ISPTfTW ' v -v" ?:!&. - - no; 7,. ';-"2 -) ." wm- -p.; V A RICH HARVEST will bo reaped advertise In Tub Dispatch. It reaches every borne and Is read by everybody. If yon are in business let tbe Eublic know it thropcUTHC IISPATCH. FORTY-ITOTJIITH YEAR A S Great Influence Exerted Over Many People by George Schtveinfurth, THE BEEKMAN1TE CHRIST. A Sect Rapidly Growing Through put the West. BOW THE MODERN MESSIAH LIVES. Origin, Pretensions and Remarkable Pro gression of tbe Alleged Second Savlonr Ills Personal Resemblance to the Fopu Iar Portrait of Jesus Cbrlst Tbe Ele gance, Comfort nad Good Cheer ThatSur. rounds Ilim Rapidly Accumulating a Store of This World's Goods From His Blind Punea A Strange Community and Some Stranger Practices Powerful In flaencoofMr.SchwelnfurthOrer Women. At Bockford, HL, resides the Eev. George Jacob Schweinfurth, who, by his eloquence and magnetic personality, has gathered around him a large following. He claims to be the second Christ, andhas accumulated a fortune of half a million or so, besides a luxuriously furnished home. His dupes are principally women, over whom he exerts a wonderful influence, and who are easily convinced that he is indeed the modern Messiah. Numerous church trials will grow out of his extensive proselyting. Eockfobd, III., May 12. "Christ lives. He has come to earth the second time. Be hold the'Savior. He is the pure one, the perfect one. He has no guile. He is God, become man. By believing on him we are Ijnade pure and sinless as he is and onr sal vation is assured. Oh, how grateful and happy are we who are .redeemed. Blessed be God, that we have found him." Such were the expressions delivered in a quiet but intensely earnest tone of voice to a reporter this morning by one' of the "angels" of the Schweinfurth Community. "What is the Schweinfurth Community? It is the head center of the newest and most remarkable religious sect, of all the queer theological schools, that has found an - existence and a company of believers. And the woman whose utterance was quoted above, expressed briefly, but honestly, the sum and substance of their beliefs. ' A Woman Responsible. The sect has been in existence about 15 , jrears, but Schweinfurth haV-not been re- Veiled aqto them as their Lord and Master until within the last half dozen years. Mrs. Dora Beekman, the. wife of a Con gregational minister, originated the body of strange believers. She preached that in her own person were the attributes of the risen Lord. She was the' woman Christ inspired and made sacred by the indwelling of Christ's spirit. The band of believers grew slowly and steadily. They located their central church at the little hamlet of Byron, south of Bockford, and by dint of besieging the meetings of all the other churches, and, jumping up, declaring their doctrines at all seasons, kept the poor clergymen and their faithful flocks in continual hot water. Her husband did not believe the new faith, and as a result he is now in the insane asy lum. Eev. George J. Schweinfurth was at that time a Methodist minister, a young man of prepossessing appearance. He had auburn beard a white brow, with veins plainly, in dicating refinement, and a very sharp eye, that could look meek and pathetic when cir cumstances demanded humility. He Pleased the Ladles. Schweinfurth preached in the country churches hereabouts and gathered good audiences. He preached well, and he had especially successful seances with the young ladies of his several flocks. It is related that they often pretended conversion merely to kneel at the altar where he could fondle their brows and sweetly whisper: "Dear sister, have faith; only have faith." Suddenly it was announced that Dominie Schweinfurth had renounced Methodism and become a disciple of Mrs. Dora Beek man. Very shortly afterward he was in stalled as Bishop of the Beekmanites, as they were called, with a roving commission to visit the different localities' where the creed had gained a footing to exhort and proselyte and orate and be the mouthpiece and confidential attache of the woman Christ. But, alasl for the faith of the little hand. Mrs. Beekman died and became cold clay like any ordinary mortal. Her broken hearted believers kept her body for a week expecting that she would rise as she had promised and prophesied. They placed her body on a raised platform and worshiped about it hourly. There were expectant dis ciples standing about it every moment in hope that life wonld return and they would witness the resurrection. The remains were nerer left alone for an instant, but the cor ruption of the body grew so great that at the ' end of a week the interment was ordered by the public authorities. A Messiah Full of Business At this juncture came forward to the comfortless little band the shrewd Schwein furth. He declared to them that just as she was dying he saw a glimpse of heaven "throneh the windows of her bouI" and from her lips came the words, "You are Christ the holy one. My spirit passes into thine, and by this act transforms tbe whole being. Go forth pure and sinless, the only Son of God. Thou shall bring all nations to worship thee and put to rout the evil one and all the hosts of darkness." The credulous company believed and re joiced in. the reaLsavior brought to them as from the dead. From that day the growth of the organization, both in financial re sources and membership! has been simply wonderful. The new" Christ has displayed business sharpness and a keenness in the study of human nature that has brought forth much fruit. A good old farmer named Weldon, who was possessed oi 600 acres of fine land, be- FANATIC POWER & .came Infatuated with the new sect and made ova his entire property to Schweinfurth as by all who head of the church. Here the central com munity is located. SOHWERrrUBTH'S TABEBNACLE. The Home of Christ is a large mansion standing' In 'aspaeious enclosure amid a large number of forest trees, some distance back from the main road, about five miles south of this city. It has spacious barns, carriage- buildings, sheds and other appur tenan&es of a prosperous country mansion. The members of he community make the breeding of blooded horses a specialty. Schweinfurth has. three imported stallions and a large number of brood mares. He also has about 80 heid. of fine cattle. The house is Very roomy a!hir with its wings eas ily accommodates a hundred persons. There are usually about 50 .females there and a dozen or 15 men. The Mole disciples do the heavy work and are drudges. They live on the plainest food and sleep in the attic Most of them, having become infatuated with the new