. The poorer grades are weak.
Foreign wheats have declined 6d, excepting
fine Russian, the price of which is maintained.
Barleys are down 3d. Corn is depressed. At
to-da's market. English and foreign wheats
were firmer. The demand iras .smaller. The
prices of flour were supported. Com was
stronger at 6d advance.
Grain In Sight.
Chicago May IS. The visible supply of
crain in comparison with that of one week
ago, as reported for the Board of Trade, is as
follows: Wheat, 23.851,000 bushels: decrease.
L425.000 bushels. Corn, 1L2S1.000 bushels; de
crease, 829.000 bushels. Oats, 6,765.000 bushels;
decrease, 378,000 bushels. Bye. L340.000 bushels;
decrease, 113,000 bushels. Barley, 6:1,000 bush
els; decrease. 112.000 bushels.
Brazilian Coffee Market.
Rio Dk Janeiro. May 1L Coffee Regu
lar first, 6,400 reis per 10 kilos: good second,
6.800 reis; receipts during this week, 58,000 bags;
purchases for the United States, 77.000 bags:
clearances for do, 105,000 bags; stock, 338,0x5
Saictos May 11. Coffee Good average. U0O
reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the week, 43.-
000 bags; purchases f orthe United States 000
. hacs; clearances for do, 81,000 bags; stock, 230,-
000 bags.
Wool MnrUct.
St. Louis There Is a continued good de
mand and strong market for wook Receipts
to-day, 125,218 pounds.
Whisky Market.
Finished goods are in moderate demand at
nca. t
Wheat Move nt a Lower Range of Prices,
Free Selling Preventing an Advance
Corn Lower Oats Firmer
Hay Products Barely 6teadr.
CmcAQO Wheat was in moderate request
to-day with a lower range of prices than Satur
day, The general feeling was quite strong,
but the free selling by a prominent local trader
prevented the market from advancine. Tho
rains have now reached pretty much all over
the whole country, and the opening was weak
in consequence, prices declining Jc below the
closing of Saturday, but there -was good buy
ing, under which the market recovered. Prices
advanced Jfc, I uled steady and closed about
the same as Saturday.
The large decrease In the visible supply had
a tendency to create firmness among operators.
Tho liberal export clearances of Saturday
helped to sustain the market There was some
demand also for cash wheat here and a salo of
25,000 bushels of hard variety to a Rochester
miller at 96c, free on board.
Corn was only moderately active fluctuations
being confined within a c range, and tho feel
ing developed was somewhat easier. The
speculative market opened M6Ks lower than
the closing Saturday, but soon ruled firmer,
advancing c. reacted Kc. brcame steady and
Closed a shade lower than Saturday. There ap
peared to be a good many orders for July
around 31c and the market was firm at this
price some time. The decrease of the visible
supply was hardly as large as generally ex
pected. ,.
Oats were quiet and ashade firmer. Trading
was light and chiefly of a local character.
Considerable interest was manifested in mess
pork and trading was quite active. Early in
the day the offerings were free at 67c de
cline, and a further reduction of 7c was sub
mitted to. Later the market showed more
steadiness, and the decline in prices was re
covered and moderately well supported to the
Only a fair trade was reported In lard, and
the feeling was easier. With fair offerings and
a comparatively light demand earlv, the
market was weak and prices ruled 25c
lower. Later the market was stronger ana the
decline in prices was regained.
Trading was somewhat limited In short ribs
and the feeling was easier. Prices ruled 2K6
5c lower during the early part of tho session,
but the decline was recovered again near the
The leading futures rancea as follows
WHEAT No. 2 June, 82JiSSH825fS3c;
July. 7b79V7SK78jc; August, 76
,6CORN-Nol Julie. S4K3443iK?3ftc;
July. 34ii35S4Ji31c; August, 35J46354
Oats-No. 2 June, 2ZJ2322Ke22c; July,
Z2XBZ3J-iy4Bac; oepteraoer, mc
r Pnmr. tier bbl Jane. Sll 92
Sll 67K12 OSaft 92K12 02; August, S12 02;
Lard, per 100 tts- June. S6 9ZJ4; Jnly,
S6 92K6 97KS8 926 97: August. 57 00
7 02X- ,
Bhobt Rtbs, per 100 Bs.-June, So OfQ
6 05; July. $6 Oj6106 0566 10; August,?6 12
6 l7K6 12X6 17.
Cash quotations were as f ollowsi Flour steady
and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, biKgSoc;
No. 3 spring wheat, nominal; No. 2 red,
8485c. No. 2 corn. S4Kc No. 2
oats 22Jic. No. 2 rye, 41c. No. 2
barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 53.
Prime timothy seed, SI 351 37. Mess pork,
per barrel, SU 956112 00. Lard, per 100 pounds
16 92K- Short ribs sides (loose). SS 00
6 05. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S5 25
5 50. Short clear sides (boxed), S6 256 37.
Sugars Cut loaf, 9Ji9Jic; granulated, 8c;
standard A 8Kc Receipts Flour. U.000 bar
rels; wheat, 8,000 bushels: corn, 241,000 bushels;
oats. 122,000 bushels: rye, 3,000 bushels; barley,
10,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 15,000 bar
rels; wheat, 44.000 bushels; com. 453,000 bushels;
oats, 147,000 bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels; bar
ley. 7,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was weak: fancy creamery, 1618c;
choice to fine, 1315c; fine varieties. 1416c;
fair to good, 1012c Eggs unchanged.
New York Flour less active and un
changed. Cornmeal steady and in fair de
mand. Wheat Spot firmer and quiet; options
moderately active; early markets stronger; late
sKc lower, closing steady. Rye dnll; West
ern, 60c Barley quiet. Barley malt dulk
Corn Spot firm and light tradinc; options
quiet, K6c lower and steady. Oats Spot
stronger and quiet; options dull, lower and
weak. Hay steady and quiet. Coffee Options
opened irregular, 520 points down, closed
barely steady, 10015 points down; sales,
21,750 bags, including May, ia5516.60c;
June, 16.65c: July, 16.7010.75c; Au
gust, 16 8516.90c. September, 17.00
17.05c; October. 17.05c; December, 17.1517.20c;
Fenruary, 17.2017.30c; spot Rio dull; fair
careoes, 1818&c. Sugar Raw strong and
quiet; refined dull and steady. Molasses
Foreign steady: New Orleans quiet. Rice in
fair demand and steady. Cottonseed oil quiet.
Tallow dull: city, 4K4 5-16c Rosin quiet and
easier: steamed strained, common to good,
51 071 10. Turpentine dull at 3940c.
Eges easier and in moderate demand; west
ern, lOKc: receipts. 9.835 packages. Pork dnll;
mess .13 2513 50; extra prime, S1212 25.
Cut meats steady; sales of pickled bellies, 1I
12 lbs. average, 63c; pickled shoulders, 3
5c; pickled hams, lCJiQllc Lard closed
firm but quiet: Bales of western steam, S7 30
sflot. and S7 27 c. and f.: city. S8 70; May,
S7 27. closing at $7 26; June, S7 247 25, closing
at 7 25 bid; July, S7 29 asked; August, $7 31
bid: September, 57 S47 35. closing at S7 35.
Butter quiet and weak; western dairy, 913c;
do creamery, 1317c Cheese strong and in
good demand.
