rf. W- A RICH HARVEST Will bo reaped by all -who advertise In THE Dispatch. It reaches every borne -and Is read by everybody. If you are in business let the public know it through THE DISPATCH. TOETT-rOTJHTH TEAIL PLAYED JIS LUST, W. Irving Bishop, the Mind Reader, Dies a Few Hours After Performing ONE OF HIS BEST TRICKS. A Cataleptic Fit Carries Off a Eeally Remarkable Man. SKETCH OF EIS SINGULAR CAREER. The Exposer efSiade Interrupted by Death in tin Exposure of Himself A Sndden Attack of Catalepsy Follows One ot Hts Best Tricks Plnycd for the Brncflt of the New York Umb'i Club Tho First of the Attncka Noticed nt Minneapolis Fire Weeks Ago End of r Career Witbont n Parallel H!a Odd Domestic Complica tions. Shortly after performing one of his won derful "mind-reading" feats, yesterday morning, W. Irving Bishop expired in a cataleptic fit brought on by the nervous ex citement under which be labored while as tonishing a number of gentlemen at a rounders' club in New York. Five weeks ago, in Minneapolis, he first felt the attacks of catalepsy, that being brought on by a flight renew, telegram to tub disfatcii.i Hew Yobk, May 13. "Washington .Irving Bishop, the mind reader, played his last trick at the Lamb's Club, in the small hours of this morning, and died a few hours later, in a cataleptic fit which was appar ently the climax of the intense nervous ex citement incident to the succcsstnl perform ance of the feat. The Lamb's Club is an organization of actors and men-about-town, and is accus tomed to have "gambols" on a Sunday night, once a month, at its club house, 34 West Twenty-sixth street Only members 'are admitted to these entertainments, but as the gambol set down for last Sunday night was the last for this season, the regulations were relaxed and members were permitttd to bring friends with them. Harry Dixey, the actor, brought Bishop. After a while some one asked Bishop to give an exhibition of his powers. He con sented, and began with what he called "the -detective trick." I A Trick No One Else Could Do. I There was applause at the success of that trick, but Bishop made little of it. "That's in easy one," he said. "Wait and I'll thow yon one you never saw before, and hat I'll guarantee no one else can do." Ihefrfie asked Secretary Green, of the club, to think of some word in some of the club's books of account or record. Secre tary Green had not any particular-word bandy is bis mind, but with Dr. G. A. Irwin, who is an acquaintance of Bishop's and who had dropped in while Bishop was doing his easy trick, he went down stairs, where the books of the club are kept, and he and the doctor came across the name of Margaret Townsend in the minute book. where it appeared in some records relating to the Lester Wallack benefit Mr. Green and Br. Irwin fixed upon the word "Townsend," and noting in their minds the page and the part of the page upon which it appeared, they hid the book and went back upstairs. How He Pointed Ont the Word. Bishop, blindfolded, had Green's hand placed upon his own, and then led the party downstairs, onnd the book without diffi culty, and turning over the pages rapidly, came at last to the page on which the name appeared. Skimming his fingers over it he gradually settled upon the word itself. "Is that it?" he asked eagerly, and being told that it was, he led the way back up stairs, haying been blindfolded all the time and announced that he proposed to tell what the word was in a manner which would demonstrate absolutely that mind reading had nothing to do with the perform ance. He had been getting into a highly excited state as he went on with the trick, and this increased as he asked everybody to stand back. Without touching Secretary Green, but insisting that Mr. Green should think intently of the word, he stood appar ently in a state of only half consciousness. This could not be told absolutely, how ever, as The Bandage Covered His Eyes and other parts of his face. After a few moments he said: "I think it is a name." Then he added: "I think it is a man's name." In this, of course, he was wrong. After more apparently intense mental ef fort, he exclaimed, "Give me something to write with." Some one polled a scrap of paper from a pocket and handed it to Dr. Irwin, and he gave it, with a pencil, to Bishop. Without an instant's hesitation, Bishop seized it and dashed off the word 'Townsend" not written in natural form, but reversed, as it would appear in a mirror were the paper on which the word was written reflected there. "That is it," he exclaimed, and at the eame moment as Mr. Gillen and Dr. Irwin nodded their beads and the persons about burst into applause. Bishop stiffened out and sank back unconscious. There was a moment's excitement, but Dr. Irwin, who has .known the mind-reader for some years, and-was acquainted with his physical con dition, assured every one that it was only one of the cataleptic fits which Bishop has been accustomed to have quite frequently. and that it was not likely to be dangerous. I A Period of Seml-Conscionsncw. The mind reader was stretched upon the floor, and soon, under the manipulation of Dr. Irwin, began to snow signs of returning to consciousness. When he was able to sit up tie doctor was explaining something of the physical features of the case to those present. Bishop was apparently yet only half conscious, but he clearly heard all that was said, for when the doctor was stating that they eculiar backward fashion in which the name was written might be accounted for by the fact that the original reflection of everything seen by the eye is inverted as in a mirror, and is "reversed by the optic Ims on the war to the brain. Bishop in terrupted bis, and in & ball anaiDie voice J asked him to make clear that what was written on the scrap of paper was the exact copy of what appeared in his eye, and was written by him without conscious interven tion of the brain. The Case GIron Dp as Hopeless. Bishop had frequent spasms, during which it was with difficulty that he could be held still and prevented from throwing himself about with a violence that would have endangered his bones. About 4 o'clock he had another violent cataleptic fit, and went from it into a state of comatose. Then Dr. Lee went away, deeming the case hope less. Once in a while after that the mind reader manifested a half-consciousness and seemed to recognize persons about bim,but he never had a clearly conscious moment from before 6 o'clock in the moraine until a few