religion, count themselves happy to suffer and labor for the cause, and have given up all their earthly possessions to the Christ Schweinfurth possesses in his own name property which has been given him outright to the amount of $500,000 at the lowest cal culation. "Whenever a member of the "Church Triumphant" is found they set aside a tenth of their earnings as tithes for the Lord, and the Lord deposits it in differ ent banks in his own name. Housed Xilke n Prince. A young male servant ushers callers into the front parlor. This room is commodious and elegantly furnished. The feet sank into a velvet carpet, leopard and wolfskins were spread about, and added to the beauty and richness of the" surroundings. The house is furnished in antique oak, and light comes through large plate glass windows, sur rounded by many hued glass, from the snowy ceiling hang large and glittering chandeliers. The reporter was introduced to richly-dressed and quite pretty young ladies, who gave every evidence of refine ment and culture. They answered a few immaterial questions politely, but appeared to be reserved, and were evidently relieved when an inner door opened and the "Savior" Schweinfurth appeared. A very bright eye and bright red English-cut whiskers 'were the first things one noticed and mentally commented on. His natty feet were encased in patent leather shoes; a heavy gold.fob chain hung from a watch pocket; a very high clerical collar and a brilliant blue and gold tie surrounded his neck. He was dressed in good taste, and there was an air of gentlemanly ease and elegance from the crown of his head to his shiny footgear. "When informed that the visitor was in search of information as a representative of the .New York Herald, it seemed as if a slight shade passed over his countenance and there was a momentary hesitation be fore his reply. But it was only transitory, and in a moment he said: "Will you kind ly follow me to my study? I have no objec tion to answer any reasonable questions you may propound, if of proper character." HE SAYS HE IS CHRIST. He led the way into the hall and thence to the two-story wing and upstairs into a room which Core the appearance of a liter ary man's comfortable retreat It was lined with books in solid walnut cases, tastefully veneered with French varnish and elabo rately carved. Motioning the visitor to a Sleepy Hollow chair, he followed suit and awcited the interrogatories. Tbe first ques tion would, startle an ordinary man, but it did not surprise Eev. Schweinfurth: "Are you. Christ?"1. v 'I'am,"" iras the reply. "I am moro than Christ I am the perfect man and also God. I possess the attributes of Jesus the Sinless, and have His spirit; and, more than that, I am the Almighty Himself." The appended questions and answers fol lowed: "This, then, is your second advent on earth?" "It is, and I am accomplishing untold good. The time is not far off when I shall make such manifestations of my divinity and power as will startle the world and bring believers to me by thousands and tecs of thousands." "When did you discover first your divine attributes and that you were the great head of the church?'" A Light From Heaven. "In 1883 at the decease of Mrs. Beekman. Three days before her death she had a light from heaven and transferred her spiritual holi ness to me. Before her .death outsiders erroneously called her 'the woman Christ' That was not true. She was the spiritual bride of Christ, and her people were called Beekmanites. After her death at first I was only sensible that I possessed the at tributes of Christ and had in my own per son His spirit coming a second time on earth. The people who believe in this great truth were 'The Church Triumphant' Within the past year there has been still greater knowledge, and I can now declare that I am God Almighty. My name is 'I am, that I am." The quiet and impressive, manner which accompanied these words led the reporter to scrutinize the speaker closely to detect symptoms of insanity. But there was no wildness in his eyes, no nervousness in his manner. He sat as calmly and expressed himself as deliberately as any one could utter the most unquestionable truism. "Can you, then, perform miracles? Can you vanish from the flesh and be invisible and pass from one place to another as a spirit?" "Yes, I have unlimited power. I can come into" a room with closed doors and dis appear. I can raise the dead, cure disease and do all the miraculous things which I accomplished when I was on earth before. I do not practice them often, for I wish to convert the world to the truth without de pending on supernatural powers, but by the truth itself. One of the ladies you saw down stairs was in tbe last stages of bronchial con sumption, physicians had no hope for her. I brought her back from the face of death with my divine power and without ap proaching her. Did you ever see a more heal thy mortal? Physical infirmities are cured by me simply by faith, and I.can cure them without even their exercise of faith it I would." He Is Incarnate. "Do you expect to live on earth for ever?" "Ijhall be here many years in the present body, and the world will see wonderful sights before I cast off this body. But I am incarnate, and when this goes into the corruption of death my spirit will enter another body and still live on earth. How or when the present body will die has not yet been revealed of the Father. But in form and substance the identical body I now possess "was the one that was crucified on Calvary. There are many things in the gospels that are inaccurate about my crucifixion and my life on earth, and I am now occupied in writing a new and true version of the New Testament that can be accepted as the perfect and inspired word. This in itself, when given to the world, will create a revolution among those who now consider themselves orthodox believers." "Will you tell me something of your do mestic life here?" "Well, sir, you can say that we live as a large family. There are several married couples here, but most are unmarried. The evil charge that we practice free love shows how little the world knows of the purity and sinlessness of onr lives. I am the type of the sinless one, and those who live with me and believe become pure even as I am Sure, and in them there can be no guile, nr marriage ceremony is binding, and there can be no divorce. As for myself, I never experienced the passions of man, for I am ei. . I know that I shall be reviled and persecuted, and men will say all man ner of evil things against me, but I am holy and the world will yet know it. The whole world is impanneled-as