Ty " ' v. i ). m j, "t t - 3T THE PrCTSSlTBQ- IMpTOH,"' ' Ttfi&DAY, rMA"f"14,' 1889. f fc ft r. ft ESTABLISHED FEBRUABY 8; 1846. Vol. 44, Xo. 86.-Entere4 at Pittsburg Postofice, November 14, 1SS7, u second-class matter. Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Average net circulation of the dally edi tion of Tbe Dispatch for six months ending Way 1.1SS9, 28,051 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edi tion of The Dispatch for April, 1SS9, 46,143 Copies per line. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOSIAGE FEES H THE UNITED STATES. DAILY DisrATCH, One Year f 8 00 Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter 2 00 Daily DlSrATCH. One Month. D Daily Dispatch, Including bunday, one year - 10 00 Daily DlsrATCH; Including Sunday, per quarter. 2 SO Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one month 90 EtWDAY Dispatch, oneyear 2 so weekly DisrATcn, one year is The Daily Di6patch is delivered by carriers at 15 cents per treek, ortacludlngtheSundayeditlon, at 20 cents per week. PITTSBURG, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1SSX THE PEOPOSAL FOB PAEKS. It is gratifying to notice that Commis sioner of Public "Works Bigelow has the courage of his convictions in the matter of getting parks for this populous and growing city, while yet the chance exists; and that ie does not hesitate to recommend the acqui sition of the Scheuley property in the Twenty-second ward, as well as the beautifi cation of the barren and unsightly grounds alone the Allegheny wharf. Neither the Commissioner's convictions nor perceptions run one whit in advance or the public in this respect. To waste flowery language in describing the attractions of a public park is not needed; nor is it required to thresh orer the old straw of arguments supporting the position that such things, while seeming luxuries at the start, pay handsomely in the end. Everrone who knows of the delight which New York takes in Central Park, Baltimore in Druid Hill Park, Philadelphia in Fair-mount Park, Cincinnati in its Eden Park, and who understands how much the people of these cities would sacrifice before giving up their pleasure grounds, can estimate what a glad boon a similar endowment would be to Pitts burg. And yet it requires courage to press it be fore Councils. Wild expenditures and poor returns in years past; the long drawn-out and extravagantly built water works; the miles upon miles of worthless patements, which hare vanished, lea vine indeed, no trace but bonded indebtedness; the general upward tendency of city expenses these things all combine to make tbe taxpayer look charily upon any new proposition involving a con siderable outlay. However, the facts are there none the less, that the people should nave some place and means of rational and healthful enjoyment. It is well that the saloons are closed on Sundays; it may be proper to guard carefully against the inno vations of baseball names; "sacred concerts" cannot, perhaps, wisely be winked at; while the period has evidently not yet arrived when even "soda water" can be trusted upon .indiscriminate draught. But some reasonable provision, such as exists in other cities, must be made for the great bulk of the people who. have not fine grounds or mansions, and to whom parading the streets, standing at the corners or crowding on nar row porches or backstoops is not the ideal of enjoyment for the leiiure hours of Sun day, or any other day. If 200 acres of the Schenley property can be got at the rate of $1,000 per acre, with 75 acres donated besides, the city will have a bargain. It is not like paying $10, O00 per acre for property six miles from tbe Postoffice, as was done for the water works. But commendable as is the Commissioner's cousre in urging the proposal, he and Coun cils must not the less take care as to the balance of the programme. If the purchase is to be followed by extravagant plans for improvements or a costly style of main- , tenance, it will reflect discredit on those in- charge just in proportion as a wise, though not necessarily mean, economy and fore sight will make the investment for all time satisfactory. The progress of negotiations will surely be awaited with great public interest, , A ttat.T CENTS DHTEREKCE. The indications are multiplying that the differences in wages between the railroad coal operators and the miners will be settled without difficulty. This was to be expected as the divergence was at first rather slight and is rapidly becoming less. The miners' Secretary is quoted as saying that the oper tors mine four-fifths of the coal under the summer price. Supposing this to be the case the average wages for a year on the 71J4 and 76 cents rate would be 72 cents per ton. This is a cent and a half below what the miners ask. Several operators have concluded that the difference is not worth fighting'about and have gone to work at the 74-cent rate. Others have, it is now re ported, come up a peg and are now offering the miners 73 cents or half a cent less than the latter ask. This is getting pretty close and we have no doubt that this half-cent gap will soon be bridged over. ETHICAL ELASTICITY. . The decision of the judges of the Nash ville race track that Jockey McLaughlin should be reinstated is one of the events of last week which has attracted the interest of the sporting element. This deliberate revision of their former action in ruling him off, amounts to a declaration that pull ing a winning horse so that another horse from the same stable might win is not a viola tion of racing ethics, gives a new view of the theories upon which square races are run. Nevertheless we agree with thejndges that it would be hard lines on a jockey to rule him off the track for a little peccadillo like that when the great business lights of the country do the same thing on a bigger scale, with eclat. Pulling the winning horse in order that his stable mate may win, is doubtless unpleasant to the people who backed the pulled horse; but in comparison with the pojicy of deliberately wrecking one corporation and refusing to carry out its covenants in the interest of other cor porations, it is a merely venal matter. How harsh it would be to rule a Jockey off the track for that trivial matter, when the great patrons of the turf support that noble sport by the profits of selling to themselves as corporation managers, their private proper ty at five or six times its value, and then unloading the burdened stock on the confid ing, investing public It would certainly be unreasonable to ex pect the ethics of the turf to be .more strict than the. ethics of corporate management But the parallels which can be drawn ia this case may strengthen the conviction of the public that if it wants honesty, it will hare to look elsewhere for it. COMMON COUNCIL'S NEW STBEAE, Common Council made a bold stroke at originality yesterday, and when it reviews its own action it will probably surprise it self as much as the public to find .oat how well it succeeded. Its action in refusing to accept the resig nation of the Councilmen who propose to leave that body in order to accept licenses, is doubtless intended as a rebuke to Judge "White for his ruling that the positions of Councilmen and saloon keeper are incon gruous., But the rebuke is of the kind that will tall heaviest on those who are supposed to be indorsed by it. If Common Council can prevent its resigning members from leaving and thus cut them off from that bonanza which this year's licenses repre sent, the disappointed Councilmen would find their position between court and Coun cil worse than the proverbial one between the d 1 and the deep sea. The request for information as to the use of the police at the last election is still more interesting and hardly less of a mys tery. If it extracts the information it will be decidedly effective. At present, how ever, its most prominent feature is its sur prising character. It is calculated to sur prise the public and the Department of Public Safety; but we question whether