minutes past noon, when his pulse and bieathing ceased, and he was apparently dead. For fear that it might be only a cataleptic trance, powerful electric currents were ap plied, and for half an hour some semblance of life was maintained, but at last the cur rent ceased to have any effect, and the doc tor declared that Bishop was unmistakably dead, A SINGULAR CAEEEE. Sketch of tho Life of tho Wind Header A Base In Europe and America at One Time Some of Bis Won derful Feats. fSrrCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCB.l New Yoke, May 13. Washington Irv ing Bishop was born in Boston 41 years ago, and became known as an alleged mind reader early in lite. He attracted no par ticular attention, however, until in En gland, some ten years ago, when at the time Slade, the Spiritualist, was imprisoned as a fraud, he announced his readiness to duplicate Slade's tricks without spi rit aid. As an exposure of the deceit ot spiritualists and such people he made considerable fame and puzzled the English doctors and scientific men, who admitted themselves at a loss to account for his pecu liar powers. He did some famous feats in England upon bets' that he could not tell the number of a bank note, and always stood such tests successfully. He assisted his notoriety in England by a libel suit against Henry Labouchere. A Wonderful Test. Three years or so ago there was a renewed interest in him when at Boston he success fully discovered a hidden article, to get at which it was necessary for him, blindfolded, to drive a team of horses to a carriage through crowded streets. He afterward duplicated this trick in New York. To ac complish this and similar feats he always had to be in physical touch of some sort with the person whose mind he pretended to read, and it is asserted that his "mind reading" was really the following of the unconscious guidance of the muscles of the person with whom he was in contact A number of others claimed to be able to duplicate all his feats in this way, and Charles Montague, a Boston newspaper man, in this city and elsewhere gave public exhibitions in which he did succeed in do ing feats like those of Bishop. None of these exposers of the exposer of Slade nor the exposer himself, so far as is known, had up to this morning accomplished anything that could not be accounted for upon the muscle-reading theory. As to Bishops's last and fatal feat Dr. Irwin says: The Skeptics Astonished. "I had always been skeptical of Bishop, bo tar as any power beyond that of muscle reading, until I saw his last feat I say freely that in my opinion that feat cannot be accounted for upon any theory ot known science or medicine. I do not see that there was possibility of collusion, even if I did not know all the gentlemen present well enongh to know that they would not have helped in a fraud. In my opinion he ac complished the feat by means of some men tal or physical power of which science- has at present no knowledge. The fact that the effort he used was so intense as to result in his death is pretty good corroborative evi dence of the genuineness of the feat" Bishop has at various times been a rage with the public, both in England and in this country. Of late he has been in rather bad odor, chiefly through his remarkable complicated matrimonial relations. As nearly as they have been untangled, these included a marriage in 1885 to one woman by whom a daughter was bora to him, fol lowed in 1886 by a marriage to Mrs. Helen S. Pond, the handsome divorced wife of a Boston broker. Before long she brought suit for divorce, alleging that Bishop was A Cocoaine Fiend, and, when under the influence of the drag, was almost a maniac, and beat her brutally. Other and more scandalous allegations were made. Bishop started for Australia when this matter came out, and was next heard of as having become insane in San Francisco. He was released after a short confinement in an asylum, and continued his trip across the Pacific. He was heard from at the Sand wich Islands and other places, and this spring was back in this country with a wife, who is said to be the one he first married. Last year, when the Boston Mrs. Bishop finally obtained her decree of divorce, Bishop was giving an exhibition of his powers before a Minneapolis audience. He fell in a fit on receipt of the news, and did not recover for 24 hours. A few days after ward he married again the wife with whom he was then living. He explained that he considered her his legal wife before, but that in order to remove any questions about it and to make snre of the legitimacy of hiB daughter, he had the second ceremony performed. Bishop's mother arrived in New York last night and was taken to the Hoffman House. She was terribly distressed over her sndden affliction. The mind reader's wife and child did not accompany her. Bishop arrived at the Hoffman House late on Sat urday night and registered as from Hono lulu, Sandwich Islands. Over his own name on the register he wrote "Kamilimiliana lani." The clerks at the hotel say they they don't know what this means unless it is his own name in Hawaiian. BEGINNING OP THE END. The First Fit Brought on by a Severe Fright in Minneapolis. rsrecux. teleouam to th DisriTcn.1 Minneapolis, May 13. On the day that Washington Bishop was to give his street lest in Minneapolis, some five weeks ago, he was ill from over exertion in St Louis. The Minneapolis Committee who was to hide the needle which he was to find, not understanding the strain to which he was subjected, took the needle nearly a mile from the hotel and hid it in the Expo sition building. Bishop started out in the back, with a bag over his head, to find it When near the Exposition he suddenly dropped the lines and seemed lost a mo ment, and the team dashed into a post He managed to secure the reins again and drove on to the Exposition and found the pin, but he immediately fell down in a cataleptic fit, similar to the one in which he died, and was carried back to the hotel rigidly. It seems that the terror of that moment when he lost control of the horses made a wonderful impression upon him in his excited nervous condition, from the effects of which he never recovered. In his delirium he described over and over again what he saw on that terrible journey. The very terror in which the -committee themselves-was served, to impress the events upon his mind. He said afterward that it was the most terrible experience he had ever passed through. Whence recovered, two days afterward1 he declared that ho would never again repeat the test In public, but he did so in St Paul, a few days later. He acknowledged that it was quite dangerous for him to perform the feats he did, and he took his life in hand every time he attempted them. HIS PEATS IN PITTSBURG. Blindfolded, He Drove a Carriage Accu rately Over a Secret Roote. Young Bishop's two performances in this city two years ago will be remembered by the many who marveled ai them. Besides the finding of a knife which had been hid den by a committee in a house on Penn av enue, he drove, blindfolded, over a route se cretly decided on by a committee of the lo cal press, and, although unacquainted with the city, even with the use of his eyes, guided his carriage horses without them exactly over the streets laid out, and col lided with no one in the crowded streets. STILL A MYSTERY. That Body Now Believed to Havs Been Sank In Luke Slichlsan Dr. Cronln's Friends Do Not Bellevo That He Was Seen at To ronto at All. Chicago, May 13. Captain Schaack is fully convinced that the corpse supposed to be connected with the Cronin case, for which his men have been dragging the Lincoln park pond, was buried beneath the waters of Lake Michigan. He has had some trouble in making converts to the theory and to-day an attempt was made to explode it by starting the story that Anderson's boat, said to have been taken early Sunday morning, May 5, was really stolen two weeks before, and that there were no oars obtainable by which it could be operated. Anderson insists, however, that his boat was stolen Sunday morning, and there were a number of broken paddles which had been thrown away as unserviceable lying near the boats, which might have been used in such an emergency. Further evidence was derived this after noon from Frank Bock, a fisherman who has a hut on the Lake Shore docks-and was awakened about two o'clock that Sunday morning by a noise from his boats, which were on the shore near his house. Dressing hurriedly, he rushed out and in the dark ness saw three men moving around in his boats trying to unfasten them. "What are you doing there?" he de manded. "We want to get a boat to go fishing with," one of the men answered after a moment's hesitation. "Well, you can't have one of mine. Get away from here." The men left at that and went south in the direction of Anderson's house. Bock says that two of them were of small stature and the third is a large man. He could not distineuish their features. Cronin's friends sent an emissary to Toronto, and he has telegraphed that he can find no reliable evidence that the doctor was in the city at any time. BRETHREN BOLT. A Score of Members Leavo tho Conference at York Bishop Wright, of Ohio, Trends n movement Tho Secaders Will Continno in Session. tf FECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH.J Yobk, May 13. Eer. Metsgar opened the United Brethren Conference this morn ing. Bishop Kephart reported for the Board of Bishops that they had found a ma jority of votes cast for the new constitution and amended confession of faith, and they therefore declared it adopted, and hence forth "the fundamental belief and organic law of the church." The change went into effect immediately. Petitions were presented as follows: Pray ing for the removal of restrictions as to ladies entering the ministry; praying for a church catechism; one by Bev. Graham, of Parkersburg Conference, praying for or ganic union between the churches, and an other advising the reducing the number of conferences. When the meeting was opened under the new constitution, the minority left the Opera House and held a secret session in another part of the city. Here they de termined to bolt, which they accordingly did, and opened a second convention in the Park Opera House at 2 o'clock, in which Bishop Wright, of Ohio, presided. This faction will meet in session for a week. JOINED THEIR FORTUNEB. Tito members ot tho Wilbur Opera Com pany Married at Ponghkeepsle. rSrZCIAX TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 13. At 8 o'clock this afternoon a bright-looking young man, followed by a bright-looking young woman, entered Becorder Dorland'a office, the man ahead, the woman following closely and modestly, and nervously whis pering to the man: "Is this the place?" The parties were Franklin Kelson Darling, musical director of the Wilbur Opera Com pany, and Marie Bobertson, one of the chorus girls. They were married by Be corder Dorland in tho presence of Manager Sweet of the Opera Huse, and Mr. L. H. Tail, President of the Dutchess Mutual In surance Company. After the ceremony the Eecorder saluted the bride, and then the happy pair departed. To-night she appeared as usual in the "Grand Duchess," and he in his seat as musical director. They "gave their places of residence as New York City, and he reg istered as 22 years old and she 25. CONTENTS OP A COWS STOMACH. A Bovine Post Mortem That Floored a Western Coroner. ;ErECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Minneapolis, May 13. Meat Inspector Richardson coddemned a cow last Saturday in South Minneapolis, and a post mortem was held. When the stomach was opened it was found to contain a handful of nails, ranging in size from a tack to a tenpenny; a rubber ball, several beer corks, a sleeve button, a paper chip and JV .Nicollet House bar check, No. 80, beside-several pieces of old leather. It was a puzzle for the inspector to ascer tain how the cow came to swallow such a heterogeneous mass of unpalatable things, and after inquiring into where the animal's feed was purchased, he discovered that it was fed for the most part on hotel twill, A CHARGE OP BLACKMAIL. The Son of Emery A. fetorrs Arrested 'on Coraplnlnt of His Wife. New Yobk, May 13. Detectives from the District Attorney's office to-day arrested George M. Storrs. the son of Emery Storrs, of Chicago, on a charge of blackmail pre ferred by his wife, Eileen Storrs, who is said to have received a scurrilous letter from Storrs, dated. Chicago, February 21. An indictment has been found against Storrs. While Storrs was waiting to plead, papers for a divorce proceeding were served upon him. Desertion and cruelty are the causes alleged. Storrs was committed to the Tombs prim in default 'of 1,000. PITTSBURG, TUESDAY, NO BOOM OT CAMON To Announce the Return, of the Presi dental Party to Washington! THE SUNDAY OUTING IS OYER. Reorganization of tho Civil Service Com mission, "Wliich is Now " PREPARED TO ATTEND