St. Louis Flour aulet and steady; XXX
52 702 80: family. S3 003 10; choice, 8 25
3 40; fancy, S3 653 75: extra fancy, S3 S54 00;
patents. S4 354 50. Wheat The general rains
that have fallen since Saturday caused free
selling at the opening and the market declined
rapidly, but there was a heavy and steady buy
ing on the break, and though the bears con
tested every rally, the price gradually recov
ered. The decrease of over 1,400,000 bushels in
the visible supply helped strengthen the mar
ket, as did later estimates for a large falling off
In wheat in passage; the close wasc below
Saturday; No. 2 red. cash, 77c bid; May, 77c,
closing at TTVic asked; June, 76c, closing at
76c bid; July,73574c closing at 74741c;
August, 73M74Kc, closing at 74Uc: Septem
ber. 75K75gc, closing at752cbid;year,73Jic,
closing at TSKc Corn lower; No. 2, csb,31c.
May, 31Jc closing at 31Jc: June, 31H319c.
closing at 34c bid; July, 31&32c, closinc at
32c; August, 32533c closing at S3e; Sep
tember. 33J33c, closing at 33Jc bid; year,
3030c. Oats lower; No. 2. cash, 23c bid:
May, 22&c-bid; June, 222SJic, closing at
22Jc; July, 22Kc closing at 22c. Rye weak;
No. 2, 41c bid. Flaxseed, SI 45. Provisions
quiet and weak.
dscrNNATi Flour in moderate demand;
family, S3 503 65: fancy. Si 104 25. Wheat
in moderate demand; No. 2 red, S590c: re
ceipts, 500 bushels; shipments 800 bushels. Corn
6 72K. Bnlkmeatstlrm: short rib.St)25. Bacon
stronger; short clear, S7 50. Butter dull: fancy
creamery, 1920c; choice dairy, 1012c Lin
seed oil steady and firm at 5S60c. Sugar in
fair demand: bard refined, o9Jcj New Or
leans 7Ji7Kc Eggs barely steady at lie.
Cheese in moderate demand.
Phti.adei.phia Flour steady but quiet;
Wheat firm but quiet. Corn Supplies light,
market ruled firm, but speculation very quiet.
Oats Car lots quiet, bnt steady; futures dull,
steady. Provisions quiet and steady. Fork
Mess, new, S14 00; do prime mess, new, S13 50;
do family, J1S 0015 50. Hams Smoked, 10
12c Lard Pure city refined, 7K8Jc; do
Western steam, 77c. Butter dull and weak;
Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 17c; do prints 21
22c. Eggs dull: Pennsylvania . firsts, He.
Cheese steady; part skims, 67c.
MnAFAUKEE Flour unchanged. Wheat
Ann: cash,79Mc; June, 79c; July. 79c Corn
steady; No. 3, 34c. Oats steady: No 2 white.
Rye very firm; No. L 46c. Barley
dull; ISO. A owaoic rrovisious stcauy. rorK,
Sll U5. Ird. $6 80. Cheese nnehanged; Ched
dars old, 9010c.
ntBAiTIMOEE Provisions quiet and steady.
Butter easy: creamery. lSl9c. Eggs easy at
1313c Coffee firm; Rio fair, lsc
Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash, fi 25.
Drycoods Mnrket.
New York. May 13. There was a fair busl.
ness In drygoods to-day at first hands. Mail
orders brought considerable demand for goods
for present wants principally staple cottons,
while some good sales were made for future ac
count from stock and on orders. There is yetno
general demand for fall goods but they are
getting plentiful in stock and the tone of the
market tends steadily to improvement. Woolen
fabrics wers In moderate request, with an im
proved outlook.
Tutt's Pills
One box of these pills will save many dollars in
doctors' bills. They are specially prepared
as a
Family Medicine,
and supplies a want long felt. They remove
unhealthy accumulations from the body, with
out nausea or griping. Adapted (to young and
old. Price, 25c. j
Sold Everywhere.
A Eevival of PnWic Interest in the
Local Ileal Estate Market.
Important Deals Just Effected and Others
in Coarse of Development
Real estate is holding its own as a lively
interest in Pittsburg, and it is daily absorb
ing large amounts of capital, no other
(security promising so substantial a return
with so little risk. While the daily reports
in The DisrATcn show a large movement
in all parts of the two cities and suburbs,
there are many other deals of equal and
often of greater magnitude which are with
held from the public for prudential reasons.
One of these occurred yesterday, but very
little beyond the bare fact could be pumped
out of the agent through whom the transfer
nas effected. It was the sale of a down-town
business property at a price approximating 25,
000, payment being made in spot cash.
Following upon tho beets of this deal came
the report of a salo near the upper end of Fed
eral street. Allegheny, Involving a fine resi
dence, the price being put at $15,000. These
and other transactions occuring every day,
show that there Is no abatement of the interest
that has for the past six months or more charac
terized the local real estate market.
Stock dealing was rather slow yesterday,
business being confined to a narrow selection
of favorites all of which, with one exception,
that of Electric, showed a decline from Satur
day's closing quotations. There were plenty of
orders for them, but brokers are a sharp set,
and know pretty well when to go In and when
to stay out. They never load up on a declining
market, or when there is a prospect of a slump,
although thev may be as ravenous as wolves.
That would be giving themselves away, and it
would be a proclamation to the other side of
their intentions which would immediately bo
taken advantage of.
Ihey have the peculiar faculty of so veiling
their desires as to conceal the most intense
anxiety behind a countenance expressive ot
total indifference. They did that way yester
day. -Many of them wanted stocks, were
hungry for them in fact, but they thought by
waiting a day or two longer they could buy
them at a lower figure. This was tho only
reason for tho depression of the market, as
there was no change in any of the companies
represented on the list. A good buying de
mand Is all that is needed to lift the stock
market out of the rut. It will come along one
of these days. The bears won't be allowed to
rule the roost forever.
Persons visiting tho suburbs now, when field
and wood, garden and grove are arrayed In a
livery of green, are not surprised at the great
demand for houses and lots in those beauty
spots which surround the city like a string of
pearls. They are certainly charming places in
which to establish homes.
There was an active movement in the real es
tate market yesterday.notwithstanding it was a
wet as well as a blue Monday. Most of the agen
cies were favored'with a good run of custom
ers buying or making inquiries as the foun
dation for future purchases. A growing de
mand was reported for property out Fifth ave
nue, which is fully up to Shadyside in point ot
popularity, and with a better assortment of
properties to select from. Lots at Maplewood
Park, Wilklnsburg, are going off like hot
cakes scarcely a day passing without several ot
them being sold. More attention is being paid
to Mt Washington, as its advantages as a place
of residence become better known. There are
few localities near the city which offer superior
climatic and sanitary advantages to those wish
ing to establish homes. Desirable lots there
are offered at very moderate figures fancy
prices beinc unknown.
Among the sales reported yesterday the fol
lowing are noted; Business property, 444 Fifth
avenue, S,a00; lotouxiiu, UDerty avenue, near
Wmeblddle, 52,925; two lots Maplewood park,
S425 and $400 respectively; house and lot, Ems
worth, $3,500; also vacant lot, same place, $750;
lot. Boundary street, Oakland, $215. Several
mortgages were placed on residence and busi
ness properties.
