Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 13, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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The -Pennycomequicks
Written for THE DISPATCH by
Mrs. Sldebottom and her son, Captain Penny
fcoliequicl. are unable tojUve in Uie style they
with on their Income of X400. and speculate on
the nrobable lortnne they may receive on the
death or Mrs Mdebottom'a half-brother. Jere
mllh Pennconcqnlek. The Utter Is In love with
his niece, wilomc Cusworth, -who Uvea with him.
Jorcmlab Pennycoinequlck. while walking at
mldnlKiit, is overtaken by a flood lrom a bunted
rcervolr. He and another man, who Is hair
clad, seek refute In a lint, and Jeremiah wraps
his cut around his companion. , After the flood
subsides a body Is tound which is Identified by the
card cae In the coat pocket as that of Jeremiah
l'ennTComequlck. Philip Pennycomeqnlck Is
telesraphed for and arrives. A will is found
making Salome Cusworth her uncle's heiress, but
the document has been Invalidated b tearing off
the signature. Mrs. Sldebottom declares that she
will not respect the wishes of her dead half
brother, as expressed In his will. In the mean
time Jeremiah Pennycomeqnlck, who was not
drowned, has been picked up by a coal barre.
Salome thinks she sees the ghost or Jeremiah
Pennvcomequlck in the house. Philip Penny
comeqnlck takes charge or his uncle's mill and
Insists that Salome and ber mother shall remain
with him In his uncle's house. Jeremiah Penny
coinequlck hears that he has been declared dead
and determines to allow his relatives to-remain In
that belief while he spends a vear on the conti
nent for his health. Mrs. Sldebottom refuses to
carry out a Joint agreement made with Philip to
pay Salome 2,000 and thereby ollends Philip,
who declares he will pay the whole amount him
self, even If It ruins the mill business. Salome Is
again excited by seeing the figure ol a manvho
looks like the supposedly dean Jeremiah Penny
comcqulck. baiome tells Philip that she will not
accept the money. The latter thinks his aunt has
Influenced Salome, and to checkmate Mrs. Side
bottom he proposes marriage to Salome, who ac
cepts him. thinking that he loves her. Jeremiah
Pennvcomequlck hears of the proposed marriage
and Is much disquieted thereat, knowing that his
reappearance at his home would force Philip to
return to his drudgery and penury as a lawyer's
clerk. Philip confides to his molber-ln-law that
he hates tarffcehoneld. who Is responsible for his
Tather's ruin, at which Mrs. Cusworth becomes
confused and nneasy Jeremiah is appioachcd by
Beaple Yeo, a fluent financier, who Is about to
start a health resort. Jeremiah thinks he has seen
the gentleman, or his tlolhes, at least, somewhere
before. Philip and Salome are married very
milcily and a harpy year slips quickly by. Philip
Is blefted with a son, orwbom he is very proud.
Mrs. sldebottom visits the spare chamber and sees
a. man Iving there, but assures herself that it is
the doctor who Is attendingthe baby.
In one of bis essays. Goldsmith relates the
anecdote of 4 painter who set up a picture in
the market place, with a pot of black paint and
a brush beside it, and the inscription. "Please
Indicate faults."
When In the evening be rnvisited bis picture,
he found it smudged out effectually, as every
one had discovered and marked out a blemish.
Next day he set up a replica of the picture,
with paint and brush as before, and tbe in
scription, "Please indicate beauties."
By evening the entire canvass was covered
with black. Ever one had found a beauty,
where previously everyone had detected a
Tbe modern novelist sends his work into the
great forum, and without inviting, expects
criticism. The printer's Ink is always avail
able wherewith to draw attention to his de
fects. In Goldsmith's apologue the critics
found beauties. In the present they see only
blemishes, which they dab at venomously,
and tbe sorrowful author sits at evening over
his despised and bespattered production, be
wildered, aud ashamed to find that his earnest
work, that has called out his most generous
feelings, over which he has fagged and worn
himself, is a mass of blunders, a tissue of faults.
"Sow, one of the salient defects in tbe work of
the author of this story, according to his re
viewers, is that he makes his personages talk
more smartly than they would naturally. But,
he asks, would it be tolerable to the reader,
would it be Just to the printer to force upon
"them the literal transcript of the ordinary con
versation that passes between people every day?
"When we were schoolboys we had a pudding
served to us on Wednesdays which we called
milestone pudding, not because it was hard,
but because it was a plum-pudding with a mile
Leading Feature of Our Home
Markets for the Week Past,
ProTisions More Active Corn Higher, Oats
and Hay Weak.
Office or Pm-sntrao DrsPATcn.
Sattjkdat. May U, 1889.
The marked features of produce trade for
the week has been the sharp advance in
eggs and decline in butter. The time, has
come when the mother hen is at work provid
ing for next season's producers, and the
effect of ber actions is seen in advancing mar
kets. Strictly fresh eggs are firm at outside
quotations. At Elgin the Butter Board re
duced prices of the best creamery on Monday
to ISc which would bring the naked cost to tbe
jobber laid down here to about 20c Tbe out
side price here to-day is 22c, In a jobbing way.
Tropical fruits have been on tbe boom since
the hot weather set in. A Liberty street mer
chant who leads in this line had advices from
Kew York to-day that lemons and oranges
could not be placed ae low as at the early part
of tbe week. Arrivals from tbe Mediterranean
are unexpectedly light Only about 60,000
boxes are expected from Italy in the next 30
days, while that amount was handled in New
York last week.
Old Ohio cheese has been displaced by the
new crop. The new is not yet up to the stand
ard in quality, but improves steadily. A lead
ing jobber of cheese, butter and eggs said,
"We have had a fair average trade for the
week, but hardly as good as last week. Last
week s trade, however, was exceptionally good,
and we could not reasonably expect to keep it
np right along."
At the beginning of the week there was an
overdose of strawberries in the market and
prices went below the expectation of shippers.
For a number of days there has been a shortage
and the week closes with supplies below de
mand. Provisions.
Demand has been improving, but prices are
unchanged. Warm weather has stimulated
trade as it always does, but it seems impossible
as yet to raise prices to a living profit. All
packers complain of close margins on hog
products. The season is at hand when prices
must go up, but the only indication of an up
ward movement that yet appears Is the increas
ing demand.
Receipts of gram and hay show an Increase
over last week. There are few signs of im
provement in the trade. Com is the only arti
cle In cereal lines that shows an npward drift.
Both ear and shelled corn command better
prices than they did a week ago. Oats were
strong in the early part of the eek. but failed
to maintain their firmness to the close. A drop
of lc is reported from Chicago to-day. All tbat
can be said of the flour trade is that markets
are a shade firmer than they xi ere a week ago.
The downward drift is checked. Wheat has
been tending upward. Export demand for
flour has improved. It looks as though tbe
worst is past and a firmer tone appears in flour
markets than for a montb or two past
Leather and Hides.
The drift is still downward In both lines. The
depression, has finally brought a decline of lc
on light and cow hides and c on bull hides
and calf skins. Harness leather has undergone
no change; though markets are very slow. Tbo
leading representetives of our hide and tanning-interests
present the following price list
which goes into effect after this week:
Green steer bides, trimmed, 75 pounds and np,
7c per pound: green steer hides, trimmed, 60 toft
pounds, "c per pound: green steer bides, trimmed,
under 60 pounds. 4e per pound; green cow hides,
trimmed. aU weights, 4c i per pound; green bull
hides, trimmed, all weights, 3cper pound; green
steer hides, with one or more crabs, lSjc per
pound less; green cow blues, with one or more
grubs, me per pound less: green bull hides, with
one or more grubs, leper pound less; crecncalf
tklns, Sc per pound for 'o. 1; green calf skins, 3c
perpound for So. 2. AJ1 cut or scored hides, also
tainted or halr-llp hides, shall be classed as
dumped, and be subject to a reduction of leper
pound from above prices.
pAll hides, having one or more bntt brands, will
be received at a redaction or 1 cent per pound
from above figures.
x, JU1 hides, having side brands, to be received at
between the plu,ms. Is there not a good mile
between our bon mots? Is it legitimate art, is
it kind, to make the reader pursue a conversa
tion through several pages of talk void of
thought, stuffed with matter of every day inter
est? Is it not more artistic, and more humane,
to steam the whole down to an essence, and
then well add a grain of salt and a pinch of
The reader shall be the Judge. We will take
the morning dialogue between Mrs. Sidebottom
and Salome at breakfast.