a jury to try us, but those who now perseoute us wjli'be utterly destroyed. You and all others will have to come to believe in me .before you can be saved. I might add that our "'Church of the Bedeemer' will supplant all others on the earth. The so-called orthodox churches are the beasts of Daniel and must be de stroyed." A Pointed Question Parried. "If you have tlje same body that was crucified where are the marks' of the nails in your hands?" asked the skeptical scribe. "I do not claim that the material physique has not changed and put on new flesh, but my features are not changed, and though new material substance has covered the point of the torturing instruments, in a gen eral sense the same body is now before you as arose from the tomb at my resurrection." "Will you give me a little biography of your earlier life before you became divine? J. was born in German parentage. Marion, O., in 1853, of Before l reacnea tne ace of 12 mv mother used to sav that an aged minister told her 'Your son is destined to be a Levite. "Verily, God has chosen him.' In earlier days, though thrown in an nnwholesome moral atmosphere, by a won derful, working of an internal God-given power of selection I was kept from all those secret vices which infest all grades of society, my ideality was strong and I ap plied this faculty to the betterment of overt conduct and private'virtues, the elevation Of life and being. The ideal person was to me tire Son of God and the son of man. I thought constantly, I shall bo satisfied when I awake with Thy spirit I muned with heaven. I studied for and entered the Methodist ministry. But I was not satisfied. My ministerial associates seemed so secular, so uncelestial, so un Christlike that I could not feel of them though among them. I saw through one of the back windows of Methodism a sight of social and religious conditions which compelled me to trace with the slow" and steady finger of candor across my Methodist hopes the word 'disappointment' I was finally sent to Alpena, Mich. "When I entered upon that charge I was in the spirit of becoming more rapidly a citizen of heaven and less a denizen of earth. Under the electric light of inspiration! found that the Methodist Church was filled with spiritual wicked ness in high places. The abomination that maketh desolate-was found to be standing where it ought not in the church, in all churches. "In December, 1877, I met Dorinda Helen Fletcher Beekman, the bride of Christ She was my spiritual Mary. She gave to the world its Jesus and its Lord. Of my history since that time you have been already made acquainted. And now I will have to be excused, as I have pressing duties. I will escort you through the house before you go, that you may see our home. Everything is open and there is nothing that we fear to cast the sunlight upon." Well Provisioned Throughout. The Lord then led the visitor hurriedly through the house from cellar to garret, The former was well stocked with proven der. Hundreds of glass jars of fruit were ranged on the shelves, and tub after tub of fragrant butter sat in the corners of tbe spacious underground room. On the first floor were the sleeping apart ments of the ladies, elegantly fitted bou doirs. The second story of the wing is de voted to Schweinfurth 's suite. They eclipsed the ladies' rooms in elegant furnishings. There was also a large' school room on the second floor of the main building, where some 30 pupils are daily taught The gar ret, which is commodious and clean, but very plainly furnished, contains a dozen beds. Here sleep 'the men, whose' hard work and substance have gone-toward equipping the rest of the house in such princely lashion. "Within the last year or two $20,000 has been spent in remodeling and refurnishing the house. Mr. Schwein furth has complete charge of all the finances, and uses the means at his pleasure, " never accounting for anything. The growth in membership of this remark able sect has been astonishingly rapid with in the last few years. They now have churches at Chicago, St. Charles, Minn.; Minneapolis, Paw Paw, HI.; Louisville, Ky.; Leavenworth and Kansas City. But the central community is this one here. New converts must come here and learn their duties and obligations, and those who are willing to work are assigned fields of labor. Ills Meek and Lowly Role. Services are held here every Sunday after noon at 1 o'clock and Schweinfurth always preaches, ""sometimes his sermons occupy from two to three hours in delivering. Stenographers are employed who take down his every utterance, and copies are made on type-writers and sent to all the branch churches, where they are read to the faith ful. They are strict vegetarians in diet, never touching meat, milk or eggs. They eat abundance oi oatmeal and lruiis and sometimes use beef suet The place is'spoken of by all who visit it as a happy home life. Those who have been there from motives of curiosity come away with an impression that there is some thing fascinating1 about the man and the place. Schweinfurth always acts the meek and lowly role to perfection. He was re cently met by a Bockford clergyman in a store here and denounced as an impostor, possessed of the devil, a lustful mocker of holy things and assailed with terms of the most opprobrious nature. He answered calmly, quietly, respectfully, without the shadow of any anger. To all outward appearances his life is not only blameless, but he is marvellous in his power of restraint and the deliberate and collected way in which he asserts his Godhood and replies to aspersions. He has the scriptures at his tongue's end and quotes text after text with most surprising fluency to sustain his position. His Kingdom Growing. There is no question but that he has a most unaccountable influence over the minds of those with whom he comes in con tact He numbers among his followers peo ple of learning and culture. His "king dom," as he calls it, is growing beyond all conception of those who hay. not 'examined into it, and there is no doubt that the new church which he has established will be" heard from in hundreds of quarters from this time on. Eev. S. L. Conde, pastor of tne Westminster jrresDyienan unurcn here, has been making a study of Schweinfurth. his teachings and his disciples in the most thorough manner for six months. One of the members of his church, Mrs. M. M. Kinnehan, has become converted to, the new Christ and has left her husband and taking her child has joined the Beekmanites, that being the name they still remain best known by in this vicinity. Ministerial Converts. There are quite a company of traveling1 