TO BUSINESS. The Week's Work Began by the Appointment of 205 Kew rostmasten. President Harrison and party returned yesterday afternoon from their cruise in Chesapeake Bay. They enjoyed it very much and may repeat the experiment in the near future. District of-Columbia peo ple fear very much that the census clerk ships will get out of their hands into those of the Civil Service Commission, which was reorganized yesterday. tSrECIAL TELEOBAM TO THB PI8FATCS.1 Washington, May 13. The Presiden tal party Teturned to the city from their river and ocean Sunday excursion at about 3 o'clock this afternoon. To be consistent, the President couldn't start on thfc homeward trip before midnight Sunday, and the telegrams sent from Fortress Monroe that he would set saiL early Sunday'evening and reach Washing ton this morning had, therefore, an almost malicious sound. There was less noise on the return than on the departure. As the Despatch steamed up the channel, with the "Presidental flag," invented and adopted by President Arthur, flying from the mast head, there was no booming of cannon.as on Saturday. The party -disembarked quietly, and be took themselves to their various homes in their various carriages. The President and the ladies of the White House were greeted by Dr. Lord, Mrs. Scott Lord, and Miss Holliday, a new visitor, who , was formerly a friend of the Harrison family in Indianapolis, but who has been for .some years a missionary in Persia. Secretary Halford wasn't there, as he had not yet returned from his Southern trip. The President was pleased to find that the work of renovating his official apartments had been concluded, and that the cool summer-matting had taken the place of carpets. The whole party expressed themselves great ly delighted with their sail, and may repeat it in a short time. BREAD AND BUTTER T0THEM. District of Columbia People Wast All the Census Clerkships. ISFECIAL TELJCQBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Washington, May 13. One of the most important questions immediately demand ing the attention of the new Civil Service Commission is whether the appointments for the census work shall be made under their supervision. Neither Superintendent Porter nor Secretary Noble desires the interferences of the commission, and the President has not vet expressed an opin ion on the question. The commission will,' it is thought, hold-that tne appointments should be made by examination, but thero is a doubt about the proper constructionto be put upon the law. Many young men and women of the District of Columbia are very anxious in regard to the decision of this question. Ten years ago a great many District people were given census clerkships,and, as the positions are -not permanent, Washingtonfans had come to regard them as something they could have to themselves, without having to make way for people from the States who had votes. The work of previous censuses was to a very great extent done by people who lived in Washington, and as the work did not last long enough to make it worth while to come here from the States for the positions, they were viewed as a local pos session. But if the census office is brought under the civil service rules all this will be changed. The appointments will be appor tioned among the various States, according to population. And then, instead of get ting the lion's share of the census office clerkships, the District of Columbia will get but a very small share. HER APPEAL IN TAIN. Sarah Althca Hill Terry Loses Her Case la the Supreme Conrt. Washington, Hay 13-The Supreme Court to-day affirmed the judgment of the United States Circuit Court for the North ern district of California, in the case of David S. Terry ex ux., appellant, .vs. F. W. Sharon, executor, etc. This is a suit brought by Sarah Althea Hill Terry. The court holds that in the original cases the citizenship of parties being in different States, and the object of the suit, the can cellation of a foreign instrument being one of the oldest heads of equity jurisdiction, the case presented was one of prima facie jurisdiction, and if there were any errors in the original decision they must be presented on appeal from the decree in that case and cannot be considered in this case, which is an appeal from a decision reviewing the action in thb name of the executor of the deceased Sharon, and that the objections urged to lhat decree of revivor are frivo lous. Opinion by Justice Miller. A GOOD DAI'S WORK. Two Hnndrcd and Five New Postmasters Appointed YeMerdny. JPPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DtsrATCH.l Washington, May 13. Two hundred and five new postmasters is what Assistant Postmaster General Clark'son turned out to day for a beginning of the week, but only a few of these were from Pennsylvania and West Virginia, Following are those for Pennsylvania: Peter Klinger, Fishersville; D. C. Basburg, Mills Citv; H. A. Shifer, New Berlin; Patty M. Kbons, Boylum; J. C. F. Miller, Eockwood; Charles L. Pultzer, Shanks ville; W. W. Myers, Uriah; H. G. Macy, Welsh Hill. The following are for West Virginia: W. B. Hannah, Frost; George W. Wayner, Huntersville; D. J. Vestor, Kasson; TV". H, H. Pine, Scott's Depot. ONCE MORE ORGANIZED. Tho Civil Service Commission Agnln Ready for Active Work. Washington, May 13. Mr. Theodore Eoosevelt, who was recently appointed Civil Service Commissioner, took the pre scribed oath this morning. The Commission has now a full quota of members, a circum stance which has not existed for some time past. As now constituted, the Commission consists of Messrs. Charles Lyman, of Con necticut; Hon. Hugh S. Thompson, of South Carolina, and Theodore Roosevelt, of New York. After Mr. Bo6seveIt had qualified for the, office, he spent some time in pleasant con versation with.Messrs. Lyman and Thomp- bodj after which the board, formally- organ ,iKd hy.electing Mr, Lyman President , t - MAT 14, 1889. FOUND OK THE ROOKS The Body of a Franklin Girl Washed Ashore at Staten Island-A Mystery of the Ocean for the Fotnre to Explain. rsrzcxtti telegram to the dispatch. l New Yobk, May 13. There is no doubt now that the body of the young woman which was found on Sunday morning among the rocks off the boathouse of the Clifton Boat Club, at Clifton, Staten Island, is that of Miss Mary E. Tobln, of Franklin, pa. Dr. B. A Bjobinson, of West New Brighton, after viewing the remains said he felt sure of the identity. He said that up to Saturday, April 13, Miss Tobin