TW?P iECTJg TTi?f, r i4 FUNERAL OF A TRUST. Great Turnout of Milt Dealers in Procession With a Hearse, Df TYPE OF THE SHIPPEES'DEFEAT. The Most Korel Public Demonstration of All is Proposed, IHTH COMMITTEES DULX APPOINTED The milk dealers held 8 jollification meet ing at Imperial Hall yesterday afternoon to congratulate each other on the defeat of the original trust, or the downfall of the Producers' Union. They -were in such a jubilant mood that they spent nearly two hours telling each other Low they finally brought this and that fanner to time. More milk-can rat stories were also told, and one dealer told how a lire frog jumped ont of a can of milk that he had sold to a woman. At last they proposed to hold a funeral for the trust and its agent, and. during the business session, a resolution was passed to bare a monster milk parade In the near future. A resolution was tben passed to have the Ex ecutive Committee, composed of three from each side of the river, act as three committees to appoint the marshals, fix the route of pro cession and attend to the general matters of the parade. Kach committee was to select a band to head their division. One of the dealers said he had the offer of three span of black horses to draw the trust hearse that would lead the procession. It was also said that an officer of the Washington In fantry had signified a willingness of that or ganization to participate. The matter was fin ally laid oyer until the next meeting at the new hall engaged in the Hampton law Build ing, 408 Grant street. All present were instructed to notify all dealers to attend and participate in the ar rangements for the parade. The day will then also be decided on. It is proposed to make the parade a monster one. to show the people the strength of the dealers, and, as it will be the first appearance of the milk dealers wagons in a parade, some novelties are promised. The other business of the meeting consisted In accepting the charter, except one clause, of the new Producers' Union, which has risen from the ashes of the old one. It is to be called the Milk Producers' Mutual .Protective Association of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. The section of the constitution referred back to the Producers' Committee, was relative to the annulling of contracts; the substitution recommend ?d specifying that it shall be stated in the bond what contracts the shippers have, and when they will expire. The Dealers' Association accepted a bond that is one of Shylock's own kind, binding them to stick by the association or forfeit 100 which Is, of course, considerably above the price of a pound of flesh. There has been somewhat of a scramble by the ex-nmon shippers to get dealers; but nearly all of the largest are reported to have been taken Into the fold. FATAL LACK OP PAHS. Such U the Testimony With Besard to That mine Explosion. Coroner McDowell continued the inquest yesterday on the men who were killed in the explosion in the Chartiers Block Coal Co.'s mines at Federal P. O. A number of wit nesses were examined about the condition of the mines and the manner of caring for them since they were closed on acconntof the strike. James Henderson, Superintendent for .San ford & Co., was one of the most important wit nesses. He went to the mine after the acci dent, and, soon after entering, met a party who said they had all the bodies. He is not a prac tical miner, but is a superintendent. He said he would not stop the fans in a mine If he had a water hauler at work. Hewonld also put gates on the entrance, although if the injners want to get in they will tear down the fates. If the fan bad been kept rnnninc this lccident could not have occurred; the miners, W iowever, had no business In the mine. Mr. Henderson's mine is also closed; but the fan is run every day, and the mine boss goes in every lav. Evidence was offered to show that when the nine closed it was in good shape and danger .Vgns were put up. Mine Inspector Blcfc was k j-esent af the hearing and said that he thought thattOfefon .should have been kept in opera tion. He, however, did not testily. The in quest will be continued to-day. HE EXPECTS TROUBLE. Sir. Fry Is Opposed to the Importation of Glass Blower. Quite a number of people started for Europe last evening. Mrs. Joshua Rboades, tt. O. Fry, the glass man, of Rochester, and Terrence Murphy and C. Horgan will sail on "Wednesday. In a talk about the glass business Mr. Fry said: "The importation of the foreign glass blowers is a bad move, and will produce consid erable trouble before the summer is over. The labor market Is overcrowded as it is with out importing foreigners. Last year about 40 new glass factories were started, and they created a demand for workmen, but the de mand, was soon supplied. The outlook for the glass business is not at all encouraging." DOWlf TO DIXMONT. A Workhouse Inmate. A Church Disturber and Another Person Insane. George Wendall, an insane man, was taken from the workhouse to the City Farm yesterday by Order of court. His home is in Cincinnati. He was sent to the workhouse on a minor charge and insanity has developed itself. Marr Tracr. the woman who created the scene in St. Agnes' Church Snnday morning, was also sent to Dixmont yesterday. Louis Sandusky, of S3 Logan street, who be came insane a few days ago, will be sent to Dixmont to-day. Rocked on the Crest of the Wave,, The landsman, tourist or commercial traveler, speedily Deems, and not only begins, but con tinues, to feel the extreme of human misery during the transit across the tempestuous At lantic But if, with wise prescience, he has Srovided himself with a snpply of Hostetters tomach Bitters, his pangs are promptly miti gated, and then cease ere the good ship again drops bcr anchor. This is worth knowing, and thousands of our yachtsmen, summer voyagers, tourists and business me do know it. TAYLOR fc DEAN'S, 203 and 205 Market Street, Is headquarters for adjustable window screens, which will fit any window. Price from 30c to COc each. Also for fencing of every description. eod REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIIIL, 401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, 5100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of 1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. ITS Dr. F. H. Smith, Dentist. Painless extraction. AllkindBof dental work at reasonable prices. 504 Pennave., Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours, 9 to 5 p. M. Moonlight Excursion To Paris Island dam on steamer Mayflower this evening. Boat leaves foot "Wood street 8 P. M., returns 11 p. m. prompt. Bound trip 25 cents. Horses and Male. The Arnheim Live Stock Company, Lim., Lave 2 carloads of saddle, driving and gen eral purpose horses; also 40 head of draught and pit mules in their stables. Anyone wishing to purchase should not fail to call , at 52 Second are., Pittsburg, Pa. Foil and Complete Stock of Bargain GIng. hams and Sntlnei To-day. Plenty of clerks to wait on yon. Come'in the morning if you can. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, Wall Papers Of all grades and an infinite variety of pat terns, at the wall paper store of John S. EoberU', 414 Wood street Pittsburg. ""-. Seethe Jacket Bargains To-Day. jA 2Tew styles rest fronts great bargains m mis targe cloak room. JOS. HOB2TS K UO8 S"" Tmn 'Avenue Stares. ONLY BRAGG WOULD TALK. The Interstate Commissioners nt the Depot, En Ronte lor Oildom One of Them Says Something ot the Bomb. pudge Cooley,"W. B. Morrison and W. L. Bragg, of the Inter-State Commission, ar rived in the city last evening and stopped at the Anderson. They will leave for Titus ville this morning, where they will give a hear ing In the case of the Independent Oil Pro ducers versus the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad, charged with making the tidewater oil rates too high. In fact all the roads that carry oil from Northern Pennsylva nia to New York are Involved. Recently the oil rates to the seaboard were advanced against the vigorous protests of the Independent producers, and they ask the Inter State Commissioners to reduce. No charges of discrimination have been made. Horizontal William Morrison was tired after the day's travel, and ho promptly told the re porters that he could not be provoked into a discussion of the inter-State law, or politics either. He claimed he was no longer a law maker, but law enforcer, and as reporters in variably had the last say, he had no desire to go into a one-sided battle. Judge Cooley. the oracle of the commission, was busy writing, and General Bragg was the only one left. He started ont on the South by saying that he had in mind at least 40 men In the neighborhood of Birmingham who had made plenty of boodle in the iron business within the past seven years. Speaking of the colored people he remarked in his drawling wav: "I can't understand them. The meaner a white man is the better they will like him. Some white men may vote the Re publican ticket in the South in national elec tions, but tbey vote Democratic in local elec tions to keep down the negroes." A MASS MEETING OP WOMEN. Amendment People bay it Is Only rfeees sary to Get Ont the Fall Tore. A mass meeting of the women interested in the prohibitory amendment, under the auspices of the W. C. T. TJ., will be held in this city within the next two weeks for the purpose of strengthening the movement to get ont every amendment vote. A meeting of the Executive Committee ot the State W.C. T. TJ. was held yesterday In the Renshaw building and it was decided to hold the mass meeting as soon as the necessary ar rangements can be made. The President of the County Constitutional Amendment Asso ciation. Joseph Weeks, was invited to be pres ent and confer with the Executive Board. The matter of distributing election tickets was dis cussed. The law does not provido for the dis tribution of the ballots, but they will be sent to the jndges of the election boards for distribu tion at the polls. A conference of the heads of the different temperance organizations of the county will be held Monday next. At the meeting it was stated that the only thing necessary to do was to get out the full vote. If this was done there would be no question as to the result Reports were read from different sections, showing the feeling of the people in regard to the amendment. President Weeks said the re ports were of the most flattering character. IT COMES ABOUT JUL! 1. The Relief System on the Penn Company's Will Soon Go Into Effect. The much talked of relief department on the Pennsylvania lines west of this city will be inaugurated about July 1. It will be modeled after the plan of the one in vogue on the Pennsylvania road where 20,000 of the 50,000 employes are members, and the association is growing rapidly. The Pennsylvania lines will guarantee the funds of the department for three years, and If at the end of that time there is a surplus it will be nsed for the benefit of the men. It is expected that five-sixths of the ben efits will be paid on account of Bickness, and the other one-sixth for accidents. General Agent R. F. Smith, of the C. -A P. road, has been appointed superintendent of the department, and F. C. Thayer assistant auditor of disbursements for the Pennsylvania Com pany will be the assistant superintendent. OK THE GROUND PL00R. Attorney Lyons nnd Will Apply for Street Railway Charters. It is understood Governor Beaver will sign the street railway bill to-day. Attor neys Walter Lyon and Charles McKee went to Harrisburg last night to take time by the forelock. They ' represent a number of projected and prospective street railways In both cities, and as soon as the bill is signed will apply for charters and organize the companies. Both men were very reticent, and refused to divulge the secret of their Eastern mission. It is qmte probable that some of the cable and electric roads so much discussed for Allegheny will take some definite shape when the legal impediments are removed. HANI WERE CONFIRMED. Nearly 500 Adults Received tho Sacred Rites nt the Cathedral. The rite of confirmation was yesterday bestowed on 470 adults at the Cathedral, persons who had, from various causes, ne glected it Among the converts made during the mission conducted bytbePaulist Fathers were 35 or 40, made such through the instru mentality of wives or husbands. Father Smith, one of the Faulist Fathers, lectures this evening at tho church of St. Mary of Mercy, at the Point A Snpposed Delanlter Disappears. Hayden, a bookkeeper at the Hen's Island abattoir, has disappeared, and! experts are going over the books because (1,000 are said to be missed in the accounts. Seep up the appetite and aid digestion in every way, and you can overcome general debilitv and gradually recover strent-tn. Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge is an excel lent remedy lor indigestion, sour stomach and weakness of the stomach, it is therefore the best of tonics for young and old, and is an old-time worm cure in addition. It drives these pests out of the body and destroys the nests in which they breed. When a tonic is wanted the large sized bot tles are cheapest. BEOAD FOED, Pa., May 13, 1889. It affords us genuine pleasure to say to dealers in pure rye whisky that our brand can be bought of Messrs. Geo. H. Bennett & Bro., Ko. 135 First ave., second door below "Wood st, without adulteration. Messrs. Bennett & Bro. are one of the largest holders of goods stored in our ware houses, and are therefore able to furnish goods of any age required, and judging from the quantity withdrawn from our ware houses by them, 'feel justified in saying there treatment of customers must besatisiactory. Very truly. A. Ovebholt & Co. Our Parlor Fornlture Is to be envied by every other retailer of furniture in the city, as it is the largest,best assorted and most reasonable in price. It is also the most artistic, and comprises divans, couches, easy chairs, rockers and full suits. M. Seibket & Co., Cor. Hope and Lacocksts., Allegheny, Near railroad bridge. D Save Time nndTronble. Marvin's Queen's jubilee bread, red seal bread, rye bread and milk bread are pure and sweet equal to any that you can make at home. Give them a trial. Your grocer keeps them. ttssu Come to Black Dress Goods Department This Week For largest and most complete variety of thin black dress goods special low prices here. Jos. Horse & Co.-s Penn Avenue Stores. Bewildering. This word is the only one which will ex press the variety of patterns and colorings to be found at the wall paper store of John S. Boberts, 414 "Wood st, Pittsburg. Ladles' Gold Watches, Elgin or Waltham make. All the new de signs plain, chased or inlaid with diamonds. Elegant goods at 525 to $100. Call at E. P. Roberts & Sons', cor. Fifth ave. and Mar ket st. TTS If Yon Want a Good Colored Silk Dress See our 75-cent one. It beats them alL Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue stores, j SHE tfg-DUplay advertisetnents one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for Inser tion next morning: Advertisements axe to be prepaid except where advertisers already have account with THE DIS PATCH. prrrsBUBG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, SK9 Butler street EMLL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. STCCKKY CO., Wyllo ave. and Fulton st N. BTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6111 Fenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEB 4 SHEIBLEB,Sthav. &AlWOOdSt 60UTBSIDS. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street CHAS. SCHWAEM, 1707 Canon street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEBCHEK, 89 Federal street IL'J. McBBIOE, Federal and Ohio streets, FEED H. EGGEK3. 172 Ohio street F. B. EGGEKS ft SON. Ohio and Chestnut st. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. (i. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERKY M. QLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Olale Heln. WANTED OFFICE BO Y AT 814 PENN AVE. myl4-o0 w- ANTEll-GOOD BARBER-APPLY AT 137 FIFTH AVE., cor Washington st. myll-98 WANTED A GOOD BUTCHER. AFPLYTO MEAT MARKET, No. 4311 Butler St. myl4-9S WANTED-A BOY TO WORK IN BAKERY. Apply JAMES SEKIGHT, 80 Kesacast., Allegheny. myl4-C2 T7"ANTEO-TWO GOOD HOUSE rAlNTERS. V V BOAEDMAN & PATTERSON, 61 Ohio st, Allegheny. myl4-5S -XTT-ANTEU-A FIRST-CLASS BARBER NO. W M16 CARSON ST., S. S., rittsburg. Good wages to right party. myl4-t7 VTJA.NTED-2 CARPENTERS TO DO LIGHT V work: young men preferred. TAYLOR DEAN, 203 Market st myl4-93 WANTED-AT ONCE-S CARRIAGE PAINT ERS, at F. W. 8AWERT ft CO.'S, Carriage MTr, 5917 to 5923 Penn ave., E.E., city. myLMM TIJANTED - COACHMAN FOR LIVER; V none bnt experienced need apply. T. B. MOREL AND, 6100 Penn ave., East End. my6-12 ANTED-BREAD AND CAKE BAKER; also several good, active men. Apply to K. B. WARD ft CO., Leamington ave., E. K. myH-34 WANTED-3 RELIABLE MEN CAN MAKE 0 to 30 per week. Apply at once W. L. THORIt, No. 4 Federal st, Allegheny City. myl4-83 WANTEU-A FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER lmmedlatelv: references required: state salary expected. Address BOX B, Dispatch office. myl4-6S -VTJANTED TWO CARPENTERS - THOSE V acquainted with making and hanging wire screens preferred. Apply at No. 374EDW1N ST., E. E. myl4-91 -TTTANTED-TWO YOUNG MEN AS WAIT V ERS, ones speaking German and English preferred. Apply at .No. 49 DIAMOND ALLEY, Plttsbnrg. mylS-92 TTJAN TED-MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF A V planing mill; none bnt competent men need apply; good wages to the right man. Ad dress 6,, Dispatch office. myl4-52 ANTEU-AN EXPERIENCED REAL ES TATE salesman to work on suburban prop erty; a permanent position for tbe right man. Address REAL ESTATE, Dispatch office. myl4-37 -TT-ANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT IN BOTH VV cities and suburbs; to this branch of the business we pay special attention: established 1863. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. my4-29-TTS TrjANTED YOUNG MAN AS STENOG V RAPHER and typewriter, with some knowl edge of bookkeeping; mast write a good hand; answer, stating experience. Address ASSIST ANT, Dispatch office. myl4-S9 -TTT-ANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING V powder and pure sptces: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mulmun can makemoney in their spare time. YAMASH1P.0 TEA CO., 83 Jackson st. Allegheny, Pa. Ja28-85-TTS TTJANTED-MEN TO BELLI? SHETLAND VV mountain ponies; sample pair free to sell by, on business-like conditions; letters answered if a self-addressed stamped envelope la inclosed. B. VANRAUB, Boerne, Ter. my 14-6 1 -TTTAJnU-OBKIAGE DRIVER-AN UN TV MARRIED white man who can take care of horses and cows and make himself generally use ful: must have experience and furnish references: highest wages paid to right man. Address BOX No. 192, city. myl4-53 w ANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S COLLEGE. 4 Sixth street. Plttstinnr. Ppti. manshlp, bookkeeping, eclectic shorthand, type writing, arithmetic etc, thoroughly taught for 5 per month; Instruction private for both sexes; open throagh summer, day and evening. my 12-TTSSu VTTANTED-SALESMEN WE WISH A FEW V V men to sell our goods by sample to the w nolesale and retail-trade; largest manufacturers in our line: Inclose 2-cent stamp; wages S3 per day; permanent position; no postals answered; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL MAN'F'G CO., Cincinnati! Ohio. apJ-85-TTSSU WANTED-TWO COMPETENT GROCERY clerks who can speak German and good English; single preferred, or. If married, must live near tbe store: must be willing to sell fruits and vegetables with wagon, and to do soliciting, collecting or anything else connected with the business; good references and recommendations required. Address GROCER, Dispatch office. myl4-54 Female Help. WANTED-A GOOD GIBL TO DO GENERAL housework: good wages and cood home: family or three. Inquire 63 CON GRESS ST. mylS-4 WANTED-GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply to MRS. E. HOUSE, Greenfield ave., Twenty-third ward,Frankstown. myl4-Jl TTJ ANTED LADY CORRESPONDENT VV clerk: mnstbe good penmanandhavesome knowledge of bookkeeping. Address LADY, Dis patch office. m14-57 WANTED GOOD, RELIABLE GLHL (Protestant preferred) to nnrse and assist with general housework. Call or address 6014 PENN AVENUE. my!4-60 WAN TED-LADY FOR HANDLING FIRST CLASS trade. Apply after 9 o'clock, Tues day morning, Wi Sixth street, rooms 1 and 2. WILLCOX &G1BBS S. M. CO. myl4-53 Dlalo and Pniile Hcln. -TTTANTED-WHITE WAUERS AND DINING VV room girls at once at HOTEL DELANEY, Market st. and Second ave. myl4-55 TTJANTED-MAN AND WIFE FOB DAIRY VV farm: none bnt experienced need apply. F. W. SILVER, Wellsville, O. myl3-20 WANT ED-IMMEDIATELY-FARM hands, S3) per month; male cook, 110 per wk.: 20 girls lor hotels, cook and chambermaid for small family, 200 house girls, 2 nnrse girls, S2per wk.;col.glrls. MEEHAN'SAGENCi, SteUrant st myl4-D T7-ANTEU-AGENTS ON SALARY; 175 PER VV month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses In ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean Jnst what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. felS-3-D Situations. WANTED-SnUATION-BYA PRACTICAL engineer and machinist Address ENGI NEER, Dispatch office. myl4-3S sTANTED-A SITUATION AS DRIVER IN A W private family: best of references. Address DRIVER, Dispatch office. myl4-80 w ANTED-POSITION BY YOUNG COLORED man 18 Tears old to do cleaning, drlvlnir. or as waiter In private family. Address NO. 5723 BKOAU ST., Ji - myn-s TTTANTKO -SITUATION AS CITY EEPKE- 8ENTAT1VE or salesman in wholesale gro- ecrv or commission honse: good recommendation. Address G. B., Dispatch office. myi4-33 Boarders and Lodcers. -TTTANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR PARLORS, W unfurnished; carpetsanfl portlers only; best location, facing park.' Inquire at 23 MONT- GOMERTAVE., Allegheny. rayli-99 Financial. TXT ANTED MORTGAGES LARGE OR VV smalL ED. WITTISH. 410 Grant street, Plttsbnrg. spM-47-D WAMTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4, S and 6 per cent GRAEBING ft LYON, 185 lourtb ave. ar6-cl-D -TTrANTED-MORTGAGES, IN LARGE OR YV small amounts, on Improved city or Alleghe ny county property, at lowest market rates. THOS. LIGGETT, No. Ul Fourth ave. mylO-71 irrANTED-TO LOAN 1500,003. IN AMOUNTS VV or 13, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on M percent free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent BLACK ft BAIRD, va jrourin avenue. sexi-ut-0 WANTD-MORTGAGES-ri,tl00,000TOLOAN on city and snburban properties at AM, Sand 6 per cent and on larms in Allegheny and aqja ccnt counties at 6 per cent 1. M. PEN NOCK ft SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 J ANTED-TO LOAN (300,000 ON MORT GAGES: I10O and unward at 8 per cent: 500,000 at 4M per cent on residences or business fronerty; also in , adjoining counties. S. H, BENCH, V6 Fourth avenue, oca-eM-D PITTSBTma' DISPATCH! WANTED. Financial. - WANTED-MOETGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit at 4K, i and 6 per cent ALLES ft BAILEI, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. aplS-14 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY. OTer t4,ooo: 44 per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. IM9-S1 DlUcellaneoun. WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S dozen (13) ofBtewart ft Co.'s fine cabinet photos for Jt, at 00 and 92 FEDERAL ST., Alle gheny. my5-87-TT8n WANTED-A SECOND-HAND TWO-HORSE family carriage with three seats, panel sides and hack. Address A, IS., Dispatch office, stating price and where tt can be seen. my9-7-Tis WANTEDLADIES TO KNOW HAUGH Keenan repair, rcnnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. S3 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. my9-82 WANTED MEN LEARN THE ART OF gentlemen's garment cutting; no trying on required: night sessions Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 7 to 9 P. St., M4 Wood st. URL1NU ft SON. ap30.6S WANTED-EVERYBODY TO GET ONE DOZ. fine cabinet photos fori 99 cents at AUFBECHT'SELITEOALLERY, 516 Market st, Pittsburg, Pa., for 30 days only; elevator: come, rain or shine; bring children. myS-lll WANTED -MOLDERS TO KN O W THAT THE Kelly ft Jones Co. shop at Greensburg has been closed to nnlon men nntll the trouble In that sbop has beer, settled. By order of LOCAL UNION 243. Iron Molders' Union or North Amer ica. " myl2-l4 -TTT-ANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO W TOGRAPHER, 96 Firth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at SI 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; instan taneous process. mhl3-63 WANTED-MAHKIED OR SINGLE MEN TO invest in building sites at Maplewood Park, Wllklnsbarg; lots 40X120; SIO to S20 down, balance 1 to f3 per week; act quick before they are all gone; 70 sold In one week; call on the agents, who wlllpav your fare and take you to see the grounds. J. E. COOPER ft CO.. 107 Fourth ave. mv9-8-TTSsn FOB- SALE IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE. CItv Residences. FOR SALE-2,550-CONGRESS STREET: 4 ROOMED brick dwelling: large, nice lot; easy terms. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. myll-10-TTSSu FOR 8ALE-H000: FORBES STREET; 9 ROOMED brick dwelling bouse; good lot: a big bargain. GEORGE SCHMIDT. 157 Fourth avenue. myll-10-TTSSn F OR SALE-SECOND AVE..NEAR REDOUBT alley, lot 40x80 feet with two dwellings; can bo bought at a very reasonable price. W. A. HEREON ftSONB, No. 80 Fourth ave. my4r90-4,8,U,lt F OR SALE NO. J61 WATER ST.. ONLY fT.OCO, nrmosltp. thp. new It. A O. frnlirht dertot: lot 20x100 ft, with a small brick dwelling now paying a good Investment. W. A. HERRON ft hONS, N o. 80 Fourth ave. myi-2-6, 9, 1L 14 J FOR SALE-THIRTEENTH WARD-PHOP-; ERTY convenient to Central Traction Cable oad; desirable location; price low; enhance ment sure. Call soon and see these bargains. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-26-D FOB SALE-CENTER AVE., NEAR BOBERTS st, brick dwelling 6 rooms and storeroom; also brick dwelling in rear 6 rooms, etc.; lot 24x 100 to alley; rental S764 yearly ; price S3. 000. ALLES ft BAILEY, 161Fourth ave. TeL 167. myl!-H FOR 8ALE-SOUTHS1DE BARAH ST., NEAR Twelfth St., brick dwelling 2-story. 5 rooms and finished attic; both, gases; lot 18x66 leet to alley: private side alley; bargain for quick buyer. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. myl2-55 F OR BALE-ON WASHINGTON ST., NEAR WT11& lot 20x102 to an allev! cood two-story brick or 6 rooms and attic: natural gas. slate roof. good sewerage, outside washhouse: all In good condition; only S,250. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-71 East End Residences. FOB SALE LARGE LOT, 120 FEET FRONT, on Jackson st, near Hlland ave. ; corner lot; nicely located; price S2.000. MELLON BROS.. 6346 Station St., E. E. myl2-24-12,14.16,17,20 17IOB SALE-CORNER LAUREL AVENUE ? and Cedar street Bloomfleld; lot 41x100, with 4 small houses: good Investment very chean. GEORGE SCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. myll-10-Tlssu FOR SALE-ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH the house you rent or own? If not. see the finely built residences In Coltart square, Oakland. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ap3-84-TUF FOR SALE MEYRAN AVE., OAKLAND, only S3, 700 for nice little home, 5 rooms, front and back porches, with lot 20x100 feet to an alley. SPEN CER ft GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st myU-22-Tnssu FOR SALE-ONLY 83,200-OAKLAND-GOOD location; a nice new brick house ofS rooms, with slate mantels, inside shutters, etc. ; elegantly papered; call early. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-25-D FOR 8ALE-3,800; ELEGANT 7-ROOMED brick dwelling house; bath, slate roof, slate mantels, natural gas, papered throughout; lot 22x 126. nicely fenced up; terms moderate. GEO. bCHMIDT, 157 Fourth ave. myll-10-TlSSu FOR SALE-BOQUET ST., OAKLAND, ELE GANT mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, inside w. c. hot and cold water, etc: lot 21X175 ft. :priceS8.000: terms reasonable. SPEN CER ft GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield st. myll-22-Tnssu FOR SALE-T50W OF 6 2-STORY BRICK houses; almost new; well sltuited; pays 8 per cent: room for 6 additional houses on rear of lot; it will then pay 12 percent; street and alley paved and sewered; houses never Idle. Principals only Inquire of MORRIS ft FLEMING, 110 Fourth ave. my9-l6-TTSu FOR SALE A VERY NICE QUEEN ANN dwelling: 7 rooms, bath, bay window, large lot 50x110 on Mellon st, one square from Neglev ave. and five minutes' walk to Penn cable: nice neighborhood; great Improvement now making; rlce only S4.000; payments to suit MELLON ROS 6349 Station st, E. E. myl2-22-14, 17,20 FOR SALE A HANDSOME EAST END stone residence, carriage porch, hardwood staircase and reception ball; tower laundry, bath, 10 elegant large rooms; all the latest Improved con veniences, asphalt paved street good location and near P. B R. For further particulars call at office. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-26-D FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL OAKLAND residence on Meyran ave., near Bates, two storv and mansard brick of 9 rooms, ball, ves tibule, tile floor, laundry, bath, w. c, stationary washstands, slate mantels, French plate glass mirrors, elegant chandeliers, natural gas, hand somely papered, etc., and only (6,500; terms reasonable, BLACK ft BA1KD.83 Fourth avenue. my4-60-4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15 FOR SALE-OR BENT-IRVING PLACE, Ellsworth avenue, Shadyslde, E. E., several new pressed brick residences Jnst finished, con taining ten rooms each, also laundry, batb, pan try, etc ; each honse situated in separate lot with large lawn; near steam and cable carsiterms to suit purchasers or rent reasonable. Inquire of THOS. H. CHAPMAN, on the premises, or ROOM 42, Safe Deposit building, 83 Fonrth avenne, myi4-4-rrs FOR SALE THOUGHTFUL PERSONS IN bnylng a home will take into accountthe sur roundings and probabilities of enhancement of value; convenience to good improvements is a leading consideration; also rapid transit to and from the business part of the city; the quality or the houses In the neighborhood goes for a good deal: as to build or buy a handsome stone or brick residence and have inferior houses go up after ward on adjoining lots detracts from tbe value of the first; to buy on a neatly paved street with sewers, gas and water already laid. Is important; one then knows what the whole cost Is, and has not to worry about the cost or future grading and paving. All these Items and many more are cov ered at the handsome new dwellings on Oakland Square (formerly Linden Grove), which need only be seen to be appreciated. The price Is (AsoOand and (6,750, payable on easy terms, for elegant, thoroughly well built and commodious houses, standing apart on lots 30x100, and fitted with all tbe modern conveniences. All the houses front on asphaltum streets, and upon a handsome park planted with shade trees; old forest trees plenti fully shade the neighborhood. The cable cars are now but six minutes' distant and will be brought still nearer. These houses are rapidly selling, be ing pronounced bargains at present prices. Ap ply to SAMUEL W. BLACK. CO., No. 99 Fourth avenne. myl2-71 Allegheny Residences. TTiOBSALE-DESIRABLE ALLEGHENY EESI X! DENCE, Federal st, near the parks; will exchange for first-class suburban property. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st. myii-44 FOR SALE-HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE, all conveniences and large lot choice loca tion, Bldwell street, Allegheny; low price; easy terms. JNO. H. il'CBEEKY, 95 Fifth ave. ap9-46-TTS l.rfl.1. rooms; all very latest conveniences; call or send lor particulars, w. A. xixUMtON ft SONS, No. 80 Fonrth ave. my4-92-6,8,10,14 Suburban Residences. FOR BALE AT BELLEVUE. ON JACKSON st, near Beaver road, well located; good new dwelling or 9 large rooms, natural gas and other cunvenfences: lot 80x176 reet to an alley, with fruit trees; an easy distance from tbe station and convenient to Electric road. Wi A. HERRON & SONS, Mo. 80 Fonrth ave. ayll-B9-u. 14, 17. 21 FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD STA., P. R. R., one acre lot highly Improved, close to sta tion, with 2-story and attlcmodern bulltresldence, 9 rooms; Inside shutters, w. c, cellar, large halls, high ceilings, veranda In front porch in rear; hot and cold water, natural gas, etc.; stable, out buildings, concrete walks and drives, ornamental shade trees; also apple, pear, plum and peach trees, grapes and small fruit: a desirable, com plete home; only (12,000, ED. WITTISH. 