The Chicago Tribune of Sunday remarks:
Local real estate affairs kept up a loud and
lively hum last week. In many respects It was
one of the most satisfactory weeks of the year,
and to the majority of dealers in was one of
the busiest. It was satisfactory because it con
talned unmistakable signs that the present
strong market has a long lease of life ahead.
For two or three weeks previous there had
been comparative dullness and dealers had be
gun to ask themselves if the lull was going to
develop Into a full stop for the summer. Last
week answered that question in a most em
phatic manner. The best feature of the mar
ket was its broad andhealtful character. There
were no signs of speculation, no feverish in'
terest in any particular class of property.
There was good buying of acres but there was
no craze for them. Buyers were careful and
conservative and were disposed to subject
values to all possible tests before Investing.
Electric the Only Redeeming Feature of tho
Stock Market.
The brokers f aceo. Captain Barbour In a dull
and listless manner when he made his usual
oration and opened the stock market yester
day. At the morning call Philadelphia Gas
was the only stock traded in. It opened at
35 and advanced to 85, where it stood at the
close. In the afternoon it was offeied at 38,
but without buyers. Wheeling Gas was weaker
at 29 bid, with 31 asked. Manufacturers' Gas
was steady at 25. The other gas stocks were
quiet and neglected. Electric was half a point
stronger, selling at 58 against 67 asked on Sat
urday. The tractions were weaker. Central opening
at;2SK and declining to 2SJ-on sales of 300
shares. For Citizens' 70 was bid, and for Pitts
burg 54Ji was asked. There were no transac
tions in cither. La Noria was active and
lower on unsatisfactory reports from th,e mill,
500 shares changing hands at 1. Switch and
Signal was weak and neglected. Five shares
of Plate Glass stock sold at 185. Pittsburg and
Western, common and preferred, was a trifle
weaker, as well as neglected. The total sales
were 1,000 shares. The general weakness of the
market was attributed to the Indisposition of
those having orders to fill them so long as there
is a prospect of lower prices. Bids offers and
sales follow:
Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked.
PItU.PetS.AM.Kx.. 1S 625
Commercial N. Bank 105
Hoatm&n's Ins &
City Insurance. " 23
Pltb. Uas Co... ..
Brldgewater Gas....- W 60
Chartiers VaU jsJ-o. .... S3
KlttannlngO.N.&... .... 624f
Manufacturers Gas Co. a ....
Nat. Gas Co. of W. Va .... 82
Philadelphia Gas Co.. . 35V 35 3SJ( SB
Wheellnr Gas Co. a & a
"Washington Oil Co 73 75
CentralTractlon. MX a .. 28X
Cltlzens'Tractlon 70 72 70 ....
Pittsburg Traction MU .... tiU
PeisantValleyK.R... 180 SCO 183 210
rmi7& Western B.B. JW .... 11 ....
V. ft W. B. K. pref.... a .... 21$ 22
La&oria Mining Co... 1 .... IX 1H
bllverton iilnlne Co.. .. 1
WesllnKbouie .Electric 57 58 68 S8V
U. Switch ABlenal Co. 23 24 23tf 24-
Westlng'seAlrB. Co.. 117 119
Bales at the first call were 100 shares of Phila
delphia Gas at 85K. 68 3 and 70 at 35.
In the afternoon 25 shares of LaNoria sold at
IV, 500 at 1. iqo Electric at 68, 100 Central
Traction at &X, 200 at 28 and fi Plate Glass at
185. ,
Henry M. Long sold 25 shares of Phlladel
phiaGasakS& ,
The total sales of stocks at Hew York yes
terday were 196,169 shares Including Atchison,
22,730; Lake Shore, 3,305; Louisville and Nash
Tille, 3,805; Missouri Pacific, 4,800: HorthTest
ern. 12,800; O)regon Transcontinental, 18.153;
Richmond and West Point, 8,100; Reading, 11,.
050; St. Paul, 82,2$: Union Pacific, 4,145. '
Minlno Stocka.
New Tons. May 13. Amador. lOOi Cale
donia B. H.,815; Commonwealth. 450; Deadwooa
T.. 1; Eureka, 200; El Pristo, 110; Hale AITor
cross 150: Homestake, 750; Horn Silver, 110:
Iron Silver, 290; North Belle Isle, 135;Plnnooth,
1,000: Savage. 286; Standard, LlOOj Small Hops,
!; Sullivan, 138.
Bonkers Keport a Radical Improvement In
the Loan Market.
There was considerable activity in local
monetary circles yesterday, several of the
leading banks reporting heavy checking and
an average of depositing, while discounting
was of fair proportion's. Rates on call and
time paper were steady at 5 8, respectively.
Small notes were in good supply, trading evan
with exchange. The clearings were S2.187,
836 19, and the balances $310,947 20.
A Wood street cashier said: "The loan
market has undergone a marked change for
the better within a month or six weeks. Then
we had a larce amount of money for which we
could not obtain satisfactory rates. Now. in
consequence of a better demand, rates nave
stiffened and we are finding employment tor
about all we want to put out on profitable
terms. Several other banks are pretty well
loaned up, but others have not been so fortu
nate, and are still nursing idle capitaL Taken
all together, the monetary situation is a little
tighter than it was a few weeks ago, but there
is no scarcity, nor is there likely to be. Most
of the borrowed money Is being invested in
real estate, which Is the liveliest interest in
Money on call at New York, yesterday, was
easy at 182K per cent; last loan at IK: cl,s,eJ
offered at lj. Prime mercantile paper, oKSS
b Sterling exchange dull but steady at
S4 87 for 60-day bills and S4 88 for demand.
Government Bonds.
TJ. 8.4Xs reg X51!?,,
U. S. 4,4s. coup 1OTS"5K
U. S. 4s reg.... l-stH2
U. S.S coup 129i91
Currency, 6 per cent, 1885 reg 121
Currency, Spercent, 1896 rec 124,.
Currency, 6 per cent. 1897reg l"
Currency, 6 per cent, 1838 reg 130 ,
Currency, 6 per cent, 18U9 reg 132
Sales to-day of $15,000 registered 4Ks at 106
of $10,000 coupon 4s at 129?fc and of $30,000
coupon 4s at 129.
New Yobk Clearings $72,097,702: balances,
Boston Clearings, 515,477,113; balances,
$1,500,170. MoueyJJ per cent.
Baltimore Clearings $2,250,699; balances
Philadelphia Clearings $10,430,125; bal
ances Sl.759,184.
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank ot England on balance to-day Is
Paris Three per cent rentes, 87f 40c for
the account.
ST. Lours Clearings, $3,095,024; balances
Chicago Money easy and unohanged. Bank
clearings $11,384,000.
fresh Rumora Abont It Depress the Local
Market Tho New Rales.
There was a firm undertone to the petroleum
market when it opened yesterday, which was
intensified by Pinkerton appearing as a buyer.