had been his office' assistant. On that date she re signed her place, saying she was going home to Franklin, and was to be married in the fall. When she left Dr. Bobinson's house Miss Tobin told him she was going to visit some friends in Brooklyn for a few days. On the following Monday she again appeared at the doctor's house to bid him goodby. She then said she meant to start for home im mediately. She expressed her two trunks, one to Brooklyn and the other to Franklin. Some days later Mrs. McKenna, of Brook lyn, went to Dr. Bobinson and told him she was worried about Miss Tobln, inasmuch as the latter had sent her trunk to Brooklyn, but had not herself turned up to claim it. About a week ago Daniel S. and David Tobin, brothers of the girl, called at Dr. Bobinson's to inquire for their sister's whereabouts, but he could give them no in formation. Daniel S. Tobin arrived from McKeesport, Pa., this afternoon, as did also the girl's father, in response to tele grams sent them by Coroner Hughes. They are staying at the Stevens House, in this city. They had not viewed the body when they were seen to-day, but felt sure of the identification, since the girl's aunt, Mrs. Dixon, of Jersey City, had called at the morgue in Stapleton earlier in the day, and identified the jewelry found on the body as that belonging to her niece. There are no marks of violence on the body, which may not have been made by the rocks against which it was dashed by the action of the water. Nevertheless an autopsy will be made to-discover, if possi ble evidences of, or a motive for, suicide or foul play. 0'DONOTAN R0SSA DENIES. Ho Contradicts a Number of Serious Charges Made Attains! Him. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH.1 New Yobk, May 13. The examination of P. S. Oassidy, accused by O'Donovan Bossa of libel, went on to-day at the Tombs Court. John McGinness, the editor of the Catholic News, testified that Cassidy volun teered and wrote the article which was printed about Bossa, and that a suit began by Bossa against the paper was withdrawn when the name of the writer was given to Bossa. He supposed that Bossa "got some thing" for.hu expenses in withdrawing the suit. C Bossa took the stand to be cross-examined on the statements in the libel. Colonel O'Byrne intimated that Bossa had no right to the "Bossa" part of his name and was plain Jeremiah O'Donovan. Bossa denied this vehemently, and declared that he wrote his name rightfully from a village in Ire land, where he used to live. Others of his family were known by the same name. Bossa admitted that he had been ar rested on a charge of swindling servant firls by selling bogus passage tickets to reland, but said that the charge was dropped. He had taken money from kjfimmy MoDermott while denouncing MeDermott as a traitor, but be would take money from anyone for Ireland's sake. He denied that he settled his accounts with Irish organizations by giving checks which were not good. He denied that he had left his son to die in a charity hospital, whither the latter had been committed as a homeless man ; and he declared that the charge that he had1 desecrated his second wife's grave was an infamous falsehood. The examina tion goes on next Monday. MR. BRICE FOR CHAIRMAN. Messrs. Gorman nndJScott Said to Favor His Selection. tSFSCTAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 St. Louis, May 13. Colonel J. Grif Prather, member of the National Demo cratic Committee for Missouri, will attend the meeting of the committee to be held in the near future at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, and will give his support to Colonel Calyin S. Brice, who served as Chairman of the Campaign Committee in the last campaign. Speaking to a reporter, Mr. Prather said: "We will pass resolutions in memory of our late Chairman, and will in all proba bility elect Mr. Brice as Mr. Barnum's suc cessor. Mr. Brice managed the last cam- Jiaign and spared no eflort to score a success n behalf of the Democraoy. So far as I am concerned, I think he is entitled to the honor of Chairman of the National Com mittee. I understand that Senator Gor man, of Maryland, and Senator Scott, of Pennsylvania, favor his election, and it is safe to predict that he will be elected." WHAT CONSTITUTES CONTEMPT. Not Necessary to Bribe a Witness In tho Precincts of the Conrt. Washington, May 13. The Supreme Court to-day sustained the action of Dis trict Judge Boss at Los Angeles in sen tencing Thomas J. Cuddy and Alexander Savin to imprisonment for contempt of court. The contempt consisted of alleged attempts to bribe a witness and a iuror in a hallway of the Court House building, but outside the court room itself. The principal contention forjhe sentenced men was that the contempt powers of the court did not extend outside "the building. The court holds that misbehavior anywnere within the place set apart by law for the holding of thecourt is contempt of the court. Opinion by Justice Harlan. HOTEL MEN IN CONVENTION. Prominent Bonifaces From All Parts of the Country In Attendance. Chicago, May 13. Scores of prominent hotel men arrived in Chicago to-day and to-night to attend a national convention of the fraternity here, beginning to-morrow. The largest delegation is that from New York. The members weremet at the depot by & local reception committee, v The Chief Justlco's Daughter Swindled. Chicago, May 13. Mrs. Pauline Fuller Aubery, whose elopement caused such a sensation, was made the victim of a bogus custom house agent, who collected the duty on a pair of vases from France, which have not yet appeared. The same swindle has been worked on other parties, i Some Conscience Contributions. Washington, May 13. Treasurer Hus ton received two conscience contributions on the first day of his official career. One from New York City amounted to $200. The other amounted to $360 and was sent from Cincinnati by a person who signed himself "Will B. Wright." The New Pnbllc Printer nt Work. Washington, May 13. Public Printer Palmer took charge 'of the, Government printing office to-day. His first official act ' Chief Bookkeeper, vice 1". H. Booth, re- signed. . M' AIDING THE STEIIEKS The German Emperor Takes Their Part in the Mining Troubles.' ARBITRATION TO BE ORDERED. The Government Will Interfere to See That Justice is Done. A CONSPIRACY AGAINSI THE CZAR. The Noble London Gamblers Daly Arraigned In the Police Conrt. The German Government has decided to interfere in the great mining strike. Em