"Good morning, .Mrs. Sldebottom."
"1 wish you good morning, Salome'
Author: Cannot that be taken for granted?
May It not be struck out with advantage?
"I hope you slept well," said Salome.
"Only so so. How is your poor mother?"
"Not much better, thank you."
"And darling baby?"
"About the same. We have Indeed a sick
house. Tea or coffee, please?"
"Tea, please."
"Sugar, please."
"How many lumps?"
"Two will suffice."
"I think you will find some grilled rabbit.
Would you prefer buttered egg?"
"Thank you, rabbit," said Mrs. Sldebottom.
"I will help myself."
"I hope your room was comfortable. Ton
must excuse us, we are all much upset in tbe
house, servants as well as tbe rest. We have
had a good deal to upset us of late, and when
we are upset it upsets the servants too,"
Author: Now, there! Because we have
dared to copy down, word for Word, what was
said at breakfast, our heroine has revealed
herself tautological. There were positively
four upsets In that one little sentence. And
we are convinced that If the reader had to ex
press the same sentiment he or she would not
be nice as to tbo literary form in which the sen
tenced was couched, would not cast it thus
"We have been much upset; we have had much
of late to disturb our equilibrium, aud when
we are thrown out of our balance then the ser
vants as well are affected." That wonldbe
better, no doubt, but tbe reader would not
speak thus, and Salome did not.
The author must be allowed to exercise his
judgment and give only as much of the conver
sation as is necessary, and not be obliged to re
cord tbe grammatical slips, the clumsy con
structions, the tedious repetitions that disfig
ure our ordinary conversation.
The English language is so simple In struc
ture that it Invites a profligate usage of it; it
allows us to pour forth a flood of words without
having first thought out what we intended to
say. The sentences tumble higglety-plgglety
from our lips like children from an untidy nur
sery some unclothed, one short of a shoe, and
another overhatted. Do we get the Parliament
ary debates as they were conducted? Where
are all the "hems" and "haws." the "I means"
and "you knows?" What has become in print
of the vain repetitions and unfinished sen
tences? Is not all tbat put into order by the
judicious reporter? In like manner the novel
ist is armed with the reporter's powers, and ex
ercising the same discretion passes the words
of his creations through tbe same mill. Using,
therefore, the privilege of a reporter, we will
once more enter the gallery and take down the
conversation that ensued at the breakfast
table between Mrs. Sldebottom and Salome.
"My dear Mrs. P.," said Mrs. Sldebottom, "I
hope that you were not obliged to call up the
doctor in the night."
"No," answered Salome, raking her eye
brows, "But what is the matter with your mother?"
"She has long suffered from heart complaint,
andirecentlyshehashad much to trouble her.
She has had a great shock and is really very
a reduction of S cents per pound from above fig
ures. Cut or half-slip calf skins to be classed as dam
aged, and received at 3 cents per pound.
On all calfskins having the feet left In, a deduc
tion of 4 pounds per set of 4 feet shall be made
from the weight.
Above prices will be paid for stock, trimmed
free of all skulls, horns, tall bones,. sinews, meat
and switches (switches cut off about six Inches
from hide), all such substances to be removed be
fore hides are welched, and a proper reduction
made on wet stock.
Condition of tbe Market at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office of Pxttsburo Dispatch, 1
SATDEDAT. May 1L 18!!9. J
CATTXE Receipts, 800 head; shipments,
600 bead; market nothing doing; allthrongh
consignments; 22 cars of cattle shipped to New
York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, -i300 head: shipments. 2,300
head; market firm; Phlladelphlas. U 90; pigs
and Yorkers, f5 00:' seven cars of hogs shipped
to New York to-day.
SHEEP Receipts, L400 bead: shipments, 1,400
head; market slow at unchanged prices.
Br Teleamph.
St. Loots Cattle Receipts. 200 head; ship
ments, 400 head; market steady; choice, heavy
native steers. 13 804 50; fair, S3 I04 00;
stockers and feeders, fair to good, 2 203 25:
rangers, corn-fed, 2 75S3 50; grass-fed. 82 00
3 00. Hogs Receipts. 2.800 head; shipments,
MOO head; market strong; choice, heavy and
butchers' selections, S4 5o4 63: packing, me
dium to prime, S4 404 55; light grades, ordi
nary to choice, J4 554 65. Sheep-Receipts,none;
shipments, none; market steady; fair to choice.
S3 004 50.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 2,500 head;
shipments, none; market steady; beeves, J3 40
4 25; stockers and feeders, S2 0S 60;
cows, bulls and mixed. $1756340; Texas
cattle,2 T0S 50. Hogs Receipts. 15.000 bead;
shipments, 4,000 head: market steady; mixed,
$4554 75; heavy, 4 504 70; light M 604 85;
skips, $3 504 45. Sheet) Receipts, 2,000 head;
shipments, none; market firm; natives, H 00
go 00; Western. S3 60-24 80; Texans, $3 0U3 50:
lambs,$4 50475.
Buffaxo Cattle Receipts. 141 loads through,
19 on sale; supply of butchers and shippers
good but no buyers; no demand for heavy ex
port; dull and unchanged. Sheep and limbs
opened active; 15c higher; about all sold; re
ceipts, 6 loads through, 20 loads sale. Hogs
Receipts. 46 loads through, 10 sale; Yorkers
fully 10c lower; sold at (5 00; mediums, U So
4 90; about all sold,
Ukcikkati Hogs quiet; common and
light $4 4 "5i packing and butchers', 84 50
W u; receipts,
head; shipments, 500
Drysoodi market.
New Yobk. May U. Business in drygoods
was light to-day, though some agents reported
a fair demand for summer fabrics, and jobbers
were delivering May goods on account of re
cent sales. The market was unchanged, but
maintained a firm tone on cotton, with an up
ward tendency on coarse yarn goods, while in
creasing firmness was reported at the mill end
of tbe line. Woolen fabrics were in moderate
request but clothing woolens were benefited to
the extent of a favorable decision by tbe col
lector of the port in the matter of the classifica
tion of worsteds, which were adjudged to be
dutiable as woolens.
Mining Stocks.
New York. May Il?-Amador, 1: Aspen,
10; Bodie, 160; Caledonia 310; Consolidated
California and Virginia. 775; Consolidated Cen
tral, 175; Dunkin, SI: Deadwooo. ?1; Enreka
Consolidated. 150; EI Cristo, 125; Gould t
Cnrrv, 250; Hale & Norcross. 460; Homestake.
730; Horn Silver; 110; Iron Silver, 150; Mexican
4S5; Mono, 160; Mutual Smelt 140: N. Belle
Isle. 140; Ophir, $& Plymouth. $3; Savage, 290;
Sierra Nevads, 365; Union Consolidated, 430'
Wool Mnrkets.
St. Loots. Wool strong and higher; un
washed bright medium, 1725c: coarse braid.
1020c: low sandy, 1016c; fine light 1521c;
fnnferio?,TS3?C;tUb WMh8tl iCe' "
When baby was sick, we gave ber Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she bad Children,she gave them Castor! a
unwell, and so is dear baby also; and between
both and and other matters, X hardly .know
what I am about."
"So I perceive," said Mrs. Sidebottom, "you
have upset the cream."
Salome had a worn and scared look. Her
face had lost every particle of -color the day be
fore. It remained as pale now. She looked as
If she bad not slept. Her eyes were sunken
and red.
"My dear," said Mrs. Sldebottom, "never
give in. If I had given in to all the trials that
have beset me I should have been worn to fid
dle strings. My first real trial was the loss of
Sldebottom, and the serious reduction of my
income In consequence; for though be called a
house an 'cuse, yet he was in good practice.
There is a silver lining to every cloud. 1 don't
suppose I could have got into good society so
long as Sldebottom lived, with his dissipated
habits about his 'h's.' His aspirate stood dur
ing our married, life as a wall between us, like
that like that which separated Pyramus from
Salome made no answer.
"You can have no idea." continued Mrs.
Sidebottom, "how startled I was in the night
by the snoring of tbe doctor."
"The doctor!" Baiome looked up surprised.
"Yes he Slept, you know. In the spare
A rush of crimson mounted to Salome's
cheeks, and then faded from them, leaving
them such an ashy gray as succeeds, the Alpen
gluth on the snow peaks at sundown.
"Do you know? well, really, I must confess
my weakness I was made quite nervous by the
snoring. I was so anxious, naturally so anx
ious for your poor dear mother, and I thought
the sounds might proceed from her, and if so I
trembled lest they portended apoplexy. Then,
again. I could not make outwhence tbe snoring
proceeded. So, being of an inquiring mind
my dear. If we bad not Inquring minds we
should not have made Polar expeditions, and
discovered the. electric telegraph, aud meas
ured the distances of the planets I was re
solved to satisfy myself as to those sounds, and
I stole out of my room and listened on tbe
landing; and when I was satisfied that the snor
ing issued from the spare apartment, which I
had supposed to be empty, I had the boldness
to open the door aud peep in."
"At what o'clock?" asked Salome,'' faintly.
"Oh! gracious goodness, I cannot tell. Some
where in the small hours. You mustknowtbat
as I looked out of my window before going to
bed I saw the doctor coming through the gar
den. Tbe moon was. shining, and I adore the
moon, so I stood at my window in quite a poetic
frame. I suppose you told him to come through
the garden so as not to disturb the household."
Salome hesitated, bhe was tryingto pour out
a second cup of tea for Mrs. Sidebottom, but
her hand shook, and she was obliged to set
down the pot. She breathed painfully, and
looked at Mrs, Sidebottom with a daze of
terror in her eyes.
"Thank you," said .the lady, "I said I would
have a little more tea. Bless me! How your
feelings have overcome you. Family affection
is charming, idyllic, but don't spill the tea as
you did the cream."
"Would you kindly pour out for yourself?"
asked Salome. "Itistruethatmyhandshakes.
1 am not verywell this morning."
"Delighted. As I. was saying," pursued Mrs.
Sidebottom, drawing the teapot, sugar basin
and cream Jug to herself "as I was saying, in
tbe small hours of the night I was roused by
the snoring and Could not sleep. So I rose, and
opened the spare room door and looked In.';
Salome's frightened eyes were riveted on her.
"I looked in. and saw a man lying on the bed.
I could not see his face. The curtain was in
tbe way, and there was no light save that of
the moon. At first I was frightened, and In
clined to cry out for sal-volatile, I was so faint.
But after a moment or two 1 recovered myself.
This man had on more clothing than that
other one. He wore boots and soon. After
tbe first spasm of dismay I recovered myself,
for I said, 'It Is the doctor Bleeping in the house
because Mrs. Cusworth is ill. It was the doc
tor, was it not?"
Salome's scared face, her strange manner,
now for the first time inspired Mrs. Sidebottom
with the suspicion that she had not hit on the
true solution of tbe mystery.
"But, goodness gracious me!" she exclaimed,
"it it was not the doctor, who could it be? And
in the house at night as on tbe former occa
sionand when Philip is absent, tool"
Salome started from her seat.
Tropical Fruits Yery ActiveButter
Quiet, Eggs Steady.
Corn Strong, Oats Weak, "Wheat Steady,
Hay Sick, Flour Easy.
Offick of PrxTSBOTto Dispatch, 1
SATDBDAY. MaylL 1889. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Tropical fruits show tbe greatest activity in
produce lines. Lemons and oranges are mov
ing ont freely at advanced rates. Auvices from
New York are to the effect tbat there will be
further advances at an early day. A leading
dealer said to-day: 'I would not be surprised to
see lemons go up to $3 a box before July. But
ter is quiet at quotations. Eggs are steady.
New cheese is Improving every day In quality.
An advance Is reported from tbe East and a de
cline in the West Prices here are unchanged,
demand and supply being about equal. A
scarcity of strawberries is reported for a day
or two past There was an overdose in the
early part of the week, and shippers were dis
appointed with results. The week closes with
the famine that follows tbe feast
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2122c; Ohio do,
2021c; fresh dairy packed, 1819c; country
rolls, itelSc; Chartlers Creamery Co., 20022c.
BEANS-Jl 751 91
Beeswax 2880c 1 &forchoice;lowgrade,
lidee Sand refined, S6 607 60; common,
!3 5U100; crab cider, ?8 00g8 50 fl barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c $ gallon.
Cheese New Ohio cheese, 910c; New
York, fall make, 12l2c; Limliurger, 910c;
domestic Sweltzer cheese, 9k12c
Dried Peas SI 251 35 $ bushel; split do,
Boos 1516c Jl dozen for strictly fresh;
goose eggs, 30c $1 dozen.
FBOTTS Apples, $2 002 50 $1 barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c lb; cranberries, S45
barrel, -SOcQSl 00 V bushel; strawberries, 20
25c a quart; pine apples, $1 752 25 11 dozen.
iteathebs Jixira uve geese, om&wc; j o. 1
do, 4045c; mixed lots, S035c St.
Hoset New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
' Hominy $2 652 75 m barrel.
Potatoes 30035c $1 bushel; Bermuda pota
toes, S3 609 00 fl barrel.
Poultry Live, chickens, 75S0c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c &; drawn, 14
15c W ft: turkeys, 1820c dressed ? ft; ducks,
live, 6070c f? pair; dressed, 1314c $ 3b; geese,
Uve! Jl 00I 25 pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 As to bushel, $5 60
M bushel: clover, large English, 62 Sis, f6 00;
clover, Allske, t8 60; clover, white, 9 00; tim
othy, choice, 45 Us, 1 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 tts, 90c; blue grass, fancy. 14 lis, 11 00;
orchard grass, 14 lis, Jl 65; red top, 14 lbs, Jl 25;
millet 50 lbs, Jl 00; German millet GO lbs,
Jl 50; Hungarian grass. 60 6s. Jl 00; lawn
grass mixture of fine grasses, J2 60 f) bushel of
14 as.
Taixow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons, 'fancy. $5 0001
5 50 f) box; Messina oranges, J4 5005 0 ft
box;. Valencia oranges, fancy, S7 609 00 ?
case; bananas, $2 50, firsts; Jl 50. good second',
a bunch:' cocoanuts, $4 004 60 hundred;
new figs, 8K9o V pound; dates, 5&6Xc y
Vegetables Radishes, 2540c fl dozen;
marrowfat peas, J3 00 ) crate: new cabbage,
small crates. J3 00; large crates, $0 00 W crate;
onions, fl 0021 25 $ barrel; string beans, J2 00.
Coffee options closed strong in New York
with a firmer feeling than at anytime during
the week. Tbe tea trade for April shows a de
cline of 87,000 packages as compared with the
previous Afcnl. There his been talk of a boom
In tea, but it has not yet materialized. Congos
are up 2c in England. Of the trade here noth
ing more can bo said than that prices are fully
maintained and that tbe drift is upward.
Qbeeic Coffee Fancy Kio, 2223c; choice
Rio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18M19c;
Mocha, SOKgSI&c; Santos, 1922K' Caracas
coffee. 20Ktt22c: peaberry, Rio. 21023c: La.
oiu vovernmenfc inT&, ajc; oiaracaioo.
coffee, 20V
7 Boasted (In papers) Standard brands, 24e;
i high grades, 2wc; old Government Java,
fesl, MKeWKc; Maracibo,27ieS6Kci Bum,
"Excuse me," she said, hastily, "1 am-I am
She tottered to the door.
Mrs. Sidebottom, with kindled suspicion, rose
also and deserted an unfisned egg and some
buttered toast to go after her. Salome had
opened the door and passed through. Before
she could close it behind her, Mrs. Sidebottom
had. grasped it and was at her heels, asking It
she really were ill, and if she needed help.
At tbe same moment that both entered the
hall they saw a man descending the stairs, a
man in hat and greatcoat, with a leather bag in
one hand and a cane in the other. He wore his
hair long, and had dark whiskers, curled, but
not in the freshest of curls. His nose was red,
ana his face mottled.
"Mr. Beaple Yeo!" shrieked Mrs. Sidebottom.
"My money! I want-I will have my money"
The man stood for a moment irresolute on
the stairs.
Then a key was turned in the front door lock
and Philip appeared from the street returned
by an early train,
"Oh, Philip!" screamed Mrs. Sidebottom.
"Here is the ifian Be'aple Yeo himself. He
has been hiding in the spare bedroom all night
He as my money."
In.an instant the man darted into Mrs. Cus
worth's room and locked the door behind him.
The man descending the stairs had hesitated,
and his hesitation had lost him. Had he made
a dash at Mrs. Sldebottom and Salome, swept
them aside and gone down the passage to the
garden door, he would have escaped before
Philip entered. But the sight of Mrs. Side
bottom, her vehement demand for her money,
made him turn from her and fly into Mrs. Cus
worth's room. Thence he, no doubt, thought
to escape to the garden through the window.
For some moments, after Philip appeared
and Mrs. Sidebottom had told him that the
swindler was in his house, all three he, Sa
lome and Mrs. Sidebottom. stood in the hall,
Then a servant, alarmed by the cry, appeared
from the kitchen, and Philip at once bade her
hasten after a policeman.
Salome laid ber hand on his arm and said,
supplicatingly, "No, Philip; no. please !"
But he disregarded her intervention, and re
newed the command to the servant, who at
once disappeared to obey it. '
Then be strode toward the door leading to
Mrs. Cusworth's apartments, but Salome, quick
as thought, threw herself in his way, and stood
against tbe door with outstretched arms.
"No, Philip: not not, if you love me."
"Y by not?" spoken sternly.
"Because " She faltered, her face bowed
on her bosom; then she recovered herself,
looked him entreatingly in the eyes, and said,
"I will tell you afterward in private. I cannot
now. Oh, Philip I beseeoh you!"
"Salome," said her husband very gravely,
"that man Is in there."
"I know, I know he is," she answered timor
ously. "Oh, Philip, don't mind her. He will get
away, and he has my money!" entreated Mrs.
Sldebottom on her part.
"Why do you seek to shelter him?" asked
Philip of his wife, ignoring the words of his
"I cannot tell you now. vVlll you not trust
me? Do allow him to escape."
"Salome!" exclaimed Philip in such a tone as
made her shiver, It expressed so much indigna
tion. She could say no more in urgence of what
she had asked, but looked at him steadily with
her great imploring eyes.
Mrs. Sidebottom was not silent; she poured
in a discbarge of canister, and was cut short by
Philip, who, turning sternly to her, said:
"I request your silence. The scoundrel can
not escape. The windows of both rooms are
barred, because on the ground floor. He can
not break forth. I have him as In a trap. It is
merely a question with me which my wife
must help me to decide whether to burst open
the door now, or wait till the arrival of the con
stable." Then Salome slowly, with heaving brcast,and
without taking her eyes off ber husband's face,
let fall her arms and stood back. Bnt even
then, as be put his foot against the door, she
thrust forth her hand against Mrs. Sldebottom,
and said: "Not she! No, Philip, as you honor
me! If you love me not she!"
Then he turned and said to Mrs. Sldebottom:
"Aunt,! must ask yon to remain in tbe ball.
When the maid rings the front door bell, open
2224c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c;
choice Rio, 25c; prime Rio, 23c; good Rio,
22Kc, ordinary, 21Kb.
Sfices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c;
cassia. 89c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight 150. 8c: water
white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
HKc;roaIine.l4c '
SYRUPS-rCorn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, 3333c: prime sugar syrup, S033c:stnot
ly prime. 3335:; new maple syrup, 90a
N. O. Mousses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c: mixed, 4U42c
Soda Bl-carb in kegs. 3K4c; bi-carb in K8.
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, l?ic; do granulated, 2a
Candles Star, full weight 9c; stearlne, per
set 8Kc;parafflne, 11012c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc; choice, 6Ji
7c: prime, 6J6Kc: Louisiana. 66Ka
Starch f earl, 3c; cornstarch, 5X7c; gloss
starch, 5J7a
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, 3 10; California London layers,
2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, new. 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7K8c; sultana, SKo; currants, new, 4K5c;
Turkey prunes, new, 45c; French prunes,
813c: balonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c:
cocoannts, per 100, S6 00; almonds, Lan . per 2,
20c; do Ivlca, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12HQ15c; Sicily filberts. 12c: Smyrna figs, 12
10c; new dates, 5bc; Brazil nuts, 10c;
pecans, ll15c: citron, per lb, 2122c; lemon
peel, per ft, 13I4c; orange peel, 12$a
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples, evaporated, 6kQ6Kc: apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15lSc; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012c; cherries. Pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted,56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424)c; blackberries, 8c; huckle
berries, lOfiilJc.
Sugars Cubes, 99)4c; powdered. 9J
"Xc; granulated,9c; confectioners' A. 88&c;
standard A, 8c: soft whites, S&h$ic; yellow,
choice, 7KSc; ye!low!good,77Jc; yellow,
fair, 7c: yellow, dark, Tjjc.
Pickles Medium, bbls, (L200), J4 60; medi
ums, half bbls. (600), 22 75?
Salt-No. 1$? bbl. 95c; No. 1 ex, f? bbl, $1 03;
dairy, V bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, Jl 20:
Hingin s Eureka, 4 bu sacks. J2 80: Higgin's
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, 13 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches Jl 30
1 90; 2ds, Jl 301 35; extra peaches. Jl 601 90:
Sle peaches, 90c; finest corn, Jll 60: Hfd.
o. corn, 7090c: rod cherries, D0cJl 00; Lima
bcan Jl 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do. 75
85c; marrowfat peas. Jl 101 15; soaked peas,
7075c; pineapples, Jl 401 50: Bahama do,
J2 75; damson plums, 95c; greengages. Jl 25:
egg plums, J2 UO; California pears, E2 60; do
greengages, J2 00; do egg plums, J2 00; extra
white cherries. S2 90; red cherries, 2fts.90c;
raspberries, Jl 401 50; strawberries, Jl 10:
gooseberries, Jl 201 30: tomatoes, 8292c;
salmon, l-ftJl 75 10; blackberries, 60c; suc
cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c: do green, JL lbs,
Jl 251 50: corn beef, 2-ft cans, Jl 75: 14-fi cans,
J13 50; baked beans, Jl 401 45; lobster, 1 ft.
Jl 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, Jl 50;
sardines, domestic, X&, J4 154 60; sardine",
domestic, Ks. 28 258 50; sardines, imported,
Kio. I115OQ12 60; sardines, imported, s,
JI8 00: sardines, mustard, $4 00; sardines,
Fisn-Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, J36 f?
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, J40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
J36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c II ft ; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 67Ma Herring
Round shore, $5 00 ?1 bbl.; split, $7 00; lake,
J2 60 f 100-lb. half bbl. White flsb. $7 00 100
ft. half bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 a half bbl.
Finnan haddock. 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut 13c
f ft. Pickerel, X barrel, $2 00; Ji barrel. Jl 10:
Potomac herring, $5 00 ft barrel, $2 50 ft X
Buckwhea Flour 223ic a 6.
OATMEAL-J6 30G 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil-No. 1 winter strained, 6860o
f) gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grain, Floor and Feed,
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 20 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
and Chicago. 1 car of hay, 1 of corn, i of flour,
1 of oats. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St
Louis, 8 cars of corn, 1 of wheat. By Pittsburg
and Western, 1 car of hay, 1 of wheat 1 of
flour, 1 of oats. There was but one sale on call,
viz: a car of h. m. s. corn, 40c, 5 days, P. & W.
The total receipts for the week were 173 cars,
against 139 last weekend 212 for the week be
fore. Corn is the only strong factor of cereal
markebJ. Oats give signs of weakening and
advices from Chicago to-day show a decline of
leper bushel. Hay is weak. Wheat is steady.
All that can be said of flour is that demand im
proves and markets are a shade firmer than
lA.Sti wcgIc
WnEAT-Jobbing prices-No. 2 red, 94095c:
No. 8 red, 8588a
Co5.T?ToVT2r?I,0Sear's3c; h, mixed
ear, 40G41C; No, 1 yellow, shelled, 41g42c; Ha 2
yellow, shelled, 4o41c: high mixed, sbelled,
8e40o; mixed, sheffed. 86ic. ".
Oats-No. 2 wwte, 8$tmte; estn, Xo.,3,
and let her and tbe constable in, and bring
them at once into Mrs. Cusworth's apartments.
Do not enter before."
lie did not burst open the door till he had
knocked thrice, and bis knock had remained
unnoticed. Then, with foot and shoulder
against It, he drove it In, and the lock torn off
fell on the floor. Instantly Salome entered
after him and shut the door behind her, and.
stood against it.
The old suspicion, snllenness and dozgedness
which Philip had nurtured in him through
long years of discouragement and distress,
owl tempers that had been laid to sleep for a
twelvemonth, rose full of energy to life again,
He was angered at the thought that the wretch
whom he was pursuing should have taken
refuge under his own roof, and worst of all,
that hjown nlfe Bbould spread out her arms
toprotect him.
The hero of a story should be without such
blemishes, that take from him all lustre and
rob him of sympathy. Bnt the reader must con
sider these evil passions in him as bred of his
early experience. They grew necessarily in
him, because the seed was sown in him when
his heart was receptive, and rich to receive
whatever crop was sown there. And again,
we may asl: Is the reader free from evil
tempers, constitutional or acquired? The his
tory of life is the history of man mastering or
being mastered by these; and such Is the his
tory of Philip.
In the slttlngroom stood a scared group,look
ing at one another. Mrs. Cusworth, by tbe
fireplace, pale as chalk, hardly able to stand,
unable to utter a word of explanation or pro
test, and Beaple Yeo, with his bat on, wearing
a great coat that Philip knew at once that of
his deceased uncle, holding a leather bag in his
hand, tp which a strap was attached that he
was endeavoring to sling over bis shoulder, but
was Incommoded by his cane, of which he did
not let go. His face was mottled and his nose
Tery purple but he had not, like Mrs. Cus
worth, lost his presence ofmind.
Philip looked bard at him, then his face be
came hard as marble, and he said, "So we
meet Schofleld."
The man had forgotten to remove his hat
when attempting to put the strap over his head,
and so failed: be at once hastily passed tbe
cane into tbe hand tbat held the bag, and said
with an air of forced Joviality, as he extended
his right palm, "How d'y do, my boy, glad to
see you."
"Put down that bag," ordered Philip, ignor
ing the offered band. "Or, here, give it to me."
"No, thank 'y, my son: got my night togs in
there comb and brush and whisker curlers."
"Schofleld." said Philip, grimly, "I have
sent for the constable. He will be here in two
or three minutes. Uivoine up that bag. I
shall have you arrested in this room."
"No, yon won't, my dear boy," answered the
fellow. "But, by gove, it isn't kindly not
kindly hardly what we look for in our chil
dren. But, Lord bless you! bless you the world
is becoming frightfully neglectful of the
commandment with promise with promise,my
The impudence of the man, his audacity, and
bis manner, worked Philip into anger; not tbe
cold bitter anger that had risen before, bat hot
and flaming.
"Come, no nonsense. Give me that bag now,
or 1 11 take it from you. There is a warrant
out for your arrest at Beaple Yeo." He put
his hand forward to snatch the bag from the
fellow, bnt Beaple Yeo or Schofleld quickly
brought bis stick round.
"My pippinl" said he, "take care; I have a
needle in this, that will run tbroughlf you
touch me though youaremyson,"
Philip closed with him, wenched the stick
from him and placed it behind him. But
Beaple would not be deprived of the weapon
without an effort to recover it, and he made a
rush at Philip to beat him aside, as he drew
back, which would have led to a fresh test of
strength, bad not Salome thrown herself be
tween tbem, and clinging to her husband, said,
"Oh Philip! Philip! He Is my father!
Philip stood back and he and Schofleld faced
each other in silence, the latter with his eye on
Philip to note how he received the news.
Philip grew greyer in tint, and every line in his
face deepened; his eyes became more like
Cairngorm stones than ever cold, hard, almost
"It Is true," said Schofleld: "my chuck has
told you the fact the very fact Why should
it have been kept from you so long ? so long ?
The Schofields are a family as good as tbe
Pennycomequicks, and the name is not so much
of a rrouthflller, which, at least is a consolation
a consolation. Now, perhaps, son-in law you
will allow me to step by? No? Upon my word
there would be something un Christian some
thing to shock the moral sense even of an old
Roman a classic Roman for a son-in-law to
suffer bis father to be arrested beneath bis own
roof. Besides, dear fellow, there are other con
siderations. Yon would hardly wish to have
Pennycomequick's firm mixed up with Beaple
Yeo, Esquire. It might you know you know
injure, compromise, and all tbat sort of thing
you understand "
Philip turned to Mrs. Cusworth and asked
her, "Is it true, or a lie ?"
But the old lady was in no condition to
answer. She opened her month and shut it,
like a gasping fish, but no sound issued from
ber lips.
Then Salome recovered her composure and
Sl31Kc; No. 3 white, 30331c; No. 2 mixed, 27
Rye No. 1 Western, 7075c: No. 2. 5556a
Barley No. 1 Canada, 9598c; No. 2 Can
ada. S5SSSc;No. 3 Canada, 70Q72c;Lake Shore,
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents,
$5 5005 75: spring patents, $5 006 00: winter
straight, $4 755 00; clear winter. J4 604 75;
straieht XXXX bakers', J4 004 25. Rye flour,
$3 5003 75.
Hillfeed Middlings, fine white, J15 00
16 00 ft ton; brown middlings. $11 6012 50;
winter wheat bran, J13 0013 50; chop feed,
115 0016 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, J14 60015 00;
No. 1 do, JI3 2513 50; No. 2 do, JU 0012 50;
loose from wagon, $16 0018 00; No. 1 upland
prairie. 510 0010 50; No. 2, $8 008 60; packing
do. So 606 50.
Straw Oats, $3 008 25; wheat and rye
straw, $7 007 508 00.
Sngar-cured hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured
hams, medium, lie; sugar-cured bams, small,
llc; sugar-cored breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 8c: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c; sugar
cured dried beef sets, 9c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. llc:bacon shoulders, Tc; bacon
clear sides, 8c: bacon cloar bellies, Kc; dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, TJic.
Mess pork, heavy. J14 00; mess pork, family,
$14 50. Lard Refined in tierces, 7c; bilf
barrels, 7c; 60-ft tubs, 7Jc: 20 ft pails, 7c; 50-
tin cans, 7c; 3-ft tin palls 8c; 5-ft tin pails,
7c: 10-ft tin pails, lye Smoked eausage, long,
Sc; large, 5a Fresh pork links, 9a Pigs feet
halt barrol, $4 OC; quarter barrel, Jl 90.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550 fts,
6Kc; 550 to 650 fts. 6Ve: 650 to 750 fts, 6Ka Sheep,
8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c ft ft. Hogs, 6&a Fresh
pork loins, 9a
Business in Ail Branches Shown Large
Gains The Bnlldlnc Boom betting in
Early-Slitnrdaj' OH and
Stock Qaolntlons.
There was no striking change in the busi
ness situation last week, except a further
depression in iron caused by the cut of the
Thomas Company. Stocks were generally
weak and dull, the majority of the list clos
ing at a decline from the opening prices.
Petroleum was weak and feverish, but
closed steady, with indications of an im
provement. Rules for trading in futures
were presented and discussed, and will
probably be adopted. Real estate was
active, a number oi important- sales being
consummated. Honey was a trifle tighter,
but the supply was sufficient for all require
ments. Tbe Clearing House report showed a
large gain over the corresponding week of last
year. Business in all lines of merchandise was
active at full prices.
Sixty-five building permits were taken out
last week, chiefly for dwellings in the outer
wards and suburbs, the total cost being esti
mated at $176,235. The largest was by tho
Bellefield Presbyterian Church Association for
a stone edifice 80x77, to cost $43,000.
The sale of the Foster property, Fifth ave
nue,upon which JnE Dispatch's main adver
tising office stands, was effected Saturday,, Mr
J. A. Emery, representing the heirs and par
ties In interest, buying it in at $140,000. The
dimensions are 30x240 feet, running back to
Virgin alley.
Local stocks were with one or two exceptions
dull and weak Saturday. Philadelphia Gas
lost ground on continued liquidation by holders
of small lots. The other gassers were un
changed. Electric wasfirmer,sligbtly higher and
inactive. Tractions were quiet and neglected.
The miners were lifeless and lower. La Noria
on reports that the mill was not giving satisfac
tory results.
The rest of the list was quiet and featureless.
There was y good demand for bank stocks and
other first-class securities. The outlook for
urn week is lor a more active market li not
higher prices. Electric will probably move np,
I and if pending suits are decided favorably, It
I Will dotibtliwfi exnoriennA a tiAnm.
SftlM-nraStisiMM of Philadelphia Gaat'
said, "Philip! It is Indeed true. He Is my
father. I am not, nor is Janet her daughter.
We are ther twin children of her sister, who
was married to aud then who was deserted by
this this man Schofleld. She took us, she
and her dear good husband, and cared for us
as their own we did not know that we were
not her children that we were ber nieces we
were not told."
"Is this really truer asked Philip, agalnlook
ing at Mrs. Cuswortb,and his face clouded
withthe blood that suffused It bnt so far be
neath the the skin that it did not color, It only
darkened It "Is this true or Is it a lie told
to persuade me to let this scoundrel escape?
Either way it will lose its effect lam Just I
will give him oyer to suffer the consequences
of his nets "
Again Mrs. Cusworth tried to speak, brit
could bot She grasped at the mantelshelf;
she could hardly stay herself from falling.
"Very well." said Philip, looking fixedly at
Schofleld. "Let us suppose that it is true; tbat
I have been trifled with, deceived, dishonored.
VervwelL Wa will immnig It la so. Then, let
it come nut I will be no party to lying, dis
simulation, to tne screening oi swinuiers auu
scoundrels of any sort My house Is not a re
ceiving house for stolen goods. 1 will return
to the robbed that of which they have been
despoiled. Hand me tbe bag."
He spoke with a hard, metallic voice; scarce
a trace nf feellnc vu in it. save of the erate of
animosity: his strong eye had no yielding in it
no ugnt, oniy a sort oi pnospnoreacent giiuiuiex
passing over it He stooped, picked up the
cane, and held it in his right hand like a quar
ter staff, and In his Arm. knotted fist cane
though it was, it had the appearance of being
a weapon capaoie oi Being usea wiui ueauij
"Now, then," said Philip, "put down that
bag: there, on tbe chair near me. Instantly."
Schofleld looked into his face and did not
ventnra to disobev. Thn Iron resolution, the
forceful earnest, the remorseless determina
tion there were not to be trifled with. Schofleld
put down the bag as desired,
''The kev "
"Sulkily, the fellow drew it from his trousers
pocket and flung it on the ground.
"Pick it up."
Schofleld hesitated. He would notstoop. He
dreaded a blow on the bead; on the back of tbe
head, which would fell him if he stooped, such
a blow as he would himself deal the man before
him if he had a stick in his hand, and could in
duce him to bend at his feet
As he hesitated, and a spark appeared in the
eye of Philip, Salome stooped, rose and handed
the key to ber husband.
He did not thank her. He did not look at
her. He kept his eye steadily on Schofleld
scarcely glancing at the bag as he opened it,
and then only rapidly and cursorily at its con
tentsnever for more than a second allowing
it to be off bis opponent, never allowing bim to
move a muscle unobserved, never to frame a
thought unread. But for all the speed with
which be glanced at the contents of the bag.be
saw that it contained a great deal of money. It
was stuffed with bank notes, and the figures on
these notes were high. Philip leisurely re
closed and relocked the bag, put the key in his
pocket and passed the strap over his own head.
Then only did a slight almost cruel smile,,
stir tbe corners of bis Tips as he saw the blank
ness of Schofleld and the break up of his assur
ance. "Now, I supposo I may go?" said the rogue.
"No," answered Philip, "I do nothing by
half. I have my old scores against Schofleld as
well as tbe new scores which are not my own
against Beaple Yeo."
"But" said the man, in a shaking voice, "it
will be so terribly bad for you to have the con
cern here mixed up with me and you should
consider that the Bridlington scheme was a
famous one, and was as honest as the daylight
It must have rendered 25 per cent 25, as I am
an honest man and I sbonld have become a
millionaire. Then wouldn't you have been
proud of me, eh? it was a good scheme aud
must have answer, only who was to dream that
no land could be bought?"
He eyed Philip craftily, then looked at the
door, then again at Philip as soon expect to
find yielding in him as to see honey distil out
of flint Sobe turned to Salome. "Speak a
word for your, father, child!" he said, In a low
Salome shrank from him and turned to Philip,
who put out his steady band and thrust her
back, not roughly but firmly, toward Schofleld
Tben, in a sudden frenzy of fear and anger,
the fellow screamed. "Will you let ma pass?"
"The constable will be here directly, and then
I will; not till then," said Philip.
"Bah! tbe constable!" scoffed Schofleld.
"Yon have sent to have a constable summoned.
But where is he? Looking for a policeman is
like searching for a text You know he is
somewbere, but can't foe the life of you put
yonr thumb on him. Look here, Philip," ha
lowered his voice to a sort of whine, I am
awfully penitent for what I have done. Cut to
to the heart, gnawing of conscience, and all
that sort of thing. It is a case of the prodigal
father returning to tbe discreet and righteous
son, and Instead of running to meet mo ana
help me, and giving me a. good dinner a good
dinner you know, and all that sort of thing, yon
threaten me with constable and conviction. I
couldn't do it myself. 'Pon my word I couldn't
I suppose it is in us. I'm too much of a Christ-
36, 195 at 35, 10 at 33, 100 La Noria at IK. and
350atl. '
Henry M. Long sold 100 shares of Electric at
57, andI0Oat66K.
Business at the banks Saturday was without
special features. There was some improvement
in checking. Other routine lines were up to
the average,. Discounting was rather slow.
This is accounted for by the fact that there is a
large amount of private capital seeking invest
ment atlowrates.TheClearingHouse report was
highly satisfactory, showing that Pittsburg is
more than holding her own, the gain for the
expired portion of tbe year being over $24,000,.
000 in excess of the same time In 1838. The re
port is appended:
Exchanges $ 2,028,397 K
llalances I7,Z58 15
.Exchanges for the week 12,938,335 si
Dally average 2,130.82179
Balances for tho week 1,813,659 74
.ftxcnangesweeKoi iooq................. iubsi,853 44
Balances week of 1888 1,835,593 28
Exchanges last week,.
balances last wee k
Exchanges to date, 1899...
Exchanges to date, 1883...
Ualn, 1889 over 1838 to date.
, Z,USI,4G7 Si
. 234,685,977 98
. 210,094,628 39
. 24,601,35158
Government Bonds.
TJ. 8. 44s, reg 10M107K
v. a. 4is, coop ltn'tQiasii
V. . 4s, reg 129)431293
U. S. 43, coup 129M9129J4
Currency, 6 per cent, 1895 reg 121
Currency, 6 per cent. 1S98 reg 124
Currency. 8 per cent, 1897 reg., tli
Currency, 6 per cent, 1898 reg 130
Currency, 6 per cent, 1899 reg 132)
The following table snows tne prices of active
stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock .Exchange. 57 Fourth avenue:
ing. High
est. low
est. Am. Cotton Oil
Atch., lop. A a. F...
UX 41.H
52W 52!
95J 93
Canadian raciflc
Canada Sou them SV4
Central orNew jersey. Kii
Chesapeake & Ohio ... 171
C , Uur. A Qutncv. .... 97
C, Mil. St. faul... 6)
C, Mll.ibt. P.. pr....I07
C, KoctL .tl' 931(
C, St. L. & Pitts
C, St. L. & Pitts, pf.
a. st. p.. m. & o...
C, St. F..M. & o pr. ....
C. & Northwestern. ...leeJt"
C. .Northwestern, pt ....
u. c. c&i
Col. Coal & Iron
Col. ft Hocking Val .. 18
Del.. L. & W. IJTtf
Del. Hndson. 138
Denver & Bio U 17
Denver ft Bio U pr... 48
E.I., Va. ftUa M
E. T.,Va. ftQa.. lstpr ....
E.I.. Va.ftGa.2dpf. ....
Illinois central .:llii
Lake Erie ft Western
Lake Erie ft West. pr,. 18
Lake Shore ft M. ti 103)4
Louisville ft Nashville. 67M
Michigan Central IH
Mobile ft Ohio
Mo., K. ftTexas
Missouri Paclnc 72
Hen ork Central 107
H. Y.. L.E. ft W 27
X. Y., a 4St. L
H.Tr., C, ft St. L. pf.
X.Y.. C. A St. L. 2d pf ....
H.YtH.ie ZH
H. Y.. O.ft W
Norfolk ft Western
Norfolk Western, pf. 51
Northern Pacific 25
Nortncrn Pacific nref. 61s
Ohio ft Mississippi
Oregon Improvement, MH
Oregon Transcoa 3514
PacineUall., 38
88 i
IttlH loex
1H 114K
43 13M
Peo. Dec. ft Evans.
Phtladcl. ft Heading.. 44 44W
Pullman Palace Car...l87if 18SU
Richmond i. W. P. T.. 2514 2ft
Richmond ft W. P. T.pf 80 80
St. PanlftDulntu
St. Pan! ft Dnlntb pf.
St. P., Minn. &Man
St. L. ft San Fran
St. L. ft San Fran pf.
St. L. A San F.Ut pr.
Texas Pacific 21 21U
Union Pacific 605 tlH
Wabash ,
Wabasb preferred Z7& 27)f
Western Union ....88 MX
Wheeling ft L. K.....MH 6
National Lead Trust.. UK
Saturday's Oil Range.
Opened ...-..82 Lowest 82),
Highest S3ci08ed S3
Runs , ,., i. 53,290
Average 47,445
Shipments 80,204
Average. ,.. 70.861
Charters 84,444
Average ,..,. 84,422
Clearances 1,154,000
Kenned, New York, 8.S5.
.nennea. L,onaon. o.
Kenned, Antwerp. UH
New York dosed 88.
Oil City closed 8K.
Bradford oietedsf -
ian a true Christian, not a mere professor
I'm ashamed of you, Philip; I'm sorry for you
I sincerely am. I'm terribly afraid for you that
you are the Pharisee, despising me thehumble,
penitent Publican." Tbo fellow was Such a
rascal that be could adapt himself to any com
plexion of man with whom he was, and he tried
on this miserable cant with Philip In the hope
tbat it would succeed. Hut as be watched bis
face, and saw no slzn of alteration of purpose
in It, he changed his tone, and said sullenly,
with a savagery in the snllenness: "Come let
me go; if I am brought to trial, I can tell you
tbore will be pretty things come out, which
neither you nor your wife will like to hear, and
wnicn wiu not suner ner to noici ner ueau cij
He saw that he had made Philip wince.
At that moment the house door-bell rang,
and be beard that the police constable bad
He turned, went to the fireplace, grasped the
poker, and swinging It above his head rushed
upon Philip. Baiome uttered a cry. Mrs. Cus
worth's hand let go its grasp of the chimney
piece and she fell.
All happened in a moment a blow of the
poker on Philip's arm and Schofleld was
through the door and down the passage to the
"Bun after him, policeman, run!" screamed
Mrs. Sidebottom, as she admitted the con
stable. But Schofleld had gained the start, and when
the policeman reached the door In tbe wall of
tbe lower garden he found it locked, and had
to retrace his steps to tbe house, lime had
been gained. No sooner was Schofleld outside
the garden than he relaxed his steps, and saun
tered easily along tbe path till he reached tbe
canal. He followed that till be arrived at a
barge laden with coal, over the side of which
leaned a woman, with a brown face, smoking a
"My lass!" said Schofleld, "I've summat to
tell thee In private;' and be Jumped on board
and went down tbe ladder into the little cabin.
The woman. Ann Dewls. slowly drew her
iaai 'jjd, tanei j. nan come, xaa- v pipe, ito
kept it aleet a' these years. Ah sed a would
ana an-ve aone it."
( To be continued next Monday.
Wheat Tumbles Under tbe Influence of Bain
In tbeNorthwest Corn and OauFalllnto
the Soup Hog Products Easier
Chicago Wheat was lower to-day under
the double weakening Influence of a favorable
crop report by the Agricultural Department
aud a heavy and a general rain over most of
the country last night. The opening wis 1
lc lower, ruled steady most of the session at
tbe decline, later sold off Jc more, advanced
c, and closed ljc lower than yesterday.
There was very general selling but at the
same time there was good buying, and the first
half hour witnessed pretty active trade, after
which the market ruled quiet and steady.
Advices from the Ohio Valley, parts of Indiana
and Illinois report dry weather with indications
of rain. Five boatloads were reported taken
for export at the seaboard with prospects of
more doing.
Corn was fairly active but weaker. Tbe
market opened KJs lower than tbe closing
prices of yesterday and sold oft Kc. ruled
steady and closed c lower than yester
day. Oats were weaker. First sales were at
7jiC decline. Offerings continued free, although
trading was fairly active. Prices continued
on the downward course and a further decline
of JiKc was recorded and the market closed
at about inside piices.
Only a moderate trade was reported in bog
products and the feeling was easier. Prices
rnled lower, though fluctuations were confined
wltbin a comparatively narrow range.
The leading rutures ranzea asollows:
Wheat No. 3 June, 8383H82KS3Vc;
July. 79Kt37978V70Kc; August, f77
nHnJc; year. 7676a
COKIT-No. 2 June, 3403434i034ic;
July. 35K34&C; August, 335c.
Oats No. 2 June. 23i&23K2222c:
July. 23KQ2323K23Wc: September, 23
ilzsa P
okk. per bbl. Jane.
120011 OTK:
July. SL!
126)1Z 15012 0012 05;
J12 07KQ12 17k12 07K612 15.
iuu as. June, 50 9ZUs w.
July, to"
447 00.
95; August, J7 02J7 02KS7 00
Shout Bros, per 100 fts. Jane. J5 02K
5 Ou; July, S3 1008 07; AugusttO 17KS8 17
6 156 li
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 8585c;
No. 3 spring wheat, 72S0c: No. 2 red.
8585Kc No. 2 corn. 84K84?ic; No. 2
oats, 22c No. 2 rye, 41?c No. 2
barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 1 53.
Prime timothy seed, f 1 S4l 38. Mess pork,
per barrel, 512 00. Lard, per 100 ponnds,
SG 92K. Short ribs sides (loose). S6 00
f6 05. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), (5 25
50. Short clear sides (boxed), 6 256 37.
Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour.
8,000 barrels; wheat; 4,000 bcshels: corn. 169,000
basbels:oats. 08,000 bushels: rye, 5,000 bushels:
t--:.y, 21.000 bushels. Shipments Flonr. 7,000
barrels; wheat, 42.000 bushels; corn. 464,000 bush
els; oats. 98,000 bushels; rye. 8,000 bushels;
barley. 13.000 bushels.
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was weak: faney creamery, 1618c;
choice to fine, 1315c: fine varieties. 1418c;
fair to good, 1012c. Eggs unchanged.
New York Flour moderately active and
steady. Cornmeal quiet; yellow Western, $2 50
1 85. Wheat Snot dull andandc lower;
options dull, $ajjC lower and weak. Barley
dull; Canada, 6774c Barley malt qnlet: Can
ada, 90cSl 10 for old and new. Corn Spot less
active and Ma lower and barely steady; op
tions moderately active, c lower and
heavy. Oats Spot firm and dull; options quiet
and lower. Hay quiet and steady; shipning.85
70c: good to choicc,85cSl 00. Coffee Opened
steadv and 515 points up, closed dull and un
changed to 10 points up; sales,I4.250 bags,mclud
ing May. 16.6018.70c; June, 16.7018.75c; July,
16.80ld.85e; August, 17 00c; September. 17.100
17.20c: October and November. 17.25c; Decem
ber, 17.30c; FeDruary, 17.S517.40c: spot Bio
?Uiet; fair cargoes. 183c. Sugar Raw firmer;
air refining. 65-166c; centrifugals, 96 test,
7f4c: refined quiet and unchanged. Molasses
Foreign steady :New Orleans dull. Bice in better
demand: domestic, 46c; Japan, 425Kc.
Cottonseed oil dull: crude. 41c: vellow. 60c.
Tallow quiet; city, 4 5-16c Bosln quiet and
steady; strained, common to good, tl 1001 12.
Turpentine slow at 40c. Egirs in moderate de
mand; western, 1313c; receipt?, 5,451 pack
ages. Pork quiet. Cut meats steady. Pickled
hams, 10Mllc: pickled shoulders, 65c:
pickled bellies, 57c; middles quiet: short
clear, XS 60. Lard lower and dull: sales nf
western steam, 57 30: city, $6 70; Mar, 57 SO
askeri: June, si zow? za, closing at 57 zo; Julr,
57 287 31. closing at 57 28; August, 57 327 35,
closingat 57 32; September. 57 357 38, closing
at 57 35. Butter weak and quiet; western
dairy, 9014c: do creamery, 1317c; Eights,
1718c Cheese strong and scarce.
St. Loins Flour aulet and unchanged.
Wheat The Government crop report and gen
eral rains in the West had bearish effect early
and a pressure to sell resulted; after a sharp
decline the market rallied very little, and at
the close was IJdQlMp below yesterday; No. 2
red, cash, 77c: Mav. 7777c, closing at77c
bid: June, 76K77Jc, closing at 76c: July,
7475Uc closing at 7474c asked; Au
gust, 74743ic closing at 74p bid: Septem
ber. 7576c, closing at 75:; December. 78c,
closing at 78c Corn lower; No. 2 mixed, cash.
32K32Jic: May, 3131c closing at 31Kc;
June, 81V31c, closingat 31c asked: July,
82V32Jic closing at 32M32Jgc asked; August,
SC ciuamji Hi oorsi. oeptemoer. s
closing at 33c asked. Oats lower;
cash, 23c bid; May, 20c; June,
23Jc, closing at -ay.a asked; July, 232
Rye in fair demand: strong; No. 2. 41c bid.
Barley No market. Flaxseed, 51 45. Provisions
Milwaukee Flour firm. Wheat easy;
cash, TSJic; June, 73c; July, 79Vc Corn quiet;
No. 8. 34e35c. Oats firm; No 2 white. 27
2Sc. P.ve steady; No. 1, 45c. Barley very
dull; No. 2, 6051c Provisions easy. Pork,
511 a Lard, 68 90. Cheese unchanged; Ched
dars, old, 910o.
Ctsctnhati Flour quiet. Wheat No. 2 red,
89c; receipts, none; snlpments. 500 bushels.
Corn dull; No. 2 mixed, 35c Oats Arm; No. 2
mixed, 2727ic Bye steady; No. 2, 48c Pro
visions easier. Butter dull. Sugar firm. Eggs
firm. Cheese steady.
Baxtimore Provisions in fair demand.
Mess pork, 513 75. Butter easy; creamery, 19c
Eggs easy at 13c. Coffee firmer; rlo fair,
Toledo Clorerseed nominal; cash, i 25.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished br Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. Bill.
,. 32)4
.. 22 1-15
.. 10$
Pennsylvania Kallroad ,
Reading Railroad
Buffalo. Pittsburg and Western.
Lehlrh Vallev
Lehigh Navigation,
. S2
Allegheny Valley bonds .....113)4
Northern Pacific ... HH
Northern Paclnc preferred SIX
Boston Stocks. j
Atch.LandQrant, 7sl0S)
Atch. ft Top. ILK... 42
Boston ft A16iny.-..2134
Old Colony. 172)4
Wls.CentraI.com... 17jJ
Calumet ft Hecla....20O
Franklin..... 9
Huron 114;
Osceola, fi
cosion 4C juaine. ....ios
C JJ. ftU. 97
Clnn. San. ft Cleve. 21X
eastern k. n m
Eastern K.B.SS ....126
Fllntft PereM. 23
Pewabla fnewl .
Qnlncv ,
Kelt Telephone.
Boston Land.,,.,
Water Power...,
San Dlcgo.......
Flint ft Pen M. OM. 96K
Jl. CSt. J. ft CD. 7I.J21
Mexican Cen. com.. 12,
-V. Y. ANewKng.j. 42
N. Y.&N. E.7S....1S7H
Metal Market.
New York Pig iron steady. Copper dull;
lake. May. 513 26. Lead quiet and steady; do
mestic W SB. Tin Imir and nnint. Btniu
1 ma ac --- - - - " www
If MnriR &
Mother Strong
"My mother has Seem t
using Paete's. Chjbt.
Coxtoukd for nervoasj
prostration, accompan
ied by melancholia,
etc., and ithas dow
her a world of good.
l cme that strength
ens the nerves.'.
Sbu. Pa.
"IaminmyBithyear. Have been afflicted it
several ways could not sleep, had no appetite,
no courage, low spirits. I commenced usmg
Fame's Celery Compound, and felt relief from
the third day after using it. I now have a good
appetite and can sleep wen. My spirits and
courage are almost like those of a young man."
S. a KraxATD, D. D, Gonxales, La.
Celery Compound
Strengthens and builds up the old, and cures
their lknnnitles. FbgrimnrioTn, lntugestloii ana
nervousness yield quickly to the curative power
of Palne's Celery Compound.
A Perfect Tonlo and Invlgorator, it
"I am now 69 years old and have tried Beveral
remedies, but none had any effect until I used
Palne's Celery Compound. I feel entirely dif
ferent for the short time I have used lc I can
walk nearly straight, sleep sound and wen, and
feel as though there was new Ufa and energy
coming Into my whole system."
H. Mixius, Cleveland, Tenn.
Palne's Celery Compound Is of unequaled
value to women. It strengthens the nerves,
regulates the kidneys, and has wonderful power
In curing the painful diseases with which, wo
men so often silently suffer.
51 per bottle. Six for 55. At Druggists.'
Welu, Kichaeesox 4; Co', Burlington Tt, (
. . 1
nitunun nvrc True to name ana votcri
uiHmunu vine yoUang can Equal Tlu
uifin nmnv vnO, be row. viumT) and 1
JUUti BHBI if given. LACTAf ED FOOD?
Chartiers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offloes,
Telephone 1428. '
Factories throughout Wester
For prices seoTnarketqtfotartfcBV
Wholesale exclusively.
11 I III T
lUClllj I
itle & Trust Company, j
CAPITAIi, - - - $500,000
Insures titles to real estate, and actsiaaM
fiduciary capacities. Temporary offices,
feS6-K .
514-515 Hamilton Building.
mvlQ-70-D Pittsburg. Pa.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Dreze!,
Morgan & Co , New York. Passports procured,
As old residents know and back flies of Pitts,
burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting'
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
MCDAni IQ ana mental diseases, physical
IlLM V UUO decay, nervous debility, lack ot
energy, ambition and hope. Impaired mem.
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting tbe person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 DIM A DV kidney and bladder derange
Unllinn Ijments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. whlttier's life-long, extensive experience
insures scientific and reliable treatment 0
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if
here. Office hours 9 a. K. to 8 p.m. Sunday.
10 A. H. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER. 814
Penn avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. ap9-31K-Dsuwk
AIlformsotDelicateandCoiD. '
plicated Diseases requiring Cos-
TiTiEKTtAi. and scrjcrrma
Medication are treated at this Dispensary with.
a success rarely attained, ur. a. &. lbkb is a
member of the Royal College of Physicians'
and Surgeons, and Is the oldest and most expe
rienced Specialist In the city. Special atten-. '
tion given to Nervous ueDuityirom excessive
mental exertion uuwcMwua . jvmu,
causinc physical and mental decay, lack of A
enerey, despondency, etc.: Jflso Cancer Old
ouirc, , v;r v t - tt- rr?r wip m
OL tne OK1D, Diouu. .Lsuus?, wimwj vimbs, d
etc Consultation tree ana smcuy conaaes
tt nffl riAnrfl O tn 4 &nd 7 to K ?. V RnmJ
Am OtJt XT nnlf f?ftll at rffiftfl nr rirtaftat ?m
8. K- LakiCm. Dm M. R. C. P.a,orE.J.
Lake, M. D. sel-m-Mwrwte
.yHv""'! ia Pamphle.
Knl,?eeVJa?8 roulne Gray's
vK-id by KHts on? la
yellow wrapper.
t package, or six l
i. jrricei w per
rorK. orhvnutll
f price, far andreo.
vuuxnv, cyrny
' . Jt