men, colporteurs and agents in various lines who belong to this sect Schweinfurth makes special effort to attract this .class, as they can more widelysow seeds' of the new religion and can select tbe more likely sub jects for their influence. Among the'lead lng lights are Bev. Mr. Tultle and wife, a Congregational minister, who has been es tablished over the Chieago church of Schweinfurth. Mr. Tuttle is a man of edu cation and excellent parts. He is a gradu ate of Yale College and Andover Theological Seminary. A Baptist ministerof Pennsylva nia is a recent convert and a Congrega tional minister in Maine has just written to Lord Schweinfurth stating that he believes Christ is now on earth and asking for light on his claims to being the Messiah. Mr. Schweinfurth has a large mail daily and. is kept very busy answering letters of similar import from every part of the country. Among those who haye suffered in dis rupted family relations owing to Schweh furth's Machinations is Dr. J. 8. Wilkin, Continued on .Sixth Page.' pii' PITTSBURG, MONDAY KEDMMiSSASSINS Dr. Cronin Says the Clan-Nh-Gael Had Ordered His Execution BECAUSE HE, KNEW TOO HUGH. If Be Beaches France In 'Safety He Will' lake Pubiic'liiB MISAPPROPRIATION OF IRISH FUNDS. Informer fce Caron Employed jto. Draw Admissions Jrus'Sira. Dimaffln? Dr. Cronin, whose sudden disappearance from Chicago created so much comment, has been interviewed in Toronto. He says he fled from assassins appointed by the Clan-Na-Gael Society to 'end his life be cause he knew oi the misappropriations of money contributed for the Irish cause. He intends to go to France; and when there he will make some .startling disclosures. TOBONig, May 12, After Cronin and his party a man and woman left Toronto yes terday on the Grand Trunk train moving west, a correspondent telegraphed a friend at Hamilton a description of the trio, and requested that he should keep a sharp look out for them; also that he should wire re garding all their movements and follow them, no mattar where they went In case they separated he was to put men on the track of the woman and strange man and to follow Cronin. This afternoon at 4:10 o'clock a message arrived stating that Cronin had left Hamilton alone, and was safe on the train schednled to ' arrive at Toronto about 550 this evening. "Well, doctor, back again?" was the greeting to which the doctor answered: Well, ."calling the correspondent by name, "it is really too bad that you should dog me around in this shape." "Well Cronin, you most certainly know that the people generally, and your Chicago friends particularly, are anxious to know where yon are, why ybu left Chicago and where you intend going." HE WAS A BOUNCES. "I don't intend making statements," said the doctor. "I guess I have some rights. Make a statement? I guess not. Now please get out of my room, or I will kick you but'- " The correspondent mentioned that a num ber of detectives were searching for the missing man. Thisannouncementappeared to annoy the doceor, and he appeared willing to do anything rather than have detectives take him in charge. Finally Cronin requested that questions should be put to him, and the following, conversation took place: "When did you leave Chicago?" "Just a week ago to-night." "Where did you go?" "I went to Montreal." "How did you leave Chicago?" "I refuse to answer." "Come now, Cronin, remember the detec tives." "Now, for God's sake, don't push that question. I can't answer it" t "When did you get to Montreal?" "I got there last Monday evening." "Where did von put up?" After considerable. Dickering the doctor said he had taken a room at. the St Law- rence Hotel, got his meals at tbe house of a friend, whose name he would not give, AFBAID OF BECOGNITION. ""Why did you leave Montreal; and when did you do so?" "I received word that it was known In Chicago, or at least supposed thdt I was there, and got ont so I could not be found." "Where did von then go?" "I came up to Ottawa?" "Well, why aid yon leave Ottawa?" "Because tne town was so small that I was afraid some one might know me." . "When you got to Montreal where did you intend going?" "I intended taking a steamer for France, but found that no ship left that port which would take me there." "Why did you not then go on to New York?" "Because I am well-known there and did not dare risk it." "After you left Ottawa, where" did you go?" "I took the Canadian Pacific Eailroad train for Toronto, and arrived here Friday morning at about 9 o'clock." "Well, now, as to why you left Chi-, cago?" "I have been declining in health for some time, and thought it would do me good to take a trip." "Whv should you have left Chicago with out letting your friends know?" WHT HE .LEFT CHICAGO. , , "Well, now, that is a long story, and. the telling pf it would implicate a great num ber of my friends who are in no way re sponsible for any of my actions. I trust you will not press me on that point." Cronin was pressed, however, and told the following story: ""While I lived in St Louis I promptly ldentinea mysen witn tne Irish cause, then disturbing the public. J soon found that the great Irish movement was to be cen tered either at Chicago, or New York, and after consulting my intimate friends, among whom was Dr. O'Keilly, I made up my mind to go to Chicago. X did so, armed with letters of introduction, and soon found myself prominent in Irish as well as other circles." He then went on to say that he soon dis covered that the large quantities of money being received by certain persons, for the Irish cause were not handled properly and that not more than three-fourths of it ever reached Ireland. "Lknow," he stated, "that at least ?85,000 was gobbled up by certain persons in Chi cago, and when I began to 'call the turn' on them they tried to bribe me. That would not work." HIS LIFE FOBFEITED. "Their next more," said Dr. Cronin, "was to introduce me to Le Caron under the name of Beach, in order that he might pump me and damage me in any way that' ne coma, Aeacn was introduced to me by a reporter named Conwell, a man whom! had always considered my friend, but since the recent developments in the London Times case I know he was against me, and that LeCaron was introduced to me for no good purpose. He got little out of ever, and that means failed. I have been warned several times to get out of the coun try and assured that my life was in danger. But np till last Saturday I felt thatl could hold my own. Last Saturday, however, I was put in possession of unquestionable proof that the Clan-Na-Gael Society had de cided that my life. should be taken. was appointed as