' rvV r THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, MONDAY, MA.Y 18,- 18r39. s i at A fOISOffl) DIMEB. Dr. Talmage Speaks of the Effects of Sin Upon the World. IHE INIQUITIES OP SOCIETY. Undisciplined Homes the Scarce of Much Wretchedness. HIE DANGEES OP A LIFE OF IKDQLEKCE. rSriCUL TELEGRAM TO TBI DISrATCH.1 Brooklyn, May 12. The Bev. T. De Witt Talmage, D. D., preached at the tCabernacle to-day to a vatt congregation, who tans with grand effect the hjran begin ning: My soul, be on thy guard; Ten thousand foes arise. And hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw thee from the skies. His subject was "A Poisoned Dinner," and his text IT Kings, ir, 40: "So thej poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out and said, 0 thou nan of God, there is death in the pot And they could not eat thereof." Elisha bad gone down to lecture to the stu dents in the theological seminary atGUgal. So found the students Tery hungry, as students are apt to be. It is very seldom the world makes large provision for those wbo give them selves to Intellectual toll. In order that these students may be prepared to hear what Elisha Bays, he first feeds their hunger. He knew very well it is useless to talk, to preach, to lec ture with hungry men. So Elisha, recognizing tbls common sense principle, which every Christian ought to rec ognize, sends servants ont to get food for these hungry students. They pick up 6omegood, healthful herbs, but they happen to pick up also some coloouintida. a bitter, noisonons. deathful herb. They bring all tbese herbs, they put them into the boiling pot, ibey stir them up, and then a portion of this food is brought to the students and their professors. Seated at the table, one of THE HUNGRY STUDENTS begins immediately to eat, and he happens to Eet hold of some of the coloquintida. He knew it by the taste. He cries out: "Poison, poisonl O thou man of God, there is death in the potl" "Consternation is thrown over the whole group. "What a fortunate thing it was that this student eo early found the coloquintida In the mixture at the table! You will by reference find this story is precisely as I have mentioned it. Well, in our day there are great caldrons of Bin and death. Coloquintida of mighty tempta Jtlon is pressed Into it. Some dip it out, and taste, and reject It and live. Others dip It out, taste it, keep on and die. And it Is the busi ness of every minister of religion and every tnanwho wishes well to the human race, and who wants to keep the world back from its follies and its sufferings, to cry out: "Beware! toison, poison! Lookout lor this caldron! tand back! Beware!" Sin has done an an f ul work in our world. It lias gone out through all the ages, it has mixed up a great caldron of trouble and suffering and toain, and the whole race is poisoned poisoned in body, poisoned in mind, poisoned in souL J3ut blessed be God that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the antidote, and where there was sin there ehaU be pardon, and where there was suffering there shall be comfort, and where there was death there shall be life. Some time ago, you will remember, I per suaded yon of the importance of being charita ble in the judgment of others. At the same time I said to yon briefly what this morning I wish to say with great emphasis, that while we cympathize with the sinner we mtist denounce the sin, that while we pity the unfortunate we must be vehement against transgression. Sin Is a jagged thing that needs to be roughly handled. You have no right to garland it with fine vhrases or lustrous rhetoric. You cannot catch a buffalo with A SILKEN LASSO. A group of emigrants settle in a wild region The next day a wild beast comes downfrom the mountain and carries off one ot the children. The next day a wild beast comes down from the mountain and carries off another child. Forth with all the neighbors band together, and they go out with torch m one hand and gun in the other to hunt these monsters down, to find thcr hiding place, to light up and ransack the caverns, and to destroy the invaders of their houses. So we want now not merely to talk about the sins and follies of the world, we want to go behind them, back of them. Down into the caverns where they hide we need to go with uewmioiuDas worainone nana ana the sword of God's eternal spirit in the other to hunt ont and slay these iniquities in their hid ing places. Or, to come back to the figure sug gested by my text, we want to find what are the caldrons of sin and death from which the iniquities of society are dipped out. I. In the first place, I remark: that unhappy and undisciplined homes are the caldrons of .great iniquity. Parents harsh and cruel on the one hand, or on the other hand loose in their government, wickedly loose in their gov ernment, are raising up a generation of vipers. A home where scolding and fretful n ess are dominant is blood relation to the gallows and the penitentiary! Petulance is a serpent that crawls up into the family nurserv sometimes and crushes everything. Why. there are pa rents who even -make religion disgusting to their children. They scold them for not loving Christ: They have an exasperating way of do ing their duty. The house is full ot the war whoop of contention, and from such a place husband and sons GO OUT TO DIE. Oh, is there a Hagar leading away Ishmael Into the desert to be smitten of the thirst and parched of thesand? In the solemn birth houra voice fell to thee from the throne of God,saj ing: "late this child and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages." At eventime, when the angels of God hover over that home, do they hear the children lisping the name of Jesus? 