This sent the price up a few fractions, bnt as
soon as he had secured all he wanted, there
being no other support, the price went down
like a plummet. A report that a new and suc
cessful process for refining Lima oil was among
the bearish Influences. The opening price was
83K, the lowest Sfyi and the close 83 U above
the opening and J above the close of Satur
day. The close would doubtless have been
lower but for fear of a scarcity of oil with
which to make clearings. Oil loaned at 25 cents
A broker said: "I do notlook for muoh of a
change either way at present. The proposed
change in the rules to include trading in fu
tures is hanging over the market, and very
little will be done until it is settled. The Pitts
burg Exchange will take action on the matter
next Saturday. Although it is meeting with
considerable opposition, I think the new plan
will be adopted. I am not very enthusiastic in
favor of the change, but it seems to be our
only hope for keeping the oil market from
dying of Inanition. One thing is certain, it
can't do any barm and it may result in great
good. It's worth trying, at all events."
Field news was of the ordinary character.
The Petrie well at Craf ton was due. The Rob
bins well, Washington county, was doing 19
barrels per hour. Tho Welracn was doing II
barrels per hour. The Clark No. 1 well, north
east of Knox, was through the sand and doing
five barrels per day. The Campbell No. 2 was
at the top of the sand, but without a showing
of oil. The well lately struck at Terre Haute,
Intk, shows no dlmnnltlon in the output. Sev
eral new wells are beinc sunk there, and 20
stock companies are forming. The oil is said
to be of superior quality.
Featnrea of the Market.
Opened 83jLowesf....
Highest. I Closed
10O. 185
Average ,
Average.. ............. ...... 1
Average ,
Keflned, New York, 6.85.
Kcnnea, i.onaoD, &m
Kefined, Antwerp. 10X.
New York closed gift.
Bradford closed 82K.
A. B. McUrew t Co. quote: Puts 82K82Kc;
calls, 84c.
Other OH Markets.
On. CrxT, May 13. National transit cer
tificates opened at 83c; highest, 83c; low
est, 82c; closed, SSc.
Bradford. May 13. National "transit cer
tificates opened at S3ic; closed, 83Vc; highest,
63Xc: lowest. 82Kc ..-
Txtubvtxxb, May 13. National transit cer
tificates opened at 83c; highest, 83c; low
est, 82c: closed, 83c
New YoRtf, May 13. The petroleum mar
ket opened steady at 83c and moved up to 83c
in the early trading. The market then broke
to81Kc, but rallied again and closed firm at
93c Sales, 845,000 barrels.
Transfer of Fifth Avenue Business Property
Sales at Oakland and Elsewhere.
Alles fc Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold to
John G. Ehman the business property situated
at 444 Fifth avenue;brickdwelllngof six rooms
storeroom; etc.; lot 25x115 feet to Ann street,
for George Berger for $9,600.
Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for
J, S. McCord to Darby McDonougb, a lot on
.Boundary street, Oakland, being No. 127 in the
Linden Land Company's plan, 86x136 feet to an
alley, for $215. They also placed a mortgage of
$1,400 on a property on the hill for six years at 6
per cent,
C. Beringer & Son, 103 Fourth avenue
sold for A. G. Courtney to Dr. George
Pornckcr, a frame house and lot at Emswortb,
Fort Wayne Railroad, for $3,500; also, a vacant
lot at Emswortb 90x165 feet, for750 cash.
J. R, Cooper & Co , 107 Fourth avenue, sold
for George S. Martin. lot-No. 117 in the Maple
wood Park plan, Wllklnsburg, haying a front
age of 40 feet on Maplewood avenue by 135 feet
to Fahnestock avenue, for $425, to L. M.
Phillips; also, lot No. 63 In the same plan to G.
B. Agiiew for $400.
L. O. Frazier, comer Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, sold for George A. Moke, lot 50x140 feet
to an alley, situate on the south side of Liberty
avenue, near Winebiddle avenue, Twentieth
ward, for 52.925.
Thomas McCaffrey sold for Bracken Bros,
to Peter Dietrich, lot 20x100 on Carnegie ave
nue, for $800.
Tarn the Attention of Wall Street Opera
tors to the Granger Stocks A Strong
Market With Almost Everything
Closing Higher.
New Yobk, May lS.-Althongh the stock
market to-day presented a more animated ap
pearance at times than usual of late it was still
dull and listless tor the general list, and the in
terest taken in the speculation was confined to
a few shares only and mostly to a single set of
operators There was however, an undeniably
strong tone, and the result of the day's trading
is to leave almost everything on the active list
materially higher than at the close on Satur
day. The favoraole nature ot the Government
crop report developed a marked disposition,
especially among the 'Western operators, to
buy the Grangers, and' those shares, with the
exception of Oregon Transcontinental and
New England, monopolized all the interest
there was in the dealings.
The buying, however, was believed to be
principally covering of shorts while the selling
was by the local traders In Oregon Trans
continental the contest becomes more interest
ing and the premium for the use of the stock
was l-64th per day, although there were sales at
seller 30 days at 1 per cent below the market
and the stock failed to advance. New England
was bought by Boston bouses and the trading
was accompanied by the old stories of a large
road seeking control, though nothing in the
way of news was received la regard to the road.
Atchison was also taken .for the account of
Eastern parties, but was helped by the buying
of the grangers more than anything else. There
was a smart spurt in the Milwaqkee, Lake
Shore and Western stocks and the common
moved np WMJS, while the preferred was not
' v
so active nor so strong. The movement Is said
to be based upon the growing confidence in the
management and the increasing earnings.
In the rest Ot the list the chances were insig
nificant and the dealings featureless. The
opening of the market was dull and fairly
steady, but the buying of theGrangersimparted
a strong tone to the market immediately, and
Rock Island led off with a gain of 1 per cent,
followed by Northwestern, SuPaul and the
others in turn. Transcontinental showed signs
ot weakness but had no effect upon the rest of
the list, and in the afternoon St. Paul reached
the highest point it has attained since the rally
from the great break last September. A small
realizing movement toward delivery honr set
tled prices off somewhat from the best figures,
but the close was dull and strong at about the
highest for the day. The only decline of im
portance was in Tennessee Coal, which fell off
i per cent; but Milwaukee, Lake Shore and
Western rose 3Jf. the preferred 1; St. Paul
Preferred 2, the common Hi, and Burlington
Railroad bonds were dull, and while there
was a firm to strong tone to the dealings of the
forenoon the market weakened toward the
close, and tho final changes, while generally for
slight fractions are qnito Irregular. Ihe trad
ing w as without special feature of note, and the
total transactions were only $1,099,000.
The following table snows tne prices ot active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Whit
ney 4 Stephenson, members of ew York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
HIkS- Low- lnc
Ins. est. est. Bins.