peror William is taking an active part in the matter. The employers will probably be ordered to submit to arbitration. The lordly gamblers of London were arraigned in the police court. Another conspiracy against the Czar has been discovered. BebIiIN, May 13. A council of the Prussian Ministry was held to-day to con sider the question of the strike among the coal miners. The session was a prolonged one. Prince Bismarck presided. At the height of the discussion Emperor William appeared in the Council chamber and took an active part in the deliberations. It is reported that the Council decided to summon to Berlin deputations from the mine owners and its miners, in order that they may submit their disputes to arbitra tion by' the Government. The delegates sent by the striking miners of West phalia to wait upon Emperor Will iam have arrived in this citv, and called uponthe Emperor. The semi official press deny the reports that collisions occurred between the troops and strikers on Saturday, and assert that there was no riot ing on that day. Sixty of the striking miners of the Prince Begent's colliery, at Bochum, decided to re sume wors: to-day-but were prevented from doing so by their fellow workmen, who drove them away from the pits with howls and curses. The military were summoned, and, on their arrival, a sharp fight took place between the soldiers and the strikers,, the latter being finally dispersed. The strike committee of the Dortmund miners have issued a manifesto signed by Baute, Scroeder and Siegel, in which they declare that the strikers will not resume work until all their demands are conceded by the mine owners. The miners in the Essen district have struck. This accession to the number of strikers raises the total of the men who have now quit work to 90,000. THE GAMBLERS IN. COURT. One of the Earls Was Ashamed, bat An other Assnmed a Defiant Air. London, May 13. The persons arrested early yesterday morning in the raids on the Field and Adelphi clnbs in this city were arraigned this morning. The Earl of Dud ley and Lord Lurgan were among the pris oners arraigned. The Earl of Dudley ap peared to be ashamed of the position in which he found himself, but Lord Lurgan assumed a defiant air. The police who made the arrests admitted that the peers taken into custody were not members of the Field Club, but stated that they resorted thereto for thepurpose of gam bling. The prisoners were admitted to bail to appear for examination next week, The court room was crowded. Among the spec tators were a number of aristocrats. TO KILL THE CZAR. Another Aliened Plot AcalnstThat Monarch Bronsbt to Tilght, London, May 13. A conspiracy has been discovered among the military officers stationed in St. Petersburg. A large num ber of the conspirators have been arrested. In their possession were found papers which proved that they intended to make an at tempt to assassinate the Czar. A number of bombs were also found. , A Socialist Victory In Prance. Pabis, May 13. A municipal election was held at Narbonne yesterday which re sulted in a victory for the Socialist candi dates. During the progress of the election a fight occurred in the hall where the voting was being carried on. A party of Socialists, headed by M. Ferroul, member of the Chamber of Deputies, paraded tha. streets singing the Marseillaise hymq. Tho Beturn of Stanley. London, May 13. Sir Francis DeWin ton, President of the Emin Bay Belief Com mittee, iq speaking before the Boyal Geo graphical Society to-night, predicted the early return of Henry M. Stanley. He de scribed several routes that were now open to the coast. Mataafa Is the Only Trouble. Berlin, May 13. The Post says the work of the Samoan Conference is progress ing satisfactorily to all concerned. The question of the disposition of Mataafa, how ever, remains undecided. A FIREMAN'S SAD PLIGHT. Unable to Escape Death He Dictates His Will While In Aeony. Denveb, May 13. At 10 o'clock this morning a freight engine doing switching near Bailey station, do miles from here, came into collision with a bowlder upon the track and was ditched. Fireman Charles Lappan was caught underneath a red-hot firebox, and pinned to the ground. He lay in this position with his head only out from under the machinery for an hour, suffering untold agony, no one being able to render assist ance. Just before he expired he called a brakemen to him, while one half of his body was roasting from the heat ot the eu- fine, dictated his will, leaving 515,000 to is two brothers in San Francisco. He have instructions regarding his fune ral and who he desired to conduct the serv ices, then offered prayer and died. The body was. brought here to-night to be shipped to San Francisco. Several other trainmen were injured, but not seriously. THE SKELETON OP A MURDERED MAN Unearthed After Lying- la Its Hiding; Plnce for 63 Tears. ISrXClAL TELEOEAM TO TUB BISFATCH.J New Haven, Conn., May 13. Work men while digging an excavation for a cellar on tho corner of George and Howe streets, unearthed a perfect skeleton of a man. The land on which the skeleton wa found has a peculiar history. Years ago it was the site of what was known as the -"Wayside Inn," kept by a man named Mark Trovers. The inn was a popular place for travelers to sleep at, and continued bo until about 1826, when a man named Francis Thomas, a travelinjr peddler, mys teriously disappeared. He was known (o have entered there, but was never seen alive aftentnrd by anybody. The finding of this skeleton may proba bly clear up a mystery which at that time was one of the most sensational disappear ances on record. IT'S A. SPLENDID . MEQ1M s$ A DOUBLE TEAGEDY. The Same Old Story of a Jealous Hus band's Insane Anger Fatal Ending; to a Bnnaway Match Work of a Bulldog- Bevolver. - .Memphis, May 13. A double tragedy was enacted this afternoon at Mrs. Ander son's boarding house, No. 31 Marshall ave nue. George Ward, aged 28, employed as an engineer at the Memphis Gas Works, shot and killed his young wife and then killed himself. The details of the tragedy are as follows: Ward has exhibited symptoms of jealousy recently, although he had been married only tour months. On coming home to-day he repaired to his wife's chamber and asked her for a kiss- She, however, noticing an ex pression of wildness about him, left the room, saying she would kiss him later. He followed her into the hall, and emptied three shots from a bulldor revolver into her back and shoulders. Having committed this