it will surprise anyone more than Common Council itself when it finds out what it has done. There are decided indications that-Common Council is getting up a boom of origi nality. Bnt we fear that such a sudden change will be likely to produce a reaction. THE EFFECT OF COMPETING EOADS. The reference of Mr. Carnegie in his in terview in The Dispatch the other day to the responsibility of Messrs. McCullough and Stewart for the policy of the Pennsyl vania company which called the Pittsburg and Lake Erie road into existence, occasions some little talk. "We have no disposition to undertake the decision of the personal issues that may arise in the discussion of railway questions. But we desire to dissent from Mr. Carnegie's view to the extent of point ing out that whoever was responsible for the policy that made the Pittsburg and Lake Erie road a necessity, unwittingly did the Pennsylvania Railroad interests a service. To state the proposition in its broadest way, the building oi competing roads to Pitts burg caused such an expansion of traffic that the roads whose monopoly is taken away, gained by it. The advantage which the opening of a competing line conferred on Pittsburg ap pears most plainly from the iron statistics. Tne year the Pittsburg and Lake Erie road was built the production of finished iron in Pittsburg was 417,000 tons, or 17.6 per cent of the whole product of the country. In 1883, four years later, the production was 877,000 tons, or 20.8 per cent. The great er portion of the actual increase was dne to the revival of activity; but the increase in Pittsburg's proportion of the total product of the country was due to the improvement brought by moderate railroad competition. No other cause can be attributed for the gain of 3.2 per cent, or about 150,000 tons. The statistics of later years would include the gain from natural gas; but this gain must be credited solely to the improved rates secured by a competing line. Now it must be plain that the gain in this single item indicates a corresponding in crease in other items. The addition of 150, 000 tons through railroad competition, means when the coke, ore, pig iron, coal and limestone freights are added, a gain of 900,000 tons in the item of iron freights alone. Give a corresponding increase -to other lines of traffic, and the total increase in freight traffic from Pittsburg alone, re sulting from the opening of the P. & L. E., will be found to exceed the entire tonnage of its whole line for that year. In other words, while the new line earned liberal profits, it caused an expansion of traffic which spread to the lines with which it competed. This is corroborated by the in crease of both net-and gross earnings which the Pennsylvania Company's reports show for the years alter the Pittsburg and Lake Erie was built. Competing lines are an advantage, and when brought to bear on discriminations such as the Pennsylvania Company laid on Pittsburg in the last decade, their good effect extends to the corporations whose un healthy monopoly is broken. The lesson should have its effect upon the railway men who imagine that the secret of success lies in strangling competition. Since no new competition is involved in the present problem, it should be plain to our present railway managers that their truest pros peritv, as well as the progress of the com munity, lies in such rates as will stimulate Pittsburg industries and expand her freight traffic. TAHNEB AND THE CONSTITUTION. A very remarkable feature of the execu-. tive policy of Commissioner of Pensions Tanner, in changing pension rules that are fixed by law, because he thinks they onght to be otherwise, has already attracted much attention. But the Commissioner has per haps with the purpose of showing how much more he could have done in that line if he had tried out-Tannered Tanner by a propo sition to nullify the Constitution of the United States". In a speech at Columbia, Tenn., the other day, this official declared it to be the duty of the Southern States to provide for the ex-Confederate soldiers, and asserted that all Union soldiers in the South wonld cheerfully snbmit to the taxation necessary to keep the wolf of want and gnawing hunger from the homes of the men who on hundreds of battle fields felt the horrors of war to the last extremity. In other words Commissioner Tanner indorsed the project of State pensions for ex-Confederates and declared that "common decency demands this action on-the part of the Legislatures of the States who passed the ordinance of secession." What common decency may demand is a matter of opinion. But what the Constitu tion of the United States demands is set down in black and white, and it happens to take a decidedly adverse view of this plan. But Tanner.'s idea being very plainly to the effect that the end and purpose of Gov ernment is to pay pensions, and hardly less distinctly that it is within the, function of a Pension Commissioner to make laws, it may also include the opinion that he can 1 also unmake Constitutional provisions. SUBSTITUTES FOB STATESMEN. Soon after the inauguration of President Harrison, The Dispatch suggested that it would be a good idea to provide him with a substitute to shake hands with the people who called upon him This suggestion was made simply with a view to relieving the President of excessive. hand shaking. Now, it seems that the New York Herald has re- 1 ceiyed from a crank named Jonas Robins a letter stating that when he, Kobins, calls upon the President he is always received by 'a dummy or substitute. Of course Mr. Robins' statement is a mere piece of insane imagination; but the Herald asks; ""Why should not the President and his Cabinet officers employ dummies to receive, hear and reply to the office seekers and their friends?" The Herald approves the provision of paid dummies for the President and his Cabinet officers. At this time, when the President and several members of his Cab inet are said to be suffering in health, from the assaults of office seekers, this odd propo sition bears a really reasonable aspect Even practical politicians confess that the office seeking nuisance this year is too great for human .endurance in "Washington. "We be lieve such men as Senator Quay and Sena tor Ingalls would approve this scheme; especially if they could have dummies too. If we give our statesmen dummies,they may in return give us a little statesmanship. Ix is interesting to observe that Mrs. Gertrude Atherton after an interval of some weeks has continued her epistolary quarrel with Mrs. Ella "Wheeler "Wilcox, by a pro longed letter to the effect that her antag onist is a mean thing and she never did like her anyhow.- Such a response from a writer of such professed ability in improper litera ture is disappointing. If Mrs. Atherton cannot say anything worse of Mrs. "Wilcox than that, it is calculated to raise doubts as to the real authorship of her published works. . Another conspiracy to kill the Czar of Russia is announced. This is just in time to remove all doubts as to the policy of the new Minister of the Interior. That is what most Russian conspiracies are there for. General Butler's declaration that he would prove Admiral Porter guilty of cow ardice if he could get the logbook of the Harriet Lane, is a good deal like the pro verbial "I could prove it, too, if old Bill Jones was alive." We do not think that the General won fame and fortune as a criminal lawyer by telling what he could prove if he could only cet hold of the evi dence. From the disposition to disavow respon sibility for it before the law, that order No. 55, which plays such a prominent part in the Federal street crossing case, is assum ing the character of a fatal disorder. Me. Commissioner Tanner's declara tion that there are 10,000 honorably dis charged soldiers and sailors of the Union army in the almshouses of the country, is a statement for which the statistics are neces sary. "We are under the impression that the G. A. R. is intended to prevent that sort of thing. To turn the Sehenley