Am. Cotton Oil S5 55V
Atcn., Top. a. F.... 41 4231 41 424
Canadian facinc 68 56H M Kh
Canada Southern 52X S2K S2M S2K
Central or New jersey. 85 saw 85J? 96
Chesapeake Ohio ... 17 VH 1V-4 V
C-. Uur.A Qulney..... 97i 89- 87J? B33i
p.. Mil. a St. faul.... 66H 68 KH 68
c., am 4 st. p., pr....i089i liox lossi 110
O., ItOCtLAl'. 944 88 tH& 5)4
C., 8t. L.iWtta 17
C., St. L k i'ltts. p S3
C.. St. P., M.&U...... 31 35 35 S4
C'.. bt. P.,M. iO.. pr. 95 83 95H 85J
C. Northwestern.. ..li'7 108H IU7 1C8
C.& Northwestern, ptlSSH 1395j 139K 140
CO. U.&1 ....70 70 69 MX
Col. Coat & Iron 21
Col. & Hocking Val .. 11H 18
pel., l. &v issy m4 vbx issk
pel. , Hudson ..ISC 1372 13) "7
llenver&KloO 17 17 17 17
peuvorARloU., pr... 40V 47Jf 4S35 473
K.T., Va. &Ua 81$ SS S,'4 85
K.T..Va. &Ga.. Htpr71 71 71 721
E.l Va. AGa. 2dpf 23f 23Jf 23 23i
Illinois Oemral.. . ....114 1UH 114) 111
Lake Erie & Western.. 18)4 ISJi 18 18
Lake Erie A West. pr BS 687-a KH 68
Lake Shore & M. S 103 103!;, 103K 103V
Louisville & Nashville. 87 C8 67M b'
Michigan Central 87 7 87H 8H
Mobiles Ohio JIM 1154 HX H
Mo.. It. ATexas K'A
Missouri facinc 72 72 1H K'A
Hew lork Central 107J 107J4 107$ 107M
. V.. L. B. A W 2S2 2SJ 28 28?J
11.1., L E. AW., pref S 6814 68 69S4
X r.. C. &St.L.:.... 12 16U 165 16H
K".. C. ASt. L. pr. 70
J(.Y.. C. A8t.L.2dnf S
. yau.:e 44 uh 44 4o
. V.. O. A W 16
Norfolk a Western.... 16H 16$ 16 IS
NorfolkA Wetern.pf. 51 S2J Sl 52Jf
Northern Paclfle 25H 25 2JH 25
Nortnern i-acinc nref. 6l? 6iii eiH 62
Ohio A Mississippi... . 22H 22tf 22X 22H
Oregon improvement. M
Oregon Transcon UK 35 UK 3JH
PacincHall 36 36 36 3614
Peo. Dec. AKvan 21 23 23 23
I'hlladel. A Beading-.. 44M 44V 44 HH
Pullman Palace Car... ISSIf J83SC 188 188
Klchmona A W. P. T.. 253S 26 25 253
KlchmondAW.P.T.pf 81 81)f 81 SIM
St. Paul A Dnlnth 33 33 33 SO
St. Paul A Uulutll pf. 82
St. P., Minn. A Man 101
tlt.L. A8an Fran 22
St. L. A San Fran pf. S9M
St. L,. A San F.lst pt 109
Texas Paclflo 21 M ilH 21 21
UnlonPaciao 61f tm 01M 61
Wabash UK
Wabash preferred 28 28)4 28 2SK
Western Union 86 B82 HX 8HJ4
Wheeling A L. JC e&H 66H 68 654
National Lead Trust.. 22 21 M
Philadelphia fitocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. .Members New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 62V 52
Keadlnir Kallroad 22H 22 5-16
BuOalo. FlttsburE and Western 109a 11
Lehigh Valley 53 u
Lehigh Navigation 62. S2M
V.Co.'sNew Jersey 228
Northern Facinc 25 25
Northern Paclflo preferred 6Zi 62M
Boston Stocks.
Atch.ATop..lst7s. 116
A.AT. LandGr't7s.l09
Atch.ATop.B.K... 42K
Boston A Albany...214
Boston A Maine.. ...180
Old Colony. ma
Bntland preferred.. 39
Wls.Central.com... 17Jf
UlouexMKCo(new). 1
Calumet A flecla....203
V.. li. AQ 08M
Osceola, ,
Fewablo (new) .
Qnlncr ,
Bell Telephone..
... 10
... sx
... HS
(Jinn. nan. a uieve. zw
Eastern B. it S4
Flint FereM 25
1 lint A Fere M. DM. 98
K.U.st..r. A C.B. 7S.122J4
Mexican Cen. com.. 1U4
. Y. A New Ens;... 44K
N. Y.AN.J5.7S....127H
Boston Land 6)
Tamarack 107
San Diego.. zsja
General Simon Cameron is much better
and his complete and edrly recovery is antici
pated. Mr. J. "W. McCrlllls, proprietor of the
Evening Dtsvatch, of Providence, B. L, an
nounces its suspension.
W. H. Cbatfield, a prominent Cincinnati
paper dealer, dropped dead yesterday at the
corner of Courtlandt and Church street. New
York City. He wa stopping at the Fifth Ave
nue Hotel.
James B. Smith, local editor of the Repub
lican of Springfield. Mass., was shot and in
stantly killed yesterday morning by bis brother-in-law.
Royal B. Sturtevant, who mistook him
for a burglar.
The oil excitement at Terre Haute, Ind., is
increasing. The flow shows no diminution.
There are demands for contractors who can sink
wells. Many local companies are being formed.
The oil Is a high grade of lubricating.
The Shah of Persia has left Teheren for St.
Petersburg. He crossed the frontier at
Djontfa. On his arrival on Russian soil be
was welcomed by a body of Russian notables.
A detachment of Cossacks was detailed to act
as a guard of honor to the Shah.
Chief Inspector Eldrldge, of Boston, states
that the story of Krewolf, the defaulting treas
uerr of Hoyt's "Brass Monkey" company, was
in Washington Territory was a mistake. In
formation received from there that a man an
swering Krewolf s description was there, but
it proved to he another man.
Shortly after noon yesterday a building at
the corner of Spring and Wooster streets, New
York City, fell, killing two men. The victims
are Patrick Oillan, residing on Hester street,
and James Joseph, of Thirty-seventh street.
Both men were laborers. Foreman George
Thomas was badly injured.
Many congratulatory telegrams were re
ceived by the King of Holland from foreign
rulers and other notables yesterday, on the
the occasion of his resumption of the govern
ment. The streets of the capital were dec
orated with flags. Thanksgiving services
were helcvand at night the city was illumina
ted. Charles Stewart, 22 years old, assistant op
erator at the Western Union telegraph office
InNewburg, N. Y., committed suicide yester
day morning bv shooting himself through the
heart. He bad been out for.his usual morning
walk, returned home, went to the bathroom,
locked the door and put an end to his exist
ence. He was one of the most respected young
men in the city, and his sad ending has created
great surprise in the community. '
Although the leaders ot the Fayette county,
Pennsylvania, outlaws are under arrest, their
accomplices are as active as ever. Sunday
uigiib uuuson peuuer, a wcaituy larmer ui vrar-
rett county, Maryland, living within a few miles
ofMarkleysburg.was stopned on theToadtiy
four masked men, who covered him with re
volvers. Bender bad a large sum of money,
and he determined to save it if possible. He
put spurs to his horse and charged straight at
the leader, whom ho knocked down. The
others fired, but missed their aim in the dark,
and Mr. Bender lost no time in getting away.
He was unable to give any description of the
men who assailed bun.
W. H. Hartman Bays theltfarglnal Eallrond
In Benver Fnlls. ,
Henry "W. Hartman.who is identified wife
the Carnegie interests, has purchased the
Bearer Falls Marginal Railroad from this
Economies, and their water rights in and along
the Beaver river. It is the intention to extend
the road to Rochester, where the Cleveland
and Pittsburg tracks will be crossed, and in
the opposite direction to Wurtemberg on tbe
Pittsburg and Western. The road will run'
through a tract of sto'ne land recently pur
chased by Booth & Fllns.