my executioner, and prep arations were in active progress to accom plish the deed. Enough tosayImadeup my mind at once to fly. You know the rest. GOING TO. FEA1TCE. "The lady who accompanied me yesterday to Hamilton was quite unknown to me, as was also the gentleman, until I met them on the train between Ottawa and Toronto. Neither of them knew who I was until you met me on Yonge street, Friday morning. They happened to be going to Buffalo on Ihfi train I took out'of Toronto and I left them at Hamilton." . This put of the story proved to be true.' KAY 13, 1889. rJ'Did you plan for a man to call at your office and request you to go out to the ice house and atterld a patient?" he was asked. . That I wilLnot answer." -,When asked what move he intended making next, the doctor stated that he would go to France as soon as possible. ""I left some important documents behind in Chicago," he said, "and only hope that I can get to a country where I will be safe; then I will make some disclosures which will open the eyes of the public generally, and MAKE THE HAIB STAND on tlje heads of several Chicago and New York gentlemen. This talk" about my hav ing been seen in a cable car on Saturday night Is entirely false. The.Conklins have made fools of themselves over the whole, matter. According to the instructions I left with them, they should not have opened their mouths until I was safely out of tbe country; but it is the.same- old story tell a woman anything and you are sure to get the worst of it." The doctor intimated that a certain Meth odist minister had cause4 all his trouble, but would not disclose his name. The woman who accompanied the doctor from Toronto .to Hamilton be from Buffalo and had no knowledge of the com pany she was .keeping until she read the paper. The doctor said that the man who walked unYonirs street with him Friday I afternoon was also unknown to him until Thursday night, and that he was on his way to "Winnipeg. This man has been located at Collingwood, a small town about 100 miles north of Toronto. He is unknown there, and may be waiting a steamer which would take him to Winnipeg. Cronin is still in town and a close watch is being kept on all his movements. CONWELL ON CRONIN. The Reporter Denies That He Introduced Le Caron to the Doctor. Chicago, May 12. Mr. James J. Con 11, a reporter for the Chicago Times, said by Cronin in a Toronto interview to be the person who introduced the doctor to Le Caron, the British spy, denies emphatically that there is any truth in the assertion. Conwell Says he was detailed once to inter view Cronin on some local Irish matter, and" thatthe doctor subsequently attempted to get Conwell to have published a long arti cle, in which Cronin was made to figure as a man who was being persecuted and had been defeated for -the' office of medical examiner in the Foresters on ac count ot religion and nationality, Conwell did not form a high estimate ot the article as news, and returned the manuscript Cronin grew very angry at the result Other than in these incidents 'Conwell knows nothing of Cronin and never heard of Le Caron until the latter's appearance as an in former in London. The man Charles Long, who is said to have discovered Cronin in Toronto, and who is sending out interviews from there with the doctor, is the person. Conwell says, through whim Cronin, while in Chicago, sent the rejected manuscript mentioned above, and through whom that document was returned to Cronin. GARFIELD'S COTTAGE FOB SALE. LTho House In Which tbe Murdered President Died Mow In the Market. ISFSCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCH.l Long Branch, May 12. The property of Charles G. Francklyn, of New York, at Elberon, will be sold by auction to-morrow afternoon by order of the Court of Chancery. The property consists of the cottage in which President Garfield-died and the cot tage hotel known as the Elberon, and man-agei-by Connor T. Jones. The sale will be under foreclosure proceedings instituted by Mrs. McEvers Gosling, the wife of Colonel George Gosling, of the Fourth Eegiment of Hussars, of the English army. Mrs. Gos ling is a cousin of Mr. Francklyn and a sister of Sir Bache Cunard, who had Mr. Francklyn arrested last year on a charge of defrauding him out of about $1,500,000 by false representation. The mortgage on which Mrs. Gosling brought the foreclosure is for $100,000. Mr. Francklyn borrowed the money in 1883. The mortgage covers the hotel and cottage, their furniture, the plots on which they stand and the riparian rights. The cottage hotel has about 125 rooms, and is one of the best furnished summer hotels in the coun try. The hotel plot has a frontage of 300 feet on both Ocean avenue and the ocean. It has an average width of 518 feet. The hotel stands, in the center of the plot. CHARGED WITH 1IUKDEK. A Railroad Official Held Responsible Ior the Result of a Rlght-oT-Way Battle. New Beunswick, May 12. Detectives this afternoon arrested M. H. Hendrickson, general freight and passenger agent of the Earitan Eiver Eailroad, -at his home in South Amboy and lodged him in jail in thhfcity. He is charged with the murder of George Eessmger, who was killed last Sunday in the riot at Sayreville. The charge was'preferred by Edwjn Furman, whose lands Hendrickson and his men trespassed upon to lay track. Hendrickson protests his innocence of the death of Kessinger. He says he was not present when the man met his death. It has been stated that Hendrickson led the" railroad men, but fled when the fighting began. No difficulty was experienced in making the arrest, very few knowingof the intention of Prosecuting Attorney Eice, and no demonstration was made either here or at South Amboy. Tbe prisoner is held without bail. AK OCEAN STEAMER'S PERU. The Cargo Catches Fire, .While Passengers and Crew Fight the Flames. Plymouth, May 12. The Hamburg American line steamer Eugia, from New York, May 2, for Hamburg, which arrived here at 2 F. M. to-day, reports that the cot ton in her after-hold was spontaneously ig nited on the night of the 8th inst. The fire burned fiercely, but was quenched after five anxious hours, during which everything had been got iu readiness to abandon the steamer.' One hundred and thirty burning cotton bales were jettisoned. Great fright prevailed among the' passen gers, who remained on deck for 48 hours. Through the efforts to auench the fire the cabins were flooded', and two-thirds of the J passengers luggage was spoiled. Much praise is given the captain and crew for their exertions. Two of the crew were in jured. It is feared that the steamer's cargo Is greatly damaged. A