estate in the Twenty-second ward into a park would be such a decided improvement" that it comes in the category of the things that are too good to be true. Captain Wissman's campaign in Zan zibar opens with a victory over the in surgents; bnt the campaign is not ended until the greatest ally that Bushiri has on his side is defeated. The German forces have got to conquer the African climate, and so far it has proved unconquerable. A four-hundred acre park in Pitts burg would be an entirely different affair from our present possessions in that line, of a quarter-acre park on Second avenue. New York has raised 55,000 of the $150, 000 which her proposed Centennial arch is expected to cost. That is a little less than the proportion of the Grant Monument fnnd which she has raised. But she has got beautiful plans for the arch, on paper. Records were broken last week by the City of Paris, a lake steamer, and Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson. The fact that the sale of Mr. Cleveland's horses brought only about 30 per cent of what was paid for them is significant This is an undonbted case of the deadly effect upon an American product of the recent tariff victory. The "speak-easies" are in danger of get ing roughly spoken to in the courts. The Reading road's rednction on ore from the lakes to the Eastern Pennsylvania furnaces is an example which the Pennsyl vania Railroad will do wisely to follow for tbe benefit of the Western Pennsylvania furnaces. PEOPLE OP FB0MINENCE. William B. Gill, Superintendent of the Sixth district. Western Union Telegraph Com pany, with headquarters at Philadelphia, has been appointed by Governor Beaver one of the Pennsylvania Commissioners to the Pans Ex position. John Allen and Prof. E. H. Piatt will start on horseback from Harlem to San Francisco to-day. Love of adventure and a desire to im prove their health prompts them to make the trip tbat way, and not any wish to spite the railroads or the shoemakers. Judge Matthews, wbo succeeds Judge Durham as First Controller of the Treasury, and Mr. Huston, who succeeds Mr. Hyatt as Treasurer of the United States, entered upon the discharge of their new duties yesterday morning. There was no ceremony beyond tak ing tho oath of office and the usual intro duction of officers and employes of each of the bureaus to the new chiefs. The Hon. John O. New is perfectly familiar with all the intricacies of tbe game of poker. Before bis departure for his post he met a friend who greeted him cordially and an nounced that be bad a friend in England to whom be was very desirous of giving Mr. New an introduction. "Is that so?" said the Consul to London, dreamily. And then he murmured half unconsciously, "What's his llmltj" The Indiana Medical Society did a rather unusual thing at its session on last Thursday. It elected a woman to honorary membership. The lady so honored is Miss Kate Corey, M. D., a graduate of tho University of Michigan, who for four years was principal surgeon in charge of a hospital at Foochow, China, and who has, as was stated in tbe convention by Dr. E. S, Elder, "performed almost every surgical oper ation known, from pulling a tooth to ovari otomy." ' Messes. Coolet, Chairman, and Morrison and Bragg, of tbe Inter-State Commerce Com mission, left Washington yesterday morning for Titusville. Pa., where several cases are as signed for bearing during the present week. Commissioner SchoonmaLcr was unable to ac company tho party, being confined to his house by sickness. At tbe conclusion of the hearings at Titusville, Chairman Cooley will leave there for tbe West, and Messrs. Morrison and Bragg will return to Washington. Stephen Nxorro, a nephew of the King of the Free State of the Congo, Is a student at the Wayland Seminary in Washington. He was converted by missionaries, came to this conn try and is translating tbe Bible into tbe Congo tongue. His translation will be printed as soon as be finishes it This is the first time tbat anv- Jone has ever attempted to translate the Bible from the English to the Congo language, and Nkolyo is probably one or the youngest men who ever undertook a work of a similar char acter. He is very enthusiastic over his labors. and says be hopes that it may achieve much good in far away Africa, THE" TOPICAL TALKER, A Few Hoars' Stroll Throngh tbo Courts and Lawyers' Offices. These is an extremely interesting assem blage of lawyers in the Criminal Court just now. As a rule, the lawyers and proceedings of the Criminal Court are far from interesting. Bat tbe case ot the Commonwealth against Superintendent Starr, of the tort Vayne Ball road, arising from the Federal street accident, has gathered there some of the biggest lawyers in this State. It is a very unusual thing to see Mr. D. T. Watson, of this city, in a criminal case, although it is not, as has been said, his first appearance in that court. It is hardly less remarkable to find associated with Mr. Watson in the prosecution, Mr. Franklin B.' Gowan, of Philadelphia, whose fame as a rail road man is hardly greater than his renown as a lawyer. Yesterday morning the crim inal Court was pretty well filled by the general public and by an unusual number of lawyers, who came there in the anticipation of hearing Franklin B. Gowan present the case for tbe prosecution. They were doomed to disanpolnt ment, however, for tbe morning was consumed in the examination of witnesses for tho defense. In the afternoon, when there were not so many lawyers as spectators, Mr. Gowan spoke. Mr. Gowan is not a very imposing looking man. but at tbe same time bo has a fine face, with pe culiarly intellectual brow, an eye of very great brilliancy; his mouth Is large, and has a pecu liar tendency to rise on the left side, and a still greater tendency to lapse into a smile. It is an agreeable and pleasant face, and wreathed in a smile, as it frequently was, I do not remember seeing a face tbat has charmed mo more. Mr. Gilkerson, the detective of this city, sat behind Mr. Starr and his counsel all yesterday morning, and. while I don't suppose he knows It, he was similarly regarded by the people beyond the bar as one of the great lawyers in the case. V Mr. Gowan disappointed everyone who looked to him for oratory. He expressly dis claimed the title of orator which Mr. John Bobb, in a preceedlng speech, had bestowed upon him. Hemerelv talked. His style was simpler and less dtgnitled even than Mr. D. T. Watson's, which is saying a good aeaL All the same, if I were on a jury Mr. Gowan's plain, unencumbered talk would avail most with me. . A bather well known free-thinker of this city happened to pass by a church a Sunday or two ago in company with a lawyer, and point ing to the crowd of men and women who poured into the sacred building, he said, "All those people yon see going in there are abont to have their consciences cleaned of last week's stains. The majority of people repent only once a week and then start with a clean bill to sin again. It would be rather an unfortunate thing for some of them if they happened to die on Friday or Saturday, without having been cleaned up." v If YOT7 have ever been in glorious old Tom Marshall's law office you must have noticed a cumbrous but comfortable armchair with writing slabs and footstool attached. I believe Mr. Marshall has had it there nearly a score of years. A few months ago, however, be pre sented it to City Solicitor Elphinstone, ot Alle gheny. Naturally Mr. Elphinstone regards it as a great relic, and at tbe same time it is an exceedingly comfortable chair. It was made, I believe, by some country client of Mr. Mar shall's, and since he gave it to Mr. Elphinstone he has had to have a duplicate of it made for his own office. THE OLD L0TE EEY1VED. A Cnllfornlnn Sleets and Weds His Sweet heart of 20 Years Ago. Philadelphia. May 13. Twenty years ago George E. McEibben and Sarah M. Lawrence, both of New York, engaged themselves to marry, but before tbe wedding day arrived tbey quarreled and separated. Mr. McKibben went to California and amassed a fortune In mining operations. He married in California, and his wife having died, he married again, but his second ventnro was not a hapny one, and a short time ago he procured a divorce. In tbe meantime his first love had gone to Utah and married. Her husband died, and she married again, but tbe second husband also died, and she re turned to New York. There she met Mr. Mc Kibben again, the old love was rekindled, and yesterday they ran over to Philadelphia and appeared before Clerk- Bird, of tbe Orphans' Court, for a marriage license. In a few hours they were made man and wife and returned to" New York." ' AFAETIST TUEN8 SHIrWBIGHT, . And Builds n Trim and Novel Little Craft Id His Stndio. Boston, May 13. A novelty in the yachting line will be the steam yacht which Mr. David M. Little, a well-known Salem artist, is build ing, to use for obtaining instantaneous marine photos and regatta studies. He has done the greater part of the work himself, with the ex ception of a little caulking and some of the joining. The yacht has been built at Mr. Boss Turner's stndio. She is to be christened the Allda. The stPamer measures 35 feet GJ inches over all, 29 feet on the witerline. 