Concessions have been granted by the Beaver
Falls Councils, and the road will be ramified
to connected with all the mills in thn place.
The old dams are to he repaired, and one
do ouit in tne unio. Aitogetner it is a miuion
dollar deal, and will be a big help to thaBea
ver valley. The Pennsylvania Compa;
anxious to ouy tne .marginal roaov
Hartman got ahead of them. A fine
will be built at Rochester.
fit Mr.
It is expected there will be some lit!
when the attempt is made to cross the
land and Pittsbnre- tracks.
President Callery, while living, often trfVl to
nave the Pittsburg and western run into Bea
ver fans, but there was such a big ravine tobe
bridged that be abandoned. the scheme,
tin reaching Wnrtemberg a bridge will bare
to be built, and the road will be so made that
it can be located Where the rarine is the nar
Wet Weather Checks Produce Trade
Batter Still Qniet.
Com a Shade Weaker, Oats looldnjr Up,
' Choice Hay Steady.
Office of Pittsbuiio Dispatch,
Monday. May 13, 18S9.
Country Produce Jobbing- Prices.
A rainy Monday never fails to be blue to pro
duce men and preachers. There was scarcely
enough trade to furnish pointers to markets.
Strawberries start out as last Monday at lower
prices. Indications are strong for further de
cline in butter. Markets are likely to be flooded
with country butter this week. Many regular
buyers ot creamery are getting sufficient sup
plies of country butter at home. The apple
season draws near Its end. New cabbage from
the gulf comes In freely and prices are off.
Tropical fruits are active and trading upward.
BETTER Creamerv, Elgin, 2122c; Ohio do,
20Zlc: fresh dairy packed, lfc19cj country
rolls, 16lScj Chartiers Creamery Co-., 2022c.
BKAKS-Jl 751 80.
Beeswax 2S30c ?! Bf orcholce;lowgrade,
Cidee Band refined, 16 507 50; common,
$3 504 00; crab cider. 8 008 50 barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c ip gallon. ,, ,T
Cheese New Ohio cheese. 9K10c: New
York, fall make! 1212Kc; Limburger, 810c;
domestic Sweltzer cheese, 9K12Kc
Dried Peas $1 251 J5 bushel; split do,
Zii3lAc ft ft.
Eaas l5ltic $) dozen for strictly fresh;
goose eggs, 30c ? dozen.
Fruits Apples, J2 503 00 barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 2oc f) ft; cranberries, t4o
M barrel, 50cSl 00 V bushel; strawberries, 15
20caquart; pine apples, SI 752 25 fl dozen.
Feathers Extra live geese, 50GOc; No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c $1 ft.
Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Hominy 452 652 75 V barrel.
Potatoes S035c ?! bushel; Bermuda pota
toes, $8 509 00 fl barrel; new Southern pota
toes, to (X-5 50 f) barrel.
Poultry Live chickens, 7580c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c V ft; drawn, 14
15c a ft: turkeys, 182uc dressed TR ft; ducks,
live, 8070e W pair; dressed, 1314c V ft; geese,
live, Jl 001 25 V pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $5 CO
$ bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $6 00;
clover, Aliske, S3 50; clover, white, 19 00; tim
othy, choice. 45 fts, 81 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00:
orchard graSB, 14 fts, SI 65; red top, 14 fts. SI 25;
millet, 50 fts, SI 00; German millet. 50 fts,
$1 50; Hungarian grass. 60 fts. SI 00; lawn
grass mixture of fine grasses, 2 60 fl bushel of
14 fts.
Tallow Country, 4$5c; city rendered,
opical Fruits Lemons, fancy. 5 00
5 50 V box; Messina oranges, S4 5005 50
box; Valencia oranges, fanoy, 57 509 00 W
case; bananas, 52 50, firsts; tl 50, good seconds,
9 bunch: cocoanuts, S4 004 60 1 hundred;
new figs, 89c fl pound; dates, 56c ft
Vegetables Radishes, 254240c f) dozen;
marrowfat peas, S3 00 fl crate: new cabbage,
two-barrel crates, S3 60: onions, 51 001 25 ft
barrel; string beans, 52 00.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice
Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c;
old Government Java, 27c; Maracalbo, 2223c;
Mocha, 3031c; Santos, U)22c; Caracas
coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; la
guayra, 2122c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high crades, 2628c; old Government Java,
hulk, 32V33Kc; Maracalbo,27X2SJc; Santos
2224c; jpeiberry. 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c;
choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio,
22Kc; ordinary, 21Kc.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 0c;
cassia. 8ffi9c: pepper. 19c: nutmeer. 70S0c
Petboleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headliehtj 150. 8Kc: water
white, lOKc; globe, 12c; elafne, 15c; carnadine,
HVjC; royaline. 14c.
Syrtjps corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, 333Sc: prime sugar syrup, 8033c: strict
ly prime. 333oc; new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 43c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c: mixed, 40042c.
Soda Bl-carb in kegs. SK4c; bl-carb in K.
5c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 5Sc; sal
soda in kegs, 13c; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, per
set, 8c; parafflne, ll12c
RICE Head, Carolina, 77Vc; choice, 6&
7c: prime, 66Vc: Louisiana, 66Kc
Stabch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch. 5&7c: eloss
Istarcb, 6Ji7c
okeium r Buna rayer raisins, do; .Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, 52 25; California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7Ksc; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 45c;
Turkey prunes, new, 4$5c; French prunes,
o13c;Salonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c:
cocoanuts, per 100, 6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft,
20c; do Ivlca, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap ,
12KQ15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12K
16c; new dates, 5tfc; Brazil nuts, 10c;
pecans, 11015c; citron, per ft, 21022c; lemon
peel, per ft, 13Hc; orange peel, 12kc.
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples, evaporated, 66Xc: apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15618c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, .2424Uc; blackberries, 7H8c; huckle
berries, 1012c
SUOABS Cubes, 9J69)$c: powdered. 9
9c; granulated,9c; confectioners' A. 88jic;
standard A. Sc; soft white", 6o?c; yellow,
choice, 7SKc: yelloWjgoodTJic; yellow,
fair, 7Xct yellow, dark, 7c.
Pickles Medium, bbls, (1,200), S4 50; medi
ums, half bbls. (600), 22 75.
Salt No. 1 bbl. 95c; No. 1 ex. bbl,:l 05;
dairy, H bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbVl 20:
Hingin s Eureka, 4 hu sacks, 52 SO; Hlggin's
Eureka. 16-11 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches 1 30
1 90; 2ds, SI 3001 35: extra peaches, SI 601 90:
pie peaches, 9uc; finest corn, Sll 50: Hfd.
Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90c51 00; Lima
beans 51 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do, 7o
85c; marrowfat peas. SI lul 15; soaked peas,
7075c; pineapples, SI 4001 50; Bahama do,
12 75; damson plums. 9oc; greengages. $1 25;
egg plums, S2 00; California pears. 52 60; do
greengages, S2 00; do egg plums, 52 00; extra
white cherries. 52 90; red cherries, 2 fts. 90c;
raspberries, SI 401 50; strawberries 51 10;
gooseberries, 51 201 30; tomatoes, S2K92c;
salmon, 1-ft, 51 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc
cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c: do green, 2 fts,
SI 251 50: corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75: 14-ft cans,
S13 50; baked beans, $1 401 45; lobster, 1 ft.
51 7ol SO; mackerel, 1-ft cans broiled, 51 50;
sardines, domestic, Ks S4 154 50; sardines,
domestic, Ks 58 258 50; sardines, imported,
Vs. 11503)12 50; sardines. Imported. s,
JIS 00; sardines, mustard, U 00; sardines,
spiced, S4 25.
FiSH-ExtraNo. 1 bloater mackerel, S36
bbl.; ext'a No. 1 do, mess, 540; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
536; No. 2 shore mackerel, 524. Codfish Whole
pollock. H4e 53 ft : do medium. G corse's cod.
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 67a Herring
Round shore, S3 00 fl bbl.; split, S7 00; lake,
12 60 W 100-ft. half obi. White tisb. $7 00 W 100
ft. half bbl. Lake trout, 55 50 il ball bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c $1 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
W ft. Pickerel, barrel, S2 00; J barrel. SI 10:
Potomac herring, ?5 00 fl barrel, J2 50 JJ
Buckwheat FLOTm-KagZKo fl 6.
Oatmeal 58 3C6 60 f bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 68S0c
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 35 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
ana Chicago, 5 cars of hay, 2 of oats, 3 or flour,
;Tof barley, 1 of middlings. By Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati and St. Louis, 4 cars of hay, 3 of s.
com, 1 of bran. By Pittsburg and Lake
Erie, 3 cars of hay, 1 of bran, 1 of corn, 2 of
wheat, 4 of flour, 4 ot rye. Sales on call, 1 car
of h. m. s. corn, 40Ko regular, 1 car oats, 32c
regular. Oats are strong. Corn opens a shade
weaker than it closed on Saturday. Choice hay
steady. Flour markets have developed no new
features. The downward movement has been
checked and prices are steady.
WiiEAT-Jobbing prices No. 2 red,9495c;
No. 3 red, 85S8c
rnRN-No. 2 vellow ear. 4zili3c: hich mixed
ear, 4UO;c; . ;-"
yellow, shelled, 4041c;
3310c; mixed, shelled, J
ear, 40041c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 4142c: No. i
41c; niga mixeu, saeiieu.
oats No. 2 white.
P-5c; extra, No. '.
J31c; No. 2 mixed, S
81K32c;No.3white, 30i
KVoC. ...
RYE No. 1 Western, 7075c: No. 2. 5556c
Barley No.l Canada, 9598c: No. 2 Can
ada, o&gSSc; No. 8 Canada, 7072c; Lake Shore,
FLoire Jobbing prices, winter patents,
55 6005 75: spring patents, $5 006 00: winter
straight, 54 755 oO; clear winter, S4 500475;
straicht XXXX bakers', 54 004 25. Rye flour,
S3 5C3 75.
MiLtrEED-Middlings fine white, 515 00
16 00 11 ton; brown middlings. Sll 5012 50;
winter wheat bran, S13 0013 60; chop feed,
S15 0016 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, 514 5015 00;
No. 1 do, $13 2513 50; No. 2 do, $11 0012 60;
loose from wagon. 816 OOglS OOr No. 1 upland
prairie. S10 00010 0; No. 2, 88 008 60; packing
5c-,J5 506 50,
STRAW-Oats, S3 0006 36; wheat and .rye
straw, ST 0097 6086 00.' -
Sugar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured hams, small,
Uc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, lOJic; sugar
cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cared boneless
shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams,
8Kc; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 8Kc; sugar
cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried
beer rennds. llc:bacon shoulders. 7Kc; bacon
clear sides. 8)fc: bacon clear bellies, SKcjjdry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, TJic.
Mess pork, beavy. $14 00; mess pork, family.
$14 60. Lard Refined in tierces, 7cr- half
barrels, TJic; 60-ft tubs, TKc: 20 ft palls, 7C; 50
h tin cans, 7c; 3-ft tin palls, 8c; 6-ft tin pails,
7c; 10-ft tin palls, 7c Smoked sausage, long,
5c; large, 6c Fresh pork links. 9c Figs feet,
half barrel. $4 0C; quarter barrel, $1 90l
Dressed Bleat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following- prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 550 fts
&K-;550to 650 fts, 6:650 to 750 fts, OWc Sheep,
8c $? ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs Sftc Fresh
pork loins 9c
Metal Market.
New York Tig iron qnfet. Copper dull
and irregular; lake. May, 57 331 Lead quiet
and easier; domestic, S3 90, Tin firm and less
active: Stralts.520 ba. "
Sirs. Dr. Crossley. one of the Consulting Fhyi
clans at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 3
Penn Avenue.
To cure Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered
on for 13 years. The aches and pains which
she experienced in almost every part of ber
body was simply terrible. Those sharp, cutting
pains across the small of her back and lower
part of her body was almost unbearable. In
fact she suffered with all those diseases and
conditions peculiar to women. For three
months her mind was unbalanced, and for
months she was confined to her bed. She be
came very weak and emaciated, so that sho
only weighed 98 pounds. No one expected her
to lire, much less get entirely cured. After
receiving three months' treatment with the
physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti
tute, 323 Penn avenue, who make a specialty of
her disease, she says:
"I never want any one to suffer as I have for
the past 13 years. The condition of my case
was much worse than has been (described, and
I am only too glad to testify to my complete
cure by the doctors of the Catarrh, and Dys
pepsia Institute.
Please remember that the physicians of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute never display
their patient's portraits in the papers. Neither
do they publish any testimonial, except with
the full consent or wish of the patient.
Furthermore, their testimonials are not from
some far off place where no such parties reside,
but from your own county and your own
city, witn tne iuu nama ana aaaress
given, thus proving their genuineness. The
Catrrrh and Dyspepsia Institute is thoroughly
established in Pittsburg, and thousands of
patients eladly testify to cures they have re
ceived. The treatment used does not consist
ot the so-called magnetic, or superhuman
agencies but medicines made from roots
and herbs, nnd compounded to suit
the requirements of each individual
case, thus removing not only the disease,
but the cause of the disease as well.
Ninety-five out of every hundred of the pati
ents treated at this Institute are those suffer
ing from Catarrh, which Is the certain fore
runner of consumption. The testimonials pub
lished speak for themselves. They treat suc
cessfully Catarrh. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia,
Bronchitis Asthma, Blood, Kidney and Female
Office hours 10 A. M. to 4 p. H-, and 6 to 8 P.
H. Sundays, 12 to 1 p. v. Consultation free
to aU. myU-D
MR. GEORGE LAMBERT, who lives on
Jones avenue, this city, near Twenty-seventh
street, has been cured of a very bad case of
catarrh by the physicians of the Polypatblc
Medical Institute, No. 420 Penn avenue. When
he applied for treatment he complained ot
much soreness in his lungsshortness of breath,
a choked np feeling In his throat, with much
dryness; the catarrhal secretion that he raised
from his throat and lungs was very tough and
tenacious; his eyes were weak and troubled
him very much about reading or seeing ob
jects distinctly. The disease also extended to
,bl3 stomach, so that he had great paiu after
eating. On account of his food sounng on
bis stomach he had much belching of gas and
was so bloated that his heart would frequently
palpitate, and gave him so much pain that he
thought he had heart disease. After becoming
cured, as above stated, he says:
"I am very glad to give my testimonial, and
shall always speak In praise of the doctors to
my many friends for curing me of this dread
ful disease, and I cheerfully recommend all
others suffering from chronic diseases to call
on these specialists, who will frankly tell you
what they can do for you.