0 traveler for eternity, your little ones gathered under your robes, are you leading them on the right road, or are you taking them out on the dangerous winding bridle path, off which their Inexperienced feet may slip, and up which comes the howling of the wolf and the sound of loosened ledge and tumbling avalanche? Blessed is the family altar at which the chil dren kneel. Blessed is the cradle in which the Cbrlstain mother rocks the Christian child. Blessed is the song the little ones Blng at night fall when sleep is closing the eyes and loosen ing the hand from the toy on the pillow. Blessed is that mother whose every heart throb Is a prayer lor cer children's welfare. xne woria grows oia, ana tne stars win cease to illuminate it, and the waters to refresh It, and the mountains to guard it, and the heavens to OTerspan it, and its long story of sin and shame and glory and triumph will soon turn to ashes; but influences that started in the early home roll on and roll up through all eternity blooming in all the joy, waving in all the tri umpn, exuiuug in aii tne sons:, or shrinking back into all the darkness. Father, mother, wuicu way are jou leauuxg; your cuiiarenr A house took fire and the owner was ve: tne owner was Terr careful to get all his furniture out. He got all his books out. and he got all his pictures out, auiu ue got ail ws vaiuauie papers out. but he forgot to ask, until it was too late: "Are rav cmioren sale . Oh. when the earth shall melt with fervent heat, and the mountains shaU blaze, and the seas shall blaze, and the earth shall blaze, will tout children be safe ? Will your children be safe J Unhappy and un disciplined homes are the source of much of the wretchedness and SIN OP THE WORLD. I know there are exceptions to it sometimes. From a bright and beautiful Christian home a husband or a son will go out to die. Oh. how long you had that boy In your prayers! He does not know how many sleepless nights you bare spent over him. He dors cot understand how many tears you have shed for his wayward ness. Oh, It is hard, after you hare toiled for a child, and siren him every advantage and every kindness, to have him pay you back in Ingratitude! As one Sabbath morning a father came to the toot of the pulpit as I stepped out of it, and said, "O my son. my son,mysonf" There is many a young man croud of his mother, who would strike into 'the dust any man who would insulfher, ho is at this mo ment himself, by his evildoing and his bad habits, sharpening a dagger to plunge throngh that mothers heart. A telegram brought him from afar. He went bloated and scarred into the room and be stood by the lifeless form of his mother. Her hair gray; It bad turned gray in sorrow. Those eyes had wept floods of tears over his wandering. That still white hand had done him many a kindness and had written rnanva. loving inntatiou and good counsel. He b'ad broken her old heart. He came into the room and threw himself on the casket and sobbod outright: "Mother, mother!" out those lips that had kissed him in Infancy and uttered so many kind words spake not; they were sealed. Rather than hare such a memory come on my souL I would prefer to have roll OTer on me the Alps and the Himalayas. But while sometimes there are sons who turn out very badly coming from good homes, I want to tell yon for your encouragement it is a great exception. Yetanunhappv and undis ciplined home is the p ilsonous caldron from which a vast multitude TlTITTCtr fnvtn ,v,Mr -- ...... 4JCAII1. I H. I remark that another caldron of iniquity lis an indolent life. All the rail trains down the I Hudson river yesterday, all the rail trains on the Pennsylvania route,'all the rail trains on the Long Island road brought to these cities young men to begin commercial life. Some of them are here this morning, I doubt not. Do yon know what one of your great temptations is going to be? It is the example of Indolent people in our cities. They are in all our cities. They dress better than some wbo are indus trious. They have access to all places of amusement plenty of money, and yet idle. They hang around our great hotels the Fifth Avenue, the Windsor, the Brunswick, the Stuyvesant, the Gilsey House all onr beauti ful hotels, you find them around them anv dav men who do nothing, never earn anything. yet well dressed, bavinc nlentv. Why hysl Phyc snoniai walk T Why should you work T Why drudge and toil in bank and shop and office, or on the scaffolding, or by the anvil, when these men get along so well and do not work T Some of them hing around the city hills of our great cities, toothpick in their month, wait ing for some crumb to fall from the office holder's table. Some of them hang around the city hall for the city van bringing criminals from the station houses. They stand there and gloat over t really enjoy the disgrace and suffering of those poor creatures as they get out of the city van and go into the courts. Where do they get their money? That is what yon ask. That is what I ask. Only four ways of getting money only four: by Inheri tance, by earning it, by begging it, by stealing it; and there are a vast multitude among us who get their living not by inheritance, nor by earning It, nor by begging it. I do sot like to take the responsibility of saying HOW THEY QET ITl Now, these men are a Constant temptation. Why should I toil and weir myself ont in the bank, or the office, or the store, or the shop, or the factory? These men have nothing to do. Theygetalongagreat deal better. And that is the. temptation under which a great many men fait They begin to consort with these men, these idlers, and they go down thersame awful steeps. The number of men in our cities who are trying to get their livings by their wits and by sleight of hand is all the time increas ing. A New York merchant saw a young man, one of his clerks, in half disguise, going into a very low place of amusement. The merchant said to himself: "I must look out for that clerk: he is going in bad company and going in bad places; I must look out for him." A few months passed on, and one morning the merchant en tered his store, and this clerk of whom 1 have been speaking came up in assumed consterna tion and Said: "Oh, sir, the store has been on fire; I have put out the fire; but there are a great many goods lost; we have bad a great crowd of people coming and going." Then the merchant took the clerk by the collar and said: "I hare had enough of this; you cannot deceive me;wheroare those goods you stole?" The young man instantly confessed his villainy. O the numbers of people in these great cities who are trying to get their living not honestly! And they are a mighty temptation to the in dustrious young man who cannot understand it. While these others have it so easy they have it so hard. Horatlcs of olden time was told that he could have just as much ground as he could plow around with a yoke of oxen in one day. He booked up the oxen to the plow and he cut a very large circle and plon ed until he came to the same point where bo started, and all that property was his. But I have to tell you to-day that just so much financial, justso much moral, just so much spiritual possession you will have as yon compass with your own industries, and jnst so much as from the morning of your life to the evening of your life you can plow around with your own bard work. "Go to the ant, thou slnggard; consider her ways and be wise." One of the most awful caldrons of death to-day is an Indolent life. Thank God that TOTJ HAVE TO WORK. TTT. Once more I remark; tnat the dram shop Is a great caldron of iniquity in our time. Anarcharsis said that the vine bore three grapes; the first was Pleasure, the next was Drunkenness, and the next Misery. Every saloon above ground or under ground is a fountain of iniquity. It may have a license and it may go along quite respectably for a while, but after a while the cover will fall off and the color of the iniquity will be displayed. "Oh." says some one. "you ought to be easier on such a traffic when it pays such a large reve nue to the Government, and helps support your schools and your great institutions of mercy." And then I think of what William E. Gladstone said I think it was the first time he was Chan cellor of the Exchequer when men engaged in the ruinous traffic came to him and said their business ought to have more considera tion from the fact that it paid such a large revenue to the English Government. Mr. Gladstone said: "Gentlemen, don't worry yourselves about the revenue: give me thirty millions of sober people, and we'll have reve- nue enougn ana a surplus." We might in this country this traffic per ishedhave less revenue, but we!wouldbave more happy homes, and we would have more peace, and we wonld have fewer people in the penitentiary, and there would be tens of thousands of men who arenowontheroadto hell who would start on the road to heaven. But the financial ruin is a very small part of it. This iniquity ot which I speak takes every thing that is sacred out of the familv. every thing that is holy in religion, everything that is infinite in the soul and tramples it under foot. The marriage day has come. The twain are at the altar. Lights flash. Music sounds. Gay feet go up and down the drawing room. Did ever a vessel launch on suoh a bright and beautifnl sea? The scene changes. Dingy garret. No fire. On a broken chair a Borrow fulwife. LAST HOPE GONE. Poor, forsaken, trodden under foot, she knows all the sorrow of being a drunkard's wife. "Oh," she says, "he was the kindest man that ever lived, he was so noble, he was so good! God never made a grander man than he was, but the drink did it, the drink did HI" Some day she will press her hands against her temples and cry: "Oh, my brain, my brain!" or she will go ont on the abutment of the bridge some moonlight night and look down on the glassy surface and wonder if under that glassy surface then is not some rest for a broken heart. That morning they are up early in the old homestead. The trunk is on the wagon. Mother says: "My son, I put a Bible in the trunk, I hope you will read it often." She wipes the tears away with her apron. "Oh," he says, "come, don't yon be worried, I know how to take care of myself. Don't be worried about me." The father says: "My son, be a good boy. and write home often, your mother will be anxious to hear from you." Crack I goes the whip, and over the hills goes the wagon. Fire years have passed on, and a dis sipated life has done its work for that yonng man. There is a hearse coming up in front of the old homestead. The young men of the neighborhood who have stayed on the farm come in and say: "Is it possible ? Why, he doesn't look natural, does he T Is that the fair brow we used to know? Is that the healthy cheek we used to know I It can't be possible that is him.';. The parents stand look ing at the gash in the forehead from which the life oozed out, and they lift" their hands and say: "O. my son Absalom, my son. my son Ab salom, would God I had died for thee, 0, Ab salom, my son, my son 1" LOEENZO DE MEDICI was very sick, and some of his superstitious friends thought if they conld dissolve a certain number ot pearls in a cup and then he would drink them it would cure him of the disease. So they went around and gathered up all the beautiful peans they could find, and they dis solved them in a cup, and the sick man drank them. Oh. it was an expensive draught. Bat I tell you of a more expensive draught than that. ' Drunkenness puts into its cup the pearl of physical health, the pearl of domestic hap- Einess, the pearl of respectability, the pearl of hristlan hope, the pearl of an everlasting heaven, and presses it to the hot lips. 1 tell you the dramshop is the gate of hell. The trouble is they do not put up the right kind of a sign. They have a great many differ ent kinds of signs now on places where strong drink is sold. One is called the "restaurant," and another is called the "saloon," and another is called the "hotel," and another Is called the "wine cellar' and another is called the "sam ple room." what a name to give one of those places! A "sample room!" I saw a man on the steps of one of those "sample rooms" the other aay, dead drunk. I said to myself: "I mw POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thli powder never varies. A marvel of pur Ity, strength end wbolesomcnefft. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be cold in competition with the mnltitude of ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Soldohlu in can. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, 300 Wall BU, N. Y. c5-m-atWTsa I WLl? IX fL S& -s mS suppose that is a sample!" I tell you i I the gateofhelL , "Oh," says some man,"I am kind, I am indul gent to my family, I am right in many respects, lam very generous, and I have too grand and generous a moral nature to be overthrown in that way." Let me say that the persons who are in the most peril have the largest hearts, the best education, the brightest prospects. This sin chooses the fattest lambs for its sacri fice. The brightest garlands are by this cir nuccled band of drunkenness, torn off the brow of the poet and the orator. Charles Lamb, answerl Thomas Hood, answer! Sheri dan, the English orator, answerl Edgar A. Poe, answerl Junius Brutus Booth, answer! A SEETHING OALDRON. Oh, come and look over into it while I draw off the cover hang over it and look down into it, and see the seething, boiling, loathsome, smoking, agonizing, blaspheming hell of the drunkard. Young man, be master of your ap petites and passions. There are hundreds might I not say thousands? of young men in this bouse this morning young men of fair prospects. Put your trust la the Lord God and all js well. But you will be tempted. Per haps you may this moment be addressed on the first Sabbath of your coming to the great city, and T five von this brotherlv counsel. I sneak nnt In a. nerfnnctorv wav. l speak as an older brother talks to a younger brother. I put my band on your shoulder this day and commend you to Jesns Christ, who Himself was a yonng man and died while yet a young man, and has sympathy for young men. Ob, be master, by the grace of God, of your appetites and pas sions 1 ... I close with a peroration. Ministers and speakers are very apt to close with a perora tion, and they generally roll up some grand imagery to express what they have to say. I close with a peroration mightier than was ever uttered by mere human lips. Two quotations. The first is this: "Who hath woe? who bath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? They that tarry long at the wine, they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not upon the wine when It is red, when it moveth itself aright in the cup. for at the last it biteth like a serpent and stingetb like an adder." This is the other quotation. Make np your mind as to which is the more impressive: "Bel oice, O young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk tbou in the sight of thine own eyes; bnt know thou that for all these things God will bring thee into judg ment." The Limit of Profitable Fertility. Portland Oregonlan. A parsnip six feet in length was left at the Oregonian office yesterday. It was raised by Mr. B. Glasspool, of Clackamas county, in a soiltjf light sand mixed with loam. The parsnip is a very nutritious and wholesome vegetable, but if they all grew down into the ground six feet it would cost more to dig them than they would be worth. Artistic photos only $1 00 a dor. Proof shown. Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny. Cabinets 99o. a dozen at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 616 Market street, Pittsburg, for thirty days. Bring children. Mrs. Dr. Cross ey, one of the Consulting Physi cians at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Fcnn Avenue. 15 DOCTORS FAJXKP To euro Mrs. Thomas Hatton, and she suffered on for 13 years. The aches and pains which she experienced in almost every part of her body was simply terrible. Those sharp, cntting pains across the small of her back and lower partofber body was almost unbearable. In fact she suffered -with all those diseases and conditions peculiar to women. For three months her mind was unbalanced, and for months she was confined to her bed. She be came very weak and emaciated, so that she only weighed 98 pounds. No one expeoted her to live, much less get entirely cured. After receiving three months' treatment with the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti tute, S23 Penn avenue, who make a specialty of her disease, she says: "I never want any one to suffer as I have for the past 13 years. The condition of my case was much worse than has been described, and I am only too glad to testify to my complete cure by the doctors of the Catarrh and Dys pepsia .institute. "MB& THOMAS HATTON, Putnam, Pa." Please remember that the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute never display their patient's portraits in the papers. Neither do they publish any testimonial, except with the full consent or wish of the patient. Furthermore, their testimonials are not from some far off place where no such parties reside, but from your own county and your own city, with the full name and address given, thus proving their genuineness. The Catrrrh and Dyspepsia Institute is thoroughly established in Pittsburg, and thousands of patients gladly testify to cures they have re ceived. The treatment used does not consist of the so-called magnetic, or superhuman agencies, cut medicines made from roots and herbs, and compounded to suit the requirements of each individual case, thus removing not only the disease, but the cause of the disease as well. Ninetv-five ont of every hundred of the natl- ents treated at this Institute are those suffer ing from Catarrh, which is the certain fore runner of consumption. The testimonials pub lished speak for themselves. They treat suc cessfully Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood, Kidney and Female Diseases. Office hours, 10 A. X. to 4 P. SC, and 6 to 8 p. M. Sundays, 12 to 1 p. M. Consultation free to all. myll-D CURED OF CATARRH. MR. GEORGE LAMBERT, who lives on Jones avenue, this city, near Twenty-seventh street, has been cured of a very bad case of catarrh hy the physicians of the Polypathic Medical Institute, No. -120 Penn avenue. When he applied for treatment be complained of mnch soreness in his lungs,shortness of breath, a choked up feeling in bis throat, with much dryness; the catarrhal secretion that he raised from his throat and lungs was very tough and tenacious; his eyes were weak and troubled him very much about reading or seeing ob- i'ects distinctly. The disease also extended to lis stomach, so that he had great pain after eating. On account of his food souring on his