410 Grant street Pittsburg. myl4-47 FOR SALE-LOTS. City Lots. best lots for tbe money in the market W. A. HERRON & SONS, ffl 0.& Fourth, aye, 7 , 4U4V--e)l47 " TUESDAY, .MAT. 14,' FOR SALE LOTS. Ei"t End Lots. TTIOE SALE-iJflrlcFBUlLDlNG LOT, 24X100. Si on Reynolds st , near Mfth ave., Point Breeze and Torrens station; price S550;. payments to suit. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station St., E. E. myl2-20-TT H)R HALE-ON WALNUT ST., NEAlt III LANDave.:lot50x220toElwood st.: a beau tiful location, good neighborhood, very conveni ent; 5,000. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-71 P IORSALE ON HOMEWOOD AVE. THREE mlnntpo wftlfc from station: 2 nle&santlv lo cated lots 24x100; price J9S0 each: make payments tOsnltnnrrhs.Ki.. MF.T.MIN KHOH.. 8319 Station St. E.E. myl2-23-14,16,18,20 TTIOR SALE-LARGE LOTS NEAR SOUTH HI 17, LAND ave., size 49x141 feet to wide alley; price is verv low, and extraordinary good terms can be jglyen. JOHN F. BAXTER? Agt. 612 Smithflew street. my 12-91-ttssu FOR SALE EUCLID AVE. LOTS, 40x141 , feet, nicely elevated, close to Penn ave. cable cars: street sewered; these lots will be sold at a bargain. JOHN F. UJAXTER, Agent 512 Bmlthfleia street. myl2-92-TTS FOBSALE-ON CORNER SOUTH H1LAND ave. and Walnut st, beautiful Building Site. 108 ft. front by 140 ft deep, ongood terms and ottered below market price. THOS. L10GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. my 10-71 "CHIE SALE-S SPLENDID LOTS ON HAYS X! st, corner St. Clair, near Negley ave.; dry and nice; coming Improvements; soon will sell at an advance: buy now; price tt 600 each. MELLON BROS., 6319 Station St.. . E. myl2-21-Tns FOR SALE TWO CHOICELOTS ON ELYSIAN avenne, near Fifth ave.. Point Breeze and Torrens station; nicely located on avenne: prlc $850 each: payments to suit buyer. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. myl2-15-14, 16.20 FOB SALE CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION. P. K. R . convenient ia steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from S406 to 600. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. no28-y78 FOR BALE-ON EDWIN ST., WITHIN 3 minutes walk of Fifth ave. cable cars; good bulldlnc-lnt aixi"0 tr rtuCnnl sewered alley: both gases and city water on the street: good neighbor hood: only 81,300, 500 cash, bal. lnSyears. THOS. LIGGETT; No. 114 Fonrth ave. myl0-7I FOR BALE-ON SHADY LANE, WITHIN S minutes' walk of the proposed electric road, about 6 acres with a modern frame dwelling of 7 rooms, stable, orchard or Select bearing fruit trees, grapery, with a fine lawn: the Owner wish ing to remove, will sell much below the current prices In the neighborhood. UENRT A. WEAVER & CO.. 92 Fourth ave. - mylS-S Allechonv Lot. FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MON AUG HER, 43 N. Diamond St. mh7-9S-D F3E SALE YOU SAY YOU DE3IBEHEALTH. . pure air, pure water, beautiful scenery and rapid transit; locate on the Watson acre and X acre sites. Perrysvllle avenue. Tenth ward. Alle gheny; Plttsbnrg office, A. J. PENTECOST. 413 Grant street. my 12-64 FOR SALE "OSGOOD PLACE" LARGE, handsomelotson Osgood. Maple and Linden avenues; all city conveniences: no lots less than 40 ft wide; houses set from 20 to 30 feet bark from street: terms to suit SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. my7-30-Ta Suburban Lots. FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOD PARK-LOTS 40x 120. J, B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth-ave.; my9-8-TTSSu FOR SALE-MAPLEWOOD PARK, WIL KINSBURG, laid out by Geo. S. Martin; ele gant building lots, 40x120 and 40x240:1150 to 1400 each; tlO to 320 down, balance f 1 to S3 per week: these are the most desirable lots on the market and are bound to double In value within the next 90 days; 56 trains each way dally: call on the agents, who will pay your fare and take you to see the gronnds. J. it. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fonrth ave. my9-8-TTSSn Farms. FOR BALE-75 ACRES RICH, LEVEL LTME STONEsoll, 8 miles from Pittsburg atR. B, sts.. fine modern brick residence 13 r, crick sta ble, f r. tenant house, orchard, ornamental trees, etc. ED. WITTISH. 410 Grant st mylO FOR SALE-FARM OF 132 ACRES, IN THE Pine Run gas field, 234 miles from Apollo and Leechburg, W. P. R. R-: underlaid with the Leechbnrg vein of coal : in the center of a gas pro ducing territory; producing wells on all adjoin ing farms; farmhouse, barn and other outbuild ings; orchard, etc: must be sold within 30 days; owner moving West ALEXANDER ft LEE, Agents, 313 Wood st. my8-29-TTS misceuaneoni. FOR BALE-ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS ft CO., real estate agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantlo City. N. J. ap5-9-D F lOR SALE-LOTS-LOTS-LOT8-LOT3- LOTS-In Second ward, Allegheny; all sizes; prices, S400 to (625. LOTS McGunnlgle plan of lots at Chartiers; cheap; easy terms. LOTS Out Wylle ave., on line of new cable road; low prices; terms easy. W. W. MCNEILL ft BRO., myll-42 105 Fonrth ave. FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Dnslness Chnnces. I FOR SALE-FINE SALOON, LOCATED IN Lima, O. For full particulars address CHRIST GEIGER, Lima, O. my!4-31 FOR SALE-LEASE, TOOLS AND FIXTURES for carrying on and manufacturing popcorn, candy, etc. Address B., Dispatch office. my!4-49 FOR BALE-A GROCERY STOCK AND FIX TURES, horse and wagon, etc.: reason for selling sickness. Inquire at NO. 297 FEDERAL bT., Allegheny City. myl4-82 F OR SALE-GROCERY AND NOTION STORE, with neyen furnished rooms with good occu pants; rooms pay rent: three minutes' walk from P.O. : can be bought at bargain. Address BAR GAIN, Dispatch office. myl4-74 FIR SALE-A WELL ESTABLISHED RETAIL business in central business part of Pittsburg, doing a large and profitable cash business: capital required, 110,000 to S15.000: good reason given for selling. Address B. H., Dispatch office. myl4-64 FOR BALE-GOOD PAYING BUSINESS FOR lady that can sew for about (LOW: seat little confectionery and lee cream business, (200; bakery with horse and wagon, (400; stores or all kinds; 100 business chances. SHEPARD ft CO.. 54 Fifth ave. my3 FOR BALE RESTAURANT, DOING A splendid business; central location: a well known and old established stand; all tbe latest impiovements; will be sold at a bargain on ac count or Ul health. For particulars see J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. myl4-94-TTS TTIon SALE-LEASE OF HOTEL BRUNS I WICK.Nos.254 and 256 Washington st, Johns town, Pa.; tbe said hotel building contains 20 rooms, is a handsome 3-story brick bnlldlng, cen trally located, doing a very large bar trade: if sale Is made at all It Imust be made before Jane term of court, so that license can be transferred to purchaser. M. J. MURPHY, Proprietor. myl4-71 FOR SALE-AT CLEVELAND, O.-SALOONS from (400 to (3,000; restaurants from (650 to (7,500: hotel, (6,000; livery stable, f 4,000; tin shops. Si, COO to (5,000; stove stores and hardware stock from (1,000 to (3,000: several valuable patents, which will bear Investigation; many or the best places In this city for money-making are offered by me: I have also some of the very finest real estate In all parts or this city on easy terms. WM. H. LAFOUNTAINE4CO., Agent 219 Superior st, Lleyeland, O. Real estate and business ex change. myl2-13 Business Stands. FOR8ALE-SOUTHWESTCORNEROFWYLIE ave. and High st.lot 25x69 ft, with buildings bringing in a fair Income. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. my5-C5-6, 8,11,14,16 TO LET-NO. 105 SMITHFIELD ST., BE TWEEN First and Second aves., S-story business house; rent low to desirable tenants, and house will be put in good condition. W. A. HERRON &SONB, No. SO Fonrth aye. myl4-67-TTS FOR SALE-BRICK WORKS FOR SALE IN Leechburg .Pa. ; tbe latest Improved machinery In it for making red brick and firebrick; also, 2 dwelling houBes and two (2) acres of land for sale. Inanlre or GEORGE HINYER, Leechburg, Pa. myl2-63-TTSsa FOR SALE-(S,500-ONLY (1,000 CASH, BAL ANCE on longtime and easy payments: lot 24x120 ft., cor, Penn ave and Twenty-seventh st, with large 3-story bnlldlng now renting to good advantage. Full information from W. A. HER RON &SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. my5-2-6,9,U,ll FOR SALE-AN INVESTMENT ON GOOD street, within 5 minutes of postofflce: lot 40x125 to an alley; four-story brlcfc building; icutcu luro years, atfl,ouu per year, to guuu, tc- sponsible tenant: navs over 6 ner cent net on sell lng price, and bound lngnrlce. anil hnnnrf fn InrrpftftA In v&lne. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-71 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. LIvo Stock. fcc FOR SALE-STYLISH BAY, FAMILY HORSE, 9 years, 16 hands, 1,100 pounds, sound, gen tle, free driver and scares at nothing; price (3)0. H. 3. MCCONNEL, New Brighton, Pa. my!4-46 FOE SALE-LARGE BKO WN FAMILY HORSE 7 years old: perfectly gentle: can recommend his good qualities for safety; to be sold for want of user no finer horse for family baroncheln Pitts burg. Apply at NO. 80 FOURTH AVfcNUE. myS-7-IIS Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22. IBall engine, 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meatchoppers, rendering kettles, etc VELTEft MCDONALD, Pennave., cor. Thirty-second st. Iei6-i63-rrs Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-A FINE DECKEK BEOS. UP EIGHT piano at a great sacrifice: owner leaves city. Call at 440 PENN AVE. my!4-43 LOST. LOST-TWENTY DOLLARS BETWEEN East End and cltVi via Fifth ave. line. Five, dollars reward if returned to J. W. WALLACE, East End Postofflce. myl4-90 LOST-IF THE PARTY WILL RETURN THE watch, chain and charm taken from our office on Thursday last we will pay (25 and ask no ques tions, U,&, WOLF 802f,lw4Fenn vc nyu-H 1889." TO LET. CItv Residences. TO LET-S18 AMONTH-NO. 904 FIFTH AVE., Oakland, brick honse of 6 rooms. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. my!4-7-Trs TO LET-59 LIBERTY ST., A TWO-STORY brick dwelling of 10 rooms, doable parlors, bathroom, vestibule and hall, both gases, not and cold water, washhouse, yard, etc ; reasonably low rent. BLACK ft BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. myU-24-D East End Reslaeoces. TO LET FOR THE SUMMER, AN ELE GANTLY furnished East End residence: all modern conveniences; 3 acres of ground, with frnlt and shade trees; situate on Penn ave., near Home wood ave.. near residence or II. C. Frlck; rent (65 per month. D. C. NEGLEY. 6106 Penn ave.. East End. mvl4-83-TTS Allrshenr Residences. TO LET-145 SOUTH AVE., COR. GRANT ave Allegheny, a two-story brick dwelling of 10 rooms, etc.; large lot size 160x165: suitable for boarding house; low rent. BLACKftBAIBD, 95 Fonrth ave. myll-24-D Suburban Residences. TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carriage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street; Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-63 TO LET A CHOICE BELLEF1ELD RESI DENCE, being elegantlv and comfortably furnished throughout, having 7 rooms and all modern conveniences: rent for 4 months to good tenant very low, if taken at once. BLACK ft BA1KD, 95 Fourth ave. my!4-81 Aparimenla. TO LET-NICELY-FURNISHED ROOM FOE one or two gents with or without board. No. 70 JACKSON St., Allegheny. my!4-44 TO LET-2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping io married couple with out children; reference required. 25 RIVER AVE., Allegheny. my 14-79 Offices. Doik Room. dbc. TO LET FINE OFFICE. 18J4X37 FEET, ON second floor, front room; also other offices, large and small: line, large rooms, suitable for lodges; on Smlthfield st Inquire T. MELLON ft SON'S BANK, 512Smlthfleldstreet. myl4-38-TTS Business Stands. TO LET-BTOBE-43I5 BUTLER ST. ; ADMIRA BLY adapted forgents' furnishing, millinery. Jewelry or merchant tailoring business; OWNER would Invest with the right man. my!4-65 PERSONAL. PERBONAL-BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-28 PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean ing your old clothes, can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st, second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: salts madeto order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mh8 POLITICAL. pEPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS HlADQTTAKTEBS OF THE COTmTT J Reptoucan Executive Committee, V Pittsbubo, May 11, 18S9. S In accordance with the rules of the County Republican Executive Committee Assembly District Conventions will be held an TUESDAY. MAY 2L 1889, at the places and time below designated. Three separate Conventions will be held from each Assembly District to which delegates for each election district of the county will be elected, on SATURDAY. MAY 18, 1889, between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock P. M., viz.: One delegate to Convention No. 1 to elect members of tbe County Committee. One delegate to Convention Ho. 2, to elect delegates to the County Convention, which shall nominate one candidate for Judge of the Com mon Pleas Court No. 1. One candidate for Coroner. One candidate for District Attorney. The delegates from the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Assembly Districts to nominate one can didate for Director of the Poor. One delegate to Convention No. 3, to elect delegates to tbe State Convention. FIBST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1, Headquarters Allegheny Central Republican Club, corner of South Diamond and Federal streets, at 10 A. H. Convention No. 2, Headquarters of Allegheny Central Republican Club at 2 P. M. Convention No. 3, Headqnarters of Allegheny Central Republican Club, at 3 P. It. SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTBICT. Convention No. 1, Common Council chamber, Allegheny, 10 a.m. Convention No. 2, Common Council chamber, Allegheny, 2 p.m. Convention No. 3, Common Council chamber Allegheny, 3 P. M. THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1. Rooms of the YonngMen's Republican Tariff Club, 61 Sixth avenue, at 10 A.M. Convention No. 2, at the same place at 11 A. M. Convention No. 3, at the same place at 12 jl FOUBTH ASSEMBLY DISTBICT. Convention No. 1, Rooms of the YounsMen's Republican Tariff Club, CI Sixth avenue, at 2 P. M. Convention No. 2, at the same place at 2.30 P. M. Convention No. 3, at tho same place at 3 p. jr. FIFTH ASSEMBLY DISTBICT. Convention No. L Select Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 7.30 p. M. Convention No. 2, Common Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 730 P. M. Convention No. 3, Common Council chamber, Pittsburg, at 8.S0 p. m. SIXTH ASSEMBLY DISTBICT. Convention No. 1 at Salisbury Hall, South side, at 10 A. m. Convention No. 2 at the same place at 11 A.M. Convention No. 3 at the same place at 12 m. SEVENTH ASSEMBLY DISTBICT. Convention No. lin ther vacant courtroom, corner of Grant and. Diamond streets. County Court House, at 10 A. M. Convention No. 2 in the same place at 11 A M. Convention No. 3 in the same place at 12 M. EIGHTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Convention No. 1 in the Sheriff. Sales Room, Connty CourfHouse. 10 A. x. Convention No. 2 in the same place at 11 A. M. Convection No. 3 in the same place at 12 M. The temporary chairman of each convention will be designated later. Proper notice will be given of the time and place of holding the County Convention, ac cording to tbe rules, as soon as Tuesday's con ventions are held. GEORGE M. VONBONNHORST, ROBERT BERRY, Chairman. Secretary. myl3 29 EDUCATIONAL. T)ENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTI Xt TUTE,Trov.N.Y. Examinations for admission to this, the oldr est School of Engineering in the United States, will be held in Plttsbnrg. Pa., on June 5, 1S89. Candidates will be examined in the following subjects: Spelling.English grammar.geography, arithmetic, algebra, through equations of the 2d degree including radicals and in plana geometry. The examinations will be wholly written, and a fee of S5 will be required of each candidate. Candidates will report to Mr. W. F.