SPEED! WAR VESSEL. The New Cruiser Charleston tbe Fastest of Her Class In tbe World. Santa BaebabA, May 11. The cruiser Charleston left port this morning, steaming south. for 60 miles, and turning north again, went ahead under full' head of steam, mak ing an average speedof 18 knots, with a development of 8,500 horse power and 107 revolutions of her engines. This record was maintained for a .period of 17 minutes, after careful computation by the Govern-' meat engineers and other naval officers on board. - l This is the first time that the official recog nition has been taken ot the cruiser's speed in connection with her horse,power develop ment, and establishes the fact that, as the Charleston stands, she is one' of the fastest modern fighting machines afloat,' not only of her type, but inclusive of the entire claw of cruisers in American or foreign navies. . v TITLED GAMS EAIDED English and Foreign Nobles Arrested in a London. Club and HUSTLED OFF TO THE LOGKUP. Terrible Riots Among German Miners, Who' Fire Buildings. SEYJ3H PEBS0KS KILLED AKD WOUNDED. WalttUw Mi, tha .tfew American Minister, Wel comed to France, London police appear to be no respectors of persons. They raided a fashionable club and arrested several noble gamblers. They went to another club and pulled in a num ber of attorneys who" were backing their luck. German miners have commenced rioting, and the troops called outto disperse them killed six persons and wounded an other. London, May 12. The police made a raid on the Field Club at No. 7 Park Place, St James' street, at 2 o'clock this morning and found gambling going on. Most of tbe players were engaged at baccarat, and large sums of money were being staked. Twenty one persons were arrested, among whom were three English and several French and Belgian noblemen. The prisoners were taken in cabs to the Vine street police station, where they were admitted to bail in the sum of 100 pounds each. They are to appear in court to-morrow. The police seized 5,000 in the rooms of the Field Club. A raid was also made on the Adelphi Clnb, where a number of solicitors .were found engaged in gambling. All were taken to the Bow street police station, and bail was in most cases refused. Among those arrested at the Field Club 'were the Earl of Dudley, Lord Lurgan, Lord Paulet and Baron Ferrayo. GERMAN MINERS RIOTING. Troops Called Oat and Several Persona Killed and Wounded. Bebltn, May 12. The whole, garrison of Dusseldorf is now on dnty in the vicinity of the coal mines for the purpose of pre serving order among the striking miners. About .midnight last night a mob Set fire to an oil factory at Lieren feld, which was consumed. The Mulheim and Dulsberg miners have joined in the strike. At Sohlesweig a number of pit men attacked their foreman with daggers, and he had to flee for his life. A body of in fantry arrived there at 3 o'clock this morn ing, when the rioters, who had formed into two bodies, took refuge behind a rail way embankment and jeered at the troops. Three times the rioters were called upon to disperse, but they refused to obey. The soldiers then fired into the crowd, kill ing six persons, one of them a 4-year-old child. A woman was also wounded. After the firing. the mob dispersed. The district bristles with troops. The first shipment of Belgian coal has ar rived here. The mineowners held a meeting at Essen, which was attended by.Gpvernment officials, and resolved 'torais the wages'' of the miners, but they firmly decline to concede eight hours as a day's labor- At a meeting of miners held at Essen to day, it was decided to cease work in 42 col lieries to-morrow. A BANQUET TO NEW. Ho Compliments the Retiring Consnl Gen eral. Who Makes a Humorous Reply. London, May 12. Mr. Henry S. "Well come gave a banquet this evening in honor of Mr. John C. New, who succeeds ex Governor "Waller as United States Con sul' General here. Among the guests were ex-Governor Waller, T. P. O'Connor, M. P.: Mr. Frederick C. Penfield, "Max 0'Eell,"Mr. Hardy and many prominent members of the American colony. Mr. New made his first speech since his arrival here. In the course of his remarks he referred to Mr. "Waller as an able statesman and' an honest officer, an Achilles in strength and a Solomon in wisdom. He would be con tent, he said, it he made a good "second" to Mr. "Waller. He concluded by proposing a toast to Mr. "Waller, whom, he said, he ad mired for everything except his politics. Mr. "Waller made a humorous reply, in which he attributed his recall to Mr. New's political management in Indiana. "God forgive him," he added. SAM0ANS TO ELECT THEIR OWN RING. The Berlin Conference Has Agreed on a Nnmber of Important Points. London, May 13. The Tithes saysr The Samoan conference has come to .an agree ment in regard to the land commission question and its side issues, also to the restrictions on the sale of firearms and spirits to the natives. The election of a Sing will be left to the Samoans. It is donbtful if Germanywill yield as easily the tri-partite principle of 'government, as in the council England shows no leaning, playing the part of an honest broker. The Berlin correspondent of the Daily News says that the Samoan conference has agreed that a neutral court shall be created at Apis and that equal rights shall be granted to "all the powers with regard to J customs, xne correspondent also says that Germany has as yet made no claim for in demnity for theTdlling of Germans by na tives at Samoa. The next sitting of the con ference will be on Wednesday. WELCOMBD'TO ENGLAND, Mr. Wbltclaw Reid Is Warmly Received by Compatriots In Pari. PAEis,Ttfay 12. Mr. Whitelaw Eeid, the new American Minister, arrived here to-day.. He was welcomed at the station by the staffof the United States Legation, a deputation from the Franco-American Union and many American residents. Mr. McLane sent his carriage to the station for' Mr. Eeid. Boulanger Talks to Tommy. v London, May 12. General Boulanger attended the races at Kempton Park yester- L day, where he had a long talk with the jrnuce ui ii tuta.- iuc ureuerui also con Versed with a number of other distinguished persons. The Saltan Thanks the Kaiser. Constantinople, May 12. The Sultan has sent an Envoy to Berlin to thank Em peror William for his support of Turkey's Eastern policy and to invite the Emperor to come to Constantinople after his visit to Athens. French Cotton Strike Settled. Pabis, May 12. The strike of the weav ers, in the cotton factories at Thizy is ended. Mutual concessions have been make, It Was a False Rumor. , LONDON,, H&y 13. The report of the capture of Khartoum pro Yes to have been untrue. I'J'S "A. SPLENDID MEDIUM. ended his wtjbles.aLL STEEET -HERO A Boston Broker 6faoota HIslf Because or Family and Financial Difficulties A Difference of Religion That Iiead to a Tragedy. ISrECIXL TELEGEAM TO TTTJS DISPATCH.l Boston, May . 12. Shortly before mid night, last night, Broker John O. Adams, who has .been missing since April 23, sud denly put an appearance at the Severe House and entered the public parlor, which was occupied by two other gentlemen. He took a seat at tbe opposite end of the room where the others were sitting, deliberately took a revolver from his pocket, placed the muzzle at his right temple, and sent a bullet crashing into bis brain. He died instantly. Nobody knows where he had been the past three weeks,-although the police, instigated by his wife, hunted high and low for him. Mr. Adams 'was a stock broker, and his dealings iu the post few months were not successful. After his disappearance it was believed that he had committed suicide be cause of business reverses, although those who were in a position to know his financial standing deny that he was in such desper ate straits. It is known that Mr. Adams and his wife have not lived happy together, and to many minds that is a sufficient ex planation of the suicide. Mrs. Adams, who is a woman of striking beauty, is a Jewess, and the deceased 'was a Christian. Before the .marriage ttos solemnized it was reported that fhe couple differed concerning the proper person to perform tbe ceremony. Mr, Adams strenuously objected to being mar ried by a rabbi, and carried his objections to such a point that he did not appear at the date set for the marriage. But the mat ter was amicably settled and a justice of the peace performed the ceremony. Great pressure has neen brought to bear upon the husband to secure a divorce. Mrs. Adams importuned her husband to. consent to a marriage according to the Hebrew rites, but he wonld not yield. She believed that their union was illegal unless solemn ized according to the Hebrew custom. His wife's entreaties, his family's estrangement, and his business troubles were more than Adams could endure, and he chose suicide as the best means of escape. DROUTH RUINING TBE CROPS. Farming Interests in South Carolina Seri ously Injured by Hot Weather. ISPXCUlI. teleqeam to THE DISPATCH.! Columbia, S. C, May 12. Farming in terests in this State have been injured to a serious extent by the unprecedented hot spell which set in four days ago, and which is still parching vegetation. There has been no rain to speak of for several weeks, and the ancient inhabitants find it difficult to recall such another hot spell. Since Thursday the mercury has been ranging daily from 93 to 96 in the shade, and there is no immediate prospects of either rain or lower temperature. The following statement made upon the reports received last night by the State weather service from every part of the State ian official report : The absence ot rainfall during the week, the normal temperature, and tbe amount of sun shine above tbe normal has tended in a great measure to act injuriously npon all growing crops. The small grain crop has been injured to a vast extent and what may be made will be of ligbt weight Gardens are suffering. Corn in most places i3 doing verv well. Cotton prospects are very gloomy. "The last three days of this torrid wave is discouraging to all interested In agriculture. GENEEAL CAMERON RESTING. The Old Man Was Very III, But He Now Feels All Right. israelii; TXLxaitAH to tiiz dispatch j Habbisbubg, May 12. General Simon Cameron's hemorrhage has ceased, and he is resting comfortably. Hia physician, Dr. Dunott, visited him to-day, and after his return said to a representative of The Dis patch : "The General is still abed. He could get up, and would, bnt that privilege was denied Him. He was a very sick man, and he has not yet recovered, by any means. dt was a most severe attack. His trouble began with exhanstion. He is 90 years old, you know, and he took much exercise m very hot weather. I think, however, if he gets the proper amount of rest and quiet he will be all right in a few days. His mind is .clear, as ever, and he told me Friday night that he felt as well as he ever did." It is probable that the General will re main at Donegal for some time yet. 'PABSING 'ROUND TEE HAT. A Deficit of 83,300 Fonnd by the Cerman- Amerlcan'Centennlnl Committee. rSFZCIAI. TZLXOBAU TO TnE DISPATCn.l New Yobk, May 12. The German American Centennial Committee met in Arion Hall, this afternoon. Eeports show that the German part of the demonstration cost about $60,000, and that there was a de ficiency of $3,600, which the committee in vited contributors to make good. The com mittee passed resolutions of censure upon the authorities who decorated City Hall for failing to put up the German coat of arms. A special vote of thanks was given to the Artists' committee. The committee in dorsed the resolution of the Artists' Com mittee to present to General Butterfield a bust of himself by Allocker. the sculptor. Many votes of thanks were passed to con tributors, managers and others. OTERCOME BY MASKED MEN. A Watchman Bound and Gagged and a Dis tillery Safe Blown Open. Meadvjli-e, May 12. About 1 o'clock Sunday morning James Connors, watch man at the Pennsylvania Distilling Com pany's Works', at Pattonia, across the river from this city, was seized by a gang of four masked ruffians, who, after binding and gag ging him. proceeded to blow open the large 'safe in the company's office. The safe door was blown clean lrom its hinges,- but the burglars secured nothing of value. The unfortunate watchman was not dis covered and released until 6 o'clock 2. h. He was badly injured iu the melee, beside being nearly frozen during his terrible con finement. The burglars appeared to be at home about the work, but thus far no clue has been obtained to their identity. BURIED WiTE MILITARY BONORS, The Remains of General Harney Interred In the National Cemetery. Washington, May 12. The remains of General William Harney, of the army, who died in Orlando, Fla., last Thursday, were interred in the Rational Cemetery at Ar lington this afternoon. The remains were accompanied to the grave by .Mrs Harney, the wife of the de ceased, who came" on with the body from Orlando, by a few friends and a military escort consisting of two sqdads of cavalry from Fort Myer. Eight of the oldest ser geants of the Third Artillery, stationed in this city, acted as pallbearers. HARRISON AT FOET 1IONE0E, He Attends Church in the Afternoon and Sail Away in the ETenlng. Fort Monroe, Va., May 12. President Harrison arrived here this morning and was sainted by the fort He attended church in the garrison with Senator Haw ley. Secretaries Windom and Busk visited the fort this after Joon. The party sailed at 6P, JL' The Chinese Minister and .suite arrived hereto-day,- W-&JSTS n V4nA A-ln riAtt fit " satisfied by advertising in ' the columns of The Dis- '' PATCH. THREE CENTS- SSrfi For $360 a Batch of Stock m iSfiate3 That Provn W :-y W0ETH 1LMY TIHES THAT -I SIM.' Ee ProTes Himself no Moral Coward and -Astounds the Street by ., RETURNING TEEM ALL TO TEE OWNER, 'lae Usual Broker's Commission ths Onty'Keirardfur an Unusual Act A "Wall street broker named Schafer has ' established for himself a reputation for honesty that ought to aid him in his busi ness as an advertisement He bought a lot of stock certificates at an auction sale for J360, which proved to be worth ?16,000; and instead of holding on to his bargain, he hunted up the owner and returned the val uable property. "Wall street cannot get over the innovation. 1PPECIAI. TELIGBAJt TO TUX DISPATCH.! New Yobk, May 12. When a man pulls a big prize from a Wall street grab-bag-and instead of pocketing the profit, which is legally his, hunts up the former owner of" the unsuspected wealth and makes restitu tion, the incident is pretty sure to make a day's talk, even in the callous-minded street That is what Mr. Samuel M. Schafer, of the banking house Of Schafer Bros., 43 Wall street, did last week, and, although he has tried to keep the Btory from the public, he . won't be able to go on the floor of the Stock -Exchange for many a day without hearing about his wonderfnl bargain. Mr. Schafer's house had an order for 125 shares of New York Central stock early in the week, and such a block was among the securities advertised to be sold at the weekly auction of stocks and bonds which, takes placeon Wednesdays in the Eeal Es tate Exchange. Odd lots can sometimes bev: obtained at prices a shade under the market at these sales. A rOBTXTNATE ACCIDENT. Mr. Schafer strolled into the exchange on Wednesday afternoon, while the Bale was in progress, to see if he could pick up these shares. The New York Central shares were -pretty far down the list, and when Mr. Schafer went in, Auctioneer Peter F. Meyer was making vain efforts to get a bid for a bunch of "wildcats" which had been found among the property of the late Eomaine Dillon, the eccentric millionaire, who com mitted suicide in the Union Square Hotel a few months ago. The sale was being made by order of tbe Union Trust Company, the - administrator of the estate. Mr. Schafer had never heard of any of the securities named. "I didn't know or care .what the stuff. was," said Mr. Schafer, describing the . transaction. "I bid for It just as I would for an unclaimed package at an express company's auction. My last bid was $360, and rather to my surprise the lot was knocked down to me at that figure. ' Tha laughed was on me", but I took the stuff, and when I had bought the New York Central I came for it and took it all to the office A MALE TOOI'LEJ.- "You're a regular Mrs. poodles," oh- served his partner wnen Mr. Schafer re turned to his office- "You never go to an auction to buy one thing that you don't buy something else, too." Mr. Schafer offered to dispose of his bar gain to several gentlemen, with no takers. ' Later in the day others came in, looked over the certificates supposed to be worth less, and joined in the banter at Mr, Schafer's expense. Finally a gentleman well posted in unlisted securities picked up -one of the certificates with sudden interest and exclaimed: "Look here, Schafer, I'll give you $12,000 for this stock. These are shares in the Consolidated Gas Company, of Baltimore not the Commercial and that stook is 45 bid. These 350 shares are worth about 316,000." Then inquiries were made and the matter was talkedfover by Schafer Brothers. They were sure some mistake had been made, and that a misprint ofojhe name of the 'Stock in the auctioneer's list accounted for the fact that nobody was aware of its value. AN HONEST WALL STBEET MAN. It was soon learned who were the real sellers of the stock, and 3Ir. Schafer de. cided to immediately return the entire lot of securities to the Union Trust Company. He drove at once to the company's office. The trnst company had no suspicion that any of ' the securities which had been sold in lump to Mr. Schafer were of more than nominal value. A settlement of the matter was de ferred until the next day, when President Kingjnsisted that Mr. Schafer should ac cept, in addition to the return of the $360 paid out, $500 as commission on the transac tion. "I simply adopted the only course possi ble for an honorable man under the circum stances," remarked Mr. Schafer to-day, in commenting on the incident "and the lessr said about it the better I shall like it It was fortunate, however, that the stock did not getinfo third hands, as it might have done if any of my various offers of sale had been accepted." "That $500," he added with a smile, "I " have distributed partly among the members of my family and partly in charity." ATTACKED BY A WILDCAT. An Exciting Sunday Adventnre of Two Fishermen In Maine. ISPECIAL TZXZOBJUtTOTUX DISPATCH.! Lewiston, Me., May 12. Moses Hitch cock and Harvey Clark, of Lewiston.hadaa exciting adventure to-day with a wildcat in the region of Bethel. They had pulled in six trout, varying from 6 to 15 pounds, when a wildcat pounced upon them. They had no weapons of defense except sticks of wood, but they finally succeeded in beating the animal off. Both men were seriously scratched and. bitten, and it is feared that in the case of Hitchcock blood poisoning will result. JUMPED THE TBAC A Timber Car Thrown From the Rails nnd a (, Woman Fatally Hart. ., rSFZCIAI. TZLXQIUUt TO TBI DISPATCH. ' Bitchie C. H., W. "Va., May 12. A , timber car.on Wilson's tramroad, occupied by Elbert Wolf and family, jumped, the . track to-day at Pond's creek, and the pas-' sengers were precipitated into the" water 30 feet below. Mrs. Wolf was fatally wonnded and her t husband slightly hurt A baby in Mrs. , Wolf's arms escaped unhurt. , NOT ENOUGH TO KILL HEB. " A Female Prisoner Couldn't Soicldo With Lye. Carbolic Add and Camphor. rsncuL TXLXOBAJtTO ins dispatctli ;meadville, juay is. Jennie Murphy, H a notorious character serving out a. term in ,. "S the county jail, attempted suicide to-dayby swallowing a mixture oi caroouc acid, con-. centrated lye and camphor. - - The deed was discovered in timo toprti. yens isiai consequences, -N. v.--i. 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