"George Lambert."
The diseases treated successfully at the
INSTITUTE, 420 Penn avenue, are catarrh,
diseases of the stomach and all forms of skin
and blood diseases, and they especially invite
those whose diseases have failed to improve
under the general practitioner's treatment to
call and examine their system of treatment
and cure, which have been tbe result of years
of careful study and Investigation. Office
hours, 10 to 11:30 A. JL, 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. H.
Sundays 1 to 4 P. a. Consultation free.
Only Genuine System of Memory Tralnlnx.
Four Books Learned in one reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adnlt greatly benefitted".
Great inducements to Correspondence Classes.
Prospectns, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Hnm.
mond, the world-famed Specialist In Mmd Diseases.
Daniel Greenlenf Thompson, the great Psrchol
eeist, J.M.BnckleyD.pl,editorof the Chrutian
JiroeaU, if. InichartrProctoT, the Scientist,
Hnns. Jndse Gibson, Jndoh P. BezOamin, and
others, oent txxrt free by
Prof. A.LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Ave., N. T.
' nre: Intense Itching
and stlnflnc I most at
Inlghtt were by
aeratcblns. If nl
' B lowe4 to eentlnne
I.bam fom And
becoming Yery orts. SWAYIXJST UL.Y1'.
HEM' ttopA the Itching and bleeding. 1 hc&U
tilomitf ar. nitd In matt aftia4.reinoreA tne ttt
morn. SwiTsx a Oiktmkxt U old bj druggist, or aiHM to
any addmi on receipt of price, 60 eta. a box ; 3 boxes, Sl.2
Addresi letteri, DR. BTVAYXE ft SO"?, Philadelphia, Pa.
Capital, 3100,000, with privilege of $500,000.
Surplus and undivided profits, 123.600.
Transacts a Cjeneral Banking Business. Ac
counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
JAS. CALLERY President
W.J.BUKNS Vice President
M Pink
II falsi Sal
A purely Veeetablo
L Compound that expels
tall bad humors from tbe
(system. Removes blotch
1 es and piracies, ana
makes pure, rich blood.
The Great Eaglkh Coapkiioa SOAP.
Of all Bruits, tat beware of Mate!.
On raortgaees on Improved jeal estate la suss
ui fs,uw autt upwaro. api as
..' BOId
So. 134 ffoarMi TOB.
7 -
Swift's SPEcmo.bas curod me of? j ,
a malignant breaklnj; out on myieg.
which caused intolerable pain. Itwaa -called
Eczema by the doctors four of
whom treated me with no relief. I
Bood health to a 8. a, which in ray.
estimation la invaluable as a blooa.
remedy. Miss Julia DaWrrr.
2227 N. Tenth St, St-Ixmia, Me.
Our baby when two months old WM
attacked with Scrofula, which for a
lone: time destroved her evesizht ea. -
tirely, and caused us to despair other, -'.'
me. ids doctors unea to relieve ner,
and we gave Swot's Spxcmc,wblc)
soon cured her entirely, and she Is now
bale and hearty. E. V. Delk.
Wil's Point, Texas.
43-Send for book giving history ot
Blood Diseases and advice to sufferer!,
mailed free.
Tax Swtft Sricmo Co .
f el-7-TTS urawer 3. Atlanta, Qa.
Health, energy and strength secured by using
Amoranda Wafers. These wafers are a guar
anteed specific and the only reliable and safa
remedy for the permanent core of impotency.
no matter how long- standing, nervous neural
gia, headache, nervous prostration caused by
the use of alcohol or tobacco, sleeplessness
mental depression, softening of tbe brain, re
sulting In insanity and leading to misery, decay
and death, premature old age, barrenness,
spermatorrhea, harrassing dreams, prematura
decay of vital power, caused by over exertion
of the brain, sel f-abuse or over indulgence. 73
cents per box, or six boxes tor S4, sent by mail
prepaid on receipt of price. Six boxes is the)
complete treatment, and with every purchase
of six boxes at one time we will give a
if tbe wafers do not benefit or effect aperma
nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON
MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by
412Market street. Pittsburg, Pa., P. O. Box 37,
to whom all communications shonld be ad
dressed. myS-23-TTSSU
Con Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest price call Jf.
mrA IAA T14L
BittM Cocoa
Is absolutely pure and
it is soluble,
No Chemicals
tto used In Its preparation. It hu
mart Oan tine timet &s ttrtngih of
Cocoa mixed inti Starch Arrowroot
or Sugar, and is therefore far mor
economical, costing tp tAa out etui l
a cup. It is delidoos, nonrithiof,
rtrengthenlng, HafiZXT DiaxffTXD
and admirably adapted sr laraQd
as well as for persons la health.
Sold by Grocers everywhere
W.BAKEE &CO.,Dorchester,ICasfl.
514-515 Hamilton Bunding. 4.1
mylO-70-D Pittsburg; Pa.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs.DreXel, i
jaorpan 2 (jo., riew xoric rassports procurea.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove. Is tbe oldest established and
most prominent physician In the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
MCDAnilO and mental diseases, physical
INLn V UUo decay.nervousdebillty.Iackof.
energv, ambition and hope. Impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, basbf ulness.
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, falling powers, organic. weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, no
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling balr, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.,
1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange
U III linn I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. whlttler's life-long, extensive experience
insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance a3 carefully treated as if
here. Office hours 9 A. Jt. to 8 p. 3iSundVt
10A.3f.tolr. stonly. DR. WHITTIER, 81i
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ap9-31K-nsuwk
A Scliintlflc and Standard Popular Medical TreatlM oa
tie Errors of youth, PrematnreDeclme.NervoM
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Kesultingtrom Polly, Vice, Ignorance. Ezcesseao
Overtaxation, Enervating ancT unfitting tbe vktlm.
for Work, Business, the if arred or Social Relation.
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess Ola great
work. It contains S00 pages, royal Svo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt Price, only $1.00 by
mall, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper. IllnsJ
tratlve Prospectus Froe, if you apply now. Tha
distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, It. . D, re
MhJii..enin and JEWELLED MEDAL.
from trio National Medical Association, J
tor the PRIZE essay on ntrtwy"0 "na 3
01 Assistant rnysieians may bo "l";
dentlally, by mall or in person, at the efflceof
nr iTmm.i'h Rf-Ttnntnn. Mas.. townomali
wders for books or letters for advice should b Jj
directed as above.
For men! Checks the worst cases in three
days, and cures In five days. Price $1 00, at ' '
jaSS-TTSSu 412 Market streetr
For LOST or railings
nefts. Wea.kB0as . of
Body & Mind, Lack of Strength, Vigor and Df A
VVlUJJUiCU., bMUM.U UJ ....W. -AWn, lV. WVb'.j
hods or si.r-iKicATiit.-iT; ana rroois maiieej
fueled) free. Addrew VltlK MTPIltrAT. r.O .
Ba&lo, N. T. deS-CT'TTStwk -J
.Ssr'i, y.