-Gronan, 813 Hamilton bnlldlng. D. M. GREENETDirector. myl8-TT3 Troy. N. Y. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OP GEORGK R. 8PLANE, DE CEASED Executor's notice Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on tho estate of George R. Splane, late of the Sixth ward of the city of Pittsburg, county of Alle gheny, State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to maie immediate payment, and those having clams or demands against the-same will make them known with ont delay to WM. H. McKELVY. Executor. ap30-40-TU Hi Sixth avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. IN THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS of Allegheny county, in the matter of the application for tbe transrer of license No. 973, March Sessions. 1SS9, of 8. E. drotbers to W. J. Depny, Hotel White, First ward, McKees port, notice is hereby given that on the 23d day of May, 1889, at 930 o'clock A. m., the ap plication for transfer ol retail liquor license No. 878, March Sessions, 18S9, Hotel White, First ward. McKeesport, from S. E. Carothers to W. 3. Denny will De heard by said court, at which time persons' opposing the transfer, as well as tbe parties above mentioned, shall be heard. D. K. McGUNNEGLE, myU-40 Clerk of Court's Office. FRANK: W. SMITH, Attorney at Law. Estate of Ell Bnrford, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LET TERS testamentary on the estate of Eli Bnrford, late -of the city of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom All persons in debted to said, estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will make them known with out delay to JOHN BURFORD, 60 Water st, Pittsburg, C. H. BEACH, cor. Sbiloh and Syca more its.. Plttsbnrg, Execators.. ap23-82-Tu ANNIVERSABY AND DONATION DAY wlUbe observed at the Home for Colored Children. No. 1 Greenwood at., Allegheny, on Wednesday, May 15, from 2 until 8 o'clock. Donations of money, groceries or drygoods are earnestly solicited, myU-TO PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller nn tll WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of May. A. D. 1889. at 12 jr., for the furnishing of ice for of fices in Municipal HalL Also, for the furnish ing and setting of curbing around the Second avenne park. Plans ana specifications can be seen at this office. Each proposal must be ac companied by a bond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief Dept, Public Works. . mylO-67-D QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. ALLE GHENY Arsenal, Pittsburg, Pa May 3, 18S9 Sealed proposals, in duplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock A. M., JUNE 7, 1889, and then opened for supplying this post the fuel, forage, straw and hauling required for fiscal year ending June 30, 1890. The U. S. reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids for delivery at other points will be entertained. Envelopes containing proposals should be markedJ'Pro posals for Forage and Straw," or for "Fuel," and addressed to A. B. M. MORGAN. Capt. A. O. S. K:, A-A. Q. M. myl441-14,15.18,17.ju5,6 aOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Sealed proposals will be received by the ML Washington (Thirty-second ward) School Board, until FRIDAY, May 24, 18S9. at 12 o'clock noon, for the erection of a two-story, eight room brick School Bnlldlng. Plana, specifica tions and all information will be furnished by F. J. Osterling. Architect, McCllntock Bolld-. ing. 16 Market street, Pittsburg. Bidders will be reauired to furnish sufficient bonds, and the Board reserves the right to re ject any or all olds. Address proposals to the Secretary, O. S. HERSHMAN, care Chronicle Telegraph, Pittsburg, Pa. myU-18-TTS PROPOSALS FOR STEEL CASTINGS FOR "DUNN" ANOHOR.-ApnI 27. 1889. Sealed proposals, indorsed "Proposals for Steel Castings," will be received at -the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. until 11 o'clock A. M., MAY 25, 1S89, and publicly opened Immediately there after, for six (e) steel castings (estimated weight. 21,420 pounds) of crown and flukes of "Dunn" anchor, to be delivered at Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. Drawings, blank proposals with specifications, and all necessary information, will be furnished by tho Bureau upon applica tion. Tie bids decided by lot. The Depart ment reserves the right to reject any proposal not deemed advantageous to the Government. JAMES FULTON, Paymaster General, U. S. Navy. myl4-39-TT J PROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF-COM-. MISSARYS Office, Allegheny Arsenal, ittsburg. Pa., May U, 1889 Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received at this office nntll 10 o'clock A. M., JUNE 10, 1889. for furnishing the fresh beef required by the Subsistence De partment, U. 8. army, at this station during the fiscal year ending June SO, 1890. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, conditions of quality and price (including in the price of foreign pro ductions or manufactures the dnty thereon) being eqcal. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Full informa tion can be obtained by application to this of fice. Envelopes containing proposals must be marked "Proposals for fresh beeC and ad dressed to A. S. M. MORGAN, Cant, A O. S. K., A. C. S. myl4-43.U,15,lB,17,je5,6 EECRU1T1NG RENDEZVOUS, 915 PENN avenne, Pittsburg, Pa.. May 10, 1889. Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Jnne 10, 1889, and then opened, for furnishing cooked rations, three substantial meals daily, of good quality, and the allowance of soap and candles authorized to be issued to a soldier, to the recruiting party and recruits stationed at this Rendezvous, dur ing the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1889, and ending June 30, 189a Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufact ure, conditions of quality and price (Including in the price of foreign productions or manu factures the duty thereon) being equaL The Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Forms of proposals and full in formation will be furnished on application to this office. Proposals for furnishing complete rations at a place objectionable for recruits will not be considered. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked, "Proposals for cooked rations," and addressed to CAPTAIN RICH ARD COMBA, Recruiting Officer, 915 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. myl244-12.I3.14.15,ju8.9 OFFICIAL-PITTSBCnG. SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tbe office of the City Controller until May 13, 1889, at 2 P. sr, for altering and repairing No. 7 Police Station. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of each bid will be required; said bonds to be probated before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of the Department of Public Safety. m.v&63 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of City Controller until Wednesday, tbe 29th day of May, A. D. 1889, at 2 p. ar,f or the fol lowing, viz.: REPAYING. Penn avenue, from Fifth avenne to City Line. Forbes street, from Brady to Boyd streets. Sixth avenue, from Wylie avenue westward- First avenue, from Smlthfield street to Grant street. . . Butler street, from Forty-ninth street to Fifty-first street. Eighth street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenne. Ninth street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenne. Liberty avenue, from Smlthfield street east wardly. . . Cherry alley, from Third avenue to Water street. State alley, from Wyllo avenue to Fifth ave nue. Scott alley, from Penn avenue to Duquesne Garrison alley, from Fayette street to Lib erty avenue. Barker's alley, from Duquesne way to Lib erty avenue. Church alley, from Sixth avenue to Straw berry alley. Slocum alley, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. ..... Strawberry alley, from Bmitnneia street to Liberty street. GRADING, PAVING AND CTTRBINO. Halket street, from Fifth avenue to Wilmot street. . Herron avenne, from Center avenne to Thirty-third street. Boquet street, from Semple street to Frazler street. Denniston avenue, from Fifth avenue to Penii avenne. Atwood street, from Fifth avenue to Boquet Btreet. Center avenue, from Soho street to Huand avenue. PAVING AND CDEBING. Stanton avenue, from Hiland avenue to Heberton avenue. Corday alley, from Pearl to Cedar streets. The paving of tbe above named streets to be either with Block Stone. Standard. Sheet Asphalt, Vulcanite Asphalt, Irregular Block Stone or Cobble Stone, and bids will be re ceived for each kind of pavement. SXWEBS. Center avenue, from Summit street to Reed street, 18. 20-inch pipe, 3 leet ana s xeet o men; brick and stone. Denniston avenue, lrom Fifth avenno to Penn avenue; 20 and 24-inch pipe. Stanton avenne, Viola alley and private prop erty of Henry Janson and Mellon Bros, from the west side of Hiland avenue to Negley run; 13, 20 and 24-inch pipe. Mignonette street, from Negley avenue to Beatty street; 15 and 18 inch pipe. Penn avenue and Braddock avenue, from Lindon avenue to Susquehanna street; 15, IS, 20 and 24-lnch pipe. Harvard street, from Negley avenue to Euclid ayenue; 15-incb pipe. Plans and specifications can be seen and blanks for blading can be obtainea at this office. Proposals must be accompanied by a bond probated hefure the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of. Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. KM. BraELOW, Chief of the Department of Public Works. my!3-23 RESORTS. THE CHALFON1E. ATLANTICCITY, N.J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the bouse. Elevator. apl&Sl-B E. ROBERTS iSONa -QEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS, JJ BEDFOBD, PENNA. Leading mountain resort. Water nnequaled. Hotel nowly furnished. Toerge's Orchestra, Opens June 8. Write for circular. ap7-87-r L. B. DOTY. Manager. L6NGVIEW SCHOOL-FORMERLY HO TEL Longview will be open for tbe reception of summer boarders by July 1, 1SS9. For circulars and information apply to REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. my2-93-TTSU Longview School, BrookvilIe.Pa. CRESSON" SPRINGS. PENNA. MAIN line Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE Will open-June 25. All trains slop al Cresson. For circulars, etc, address y?M. R. DUNHAM, Supt, rny7-2-Dsu. Creeson, Cambria Co., Pa, MEETINGS. rpHERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THK X stockholders of the Pittsburg and FalrpoTB Terminal Company held at the office of the com pany. Coal Exchange Building, corner Smith field and Water sts Pittsburg, Px, MONDAY, MAY 27, 1889. 2 P. jr.. to eleot directors, vote upon the lease of the company's property to the Plttsbnrg, Fairport and Northwesters Dock Company, and consider such other busi ness as may be brought up. A. J. THOMAS. C.S.WlGHT.Sec'y. President myll-29 DIVIDENDS. Thibd National Bask, t PrrrsBTrno. May 9. 1899. J DIVIDEND NO. 60-A DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT has been declared this -day, ont of tbe earnings of the last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. myll-41 W. 8TEINMEYER. Cashier. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF 25,000 ROLLS OP wail paper; 3 insect proof cedar chests; notions, teas and drygoods, FRIDAY at 2.30 F. M., at No. 311 Market st. HENRY AUCTION-CO, myl4-72 Auctioneers. A UCTION SALE Grand closing out sale at Publio Auction of our entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, and everything in store, must be closed out by May 18. Sales commencing at 2 33 and 750 p. is. H. HANNACH 4 BRO, Nos. 10 and 12 Fifth ave. myl4-2 BY HENRY AUCTION' CO. I AT AUCTION FINE HOUSEHOLD goods and carpets at the residence. No.. 22 BRIGHTON PLACE, Allegheny City,' 1 HURSD AY, May 18, at 10 o'clock sharp. Fines plush parlor suit, center table, curtains, shades, rugs, book case, clocks, ornaments, bedsteads, bureaus, washstands, wardrobes. H. C. lounge, pictures, toilet ware, rockers, bedding, springs, ball rack, fine oak extension table, dining chairs, sideboard, dinner set, laundry furnish ments, refrigerator, sewing machine, kitchen foods, Brussels and ingrain carpet3 on rooms, alls and stairs, etc, etc House open after 8 o'clock morning of the sale. . HENRY AUCTION CO, LIM, myl2-9S-rwTSu Auctioneers. !"AUCTION AT AUCTION. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, TUESDAY, MAY 14, At the rooms, 311 Market street; At 1 o'clock sharp. One hundred and twenty (120) rolls of ths finest kinds of carpets, just fresh from the looms of the manufacturers, consigned to us for sale. Now is your opportunity to buy, at. your price, as our orders are peremptory to close out entire lot regardless of cost. Also, at same place, at 10 o'clock in the morn ing, six more, and the last, of those beautiful parlor suites from our Eastern consignor, up holstered in spun silk, silk and crushed plushes. English rug, damask, tapestries, brocatelle. rep and haircloth. Easy chairs, divans, lounges, fancy rockers, coaches, cabinets, mirrors, book cases, vases, ornaments, pictures, clocks, rugs, curtains; walnut, oak and cherry chamber snits, wardrobes, folding beds, hall racks, sideboards;, extension tables, dressers, washstands, bed steads: decorated toilet, tea and dinner sets; bedding, kitchen goods, notions, wall paper, etc . HENRY AUCTION COMPANY. myl2-95 Auctioneers. AMUSEMENTS. VTAV INAUGURATION OF THE ' 1Y1X new EXPOSITION BUILDING FESTIVAL. evenings opTaai.A AFTERNOONS j 0tUlA8 TICKETS FOR SINGLE CONCERTS HOW ON SALE, at HAMILTON'a myl -RAND OPERA HOUSE-TO-NIGHT-' Rice's $20,000 Burlesque, The "CORSAIR." Next week, Dockstader's Minstrels. myl2-10 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. C. C. MAGEE, Irish Luck Comedy Company. mjl2-8 B LIOU THEATER J. C. STEWART'S FAT MEN'S CLUB. The Funniest Yet. myl3-27 PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from ths city, situated on the bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, fine dancing; platform, eta , The use of the grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A.R. posts, i private fetes, etc, tbe only charge being faro; , on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to' J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A.CLANEYon the grounds. my 11-15-D ' MONONGAHELA AND OHIO RIVERS' Transportation & Excursion Co,, LDIITED. Steamer MAYPLOWEB Can be chartered for excursions, picnics and evening parties. Office, No. 118 WATER ST. mvU-4&TTS L. N. CLARK. Captain. OAKLAND SQUARE, S6.500 each, moderate cash payment, balance $500 per annum, elegant new two-story and( mansard brick dwellings, 8 rooms, hall, bath, laundry, slate mantels, art fire places, tile! hearths, sliding doors, wired for electric light; fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win-' dows, eta; Oakland Square, five minutes from Fifth avenue cable line and directly on line of new cable loop which is to bo constructed this, summer; a beautiful park (on which are sev-i eral hundred beautiful shade trees), tbe whole ' surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with asphaltum; on each side of and' facing tbe park are the above described dwell' ings; most desirable houses yet offered; en- hancement of values sura myU-39 'CURTAINS. We make a specialty of cleaning and dyein lace curtains; also dry cleaning Damask Turk ish portiers and all kinds of fabrics. Sixth Avenue Dve Works,. M. MAY SONS & Co. ap2-TT3 68 SIXTH AVE. CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE HT stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Enreka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, S3 East Diamond street, Je5.n57-TT3 . Allegheny. Pa. )IANOS, ORGANS. S. HAMILTON, 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-7J-D 0. A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue. Pittsburg. Pa, Tclephone-WH. se5-n6frTT3 Walter J. OSBOTntJiE. Richard BABEowa j TJ ARROWS fc OSBOURNE- t ?$ K JOB PRINTERS. X la GO Diamond street. isW, Telephone No. 812 " ?" se2-k5&TT8Su: i,,-a PRESH BUTTER RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K. STEVENSON 4 CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, SIXTH AVENUE. jaMUnnr E. L1NKENHE1MKR, ARCHITECT, - '4 j 545 Smlthfield street, Pittstrarg:. Pa- PreSMtr iiuw4Jiu4uuift0vwvm. jiluvii jauws-gcrAiY4' t ' i -- . ihjri. iW w. 'QT