stomach he had mnch belching of gas, and was so bloated that his heart wonld freauentlv palpitate, and gave him so much pain that he thought he had heart disease. After becoming cured, as above stated, he says: "I am very glad to give my testimonial, and shall always speak in praise of the doctors to my many friends for curing me of this dread ful disease, and I cheerfully recommend all others suffering from chronic diseases to call on these specialists, who will frankly tell you what they can do for you. "George Lambkbt." The diseases treated successfully at the POLYPATHIC MEDIC ALAND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, f20 Penn avenue, are catarrh, diseases of the stomach and all forms of skin and blood diseases, and they especially invito those whose diseases have failed to improve under the general practitioner's treatment to call and examine their system of treatment and cure, which have been the result of years of careful study and investigation. Office hours, 10 to U:30 A. jl, 1 to 4 and 6" to 8 P. it. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. 11. Consultation free. mylS-D JOHN FLOOKER & CO., MAlTUTACnjREBS OT Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOP. RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing, Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines, Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc WORKS East street, Allegheny City. Pa. OFFICE AND SALESROOU- Water . ttsboxg. Telephone No. 1370, ayfrXWSJjr-, NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. Diamond Statistics. I P the exact figures were known it would be Interesting to con sider bow relatively small is tne number of perfect diamonds to be found in the markets of any country. Speaking conservatively fin the absence of suoh data it is safe to -say that at least three-fourths of the diamonds imported into the United States are very inferior stones, To what extent they are Bold by false representations of their true character may be judged from the single faot that only a very small proportion of diamond owners know that their gems belong to this majority class. Suoh is the unwelcome truth, however, and it strongly empha sizes the necessity of dealing only with houses -of acknowledged oharacter, whose reputation is a guarantee of fair dealing. Purchasers will find our Dia monds classified with striot accu racy. THEODORE B. STARR, 206 Fifth avenue, Madison Square, New York. Correspondence invited from in tending purchasers., mylS Isn't That Better. What's the use of naming prices? of a great splutter over an "enormous money's worth?" Most gigantic values ever offered! "Marvelous ahead of all the world!" Do you believe it? Does it sound nice a saie speecn that you're likely to find made good? Does it give you any idea of reasonable and solid value? . It's nothing but a whoop up, ki-yi style of talk to get you to a store by giving you the impression that . good clothing is selling at one quarter its value. We know a better way than that. We manufacture all our clothing. " We deal directly with the -wearer, knocking off quite a number of profits, and put our prices down the lowest we can. " On that account our mate rials can be depended on, and our workmanship, as well as the justness of the prices. With all that the clothing must be seen as well as the prices. It's the only way to be sure. We expect to get your trade by a strict com parison of our goods arid prices. Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. Reasonable prices mean tailoring to order without ex travagant profits. The tailor ing and the goods are as good. myl3-s -VT ONEY TO LOAU -- On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of 81,000 and upward. Appl v at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, mh4-34-l . No. 124 Fourth avenue. LADIES AQimeiuuxAaagoBiWKQn,cu,wiHuuco a week and you have the finest-polished stove in the world, for sale by all Grocers and Store Dealers. ap20-S2-uws UAILIlOAOa. PITTS BU1MJ -AMD 1.A.KB KltlE KAlLKOAli OOMPANY-Schedule In effect February 2t 1SS9, Central time: P. & L. IS. K. K. UlPAnT For Cljvelinrl, 5:2S. 7:40A. m.. ion, 4:15. 9:30p. M. For Cincinnati. Chicago and St. LouU, 6:2Sa. m., 1:20l 9:30p. m. For Buffalo, 7:40 A. M.. 4:15, 9:30 P. at. For Bali, manca, 7:40 a. m.. '1:50, "9:30 P. M. For Beaver Arrive Krom Cleveland. 5:30 a. k. KM, ...ft Ml.ftft .. Vn.. ...j.l SiWr. ir. From Cincinnati. Chicago am St. Louis. 1:00. 8iOOP. M. From Buffalo. Sssn nd M., l:00, 5:40 r. M. From Salamanca, "1:00, 8:0o P. M. From Yonnystoirn. 6:80. SO, 9:20 a. m "iKtt. 6:40, 3rfX) p. M. From Beaver Fall. 5:3a! 6:50, 7:20, 9:20A. M., l:0a 1:35; S:40, 8:00? r. m! From Chartlers, 5:10, 5:2i 5:30, 15:42, -G:M. 7:03. 7:30, 8:30, 90, 10:10 A. M., 120 noon, 12:30, l:i? 1:35, 3:42, 4:00. 4:35, 5:00. 6:10. 5:40. tittr.jL F., McK. &V. K. B. Depart For .New Haven. 8:30 A. M.. "3:30 p. M. For West Newton, toax.tr' 3:30 and 535 p. m. For Heir Haven, 7:10 a. u Sundays, only. Akbive From New Haven. 10:00 A. M.. 3:05p. M. From West JewtOn,S:lS, 'W.-OOA. m.,5:05p.m. For JUcKeesport and Elizabeth, 6:30 A. M. 8:30. 4:05, S.-25 P. 21.. y !H A. M. From Elizabeth and McKeesport, 6:15 A. IT. 7:30. 10rtOA. Jt. S:05P. M. ' Dally. ISundays only. . HOLBBOOK, General Superintendent. A. E. CLAUK, General Passenger AcenU City ticket office, 401 Smithneld street. . prrrsBUKG Aim western BJiwif .1MUB (1CI 1 OMU UlUUGf Leave. Arrive. Butler Accommodation.. G:00 am 7:3) am 9:3) am 7:w am 7:23 pm 4:00 Km Butler Accommodation. Chicago Express (dally) New Castle and Greenville Ex ZeUenople andFoxburg Ac Butler Accommodation. 12:39 pm U5 in i:w pm 4:10 pm 0:40 pm 8:33 am 5-30 a m 2:10 pm First class fare to Chlcaro. tlO so Second class, to so. Tbrouxh coach and Pull man Buffet sleeping ear to Chicago dally. A LfcEGHENXVALLEY KA1LKOAU l m in.il Ins leave Union Station rEaitam st.n.. .Imj,. Vlttannln. ... ... . u. ".-.HI daily. 8:45 a. m.. Hulton Ac. 10:10 a. m.: Valler Camp Ac, 52:05 p. m.: Oil City and Duliols Ex. press, 20 pm. : Hnltt n Ac, S:o5p.m. : Ktttannlng Ac, 4UOn.ni.: Braehnrn Ex.,5ap.in.; Kltfc3n. ins Ac5.su p. in.; Braeburn Ac.,eaop.m.:Httl. tun A.., v. .. -" jx., aalir m. Hulton Ac S:43 n. wi. - hn.'An ii:scfi urn Ac, I !:40p. m. 1 and 8135 p. m. Pullman m. vnurcn trains Braeburn. 12: KtVCVrAj!uiLEr WS Cars A. AvjcvAuw1ra,HUBi i JiEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PARENTS Before you buy your Youths', Boys', Children's and Misses' ' SHOES! Come and examine) myj carefully selceted stock of good solid leather 'Shoes, that for style and prices have no equal. Children's grain box tip button - $ Children's best box tip button - i Children's fine kid, button . i Misses' grain sewed button i Misses' bright pebble button Misses' fine kid button - ., i Youths' heavy sole tip button : Youths' fine sewed tip button i Youths' extra high button - i Boys' tap sole lace shoes - . i 75 I oo I 00 I oo I 25 I 00 35 5 i oo 150 Boys' heavy sole tip button Boys' fine sewed tip button' . Good Shoes, solid leather, every pair warranted. G.D. SI MEN'S, 78 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. ray6-stw All American and European Patented Evb Glass and Spectacle frames, with glasses of superior quality, perfectly adjusted to the sight A complete stock of Optical and Mathematical Instruments, Medical Batteries, Photographic Cameras. The largest and best assortment of Artificial Eyes, at KORNBLUM'S Optical Establishment, NO. 60 FIFTH AVENUE, NEAR WOOD STREET. Tolenhone No. 16S8. my!2-109 ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. J. B. Golden, 5102 Butler street, city, says: "I was able to throw away my crutches after using one half a bottle of tha Anchor Ruen. matlc Remedy. I consider my cure marvelous and heartLly indorse the remedy." Price 60c Wo would be zlad to hav ran give the Anchor Barsaparilla a trial. 'U'is the ideal blood purifier, and is especially adapted enriching the blood and invigorating the sys tem. Our Beef. Wine and Iron is also meeting the wants of the public 'Tis the best tonic in the market, and we confidently recommend it as such. Our price of each 75 cents; six bottles N. 1IOT ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This is now conceded to be the best in the market, as witnessed br the fact that we have just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing held in Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY, And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. REMEMBER, mhJl-MWF Bargains Every Hour in the Day and Every Day in the Week at DOUGLAS MACKIE'S. We've got a few hundreds of pieces excessively pretty Dress Challies, to be sold at 5c and 6c, the regular 8c and 10c goods. Then we'll show you piles upon piles really beautiful Dress Ginghams, that were made to seU at 12Vc. A little spat among rival manufacturers makes them now 8c a yard. Two hundred pieces of .new, fresh styles Dress Sateens will be laid out at 10c and 12Kc, regu larly sold at 12c and 15c. We've got a magnificent showing of French Sateens at 22c and 25c; they're worth 30c and 35e. at 17c, 25c and 35o a yard. At these figures they're prices. Come and See Us this Week. We'll More than Satisfy You, Sun Umbrellas. Parasols, Fans. Summer Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Beaded Wraps, Jer seys, etc. An abundant Bupply. All at prices that'll not only please, but constrain you, as they have done heretofore, to become regular customers. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. This Company li in a position to (ui nish anything from a gallon of Milk or Cream to any amoua desired. In connection with tlje Creamery they always have in stock a large line of OHIO STATE OHEESE of their own manufacture. As this is the largest establishment of the kind (excepting none) in thi? part of tbe country, they can furnish the lowest market rates. Mak ikingtneir own ice and having tnejr own always ship goods in first-class condition. Ul J. ! .. . , .1.1 P. HERMES 3 P. a WE GUARANTEE STEADY SUPPLY. MADE ONLY By N i USE ji TrtQ HHijCST V m ruh yrw - fry n 4ttAX jL. w W mam , A kkaf - .U . . D .. !. . li Fn:M.m ACRFTHALen. HITT-QRIIRfwH ra. mwi Minrjiws i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,- X 1 F DR. WOODS. Specialist In tbe Care of Rapture nnd Chronic Diseases, Office at Hotel Albr mnrle, Penn Avenue and Sixth Street, Pituburs, Thousands suffer for a long series of years and linger out a useless Ufa, who, with proper treatment, mignc oe restored to neaun ana contribute to tbe health and happiness of others. In many cases the fault Is not theirs, for they trv various doctors and quack nos trums for. relief; but skill is not readily found. Tbe general practitioner has but little time or opportunity for the observation ot a large class of chronic complaints. 3b man can be come expert in every branch of tbe healing art; bence specialists are demanded for the highest good or humanity. Dr. Woods' long and patient study, bis knowledge ot Allopathic, tfomcapatbic and Botanic or Eclectic systems of medicine, together with his discoveries and new application of old remedies, hare given him unparalleled success in that class of dis eases which bare until lately baffled tbe skill of eminent physicians, and secured for himself an enviable reputation. Dr. Woods has given the public evidence sufficient to convince tbe most skeptical that bis methods are singularly successful, especially in such cases as baro de ,fied tho skill of other and justly celebrated puysicians. It is always the truest economy for Invalids to secure tha best medical aid, and not apply to a physician with a feeling that they would pay liberally if they were only cured. The way to obtain health is to apply to a physician wbo is skilled in the treatment of the diseases from which tber suffer, and secure his services and a course of medicines. The best evidence that can De turnished or his claims to confidence is indisputable evidence of success. If he had the ability to effect cures instantly it could not be accomplished by meditatiou; it requires an effort on tbe part of the patient, who should have hope, confidence and a desire to be cured if possible This can only be done by placing one's self under treatment without hesitation about a few dollars, as though health were subordinate to all other things. One of the fundamental principles which guide Dr. Woods in his treatment of patients is to do justice to all classes, so that mechanics and laboring men receive the same treatment at his bands as merchants and bankers. His successful methods are therefore extended to all alike, who apply to him for aid, and his charges are made so reasonable In all cases that they come within the reach of all who seek the benefit of his services. No one who suffers need hesitate for one moment before applying to him and being placed on the road to re covery. v Another inducement for calling on Dr. Woods is, be makes no extra charge for medi cines. He compounds his own prescriptions for his patients and furnishes all necessary in struments and appliances. Tbls arrangement saves much trouble, avoids mistakes, is guar antee that all the medicines are genuine as well as effects a saving of money to the afflicted who are treated by him. When possible the doctor prefers to see his patients; but when this is impossible his successful system of treat ment by correspondence enables the affiioted in all parts of the world to avail themselves of the benefit ot his skill at a very small cost. Send four cents in stamps for question list. All Communications sacredly confidential. No charge for advice. Examinations are also free to those who desire treatment. DK. H- A. WOODS, HOTEL ALBE5IAHLE. PENN AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET. PITTSBURG, PA. Office hours, 10 to 12 A. M.. 2 to 6 P. H.. 7 to 8 p. sr. myi2 HOUSE-CLEANING TIME Is here. You will need curtains renovated and carpets cleaned. There is but one place where you can get them done in the best manner pos sible, and that is at CHAS. PFEIFER'S ALLEGHENY STEAM LAUNDRY. Offices in Pittsburg, 4I3SmithfieId street, 1913 Carson street, and 100 federal street, Alleghe y. Works, 35i369 Beaver avenue, Allegheny . Telephone 1264. mh26-uwr just from 10 to 25 per cent less than usual mvlS-MWF reingerators at the Creamery enables them to - Cor. Old Ave. and Boyd St r-it,t,50urg. my!2-85 LAMP FHMNEYS eWorld w - m :iwwiwii;aji ww NEW ADVERTISEMENTS KAUFM ANNS' SPECIAL CAED FOR THE LADIES. Isn't it queer how quiet things look now in the. Cloak depart merits of the various dry goods stores? From the closing of the winter season until the advent of fall all life and animation, seems suspended in these, places. NOT SO, HOWEVER, AT KAUF MANNS'. Here trade is as active as ever. The attractions we offer in Beaded Wraps, Spring Jackets, Jerseys, Fichus, Girls' and Children's Dresses, etc,, keep us busy every hour in the day. This week, in particular, we will offer inducements that'll make our Cloak department the gathering point of thousands of stylish and economical ladies. - . I J YV-r C-WWfc Ladies' Fine French Flannel Blonses IN HANDSOME STRIPES AND PLAIDS, FOR $1 49. This is just $1 less than the same goods can be bought elsewhere. We also will offer about 350 Superfine Flannel Blouses, in plain shades, at $1 75; they're well worth $3. Js"Magnificently Embroidered Cashmere Fichus, dry goods store price $4, at only $1 98. BA grand variety of Children's Dresses, in all the latest and most popular styles. 5400 Infants' Cashmere Cloaks at $1 37. 5o Children's beautiful Hamburg Embroidered Dresses at 69c GIRLS' LACE tin only for Caps this 19C ony or --ai-t-somely Embroidered Mull Caps. 75q only for a lot of very fine, fancy French Mull Caps. FOR ABOVE BARGAINS CALL THIS WMMK. AT KAUFM ANNR Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street J&Our great io 75 and $j 85 Men's Suit Sale now in progress. Purchasers save over 50 per cent on these suits, and a magnificent Mahogany Hall Stand is thrown in the bargain, besides. Come quick. Ask for the $10 75 and $j 85 lines. my!3-D RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RULKOAD ON AND alter May 12, l&sa, trains leave Union Station, Pittsburg, as follows. Eastern Standard Tune: MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New TOTk and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ves tibule dally at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Express dally for the East, 3:20 a.m. Mail train, dally, except Sunday, 8:30 a. m. Sun day, malL 8:40 a. m. Day express dally at 8:00 s, m. MaU exnress dallv at 1:00 v. m. 1 exnress dally at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. m. Eastern exnress dally at 7:15 j fast Line dally at 8:10 p. Greensbors express 3:10 1 m. n. m. week davs. irry express 11: 1:00 a. m. week davs. Alltnroutrhr trains connect at Jersev rough trains connect at Jersey City with r "llrooklvn Annex" for Brooklvn. N. TSu boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brookl; aToiaing aouoie lerriage ana journey inrouxa n. Y. City. Trains arrive at Union Station as foUows: MaU Train, dally 8:10 p.m. Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m. PaclDc Express, dally 12:45 p.m. Cbluaro Limited Express, dally 8:30p.m. Fast Line, dally 11:55 p. m. SOUTHWEST PENN RAILWAY. For Unlontown, 5:30 ana 8:35 a. m. and4-Z5p. m., without change of cars: 12.50 p. m., connect ing at Greensbure. Trains arrive from Unlon town at : a. m.. 12:20. 5:31 and 8:10 p.m. ... . . . .7. . . .. ' V .- far WEST PENNSILVArtlA. uiviaiun From FEDERAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City, Mall tram, connecting for Blalrsvllle... 6:45 a.m. Exnress. for Blalrsvllle, connecting for Butler 1:23 n. in. Butler Accom. ...8:20a. m. , 2:25 and 5:15 p.m. 8prlngdaleAecom9.-oo.lldOa.m.3:30and 8:20p.m. i reeport Accom, OnSnndiT.. 4:15, 8:30 and JIMOp. m. iz:auana v;.up.m. 11:00a.m. and 5:00p.m. North Apollo Accom. .. Allegheny Junction Accommodation auegueny junction connecting for Butler. connecting for Butler. Blalrsvllle Accommodation 8:3) a. m. In ArrnTnTnvittfnn ....10:40 n. .10:40 p. m. Trains arrive at FEDERAL STREET STATION Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m. Mali Train ".. 1:45 p.m. Butler Accom 9:10 a. m., 4:40 and 729 p. m. Blalrsvllle Accommodation 9:32 p. m. Freenort Acoom.7:40a.tn.. 1:25,73) and lltiop. zn. On Sunday 10:10a. m. and 7:00 p.m. Springtime Accom. ...8:37,11:48 a. m.,J:25,0:30 p. m. North Anollo Accom 8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. m. MON ON G AHELA DIVISION. Trains leave Union station. Plttsourg. as follows: For Manongahela City. West Brownsville and unlontown. 11 a. m. For Monongahela City and West Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m. On Sunday. 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 5:49 p. m., week davs. Dravosburg Ac, week days, 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation. 8:20a.m.. 2:00, 6:20 and 11:33 o. m. HundiT. fi;40n. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUGH, J. R. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agent. PANHANDLE ROUTE MAY 13, 1889. UNION station. Central Standard Tin-a. Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d 8KB and d 11:15 p. m. Dennlson, 2:45 p. m. Chicago, 32:05, d 11:15 p.m. Wheeling, 7 JO a. m., 12.-05, 6:10 p. m. Hteubenville, 5:55 a. m. Washington, 6:55, 8:35 a. m., 1:55, 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Bulger. 10:13 a. m. Rurgettstown. Sli:36a.m.. 5:35 p. m. Mans field, 7:15, 11:0) a, m., 6:30. dSi30: 10:55, P-m. Me- Donalds, d 4:15. d 10:23 n. m From the West, n 2:10, de.-on. a. m., 3:03, d3:S3 p. m. DennisoL. 9:30 a-nu Steubcnvllle. 3:01 p. iu. V)ieellnir::I0, 8:45a.in., 3:05. 5:35 p.m. !lnr;cfts- is ., m.. swrn., 12:4B town, T:i5a. m.,S.-C3a.m. Washington J:W. T-V. 35. 6 9w p. nx. jsansaeiu. a au vuju a ens ana 10:60 p. i , d 6:36a. m.. ds Bulger, 1:40 p.m. ryasffis. Sifiaaday oaly; "er ttalas, except tasdax. Very Fine and Gorgeous Surah SS Basques, in All the Very Utett Shades and Colors, at ONLY4 98- The fact that the same garments are offered in the dry goods and notion stores at $1 and $8, may probably account for our being so busy at the present time. ' BIG JERSEY SALE OOq for good Black JeTseysj nothing like this bargain ever offered before in Pittsburg. Si 65 or vour cfl0'ce roin a beautiful variety of very fine and stylish Braided Jerseys, Vest Front Jerseys, Di- rectoire Jerseys, Printemps Jerseys. The regular pricesf or these goods range from '3 t0 $4- CAPS good week. Mull RAILROADS. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD Schedule In effect May 12, 1330. For Washing ton. D. Cv, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. '8:06 a. m. and 9ao p. m. For Cum. berland, ooa. m., $1:00, "9:20 p. m. For Con nellsTlUe, t:40 and '3:00 a. m., Jlrfje. $4:00 and 90 p. m. For Unlontown, $8:40, S.-OOa. m.. $1 M and $4:00 p. m. For Mount Pleasant, $8:40 and $8:00 a. m., and $10 and $4:00 p. m. For Washington. Pa., S:V. $9:40 a. m 3:5, $3:30 and 8:30p. m. For Wheeling-, 8:45. $9:40 a. m., 3:3S, '3:30 p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. 8:45 a. m., 8d0 p.m. For Columbus. 8: a m., 3:30 p. m. For Newark, "6:45, $9:40 a. m., "3:35, tM p. m. For Chicago, S:45. $9:40 a. m.. 3:35 and 8:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington, 8:20 1. m. and 3:J0 p. m. From Columbus, Cin cinnati and Chicago. 7:45 a. m. and 9:00 p. m. From Wheeling, J-.iS, '10:50 a. m . $5.-tfl, "9:03 p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore Wash' lngton and Cincinnati. Wheeling accommodation. 8:30 s. m.. Sunday, only. Connellsvllle accommodation at 53:33 a. m. Dally. $Dally except i-undar. JSunday onlr. The Pittsburg Transler Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residence -upon orders left at B. &O. Ticket Ufflre, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. CHAfl. O. SCULL, Gen. Pass. Azt. piTTSBUHG AND CASTLE SHANNON R. B. jl ooaimer Awe xaoie. va ana alter aiay . 1839, until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Plttsburg-6:20 a. m., 7:10 a.m., 8:00 a.m.. 9:3b a. m.. II JO a. m.. 1:40 p. m.. 2:40 p. m., 5:10 p. m.. 5:50 p. m., 8:30 p. m., 9:30 p. m., 11:30 p. m. Arllngton-5:40 a. m., 6:20 a. m., 7:10 a. m., 8:00 a.m., 10:20 a. m., 1.-03 p. m., 2:40 p.m., 4:20 p. m., 3:10 p. m., 5:50 p. m ., 7:10 p. m.. 10:30 p.m. Sunday trains, lewing Pittsburg 10 a.m., 12:50 p. m.. 2:30p.m.. 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9JO. p. m Arllngtou-9:lOa. m., 12 m.. 1:50 p. m., 4:29 p.m. 8:30 p.m., 8:00 p.m. , JOHN" JAHN, Snpt. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S LINES May 12. 1880. Central standard Xliae.- TKAtNH 11EPAKT As follows from Union Station: For Chlcago,d7d( a. m., d 1231, d I .-00, d7:45. except Saturday. 11:20 p.m.: Toledo. 7:25a. m d 12:20. d 1:00 and exeept Saturday. 11:20 p. m. ; Crestline. 8:45 a. a.: Clevt- land, 6:10, 7:25 a.m.. 13:45 and dUa)Sp.m.:New Caa. tie and Youngstown, 7:05 a. m.. 12:20, 3:45 p.m.; j. Meadvuiev . m.: Nllea. Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05a. m.. 12.20 p. m.; Nile. '4jiL and Jamestown, S:ti p. m.; Masslllon.H:10p.m.; Beaver Falls. 4:00. 5-05 p. m.. Rock Point. SSdti a. U. : Leetsdale. 5:30 a. m. ALLEGHENY Rochester. 6:30 a. m.j Beaver Falls, 8:15, 11:03 a. m. : Kaon. 30 p. m. ; Leets dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. to., 20, 4:30, 4:45, O0, 7:00. 9:09 p. m.; Conway, 10:30 p. m.s Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a. t m. : Leetsdale, 8 8:30 p. m. ' TRAINS ARRIVE Union station from. Chicago, except Monday 1 JO, d 6.-00. d 6:35 a. m.. d 6:30 p. m.; Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 8:35 a.m., 6i0 p. m., Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown and-, . Newcastle. 9:10a.m., 1:25, 6:50. 10:15 p. m.;Nll4--and Youngstown. d 6:50 p. m. ; Cleveland, d 5:50 a. S., 2:36, 7:00 p. m. : Wheeling and Bellalre, 9:09 a. m.. 2:25, 7:00 p. m.s Erie and Ashtabula, 1:24, ; 10:15 p. m.; Masslllon. 10:09 a. m.x Nile andf-V Jamestown. 9:10 a. m.: Beaver Falls. 7:30 a. m. "" 1:10 p. m Rock Point, S 8:25 p. m.: Leetsdale.'.. 10: n. m. ARKrVE ALLEGHENY From En on, S:og i. m.: conway. y, 6:50: Rochester, 3:40 a. m. KeaTet; i. m 8:43, p. m.: Leetsdale. iisa.',t:vx t aiis, i :iu a, 7M6 a. m Oaks, S I J a. m. ; Leetsdale, ?. p.-: suuitoeka, jtuiuu o:up, m. 8, Buasstr- oalvi dV dallv: otter -iTg'a. 1 y IJJiftSlll lr'.i B-t'ilfi' I Iwlilnl JlwS c . JP Saaday, -' tH liu . T -r , sfcllllPPIPPBIIsflPlsPsPIIPssjB