7 feet i inches beam, and draws about 3 feet. Tbe frame is of white oak and planking of one-half cedar. All of the fastenings are of deal and of galvanized Iron. Tbe steering gear is connected with two wheels, one forward and the other aft. The yacht will probably be launched next week, and goes into commission on May 30. It will be specially fitted for photo graphic work. Their Fnvorlte. From the Minneapolis Tribune. Can you sing, General Butler? Yes? And you. Admiral Porter? Yes? Then give us a little duet well, say, "The Cruel War is Over." DEATHS OP A DAT. Mrs. Ann Sutton. Mrs. Ann Sutton, widow of Alfred Button, Esq., died Sunday evening at her residence, Winebiddle avenue, in ber 81st year. She was the oldest child or tbe late Richard and Sarah Bishop, and the an nouncement of her death will carry tbe memory of bnt few persons back to tbe childhood and youth of the deceased, for Fittsbure was then but an In significant town, comparatively; suburbs, there were none, save a few scattered houses and the primeval forest covered miles of space, now occu pied by roaring factories, business and Industries or all tmas and a dense population, tne was born in London in the year 1807-8. When she was but a year old her father determined to remove to Amer ica, and baring disposed of his business and prop erty (he was a merchant in the btrand), set sail for this land in the spring of 1503. lie was three months In making Sandy Hook, and it is learned from his diary that, during the last two weeks of tho voyage the vessel was half water-lowed and In hourly danger of sinking, the only food left being Junk and sea-soaked crackers. He escaped these dangers and hardships, and soon after purchased the farm on which he lived till his death. This farm, so well known to old Blttsburgers, stretched nearly from tbe old Ernest and hemple place to the Sharpsburjr ferry (since bridge), and. under his skillful and Intelllcent culture, became a truly lovely home. Here Ann, bis eldest child, whose death Is noted above, crew up in a scene of natural beauty nowlicre sur passed, amid healthful employment, innocent en joyments and pnre and good associations. Her father was a man of unusual intellectuality and wide reading: had imbibed largely of the philoso phy and literature of tbe French Revolution, and threw around his family a freedom of thought and liberality of opinion which more or less left Its traces for good upon every member oi his house hold. in her elchteenth year she was married tn ai. rrea auiton. tsq ic or several successive, term Frothonotary or ai Uechenv countr. livlnpnt nrt ontneoia JJlsuopiarm; mierwara on smunneld street (the only nouso left standing for several ;; ;. ...- . i . . A- ".--- "-." on smlthfleld squan saner in cflroof '45); subsequently In Law. rencevllle, and In these her last years, on Wine Diddle avenue, in a uouse wnicn sue naa recently erected, bhe had survived all her children, and lived with her granddauchter. Miss Thcodosla Moor, whose consecration of herllfe tothecaroof her beloved grandmother has won the admiration and esteem of all who Lnow her, and of tbo labor and sacrifice which she has freely rendered to make hapny and easy her relative's last years. Mrs. Sutton was a very beautiful slrl. fun of kindest Impulses and of an exuberant vitality wbich made her a welcome companion and guest at all tbe entertainments of the society In which she moved. When It was first tho writer's pleasure to meet her he found a woman mature in mind and body, kind and good, ceuer ons and just, naturally reverential, and then In the communion of the church in which she lived and died, her example and life being altogether worthy of her proiesslon. but always liberal, generous and kindly toward other professions and ellefs. She inherited the intellectual girts of her father her Intellect was keen, clear and logical; excellent sense characterized all her Judgments and con duct: she was a constant and Jadlclous reader, and 1 cannot but think it very beautiful that she, an old lady, should take delight, as she did In the last few weeks of her lire, in rcadinir '-A Daughter of Fire." As a curiosity of literature, it may be stated that she bought the first number of The Dispatch ever printed, and has bought and read every number since. Her husband and all her children died before her, and many years or her later life were given lo the. nurture and care orhcr grandchildren, and this devotion cime back in blessing on her at the last. In the fullness of years, surrounded hyhcr dearest eartblv friends, and in tbe calm and peace of an untroubled faith and immortal hone' ihn blddle avenue, In a bouse which she hadrecentl has passed to her heavenly rest, with lovo and kindliest recollections. Ucaulescat in tiace. W. 1. Mr. AT THE THEATERS. Conrad, tho Corsair, Fat Men's Clab and Other Attractions. "Conrad, the Corsalr.V by Rico's Burlesque Company, pleased a large audience at tbe Opera House-last night. The play wis well staged, the company quite evenly balanced and tbe dancing and singing quite up to expecta tions. Tbo production as a whole was there fore a decided improvement upon many of the so-called burlesques which have been seen here this season. The scenery used in the last act, was rich and handsome, Miss Annie M. Perkins, who appears to be young and who is certainly pretty, took the title role, and it was but tbe work ot a few moments for her to make herself a general favorite with the audience. Miss Ida Verona also made a very charming Medora. The lead ing comedy roles were assumed by Messrs. Ed win a Tarr, George A. Schiller, Bichard Gor man and George K. Fprtesque, .the inimita ble grotesque. Mr. Tarr made quite a hit as Beyd facha, but a bigger one when he ordered gin fizz by telephone. A quan tity of liquid sufficient to fill a water pail came shooting oyer him, but didn't stop there. It went over the footlights and over the orchestra, thoroughly dronchlng at least one of the musicians, spattering upon the sheet music and the bald heads fn the front row. The female corsairs are numerous, shapely ouu auvib mid aiordo in jooju. Bijon Theater. Very fat men are not attractive at any time, but in hot weather they ought to be secluded in Ice-houses. Considering the truth of this proposition the production of J. C. Stewart's "Fat Men's Club" ai the Bijou Theater this week, to say the least, is inopportune. More over, it has not been our lot to see a more con temptible conjunction of drivel, vulgarity and idiocy than the "Fat Men's Club" contains. It is tbe last attraction of the season atthe Bijou, and it Is the worst In fact, it is not an at traction. No one could ever convince us that "Tho, Two Johns" was moro than a very weak farce, but as compared with "The Fat Men's Club" it is a divine comedy. Out of a pure spirit of compassion we shall mention none of the actors Implicated In tho production of this atrocity. Some of them deserve to be named; their acting is so awful. it is given out omcially that the angel ballet of fat men at the end of the second act is pro digiously funny. The bulletin is verbally in correct The spectacle of five men, all welsh ing over 300 pounds, jnmping about the stage In pink tights and short muslin skirts is dis gusting. The managers of the Bijou, it is said, had to brace up the stage to support the ponderous gyrations of the corpulent quintet This was a waste ot money. The collapse of the stage might have made the dance amusing and edifying. Harris' Theater. "We, Us & Co.," a firm that is always favored with good business in this city, are again at Harris' Theater. Since their last visit there has Deen little change in the personnel ot the company, and that change for the better. Miss Lena Johns, formerly the Violet of "The Little Tycoon," brightens up the skit immensely with her fresh young voice, rendering a couple of ballads in a charming manner. Miss Lillian Keene throws herself into the character of Sella Buttle with an evident intention of pleas lnz, and she succeeds, "Did yon notice it" The other members of the company are at home in their roles, and tbe entire comedy moves smoothly. Large audiences attended both performances yesterday, at each of which Mr. Walter Jones' topical song, "When I Come to Think of It" was encored so heartily tbat he was obliged to respond seven or eight times. Tbe week's business for the medical firm of "We, Us fc Co." will doubtless be very good. Dramatic Notes. The lovers of Irish melody, dancing and humor should certainly pay a visit to the Acad emy of Music this week. C. C. Magee's com pany In "Irish Lnck" gives a very artistic and enjoyable combination ot Irish character sketching. The Boston Symphony Orchestra, in con junction with the Mozart Club, of this city, will render the oratorio of "Elljah"on Wednes day next at Old City Hall. On Thursday even ing a symphony concert will be given at the same place. SAD E0HANCE OP A DAT. A Girl Finds a Lover, a Husband and Death All In 24 Hoars. Cheyesiik, Wyo., May 13. Courtship, mat rimony, death, is the brief history of a day in the life of "Rosebud" Callahan, once the most beautiful woman in the Bocky Mountain region. For a year past she haB lived with ber parents, who keep the Mountain Hotel. Friday a tall, broad-chested cattle drover from Texas stopped at tbe hotel, was smitten with "Rosebud," pro poned and was accepted. Tbat night tbey were married, and yesterday morning tbe bride groom awoke to find his bride a corpse. She was a morphine eater, and bad taken an over dose during the night. Thev buried her this afternoon, the same minister who bad officiated at her wedding preaching her funeral sermon. "Rosebud" was 26 years old, and a queen in the days of cattle and gold. From a variety theater here she went to Leadville, where it is said the furnishing of her cottage and its ex penses cost a prominent Senator $10,000 in one year. When her beauty waned she came back to Cheyenne, and had lived quietly with her parents. John V. Boggs, the drover, was her third husband. He is wild with grief. FIGHTING A CONSOLIDATION. Steps to Set Aside the Beo Line-Big Four Wedding. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Cleveland, May IS. Jndge Stone, of the Common Pleas Court here, to-day granted a temporary restraining order in the case of Stevenson Burke against tbe Cleveland, Colum bu'.Clncinnatl and Indianapolis Railroad Com pany. Judge Burke seeks to prevent the Beo Line Big Four Consolidation, and is more de termined in his position than he has been at any time since tbe deal was proposed. The company is restrained from taking steps toward the proposed consolidation until May 21, except as to taking sfnd receiving votes at the stockholders' meeting. Tbe hearing on the application for a tem porary injunction, to remain in force until the case is heard, is set for May 20. President Layng, ot tbe Bee Line, accompanied by Jndge Green, is here to look after the Vanderbilt in terests in the case. . THE BEEKMANITES BOUNCED. Followers of Schwelnfurth Uncermonlously Hustled Out of Ctiurcb. Minneapolis, .May ia Bev. J. Schweln furth, of Rockford, 111., who claims to be the second Christ has had several followers in Minneapolis. They are called Beekmanltes. The colony now consists of four women and three men, who live together in one house under the leadership of Brother Whitney. The bouse is situated near the Bloomington avenue Methodist Church, which tbe Beekmamtes have been in tbe habit of attending and raising more or less discord at the Methodist prayer meetings. They were warned to desist Friday night the Beekmanites appeared as usual and fol lowed their old tactics- Then up rose several hnskv Methodist brethren and girded up their loins and hustled the heretics out In a Very I lively manner, just now quiet Drooas over that vicinity, but tbe Schweinfurthlans are vowing a sort of churchly vengeance. Yon Needn't Eat tho Stems, Though, From the New York Snn.l Tho really proper way to serve strawberries nowadays is with tbe stems on. Part of a small saucer should have a little mound of powdered sugar poured into it, and on the other side the largest and choicest berries obtainable should bo heaped up. Each berry Is taken up by tho stem, dipped into the sugar and eaten from the fingers. ' A Pittsburg Artist's Work. Speaking of the pictures by American artists shown atthe prize fundexhibltioninNewYork, the Bun says: "A new name is that of Mr. D. B. Walkley. of Pittsbure, wbo sends a picture called the "Potter," a veracious. Intelligent aud not unattractive study of two figures, one at bis task, ono idly watching, in a modern work shop." ' A Savins' of Salary. From. the Kansas City Btar.l When a new building goes up at Atchison tho services of a superintendent are dispensed with. A man opens up a peanut stand at tbe place where the structure is being erected and tbe fellows who patronize him tell the work men what to do. Indusiiloni in His Own Wcy. From the Minneapolis Tribune. Jay Gould says be ma4o,every cen$ he has bX bard work. If Jay calls "workingia man for a sucker' hard work he certainly has been inde- I fatlgiblc. - i PLANS FOR THE FUTURE. Lleeoso Legislation Likely to Greatly Agi tate the Next Session of tbe Legislature ThePIttsbnrg Postoffice and tbe County Committee Quay After Pittsburg's Councils. Members of the Legislature jnst home from Harrisbnrg have heard more aoout liquor li censes and prohibition than they bad heard in some time before. A great many unreasoning people think the members from Allegheny county could have in some way averted" the storm lr they had only wanted to do so- When pinned down and asked for plans and specifica tions tbey are unable to furnish them, but con tinue to adhere to the original proposition that there must have been some way to do it or at least that some way might have been found. No Allegheny member conld have done a thing to in one way or the other hare changed the re sult at the late License Court, and no one of them nor all of them together could have passed any law to alter the result at any License Court that meets be fore the next session of the Legisla ture. . Orders went out from Mr. Quay while the last session was yet in Its swaddling clothes that there should be no liquor legisla tion until after the vote on the prohibitory amendment, and Mr. Brooks, who had an amendment to this Dill, bowed to tbe superior power and refused to be tempted into an alli ance wun senator cooper, i nose wno aia not bow failed to achieve anything. Some were encouraged late in the session to hope that something might be done for tbe bills they had Introduced, bnt this was merely to win their support at critical times. Mr. Cooper's last effort at amendment to tbe high license law for tbe purpose of liberalizing it in some re spects, was killed on the last night of the ses sion, as was Mr. Quigley's one amendment in the same direction. A Shadow of Coming Events. There is tbe highest authority for saying that the next session of the Legislature will be as remarkable for its license legislation as the late one was for its lack of anything ot the klnd.ihat materialized into" law. The Republi can leaders, except when talking- for publica tion, do not mask their opinion tbat the prohi bition amendment is as good as dead. What will satisfy the people in general is the thing tbat is troubling them. Some deliverance on the subject will be made at tbe coming State Convention and from tbat until the Legisla ture next meets tbe details of the bill tbat will be Introduced as the party measure will cause them moro or less anxiety. It is not likely to be tbe only bill there. Men with ideas of their own on the subject will be on band next session of the Legislature as this. Mr. Brooks, if be Is in legislative harness two years hence, as he hopes to be, will probably introduce the party bill. Mr. Cooper hopes not to be in the next Legislature, though it is equally true that his recent effort to amend the nresent liauor law was a defiance of orders tbat may be a stumbling block in the pathway of his Federal advancement s Opposed to the Judges. Among certain politicians of Allegheny county there Is a strong feeling tbat the liquor law should be so amended as to take the licens ing power out of the hands of the judges. There is a great deal more unanimity on this than on any other point that has yet been developed. One plan suggested is that a general license board or commission be established in Harris burg and that a deputy be located In each Sen atorial district of the State, the latter to have power to license and tbe former to have gen eral charge of tbe matter and act as a court of appeal. In its general features this plan bears great resemblance to a bill introduced early in the session by Representative Lemon. Tbeblll also had the high license feature and was de cidedly stringent in its provisions. It was neg atived by the Committee on Ways and Means, but may be heard of again at the next session. In the ruxal districts of tbe State, where the people have been accustomed to tbe exercise ot tbe license power by the Judiciary, such a de mand is practically unheard of. what favor such a scheme might receive if passed is one ot tne imngs inai cannot do toia. Fostofilce nnd Primaries. The Pittsburg postoffice Is giving Mr. Quay's local adherents a great deal of mental trouble. They had hoped for a change before the pri maries, but hope has faded into an almost ab solute surety that nothing will be done until much later, probably not until tbe expiration of Postmaster Larkm's term. It is represented that Postmaster General Wanamaker is quite ready to accommodate Mr. Quay in this matter at any time he may say the word, for the prin cipal reason tbat he desires to make amends td tbe junior Senator for their little difference of opinion concerning the Fields matter in Phila delphia. Mr. Quay is reported to feel that it would not be good policy to make tbe change now, though a short time ago he almost prom ised to make the appointment within a week after Mr. Warmcastle shonld be appointed to the Collectorship of Internal Bevenue. The Quay workers think they could capture the Bepublican County- Committee witb little or no trouble in case of Mr. McKean's immediate appointment. Without it tbey make no boasts that they can do anything more than make a fight What Mr. Qnny Wants. Mr. Quay wants all the Pittsburg Federal offices. He is working for them, and if any of them get away from him it will be a sad blow to the hope be cherishes of being able to elect a majority of Pittsburg's Councilmen In the future. Mr. Quay argues that while Mr. Magee is the leader 'of the Bepublican forces ot Pitts burg his own leadership in the State is npt secure. This not only is a compliment of a hlcb order to Mr. Magee's ability to make a light against big odds, but indicates tbat in tbe Beaver statesman's estimation the Pittsburg chief tain was not very badly injured alter all when an avalanche of votes was overturned on Senate bill No. 70. If Congressman Dalzell can make a strong enough fight to secure recognition from the President of his claim to name the postmaster for tbis city, it will be a big point in Mr. Magee's favor in the struggle that is on from now out A MONOPOLY OP OFFICE Held by a Firm That Can Supply a Post, master of Either Party. Norwich. May 13. N. O. Barker, of Leba non, Conn., has just received his commission as postmaster, vice Frank P. Fowler, removed. Under tbis apparently unimportant bit of news is concealed an interesting little story of the past, present and future of the Lebanon post office. Mr. Fowler was appointed by President Cleveland nearly f our jjpars ago to succeed Mr. Barker, who had been postmaster for the pre vious 1ft years. Now Mr. Barker is to succeed Mr. Fowler. The point of the story is tbat Messrs. Barker and Fowler are members of a grocery firm tbat have dono business together during many years past and the change in postmasters has made no change in tbn location of tbe office or tbe personal of therofflcials. except that in one rase Mr. Barker has been assistant to Mr. Fowler, and In the other case Mr. Fowler will now become, as he has previously been, assist ant to Mr. Barker. The Lebanon postoffice has, therefore, occu pied the same position for the past 21 years, and been operated by tbe same people In suite of partisan changes of postmasters ny Bepub lican and Democratic administrations. And even President Harrison's appointment follows the same line. Mr. Barker and his partner may be snoken of as being on either end of a politi cal teeter board, on which, in tbe nresent case, the former is doubtless saying: "Now 1 go up, up, up; and now you go down, down, down." The Rebels Triumphed. From the Washington Post. General Henry R. Jackson, of Georgia, has been thinking with his lungs again. This time he says It was the North, and not tho South, tbat rebelled in 1881. If General Jackson will only sit down and refresh this wearied nation with a few confluent flashes of bis brilliant silence, we will all gladly agree that tbe North did the rebelling, even though the admission may imply that rebellion was a success. THE PUKEST THING OF EABTH. I saw two little children, Two little baby girls. The one with raven tresses, The other golden carls, liy chance stand by each other Upon the busy street, As If some unseen spirit Introduced each sweet They soft embraced each other And klssid a kiss of love An Imagery or angels Before God's throne above. And as they were embracing I tnonght a world like this Could treasure nothing purer Than a baby 'b kiss; Bnt they had chUdhood's pnreness, A truth they could not hide. So each forsook tho otber For Its mother's side. For they bad baby wisdom, Learned ere their mortal birth, Each one knew & mother wis The purest thing of earth. -Panaia It. XcQregor in S, X, (gopMCj i GOSSIP OF GREAT GOTHAM, Wants a Receiver for Bootb and Barrett. :xxw YOBS BUEXAU SrXCIALS.1 New Yobk. May 13. The counsel of Henry F. Glllig, manager of the American Exchange in Earope, urged the Supreme Court to-day to appoint a receiver for the profits ot the Booth Barrett combination. Mr. 0111123 story is that his exchange in Europe lent Mr. Barrett 840,000 about four years ago, with the understanding that Mr. Barrett should pay weekly one-tenth of the net earnings of the Booth-Barrett com bination until the debt was canceled. Sir. Bar rett, through his counsel, Boblngersoll, denies the truth of this story. Colonel Ingersoll asked to-day whether Mr. Barrett was charged with owing Gillig or the American Exchange, and I- the. proceedings were adjourned until the Judge could decide. Booth and Barrett are in San Francisco. Mr. Gllllg la in New York, bnt did not appear in court A Baby Born on Bedloe's Island. Baby Lewis, the first child born under the torch of the Bartholdl statue, on Bedloe's Island, was four days old this morning. Tbe baby is the only son of Lieutenant Lewis, U. 8. A, commander of the garrison, and has been christened Bartholdl. A big ten inch cannon was fired over the bay to announce little Bartholdl' s birth. The garrison turned out in Castle William when tbey heard the big gun, and every man stood at his post on the ramparts. A crew ot soldiers rowed over to Liberty Island in tho night to learn what the excitement was. The soldiers who stood at the guns on Castle William were tremendously ex cited till tbey learned the cause of the firing, most of them fearing that some kind of war had been declared. Minister Lincoln Preparing to Salt Robert T. Lincoln, United States Minister to England, Mrs. Lincoln and three children arrived at the Fifth Avenue Hotel from Chi cago, this morning. Mr. Lincoln will sail for Liverpool on the City of Paris next Wednesday. He will remain in London probably throughout the summer, though be may run across the channel onco or twice to see the Paris Exposi tion. Among the prominent visitors who called upon the Minister was Edward Plerrepont, ex Mlnlster to England. Mr. Plerrepont bad a long conversation with Mr. Lincoln, and gave him some valuable bits of information abont London and his experience as Minister. LINDENTHAL'S HIGH BRIDGE. Tbe Pittsburg Engineer Returns From De troit Qnlte Sanguine. Mr. Gustav Lindenthal, the well-known bridge engineer, has just returned from De troit, whither be went on business connected with the proposed high bridge across the De troit river. Mr. Lindenthal said of his jour ney: "During the last ten days a United States Commission of Engineers has been meeting in Detroit to consider what kind of connection shall be made between the Michigan and Can adian shores. There were three different plans before the commission. The first was my own, ot connecting Windsor and Detroit with a long-span high bridge; the second was a tunnel under the Detroit river, and the third was a winter bridge. The Commissioners sent for me and asked me to give my professional opinion on the plans." "What do yon think will be the verdict of the commissioners?" "I do not "know. They adjourned last Satur day, and will make their report to the Secreta ry of War, who in turn will submit the facts to the Senate Committee on Commerce. I be lieve, though, that I stand the best plan, for several reasons. To build a tunnel w, so far, not advisable, inasmuch as it is impossible to estimate tbe cost of such an undertaking, while 1 know my bridge will not exceed 18,500. 000. "The winter bridge Is not much favored by mo navigation people, Decause tney Don eve it 10 oe noimng om a ruse on tbe part of some railroad people to tri :et across tbe river as they like. The object of the Winter Bridge Com pany is to Duua a Driage across tne river witn a movable span, wbich can be taken away on pontoons during tbe summer, to prevent any interference with navigation; while they only mean to use it in tbe winter months from December until April, when the river is frozen nearly all the time, and naviga tion lsat a standstill. I have explained to the commissioners that my bridge, being 140 feet above the level of tbe water, will not interfere with the highest sailing vessel. I have every reason to ue santruine, ana x minjc tne Driage will be bailt before we are much older." MEEEIE COUNCILMEN ABE THEY. And Tbey Wonld Fain Find Pavements Which Are Broad and Smooth. From the Philadelphia North American.! Eight brave and gallant-looking gentlemen slowly marched into the Girard House yester eve and bespoke food and shelter for man and beast In letters large and plain very, very plain their names they did inscribe on the register. What tbey did write read thus: W W. Speer, Henry O. Lowe, Charles T.Welble, J. H.' Smith, Joseph B. Wolfe, Charles H. Hartmann, Charles Ehlin, Charles. Mnhl brower, Allegheny City. Pa. Refreshments did they take, and then unto a many pencilled scribe did Master Bpeer thus unburden his mind. In accents grave and slow spoke he: "Eight merrie Councilmen are we, and from Allegheny City are we come. In search of first-class pavements are we. We would make our city to have pavements broad and smooth. Therefore are we on a visit to your City of Brotherly Love. But we like not your pavements. They are rongh and tedious to the foot We fain would have smoother streets for our fair city of Allegheny." "Whereunto wilt thou and thy comrades go to find the pavements smooth?" "To Camden do we go next Over sundry lanes in tbe little Jersey city we will make onr way. We doubt not that we will profit ui by our visit across the Delaware. Then to New York City do we go. and there likewise we will seek for pavements neat and smooth. Thence to Baltimore our band will march, and there full well will wa search lor the object oi our Journey. "And our Mayor you will consult?" "Of a surety. His methods in your fair city have done mnch good. We wonld learn of him how to pave our streets. And your wise di rector, too. will we consult. His word will weigh much with us. 'Twixt Philadelphia, New York, Camden and Baltimore a fair pave ment shonld we find to nnt in place of our cobbles, wbich are rough and unseemly looking." Time for a Change. From the Inter-Ucean.1 When mail clerks get to seeing "snakes four feet long crawling out of mall sacks" It might be remarked, "It is a condition, not a theory, wbich confronts" tbis department of the pub lic service. Can't Siralo-r Porter. From the New York World. 1 It is said that Benjamin F. Butler never drinks malt liquors. Porter is too strong for him, anyway . PENNSYLVANIA PK0DUCTS. A Chambeesbueo man has taught his dog to smoke a pipe. A Lancaster county quarryman asserts, tbat be found a live frog imbedded m a stone the other day, and exhibits tbe frog to prove his story. An eccentric single lady of Crawford county wears red dresses summer and winter, week days and Sundays. She has bad no other kind for 30 years. A Delawaee county mechanic returned to his home the other day after an absence of a year. His wife had received no word from him and didn't know but what he was dead. The first words he said to ber were: "Is dinner ready. An Eastern woman sold her husband's old coat and vest to the ragman because they were too shabby to wear. When the husband came in at night and told her he had left $83 in the pocket of the old vest she wished she had ex amined the pockets hefore disposing of the garments. A faemer riding along tho rotd in Chester county overtook two children, a boy of 8 and a girl of 7, some distance from their homes. He knew tbe boy and asked him where he was going. "You won't give mo away?" queried the little fellow. "No, Indeed." "Well, then, we're going to get married. We've run away." The farmer persuaded them to postpone their elopement for a dozen years or so and took them back to their parents. A drunken man who was picked up" In MIddletown. N.Y., suted when arraigned be fore tho Magistrate, that his name was Dennis Sweoney. born in Ireland, and now a resident of Wllkesbarre, Pa. His age was 02 ycar, having been born In 1737; that be served as a drummer boy in the War of 1313, and took part In the battle of Litady's Lane; tbat be had since served 35 years as a soldier and a mariao in the United States fereee. - j, CURIOUS 'COHDEKSATI0K& Circus parties, modeled after theater parties, are the latest fashionable diversions ia ryasmngton. Mr. Smith, a gim dealer of Stepney, Coaa, Is suffering from lockjaw""froia the bits of a six-foot Dlacksnake. A company of Boston stock brokers re cently dined Oh two lobsters weighing 28 pounds, canght at Sullivan, Me. Six eloping couples were married at Jeffersonvile, Intt, in ono day recently. One justice married them all. His fees amounted to $23. A. D. Thompson, of Oswego,. N. Y., is said to be the oldest railroad conductor in the United States. He beganrailroadine in 1M4 on a tramway from Ithaca to Owego. H? is abont 70 years old. Horton Bailey, of Omaha, is suing for divorce, and one of his allegations is that his wife once bit him on tbe bead with a picture frame in which was the motto: "God Bless Onr Home." The Hllnois Assembly has shown it self to be possessed of a truly Western sense ot humor by appointing a gentleman named Partridge to the chairmanship of the commit, tee on game laws. A horse at Ansonia, Conn., got a peb ble in bis nose while drinking from a shallow brook, and now, whenever he crosses it, laps water there like a dog, though elsewhere he drinks in the usual fashion. Timothy Smith, watchmaker. Is doing; business in Belfast Me., in the shop that was occupied by his father and grandfather, whoso first names were also Timothy. The sign-which hangs over his door is the same one that his granddad bought A letter mailed in Liverpool about 65 o'clock in the evening of Mayl was delivered to its destination in Chicago early in the morn ing ot May 10. As it probably reached the latter city the previous evening the whole time of transmission between the two cities may be set down as eight days. Tbat is quick transit indeep. A gentleman living a few miles from Vienna, Ga., dreamed a few nights since that an alligator bad bim. He had often beard that if you would gouge them intheyes tbey would turn you loose. So he proceeded to stick his thumbs into the 'gators eyes. He awoke in stantly from the scream of pain from his wife, when be fonnd that he bad almost put both her eyes out She claims that he did It on purpose, and refuses to become pacified. The youngest commercial drummer ia the United States is Harry Wade, of Buffalo. He is bnt 12 years of ace, and a son of Frank A. Wade. The way Master Wade first went one was owing to the serious illness of his father, who is now confined to his house. Tbe boy had made frequent trips with his fatber and ob- servea nis ways oi aoing cosiness, xie prevanea upon bis father to let him take bis route.which is throngh New York State. The boy has mado two successive trips over the route, and is the favorite of the commercial men and his father's customers. Blue lobsters are ceasing to be a novelty la Connecticut waters. Fire of them are known to have been taken within the past two years, Charles Miner, of Qulambang, near a to nington, having taken the fifth within a few days. It was like all the others, as bine as old-fashioned blue crockery, and the shell was translu cent All tbe blue lobsters, with possibly ono or two exceptions, tbat have been taken In the history of American fishing, were captured In Long Island Sound, or at tbe eastern gate of tbe sound, where tbe turbulent waters of tbo Atlantic break into pacific Fisher's Island Sound. In the weird town of Moodus, on the Connecticut river, a resident was cured ot rheumatism in a marvelous way. He went to bed with aching joints, after leaving a lotion on the kitchen table with which to bathe his limbs. He arose several times in tbe night and laved bis limbs freely with tbe contents of a kitchen table bottle, and in the morning was joyfully surprised to find that all bis pains bad fled. It was not until be inspected himself and perceived that be was black and blue tbat be mistrusted that he bad used tbe family blueing bottle instead of the one with the lo tion over night Probably the biggest hunting expeff- tionever arranged by private individuaV ! that now nnaer discussion by Messrs. Cba Y Carroll, Harry Carey and Willie Chanler,V( New York. Their Idea is to arrive at Zanzibar, on the southeast coast of Africa, about Novem ber 1 and proceed inland after big game and. adventure of all kinds, including the fascina tlon of exploring an unknown country. M-T Willie Chanler, as advance agent." has alreaflf reached Zanzibar, and a letter just.cbelred! from him reports that the plan is perfectly feasible. A party of 400 native?, thoroughly armed and equipped, will be tbe body guard, and tbe outfit is already being prepared. The barbed wire patents, which have netted fortunes to their owners, hare an inter esting history. The first patents were Issued to a man named Kelly, living down East. About two years later a farmer at De Ealb, RU con- ceived tbe idea of keeping his unruly cattle in the pasture by patting short barbs on a wire and then twisting it with a plain wire. This Is known in tbe market as the Gidden wire, being named after its Inventor, Joseph F. Gidden. One day while he was experimenting with it a neighbor going by shouted: "Joe, you better bo ont harrerin' in your oats instead of foolln' away your time with patentsi" Gidden thought otherwise, and in less than two years received a bonus of (60,000. with the guarantee of a royalty on all made nnder bis patents. For one year his royalties exceeded 3171,000. In Andover, Conn., recently C. Brad bury, a prominent farmer, was suffering from rheumatism. He could hardly hobble, and life was a harden, when one day he beard of a faith curer. He tried the Impalpable treat ment Tbe doctor looked steadily at Mr. Brad bury and said: "You think you have rheuma tism, but you haven't; there Is nothing the mat ter with you. What you call rheumatism Is only false thinking. Tnink right and your dis ease is gone." The doctor continued to gaze steadily at the patient until tbe latter pulled out 2 and gave It to him, and tben the faith man said: "Yon are cured; get up and walk." Mr. Bradbury got up, and, though bis joints crackled some, be walked. That evening he walked to bis barn and did his chores, some thing be bad not attempted before in months. Mr. Bradbury is still welt While Farmer Solomon Titsworth was sowing grain in Tunkhannock county, near Scranton. on a cloudy afternoon a flock of 200 or 300 pigeons alighted in the ploughed lot be hind him and began to gobble up bis grain at a rate that he did not like at all. Fanner Tits worth tried his best to scare them away, bnt he couldn't As fast as he drove them from ono part of the lot they flew to another and picked up the grain as If they hadn't had any food for twoortnree days, xnen tne zarmer got a beech gad and set to beating the hungry birds. but they were too many for him, even though he killed a dozen or so. The hunger of tbe pigeons overcame theirfear,and they stayed in the field until they filled their crops, when they rose in a body and sailed away toward the north. Farmer Titsworth had to sow a portion of the lot orer again. FOLLY AS IT FLIES. He What do yon suppose I gave for this tennis costume' She Your promise to pay for It sometime. JilnneapolU Trttvne. Gould's Carelessness. First Broker Jay Gould-'s stocks are feverish this morning. Second Broker Feverish I Is It possible that he forgot to water them? Texas Stftinsu. Some one says that a woman should never allow a man to propose marriage to her unless she Is willing to become his wife. Some people would deprive the women in this world of aU their fun. SomerriMe Journal. What He Was. Higgins I heard yon lost a pile on 'Change yesterday. Wlgglns-Yon heard right. ' 'Were yon a bull or bear?' ' 'Neither; I was a Jackass. Texas Slftingt. A physician says: "Girls in feeble bealtn sfinnlilfmfrAKtrmTTin'tlirnnirh the WOOdS Or fields everyday." But suppose a tramp should object v to being taken through the wooos or ncm -' day by girls In feeble bttXQLl-Binghamtoa xt- Thfrlaundryman now counts the doUaa Taken In for wilted collars gr Counts them o'er with Joy profound, , Piles them In a stack. Smiles a smile that reaches round And buttons In the back. Washington Pan. Precaution. First Deacon Have you ever heard the Bev. Mr. Goodman. who exchanges j pulpits with our pastor to-dayr Second Deacon No. ..,-. T..k.. First Deacon-Well. I ! J thlnk Brother Passbasket, we'd better vary our regular eastom . this morning and tako up the coUectlon before the -sermon. Chicago xrtttuw. , The Boy's Jnst Complaint "Falher.have you ever wanted to be rresldcnt?'' "1 will not d-ny my son that I have. The of fice of President Is one to whlelr any American citizen may rightfully aspire." . s.T (Bitterly "Nol Uha has any, boys.jlf ,you should ever be President teould never be anybody but the oa of my latacr. -nKago-j.nount, f& ..1&JL& . -- - - V. thl