frightful deed, he ran to a room SO feet away in an "L" of the main building, and there shot himself through the bead. The murdered 'woman was named Cora Ward. She was a first cousin to her hus band and murderer. Ward courted his wife for six years, but never gained her mother's consent to their union, which re sulted four months ago in a runaway mar riage. Mrs. Ward was only 18 years old, with black hair and eyes and an olive com plexion. She was of a lively and sprightly disposition, and much admired by all who knew her. Some say jealousy was the cause, while others attribute thedeed to the fact that a few weeks ago the wife received the first installment of an insurance policy on her father, who recently died, and re fused (o allow her husband to handle the funds that thus came into her possession. WAR IN SOUTH AMERICA. A Brazilian Paper Asserts That 'Prepara tions Are Being Made to That End. Panama, May 13. The following is a translation from an article headed "War," which appeared in the Jornal da Commer cio, of Bio de Janeiro: Thero is no donbt that the Government Is preparing for war. YFo tho questions from the press to the insinuations of the pnbllc who de sire to learn what U going on, it answers with silence which is the most eloquent proof of the probabilities of an immediate war. The question is a serious one, and we pray that God will not allow the Government to throw us into a war which will cost much money, and, what is worse, the blood of our brothers. Bumor asserts that the Brazilian Government can do nothing to prevent a conflict between Bolivia and Paraguay, since our Government has suffered a check from the first power, which will seize the territory in dispute. It is also evident that a treaty of alliance exist3 be tween Brazil and Parajruay, and one which, while strengthening; the Republic, guarantees the interests of Brazil. There is no doubt that we are preparing for war, since everything indicates that one is imminent. The Government is the only respon sible party in this matter, and will have to give an answer to the country. But what this an swer will be God only knows, now that the honor of the Brazilian flag; can only be sus tained by bathing it in the blood of onr broth ers of America. Let us not be told that war Is not at our doors. The intimate relations ex isting between the Paraguayan and Brazilian Governments are well known, and it is known we hold Interests in Paraguay, and therefore, under the pretense of preventing an invasion of our territory, we send to our frontiers an army which is Ave times larger than is neces sary. Andyetwe want to pretend we are not threatening Bolivia, and in a manner which may cost us a very high figure. NEXT DOOR TO PROHIBITION. How theBrooks .High License Law Works Now In Philadelphia. rSPXCIAt TELEGBAM TO THE OISFATCB.I Philadelphia, May 13. The liquor license judges announced their decisions in license applications in 13 out of 33 wards of the city to-day. The greatest uneasiness was manifested by the saloon keepers before they were made public', because it was re ported that the Court would adopt the same tactics as those of Judge White, of Pitts bnrg, and make a wholesale slaughter of the applicants. Ananalysis of the result shows that if the judges pursue the same policy among all the wards as among the first 13 there will be about 1,000 drinking places in the city, against about 1,300 l3st year. In that sec tion of the city already passed on there are 71 less saloons than in 1888. In one ward, the Fourth, where there were 33 saloons last year, there are but 23 now, yet, before the high license law went into effect last June, there were 213 drinking bars in the ward. Out of 1,185 applications which the Court had before it S13 were favorably acted upon. , The Court has been guided largely by the reports of the police department. Most of the places licensed last year which were re ported to have been the scenes of drunken ness and disturbance, have been wiped out. The remainder of the decisions will be an nounced to-morrow and on Wednesday. WIPED 0DT A FAMILY. A Jealous CIncInnatlan Shoots His Wife, Little Daughter and Himself. rsriciAL TuxoBAit to Tins pisrATcn.i Cincinnati, May 13. Morits Blano came here from Boston to take charge of the manufacture of the highest grade of work in the Diehl Manufactory of Fireworks. He had with him a wife, Grace, and a daughter, Flora, the latter 7 years old to-day. Both Moritz Blanc and his wife, Grace, had been divorced from former marriages, and each had a qnandom mate living. Their lives were unhappy and they frequently quar reled on general principles. Becently Moritz learned that dashing young Harry Hoffman was fond of his wife, and that the two were often together. With this fresh material for unbappiness their quarrels grew more frequent. A few days ago Grace announced to Moritz that she intended to leave him soon. This morning at 9 o'clock Moritz asked Grace if she really meant to abandon him. She answered yes with a jeering. laugh. She lay in her morning gown on the bed. Moritz left the room, but returned in a mo ment and put a pistol bullet in her temple. He then met his daughter, Flora, and shot her dead, and after that shot himself. The wife lives, but cannot survive many hours. AFTER THE POLITICIANS. St. Louis Boodlers Learn That the Way of tho Transgressor Is Hard. St. Louis, May 13. Adam Neiberla.the Bepublican Sergeant-at-Arms of the lower House of the Municipal Assembly in this city, who was indicted last Friday for aid ing in the fraudulent naturalization of a large number of foreigners previous to the late city elections, has skipped the town, and the United States Marshal is hunting for him. Judge-Lehman, a jnember of the House of Delegates, jlso Bepublican, who was in dicted at the same time and for the same crime, is under bonds. The grand jury are expected to indict perhaps a dozen more local politicians, both Democratic and Be publican, fot the same offense this week. Desolation on tho Isthmus, Panama, May 13. Never in its history has the Isthmus presented the scene it offers to-day. Thousands of people out of work, busy centers of activity along the canal abandoned, and many hundreds of houses deserted by their former residents. The smaller villages are almost uninhabited. Of any kind can -best btf satisfied by advertising la do columns of The? Dispatch. THREE CENTS (MD OF THE GAME.- SttfSFish and His Committee1 ' y at a niu.i, n . i ;-!v iiii iiiiii, p;imnHH CEKTENWm. BAIL ABD BABQUET. They Claim That it Was Entirely a Privata' Affair, and That ETEN THE PRESIDENT TVAS PAID FOE,' The Guarantee Fond Will to Paid Back and Some $10,000 Pocketed. Stuyvesant Fish, of the committee which had charge of the Centennial ball and ban quet at New Yrk, refuses to account for the proceeds of the same. It is claimed that these entertainments were a private enter prise, and acknowledged that money was cleared- from them. All complimentary tickets, even including that of President Harrison, were paid for by some of the other committees. rSFXCIAX. TEXZOBAX TO TBTB DI3TATOT.1 New Yobk, May 13. "The centennial ball and banquet," said a man identified with the late centennial, "were private un dertakings ancTthe public has no right to ' ask for an accounting." This was said to- day in a conversation with a committeeman, after a Dispaick correspondent had -. learned from Mr. Brayton Ives that there was a proposition under consideration in the Entertainment Committee not to make public the accounts of the ball and banquet. Mr. Ives is not a member of the Enter tainment Committee. He is Chairman of the General Finance Committee, and ax such was specially deputized to receive and audit the accounts of all the Centennial sub-committees. Mr. Ives said that from the wording of the resolution of the Plan and Scope Committee directing the sub committ;es to send their reports to him he had supposed that the Entertainment Com- , mittee would also send in its report, but he had understood since that Mr. Fish's com mittee would keep its accounts entirely sep- arate from the accounts of the other Centen nial committees. NOT THEIB AITAIB. The correspondent suggested to the com mitteeman quoted above that the public had some interest in knowing how the mosey ' was spent. "It was not the public's affair," replied the committeeman, smiling. "It was the Entertainment Committee's. It was Mr. Fish's. I can't say definitely what Mr, Fish's action will be, but he long ago de termined not to make the accounts public. There was not a cent of public money in volved. The money given by the State was appropriated especially for the parades and fireworks, and the city appropriations were devoted to the other features of the celebration, excepting the ball and banquet, The Entertainment Committee undertook -the ball and banquet with the idea pf mak- ' ing them pay for themselves." "But." continued the correspondent, "didn't the Plan and Scope Committee set aside $20,000 as a guarantee, and was not thaf20.000 public money?" "Oh, no," said the committeeman: "You will remember that we bad private sub- scriptions to the general centennial fund o '' the amount ot 543,000. It JwVner thesetfi subscriptions thatthe guarantee of 20;0C3'f, was taken, and" not from the" money appro, priated by the State and the, city. And even this the Entertainment Committee will -be able to return." SOME MONEY MADE. "That means that the Entertainment Committee made money from the ball and banquet?" "Yes, the Entertainment Committee is about $10,000 ahead of the game. You see money was lost on the banquet. That of course was expected. But there was big profit in the ball, which a good deal more than made up the difference. So the guar , antee will be returned. The Entertainment Committee got pay, yon know, for every ticket, complimentary or otherwise, which, was issued for both the ball and the ban quet." J "But there were over 2,000 complimentary tickets to the ball and nearly 600 to the banquet," said the reporter. "Who paid the Entertainment Committee for these?" "Oh, the other committees. The Army Committee had, a certain number of guest? at both ball aud banquet, the States' Com mittee had some, the Navy Committee all the committees. Every guest at either ball or banquet from the President down was the guest of some other committee besides the Entertainment Committee, and his ticket was bought and the money for it paid over to Mr. Fish's committee." "Was the money which paid for these complimentaries contributed by the indi vidual members of the other committees, or was it from the general funds of the com mittees which did the inviting?" "The committees paid for the tickets from their funds." A. LITTLE FIGUBINO. The correspondent figured that 2,000 complimentary ball tickets at $10 made $20,000 and 550 complimentary banquet tick ets at $15, $8,250, or a total of $28,250 which other committees practically contributed to the funds of Mr. Fish's committee and sug gested to the committeeman that this surely was public money. "No, it came from the private subscrip tion list of $43,000 the same fund from which the $20,000 guarantee was made." It did not seem to occur to the committee man that $28,500 and $20,000 exceeded the private subscription of $53,000 by $5,500, which must have come from the publio funds. "You don't know, Mr. Fish," said the committeeman, smiling at the thought of calling Fish to account. "He doesn't care . for public opinion. He can stand it." The accounts of all the other Centennial Committees will be handed to Mr. Brayton Ives, and after auditing will be made pub lic. IN A FLOURISHING CONDITION. The American Federation of Labor Leaders Meeting In Kew fork. rSPICIAL TXLXOBAJt TO THB DISPATCB.1 New YOEK,May 13. There was a session of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor to-day at its offices in Clinton place. Samuel Gompers, the Presi dent; Daniel McLaughlin, of Braidwood, 111., the First Yice President; William Martin, of Pittsburg, the Second Vice President; Henry Emericb. the Treasurer, and P. G. McGuire, of Philadelphia, the Secretary, were there. Thev discussed in an informal way the condition or the Federation, which they said afterward was in a flourishing condl-, tion, as elubs are rapidly forming in all . ' cities in the Union. Then they talked of the wisdom of forming eight-hour leagues whose proper function shall be the agita- ,' tion ot the demand which workingmen will - make on May 1, 1890, that eight hours shall -y thereafter constitute a day's labor. There, will be another session to-morrow. Robert Lincoln on His Wny to England, i New Yoke, May 13. Robert T. Lineoln, United States Minister to England, is at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. He arrived here . ' from the West to-day, and will sail for- Europe Wednesday on tne.uuyot ifms, accompanied by his wife, and three children, u ..1 -v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers