vrrf- ir THE' PITTSBURG' DISPATCH, MONDAT; MAY-' 13, 1889. Z THEIR CHIEF STONE. Oyer 2,000 People of Wilkinsbnrg's Vicinity at St James' Church TO WITNESS YESTERDAY'S SERVICE Ths Bishop and a larje Knmter of the Clergj as Participants. MEN'S MISSION CATHEDEAL COIfTEETS The residents of the beautiful and thriv ing borough of "WHkinsburg turned out in large numbers yesterday afternoon to wit ness the laying of the corner-stone of the new St. James Catholic Church, which edi fice was totally destroyed by fire Depember 23 last. The ceremonies were witnessed by over 2,000 people, who came from the sur rounding country. The weather could not have been more favorable for the event The sun shone with brilliant splendor upon the vari-col-ored vestments of the bishop and the as sistant clergy. To use the expression of one of them, it was "scorching hot;" but the several thousand people stood with uncov ered heads while viewing the ceremonies of depositing the historical box in the corner stone and listening to the sermon of the learned minister. The ceremonies were conducted byEt Rev. Bishop Phelan, assisted by these clergymen: MAKT FABTICrPAXTS. Rev. Fathers E. A. MeKeever, of Latrobe. who was master of ceremonies; Thomas Devlin, of the Holy Cross Church, Southside. deacon; James Kenoy, of Crafton, sub-deacon; Hickey, of Braddock; Murphy and Phelan, of the Holy Ghost College; Leander, of St. Mary's; Vin cent, of St. Vincent's College; Cunningham, of Turtle Creek: Nolan, of McKeesport; Joseph Suhr, of 8c. Peter and Paul's; Neeson. of St. John the Baptist; Purman. of Greensbnrg: Tobin, of the Holy Ghost College, and Francis Keane, of the Sacred Heart Church, East End. The sermon was delivered by Father Keane, who spoke fluently and very enter tainingly of the object of the ceremonies and the purposes of building. He likened the church to the temple of Jerusalem, where the chosen people of God worshiped. One floor of the building, he said, would be devoted to Christian education. There the youth will be taught their duties to God as well as to their lellow man, their country and themselves. The young minds will be trained to think and kuow of things pure and to hate iniquity. He said that every fellow citizen ot the locality worthy of the name of citizen, should feel proud of the general good to be done them by the insti tution. Their children would be taught not only the law of God, hut the law of the land; the rights of a person, their character and property. WHAT "WAS TN THE BOX. The box contained a history of the church, a copy of The Dispatch ot yesterday and one containing the account of the burning of the last building, and other documents, was then deposited. The new church will be a two-story brick, and will seat 560 persons. It will be 95 feet long and 52 feet wide, and will cost 12,500. The first floor, which will be used for school purposes, will have four rooms. The burned building was erected to re place the one built in the antumn of 1869, and dedicated on November 29 of that year by the Very Rev. John Hickey, adminis trator of the diocese of Pittsburg during the absence of the Bishop. Bight. Bev. Michael , Xtomenec, D. D., who was at the Vatican vuuucu. j-b noa cuiaigcu u low, auu ucuc cated September 9. The Building 'Commit tee is composed of Messrs. Joseph Kountz, Arthur Cregan, August Stinner, James A. Boran, Cornelius Madden and John C. Geary. There was a small street demonstration, pariicipated in by tbe various Catholic ,societiesfpf East Liberty, ijeforj. the. pere monies. Thev CffieTrMaTstfatnwas Arthur Cregan; aids, Edward Splane.and Robert McCall. Company C, Hibernian Rifles, pi Bast Iiiberty, had out about GO men tinder the command of Captain Thomas J. Lyons, First Lieutenant P. Quinn and Second Lieutenant Michael Reynolds. They were escorted by the Elliott McCall cornet band. Division No. 8. A. O. H., and St. Joseph's Society, under the command of Robert McCall, were the other organizations. A long line of car riages followed the marchers. "Work on the new building will be begun immediately. AN ITALIAN MISSION. One Will be Started at the Cathedral Next Sunday A Church for Them Slay be Built Gamblers at Service. A mission for Italians exclusively will be begun at St. Paul's Cathedral next Sunday by two Italian priests, who have been sent out by Pope Leo XIH. for mission work in the United States. They will stay here one week. The mission will be conducted in the Italian tongue, but any person can attend if they desire to do so. While the mission is going on steps will be taken to organize an Italian church in the lower part of the city. Father Wall will give them the nse of the basement of the Cathedral, until they can find a better place or build a church. If they do not choose to do the latter they will probably be given the basement as a permanent place of worship if they can secure the services of a priest from their own country It has been suggested that Rev. .Father McTighe, pastor of St. Malachi's Church, be afterward placed in charge of the mission. Father McTighe can converse as fluently; in the Italian and many others as he can in the English lan guage. All the Italians in the city are Catholics. After the Italian mission steps will be taken to secure the services of a colored priest for one week to come to this city and labor among the people of that race. Father McDermott, of the Holy Ghost College, who has been conducting a mission school lor them, is meeting with verv great success. A great many old colored Catholics send their children to the mission school, but it is very hard work to get them to attend mass themselves. The mission at the Cathedral, which closed last evening, was one of the most suc cessful ever held by the Pauiist Fathers. Father Smith stated last night that the Catholics of this city are of a very intense character, and their attendance upon the mission has been remarkable. During the two weeks they have been here, the priests have heard over 7,000 confessions and added between 30 and 35 Prot estant converts to the Catholic faith. The church has been crowded morning and evening. Last night it was packed to suf focation. Many of those present were Pro testants, who had been attracted out of cu riosity, and a number of former well-known gamblers were seen kneeling derontly in prayer. They probably went to the mission out of curiosity or at the solicitation of their friends, and while in the sacred edi fice, memories dear to childhood may have been brought Tjacktto their minds. At tie services last evening Father Smith preached od "Baptism," and the men as sembled renewed their vows. The discourse was a very learned one, and minutely ex plained all the objects of baptism. In the morning Father Weymans preached the sermon. Fathers Smith, Weymans and Cullen leave to-morrow for Worcester, Mass., where a large mission will be conducted. Fathers Nevins and Clark will go to West Point. Four of the mission fathers who have been here are converts. Father Clark was an Episcopal minister, Father Nears an Epis copal deacon and Father Nevins was a mem ber of the same church. Father Weymans, who is a graduate of Browne's College, was a Congregationalist. His Farewell Sermon. jVEv. William ?. Cowden.pastor of the J First Christian Church, Allegheny, de livered his farewell sermon last evening. He has been chosen General Superintendent of the Missions in the Territories, and will leave for the "West in a few days. The church was crowded last night, and Dr. Cowden delivered a very interesting sermon on the text, "Be Ye Reconciled to God." BIXTI-F0DE IEAES OLD. Tko Bible Classes of the First Church, Allegheny, Celebrate the Anniversary. The sixty-fourth anniversary of the Bible schools of the First Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, was celebrated yesterday after noon. After singing several hymns and re citing a Scripture lesson, Misses Reed and Jackson sang a duet, "There is "Work for All to Do." Rev. David S. Kennedy, the pastor of the church, delivered an address on "The Love ofMonevisthe Root of All Evil." Mrs. "William B. "Wolie sang a solo, "Eye Hath Not Seen," and Rev. John R. Sutherland, D. D., delivered an address to the children, his subject being "Gideon's Army." After singing by the school Mr. George Irwin spoke on the subject, "Whose Son Art Thou? ToTVhom Belongest Thou?" The exercises closed with a parting hymn by Mrs. AYolfe and the choir. THE SEW SCHEDULES. Some Passena-ersi Were Left on Both the B. Jfc O. and Pennsylvania. New schedules went into eflect yesterday on the B. & O. and Pennsylvania roads. Radical changes were made on both lines. The B. & O. returned to its old time sched ule. At the Union depot last night the fast line East left promptly at 8:10, instead of 9 o'clock. As was expected, some passengers were left, but it won t take long before the public becomes accustomed to the change. Did He Rob a British Blower? Frank Schuckman, a well-known South sider, was arrested on Saturday afternoon on a charge of larceny in Jcannette. It was alleged that he had stolen an overcoat and some jewelry from Fred Brown, one of the imported glassblowers from England. A Barge Water Stage. ' The water in the rivers reached 6) feet yesterday. The Fred Wilson and Annie Roberts started for Cincinnati with good tows. The Hornett and some other boats will leave this morning if the water keeps up. The All Important When. The business that we do with men Depends less on the "how" than "when;" For all the charms yonr art displays Won't answer on rheumatic days. And it may be that you are jnst the man we mean. Are you apt to listen to anybody no majter who when every joint in your body feels as if tbe Spanish Inquisition had hold of yon? DBS. Staekev & FXLXVt 'T have no occa sion to speak of Rheumatism since using your Compound Oxygen Treatment" Rev. Ed husb F. Waldo, Three Rivers, Mich. Dbs. StarkevA Palens "Your Compound Oxy gen Treatment cured me ot Rheumatism." Sins. s. D. Shabpe, Bottsford, Conn. Drs. Starsey & palen's office records show over 45,000 different cases in which their Com pound Oxygen Treatment has been used by physicians in their practice and by invalids in dependently. Their brochure of 200 pages will be forwarded free of charge to anvone address ing Dbs. Staeket fc Pales, No. 1629 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bedroom Furniture. We desire you should know where to get satisfied if you are looking for beautiful and late designs in bedroom suits, and unless you are very "hard to please you will cer tainly be satisfied with our bargains in wal nut and oak suits and our styles of antique suits. M. Seibeex & Co., Cor. Lacockand Hope sts., Allegheny. Near railroad bridge. l ir Von Want a Good Colored Silk Dresa See.cur 7-5-cent one. It beats them all. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Dress Goods At SO and 75c a vard we are showing some specially atttactive and desirable fabrics this week. ITWFStt Hugus & Hacke. B. &B. To-day in silk department 50 complete 'assortment of shades, pieces, double warp $1 surahs at 75c. Boggs & Buhl. Curtains, Draperies and Upholstering!. Tour wants can be best supplied here. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Bewildering. This word is the only one which will ex press the variety of patterns and colorings to be lound at the wall paper store of John S. Eoberts, 414 "Wood st, Pittsburg. See the Jackets Sarcoid To-Day. New styles vest fronts great bargains iq this large cloak room. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Excursions to Cincinnati. The Pennsylvania lines will sell excursion tickets to Cincinnati on Hay 13 and 14 at rate of one fare for the round trip, for the Encampment of Sons of Veterans, good for return passage until Hay 20, 1889. mwf Combination Patterns 100 entirely new combination dresses will be opened on Monday, the 13th inst They are worth $30; onr price until close, 15 each. Mwrsu Hugus & HAcke. Snlts for Ladies nnd Children In summer styles and thin materials largest variety in both. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Best $1 SO per doz. cabinet photos in the city. Panel picture with each doz. cabinets. Lies Popular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. Sumwf B. &B. See our fans, lc to 515. The season is here. Boggs & Buhl. 114 Slllt and Wool Mixed Shawls S5 00 Each, Yon pay $8 to 515 for them elsewhere sorry we haven't more to sell at $5. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Black Goods Handsome novelties for summer wear, entirely new effects. See window display. Hugus & Hacke. MYVTSU , Wall Decorations. Do you, want to beautify your home? Then go and make a selection of wall pa pers from the magnificent stock shown by John 8. Boberts, 414 Wood St., Pittsburg. 114 slUt and Wool Mixed Shawls S3 00 Encb, Ton, pay $3 to $15 for them elsewhere sorry we haven't more to sell at $5. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. B. &B. An extraordinary offer India silks to-day 40 pieces, regular 60c goods, desirable patterns, complete assortment colors, at 37Lfc Boggs & Buhl. Combination Dresses flVirSIK. worth S30 each: 10(1 nf Ili.to. - Sirely new designs; latest coloring; opened tms wees. jiugds & hacks, mwfsu The 81 35 Black Arranro bilks at 75c This week in. black silk department see them. Jos. Horns & Co.'s . , , x Penn -Aveane Stores. J FOE HALF A CENTURY German Methodism Has Grown Since Its Origin in Pittsburg, BEIMST0NE CORNER'S BRANCHES Have Spread Till They Now Shelter About 70,000 People. THE SEEYICES OF THE CELEBRATION The semi-centennial of German Method ism was. celebrated in .'Pittsburg and Alle gheny yesterday. A union service was held in the church at the corner of Ohio street and Union avenue. Rev. P. F. Schneider, a former pastor and' present financial agent of the German Wallace College at Berea, O., preached at 10:30 in the morning. In the afternoon a mass meeting was held, at which the members of the various cregations were present The pastors present were: Rev. John Swahlen, of Baltimore; Rev. P. F. Schneider, of Berea, O.; Bev. J. C. W id man, of Berea, O.; Rev. Carl Koch, of Vermillion, O.; Rev. J. R. Bodnier, of' Buckrus, O.; Rev. L. Allinger, Rev. Ph. J. Graessle, Re'v. D. Graessle, Rev. B. F. Beal and Bev. John Bier, of this city, and Rev. D. Stoll, of McKeesport. It was expected that Dr. Nast, the father of German Methodism in America, now of Berea, O., would be present. He is 82 years of age, however, and sent a message that he could not come, on account of his age. Rev. John Swahlen, of Baltimore, who preached his semi-centennial sermon to his .congregation two weeks ago, was the first speaker in the afternoon. Dr. Swahlen is one of Dr. Nast's converts, and was the sec ond German Methodist minister in the country. He spoke of the origin of German Methodism in America, and told his own experiences during the past CO years. Bev. P. F. Schneider, financial agent of Wallace College, Berea, O., spoke next. He outlined the progress ot German Methodism and gave a statistical report of it, saying: ' Fifty years ago there was but one congrega tion; now there are 720, with 1,520 Sunday schools, 70,000 church members and the same number of Sunday school scholars. The libraries in the schools contain 81,000 volumes. There are 7 colleges under the jurisdiction ot the cbnrch, 2 orphan asylums. There are 720 men in the regular ministry and 453 local preachers. There are 11 conferences, and the church property is valued at 1,000,000. Rev. J. C. Weidman spoke of the future of the church, stating that the prospects for its continued success were very bright. Rev. C. E. Locke, of the Smithfield Street Church, and Dr. Horner, of the Methodist book rooms, also made short ad dresses. The services in the afternoon were in German. The local history given was as follows: Fifty years ago German Methodism was started in the Smithfield Street M. E. Church. During tbe first year a congregation with 100 members was organized. A church was then built on tbe corner of Strawberry and Cherry alleys. Tbe second church built was on the corner of Ross street and Fonrth avenue and a congregation organized in 1847. In 1869 the church on Sixteenth street was built, where an enterprising congregation now worships. In 1S52 the church in Allegheny was built. Five years later tbe congregation on Fortieth street was organized and built a church. In 1884 the East End church was built. In all there are four congregations and three missions. The membership numbers 650; tbe Sunday school scholars, 800; there are 3,000 books in the li braries, and the church property In the two cities is valued at 75,000. Beechaii's Pills cure bilious and nervous ills Pears' Soap secures a beautiful complexion Excnralon to Cincinnati. B. & O. E. B. will sell excursion tickets to-day. Hay 13, and to-morrow, Hay 14, at rate $8 40 tbe round trip, good to return until Hay 20. MEETINGS. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OP THE stockholders of the Pittsburc and Fairport Terminal Company held at the office of the com pany. Coal Exchange. Bnilding. corner Smith field and Water sts., Fittsbnrjj, Pa., MONDAY, MAY 27, 1889. 2 P. M., to elect directors, vote upon the lease of tbe company's property to tbe Pittsburg, Fairport and Northwestern Doce Company, and consider such other busi ness as may be brought up. A J. THOMAS, C. S. WIGHT, Sec'y. President. . mylI-29 DIVIDENDS. Third National Bank, ( Pittsburg. May 9. 1899. j DIVIDEND NO. 60-A DIVIDEND "OF FOUR PER CENT has been declared tbls day, ont of the earnings of the last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. myll-41 W. STEINMEYEB. Cashier. OFFICIAL FITTSB ORG. CJEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS IO will be received at the office of the City Controller until May 13, 18S9, at2p. k., for altering and repairing No. 7 Police Station. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double tbe amonnt of each bid will bo required; said bonds to be probated before the Mvror or City Cleric The Department of Awards reserves the right to rej ect any or all bids. , J.O.BROWN, I Chief of the Department of Public Safety. "VTOTTrjE TO CONTRACTORS LM Sealed proposals will be received at the office of City Controller until Thursday, tbe 23d day of May, A D. 1889, at 2 P. m., for the tol lowing, viz.: BZPAVTNG. Penn avenue, from Fifth avenue to City Line. Forbes street, from Brady to Boyd street!. Sixth avenue, from Wylio avenue westward iy. First avenue, from Smithfield street to Qrant street. Butler street, from Forty-ninth street to Fifty-first street. Eighth street, from Penn avenue to- Liberty avenue. Ninth street; from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Liberty avenue, from Smithfield street east wardly. Cherry alley, from Third avenue to Water street. .. State alley, from Wylie avenue to Fifth ave nue Scott alley, from Fenn avenue to Dnquesne way. Garrison, alley, from Fayette street to Lib erty avenue. Barker's alley, from Dnquesne way to lib erty avenne. Church alley, from Sixth avenue to Straw berry alley. Blocum alley, from Fenn avenne to Liberty avenue. Strawberry alley, from Smithfield street to Liberty street. GRADING, PAVING AND CUBBING. Halket street, from Fifth avenue to Wilmot street. Herron avenue, from Center avenue to Thlr- tv.thtrd street. Boquet street, from Semple street to Frazier s;reet. m , . Denniston avenne, from Fifth avenue to Fenn avenue. Atwood street, from Fifth avenue to Boquet street. PAYING AND CURBING. Stanton avenue, from Hlland avenue to Heberton avenue. Corday alley, from Pearl to Cedar streets. The paving of the above named streets to be either with Block Stone, Standard Sheet Asphalt, Vulcanite Asphalt, Irregular Block Stone or Cobble Stone, and bids will be re ceived for each kind of pavement. SEWEE& Center avenne, from Summit street to Reed street, 18. 20-inch pipe, 3 feet and 3 feet 6 Inch: brick and stone. Denniston avenue, from Fifth avenue to Penn avenue;20 and 21-inch Pipe. Stanton avenue, Viola alley and private prop erty of Henry Janson and Mellon Bros., from the west side of Hlland avenue to Negley run; 18, 20 and 24-inch pipe. Mignonette street, from Negley avenne to Beatty street; IS and 18 inch pipe. Penn avenue and Braddock avenne, from Lindon avenue to Susquehanna street; 15, 18, 20 and 24-inch pipe. Harvard street, from Negley avenne to Euclid avenue; 15-lncU pipe. Flans and specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Proposals must be accompanied by a bond probated before thaMayor or City Clerk; The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 6 ' X M. BIGELOvy, Chief of toe Department of Public Works. -. . , myis-as S3" Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such at Wanted, For Bale, To Let, eta, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the publio, Branch Offloos have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be reoeived up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisement are to ba prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with I'M DIS PATCH. pittsbueg. THOMAS McCAFFBKY, S5u9 Butler street. EM1L G. STUCKET, Hth street and Penn ave. E. G. BTUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. JUBT EKB. J. W. "WALLACE, 8121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER 4 SHE1BLEH, Sth av. ft Atwood St. 60UTnslDli, JACOB SFOHN, Mo. 2 Carson street. CHAS. bCHWABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 59 Federal street. H. 3. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FKED H. EGQEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEK3 A SON. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin ares. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver ayes. FERRY M. QLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves, WANTED. ainJo Heln. XTTANTED-TINNER-AT L. KOCH'S, 118 VV bteuben St., West End, Pitts. myi3-U -TITAN TED x GOOD BARBER. APPLY YV JACOBS & SCHAEN, 1139 Liberty St., city. m!3-2l -TT7-ANTED-DRUGGIST-REFERENCE RE W OUIRED. Address APOTHECARY, Dis patch office. myls-2 T7-ANTED-A BOY ABOUT IB YEARS OLD VV to wore In dining room. Apply at XI DIA MOND S(J. myl-15 WANTED A FDtST-CLASS COAT AND pant maker. Apply to KELLY BROS., 2033 Penn ave. myl2-28 TTTANTED-A BOY TO LEARN THE BAKFR W trade. Inquire at O. F. HALLER'S, 425 Filth ave.. city. mylJ-35 WANTED FIRST-CLASS DRESS GOODS salesman. Address, with reference, ti., McKeesport, Pa. my!3-5 -TTTANTED-P1ANO PLAYER-GOOD SING VV ER, for saloon. Apply to THOMAS CULLEN, Bellalre, O. myIl-6 WANTED-AT ONCE-6 CARRIAGE PAINT ERS, at F. W. SAWERT & CO.'S, Carriage MTr, S9I7 to 5923 Penn aye., E.E., eltyV myli-134 WANTED COACHMAN FOR LIVER ; none but experienced need apply. T. B. MORELAND, 6100 fenn ave., East End. my6-12 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BARBER AT Henry Hllberg's, Beaver Falls. Call at R. W. BLACK'S, 80 Diamond St., Monday, May 13. myl2-5S TITANTED-A MAN TO WORK ON PLACE V V four miles from the city grading with cart. Inquire at O'BRIEN'S PAINT SHOP, 292 Firth ave. my!3-24 WANTED -A STOUT BOY OR YOUNG MAN with some experience In grocery business and good reference. Apply to-day at FIRE'S GROCERY, 239 Federal St., Allegheny. my!2-69 fTTANTED AN ACTIVE MAN LOCATED VV outside large cities. Salary 100 per month, to represent, in bis own locality, an old house; references exacted. SOFT. MFG. HOUSE, lock box 1S10, N. Y. OC7-4S-M WANTED-AGENTSTO 8ELL AND EVERY BODY to use Dr. O'Keefe's Liver Pills, Cold or Catarrh Pills, Cough Pills, Diarrhea Pills, Dyspepsia Pills, Rheumatism Pills, Head ache Pills, Skin Eruption Pills, Neuralgia Pills, Piles Pills, 25 cents: large bottles, tl; sent postage Said. DR. O'KEEFE CO., Homeopathic Chem its. 34 Fifth ave. and 428 Penn ave. myl2-142 WANTED GENERAL AND LOCAL agents to handle entirely new chemical Ink erasing blotter,nerer before known to the public; sells at sight; everv writer needs the eraser; the blotter erases ink without abralding paper, and rapidly as a flash of electricity; 200 to 500 per cent profit: territory free; salary to good men; samples, 35c. For terms and full particulars ad dress THE CHAMPION ERASER CO., Manu facturers, La Crosse, Wis. myl2-62 Female IJelp. WANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK: must be a good cook: reference re quired. Inquire at 183 WYLIE AVE. myl2-133 WANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In a family of two. Apply at 231 WYLIE AVE., above Fulton st., Pittsburg. myl3-8 r WANTED-A GOOD GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework: good wages and good home; family of three. Inquire 63 CON GREbS ST. myl3-4 f WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK: must be a good cook andlroner. Apply 120 WASHINGTON bT., cor. Madison it., Allegheny. myl3-19 WANTED WOMAN COOK FOR SMALL summer hotel near city: good wages. Call at 43 FEDERAL ST.. Allegheny, Tuesday, from 10 to 12: none out experienced cook need apply. myl2-3S v ' Mole nnd Pemalo nelo. -rrjANTED-MAN AND WIFE FOE DAIRY it farm: none but experienced need apply. F. W. SILVER, Wcllsville, O. myli 3-.TJ WANTED A WAITER FOR PRIVATE FAM ILY, 6 farm bands, vegetable gardeners, GO cooks and chambermaids. 0o house girls, SO for hotels and summer resorts, 2 nurse girls, working housekeeper. MEEHAN 'S, M5 Grant St. my6-D VXT ANTED SEAMSTRESS, WAITRESS VV chambermaids, cooks, 100 house girls, Ger man and colored gins, male and female help for hotels, waiters, drivers, farm hands, gardener. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant St. ap29-103-MTh8 -VT7-ANTEU-AGENTS ON SALARY; S75 PER T T month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home: salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, ire ?.?-"-.&& .w.1?5we fV- Address S1ANDAKD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. fels-3-D Rooms.IIontca. Etc TJJANTED-TO PURCHASE A RESIDENCE -Y' . or a laree lot near Superior station, P., Ft. w. a v. k. ii. suitame for building a good house. Address T. M., Dispatch office. myU-2S -TTT-ANTED-3 0R 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS V for light housekeeping, or 3 unfurnished rooms, with board, for adult family or three. Ad dress, stating terms, J. C, Dispatch office. inyl3-23 Boarding. TtTANTED-BOARDlNG IN THE COUNTRY VV online of railroad; state terms. Address W. A. L., Dispatch office. myl2-103 WASTED-COUNTRY BOARD FOR TWO families: along the line of the P. R. R pre ferred. Address P. O. BOX 638. myI2-120 Financial. TTFTANTED-MORTGAGES - LARGE OR nT.Y Jm!dl' m WI1TISH. 410 Grant street, Pittsburg. ap24-7-D TT7-ANTEO-MORTG AGES-MONEYTO LOAN VV In sums to suit, at 4M, S and 6 per cent. GRAEBING & LYON, 133 Fourth ave. apo-el-D TTANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN VV 'In sums to i suit at 4& S and 6 per cent, ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14 "WASTi;y-M0KTGAGES ON CITY PROP VV ERTY, over S4,ooo; 4K per cent: no tax. HENRYA. frEAVMtAlcd?, onxtoavenueT mh2-a22-D WANTED -RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- r i rJJiL!J,.I?J'Srniln!'Bed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. tals-Sl "XTT A N T E D -SMORTGAQES IN ANY rr amounts: 4 too per cent: citv i amounts: AM to fi npr rent nit and country: j-, o. .'.;;. .i.-- v r-i uciaj. d&juuxJj Y, BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth avenne. Ja20-X-iiThS Ty-ANTED-MORTGAGES, IN LARGE OR TT small amounts, on improved city or Allerhe- amounts, on improved city or Alleghe- nV COUlltV nfflnpWv At Inw.st ... 1.-. v-.a. TlTrto r i,r.iK -:' -T." !""-.?" ". .. ..tAva. uiuu No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-71 YTJANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OK V V small amounts, at ty to 6 per cent, accord ing to the size and kind of mortgage. W.A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave? my4-28-MWF -TTTANTED-MORTGAGESIMORTGAGES1-IN VV large or small amounts on Pittsburg. Al legheny or snburban improTed real estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood st. . myll-20-Mws V V of fs, ooo and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4)i percent, free or tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenne. je21-d26-D WANTED-MOKTGAGES-tl, 000, C00TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4X. Sand 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and aala- 1e.nLcontJ.es atJ "er cent- 1- PENNOCK & SON, lft Fourth avenue. ap7-fll ZW U,GA.?S: 100 a?d npwn at 6 per cent; 500,000 at 4 per cent on residences or business roperty: also In adjoining counties. 8. H, BEN CH, 125 Fourth avenue Scbl-eM-D TTJANTED-TO MAKE LOANS-WE HAVE V V from $10,000 to $100,000 to losn on mortgages on property in the ofty or county or adjoining counties; all tho details attended to in person and without publicity. JAS. W, DKAPE& CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. jny4-39-MWT8 Bflacclloneoua. WANTED-MOLDEHS TO'KNO W THAT'THE Kelly ft Jones Co. shop at Greensbnrg has been closed to union men until tho trouble in that shop has been settled. By order of LOCAL UNION 240, boa Holders' Union of North Amer ica. . Byi2-i4a WANTED. Bllscellnneou. TTTANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH T T Keenan repair, refinish or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AND 3f WATER ST. 'Phone 1KB. my9-82 WANTED MEN LEARN THE ART OF gentlemen's garment cutting; no trying on requlredt night sessions Monday, 'Wednesday tni?. Saturday, 7 to 9 f. M., Oil U OUU Bl. U ItLllJ tr sua. ap3U6S WANTED-E VERYBOD Y TO GET ONE DOZ. . ., nnB cabinet photos for, 99 cents at AUFBECHT,8 e1,iteB ALLERY, 818 Market St., rittsburg, Fa., for 30 days only; elevator: come, rain or shine; bring children. my5-Jll TXTANTED-CUSTOHEKS FOR CASH BAR- VV fATNir.1r1n nllvprlnn wstj'heK- US. 7. M! Elgin rold ladies' watches, EO, fa, CSi nickel TJTO clocks 75 cU.iISC Rogers' knives and forks, l 75 JC per set. JOHN M1TSCH, Jeweler, 130 Federal st. apH-Uwrsn WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING FHO . TOHKAFHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making line cabinets at 1 60,er aozen; photos delivered when promised; instan taneons procesa. mhl3-63 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences FOR SALE-SECOND AVE.: 3-STORY BRICK , house of 12 rooms: lot 20x80 ft.; between Wood and Smitbfleld streets. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. . mvll-43-EOD FOR SALE-THIRTEENTH WARD-PROF-ERTY; convenient to Central Traction Cable Road; desirable location; price low; enhance ment sure. Call soon and see these bargains. BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-28-D FOR SALE-CENTER AVE., NEAR ROBERTS fit,, brick dwelling S rooms and storeroom; also brick dwelling in rear 6 rooms, etc.; lot 24x 100 to alley; rental 764 yearly; price 85, 000. ALLES & BAILEY, 1M Fonrth ave. Tel. 167. my!2-54 FOR SALE-SOUTHS1DE-SARAHST.. NEAR Twelfth St., brick dwelling 2-story. 5 rooms and finished aitlcr both gases; lot 18x68 ieet to alley; private side alley: bargain for quick buyer. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167, "TOR SALE-NO. 7 MARION ST.. BETWEEN A? Fifth ave. and Forbes st., Sixth ward; lot 24xll8feet: brick house of 10 rooms: If sold at once can be bought for SO, 000 on very easy pay- ments. W. A. UEKRUH BSU.33. AO. J OUrm ave. ;my4-91-6,9,13,15 FOR SALE-ON WASHINGTON ST., NEAR Wvlle, Iot20xl02toanalley: good two-story brick of e rooms and attic: natural gas, slate roof, good sewerage, outside -washhouse: all In good condition: only SS,250. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 fourth ave. mylO-71 East End Residence. FOR SALE -ONLY S3.200-OAKLAND-GOOD location; a nice new brick house of 5 rooms, with slate mantels. Inside shutters, etc. ; elegantly papered; call early. BLACK &BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. myll-25-D FOR SALE-AT HOMEWOOD. P. B, R., 5 minutes' walk to station, 50 trains per day. a nice 7-room frame dwelling; slate roof, large lot, 48x135: on Grazier at. MELLON BROS., 8349 Sta-, tlon St., E. E. my8-2-HThS F OR SALE-A 6-ROOM MANSARD HOUSE H Sauari. from l.lhprtv ftvpnnp nY1 a Tnlnntps' walk from Penn cable. Sixteenth ward; rents for 1174 year: good Investment: only 11, COO. MELLON BROS , 6349 Station St., E. E. myS-2-MThs TJVJR SALE A NICE 7-ROOM QUEEN ANNE U frame dwelling on Mellon street, one square from Negley avenue and five minutes' walk to Pemn cable: lot 50x110; select neighborhood: price fAOOO. MELLON BROS., 8319 Station St., E. E. inys-1-MWF FOR SALE-EAST END, CRAIG AND CEN TER aves., splendid residence or 12 rooms; handsomely finished; combining all modern con veniences; choice In all respects: Iotl00xl42ft. to a 20-ft. alley. L. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. myll-43-EOD T7IOR SALE-A HANDSOME EAST END A stone, residence, earn staircase and reception hall stone, residence, carriage porch, hardwood case and rerentlnn hall? tawpr lnnnrirv tixth 1 0 elegant, large rooms ; all the latest Improved con veniences, asphalt paved street, good location and near P. R R. For further particulars call at omce. black & BAIRD, 85 Fourth ave. mjll-28-D FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL OAKLAND residence on Meyran ave., near Bates, two story and mansard brick of 9 rooms, ball, ves tibule, tile floor, laundry, bath, w. c, stationary washstands. slate mantels, French plate glass mirrors, elegant chandeliers, natural gas, hand somely papered, etc., and onlr SS,tc0; terms reasonable. BLACK i BAIRD. 93 Fourth avenue. my4-60-4,6,8,10,13,14,15 FOR 8ALE-VERY FINE EAST END RESI DENCES and residents! sites, on several of the most deslrablo avenues In that part of the city; full particulars as to location, prices, terms, etc., can be learned at our office, or one of our emoloyes would bo pleased to wait upon any prospective customers and show tho properties: correspond ence and Interest solicited. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Plltsburg. myll-ls-D FOR SALE THOUGHTFUL PERSONS IN buying a home will take Into account the sur roundings and probabilities of enhancement of value; convenience to good improvements Is a leading consideration: also rapid transit to and from the business part of the city: the quality of the houses in the neighborhood gbes for a good deal: as to build or buy a handsome stone or brick residence and have Inferior houses go up after ward on adjoining lots detracts from tbe value of the first: to buyv on a neatly paved street, with sewers, gas and water already laid, is important; one then knows what tbe whole cost is, and has not to worry about the cost of future grading and paving. All these. Items and many more are cov ered at the handsome new dwellings on Oakland bqoare (formerly Linden Grove), which need only be seen to be appreciated. The price Is fO, 500 and and (8,750, payable on easy terms, for elegant, thoroughly well built and commodious houses, standing apart, on lots 30x100, and fitted with all the modern conveniences. All tbe houses front on asphaltum streets, and upon a handsome park Flanted with shade trees; old forest trees plentl ully shade the neighborhood. The cable cars are now but six minutes1 distant, ana will be brought still nearer. These houses are rapidly selling, be ing pronounced bargains at present prices. Ap ply to SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., No. 99 Fourth avenne. myl2-71 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-DESIRABLE ALLEGHENY RESI DENCE, Federal St., near the parks; will exchange for first-class suburban property. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st. myll-H FOR SALE-DESIRABLE STOCKTON AVE. residence near Arch St.: lot 26Mx240feet to Park way, with large dwelling of 10 rooms; late conveniences:, stable In rear. W. A. HER RON 4,SONb,No.60 Fourth avo. my4-89-4, 7,9,11 FOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT, on account of removal of owner: lot 42x100 feet; well Improved by first-class dwellings; La cock near Sandusky st. Call or send for particu lars. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Found ave. my4-S9-4,7,9.13 Suburban Residences. TCWR SALE-ON OHIO RIVER, TOUR MILES X? from Wellsvllle, S acres, frame honse, four rooms, abundance of all kinds of fruit. Address S. N. CRAWFORD, Ethel Landing, Pa. my!2-28 FORSALE-ATEDGEWOOD. P..FT.W. C.R. R , 12 acres choice land with comfortable 9 room brick house, frame stable, with fruits, etc. ; beautiful surroundings; very desirable In all re spects. I. M.PENNOCK,&SON.,105Pourthave. myll-43-lOD FOR SALE-WEST BELLEVUE, ONLY.TWO minutes' walk from station. P., Ft. W. ft C R. R.: lot 175X150 feet, with modern frame house of 8 rooms, attic cellar; slate roof; natural gas; wash and summer honse, with outbuildings; price only S5.6C0. I. M. PENNOCK &bON, 105 Fonrth ave. myll--EOD FOESALE-COUNTRYHOMKATFAIROAKS. P., Ft. W.&C.R.E, embracing between 4 and S acres of land on which Is dwelling of 11 rooms. Ice hot-se, wash room, large stable, carriage house and several out buildings; land Is covered with bearing fruit trees and large shaae trees: dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious spring water, and heated and illuminated with gas at reasonable expense; premises are connected with R. R. by board walk, and are unsurpassed In beauty and healthfulness or location; will be sold quite low. J. M. STONEK, 22 Bakewcll Building. aDl9-36-MWP FOR SALE LOTS. Allechcnv Lots. FO R S A"L E CLIFTON AVENUE, ALLE GHENY, two choice lots, 25x170, at $1,200 each; elevator and electric car. A. LEGGATE ft SON, 31 Federal street, Allegheny. ap7-12S-M FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP AND EASY PAY-MENTS-Deslrable building lots on Nunnery Hill at head of new incline: call or send for plans. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. my7-47-7,10,13.16 FOR SALE-LCI'S ON MAPLE ANDLINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, in theTenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUGHER, 43 N. Diamond at. mh7-93-D FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS FOR DWELL INGS or manufactory, 128 feet front on Strawberry lane, by 100 feet, near Preble ave., Ninth ward, Allegheny: easy terras. WM. A. S1PE, 93 Diamond St., Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-C0-KWS FORSALE-iYOUSAYYOU OESIREHEALTH, pure air, pure water, beautiful scenery and rapid transit: locate on the Watson acre and '4 acre sites. Perrysvllle avenne. Tenth W3rd. Alle gheny; Pittsburg office, A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant street. ' myl2-S4 FOR SALE-LOTSI LOTSI LOTS1-IN ALLE GHENY, near terminus of l'leisant Valley cars and on line of the projected electric road. headorairtonlncllncplane.CllftonaudHlghland avenues and Center St.; public sale on Monday afternoon, May 13, at Z. o'clock, on the premises; perfect title: terms to suit. Free tickets for free ride by street cars and incline plane can he had from JOHN II. McCREERY, 95 Fifth avenue, or JAS. W. URAPE& CO., Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myll-48-D Forms. FOR SALE-NICE FARM OF 65 ACRES, CLOSE to railroad; fine large orchard, water, dwell ing bouse and ontbulldlngs, etc, ete. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myll-JS-D FOR SALE-75 ACRES RICH, LEVEL LIME bTONEsoll, 8 wiles from fittsburg at IE. R. sta fine modern brick residence 13 r, rlck sta ble, fr. tenant house, orchard, ornamental trees, etc. ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant st. mylO POR SALE SUBURBAN PROPERTY -2 a with tarce orchard, abundance of water, excellent dwelling house, spring and car riage house, trod all other necessary outbuildings; 6mli Qluutes' walk from railroad station: would 'ex- change ln i from JAS. ' Pittsbnrg, isrtfor eltv nronertv. Terms, etc.. V. DRAPE 4U0., 139 rourth avenue, BVll-tS-D FOR. SALE-LOTS. c f City Lot. F OR SALE-WLAROEBUILDINGLOTSON Mount Washington, lo mlnntea iralk from incline plane, on Hoggs, Washington and Chess STennn; en; waier, natural ana aninciai gas Sure air, good title; wilt be sold at public sale on aturday afternoon. May 18, at I o'clock P. 11.. on the premises. Positive sale, to close account with the heirs or the estate. Plansletc.. from JAS. "W. DRAPE &CO., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. my!l-43-D East End Lots. T7IOR SALE-A LARGE LOT ON ELYBIAN A! ave.. near Folnt Breeze and Ton-ens station. 36x100: nrlce onlr JLSOO. MELLON BROS., 6319 Station st., E. E. mys-a-MTus R SALE AN EXCELLENT CORNER LOT. 60x120 feet. nearShadrsldH. for onlvS2.000: a great bargain. JAS. IV. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fonrth avenne. Pittsburg. myll-43-p FOR SALE AT -HOMEWOOD, P. R. It. A pholce lot 24x100, near Lang avenue and Gra zier street, near station: price tow, (CM. MEL LON BROS, KH9 Station St., E. E. my8-l-?iwr FOR HALE-ON WALNUT ST., NEAR HI LAND ave.: lot 50x220 to Elwood st.:a beau tiful location, good neighborhood, very conveni ent; 5,0C0. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. mylO-71 TTieB SALE-ON CORNER SOUTH HILAND V ave. and Walnut it, beautiful Building Site. 108 ft. front by ,140 ft. deep, ongood terms and ottered below market price. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. , myl0-l V7I0R SALE 2 ACRES OF NICE, LEVEL V ground at East End, 3 minutes' walk from railroad station; wilt cut up into line lots. Terms and particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. myll-48-P FOR SALE-ON HAYS STREET-THE CON NECTING link between Hlland and Ncgley avenues, 5 nicely located lots, corner St. Clair st. ; ary and desirable; $40 per, foot front. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. my8-l-MWT TTIOE SALE-A GOOD LOTON SOUTH HILAND JD avenue. East End, 23x120 feet to a 20-foot al ley: unusually pleasant location: fine bouses all around. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE St CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myll-43-D FORSALE-THE LARGEST LOTS, THE BEST Improvements, most convenient locations, lowestprlces. easiest terms; can all be secured in "The Baum Grove Plan," Negley ave. JOHN F. RASTER, Agt., 812 Smithfield street. . myl2-90-Kwrsu TTIOR SALE-tCHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA- A' TION, 1. R. R . convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un snrnassed: nrlce ranclnir from S408 to ISOO. lnaulre to ffouu. int East End, oi u. v. .1J.ULM, tiiua renn ave. no23-y78 FOR SALE-ON EDWIN ST.. WITHIN 3 minutes' walk of Fifth ave. cable cars; .good building lot, 30x120 to 20-foot sewered alley; both gases and city water on the street; good neighbor hood: only SI, 300, 1500 cash, bal. In 5 years. 1HOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth aVe. mylO-71 FOR SALE ONLY FIVE LOTS LEFT IN that desirably located block on Falrmount avenue, near Negley avenue, and 5 minutes' walk to Penn ave. cable: 25x175: price each. 3300: prop erty advancing In price rapidly In this location. MELLON BKOS..6349Statlonst.,.E. my8-2-MTbS FOR SALE ON THE EASIEST TERMS AND at prices much lower than any in the Sur rounding neighborhood, lots 40 and 60 feet front age, and 100 to ISO feet In depth, in that best of all locations, "Baum Grove." MELLON BROS.. E. .. or JOHN F. BAXTER, Ag't, 512 Smithfield, street. myl2-93-MWT" fTIOR SALE-ON SHADY LANE, WITHIN 5 J? minutes' walk of the proposed electrnj- road, about 6 acres with a modern frame dwelling or 7 rooms, stable, .orchard of .'select bearing fruit trees, grapery, with a line lawn; the owner wish ing to remove, will sell much below tbe current prices In thenelghborhood. HENRY A.WEAVEB A CO.. 92 Fourth ave. myl2-3 Suburban Lots. fTIOR SALE-ONLY 750, ON EASYPAYMENT8. J? lots 62x120 ft,, In one of the best locations in Wllklnsburg, near the station. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. myl2-50-MWP FOR SALE-2 ACRE and 5 ACRE PLOTS OF ground for suburban homes near the city and railroad; S550 to SI.COO in plan of Marysvllle: easy terras. Plans from JAS. W.DRAPif 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myU-48-D OXIsceTIaneona. THOR SALE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTELS, JC boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO., real estate agents. Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City. N. J. ap5-9- FOR SALE-ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF 4K ACRES in Thlrty-flfth ward, Pittsburg, to be sold at nubile sale. Monday. Mav 20. at 3 o'clock p. m. v. .. . .1 Full nartlculars from JAs. V particulars irom f.A: W. DRAFE&CU Agents and Auctioneers, IS Fonrth avenue, Pitts. burg. 1 myll-M-D J)R SALE-LOTS-LOTS-LOT8-LOTS- LOTS In Second ward, Allegheny; all sizes; prices, 400 to (325. LOTS MeGunnlgle plan of lots at Chartlers; cheap; easy terms. LOTS Ont wylle ave., on line of new cable road; low prices; terms easy. W. YV. MCNEILL & BRO., myIl-42 103 Fonrth ave. POR SALE BUSINESS. ' ' Business Chances. FOE SALE-GOOD, PAYING RESTAURANT In good location In Allegeny. W. W. MC NEILL & BRO., 105 Fourth ave. myl2-6S FOR SALE-DRUGSTORE IN A GROVING town on the P. It. R.; population 2,000:' no opposition; 3 physicians; good prescription trade; will sell cheap. Address IPECAC, Dispatch office. myli-47 FOR SALE-BOOT, SHCE AND GENTS' FUR NISHING store for sale. In a nearby grow ing manufacturing town, doing a cash business: good reasons given for selling. JAS. V. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. myll-43-p FOR SALE-GOOD PAYING BUSINESS FOR lady that can sew for about $1,000: neat little confectionery and Ice cream business, JPOO: bakery with horse and wagon, WOO;, stores of all kinds; 100 business cbances. SHLPARD & CO.. M Fifth ave. my3 FOR SALE-A GENERAL HARDWARE, bonsefurnlshlngand builders' supply busi ness In one of the most populous manufacturing towns in Western Pennsylvania: on line of rail road: value of entire stock about $4,000: could be reduced to (3,000; no opposition: the only store of tne same kind in the town; the place Is boom ing on a solid basis; this Is an excellent opening; Ill-health the onlv reason for selling. Fuller par ticulars from JAB. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. myll-IS-D FOR SALE-AT CLEVELAND. O.-SALOONS from $400. to $3,000: restaurants from SdjO to i7,500: hotel, $8,000: livery stable, $4,000; tin shops, 1,000 to $5,000; stove stores and hardware stock rom $1,000 to $6,000; several valuable patents, which will bear investigation; many of tbe best S laces In this city for money-making are offered yme; 1 have also some of the very finest real estate In all parts or this city on easy terms. WM. H. LAFOUNTAINE&CO., Agent, 219 Superior St., Cleveland, O. Real estate and business ex change. my!2-13 Business Stands. T7WJR SALE COB. FEDERATE BT. AND JD North avenue, Allegheny, fine building 4 stories, navlnir a irood rent. W. A. I1EKIIONA ON8,80l!ourth ave. my7-47-7, 10, 13, 18 FOR SALE-A SMALL HOTEL-24 ROOMS; electric bells throughout the house: every thing in good condition: 'tis a chance for a lire man that understands his business: no agents; principals dealt with only. HOTEL THIEL, No. 313 Pennsylvania ave., Ni VV., Washington, D. O. myll-4 FOR SALE-AN INVESTMENT 021 GOOD street, within S minutes of postofflce; lot 40x125 to an alley; four-story brick building; rented for 5 years, at $1,500 per year, to good, re sponsible tenant; pays over 8 per cent net on sell ing price, and bound to increase in value. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. myl0-7r COR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. machinery nnd Metnls. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND, boilers; all sizes and styles kept in stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest rices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p, WSParfcway. J..S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWF EOK SALE-28X43 COKL1S3 ENGINE: ONLY ' run a year; can be seen in operation; price on application; also a new Strange (Jo. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 Hirst ave. anl-pSS-siwT, TlWll SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: A' one 7ixl2-lnch double engine, double drum: others large and small, witfi single or double friction drums: wire and manlla rone, centrifugal pumps, etc.: two 2Gt4S-Ineb. horizontal engines with flywbeeb: THOMAS CAHLIN'S SOUS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts.. Allegheny; ia!7-Mwy PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTKD-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 81,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as, the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. my3-28 PERSONAL-TH03E DESIRING TO BUY American gold and silver watches or fine clocks, and novelties in standard and fashlonsble jewelrv, will find a grand assortment at very low-, est prices at HENRY TERHEYDEN'S. UOSmltb flelil tt. myl2-?iwrsa PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR AVIt'E, mother or daughters in repairing and clean lug yonr old clothes, when it can "be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor! Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order: spring styles now ready, 'telephone 1558. nihs , LOST. LOST-FROM MY HOME IN MILLVALE A black horse, laiheln front foot, tinder will be rewarded by addressing LOUIS STANKE, Ben nett postofflce, Allegheny Co.. l'a. myl3-S ZIl'HER LESSONS-PRIVATE AND IN classes-given by Mr. HENRY HERZ.86 Madison avenne, Allegheny. Over 11 years teacher of iltlierln the first music houses and schools in London: highest references. Music arranged for tho zither. mj8-7 -TVUNCAN G WHITE; , Baildtog Contractor, - 71 Diamond Street, ' - PittabnriE.., felT-irw , Ir g "'z.' TO LET. Cltr Realdencea. rXK) LET-S LIBERTY STl, A TWO-STORY X brick dwelling or 10 rooms, double parlors, bathroom, vestibule and hall, both gases, hot and cold water, washhouse. yard, etc.; reasonably low rent. BLACK 4 BAIRD, FonrtU.ave. myll-24-D Hazelwood Residence. TO LET-HAZELWOOD, B. & O. R. B.. A cozyc-room frame bonse; rent SIS month. L-M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth ave. myU-O-EOD Allegheny Residences. ' TO LET-RENT LOW NO. 37 POPLAR ST.. Allegheny; house S rooms. W. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mvI2-82-MWT T LET-145 SOUTH AVE.. COR. GRANT ave.. Allegheny, a two-storr brick dwelllnr of 10 rooms, etc,; large lot, size 180x163: suitable for boarding house; low rent. BLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. . , mYlt-M-D Suburban Residence. TO LTT-AT HULTON. BRICK HOUSE OF 11 rooms, hall, good cellar, etc. : fronts on Railroad ave.: rent low. I. M. PENNOCK SON. 105 Fourth ave. mvll-O-EOD TO LET-EDGEWOOD,P.. FT.W.AC.R. B..12 acres choice land, fruit, etc.; comfortable brick house of 9 rooms and frame stable; beautiful surroundings. I. M. PENNOCK & SUN. 105 Fonrth ave. myll-43-Z0D TO LET-IN SEWICKLEY-THE BRICK RES IDENCE of James Adair, Broad street, one square from station: completely furnished; Imme diate possession. SAMUEL . BLACK A; CO., 99 Fourth ave. my!2-76-MWrs TO LET-MY HOUSE. THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carnage house, two acres ground, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. mh9-3 Anartntcnli. TO LET-ROOMS-ONE OR TWO WELL FUR NISHED rooms and cellar, soluble for light housekeeping. Inquire of MRS. E. L. GRANER, Mt, Washington, Thirty-second ward. myl2-Ul Bnslneaa Stands. TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS; and S room flats, suitable for housekeeping; three storerooms with dwellings. Inquire ON PREMISES, 44 Fourth St. my9-100-MTbrsa TO LET-STOREROOM AND DWELLING ON i rankstown avenue, between Park and Lin coln avenues: good business stand and low rent. Apply to F. O. VANGOEDER, 6014 Penn avenue. mylO-47-jtws mO LET-93 WATER ST. OR 118 FIRST AVE., J. warehouse running through fromst. tost.; each floor 20x160, with line tile floor ; ofllce on first and second floor: inside w. c.t washstands. new elevator; Sne business location; rent low. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mjO-23 TO LET-TWO LARGE BUILDINGS WITH stable In the rear for 14 horses; lot 80x205 feet, situated in the lower part of city: will sell leasehold and Improvements IT desired orrent the same for number of years to good tenant at very low price. Address F. C, Lock Box 606, city P.O. my!3-17 PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at tbe office of City Controller un til WEDNESDAY, the 15tb day of May, A D. 1889, at 12 If., for the furnishing of ice for of fices in Municipal Hall. Also, for the furnish ing and setting of curbing aronnd the Second avenue park. Plans and specifications can be seen at this office. Each proposal mnst be ac companied by a bond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk; The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIUELOW, Chief Tlept. Public "Works. " myl&67-D NOTICE-TO CONTRACTORS AND SEW ER pine dealers Sealed proposals will be received by the Councils of tbe borough of Greensbnrg;, Pa., nntil the 20th day of .May, 1889, at 12 M., for the furnishing of sewer pipe, and for the construction of a system of sew erage for said boroasrb; about six miles of salt glazed, vitrified, single strength sewer pipe will be required. Bids will be received for the material and work separately or as a, whole. Flans and specifications of the work and sizes of pipe required can be seen in Municipal Hall, in said borough, on and after Wednesday, May 8, 1889. Tbe board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. OYRUS T. LONG. Borough Engineer. my7-27-D The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Office. 233 South Fourth street. Philadelphia. Mav 10. 1889. C1EALED PROPOSALS ADDRESSED TO O the undersigned (and marked on tbe out side "Proposals'') will be received at this office nntll Q 1 ,r ItfnwOVl ICflQ f...MM,4hln .lll.hni. uutu Au.iuaj M,lWt.Ut IWIUMIUI M. ...WW. land materials and performing the work neces sary to complete the foundations for tbe pro posed car repair shop at Wall station, on the Pittsburg division, P. R. R. Proposals to state (1) price per cubic yard for excavation; (2) price per cubic yard for masonry. Plans and specifications can he seen at office of J. F. Stuart, Assistant Engineer, Wall sta tion. This company reserves the right to re jecrany orall proposals. WM. H. BROYJTN, mvll-3-EOO Chief Engineer. TO ENGINE AND BOILER MAKERS Office of light-house engineer, ninth and eleventh districts, Detroit, Mich., April 29,1889. Proposals will be received at this omce nntil 4 o'clock, p. if., on Thursday, the 6th day of Jane, 18S9, for furnishing the boilers, machinery, etc., for steam foe signals for Presque Isle, Cheboy gan, Old Mackinac Point, Simmons Reef, Beav er Island, Manlstee,PointIriqnolsandManitou. Michigan! Chicago, Illinois; Twin River Point and La Pointe. Wisconsin, and Two Harbors, Minnesota. Plans, specifications, forms of pro posal and otber Information, may be obtained on application to the undersigned. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. 'WILLIAM LUDLOW, Major of Engineers, TJ. S. A., Light-House Engineer. myll-2 T-lKUmilTITTO RKNDKZVnTIS SIS PETW rJLV avenue, Pittsburg. Pa.. May 10, 18S9. Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, June 10, 18S9,and then oDened. for furnlsblnc: cooked rations, three substantial meals daily, of good quality, and. llie auuwauce ui suau anu cauuies uutiiurizeu to be issued to a soldier, to the recruiting party and recruits stationed at this Rendezvous. dur ing the fiscal year commencing July L 1889, and emllnir Jnnfi 30. 1890. Preference will be pivpn to articles of domestic production or manufact ure, conditions of quality and price (including in the price of foreign prodnetions or manu factures tbe duty thereon) being eqnal. Tbe Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Forms of proposals and full in formation will be furnished on application to this office. Proposals for furnishing complete rations at a place objectionable for recruits will not be considered. Envelopes containing pro posals shonld be marked, "Proposals for cooked rations," and addressed to CAPTAIN RICH ARD COMBA, Recruiting Officer, 915 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa, myl244-,n8.9 NOTICES. VTOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS In pursuance of the provisions contained in the mortgage bonds of the Monongahela Navi gation Company, issued July 1, 1882, one hun dred bonds, numbered as follows, will become due and payable on Jniy 1, 1889, and interest thereon will cease on that date, viz.: Nos. 1, 2, 13, It 26, 3L 32, St, 36, 42. 44 48. SL 6L 62. 76. 89, 94, 10L 102, 101, 105, 111, 117, 123, 126. 129. 144, 143, 147, 149, 160, 153. 167, 158. 160, 162, 167,' 171, 173, 180, 181, 182. 193, 195. 198, 199, 202. 211, 213, 217, 218. 230. 243, 246, 247, 268, 269, 270, 276, 280, 284, 2S5, 286. 296, 304, 307, 311. 312, 314, 318, 322, 329, 339, 363. 363, 370, 371, 379, 380, 381, 384, 3S9, 392, 397, 399, 40L 405, 408, 414, 417, 431, 435, 439, 413, US, 453, 458, 476. 477. These bonds will be paid with Interest to Julyl, 1889, at any time after June L1SS9, on presentation and surrender thereof with all nnmatnred coupons attached, at the Trades men's National Bank: of Pittsbnrg, or at my of fice. No. 110 Diamond street. Pittsburg. W. BAKEWELL, Treasurer. PITTSBURG, April 29. 1889. ap234-M RESORTS. THE OCEAN HOUSE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. ooJi, uku. ieKU-Jiwr J. A. 1UVLU. mm? rcr t rvwi r irrritrrrnnrnv v t fTHECHALFONlEATIANTICCITY.N. J. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. , UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt Water baths in the houie. Elevator. apl&81-D E. ROBERTS &SONa -QEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS, JJ BEDFORD, PENNA Leading mountain resort. Water nnequaled. Hotel newly furnished. Toerge's Orchestra. Opens June 8. Write for circular. , ap7-87-D L.B. DOTY. Manager. CRESSON SPRINGS, PENNA. MAIN line Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS. THE MOUNTAIN .HOUSE L Will open June 25. All trains stop at Cresson. t or circulars, etc, aauress WM. R. DUNHAM, Snot, mv7-2-rsu Cresson. Cambria Co.; Pa. THRESH BUTTliK V RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K. STEVENSON 4 CO., GROCERIES AND- TABLE DELICACIES, SIXTH AVENUE. iz&W-lcwT E. L1NKENHE1MER, ARCHITECT, 543 Smithfield street. Pittsburg, Pa. Freihelts Freund Building, second floor. mh24-80-XWT piANOs; ORGANa , a HAMILTON. H AND 98 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg, Pa, v p99-74D AUCTION BALES. yAifdtfdN- AT AUCTION, CARPETS, CARPETS, CABPET8. TUESDAY, MAY It, At the rooms, 311 Market street, , , At 1 o'clock sharp. One hundred and twenty (120) rolls of ths finest kinds of carpets, jnst fresh from tho looms of the manufacturers, consigned to hat for sale. No wis yonr opportunity to buy, at your price, as our orders are peremptory" to close ont entire lot regardless of cost. Also, at same place, at 10 o'clock in the morn ing, six more, and the last, of those beautiful Earlor suites from onr Eastern consicnor. up olstered in spun silk, silk and crushed plushes, English rug; damask, tapestries, brocatelle. rep and haircloth. Easy chairs, divans, lounges, fancy rockers, couches, cabinets, mirrors, book cases, vases, ornaments, pictures, clocks, ruga, curtains; walnut, oak and cherry chamber suits, wardrobes, folding beds, hall racks, sideboards; extension tables, dressers, washstands, bed- steads: decorated toilet, tea and dinner sets; bedding;, kitchen goods, notions, wall paper, etc, HENRY AUCTION COSLPANY,. myl2-95 Auctioneers. BY JAB. W. DRAPE fc CO. FREE RIDE TO AUCTION SALE OF 35 BUILDING LOTS CLIFTON AVE., HIGHLAND AVE. AND CENTER ST., ALLEGHENY, Close to terminus of Pleasant Valley Car line, and on tbe ronte of the projected electric cars, adjoining Clifton incline plane, only 4 cents fare to Pittsburg postofflce and intermediate) points. These lots all lay nice on good, streets and present some of the finest building sites in either city, being thoroughly in tbe country with pure air and no smoke and overlooking; tbe city; natural and artificial gas all aronnd; citv water, shade and forest trees, etc.. etc The sale will take place on MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 13; at 2 o'clock, on tho premises. Title perfect. Free tickets on Pleasant Valley cars to tho property can be Obtained from JOHN H. JlO CREERY, 95 Fifth ave., or from JAS. W. DRAPE t CO.. Auctioneers, my9-3 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. BY JAS. W. DRAPE fe CO. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF THREE PIECES OF LAND, ABOUT.4J ACRES, On tbe Washington turnpike and Catherine) and Corinth streets. Thirty-fifth ward, Pitts burg, near terminus of West End street cars, . one piece of about Vi acres on Catherine and Corinth streets, and two pieces of about 3 acres, on the Washington turnpike, near tha tollgate. Sale will take place on MONDAY, May 20, 1889, at 3 o'clock P. M., on the prem ises. Terms One-half cash, balance in one year, with interest and close mortgage and bond on the premises. Positive and peremptory sale t close up an estate. By order of F. D. G1EST, Assignee. MILLER 4 McBRIDE. Attorneys. JAS. W. DRAPE &CO., Agents and Auc tioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. myll-49-D BY JAS. W. DRAPE &CQ, public sale , op GO Large Building Lots On Bogzs, Washington and Chess avenue?. Thirty-second ward,PIttsburc, only 10 minutes' walk from ML Washington Incline Plane. As it is desired to close up tbe interests between, tbe differentheirs, tho entire blocks will be ex posed to public sale on SATURDAY, May 18. at 2 o'clock F. M., on the premises. The Idts ara all large, fronting on fine, wide avenues and streets, and are in a good and fast improving neighborhood; city, natural and artificial gas. good drainage, pare, bracing air, etc Lots will be sold singly or in blocks, on very liberal terms of payment: $10 down on each lot at sale; title perfect. Plans, etc. from JAS. W. DRAPE & COL.' Agents and' Auctioneers, myll-50-D 129 Fonrth avenne, Pittsburg; I AMUSE3CENTS. MAV INAUGURATION OF THE 1YJ. t. X NEW EXPOSITION BUTLDLNG. FESTIVAL. MAY 21, 22, 23; a, 2a and on the EVENINGS AFTERNOONS 0t jggff8 'jgf TICKETS FOR-SINGLE CONCERTS ON BALE THIS MORNING, 9 o'clock, HAMH.TON'8. myl3 OLD CITY HALL, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, AfAY 13 4 16 THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA- 60 PERFORMERS. MR. WTLHELM GERICKE, Conductor. -ASP- THE MOZART CLUB, 150 VOICES. Mr. JAB. P. McCOLLUM, Conductor. 2 GRAND CONCERTS, 2 Wednesday, May 1-"ELIJAH. Thursday. May 16-SYMPHONY CONCERT. SOLOISTS Mr. and Mrs. George HenscheL Dr. Carl Martin, Miss Adelaide Foresmanand Mr. Paul Zimmerman. Box sheet open THURSDAY, MAY 9faS Mellor & Hoene's, 77 Fifth avenne, 9 A. ir Admission, JL Reserved seats, $1 SO. myl3-20-MW p RAND OFEEA HOUSE-TO-NIGHT! Rice's $20,000 Burlesque, Tha "CORSAIR." Next week, Dockstader's Minstrels. myU-10 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY lo-night, matinees Tuesday, Thursday aad ' Saturday. C. C. MAGEE, Dish Ln ck Comedy Company. mvl2-S B LTOU THEATER J. C. STEWARTS- FAT MEN'S CLUB. The Fnnniest Yet. myI3-27 PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Onlv six miles from tbe citv. situated on tha bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of f oreiit trees, cool, clear springs of water, fine dan&ns platform, etc The use of tbe grove will be given' free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges. G.A.R. posts, private fetes, etc, the only charge being faro on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or .to A. CLANEY on, the grounds. mvli-15-D wmnmnisms: Tbe gates of health thrown wide open to all , slckpeorlel Tell everybody everywhere to nse TA-VA-ZONI Tha only certain remedies, after all otber agencies have failed. No matter how bad or long standing the disease. These spe cifics positively restore to health men, women and children. Makes the weak strong; gives new lite to alL Whether you are a proie.slonal or a worklne man, if yon once adont the TA-VA-ZON PREPARATIONS relief is positive, and a cure absolute upon following the dlrec-' tions. Go now; be cured. See sworn homer testimony. ''Indisputable facts" at DR., GRIFFITH CHEMICAL CO.. SOL 303. 305, SOT Grant st, cor. Third ave., Pittsbnrg, Pa. Bring" this notice with yon. Save money. myl3-142' OAKLAND SQUARE, .jl $5,600 each, moderate cash payment, balance JoOO per annum, elegant new two-story and mansard brick dwellings; 8 rooms, hall. bath.v laundry, slate mantels, art fire places, tiler, hearths, sliding doors, wired for electric light, fine chandeliers, both gases, plate glass win dows, etc.; Oakland Square, five minutes from Fifth avenue cable line and directly on line of new cable loop which is to be constructed this summer; a beautiful park (on which ara sev eral hundred beautiful shade trees), the wholo surrounded by streets and sidewalks, sewered and paved with asphaltum; on each sWe of and. facing tha park are the abovb described dwell ings; most desirable hoosw yet OsTerei; ' hceastoXTalu4MSwe, wll- . ' j, 3 Jl '"K
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers